The Big Idea
The Big Idea
The Big Idea
ISBN: 978-0-9959882
“There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world,
and that is an idea whose time has come.”
- Victor Hugo
(Author of Les Misérables.)
The goal? To remove oil tankers from the oceans faster than
anyone ever imagined. How? By disrupting a major segment of
the world’s economy and diverting their huge profits to fight
Climate Change. What segment? Any product that is derived
from Mother Nature. (Shampoo, cookies, soup, etc.) Right now
the greedy capitalists bastards own Mother Nature, but once a
few dominoes start falling, we’ll rip it back from them.
This massive segment of the world’s economy is what I call
the ‘Staple Goods Industry.’ It’s mostly controlled by greedy
companies who engage in misleading advertising, often avoid
paying tax through offshore shell companies, keep worker
wages low, while management salaries soar and they don’t care
about the environment or Climate Change.
And what do they provide us with? ‘Corn Flakes.’ Throw a
kernel of corn on a hot frying pan and presto, you’ve got
yourself a corn flake. That wasn’t so tough. This large business
sector doesn’t know it yet, but they’re hurtling towards
oblivion. They’re ripe for disruption precisely because everyone
in the world buys their products.
I know what you’re thinking. ‘Great, another Paul Newman
salad dressing. That’s a dud.’ I kinda know that, so I’ve
introduced a clever twist into my thinking. And that one small
thought, will soon have people all over the world clamouring to
buy our rapidly expanding line of disrupted Mother Nature
products. And I don’t want a dime. This is a freebie.
And we really don’t need these companies. And firms like
Nestlé, 3M, Proctor & Gamble, Mars and Unilever, etc. never
saw this coming and there’ll be nothing they can do to stop us.
Who’s going to miss those guys? They’re ‘elbow slamming’
their way through the capitalist game by making false product
claims, exploiting their workers, ripping off their customers and
polluting the environment. We’ll be ‘elbow slamming’ our way
past those guys struggling to keep up with consumer demand
and redirecting the profits from their owner’s lavish lifestyles
and use them instead to fight Climate Change.
I’m a Canadian from Winnipeg now retired in Thailand. My
MBA is from Canada’s Ivey Business School, the world’s only
Harvard Business School franchise. We studied three Harvard
business cases every day. Top notch place. I knew a blockbuster
Hollywood movie would be required to alert the world that a
seismic event has just occurred so I began writing books,
because movies need backstories. This book is intended to
release my Big Idea to the world. I think it will go viral.
My next book, among other things follows my real life global
pursuits of all my many failed attempts to finance a rare
pristine water spewing volcano found in Canada, 40 km from
the US border, near the picturesque town of Kenora, on
beautiful Lake of the Woods. (The thirteenth largest lake in the
world, but this lake has 14,522 islands.)
Okay. That’s not bad, but someone can come up with the
perfect logo that will rank right up there with the Pepsi and
Coke logo. They’ll have to, because you’re going to be seeing
our logo everywhere. (Remember, we could have over $100
billion at our disposal.) But unlike Coke and Pepsi, below our
rotating, towering logos will be large neon lights announcing
next Tuesday’s estimated jackpot.
You’ll never see some high paid athlete kicking a ball into an
empty net next to our logo. No, we’re going to give our
customers a little more credit in the intellect department than
that. Instead our customers are going to see our big logo and
think, ‘Wow! The jackpot rolled over. It’s $130 million this week.
I’m going to duck into this 7-Eleven and buy me some H2ope
Deodorant because I desperately need some and you can’t win
a lottery without some free tickets.’
Now some readers will be thinking, this is pure nonsense,
because they’ve never bought a lottery ticket in their life and
they wouldn’t care about being given even a free lottery ticket.
Fair enough, but they’re forgetting a couple of things. First,
everybody on this planet has to eat and buy stuff like
toothpaste, not just them. And there are magnitudes more
people who are looking for any chance to get a life changing
opportunity that frees them from their daily grind, then there
are of these well-off cynics. And secondly, these skeptics will
soon be reading big headlines all around the world every time
The H2ope Corporation permanently removes another oil
tanker from the high seas.
