Ventilação Sodeca

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EU Regulation
SODECA has concentrated its activity on the production of
industrial fans, ventilation systems and extractors for the removal

OUR of smoke in case of fire since 1983, when it was founded.

SODECA’s fans and extractors are present in all European

COMMITMENT countries and in many parts of the world, thanks to the quality of
the product and the methods of research and development used.
TO THE Our quality procedures used and certified by BUREAU VERITAS,

ENVIRONMENT in accordance with ISO 9001:2008, are another of the reasons

which make SODECA one of the best and most renowned fan
manufacturers in Europe.

Sodeca has begun a new stage Without a doubt, the most important factor to achieve our
objectives is the human factor, the great professionals who work
of study and design of new
at your service, offering not only ventilation equipment but also
trends in ventilation which will solutions to any ventilation need required by our customers.
help to preserve the environment
and to make the energy saving We sincerely offer you the possibility of visiting our facilities in
which so much concerns today’s Sant Quirze de Besora, with over 16,000 square metres of built
society. area, where you will be able to see our fan manufacture with
perfect clarity and with the highest standards of quality, complying
with the ISO and AMCA standards.

This catalogue is only a small part of our possibilities. Do not

hesitate to contact us. We will put all our experience and our
human resources at your disposal.

In order to obtain an
improvement in the energetic
consumption, SODECA has
adjusted the impellers in the
maximum efficiency working
area. For this reason there
might be changes in the curves
of this catalogue compared to
previous editions.

headquarters of
SODECA s.a.,
at Sant Quirze
de Besora and
manufacturing plant
in Santiago
de Chile.





Ask us for

Crta. de Berga, km 0,7 [email protected]

E-08580 St. Quirze de Besora Export sales: [email protected]
Tel. +34 93 852 91 11
Fax.+34 93 852 90 42
SODECA's fans and extractors comply with the following standards:
ISO 9001:2008 Sistemas de gestión de la calidad. Requisitos.
Quality management systems -- Requirements

ISO 5801 Ventiladores industriales. Industrial fans -- Performance testing using standardized airways
Industrial fans -- Performance testing using standardized airways
AMCA 210-99 Ventiladores industriales. Métodos de ensayos de ventiladores y su representación de ensayos.
Laboratory Methods of Testing Fans for Aerodynamic Performance Rating
UNE 100212:1990 Ventiladores. Dispositivos e instalaciones para el ensayo de ventiladores.
ISO 13350 Ventiladores industriales. Ensayos de comportamiento de ventiladores de chorro.
Industrial fans -- Performance testing of jet fans
ISO 13348 Industrial fans -- Tolerances, methods of conversion and technical data presentation


EN 12101-3:2002 Sistemas de control de humos y calor. Parte 3: Especificaciones para aireadores extractores de humos y calor mecánicos.
Smoke and heat control systems - Part 3: Specification for powered smoke and heat exhaust ventilators

ISO 3744 Acústica. Determinación de los niveles de potencia acústica de fuentes de ruido a partir de la presión acústica.
Método de ingeniería para condiciones de campo libre sobre un plano reflectante.
Acoustics -- Determination of sound power levels of noise sources using sound pressure -- Engineering method in an essentially
free field over a reflecting plane


ISO 1940-1 Vibraciones mecánicas. Calidad de equilibrado
Mechanical vibration -- Balance quality requirements for rotors in a constant (rigid) state -- Part 1: Specification and verification
of balance tolerances
ISO 10816-1 Vibraciones mecánicas. Evaluación de las vibraciones de máquinas
Mechanical vibration -- Evaluation of machine vibration by measurements on non-rotating parts -- Part 1: General guidelines
ISO 14694 Ventiladores industriales. Especificaciones para equilibrado y niveles de vibración
Industrial fans -- Specifications for balance quality and vibration levels

SAFETY (Declaration of EC Compliance)

EN ISO 12100-1 Seguridad de las máquinas. Conceptos básicos, principios generales para el diseño. Parte 1: Terminología básica, metodología.
Safety of machinery -- Basic concepts, general principles for design -- Part 1: Basic terminology, methodology
EN ISO 12100-2 Seguridad de las máquinas. Conceptos básicos, principios generales para el diseño. Parte 2: Principios técnicos.
Safety of machinery -- Basic concepts, general principles for design -- Part 2: Technical principles
EN 60204-1 Seguridad de las máquinas. Equipo eléctrico de las máquinas. Parte 1: Requisitos generales.
Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines - Part 1: General requirements
EN 294 Seguridad de máquinas. Distancias de seguridad para impedir que se alcancen zonas peligrosas con los miembros superiores
Safety of machinery; safety distances to prevent danger zones from being reached by the upper limbs
ISO 13857 Seguridad de máquinas. Distancias de seguridad para impedir que se alcancen zonas peligrosas con los miembros superiores e
inferiores. Safety of machinery -- Safety distances to prevent danger zones being reached by upper and lower limbs
UNE 100250 Ventiladores industriales. Seguridad mecánica de los ventiladores (equivalente ISO 12499)
ISO 12499 Ventiladores industriales. Seguridad mécanica en los ventiladores
Industrial fans -- Mechanical safety of fans -- Guarding

Directiva 2006/42/CE Directiva de máquinas
Machinery Directive
Directiva 2006/95/CE Directiva de baja tensión
Low Voltage Directive
Directiva 2004/108/CE Directiva compatibilidad electromagnética
EMC Directive
Directiva 89/106/CE Directiva productos de construcción
Construction Products Directive (CPD)

Directiva ATEX 94/9/CE Aparatos y sistemas de protección para uso en atmósferas potencialmente explosivas
Equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres
EN 14986 Diseño de ventiladores para trabajar en atmósferas potencialmente explosivas.
Design of fans working in potentially explosive atmospheres
EN 13463-1 Equipos no eléctricos destinados a atmósferas potencialmente explosivas. Parte 1: Requisitos y metodología básica.
Non-electrical equipment for use in potentially explosive atmospheres - Part 1: Basic method and requirements
EN 1127-1 Atmósferas explosivas. Prevención y protección contra la explosión. Parte 1: Conceptos básicos y metodología.
Explosive atmospheres - Explosion prevention and protection - Part 1: Basic concepts and methodology



In-line duct fans

with Long Life
ball bearings

In-line fans for ducts with Long Life

In-line duct fans
6 12
Exhaust fans and compact extraction
units for direct operation 15 ball bearings


Centrifugal roof fans for

Centrifugal roof fans for chimney
Extractor with multiple inlets/
outlets and low silhouette
22 chimney ventilation
in houses 24 ventilation in houses 26 Centrifugal roof fans with low
noise level 29


RCH-400X800 VM

Fan and chimney top for hybrid

extraction in community housing
31 Fans to extract smoke in
chimneys and barbecues 34 Extra-bathroom extractors, with
aesthetic and modern design 35 Domestic extractors very low noise,
low power


Economic air curtains, for small

commercial premises 37 Configurable heat
recuperators 38


SV SV: Low noise in-line duct fans

mounted in acoustic casing
SV/PLUS: Low noise in-line duct fans mounted in acoustic casing
with 50mm insulation

SV/ECO: Low noise in-line duct fans mounted in acoustic casing with
50 mm insulation, fitted with EC motors

• Acoustic casing covered with deadening material
• SV: Impeller with backward-curved blades, except models 125-150-200, with multi-blade
• SV/PLUS: Multi-blade impeller for all models
• SV/ECO: Backward-curved impeller for all models
• Standard flanged inlet and outlet to aid installation on duct
• They are supplied with 4 base stands to aid installation
• Linear air circulation
• T-models are fitted with 1-5 minute adjustable timer.

