A Project ON: Maharshi Dayanand University-CENTRE FOR Professional AND Allied Studies SECTOR-40, Gurugram
A Project ON: Maharshi Dayanand University-CENTRE FOR Professional AND Allied Studies SECTOR-40, Gurugram
A Project ON: Maharshi Dayanand University-CENTRE FOR Professional AND Allied Studies SECTOR-40, Gurugram
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ON
i Submitted in partial fulfilment of requirement for the
i i i i i i i iiiiiiiiiii
Administration i
Certified that this Report titled “DIGITAL MARKETING AND ITS IMPACT ON
i i i i i i i i i i
FARIDABAD iAND iREWARI" iis ithe ibonafide iwork iof iVishal iSaini iEnroll iNo.:
- 1512252660 who carried out the work under my supervision. Certified further
i i i i i i i i i i
i that to the best of my knowledge the work reported herein does not form part of
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i any other dissertation on the basis of which a degree or award was conferred on an
i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i
On the very outset of this report, I would like to extend my sincere & heartfelt obligation towards all the
i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i
i personages who have helped me in this endeavour. Without their active guidance, help, cooperation &
i i i i i i i i i i i i i i
I am extremely thankful and pay my gratitude to my faculty guide Dr. NIDHI for her valuable guidance
i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i
i i i i i i i i i i i i
I also acknowledge with a deep sense of reverence, my gratitude towards my parents and member of my
i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i
At last but not least gratitude goes to all of my friends who directly or indirectly helped me to complete
i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i
Any omission in this brief acknowledgement does not mean lack of gratitude.
i i i i i i i i i i i
i i
The ibuying ipattern iof iconsumer iis ichanging iat ia ifaster irate iin ithe icustomer ioriented imarket
i environment. iConsumer ibehavior idiffers iwhen iit icomes ito ithe iproduct, iprice, ifeatures,
i quality, ipackaging, ibuying ibehavior istatus, igeneration; iage iof ithe icustomer ietc. ihowever,
i youth iis ithe imost icomplicated igroup ito icorrespond iwith. iThe ichanging ipreferences iof ithe
i present iday iyouth iaffects ithe ibuying ipattern ibecause ithey imostly ifollow ithe irhythm iof
i fashion iand itaste iaccording ito ithe ichanging itime. iTherefore, iMarketers ispend icrore iof irupees
i and iinvest itoo imuch itime ion imarket iresearch ievery iyear ito iidentify iand ipredict ithe ichanging
i youth ibehavior inow idigital imarketing ihas iposed imany ichallenges ito ithe imarketer iin ithe iretail
i segment. iThe ipresent igeneration iis imore ifascinated iwith ithe ionline ishopping ithan ithe
i conventional ibuying. iThe imarketers iare iforced ito iintroduce ithe iinnovative iway iof iselling idue
i to ithe ipressure iof ithe iyounger igeneration’s ibuying ibehavior. iThe ibuying ibehavior iand
i behavioral ipattern iof iyouth ihas ias igreater iinfluence iin ithe ipurchasing ibehavior, ihence iin ithis
i study, i‘Digital imarketing iand iits iimpact ion ibuying ibehavior iof iyouth iis ifocused ias ithe icore
i issue.
a. Internet Marketing i
Internet imarketing iis iany imarketing istrategy ithat itakes iplace ionline. iAlso ireferred ito ias
i online imarketing, iit iencompasses ia ivariety iof imarketing iforms ilike ivideo iadvertisements,
i search iengine imarketing iand ie-mail imarketing. iIt iis ithe iopposite iof ioffline imarketing, iand
i can ialso ifall iunder idigital imarketing. iInternet imarketing ineeds ia igood iapproach iin iareas iof
i design, idevelopment iand iadvertising. iA icompany iwith ia itotal iweb isite imarketing iplan iwill
i have imore isuccess ionline ithan ione ithat ihas ijust idesigned ia iweb isite iwithout ithinking iof ihow
i to imarket itheir icompany ithrough iit.
b. Offline Marketing
Offline imarketing, ithe iopposite iof ionline imarketing, iincludes iall iforms iof imarketing ithat
i aren’t idone ion ithe iInternet. iExamples iof ioffline imarketing iare ilocal iadvertising iin
i newspapers iand ion itelevision. iIn itoday’s imarketing iworld, icompanies iare ifinding iways ito
i leverage itheir ioffline imarketing icampaigns iwith itheir ionline iones, imaking ithem icomplement
i each iother.
c. Direct Marketing i
Direct imarketing’s imain igoal iis ito isend ia imessage idirectly ito iconsumers, iwithout ihaving ito
i use iany ithird iparty ioutlets. iExamples iof idirect imarketing iinclude imail imarketing,
i telemarketing iand idirect iselling. iDirect imarketing iis ioften ipreferable ibecause ithe iresults ican
i be ieasily i measured, igiving ithe imarketer ia ibetter iunderstanding iof ithe isuccess iof ithat
i campaign.
d. Niche Marketing
When ia iproduct ior iservice iis inot ibeing ireadily isupplied ito ia icertain iportion iof ia imarket, ia
i company ican ifocus itheir iefforts ion ithat iniche ito iaddress ia ineed ithat iisn’t icurrently ibeing
i addressed. iThis itargeted imarketing iis isuccessful ibecause ithe imarketer ihas iidentified ia ineed
i that iisn’t ibeing iresolved iby imainstream iproviders. iSometimes iit iis ibeneficial ifor ia icompany
i to ifocus ion ia iniche iinstead iof itrying ito icompete iin ia ilarger imarket.
e. Mobile Marketing i
Along iwith iInternet imarketing, imobile imarketing iis ipart iof ithe inewest igroups iof imarketing
i activities. iCompanies ihave ibeen iexperimenting iwith ithe icertain iways ito ireach iconsumers
i through itheir iphones, iespecially iwith ithe irise iof iApple’s iiPhone. iSome iways ito imarketing ia
i product ior iservice ithrough ia imobile iphone iinclude iSMS imarketing, iin-game imarketing,
i banner imarketing ion idifferent iweb ipages iand ilocation ibased imarketing.
f. Telemarketing
A iform iof idirect imarketing, itelemarketing’s ifocus iis ion ireaching iconsumers iby iphone. iMost
i of iwhat iwe ithink iof ias itelemarketing iis icold icall imarketing, iwhich iis iunpopular iand ihas ilead
i to ilaws ibeing icreated iagainst iit. iHowever, itelemarketing ican ibe ieffective iif ithe iright iperson iis
i reached ion ithe iphone iat ithe iright itime.
Most ipeople ireceive ilarge iquantities iof imarketing imaterial iin ithe imail, iwhich iis iconsidered
i direct imail imarketing. iCompanies iwill isend ipaper imail iwith ipromotions ior iother iinformation
i to ia ilist iof iaddresses, iusually iin ia icommon igeographical iarea. iThis iform iof imarketing iis ialso
called ijunk imail iby isome, ibecause ithe icustomers ireceiving ithe imail iaren’t iexpecting iit iand
i usually idon’t iwant ito iopen iit.
h. Digital Marketing
Digital imarketing, ithe ipromotion iof iproducts ior ibrands ivia ione ior imore iforms iof ielectronic
i media, idiffers ifrom itraditional imarketing iin ithat iit iuses ichannels iand imethods ithat ienable ian
i organization ito ianalyze imarketing icampaigns iand iunderstand iwhat iis iworking iand iwhat iisn’t
– iTypically iin ireal itime. iDigital imarketing iis ia ibroad iterm ithat irefers ito ivarious iand idifferent
i promotional itechniques ideployed ito ireach icustomers ivia idigital itechnologies.
Digital imarketing iis iembodied iby ian iextensive iselection iof iservice, iproduct iand ibrand
i marketing itactics, iwhich imainly iuse ithe iInternet ias ia icore ipromotional imedium, iin iaddition
i to imobile iand itraditional iTV iand iradio.
Digital imarketing iis ialso iknown ias iInternet imarketing, ibut itheir iactual iprocesses idiffer, ias
i digital imarketing iis iconsidered imore itargeted, imeasurable iand iinteractive i.is ithe imarketing
i of iproducts ior iservices iusing idigital itechnologies, imainly ion ithe iInternet, ibut ialso iincluding
i mobile iphones, idisplay iadvertising, iand iany iother idigital imedium. iDigital imarketing
i methods isuch ias isearch iengine ioptimization i(SEO), isearch iengine imarketing i(SEM), icontent
i marketing, iinfluencer imarketing, icontent iautomation, icampaign imarketing, idata-driven
i marketing, ie-commerce imarketing, isocial imedia imarketing, isocial imedia ioptimization, ie-
i mail idirect imarketing, idisplay iadvertising, ie–books, iand ioptical idisks iand igames iare
i becoming imore icommon iin iour iadvancing itechnology. iIn ifact, idigital imarketing inow
i extends ito inon-Internet ichannels ithat iprovide idigital imedia, isuch ias imobile iphones i(SMS iand
i MMS), icall iback, iand ion-hold imobile iring itones.
Digital iMarketing iis idefined ias ibuying iand iselling iof iinformation, iproducts, iand iservices ivia
i computer inetworks ior iinternet. iInternet iand ielectronic icommerce itechnologies iare
i transforming ithe ientire ieconomy iand ichanging ibusiness imodels, irevenue istreams, icustomer
i bases, iand isupply ichains. iNew ibusiness imodels iare iemerging iin ievery iindustry iof ithe iNew
i Economy. iTravel iindustry iand iticketing ihas iseen ia isea ichange iin ithe ilast idecade. iOne
i estimate isuggests ithat ionline itravel iindustry icontributes iabout i76% iof itotal inet icommerce iin
i India. iTicketing iis inow idone ieither iin ithird iparty iwebsites ior iairline isites. iCustomers iof
i online ishopping iare idelighted iwith iprompt idelivery iand iflawless ipayment imechanisms
i building itrust iin iconsumers. iEven ionline iclassifieds ihave imade ia isuccessful itransition ionline
i with ijobs iand imatrimonial itaking ithe ilead. iOnline iretailers iare inow ipushing ia ilarger inumber
of icategories isuch ias ielectronics iand iwhite igoods. iIn ithese iemerging imodels, iintangible
i assets isuch ias irelationships, iknowledge, ipeople, ibrands, iand isystems iare itaking icenter istage.
i The iinternet iis ia idisruptive itechnological iinnovation ibut iconsumers ieverywhere iare iwaking
i up ito ithe iidea iof ishopping ionline. iThe iimpact ion iretailing ihas ibeen iprofound iand ias ia iresult
i many ibusinesses iare ichanging ithe ichannels ithey iuse ito isell itheir igoods iand iservices. iIn isome
i parts iof ithe iworld, iretailers ihave ibeen iquick ioff ithe imark iin ideveloping itheir iown
i individually ibranded ie-commerce istores, iwhereas iin iother iparts ithe ie-market iplace
i dominates.
Digital imarketing iis ithe iuse iof ithe ichannels iin iorder ito ireach ithe idesired itarget imarket ivia
i some iof ithe ifollowing ichannels isocial imedia, iwebsites, imultimedia iadvertising, ionline isearch
i engine iadvertisement, iE-marketing, iinteractive imarketing i(polls, igame iadds, imobile
i marketing) iDigital imarketing ihas ibeen iconsidered ia inew iform iof imarketing iand iprovided
i new iopportunities ifor icompanies ito ido ibusinesses. iMarketing iactivities iconducted ivia idigital
i channels ienable iadvertisers ito idirectly icommunicate iwith ipotential icustomers iin ia irapid
i velocity iand iregardless ithe igeographical ilocation. iDigital imarketing ihas ibeen irecently
i referred ias ione iof ithe ibest imeans ito icut ithrough ithe imess iand iinteract idirectly iwith ithe
i consumer. iHence, iwith ithe itrend itoward idirect, ion? iego? iOne imarketing, iadditional iattention iis
i being ipaid ito ithe iuse iof ithe idigital ichannels ias ia imeans iof ieffectively iadvertising ito
i consumers. iWhile iconsidering idigital ichannels, ithe irecent idevelopment iis imobile imarketing.
i Indian imobile imarket iis ione iof ithe ifastest igrowing imarkets idue ito ithe iincrease iin ithe inumber
i of imiddle-income iconsumers, iand iis iforecasted ito iattain imillions iof iusers iin ithe iupcoming
i decade. iThus, iresearch ion idigital ichannel iadvertising iwould iimpact igreatly ion ithe iway
i business iis idone. iThe idevelopment iand iwidespread iuse iof iinternet itechnologies ihave
i transformed ithe iway isociety icommunicates iboth iin itheir idaily iand iprofessional ilife. iOne iof
i the ifor ithe imost ipart iimportant iindicator iof ithis itransformation iis iemergence iof inew
i communication itools. iNew icommunication itools iemerging iwith ithe idevelopment iof
i technologies iare icalled i‘digital imarketing’. iWhen iwe italk iabout idigital ichannels, iwhat icomes
i to iintellect iare iFacebook, iTwitter, iInstagram iand isimilar isocial inetworks ithat iare iused ionline
i and ivirtual iplatforms ilike iweb isites, imicro iblogs iand isearch iengines. iWith ithe iadvent iof inew
i communication ito icustomers iwith idigital ichannels, ialready iavailable icommunication itools
i are inow ifetching ito ibe icalled ias i‘traditional icommunication itools’. iTraditional
i communication itools iare iprinted i(journals, inewspapers ietc.), ivisual i(television, icinema ietc.)
i and iaudio i(radio) icommunication itools.
