Attempt All Questions From PART-I and Any Two From PART-II
Attempt All Questions From PART-I and Any Two From PART-II
Attempt All Questions From PART-I and Any Two From PART-II
Summer Exam-2016
Financial Audit Manual (FAM) [05.05.2016]
Marks-75 D u r a t i o n : 2 hrs. 15 min
Subjective Additional time – 15 min for Paper Reading
Ensure that the question paper delivered to you is the same, in which you intend to appear.
Read the instructions given on the title page of Answer Script.
Books are not allowed.
Start each question from fresh page.
Attempt all questions from PART–I and any two from PART–II
Q.1. Describe the role of the Auditor-General in promoting Parliamentary Control and 15
Public Accountability in Pakistan.
Q.2. (a) List four tests of details and explain any one of them. 08
(b) State five basic elements that make up an Internal Control Structure in an entity. 07
Explain any one of them.
Q.3. (a) What do you understand by Audit Objective and Audit Scope? 08
(b) Describe the situations in which scope limitation may arise and state the reporting 07
Q.4. (a) The Auditor has a professional responsibility to ensure that the evidence obtained is 07
reliable. Explain.
(b) Describe the components of DAGP Strategic Audit Plan. 08
Q.5. (a) What are the main indicators of weaknesses that can contribute to fraud in an entity? 08
Q.6. (a) Describe the eight values held by the DAGP for exercise of its mandate. 08
(b) What is the purpose of assessing Inherent Risk and Control Risk at planning stage 07
of Audit?
Pakistan Institute of Public Finance Accountants
Summer Exam-2016
Construction, Stores & Works Accounts (Practical) [04.05.2016]
(Pakistan Railway Accounts Department)
Marks-75 Duration:2 hrs.30 Mins.
Subjective Additional time – 15 min for Paper Reading
Ensure that the question paper delivered to you is the same, in which you intend to appear.
Read the instructions given on the title page of Answer Script.
Start each question from fresh page.
Books Allowed:
Engineering Code State Railway Code for Mechanical Dept. Way & Works Manual
Account Code Vol–1 Modernized Accounting Procedure Manual Manual of X / Section
Manual of Stock Verification State Railway Code for Stores Dept. Store Manual
Public Purchase Procurement Rules An Introduction to the Accounts and Audit General Code Vol–1
Q.3. A lot of scrap composed of Permanent Way Material is lying at General Stores Depot, 15
Moghalpura, Lahore. How the whole lot could be disposed off in accordance with the
laid down procedures?
Q.4. (a) Difference between Proforma Oncost and General Oncost? 7.5
(b) How will you charge the oncost under following circumstances? 7.5
(i) A plant at C&W shop has been loosing its value on yearly basis
(ii) A new work order needs an experiment prior to starting of job
(iii) The labour had to wait for three hours due to power failure in workshop
Q.5. (a) Define Workshop Account Current? What is its purpose? 7.5
(b) Prepare the Workshop Account Current with the help of following information 7.5
(i) Opening Balance Rs. 235,000
(ii) Labour Rs. 145,000
(iii) Freight Charges Rs. 35,000
(iv) Proforma Oncost Rs. 75,000
(v) Work done on Deposit Account Rs. 100,000
(vi) Capital Works Rs. 215,000
Pakistan Institute of Public Finance Accountants
Summer Exam-2016
General & Rev. Accts. of Railways (Practical) [05.05.2016]
(Pakistan Railway Accounts Department)
Marks-75 Duration:2 hrs.30 Mins.
Subjective Additional time – 15 min for Paper Reading
Ensure that the question paper delivered to you is the same, in which you intend to appear.
Read the instructions given on the title page of Answer Script.
Start each question from fresh page.
Books Allowed:
Railway Accounts Code Vol 1 & 2 Coaching & Goods Tariff Code State Railway General Code
Manual of IA ICG Balance Sheet, Coaching Goods and A & AR Sections of TA Branch.
Q.3. How is the inspection of Executive Offices conducted by the Accounts Office? 12.5
Write in detail.
