09 - Chapter 2
09 - Chapter 2
09 - Chapter 2
A builtin Internal Control System ensures strict adherence to
statutes, codes and manuals, minimize the risk of errors and
irregularities and helps to protect resources against loss due
to waste, abuse, and mismanagement.
Categories of Internal Controls
Table 1 : Control Objectives
1 Validity Only valid or authorized transactions are
2 Occurrence Transactions occurred during the correct
3 Completeness All transactions are processed without
4 Valuation Transactions are calculated using an
appropriate methodology or are computat
ionally accurate.
5 Rights & Assets should represent the rights of the
Obligations company, and liabilities its obligations.
6 Presentation & Financial statements are properly
Disclosure classified and disclosed.
7 Reasonableness Results should be reasonable.
Table 2 : Control Activities
1 Segregation of separating authorization, custody, and
duties record keeping roles to limit risk of
fraud or error by one person.
2 Authorization review of particular transactions by an
of transactions appropriate person.
3 Retention of maintaining documentation to substantiate
records transactions.
4 documentation observation or review of ongoing
operational activity.
5 Physical usage of cameras, locks, physical
safeguards barriers, etc. to protect property.
6 Analysis Analysis of results, periodic and regular
operational reviews, metrics, and other
key performance indicators (KPIs)
7 IT Security usage of passwords, access logs, etc. to
ensure access restricted to authorized
2.2. DEFINITIONS AND EXPLANATION : A process, effected by the
Board of Directors, management and staff, designed to provide
reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of objectives
in the following categories:
Table 3 : Internal Control Objectives
1 Effectiveness and efficiency of operations.
2 Reliability of operational and financial reporting.
3 Compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
Internal control is a system, defined and implemented under
its responsibility, which aims to ensure four core results.
Table 4 : Aims of Internal Control
1 laws and regulations are complied with;
2 the instructions and directional guidelines fixed by
Executive Management or the Management Board are applied;
3 the company's internal processes are functioning
correctly, particularly those implicating the security of
its assets;
4 financial information is reliable;
All the above should generally contribute to the control over
all activities, to the efficiency of its operations and to the
efficient utilisation of its resources. By helping to
anticipate and control the risks involved in not meeting the
objectives the company has set for itself, the internal
control system plays a key role in conducting and monitoring
its various activities. However, internal control cannot
provide an absolute guarantee that the company s objectives
will be met.
Table 5 : Components of the Internal Control System
Control Environment sets the tone for the organization,
influencing the control consciousness of its people. It is
the foundation for all other components of internal
Risk Assessment is the identification and analysis of
2 relevant risks to the achievement of objectives, forming a
basis for how the risks should be managed
Information and Communication systems or processes that
support the identification, capture, and exchange of
information in a form and time frame that enable people to
carry out their responsibilities
Control Activities the policies and procedures that help
ensure management directives are carried out.
Monitoring processes used to assess the quality of
internal control performance over time.
2.5. The subsystems included in the internal control system:
Table 6 : Subsystems of the Internal Control System
1. a system for controlling internal operations & procedures
2. an organisation for accounting and information processing
3. system for assessing risks and measuring results
4. risk monitoring and control system
5. documentation and information system
6. system for monitoring the cash flows
Applications of Internal Control
Table 7 : Applications of the Internal Control System
sets the tone for the control consciousness
of its people. It is the foundation for all
Environment :
other components of internal control.
how the risks should be managed
Assessment :
systems or processes providing information
Information and
that enable people to carry out their
Communication :
Control the policies and procedures that help ensure
Activities : that management directives are carried out.
processes used to assess the internal control
Monitoring :
produce information used in the internal control system or
take other actions needed to effect control. Similarly, all
personnel are responsible for communicating the problems in
operations, noncompliance with the code of conduct and the
policy violations or illegal actions. Thus each major entity
in the governance structure has a particular role to play.
Management: The Director of the Institute has overall
responsibility for designing and implementing effective
internal control. He/She sets the "tone at the top" that
affects integrity and ethics and other factors of a positive
control environment. The Director fulfills this duty by
providing leadership and direction to senior functionaries and
reviewing the way they're controlling the activities. Senior
functionaries, in turn, assign responsibility for
establishment of more specific internal control policies and
procedures to personnel responsible for the unit's functions.
control through their efforts. They assess whether the
controls are properly designed, implemented and working
effectively, They make recommendations on how to improve
internal control. To provide reasonable assurance that
internal controls involved in the financial reporting process
are effective, they are tested by the external auditor (the
organization's public accountants). They are required to opine
on the internal controls of the company and the reliability of
its financial reporting.