1.3 Various elements of digital marketing
i i i i
There iare ivarious ielements iby iwhich idigital imarketing iis iformed. iAll iforms ioperate ithrough
i electronic idevices. iThe imost iimportant ielements iof idigital imarketing iare igiven ibelow:
a. Online iAdvertising: iOnline iadvertising iis ia ivery iimportant ipart iof idigital imarketing. iIt iis
i also icalled iinternet iadvertising ithrough iwhich icompany ican ideliver ithe imessage iabout ithe
i products ior iservices. iInternet-based iadvertising iprovides ithe icontent iand iads ithat ibest
i matches ito iconsumer iinterests. iPublishers iput iabout itheir iproducts ior iservices ion itheir
i websites iso ithat iconsumers ior iusers iget ifree iinformation. iAdvertisers ishould iplace imore
i effective iand irelevant iads ionline. iThrough ionline iadvertising, icompany iable ito iwell icontrols
i its ibudget iand iit ihas ifull icontrol ion itime.
b. Email iMarketing: iWhen imessage iabout ithe iproduct, i iservices iis isent ithrough iemail ito ithe
i existing ior ipotential iconsumer, iit iis iknown ias iemail imarketing. iDirect iemail imarketing iis
i used ito isend iads, ito ibuild ibrand iand icustomer iloyalty, ito ibuild icustomer itrust iand ito imake
i brand iawareness. iCompany ican ipromote iits iproducts iand iservices iby iusing iemail imarketing
i easily. iIt iis irelatively ilow icost icomparing ito iadvertising ior iother iforms iof imedia iexposure.
i Company ican ibring icomplete iattention iof ithe icustomer iby icreating iattractive imix iof
i graphics, itext iand ilinks ion ithe iproducts iand iservices.
c. Social iMedia: iNowadays, isocial imedia imarketing iis ione iof ithe imost iimportant idigital
i marketing ichannels. iIt iis ia icomputer-based itool ithat iallows ipeople ito icreate, iexchange iideas,
i information iand ipictures iabout ithe icompany’s iproduct ior iservices. iAccording ito iNielsen,
i internet iusers icontinue ito ispend imore itime iwith isocial imedia isites ithan iany iother itype. iSocial
i media imarketing inetworks iinclude iFacebook, iTwitter, iInstagram, iLinkedIn iand iGoogle+.
i Through iFacebook, icompany ican ipromote ievents iconcerning iproduct iand iservices, irun
i promotions ithat icomply iwith ithe iFacebook iguidelines iand iexplore inew iopportunities.
i Through iTwitter, icompany ican iincrease ithe iawareness iand ivisibility iof itheir ibrand. iIt iis ithe
i best itool ifor ithe ipromotion iof icompany’s iproducts iand iservices. iIn iLinkedIn, iprofessionals
i write itheir iprofile iand ishare iinformation iwith iothers. iCompany ican idevelop itheir iprofile iin
i LinkedIn iso ithat ithe iprofessionals ican iview iand ican iget imore iinformation iabout ithe
i company’s iproduct iand iservices. iGoogle+ iis ialso isocial imedia inetwork ithat iis imore ieffective
i than iother isocial imedia ilike iFacebook, iTwitter. iIt iis inot ionly isimple isocial imedia inetwork ibut
i also iit iis ian iauthorship itool ithat ilinks iweb-content idirectly iwith iits iowner.
d. Affiliate iMarketing: iIt iis ia itype iof iperformance-based imarketing. iIn ithis itype iof imarketing,
i a icompany irewards iaffiliates ifor ieach ivisitor ior icustomer ithey ibring iby imarketing iefforts
i they icreate ion ibehalf iof icompany. iIndustry ihas ifour icore iplayers: ithe imerchant i(also iknown
i as i‘retailer’ ior i‘brand’), ithe inetwork, ithe ipublisher i(also iknown ias i‘the iaffiliate’) iand ithe
i customer. iThe imarket ihas igrown iin isuch icomplexity iresulting iin ithe iemergence iof ia
i secondary itier iof iplayers iincluding iaffiliate imanagement iagencies, isuper- iaffiliates iand
i specialized ithird iparty ivendors. iThere iare itwo iways ito iapproach iaffiliate imarketing:
i Company ican ioffer ian iaffiliate iprogram ito iothers ior iit ican isign iup ito ibe ianother ibusiness
i affiliate. iIf icompany iwants ito idrive ian iaffiliate iprogram, ithen, ithe icompany iowner ihas ito ipay
i affiliates ia icommission ifee ifor ievery ilead ior isale ithey idrive ito icompany’s iwebsite.
i Company’s imain igoal ihere iis ito ifind iaffiliates iwho ican ireach iuntapped imarkets. iFor iexample,
i a icompany iwith ian iE-zone imay ibecome ia igood iaffiliate ibecause iits isubscribers iare ihungry ifor
i resources. iSo, iintroducing iones ioffer ithrough i‘trusted’ icompany ican igrab ithe iattention iof
i prospects iwhich imight inot ihave iotherwise ireached.
e. Search iEngine iOptimization i(SEO): iSearch iengine ioptimization i(SEO) iis ithe iprocess iof
i affecting ithe ivisibility iof ia iwebsite ior ia iweb ipage iin ia isearch iengines i‘natural’ ior iun-paid
i (‘organic’) isearch iresults. iTo irank ihigh, iyou ihave ito iconsider ithe itype iof isearch iterms iyour
i potential ibuyers iwould iuse iwhen isearching ifor iwhat iyou ioffer. iOnce iyou’ve igathered ia ilist iof
i keyword isearch iterms, iyou ican istrategically idevelop icontent iaround ithose iterms iin iyour iblog
i posts, ihow-to iguides, ieBooks, iinfographics iand iwebsite.
f. Pay iPer iClick i(PPC): iPay-per-click imarketing iis ia iway iof iusing isearch iengine iadvertising
i to igenerate iclicks ito iyour iwebsite irather ithan i‘earning’ ithose iclicks iorganically. iPay iper iclick
i is igood ifor isearchers iand iadvertisers. iIt iis ithe ibest iway ifor icompany’s iads isince iit ibrings ilow
i cost iand igreater iengagement iwith ithe iproducts iand iservices.
g. Online iAds
i i i i iYou ican’t iexpect icustomers ito iflock ito iyour iwebsite ias isoon ias iyour iproduct iis ireleased.
iiiii Organic isearch iis ivaluable, ibut ipaid iadvertisements, isuch ias iGoogle iAdwords iand idisplay iads, i
iiiii are ialso ia ipowerful iway ito igain iexposure. iReasons ito iinvest iin ipaid iads iinclude: ireaching i
iiiii targeted iconsumers ithrough ithe iright ichannels, ipaying ionly iwhen ian iinterested iindividual i
iiiii clicks ion ian iad, icontrolling iyour ispending ibudget iand igaining iimmediate iresults.
1.4 Advantages digital marketing brings to customers
i i i i i
With irapid itechnological idevelopments, idigital imarketing ihas ichanged icustomers ibuying
i behavior. iIt ihas ibrought ivarious iadvantages ito ithe iconsumers ias igiven ibelow:
a. Stay iupdated iwith iproducts ior iservices: iDigital imarketing itechnologies iallow ithe
i consumers ito istay iwith ithe icompany iinformation iupdated. iNowadays ia ilot iof iconsumer ican
i access iinternet iany iplace ianytime iand icompanies iare icontinuously iupdating iinformation
i about itheir iproducts ior iservices.
b. Greater iengagement iwith idigital imarketing: iconsumers ican iengage iwith ithe icompanies
i various iactivities. iConsumers ican ivisit icompany’s iwebsite, iread iinformation iabout ithe
i products ior iservices iand imake ipurchases ionline iand iprovide ifeedback.
c. Clear iinformation iabout ithe iproducts ior iservices: iThrough idigital imarketing, iconsumers
i get iclear iinformation iabout ithe iproducts ior iservices. iThere iis ia ilittle ichance iof
i misinterpretation iof ithe iinformation itaken ifrom isales iperson iin ia iretail istore. iHowever,
i Internet iprovides icomprehensive iproduct iinformation iwhich icustomers ican irely ion iand imake
i purchase idecision.
d. Easy icomparison iwith iothers: iSince imany icompanies iare itrying ito ipromote itheir iproducts
i or iservices iusing idigital imarketing, iit iis ibecoming ithe igreatest iadvantage ifor ithe icustomer iin
i terms ithat icustomers ican imake icomparison iamong iproducts ior iservices iby idifferent isuppliers
i in icost iand itime ifriendly iway. iCustomers idon’t ineed ito ivisit ia inumber iof idifferent iretail
i outlets iin iorder ito igain iknowledge iabout ithe iproducts ior iservices.
e. 24/7 iShopping: iSince iinternet iis iavailable iall iday ilong, ithere iis ino itime irestriction ifor iwhen
i customer iwants ito ibuy ia iproduct ionline.
f. Share icontent iof ithe iproducts ior iservices: iDigital imarketing igives iviewers ia ichance ito
i share ithe icontent iof ithe iproduct ior iservices ito iothers. iUsing idigital imedia, ione ican ieasily
i transfer iand iget iinformation iabout ithe icharacteristics iof ithe iproduct ior iservices ito iothers.
g. Apparent iPricing: iCompany ishows ithe iprices iof iproducts ior iservices ithrough idigital
i marketing ichannel iand ithis imakes iprices ivery iclear iand itransparent ifor ithe icustomers.
i Company imay iregularly ichanges ithe iprices ior igives ispecial ioffers ion itheir iproducts ior
i services iand icustomers iare ialways iin iadvantages iby igetting iinformed iinstantly iby ijust
i looking iat iany ione imean iof idigital imarketing.
h. Enables iinstant ipurchase: iWith itraditional imarketing, icustomers ifirst i watch ithe
i advertisement iand ithen ifind irelevant iphysical istore ito ipurchase ithe iproducts ior iservices.
i However, iwith idigital imarketing, icustomers ican ipurchase ithe iproducts ior iservices iinstantly
While ithe iolder igeneration iis istill inot imuch iable ito icome iout iof ithe iweb iof ipaper ibased
i information istuff ithe iyounger igeneration ihas ievolved ithemselves ito ibe ithe imost itech isavvy
i and ibased ion ie-marketing.
This iis imain iis ifaster ithan ianything ielse. iIt’s inot ionly ia iboon ito ithe iconsumers, ibut ia ivery
i effective itool ifor ithe imarketers ito ireach itheir itarget iaudience. iHere iare isome ikey ipoints ithat
i explain iits iimportance:
a. Affordable: iThe ifirst ito ibe iconsidered ipoint iis ithat idigital imarketing iis ivery icheaper iwhen
i compared ito ithe iother imodes iand imeans iof imarketing. iInformation igoing ionline iregarding
i your icompany ior iproduct imay inot icost ithe icompany imore ithan ia ifractional icost iof isending
i the isame iinformation ivia inewspaper ior ia idigital iadvertisement.
b. Effective iTargeting iof iThe iAudience: iWhen icompared ithe idigital imarketing iagain istands
i out ito ithe iprint imarketing ias ithere iis ialways ithe ichance iof ipeople ibeing iattracted ito ithe idigital
i media imore. iAs ithe itechnology iprobe imore iand imore iinto iour idaily ilife, iit ihas imade ia
i significant ieffect ion iour isense ithat ican ibe iconvinced. iMoreover, ithere iare ialways ihigher
i chances iof imore ipeople iwatching ian ionline iad ithan ia iprint imedia iadvertisement.
c. The iTraceable iResults: iThanks ito ithe itechnology iit ihas imade iit ivery ieasy ifor ithe imarketers
i to itrack iand imonitor itheir iresults ionline. iThe idata ican ialways ibe icollected iand ithe ianalyst
i may ihelp iin idata iassessing iand iprovide ithe ivaluable idata ifor ivarious idecision imaking.
d. Use iIn iThe iDigital iEra: iThere iare ia inumber iof iways ibrands ican iuse idigital imarketing ito
i benefit itheir imarketing iefforts. iThe iuse iof idigital imarketing iin ithe idigital iera inot ionly iallows
i for ibrands ito imarket itheir iproducts iand iservices, ibut ialso iallows ifor ionline icustomer isupport
i through i24/7 iservices ito imake icustomers ifeel isupported iand ivalued. iThe iuse iof isocial imedia
i interaction iallows ibrands ito ireceive i both ipositive i and inegative ifeedback ifrom itheir
i customers ias iwell ias idetermining iwhat imedia iplatforms iwork iwell ifor ithem. iAs isuch, idigital
i marketing ihas ibecome ian iincreased
advantage ifor ibrands iand ibusinesses. iIt iis inow icommon ifor iconsumers ito ipost ifeedback
i online ithrough isocial imedia isources, iblogs iand iwebsites ion itheir iexperience iwith ia iproduct
i or ibrand. iIt ihas ibecome iincreasingly ipopular ifor ibusinesses ito iuse iand iencourage ithese
i conversations ithrough itheir isocial imedia ichannels ito ihave idirect icontact iwith ithe icustomers
i and imanage ithe ifeedback ithey ireceive iappropriately. iWord iof imouth icommunications iand
i peer-to-peer idialogue ioften ihave ia igreater ieffect ion icustomers, isince ithey iare inot isent
i directly ifrom ithe icompany iand iare itherefore inot iplanned. iCustomers iare imore ilikely ito itrust
i other icustomers‟ iexperiences. iExamples ican ibe ithat isocial imedia iusers ishare ifood iproducts
i and imeal iexperiences ihighlighting icertain ibrands iand ifranchises. iThis iwas inoted iin ia istudy
i on iInstagram, iwhere iresearchers iobserved ithat iadolescent iInstagram iusers' iposted iimages iof
i food- irelated iexperiences iwithin itheir isocial inetworks, iproviding ifree iadvertising ifor ithe
i products. iIt iis iincreasingly iadvantageous ifor icompanies ito iuse isocial imedia iplatforms ito
i connect iwith itheir icustomers iand icreate ithese idialogues iand idiscussions. iThe ipotential ireach
i of isocial imedia iis iindicated iby ithe ifact ithat iin i2015, ieach imonth ithe iFacebook iapp ihad imore
i than i126 imillion iaverage iunique iusers iand iYouTube ihad iover i97 imillion iaverage iunique
i users.
a. Ease iof iAccess: iA ikey iobjective iis iengaging idigital imarketing icustomers iand iallowing ithem
i to iinteract iwith ithe ibrand ithrough iservicing iand idelivery iof idigital imedia. iInformation iis ieasy
i to iaccess iat ia ifast irate ithrough ithe iuse iof idigital icommunications. iUsers iwith iaccess ito ithe
i Internet ican iuse imany idigital imediums, isuch ias iFacebook, iYouTube, iForums, iand iEmail ietc.
i Through iDigital icommunications iit icreates ia iMulti- icommunication ichannel iwhere
i information ican ibe iquickly iexchanged iaround ithe iworld iby ianyone iwithout iany iregard ito
i whom ithey iare. iSocial isegregation iplays ino ipart ithrough isocial imediums idue ito ilack iof iface
i to iface icommunication iand iinformation ibeing iwide ispread iinstead ito ia iselective iaudience.
i This iinteractive inature iallows iconsumers icreate iconversation iin iwhich ithe itargeted iaudience
i is iable ito iask iquestions iabout ithe ibrand iand iget ifamiliar iwith iit iwhich itraditional iforms iof
i Marketing imay inot ioffer.
b. Competitive iAdvantage: iBy iusing iInternet iplatforms, ibusinesses ican icreate icompetitive
i advantage ithrough ivarious imeans. iTo ireach ithe imaximum ipotential iof idigital imarketing,
i firms iuse isocial imedia ias iits imain itool ito icreate ia ichannel iof iinformation. iThrough ithis ia
i business ican icreate ia isystem iin iwhich ithey iare iable ito ipinpoint ibehavioral ipatterns iof iclients
i and ifeedback ion itheir ineeds. iThis imeans iof icontent ihas ishown ito ihave ia ilarger i impingement
on ithose iwho ihave ia ilong-standing irelationship iwith ithe ifirm iand iwith iconsumers iwho iare
i relatively iactive isocial imedia iusers. iRelative ito ithis, icreating ia isocial imedia ipage iwill ifurther
i increase irelation iquality ibetween inew iconsumers iand iexisting iconsumers ias iwell ias
i consistent ibrand ireinforcement itherefore iimproving ibrand iawareness iresulting iin ia ipossible
i rise ifor iconsumers iup ithe iBrand iAwareness iPyramid. iAlthough ithere imay ibe iinconstancy
i with iproduct iimages; imaintaining ia isuccessful isocial imedia ipresence irequires ia ibusiness ito
i be iconsistent iin iinteractions ithrough icreating ia itwo iway ifeed iof iinformation; ifirms iconsider
i their icontent ibased ion ithe ifeedback ireceived ithrough ithis ichannel, ithis iis ia iresult iof ithe
i environment ibeing idynamic idue ito ithe iglobal inature iof ithe iinternet. iEffective iuse iof idigital
i marketing ican iresult iin irelatively ilowered icosts iin irelation ito itraditional imeans iof imarketing;
i Lowered iexternal iservice icosts, iadvertising i costs, ipromotion icosts, iprocessing icosts,
i interface idesign icosts iand icontrol icosts.
