Object-Oriented Programming: Philippine Science High School
Object-Oriented Programming: Philippine Science High School
Object-Oriented Programming: Philippine Science High School
Course Objectives
Grading System
1st-3rd Quarter
Seatworks, Homeworks 10%
Quizzes 15%
Laboratory Exercises 30%
Long Tests 30%
Project/Periodic Exam 15%
4th Quarter
Seatworks, Homeworks 10%
Laboratory Exercises 40%
Long Tests 20%
Project 30%
100% Grade 10 Computer Science Course Outline
TOPICS Second Quarter Third Quarter
First Quarter K. Object-Oriented Programming Q. Exception Handling
1. Classes and Objects 1. Exception Class
A. Introduction to JAVA
1. Environment 2. Try...Catch...Finally
L. Concepts of Object-Oriented Programming 3. Throw
2. Development Process
1. Inheritance
3. My First JAVA Program: Hello World!
2. Overriding R. File I/O
3. Encapsulation 1. File
B. Introduction to Classes
1. Properties (all public) 2. BufferedReader
M. Comparing Objects 3. FileWriter
2. Methods (all public)
1. instanceof 4. BufferedWriter
3. Class Diagram
N. Abstract Windowing Toolkit S. Canvass
C. Basic Data Types
1. Swing Components 1. java.awt.canvas
1. int, short, long, float, double, char, Boolean, byte
Button, Frame, TextField, Label, Panel 2. java.awt.graphics
D. System.out 2. Layout Managers
1. Print, println, printf FlowLayout, BorderLayout, GridLayout, ComplexLayout T. Project/Machine Problem/Periodical Exam
3. Event Classes
E. Scanner Key Event, Mouse Event, Window Event Fourth Quarter
1. nextInt, nextByte, nextShort, nextLong, nextFloat, 4. Dialog Box
nextDouble Message
5. String U. Timer
Input Dialog 1. java.util.timer
F. Strings
1. BufferReader Integer.parseInt
V. Utility Classes
2. Equal Integer.toString
1. As needed by project
3. contains Double.parseDouble
2. java.util.list
4. toUpperCase, toLowerCase Double.toString
3. java.util.stack
G. Control Structures Length
W. Algorithms (Optional)
1. If, if-else, if-else-if, switch, ternary substring
1. As needed by project
2. While, do...while, for 6. StringBuffer 2. Calculator: infix to postfix
3. Break, continue, return setCharAt
Concatenate X. Import
H. Arrays 7. Math 1. Using 3rd Party Packagers
1. Foreach (array traversal) Math.Random
2. Multidimensional Arrays Y. Final Project
O. Abstract OOP Concepts (Optional)
I. More on Methods 1. Polymorphism
1. static 2. Abstraction
3. Interface
J. Project/Machine Problem/
Periodical Exam P. Project/Machine Problem/Periodical Exam