SV Motor:
• Class F motors with external rotor incorporated
thermal protector, ball bearings and IP54 protection
• Single-phase 230V.-50/60Hz. adjustable
• Max. air temperature to transport: + 50ºC.
• SV/ECO: Highly-efficient brushless-EC motor,
electronically controlled by means of a potentiometer of
10KΩ MTP010, or an external signal of 0-10VDC

• Anticorrosive finish in polyester resin, polymerised at
SV/PLUS SV/ECO 190ºC, after alkaline degreasing and phosphate-free

Order code

SV 150/H (T)

SV: In-line duct fans Inlet diameter Airflow level. T Reference

in mm H: High airflow supplied timer
SV/PLUS: In-line duct fans with
50mm insulation. L: Low airflow

SV/ECO: In-line fans for ducts with EC motor

Technical characteristics
Model Speed Maximum admissible current Installed Maximum Irradiated Approx. weight
230V power airflow sound level (Kg)
(r/min) (A) (kW) (m3/h) dB(A)
SV-125/H 2720 0.65 0.11 400 32 5.2
SV-125/H-T 2720 0.65 0.11 400 32 5.2
SV-150/H 2580 1.00 0.16 560 40 6.8
SV-150/H-T 2580 1.00 0.16 560 40 6.8
SV-200/H 1400 0.75 0.12 880 44 8.0
SV-200/H-T 1400 0.75 0.12 880 44 8.0
SV-200/L 1450 0.70 0.09 760 42 8.0
SV-250/H 2500 0.85 0.18 1300 48 10.8
SV-250/L 2680 0.75 0.16 1000 46 10.8
SV-315/H 1400 0.65 0.12 2100 50 21.0
SV-350/H 1400 0.95 0.14 2850 51 28.5
SV-400/H 1350 1.80 0.30 3500 53 38.0


Technical characteristics
Model Speed Maximum admissible current (A) Installed Maximum Irradiated Approx. weight
power airflow sound level* (Kg)
(r/min) 230V (kW) (m3/h) dB(A)
SV/PLUS-125/H 2335 0.33 0.08 260 30 12.0
SV/PLUS-160/H 2480 0.59 0.14 465 36 13.0
SV/PLUS-200/H 1550 0.72 0.17 700 37 17.0
SV/PLUS-250/H 2082 1.15 0.27 1050 38 18.0
* Sound pressure level dB(A) are measurements at a distance of 1.5 meters

Maximum admissible current (A) Installed Sound

Model Speed Maximum pressure level Approx. weight
power airflow to 50% of max. (Kg)
(r/min) 230V (kW) (m3/h) speed* dB(A)
SV/ECO-125/H 4480 0.46 0.055 367 29 12.0
SV/ECO-160/H 3490 0.99 0.114 565 28 19.0
SV/ECO-200/H 3380 1.48 0.192 914 39 24.0
SV/ECO-250/H 3220 1.69 0.213 1107 32 24.0
SV/ECO-315/H 3580 2.8 0.448 1638 49 31.0
* Sound pressure level dB(A) are measurements at a distance of 1.5 meters

Erp. BEP (best efficiency point) characteristics

MC Measurement category ηe[%] Efficiency
EC Efficiency category N Efficiency grade
S Static [kW] Input power
T Total [m3/h] Airflow
VSD Variable-speed drive [mmH2O] Static or total pressure (According to EC)
SR Specific ratio [RPM] Speed

Model MC EC VSD SR ηe[%] N (kW) (m3/h) (mmH2O) (RPM)

SV-125/H - - - - - - 0.118 207 29.9 2768
SV-125/H-T - - - - - - 0.118 207 29.9 2768
SV-150/H - - - - - - 0.125 296 40.3 2761
SV-150/H-T - - - - - - 0.125 296 40.3 2761
SV-200/H - - - - - - 0.102 434 17.1 1438
SV-200/H-T - - - - - - 0.102 434 17.1 1438
SV-200/L - - - - - - 0.113 396 16.0 1463
SV-250/L - - - - - - 0.119 381 38.7 2767
SV-315/H - - - - - - 0.125 991 18.0 1412
SV-350/H A S NO 1.00 43.4% 60.4 0.240 1537 24.9 1401
SV-400/H A S NO 1.00 45.6% 60.6 0.377 1701 37.1 1364

SV/PLUS-125/H - - - - - - 0.064 116 22.96 2368

SV/PLUS-160/H - - - - - - 0.105 231 33.96 2485
SV/PLUS-200/H - - - - - - 0.123 295 28.26 1619
SV/PLUS-250/H A S NO 1.00 27.1% 38.2 0.176 645 27.03 2141

SV/ECO-125/H - - - - - - 0.053 200 20.30 4480

SV/ECO-160/H - - - - - - 0.110 307 48.49 3490
SV/ECO-200/H A S INCLUDED 1.00 47.7% 66.0 0.183 505 55.62 3380
SV/ECO-250/H A S INCLUDED 1.00 47.5% 65.1 0.209 597 53.77 3220
SV/ECO-315/H A S INCLUDED 1.00 48.8% 63.1 0.433 902 77.23 3580

Acoustic features
The specified values are determined according to free field measurements of sound levels in dB(A) at an equivalent distance of twice the fan’s
span plus the impeller’s diameter, with a minimum of 1.5 m.
Sound power Lw(A) spectrum in dB(A) via frequency band in Hz.

Model 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 Model 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
125/H 22 32 36 34 33 34 30 24 SV/PLUS-125/H 35 46 52 57 64 62 55 48
150/H 31 41 42 44 45 46 42 36 SV/PLUS-160/H 43 54 61 66 72 71 67 63
200/H 31 42 47 51 50 47 43 33 SV/PLUS-200/H 43 55 58 62 69 68 66 61
200/L 29 39 46 47 47 46 45 37 SV/PLUS-250/H 49 58 64 70 72 80 70 65
250/H 32 42 47 54 55 53 50 41 SV/ECO-125/H 31 41 54 56 45 45 40 44
250/L 33 43 47 53 51 50 48 41 SV/ECO-160/H 39 49 63 60 49 51 48 46
315/H 34 44 49 56 57 55 52 43 SV/ECO-200/H 42 52 66 60 56 54 51 52
350/H 38 48 52 59 60 58 56 47 SV/ECO-250/H 48 57 70 64 66 59 53 52
400/H 40 50 54 61 62 60 58 49 SV/ECO-315/H 50 59 73 67 68 65 58 55


Dimensions in mm


Model A B C1 C2 øD1 L øD2 EC1 EC2 T

SV-125/H 310 250 80 201 125 36.5 7 260 200 383
SV-150/H 370 290 92 222 150 34.5 7 320 240 439
SV-200/H 430 340 117 246 200 34.5 7 380 290 499
SV-200/L 430 340 117 246 200 34.5 7 380 290 499
SV-250/H 480 395 140 296 250 51.5 7 430 345 583
SV-250/L 480 395 140 296 250 51.5 7 430 345 583
SV-315/H 565 490 173.5 370 315 55 8.5 515 440 675
SV-350/H 650 550 200 410 355 57 8.5 600 500 764
SV-400/H 725 610 200 454 400 70 8.5 675 560 865


Model A B B1 C C1 øD1 øD2 E F

SV/PLUS-125/H 400 410 277 300 171.5 125 12.5 330 440
SV/PLUS-160/H 400 410 148.5 300 142.5 160 12.5 330 440
SV/PLUS-200/H 444 444 222 420 251.5 200 12.5 364 484
SV/PLUS-250/H 444 444 222 420 221.5 250 12.5 364 484


Model A B B1 C C1 øD1 øD2 E F

SV/ECO-125 400 410 205 325 165.5 125 12.5 330 440
SV/ECO-160 550 485 149 340 194.5 160 12.5 405 590
SV/ECO-200 600 545 170 425 259.5 200 12.5 465 640
SV/ECO-250 600 545 194 425 234.5 250 12.5 465 640
SV/ECO-315 675 595 227.5 475 251.5 315 12.5 515 715


Characteristic curves
Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg.



Characteristic curves
Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg.




Characteristic curves
Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg.


125 160 200

250 315

See accessories section.

Elec- MTP010 Input and Rectangular Protection Circular Electric Butterfly Outlet Capture Inlet/Outlet
tronic speed Regulator output kits grilles grilles grilles batteries valves openings

Backdraught Accessories Air filter Intelligent Air intakes for Output Silencer
shutters boxes sensors houses openings for


CA/LINE In-line circular fans for ducts with Long Life ball bearings

Fan: Motor:
• Steel sheet casing • Motors with Long Life ball bearings, IPX4 protection,
• External terminal board two-speed and adjustable
• Quick and easy to install • Single-phase 220-240V. 50/60 Hz
• Includes base stand • Working temperature:-10ºC +60ºC

• Anticorrosive finish in polyester resin, polymerised at
190ºC, after alkaline degreasing and phosphate-free

Size 355

Order code


CA/LINE: In-line circular Inlet diameter

fans for ducts in mm

Technical characteristics
Model Speed Maximum admissible Absorbed Maximum Sound Approx. weight
current electrical power Airflow pressure level (Kg)
(r/min) 230V (A) (kW) (m3/h) dB(A)
CA/LINE-10 2460 0.35 0.074 260 33 2.8
CA/LINE-12 2350 0.35 0.075 350 35 2.8
CA/LINE-15 2420 0.44 0.095 537 41 4.8
CA/LINE-20 2600 0.64 0.137 980 36 6.2
CA/LINE-25 2390 0.72 0.157 1008 38 6.6
CA/LINE-31 2378 0.86 0.189 1596 37 6.9
CA/LINE-355 2098 1.56 0.357 2098 39 12

Acoustic features
The specified values are determined according to free field measurements of sound levels in dB(A) at a distance of 3 m.
Sound power Lw(A) spectrum in dB(A) via frequency band in Hz.