So we’ve got the coveted double dip going here. The chance
of winning a US$1 million and the sense of satisfaction that
comes from knowing that your purchasing decisions, when
combined with perhaps a billion other people’s similar
purchasing decisions, is helping remove oil tankers. So even if
you don’t care about getting a free lottery ticket, you might still
change the brand of corn flakes you buy, because you’ll be
periodically reminded that another oil tanker is being reduced
to scrap metal on a beach in Bangladesh.
However if you still insist on buying Kellogg’s Corn Flakes,
then you’re a useless human being and a drag on society and
your friends will notice. And you might start noticing you have
fewer friends.
Jack Black! They’ll get along. Jack will like this role.
George Clooney, why not consider playing my dad? It’s not a
big role. It won’t take up much of your time. An often angry and
eccentric Harvard Gold Medal recipient pediatric heart surgeon,
who before Canada had free health care, used to frequently
perform lifesaving surgery on the tiniest humans around. For
free. Some were from Kenora. He was the only Canadian to be
appointed to The American College of Surgeons. George, it’s a
great role. All true. Don’t let this one slip away. And Jeff’s
already financed three of yours and Matt Damon’s previous
movies. You’re all on speed dial.
Or this?
Would you rather make this? Hint: Peanuts all taste the same.
If you’re struggling with this then I suggest you stop reading.
H2ope Dope
Moving on. I like this name. I can’t wait to see the final logo,
because pot is now legal in Canada. And of course Canadians
are going to buy H2ope Dope. (Many will grow their own, but
still.) H2ope Dope will feature on its package cover, a classroom
in Burma with a noticeable newly installed air conditioner. Pull
out the insert and the stoners can learn:
‘Only 39,250 joints were sold to enable H2ope workers
to install rooftop solar panels that now powers that new
air conditioner. Before the air conditioner, the kids had a
hard time focusing in the oven that was their former
classroom. And get this, one of our guys spotted a similar
school 15 kl down the road. We’re going there tomorrow.
And by the way, thanks everyone and enjoy your high.’
No stoner likes mean-spirited capitalism, but they’ll enjoy
watching our epic battle unfold. We’re going to use brute force
to push our rivals off of what’s about to become our turf. So
sorry Winston Weed. Your slogan, ‘Winston tastes good like a
weapons grade reefer should.’ ain’t going to cut it. You’re just
another pig trying to muscle your way into a new and lucrative
trough. But those days are over. Any business can grow pot, but
how many will give all the profits away to fight Climate Change?
H2ope in America
Only in the US, would a country allow what was once their
4th largest city to fall into decay. I can’t see Canada letting
Winnipeg suffer the same fate. But America believes in the
power of the market, damn the consequences. Good, because
Detroit would make a great place to locate our home office.
Houses are dirt cheap and the town is already undergoing a
millennial renewal. With the arrival of The H2ope Corporation,
Detroit could be a beacon for the young to gravitate to.
And if we’re not interested in buying all of our soon-to-be-
bankrupt competitor’s manufacturing facilities, because some
are either obsolete, or poorly located, we might as well build
brand new H2ope manufacturing plants across the US rust belt.
Trump promised those neglected folks jobs and they believed
him. But he didn’t have a plan and he never meant it anyway.
Trump is never going to give Americans any H2ope.
H2ope Employees
The H2ope Corporation is my gift to the millennials. This
generation hates today’s greedy form of capitalism. Remember
‘The Occupy Wall Street’ movement? That sputtered, because
they didn’t have a plan and a revolution without a plan always
fizzles. Ask Lenin. He had a plan. Bit ruthless, what with the
gulags and all the show trials, but at least he had a plan. My Big
Idea also has a plan and I’m rather pleased that it doesn’t
involve any violence. It merely appeals to our common sense.
But to make it work, it’s going to need about a million workers
who aren’t greedy.
On Dec 4, 2017, the New York Times wrote an article ‘No
Wonder Millennial’s Hate Capitalism.’ They despise our brutal
current capitalist system and ostentatious materialism. I think
periodically removing an oil tanker from the high seas is what
they’ll like. What choice do they have? Their backs are up
against the wall. Sure we’re going need some experts who’ll
demand a competitive wage, but the bulk of the workforce can
be trained in-house and paid an indexed living wage, but not an
excessive one. I think we’ll find plenty of qualified young people
to take us up on that offer, especially when I’ll be insisting that
everyone working at H2ope will be entitled to a well-funded
pension plan. Remember those?
It’s been two years since the deal was signed and Tim
Hortons' geographic profile outside of North America hasn't
meaningfully changed, even though bringing their coffee shops
to other countries was a major goal. Progress on this has been
slow, in part because Tim Hortons is less recognizable than
Starbucks. And getting that challenging global exposure doesn’t
come cheap. But maybe it does. Timmy’s will be all over this
movie and is everywhere in my books. Soon the whole world
will know Tim Hortons. You just can’t buy that kind of exposure.
And Timmy’s doesn’t compete with Starbucks. They have to sell
expensive coffee to cover the cost of all the world’s
unemployed spending as little money as possible in their high
priced locations. At Tim’s, the customer goes past the cash
register faster than shit through a goose and they can get free
H2ope CLIPs. Trump’s stupid trade war with China means
Starbuck’s 2,000 stores over there will all be boycotted. But
they’ll never boycott Timmy’s. H2ope’s buying all their solar
panels and cleaning up their air. Coffee’s more profitable than
Heinz ketchup. (He owns it. It’s been a poor investment.)
The Movie
Jeff Skoll is doubling down. He just hired David Linde the
former CEO of Universal Pictures. David green-lighted the
production of The English Patient, Brokeback Mountain and
Pulp Fiction. This guy knows a good story when he sees one.
The movie doesn’t have to be true, just ‘Based on a True Story.’
The backstory in A Winnipeg Outcast is entertaining and
visually stunning. Each time we came close to success, the plan
unraveled and our worlds came crashing down. And there were
many instances. The script will be spoiled for choice as to which
ones we use. But when I finally do make my breakthrough, the
story will ignite. The audience will be in the grip of this most
improbable true story.
In the movie Clooney, Damon and Jack Black can make the
pitches to the billionaires. Star power sells. As these mega
movie stars start collecting pledges from the all the good guy
billionaires who might later also want to get involved, those
scenes alone will be worth the price of admission.
And we’ve got another great scene the audience will love. In
Rome, when Justin Trudeau and our heroes go visit the Pope.
As they’re entering the Vatican,
Matt Damon asks, ‘Hey Brad, are you Catholic?’
‘I am today.’ replies a grinning Jack Black.
Justin adds, ‘I’m Catholic and I’ve already met this guy.’
Justin could’ve used those outtakes in his recent election and
likely won another landslide. I tried to reach him for four years.
Shame actually, because now his power has been diminished.
And you’ll learn in A Winnipeg Outcast that I met his dad. It
was an amusing and ugly encounter. There’s even a photo.
Anyway much later, when the whole world tunes in to watch
the Academy Awards, I can just see the Pope pull up to the red
carpet in the Pope-mobile dressed in his new Armani designed
robes, periodically stopping to bless someone in the screaming
crowd. Some of the movie stars will be angry. He’s going to
steal the limelight. And I wouldn’t want to be the guy sitting
behind him, because I’d like it if the Pope wore his big hat.
Wouldn’t it be great if this special edition of the Academy
Awards was sponsored solely by Tim Hortons, Google, Apple,
Tesla and The H2ope Corporation? The prior companies may all
be prominently featured in the movie and their ads can remind
the viewers that their respective companies care. It’s good for
business. Money won’t be a problem. Super Bowl ads are more
anticipated than the game. These inspirational corporate
messaging ads can tug on the viewer’s heartstrings. They’ll go
viral. We on the other hand, can keep hammering away in our
spots that H2ope is coming. Those commercials will be funny,
because Jack Black will be all over them. It’ll be a little
embarrassing if the movie doesn’t win one award, but I think
that’s unlikely. At the very least, Jack Black should finally get his
Oscar for either Best Supporting Actor, or Best Actor in a
Commercial Shown During the Academy Awards.
