UVGI DISINFECTION OF ROOM AIR. An Evidence Based Guideline For Desing, Implementation and Maintenance
UVGI DISINFECTION OF ROOM AIR. An Evidence Based Guideline For Desing, Implementation and Maintenance
UVGI DISINFECTION OF ROOM AIR. An Evidence Based Guideline For Desing, Implementation and Maintenance
Rev 6.1
Tanusha Singh (NIOH) (Chair)
Edward A. Nardell (Brigham and Women's’ Hospital)
The development of the guidance document was supported by the Presidents Emergency Plan for Aids
Relief (PEPFAR) grant together with the US-CDC. The content of this report does not necessarily reflect
the opinion of the funders or those acknowledged or referenced in its development.
UVGI Disinfection of Room Air: An Evidence Based Guideline for Design, Implementation and
Authors: ........................................................................................................................................................ 1
Acknowledgements: ..................................................................................................................................... 1
PREFACE ........................................................................................................................................................ 8
1 BACKGROUND: evidence based airborne infection controls ................................................................ 9
2 SAFETY................................................................................................................................................... 9
2.1.1 Safe Exposure Limit ............................................................................................................. 10
2.1.2 Reflections into the Lower Room ....................................................................................... 10
3 APPLICATIONS ..................................................................................................................................... 10
3.1 UVGI Application and environments .......................................................................................... 10
3.1.1 Enclosed Ventilated UVGI Room Air Cleaners .................................................................... 11
3.1.2 Efficacy testing .................................................................................................................... 11
3.1.3 Whole room UVGI disinfection ........................................................................................... 11
3.1.4 Upper room devices ............................................................................................................ 11
3.1.5 Upper room devices with integrated fans .......................................................................... 11
4 METROLOGY & EQUIPMENT ............................................................................................................... 11
4.1.1 Types of measurement equipment..................................................................................... 12
4.1.2 Procurement of measurement equipment ......................................................................... 12
5 PLANNING AND PROCUREMENT FOR FACILITIES ............................................................................... 12
5.1 Management Policy .................................................................................................................... 12
5.2 Sourcing specifications................................................................................................................ 12
5.3 Performance data and certification ............................................................................................ 13
6 DESIGN ................................................................................................................................................ 13
6.1 Outline of design lifecycle ........................................................................................................... 14
6.2 Radiometric Design process ........................................................................................................ 15
6.2.1 Characterization of UVGI devices for radiometric design................................................... 15
6.3 Prescriptive design process......................................................................................................... 16
6.3.1 Characterization of luminaires for prescriptive design....................................................... 16
6.4 Lamp aging, seasoning and life ................................................................................................... 17
6.4.1 Acceptance criteria ............................................................................................................. 18
6.5 Safety .......................................................................................................................................... 18
6.6 Design deliverables and reporting .............................................................................................. 19
6.7 Device standards ......................................................................................................................... 20
6.8 Factors affecting effectiveness ................................................................................................... 20
UVGI Disinfection of Room Air: An Evidence Based Guideline for Design, Implementation and
UVGI Disinfection of Room Air: An Evidence Based Guideline for Design, Implementation and
Air exchange The ratio between the volumetric air supply to a space and the volume of that
rate space. Normally relating to fresh air supply only.
Device (UVGI) UVGI luminaire, classified as either open or closed
Equivalent air Air exchange rate under fully mixed conditions calculated to produce the
exchange rate equivalent effect of rated UVGI device (ACH)
Equivalent Ventilation rate under fully mixed conditions calculated to produce the
ventilation rate equivalent effect of rated UVGI device (ACH)
Irradiated Zone Zone in upper room irradiated to levels adequate to deactivate considered
airborne bacteria.
Rational Design Design process undertaken by a competent person whereby pre-determined
model design objectives are realized though a planned design process involving
scientific and mathematical principles.
Verification. The evaluation of whether or not a product, service, or system complies with a
regulation, requirement, specification, or imposed condition. It is often an
internal process.
Ultra-Violet Ultraviolet germicidal irradiation is a disinfection method that uses short
Germicidal wavelength ultraviolet radiation to inactivate microorganisms by the mutagenic
Irradiation effect of sufficient exposure short wavelength UV light.
Z-Value Relates to the sensitivity of a microbial species to UVGI. Is defined as the ratio of
the inactivation rate normalized for UV irradiance.
UVGI Disinfection of Room Air: An Evidence Based Guideline for Design, Implementation and
UVGI Disinfection of Room Air: An Evidence Based Guideline for Design, Implementation and
UVGI Disinfection of Room Air: An Evidence Based Guideline for Design, Implementation and
UVGI Disinfection of Room Air: An Evidence Based Guideline for Design, Implementation and
This document serves as a compilation of current best practice and review of relevant current
knowledge regarding the design, development and operation of indoor room air ultraviolet germicidal
irradiation (UVGI) systems for the purpose of controlling the transmission of airborne diseases such as
tuberculosis (TB) in institutional and congregate settings in South Africa.
This guidance document is intended for the implementation of UVGI systems for continuous disinfection
of room air. It is not intended for the applications of water or surface disinfection.