Model 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 Model 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
10 7 23 16 33 45 44 37 26 25 14 21 29 36 39 37 38 38
12 8 17 18 34 43 41 33 22 31 12 20 29 36 36 39 38 35
15 10 19 38 40 49 41 40 24 355 12 17 29 37 39 40 39 38
20 11 13 21 35 41 36 46 38


Dimensions in mm

Model A B ød øD E H L øO
CA/LINE-10 200 178 100 268 318 141 80 12
CA/LINE-12 200 178 125 268 318 141 80 12
CA/LINE-15 269 244 150 342 392 178 80 12
CA/LINE-20 269 229 200 342 392 178 80 12
CA/LINE-25 279 229 250 342 392 178 80 12
CA/LINE-31 295 245 315 400 450 207 80 12

Model A B ød øD E øO x X Y Z
CA/LINE-355 450 352 354 420 470 10 442 466 135 110

Characteristic Curves
Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg.


CJBC CJBC: Compact extraction units direct drive for community housing

CJBC/ECO: Compact extraction units direct drive for community
housing with constant pressure control

• Galvanised sheet steel structure with thermal insulation and soundproofing
• Impeller with forward-facing blades made from galvanised sheet steel
• Stuffing-box for cable inlet
• CJBC/ECO: It incorporates a low-pressure switch and speed regulator by means
of a frequency converter to maintain a constant pressure

• Class F closed motors with incorporated
thermal protector, ball bearings and IP-54
• Single-phase 220-240V.-50Hz. and three-
phase 220-240/380-415V.-50Hz
• Max. air temperature to transport:
-20ºC.+ 60ºC

• Anticorrosive galvanized sheet steel

CJBC CJBC/ECO On request:

• With circular inlet

Example of use






Order code

CJBC 2525 6M 1/3 CIR

CJBC: Compact extraction units direct Impeller size in mm Number of Power

T=Three-phase Circular
drive for community housing
mm inches motor poles M=Single-phase motor (c.v.) inlet/
CJBC/ECO: Compact extraction units 1919 7/7 4=1400 r/min. 50 Hz outlet
direct drive for community 2525 9/9 6=900 r/min. 50 Hz
housing with constant pressure control. 2828 10/10
3333 12/12
3939 15/15

Technical characteristics
Model Speed Equivalent Maximum admissible Installed Maximum Sound level Approx. weight
Inches intensity (A) power Airflow (Kg)
(r/min) 230V 400V (kW) (m3/h) dB(A)
CJBC-1919-4M 1/5 1230 7/7 1.75 0.15 1368 58 15.7
CJBC-1919-6M 1/10 820 7/7 0.98 0.07 1107 53 15.7
CJBC-2525-4M 3/4 1310 9/9 4.50 0.55 3240 70 23.3
CJBC-2525-6M 1/3 830 9/9 2.40 0.25 2430 61 22.3
CJBC-2828-4M 3/4 1310 10/10 4.50 0.55 3555 70 27.3
CJBC-2828-6M 1/3 830 10/10 2.40 0.25 2880 61 26.2
CJBC-3333-6M 1 850 12/12 6.30 0.75 5400 70 38.3
CJBC-3333-6T 1 1/2 900 12/12 6.60 3.80 1.10 7020 74 38.7
CJBC-3939-6T 3 890 15/15 10.90 6.30 2.20 10710 74 58.0
CJBC/ECO-3333-6T 1 1/2 900 12/12 6.6 3.8 1.1 7020 74 40.6
CJBC/ECO-3939-6T 3 890 15/15 10.9 6.3 2.2 10710 74 60.0

Erp. BEP (best efficiency point) characteristics

MC Measurement category ηe[%] Efficiency
EC Efficiency category N Efficiency grade
S Static [kW] Input power
T Total [m /h] Airflow

VSD Variable-speed drive [mmH2O] Static or total pressure (According to EC)

SR Specific ratio [RPM] Speed

Model MC EC VSD SR ηe[%] N (kW) (m3/h) (mmH2O) (RPM)

CBD-1919-4M 1/5 A S NO 1.00 27.7% 38.6 0.194 926 21.3 1331
CBD-1919-6M 1/10 - - - - - - 0.122 897 11.8 878
CBD-2525-4M 1/2 A S NO 1.00 35.4% 43.5 0.529 2000 34.4 1316
CBD-2525-4M 3/4 A S NO 1.00 37.0% 44.6 0.637 2265 38.2 1350
CBD-2828-4M 1/2 A S NO 1.00 38.4% 46.1 0.599 2279 37.0 1292
CBD-2828-4M 3/4 A S NO 1.00 39.4% 46.2 0.871 3138 40.2 1295
CBD-2828-6M 1/3 A S NO 1.00 30.8% 39.7 0.387 2251 19.4 856
CBD-2828-6M 3/4 A S NO 1.00 30.1% 38.7 0.443 2549 19.2 930
CBD-3333-6T 1 1/2 A S NO 1.00 38.0% 44.1 1.116 5035 31.0 897
CBD-3333-6M 3/4 A S NO 1.00 33.8% 40.6 0.857 3787 28.1 865
CBD-3333-6M 1 A S NO 1.00 32.0% 38.3 1.040 4377 27.9 871
CBD-3939-6T 3 A S NO 1.01 44.3% 48.5 2.188 7721 46.1 924
CBD-1919-4M 1/5 3V A S NO 1.00 27.7% 38.6 0.194 950 20.7 1322
CBD-2525-4M 1/2 3V A S NO 1.00 35.0% 43.1 0.523 1928 34.8 1319
CBD-2525-4M 3/4 3V A S NO 1.00 35.3% 42.8 0.664 2251 38.2 1343
CBD-2525-6M 1/3 3V A S NO 1.00 25.0% 34.7 0.295 1814 14.9 890
CBD-2828-4M 1/2 3V A S NO 1.00 38.3% 46.1 0.587 2120 38.9 1329
CBD-2828-4M 3/4 3V A S NO 1.00 39.2% 46.1 0.832 2916 41.1 1304
CBD-2828-6M 1/3 3V A S NO 1.00 30.6% 39.5 0.388 2263 19.3 851
CBD-2828-6M 3/4 3V A S NO 1.00 30.1% 38.7 0.441 2559 19.1 930
CBD-3333-6M 3/4 3V A S NO 1.00 32.9% 39.6 0.872 3683 28.6 863
CBD-3333-6M 1 3V A S NO 1.00 31.0% 37.2 1.064 4297 28.2 868


Acoustic features
The specified values are determined according to free field measurements of sound levels in dB(A) at an equivalent distance of twice the fan’s
span plus the impeller’s diameter, with a minimum of 1.5 m.
Sound power Lw(A) spectrum in dB(A) via frequency band in Hz. Maximum speed

Model 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 Model 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
CJBC-1919-4M 1/5 43 54 58 62 64 63 62 53 CJBC-3333-6M 1 55 66 70 74 76 75 74 65
CJBC-1919-6M 1/10 38 49 53 57 59 58 57 48 CJBC-3333-6T 1 1/2 59 70 74 78 80 79 78 69
CJBC-2525-4M 3/4 55 66 70 74 76 75 74 65 CJBC-3939-6T 3 61 72 77 81 83 81 80 71
CJBC-2525-6M 1/3 46 57 61 65 67 66 65 56 CJBC/ECO-3333-6T 1 1/2 59 70 74 78 80 79 78 69
CJBC-2828-4M 3/4 55 66 70 74 76 75 74 65 CJBC/ECO-3939-6T 3 61 72 77 81 83 81 80 71
CJBC-2828-6M 1/3 46 57 61 65 67 66 65 56

with circular

Dimensions in mm


Model A B H K L øO V v1 X x1
CJBC-1919-4M -1/5 480 440 340 210 225 15 540 510 270 85
CJBC-1919-6M -1/10 480 440 340 210 225 15 540 510 270 85
CJBC-2525-4M -3/4 630 575 405 265 291 15 690 660 375 100
CJBC-2525-6M -1/3 630 575 405 265 291 15 690 660 375 100
CJBC-2828-4M -3/4 696 645 460 290 320 15 755 725 445 100
CJBC-2828-6M -1/3 696 645 460 290 320 15 755 725 445 100
CJBC-3333-6M -1 825 760 535 345 379 15 885 855 510 125
CJBC-3333-6T -1 1/2 825 760 535 345 379 15 885 855 510 125
CJBC-3939-6T -3 910 900 636 405 467 15 970 940 650 125


Model A B H K L øO V v1 X x1 Z
CJBC/ECO-3333-6T -1 1/2 825 760 535 345 379 15 885 855 510 125 1080
CJBC/ECO-3939-6T -3 910 900 636 405 467 15 970 940 650 125 1200


Characteristic Curves

See accessories section.