c. Effectiveness: iBrand iawareness ihas ibeen iproven ito iwork iwith imore ieffectiveness iin
i countries ithat iare ihigh iin iuncertainty iavoidance, ialso ithese icountries ithat ihave iuncertainty
i avoidance; isocial imedia imarketing iworks ieffectively. iYet ibrands imust ibe icareful inot ito ibe
i excessive ion ithe iuse iof ithis itype iof imarketing, ias iwell ias isolely irelying ion iit ias iit imay ihave
i implications ithat icould inegatively iharness itheir iimage. iBrands ithat irepresent ithemselves iin
i an ianthropomorphizing imanner iare imore ilikely ito isucceed iin isituations iwhere ia ibrand iis
i marketing ito ithis idemographic. i‘Since isocial imedia iuse ican ienhance ithe iknowledge iof ithe
i brand iand ithus idecrease ithe iuncertainty, iit iis ipossible ithat ipeople iwith ihigh iuncertainty
i avoidance, isuch ias ithe iFrench, iwill iparticularly iappreciate ithe ihigh isocial imedia iinteraction
i with ian ianthropomorphized ibrand.’ iMoreover, idigital iplatform iprovides ian iease ito ithe ibrand
i and iits icustomers ito iinteract idirectly iand iexchange itheir imotives ivirtually
Latest idevelopments iand istrategies:
a. Segmentation: imore ifocus ihas ibeen iplaced ion isegmentation iwithin idigital imarketing, iin iorder
i to itarget ispecific imarkets iin iboth ibusiness-to-business iand ibusiness-to- iconsumer isectors.
b. Influencer iMarketing: iImportant inodes iare iidentified iwithin irelated icommunities, iknown i i ias
i influencers. iThis iis ibecoming ian iimportant iconcept iin idigital itargeting. iIt iis ipossible ito ireach
i influencers ivia ipaid iadvertising, isuch ias iFacebook iAdvertising ior iGoogle iAd iwords
i campaigns, ior ithrough isophisticated iSCRM i(social icustomer irelationship imanagement)
i software, i such i as i SAP i C4C, i Microsoft i Dynamics, i Sage i CRM i and i Sales i force i CRM.
i Many
universities inow ifocus, iat iBachelor ilevel, ion iengagement istrategies ifor iinfluencers.
A istrategy ithat iis ilinked iinto ithe ieffectiveness iof idigital imarketing iis icontent imarketing.
i Content imarketing ican ibe ibriefly idescribed ias i‘delivering ithe icontent ithat iyour iaudience iis
i seeking iin ithe iplaces ithat ithey iare isearching ifor iit’. iIt iis ifound ithat icontent imarketing iis
i highly ipresent iin idigital imarketing iand ibecomes ihighly isuccessful iwhen icontent imarketing iis
i involved. iThis iis idue ito icontent imarketing imaking iyour ibrand imore irelevant ito ithe itarget
i consumers, ias iwell ias imore ivisible ito ithe itarget iconsumer. iMarketers ialso ifind iemail ian
i effective istrategy iwhen iit icomes ito idigital imarketing ias iit iis ianother iway ito ibuild ia ilong iterm
i relationship iwith ithe iconsumer. iListed ibelow iare isome iaspects ithat ineed ito ibe iconsidered ito
i have ian ieffective idigital imedia icampaign iand iaspects ithat ihelp icreate ian ieffective iemail
i system.
Interesting imail ititles idifferentiate ione iadvertisement ifrom ithe iother. iThis iseparates
i advertisements ifrom ithe iclutter. iDifferentiation iis ione ifactor ithat ican imake ian iadvertisement
i successful iin idigital imarketing ibecause iconsumers iare idrawn ito iit iand iare imore ilikely ito
i view ithe iadvertisement.
a. Establishment iof iCustomer iExclusivity: iA ilist iof icustomers iand icustomer's idetails ishould
i be ikept ion ia idatabase ifor ifollow iup iand iselected icustomers ican ibe isent iselected ioffers iand
i promotions iof ideals irelated ito ithe icustomer's iprevious ibuyer ibehavior. iThis iis ieffective iin
i digital imarketing ias iit iallows iorganizations ito ibuild iup iloyalty iover iemail.
b. Low iTechnical iRequirements: iIn iorder ito iget ithe ifull iuse iout iof idigital imarketing iit iis
i useful ito imake iyou iadvertising icampaigns ihave ilow itechnical irequirements. iThis iprevents
i some iconsumers inot ibeing iable ito iunderstand ior iview ithe iadvertising icampaign.
c. Rewards: iThe ilucrative ioffers iwould ialways ihelp iin imaking iyour idigital icampaign ia
i success. iGive isome ireward iin ithe iend iof ithe icampaign. iThis iwould idefinitely iinvite imore
i engagement iand iword iof imouth ipublicity.
1.9 Channels
Digital imarketing iis ifacilitated iby imultiple ichannels, iAs ian iadvertiser ione's icore iobjective iis
i to ifind ichannels iwhich iresult iin imaximum itwo-way icommunication iand ia ibetter ioverall iROI
i for ithe ibrand. iThere iare imultiple idigital imarketing ichannels iavailable inamely.
a. Affiliate imarketing i- iAffiliate imarketing iis iperceived ito inot ibe iconsidered ia isafe, ireliable iand
i easy imeans iof imarketing ithrough ionline iplatform. iThis iis idue ito ia ilack iof ireliability iin iterms
i of iaffiliates ithat ican iproduce ithe idemanded inumber iof inew icustomers. iAs ia iresult iof ithis irisk
i and ibad iaffiliates iit ileaves ithe ibrand iprone ito iexploitation iin iterms iof iclaiming icommission
i that iisn’t ihonestly iacquired. iLegal imeans imay ioffer isome iprotection iagainst ithis, iyet ithere
i are ilimitations iin irecovering iany ilosses ior iinvestment. iDespite ithis, iaffiliate imarketing iallows
i the ibrand ito imarket itowards ismaller ipublishers, iand iwebsites iwith ismaller itraffic. iBrands
i that ichoose ito iuse ithis imarketing ioften ishould ibeware iof isuch irisks iinvolved iand ilook ito iassociate
i with iaffiliates iin iwhich irules iare ilaid idown ibetween ithe iparties iinvolved ito iassure iand iminimize ithe
i risk iinvolved.
b. Display iadvertising i- iAs ithe iterm iinfers, iOnline iDisplay iAdvertisement ideals iwith
i showcasing ipromotional imessages ior iideas ito ithe iconsumer ion ithe iinternet. iThis iincludes ia
i wide irange iof iadvertisements ilike iadvertising iblogs, inetworks, iinterstitial iads, icontextual
i data, iads ion ithe isearch iengines, iclassified ior idynamic iadvertisement ietc. iThe imethod ican
i target ispecific iaudience ituning iin ifrom idifferent itypes iof ilocals ito iview ia iparticular
i advertisement, ithe ivariations ican ibe ifound ias ithe imost iproductive ielement iof ithis imethod.
c. Email imarketing i- iEmail imarketing iin icomparison ito iother iforms iof idigital imarketing iis
i considered icheap; iit iis ialso ia iway ito irapidly icommunicate ia imessage isuch ias itheir ivalue
i proposition ito iexisting ior ipotential icustomers. iYet ithis ichannel iof icommunication imay ibe
i perceived iby irecipients ito ibe ibothersome iand iirritating iespecially ito inew ior ipotential
i customers, itherefore ithe isuccess iof iemail imarketing iis ireliant ion ithe ilanguage iand ivisual
i appeal iapplied. iIn iterms iof ivisual iappeal, ithere iare iindications ithat iusing igraphics/visuals
i that iare irelevant ito ithe imessage iwhich iis iattempting ito ibe isent, iyet iless ivisual igraphics ito ibe
i applied iwith iinitial iemails iare imore ieffective iin-turn icreating ia irelatively ipersonal ifeel ito ithe
i email. iIn iterms iof ilanguage, ithe istyle iis ithe imain ifactor iin idetermining ihow icaptivating ithe
i email iis. iUsing icasual itone iinvokes ia iwarmer iand igentle iand iinviting ifeel ito ithe iemail iin
i comparison ito ia iformal istyle. iFor icombinations; iit's i suggested ithat ito imaximize
i effectiveness; iusing ino igraphics/visual ialongside icasual ilanguage. iIn icontrast iusing ino ivisual
i appeal iand ia iformal ilanguage istyle iis iseen ias ithe ileast ieffective imethod.
d. Social iMedia iMarketing i i- iThe iterm i'Digital iMarketing' ihas ia inumber iof imarketing ifacets i ias
i it isupports idifferent ichannels iused iin iand iamong ithese, icomes ithe iSocial iMedia. iWhen iwe
i use isocial imedia ichannels i( iFace ibook, iTwitter, iInstagram, iGoogle+, ietc.) ito imarket ia
i product i or i service, i the i strategy i is i called i Social i Media i Marketing. i It i is i a i procedure
i wherein
strategies iare imade iand iexecuted ito idraw iin itraffic ifor ia iwebsite ior ito igain iattention iof ibuyers
i over ithe iweb iusing idifferent isocial imedia iplatforms.
Market iresearch iis ithe iprocess iof igathering ivaluable iinformation iabout ithe ineeds iand
i preferences iof iconsumers. iIt ihelps iin idetermining iif ithere iis ia imarket ifor ia iproduct ior iservice
i and iis ia ikey ipart iin ideveloping iany ibusiness. iIt igives ibusinesses ian iinsight iinto ithe iprofiles
i and ispending ihabits iof iconsumers iand iprovides icompanies iwith ithe idata inecessary ifor
i making igood ibusiness idecisions.
Digital imarketing iis ithe imethod iof ipromoting ia ibrand, ia iproduct, ior ia iservice ithrough ione ior
i more iforms iof ielectronic imedia, isuch ias ithe iInternet, imobile iinstant imessaging, iwireless itext
i messaging, ipodcasts, ionline iradio ichannels, idigital itelevision, iand imobile iapps. iDigital
i marketing ienables ibusinesses ito ianalysis itheir imarketing icampaigns iin ireal itime iand ifigure
i out iwhat iworks iand iwhat ineeds ito ibe iimproved.
Market iresearch, iespecially iwhen iconducted ithrough isocial imedia ichannels, ilets ibusinesses
i observe iand ilearn ithe ilanguage iof itheir iaudience. iBy ilearning ithe ilanguage iand imimicking iit
i in ipromotional iads, icompanies iwill ibe iable ito ispeak ito itheir iaudience iin ia iway ithat iconnects.
i In iturn, ithere iis ia ibig ichance ithat iaudiences iwill iclick ithrough ito ia iwebpage, imaking
i conversion ipossible. iAside ifrom ithe ilanguage, icompanies iwill ialso ibe iable ito iuncover itrends
i and itheir iconsumers‟ icommon iactivities ithat ican ithen ibe iintegrated iinto itheir idigital
i marketing iefforts.
Knowing iwhat iconsumers ilike ior idislike ithrough isocial imedia iand iother ichannels ihelps
i businesses iidentify imajor iinfluencers iin ia iparticular iaudience. iTo imake ithe imost iout iof ithis
i information, idigital imarketers iwill ido iwell ito ibuild iauthority iand iestablish irelationships iwith
i these iinfluencers. iBy idoing iso, icompanies icould iincrease ithe irange iof itheir idigital imarketing
i efforts, iusing iinfluencers ito ire-tweet, ireview ia iproduct ior iservice, ior isimply imention ia
i company’s ibrand.
Market iresearch ialso imakes iuse iof itools ithat ihelp ibusinesses igather iinformation iabout itheir
i audience. iPlenty iof isoftware iand iservices iare iavailable ito ienable imarket iresearch iteams ito
i scan iand imonitor imentions iof itheir ibrand, irelevant ikeywords iand ikey iphrases, iand ieven itheir
i competitors. iResearch iand idigital imarketing iis igoing ihand-in-hand ito idrive iforward ithe i best
ways ito imonitor, icollect, ianalysis iand iinterpret idata ito iboost ibusiness‟ iunderstanding iof itheir
target imarkets iand itailor itheir istrategies ieffectively. iThese istrategies ican inow ibe itweaked i in
„real itime‟ ias iresults iof itheir ieffectiveness iare ifed ithrough iswiftly i– imaking icampaigns imore iflexible
i and ireactive ithan iever ibefore
India iis ithe iworld’s i3rd ilargest iinternet ipopulation. iAfter ithe iproliferation iof iInternet,
i Marketing istrategy ihas itaken ian ioff iroot ito ireach iout ito ithe ipublic. iThe itremendous igrowth
i that idigital imarketing ihas ishown icannot ibe imatch iup iwith iany iother istrategy. iLooking iup ito
i the icurrent iscenario iin iIndia, ipeople ihere iare inot ionly iaware iof iInternet ibut iare iemploying iit
i for ivarious ipurposes iin ilife. iThus, ithere’s ia ibooming iinternet imarketing iindustry iin iIndia. iIn
i India isocial imedia iis ithe idriving ithe iadoption iof idigital imarketing. iThe iretail isector iin iIndia
i is ibooming iboth ion iand ioffline. iIndia iis ia irelative ilatecomer ito ithe ionline ishopping
i revolution ibut iit iis ipredicted ithat ionline isales iwill igrow iby i50 iper icent iannually iin ithe inext
i few iyears. iThe icountry iis ialready ithe ithird ilargest ination iof iinternet iusers iwith iover i120
i million iand ithe irapid iuptake iof imobile icommerce iis ipredicted ito iincrease ithe inumber iof iusers
i to iover i330 imillion iby i2015. iSocial imedia iis ihelping ito idrive ithe idevelopment iof idigital
i marketing. iIncreasingly iwealthy ipopulations iof iyoung iinternet isavvy icustomers iare ispending
i more itime iand imoney ionline iand iin idoing iso iare iinfluencing ishopping itrends. iAmong ithe
i popular iproducts ionline iare ibooks, iconsumer ielectronics, itravel, ifinancial iservices, iapparel
i and ibeauty icare. iOnline ishopping iactivity iis iconcentrated iin imajor iurban iconurbations iwith
i Mumbai ibeing ithe imain icentre ifollowed iby iDelhi iand iKolkata. iA ilarge iproportion iof ithe
i purchases iare iconducted iin ionline imarket iplaces isuch ias iSnapdeal, ilaunched iin i2010.
i Currently, ithe iinternet iaccounts ifor ionly ia ismall iproportion iof iIndia’s iGDP ibut ithe
i predictions iare ithat ian iinternet iboom iis ijust iaround ithe icorner ifor iRetailers. iIndian iyouth iare
i supposed ito ifollow istrict imoral iand ifamily ivalues iand isupposed ito iinvest itheir iwhole itime
i and iattention itowards istudy iand icareer. iSo ithe icareer, ieducation ihas ito ibe ithe isole iaim iof ia
i student. iIndian iyouth iare ithe ipowerful isegment iin ithe imarket iwho idirects ithe imanufacturers
i to imake iwhat ithey iwant. iThis istudy ievaluates ithe iextent ito iwhich ithe iyouth iplays irole iin
i directing ithe imarketer. iThe istudy iwill ibe iuseful ifor ithe imarketer ito idevise ithe imarketing
i strategies ito icapture ithe ipresent iand ipotential iyouth isegment iin ithe iproducts iunder istudy.
i According ito ithe iNational iYouth iPolicy- i2014, ithe istudy iwill icover ithe ientire iyouth iin ithe
i age-group iof i15-29 iyears, iwhich iconstitutes
1.13 Consumer Buying Behavior i i
The iterm i‘consumer ibehavior’ irefers ito iactions iand idecisions ithat ifactor iinto ia icustomer's
i purchase. iResearchers, ibusinesses iand imarketers istudy iconsumer ibehavior ito iunderstand
i what iinfluences ia iconsumer's ishopping ipreferences iand iselection iof iproducts iand iservices.
i Multiple ifactors iaffect iconsumer ibehavior, iamong ithem ieconomic istatus, ibeliefs iand ivalues,
i culture, ipersonality, iage iand ieducation. iFindings ion iconsumer ibehavior iare iused ito idevelop
i methods iand iproducts ithat iwill iboost icompany iperformance iand isales.