This document is intended to provide guidance to all designers, installers, owners and operators of new
or existing UVGI room air disinfection systems. It intends to provide technical information relating to the
effectiveness and safety limits, design and planning, installation, commissioning, operation and record
keeping of UVGI systems.
This guidance document is intended to function as an informative framework from which interested
parties can develop designs, specifications and protocols UVGI systems. This document does not
prescribe to offer solutions for every implementation or scenario and the user is therefore advised to
also rely on proven competencies in the relevant fields of photo-biology, ventilation, infection control,
relevant regulations (e.g. building, occupational health & safety, hazardous waste, etc) and national
policy in TB infection control and management.
To date no national standards on the design and implementation of UVGI systems exist however a
standard is currently in development.
UVGI Disinfection of Room Air: An Evidence Based Guideline for Design, Implementation and
The current burden of tuberculosis (TB) highlights the importance of controlling the transmission in
institutional and congregate settings. This problem is further exacerbated by the emergence of drug
resistant strains, opportunistic infections and HIV/AIDs.
Infectious TB aerosols, expelled during coughing, talking, sneezing or work procedures can remain
airborne in a room for hours after particle generation. This poses a risk to susceptible persons entering
the contaminated area. While administrative controls such as early detection and directly observed
treatment of infected individuals is foundational for a TB control strategy, there is great advantage to be
gained from the implementation of effective evidence-based environmental control measures. For
example, appropriately designed and functional mechanical ventilation systems should sufficiently dilute
or flush the airborne contaminants from indoor spaces and can be used as the primary environmental
control measure1. In contrast, dysfunctional or poorly designed ventilation systems offer little benefit, or
may further distribute contaminants, increasing the risk of TB transmission.
The WHO policy on TB infection control strongly recommends the application of defined ventilation
rates based on the number of occupants which is proportional to the risk. This approach is preferred to
the universal application of a volumetric room air exchange rate. Based on the recommended WHO
ventilation rate of 12 ACH (air changes per hour)2 in airborne precaution rooms, an adjustment for a
room volume of 24m³ yields an equivalent ventilation rate of 80l/s/person. This resultant value can be
applied to high risk settings with mechanical ventilation. 160l/s/person should be applied to similar
rooms relying on natural ventilation1,3. Where these recommended ventilation rates cannot be
achieved, the implementation of UVGI systems with a deactivation capacity equivalent to this
ventilation rate should be pursued.
The effectivity of UVGI and the susceptibility of the TB bacilli to UV-c (280nm-100nm, with peak
sensitivity at around 265nm) are well understood4,5 and proven to be effective in the disinfection of
microorganisms including M. tuberculosis (TB) in air,6,7. UVGI should therefore be considered as a valid
element in indoor airborne infection control strategy. Such studies also demonstrated the importance of
good vertical air mixing in the room, 8 9 10 11and safety of UVGI application.12
From 1990s to the present a number of important articles and discoveries have been published
which concurs with previous findings that UVGI technology can reduce the risk of TB infection in
a variety of high-risk environments.”13
Although UVGI systems can greatly reduce the risk of airborne transmission, an inherent risk of
transmission will always remain. Therefore further research is warranted to determine the rates at
which the bacteria are inactivated sufficiently to stop transmission without causing harm to occupants.
UV-c has a much shorter wavelength and therefore a lower skin penetration depth thus does not easily
cause skin irritation or cancers when compared to the UV-a and UV-b found in sunlight. UV-c does
cause eye irritation at high exposure levels14.
Since open UVGI devices are principally designed to emit a certain amount of UV-c radiation, these
devices cannot be considered to be intrinsically safe. The UVGI system should be designed to achieve
UVGI Disinfection of Room Air: An Evidence Based Guideline for Design, Implementation and
the maximum system output and maintain the lowest reasonable exposure levels in the occupied zone
of the room.
The primary safety concern with UVGI in controlling eye exposure to prevent irritation, limits the
irradiance limits achievable in the occupied room.6
Therefore, in the typical application of 254nm devices, occupant exposure shall not exceed 0.40W/cm2
for a period of time equivalent to 4 hours per work day. If exceeded, steps must be taken to reduce the
effective irradiance dose to less than 6.0mJ/cm2 for the total duration per day.
It becomes important to consider the actual nature and usage of these spaces to determine appropriate
safe exposure rates. In determining these rates, occupancy factors such as the eye level of regular
occupants, position of occupants (seated, standing, lying down), frequency and duration of exposure,
need to be determined and incorporated. Therefore different areas or rooms will require different
safety limits.
Areas such as passages and wards would therefore demand vastly different safety limits from each
The economic considerations of infection control suggest that high risk areas be given priority for air
disinfection. These areas will be determined through the outcome of a comprehensive risk assessment
of the facility. Installation of open UVGI devices in stairwells is not considered safe practice as there is
seldom sufficient soffit height for an effective upper room zone. Where passages are used as return air
plenums in recirculating ventilation systems, these passages shall be considered for air disinfection. For
further information see section 6.5 and refer to the ICNIRP guidelines on limits of exposure to ultraviolet
For the safety of staff warning signs should be visible in all areas where UVGI is applied including the
device housings (see APPENDIX C for example).