Electronic Output Inlet/Outlet Air intakes for Intelligent Silencer Plemum Circular
speed openings for houses sensors cover
controllers houses


NEOLINEO In-line fans for small ducts with removable covers with
Long Life ball bearings

• V0 flame-retardant plastic casing
• External terminal board, with variable position
• Quick and easy to install
• T-models are fitted with timer

Motor: Finish:
• Motors with Long Life ball bearings, IPX4 • Made from white, V0 flame-retardant
protection, two-speed and adjustable plastic
• Single-phase 220-240V. 50/60 Hz
• Working temperature:-10ºC +60ºC

Order code

NEOLINEO 100 (Q) (T)

NEOLINEO: In-line Inlet diameter Q Reference T Reference

fans for ducts with in mm low airflow level supplied timer
removable covers

Technical characteristics
Model Speed Maximum admissible current Installed Maximum Irradiated Approx. weight
max / min. 230V power Airflow sound level* (Kg)
(r/min) (A) (W) (m3/h) dB(A)
NEOLINEO-100-Q 2450/2070 0.07/0.05 15/12 200/155 29/25 1.2
NEOLINEO-100-Q T 2450/2070 0.07/0.05 15/12 200/155 29/25 1.2
NEOLINEO-100 2170/1590 0.11/0.09 23/20 255/180 30/25 1.8
NEOLINEO-100 T 2170/1590 0.11/0.09 23/20 255/180 30/25 1.8
NEOLINEO-125 2300/1600 0.15/0.11 33/25 365/250 33/27 1.8
NEOLINEO-125 T 2300/1600 0.15/0.11 33/25 365/250 33/27 1.8
NEOLINEO-150 2290/1520 0.26/0.18 58/40 550/385 33/28 2.4
NEOLINEO-150 T 2290/1520 0.26/0.18 58/40 550/385 33/28 2.4
NEOLINEO-160 2290/1520 0.26/0.18 58/40 550/385 34/28 2.4
NEOLINEO-160 T 2290/1520 0.26/0.18 58/40 550/385 34/28 2.4
NEOLINEO-200-Q 2720/1780 0.37/0.22 75/45 950/700 36/30 3.7
NEOLINEO-200 3120/1990 0.63/0.21 74/22 1060/790 38/32 3.7
NEOLINEO-200 T 3120/1990 0.63/0.21 74/22 1060/790 38/32 3.7
NEOLINEO-250-Q 2520/1740 0.50/0.40 110/85 990/720 39/37 7.1
NEOLINEO-250 3010/1720 1.06/0.26 124/27 1250/650 57/43 5.3
NEOLINEO-315 2350/1800 1.60/0.83 240/119 1900/1400 60/53 9.5
(*) The radiated sound pressure levels are free field measurements at 3 metres with rigid tubes during inlet and outlet.

Erp. BEP (best efficiency point) characteristics

MC Measurement category ηe[%] Efficiency
EC Efficiency category N Efficiency grade
S Static [kW] Input power
T Total [m3/h] Airflow
VSD Variable-speed drive [mmH2O] Static or total pressure (According to EC)
SR Specific ratio [RPM] Speed

Model MC EC VSD SR ηe[%] N (kW) (m3/h) (mmH2O) (RPM)

NEOLINEO-315 C S NO 1,00 33,5% 50,1 0,261 1061 30,27 2350


Dimensions in mm

Model A B C C1 C2 øD E
NEOLINEO-100-Q 231 156 174 82 152 96 95
NEOLINEO-100-Q T 231 156 174 82 152 96 95
NEOLINEO-100 303 188.5 211 101.5 189 96 90
NEOLINEO-100 T 303 188.5 211 101.5 189 96 90
NEOLINEO-125 258 188.5 211 101.5 189 122 90
NEOLINEO-125 T 258 188.5 211 101.5 189 122 90
NEOLINEO-150 294 214.5 234 112.5 212 146 110
NEOLINEO-150 T 294 214.5 234 112.5 212 146 110
NEOLINEO-160 272.5 214.5 234 112.5 212 156 110
NEOLINEO-160 T 272.5 214.5 234 112.5 212 156 110
NEOLINEO-200-Q 300 234.5 260.5 125.5 235 196 140
NEOLINEO-200 300 234..5 260.5 125.5 235 196 140
NEOLINEO-200 T 300 234.5 260.5 125.5 235 196 140
NEOLINEO-250-Q 385 300 317 152.5 292 247 176.5
NEOLINEO-250 385 300 317 152.5 292 247 176.5
NEOLINEO-315 448 361.5 392.5 188.5 359 312 220.5

Characteristic Curves
Q = Airflow in m3/h Maximum speed
Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa Minimum speed


Characteristic Curves
Q = Airflow in m3/h Maximum speed
Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa Minimum speed


Characteristic Curves
Q = Airflow in m3/h Maximum speed
Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa Minimum speed

See accessories section.

Standard Standard Parallel One-way Fixed grilles Electronic Air filter Electric DUO two Silencer
Intelligent Air intakes for Output
installation kit installation installation hatches speed boxes batteries speed switch sensors houses openings for
(tube) plate kit (flanges controllers houses
and rails)


PLATT Extractor with multiple inlets/outlets and low silhouette

Low profile extractor, for installation in false ceilings and

for the extraction of 4 different areas in family houses or apartments

• Designed for continuous operation, in horizontal and vertical positions

• Easy flow control in the extraction grilles themselves
• Perfect impeller and housing design to achieve high performance at low
noise and power consumption levels

Construction: Motor:
• Support box and plastic outlets • Motors with Long Life ball bearings,
• Upper structure made from galvanized IPX4 protection, two-speed
sheets • 230V single-phase. 50 Hz
• Air intake via 3 x 80 mm openings and • Working temperature: -10ºC +50ºC
1 x 125 mm opening
• Air extraction via 1 x 125 mm opening
• Timer adjustable to 30 minutes

Low silhouette inlets/outlets extractor, designed for extraction
via humidity-sensitive openings with electronically controlled
brushless-ec motor

Low profile extractor, for installation in false ceilings and for the extraction of
4 different areas in family houses or apartments, where saving energy is an
important factor

• Designed for continuous operation, in horizontal and vertical positions

• Exclusively for BE-ALIZE-H type humidity-sensitive grilles
• Perfect impeller and housing design to achieve high performance with low
noise and high electrical efficiency (0.1 (w/m3/h))

Construction: Motor:
• Support box and plastic outlets • Electronically controlled brushless-ec
• Upper structure made from galvanized motor with long lasting ball bearings,
sheets IPX4 protection
• Air intake via 3 x 80 mm openings and 1 x • 230V single-phase. 50 Hz
125 mm opening • Working temperature: -10ºC +50ºC
• Air extraction via 1 x 125 mm opening
• Timer adjustable to 30 minutes

Housing ventilation Kit Accessories

See accessories section

Outlet cap

AB Outlet adapter


Technical characteristics

Model Speed Max. admissible Power Maximum Irradiated* Weight

current (A) Airflow sound level
(r/min) 220-240V (W) (m3/h) dB(A) (Kg)
PLATT 2540 0.24 55 400 49 4
HYGRO PLATT-ES 1450 0.49 55 395 37.5 4

*Irradiated sound pressure level are free field measurements at 3 metres

Dimensions in mm

Model A B C D E F G H I L M N
PLATT 355 160 403 464 410 363 430 124.5 77.5 77.5 124.5 77.5
HYGRO PLATT-ES 355 160 403 464 410 363 430 124.5 77.5 77.5 124.5 77.5