Customers iare ibecoming imore ipowerful, imore iknowledgeable iand imore isophisticated, iand
i research iinto imodern iconsumer ibehavior iis iincreasingly iimportant ifor ibusinesses iaccording.
i Advertising ito iattract iconsumers, iproviding ibetter ienvironment, iproduct, iservices iand
i policies iis iimportant iin iimproving itoday’s iconsumer iexperience ito isupport ibusinesses iin
i retaining icustomers. iThis istudy iseeks ito idetermine iand iexplain ithe ieffectiveness iof iinternet
i advertising iin istimulating iconsumer iresponse.
Consumer ibuying ibehavior iis ithe isum itotal iof ia iconsumer's iattitudes, ipreferences, iintentions,
i and idecisions iregarding ithe iconsumer's ibehavior iin ithe imarketplace iwhen ipurchasing ia
i product ior iservice. iThe istudy iof iconsumer ibehavior idraws iupon isocial iscience idisciplines iof
i anthropology, ipsychology, isociology, iand ieconomics. iconsumer ibuying ibehavior ias ia
i process iof ichoosing, ipurchasing, iusing iand idisposing iof iproducts ior iservices i by ithe
i individuals iand igroups iin iorder ito isatisfy itheir ineeds iand iwants ias ia iset iof iactivities iwhich
i involves ithe ipurchase iand iuse iof igoods iand iservices iwhich iresulted ifrom ithe icustomers‟
i emotional iand imental ineeds iand ibehavioral iresponse. iIf ia imarketer ican iidentify iconsumer
i buyer ibehavior, ihe ior ishe iwill ibe iin ia ibetter iposition ito itarget iproducts iand iservices iat ithem.
i Buyer ibehavior iis ifocused iupon ithe ineeds iof iindividuals, igroups iand iorganizations.
a. Cultural factors: Cultural factors have a significant impact on customer behavior Culture is
i i i i i i i i i i i i
i the imost ibasic icause iof ia ipersons iwants iand ibehavior. iGrowing iup, ichildren ilearn ibasic
i values, iperception iand iwants ifrom ithe ifamily iand iother iimportant igroups. iMarketers iare
i always itrying ito ispot i‘cultural ishifts’ iwhich imight ipoint ito inew iproducts ithat imight ibe
i wanted iby icustomers ior ito iincreased idemand.
b. Social factors: A customers buying behavior is also influenced by social factors, such as the
i i i i i i i i i i i i i i
i groups ito iwhich ithe icustomer ibelongs iand isocial istatus. iEach iculture icontains i‘sub- icultures’
i – igroups iof ipeople iwith ishare ivalues. iSub-cultures i can
include inationalities, ireligions, iracial igroups, ior igroups iof ipeople isharing ithe isame
i geographical ilocation. iSometimes ia isub-culture iwill icreate ia isubstantial iand idistinctive
i market isegment iof iits iown. iFor iexample, ithe i‘youth iculture’ ior i‘club iculture’ ihas iquite
i distinct ivalues iand ibuying icharacteristics ifrom ithe imuch iolder igray igeneration.
c. Personal Factors: The consumer behavior also depends on the personal characteristics. The
i i i i i i i i i i i
i way iof ithe iconsumer ibehavior iis idetermined iby ibuyer's iage iand istage iin ithe ilife icycle,
i personal ioccupation, ieconomic icircumstances iand ilifestyle iof iperson iand ialso ibehavior iis
i affects iby ipersonality iand iself-concept. iIn iaddition, iin ithe ilifetime, ipeople iare inot ibuying ithe
i same iproduct iand iservices, itheir ineed iof iproduct iand iservices iare ichanged iby itime ito itime.
d. Psychological factors: Psychological factors play important role to determine the consumer
i i i i i i i i i i
i behavior. iThese ifactors iare iaffected iby ifour imajor ifactors ilike imotivation, iperception, iand
i learning. iThis ipsychological ifactor idecides ithe ipersonality iand ilifestyle. iThe idemonstration
i influence iis ialso idependent iupon ipsychology iof ian iindividual. iNowadays, ilearning iis ithe
i major ifactors iin ithe istudy iof iconsumer ibehavior ibecause iwhen ipeople iact, iat ithat itime, ithey
i learn isomething. iFurthermore, iLearning ican ichange ithe iconsumer ibehavior ifrom iexperience.
i Most iof ibehavior iis ilearning ifrom ithe icurrent ienvironment.
From ithe iearly iyear, ithe iresearch isuggest ithat ifollowing iis ithe iway iwhere icustomers igo
i through ifive istages ifor itheir idecision imaking iprocess ito ibuy iproduct iand iservices. iThis
i model iis iimplies ithat icustomer ipass ithis iall istages iin ievery isingle ipurchase iprocess ibut isome
i time, icustomer iis inot igoing ito ipass, ithey ioften iskip ior ireverse isome iof ithe ifollowing istages.
Need iRecognition
Information iSearch
Evaluation iof iAlternatives
Product iDecision
Post-Purchase iDecision
a. Need Recognition :
i i
The iprocess iof ithe iconsumer ibuying idecision iprocess istarts iwith iproblem irecognition. iThis
i steps ioccurs iwhen icustomers isees ia isignificant idifference ibetween iher/him icurrent istate ior
desired istate. iAt ithis iphase, ithe iconsumer iis ifaced iwith iproblem iwhich imay ibe ilarge iand
i small ior icomplex iThe iproblem iof ithe iconsumer iat ithis isteps idepends ion ithe inature iof iher/him
i needs, iit ialso idepends ion ienvironment iwhere icustomers iis iliving.
b. Information search : i i
In ithe iconsumer idecision imaking iprocess, ionce ithe iproblem ihas ibeen irecognized, ithey ineed
i to isearch isome irelevant iinformation ito isolve iit. iIn ithis iphase, iwhere ithe icustomer iuses
i different itypes iof iway ito igather iinformation ito ifulfill itheir ineeds idiscussed iabove.
Generally, ithe icustomer iis igoing ito isearch iinformation iby iinternal ior iexternal imethod.
i Internal isources iapplicable, iwhen icustomer ihas isome imemory iabout iproduct ior isome ihave
i degree iof iknowledge. iIn icontrast, iwhere ithere iis ineed imore iinformation iabout itheir ineeds, iat
i this isituation, iGenerally, icustomer iis iprefer ito iuse iinternal isources ilike ito iuse iadvertising,
i friends, ifamily, ipoint-of-sale idisplays, iradio, imagazines.
c. Evaluation of alternatives:
i i
After ifacing iinformation iabout itheir ineeds, iThe ithird iphase iis ievaluation iof ialternatives
i where igenerally, icustomer iis ifocus ito iset iup irules ifor ichoice iof iproduct iand iservices, iIn
i addition, ithis iphase iis ievaluate ithe iway iof ichoice iof iproduct iand iservices ilike ihow idoes ithe
i customer iprocess icompetitive ibrand iinformation iand imake ifinal ijudgments itowards iproduct.
d. Product decision:
After ievaluation istages, ionce ithe irelevant icategory iis iestablished ifrom ithe iabove iphase i, ithe
i choice imust ibe imade iamong ithem i.Here iis ithe iprocess iwhich ineeds imore iattention ion idesired
i choice i.The ichoice ican ibe iinfluence iby iinternal ifactors ilike iexperience ion iproduct iand
i services i. iFirst iis ian iattitude iof ithe iothers, iwhere ithe iattitudes iof ifriend, ifamily, isocial
i community iwhich iaffect ito ithe ichange ithe idecision ion idesired ichoice. iSecondly, ithere imight
i be isome iunexpected isituational ifactors ilike iprice iof ichoice iproduct iis isuddenly igone iup.
After ithe iPurchase idecision, ithe ipost ipurchase iphase ioccurs. iGenerally, iif iany isales
i representatives iwant icustomer icome iback iagain itowards istore, ithey ishould ibe iable ito
i understand ithe ibehavior iof icustomers. iThe ipost ipurchase iphase iis ia icomplex iprocess iwhere
i satisfaction iof icustomer iis iutilization. iOne iof iResearchers iHenard, i(1988) isubmits ithat ithe
i customer isatisfaction ievaluations ican ibe iinfluenced iby iconsumer iexpectations iand
i perceptions. iMoreover, iThe iAtmospherics iis ialso iplays iimportant irole iin ithis iphase.
This iphase ican ibe idivided iinto itwo iway: ipost ipurchase isatisfaction iand ipost ipurchase iactions,
i where igenerally iresearch isuggest ithat iif ithe icustomers icome iback ito ithe istore, iit
means ithey iare idissatisfied ibut iargued ithat iit idoes inot imean ithat iwhen icustomer icome iback
i because iof ibeing isatisfied, ithey imight ibe iother ireason iwhen ithey icome iback. iIn iaddition ito
i satisfaction iin ithis iphase iinclude ibrand ipreference iand irepurchase iintentions iand ihow iit iis
i affect. iHere ibrand iis ione iof imajor ifactors iin ithe iservices iindustry iwhich iis iaffect ion
i satisfaction iabout iproduct iand iservices.
a. Consumers inow ihave itheir iown ibenchmark iof iwhat i‘Looks iGood’
With iadvent iof iDigital iMarketing, ithe iconsumers iare ia itroubled isoul ithey ihave idifferent
i definition iof i‘what iLooks iGood’ ito ithem. iThey iwill icompare ian iFMCG iproducts iservice
i with ithat iof iTV‟s iservice. iThey iexpect ione ibrand ielement ito ibe iequivalent ito ianother ibrands
i element. iThere ihave ibeen iinstances iwhere ipeople itweeted ion iFMCG icompanies‟ ihandle ion
i how ilets isay iSamsung ihas ia ibetter iQuality iof iService ithan iwhat ithey iprovide. iI imean ithese
i two iproducts iare ifar iapart. iBut, iconsumer iis iKing. iSo, inow ievery icompany ihas ito ibe ion itheir
i toes inow ibecause, ithey iare inow icompeting iwith ianyone iand ieveryone ion iSocial iMedia
i Space.
b. Consumer iTolerance iis ireducing iat ian ialarming ilevel
Consumer iwants iresponse ias ifast iand ias iclear ias ipossible. iIt itakes imerely ione iviral itweet ior
i post ito idestroy ior ibuild ia icompany irapport. iPlatforms ilike, imouth ishut, itwitter, iFacebook,
i etc. iare ibeing iused iby iconsumers ito ishare itheir imisfortunes ithat ithey ihad ifaced iwith ia
i company. iNegativity iattracts ipeople iand ithis iis ihuman ipsychology. iVery ifew iusers iwill iput ia
i grateful ipost ion iFB ior iTwitter. iTo itackle isuch isituations, ia ibrand imust ifollow iORM istrategy
i (Online iReputation iManagement). iORM iis ibasically ia imanagement isystem iwhere iyou
i respond ito ipeople iwho iare italking iabout iyou. iIf ithey iare italking igood, ithen ithank ithem iand
i ask ito ivisit iyour iwebsite. iIf ithey iare italking inegatively iabout iyou, iask ithem ito ichill iand iask
i them ito iregister ia icomplaint ion ithe ihelpdesk. iMake isure ithat ithe ihelpdesk isolves ithe iproblem
i because iagain ithe icustomer iwill igo ito iSocial iMedia, ibut inow ihe/she iwould ibe ieven imore
i angry! iSuch iinteractions icreate ia ipositive iimpact ion ipeople.
c. Consumer iDialogue- iWord iof iMouth
Word iof imouth iis istill ione iof ithe imost ieffective imarketing itools. iBefore iDigital iMarketing
i people iused ito iask ielders, ior ipeople iwho ihave idomain iknowledge iof ithe ispecific iproduct
i they iare iabout ito ibuy. iBut, inow ithe ilist ihas inew ientries ilike iRating, iReviews i(User iand
i Expert), iTestimonials, ietc. iThe idecision iof ia iconsumer ito ibuy ia iproduct, ionline ior ioffline,
they iwill ifirst iGoogle isearch iit, iand ithen ithey iwill igo ito ireview isites iand iread iwhat iexperts
i and iusers ihave ito isay iabout ithe iproduct.
d. People iare inot iafraid iof iexperimenting:
Gone iare ithose idays iwhen ipeople iare iafraid iof iusing ia inew iproduct iand iwould iuse iit ionly
i when isomebody ielse iputs ia itrust ideal ion ithe iproduct. iNow, ia inew iproduct iwith igood ifeatures
i and iquality iis ilauded iwith iapplause iby iour iconsumers. iBest iexample ican ibe iRenault iDuster
i car. iThis icar ibecame inational isensation iin ia ivery ibrief iperiod iof itime. iIt iwas ialso inot ibacked
i up iby ia itrusted ibrand ilike iMaruti ior iTATA. iExperimenting iconcept iprevailed iand idue ito
i which imany icompanies ilike iOYO, iUber, iOla, ietc. icame ito ilife.
e. Consumers iare inow iswitchers iinstead iof iLoyal:
Loyalty iin iconsumers iis inow ian iextinct ifeature. iThere iwas ia itime iwhen ipeople iin iIndia ijust
i had ia itrust iin ione ibrand iin imobile iphone iindustry, iNOKIA. iNow, iNOKIA iis inowhere ito ibe
i seen. iLikes iof iMNCs ilike iSamsung; iApple iis inow ibeing ithreatened iby inew icomers ilike
i Oppo, iXiaomi, iGionee, iOne+, ietc. iFlash isales iand ipeople igetting imad iover ithese ilow icost
i ultra- ifeatures iphones. iAnother iclose ito ihome iexample iis iPatanjali, iBaba iRamdev iinitiative.
i Patanjali ihas imade iMNC isweat. iColgate iaccepted ithat ithey ihave ia inew icompetitor iin itown.