3.1 UVGI Application and environments
The application of UVGI should form a component of a comprehensive IPC policy and should not be seen
as a substitute thereof. Careful consideration should be given to the selection of the type of UVGI
application in a particular facility. Efficacy data obtained from laboratory settings or controlled
environments should be interpreted with caution as the lab conditions differ from the actual facility
environment. For any room air UVGI system, the dose received by any irradiated droplet nuclei is
dependent on the exposure time. For this reason the ratio between the volumes of the irradiated zone
and the whole room greatly affects the efficacy of the system. For example, doubling the volume of the
irradiated zone for the same room volume would double the average dose received by droplet nuclei.
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UVGI Disinfection of Room Air: An Evidence Based Guideline for Design, Implementation and
This process is not appropriate for air disinfection as, in order to perform the process safely and
effectively, the room needs to be unoccupied. Similarly, the surest way to reduce the transmission risk
within an indoor space is to remove all potential infectious and susceptible persons. In this occupancy
state, air disinfection is no longer required as the risk has been removed. As soon as the room occupants
return to the “disinfected” room the risk of transmission returns with them and the whole process is
rendered futile.
The application of room surface disinfection by UVGI is limited to only those surfaces for which the
process can be closely controlled and for which the process can be validated. The primary consideration
with this form of room surface disinfection is that of unintended surface shading. In addition, airborne
organisms in the form of droplet nuclei are more susceptible to UV-c than organisms on surfaces.17
Corner type devices produce an irradiation field of 90°, wall type devices produce a 180° field and
pendant devices produce a 360° field. These devices should not be installed in a stagnant zone of the
room as this may affect its effectiveness.
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UVGI Disinfection of Room Air: An Evidence Based Guideline for Design, Implementation and
one decade of the required range. That implies calibration to the first decimal (0.1
II. to ensure occupational safety and health of the occupants the lower portion of the
room, referred to as the “occupied zone” must be evaluated. For eye safety, radiance
measurements are most appropriate and the meter used should be calibrated to the
second decimal (0.01 µW/cm²).
The methodology for the characterisation of UVGI devices falls outside of the current scope of this
guidance document. The reader is referred to SATS 1706: UVGI Luminaires - Safety and performance
requirements 19.
UV meters used for safety assessments should be able to detect UV in both the UV-b and UV-c
spectrums, as both of these spectrums are harmful to eyes.
However, installed UVGI devices fitted with good quality low pressure mercury vapour arc lamps
(dominant at 254nm) generally does not emit UV-b and may not be of concern. These safety
measurements should form part of the characterisation and commissioning of the fixture as the human
eye is sensitive to the UV-b spectrum (280-315nm). The onus is on the user to confirm or have these
safety limits confirmed14.
The management policy should align with the regional and national IPC policies and should include
sourcing and procurement, maintenance, training, decommissioning and disposal of UVGI devices.
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UVGI Disinfection of Room Air: An Evidence Based Guideline for Design, Implementation and
created. In addition, the user is advised to procure the services of a vendor who utilises designers that
are registered with an engineering professional council such as the Engineering Council of South Africa
(ECSA). Cost comparisons can be done with vendors that comply with the minimum performance
standard and maintenance requirements (South African Technical Standard 1706: 2015 SOUTH AFRICAN
TECHNICAL STANDARD UVGI Luminaires - Safety and performance requirements.20).
The total maintained UVGI radiant flux value per device model (mW)
The device’s effective clean air delivery rate (l/s)
Maximum 1m, 2m and 3m maintained and lifetime deprecated irradiance measurement values
Three or more recommended lamp models
Rated lamp life
Device cleaning and maintenance instructions
The fundamental objective of UVGI system design is an airborne transmission reduction of 80% or
better, which can be achieved by the criteria of two approaches recommended:
Although, the prescriptive route offers a simplified design process the rational design approach may
yield more economical long term solutions. The selection between them will depend on the availability
of data and design tools.
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UVGI Disinfection of Room Air: An Evidence Based Guideline for Design, Implementation and
Figure 1
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UVGI Disinfection of Room Air: An Evidence Based Guideline for Design, Implementation and
The first rational design method identified follows the guidance of CIE 155:200315 and the design
completion will need quantification and verification of the following:
The design objective of this method is a prescribed reduction in transmission of 80% or higher. A
comprehensive discussion of this design methodology is currently beyond the scope of this guide.
A second rational design process is available through application of design software targeting prescribed
whole-room radiant flux levels. However, this method is only appropriate for open type UVGI devices.
CAD based design tools have the capacity to evaluate photometric data and resolve the irradiance
levels, radiance levels and probable dose distribution throughout the modelled space, thereby
optimising UVGI system solutions. The software would be distinct from conventional lighting design
software in that it is intended for the calculation of UV-c irradiance levels and not radiance or
illuminance. The modelled room needs to accurately represent the actual room, number of occupants,
ventilation capacity and regime, building finish materials, UV-c sensitivity of the considered pathogens
and the UVGI device’s capacity and characteristics. The software should additionally have the capability
of modelling UV-c reflection off room surfaces.