Characteristic curves
Q= Airflow in m3/h and m3/s.
Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c. and Pa


Q (cfm)

0 50 100 150 200 250 Q (cfm)

Pe (in wg)

Pe (Pa)

50 0 50 100 150 200

Pe (in wg)

Pe (Pa)



40 160 MAX

30 120

vel.2 0,4 100 10

200 20 80

vel.1 0,2 5
100 10 40


0,0 0 0 0,0 0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 Q (m3/h) 0 100 200 300 400 Q (m3/h)

0,00 0,02 0,04 0,06 0,08 0,10 0,12 Q (m3/s) 0,00 0,02 0,04 0,06 0,08 0,10 Q (m3/h)


Centrifugal roof fans for ventilation systems for houses
Centrifugal roof fans with low noise level, for ventilation systems for houses
according to Technical Building Code

• Sheet steel base plate.
• Impeller with backward-curved blades made from sheet steel
• Steel sheet rain deflector hood with anticorrosive protection
• Adjustable by variation of voltage
• Safety switch on request

Motor: Finish:
• Class F motors with external rotor, IP54 • Anticorrosive finish in polyester resin,
protection polymerised at 190ºC, after alkaline
• Single-phase 230V.-50Hz degreasing and phosphate-free
• Max. air temperature to transport: pre-treatment
-40ºC.+ 70ºC

B version C version

Order code

CTD 150 C

Centrifugal roof fans, Nominal diameter B: Version for base

for ventilation systems for for duct. C: Version for duct

Technical characteristics
Model Speed Maximum admissible Installed Maximum Sound pressure1 level at Approx. weight
intensity (A) power Airflow 2/3 of Qmax dB(A) (Kg)
(r/min) 230V (W) (m3/h) Inlet Outlet
CTD 150 2442 0.28 65 409 43 37 4.4
CTD 160 2442 0.28 65 409 43 37 4.4
CTD 200 2534 0.42 97 711 46 39 6.8
CTD 250 2542 0.68 155 926 46 41 7.6
CTD 315 2442 0.90 208 1024 48 42 8
(1)The sound level values are measurements of pressure in dB(A) at a distance of 6 m and at 2/3 of the maximum airflow (2/3 Qmax.)

Acoustic features

The specified values are determined according to free field measurements of pressure and sound levels in dB(A) at a distance of 6 m.

Values taken at the inlet with 2/3 of the maximum airflow (2/3Qmax). Values taken at outlet with 2/3 of the maximum airflow (2/3 Qmax).
Sound power Lw(A) spectrum in dB(A) via frequency band in [Hz].
Model 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 Model 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
CTD 150 38 44 54 59 60 61 57 41 CTD 150 28 37 51 54 58 53 47 32
CTD 160 38 44 54 59 60 61 57 41 CTD 160 28 37 51 54 58 53 47 32
CTD 200 39 50 57 63 64 62 58 54 CTD 200 31 44 53 57 58 54 50 40
CTD 250 40 52 56 63 64 62 56 51 CTD 250 32 44 53 58 61 59 52 43
CTD 315 44 57 59 64 65 63 62 57 CTD 315 34 50 55 58 61 59 52 45


Dimensions in mm

Model øF A A1 G øD ød1 C D H øO
CTD-150/B 344 207.3 107 305 177 6.1 96.5 123.5 245 -
CTD-160/B 344 207.3 107 305 177 6.1 96.5 123.5 245 -
CTD-200/B 450 214.35 109 405 230 7.1 138 168 330 -
CTD-250/B 450 245.55 109 405 230 7.1 138 168 330 -
CTD-315/B 450 245.55 109 405 230 7.1 138 168 330 -
CTD-150/C 344 207.3 107 305 177 6.1 96.5 123.5 245 147
CTD-160/C 344 207.3 107 305 177 6.1 96.5 123.5 245 157
CTD-200/C 450 214.35 109 405 230 7.1 138 168 330 197
CTD-250/C 450 245.55 109 405 230 7.1 138 168 330 247
CTD-315/C 450 245.55 109 405 230 7.1 138 168 330 312

Characteristic curves
Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg.

On request

Safety switch


CA-ROOF Centrifugal roof fans for chimney ventilation in houses

In-line centrifugal extractor, with built-in hood to carry out the extraction or
impulsion of the air in individual dwellings or community housing

• Designed for continuous operation, in any position

• Possibility of supply with base or directly to pipe, according to the model

Construction: Motor:
• Galvanised sheet base plate. • Motor with Long Life ball bearings,
• Impeller with backward-curved blades IPX4 protection
• Galvanised sheet rain deflector hood • 230V single-phase. 50 Hz
• Treated with anticorrosive paint • Working temperature: -20ºC +50ºC
• Automatic thermal protector reset

B version C version

Technical characteristics

Model Speed Max. admissible Power Maximum Irradiated* sound Weight

current (A) Airflow level
(r/min) 220-240V (W) (m3/h) dB(A) (Kg)
CA/ROOF 125 2300 0.34 75 350 54 5
CA/ROOF 150 2370 0.34 80 450 56.5 7
CA/ROOF 160 2650 0.68 150 750 64 8.8
CA/ROOF 200 2700 0.69 160 850 63 8
CA/ROOF 250 2430 0.80 180 1180 61.5 9.9
CA/ROOF 315 2480 1.10 250 1600 64.5 11

*Irradiated sound pressure level are free field measurements at 3 metres

CA/ ROOF-125/C
B: Version for base / C: Version for duct
100 / 315: Nominal diameter for duct
ROOF: Roof version
CA: In-line fans


Dimensions in mm




Model A B C D E F Ø G ØH
CA/ROOF 125 334 280 20 2 193 290 122 300
CA/ROOF 150 424 370 20 17 198 340 147 400
CA/ROOF 160 424 370 20 22 214 361 157 400
CA/ROOF 200 424 370 20 17 203 345 197 534
CA/ROOF 250 489 435 20 27 193 376 247 534
CA/ROOF 315 489 435 20 21 226 403 312 534

Characteristic curves

Q= Airflow in m3/h and m3/s.

Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c. and Pa


Pe (Pa)

Pe (Pa)


Q (cfm) Q (cfm)

0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200 250

35 30

Pe (in wg)
Pe (in wg)

300 1,2
30 250 1,0

250 25 1,0
200 20 0,8

200 20 0,8

150 15 0,6

150 15 0,6

100 10 0,4
100 10 0,4

50 5 0,2
50 5 0,2

0 0 0,0 0 0 0,0
0 100 200 300 400 Q (m3/h) 0 100 200 300 400 500 Q (m3/h)

Q (m /s)
0,00 0,02 0,04 0,06 0,08 0,10 Q (m /s)
0,00 0,02 0,04 0,06 0,08 0,10 0,12


Characteristic curves

Q= Airflow in m3/h and m3/s.

Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c. and Pa


Pe (Pa)
Pe (Pa)


Q (cfm) Q (cfm)


0 100 200 300 400 0 100 200 300 400 500

70 60

Pe (in wg)

Pe (in wg)
60 500 2,0

500 50 2,0
400 40
400 40
300 30
300 30 1,0
200 20
200 20

0,5 100 10
100 10

0 0 0,0 0 0 0,0
0 200 400 600 800 Q (m3/h) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Q (m3/h)

Q (m /s)
Q (m /s)
0,00 0,05 0,10 0,15 0,20 0,00 0,05 0,10 0,15 0,20 0,25


Pe (Pa)

Pe (Pa)


Q (cfm) Q (cfm)


0 200 400 600 0 200 400 600 800 1000

60 80
Pe (in wg)

Pe (in wg)
500 2,0
600 60

400 40
1,5 500 50 2,0

300 30 400 40
300 30
200 20 1,0
200 20
100 10 0,5
100 10

0 0 0,0 0 0 0,0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Q (m /h) 0 300 600 900 1200 1500 1800 Q (m /h)
3 3

Q (m /s) 0,5 Q (m /s)

3 3
0,00 0,05 0,10 0,15 0,20 0,25 0,30 0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4


Centrifugal roof fans with low noise level
Centrifugal roof fans with low noise level and external rotor motor.

