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Discrete Time Systems

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UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time

Systems[?, ?, ?, ?]

Dr. Manjunatha. P
[email protected]

Dept. of ECE

J.N.N. College of Engineering, Shimoga

October 18, 2016

Unit 8 Syllabus Introduction

Implementation of discrete-time systems::

[?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?]

Slides are prepared to use in class room purpose, may be used as a

reference material
All the slides are prepared based on the reference material
Most of the figures/content used in this material are redrawn, some
of the figures/pictures are downloaded from the Internet.
This material is not for commercial purpose.
This material is prepared based on Digital Signal Processing for
ECE/TCE course as per Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU)
syllabus (Karnataka State, India).

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Unit 8 Syllabus Introduction

Unit 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems:


Realization of FIR system

Direct form structure of FIR system
Linear phase FIR structure
Cascade form structure for FIR system
Frequency sampling structure for FIR system
Lattice structure for FIR system
Realization of IIR system
Direct form structure for IIR system
1 Direct form-I structure of IIR system
2 Direct form-II structure of IIR system
Cascade form structure for IIR system
Parallel form structure for IIR system
Lattice structure of IIR system
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Implementation of Discrete-time Systems Introduction

Implementation of Discrete-time Systems

System: A system is a physical device which consists of interrelated and interdependent elements
which process the input signal and transform into output signal. Example: Filters, Amplifiers.
x1 (n) y1 (n)

Linearity: x2 (n)
y2 ( n)

If input x1 (n) produces response y1 (n)

and if x2 (n) produces response y2 (n) and
ax1 (n) + bx2 (n) = ay1 (n) + by2 (n) then the ax1 (n) + bx2 (n) ay1 (n) + by2 (n)
system is called Linear system. System

Figure 1: Linearity
Time invariance: A system is said to be time invariant if its behavior and characteristics does
not change with time.
If input x(n) produces response y (n) then if x(n − n0 ) produces response y (n − n0 ), then the
system is called as time invariant
Causality: A system is causal if the output depends only on present and past, but not future
inputs. All memoryless systems are causal.

y [n] = x[n] + x[n − 1] + x[n − 2] . . .

Some of the examples for such analog systems are Oscillator, regulated power supply.,,
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Realization of FIR system Realization of FIR system

Digital filters are discrete Linear Time Invariant (LTI) systems and described by difference
equations and are implemented in hardware or software.
The discrete time sytems can be of finite impulse response (FIR) or infinite impulse
response IIR type.
A FIR filter is a filter whose impulse response is of finite duration, because it settles to
zero in finite time, because there is no feedback in the FIR system.
The basic components of discrete-time system are, delay element, multiplier, and adder. The
details of these components and their symbols with its input output relationship is as shown in
Figure 2.

x ( n) y (n) = x (n − 1)
Z −1

Delay Element

x ( n) y (n) = ax(n)

x1 (n)
y (n) = x1 (n) + x2 (n)
x2 (n)

Figure 2: Basic Elements

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Realization of FIR system Realization of FIR system

Realization of FIR system

The difference equation is a formula for computing an output sample at time n based on past
and present input samples and past output samples in the time domain. The general, causal,
LTI difference equation is as follows:

y (n) = b0 x(n) + b1 x(n − 1) + . . . bk x(n − k) − a1 y (n − 1) − a2 y (n − 2) . . . − ak y (n − k)

= bk x(n − k) − ak y (n − k)
k=0 k=1

where x is the input signal, y is the output signal ak and bk are called the coefficients.
The second term in this equation is usually termed as feedback for the system. This is the
equation used to represent Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) system.
If the feedback term is absent then this equation is used to represent Finite Impulse
Response (FIR) system.
y (n) = bk x(n − k)

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Realization of FIR system Realization of FIR system

LTI systems are represented by the following difference equation.

y (n) = − ak y (n − k) + bk x(n − k)
k=1 k=0

By taking z-transform on both sides

Y (z) = − ak z −k Y (z) + bk z −k X (z)
k=1 k=0

" #
Y (z) 1 + ak z −k = bk z −k X (z)
k=1 k=0

The system function H(z) is defined as

Y (z)
H(z) =
X (z)

bk z
H(z) =
ak z −k

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Realization of FIR system Realization of FIR system

An FIR system does not have feedback. Hence y (n − k) term is absent in the system. FIR
output is expressed as
y (n) = bk x(n − k)

If there are M coefficients then

y (n) = bk x(n − k)

By taking z-transform on both sides

Y (z) = bk z −k X (z)

System function H(z) is defined as

Y (z) X
H(z) = = bk z −k
X (z) k=0

By taking inverse z transform

bn for 0≤n ≤M −1
h(n) =
0 otherwise
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Realization of FIR system Direct form Structure of FIR System

Direct form Structure of FIR System

Structures in which the multiplier coefficients are precisely the coefficients of the transfer
function are called direct form structure.
Since h(n) = bn then y(n) is
y (n) = h(k)x(n − k)

Expanding the summation

y (n) = h(0)x(n) + h(1)x(n − 1) + h(2)x(n − 2) + . . . h(M − 1)x(n − M + 1)

x ( n)
Z-1 Z-1 Z-1 Z-1
h(0) h(1) h(2) h(M-2)
h( M − 1) x(n − M + 1)
h(1) x( n − 1) h(2) x( n − 2)
+ + x(n)h(0) + + + M −1
+ h(1) x(n − 1) y ( n) = ∑ h( k ) x( n − k )
+ h(1) x(n − 1) k =0
+ h(2) x(n − 2)

Figure 3: Direct form realization of FIR system

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Realization of FIR system Direct form Structure of FIR System

Realize a direct form FIR filter for the following impulse response.
1 1 1
h(n) = δ(n) + δ(n − 1) − δ(n − 2) + δ(n − 4) + δ(n − 3)
2 4 2

Solution: h(n) = δ(n) + 12 δ(n − 1) − 14 δ(n − 2) + 12 δ(n − 3) + δ(n − 4)

1 −1 1 1
H(z) = 1 + z − z −2 + z −3 + z −4
2 4 2

1 1 1
Y (z) = X (z)H(z) = 1 + z −1 − z −2 + z −3 + z −4 X (z)
2 4 2
1 −1 1 −2 1 −3
= X (z) + z X (z) − z X (z) + z X (z) + z −4 X (z)
2 4 2
1 1 1
y (n) = x(n) + x(n − 1) − x(n − 2) + x(n − 3) + x(n − 4)
2 4 2

x ( n) x( n − 1) x(n − 2) x( n − 3) x(n − 4)
Z-1 Z-1 Z-1 Z-1

h(0) = 1 1 −1 1 h(4) = 1
h(1) = h(2) = h(3) =
2 4 2
+ + + +

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Realization of FIR system Direct form Structure of FIR System

DEC-2010 EE
Realize the system function H(z) = 1 + 32 z −1 + 54 z −2 + 95 z −3 + 19 z −4 using direct form II
3 4 5 1
H(z) = 1 + z −1 + z −2 + z −3 + z −4
2 5 9 9

3 4 5 1
Y (z) = X (z)H(z) = 1 + z −1 + z −2 + z −3 + z −4 X (z)
2 5 9 9
3 −1 4 −2 5 −3 1
= X (z) + z X (z) + z X (z) + z X (z) + z −4 X (z)
2 5 9 9
3 4 5 1
y (n) = x(n) + x(n − 1) + x(n − 2) + x(n − 3) + x(n − 4)
2 5 9 9

x ( n)
Z-1 Z-1 Z-1 Z-1

h(0) = 1 3 4 5 1
h(1) = h(2) = h(3) = h(4) =
2 5 9 9
+ + + +

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Realization of FIR system Direct form Structure of FIR System

June 2012 EC
A FIR filter is given by y (n) = x[n] + 25 x[n − 1] + 34 x[n − 2] + 13 x[n − 3] draw the direct form.

x ( n)
Z-1 Z-1 Z-1

h(0) = 1 2 3 1
h(1) = h(2) = h(3) =
5 4 3
+ + +

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Realization of FIR system Direct form Structure of FIR System

Determine a direct form realization for the following linear phase filters

h(n) = [1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1]

H(z) = 1 + 2z −1 + 3z −2 + 4z −3 + 3z −4 + 2z −5 + 1z −6 ]

X (z)H(z) = 1 + 2z −1 + 3z −2 + 4z −3 + 3z −4 + 2z −5 + 1z −6 X (z)
Y (z) =
= X (z) + 2z −1 X (z) + 3z −2 X (z) + 4z −3 X (z) + 3z −4 X (z) + 2z −5 X (z) + 1z −6 X (z)
y (n) = x(n) + 2x(n − 1) + 3x(n − 2) + 4x(n − 3) + 3x(n − 4) + 2x(n − 5) + 1x(n − 6)

x ( n)
Z-1 Z-1 Z-1 Z-1 Z-1 Z-1

h(0) = 1 h(1) = 2 h(2) = 3 h(3) = 4 h(4) = 3 h(5) = 2 h(6) = 1

+ + + + + +

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Realization of FIR system Direct form Structure of FIR System

Determine a direct form realization for the following linear phase filters

h(n) = [1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1]

H(z) = 1 + 2z −1 + 3z −2 + 3z −3 + 2z −4 + 1z −5 ]

X (z)H(z) = 1 + 2z −1 + 3z −2 + 3z −3 + 2z −4 + 1z −5 X (z)
Y (z) =
= X (z) + 2z −1 X (z) + 3z −2 X (z) + 3z −3 X (z) + 2z −4 X (z) + 1z −5 X (z)
y (n) = x(n) + 2x(n − 1) + 3x(n − 2) + 3x(n − 3) + 2x(n − 4) + 1x(n − 5)+

x ( n)
Z-1 Z-1 Z-1 Z-1 Z-1

h(0) = 1 h(1) = 2 h(2) = 3 h(3) = 3 h(4) = 2 h(5) = 1

+ + + + +

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Realization of FIR system Direct form Structure of FIR System

For the following FIR filter system function sketch a direct form

H(z) = 1 + 2.88z −1 + 3.4048z −2 + 1.74z −3 + 0.4z −4


x ( n)
Z-1 Z-1 Z-1 Z-1

h(0) = 1 h(1) = 2.88 h(2) = 3.4048 h(3) = 1.74 h(4) = 0.4

+ + + +

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Realization of FIR system Direct form Structure of FIR System

Realize direct form FIR filter with impulse response h(n) is given
h(n) = 4δ(n) + 5δ(n − 1) + 6δ(n − 2) + 7δ(n − 3). With input x(n) = [1, 2, 3] calculate output
y (n)
h(n) = 4δ(n) + 5δ(n − 1) + 6δ(n − 2) + 7δ(n − 3)
H(z) = 4 + 5z −1 + 6z −2 + 7z −3

X (z)H(z) = 4 + 5z −1 + 6z −2 + 7z −3 X (z)
Y (z) =
= 4X (z) + 5z −1 X (z) + 6z −2 X (z) + 7z −3 X (z)
y (n) = 4x(n) + 5x(n − 1) + 6x(n − 2) + 7x(n − 3)

x ( n)

2 x ( n) x( n − 1) x(n − 2) x(n − 3)
Z-1 Z-1 Z-1

h(0) = 4 h(1) = 5 h(2) = 6 h(3) = 7

n + + +
0 1 2 3

Figure 4: Input x(n) to the FIR filter

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Realization of FIR system Direct form Structure of FIR System

y (n) = 4x(n) + 5x(n − 1) + 6x(n − 2) + 7x(n − 3)

y (0) = 4x(0) + 5x(0 − 1) + 6x(0 − 2) + 7x(0 − 3) = 4 × 1 = 4
y (1) = 4x(1) + 5x(0) = 4 × 2 + 5 × 1 = 13
y (2) = 4x(2) + 5x(1) + 6x(0) = 4 × 3 + 5 × 2 + 6 × 1 = 28
y (3) = 4x(3) + 5x(2) + 6x(1) + 7x(0) = 4 × 0 + 5 × 3 + 6 × 2 + 7 × 1 = 34
y (4) = 4x(4) + 5x(3) + 6x(2) + 7x(1) = 0 + 0 + 6 × 3 + 7 × 2 = 32
y (5) = 4x(5) + 5x(4) + 6x(3) + 7x(2) = 0 + 0 + 0 + 7 × 3 = 21

y (n) = [4, 13, 28, 34, 32, 21]

y ( n)
34 32
x ( n) x( n − 1) x(n − 2) x(n − 3)
13 Z-1 Z-1 Z-1

4 h(0) = 4 h(1) = 5 h(2) = 6 h(3) = 7

0 1 2 3 4 5 + + +
Figure 5: Output y(n) of the FIR

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Realization of FIR system Direct form Structure of FIR System

June 2015 Obtain the direct form realization of linear phase FIR system given by

2 −1 15 −2
H(z) = 1 + z + z
3 8


x ( n)
Z-1 Z-1

h(0) = 1 2 15
h(1) = h(2) =
3 8
+ +

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Realization of FIR system Linear Phase FIR structure

Linear Phase FIR structure

Linear phase is a property of a
filter, where the phase response
of the filter is a linear function
of frequency. The result is that Symmetry: h(n)=h(M-1-n) Odd M Symmetry: h(n)=h(M-1-n) Even M

all frequency components of the h[n] h[n]

input signal are shifted in time

-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4

-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
(usually delayed) by the same
constant amount, which is
referred to as the phase delay. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 n

And consequently, there is no

phase distortion due to the time Center of Symmetry Center of Symmetry

delay of frequencies relative to Antisymmetry: h(n)=-h(M-1-n) Odd M Antisymmetry: h(n)=-h(M-1-n) Even M

one another. h[n] h[n]

Linear-phase filters have a

-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4

-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
symmetric impulse response.
The FIR filter has linear phase if
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 n
its unit sample response satisfies
the following condition: Center of Symmetry
Center of Symmetry

h(n) = h(M−1−n) n = 0, 1, 2, . . . , M−1

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Realization of FIR system Linear Phase FIR structure
h(n)z −n
The Z transform of the unit sample response is expressed as H(z) =
For even M h(n) = h(M − 1 − n)
M/2−1 h i
H(z) = h(n) z −n + z −(M−1−n)

The system expression is

Y (z)
H(z) =
X (z)

Y (z) X h i
= h(n) z −n + z −(M−1−n)
X (z) n=0

M/2−1 h i
Y (z) = h(n) z −n + z −(M−1−n) X (z)

By expanding the summation

h i h i
Y (z) = h(0) 1 + z −(M−1) X (z) + h(1) z −1 + z −(M−2) X (z) + . . .
h i
+ h(M/2 − 1) z −(M/2−1) + z −(M/2) X (z)

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Realization of FIR system Linear Phase FIR structure

By taking inverse z transform

y (n) = h(0)[x(n) + x(n − (M − 1))] + h(1)[x(n − 1) + x(n − (M − 2))] + . . .

+ h(M/2 − 1)x [n − (M/2 − 1)] + x [n − (M/2)]

By considering M=8 then y (n) is

y (n) = h(0)[x(n) + x(n − 7)] + h(1)[x(n − 1) + x(n − 6)] + . . .

+ h(2){x(n − 2) + x(n − 5)} + h(3){x(n − 3) + x(n − 4)}

x( n) x( n − 1) x(n − 2) x(n − 3)
Z-1 Z-1 Z-1

+ + + +

Z-1 Z-1 Z-1

x( n − 7) x(n − 6) x( n − 5) x( n − 4)
h(0) h(1) h(2) h(3)
x(n − 1)
y ( n)
+ + +

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Realization of FIR system Linear Phase FIR structure

For Odd M h(n) = h(M − 1 − n)

M −1 − M−1 X h i
H(z) = h z 2 + h(n) z −n + z −(M−1−n)
2 n=0

Y (z)
H(z) =
X (z)

Y (z) M −1 − M−1 X h i
=h z 2 + h(n) z −n + z −(M−1−n)
X (z) 2 n=0

M −1 − M−1 X h i
Y (z) = h z 2 X (z) + h(n) z −n + z −(M−1−n) X (z)
2 n=0

By expanding the summation

M −1 −
h i
Y (z) = h z 2 X (z) + h(0) 1 + z −(M−1) X (z)
h i
= +h(1) z −1 + z −(M−2) X (z) + . . .