Total Maintained UVGI Radiant Flux (ФT, mW), measured using an integrating sphere in
accordance with the SATS 1706: UVGI Luminaires - Safety and performance requirements 20 and
Near field gonioradiometry24, which should be used understanding the limitations where noise
to signal ratio of measuring equipment at the assessment field depth might significantly affect
the measurement results.
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UVGI Disinfection of Room Air: An Evidence Based Guideline for Design, Implementation and
Maximum 1m, 2m and 3m maintained and lifetime depreciated irradiance measurement values
Radiometric data in the IES file format.
The designer needs knowledge of the diffuse and specular UV-c reflective properties of the materials
and coatings present in the lower and upper room as well as the performance indices of any existing
ventilation systems.
Where the design objective is a prescribed reduction in transmission of better than 80% the designer
should obtain the relative sensitivity to UVGI of the considered airborne infectious agents (Z-value21).
Total Maintained UVGI Radiant Flux (ФT, mW), measured using an integrating sphere in
accordance with SATS 1706:201520 and the UVGI MEASUREMENT AND INSTRUMENTATION AND
The selected device’s minimum equivalent clean air delivery rate (CADRe, l/s).
Volume of considered room (Vr, m³).
The occupancy profile of the considered room (Np, number of persons).
The effective mechanical ventilation rate of the considered room (Qv, l/s). Method
The following calculations should be made:
(80×𝑁𝑝 )−𝑄𝑣
𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑑𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑐𝑒𝑠CADR = CADR𝑒
CADRe (l/s) is the selected device’s minimum equivalent clean air delivery rate
Vr (m³) is the volume of considered room
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UVGI Disinfection of Room Air: An Evidence Based Guideline for Design, Implementation and
In addition to the CADRe a minimum required UVGI fluence rate (MRU) of 20mW/m³ should be
maintained. In order to determine the number of UVGI devices required to achieve the MRU, the
following equation should be used.
𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑑𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑐𝑒𝑠Ф = Ф𝑇
Where an ideal design requires that a number of devices be installed with various performance
characteristics, the weighted averages of the CADRe and total maintained radiant flux should be
calculated and used according to the distribution of devices selected. The devices shall be distributed
such that the space served by each device is proportional to its declared total maintained radiant flux.
The orientation and positioning of upper room devices shall also be such that the irradiated volume and
length of the rays cast is maximised without significantly reducing the uniformity of irradiation in that
(𝑁1 ×Ф1 )+(𝑁2 ×Ф2 )+ … +(𝑁𝑛 ×Ф𝑛 )
𝑀𝑅𝑈𝑎𝑣𝑔 = 𝑁1 +𝑁2 + … +𝑁𝑛
For example:
Assuming 3 devices are required with a CADRe of 150 l/s and 2 devices of 250 l/s respectively. The
weighted performance average is calculated as follows:
(3 × 150) + (2 × 250) 950
𝐶𝐴𝐷𝑅𝑒 𝑎𝑣𝑔 = = = 190 𝑙/𝑠
3+2 5
In designs incorporating a number of similar UVGI devices, the devices should be evenly distributed
within the room.
Figure 2
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UVGI Disinfection of Room Air: An Evidence Based Guideline for Design, Implementation and
A lifetime lamp aging depreciation factor of 0.7 (30% reduction) from total maintained radiant flux, or
new stabilised output, over the life of the lamp is consistent with good engineering practice26.
Considering the lifetime degradation of the UV lamps, the final capacity is referred as the lifetime
deprecated UV-c radiant flux. Systems shall be designed to remain effective even with this level of
SANS 50285:201028 defines the rated average lamp life as the average time in hours, declared by the
responsible vendor, in which half a representative group of lamps will fail. The actual average life shall
not be less than 90% of this declared value. The IESNA Approved Method for Life Testing of Fluorescent
Lamps (IESNA LM-40-01) defines the standardised operating cycle for these tests as 3 hours on and 20
minutes off. This type of cycle is not appropriate for most UVGI installations as UVGI systems often run
continuously during occupied hours.
As seen from the graph in Figure 2 27, extended operating cycle lengths can deliver better lamp life than
predicted by the standardised tests. System designers and planners are therefore advised to request
additional 8h and 12h predicted lamp life figures for the considered lamps.
Any shortfall between the required and the actual ventilation rate or MRU respectively should therefore
be corrected for by the number of UVGI devices installed as determined using the formulae in section
6.3. The number of devices required should not be less than the minimum number determined, or
exceed this value by more than 1 unit.
The final location of fixtures must take into consideration possible interference from obstructions to
airflow around the device or radiation from the device. Obstructions to avoid include light fixtures,
beams, ductwork, piping, furniture, equipment or non-prescribed lighting diffusers.
It is important to note that compliance with the SABS specification for UVGI luminaires, does not include
microbiological efficiency test to verify effectiveness. This can only be done by a competent laboratory
with experience in efficacy testing. While various percentages of effectiveness have been reported in
the scientific literature and technical reports, the UV dose intervention should inactivate airborne
infectious agents by at least 90% (D90) or a percentage equivalent of the ventilation rate of 80l/s/per
person as recommended by the WHO.
