Key Stage 2: English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Test Mark Schemes
Key Stage 2: English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Test Mark Schemes
Key Stage 2: English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Test Mark Schemes
Key stage 2
English grammar,
punctuation and spelling
test mark schemes
Paper 1: questions
and Paper 2: spelling
2017 key stage 2 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test mark schemes
1. Introduction 3
2. Structure of the key stage 2 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test 3
4. Paper 1: questions 4
4.1 Content domain coverage for Paper 1: questions 4
4.2 General guidance on marking Paper 1: questions 6
4.3 Explanation of the mark schemes for Paper 1: questions 8
5. Mark schemes for Paper 1: questions 9
6. Paper 2: spelling 16
6.1 Content domain coverage for Paper 2: spelling 16
6.2 General guidance on marking Paper 2: spelling 16
6.3 Pupil version of Paper 2: spelling 16
7. Mark schemes for Paper 2: spelling 17
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2017 key stage 2 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test mark schemes
1. Introduction
The Standards and Testing Agency (STA) is responsible for the development and delivery of
statutory tests and assessments. STA is an executive agency of the Department for Education.
The 2017 test assesses the 2014 national curriculum. The test has been developed to meet the
specification set out in the test framework for English grammar, punctuation and spelling at
key stage 2. The test frameworks are on the GOV.UK website at
Scaled score conversion tables are not included in this document. Conversion tables will be
produced as part of the standard-setting process. Scaled score conversion tables for the
2017 tests will be published at in July
2017. The standards confirmation meeting will take place in June 2017.
The mark schemes are provided to show markers and teachers how the tests are marked.
The pupil examples are based on responses gathered from the test trialling process.
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2017 key stage 2 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test mark schemes
4. Paper 1: questions
4.1 Content domain coverage for Paper 1: questions
Table 1 sets out the content domain coverage for questions in Paper 1. Information relating to
the codes in Table 1 can be found in the key stage 2 English grammar, punctuation and spelling
test framework.
G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7
Grammatical Functions Combining Verb forms, Punctuation Vocabulary Standard
Qu. terms / word of words, tenses and English
classes sentences phrases consistency and
and clauses formality
1 1
2 1
3 1
4 1
5 1
6 1
7 1
8 1
9 1
10 1
11 1
12 1
13 1
14 1
15 1
16 1
17 1
18 1
19 1
20 1
21 1
22 1
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2017 key stage 2 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test mark schemes
G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7
Grammatical Functions Combining Verb forms, Punctuation Vocabulary Standard
Qu. terms / word of words, tenses and English
classes sentences phrases consistency and
and clauses formality
23 1
24 1
25 1
26 1
27 1
28 1
29 1
30 1
31 1
32 1
33 1
34 1
35 1
36 1
37 1
38 1
39 1
40 1
41 1
42 1
43 1
44 1
45 1
46 1
47 1
48 1
49 1
50 1
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2017 key stage 2 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test mark schemes
Tick boxes any unambiguous indication of answers in which more than the
and tables the correct answer, e.g. required number of boxes have
been ticked.
• the box is crossed rather
than ticked
• the correct answer is
circled rather than ticked.
Drawing lines to lines that do not touch the multiple lines drawn to / from
‘match’ boxes boxes, provided the intention the same box (unless this is a
is clear. question requirement).
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2017 key stage 2 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test mark schemes
Answers outside a correct answer given answers that are given outside
the expected somewhere other than the the expected space and
space answer space, provided it is not contradicted by another answer
contradicted by another answer written elsewhere.
written elsewhere.
More than one multiple answers that are all responses where both the
answer given correct according to the mark correct and incorrect answers
scheme. are given.
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2017 key stage 2 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test mark schemes
The mark schemes contain the following information for each question:
• a question number
• the question from the test paper
• what is required to answer each question – either a correct answer or examples of different
types of creditworthy response
• how many marks are available for this question
• any additional guidance that may be relevant
• the content domain reference.
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2017 key stage 2 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test mark schemes
1 1m
3 1m
4 1m
to read incorrectly ✓
5 1m
had collected ✓
The bikes was / were lined up for the start of the race.
7 1m
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2017 key stage 2 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test mark schemes
8 1m
9 1m
adverb ✓
11 1m
determiners ✓
13 1m
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2017 key stage 2 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test mark schemes
15 1m
17 1m
they him
21 1m
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2017 key stage 2 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test mark schemes
23 1m
Joshua’s hungry. ✓
28 Award 1 mark for capital letters and full stops correctly inserted. 1m
Declan has always been fascinated by animals. He has read
many books about exotic creatures. Jellyfish interest him the
most and he would like to study them when he is older.
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2017 key stage 2 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test mark schemes
30 Award 1 mark for the correct choice of tense for both verbs. 1m
The visitors left after they had finished / finished their coffee.
Jo usually wakes up early on Saturday morning and goes swimming before breakfast.
31 Award 1 mark for a grammatically correct and accurately punctuated command that 1m
G2.3 uses an imperative, e.g.
35 1m
Mary ✓
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2017 key stage 2 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test mark schemes
on top of it.
to play to know
to be
or soup.
43 1m
semi-colon ✓
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2017 key stage 2 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test mark schemes
44 Award 1 mark for two correct words derived from the word thought, e.g. 1m
Olisa was a very thoughtful / thoughtless girl.
is learning is planning
49 Award 1 mark for an appropriate noun phrase of three or more words inserted into the 1m
G3.2 sentence, e.g.
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2017 key stage 2 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test mark schemes
6. Paper 2: spelling
6.1 Content domain coverage for Paper 2: spelling
This information is provided in Table 3.
Spelling task
1. Sam is to play football at playtime. 11. I don’t mind if my apple has a on it.
2. Use a ruler to draw a line. 12. The children walked across the road.
4. Lauren was before her first swimming lesson. 14. The dog its owner.
5. The bird found a of bread. 15. There was a search for the missing P.E. bag.
6. It is that it will rain tomorrow. 16. The longest reigning is Queen Elizabeth II.
7. An author visited our school. 17. Oliver was when his friend lost his trainers.
8. Sap is a sticky that comes from trees. 18. Angus was from Scotland.
9. John is having an on his foot. 19. The drum is part of the family.
10. Aamid faced his challenge on the zip wire. 20. The prickly jumper was made from a material.
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2017 key stage 2 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test mark schemes
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2017 key stage 2 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test mark schemes
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2017 key stage 2 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test mark schemes
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2017 key stage 2 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test mark schemes
Paper 1: questions and Paper 2: spelling
Print PDF version product code: STA/17/7735/p ISBN: 978-1-78644-274-1
Electronic PDF version product code: STA/17/7735/e ISBN: 978-1-78644-294-9
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If you have any queries regarding these test materials contact the national curriculum assessments helpline on
0300 303 3013 or email [email protected].