CVP Call Flow
CVP Call Flow
CVP Call Flow
2. The gateway will send a SIP invite message to SIP proxy server (CUSP)
4. CVP Send a route request to ICM via CVP ICM service and VRU PG
5. Once ICM receive route request it will excicute routing script based on dialed number and associated call type
ICM routing script will use "Send to VRU" node to return a Correlation ID + Label to SIP Service
6,7. This Correlation ID + Label will return to SIP Service and call will send to VXML GW via CUSP
8. GW will translate the DN, VXML Gw match the incoming call with a voip dial peer
10. IVR service will send a route request to ICM via ICM Service
11. Based on roun Ext Script node on the routing script the ICM will redirected the call back to CVP VXML server to
IVR treatment.
13. VXML GW request wav files from media server to play to the caller
14. Up on completion of the VXML application based on the call flow the call may required to transfer to agent.
15 If caller request to transfer to agent ICM queue the caller to queue to Skill Group and send run vru scripts back
to IVR service to have the IVR treatment. Once agent available ICM return label of the agent, IVR service will send
DN of the selected agent to SIP service.
17. CUSP will send message to Call Manager, once call Manager accept the call it route the call to the agent
19. Once agent answer the call RTP section with agent and GW will be established