6.5 Safety
To ensure safety, the installation design must be aligned to the specific design of the UVGI device or
system and the manufacturer’s recommendations. Tilting of the device under normal operation or
conditions must be avoided. This also applies to self-aligning device mounting systems under the
influence of air currents. The minimum installation height of the lower horizontal reference plane of any
open UVGI device is 2.2m. The highest eye level of the occupied zone is dependent on the room
function but is considered by default to be 1.7 meters, unless otherwise motivated by room function
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UVGI Disinfection of Room Air: An Evidence Based Guideline for Design, Implementation and
analysis. Acceptance criteria for room safety assessments are the upper limits of eye and skin exposure
as described in section 2 above.
The permissible exposure times (PET) can be calculated for various irradiation levels using the following
𝑃𝐸𝑇 (𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑠) = 𝐼
- 6.1
The recommended exposure limit for the 254 nm wavelength is readily available. The safe exposure
limit for LED devices with 265nm is reduced by a factor of 0.62.
The strategy for determining acceptable exposure levels in the lower room in typical healthcare settings
is proposed in Table 1.
Table 1
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UVGI Disinfection of Room Air: An Evidence Based Guideline for Design, Implementation and
Mixing ventilation
While UVGI systems rely on air movement and good air mixing, it has been shown that not all room air
distribution regimes are equally effective for supporting upper room UVGI29. Mixing room air
distribution systems where both supply and extract air terminals are positioned in the upper room is
least suited to complementing upper room UVGI systems29 as is does not always force a vertical air
exchange in the room. In winter heating modes this air terminal arrangement can fundamentally negate
the effectiveness of upper room UVGI as the buoyancy of supplied warm air remains in the upper room,
increasing the contaminant removal effectiveness of the upper room while decreasing the ventilation
efficiency of the occupied space, or lower room. This may reduce the contaminant removal
effectiveness, rendering the UVGI system ineffective.
Displacement ventilation
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UVGI Disinfection of Room Air: An Evidence Based Guideline for Design, Implementation and
Well-designed stratified room air distribution systems improve room air quality and reduce the mean
age of air. This system moves contaminants to the upper room for extraction while the occupied zone is
flooded with relatively clean air. Displacement ventilation can be incompatible with upper room UVGI
systems as the upper room air is only decontaminated before it is extracted. In these instances, if the air
is to be recirculated, in-duct UVGI or enclosed room UVGI devices could be considered for greater
Air mixing
Where no mechanical ventilation is present in the room, it is strongly recommended to include mixing
fans with the UVGI installation.
The integrated application of low speed ceiling fans can ensure a constant vertical air exchange and
improved UVGI effectiveness. The direction of the fan is not thought to significantly affect the
performance of upper room UVGI; however, it is recommended that fans blow down in spaces with high
ceilings to prevent lower room stagnancy. For acceptable occupant comfort, the fan direction may need
to be changed between summer and winter to reduce the negative effect of drafts during winter36. The
designed rate of vertical air exchange between the upper and lower room should not be less than the
installed UVGI system’s equivalent air change rate (eACH), as derived from the CADRe.
Electrical interlocking between mixing fans and the UVGI system is recommended to ensure both
operate simultaneously. Fans and UV light controls should be located away from public access.
Ceiling fan installations require earth leakage protection only where they are low enough to be touched
by room occupants, and should be installed on protected circuits accordingly. Motor control gear and
wiring shall be able to withstand expected rotor overload current (LRA) and heat.
6.8.4 Sunlight
Many microbiological organisms exhibit the ability to repair damaged DNA through a process of photo-
reactivation. Since the photo-reactivation rate counters the deactivation rate from UVGI, it reduces the
system’s overall effectiveness. The potential reactivation rate in a room can be reduced by shading the
indoor space from direct sunlight.
The installation of any UVGI device or system should comply with the requirements of the local building
and electrical regulations and shall be supported with the required certificates of compliance. Lines of
sight need to be considered when planning device locations to avoid aligning with commonly viewed
items such as notice boards, monitors, televisions etc. When planning the location and installation of the
UVGI devices, the load bearing capacity of structural elements (e.g. ceilings, walls) should be considered.
Table 2) is adapted from the Guidelines for the utilisation of ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI)
technology in controlling the transmission of tuberculosis in health care facilities in South Africa31.
Table 2
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UVGI Disinfection of Room Air: An Evidence Based Guideline for Design, Implementation and
ABC 14/01/01/02 Completion
The UVGI installation phase shall only be deemed complete when the following have been satisfactorily
Commissioning which includes start-up and verification tests should be conducted safely by a suitably
qualified service provider who is independent of the system installer and designer. The results of the
verification test results are only valid if these were witnessed and approved by a competent
representative of the client. This would typically take the form of the signed-off design report (see
below section 9.2).
8.1 Start-up
Prior to start-up and the initial verification testing, each device and lamp must be cleaned according to
the manufacturer’s instructions. The system start-up should commence after the installation process is
complete to allow stabilisation and lamp seasoning as described above. For larger installations a planned
concurrent start-up process can be followed assuming this is well managed and documented to ensure
sufficient time for each lamp to stabilise.
During any work in the upper room or with open UVGI devices, eye and skin protection should be worn.