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Realization of FIR system Linear Phase FIR structure

By taking inverse z transform

M −1 M −1
y (n) = h x n− + h(0)[x(n) + x(n − (M − 1))] +
2 2
+ h(1)[x(n − 1) + x(n − (M − 2))] + . . .
M −3 M −3 M +1
+ h x n− +x n−
2 2 2

for M=9

y (n) = h(4)x(n − 4) + h(0)[x(n) + x(n − 8)] + h(1)[x(n − 1) + x(n − 7)] + . . .

+ h(2){x(n − 2) + x(n − 6)} + h(3){x(n − 3) + x(n − 5)}

x ( n) x( n − 1) x(n − 2) x( n − 3) x(n − 4)
Z-1 Z-1 Z-1 Z-1

+ + + +

Z-1 Z-1 Z-1 Z-1

x(n − 8) x(n − 7) x( n − 6) x(n − 5)
h(0) h(1) h(2) h(3) h(4)
x( n − 1)
y ( n)
+ + +

Figure 7: Linear phase FIR structure

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Realization of FIR system Linear Phase FIR structure

Realize a linear phase FIR filter with the following impulse response. Give necessary equations
h(n) = δ(n) + 12 δ(n − 1) − 41 δ(n − 2) + δ(n − 4) + 12 δ(n − 3)
Solution: h(n) = {1, 21 , −1/4, 12 , 1}. Here M=5 h(0) = h(4), h(1) = h(3)
1 1 1
h(n) = δ(n) + δ(n − 1) − δ(n − 2) + δ(n − 3) + δ(n − 4)
2 4 2
1 1 1
H(z) = 1 + z −1 − z −2 + z −3 + z −4
2 4 2
1 1 1
Y (z) = X (z)H(z) = 1 + z −1 − z −2 + z −3 + z −4 X (z)
2 4 2
1 −1 1 −2 1 −3
Y (z) = X (z) + z X (z) − z X (z) + z X (z) + z −4 X (z)
2 4 2
1 1 1
y (n) = x(n) + x(n − 1) − x(n − 2) + x(n − 3) + x(n − 4)
2 4 2
1 1
y (n) = [x(n) + x(n − 4)] + [x(n − 1) + x(n − 3)] − x(n − 2)
2 4

x ( n) x( n − 1) x(n − 2)
Z-1 Z-1

+ +

Z-1 Z-1
x(n − 4) x(n − 3)
h(0)=1 h(1)=1/2 h(3)=-1/4

y ( n)
+ +

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Realization of FIR system Linear Phase FIR structure

DEC 2010,2011, 2012 Realize a linear phase FIR filter having the following impulse response
h(n) = δ(n) + 14 δ(n − 1) − 81 δ(n − 2) + 14 δ(n − 3) + δ(n − 4)
Solution: h(n) = {1, 14 , −1/8, + 14 , 1}. Here M=5 h(0) = h(4), h(1) = h(3)
1 1 1
h(n) = δ(n) + δ(n − 1) − δ(n − 2) + δ(n − 3) + δ(n − 4)
4 8 4
1 1 1
H(z) = 1 + z −1 − z −2 + z −3 + z −4
4 8 4
1 1 1
Y (z) = X (z)H(z) = 1 + z −1 − z −2 + z −3 + z −4 X (z)
4 8 4
1 −1 1 −2 1 −3
Y (z) = X (z) + z X (z) − z X (z) + z X (z) + z −4 X (z)
4 8 4
1 1 1
y (n) = x(n) + x(n − 1) − x(n − 2) + x(n − 3) + x(n − 4)
4 8 4
1 1
y (n) = [x(n) + x(n − 4)] + [x(n − 1) + x(n − 3)] − x(n − 2)
4 8

x ( n) x( n − 1) x(n − 2)
Z-1 Z-1

+ +

Z-1 Z-1
x(n − 4) x(n − 3)
1 1
1 −
4 8
y ( n)
+ +
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Realization of FIR system Linear Phase FIR structure

May 2010 Realize a linear phase FIR filter having the following impulse response
h(n) = δ(n) − 14 δ(n − 1) + 21 δ(n − 2) + 12 δ(n − 3) − 14 δ(n − 4) + δ(n − 5)
Solution: h(n) = {1, − 41 , 12 , 12 , − 14 , 1}. Here M=6 h(0) = h(5), h(1) = h(4), h(2) = h(3)
1 1 1 1
h(n) = δ(n) − δ(n − 1) + δ(n − 2) + δ(n − 3) − δ(n − 4) + δ(n − 5)
4 2 2 4
1 1 1 1
H(z) = 1 − z −1 + z −2 + z −3 − z −4 + z −5
4 2 2 4
1 1 1 1
Y (z) = X (z)H(z) = 1 − z −1 + z −2 + z −3 − z −4 + z −5 X (z)
4 2 2 4
1 −1 1 −2 1 −3 1
Y (z) = X (z) − z X (z) + z X (z) + z X (z) − z −4 X (z) + z −5 X (z)
4 2 2 4
1 1 1 1
y (n) = x(n) − x(n − 1) + x(n − 2) + x(n − 3) − x(n − 4) + x(n − 5)
4 2 2 4
1 1
y (n) = [x(n) + x(n − 5)] − [x(n − 1) + x(n − 4)] + [x(n − 2) + x(n − 3)]
4 2

x ( n) x(n − 1) x(n − 2)
Z-1 Z-1

+ + + Z-1

-1 -1
x( n − 5) x(n − 4) x(n − 3)
1 1 1
− 2
y ( n)
+ + +

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Realization of FIR system Linear Phase FIR structure

May 2010
Obtain the direct form Realization of linear phase FIR system given by
H(z) = 1 + 23 z −1 + 15
z −2 + 32 z −3 + z −4
Solution: h(n) = {1, 3 , 15/8, 23 , 1}. Here M=5 h(0) = h(4), h(1) = h(3)

2 −1 15 −2 2
H(z) = 1+ z + z + z −3 + z −4
3 8 3
2 15 −2 2
Y (z) = X (z)H(z) = 1 + z −1 + z + z −3 + z −4 X (z)
3 8 3
2 −1 15 −2 2 −3
Y (z) = X (z) + z X (z) + z X (z) + z X (z) + z −4 X (z)
3 8 3
2 15 2
y (n) = x(n) + x(n − 1) + x(n − 2) + x(n − 3) + x(n − 4)
3 8 3
2 15
y (n) = [x(n) + x(n − 4)] + [x(n − 1) + x(n − 3)] + x(n − 2)
3 8

x ( n) x( n − 1) x(n − 2)
Z-1 Z-1

+ +

Z-1 Z-1
x(n − 4) x(n − 3)
2 15
3 8
y ( n)
+ +
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?, ?] 18, 2016 27 / 151
Realization of FIR system Linear Phase FIR structure

Realize the following system function by linear phase FIR structure

2 2
H(z) = z + 1 + z −1
3 3

H(z) = 1 + (z + z −1 )
Y (z) = X (z)H(z) = 1 + (z + z −1 ) X (z)
Y (z) = X (z) + (z + z −1 )X (z)
y (n) = x(n) + [x(n − 1) + x(n + 1)]

x ( n)
+ y ( n)
x( n + 1) 3
Z +

x( n − 1)

Figure 8: Linear phase FIR structure

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?, ?] 18, 2016 28 / 151
Realization of FIR system Linear Phase FIR structure

Realize the following system function by linear phase FIR structure

z −1 z −2
H(z) = 1 + + + z −3
4 4

1 −1
H(z) = 1 + (z + z −2 ) + z −3
Y (z) = X (z)H(z) = 1 + (z −1 + z −2 ) + z −3 X (z)
1 −1
= X (z) + (z X (z) + z −2 X (z)) + z −3 X (z)
y (n) = [x(n) + x(n − 3)] + [x(n − 1) + x(n − 2)]

x( n) x( n − 1)

+ +

x(n − 3) x( n − 2)
h(0)=1 1
h(1) =
y ( n)

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?, ?] 18, 2016 29 / 151
Realization of FIR system Linear Phase FIR structure

Realize the following system function by linear phase FIR structure: h(n) = [1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1]
H(z) = 1 + 2z −1 + 3z −2 + 4z −3 + 3z −4 + 2z −5 + 1z −6

X (z)H(z) = 1 + 2z −1 + 3z −2 + 4z −3 + 3z −4 + 2z −5 + 1z −6 X (z)
Y (z) =
= X (z) + 2z −1 X (z) + 3z −2 X (z) + 4z −3 X (z) + 3z −4 X (z) + 2z −5 X (z) + 1z −6 X (z)
y (n) = x(n) + 2x(n − 1) + 3x(n − 2) + 4x(n − 3) + 3x(n − 4) + 2x(n − 5) + 1x(n − 6)
y (n) = 1[x(n) + x(n − 6)] + 2[x(n − 1) + x(n − 5)] + 3[x(n − 2) + x(n − 4)] + 4x(n − 3)

x ( n) x( n − 1) x(n − 2) x( n − 3)
Z-1 Z-1 Z-1

+ + +

Z-1 Z-1 Z-1

x(n − 6) x(n − 5) x(n − 4)
1 2 3 4

y ( n)
+ + +

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?, ?] 18, 2016 30 / 151
Realization of FIR system Linear Phase FIR structure

Realize a direct form for the following linear phase filters

h(n) = [1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1]

H(z) = 1 + 2z −1 + 3z −2 + 3z −3 + 2z −4 + 1z −5 ]

X (z)H(z) = 1 + 2z −1 + 3z −2 + 3z −3 + 2z −4 + 1z −5 X (z)
Y (z) =
= X (z) + 2z −1 X (z) + 3z −2 X (z) + 3z −3 X (z) + 2z −4 X (z) + 1z −5 X (z)
y (n) = x(n) + 2x(n − 1) + 3x(n − 2) + 3x(n − 3) + 2x(n − 4) + 1x(n − 5)
y (n) = 1[x(n) + x(n − 5)] + 2[x(n − 1) + x(n − 4)] + 3[x(n − 2) + x(n − 3)]

x ( n) x(n − 1) x(n − 2)
Z-1 Z-1

+ + +
Z-1 Z-1
x( n − 5) x(n − 4) x(n − 3)
1 2 3
y ( n)
+ + +

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?, ?] 18, 2016 31 / 151
Realization of FIR system Frequency Sampling for FIR Systems

Frequency Sampling for FIR Systems

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?, ?] 18, 2016 32 / 151
Realization of FIR system Frequency Sampling for FIR Systems

Frequency sampling realization is used when an FIR filter is to operate on some desired
The desired frequency may be defined and this reduces the complexity of the system.
Consider a frequency ω

ωk = k k = 0, 1, . . . M − 1

where ωk is the frequency at discrete points.

Let the unit sample response of FIR system be h(n). The fourier transform of the h(n) is
defined as
H(ω) = h(n)e −jωn

H(ω) at ω= ωk = M
2π X
H(ωk ) = H k = h(n)e −j2πkn/M
M n=0

H(ωk ) is also written as H(k) and defined as

H(k) = h(n)e −j2πkn/M k = 0, 1, . . . M − 1

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?, ?] 18, 2016 33 / 151
Realization of FIR system Frequency Sampling for FIR Systems

This equation represents the M point DFT of h(n) and it is defined as

1 X
h(n) = H(k)e j2πkn/M n = 0, 1, . . . M − 1
M n=0

z transform is defined as
H(z) = h(n)z −n

substituting the value of h(n)

M−1 M−1
X 1 X
H(z) = H(k)e j2πkn/M z −n
M n=0

Interchanging the order of summations in the above equation

M−1 M−1
X 1 X j2πk/M −1
H(z) = H(k) e z
M n=0

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?, ?] 18, 2016 34 / 151
Realization of FIR system Frequency Sampling for FIR Systems

The geometric series formula is

X 1 − aN+1
an =

Using the formula where a = e 2πkn/M z −1

M−1 M
X 1 1 − e j2πk/M z −1
H(z) = H(k)
M 1 − e j2πk/M z −1
X 1 1 − e j2πk z −M
= H(k)
M 1 − e j2πk/M z −1

e j2πk = cos(2πk) + jsin(2πk) = 1

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?, ?] 18, 2016 35 / 151
Realization of FIR system Frequency Sampling for FIR Systems

X 1 1 − z −M
H(z) = H(k)
M 1 − e j2πk/M z −1
1 − z −M X H(k)
H(z) =
M k=0
1 − e j2πk/M z −1

The equation can be considered as multiplication of two systems and defined as

H(z) = H1 (z).H2 (z)


1 − z −M
H1 (z) =

X H(k)
H2 (z) =
1 − e j2πk/M z −1

H1 (z) and H2 (z) are realized independently. H(z) is obtained by multiplication of H1 (z)
and H2 (z).
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?, ?] 18, 2016 36 / 151
Realization of FIR system Frequency Sampling for FIR Systems

1 − z −M X H(k)
H(z) = j2πk/M z −1
M k=0
1 − e

of H2(z)

+ +

of H1(z)

+ +
x ( n) M Z-1
+ e j 2π / M
Z-M + +

e j 4π / M

+ + y ( n)

e j 2π ( M −1)/ M

Figure 9: Frequency sampling FIR structure

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,October

?, ?] 18, 2016 37 / 151
Realization of FIR system Frequency Sampling for FIR Systems

Determine the transfer function H(z) of an FIR filter to implement

h(n) = δ(n) + 2δ(n − 1) + δ(n − 2). Using frequency sampling technique

h(0) = 1, h(1) = 2, h(2) = 1 The DFT of h(n)
H(k) = h(n)e −j2πkn/M
With M=3
H(k) = h(n)e −j2πkn/3

H(k) = h(n)e −j2πkn/3

= h(0) + h(1)e −j2πk/3 + h(2)e −j4πk/3


H(0) = 1+2+1=4
H(1) = 1 + 2e −j2π/3 + e −j4π/3 = −0.5 − j0.866 = e −j2π/3
H(2) = 1 + 2e −j4π/3 + e −j8π/3 = −0.5 − j0.866 = e −j2π/3

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?, ?] 18, 2016 38 / 151
Realization of FIR system Frequency Sampling for FIR Systems

The system function is

1 − z −M X H(k)
H(z) = 2πk/M z −1
M k=0
1 − e

For M=3

1 − z −3 X H(k)
H(z) = 2πk/3 z −1
3 k=0
1 − e
1−z −3 
H(0) H(1) H(2)

= −1
+ −j2π/3 −1
+ −j4π/3 −1
3 1−z 1−e z 1−e z
= H1 (z) × H2 (z)


1 − z −3
H1 (z) =
" #
4 e −j2π/3 e −j4π/3
H2 (z) = + +
1 − z −1 1 − e −j2π/3 z −1 1 − e −j4π/3 z −1

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?, ?] 18, 2016 39 / 151
Realization of FIR system Frequency Sampling for FIR Systems

+ +

1 1
x ( n) 3 y ( n)
+ + +
e − j 2π /3
Z-3 Z-1
j 2π /3

+ +
e − j 4π /3

j 4π /3

Figure 10: Frequency sampling FIR structure

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?, ?] 18, 2016 40 / 151
Realization of IIR system Realization of IIR system

Realization of IIR system

Direct form structure for IIR system
1 Direct form-I structure of IIR system
2 Direct form-II structure of IIR system

Cascade form structure for IIR system

Parallel form structure for IIR system
Lattice structure of IIR system

An Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filters are digital filters with infinite impulse response.
Unlike FIR filters, they have the feedback (a recursive part of a filter) and are known as
recursive digital filters therefore.
IIR filters are computationally more efficient than FIR filters as they require fewer
coefficients due to the fact that they use feedback.
If the coefficients deviate from their true values then the feedback can make the filter

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,October

?, ?] 18, 2016 41 / 151
Realization of IIR system Realization of IIR system
LTI systems are represented by the following
difference equation.

