Devyani Totla - Question Bank
Devyani Totla - Question Bank
Devyani Totla - Question Bank
Subject: PT&P
– Most things are within a 10-minute walk from home and work.
– Pedestrian (streets; parking lots; street parking; hidden parking; garage in the back corridor; narrow,
slow streets) are designed in a friendly way.
– The network of interconnected street network disperses traffic and facilitates walking.
– A mix of shops, offices, apartments and homes on site. Mixed use within neighborhoods, indoor
and outdoor.
– Variation of people – of ages, income levels, cultures, and races.
Mixed Housing
An extent of types, sizes and prices in closer proximity.
Emphasis on beauty, human comfort and the creation of a sense of place; a special situation for
civil uses and sites within the community. Architecture within the human range and beautiful surroundings nourish the
human soul.
– Transit planning: the highest intensity in the city center; gradually less intensity towards the edge. This system is an
analytical system that depicts elements that promote each other, creating a series of specific natural habitats and / or
urban lifestyle settings. Transect integrates an environmental methodology for habitat assessment with a zoning
methodology for community design. Professional boundaries disappear between natural and man-made, enabling
ecologists to evaluate
Design of human and urban habitat to support the viability of nature. This cross-hierarchy to rural areas contains different
types of buildings and streets suitable for each area along the chain.
Increased Density
– More buildings, residences, shops and services are close to each other to facilitate walking, to enable more efficient use
of services and resources, and to create a more comfortable and enjoyable place to live.
– The new urban design principles are applied in a full range of density from small cities to large cities.
Green Transportation
– A network of high quality trains connecting cities, towns, and neighborhoods
– The pedestrian design encourages greater use of bicycles, skis, scooters, and
walking as a daily means of transportation.
– Minimum environmental impact of development and its processes.
– Environmentally friendly technologies, respect for ecology and the value of natural
– Energy efficiency.
– Less use of non-renewable fuels.
– More local production.
– More walking, less driving.
Quality of Life
These combined add up to a high quality of life worthy of living, creating places that enrich, elevate, and inspire the human
Benefits of urbanism
Benefits to residents
Benefits to businesses
Increased sales due to increased traffic and people spending less on cars and gas.
Earn more revenue because you spend less on ads and big tags.
A better lifestyle by living above a store in live work units – provides a stressful and costly transition.
Economies of scale in marketing because of their closeness and cooperation with other local companies.
Small spaces encourage the incubation of small local businesses.
Lower rentals due to smaller spaces and small car parking. Lifestyle is healthier because of more walking and
proximity to healthy restaurants.
More community participation than being part of the community and knowing the population.
Benefits to developers
More potential income from high-density mixed-use projects because of more rentable square footage, more
sales per square foot, higher real estate values and sales prices.
Approvals are faster in societies that have adopted smart growth principles resulting in cost / timesaving.
Cost savings in parking facilities in multi-use properties due to shared spaces throughout the day and night,
resulting in reduced duplication in the provision of parking.
Less need for parking facilities due to mix of residences and commercial uses within walking distance of each
Less impact on roads / traffic, which may result in lower impact fees; lower utility costs due to the compact
nature of the new urban design.
Selling faster because of increased consumer acceptance of a broader product group that resulted in a larger
market share.
Benefits to municipalities