• Sheet steel base plate.
• Impeller with backward-curved blades made from sheet steel
• Bird guard
• Sheet steel rain deflector hood with anticorrosive protection
Motor: Finish:
• Class F external rotor motors, IP54 protection • Anticorrosive finish in polyester resin,
• Single-phase 230V.-50Hz., and three-phase polymerised at 190ºC, after alkaline
230/400V.-50Hz. degreasing and phosphate-free
• Max. air temperature to transport: -25ºC.+ pre-treatment.
Order code
CHRE 722 4T
Centrifugal roof fans Impeller size Number of T=Three-phase
with low noise level motor poles M=Single-phase
4=1400 r/min. 50 Hz
6=900 r/min. 50 Hz
Technical characteristics
Model Speed Maximum admissible Installed Maximum Sound pressure1 level at Approx. weight
current (A) power airflow 2/3 of Qmax dB(A) (Kg)
(r/min) 230V 400V (kW) (m3/h) Inlet Outlet
CHRE-722-4T 1360 0.31 0.18 0.02 650 31 37 7.6
CHRE-722-4M 1360 0.25 0.02 650 31 37 7.6
CHRE-825-4T 1360 0.52 0.30 0.03 950 32 38 9.1
CHRE-825-4M 1360 0.34 0.03 950 32 38 9.1
CHRE-1131-4T 1330 0.78 0.45 0.08 2000 39 45 14.1
CHRE-1131-4M 1330 0.70 0.08 2000 39 45 14.1
CHRE-1131-6T 910 0.43 0.25 0.03 1280 28 34 13.6
CHRE-1131-6M 910 0.35 0.03 1280 28 34 13.6
CHRE-1135-4T 1280 0.95 0.55 0.10 2500 43 48 19.1
CHRE-1135-4M 1280 0.85 0.10 2500 43 48 19.1
CHRE-1135-6T 880 0.52 0.30 0.04 1800 31 38 18.1
CHRE-1135-6M 880 0.50 0.04 1800 31 38 18.1
CHRE-1240-4T 1330 1.49 0.86 0.30 4000 46 52 24.8
CHRE-1240-4M 1330 2.10 0.30 4000 46 52 26.3
CHRE-1240-6T 860 0.61 0.35 0.06 2400 35 41 22.3
CHRE-1240-6M 860 0.70 0.06 2400 35 41 22.8
CHRE-1445-4T 1345 2.17 1.25 0.45 5400 53 59 36.0
CHRE-1445-4M 1345 2.80 0.45 5400 53 59 38.0
CHRE-1445-6T 920 1.13 0.65 0.15 3700 42 48 34.5
CHRE-1445-6M 920 1.10 0.15 3700 42 48 36.0
CHRE-1650-4T 1380 3.29 1.90 0.80 7600 57 62 40.5
CHRE-1650-4M 1380 5.80 0.80 7600 57 62 48.5
CHRE-1650-6T 900 1.40 0.81 0.27 5200 45 52 38.0
CHRE-1650-6M 900 3.00 0.27 5200 45 52 40.0
(1) The sound level values are measurements of pressure in dB(A) at a distance of 6 m and at 2/3 of the maximum airflow (2/3 Qmax.)

Erp. BEP (best efficiency point) characteristics

MC Measurement category VSD Variable-speed drive [m3/h] Airflow
EC Efficiency category SR Specific relationship [mmH2O] Static or total pressure
S Static ηe[%] Efficiency (According to EC)
T Total N Degree of efficiency [RPM] Speed
[kW] Electrical power
Model MC EC VSD SR ηe[%] N (kW) (m3/h) (mmH2O) (RPM)
CHRE-722-4T - - - - - - 0.053 345 11.55 1368
CHRE-722-4M - - - - - - 0.057 348 11.32 1361
CHRE-825-4T - - - - - - 0.073 561 14.78 1367
CHRE-825-4M - - - - - - 0.078 567 14.49 1360
CHRE-1131-4T C S NO 1.00 39.6% 58.5 0.160 1072 21.71 1352
CHRE-1131-4M C S NO 1.00 41.7% 60.8 0.151 1083 21.33 1341
CHRE-1131-6T - - - - - - 0.074 712 9.40 920
CHRE-1131-6M - - - - - - 0.080 719 9.21 911
CHRE-1135-4T C S NO 1.00 43.0% 60.9 0.196 1182 26.12 1286
CHRE-1135-4M C S NO 1.00 42.4% 60.2 0.200 1191 26.04 1280
CHRE-1135-6T - - - - - - 0.108 909 13.19 885
CHRE-1135-6M - - - - - - 0.116 918 12.93 880
CHRE-1240-4T C S NO 1.00 46.4% 60.4 0.461 1955 40.11 1347
CHRE-1240-4M C S NO 1.00 45.3% 59.2 0.467 2081 37.27 1332
CHRE-1240-6T - - - - - - 0.112 1064 14.66 896
CHRE-1240-6M - - - - - - 0.120 1127 13.64 889
CHRE-1445-4T C S NO 1.00 50.7% 63.0 0.668 3441 36.10 1355
CHRE-1445-4M C S NO 1.00 50.5% 63.1 0.626 3364 34.49 1360
CHRE-1445-6T C S NO 1.00 42.8% 59.9 0.237 2303 16.16 932
CHRE-1650-4T C S NO 1.00 51.2% 60.7 1.246 4905 47.71 1380
CHRE-1650-4M C S NO 1.00 50.9% 60.2 1.307 4976 49.10 1387
CHRE-1650-6T C S NO 1.00 44.9% 59.4 0.414 3252 20.97 937
CHRE-1650-6M C S NO 1.00 44.0% 58.5 0.416 3234 20.75 934
Best efficiency point data of the motor-impeller unit


Acoustic features
Values taken at inlet with 2/3 of the maximum airflow (2/3Qmax). Values taken at outlet with 2/3 of the maximum airflow (2/3Qmax).
Sound power Lw(A) spectrum in dB(A) via frequency band in Hz.
Model 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 Model 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
722 29 35 46 49 50 46 44 38 722 33 38 52 54 55 55 50 45
825 30 36 47 50 51 47 45 39 825 34 39 53 55 56 56 51 46
1131-4 40 49 54 54 58 57 50 44 1131-4 39 48 58 62 65 62 55 49
1131-6 29 38 43 43 47 46 39 33 1131-6 28 37 47 51 54 51 44 38
1135-4 44 53 58 58 62 61 54 48 1135-4 42 51 61 65 68 65 58 52
1135-6 32 41 46 46 50 49 42 36 1135-6 32 41 51 55 58 55 48 42
1240-4 48 54 60 60 63 66 57 51 1240-4 47 59 67 69 70 70 62 54
1240-6 37 43 49 49 52 55 46 40 1240-6 36 48 56 58 59 59 51 43
1445-4 55 61 67 67 70 73 64 58 1445-4 54 66 74 76 77 77 69 61
1445-6 44 50 56 56 59 62 53 47 1445-6 43 55 63 65 66 66 58 50
1650-4 60 67 72 72 76 75 68 63 1650-4 58 70 78 80 81 78 71 63
1650-6 48 55 60 60 64 63 56 51 1650-6 48 60 68 70 71 68 61 53

To obtain the Lwa sound power spectra in dB(A) at the inlet with the maximum airflow (Qmax), add the values in the following tables to the LpA
sound pressure level given on the characteristic curves:

Frequency band in Hz
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
2 9 15 15 18 18 11 5

Dimensions in mm

Model A B E øF G H øI
CHRE-722 194 110 30 440 355 295 12
CHRE-825 212 110 35 440 400 320 12
CHRE-1131 308 176 40 620 450 360 12
CHRE-1135 325 176 40 620 560 450 12
CHRE-1240 351 176 40 620 560 450 12
CHRE-1445 393 228 40 770 710 590 12
CHRE-1650 426 228 40 770 710 590 12

Variation of sound pressure depending on distance

The sound level may vary depending on the roof structure.

Characteristic curves
Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mmH2O, Pa and

4T/4M=1500 r/min 6T/6M=1000 r/min

See accessories section


RCH RCH-400x800VM

RCH Fan and chimney top for hybrid extraction in community housing

• Designed especially for the air extraction in houses or community housing,

through chimneys or shunts. It makes it possible to maintain an attractive
and uniform design throughout the building
• The Venturi version without fan, only for natural extraction
• The lightness of aluminium allows a fast and simple installation on roof

Construction: • V ENTURI: Natural operation without an

• Manufactured in black pre-lacquered extractor using the Venturi effect
aluminium which is not altered by • TEMPERATURA: Designed for the
atmospheric agents extraction of air in homes and barbecues
• Perfectly designed slats so as to obtain a with a maximum temperature of 150ºC
high-performance Venturi effect
• Supplied voltage 230V. 50 Hz On request:
• Measurements to fit any chimney
• BASIC: It works with a switch or with a
SI-VENT wind monitor

SI-VENT Accessories


This system is based on the extraction of air in a natural manner when the
wind conditions outside are favourable whereas when they are unfavourable
the extractor with an electric motor comes into operation to guarantee the
minimum necessary extraction.