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UVGI Disinfection of Room Air: An Evidence Based Guideline for Design, Implementation and
Each individual device is to have its 1m and 2m maximum irradiance measured and compared with the
manufacturer’s declared depreciated performance values. Each new or refurbished device will be
independently accepted for service when it is proven to exceed these depreciated performance values
by at least 43%26 (30/70). Non-compliant devices shall be repaired or replaced. Records of the device,
performance and safety measurement location, date, direction, irradiance meter, results and technician
are to be recorded (e.g. monitoring template, APPENDIX B).
Eye safety measurements should be made once all UVGI devices are installed, switched-on and
stabilised. Radiance levels at locations and heights with long duration occupancy, such as work stations,
beds, waiting locations for seated or standing persons should be evaluated for compliance with the
recommendations of section 2. If the maximum reading found exceeds the safety limit, corrective action
should be taken by the supplier and supported by evidence.
A number of reports and records are required during the design and implementation of room air UVGI
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UVGI Disinfection of Room Air: An Evidence Based Guideline for Design, Implementation and
f) Plan and elevation drawings of considered rooms indicating device installation details,
supporting structures and obstructions to radiation and airflow.
g) Design data, including assumptions such as room occupancy and ventilation levels.
h) Selected device performance criteria.
i) Selected device data sheets.
j) Selected lamp data sheets including rate lamp life and details of 3 alternate lamps and suppliers.
k) Start up and shut down procedures.
l) Safety instructions.
m) Maintenance and monitoring protocol and plan.
n) Maintenance and monitoring log-book template.
o) Initial performance and safety verification acceptance criteria.
p) Performance verification reports
q) Device cleaning instructions.
r) Spare parts list with recommended stock levels.
s) Decommissioning and disposal instructions
An employer is required to keep a record of the examinations and tests carried out in terms of
regulation and of any repairs resulting from these investigations and tests for at least three years.
A record of routine monitoring needs to be established as per suggested template (APPENDIX B) and
retained on site.
A responsible person shall be appointed by the IPC committee to establish and maintain the
maintenance and monitoring record.
The inclusion of at least a 3 year duration maintenance, monitoring and training contract within the
design and implementation service contract as defined in sections 12 and 13 is recommended. The
contract should include a maintenance and training component before final handover.
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The system should only be handed over to the user once the operation and maintenance manual has
been compiled and issued with the required documentation.
13.1.1 Cleaning
Accumulation of dust on the reflective surfaces and lamps of UVGI devices accounts for a significant
decline in device performance. Device cleaning and maintenance shall be performed in accordance with
the device manufacturer’s recommendations. In the absence of manufacturer’s instructions the
following guidance can be followed:
Don protective personal equipment before entering irradiated zone or opening UVGI devices.
Turn off fixture and allow lamps to cool
Use a dry lint free cloth to remove any dust from external surfaces and between louvers
Open unit as stipulated by manufacturer
Handle lamps with clean cotton gloves to prevent oil deposits on lamps and reflective surfaces
Change lamps according to a prescribed schedule or if indicated by the routine performance
Change failed ballasts of flickering lamps
Use a cloth dampened with alcohol to clean lamps and reflectors (NOT SOAPY WATER). Carefully
apply pressure to remove stubborn dirt
Wipe lamps, reflectors, louvers and external surfaces with a clean dry soft cotton cloth
Close fixtures properly
Turn on the system and verify lamp operation using eye protection
Record inspection, cleaning and replacement in maintenance logbook as recommended in
The maximum reasonable maintenance interval for cleaning and monitoring interventions would
typically 3 months; however this will vary between installation locations. This interval will differ
depending on the type of ventilation (mechanical or natural) as well as environmental dust levels. The
maintenance plan can be adjusted based on performance data obtained during routine monitoring.
Economical replacement of lamps due to gradual degradation can be achieved through the routine
performance monitoring using a UVGI irradiance meter. For facilities with a large number of installed
lamps and with the technical capacity to conduct a monitoring program, spot re-lamping based on
individual device performance against the minimum functional criteria is recommended (70% of new
seasoned output26).
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UVGI Disinfection of Room Air: An Evidence Based Guideline for Design, Implementation and
Where UVGI installations are not sufficiently large to warrant the procurement and maintenance of a
UVGI meter, a group re-lamping strategy should be considered.
The unexpected failure of mercury vapour lamps can be identified through the visual inspection of
lamps when they are turned on. While the characteristic blue glow of these lamps is not a reliable
indicator of UV-c output, it will indicate whether a lamp or its control gear has unexpectedly failed. In
devices with lamp clusters, special consideration should be given to safely inspecting individual lamps
for failure.
13.1.3 Labelling
A writable label could be attached to the device in a visible and easily accessible location for the
purposes of recording the last maintenance, lamp replacements and cleaning dates.
It is advisable to physically record the irradiance measurement locations and orientations with discreet
and durable markers in the room. This would ensure repeatability between measurements. Such a
marker could be in the form of an arrow with an included number. The direction of the arrow should
unambiguously indicate the direction in which the reading should be taken.
Where data is not available, the devices cannot be evaluated and should be declared unsuitable for
The number of devices installed shall be checked against the method prescribed in section 6.3 above.
Where performance data is available and the correct number of devices is installed, a monitoring and
maintenance plan needs to be established in accordance with section 13.1 above.