Q.4. What is a Cadre Register? Write in detail the instructions for maintenance of Cadre 12.5
Pakistan Institute of Public Finance Accountants
Summer Exam-2016
Financial & Management Accounting [04.05.2016]
(Commercial Audit)
Marks-75 Duration:2 hrs.15 Mins.
Subjective Additional time – 15 min for Paper Reading
Ensure that the question paper delivered to you is the same, in which you intend to appear.
Read the instructions given on the title page of Answer Script.
Start each question from fresh page.
Q.1. Malik Plc is a limited liability company selling computer hardware in a very competitive
market. Its summarized financial statements are given below:
Malik Plc
Income Statement for the year ended 31st December 2016
Revenue 675
Cost of Sales (505)
Gross Profit 170
Selling & Administration Expenses (80)
Profit from Operations 90
Finance Cost (10)
Profit before Tax 80
Income Tax expense (25)
Net profit for the period 55
Malik Plc
Statement of Financial Position as at 31st December 2016
Rs.000 Rs.000
Non-Current Assets 756
Current Assets
Inventory 170
Trade Receivables 60
Cash and Bank 6 236
Equity and Liabilities
Capital and reserves 550
Rs.1 Ordinary shares 162
Current Liabilities
Trade payables 160
Taxation 30 190
Non-Current Liabilities
10% Loan Notes 90
Total Equity and Liabilities 992
Contd. on back
The following are ratios for Malik Plc for the ended 31 December 2016 and industry
average ratios for 2016:
Q.2. Tom Co. is an expert crockery maker and has a substantial value of inventory at yearend. 10
However it is unclear to the Finance Director on how to value inventory at yearend. He
has summarized the following information regarding inventory:
Calculate the Value of Inventory at yearend.
Q.3. (a) Explain the difference between Research and Development expense and how are 04
both kinds of expenses treated in Financial Statements?
(b) Jerry Co. has recently decided to change depreciation percentage on its Property, 03
Plant and Equipment from 20% to 25% as they feel that this reflects usage of
P, P&E better in Financial Statements. The Finance Manager is unclear on how this
change should be treated in Financial Statements.
Explain whether the case mentioned above is a change in accounting estimate or
policy and what impact will it have on financial statements?
Q.4. Kamil & Sons, a sole proprietor has provided the following details to its accountant
along with a Trial Balance as at 31st May 2015, end of its financial year.
Trail Balance as at 31st May 2015
Dr. Cr.
(Rs.) (Rs.)
Sales 241,320
Purchases 150,000
Discount Allowed 10,800
Discount Received 2,880
Accumulated Depreciation as at 01st June 2014
-Property 12,000
-Equipment 22,800
Inventory as at 01 June 2014 30,000
Capital as at 01 June 2014 72,780
17% Long-term Loan 18,000
Irrecoverable Debts 2,760
Purchase Returns 9,000
Salaries and Wages 35,280
Drawings 14,400
Loan Interest 3,060
Other Operating Expenses 10,620
Trade Payables 21,600
Trade Receivables 22,800
Cash in Hand 180
Cash at Bank 780
Property at Cost 72,000
Equipment at Cost 48,000
Allowance for Receivables as at 01 June 2014 300
400,680 400,680
Additional Information
Sale of long-term investments with a carrying amount of Rs.120,000 at a loss of
Repaid the loan Rs.20,000 (out of this, Rs.12,000 is paid for interest).
Issued for cash 100,000 ordinary shares of Rs.5 each at a premium of Rs.1.
(a) Prepare cash flow from investing activities for the year ended 31 December 2015. 06
(b) Prepare cash flow from financing activities for the year ended 31 December 2015. 04
Q.6. (a) Jerry Co. purchased an equipment for Rs. 850,000 on 01st March 2006 for business
use. It was estimated that the residual value of the vehicle would be Rs. 15,000 at the
end of 4 years. Jerry Co. has a policy to change depreciation on pro-rata basis. It
prepares financial statements with the financial year ending every
31st December. On 01st January 2008, Jerry Co. decided to revalue the equipment to
Rs.600,000 and charge depreciation on reducing balance at 20%. This equipment was
then sold on 30 June 2009 for Rs.350,000.