The start up of the electrical extractor is carried out by means

of wind sensors, which are especially designed for this application

SI-VENT, Wind sensor

The SI-VENT electronic wind controller is a highly robust and reliable

device, made up of a sensor, a controller and the power supply.

The sensor is capable of measuring winds of up to 100 k.p.h. and the

controller starts up the electrical extractor when the wind speed is below
the programmed minimum wind value for five minutes.

RCH RCH-400x800VM

Fan and chimney top for hybrid extraction in community housing

An assembly specially designed for controlled mechanical extraction through

chimneys or condominium shunt chimneys. The system makes it possible to
maintain a constant pressure in the installation, with the speed of the extractor
self-regulated, obtaining the flow necessary at each moment according to the
different needs of the installation, achieving a significant energy saving

• It makes it possible to maintain an attractive and uniform design throughout

the house
• The lightness of aluminium allows a fast and simple installation on roof
• Measurements can be adapted to any chimney upon request

Construction: • Speed regulator by means of a frequency

• Manufactured in black pre-lacquered converter VSD1/A-RFM-0.5
aluminium which is not altered by
atmospheric agents Motor:
• Perfectly designed slats so as to obtain a • Motor with Long Life ball bearings,
high-performance Venturi effect IPX4 protection
• Impeller unit with backward-curved • Converter supply, single-phase 230V.
blades with external rotor motor 50 Hz, output voltage from the converter
• Adjustable differential pressure transmitter to the motor, three-phase 230v. 50Hz
from 0….250 Pa, including screen for • Working temperature: -20ºC +50ºC
digital display and connection accessories

Technical characteristics

Model Speed Max. admissible Installed Maximum Sound pressure level (1) Weight
current (A) power Airflow at 2/3 of aprox
220-240V Qmax db (A)
(r/min) (kW) (m /h)
Inlet Outlet (Kg)

RCH-400x400B 1360 0.34 0.03 950 32 35 9

RCH-400x400T 1380 0.65 0.25 1450 37 40 25
RCH-400x600B 910 0.35 0.03 1280 28 31 14
RCH-400x800B 880 0.50 0.04 1800 31 35 18
RCH-400x800VM 1280 0.95 0.10 2500 43 48 19

(1) The sound level values are measurements of pressure in dB(A) at a distance of 6 m and at 2/3 of the maximum airflow (2/2 Qmax.)

Dimensions in mm


Model A B C Model A B C Useful area

RCH-400x400B 400 400 420 RCH-400x400V 400 400 600 0.134 m2
RCH-400x400T 400 400 600 RCH-400x600V 400 600 600 0.191 m2
RCH-400x600B 400 600 420 RCH-400x800V 400 800 600 0.248 m2
RCH-400x800B 400 800 420
RCH-400x800VM 400 800 420

RCH RCH-400x800VM

Characteristic curves
Q= Airflow in m3/h and m3/s.
Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c. and Pa


in wg
0 200 400 600 800 1000 cfm
250 1

200 20 0.8

150 15 0.6


100 10 0.4

50 5 0.2


0 0 0
0 400 800 1200 1600 2000 m3/h

0 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 m3/s


Working examples

B and T version V version


Fans to extract smoke in chimneys and barbecues
• Especially designed to extract smoke in chimneys and barbecues up to
• Equipped with an electronic speed regulator to adjust the smoke extraction
flow rate
• Designed for continuous operation 200ºC

Construction: Motor:
• Made from sheet steel with polyester resin • BASIC: works with separate switch or
to resist atmospheric agents regulator
• Bird guard
• Supplied voltage 230V. 50 Hz

Technical characteristics
Model Speed Maximum admissible Absorbed Maximum Sound pressure Approx. weight
current (A) power Airflow level(*) (Kg)
(r/min) 230V (W) (m3/h) dB(A)
TIRACAMINO 1400 0.50 120 750 52 14.3
(*) The sound level values are measurements of pressure in dB(A) at a distance of 3 m with maximum airflow

Dimensions in mm

Characteristic curves
Q= Airflow in m3/h and m3/s. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c. and Pa


EDMF Extra-flat bathroom fans with aesthetic and modern design

• Integrates harmoniously into the bathroom

• Ultra-silent
• Slim design with only 17mm
• High efficiency aerodynamic design
• Quick and easy to install
Construction: Version:
• White finish • BASIC: works with the light switch or
• Non-return hatch incorporated in all standalone
models • TIMER: works with adjustable electronic
• Built with recyclable materials timer
• LL: Long Life ball bearings

Technical characteristics
Sound pressure
Model Version Speed Power Airflow Weight
level at 3m
(r/min) (W) (m3/h) (dBA) (Kg)

EDMF-100 Basic 2300 14 95 34 0.58

EDMF-100-T Timer 2300 14 95 34 0.58
EDMF-100-LL LL 2300 14 95 34 0.58
EDMF-100-LL-T LL/Timer 2300 14 95 34 0.58
EDMF-120 Basic 2400 16 180 35 0.74
EDMF-120-T Timer 2400 16 180 35 0.74
EDMF-120-LL LL 2400 16 180 35 0.74
EDMF-150 Basic 2400 24 292 38 0.92
EDMF-150-T Timer 2400 24 292 38 0.92
EDMF-150-LL LL 2400 24 292 38 0.92

Dimensions in mm

Model A B C D
EDMF-100 150 12,5 108,5 100
EDMF-120 176 12,5 114 125
EDMF-150 205 13 132 150

Accessories Characteristic curves

See accessories section. Q= Airflow in m3/h and m3/s. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c. and Pa




Very low sound level and low consumption domestic extractors

• I ntegrates harmoniously into the bathroom

• High performance thanks to its low consumption motor
• Quick and easy to install

Construction: Versions:
• White finish • BASIC: works with the light switch
• Non-return hatch incorporated or standalone
• Equipped with diffusers to reduce • TIMER: works with adjustable
air turbulence and noise levels electronic timer

• Single-phase 220V-240V .50/60 Hz
• High-efficiency motor
• Ball bearings to work over 40.000 hours
• Motor equipped with Klixon

Order code


Very low sound level and Inlet diameter works with adjustable
low consumption domestic in mm electronic timer

Technical characteristics

Model Version Speed Power Airflow Sound level Weight

(r/min) (W) (m3/h) dB(A) (Kg)

EDQUIET/S‐100 Basic 2000 8 90 29 0,45

EDQUIET/S‐100‐T Timer 2000 8 90 29 0,45
EDQUIET/S‐150 Basic 2000 28 255 35 0,97
EDQUIET/S‐150‐T Timer 2000 28 255 35 0,97

Dimensions in mm Accessories
See accessories section.

Model D B L L1
EDQUIET/S-100 99 150 79 19
EDQUIET/S-150 148 205 112 23
Decorative Backdraught Electronic
grille louvre speed

Characteristic curves
Q= Airflow in m3/h.
Pe= Static pressure in Pa


ECONOMIC Economic air curtains for small commercial premises

Economic air curtains for heights of up to 3m, for horizontal installation,

specifically designed for small commercial premises

Construction: Version:
• Painted metal structure Environmental:
• Designed to be installed in a horizontal Re-circulate air
position Electric: Incorporates electric
• S version: Two-speed fan operation resistors
• LED operation indicator
• Support for assembly wall External control
• E Version: Electric battery control with • E version: Remote control
safety elements. Delayed fan stop for
evacuating residual heat delayed

Applications: Small commercial premises / shops / bars / offices

Operation manual manual
Control Speeds Two-speed Single-speed
Electric battery control no One power level
Door contact no no
LED operation indicator yes yes

Order code

AC 10 E

AC: ECONOMIC Series 09: 90 cm Long S: Environmental

10: 100 cm Long E: 230V or 400V Electrical
15: 150 cm Long depending on model
20: 200 cm Long