X X The general expression of an IIR
y (n) = − ak y (n − k) + bk x(n − k) filter can be expressed as follows:
k=1 k=0
bk z
By taking z-transform on both sides k=0
H(z) =
ak z −k
X 1+
Y (z) = − ak z −k Y (z) + bk z −k X (z) k=1

k=1 k=0
" N
# M
H1 (z) = bk z −k
−k −k k=0
Y (z) 1 + ak z = bk z X (z)
k=1 k=0 1
H2 (z) =
ak z −k
The system function H(z) is defined as 1+

bk z −k H(z) = H1 (z).H2 (z)
Y (z) k=0
H(z) = =
X (z) N
ak z −k

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?, ?] 18, 2016 42 / 151
Realization of IIR system Direct form-I Structure of IIR System

Direct form Structure of IIR System

Structures in which the multiplier coefficients are precisely the coefficients of the transfer
function are called direct form structure.
The direct form structures for H1 (z) H2 (z) are

H1 (z) = bk z −k y1 (n)
x ( n) b0
k=0 +
= b0 + b1 z −1 + . . . bM z −M
H1 (z) is defined as +

Y1 (z) Z-1
H1 (z) =
X1 (z) b2
−1 −M
Y1 (z) = b0 X1 (z)+b1 z X1 (z)+. . . bM z X1 (z)

Its inverse z transform is

y1 (n) = b0 x1 (n)+b1 x1 (n−1)+. . . bM x1 (n−M)

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Realization of IIR system Direct form-I Structure of IIR System
H2 (z) is the all pole system and is given by

1 y2 ( n)
H2 (z) = x2 ( n)
N +
z −k
1+ ak
H2 (z) is also expressed in terms of system function
Y2 (z) 1 -a2
H2 (z) = =
X2 (z) N +
ak z −k
Y2 (z)[1 + ak z −k ] = X2 (z)
k=1 Z-1
Y2 (z) = − ak z −k Y2 (z) + X2 (z)
Expanding the above function

Y2 (z) = −a1 z −1 Y2 (z) − a2 z −2 Y2 (z) − a3 z −3 Y2 (z) + . . . − aN z −N Y2 (z) + X2 (z)

Its inverse z transform is
y2 (n) = −a1 y2 (n − 1) − a2 y2 (n − 2) − a3 y2 (n − 3) − . . . − aN y2 (n − N) + x2 (n)

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Realization of IIR system Direct form-I Structure of IIR System

x(n) = x1 (n) Y1 ( z ) y1 (n) = x2 (n) Y2 ( z ) y 2 ( n) = y ( n )

H1 ( z ) = H 2 ( z) =
X1 ( z) X 2 ( z)

Figure 11: Direct form I realization of IIR system

x(n) = x1 (n) b0 y1 (n) x (n) y 2 (n ) = y (n )

+ 2

Z-1 Z-1
b1 -a1
+ +

Z-1 Z-1
b2 -a2
+ +

Z Z-1
b3 -a3
+ +

bM-1 -aN-1
+ +
Z-1 Z-1
bM -aN

All zero system All pole system

Figure 12: Direct form I realization of IIR system

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?, ?] 18, 2016 45 / 151
Realization of IIR system Direct form II structure for IIR system

Direct form-II Structure of IIR System

Direct form II is also called as canonic form because the number delay elements is same as
the order of difference equation.
bk z
H(z) =
ak z −k

Y (z) Y (z) W (z) W (z) Y (z)

H(z) = = = = H1 (z).H2 (z)
X (z) X (z) W (z) X (z) W (z)
W (z) 1
H1 (z) = =
X (z) N
ak z −k

W (z)[1 + ak z −k ] = X (z)
W (z) = X (z) − ak z −k W (z)

= X (z) − a1 z −1 W (z) − a2 z −2 W (z) − − . . . aN z −N W (z)

w (n) = x(n) − a1 w (n − 1) − a2 w (n − 2) − . . . − aN w (n − N)
Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,October
?, ?] 18, 2016 46 / 151
Realization of IIR system Direct form II structure for IIR system

Y (z) X
H2 (z) = = bk z −k
W (z) k=0

Y (z) = bk z −k W (z)

= b0 W (z) + b1 z −1 W (z) + b2 z −2 W (z) + . . . + bM z −M W (z)

By inverse z transform

y (n) = b0 w (n) + b1 w (n − 1) + b2 w (n − 2) + . . . + bM w (n − M)

w( n ) b0 y ( n)
x ( n) w( n ) +
Z-1 b1
-a1 +
Z-1 b2
-a2 +

-aN Z-1

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?, ?] 18, 2016 47 / 151
Realization of IIR system Direct form II structure for IIR system

x ( n) W ( z) w(n) Y ( z) y ( n)
H1 ( z ) = H 2 (z) =
X ( z) W ( z)

Figure 13: Cascade connection of H1 (z) H2 (z)

x( n) w( n ) b0 y ( n) x( n) w( n ) b0 y ( n)
+ + + +

Z-1 Z-1 Z-1

-a1 b1 -a1 b1
+ + + +
-1 -1
-a2 b2
+ + -a2 b2
+ +
-1 -1
-a3 b3 Z -1
-a3 b3
+ +
+ +

-aN-1 bM-1
+ + -aN-1 bM-1
+ +
Z-1 Z-1
-aN bM
-aN bM
All zero system All pole system

Figure 14: Direct form-II Structure Figure 15: Direct form-II Structure

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?, ?] 18, 2016 48 / 151
Realization of IIR system Direct form II structure for IIR system

A difference equation describing a filter is given below

3 1 1
y (n) − y (n − 1) + y (n − 2) = x(n) + x(n − 1)
4 8 2

Draw the direct form I and direct form II structures

3 1 1
y (n) = y (n − 1) − y (n − 2) + x(n) + x(n − 1)
4 8 2

1 y ( n) x ( n) w( n ) 1 y ( n)
x ( n)
+ + + +

3 Z-1
Z-1 3 Z-1 1
0.5 4
4 2
+ + +

1 Z-1
− 1 Z-1
8 −

Figure 16: Direct form-I Figure 17: Direct form-II

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?, ?] 18, 2016 49 / 151
Realization of IIR system Direct form II structure for IIR system

[July 2013]:
y (n) = −0.1y (n − 1) + 0.2y (n − 2) + 3x(n) + 3.6x(n − 1) + 0.6x(n − 2)obtain the the direct
form I and direct form II structures


y (n) = −0.1y (n − 1) + 0.2y (n − 2) + 3x(n) + 3.6x(n − 1) + 0.6x(n − 2)

x ( n) 3 y (n)x(n) w( n ) 3 y ( n)
+ + + +

Z-1 Z-1 Z-1

3.6 −0.1 -0.1 3.6
+ + + +

Z-1 Z-1 Z-1

0.6 0.2
0.2 0.6

Figure 18: Direct form-I Figure 19: Direct form-II

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?, ?] 18, 2016 50 / 151
Realization of IIR system Direct form II structure for IIR system

June 2010 EC
Obtain direct form I and direct form II for the system described by

y (n) = −0.1y (n − 1) + 0.72y (n − 2) + 0.7x(n) − 0.252x(n − 2)

y (n) = −0.1y (n − 1) + 0.72y (n − 2) + 0.7x(n) − 0.252x(n − 2)

x ( n) 0.7 y ( n) x ( n) w( n ) 0.7 y ( n)
+ + + +

Z-1 Z-1 Z-1

−0.1 -0.1
x( n − 1) y (n − 1)
+ +
-0.252 Z-1 Z-1
x(n − 2) 0.72 y ( n − 2) 0.72 -0.252

Figure 20: Direct form-I Figure 21: Direct form-II

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?, ?] 18, 2016 51 / 151
Realization of IIR system Direct form II structure for IIR system

A system is represented by transfer function H(z) is given by

4z 2
H(z) = 3 + 1
− 1
z− 2
z− 4

(i) Does this H(z) represent a FIR or IIR filter ? Why ?

(ii) Give a difference equation realization of this system using direct form I
(iii) Draw the block diagram for the direct form II canonic realization, and give the
governing equations for implementation

4z 2 4z 2
H(z) = 3+ 1
− 1
=3+ −
z− 2
z− 4
z − 0.5 z − 0.25
7z 2 − 5.25z + 1.375
z 2 − 0.75z + 0.125

(i): By observing the system function it has numerator of polynomial of order 2 as well as
denominator of polynomial of order 2. The system function has poles as well zeros, hence it
represents IIR filter.

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?, ?] 18, 2016 52 / 151
Realization of IIR system Direct form II structure for IIR system

(ii): Direct form I

7z 2 − 5.25z + 1.375 7 − 5.25z −1 + 1.375z −2 Y (Z )

H(z) = = =
z 2 − 0.75z + 0.125 1 − 0.75z −1 + 0.125z −2 X (Z )

Y (Z )[1 − 0.75z −1 + 0.125z −2 ] = 7X (Z ) − 5.25z −1 X (Z ) + 1.375z −2 X (Z )

y (n) − 0.75y (n − 1) + 0.125y (n − 2) = 7x(n) − 5.25x(n − 1) + 1.375x(n − 2)

y (n) = 0.75y (n − 1) − 0.125y (n − 2) + 7x(n) − 5.25x(n − 1) + 1.375x(n − 2)

x ( n) 7 y ( n)
+ +

Z-1 Z-1
+ +

Z-1 Z-1
1.375 -1.25

Figure 22: Direct form-I Structure

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?, ?] 18, 2016 53 / 151
Realization of IIR system Direct form II structure for IIR system

(iii): Direct form II canonic realization

7 − 5.25z −1 + 1.375z −2 Y (z)

H(z) = =
1 − 0.75z −1 + 0.125z −2 X (z)

Y (z) W (z) 7 − 5.25z −1 + 1.375z −2

H(z) = =
W (z) X (z) 1 − 0.75z −1 + 0.125z −2

H(z) = H1 (z).H2 (z) = [7 − 5.25z −1 + 1.375z −2 ]
1 − 0.75z −1 + 0.125z −2

W (z) 1
H1 (z) = =
X (z) 1 − 0.75z −1 + 0.125z −2
x( n) w( n )
W (z)[1 − 0.75z −1 + 0.125z −2 ] = X (z)
W (z) = X (z)+0.75z −1 W (z)−0.125z −2 W (z)
Taking inverse z transform Z-1

w (n) = x(n) + 0.75w (n − 1) − 0.125w (n − 2)

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,October

?, ?] 18, 2016 54 / 151
Realization of IIR system Direct form II structure for IIR system

Y (z)
H2 (z) = = 7 − 5.25z −1 + 1.375z −2
W (z) w( n ) 7 y ( n)

Y (z) Z-1
= 7 − 5.25z −1 + 1.375z −2 -5.25
W (z)
Y (z) = 7W (z) − 5.25z −1 W (z) + 1.375z −2 W (z)
Taking inverse z transform 1.375

y (n) = 7w (n) − 5.25w (n − 1) + 1.375w (n − 2) Figure 23: Direct form of H2 (z)

x( n) w( n ) 7 y ( n) x( n) w( n ) 7 y ( n)
+ + + +

Z-1 Z-1 Z-1

-5.25 0.75 -5.25
+ + + +

Z-1 Z-1 Z-1

-1.25 1.375
-0.125 1.325

Figure 24: Realization of H(z) = H1 (z).H2 (z) Figure 25: Direct form-II, canonic form

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,October

?, ?] 18, 2016 55 / 151
Realization of IIR system Direct form II structure for IIR system

2012 DEC, 2012 June

Obtain the direct form II (canonic) realization for the following system.

(z − 1)(z 2 + 5z + 6)(z − 3)
H(z) =
(z 2 + 6z + 5)(z 2 − 6z + 8)

x ( n) w( n ) y ( n)
+ +
(z − 1)(z 2 + 5z + 6)(z − 3) 1
H(z) = +
(z 2 + 6z + 5)(z 2 − 6z + 8)
(z 2 − 4z + 3)(z 2
+ 5z + 6) Z-1
= 23
(z 2 + 6z + 5) + (z 2 − 6z + 8) -11
+ +
z 4 + z 3 − 11z 2 − 9z + 18
z 4 − 23z 2 + 18z + 40 Z-1
1 + z −1 − 11z −2 − 9z −3 + 18z −4 −18 -9
= + +
1 − 23z −2 + 18z −3 + 40z −4 -1
−40 18

Figure 26: Direct form-II

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,October

?, ?] 18, 2016 56 / 151
Realization of IIR system Direct form II structure for IIR system

2011 July
Obtain the direct form II realizations of the following system.
(1 + z −1 )
H(z) = 1 −1
(1 − 4
z )(1 − z −1 + 12 z −2 )

(1 + z −1 )
H(z) = 5 −1
(1 − 4
z + 34 z −2 − 18 z −3 )
1 (1 + z −1 )
= 5 −1 3 −2 1 −3
× = H1 (z) × H2 (z)
(1 − 4
z + 4
z − 8
z ) 1

W (z) 1
H1 (z) = =
X (z) (1 − 45 z −1 + 34 z −2 − 81 z −3 )
5 −1 3 1
W (z)[1 − z + z −2 − z −3 ] = X (z)
4 4 8

5 −1 3 1
W (z) = X (z) + z W (z) − z −2 W (z) + z −3 W (z)
4 4 8
5 3 1
w (n) = x(n) + w (n − 1) − w (n − 2) + w (n − 3)
4 4 8
Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,October
?, ?] 18, 2016 57 / 151
Realization of IIR system Direct form II structure for IIR system

H2 (z) = (1 + z −1 )

Y (z)
H2 (z) = = (1 + z −1 )
W (z)
Y (z) = W (z) + z −1 W (z)
y (n) = w (n) + w (n − 1)

x( n) w( n ) 1 y ( n)
y ( n)
x( n)
w(n) 1
+ + +

5 5
Z-1 Z-1 Z-1 -1
4 4
+ -1 +
3 Z-1 Z-1
− 3
4 −

1 Z-1
8 1 Z-1

Figure 27: Direct form-II

Figure 28: Direct form-II

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,October

?, ?] 18, 2016 58 / 151
Realization of IIR system Direct form II structure for IIR system

June 2010 EE

Realize the following system function in direct form I

1 + 15 z −1
H(z) = 1 −1
(1 − 2
z + 13 z −2 )(1 + 14 z −1 ) x ( n) 1
+ +
y ( n)

Solution: Z-1 1 Z-1

5 −
4 y (n − 1)
x(n − 1)
1 + 51 z −1
H(z) = 5 Z-1
(1 − 12 z −1 + 13 z −2 )(1 + 41 z −1 ) 24 y ( n − 2)
Y (z) 1 + 15 z −1
H(z) = =
X (z) (1 − 14 z −1 + 5 −2
z + 1 −3
z ) −
1 Z-1
12 y (n − 3)