Patanjali ias iof inow iis ia iRs. i5,000 icrore icompany
f. People iuse imore ithan ione iSocial iMedia ichannels inow
It iis inot iup ito ibrands ito idecide iwhich isocial imedia iplatform ithey iwant ito ibe ion. iIt iis inow
i decided iby ithe iconsumers. iIf iconsumer iis ion iFB, iTwitter, iSnapchat, iVine, iG+, iTumblr,
i Instagram ietc. ibrands ihave ito ibe ipresent ithere. iThey ihave ito iinteract iwith ipeople ito icreate ia
i buzz iamong ithem. iOnce ia ipositive ibuzz iis icreated, iword iof imouth ispreads ilike ifire.
Brand inow icannot iand ishould inot iavoid iDigital iMarketing.
Buying ibehavior iof ian iindividual iplays ia ipredominant irole iin ithe iconsumer ibehavior iin
i general iand iamong ithe iyouth iin iparticular. iBuying ibehavior imarketing iis ia iprocess iof
i establishing irelationships ibetween iproducts ioffered iin ithe imarket iand itargeted ibuying
i behavior igroups. iIt iinvolves isegmenting ithe imarket ion ithe ibasis iof ibuying ibehavior
i dimensions, ipositioning ithe iproduct iin ia iway ithat iappeals ito ithe iactivities, iinterests iand
i opinions iof ithe itargeted imarket iand iundertaking ispecific ipromotional icampaigns iwhich
i exploit ibuying ibehavior iappeals ito ienhance ithe imarket ivalue iof ithe ioffered iproduct. iIn iIndia
i internet iis iaround i20 iyears iold. iIndia iis iamong ithe itop i3 ipopulation iof iinternet iusers iwith
145 imillion iconsumers. iThe idigital imarketing iis ihaving ijust i3-4% iof iorganized iretailing. iThis
i reveals ithat isome ielements iare ithe ihindrance iin ithe iprosperity iof ionline imarketing iin iIndia.
i The irisk iperceived iby ithe iyouth iin iIndia iis ione iof ithem. iThe iprosperity iof ionline ishopping iin
i India iis ihuge ibecause iof iits ibig isize iof iyouth ipopulation. iThe igovernment iis iinvesting ia ilot iin
i internet iinfrastructure. iThe iorganized iretailing ican’t ireach ito ithe irural ipart iof iIndia ieasily
i whereas ionline iretailers iare ifinding itheir ibuyers iin icities iincluding ivillages iof iacross iIndia.
Sadia iAfzal iet ial., i(2015) idiscussed ithe iimpact iof ionline iand itraditional iadvertisement ion
i consumer ibuying idecision iof ibranded igarments. iFindings ishow ithat iquality, iDesign,
i Contents iof iadvertisement, iloyalty iof iconsumer itowards ibrand iand ihis/her iprevious
i experience iof iconsumer iinfluence iconsumer ibuying ibehavior.
.It idiscussed iin ihis ipaper ithe iimpact iof ionline iand iconventional iadvertisement ion iconsumer
i buying ibehavior iof ibranded igarments iresults irevealed ithat iquality, idesign, icontent iof
i advertisement, iloyalty iof iconsumer itowards ibrand iand iprevious ibuying iexperience iof
i consumer iare isignificant ifactors iwhich iinfluence iconsumer ibuying ibehavior.
Fusan iCIZMECI iet ial i(2015) iinvestigated ithe iimpact iof idigital imarketing itools ion ibrand
i awareness igeneration iamong ihousing icompanies. iUnder ithis istudy itheoretical iframework
i was idrawn ifor iusage iof itrends iin idigital imarketing. iBased ion ithe ireview imade iits iapparent
i that ithere iis ia ichange iin itrend iof ithe ishopping ibehavior iof ithe iconsumers ibecause iof ithe
i emergence iof idigital imarketing i.hence ithe istudy ifocus itowards imeasuring ithe iawareness
i level iof iconsumers iabout idigital imarketing iand ithe iimpact iof ithe idigital ichannels ion itheir
i purchase idecision. iThe istudy ialso imade ian iattempt ito iexamine ithe ipreference iof idigital
i channels iby ithe iconsumers ibased ion iproduct itypes.
Kozinets, i2014 iidentified ithe ibuying ibehavior iof icustomers iof iBig iBazaar. iThe istudy iis ialso
i to ihave ian iinsight iabout icustomer igeneral iopinion iabout ithe iBig iBazaar. iSuch ia istudy iwill
i help ithe iorganization ito iassess ithe ibusiness iopportunities iin idifferent isegments, iwhich iin iturn
i will ihelp iin iknowing ito iwhat iextent iit ineeds ito ipromote iits ibusiness iso ithat iit ican istrategically
i position iitself ito ithe icustomers ineeds. iThis iresearch istudy ientitled itowards ithe iimpact iof
i Digital iMarketing ion iYouths iBuying iBehavior iPattern.
Chukwu iand iUzoma i(2014) iprovided iscientific ievidences ito ishow ithat iNigerian iconsumer
i patronize ionline iretailers ivery isignificantly. iOne iwonders iwhat iis iresponsible ifor ithe inoted
i changes. iFurthermore, iHusain iand iAdamu i(2014) ipointed iout ithat ithe iuse iof isocial imedia
i especially ithe iFacebook iand itwitter ihave ibeen iplaying ian iimportant irole ibut iwhether ithese
i have iencouraged iactual ionline ipurchases iwas inot ispecifically istated.
Vishal iKhasgiwala i& iMonica iSainyIn itheir istudy ititled i‘Gender idisparity iwise istudy iof
i Impulsive ibuying ibehavior iand iexploratory itendencies iof iyouth iin icentral iIndia’, iimpulsive
i buying ibehaviour iis iexperimented. iImpulsive ibuying iis ia icommon ibehavior itoday iand ican
i occur iin iany isetting. iMuch iof ithe ihuman iactivity iis idriven iby iimpulses ithat iare ibiochemically
i & ipsychologically istimulated. iBeatty iand iFerrell idescribed ithat iImpulse
buying irefers ito iimmediate ipurchases iwhich iare iwithout iany ipre-shopping iobjective ieither ito
i purchase ithe ispecific iproduct icategory ior ito ifulfill ia ispecific ineed. iIt iis inot iconsciously
i planned, ibut iarises iimmediately iupon iconfrontation iwith icertain istimulus. iIndia iBeing ia
i transitional ieconomy itechnological iboom isuch ias itelevision ishopping ichannels iand ithe
i Internet iexpand iconsumers‟ iimpulse ipurchasing iopportunities, iincreasing iboth ithe
i accessibility ito iproducts iand iservices iand ithe iease iwith iwhich iimpulse ipurchases ican ibe
i made. iImpulse ibuying iis ian iunplanned ipurchase ithat iis icharacterized iby irelatively irapid
i decision-making, iand ia isubjective ibias iin ifavor iof iimmediate ipossession.
Elisabetalonals iet ial., i(2014) irevealed ithat ihow ithe isocial imedia ilays idown iimpact ior
i influence ithe iconsumer idecision. iHe istudied ion i116 irespondents ithrough istructured
i questionnaire.
Rashmi iBansal i(2013), idefined iurban iyouth ias iyouth imarketers iof itoday iin iIndia iand inot ias
i per ithe iversion iof isociologists iand imedia imen iwho irelate iit ito ithe istatistics iof imen iunder ithe
i age iof i25. iYouth icould ibe idefined ias ia ipotent iand icultural iforce, ithe iconsumers iof itoday iand
i the igrowth iengines iof itomorrow. iThis istudy iconcentrates ion ithe iaspirations, iinspiration iand
i perspiration iof iurban iIndian iyouth iand inot ion ithe iresponse iof ithe iyouths ichoice iof ieither
i Western ior iIndian istyles ior ithe icultural ivalues. iThere iis ilittle idoubt ithat iincreasing iaffluence
i would ilead ito iradical ichoices ifor ithe ifuture igenerations.
Dastidar i& iDatta i(2013) ifound ithat, irelationship ipresent igender iwise ibetween iboth ithe
i variable iand iinfluence iof iexploratory itendencies ion iimpulsive ibuying ibehavior ion iin iyoung
i female iis ihigher ithan iyoung imale. iIt ireveals ithat, ivariety iseeking, irisk itaking/innovativeness,
i and icuriosity imotivated ibehavior iin iyoung ifemale iis ihigher iresult ispontaneous ibuying
i behavior. iWhile istudy ishows ithat, iin imale iit iis ivery ilower. iThe ipopulation iin ithe iage-group
i of i15-34 iincreased ifrom i353 imillion iin i2001 ito i430 imillion iin i2011. iCurrent ipredictions
i suggest ia isteady iincrease iin ithe iyouth ipopulation ito i464 imillion iby i2021. iBy i2020, iIndia iis
i set ito ibecome ithe iworld’s iyoungest icountry iwith i64 iper icent iof iits ipopulation iin ithe iworking
i age igroup i(The iHindu, i17 iApril i2013).
Sathis iand iRaja iMohan i(2012) itook iConsumer ibehavior iand ibuying ibehavior imarketing, ia
i general iapproach iof iconsumer iis itaken. iA iconsumers ibuying ibehavior iis iseen ias ithe isum iof
i his iinteractions iwith ihis ienvironment. iBuying ibehavior istudies iare ia icomponent iof ithe
i broader ibehavioral iconcept icalled ipsychographics.’ iHarold iW. iBerkman iand iChristopher
i Gilson idefine ibuying ibehavior ias i‘unified’ ipatterns iof ibehavior ithat iboth idetermine iand iare
i determined iby iconsumption. iThe iterm i‘unified ipatterns iof ibehavior’ irefers ito ibehavior iin iits
broadest isense. iAttitude iformation iand isuch iinternal isubjective iactivities imay inot ibe
i observable, ibut ithey iare ibehavior inonetheless. iBuying ibehavior iis ian iintegrated isystem iof ia
i persons iattitudes, ivalues iinterests, iopinions iand ihis iover ibehavior. iIt iis ifound iin ithis istudy
i that i‘Consumer ibehavior iis istill ia iyoung idiscipline iand imost iof ithe iresearch inow iavailable
i has ibeen igeneralized ionly iduring ithe ipast ififteen iyears ior iso. iInnovations isuch ias ithe ibuying
i behavior iconcept iand iAIO iresearch irepresent iways ito imove ithe istudy iof iconsumers iaway
i from iisolated, ioften iunrelated iprojects itowards ibroader iintegrated isystems iand iresearch
i techniques.
Priyanka iMehra i(2012) idescribed ithat iyouth ihave ialways ibeen ia iprime itarget ifor
i marketers. iMore iso iin iIndia inow, ias itwo-thirds iof ithe ipopulation iis ibelow i35 iyears iof iage.
i According ito iMindShare iInsights, ithe iresearch idivisions iof ia imedia ibuying iagency
i MindShare, i65%, ior iover i700 imillion iIndians, iare iyounger ithan i35 iyears. iThis isegment ihas
i an iinfluence ion iconsumer ispending ifar iin iexcess iof iits inumerical istrength. iNine imillion
i people iin ithe iage igroup iof i12-25 iyears ifrom ithe itop i35 icities i(one imillion iplus ipopulation) iin
i India iare ithe iones isetting ithe itrends iand iraising ithe iaspiration ivalue ifor ione-billion-plus
i Indians, ireports iMind iShare iInsights.
Kucuk iand iKrishnamurthy i(2012) irevealed ithat iinternet iand ivirtual icommunities ihelps ithe
i consumers, isocieties iand imarketer ito iaccess iand ishare iinformation iwith iothers. iIt itoo ihelps iin
i enhancing ithe icommunication iskills ialso.
Basheer iet ial i(March, i2012) iobserved ithe iimpact iof imobile iadvertising ion iconsumer
i purchase idecision. iFindings irevealed ithat ithere iis ia ipositive irelationship ibetween iperceived
i usefulness iof iadvertisement iand iconsumer ipurchase idecision.
Godes i& iSilva i(2012) irevealed ithat i90% iof iconsumer iread ionline ireviews iof iother iconsumer
i before imake ipurchase idecision. iConsumer iread iat ileast ifour ireviews ibefore imake itheir ifinal
i decision iof ipurchase. iReviews iplay iimportant irole iin ipurchase idecision. iFrisch,(2010) iIn
i world, ithere iare iapproximately i1 ibillion imonthly iactive iusers iof iFacebook. iAfter itwo iyears
i of iFacebook iintroduction, ithere iwere i50 imillion iusers. iEveryday i31 ibillion iqueries ion
i Google. i1000 iinternet idevices iused iin i1984 iand i1,00,00,00,000 iinternet idevices iused iin
i 2008.
Sathish iand iA. iRajamohan i(2012). iIn itheir istudy iConsumer ibehaviour iand ibuying
i behaviour imarketing, ia igeneral iapproach iof iconsumer iis itaken. iA iconsumers ibuying
i behaviour iis iseen ias ithe isum iof ihis iinteractions iwith ihis ienvironment. iBuying ibehaviour
i studies iare ia icomponent iof ithe ibroader ibehavioural iconcept icalled i i psychographics.’ iHarold
W. i iBerkman i iand i iChristopher i iGilson i idefine i ibuying i ibehaviour i ias i i‘unified’ i ipatterns i of
behaviour ithat iboth idetermine iand iare idetermined iby iconsumption. iThe iterm i‘unified
i patterns iof ibehaviour’ irefers ito ibehaviour iin iits ibroadest isense. iAttitude iformation iand isuch
i internal isubjective iactivities imay inot ibe iobservable, ibut ithey iare ibehaviour inonetheless.
i Buying ibehaviour iis ian iintegrated isystem iof ia ipersons iattitudes, ivalues, iinterests, iopinions
i and ihis iover ibehaviour. iIt iis ifound iin ithis istudy ithat i‘Consumer ibehaviour iis istill ia iyoung
i discipline iand imost iof ithe iresearch inow iavailable ihas ibeen igeneralised ionly iduring ithe ipast
i fifteen iyears ior iso. iInnovations isuch ias ithe ibuying ibehaviour iconcept iand iAIO iresearch
i represent iways ito imove ithe istudy iof iconsumers iaway ifrom iisolated, ioften iunrelated iprojects
i towards ibroader iintegrated isystems iand iresearch itechniques.