a) Compliance with laws and regulations : This refers to the
laws and regulations of the Institute. Given the large number
of areas that exist, the Institute's organisation needs to be
structured in such a way so that it: is aware of the various
rules that apply to it; can be informed in due time of any
changes that are made to them (legal monitoring); can
transpose these rules into its internal procedures; can inform
and train staff on those rules which affect them.
b) Application of the instructions and directional guidelines
fixed by the Director or the Board : The instructions and
directional guidelines given by the Management or the Board
enable staff to understand what is expected of them and to be
aware of the scope of their freedom of action. These
instructions and directional guidelines must be communicated
to the staff concerned, based on the objectives allocated to
each of them, so as to provide guidelines on how their
activities should be conducted. These instructions and
directional guidelines must be defined in line with the
overall objectives and the inherent risks.
c) Correct functioning of the internal processes, particularly
those implicating the security of its assets : For all
operational, commercial and financial processes, standards or
operating principles have to be established and performance
indicators set up. Similarly for processing of accounting and
financial information, these processes include not only those
which deal directly with the preparation of financial reports,
but also the operational processes which generate the
accounting data.
δ) Reliability of financial information : The reliability of
financial information can only be obtained through the
implementation of internal control procedures which are
capable of faithfully recording all the operations
performed by the organisation. The quality of this
internal control system can be targeted by means of:
segregation of duties, enabling a clear distinction to be
made between recording duties, operational duties and
retention duties; function descriptions which should
enable the origins of the information prepared to be
identified, together with its recipients.
Review of Literature
National eGovernance Plan (NeGP)
The Government of India has approved the National eGovernance
Plan, comprising of 27 Mission Mode Projects (MMPs) and 8
components. The Government has accorded approval to the
vision, approach, strategy, key components and implementation
framework for the NeGP. However, the approval of the NeGP does
not constitute a financial approval for all the Mission Mode
Projects (MMPs) and components under it.
Importance of eGovernance : eGovernance can transform
citizen services, provide access to information to empower
citizens, enable their participation in government and enable
access to economic and social opportunities. ICT tools
(Information and Communication Technology) are effectively
adding new dimensions to old institutional setups. e
Governance uses Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
for delivering Government Services, exchange of information,
communication transactions, integrating various standalone
systems and services between Government and Citizens (G2C),
Government and Business (G2B) as well as back office processes
and interactions within the entire Government frame work.
Table 8 : eGovernance Achievements and Contributions
eGovernance seeks to achieve: (ii) Transparency
(i) Efficiency (iii) Citizen's participation
Enabling egovernance through ICT (iii) Citizen's awareness and
contributes to : empowerment
(i) Good governance (iv) Citizen's welfare
(ii) Trust and Accountability (v) Democracy
(vi) Nation's economic growth
State Mission Mode ProjectsMMPs
AGRICULTURE : Agriculture has been included as a MMP in NeGP
and is to be operationalised by Department of Agriculture and
EDISTRICT :The project scope is to integrate various district
departments to provide seamless services to citizens.
EMPLOYMENT EXCHANGE : Through the employment exchange portal,
according to the requirement of employers quick lists of
candidates and call letters can be generated.
LAND RECORDS : There is an ongoing project for digitization of
land records, being implemented by MoRD.
MUNICIPALITIES : The vision for the National Mission Mode
Project for eGovernance in Municipalities is to leverage the
ICT opportunities for sustained improvement in efficiency and
effectiveness of delivery of municipal service to citizens.
PANCHAYATS : The MMP has been designed to overcome the
challenges being faced in the villages such as lack of
reliable communication.
POLICE : Common Integrated Police Application (CIPA) has been
implemented at 128 Police Stations of Delhi.
PROPERTY REGISTRATION : Successful implementation of the CARD
project implemented by government of Andhra Pradesh resulted
in the countrywide initiative launched by DIT aimed at taking
best practices of successful implementation.
ROAD TRANSPORT : With a view to create a unified data schema
to be used by all states for computerisation of transport
offices for issuing vehicle registration certificates and
driving licences, Road Transport was included in the NeGP.
TREASURIES : In order to get the accounts of State Governments
expeditiously and to provide for better Management Information
Systems, networking of all agencies involved in finalisation
of accounts of State Governments is looked into.
Integrated Mission Mode Projects MMPs
eCOURTS : From 200103, 700 city courts in four metros were
computerised and during 200304, computerisation of another
900 courts were undertaken.