Jack will dive headfirst into an empty pool to star in this comedy.
Back to the movie. Warren Buffet, can you imagine the scene
when Clooney, Damon and Jack Black make a surprise visit to
your small house in Omaha, Nebraska? I can see George
Clooney looking over your hedge.
Well my brother, H2ope might arrive. And like you, I’ll tell the
truth. The dark truth. Because if we don’t look after each other,
who will?
Most readers will enjoy reading ‘The Big Vision.’ Cornel West
certainly will. I think you will too. You can always cry at the end
of the book, because ‘The Big Vision’ may never happen. I may
never get this book to Justin Trudeau, Jane Fonda, or Al Gore.
And if so, we just lost our wonderful blue planet to stupidity.
Are you surprised? There’s an idiot in the White House. Who
put him there? Stupid people. That’s who. I rest my case.
But there’s still H2ope. There’s always H2ope. Now the world
just needs to persuade Warren Buffet to change his mind and
not give his fortune to Bill Gates when he passes, but to instead
give it to The H2ope Corporation. Early readers think he will.
“What is the most resilient parasite on earth? Bacteria? A virus?
An intestinal worm? No, it’s an idea. Resilient. Highly
contagious. Once an idea has taken hold in the brain, it’s almost
impossible to eradicate. An idea that is fully formed. Fully
understood. Now that sticks.”
- Leonardo DiCaprio
(Was he referring to The Big Idea?)
Hollywood is the perfect vehicle to spread that fully formed idea.
Al Gore and Jane Fonda want to know about this idea.
They’re the two most high profile Climate Change activists in
the world. Einstein said the definition of insanity is doing the
same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
And I’ll have plenty of time to learn that instrument. For the
next three years I’m going to be constantly traveling the world,
hitting on billionaires. It’s fun. Whenever possible, I’ll bring
along someone who I’m calling my ‘bumper.’ These various
celebrities can help me raise money. Star power sells.
Some billionaire who’s worth $47 billion might say, “I love it
Murph! I’m in. I’ll give you a $100 million.”
What am I going to say? ‘You cheap greedy bastard!’ No,
that’s where the ‘bumper’ comes in. That celebrity can say,
“Wow, that’s very generous of you, but we were kinda hoping
you’d consider donating a little more. So and so is worth $35
billion and he’s agreed to chip in $3.5 billion.”
I’ll quickly add, “That’s true.”
Shame the buggers.
These concerts are going to be entertaining. Not interested
in having band after band come out onstage. That’s been done.
And I don’t want some cheesy, ‘We are the World.’ theme song.
We already have a theme. We’re bringing H2ope to a cruel
world. Our concerts are going to be sprinkled with Tinker Bell’s
magical fairy dust. These concerts are a time for the world to
I actually saw this Jack Black episode. What are the odds?
P&G, you’ve a decision to make. Your liquid assets are $16.7
billion. Start buying never-to-be-disrupted-companies that are
soaring in value, or pay out to your shareholders a liquidating
dividend. Today your stock price was $82.15. No idea how far
that will fall, but top management must own some shares.
Probably lots. A liquidating dividend is tempting. Just trouser
the cash and head off to the yacht. Who needs this shit? You
can never win a war you fight with us. We don’t have to
advertise. We have all the money. You only have $16.7 billion.
Same for you, Rex Tillerson. Exxon Mobile still has a few
years of strong cash flow ahead. It’s going to take time to start
removing oil tankers forever from the high seas. We have to
install renewable energy gear first. But you should cancel all
your upcoming oil supertanker orders. Won’t need those. Your
stock is going to take a hit. Your proven and probable oil
reserves aren’t going to be of any investor interest. But you
knew that was coming. The more oil you produced, the worse
the nightmare you were creating and the more the world was
going broke fighting raging fires, endless floods, out of control
hurricanes, etc. Nobody would’ve had any money left to buy oil
BMO Harris has branches all over the US. They’ll lend money
when Warren Buffett tells them, ‘I’m good for it.’ Many early
good-guy rich donors will be asked to contribute as much cash
as they can. They can borrow from their own banks and tell
them, ‘I’m good for it.’ Then let’s spend that money in Detroit.