Dastidar i& iDatta i(2009). iIn ithis istudy iit iwas ifound ithat, irelationship ipresent igender iwise
i between iboth ithe ivariable iand iinfluence iof iexploratory itendencies ion iimpulsive ibuying
i behavior ion iin iyoung ifemale iis ihigher ithan iyoung imale. iIt ireveals ithat, ivariety iseeking, irisk
i taking/innovativeness, iand icuriosity imotivated ibehavior iin iyoung ifemale iis ihigher iresult
i spontaneous ibuying ibehavior. iWhile istudy ishows ithat, iin imale iit iis ivery ilower. iThe
i population iin ithe iage-group iof i15-34 iincreased ifrom i353 imillion iin i2001 ito i430 imillion iin
i 2011. iCurrent ipredictions isuggest ia isteady iincrease iin ithe iyouth ipopulation ito i464 imillion iby
i 2021. iBy i2020, iIndia iis iset ito ibecome ithe iworlds iyoungest icountry iwith i64 iper icent iof iits
i population iin ithe iworking iage igroup i(The iHindu, i17 iApril i2013).
Priyanka iMehra i(2009) iin iher iarticle imentions ithat iyouth ihave ialways ibeen ia iprime itarget
i for imarketers. iMore iso iin iIndia inow, ias itwo-thirds iof ithe ipopulation iis ibelow i35 iyears iof iage.
i According ito iMindShare iInsights, ithe iresearch idivisions iof ia imedia ibuying iagency
i MindShare, i65%, ior iover i700 imillion iIndians, iare iyounger ithan i35 iyears. iThis isegment ihas
i an iinfluence ion iconsumer ispending ifar iin iexcess iof iits inumerical istrength. iNine imillion
i people iin ithe iage igroup iof i12-25 iyears ifrom ithe itop i35 icities i(one imillion iplus ipopulation) iin
i India iare ithe iones isetting ithe itrends iand iraising ithe iaspiration ivalue ifor ione-billion-plus
i Indians, ireports iMind iShare iInsights.
Rashmi iBansal i(2007), iin iher iarticle idefined iurban iyouth ias iyouth imarketers iof itoday iin
i India iand inot ias iper ithe iversion iof isociologists iand imedia imen iwho irelate iit ito ithe istatistics
i of imen iunder ithe iage iof i25. iYouth icould ibe idefined ias ia ipotent iand icultural iforce, ithe
i consumers iof itoday iand ithe igrowth iengines iof itomorrow. iThis istudy iconcentrates ion ithe
i aspirations, iinspiration iand iperspiration iof iurban iIndian iyouth iand inot ion ithe iresponse iof ithe
i youths ichoice iof ieither iWestern ior iIndian istyles ior ithe icultural ivalues. iThere iis ilittle idoubt
i that iincreasing iaffluence iwould ilead ito iradical ichoices ifor ithe ifuture igenerations.
Manjeet i(1999) iin iher iarticle ifinds iout ithat iIndia’s iyouth iare iambitious, itechnology-oriented
and iconfident. iBy i2015, iIndians iunder i20 iwill imake iup i55% iof ithe ipopulation iand iwield
i proportionately ihigher ispending ipower. iIn ithe iwest, ithe iyouth isegment ihas ialmost ialways
i been ipitted iagainst itheir iseniors. iRebellion iwas ithe ikey istarting ipoint. iAdventure, imusic iand
i other isymbols iof i„cool‟ ibecame ia iperfect irecipe ifor icreating icult ibrands ithat irallied iagainst
i the isystem. iThis imodel iof itapping iyouth ipresupposes ithat iit’s ialways iyouth iversus iold. iIt ialso
i preoccupies iitself iwith ia icontinuous isearch ifor iwhat’s icool iamong iyouth. iSince ithe
i behavioral idistance ibetween ithe iyouth iand ithe iothers iin ithese isocieties iis isignificant, iit’s ieasy
i to irally iyouth iaround isuch ipoints iof idifference. iThis imodel ihowever iis iat ia iloss iin iIndia,
i where ieverything iand ieveryone iis iyoung.
Manjeet i(1999) iin iher iarticle ifinds iout ithat iIndia’s iyouth iare iambitious, itechnology-oriented
i and iconfident. iBy i2015, iIndians iunder i20 iwill imake iup i55% iof ithe ipopulation iand iwield
i proportionately ihigher ispending ipower. iIn ithe iwest, ithe iyouth isegment ihas ialmost ialways
i been ipitted iagainst itheir iseniors. iRebellion iwas ithe ikey istarting ipoint. iAdventure, imusic iand
i other isymbols iof i„cool‟ ibecame ia iperfect irecipe ifor icreating icult ibrands ithat irallied iagainst
i the isystem. iThis imodel iof itapping iyouth ipresupposes ithat iits ialways iyouth iversus iold. iIt ialso
i preoccupies iitself iwith ia icontinuous isearch ifor iwhat’s icool iamong iyouth. iSince ithe
i behavioral idistance ibetween ithe iyouth iand ithe iothers iin ithese isocieties iis isignificant, iits ieasy
i to irally iyouth iaround isuch ipoints iof idifference. iThis imodel ihowever iis iat ia iloss iin iIndia,
i where ieverything iand ieveryone iis iyoung.
Digital iMarketing iindustry iin iIndia iis ispread ito ialmost iall ithe ibusiness isectors. iSome iof ithe
i applications iof iE-Marketing iare ishopping iand iorder itracking, ionline ibanking, ipayment
i systems iand icontent imanagement.
The ipower iof idigital imarketing iallows igeophysical ibarriers ito idisappear imaking iall
i consumers iand ibusinesses ion iearth ipotential icustomers iand isuppliers. iIt iis iknown ifor iits
i ability ito iallow ibusiness ito icommunicate iand iform ia itransaction ianywhere iand ianytime.
Digital imarketing iindustry iin iIndia iis ia ibooming icareer itoday. iIn ia icountry iwith ia irapid
i growth ieconomy, iit iis iexpected ito ihave ia ivery ihigh isignificant igrowth iin iDigital imarketing
i career. iThe igrowth iin ithe idigital imarketing itrends iis imaking ia ivery isubstantial iimpact ion
i marketing iand iadvertisement. iThe ibig ipicture iof iDigital iMarketing iindustry iin iIndia icannot
i be icomplete iif ishort ipreview iof ithe ipast idigital imarketing istatistics iis inot imade.
Source: iSchoolofdigitalmarketing.co.in
Going iback ito ihistory, iInternational iJournal iof iAdvanced iResearch iFoundation ireveals ithe
i following iin i2016. iBetween iand i1972, iThe iARPANET iis iused ito iarrange ia isale ibetween
i students iat ithe iStanford iArtificial iIntelligence iLaboratory iand ithe iMassachusetts iInstitute iof
i Technology, ithe iearliest iexample iof ielectronics ior idigital icommerce.
1979: iMichael iAldrich idemonstrates ithe ifirst ionline ishopping isystem.
1981: iThomson iHolidays iUK iis ifirst ibusiness-to-business ionline ishopping isystem ito ibe
i installed. i1996: iIndia iMART iB2B imarketplace iestablished iin iIndia.
2007: iFlipkart iwas iestablished iin iIndia. iEvery iE-marketing ior icommercial ienterprises iuses
i majorly idigital imeans ifor itheir imarketing ipurposes.
growth idemands ifor imore iimprovement iin ithe icareer iworks iand iprofessionals iare ibeing
i added ito ithe ifield.
From i2013 ito iMarch i2015, ithe iinvestment itotal iincrease iwas i1.5 ibillion idollars iover ithe
i preceding iyears. iThere ihas ibeen ian iimpressive igrowth iup itill ithis ipresent imoment.
The ireport iby ithe iInternational iJournal iof iAdvanced iResearch iFoundation irevealed ithat
i summarized ithat iIndia iis igetting ito isee ithe igolden iperiod iof ithe iInternet isector ibetween i2013
i to i2018 iwith iincredible igrowth iopportunities iand isecular igrowth iadoption ifor iE-Commerce,
i Internet iAdvertising, iSocial iMedia, iSearch, iOnline iContent, iand iServices irelating idigital
i marketing.
Today, idigital imarketing iindustry iin iIndia iis igrowing iat iits ipeak, iand iis istill icontinuous.
i Many ifactors iare iresponsible ifor ithis igrowth. iThe iuse iof icommunication itools ihas igreatly
i changed iin ithe iyear ipast. iNo ione iever ithought ito ihave ia icredible ideal ionline. iThe ibelow
i figure iindicates ithe idigital imarketing istatistics.
The ibelief iwas ithat ionline iinformation iis ivirtual iinformation ifull iof ilies. iNo ione icould ilisten
i to iany ionline iadvertisement inot ito italk iof ipurchasing igroceries, ifurniture ior iclothes. iThe
i story ihas ireally ichanged. iEverything ifrom imarketing ito isales ican ibe idone ionline. iThis iis idue
i to ithe itrust ithat ihas ibeen irestored iback ito ionline icommunication iin iIndia. iThis ihas ireally
i helped ithe imarketing iinitiatives. iThe irevolution iis ifrom ithe icommunication iindustries. iLow
cost iof ihandset iis inow iavailable imaking iit ipossible ifor iIndia ito ihave iabout i600 imillion
i internet iusers iwhich iultimately icreates ia ifascinating ibusiness iopportunity ito isell ito ia igrowing
i population.
Moreover, ithe idevelopment iin ithe idigital imarketing iindustry iin iIndia ievident iin ithe
i marketing ishift ifrom ianonymity ito iidentity. iInteraction ion ithe iInternet inow ilooks imore
i physical ias iopposed ito ithe ianonymity iof iidentity iin ithe ipast. iAlso, imarketing iinformation iis
i moving ialong iin ithe isame iline iwith ientertainment. iPeople iof iIndia ineeded ian iexciting ispirit
i always. iThis itargets itheir iinterest iinto ithe imarketing iinformation.
Several ifactors ihave ibeen ifound ito icontribute ito ithe igrowth iof idigital imarketing iin iIndia.
i Before inow, iinternet iusage iwas ionly imeant ifor ithe iwealthy. iThere iis inow ia igreat ichange iin
i the ilifestyle iof ithe imiddle iclass. iThe iVery imajority inow ihave iaccess ito ithe iinternet iin iIndia.
i Internet iand i3G ipenetration irevolutionized ithe imarketing iscenario ifor iboth iconsumers iand
i the imarketers. iIt iwas idiscovered ithat ichanges iin ilifestyle iand istandard iof iliving ihad iincreased
i the ilevel iof iconsumption, iquality iand ialso ithe ipattern iof iconsumption. iThe iquality iof iuse iin
i the iurban icenters iof iIndia iis ion ia ihigh iside. iThis iis ibecause imajority idoesn’t ihave itime ifor
i shopping. iApart ifrom istruggles ito iearn imoney, ipeople iwant isome iother ithings ito ibe idone iat
i their iown iconvenience.
The ifollowing isurvey ifrom ipeople iindicates ithe isize iof iDigital iMarketing iindustry iin iIndia:
34% iof ithe icompanies ialready ihad ian iintegrated idigital imarketing istrategy iin i2016
72% imarketers ibelieve ithat itraditional imodel iof imarketing iis ino ilonger isufficient iand ithis
i will imake ithe icompany irevenue ito ibe iincreased iby i30% iby ithe iend iof i2017
Source: iCourtesy: idigitalalvidya.com
Traditional iMarketing ivs iDigital iMarketing iIn i2017, i80% ibusinesses iwill iincrease itheir
i digital imarketing ibudget iwhich imay isurpass ithe iIT ibudget. iOnly ithe iilliterates icould inot
i access ithe ipotentials iof ithe idigital imarketing ibecause iof ithe iaccessibility ito icomputing
i devices iand icomputer ieducation. iMany iof ithe ipeople iin ithis icategory istill idon’t itrust ithe
i method iof ian ionline ipayment iand ithey ilack itraining iin iEnglish iLanguage iand iother iforeign
i languages ito imarket ionline iin iglobal imarkets.
The ifollowing iare ithe ichannels ithat iare iplaying ian iactive irole iin ithe idevelopment iof idigital
i marketing iindustry iin iIndia.
Mobile iMarketing
Source iCanstockphoto.com
Digital imarketing ioverview ireveals ithat iSocial imedia ihas ibeen iplaying ia isupporting irole ito
i marketing. iOver ithe iyears, iit ihas ibeen inoticed ithat i92% iof isocial imedia iusers iare ifrom ithe
i mobile idevices. iThis ienables ithe isize iof idigital imarketing iindustries.
According ito ithe iresearch imade iby ithe iInternet iand iMobile iAssociation iof iIndia i(IAMAI,
i 2008), icommunication ihas ibecome ia ireal imass icommunication itools ihaving iabout i286
million iaccounts iin i2008. iThe iIndian itelecommunications imarket ihas itremendous igrowth
i opportunities iand iaccording ito iIAMAI iis iprojected ito iexceed i500 imillion iby i2010.
i According ito iTRAI, ithe inumbers iof imobile isubscriber ibased iin iIndia igrew ito i980.81 imillion
i users iin ithe isecond iquarter iof i2015.
Adoption ifor ithe imobile idevice iis igetting ihigher iday iby iday. iSMS imarketing iis ione iof ithe
i true imass imarket imedia ichannels iacross imany idemographics ibefore ithe iconvergence iof
i mobile iinternet iand imobile idevices.
Video iMarketing
Growing ineed ifor ithe ivisual icontent ihas iturned ivideo imarketing ibe ione iof ithe imost iappealing
i trends iof idigital imarketing iin i2017.
Email iMarketing
Source iDreamstime.com
Email imarketers iof isome iof ithe imost isuccessful imarketing iagencies iclaim ia ireturn iof i$40 ifor
i every idollar ithey iinvested. iFrom ithe idigital imarketing ioverview, iit iwas idiscovered ithat iwell-
i targeted iemail imarketing iwill ibe ione iof ithe imost ieffective iways iof iensuring iconversions iin
i 2017. iAs ishown ifrom ithe ifigure ibelow, iemail iis ione iof ithe imost ieffective imethods ifor idigital
i marketing ias ithere iis ia ifacility ito idisburse imessages ito imillions iof ipeople iat ia itime.
Search i& iSEO iMarketing
India’s ileading idigital imarketing iagency. iWebchutney ihas iannounced ikey imovements iwithin
i executive ileadership iacross iNew iDelhi iand iMumbai. iThe imove isignifies ia iclear imandate ito
i accelerate igrowth iby iforging istronger ities iwith ipartners iand iclients, iwhile istreamlining
i vertical iunits iand ifortifying ioperational iefficiency. iThe iagency ihas igrown ito iover i200 ipeople
i across iNew iDelhi, iMumbai iand iBangalore iwith ia idiverse iclient iportfolio iranging ifrom
i startups ito iFortune i50 icompanies iwithin i13 iyears iof iestablishment. iWebchtney iwas iRanked
i India’s inumber ione idigital iagency iin i2008, i2009 i& i2011. iTheir iservices iinclude ionline
i advertising, iWebsite iDesigning, iMobile iMarketing, iSEO, iAnalytics, iApplication
i Development iand iSocial iMedia. iSome iof itheir iclients iare iAirtel, iFlipkart, iPepsi, iCoca-Cola,
i Bacardi, iRed iBull, iPepsiCo, iMastercard iand iMicrosoft, ito iname ia ifew. iThe igrowth isignifies
i the irate iof igrowth iof idigital imarketing iindustries iin iIndia.
