Assay of SO by Gravimetric Analysis of Sulfate
Assay of SO by Gravimetric Analysis of Sulfate
Assay of SO by Gravimetric Analysis of Sulfate
Gravimetric analysis is one of the oldest analytical laboratory techniques. For this reason, it is referred
to as a "classical method." Gravimetric procedures are usually very accurate, but more tedious than
other methods. The only major equipment needed for gravimetric analysis is an accurate analytical
Sulfur (S) in the form of the sulfate anion (SO42-), as sulfuric acid, sodium sulfate, or some other soluble
sulfate, may be determined through precipitation of a soluble sulfate via addition of a barium chloride
(BaCl2) solution. The insoluble precipitate that forms as a result is barium sulfate (BaSO 4).
In this experiment sintered glass crucibles (Gooch crucibles) will be used to quantitatively collect solid
BaSO4, which can then be weighed in an analytical balance (weight = precipitate + crucible). This
information, along with the weight of the sintered glass crucibles (empty), is used to determine the
quantity of solid BaSO4 produced. Once that is calculated, the weight of solid BaSO 4 along with the
initial mass of the solid soluble unknown is used to complete the calculations. You will report the
amount of sulfur in the unknown not as % SO4 but as an assay, reporting percent sulfur trioxide, % SO3.
*To determine the stoichiometric amount of 0.125 M BaCl 2 to add, use the equation below. The
equation assumes the unknown sample is pure ammonium sulfate, (NH4)2SO4 (thus the maximum %).
The molecular mass of (NH4)2SO4 is 132.14 grams/mole.
After the BaCl2 has been added, keep the solution hot (DIGESTION) for 1.5 hours MINIMUM.
Nucleation and particle growth are two phases of crystallization. The latter is desired to produce large
enough product crystals, essential for quantitative collection. Digestion allows a precipitate (BaSO 4) to
Revised: November 2015
remain in contact with the mother liquor (liquid from which the precipitate forms in). Digestion
promotes 1) particle growth of crystals via recrystallization and 2) expels any impurities from the
product crystal. After digestion is complete, turn the hotplate off and let solutions cool. An ice bath can
be used to accelerate cooling. Parafilm beakers and store in lab locker until the next class period.
NOTES: Label each crucible with Industrial Sharpie marker BEFORE drying to a constant EMPTY weight!
Crucibles should be cooled to room temperature for approximately the SAME time since dried crucibles
begin to re-absorb moisture from air! Record heating and cooling time in notebook!
Heating crucibles to a constant weight is accomplished by placing the 3 LABELED sintered glass
crucibles in a 600 mL beaker [labeled with your name using a grease pencil] in the oven for at least 20
minutes at 110 oC to remove moisture. Keep a watch glass on the beaker when it is in the oven to
prevent large debris or dust from getting into the crucibles. If crucibles are washed with soap/water
first, they must remain in an oven for at least 24 hours to remove the water.
Following heating, remove the 600 mL beaker with crucibles from the oven and set on an upside down
beaker. Let the crucibles cool for 20-30 minutes inside the beaker, keeping the watch glass on in order
to minimize moisture accumulation. Record the actual # of minutes the crucibles were cooled for!
Then, weigh the sintered glass crucibles individually, on an analytical balance. Record weights in
notebook. Repeat the heating, cooling, and weighing cycle until the weight difference between two
measurements [of the same crucible] is within 0.3 to 0.4 mg (achieved through at LEAST three cycles).
Assemble the sintered glass funnel filtration apparatus discussed in the pre-lab lecture presentation.
Make sure to clean the side-arm Erlenmeyer flask and the walter crucible holder before use! Assign a
crucible to each beaker, noting which crucible is filtering which beaker of precipitated BaSO 4. Carefully
pour the cooled BaSO4 mixture into the sintered glass crucible, making sure that the precipitate is
completely transferred. Use proper quantitative transfer techniques! You cannot lose a single drop of
your digested sample; if you do, your results will reflect it!
Use the tip of a rubber policeman (wash between beakers) to scrape any precipitate off of the beaker
and into the crucible. Then use a wash bottle of Nanopure H2O to rinse remaining precipitate from the
beaker into the crucible, to insure that a quantitative transfer is obtained. Do NOT rinse the beaker
more than 5 times, as excess washing will negatively affect results. ALL MOTHER LIQUOR/RINSE MUST
Revised: November 2015
*If any precipitate passes into the sidearm Erlenmeyer flask [i.e. the mother liquor is cloudy], you will
need to re-filter it through the crucible to ensure no product (BaSO 4) has been lost!*
After heating, wait the same time for crucibles to cool as was done when they were empty. Keep the
600 mL beaker covered with a watch glass while the crucibles are cooling. Weigh all crucibles
individually on the same analytical balance. Be careful not to touch or transfer any particulate on hands
or gloves to the sintered glass crucibles NOR accidently lose some of the white precipitate. Repeat the
heating, cooling, and weighing cycles until the weight difference between two measurements [of the
same crucible] is within 0.3 to 0.4 mg.
Using the weight of solid BaSO4 produced and the initial weight of the solid unknown soluble sulfate
aliquots, calculate the percent sulfur trioxide (% SO 3) in the unknown for each trial (beaker). Calculate
average % SO3, standard deviation, and ppt. The range of sulfur trioxide the unknowns contain is
20.00 – 56.00 % SO3.
Assay Calculations
In this experiment, the amount of sulfur present is reported not as % S or % SO 42- but as % SO3. This is
referred to as an assay. For an assay, one material is measured and an inference of an amount of a
different material is made from the initially measured material. An assay presumes a stoichiometric
relation between what is measured and what is sought. BaSO4 is measured in this experiment, but the
weight percent of SO3 [written as % (w/w) to indicate that this is a percentage by weight of the solid] is
sought. There is a 1:1 stoichiometric relationship between SO3 and BaSO4. So these two species are
related by the gravimetric factor, which is the ratio of the formula weights of sulfur trioxide and barium
sulfate (FW SO3 / FW BaSO4) for reporting % (w/w) SO3. A similar expression may be used to assay any
other sulfur-containing species using the measured weight of BaSO4 produced. The unknowns range
from 20.00 – 56.00 % SO3.
wt of BaS O4 FW S O3
% (w /w) S O3= x x 100 %
wt of unknown aliquot FW of BaSO 4
Warning: Soluble barium salts are toxic to humans and the environment! Handle BaCl2 carefully. Wear gloves
during lab and wash hands thoroughly before leaving. Dispose of excess BaCl 2 in waste containers as
instructed! Do not dispose of anything down the drain!