One room in the Dreamliner will be devoted to where I can
film helpful videos on how best we can succeed. I’ll need an
advance team briefing me on every rich guy we visit. I need to
know his weakness. Say we learn our next victim loves Seinfeld.
Okay, so let’s ask the cast to join me. They’ll make great
‘bumpers.’ If he’s too stupid to realize that we’re only there to
hit on him and if he refuses to donate, then George, Kramer
and Newman can start slapping him around.
The H2ope Advance Rich Guy Briefing Team can do all the
follow up. (I’ll have moved on.) They can draft tailor-made
legally binding donor pledges. We’ll need a lawyer. These
contracts will have some wiggle room. If the poor guy runs into
financial trouble, we don’t want to haul him into court. We can
work around his problems, but there will be no Trump-like
charity. He says he’s donating to a charity and then gives the
money to himself. That crime should put two of his kids in jail.
I think you get the idea. These videos will be amusing and
can be shown to new recruits in perpetuity. Yet some of my
ideas might be absurd, so just ignore them.
I went to London Town to discuss my ideas with Prince
William and Prince Harry. Boy, were they ever good guys! Had a
cuppa with them and their wives. We had a great time. You see,
they’re all millennials. They knew what was at stake. They knew
Climate Change was altering the direction of the Gulf Stream
and that the green islands of the UK will one day in the not-too-
distant-future, be in the grip of Winnipeg like winters. Rain they
can handle, but fifty foot snowbanks, forget it!
Soccer is the world’s most popular sport. Who are their fans?
The world’s poor. Those who have no H2ope. Neymar’s five
year contract is worth $528 million and he gets $22 million a
year from endorsements. His next contract will likely be even
more grotesque. I once read that Instagram pays him $400,000
every time he posts a picture of himself. Probably not true.
He’d be posting one every day. But wow! He’s lucky. His fans
aren’t. The World Cup is coming to North America. (Tiger
Wood’s fist pump! I’m going.) Renaldo, Messi, Suárez, Harry
Kane, Luka Modrić, Thomas Müller, Son Heung-min, Alex Iwobi,
Luis Suarez and Neymar, can all come out and make a big
I also convinced all the top Black NFL players to appear and
kneel in Detroit and make a whopping big donation should all
the NFL players collectively agree to chip in. They thought
many would be interested.
I asked them, ‘What about the owners?’ You know, the guys
that use extortion techniques like, ‘If I don’t get a free stadium
right now I’ll move this fucking franchise to Fargo! The five year
old domed job that you gave me is now obsolete. Completely
useless. I’m not spending my billions on a new stadium.’
The lads suggested it was worth a try. So a bunch of big Black
NFL defensive linemen boarded the Dreamliner and we all went
and visited them. Some of the owners were reluctant to meet,
so the boys just charged the door. I insisted they wear their
helmets. Chronic traumatic encephalopathy is a big problem in
football. “No it isn’t.” says NFL Commissioner, Roger Goodell.
Now nobody really knows how much the Catholic Church has
stashed away in the Vatican Bank. Maybe they’ve got $8 billion.
I think it’s more. The H2ope Corporation could sure use some of
that dough. We’re going to use the power of the marketplace
to put into action what the church has been preaching for
centuries. We’re creating a never ending cash flow. We’re
helping the poor! I guess one could argue the collection plate is
a never ending cash flow, but you guys aren’t fighting Climate
Change, or giving away free US$1 million CLIPs as that plate
gets passed around.