Pinstorm iis ia idigital iadvertising ifirm iheadquartered iin iMumbai, iIndia iwith ioffices iin iNew
i Delhi, iBangalore, iSingapore, iKuala iLumpur, iZurich iand iSanta iClara iwithin i13 iyears iof
i establishment. iIt’s ia iworld iwhere inot ijust idesktops iand imobile iphones ibut iTV iprograms,
i billboards iand inewspapers iare igoing idigital. iThe iworld iwhere iindustrial iera ipractices iof
i command- iand-control ior ieven iKotler-type i4P iapproaches isimply idon’t icut iit ianymore, ithe
i world ithat idemands ia idifferent ikind iof ibusiness iand ibrand ithinking. iAt iPinstorm, iwhat ithey
i offer iis ia icompletely inew iapproach ito ibuilding iyour ibrand iin ithis idigital iage. iAn iapproach
i driven iby ia idifferent iphilosophy i– iwhere ithey ibelieve iinnovating ion ithe iproduct ioffering ican
i be ifar imore iimpactful ithan iinnovating iin iTV icommercials, iand iwhere ithey ithink ioutsmarting
i the icompetition iis ia ibetter ithing ito ido ithan ioutspending ithem.
An iapproach ithat isees istrategy, iresearch, iuser iexperience, iweb idesign, imobile-friendliness,
i advertising, isearch ioptimization, iviral ivideos, iFacebook icampaigns, iTwitter iupdates, ireal-
i time ilistening iand iresponses ias ia iseamless iset iof itactics ithat istem ifrom ione ioverarching
i brand istrategy. iAn iapproach ithat ihas ihelped itheir iclients iwins icomprehensively iin itheir
i markets. iThis idigital imarketing iindustry iis ihaving ia igood inumbers iof imajor iclients. iThey
i are: iWalt iDisney, iYahoo, iCanon, iHSBC, iCafé iCoffee iDay, iICICI, iET iNow, iGQ iamong
i many iothers.
Obbserv iis ia ileading itechnology-driven idigital imarketing iand iweb iassets idevelopment
i company ico-founded iby ian iIIT iDelhi iAlumnus ihaving i5+ iyears iof iexperience. iThe iteam iof
i Obbserv iconsists iof i30+ italented imembers iwith isome iof ithem ibeing itech igeeks, icreative
i designers, iinnovative istorytellers, iand igenius istrategists.
Right i from i offering i cost-effective i marketing i strategies i to i giving i trackable i and i quantifiable
results iof iincreased irankings, itraffic iand iconversions, iObbserv‟s iresult-oriented iapproach i is
both iits istrength iand imotivation. iSome iof ithe iprominent iclients iObbserv ihas iworked iwith
i include ibut inot ilimited ito iInternational iFinance iCorporation i(World iBank), iIIM i–
i Ahmedabad, iIndian iInstitute iof iCrafts iand iDesign, iLimeroad, ietc. iThe isuccess iof itheir
i clientele, iin iterms iof iservices iprovided, iis ia iderivative iof iexperience iin idomain
i understanding, idata iscience, iartificial iintelligence, iand iimpactful istrategic isolutions.
With ia istrong ibelief iin iengaging ithe iusers iin ionline iinteractions ithat iguarantee ithe iconversion
i of ia ilead, iObbserv iturns iall iodds iin iits ifavor. iIn ia ipractice iof ibreaking itheir iown irecords iin
i terms iof iconversion iof ithe ireal iaudience, iObbserv iis imoving itowards igrowth iand iachieving
i heights. iLastly, iits ithe iinnovative isense iof icarrying iout ithe iprojects i& iperfect iwork-life
i balance ithat ihelped iOBBSERV iwin i‘THE iUCCI iEXCELLENCE iAWARD, i2018.’
Gozoop iwas iestablished iin i2010. iGozoop iis inot ia irun-of-the-mill idigital iagency. iBesides ithe
i obvious iservices ilike isocial imedia iconsultancy, ilead igeneration, iviral icampaigns iand
i SEO/SEM iservices, iGozoop iputs iin ia ilot iof ieffort iin iR&D iand icreating iinnovative iservices
i and isolutions. iOne iof iGozoop‟s ifirst iin-house iproducts, iZozolo.com, ideals iwith isocial
i commerce iand isocial iloyalty isolutions. iGozoop ihas ia imobile idivision ias iwell ithat idevelops
i mobile iapps. iGozoop iservices iare inow iviral ithroughout iIndia.
Avignyata Inc. i
Avignyata imeans iomnipresent. iThey iare icompany istriving ito itake ithe iservices iof iwebsites,
i mobile iapplications, isocial imedia imarketing icampaigns, isearch icampaigns iand imanage
i online ireputation ito iall ipart iof iIndia. iAvignyata iis iinvolved ifulfilling ithe imandate iof ithe irise
i in isocial imedia imarketing iin iIndia. iThey iare ione iof ithe ipioneer iand ileading idigital imarketing
i industries iin iMumbai iwith iskilled iprofessionals iwith imarketing iinsights. iTheir iobjective iis ito
i develop ia ivirtual iubiquity ifor ithe ibrands, iincorporate iall ithe iareas ithat ihave ia ipositive iimpact
i on ithe ibrand, ihelp iclients ianalyze itheir ionline ioutreach iand ipromote ithem ias ia iSocial iMedia
i entity.
Windchimes iis ia iglobal-award iwinning idigital imedia iagency ithat iis iredefining iconventional
i marketing ifrom ione iway ibrand ispeaks ito ibuilding ia idialogue. iWe iprovide ithe ientire ibouquet
of idigital iservices iincluding iSocial iMedia, iWeb i& iMobile iDevelopment, iDesign, iVideo i&
i Publishing isolutions, iSocial imedia iadvertising, iSEO, iPPC i& iDisplay iand iEducational
i Workshops.
Antz Media i
They ifocus ion iinternet-based imanagement iof iproducts iand iservices. iThe icompany iis ilocated
i in iKochi. ithey iprovides ithe ifollowing iservices i: iOnline ibrand iManagements, idesigning
i solutions, imulti ilevel imarketing: iThey iprovides iall ithis iservices ito ithe ifollowing icompanies
i and ibrands i: iMelathil, iAyu:Care, iHeal iWellness iSolutions, iOberon, iEuro iAgencies, iIAAI,
i Deeksha, iPrecission iSolutions, iFood iCircle, iCoral iDesigner iTiles
BC Web Wise
i i
This icompany ihas ireally iworked ihard iwith ia ivery igood inumbers iof iclients. iThey ideal iwith iall
i aspects iof iinternet imedia isolutions iand iother iadvertising iand ipromotional ineed iof iclients.
i They iproduce ithe ifollowing iservices: iinternet imedia isolutions, iwebsites, iinternet iadvertising,
i e- inewsletters, imobile imarketing, ionline iresearch, icontent imanagement. iThere iservices ihave
i cut iacross ithe ifollowing icompany ior ibrands: iHindusthan iLever, iMicrosoft, iITC, iKellogg‟s
i Chocos, iABN iAmro, iYahoo i(India iand iSingapore), iM iONE, iMindShare, iWNS, iMadison,
i Kingfisher iAirlines, iPCS iTechnology, iRuchi, iCrest iCommunications, iIndian iInstitute iof
i Interior iDesign, iZydus iCadilla, iPeerless, iBPL, iJohnson in iJohnson, iHP iGas, iStar iTV,
i Garnier, iMaruti, iCrossword, iOrange, ietc.
Digital imarketing iindustry iin iIndia iis istill iin iits iinitial iphase. iMost iof ithe icompanies iare istill
i thinking ito iadapt ito ithe imedium iwhile itop icompanies ihave ialready istarted iexploring ithe
i importance iof idigital imarketing. iSmaller icities iin iIndia iare igiving ibirth ito idigital imarketing
i agencies. iCorporate iorganizations iwill ibe iglad ito ispread ithe igood inews ion itheir iproduct ito
i the ientire ilarge ipopulation. iThis ican ibe iachieved iwhile iliteracy ieducation iis imore iintensified
i in ithe icountry. iThat iis, iliteracy iin iEnglish ilanguage iand iother iforeign ilanguage, iliteracy iin
i the iuse iof icomputer iand imore idigital imarketing
Research imethodology iis ia iway ito isystematically isolve ithe iresearch iproblem. iIt iis ithe
i combination iof iphilosophy iand iresearch imethods. iThis isection ireflects ithe iresearch imethod
i adopted ifor ithis istudy ii.e. iresearch idesign, isampling idesign, isample isize, idata icollection
i methods iand itools, ietc., iand idelineate ihow iit iwill ibe iundertaken:
Sample Design i
The ipresent istudy iis ithe iresearch ioriented istudy. iResearchers iuse iboth iprimary iand isecondary
i data ifor ithis istudy. iResearcher iuse isimple irandom isampling itechnique ito iselect ithe isample
i from iDelhi, iGurugram, iFaridabad iand iRewari.
Data Analysis: The data are gathered, tabulated and analysed using the statistical analysis
i i i i i i i i i i i i
i software. iThe iStatistical iPackage ifor iSocial iSciences i(SPSS) iversion i21 iwas iused ito iperform
i Mean, ifactor ianalysis.
Objectives Of Study i i
· To ifind ithe iImpact iof idigital imarketing ion ibuying ibehavior iof iyouth.
· To ifind ithe iImpact iof idifferent ivariables ion ibuying ibehavior iof iyouth
Hypothesis Of Study i i
· H01: iDigital imarketing ihas ino iimpact ion ibuying ibehavior iof iyouth iin iDelhi, iGurugram,
i Faridabad iand iRewari.
· H02: iThere iis ino isignificance idifference ifor ithe iimpact iof idifferent ivariables ion ibuying
i behavior iof iyouth iin iDelhi, iGurugram, iFaridabad iand iRewari.
Scope of Study
i i
In ithe idevelopment iof iscience iand itechnology itoday’s iinnovation ibecomes iobsolete
i tomorrow. iThe itastes iand ipreferences iof ithe iconsumers iare ialso ichanging iat ia irapid irate. i iThe
i marketers iare ifinding iit idifficult ito icope iup iwith ithe ichanging ineed iof ithe icustomers. iThese
i changes iin ithe iexpectations iof ithe icustomers iare idue ito imany ireasons, ibut ione iof ithe imain
i reasons iis ichanging ibuying ibehavior. iBuying ibehavior ichanges iare imore iseen iamong ithe
i youth ithan ithe iyounger ichildren iand iold iage ipeople. iThe ibuying ibehavior iof iyounger
i generation inot ionly iinfluences itheir iindividual ibuying ibehavior, ibut ialso iit iinfluences ithe
i buying ibehavior iof ithe ifamily. iAs ia imarketer ione ineeds ito iunderstand ithe ichanging ineeds i iof
i the icustomers iand iproduce ithe igoods iand iservices i accordingly.
Digital iMarketing ihas ibrought iastonishing ichanges iin ithe iway iin iwhich ithe imarketer imarkets
i the iproduct iand ithe iway iin iwhich ithe icustomers iare ibuying ithe isame. iBuying ibehavior iof ian
i individual iinfluences imany ifactors, iand ithese ifactors iinvariably iaffects ithe imarketer ito imatch
i the ineeds iof ithe icustomers iin igeneral iand iyouth iin iparticular. iSo iit iis irealized ithat ithere iis ia
i need ito istudy iDigital iMarketing iand iits iimpact ion ibuying ibehavior iof ithe iyouth.
i i
i i i
This ichapter ipresents ianalysis i and ifindings iof ithe istudy ias iset iout iin ithe iresearch
i methodology. iThe iresults iwere ipresented ion ithe ieffectiveness iof idigital imarketing iand iits
i impact ion ibuying ibehavior ion iyouth iin iDelhi, iGurugram, iFaridabad iand iRewari. iThe istudy
i objectives iare: ito ifind ithe iimpact iof idigital imarketing ion ibuying ibehavior iof iyouth, ito ifind
i the iimpact iof idifferent ivariables ion ibuying ibehavior iof iyouth. iThe istudy itargeted i250
i respondents iout iof iwhich iall ithe i250 irespondents iresponded iand ireturned itheir iquestionnaires
i contributing ito ia iresponse irate iof i100%. iThe ichapter icovers ithe idemographic iinformation,
i and ithe ifindings ibased ion ithe iobjectives. iThe ifindings iwere ithen ipresented iin itables, igraphs
i and icharts ias iappropriate iwith iexplanations ibeing igiven iin iprose ithereafter.
i information ion ithe irespondents iinvolved iin ithe istudy iwith iregards ito ithe iyear iof iprofession,
i age, imarital istatus iand igender. iThe idemographic iinformation ipoints iat ithe irespondents‟
i suitability iin ianswering ithe iquestions ion ithe idigital imarketing iand iits iimpact ion ibuying
i behavior ion iyouth iin iDelhi, iGurugram, iFaridabad iand iRewari.
1) Buying ibehavior iof iyouth iby itheir iage i group.
Age Group i
3.55 53 28
3.48 53
3. 169
Mean Frequency
INTERPRETATION: iAs ishown iin itable1, ithe istudy isample iwas irepresentative iof iall ithe
i age igroup iin iwhich ithe ihighest iproportion iof isample iwas ishown iin i18-23 iage. iThe ifrequency
i of ithis iage igroup iis i169 iand ithe imean iis i3.6 isimilarly, iage igroup i24-29 ihas i53 ifrequencies
i and ithe imean iis i3.48 iin ilists ithe iage iof i30-35 ihas i28 ifrequencies iand ithe imean iis i3.55.
2) Buying ibehavior iof iyouth iby itheir i gender.
i Male i i i i i i iFemale
114 54.4
INTERPRATION: iAs ishown iin itable i2, ithe istudy isample iwas irepresentative iof iall ithe
i gender iin iwhich ithe ihighest iproportion iof isample iis ifill iby ifemales. iThe ifrequency iof ithis iis
i 136 iand ithe imean iis i3.8. iThe ifrequency iof imales iis i114 iwhich iis ilower ithan ifemales iand ithe
i mean iof imales iis i3.48.
3) Buying ibehavior iof iyouth iby itheir i education.
Intermediate i i i i i i i i iGraduation i i i i i i i i iMasters
3.59 58 46
3.58 77
Mean Frequency %of iEducation
INTERPRETATION: iAs ishown iin itable i3, ithe istudy isample iwas irepresentative ithe
i education iin iwhich ithe ihighest iproportion iof isample iis iof igraduation istudents. iThe
i frequencies iof ithese iare115 iand ithe imean iis i3.55. iSimilarly ithe ifrequency iof iintermediate
i students iis i77 iand ithe imean iis i3.58 iand ithe ifrequency iof iBachelor iis i58, iwhich iis ivery iless
i and iits imean iis i3.59.
4) Buying ibehavior iof iyouth iby itheir i profession.
Student i i i i i i i i iSalariedperson i i i i i i i i iBusiness iman
3.46 23
3.61 54
173 21.6
INTERPRETATION: iAs ishown iin itable i4, ithe ihighest ifrequency iof istudents iis ishown iby
173. iThe imean iof istudents iis i3.57. iSimilarly ithe ifrequency iof isalaried iperson iis i54 iand ithe
i frequency iof ibusiness iman iis i23 iand ithe imean iof ithese iare i3.61 iand i3.46.