EPROCUREMENT : This MMP is being implemented to ensure that
government procurement becomes simplified, transparent and
of the MMP is to simplify procedures, introduce electronic
delivery of services by regulatory and facilitating
organisations, provide 24*7 access to users, increase
transparency in procedures, reduce transaction cost and time
and introduce international standards and practices.
eGovernance Plan (NeGP) of the Govt. of India aims to make
all Government services accessible to the common man in his
locality, through common service delivery outlets and ensure
efficiency, transparency & reliability of such services at
affordable costs to realise the basic needs of the common man.
INDIA PORTAL : The National Portal of India is a Mission Mode
Project under the National EGovernance Plan being implemented
by NIC. The objective behind the Portal is to provide a single
window access to the information and services of the Indian
Government at all levels.
(Centre for Good Governance, Hyderabad)
Transparency means that decisions taken and their enforcement
are done in a manner that follows rules and regulations. It
also means that information is freely available and directly
accessible to those who will be affected by such decisions and
their enforcement.
Transparency: Core principle of Good Governance : Good
governance has major characteristics like participation, rule
of law, transparency, responsiveness, equity and inclusive
ness, effectiveness, efficiency, accountability and strategic
vision and consensus orientation. Study of legislations and
their implementation suggests that a number of bottlenecks
exist in the way of free flow of information to the citizens
which should be removed for ushering in greater transparency.
This requires the following:
Table 9 : Measures of removing bottlenecks in transparency
1 Strengthening of legislation on the patterns of the
Maharashtra and Delhi Acts.
2 Government Departments to provide their Annual Activity and
Performance Reports to civil groups and public
3 Information about the services rendered by Departments,
rules and regulations to be placed in the public domain;
4 Interactive sessions may be held by the Heads with the
public for citizens’ views on policies and programmes;
5 Public access to budgetary processes and budget reports.
6 Placing all Government Orders on Departments websites
7 Public access to various reports of Committees and
Commissions appointed by the Government;Publication of
white papers on all importance governance matters
concerning the public by public bodies;
Measurement Books or ‘M Books’ of public works departments may
be put in the public domain on departmental websites. The
public may have access to quality inspection documents
relating to all major public works.
Production and Dissemination of White Papers : Information is
a key factor to ensure efficient and effective public
services. It not only empowers the people to exert demand for
better services, it also empowers the service providers to
benchmark and provide services.
Table 10 : Suggestions for efficient and effective public services:
1 Production and dissemination of white papers by all
Government Departments/Agencies/Undertakings on implement
ation of programmes and projects to be made mandatory;
2 Steps may be taken to create a public opinion and to
educate the people about the decisions of the Governments
at various levels;
3 These white papers will have to be given wide publicity
through print and electronic media. Discussions, seminars,
meetings and similar other public discourses will have to
be organised to explain the pros and cons of the problems
at all levels. Senior officers of the government as also
Ministers will have to actively participate in these
4 The administration will have to be proactive rather than
merely reacting to public criticism as at present.
5 This will require a change in the mindset of the higher
bureaucracy; periodical training, change management and
refresher courses will help in this task.
6 Every public undertaking/agency receiving money from the
Government should produce and place in the public domain
annual report containing the structure of the entity,
vision, mission, functions, who worked in what capacities,
what works were undertaken, how expenditures were made and
on what, achievements and failure, details of independent
scrutiny made on use of fund, and outstanding results, if
7 Each State Government may bring out each year a white paper
on its public revenues and public expenditure and pose for
public discussion and debate options which are available,
in the short and medium term, for dealing with the
Redressal of Public Grievances : Machinery for redress of
public grievances has to be strengthened in every
Ministry/Department, fixing of time limits for disposal of
public grievances. An online computerized Public Grievances
Redressal and Monitoring System (PGRAMS) may be operated to
facilitate citizens to lodge and monitor the progress of their
grievances on internet.
The following suggestions may be considered:
Table 12 : Suggestions for Redressal of Public Grievances
1 Establishment of an Institution of Ombudsman to oversee
redressal of grievances (as in Insurance and Banking
Sectors) or a Public Grievance Commission (as in Delhi)
Strengthening of Consumer Courts
2 Establishment of a grievance redressal machinery
3 Establishment of Call Centre and development of a web
enabled grievances disposal monitoring system;
4 Involvement of civil society in the processing and
tracking disposal of grievances;
5 Fixing time frames for grievance redressal;
6 Monitoring of grievance redressal at the top levels
periodically using computerized monitoring system and
placing the results before the public.
Table 14 : Strategy for Transparency and Good Governance
o Disclosure of Income and Assets subject to
o Complaints and Ombudsman Office
Putting information in the public domain
o Putting up ‘M’ books on the website
o Web based approvals to be put on the
Strategy for Transparency and Good Governance
No Strategy Specific Initiatives
2 Strategy 2: . Developing and implementing model code of
Ethics and conduct Integrity for political represent
Integrity atives, civil service, judiciary, civil society
groups etc
. Removal of all discretionary powers provided
to officials under the law which may lead to
misappropriation in government
. Public hearings & Public meetings
Transparency in procedures and systems
by opening up procedures for public
Peoples’ estimates; social audit
. Prior consultation with public in the process
of policy making
Participatory budgeting
Transparency in budget as done by some
state governments
Independent audit
. Administrative procedure legislation providing
for transparent and accountable administrative
Strategy 3: . Public service agreements for delivery of
services by executive agencies – holding them
Institutional accountable objectively and transparently
reforms . Participation of stakeholders in various
decision making processes
o Citizen committees to be a part of the
decision making process
o Encourage and facilitate public
participation through
Public Hearings
Study Circles
Citizen Advisory Boards
Government Contract Committees
Public Watchdog Groups
Independent AntiCorruption Agencies
. Enhance participatory decision making through
constitution of Citizen Boards and focus groups
. Capacity building of citizen and civil society
Table 14 : Strategy for Transparency and Good Governance
Strategy 4: . Easy access of government officials to the
Targeting public
Specific • Contact numbers of senior officials to
Issues be made available to the public for the
purpose of registration of grievances
• Departmental websites to provide the
contact numbers, emails and other
details of senior officials
(Directorate of Vigilance, Goa)
The Commission is of the opinion that in order to bring about
greater transparency in the procurement and tendering
processes there is need for widest possible publicity. There
are many instances in which allegations have been made
regarding inadequate or no publicity and procurement officials
not making available bid documents, application forms etc. in
order to restrict competition.
While the above directions must be fully complied with,
efforts should be made by organizations to eventually switch
over to the process of eprocurement/esale wherever it is
found to be feasible and practical. The above directions are
issued in supersession of all previous instructions issued by
the CVC on the subject of use of website for tendering
purposes. These instructions shall take effect from 1st
January, 2004 for all such organizations whose websites are
already functional. All other organizations must ensure that
this facility is provided before 1st April, 2004.
The Central Vigilance Commission Ordinance 1998 under Section
8(1)(h) directs that the power and function of the CVC will be
the following: “exercise superintendence over the vigilance
administration of the various Ministries of the Central
Government or corporations established by or under any Central
Act, Government companies, societies and local authorities
owned or controlled by that Government”. Improving vigilance
administration is possible only if system improvements are
made to prevent the possibilities of corruption and also
encourage a culture of honesty. In exercise of the powers
conferred on the CVC by Section 8(1)(h), the following
instructions are issued for compliance:
Creating a culture of honesty : Many organisations have a
reputation for corruption. The junior employees and officers
who join the organisations hopefully may not be so corruption
minded as those who have already been part of the corrupt
system. In order to ensure that a culture of honesty is
encouraged and the junior officers do not have the excuse that
because their seniors are corrupt, that they have to also
adopt the corrupt practices, it is decided with immediate
effect that junior employees who initiate any proposal
relating to vigilance matters which is likely to result in a
reference to the CVC can send a copy directly to the CVC by
name. This copy will be kept in the office of the CVC and data
fed into the computer. If within a reasonable time of say
three to six months, the reference does not come to the CVC,
the CVC then can verify with the concerned authorities in the
department as to what happened to the vigilance case initiated
by the junior employee. If there is an attempt to protect the
corrupt or dilute the charges, this will also become visible.
Above all the junior officers will not have the excuse that
they have to fall in line with the corrupt seniors.
favours which go against the principles of healthy vigilance
administration. The CVC will in course of time take up each
organisation and review to see whether any additions and
alterations have to be made to the list of items which the
organisation identified in the first instance for the monthly
communications for publicity in the interests of greater
transparency. This may be implemented with immediate effect.
Speedy departmental inquiries : one major source of corruption
is that the guilty are not punished adequately and more
important they are not punished promptly. This is because of
the prolonged delays in the departmental inquiry procedures.
One of the reasons for the departmental inquiry being delayed
is that the inquiry officers have already got their regular
burden of work and this inquiry is to be done in addition to
their normal work. The same is true for the Presenting
Officers also.
Tenders : Tenders are generally a major source of corruption.
In order to avoid corruption, a more transparent and effective
system must be introduced. As post tender negotiations are the
main source of corruption, post tender negotiations are banned
with immediate effect except in the case of negotiations with
L1 (i.e. Lowest tenderer).