Currency Arbitrage Detection
Currency Arbitrage Detection
Currency Arbitrage Detection
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Arbitrage is the trading strategy which earns a risk- The situation like opening multiple Forex markets like
free profit. This profit is earned by using the opportunities Tokyo, Sydney, London and New York can increase the
in the differences of the entities in a well-defined and clear- trading volume rapidly and can be at the greatest. These
cut market or in the various forms of the market. It is the markets are opened simultaneously leading to the
process of earning a profit which is risk-free by considering overlapping. During the London and New York
the various favorable conditions of differences in rate and overlapping nearly 75 percent of the Forex market activities
cost of the same entity regardless the goods are priced occur. The dealer set updates in forex market change at
alone or in identical combinations. Because of such price higher rates and the sets can be executed rather than being
inconsistencies and variations, one can earn a harmless and simply indicative or expressive.
risk-free status in the market and there is a certain
reliability and assurance that he may earn more than his These features are contrary to the equity markets
risk-free return. The Forex market is the highest and most where a huge volume trade can result in significant price
liquid market in the world. A highly liquid market has change and this impact drastically affects the trade. When
insinuates a lower spread, a high volume and turnover. sellers and dealers talk about the FX market, they aim to
profit by anticipating the future flow and direction of the
Traditionally in the Forex market, the Jump-Diffusion market.
factor is largely absent resulting in much tighter bid-ask
spreads. Hence, occasional disparities in the bid-ask prices Arbitrage in the FX market is generally characterized
may lead to a fair amount of risk-free profit. In today's in two categories- First is the arbitrage in FX market
market, price discrepancies can last only for milliseconds or depends on the utilization of price variation between
even for less time. Hence the High Frequencies Traders multiple currency pairs and the another one relies on the
(HFTs) are relying on the highly efficient algorithms and variations from the price relationship between the foreign
the superfast computers to detect such price differences and exchange rate, the forward foreign exchange rate and the
to find the opportunity of arbitrage in the market. respective interest rates on which interest parity must hold
In this paper we are focusing on the implementation of an on. The reason that attracted the large no of marketers and
algorithm called the Bellman-Ford Algorithm to detect such the practitioners from academics towards arbitrage are -
scenarios. large trading volume, variation in the currencies and the
markets, the never ending continuous trading activities and
the decreasing transaction loss.
Fig 1
The nodes of the graph represent the Major Currencies Hence, we end up with a negative edge weighted
in the Forex market while the edges represent the graph where the negative cycles determine arbitrage. These
conversion rates. The weight of the edge is the natural log negative cycles are detected by Bellman – Ford Shortest
of the respective currency exchange rates. Path algorithm with O(V*E) running complexity.
Fig 2
The first test was done on live FX rates imported from Yahoo Finance and the results were as surmised.
Fig 3