5) Buying ibehavior iof iyouth iby itheir imarital i status.
Marital Status i
Married i i i i i i i iUnmarried
3.63 67
INTERPRETATION: iAs ishown iin itable i5, ithe ihighest ifrequency iof iunmarried ipeople
i which iis ishown i183 iand ithe imean iof iunmarried ipeople iare i3.55. iSimilarly, ithe ifrequency iof
i married ipeople iis i67 iwhich iis iless ithan iunmarried ipeople iand ithe imean iof ithis iis i3.63.
S.No Items i(N=250) Mean
1 I iget ion-time idelivery iby ishopping ionline 3.58
2 Detail iinformation iis iavailable iwhile ishopping ionline 3.70
3 I ican ibuy ithe iproducts ianytime i24 ihours ia iday iwhile ishopping ionline 3.90
It iis ieasy ito ichoose iand imake icomparison iwith iother iproducts iwhile
4 shopping ionline
5 The iwebsite idesign ihelps ime iin isearching ithe iproducts ieasily 3.57
While ishopping ionline, iI iprefer ito ipurchase ifrom ia iwebsite ithat iprovides
6 safety iand iease iof inavigation iand iorder
The iwebsite ilayout ihelps ime iin isearching iand iselecting ithe iright iproduct
7 while ishopping ionline
I ibelieve ithat ifamiliarity iwith ithe iwebsite ibefore imaking iactual ipurchase
8 reduce ithe irisk iof ishopping ionline
9 I iprefer ito ibuy ifrom iwebsite ithat iprovides ime iwith iquality iof iinformation 3.68
10 Online ishopping itakes iless itime ito ipurchase 3.68
11 Online ishopping idoesn’t iwaste itime 3.53
I ifeel ithat iit itakes iless itime iin ievaluating iand iselecting ia iproduct iwhile
12 shopping ionline
13 I ifeel isafe iand isecure iwhile ishopping ionline 3.34
14 Online iShopping iprotects imy isecurity 3.34
15 I ilike ito ishop ionline ifrom ia itrustworthy iwebsite 3.38
Combined iMean 3.57
INTERPRETATION: iIn ithe iabove itable iwe ican isee ithe imean iof ieach iitem, ihow imuch
i people ithink iabout ithe idigital imarketing iand ithrough ithis iwe ican iget ito iknow ithat ihow imany
i respondents iare isatisfied iwith ithe idigital imarketing iand iwhat ithe ithings ithe imost ilike iduring
i online imarketing. iSo iafter ianalyzing ithe idata iwe iget ito iknow ithat.
The ifirst ihighest imean iis i3.90, iwhich ishows ithat ipeople ican ibuy ithe iproducts ianytime i24
i hours ia iday iwhile ishopping ionline.
The isecond ihighest imean iis i3.72, iwhich ishows ithat iwhile ishopping ionline, ipeople iprefer ito
i purchase ifrom ia iwebsite ithat iprovides isafety iand iease iof inavigation iand iorder. iThe ilowest
i mean iis i3.34, iwhich ishows ithat ipeople idid inot ifeel isafe iand isecure iwhile ishopping ionline
i and ithey idid inot ifeel ithat ionline ishopping iprotects itheir isecurity.
Factor Analysis
Factor ianalysis iis ia istatistical imethod iused ito idescribe ivariability iamong iobserved, icorrelated
i variables iin iterms iof ia ipotentially ilower inumber iof iunobserved ivariables icalled ifactors. iFor
i example, iit iis ipossible ithat ivariations iin isix iobserved ivariables imainly ireflect ithe ivariations iin
i two iunobserved i(underlying) ivariables. iFactor ianalysis isearches ifor isuch ijoint ivariations iin
i response ito iunobserved ilatent ivariables. iThe iobserved ivariables iare imodeled ias ilinear
i combinations iof ithe ipotential ifactors, iplus i‘error’ iterms. iFactor ianalysis iaims ito ifind
i independent ilatent ivariables.
Factor ianalysis iis icommonly iused iin ibiology, ipsychometrics ipersonality itheories, imarketing,
i product imanagement, ioperations iresearch, iand ifinance. iProponents iof ifactor ianalysis ibelieve
i that iit ihelps ito ideal iwith idata isets iwhere ithere iare ilarge inumbers iof iobserved ivariables ithat
i are ithought ito ireflect ia ismaller inumber iof iunderlying/latent ivariables. iIt iis ione iof ithe imost
i commonly iused iinter-dependency itechniques iand iis iused iwhen ithe irelevant iset iof ivariables
i shows ia isystematic iinter-dependence iand ithe iobjective iis ito ifind iout ithe ilatent ifactors ithat
i create ia icommonality.
Bartlett’s Test i
A itest iused iin istatistics ito idetermine iif isamples iin ian iexperiment ioriginated ifrom ipopulations
i with iequal ivariances, ior itotal iranges iof ivalues. iBartlett's iTest idetermines iwhether ithis
i equality, iknown ias ihomoscedasticity ior ihomogeneity, iis ipresent iacross iall ipopulations, iand
i can ibe iused ito idetect iif ia itested ipopulation ihas ia inon-normal idistribution iof iindividuals.
The iBartlett‟s itest icompares ithe iobserved icorrelation imatrix ito ithe iidentity imatrix. iIn iother
i words, iit ichecks iif ithere iis ia icertain iredundancy ibetween ithe ivariables ithat iwe ican
i summarize iwith ia ifew inumber iof ifactors. iIf ithe ivariables iare iperfectly icorrelated, ionly ione
i factor iis isufficient. iIf ithey iare iorthogonal, iwe ineed ias imany ifactors ias ivariables. iIn ithis ilast
i case, ithe icorrelation imatrix iis ithe isame ias ithe iidentity imatrix. iA isimple istrategy iis ito
i visualize ithe icorrelation imatrix. iIf ithe ivalues ioutside ithe imain idiagonal iare ioften ihigh i(in
i absolute ivalue), isome ivariables iare icorrelated; iif imost ithese ivalues iare inear ito izero, ithe i iPCA
i is inot ireally iuseful.
KMO iMeasure iof iSampling iAdequacy i(MSA)
The iKMO iindex ihas ithe isame igoal. iIt ichecks iif iwe ican ifactorize iefficiently ithe ioriginal
i variables. iBut iit iis ibased ion ianother iidea.
The icorrelation imatrix iis ialways ithe istarting ipoint. iWe iknow ithat ithe ivariables iare imore ior
i less icorrelated, ibut ithe icorrelation ibetween itwo ivariables ican ibe iinfluenced iby ithe iothers. iSo,
i we iuse ithe ipartial icorrelation iin iorder ito imeasure ithe irelation ibetween itwo ivariables iby
i removing ithe ieffect iof ithe iremaining ivariables4. iThe iKMO iindex icompares ithe ivalues iof
i correlations ibetween ivariables iand ithose iof ithe ipartial icorrelations. iIf ithe iKMO iindex iis ihigh
i (1), ithe iPCA ican iact iefficiently; iif iKMO iis ilow i(0), ithe iPCA iis inot irelevant. iSome ireferences
i give ia itable ifor ithe iinterpretation iof ithe ivalue iof ithe iKMO iindex iobtained ion ia idataset.
KMO iand iBartlett's iTest
Olkin iMeasure iof iSampling iAdequacy.
KMOMSA iis i0.794 iis isignificant. iIt ishows ifactor ianalysis ican ibe iapplied.
Communalities iindicate ithe iamount iof ivariance iin ieach ivariable ithat iis iaccounted ifor
Initial Extraction
Zscore(Q1) .380 .451
Zscore(Q3) .341 .724
Zscore(Q4) .283 .352
Zscore(Q5) .438 .618
Zscore(Q6) .353 .369
Zscore(Q7) .330 .362
Zscore(Q8) .341 .360
Zscore(Q9) .293 .425
Zscore(Q10) .376 .456
Zscore(Q11) .386 .508
Zscore(Q12) .356 .422
As iwe isee iabove, iin icommunalities ithe ilowest iinitial iis i0.264 iand ithe ihighest iis i0.438
i Similarly ithe ilowest iextraction iis i0.352 iand ithe ihighest iextraction iis i0.724.
Total iVariance
The ivariance iexplained iby ithe iinitial isolution, iextracted icomponents, iand irotated
i components iis idisplayed. iThis ifirst isection iof ithe itable ishows ithe iInitial iEigen ivalues.
The iTotal icolumn igives ithe iEigen ivalues, ior iamount iof ivariance iin ithe ioriginal ivariables
i accounted ifor iby ieach icomponent. iThe i% iof iVariance icolumn igives ithe iratio, iexpressed ias ia
i percentage, iof ithe ivariance iaccounted ifor iby ieach icomponent ito ithe itotal ivariance iin iall iof
i the ivariables. iThe iCumulative i% icolumn igives ithe ipercentage iof ivariance iaccounted ifor iby
i the ifirst in icomponents. iFor iexample, ithe icumulative ipercentage ifor ithe isecond icomponent iis
i the isum iof ithe ipercentage iof ivariance ifor ithe ifirst iand isecond icomponents.
iiiiii Total i\
Factor i i% iof Cumulative
iiii Variance %
1 2 3 4 5
Zscore(Q1) 0.488
Zscore(Q3) 0.807
Zscore(Q4) 0.411
Zscore(Q5) 0.711
Zscore(Q6) 0.490
Zscore(Q7) 0.450
Zscore(Q8) 0.516
Zscore(Q9) 0.567
Zscore(Q10) 0.490
Zscore(Q11) 0.651
Zscore(Q12) 0.471
Zscore(Q13) 0.613
Zscore(Q14) 0.718
Zscore(Q15) 0.468
Z iscore- iIt inormalizes ithe idata iand iwe ifound itheir ivalue iZ iscore.
There icome i5 ifactors, iin ifirst ifactor ifour istatements icome ii.e. i(i) iI iget ion-time idelivery iby
i shopping ionline iand iits ifactor iis i0.448. i(ii) iI ibelieve ithat ifamiliarity iwith ithe iwebsite ibefore
i making iactual ipurchase ireduce ithe irisk iof ishopping ionline iand iits ifactor iis i0.516,(iii) iI iprefer
i to i buy i from i website i that i provides i me i with i quality i of i information i and i its i factor i is
0.567,(iv) iI ilike ito ishop ionline ifrom ia itrustworthy iwebsite iand iits ifactor iis i0.468.
In isecond ifactor, ithree istatements icome ii.e. i(i) iThe iwebsite idesign ihelps ime iin isearching ithe
i products ieasily iand ithe ifactor iis i0.711 i(ii) iWhile ishopping ionline, iI iprefer ito ipurchase ifrom ia
i website ithat iprovides isafety iand iease iof inavigation iand iorder iand ithe ifactor iis i0.490 i(iii) iThe
i website ilayout ihelps ime iin isearching iand iselecting ithe iright iproduct iwhile ishopping ionline
i and ithe ifactor iis i0.450.
In ithird ifactor, ifour istatements icome ii.e. i(i) iit iis ieasy ito ichoose iand imake icomparison iwith
i other iproducts iwhile ishopping ionline iand ithe ifactor iis i0.411. i(ii) iOnline ishopping itakes iless
i time ito ipurchase iand ithe ifactor iis i0.490. i(iii) iOnline ishopping idoesn’t iwaste itime iand ithe
i factor iis i0.613. i(iv) iI ifeel ithat iit itakes iless itime iin ievaluating iand iselecting ia iproduct iwhile
i shopping ionline iand ithe ifactor iis i0.471.
In ifourth ifactor, itwo istatements icome ii.e. i(i) iOnline iShopping iprotects imy isecurity iand iits
i factor iis i0.613. i(ii) iI ilike ito ishop ionline ifrom ia itrustworthy iwebsite iand iits ifactor iis i0.718.
In ififth ifactor, ione istatement icomes ii.e. iI ican ibuy ithe iproducts ianytime i24 ihours ia iday iwhile
i shopping ionline iand iits ifactor iis i0.807.
To iconclude, ithe iyouth, itheir ibuying ibehavior, itheir ipurchasing ipower, iawareness iabout ithe iproducts
i etc. ihave igreater iinfluence ion ithe iindividual iand ifamily ibuying ibehavior. iAs iper ithe ipresent iNational
i Youth iPolicy ithere iare iaround i33 icrore ipopulation iin iIndia iis ithe iyouth iin ithe iage irange iof i15-29 iyears.
i They iform ia imajor iportion iof imarket isegment iin iIndia. iEvery imarketer imust iunderstand ithe
i psychology iof ithese iyouth isegment, iso ithat ithey ican ibe ia isuccessful imarketer iin ithe idays ito icome iin
i the icompetitive ieconomy. iThe iDigital imarketing iwhich ihas irevolutionized ithe ieconomy iin igeneral iand
i marketing iin iparticulars iposes imany ithreat iand ichallenges ito ithe imarketer iin ithe icompetitive imarket.
i Changing ibuying ibehavior iwarrant ithe imarketers ito iunderstand ithe iyouth iin ia ibetter iway ito idevise
i suitable imarketing istrategies ito iretain ithe ipresent iand ito icapture ithe ipotential imarket, iso ithat ithe
i market ican imove ion ifrom ithe imere icustomer ioriented imarketing iapproach ito iTechnological iCustomer
i Oriented iMarketing iapproach iin ithe inear ifuture.
1. Marketers ineed ito iunderstand ithe iaccessibility iof ithe idigital ifacilities ito ithe iyouth isegment, ibefore
i launching iany iproduct ionline.
2. Marketers ineed ito iconduct ipre imarket isurvey ito iidentity ithe ineed iof ithe iconsumers iespecially iin idigital
i marketing.
3. Consumers ineed ito ibe iaware iof idigital imarketing iand ithere iis ia ineed ito icreate ia iproper iawareness.
4. As imost iof ithe istudies irevealed ithat ithe icustomers iare irisk iaverse iand ihence ithey ineed ito ibe itaught ihow
i to ihandle irisk iassociated iwith idigital imarketing.
5. The istudy iultimately isuggests ithe ireaders iand iusers ito ibeware iof iall ithe iDigital imarketing iportals iand
i make iuse iof itheir iutility ito ithe imaximum iextent iwith iutmost icare iand icaution.
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Dear iSir/Madam,
i Greetings!
I iam iconducting ia iresearch istudy ion ithe iDigital iMarketing iand iIts iImpact ion iConsumer
i Buying ibehavior iOn iYouth iIn iDelhi, iGurugram, iFaridabad iand iRewari ias ipart iof iMBA imajor
i research iwork iand iI irequest iyou ito iplease icomplete ithis iquestionnaire ias ione iof ithe
i respondent. iThe ipresent istudy iis ipurely iacademic iand iyour iidentity ishall inot ibe idisclosed ito
i anyone. iI iwould ilike iyou ito iread ithe ifollowing istatements iand itick? iIn ithe i5 ipointer iscale
i against ithe istatement iwhich iaccording ito iyou ibest idescribes iyour iresponse: