Number Theory - Concepts and Problems

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Basic properties 21

Example 2.42. '(Romania TST 2012) Let a1, ..., an be positive integers and let
a > 1 be a multiple of mag . . . an. Prove that a"+1 + a — 1 is not divisible by
(a+a1 — 1)(a+a2— 1)...(a+an—1).
Proof. Suppose that

an“ + a — 1 = k(a + a1 — l)...(a + an — 1) (1)

for some positive integer k, and write a = mal...a.n for some positive integer
m. Note that a1, ...,an > 1, for if a1 = 1 (for example) then the right-hand
side of relation (1) is divisible by a, but the left-hand side is not.
Relation (1) coupled with the congruences a”+1 E 1 (mod a — 1) and

1 E (mod (1 — 1), hence m E [w E k (mod (1 — 1).

Note that m < a = mal...a,n and, since az- > 1 for 1 S i g n

a”+1 +a — 1 Z k(a + 1)",

which easily implies that k < (1 (since one easily checks that a(a + 1)” >
a”+1 + a — 1). Thus k, m are positive integers less than or equal to a — 1 and
k: E m (moda—l), which implies k =m. But m | a and k | an+1+a—1,
hence m | a"+1 + a — 1, which implies that m | 1 and finally k = m = 1. It
follows that

a"+1 < a"+1 + a — 1 = (a+ a1 — 1)...(a+ an — 1),

which can be rewritten as
a+a1—1 a+a~n—1
a1-...-a.n=a< .
a a
This is however impossible, since for 1 S i S n we have
< 0.37,
this inequality being equivalent to (a — 1)(a,~ — 1) > 0.
The problem is solved. III
22 Chapter 2. Divisibilz'ty

Example 2.43. (Schinzel) Prove that there exists a constant c > 0 with the
following property: if a positive integer a is even and not a multiple of 10,
then the sum of the digits of ak is greater than clog k for all k: 2 2.

Proof. Define a sequence (b70120 by b0 = 0 and bn+1 = 1 + [11,, log2(10)]. This

sequence is increasing and bn+1 g (1 + log2(10))bn for n 2 1, thus bn S c”
for all n 2 1, where c = 1 + log2(10). Suppose now that k 2 bn and write
a,“ = on + 10c1 + in base 10. For each 2 S j S n we have that 21’1" divides ak
and since 2b1' also divides cbj10b7’ + cbj_,_110bj'"1 + ..., it follows that 2bj divides
co + 10c1 + + Obj—1 10bi—1. Note that this last number is nonzero since co aé 0
by assumption. We deduce that 2bJ' 3 Co + 10c1 + + Obj—1 1015—1. Assuming
that cbj_1, ..., cbj_1 are all zero we deduce that 2bJ' < 10bj—1, contradicting the
definition of the sequence (bn)n20. Thus for each 2 S j S n there is at least
one nonzero digit between cbj_1,...,cbj_1. It follows that if k 2 bn, then the
sum of digits of ak is at least n — 1 2 71/2. Taking into account that b, < c”
for all n 2 1, the result follows. III

2.2 Induction and binomial coefficients

The main topic of this section is the use of induction as a tool for prov-
ing divisibilities (or for solving constructive problems). Along the way, we
will study some basic properties of binomial coefficients, which will help us
establish a certain number of remarkable congruences. The study of binomial
coefficients will occur quite frequently in this book, since they have remarkable
arithmetic properties. Since we haven’t developed enough theory so far, the
results in this section are rather modest, but we will need them later on to
obtain rather nontrivial results.

2.2.1 Proving divisibility by induction

Before studying binomial coefficients, let us spend some time dealing with
examples of problems involving divisibility in which induction plays a key role.
Example 2.44. Prove that if n is a power of 3, then n | 2" + 1.
2.2. Induction and binomial coefi‘icients 23

Proof. We need to prove that 3’“ divides 23k + 1 for all k 2 0. We prove this
by induction on k, the case k = 0 being clear. Assume that 3’“ | 23 + 1 and
write 23k = n - 3k — 1 for some integer n. Then
23’”1 = (23")3 = (n _ 3k _ D3

= n3 . 33k _ n2 . 32k+1 + n _ 3k+1 _ 1 E _1 (mod 3k+l),

as needed.
We can also prove this result directly, by factoring
23k—1 + 1)
1)(223 _ 23 + 1).”(22.3k—1 _
23k + 1 = (2 + 1)(22 _ 2 +

and observing that for i 2 0 we have 22'3i — 23" + 1 E 0 (mod 3). Hence each
of the factors 22 — 2 + 1, 22‘3 — 23 + 1,..., 223'“1 — 23k-1 + 1 is a multiple of 3.
The result follows. III

Remark 2.45. We strongly suggest the reader to try to prove by induction

theorem 2.31, following the same method as the one explained in the previous
Example 2.46. Let n be a positive integer. Find the largest integer k for which

2’6 | (n + 1)(n + 2)...(n + n).

Proof. Let on = (n + 1)(n + 2)...(n + n). The first few values of the sequence
(an)n21 are 2, 12 = 3-4, 120 = 8 - 15, etc. We conjecture that the largest k for
which 2’“ divides an is n. We will prove this by induction, the case n = 1 being
clear. In order to prove the inductive step, we will find a simple relationship
between an and an“. Namely,

an+1 = (n + 2)(n + 3)...(n + 1-+ n + 1) = (n + 2)...(n + n)(2n + 1) - 2(n + 1)

= 2(n + 1)(n + 2)...(n + n)(2n + 1) = 2a,, - (2n + 1).
Since 2n + 1 is odd, the highest power of 2 dividing 2a,, (2n+ 1) is one plus the
largest power of 2 dividing an, thus by induction this highest power is n + 1,
proving the inductive step. Hence the result of the problem is k = n. El

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