The devices should be cleaned before the initial performance assessment in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions or as described in section 13.1.1 and considering the declared maximum 1m
and 2m depreciated irradiance measurement values. Note that the acceptance criterion is different
from that of new or refurbished installations. (See section 13.1.2)
For devices that pass the initial performance tests, the devices shall enter into a maintenance and
monitoring program as described above.
If individual devices fail the initial performance measurement, lamp re-cleaning and ballast replacement,
respectively are recommended, and if these still fail, the devices should be marked clearly with a red
non-conformance sticker and scheduled for decommissioning and disposal. Any new ballasts and lamps
installed in failed devices should be immediately salvaged for re-use.
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UVGI Disinfection of Room Air: An Evidence Based Guideline for Design, Implementation and
Figure 3
Where the number of devices that are declared unserviceable within a considered space and system
leaves an insufficient number of devices functional (as required by the evaluation described in section
6.3) the entire system serving that space shall be declared as non-compliant. Individual devices declared
functional within a non-functional system may be salvaged for re-use and this should be done by a
competent service provider (see section 6.3) to ensure suitable application.
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UVGI Disinfection of Room Air: An Evidence Based Guideline for Design, Implementation and
Training Required/Completed
UVGI Specification
Task Responsibility Electrical
Principles and Safety Testing Cleaning
& IPC Procurement
Monitoring &
Control &
Table 3
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UVGI Disinfection of Room Air: An Evidence Based Guideline for Design, Implementation and
IUVA Draft Guideline IUVA-G02A-2005 International Ultraviolet Association Guideline for Design and
Installation of UVGI Air Disinfection Systems in New Building Construction Copyright 2005 International
Ultraviolet Association32
2. World Health Organisation. Infection prevention and control of epidemic- and pandemic-prone
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3. World Health Organisation. Natural ventilation for infection control in health-care settings.
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4. Downes A, Blunt T. Researches on the effect of light upon bacteria and other organisms. Proc R
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5. Gates FL. A study of the bactericidal action of ultra violet light: III. The absorption of ultra violet
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11. Escombe AR, Moore DAJ, Gilman RH, et al. Upper-room ultraviolet light and negative air
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12. Nardell EA, Bucher SJ, Brickner PW, et al. Safety of upper-room ultraviolet germicidal air
disinfection for room occupants: results from the Tuberculosis Ultraviolet Shelter Study. Public
Health Rep. 2008;123(1):52-60. Available at:
13. Nardell EA. Environmental control of tuberculosis. Med Clin North Am. 1993;77(6):1315-34.
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14. NIOSH US Department of Health, Education and Welfare PHS. Criteria for a recommended
standard Occupational Exposure to Ultraviolet Radiation.; 1972. doi:(HSM) 73-110009.
15. CIE Technical Division 6. CIE 155: 2003 Ultraviolet Air Disinfection. Vienna, Austria; 2003. doi:ISBN
978 3 901906 25 1.
17. R.L. Riley, M K, G M. Ultraviolet susceptibility of BCG and virulent tubercle bacilli. Am Rev Respir
Dis. 1976;113:413-18.
19. SATS 1706: 2015 SOUTH AFRICAN TECHNICAL STANDARD UVGI Luminaires - Safety and
performance requirements.
20. SATS 1706: 2015 SOUTH AFRICAN TECHNICAL STANDARD UVGI Luminaires - Safety and
performance requirements.
21. Beggs CB, Noakes CJ, Sleigh P a., Fletcher L a., Kerr KG. Methodology for determining the
susceptibility of airborne microorganisms to irradiation by an upper-room UVGI system. J Aerosol
Sci. 2006;37(7):885-902. doi:10.1016/j.jaerosci.2005.08.002.
22. Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA) Testing Procedures Committee.
Standard File Format for Electronic Transfer of Photometric Data and Related Information
(ANSI/IESNA LM-63-02). New York; 2002.
24. Zhang J, Levin R, Angelo R, et al. A radiometry protocol for UVGI fixtures using a moving-mirror
type gonioradiometer. J Occup Environ Hyg. 2012;9(3):140-8.
25. Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA) Testing Procedures Committee. IES
Guide for Lamp Seasoning (LM-54-91). New York; 1991.
26. First MW, Banahan KF, Dumyahn TS. Performance of ultraviolet germicidal irradiation and
luminaries in long-term service. Leukos. 2007;3:181-188. doi:10.1582/LEUKOS.2007.03.03.005.
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27. Vorlander FJ, Raddin EH. The effect of operating cycles on flourescent lamp performance. Illum
Eng. 1950.
28. South African Bureau of Standards. SANS 50285 : 2010 SOUTH AFRICAN NATIONAL STANDARD
Energy efficiency of electric lamps for household use Measurement methods.; 2010.
29. Miller S.L., Hernandez M., Fennelly K, et al. Environmental Control for Tuberculosis: Basic Upper-
Room Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation Guidelines for Healthcare Settings. Cincinnati, OH; 2009.
Available at: http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/nas/rdrp/appendices/chapter6/a6-23.pdf.
