Modeling and PWM Control
Modeling and PWM Control
Modeling and PWM Control
(1) The Helium gas used in the actuator is a perfect gas, The valve discharge coefficent Cd is modeled as a constant
so that the perfect gas equation is valid. number whose value is lower for charging port and higher
(2) Regulator Output Pressure and Temperature remain for the discharging port as given below : Cdin = 0.7
Constant. for Inlet Port (Charging Process) and Cdout = 0.94 for
(3) The pneumatic process is Isothermal. Outlet Port (Discharging Process). The measured values
(4) The discharge coefficients of servo valves are constant. for Cd are initially provided by the valve designer with a
tolerance band. Final values of Cd are obtained by fine
2.1 Modeling dynamics of mass flow rate through valve tuning in the nonlinear simulation model to match with
orifice the experimental results.
The mass flow rate through the valve orifice is as shown 2.3 Modeling Temperature dynamics
in Fig. 2.
The pneumatic process is assumed to be Isothermal in na-
ture. Therefore the chamber temperatures remain constant
and equal to the reservoir temperature as given by Eqn. 5:
where, γ is the ratio of specific heats = (Cp /Cv ) = 1.667 Where, Larm is the arm length of the linkage for converting
for Helium. linear motion of the piston in to angular motion.
Pcr is the critical pressure ratio given by Eqn. 4:
2.6 Friction model
IN Kudryavtsev and Plummer (2005); Anderson (1967)
There exists three different types of frictions:
5th International Conference on Advances in Control and
Optimization of Dynamical Systems Murali Mohan Gade et al. / IFAC PapersOnLine 51-1 (2018) 237–242 239
February 18-22, 2018. Hyderabad, India
If in is the fin moment of inertia in Kg − m2
MHM is the aerodynamic hinge moment load acting on
the fin which can be either opposing (stable) or assisting
(unstable) given by Eqn. 14.
2.8 Important parameters of the pneumatic actuator Fig. 3. Deflection: Experimental Vs nonlinear simulation
The important parameters of the pneumatic actuator are 3 Experimental plant characterization using FRA
as given in the Table 1.
Since, the pneumatic servo with ON/OFF valves is highly
2.9 Validation of the nonlinear simulation model nonlinear, it is necessary to obtain a linear plant model for
designing a controller. The servo plant characterization as
A nonlinear simulation model of the pneumatic actuator shown in Fig. 5 in experiment is carried out by conducting
is developed in MATLAB/SIMULINK using the Eqn. 1 FRA to estimate a linear model of the servo with different
to Eqn. 14. Then, it is validated against the experimental load conditions.
data by matching the deflection and chamber pressures.
The plant characterization procedure is as explained
The following parameters of the nonlinear simulation below:
model are tuned to achieve this:
(1) The experimental FRA is conducted on the servo
(1) Discharge coefficients of valves for charging and dis- at frequencies with range [2, 32] Hz. The plant is
charging processes. characterized between the control signal input to
5th International Conference on Advances in Control and
Optimization of Dynamical Systems Murali Mohan Gade et al. / IFAC PapersOnLine 51-1 (2018) 237–242
February 18-22, 2018. Hyderabad, India
The SSPWM control algorithm is different from the con- DZP os = 0.25; DZN eg = 0.5
ventional Double Sided Pulse Width Modulation (DSPWM). f eP OS = f e + P W MP OS + DZP OS
In DSPWM, the switching commands of both valves are
f eN EG = f e + P W MN EG − DZN EG
5th International Conference on Advances in Control and
Optimization of Dynamical Systems Murali Mohan Gade et al. / IFAC PapersOnLine 51-1 (2018) 237–242 241
February 18-22, 2018. Hyderabad, India
if (f eP OS ≥ 1.01)
SWP OS = 1;
if (f eP OS < 0.99)
SWP OS = 0
if (f eN EG ≥ −0.99) (18)
SWN EG = 0
if (f eN EG < −1.01)
SWN EG = 1
A small hysteresis band of 0.01 is used to eliminate small Fig. 8. Block diagram of the SSPWM Servo Controller
pulses due to noise in the signals f eP OS and f eN EG . 5.2 Phase Lag Compensator
( )( )
S + ωzLag ωpLag
GcLag (S) = (19)
S + ωpLag ωzLag
Fig. 7. Comparison of gas consumption: DSPWM Vs The 2nd order phase lead compensator with real pole-zeros
SSPWM in the forward path as given in Eqn. 20 is designed mainly
to improve the Phase Margin (PM).