Figure 29: Direct form-I

1 −1 5 −2 1 −3
Y (z) − z Y (z) + z Y (z) − z Y (z) = X (z) + 5z −1 X (z)
4 24 12
By taking inverse Z transform on both sides
1 5 1
y (n) − y (n − 1) + y (n − 2) − y (n − 3) = x(n) + 5x(n − 1)
4 24 12
Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,October
?, ?] 18, 2016 59 / 151
Realization of IIR system Direct form II structure for IIR system
8Z 3 −4Z 2 +11Z −2
Obtain direct form II for the system described by H(z) = [December 2010 EC]
(Z − 14 )(Z 2 −Z + 21 )

x ( n) w( n ) 8 y ( n)
+ +

8Z 3 − 4Z 2 + 11Z − 2 Y (z) + +
H(z) = =
(Z − 14 )(Z 2 − Z + 12 ) X (z)
8Z 3 − 4Z 2 + 11Z − 2 -0.75 11
= + +
Z − 1.25Z 2 + 0.75Z − 0.125

8 − 4Z −1 + 11Z −2 − 2Z −3 Z-1
1 − 1.25Z −1 + 0.75Z −2 − 0.125Z −1 0.125 -2

Figure 30: Direct form-II

By taking inverse Z transform on both sides

y (n) − 1.25y (n − 1) + 0.75y (n − 2) − 0.125y (n − 3) = 8x(n) − 4x(n − 1) + 11x(n − 2) − 2x(n − 3)

y (n) = 8x(n) − 4x(n − 1) + 11x(n − 2) − 2x(n − 3) + 1.25y (n − 1) − 0.75y (n − 2) + 0.125y (n − 3)

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,October

?, ?] 18, 2016 60 / 151
Realization of IIR system Direct form II structure for IIR system

Obtain direct form II for the system described by

(z − 1)(z − 2)(z + 1)z

H(z) =
[z − ( 12 + j 12 )][z − ( 12 − j 12 )](z − 4j )(z + 4j )

[December 2010 EC]


Y (z) (Z 2 − 1)(Z 2 − 2Z )
H(z) = =
X (z) (Z 2 − Z + 12 )(Z 2 + 1
Z4 − 2Z 3 − Z2 + 2Z
= 9 2 1 1
Z4 − Z3 + 16
Z − 16 Z + 32
1− 2Z −1 − Z −2 + 2Z −3
9 −2 1 −3 1 −4
1 − Z −1 + 16
− 16
Z + 32

By taking inverse Z transform on both sides

9 1 1
y (n) − y (n − 1) + y (n − 2) − y (n − 3) + y (n − 4) = x(n) − 2x(n − 1) − x(n − 2) + 2x(n − 3)
16 16 32
9 1 1
y (n) = x(n) − 2x(n − 1) − x(n − 2) + 2x(n − 3) + y (n − 1) − y (n − 2) + y (n − 3) − y (n − 4)
16 16 32
Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,October
?, ?] 18, 2016 61 / 151
Realization of IIR system Direct form II structure for IIR system

x ( n) w( n ) 1 y ( n)
x ( n) 1 y ( n) + +
+ +
Z-1 Z-1
1 Z-1 1
-2 y (n − 1) -2
+ + + +
x(n − 1)
9 Z-1
Z-1 −
16 y ( n − 2) 9 Z-1
-1 −
x( n − 2) + + 16 -1
+ +
Z-1 1 Z-1
16 y ( n − 3) 1 Z-1
x(n − 3) + 16 2
1 Z-1
− 1 Z -1
32 −
y (n − 4) 32

Figure 31: Direct form-I Figure 32: Direct form-II

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,October

?, ?] 18, 2016 62 / 151
Realization of IIR system Direct form II structure for IIR system

Realize direct form-I and form -II for linear time invariant system which is described by the
following input output relation
2y (n) − y (n − 2) − 4y (n − 3) = 3x(n − 2)


y (n) = 0.5y (n − 2) + 2y (n − 3) + 1.5x(n − 2)

x ( n) w( n ) y ( n)
x ( n) y ( n)

Z-1 Z-1

Z-1 Z-1
Z-1 0.5
1.5 0.5 1.5
+ +

Z-1 Z-1
2 2

(a) Direct form-I (b) Direct form-II

Figure 33: Realization of IIR systems

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,October

?, ?] 18, 2016 63 / 151
Realization of IIR system Direct form II structure for IIR system

Realize direct form-I and form -II for system given by

z −1 − 3z −2
H(z) =
(10 − z −1 )(1 + 0.5z −1 + 0.5z −2 )
z −1 − 3z −2 z −1 − 3z −1
H(z) = =
(10 − z −1 )(1+ 0.5z −1 −2
+ 0.5z ) (10 + 4z −1 + 4.5z −2 − 0.5z −3 )
Y (z) 0.1z −1 − 0.3z −1
X (z) (1 + 0.4z −1 + 0.45z −2 − 0.05z −3 )
By taking inverse z transform on both sides
y (n) + 0.4y (n − 1) + 0.45y (n − 2) − 0.05y (n − 3) = 0.1x(n − 1) − 0.3x(n − 2)
y (n) = −0.4y (n − 1) − 0.45y (n − 2) + 0.05y (n − 3) + 0.1x(n − 1) − 0.3x(n − 2)

x ( n) w( n )
x ( n) y ( n)
−0.4 y ( n)
0.1 −0.4
Z-1 + +
+ +
Z-1 Z-1
Z-1 −0.45
−0.45 -0.3
+ +

Z-1 Z-1

(a) Direct form-I (b) Direct form-II

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,October
?, ?] 18, 2016 64 / 151
Realization of IIR system Cascade Form Structure

Cascade Form Structure

bk z
k=0 b0 + b1 z −1 + b2 z −2 + bM z −M
H(z) = =
N 1 + a1 z −1 + a2 z −2 + aN z −N
ak z −k

The system can be factored into a cascade of second order subsystems such that H(z) can be
expressed as
H(z) = H1 (z) × H2 (z) × H3 (z) . . . × Hk (z) = Hk (z)
where K is the integer part of (N+1)/2 and Hk (z) has the general form
bk0 + bk1 z −1 + bk2 z −2
Hk (z) =
1 + ak1 z −1 + ak2 z −2

x(n) = x1 (n) y1 (n) = x2 (n) y2 (n) = x3 (n) yk −1 (n) = y k ( n) = y ( n )

H1(z) H2(z) Hk(z)
xk (n)

Figure 35: Cascade realization

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,October

?, ?] 18, 2016 65 / 151
Realization of IIR system Cascade Form Structure
In cascade each Hk (z) are represented as

Yk (z)
Hk (z) =
Xk (z)
yk −1 (n) = x(n) w( n ) bk 0 yk (n) = xk +1 (n)
Wk (z) Yk (z) + +
Xk (z) Wk (z)
− ak 1 bk1
= Hk1 (z).Hk2 (z) + +

where Hk1 (z) and Hk2 (z) defined as − ak 2

Z -1
bk 2

Wk (z) 1 Figure 36: Cascade realization

Hk1 (z) = =
Xk (z) 1 + ak1 z −1 + ak2 z −2

Hk2 (z) = bk0 + bk1 z −1 + bk2 z −2

wk (n) = −ak1 wk (n − 1) − ak2 wk (n − 2) + −yk−1 (n)

yk (n) = bk0 wk (n) + bk1 wk (n − 1) + bk2 wk (n − 2)
yk−1 (n = xk (n)
yk (n) = xk+1 (n)
y0 (n) = x(n)
y (n) = xk (n)

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,October

?, ?] 18, 2016 66 / 151
Realization of IIR system Cascade Form Structure

June 2010 EE
Realize the following system function in cascade form

1 + 15 z −1
H(z) = 1 −1
(1 − 2
z + 31 z −2 )(1 + 14 z −1 )

1 1 + 51 z −1
H(z) = H1 (z) × H2 (z) = 1 −1
(1 + 4
z ) (1 − 12 z −1 + 31 z −2 )

x( n) 1 y ( n)
+ + +

Z-1 1 1
1 Z-1
− 2 5
+ −a
−a11 1 21 b21


Figure 37: Cascade realization

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,October

?, ?] 18, 2016 67 / 151
Realization of IIR system Cascade Form Structure

Realize the following system function in cascade form

1 − 12 z −1
H(z) = 1 −1 1 −2
(1 − 4
z + 2
z )(1 − 51 z −1 + 16 z −2 )

1 1 − 21 z −1
H(z) = H1 (z) × H2 (z) = 1 −1 1 −2
(1 − 5
z + 6
z ) (1 − 14 z −1 + 12 z −2 )

x ( n) 1 y ( n)
+ + +

Z-1 1 1
1 Z-1 −
5 4 2
+ +

Z-1 Z-1


Figure 38: Cascade realization

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,October

?, ?] 18, 2016 68 / 151
Realization of IIR system Cascade Form Structure

Realize the following system function in cascade form

1 + 13 z −1
H(z) =
(1 − 15 z −1 )(1 − 43 z −1 + 18 z −2 )

1 1 + 31 z −1
H(z) = H1 (z) × H2 (z) = 1 −1
(1 − 5
z ) (1 − 34 z −1 + 81 z −2 )

x ( n) 1 y ( n)
+ + +

1 Z-1 3 1
5 4 3


Figure 39: Cascade realization

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,October

?, ?] 18, 2016 69 / 151
Realization of IIR system Cascade Form Structure

The transfer function of a discrete system is given as follows

1 − z −1
H(z) =
(1 − 0.2z −1 − 0.15z −2 )

Draw the cascade realization

H(z) = H1 (z) × H2 (z) = (1 − z −1 )
(1 − 0.2z −1 − 0.15z −2 )

H2 (z)
x ( n) H1 ( z ) 1 y ( n)
+ +

Z-1 0.2 Z-1


Figure 40: Cascade realization

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,October

?, ?] 18, 2016 70 / 151
Realization of IIR system Cascade Form Structure

December 2010 EE
Draw the cascade realization for the following system

y (n) = 0.75y (n − 1) − 0.125y (n − 2) + 6x(n) + 7x(n − 1) + x(n − 2)


Y (z) = 0.75z −1 Y (z) − 0.125z −2 Y (z) + 6X (z) + 7z −1 X (z) + z −2 X (z)

Y (z) 6 + 7z −1 + z −2
H(z) = =
X (z) 1 − 0.75z −1 + 0.125z −2
a = 1, b = −0.75, c = 0.125
Roots of the quadratic equation for
Y (z) 6+ 7z −1
+ z −2 ax 2 +qbx + c = 0 are
H(z) = = −b± b 2 −4ac
X (z) 1 − 0.75z −1 + 0.125z −2 2a

6z 2 + 7z + 1
0.75 ± 0.752 − 4(0.125)
z2 − 0.75z + 0.125 =
(6z + 1)(z + 1) √
= 0.75 ± 0.0625 0.75 ± 0..25
(z − 0.5)(z − 0.25) = =
2 2
(6 + z −1 )(1 + z −1 ) = ⇒ 0.5, 0.25
= = H1 (z) × H2 (z)
(1 − 0.5z −1 )(1 − 0.25z −1 )

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,October

?, ?] 18, 2016 71 / 151
Realization of IIR system Cascade Form Structure

6 + z −1
H1 (z) =
1 − 0.5z −1

(1 + z −1 )
H2 (z) =
(1 − 0.25z −1 )

H2 (z)
x ( n) H1 ( z ) 6 1 y ( n)
+ + + +

Z-1 Z-1
0.5 1 0.25 1

Figure 41: Cascade realization

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,October

?, ?] 18, 2016 72 / 151
Realization of IIR system Cascade Form Structure

A system function is specified by its transfer function H(z) given by

(z − 1)(z − 2)(z + 2)z
H(z) =
[z − ( 12 + j 12 )][z − ( 12 − j 12 )](z − 4j )(z + 4j )
Realize the cascade of two biquadratic sections.
(z − 1)(z − 2)(z + 2)z
H(z) =
[z − ( 12 + j 12 )][z − ( 21 − j 12 )](z − 4j )(z + 4j )
z 2 − 3z + 2 z 2 + 2z
= × 2
z 2 − z + 0.5 z + 0.0625
1 − 3z −1 + 2z −2 1 + 2z −1
= −1 −2
1−z + 0.5z 1 + 0.0625z −2
= H1 (z) × H2 (z)

x ( n) 1 1 y ( n)
+ + + +

Z-1 Z-1
1 -3 2
+ +
-0.5 2

Figure 42: Cascade realization

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,October
?, ?] 18, 2016 73 / 151
Realization of IIR system Cascade Form Structure

Obtain the cascade realization of the following system. The system should have two biquadratic
sections. [EC December 2012]
(z − 1)(z 2 + 5z + 6)(z − 3)
H(z) =
(z 2 + 6z + 5)(z 2 − 6z + 8)

(z − 1)(z 2 + 5z + 6)(z − 3)
H(z) =
(z 2 + 6z + 5)(z 2 − 6z + 8)
z 2 − 4z + 3 z 2 + 5z + 6
= 2
× 2
z + 6z + 5 z − 6z + 8
1 − 4z −1 + 3z −2 1 + 5z −1 + 6z −2
= ×
1 + 6z −1 + 5z −2 1 − 6z −1 + 8z −2

x ( n) 1 1 y ( n)
+ + + +

Z-1 Z-1
-6 6
-4 5
+ + + +

Z-1 Z-1
-5 3 -8 6

Figure 43: Cascade realization

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,October
?, ?] 18, 2016 74 / 151
Realization of IIR system Cascade Form Structure

Obtain the cascade realization using second order sections.

10(1 − 12 z −1 )(1 − 23 z −1 )(1 + 2z −1 )
H(z) = 3 −1
(1 − 4
z )(1 − 18 z −1 )[1 − ( 21 + j 12 )z −1 ][1 − ( 21 − j 12 )z −1 ]

10z(z − 0.5)(z − 0.6667)(z + 2)
H(z) =
(z − 0.75)(z − 0.125)[z − (0.5 + j0.5)][z − (0.5 − j0.5)]
10z(z − 0.5) (z − 0.6667)(z + 2)
= ×
(z − 0.75)(z − 0.125) [z − (0.5 + j0.5)][z − (0.5 − j0.5)]
10z 2 − 5z z 2 + 1.333z − 1.333
= ×
z 2 − 0.875z + 0.0938 z 2 − z + 0.5
10 − 5z −1 1 + 1.333z −1 − 1.333z −2
= ×
1 − 0.875z −1 + 0.0938z −2 1 − z −1 + 0.5z −2

x ( n) 10 1 y ( n)
+ + + +

Z-1 Z-1
0.875 1
-5 1.333
+ + +

Z-1 Z-1
-0.0938 -0.5 -1.333

Figure 44: Cascade realization

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,October
?, ?] 18, 2016 75 / 151
Realization of IIR system Cascade Form Structure

EC December 2011
Obtain the cascade realization for the following system.
1 + 14 z −1
H(z) = 1 −1
(1 + 2
z )(1 + 21 z −1 + 12 z −2 )

1 + 41 z −1
H(z) =
(1 + 21 z −1 )(1 + 21 z −1 + 12 z −2 )
1 + 41 z −1 1
= ×
1 + 12 z −1 1 + 12 z −1 + 12 z −2

x ( n) y ( n)
+ + +

1 Z-1 1 1 Z-1
− −
2 4 2
1 Z-1


Figure 45: Cascade realization

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,October

?, ?] 18, 2016 76 / 151
Realization of IIR system Cascade Form Structure

Obtain the cascade realization for the following system.