30. Xu P, Peccia J, Fabian P, et al. Efficacy of ultraviolet germicidal irradiation of upper-room air in
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31. Ko G, First MW, Burge H a. Influence of relative humidity on particle size and UV sensitivity of
Serratia marcescens and Mycobacterium bovis BCG aerosols. Tuber Lung Dis. 2000;80(4-5):217-
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32. Miller S, Hernandez M, Fennelly K. Efficacy of ultraviolet irradiation in controlling the spread of
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33. Mphahlele M, Dharmadhikari AS, Jensen PA, et al. Institutional Tuberculosis Transmission:
Controlled Trial of Upper Room Ultraviolet Air Disinfection - A Basis for New Dosing Guidelines.
Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2015:150504122726005. doi:10.1164/rccm.201501-0060OC.
34. Noakes CJ, Beggs CB, Sleigh PA, Kerr KG. Effect of Room Mixing and Ventilation Strategy on the
Performance of Upper Room Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation Systems. In: Proceedings of
ASHRAE IAQ 2004.; 2004:1-13.
35. First M, Rudnick SN, Banahan KF, Vincent RL, Brickner PW. Fundamental factors affecting upper-
room ultraviolet germicidal irradiation - part I. Experimental. J Occup Environ Hyg. 2007;4(5):321-
31. doi:10.1080/15459620701271693.
36. ASHRAE. ASHRAE 55-2013; Thermal environmental conditions for human occupancy. Am Soc
Heating, Refrig Air Cond. 2013.
37. Coker I, Nardell E, Fourie B. Guidelines for the utilisation of ultraviolet germicidal irradiation
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2001. Available at: http://www.sahealthinfo.com/tb/guidelines.pdf. Accessed June 30, 2014.
38. Kowalski W, Bahnfleth W. Proposed standards and guidelines for UVGI air disinfection. IUVA
News. 2004;6(1):20-25. Available at: http://www.aerobiologicalengineering.com/stds.pdf.
39. Rudnick SN, First MW. Fundamental factors affecting upper-room ultraviolet germicidal
irradiation - part II. Predicting effectiveness. J Occup Environ Hyg. 2007;4(5):352-62.
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UVGI Disinfection of Room Air: An Evidence Based Guideline for Design, Implementation and
The three dimensional solid angle Ω at a point P is defined as the projected spherical surface area dA on
a sphere with radius R divided by the radius R squared. An area on a sphere equalling the square of its
radius and observed from the centre subtends one steradian.
∴ ω = dA / R2 in steradian or sr.
3) Radiant Flux or Flux: Radiant Flux is the amount/quantity of power in Watts flowing from one area
to another. There is always a source area and a receiving area, with the flux flowing between them.
The symbol is Фe or Ф
The radiant flux is also defined as the rate of flow of radiant energy:
Equation Фe = dQe / dt
- 4.1
The symbol is Ie or I
5) Irradiance: Irradiance is the density of radiant flux per receiving surface area (flux falling onto the
surface area).
The symbol is Ee or E
This is called the Inverse Square Law – ISL (For a surface facing the source)
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UVGI Disinfection of Room Air: An Evidence Based Guideline for Design, Implementation and
This is called the Inverse Square and Cosine Law (For a point at an angle θ on a horizontal surface below
the source)
Irradiance is sometimes called Irradiation Density or UV Intensity (I) - not to be confused with Intensity
(I) as defined in 1.3
6) Radiance: Radiance is the density of radiant flux per solid angle per projected surface
The symbol is Le or L
Radiance is analogous to the “brightness” of the source or surface and is the measure that should ideally
be used to determine eye exposure levels.
7) Radiation Dose or Dose: Irradiation or radiation dose is the radiant energy delivered to an area by a
The symbol is De or D
The unit is Watt·second per square meter (W·s/m2) or Joule per square meter
Equation D e = Ee · t - 4.7
8) Fluence Rate and Fluence: Fluence rate and fluence are used in sophisticated studies, where the
internal surface dose with backscatter is included. These quantities are used correctly most often in
theoretical studies of dose distribution and where photochemistry at the molecular level in tissue is
enhanced as a result of multiple scattering events in tissue.
Fluence rate (spherical irradiance) at a point is the quotient of the radiant flux of all radiation incidents
on the outer surface of an infinitely small sphere centred at the given point, by the area of the
diametrical cross-section of that sphere. This is the “surface dose”-quantity for the irradiation of micro-
Fluence (radiant spherical exposure) at a point is the time integral of the fluence rate E at the given
point over the given duration ∆t. This is the “dose”-quantity for the irradiation of micro-organisms
33 | P a g e
UVGI Disinfection of Room Air: An Evidence Based Guideline for Design, Implementation and
Radiant Efficiency is defined as the output UV-c radiant flux in Watt divided by the input electrical power
in Watt for either the lamp (+ ballast) or the fixture and can be expressed as a per-unit value or a
Fluence (Dose):
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UVGI Disinfection of Room Air: An Evidence Based Guideline for Design, Implementation and
Device ID: ≥ 30
ABC 14/01/01/01
Device ID: ≥ 30
ABC 14/01/01/02
Device ID: ≥ 20
ABC 14/01/01/03
Lower room: ≤ 6
ABC 14/01/01/03 @ 1m
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