Calculate the following:
(i) Accumulated Depreciation till 31st December 2007. 02
(ii) Revaluation Surplus/Deficit upon revaluation. 02
(iii) Profit/Loss on disposal of the equipment. 02
(b) Discuss the problems with using historical cost accounting during a period of rising 04
prices and explain how these problems may be overcome.
Pakistan Institute of Public Finance Accountants
Summer Exam-2016
New Accounting Model (NAM) [02.05.2016]
Marks-75 Duration: 2 hrs. 15 Mins.
Subjective Additional time – 15 min for Paper Reading
Ensure that the question paper delivered to you is the same, in which you intend to appear.
Read the instructions given on the title page of Answer Script.
Quote reference of relevant para/section with the name of relevant manual.
Start each question from fresh page.
Books Allowed:
Part ‘A’
Q.1. Using Chart of Accounts (COA), Codify/De-Codify the followings
(i) F081CGA1H01106 04
(ii) B8002F02126 04
(iii) 00002171 04
(iv) Federal Estate Office Street Lighting 04
(v) Sindh Agriculture Extension & Research Malkana 04
(vi) Chief Inspector Mines Punjab Exploratory Operation 04
Q.2. (a) Comment in one word answer using either “Admissible” or “Inadmissible”
against each of the following actions of the Govt. Officers;
(i) Gratuity was paid by the dealing Accounts Officer to the claimant in 02
cash as insisted by the claimant on humanitarian ground.
(ii) The dealing Accounts Officer refused to process the gratuity payment 02
for want of the written sanction by the delegated authority despite the
fact that the authority sent a special messenger with the request to
process the case duly witnessed by responsible sub-ordinates of the
delegated authority.
(iii) The dealing Accounts Officer processed the case for pension payment 02
of a deceased Govt. Employee from the day of death of the pensioner
despite the fact that the legal heir applied three months after the death of
the Pensioner.
(iv) A Pakistani Pensioner abroad was refused to be given pension by the 02
Foreign Mission of Pakistan on the pretext that they do not have
adequate trained staff to disburse pension and keep record.
Contd. on back
(b) Prepare the Revised estimates of expenditure budget for the Current Financial 08
Year (CFY) from the following data in Rs. (million):
3,500 7,500 Nil – 3,000
Financial Year
Part ‘B’
Q.3. (a) Describe the Constitutional Provisions regarding reports on accounts of the 07
Federation and Provinces.
(b) Describe the Accounting structure of the Provincial Government. 07
(c) Up to what extent the cash basis of the accounting was considered sufficient and 07
what made it necessary to switch over from cash basis.
Comment in the light of policy on the following statement, “Government is the
owner of Entities and Funder of Services”.
Q.4. (a) Which law deals in the Group Insurance of Government Employees? Who gives 07
consultation to the Government Department regarding claims of the insurance
other than Government Employees Group Insurance?
(b) Under which Rules/ Instructions the estimates of work shall be prepared? 07
What are the responsibilities of the Works Department with reference to the
anticipated excess or saving in funds placed at its disposal for doing work on
behalf of other Department?
Pakistan Institute of Public Finance Accountants
Summer Exam-2016
AGP & PMAD Sector
Pay, Pension & TA Rules (Practical) [02.05.2016]
Defence Audit (AGP Sector)/ PMAD Sector
Marks-38 D u r a t i o n : 1hrs. 1 5 M i n s .
Subjective Additional time – 10 min for Paper Reading
Ensure that the question paper delivered to you is the same, in which you intend to appear.
Read the instructions given on the title page of Answer Script.
Start each question from fresh page.
Books Allowed:
Pay & Allowances Regulations Vol I & II Military Leave Rules Relevant Military Accts. Dept. Manuals & Procedures Code
Pension Regulations Vol I, II & III Passage Regulations CSR (Pay & Pension rules applicable to PMAD)
Supplementary Rules (in FR & SR) Accounts Manual Pay Accounting in Fields Service- general Instructions
Financial Regulations Parts I & II Regulation for PAF, PN, Army in Pakistan (Rules & Instructions)
Q.1. (a) Lt. Col Bilal Yaseen proceeded on a course of instructions having duration of 45 days. 05
On rejoining his unit he submitted his TA/DA claim as under:
Full Daily allowances
Audit Officer refused to admit the claim. Comment on the said action.