(1 + z −1 )3
H(z) = 1 −1
(1 − 4
z )(1 − 21 z −1 + 12 z −2 )

(1 + z −1 )3
H(z) =
(1 − 14 z −1 )(1 − 21 z −1 + 12 z −2 )
1 + z −1 1 + 2z −1 + z −2
= 1 −1
(1 − 4
z ) 1 − z −1 + 12 z −2
= H1 (z) × H2 (z)

x ( n) 1 1 y ( n)
+ + + +

1 Z-1 Z-1
1 1
4 2
+ +

1 Z-1

2 1

Figure 46: Cascade realization

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,October

?, ?] 18, 2016 77 / 151
Realization of IIR system Cascade Form Structure

EC 2011 July
Obtain the direct form II realizations of the following system.
(1 + z −1 )
H(z) = 1 −1
(1 − 4
z )(1 − z −1 + 12 z −2 )

(1 + z −1 )
H(z) =
(1 − 14 z −1 )(1 − z −1 + 21 z −2 )
1 + z −1 1
= ×
(1 − 14 z −1 ) 1 − z −1 + z −2
= H1 (z) × H2 (z)

x ( n) y ( n)
+ + +

1 Z-1 Z-1
1 1


Figure 47: Cascade realization

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,October
?, ?] 18, 2016 78 / 151
Realization of IIR system Cascade Form Structure

June 2010 EC
Obtain cascade form for the system described by
y (n) = −0.1y (n − 1) + 0.72y (n − 2) + 0.7x(n) − 0.252x(n − 2)


Y (z) = −0.1z −1 Y (z) + 0.72z −2 Y (z) + 0.7X (z) − 0.252z −2 X (z) =

Y (z) 0.7 − 0.252z −2 1

H(z) = = = (0.7 − 0.252z −2 ) ×
X (z) 1 + 0.1z −1 − 0.72z −2 1 + 0.1z −1 − 0.72z −2

H1 ( z )
H2 (z)
x ( n) 0.7 1 y ( n)
+ +

Z-1 −0.1 Z-1


Figure 48: Cascade realization

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,October

?, ?] 18, 2016 79 / 151
Realization of IIR system Cascade Form Structure

June 2015 EC
Find the transfer function and difference equation realization shown in Figure

x ( n) w( n ) 4 y ( n)
+ +




Y (z) 4 + 3z −1
H(z) = =
X (z) 1 + 2z −2

Y (z) = −2z −2 Y (z) + 4X (z) + 3z −1 X (z)

The difference equation is

y (n) = −2y (n − 2) + 4x(n) + 3x(n − 1)

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,October

?, ?] 18, 2016 80 / 151
Realization of IIR Structures Parallel Form Structure for IIR System

Parallel Form Structure for IIR System

The system function for IIR sytem is

bk z C
H(z) =
ak z −k
H1 ( z ) +
b0 + b1 z −1 + b2 z −2 + bM z −M
1 + a1 z −1 + a2 z −2 + aN z −N H 2 (z) +

The function can be expanded in partial

fractions as follows: y ( n)
x( n) H k (z) +
H(z) = C + H1 (z) + H2 (z) . . . + Hk (z)
Figure 49: Parallel form realization for
IIR systems
C is constant and each
H1 (z) + H2 (z) . . . + Hk (z) are the second
order system which is as shown in Figure

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,October

?, ?] 18, 2016 81 / 151
Realization of IIR Structures Parallel Form Structure for IIR System

xk (n) wk ( n) bk 0 yk ( n )
bk0 + bk1 z −1 + +
Hk (z) =
1 + ak1 z −1 + ak2 z −2
− ak1 bk1
+ +
wk (n) = ak1 wk (n − 1) − ak2 wk (n − 2) + x(n)
yk (n) = bk0 wk (n) − bk1 wk (n − 1) Z-1
− ak 2
y (n) = C x(n) + yk (n)
k=1 Figure 50: Direct form II of second order

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,October

?, ?] 18, 2016 82 / 151
Realization of IIR Structures Parallel Form Structure for IIR System

Realize the following System in parallel form:

4z 2
H(z) = 3 + 1
+ 1
z− 2
z− 4

4 2z −1
H(z) = 3 + +
1 − 0.5z −1 1 − 14 z −1

4 y ( n)
+ +
x ( n)

0.25 2

Figure 51: Parallel realization

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,October
?, ?] 18, 2016 83 / 151
Realization of IIR Structures Parallel Form Structure for IIR System

Realize the following System in parallel form:

(1 + z −1 )(1 + 2z −1 )
H(z) = 1 −1
(1 + 2
z )(1 − 14 z −1 )(1 + 18 z −1 )


z −2 (z + 1)(z + 2)
H(z) =
z −3 (z
+ 0.5)(z − 0.25)(z + 0.125)
z(z + 1)(z + 2)
H(z) =
(z + 0.5)(z − 0.25)(z + 0.125)
H(z) (z + 1)(z + 2)
z (z + 0.5)(z − 0.25)(z + 0.125)
H(z) A B C
= + +
z (z + 0.5) (z − 0.25) (z + 0.125)
(z + 1)(z + 2) A B C
= + +
(z + 0.5)(z − 0.25)(z + 0.125) (z + 0.5) (z − 0.25) (z + 0.125)

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,October

?, ?] 18, 2016 84 / 151
Realization of IIR Structures Parallel Form Structure for IIR System

Coefficients A B and C are determined

H(z) (z + 1)(z + 2)
A = [z + 0.5]|z=−0.5 =
z (z − 0.25)(z + 0.125)
(−0.5 + 1)(−0.5 + 2)
= = 2.66
(−0.5 − 0.25)(−0.5 + 0.125)

H(z) (z + 1)(z + 2)
B = [z − 0.25]|z=0.25 =
z (z + 0.5)(z + 0.125)
(0.25 + 1)(0.25 + 2)
= = 10
(0.25 + 0.5)(0.25 + 0.125)

H(z) (z + 1)(z + 2)
C = [z + 0.125]|z=−0.125 =
z (z + 0.5)(z − 0.25)
(−0.125 + 1)(−0.125 + 2)
= = −11.66
(−0.125 + 0.5)(−0.125 − 0.25)

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,October

?, ?] 18, 2016 85 / 151
Realization of IIR Structures Parallel Form Structure for IIR System

H(z) 2.66 10 −11.66

= + +
z (z + 0.5) (z − 0.25) (z + 0.125)
2.66 10 −11.66
H(z) = + +
(1 + 0.5z −1 ) (1 − 0.25z −1 ) (1 + 0.125z −1 )


x ( n) y ( n)

+ +




Figure 52: Parallel realization

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,October
?, ?] 18, 2016 86 / 151
Realization of IIR Structures Parallel Form Structure for IIR System

Realize the following System in parallel form:

1 − z −1
H(z) =
(1 − 0.2z −1 − 0.15z −2 )


1 − z −1
H(z) =
(1 − 0.2z −1 − 0.15z −2 )

z2 − z
H(z) =
(z 2 − 0.2z − 0.15)

a = 1, b = −0.2, c = −0.15 √
−b± b 2 −4ac
Roots of the equation ax 2 + bx + c = 0 are = 2a
p √
0.2 ± 0.22 − 4(−0.15) 0.2 ± 0.64 0.2 ± 0.8
= = = ⇒ 0.5, − 0.3
2 2 2

H(z) z −1
z (z − 0.5)(z + 0.3)
H(z) A B
= +
z (z − 0.5) (z + 0.3)

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,October

?, ?] 18, 2016 87 / 151
Realization of IIR Structures Parallel Form Structure for IIR System

The values of A and B are determined by the following procedure.

H(z) z −1 0.5 − 1
A = (z − 0.5)|z=0.5 = = = −0.625
z (z + 0.3) (0.5 + 0.3)
H(z) z −1 −0.3 − 1
B = (z + 0.3)|z=−0.3 = = = 1.625
z (z − 0.5) (−0.3 − 0.5)
H(z) −0.625 1.625
= +
z z − 0.5 z + 0.3
−0.625 1.625
H(z) = + = H1 (z) + H2 (z)
1 − 0.5z −1 1 + 0.3z −1


x ( n) y ( n)
0.5 +



Figure 53: Parallel realization

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,October
?, ?] 18, 2016 88 / 151
Realization of IIR Structures Parallel Form Structure for IIR System

Realize the following System in parallel form:

1 + 0.33z −1
H(z) =
(1 − 0.75z −1 + 0.125z −2 )


1 + 0.33z −1 z −1 (z + 0.33)
H(z) = = −2 2
(1 − 0.75z −1 + 0.125z −2 ) z (z − 0.75z −1 + 0.125z −2 )
H(z) z + .33
z (z 2 − 0.75z + 0.125)

a = 1, b = −0.75, c = 0.125
Roots of the equation are
p √
0.75 ± 0.752 − 4(0.125) 0.75 ± 0.0625 0.75 ± 0.25
= = = ⇒ 0.5, 0.25
2 2 2

H(z) z + 0.33
z (z − 0.5)(z − 0.25)
= +
(z − 0.5) (z − 0.25)

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,October

?, ?] 18, 2016 89 / 151
Realization of IIR Structures Parallel Form Structure for IIR System

The values of A and B are determined by the following procedure.

H(z) z + 0.33 0.25 + 0.33
A = (z − 0.5)|z=0.5 = = = 3.33
z (z − 0.25) (0.5 − 0.25)
H(z) z + 0.33 0.25 + 0.33
B = (z − 0.25)|z=0.25 = = = −2.33
z (z − 0.5) (0.25 − 0.5)
H(z) 3.33 −2.33
= +
z (z − 0.5) (z − 0.25)
3.33 −2.33
H(z) = + = H1 (z) + H2 (z)
1 − 0.5z −1 1 − 0.25z −1


x ( n) y ( n)
0.5 +



Figure 54: Parallel realization

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,October
?, ?] 18, 2016 90 / 151
Realization of IIR Structures Parallel Form Structure for IIR System

Realize the following System in parallel form:

y (n) = 0.75y (n − 1) − 0.125y (n − 2) + 6x(n) + 7x(n − 1) + x(n − 2)


Y (z) = 0.75z −1 Y (z) − 0.125z −2 Y (z) + 6X (z) + 7z −1 X (z) + z −2 X (z)

Y (z) 6 + 7z −1 + z −2
H(z) = =
X (z) 1 − 0.75z −1 + 0.125z −2

z −2 [6z 2 + 7z + 1]
H(z) =
z −2 [z 2 − 0.75z + 0.125]

z −2 [6z 2 + 7z + 1]
H(z) =
z −2 [z 2 − 0.75z + 0.125]
[6z 2 + 7z + 1]
[z 2 − 0.75z + 0.125]

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,October

?, ?] 18, 2016 91 / 151
Realization of IIR Structures Parallel Form Structure for IIR System

a = 1, b = −0.75, c = 0.125
Roots of the equation are

0.75 ± (−0.75)2 − 4(0.125) 0.75 ± 0.0625 0.75 ± 0.25
= = =
2 2 2
0.5, 0.25

6z 2 + 7z + 1
H(z) =
(z − 0.5)(z − 0.25)
H(z) 6z 2 + 7z + 1
z z(z − 0.5)(z − 0.25)
H(z) A B C
= + +
z z (z − 0.5) (z − 0.25)

6z 2 + 7z + 1 1
A = H(z)z|z=0 = z= =8
z(z − 0.5)(z − 0.25) (−0.5)(−0.25)
6z 2 + 7z + 1 6(0.5)2 + 7(0.5) + 1
B = H(z)(z − 0.5)|z=0.5 = (z − 0.5z) = = 48
z(z − 0.5)(z − 0.25) 0.5[0.5 − 0.25]
6z 2 + 7z + 1
C = H(z)(z − 0.25z)|z=0.25 = (z − 0.25)
z(z − 0.5)(z − 0.25)
6(0.25)2 + 7(0.25) + 1
= = −50
0.25[0.25 − 0.5]

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,October

?, ?] 18, 2016 92 / 151
Realization of IIR Structures Parallel Form Structure for IIR System

48 −50
H(z) = 8 + + = H1 (z) + H2 (z) + H3 (z)
(1 − 0.5z 1 ) (1 − 0.25z 1 )

48 y ( n)
+ +
x ( n)



Figure 55: Parallel realization

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,October

?, ?] 18, 2016 93 / 151
Realization of IIR Structures Parallel Form Structure for IIR System

Realize the following System in parallel form:

8z 3 − 4z 2 + 11z − 2
H(z) =
[z − 14 ][z 2 − z + 12 ]

H(z) 8z 3 − 4z 2 + 11z − 2
z z[z − 14 ][z 2 − z + 12 ]

H(z) 8z 3 − 4z 2 + 11z − 2
z z[z − 14 ][z 2 − z + 12 ]
H(z) A B Cz + D
= + + 2
z z z − 0.25 z − z + .5

H(z) 8z 3 − 4z 2 + 11z − 2
A = z|z = 0 =
z [z − 0.25][z 2 − z + 0.5]
= = 16

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,October

?, ?] 18, 2016 94 / 151
Realization of IIR Structures Parallel Form Structure for IIR System

H(z) 8z 3 − 4z 2 + 11z − 2
B = [z − 0.5]|z=0.5 =
z z[z 2 − z + 0.5]
8(0.5)3 − 4(0.5)2 + 11(0.5) − 2
= =8
(0.5)[(0.5)2 − (0.5) + 0.5]

H(z) 8z 3 − 4z 2 + 11z − 2
z z[z − 0.25][z 2 − z + 0.5]
8z 3 − 4z 2 + 11z − 2 A B Cz + D
= + + 2
z[z − 0.25][z 2 − z + 0.5] z z − 0.25 z − z + .25
8z 3 − 4z 2 + 11z − 2 = A[z − 0.25][z 2 − z + 0.5] +
+Bz[z 2 − z + .25] + (Cz + D)z[z − 0.25]
3 2
8z − 4z + 11z − 2z = z 3 [A + B + C ] + z 2 [−1.25A − B − 0.25C + D] +
+z[0.5A + .25B − .25D] − 0.0625A

8 = A + B + C = 16 + 8 + C
C = −16

−4 = [−1.25A − B − 0.25C + D] = [−20 − 8 + 4 + D]

D = 20

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,October

?, ?] 18, 2016 95 / 151
Realization of IIR Structures Parallel Form Structure for IIR System


H(z) A B Cz + D
= + + 2
z z z − 0.25 z − z + .5
8 y ( n)
H(z) 16 8 −16z + 20 + +
= + + 2 x ( n)
z z z − 0.25 z − z + .5
8 −16 + 20z −1 0.25
H(z) = 16 + +
1 − 0.25z −1 1 − z −1 + .5z −2
+ +

1 20


Figure 56: Parallel realization

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,October
?, ?] 18, 2016 96 / 151
Realization of IIR Structures Parallel Form Structure for IIR System

EE 2010 May
Realize the following System in parallel form:

1 − 15 z −1
H(z) = 1 −1
[1 − 2
z + 31 z −2 ][1 + 14 z −1 ]


z −1 (z − 0.2)
H(z) =
z −2 [z 2 − 0.5z + 0.33]z −1 [z + 0.25]
z 2 (z − 0.2)
H(z) =
[z 2 − 0.5z + 0.33z][z + 0.25]
H(z) z(z − 0.2)
z [z 2 − 0.5z + 0.33][z + 0.25]
H(z) Az + B C
= +
z [z 2 − 0.5z + 0.333] [z + 0.25]
z(z − 0.2) Az + B C
= +
[z 2 − 0.5z + 0.33][z + 0.25] [z 2 − 0.5z + 0.333] [z + 0.25]

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,October

?, ?] 18, 2016 97 / 151
Realization of IIR Structures Parallel Form Structure for IIR System

Coefficients A B and C are determined

H(z) (z − 0.2)
C = [z + 0.25]|z=−0.25 = 2
z [z − 0.5z + 0.333]
−0.25(−0.25 − 0.2)
= = 0.217
[(−0.25)2 − (0.5)(−0.25) + 0.333]

z(z − 0.2) Az + B C
= +
[z 2 − 0.5z + 0.33][z + 0.25] [z 2 − 0.5z + 0.333] [z + 0.25]
z(z − 0.2) = (Az + B)[z + 0.25] + C [z 2 − 0.5z + 0.33]
z − 0.2z = Az 2 + 0.25Az + Bz + 0.25B + Cz 2 − 0.5Cz + 0.33C ]
z − 0.2z = z 2 (A + C ) + z(0.25A + B − C ) + 0.25B + 0.33C