5 Design of Lead-Lag Compensator based SSPWM
ωz1Leadf orw +1 ωz2Leadf orw +1
In this section, the details of the lead-lag compensator GcLeadf orw (S) = S
+1 +1
based controller are explained. The actuator position con- ωp1Leadf orw ωp2Leadf orw
trol is achieved by a single loop control architecture with (20)
a LVDT position sensor for feedback. The controller is
where, ωz1Leadf orw = 57 rad/s, ωp1Leadf orw = 107 rad/s,
implemented on a Texas Instruments F2812 Digital Signal
Processor (DSP) based SCU with a control sampling of ωz2Leadf orw = 71 rad/s, ωp2Leadf orw = 116 rad/s.
0.5 ms. The estimated plant model as given in Eqn. 16: is
used for designing the controller. 5.4 Complex Phase Lead Compensator
The important specifications of the control design are as
given in the Table 2. The 2nd order complex phase lead compensator in the
feedback path as given in Eqn. 21 is designed mainly to
Table 2. increase the Gain Margin (GM) by increasing the Phase
Crossover Frequency (GCF).
S.No Specification Value
1 Time To Rise 10 deg 60 ms
2 Bandwidth (-90 deg BW) 15 Hz S2 2ζ1
+ ωn1 S +1
3 Gain Margin 6 dB GcLeadF B (S) = S2 2ζ2
4 Phase Margin 45 deg 2
+ ωn2 S +1
5 Overshoot < 20%
6 Steady state error < 0.7 deg where, ωn1 = 204 rad/s, ωn2 = 604 rad/s,
The block diagram of the controller is as shown in Fig. 8 ζ1 = 0.171 rad/s, ζ2 = 0.6 rad/s.
The elements of the controller are explained below : 5.5 Notch filter
5.1 Proportional gain (Kp)
A 2nd order Notch filter in the forward path with a notch
frequency at 100 Hz as given in Eqn. 22 is designed mainly
The proportional gain (Kp) is designed to ensure the
to attenuate the 100 Hz chattering due to PWM pulses.
required Gain Crossover Frequency (GCF) and higher
disturbance rejection.The design value of Kp is set at 15.
5th International Conference on Advances in Control and
Optimization of Dynamical Systems Murali Mohan Gade et al. / IFAC PapersOnLine 51-1 (2018) 237–242
February 18-22, 2018. Hyderabad, India
S2 2ζ1
ωn + ωn S +1
GcN otch (S) = S2 2ζ2
ωn + ωn S +1
where, ωn = 2 ∗ π ∗ 100 rad/s and ζ1 = 0.0005, ζ2 = 0.125
From the Fig. 10 it can be noticed that, the -90 deg In this paper, we have carried out the modeling, simu-
bandwidth of the servo is about 20 Hz. This can be lation of an Electro Pneumatic Actuator used in missile
crosschecked experimentally by testing the servo at 10 applications. The nonlinear simulation model is validated
Hz sine command and computing the phase lag between with the experimental closed loop time response.
input and output signals as shown in Fig. 11, which is An experimental plant characterization has been carried
approximately -45 deg. Therefore, by assuming a standard out on the EPA using FRA. The gain and phase of the
second order system, the -90 deg phase lag occurs at 19.3 plant at various input frequencies are obtained using cor-
Hz, which is very close to 20 Hz as predicted by the closed relation FRA algorithm and estimated a transfer function
loop Bode using the experimentally estimated plant model. model for the plant alone.
Developed an innovative SSPWM control algorithm which
generates the switching pulses to the valves with reduced
gas consumption. Designed a single loop position control
system. Achieved all the design specifications with the
designed SSPWM controller under no load, opposing and
assisting load conditions.
Fig. 10. Closed loop Bode plot and Step response of the Anderson, B.W. (1967). The Analysis and Design of
Servo with the designed controller Pneumatic Systems. John Wiley and Sons. Inc.
IN Kudryavtsev, AV Kramskoy, A.P. and Plummer, M.
The designed controller is tested experimentally in both (2005). Computer Simulation of Pneumatic Engine Op-
the time and the frequency domains. From the Table 3, it eration. International Scientific Journal for Alternative
can be observed that the achieved control parameters are Energy and Ecology (ISJAEE), 3(23).
satisfactorily meeting the design specifications.