(b) Mrs. Naheed Akhtar an officer of Accounts Group was transferred from CMA(RC) 05
Rwp. To CMA (PC) Peshawar. She claimed TA/DA of her husband Mr. Akhtar Ali
who is also an Accounts Group Officer posted at Peshawar.
Comment on admissibility of TA/DA to her husband.
Q.2. Mr. Muhammad Anwar NCB of Major Muhammad Akram Awais drawing pay in Z-3 10
scale @ Rs. 7,340 prior to revision of A1-1/2014 due to permanently inducted his post in
Z-1 pay scale.
Fix his pay in Z-1 scale after receipt of Army instruction and also explain the entitlement
of CILQ/Conveyance Allowance in said scale.
Q.3. (a) What are the primary conditions that are to be fulfilled before the service qualifies for 05
pension in case of Civilian Govt. Officer?
(b) L/Hav. Ali Ahmed was seriously wounded during an Army operation against enemy 05
on 02-04-2015 and he died on 25-05-2015. Comment.
Pakistan Institute of Public Finance Accountants
Summer Exam-2016
AGP & PMAD Sector
Pay, Pension & TA Rules (Theory) [02.05.2016]
Defence Audit (AGP Sector)/ PMAD Sector
Marks-38 D u r a t i o n : 1hrs. 1 5 M i n s .
Subjective Additional time – 10 min for Paper Reading
Ensure that the question paper delivered to you is the same, in which you intend to appear.
Read the instructions given on the title page of Answer Script.
Start each question from fresh page.
Q.4. Explain the details rules regarding recovery of rent respecting under mentioned categories 08
of Civilian Govt. Servant when occupying MES building:
a) Rent payable by Civilian Govt. Servant paid from Defense Estimate
b) Rent payable by Civilians paid from Central (Civil) Revenues
Pakistan Institute of Public Finance Accountants
Summer Exam-2016
Postal Accounts Technical (SB, MO, CC) (Practical) [04.05.2016]
Postal Accounts Branch
Marks-80 Duration: 2 hrs.30 Mins.
Subjective Additional time – 15 min for Paper Reading
Ensure that the question paper delivered to you is the same, in which you intend to appear.
Read the instructions given on the title page of Answer Script.
Start each question from fresh page.
Books Allowed:
Contd. on back
Q.5. (a) Close the Money Order Objections Book with the following entries:
(i) Money Order Short Payment 200/- 02
(ii) Money Order Excess Payment 350/- 02
(iii) Refund of Short Payment 150/- 02
(iv) Recovery of Over Payment 250/- 02
(v) Wrong Payment 500/- 02
Pakistan Institute of Public Finance Accountants
Summer Exam-2016
Public Works Accounts Rules & Procedures (Practical) [04.05.2016]
Marks-38 Duration:1 hr.15 Mins.
Subjective Additional time – 10 min for Paper Reading
Ensure that the question paper delivered to you is the same, in which you intend to appear.
Read the instructions given on the title page of Answer Script.
Start each question from fresh page.
Books Allowed:
1. CPWA Code 4. Books of Forms referred in CPWA code 7. Audit Manual
2. CPWD Code 5. Accounts Code Vol - III
3. Audit Code 6. Chart of Accounts
Pakistan Institute of Public Finance Accountants
Summer Exam-2016
Public Works Accounts Rules & Procedures (Theory) [04.05.2016]
Marks-38 Duration:1 hr.15 Mins.
Subjective Additional time – 10 min for Paper Reading
Ensure that the question paper delivered to you is the same, in which you intend to appear.
Read the instructions given on the title page of Answer Script.
Start each question from fresh page.
Q.2. What kind of primary object should be kept in view by an Inspecting Officer 10
during Inspection and Local Audit of Public Works Division?
Q.3. How the recoveries of hiring and other charges of Tools and Plant lent out 10
to private persons will be made by the Division? Give your comments with
reference to existing rules and procedures.