The Pope might buy into that argument and he might put the
squeeze on the Vatican Bank and then he might make an
announcement in Toronto. He’ll come. He’ll be getting used to
the limelight. He’ll want to go to the Academy Awards and we’ll
make sure he’s the lucky guy who announces who wins Best
Picture. He’ll be told to just toss that envelope aside and then
lean into the mic and scream, “And the winner is - H2ope, Dope
and me.” That envelope often has the wrong winner.
In Detroit, Buffalo Springfield with Neil Young come onstage.
Everybody! Let’s rock & roll! And who better to get the world
rocking, than Canada’s Loverboy giving it their all in Toronto?
Loverboy’s bass guitarist tragically died in a boating accident.
Scott Smith was from Winnipeg and he was a buddy of mine.
‘Everyone's watching, to see what you will do.
Everyone’s looking at you.
Everyone's wondering, will you come out tonight?
Everyone's trying to get it right, get it right.
Everybody's working for the weekend.
Everybody wants a new romance.
Everybody's goin' off the deep end.
Everybody needs a second chance.
You want a piece of my heart?
You better start from start.
You wanna be in the show?
Come on baby let’s go!
Everyone's looking to see if it was you.
Everyone wants you to come through.
Everyone's hoping it'll all work out.
Everyone's waiting, they're holding out.
You want a piece of my heart?
You better start from start.
You wanna be in the show?
Come on baby let’s go!’
“Is that too much to ask? Are we asking too much for
this? Is it beyond our reach? Because if it is, then we are
nothing but sheep being herded to the final NRA
slaughterhouse! I will not go down that road! I choose to
fight! I choose to rise, not fall! I choose to live, not die!
And I know, I know that what's within me is also within
Praise the Lord!
“That's why I ask you now to join me. Join me, rise up
with me, rise up on the wings of this slain angel. We'll
rebuild on the soul of this great warrior. We will pick up
his standard and raise it high! Carry it forward until this
city - your city - our city - his city - is a Palace again! Is a
Palace again! I am with you, John Lennon. I am you.”
He kisses the coffin.
And you’re not going to watch this on TV. Are you crazy?
Now it’s Pink Floyd’s turn. The crowd is gobsmacked. On the
Jumbotrons, Alec Baldwin, (Trump) and Putin, (his mom in drag)
appear and Detroit listens to this great prophetic song:
‘Mother should I run for President?
Mother should I build a wall?
Mother should I trust the government?
Mother will they put me in the firing line?
Or is it all just a waste of time?
(Putin:) Hush now idiot baby, don't you cry.
Mama's gonna make all of your nightmares come true.
Mama's gonna put all of her fears into you.
Mama's gonna keep you right here under her wing.
She won't let you fly, but she might let you sing.
Mama's gonna keep idiot baby cozy and warm.
And of course, Mexico’s gonna help you build that damn wall.
Mother do you think she's good enough, for me?
Mother do you think she's dangerous, to me?
Mother will she tear your little idiot boy apart?
(Stephen Colbert, Stormy, Karen McDougal - ‘Stormy Dance.’)
(Putin:) Hush now idiot baby don't you cry.
Mama's gonna check out all your girlfriends for you.
Mama won't let anyone dirty get through.
Mama's gonna wait up until you get in.
Mama will always find out where you have been.
Mama's gonna keep idiot baby healthy and clean.
You'll always be my idiot baby to me.
Mother, did that damn wall need to be so high?’
Pink Floyd nailed it. Over at Skydome, the speakers scream,
“They’re back! Give it up for Woodstock’s Ten Years After.”
‘Tax the rich, feed the poor.
Til there are no rich no more.
I'd love to change the world.
But I don't know what to do.
So Murph, I'll leave it up to you.
Life is funny, skies are sunny.
Bees make honey, who needs money?
I'd love to change the world.
But I don't know what to do.
So Murphy, I'll leave it up to you.
World pollution, there's no solution.
Just black and white, rich or poor.
Them and us, stop the war.
I'd love to change the world.
But I don't know what to do.
So I'll leave it up to all of you.’
Patti: Will you raise us all up? Will you never resign?
Will you fight for humanity?
Will you return the world to some sanity?
I can do that.