Equating coefficients

A+C = 1
A = 1 − C = 1 − 0.217 = 0.783

0.25B + 0.33C = 0
B = = −0.2864

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,October

?, ?] 18, 2016 98 / 151
Realization of IIR Structures Parallel Form Structure for IIR System

H(z) 0.78z + −0.2864 0.216

= +
z [z 2 − 0.5z + 0.333] [z + 0.25]
H(z) z(0.78 − 0.2864z −1 ) 0.216
= +
z z 2 (1 − 0.5z −1 + 0.333z −2 ) z[1 + 0.25z −1 ]
(0.78 − 0.2864z −1 ) 0.216
H(z) = +
(1 − 0.5z −1 + 0.333z −2 ) (1 + 0.25z −1 )

+ +

x ( n)
+ y ( n)



Figure 57: Parallel realization

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,October

?, ?] 18, 2016 99 / 151
Realization of IIR Structures Parallel Form Structure for IIR System

EC 2012 December
Realize the following System in parallel form:

(z − 1)(z − 2)(z + 2)z

H(z) =
[z − ( 12 + j 12 )][z − ( 12 − j 12 )](z − 4j )(z + 4j )


(z − 1)(z − 2)(z + 2)z

H(z) =
[z − ( 12 + j 12 )][z − ( 21 − j 12 )](z − 4j )(z + 4j )
H(z) (z − 1)(z − 2)(z + 2)z
z [z − ( 12 + j 12 )][z − ( 21 − j 12 )](z − 4j )(z + 4j )
H(z) A B C D
= + + +
z z − (0.5 + j0.5) z − (0.5 − j0.5) z − j0.25 z + j0.25)

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,

?, ?] 18, 2016 100 / 151
Realization of IIR Structures Parallel Form Structure for IIR System

H(z) A B C D
= + + +
z z − (0.5 + j0.5) z − (0.5 − j0.5) z − j0.25 z + j0.25)
H(z) (z 2 − 1)(z − 2)
A = [z − (0.5 + j0.5)]|z=0.5+j0.5 =
z [z − (0.5 − j0.25)][z − j0.25][z + j0.25]
[(0.5 + j0.5)2 − 1][(0.5 + j0.5 − 2]
[0.5 + j0.5 − (0.5 − j0.5)][z 2 + 0.0625]
[0.25 + j0.5 − 0.25 − 1][(0.5 + j0.5 − 2]
[j1][z 2 + 0.0625]
[−1 + j0.5][(−1.5 + j0.5]
[j1][j0.5 + 0.0625]
[1.5 − j0.5 − j0.75 + 0.25] 1.25 − j1.25 1.767∠ − 45
= = =
−0.5 + j0.0625 −0.5 + j0.0625 0.503∠172
1.767∠ − 45
= = 3.513∠ − 217 = −2.8 + j2.1

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,

?, ?] 18, 2016 101 / 151
Realization of IIR Structures Parallel Form Structure for IIR System

Similarly B, C and D are estimated.

H(z) A B C D
= + + +
z z − (0.5 + j0.5) z − (0.5 − j0.5) z − j0.25 z + j0.25)
−2.8 + j2.1 −2.7683 − j2.1517 3.268 − j7.837 3.268 + j7.837
= + + +
z − (0.5 + j0.5) z − (0.5 − j0.5) z − j0.25 z + j0.25)

We have to design second order system, hence combine first two terms and last two terms.

H(z) −5.536z + 0.612 6.5366z − 3.918

= +
z z 2 − z + 0.5 z 2 + 0.0625)
H(z) z(−5.536 + 0.612z −1 ) z(6.5366 − 3.918z −1 )
= +
z z 2 (1 − z −1 + 0.5z −2 ) z 2 (1 + 0.0625z −2 )
(−5.536 + 0.612z −1 ) (6.5366 − 3.918z −1 )
H(z) = + = H1 (z) + H2 (z)
(1 − z −1 + 0.5z −2 ) (1 + 0.0625z −2 )

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,

?, ?] 18, 2016 102 / 151
Realization of IIR Structures Parallel Form Structure for IIR System

(−5.536 + 0.612z −1 ) (6.5366 − 3.918z −1 )

H(z) = −1 −2
+ = H1 (z) + H2 (z)
(1 − z + 0.5z ) (1 + 0.0625z −2 )

+ +

x ( n)
+ y ( n)

+ +



Figure 58: Parallel realization

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,

?, ?] 18, 2016 103 / 151
Realization of IIR Structures Parallel Form Structure for IIR System

EE 2010 May
Realize the following System in parallel form:

1 + 14 z −1
H(z) = 1 −1
[1 + 2
z + 41 z −2 ][1 + 12 z −1 ]


z −1 (z − 0.25)
H(z) =
z −2 [z 2 − 0.5z + 0.25]z −1 [z + 0.5]
z 2 (z + 0.25)
H(z) =
[z 2 + 0.5z + 0.25][z + 0.5]
H(z) z(z − 0.25)
z [z 2 + 0.5z + 0.25][z + 0.25]
H(z) Az + B C
= +
z [z 2 + 0.5z + 0.25] [z + 0.5]
z(z − 0.25) Az + B C
= +
[z 2 + 0.5z + 0.25][z + 0.5] [z 2 + 0.5z + 0.25] [z + 0.5]

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,

?, ?] 18, 2016 104 / 151
Realization of IIR Structures Parallel Form Structure for IIR System

Coefficients A B and C are determined

H(z) z(z − 0.2)

C = [z + 0.5]|z=−0.5 = 2
z [z − 0.5z + 0.333]
−0.5(−0.5 − 0.25)
= = 0.5
[(−0.5)2 − (0.5)(−0.5) + 0.25]

z(z + 0.25) Az + B C
= +
[z 2 + 0.5z + 0.25][z + 0.5] [z 2 + 0.5z + 0.25] [z + 0.5]
z(z + 0.25) = (Az + B)[z + 0.5] + C [z 2 + 0.5z + 0.25]
z + 0.25z = Az 2 + 0.5Az + Bz + 0.5B + Cz 2 + 0.5Cz + 0.25C ]
z + 0.25z = z 2 (A + C ) + z(0.5A + B + 0.5C ) + 0.5B + 0.25C

Equating coefficients

A+C = 1
A = 1 − C = 1 − 0.5 = 0.5

0.25 = 0.5A + B + 0.5C = 0.5 × 0.5 + B + 0.5 × 0.5

B = −0.25

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,

?, ?] 18, 2016 105 / 151
Realization of IIR Structures Parallel Form Structure for IIR System

H(z) 0.5z − 0.25 0.5

= +
z [z 2 + 0.5z + 0.25] [z + 0.5]
H(z) z(0.5 − 0.25z −1 ) 0.5
= +
z z 2 (1 + 0.5z −1 + 0.25z −2 ) z[1 + 0.5z −1 ]
(0.5 − 0.25z −1 ) 0.5
H(z) = +
(1 + 0.5z −1 + 0.25z −2 ) (1 + 0.5z −1 )

+ +

x ( n)
+ y ( n)



Figure 59: Parallel realization

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,

?, ?] 18, 2016 106 / 151
Realization of IIR Structures Parallel Form Structure for IIR System

Realize the following System in parallel form:

1 − 12 z −1
H(z) = 1 −1
(1 − 3
z )(1 − 41 z −1 )


z −1 (z − 0.5)
H(z) =
z −1 (z − 0.33)z −1 (z − 0.25)
z(z − 0.5)
H(z) =
(z − 0.33)(z − 0.25)
H(z) (z − 0.33)
z (z − 0.33)(z − 0.25)
H(z) A B
= +
z z − 0.33 z − 0.25
(z − 0.5) A B
= +
(z − 0.33)z −1 (z − 0.25) z − 0.33 z − 0.25

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,

?, ?] 18, 2016 107 / 151
Realization of IIR Structures Parallel Form Structure for IIR System

Coefficients A and B are determined

H(z) z − 0.5
A = [z − 0.33]|z=0.33 =
z z − 0.25
0.33 − 0.5
= = −2
0.33 − 0.25

H(z) z − 0.5
B = [z − 0.25]|z=0.25 =
z z − 0.33
0.25 − 0.5
= =3
0.25 − 0.33


x ( n) 1 y ( n)
3 +



Figure 60: Parallel realization

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,
?, ?] 18, 2016 108 / 151
Realization of IIR Structures Parallel Form Structure for IIR System

Realize the following System in parallel form:

1 + 13 z −1
H(z) =
1 − 34 z −1 + 81 z −2


1 + 13 z −1
H(z) =
1 − 34 z −1 + 18 z −2
1 + 0.33z −1
H(z) =
(1 − 0.5z −1 )(1 − 0.25z −1 )
z −1 (z + 0.33)
H(z) =
z −1 (z− 0.5)z −1 (z − 0.25)
z(z + 0.33)
H(z) =
(z − 0.5)(z − 0.25)
H(z) (z + 0.33)
z (z − 0.5)(z − 0.25)
H(z) A B
= +
z z − 0.5 z − 0.25
(z + 0.33) A B
= +
(z − 0.5)(z − 0.25) z − 0.33 z − 0.25

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,

?, ?] 18, 2016 109 / 151
Realization of IIR Structures Parallel Form Structure for IIR System

Coefficients A and B are determined

H(z) z + 0.33 0.5 + 0.33

A = [z − 0.5]|z=0.5 = = = 3.33
z z − 0.25 0.5 − 0.25

H(z) z + 0.33 0.25 + 0.33

B = [z − 0.25]|z=0.25 = = = −2.33
z z − 0.5 0.25 − 0.5
H(z) 3.33 −2.33
= +
z z − 0.5 z − 0.25
3.33 −2.33
H(z) = +
z − 0.5 z − 0.25


x ( n) 0.5 y ( n)



Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) Figure 61: Parallel

UNIT - 8: Implementation realization Systems[?, ?,October
of Discrete-time ?, ?] 18, 2016 110 / 151
Realization of IIR Structures Parallel Form Structure for IIR System

EE 2010 May
Realize the following System in parallel form:

10(1 − 12 z −1 )(1 + 2z −1 )(1 − 32 z −1 )

H(z) = 3 −1
(1 − 4
z )(1 − 18 z −1 )[1 − ( 21 + j 12 )z −1 )][1 − ( 21 − j 12 )z −1 )]


10(1 − 0.5z −1 )(1 + 2z −1 )(1 − 0.66z −1 )

H(z) =
(1 − 0.75z −1 )(1 − 0.125z −1 )[1 − (0.5 + j0.5)z −1 )][1 − (0.5 − j0.5)z −1 )]
10(1 − 0.5z −1 )(1 + 2z −1 )(1 − 0.66z −1 )
H(z) =
(1 − 0.75z −1 )(1 − 0.125z −1 )[1 − z −1 + 0.5z −2 )]
10z −3 (z − 0.5)(z + 2)(z − 0.66)
H(z) =
z −4 (z − 0.75)(z − 0.125)[z 2 − z + 0.5]
H(z) 10(z − 0.5)(z + 2)(z − 0.66)
z (z − 0.75)(z − 0.125)[z 2 − z + 0.5]
H(z) A B Cz + D
= + + 2
z [z − 0.75] [z − 0.125] [z − z + 0.5]

10(z − 0.5)(z + 2)(z − 0.66) A B Cz + D

= + + 2
(z − 0.75)(z − 0.125)[z 2 − z + 0.5] [z − 0.75] [z − 0.125] [z − z + 0.5]

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,

?, ?] 18, 2016 111 / 151
Realization of IIR Structures Parallel Form Structure for IIR System

Coefficients A B and C are determined

H(z) 10(z − 0.5)(z + 2)(z − 0.66)

A = [z − 0.75]|z=0.75 =
z (z − 0.125)[z 2 − z + 0.5]
10(0.75 − 0.5)(0.75 + 2)(0.75 − 0.66)
= = 3.16
(0.75 − 0.125)[0.752 − 0.75 + 0.5]

H(z) 10(z − 0.5)(z + 2)(z − 0.66)

B = [z − 0.125]|z=0.125 =
z (z − 0.75)[z 2 − z + 0.5]
10(0.125 − 0.5)(0.125 + 2)(0.125 − 0.66)
= = −17.46
(0.125 − 0.75)[0.1252 − 0.125 + 0.5]

z(z + 0.25) Az + B C
= +
[z 2 + 0.5z + 0.25][z + 0.5] [z 2 + 0.5z + 0.25] [z + 0.5]
z(z + 0.25) = (Az + B)[z + 0.5] + C [z 2 + 0.5z + 0.25]
z + 0.25z = Az 2 + 0.5Az + Bz + 0.5B + Cz 2 + 0.5Cz + 0.25C ]
z + 0.25z = z 2 (A + C ) + z(0.5A + B + 0.5C ) + 0.5B + 0.25C
Equating coefficients
A+C = 1
A = 1 − C = 1 − 0.5 = 0.5

Dr. Manjunatha. P 0.25

(JNNCE) = 0.5A
8: B + 0.5C = 0.5
Implementation × 0.5 + BSystems[?,
of Discrete-time + 0.5 ×?,October
?, ?] 18, 2016 112 / 151
Realization of IIR Structures Parallel Form Structure for IIR System

H(z) 0.5z − 0.25 0.5

= +
z [z 2 + 0.5z + 0.25] [z + 0.5]
H(z) z(0.5 − 0.25z −1 ) 0.5
= +
z z 2 (1 + 0.5z −1 + 0.25z −2 ) z[1 + 0.5z −1 ]
(0.5 − 0.25z −1 ) 0.5
H(z) = +
(1 + 0.5z −1 + 0.25z −2 ) (1 + 0.5z −1 )

+ +

x ( n)
+ y ( n)



Figure 62: Parallel realization

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,

?, ?] 18, 2016 113 / 151
Realization of FIR system Lattice structure for FIR Systems

Lattice structure for FIR Systems

The system function of mth order FIR filter is represented by the polynomial Am (z)

Hm (z) = Am (z)

where Am (z) is the polynomial and is defined as

Am (z) = 1 + am (i)z −i

A0 (z) = 1 The system function becomes

Hm (z) = 1 + am (i)z −i

H0 (z) = 1 the z transform the input and output are related as

Y (z)
Hm (z) =
X (z)
Y (z) X
=1+ am (i)z −i
X (z) i=1

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,

?, ?] 18, 2016 114 / 151
Realization of FIR system Lattice structure for FIR Systems

Y (z) = X (z) + am (i)z −i X (z)
i=1 f0 (n) = x(n) and g0 (n − 1) = x(n − 1)

Taking inverse z transform y (n) = x(n) + k1 x(n − 1)

y (n) = x(n) + am (i)x(n − i)
f 0 (n )
+ f1 (n) = y (n)
Consider the order of the filter m=1 K1
x( n)

y (n) = x(n) + a1 (1)x(n − 1) K1 g1 (n)

Z-1 +
g0 (n) g0 (n − 1)

From the figure y(n) is Figure 63: Single stage Lattice filter

y (n) = f0 (n) + k1 g0 (n − 1)

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,

?, ?] 18, 2016 115 / 151
Realization of FIR system Lattice structure for FIR Systems
Consider the filter of order of two.
The second stage output is
y (n) = x(n) + am (i)x(n − i) f2 (n) = f1 (n) + K2 g1 (n − 1)
g2 (n) = K2 f1 (n) + g1 (n − 1)
= x(n) + a2 (1)x(n − 1) + a2 (2)x(n − 2)

The first stage output is The output y (n) is

f1 (n) = x(n) + K1 x(n − 1) y (n) = f1 (n) + K2 g1 (n − 1)

g1 (n) = K1 x(n) + x(n − 1)

y (n) = x(n) + K1 x(n − 1) + K2 [K1 x(n − 1) + x(n − 2)]