Pakistan Institute of Public Finance Accountants
Summer Exam 2016
AGP/Public Sector
Service & Financial Rules [02.05.2016]
(GAA, PT&T, Postal Accts, Customs, Coml. Audit, Railway Audit, Inland Revenue, PRAD)
Marks-75 D u r a t i o n : 2 hrs. 15 min
Subjective Additional time – 15 min for Paper Reading
Ensure that the question paper delivered to you is the same, in which you intend to appear.
Read the instructions given on the title page of Answer Script.
Commutation Table is printed on the back of this Question Paper.
Start each question from fresh page.
Q.4. What are the grounds of penalty under Govt. Servants (E&D) Rules 1973? 10
Q.5. Comment:
(a) A loss of Rs.500,000/- of Public Money occurred due to negligence was 05
subsequently made good from the person responsible for it. Therefore, the same
was not reported to the Higher Authority and Accountant General.
(b) G.P. Fund of Rs.800,000/- and loan of Rs.100 million raised by Federal 05
Government were credited to Public Account of the Federation.
(c) After bid opening, a procuring agency decided to make modification in evaluation 05
criteria to conform to procurement requirements.
(d) Lien of Govt. Servant holding permanent post substantively was terminated during 05
Part - I (MES)
Q.1. What are four sections of Statement “I” of Annual Review of MES Expenditure 04
and what does each section described?
Q.2. In which statement the following transactions are shown in Annual Review of 04
MES Expenditure:
(i) Capital value of Military Buildings.
(ii) Mileage of roads in Cantt.
Q.4. Cement was issued to a contractor from Central Stock by G.E. (Air) Chaklala 04
for use in capital work in progress for construction of residential
accommodation. How will you see in Audit that there is correct classification
to the relevant debit and credit heads?
Q.5. How will you see in Audit when expenditure specifically pertaining to 03
maintenance of permanent building in Air Force is being charged to operational
works under non-residential accommodation – Defence Capital Account met
from revenue? What should be the correct head of classification?
Q.6. An MES contractor’s final bill against a completed work was not admitted for 03
payment in June due to certain audit observations and the Controller of
Accounts allowed to place the available funds, in Miscellaneous Deposit Head
to avoid lapsing. What are your Audit Comments?
Contd. on back
Part - II (STORES)
Q.7. Sugar Valuing Rs.125,000 was issued to PAC Kamra from Army 03
Supply/Store Depot. During Audit it was observed that such transaction has
been classified in reduction of expenditure. What is your Audit Opinion?
Q.8. Store valuing Rs.500,000 has been issued on loan to a ship of Pakistan Navy. 04
How such transaction will be dealt with by Naval Store Officer:
(i) If such store is returned within six months from the date of issue
(ii) If not returned within six months from the date of issue
Q.10. As an Audit Officer, what main points you will see during Audit of Budget 04
Pakistan Institute of Public Finance Accountants
Summer Exam-2016
Works (MES) Stores (Theory) [04.05.2016]
(Defence Audit Branch)
Marks-38 Duration:1 hr.15 Mins.
Subjective Additional time – 10 min for Paper Reading
Ensure that the question paper delivered to you is the same, in which you intend to appear.
Read the instructions given on the title page of Answer Script.
Start each question from fresh page.
Part - I (MES)
Q.1. What audit instructions in case of MES contractors’ bills are to be observed? 06
Q.2. What are main points for audit of material at site accounts of works? 04
Q.3. What does Statements “A”, “B”, “C” & “D” of Annual Review of MES 04
Expenditure reflect?
Q.4. What do you know about Statement “A” of Annual Review of MEs 04
Expenditure/ What may be the main reasons for variation between the
modified appropriation and the actual expenditure?
Q.5. A Defence Disbursing Officer i.e. G.E. (MES) issued cheque in excess of 04
Cash Assignment, which was also cleared for payment by the State Bank of
Pakistan. What are your audit comments on such transactions?
Part - II (STORES)
Q.6. What is the relation between Defence Plan and the Budget Estimate of non- 04
recurring expenditure such as Purchase of Stores?
Q.7. Define: 04
(i) Preliminary Revised Estimate
(ii) Final Revised Estimate
Q.8. Define Survey Report and the role of Naval Store Officer for wanting Survey 04
Q.9. What is basic fundamental rule on which whole system of Budgetary Control 04
rests against expenditure of Stores?