Computer Programming and Applications 3 Exam/Electrical/EEE/0526/6904/May'17 Duration: 3 Hrs. M.Marks:75 Section - A Q.1 Fill in The Blanks: 1x15 15
Computer Programming and Applications 3 Exam/Electrical/EEE/0526/6904/May'17 Duration: 3 Hrs. M.Marks:75 Section - A Q.1 Fill in The Blanks: 1x15 15
Computer Programming and Applications 3 Exam/Electrical/EEE/0526/6904/May'17 Duration: 3 Hrs. M.Marks:75 Section - A Q.1 Fill in The Blanks: 1x15 15
Q.1 Fill in the blanks: 1x15=15
a) \n signifies ………………………
b) C is …………………………. Level language.
c) ………………………. Is a pictorial representation of an algorithms or a program.
d) Every C statement ends with a symbol…………………………
e) && is ……………………..operator in c language.
f) String is an array of ………………………..
g) ……………………………. Is a decision making statement in ‘C’ language.
h) When we repeat a set of statement, then we make use of …………………
i) The two ways in which values are passed to a function are …………………… and ………………………..
j) ……………………… is a collection of same type of elements.
k) ………. is a source program which converts high level language into machine language.
l) ……….. is used to read a formatted input.
m) getch() is am /a …………… statement.
n) The ………….. header file contains string function.
o) %s is used for…………………
o m
.r c
Q.2 Attempt any Five Questions. 5x6=30
a) Explain the various storage classes in ‘C’ language.
b) Explain the term ‘MATLAB’-the language of technical language.
c) How flow chart different from the algorithm? Explain.
d) Discuss the characteristics of ‘C’.
p e o
.r c
e) What is the difference between if-else and switch statement?
f) What do you mean by function? Explain.
g) Explain the following terms:
p a
p e
Q.3 Attempt any three:
a 3x10=30
c) What is Array? Discuss different types of array with example.
d) Explain the use of switch statement with example.
a) Explain in detail the various types of data types used in ‘C’ Language.
b) Explain in detail the various types of operators available in ‘C’ Language.
e) Explain the syntax of declaring structures and accessing its members with example.