= x(n) + K1 (1 + K2 )x(n − 1) + K2 x(n − 2)

f 0 (n ) f1 (n) f 2 ( n ) = y ( n)
+ +
K1 K2
x ( n)

K1 K2
g0 (n)
Z-1 + g1 ( n)
Z-1 + g 2 ( n)

Figure 64: Two stage Lattice filter

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,

?, ?] 18, 2016 116 / 151
Realization of FIR system Lattice structure for FIR Systems

y (n) = x(n) + K1 (1 + K2 )x(n − 1) + K2 x(n − 2)

This equation represents the second order FIR system if:

a2 (1) = K1 (1 + K2 ) and a2 (2) = K2

a2 (1)
K1 = and K2 = a2 (2)
(1 + K2 )

The lattice structure for mth order is obtained from direct form coefficients by the following
recursive equations.
Km = am (m)

am (i) − am (m)am (m − i)
am−1 (i) = 2
i = 1, 2, . . . m − 1
1 − Km

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,

?, ?] 18, 2016 117 / 151
Realization of FIR system Lattice structure for FIR Systems

Draw the lattice structure for the following FIR filter function
1 −2
H(z) = 1 + 2z −1 + z
1 −2 y ( n)
H(z) = 1 + 2z −1 + z + +
3 K1 = 1.5 K 2 = 0.333
x ( n)
K1 = 1.5 K 2 = 0.333
a2 (1) = 2, a2 (2) = 3
g 2 ( n)

Km = am (m)
Z-1 + Z-1 +
for m=2
K2 = a2 (2) = 13 Figure 65: Lattice filter

am (i) − am (m)am (m − i)
am−1 (i) = 2
1 − Km
a2 (i) − a2 (2)a2 (2 − i)
a1 (i) =
1 − K22
a2 (1) − a2 (2)a2 (1)
a1 (1) =
1 − K22
2 − (0.333)(2)
1 − (0.333)2
= 1.5

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,

?, ?] 18, 2016 118 / 151
Realization of FIR system Lattice structure for FIR Systems

A FIR filter is given by

2 3 1
y (n) = x(n) + x(n − 1) + x(n − 2) + x(n − 3)
5 4 3

Draw the lattice structure

2 3 1
y (n) = x(n) + x(n − 1) + x(n − 2) + x(n − 3)
5 4 3

By taking z transform

2 −1 3 −2 1
Y (z) = X (z) + z X (z) + z X (z) + z −3 X (z)
5 4 3
Y (z) 2 3 −2 1
H(z) = = 1 + z −1 + z + z −3
X (z) 5 4 3
= 1 + 0.4z −1 + 0.75z −2 + 0.333z −3

a3 (1) = 0.4, a3 (2) = 0.75, a3 (3) = 0.333

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,

?, ?] 18, 2016 119 / 151
Realization of FIR system Lattice structure for FIR Systems
for m=3, K3 = a3 (3) = 0.333

am (i) − am (m)am (m − i) for m=2, K2 = a2 (2) = 0.693

am−1 (i) = 2
1 − Km
a3 (i) − a3 (3)a3 (3 − i)
a2 (i) = a2 (i) − a2 (2)a2 (2 − i)
1 − K32 a1 (i) =
1 − K22
a3 (1) − a3 (3)a3 (2)
a2 (1) = a2 (1) − a2 (2)a2 (1)
1 − K32 a1 (1) =
1 − K22
0.4 − (0.333)(0.75)
= = 0.169 0.169 − (0.693)(0.169)
1 − (0.333)2 =
1 − (0.693)2
a3 (2) − a3 (3)a3 (1)
a2 (2) = = 0.0998
1 − K32
0.75 − (0.333)(0.4) for m=1, K1 = a1 (1) = 0.0998
= = 0.693
1 − (0.333)2

y ( n)
+ + +
K1 = 0.0998 K 2 = 0.693 K 3 = 0.333
x ( n)
K1 = 0.0998 K 2 = 0.693 K 3 = 0.333

Z-1 + Z-1 + Z-1 + g 3 ( n)

Figure 66: Lattice filter

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,
?, ?] 18, 2016 120 / 151
Realization of FIR system Lattice structure for FIR Systems

A FIR filter is given by

y (n) = x(n) + 3.1x(n − 1) + 5.5x(n − 2) + 4.2x(n − 3) + 2.3x(n − 4)

Draw the lattice structure


y (n) = x(n) + 3.1x(n − 1) + 5.5x(n − 2) + 4.2x(n − 3) + 2.3x(n − 4)

By taking z transform

Y (z) = X (z) + 3.1z −1 X (z) + 5.5z −2 X (z) + 4.2z −3 X (z) + 2.3z −4 X (z)
Y (z)
H(z) = = 1 + 3.1z −1 + 5.5z −2 + 4.2z −3 + 2.3z −4
X (z)

a4 (1) = 3.1, a4 (2) = 5.5, a4 (3) = 4.2 a4 (4) = 2.3

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,

?, ?] 18, 2016 121 / 151
Realization of FIR system Lattice structure for FIR Systems
For m=4 K4 = a4 (4) = 2.3

am (i) − am (m)am (m − i) For m=3 K3 = a3 (3) = 0.683

am−1 (i) = 2
1 − Km
a4 (i) − a4 (4)a4 (4 − i) am (i) − am (m)am (m − i)
a3 (i) = am−1 (i) = 2
1 − K42 1 − Km
a4 (1) − a4 (4)a4 (3) a3 (i) − a3 (3)a3 (3 − i)
a3 (1) = a2 (i) =
1 − K42 1 − K32
3.1 − (2.3)(4.2) a3 (1) − a3 (3)a3 (3)
= a2 (1) =
1 − (2.3)2 1 − K32
= 1.529 1.529 − (0.683)(1.667)
a4 (2) − a4 (4)a4 (2) 1 − (0.683)2
a3 (2) =
1 − K42 = 0.732
5.5 − (2.3)(5.5) a3 (2) − a3 (3)a3 (1)
= a2 (2) =
1 − (2.3)2 1 − K32
= 1.6667 1.667 − (0.683)(1.529)
a4 (3) − a4 (4)a4 (1) 1 − (0.683)2
a3 (3) =
1 − K42 = 1.167
4.5 − (2.3)(3.1)
1 − (2.3)2
= 0.683 For m=2, K2 = a2 (2) = 1.167

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,

?, ?] 18, 2016 122 / 151
Realization of FIR system Lattice structure for FIR Systems

For m=2, K2 = a2 (2) = 1.167

For m=1
am (i) − am (m)am (m − i)
k1 = a1 (1) = 2
1 − Km

a2 (1) − a2 (2)a2 (1)

k1 = a1 (1) =
1 − K22
0.732 − (1.167)(0.732)
= = 0.338
1 − (1.167)2

f1 ( n) f 2 ( n) f 3 (n ) y(n)
+ + + +
K1 = 0.338 K 2 = 1.167 K 3 = 0.683 K 4 = 2.3
K1 = 0.338 K 2 = 1.167 K 3 = 0.683 K 4 = 2.3
Z-1 + Z-1 + Z-1 + Z-1 +
g1 (n) g 2 ( n) g 3 ( n) g 4 ( n)

Figure 67: Lattice filter

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,

?, ?] 18, 2016 123 / 151
Realization of FIR system Lattice structure for FIR Systems

Determine all the FIR filters which are specified by the lattice parameters K1 = 0.1, K2 = 0.2,
and K3 = 0.3 and draw the structure


am (0) = 1
am (m) = Km
am (i) = am−1 (i) + am (m)am−1 (m − i) For m=3

For m=1 a3 (0) = 1

a3 (3) = K3 = 0.3
a1 (0) = 1 a3 (i) = a2 (i) + a3 (3)a2 (3 − i)
a1 (1) = K1 = 0.1 a3 (1) = a2 (1) + a3 (3)a2 (2)
= 0.12 + (0.3)(0.2) = 0.18
For m=2
a3 (2) = a2 (2) + a3 (3)a2 (1)
a2 (0) = 1 = 0.2 + (0.3)(0.12) = 0.236
a2 (2) = K2 = 0.2
a2 (i) = a1 (i) + a2 (2)a1 (2 − i)
a2 (1) = 0.1 + (0.2)0.1 = 0.12

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,

?, ?] 18, 2016 124 / 151
Realization of FIR system Lattice structure for FIR Systems

H(z) = 1+ am (i)z −i
= 1+ a3 (i)z −i

= 1 + a3 (1)z −1 + a3 (2)z −2 + a3 (3)z −3

= 1 + 0.18z −1 + 0.236z −2 + 0.3z −3

x ( n)
Z-1 Z-1 Z-1

1 0.18 0.236 0.3

+ + +

Figure 68: Lattice filter

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,

?, ?] 18, 2016 125 / 151
Realization of FIR system Lattice structure for FIR Systems

Determine all the FIR filters which are specified by the lattice parameters K1 = 0.5, K2 = 0.333,
and K3 = 0.25 and draw the structure

am (0) = 1
am (m) = Km For m=3
am (i) = am−1 (i) + am (m)am−1 (m − i)
a3 (0) = 1
For m=1 a3 (3) = K3 = 0.25
a3 (i) = a2 (i) + a3 (3)a2 (3 − i)
a1 (0) = 1 a3 (1) = a2 (1) + a3 (3)a2 (2)
a1 (1) = K1 = 0.5 = 0.665 + (0.25)(0.333) = 0.75
a3 (2) = a2 (2) + a3 (3)a2 (1)
For m=2
= 0.333 + (0.667)(0.12) = 0.5
a2 (0) = 1
a2 (2) = K2 = 0.333 a3 (3) = k3 = 0.25
a2 (i) = a1 (i) + a2 (2)a1 (2 − i)
a2 (1) = 0.5 + (0.333)0.5 = 0.665

a3 (0) = 1, a3 (1) = 0.75, a3 (2) = 0.5, and a3 (3) = 0.25

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,

?, ?] 18, 2016 126 / 151
Realization of FIR system Lattice structure for FIR Systems

a3 (0) = 1, a3 (1) = 0.75, a3 (2) = 0.5, and a3 (3) = 0.25

H(z) = 1+ a3 (i)z −i

= K3 = 1 + a3 (1)z −1 + a3 (2)z −2 + a3 (3)z −3

= 1 + 0.75z −1 + 0.5z −2 + 0.25z −3

x ( n)
Z-1 Z-1 Z-1

1 0.75 0.5 0.25

+ + +

Figure 69: Lattice filter

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,

?, ?] 18, 2016 127 / 151
Realization of FIR system Lattice structure for FIR Systems

Determine the impulse response of a FIR filter with reflection coefficients K1 = 0.6, K2 = 0.3,
K3 = 0.5 and K4 = 0.9 Also draw the direct form structure


am (0) = 1
am (m) = Km
For m=3
am (i) = am−1 (i) + am (m)am−1 (m − i)
a3 (0) = 1
For m=1
a3 (3) = K3 = 0.5
a1 (0) = 1 a3 (i) = a2 (i) + a3 (3)a2 (3 − i)
a1 (1) = K1 = 0.5 a3 (1) = a2 (1) + a3 (3)a2 (2)
= 0.78 + (0.5)(0.3) = 0.93
For m=2 a3 (2) = a2 (2) + a3 (3)a2 (1)
= 0.3 + (0.5)(0.78) = 0.69
a2 (0) = 1
a2 (2) = K2 = 0.3
a2 (i) = a1 (i) + a2 (2)a1 (2 − i) a3 (3) = k3 = 0.25
a2 (1) = 0.6 + (0.3)0.6 = 0.78

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,

?, ?] 18, 2016 128 / 151
Realization of FIR system Lattice structure for FIR Systems
For m=4

a4 (0) = 1
a4 (i) = a3 (i) + a4 (4)a3 (4 − i)
a4 (1) = a3 (1) + a4 (4)a3 (3) = 0.93 + (0.9)(0.5) = 1.38
a4 (2) = a3 (2) + a4 (3)a3 (2) = 0.69 + (0.9)(0.69) = 1.311
a4 (3) = a3 (3) + a4 (3)a3 (1) = 0.5 + (0.9)(0.93) = 1.337

a4 (4) = K4 = 0.9
a4 (0) = 1, a4 (1) = 1.38, a4 (2) = 1.311, and a4 (3) = 1.337 and a4 (4) = 0.9
H(z) = 1+ a3 (i)z −i = 1 + a4 (1)z −1 + a4 (2)z −2 + a4 (3)z −3 + a4 (4)z −3

= 1 + 1.38z −1 + 1.311z −2 + 1.337z −3 + 0.9z −4

x ( n)
Z-1 Z-1 Z-1 Z-1

1 1.38 1.311 1.337 0.9

y(n) y(n)
+ + + +

Figure 70: Lattice filter

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,

?, ?] 18, 2016 129 / 151
Realization of IIR system Lattice structure for IIR Systems

Lattice structure for IIR Systems

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,

?, ?] 18, 2016 130 / 151
Realization of IIR system Lattice structure for IIR Systems

The system function of mth order IIR filter is represented by

bk z
H(z) =
ak z −k

Let us consider an all pole system with system function

1 1
H1 (z) = =
N AN (z)
aN (k)z −k

Y (z)
But the system function H1 (z) = X (z)

Y (z) 1
X (z) N
aN (k)z −k

Y (z) + aN (k)z −k Y (z) = X (z)

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,

?, ?] 18, 2016 131 / 151
Realization of IIR system Lattice structure for IIR Systems
Consider the order of the filter m=1

X y (n) = a1 (1)y (n − 1) + x(n)
Y (z) + aN (k)z −k Y (z) = X (z)

From the above equation

Taking inverse z transform
K1 = a1 (1)
y (n) = − aN (k)y (n − k) + x(n)
f 0 (n ) = y (n )
K1 f1 (n) = x (n)

Interchange the input and output

g1 (n)
Z-1 +
x(n) = − aN (k)x(n − k) + y (n) Figure 71: Single stage Lattice
k=1 filter

Rearranging the above equation

f1(n)=x(n) f0(n)=y(n)
- K1
y (n) = x(n) + aN (k)x(n − k) g1(n) K1
k=1 + Z-1

The equation is similar to the FIR Figure 72: Single stage Lattice
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?, ?] 18, 2016 132 / 151
Realization of IIR system Lattice structure for IIR Systems

Consider the filter of order of two.

f2 (n) = x(n)
f1 (n) = f2 (n) − K2 g1 (n − 1)
g2 (n) = K2 f1 (n) + g1 (n − 1)
f0 (n) = f1 (n) − K1 g0 (n − 1)
g1 (n) = K1 f0 (n) + g0 (n − 1)
y (n) = f0 (n) = g0 (n)

y (n) = −K1 (1 + K2 )y (n − 1) − K2 y (n − 2) + x(n)

g2 (n) = K2 y (n) + K1 (1 + K2 )y (n − 1) − y (n − 2)

f2(n)=x(n) f1(n) f0(n)=y(n)

+ +
- K2 - K1

g2(n) K2 K1
+ Z-1 + Z-1
g1(n) g0(n)

Figure 73: Single stage Lattice filter

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?, ?] 18, 2016 133 / 151
Realization of IIR system Lattice structure for IIR Systems

y (n) = − aN (k)y (n − k) + x(n)

y (n) = − a2 (k)y (n − k) + x(n)

y (n) = − a2 (k)y (n − k) + x(n)
= −a2 (1)y (n − 1) − a2 (2)y (n − 2) + x(n)

y (n) = x(n) + K1 (1 + K2 )x(n − 1) + K2 x(n − 2)

This equation represents the second order FIR system if:

a2 (1) = K1 (1 + K2 ) and a2 (2) = K2

a2 (1)
K1 = and K2 = a2 (2)
(1 + a2 (2))

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?, ?] 18, 2016 134 / 151
Realization of IIR system Lattice structure for IIR Systems

The lattice structure for mth order is obtained by the following recursive equations.
Km = am (m)

am (i) − am (m)am (m − i) am (i) − Km am (m − i)

am−1 (i) = 2
= 2
i = 1, 2, . . . m − 1
1 − Km 1 − Km
The IIR system function is
bk z
k=0 BM (z)
Hsystem (z) = =
N AN (z)
ak z −k

βi = bi − βm am (m − i) i = M, M − 1, M − 2, . . . 1, 0

fN(n)=x(n) fN-1(n) f2(n) f1(n) f0(n)

+ + +
- KN - K2 - K1

gN(n) gN-1(n) g2(n) g1(n) g0(n)
+ Z-1 + Z-1 + Z-1

β N −1 β1
βN β2
y ( n)
+ + β0
+ +

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE)

Figure 74: Lattice ladder structure
UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,
?, ?] 18, 2016 135 / 151
Realization of IIR system Lattice structure for IIR Systems
Realize the lattice structure for all pole filter given by H(z) =
1+ 25 z −1 + 43 z −2 + 13 z −3
am (i)−am (m)am (m−i)
m=3 a3 (0) = 1, a3 (1) = 25 , a3 (2) = 34 , a3 (3) = 1
am−1 (i) = 1−Km2

for m=3

a3 (i) − a3 (3)a3 (3 − i) for m=2

a2 (i) =
1 − K32
a2 (1) − a2 (2)a2 (1)
a3 (1) − a3 (3)a3 (2) a1 (1) =
a2 (1) = 1 − K22
1 − K32
0.1687 − (0.6973)(0.1687)
0.4 − (0.333)(0.75) =
a2 (1) = = 0.16875 1 − (0.697)2
1 − (0.33)2 = 0.0996
a3 (2) − a3 (3)a3 (1)
a2 (2) =
1 − K32 K3 = a3 (3) = 13 ,
0.75 − (0.333)(0.4) K2 = a2 (2) = 0.6937
a2 (2) = = 0.6937 K1 = a1 (1) = 0.0996
1 − (0.33)2

f3(n)=x(n) f2(n) f1(n) f0(n)=y(n)

+ + +
- 0.333 - 0.6973 0.0996
0.333 0.6973 0.0996
+ Z-1 g2(n) + Z-1 + Z-1
g1(n) g0(n)

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) Figure 75:Lattice

UNIT - 8: Implementation filter Systems[?, ?,October
of Discrete-time ?, ?] 18, 2016 136 / 151
Realization of IIR system Lattice structure for IIR Systems
Realize the lattice structure for all pole filter given by H(z) = 1−0.9z −1 +0.64z −2 −0.576z −3
m=3 a3 (0) = 1, a3 (1) = −0.9 a3 (2) = 0.64 a3 (3) = −0.576
for m=3, i=1,2

a3 (i) − a3 (3)a3 (3 − i) for m=2

a2 (i) =
1 − K32
a2 (1) − a2 (2)a2 (1)
a3 (1) − a3 (3)a3 (2) a1 (1) =
a2 (1) = 1 − K22
1 − K32
−0.795 − (0.1819)(−0.795)
−0.9 − (−0.576)(0.64) =
a2 (1) = = −0.795 1 − (0.1819)2
1 − (−0.5763)2 = −0.6726
a3 (2) − a3 (3)a3 (1)
a2 (2) =
1 − K32 K3 = a3 (3) = −0.576,
0.64 − (−0.576)(−0.9) K2 = a2 (2) = 0.1819
a2 (2) = = 0.1819 K1 = a1 (1) = −0.6726
1 − (−0.5763)2

f3(n)=x(n) f2(n) f1(n) f0(n)=y(n)

+ + +
- -0.576 - 0.1819 -0.6726
-0.576 0.1819 -0.6726
+ Z-1 g2(n) + Z-1 + Z-1
g1(n) g0(n)

Figure 76: Lattice filter

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?, ?] 18, 2016 137 / 151
Realization of IIR system Lattice structure for IIR Systems

Develop the lattice ladder structure for the filter with difference equation

3 1
y (n) + y (n − 1) + y (n − 2) = x(n) + 2x(n − 1)
4 4

3 1
y (n) + y (n − 1) + y (n − 2) = x(n) + 2x(n − 1)
4 4

By taking z transform

3 −1 1
Y (z) + z Y (z) + z −2 Y (z) = X (z) + 2z −1 X (z)
4 4
Y (z) 1 + 2z −1
H(z) = =
X (z) 1 + 34 z −1 + 14 z −2

B(z) = 1 + 2z −1
A(z) = 1 + 43 z −1 + 41 z −2
a2 (1) = 0.75, a2 (2) = 0.25

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?, ?] 18, 2016 138 / 151
Realization of IIR system Lattice structure for IIR Systems

βi = bi − βm am (m − i)

for m=2
K2 = a2 (2) = 0.25 1
β0 = b0 − βm am (m)
am (i) − am (m)am (m − i) m=1
am−1 (i) = 2
1 − Km = b0 − β1 a1 (1) = 1 − 2(0.6) = −0.2
a2 (i) − a2 (2)a2 (2 − i)
a1 (i) =
1 − K22
a2 (1) − a2 (2)a2 (1)
a1 (1) =
1 − K22
0.75 − (0.25)(0.75)
= = 0.6 x(n) f1(n) f0(n)
1 − (0.25)2 + +
- K2=0.25 - K1=0.6
for m=1
g1(n) g0(n)
K1 = a1 (1) = 0.6
+ Z-1 + Z-1
Ladder coefficients are
B(z) = 1 + 2z −1 M=1 β 0 = −0.2
β1 = 2
b0 = 1, b1 = β1 = 2 y ( n)
+ +

Figure 77: Lattice filter

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?, ?] 18, 2016 139 / 151
Realization of IIR system Lattice structure for IIR Systems

A linear time invariant system is defined by

0.129 + 0.38687z −1 + 0.3869z −2 + 0.129z −3

H(z) =
1 − 0.2971z −1 + 0.3564z −2 − 0.0276z −3

Realize the IIR transfer function using lattice ladder structure

H(z) = B(z)


A(z) = 1 − 0.2971z −1 + 0.3564z −2 − 0.0276z −3

B(z) = 0.129 + 0.38687z −1 + 0.3869z −2 + 0.129z −3

a3 (3) = −0.0276, a3 (2) = 0.3564, a3 (1) = −0.2971

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?, ?] 18, 2016 140 / 151
Realization of IIR system Lattice structure for IIR Systems

for m=3
K3 = a3 (3) = −0.0276

am (i) − am (m)am (m − i)
am−1 (i) = 2
for m=2
1 − Km K2 = a2 (2) = 0.3485
a3 (i) − a3 (3)a3 (3 − i)
a2 (i) =
1 − K32 a2 (i) − a2 (2)a2 (2 − i)
a1 (i) =
a3 (1) − a3 (3)a3 (2) 1 − K22
a2 (1) =
1 − K32 a2 (1) − a2 (2)a2 (1)
a1 (1) =
−0.2971 − (−0.0276)(0.3564) 1 − K22
1 − (−0.2971)2 0.2875 − (0.3485)(−0.2875)
= −0.2875 1 − (0.3485)2
a3 (2) − a3 (3)a3 (1) = −0.2132
a2 (2) =
1 − K32
0.3564 − (−0.0276)(−0.2971) for m=1
= K1 = a1 (1) = −0.2132
1 − (−0.0.0276)2
= 0.3485

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?, ?] 18, 2016 141 / 151
Realization of IIR system Lattice structure for IIR Systems

Ladder coefficients are: B(z) = 0.129 + 0.38687z −1 + 0.3869z −2 + 0.129z −3

βi = bi − βm am (m − i)

b0 = 0.129, b1 = 0.38687, b2 = 0.3869, b3 = 0.129 = β3

i =2
β2 = b2 − βm am (m − 2) = b2 − β3 a3 (1) = 0.3869 − (0.129)(−0.2971) = 0.4252

i =1
β1 = b1 − βm am (m − 1)
= b1 − β2 a2 (1) − β3 a3 (2) = 0.3867 − (0.4252)(−0.2875) − (0.129)(0.3564) = 0.4630

i =0
β0 = b0 − βm am (m)
= b0 − β1 a1 (1) − β2 a2 (2) − β3 a3 (3)
= 0.129 − (0.4630)(−0.2132) − (0.4252)(0.3485) − (0.129)(−0.0276) = 0.0831

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?, ?] 18, 2016 142 / 151
Realization of IIR system Lattice structure for IIR Systems

fN(n)=x(n) fN-1(n) f2(n) f1(n) f0(n)

+ + +
- K3=-0.0276 - K2=-0.3485 - K1=-0.2132
K3 K2=-0.3485
gN(n) gN-1(n) g2(n) g1(n) g0(n)
+ Z-1 + Z-1 + Z-1

β 2 = 0.4252 β1 = 0.4630 β 0 = 0.0831

β 3 = 0.129
y ( n)
+ + +

Figure 78: Lattice filter

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?, ?] 18, 2016 143 / 151
Realization of IIR system Lattice structure for IIR Systems

A linear time invariant system is defined by

1 + z −1 + z −2
H(z) =
(1 + 0.5z −1 )(1 + 0.3z −1 )(1 + 0.4z −1 )

Realize the IIR transfer function using lattice ladder structure


1 + z −1 + z −2
H(z) =
(1 + 0.5z −1 )(1 + 0.3z −1 )(1 + 0.4z −1 )
1 + z −1 + z −2
1 + 1.2z −1 + 0.47z −2 + 0.06z −3

H(z) = B(z)


A(z) = 1 + 1.2z −1 + 0.47z −2 + 0.06z −3

B(z) = 1 + z −1 + z −2

a3 (3) = 0.06, a3 (2) = 0.47, a3 (1) = 1.2

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,
?, ?] 18, 2016 144 / 151
Realization of IIR system Lattice structure for IIR Systems

for m=3
K3 = a3 (3) = 0.06

am (i) − am (m)am (m − i)
am−1 (i) = for m=2
1 − Km 2
K2 = a2 (2) = 0.4
a3 (i) − a3 (3)a3 (3 − i)
a2 (i) =
1 − K32 a2 (i) − a2 (2)a2 (2 − i)
a1 (i) =
a3 (1) − a3 (3)a3 (2) 1 − K22
a2 (1) =
1 − K32 a2 (1) − a2 (2)a2 (1)
a1 (1) =
1.2 − (−0.06)(0.47) 1 − K22
1 − (−0.06)2 1.176 − (0.4)(1.176)
= 1.176 1 − (0.4)2
a3 (2) − a3 (3)a3 (1) = 0.84
a2 (2) =
1 − K32
0.47 − (−0.06)(1.2) for m=1
= K1 = a1 (1) = 0.84
1 − (0.06)2
= 0.4

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?, ?] 18, 2016 145 / 151
Realization of IIR system Lattice structure for IIR Systems
i =1

β1 = b1 − βm am (m − 1)
Ladder coefficients are
B(z) = 1 + z −1 + z −2 M=1
b0 = 1, b1 = 1, b2 = 1 = β2 = b1 − β2 a2 (1)
= 1 − 1.176 = −0.176
βi = bi − βm am (m − i) i =0
β2 = b2 = 1 β0 = b0 − βm am (m)
= b0 − β1 a1 (1) − β2 a2 (2)
= 1 + .84(0.176) − 0.4 = 0.748
fN(n)=x(n) fN-1(n) f2(n) f1(n) f0(n)
+ + +
- K3=-0.06 - K2=-0.4 - K1=-0.84
K3 =0.06 K2=-0.4
gN(n) gN-1(n) g2(n) g1(n) g0(n)
+ Z-1 + Z-1 + Z-1

β2 = 1 β1 = −0.176 β 0 = 0.748
y ( n)
+ +

Figure 79: Lattice filter

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?, ?] 18, 2016 146 / 151
Realization of IIR system Signal Flow Graph

Signal Flow Graph

Signal flow graph (SFG) is graphical representation of block diagram structure.

The basic elements of SFG are branches and nodes. The signal out of branch is equal to
the branch gain.
Adders and pick-off points are replaced by nodes. Multipliers and delay elements are
indicated by the the branch transmittance.
The input to the system originates at source node and output signal is extracted from a
sink node.
The importance of SFG in FIR or IIR structure is transposition or flow graph reversal
Theorem states that “if we reverse the directions of all branch transmittances and
interchange the input and output in the flow graph, the system function remains
unchanged”. The resulting structure is called a transposed structure or a transposed
Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,
?, ?] 18, 2016 147 / 151
Realization of IIR system Signal Flow Graph

x ( n) b0 y ( n) 2 Sink Node
+ + x ( n) 1 b0 3 y ( n)

Z-1 Node − a1 Z −1 b1
−a1 b1
+ + 4
− a2
Z-1 Z −1
− a2 b2

Figure 80: Direct Form II Figure 81: Signal Flow graph

y ( n) b0
2 + x ( n)
y ( n) 1 b0 3 x ( n)

− a1 Z −1 b1
− a1 b1
4 +
− a2
Z −1
− a2 b2
5 +

Figure 82: Transposed Structure SFG Figure 83: Direct form-II realization
Figure 80 shows the direct form II structure while Figure 81 shows its signal flow graph
Figure 82 shows the Transposed Structure while Figure 83 shows its realization.

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,

?, ?] 18, 2016 148 / 151
Realization of IIR system Signal Flow Graph

A linear time invariant system is defined by

1 − 12 z −1 + 41 z −2
H(z) =
1 + 18 z −1 − 51 z −2 + 16 z −3
Draw the signal flow graph, transposed signal flow graph and transposed direct form-II structure
2 Sink Node
x ( n) 1 3 y ( n)

Source 1

1 −1 −
Z 2 y ( n)
x ( n)
5 Z −1
− 5
1 1
− −
Figure 84: Signal flow graph 8 2

y ( n) 1 3 x ( n)
1 1
Source 1
1 − 5 4
Node −
Z −1
2 +
1 1
5 Z −1

− 5 Z-1

Figure 86: Direct form-II Structure

Figure 85: Transposed Structure signal flow
Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,
?, ?] 18, 2016 149 / 151
Realization of IIR system Signal Flow Graph

For the flow graph write difference equations and system function

x ( n) y ( n)

1 Z −1 1
Z −1
5 4

Z −1 −

Z −1 1


Figure 87: Direct Form I

1 5 1 1
y (n) = y (n − 1) − y (n − 2) − y (n − 3) + x(n) + x(n − 1)
4 24 12 5
1 + 15 z −1
H(z) = 1 −1 5 −2 1 −3
1− 4
z + 24
z + 12

Dr. Manjunatha. P (JNNCE) UNIT - 8: Implementation of Discrete-time Systems[?, ?,

?, ?] 18, 2016 150 / 151
Realization of IIR system Signal Flow Graph

For the flow graph write difference equations and system function
x ( n) w( n ) y ( n)

Z −1 3 Z −1
Y (z) Y (z) W (z)
Z −1
H(z) = =
Z −1 X (z) W (z) X (z)
1 2
Figure 88: Direct Form II Cascade (1 − z −1 − 2z −2 )(1 − 3z −1 − z −2 )
1 − 4z −1 + 7z −3 + 2z −4

w (n) = x(n) + 3w (n − 1) + w (n − 2)
Y (z)[1 − 4z −1 + 7z −3 + 2z −4 ] = X (z)
W (z) 1
= Y (z) = X (z)+4z −1 Y (z)−7z −3 Y (z)−2z −4 Y (z)
X (z) 1 − 3z −1 − z −2

y (n) = w (n) + y (n − 1) + 2y (n − 2) y (n) = x(n)+4y (n−1)−7y (n−3)−2y (n−4)

Y (z) 1
W (z) 1 − z −1 − 2z −2

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?, ?] 18, 2016 151 / 151

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