Patti: Will you never steal money?
Will you help those in need?
Will you take me to places where I've never been?
I can do that.
Oh yes, I can do that.
Patti: I know the territory, I've been around.
It'll all turn to greed and we'll all fall down.
Sooner or later you'll be screwing around.
Oh no, no I won't do that.
No, I won't do that.
I’ll do anything for H2ope.
But I won't do that.’
I hope all our donors believe it, because I know people
everywhere will buy H2ope products. There’s no reason not to.
This amazing weekend of non-stop, round the clock Tinker
Bell magic hosted in Toronto and Detroit has been the talk of
the planet. The ratings just keep surging with each passing
hour. TV news footage show people everywhere dancing with
joy, fist pumping and indicating they made a donation.
Then in Toronto the great Indian singer Sajid and his band
The Lost Boys sing this terrific tune:
‘Hey, I’ve got a plan. Are you still listening?
Understand that while we still heal,
nothing is changing.
And hey, stop talking – there’s nobody home.
And no one’s listening and it’s all going wrong.
And your world’s caving in.
So just close your eyes and pray for H2ope.
And no – no more suffering. Suffer in silence.
Don’t suffer in silence.
Just scream as loud as you can for H2ope.’
Now it’s time to wrap things up. Now it’s time for Bono and
U2 to appear. Now it’s time for the world to hear one last song.
And the world will like listening to U2’s With or Without You.
The band’s drummer Larry Mullen, knows he must focus and
never tire, as he repeatedly bangs away during his up-tempo
final drum solo stanza. Lots of people are going to appear for
this big Curtain Call and Larry cannot afford to screw that up.
‘See the stone set in your eyes.
See the thorn twist in your side.
I'll await for you.
Sleight of hand and twist of fate.
On a bed of nails he makes me wait.
And I wait, without you.
With or without you.
Through the storm we reach the shore.
You give it all but I want more.
And I'm waiting for you.
With or without you.
I can't live.
With or without you.
And you give yourself away.
And you give yourself away.
And you give.
And you give.
And you give yourself away.
My hands are tired.
My body’s bruised, he's left me with,
everything to win and nothing left to lose.
And you give yourself away.
And you give yourself away.
And you give.
And you give.
And you give yourself away.
With or without you.
With or without you.
I can't live.
With or without you.’
(Now comes Larry’s 30 minute laser focused drumming.)
Dan dun da, dan dun da, de ‘dle du da.
Dan dun da, dan dun da, de ‘dle du da.
Cheer up Bono.
Taxes aren’t due yet.
Onstage to a big reception Warren Buffett, Justin Trudeau,
the Pope, President Biden, Jane Fonda, Obama, Al Gore, Angela
Merkel, Kamala Harris, Liz Warren, Mayor Pete, Bernie, Stephen
Colbert, Tim Cook, etc., enter doing the congo line. They bow.
We’re stealing the big Republican terrific congo line entrance
at their inspiring, ‘Lock her up!’ debate. ‘The Idiot’ should’ve
been the one to have gotten to wave the flag.
Can’t you just hear his Boston accent racing through your
brain as he thunders out that brilliant quote? I sure can. Oh,
Republicans. Why’d you have to kill him? Allegedly. Please
don’t kill me. It’ll just cause more concerts to be organized.
There my remains will be placed in a coffin, ‘Fit for a King.’ Al
Pacino will stand behind it and he’ll have to start screaming,
‘This warrior….’ and it’ll just usher in another $25 billion into
The H2ope Corporation coffers. Is that what you want?
I don’t. I want to die like Bing Crosby died. I want to take a
big swing, fly a golf ball out of a high lipped sand trap, hole the
putt, walk up onto the 18th green and as I bend over to collect
the ball, I drop dead. And way up high near ‘The Big Guy,’ Arni
Palmer will high five somebody. Probably Bing.
“Did you know I taught him that?” (It’s true. It’s all true. I
met Arni in Hawaii. He gave me a pitching wedge lesson.)
“Yup. I read A Winnipeg Outcast.” says Bing.
And eventually Vice President Al Gore will read this Big Idea.
Mr. Gore, if you’re reading this – most people aren’t that smart.
But you know that. You were thrown to the curb and we got
the Iraq war. Your Presidential rival invaded the wrong country.
Then they elected the bat shit crazy ‘Idiot’ - Donald Trump, the
head of a soon to be RICO convicted crime family. Mr. Gore,
many people thought you didn’t want to know about this, but I
know you do. You want to look at every fascinating idea that
has the potential to help reduce our seemingly insatiable need
to burn hydrocarbons, which we don’t need to burn if we divert
$ billions to install renewable energy kit. But governments
won’t. Now the people can get involved by merely switching
the brand of frozen peas they buy. Nobody saw those dots
connect. Hard to believe!
Mr. Gore, there’s never going to be a better solution than
my Big Idea to help achieve that desperately needed outcome.
My idea leads to the growth of a massive perpetual money
tree. Not some stupid charity where the money goes to some
useless concern and eventually gets spent.
Are people too stupid to not realize that when the Jolly
Green Giant falls down in the forest - that’s the sound of H2ope
coming to a cruel world, because we give our customers a free
weekly chance to win a US$ 1 million and the profits go to fight
Climate Change? The Jolly Green Giant never gave you
anything but peas, which was given to us by Mother Nature.
The End
(Bit more………….)
Author’s Note
A number of readers must be thinking, ‘Whoa! Murph, your
humour and profanity are undermining your cause. No one will
take you seriously.’ Fair enough, but let me respond:
Like the message. Don’t hate the messenger;
Passion and humour sells ideas;
I don’t really care if people ignore this wonderful
idea. We don’t have kids, but I suspect you do;
And of course The Big Idea can happen. If Warren
Buffett says ‘YES’, then it’s done. People all over
the world will buy H2ope products. We all want
free US$1 million CLIPs. Climate Change threatens
everyone. Together we can do this.
But it’s difficult to get people to read books. So you have to
get creative. My CLIPs and amusing photos help. No one else
has done that before. And if the greedy bastards put up all
kinds of obstacles to crush H2ope, then I’ll just slip into fiction.
I’ll let my imagination run wild. I plan to take you into the
meetings when I pitch the good guy billionaires. Those who I
decide will be reluctant will experience my wrath. What are
they going to do? Sue me. It just attracts greater attention to
their being approached. (They can always announce that if they
ever do get asked to donate – they’ll consider it.) Plus these
famous people are all public figures. They’re legally fair game.
Other books will have me roving around the world like Luke
Skywalker, but instead of being powered by The Force, (which
doesn’t exist), I’ll be driven by H2ope (which does exist – it’s a
powerful human emotion.) I’ll use the many photos of Matt
Damon posted up on the internet to portray my courageous
adventures. I’ll be Jason Bourne hunting greedy bastards. I
think Matt Damon will be rather pleased. He cares. And he’s
not Jason Bourne. I am. Who’s the one hiding somewhere in
the world pumping out dangerous truth to power books that
promote my Big Idea? It’s not Matt Damon. He’s not being
hunted by Pepsi’s greedy management. No, it’s me.
And of course there will be a movie. Even if the billionaires
don’t want to get involved, Hollywood finally has the story it’s
been looking for. Think about it. Many movies are about heroes
fighting greedy bastards. The Bond franchise. Robin Hood. Wall
Street. The Matrix. “Neo, we are slaves to greed. Only the
Matrix knows the truth. I am Morpheus. Take this red pill and
you can fight the evil corporate bastards.” Then an absurd CGI
spectacle of Neo defeating greed follows. Totally unbelievable.
And the fans ate it up. I think David Linde will recognize that
he’s sitting on a bombshell franchise. Movies with a plan.
Justin Trudeau says to me, “Murph, we are slaves to greed.”
“I know Justin. So let’s realign greed and take it away from
the greedy corporate bastards and give it to the consumer. That
should do the trick. Like Elizabeth Warren, I too have a plan.”
Available Now.