Technical characteristics
Model Height Maximum Irradiated Heat Battery Battery Fan voltage Fan Weight
door (m) Airflow NPS Power voltage current (V) current
(m3/h) dB(A) (kW) (V) (A) (A) (Kg)
AC-09-S 3 1200 43 1X230 0.65 14.5
AC-10-S 3 1350 44 1X230 0.72 16
AC-15-S 3 2100 46 1X230 0.95 23.5
AC-09-E 3 1000 45 3.5 1x230 15 1X230 0.65 18
AC-10-E 3 1150 46 4.0 1x230 19 1X230 0.72 20
AC-15-E 3 1800 47 5.5 3X400 9 1X230 0.95 31
AC-20-E 3 2400 51 10 3X400 16 1X230 1.38 39
In the three-phase curtain, a three-phase + neutral cable is required

Dimensions in mm
Model A B C
AC-09-S 200 215 900
AC-10-S 200 215 1000
AC-15-S 200 215 1500
AC-09-E 195 220 900
AC-10-E 195 220 1000
AC-15-E 195 220 1500
AC-20-E 195 220 2000


Configurable heat recovery units with crossed flow plates
for horizontal installation
Features: • Access doors for easy maintenance
• Aluminium plate heat exchanger with 50% and cleaning.
yield. • Condensate drain integrated
• Multi-position configurable outlets. in the access cover.
• F6, F6+F8, F7, F7+F9 or G4 efficiency
filters, incorporated in the equipment. Versions:
Other combinations possible upon • Environmental: Air renewal,
request. without heat supply (S)
• Designed for installation in a false ceiling. • Electrical: Heat supply
• Access to filters and components via front via electric batteries (EB)
panel. • Water batery: Heat supply
via water batteries (WB)
• Galvanised sheet steel structure with On request:
soundproofing. • Adiabatic module.
• Interchangeable inlets and outlets with
watertight joints.

Order code


Model Size A-F: F6 filter MA: Adiabatic module

Inlet and outlet F6+F8 filter EB: Electric battery
configuration F7 filter WB: Water battery
F7+F9 filters
G4 filter

Technical characteristics
Model Speed Current Voltage Installed Maximum NPS Weight
(r/min) (A) (V) power airflow approx.
230V 400V (W) (m3/h) dB(A) (Kg)
RECUP/LC-05-F6 2440 2x0.45 - 1x230 2x100 570 45 26
RECUP/LC-08-F6 2440 2x0.45 - 1x230 2x100 850 53 30
RECUP/LC-12-F6 2440 2x0.72 - 1x230 2x150 1180 56 34
RECUP/LC-20-F6 2020 2x0.90 - 1x230 2x195 2070 51 63
RECUP/LC-30-F6 2750 2x2.7 - 1x230 2x550 3200 54 72
RECUP/LC-45-F6 1400 - 2x2.8 3x400 2x1100 4600 53 177
RECUP/LC-60-F6 2125 - 2x4.8 3x400 2x2200 5800 57 207


Technical characteristics
Model Speed Current Voltage Installed Maximum NPS Weight
(r/min) (A) (V) power airflow approx.
230V 400V (W) (m3/h) dB(A) (Kg)
RECUP/LC-05-F6+F8 2440 2x0.45 - 1x230 2x40 410 45 26
RECUP/LC-08-F6+F8 2440 2x0.45 - 1x230 2x40 620 53 30
RECUP/LC-12-F6+F8 2440 2x0.72 - 1x230 2x150 850 56 34
RECUP/LC-20-F6+F8 2020 2x0.90 - 1x230 2x195 1500 51 63
RECUP/LC-30-F6+F8 2750 2x2.7 - 1x230 2x550 2320 54 72
RECUP/LC-45-F6+F8 1400 - 2x2.8 3x400 2x1100 4400 53 177
RECUP/LC-60-F6+F8 2125 - 2x4.8 3x400 2x2200 5300 57 207
RECUP/LC-05-F7 2440 2x0.45 - 1x230 2x100 540 45 26
RECUP/LC-08-F7 2440 2x0.45 - 1x230 2x100 780 53 30
RECUP/LC-12-F7 2440 2x0.72 - 1x230 2x150 1080 56 34
RECUP/LC-20-F7 2020 2x0.90 - 1x230 2x195 1900 51 63
RECUP/LC-30-F7 2750 2x2.7 - 1x230 2x550 2850 54 72
RECUP/LC-45-F7 1400 - 2x2.8 3x400 2x1100 4500 53 177
RECUP/LC-60-F7 2125 - 2x4.8 3x400 2x2200 5700 57 207
RECUP/LC-05-F7+F9 2440 2x0.45 - 1x230 2x40 380 45 26
RECUP/LC-08-F7+F9 2440 2x0.45 - 1x230 2x40 570 53 30
RECUP/LC-12-F7+F9 2440 2x0.72 - 1x230 2x150 790 56 34
RECUP/LC-20-F7+F9 2020 2x0.90 - 1x230 2x195 1350 51 63
RECUP/LC-30-F7+F9 2750 2x2.7 - 1x230 2x550 2050 54 72
RECUP/LC-45-F7+F9 1400 - 2x2.8 3x400 2x1100 4050 53 177
RECUP/LC-60-F7+F9 2125 - 2x4.8 3x400 2x2200 5000 57 207
RECUP/LC-05-G4 2440 2x0.45 - 1x230 2x100 600 45 26
RECUP/LC-08-G4 2440 2x0.45 - 1x230 2x100 900 53 30
RECUP/LC-12-G4 2440 2x0.72 - 1x230 2x150 1250 56 34
RECUP/LC-20-G4 2020 2x0.90 - 1x230 2x195 2200 51 63
RECUP/LC-30-G4 2750 2x2.7 - 1x230 2x550 3400 54 72
RECUP/LC-45-G4 1400 - 2x2.8 3x400 2x1100 4800 53 177
RECUP/LC-60-G4 2125 - 2x4.8 3x400 2x2200 6100 57 207

Acoustic features
Sound power Lw(A) spectrum in dB(A) via frequency band in Hz.
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
RECUP/LC-05 30 42 45 57 53 50 40 37 RECUP/LC-30 43 56 66 69 67 62 54 45
RECUP/LC-08 38 50 53 65 61 58 48 45 RECUP/LC-45 53 62 65 62 61 60 56 54
RECUP/LC-12 41 53 56 68 64 61 51 48 RECUP/LC-60 51 68 58 59 62 62 60 56
RECUP/LC-20 38 50 53 65 61 58 48 45

Dimensions in mm

A B L D H1 H2 H3 W W1
RECUP/LC-05 310 575 575 150 131 312 131 164 164
RECUP/LC-08 310 650 650 250 160 330 160 164 164
RECUP/LC-12 330 700 700 250 165 370 165 174 174
RECUP/LC-20 504 900 900 355 240 420 240 252 252
RECUP/LC-30 504 900 900 355 240 420 240 252 252
RECUP/LC-45 580 1520 1520 450 310 900 310 290 290
RECUP/LC-60 580 1520 1520 450 310 900 310 290 290

Maintenance access

Characteristic curves


Characteristic curves

Standard delivery configuration C. All models allow inlet and outlet configuration directly at the installation premises, except the 45, 60 model
which only allows the air inlet configuration.
Configuration A Configuration B Configuration C Configuration D Configuration E Configuration F
Filter Filter

Filter Filter

Filter Filter

Filter Filter

Filter Filter

Filter Filter



AF: Outside fresh air / IL: Pressurised air to room / SV: Stale air output / EL: Air extraction from room
Top view diagrams, for placement of the equipment in the ceiling. With maintenance access in the bottom panel





Ctra. de Berga, km 0,7

(Barcelona - Spain) DE BESORA
Tel. +34 93 852 91 11
Fax +34 93 852 90 42 VIC
[email protected]
Export sales: [email protected]



Export Sales
Ctra. de Berga, km 0,7 DECFLEX, LDA USA - CANADÁ - MÉXICO Sr. Carlos A. Hernández Gil
E-08580 SANT QUIRZE Sr. Luiz Araújo AMÉRICA DEL SUR Residencial Miramar Nº 120B-7ma
DE BESORA Rua Veloso Salgado 1120/1138 Sr. Francesc Bertran Ave. Nº 1805 entre 18 y 20.
Barcelona - SPAIN 4450-801 Leça de Palmeira Sodeca Ventiladores Ltda Miramar Playa, CIUDAD DE LA
Tel. +34 93 852 91 11 Tel. +351 229 991 100 Avda. Puerta Sur 03380 HABANA, CUBA
Fax +34 93 852 90 42 Fax. +351 229 991 119 San Bernardo, SANTIAGO, CHILE Tel. 00537 20 43721
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Tel. +56 (02) 2840 5582
Ctra. de Berga, km 0,7
(Barcelona - Spain)
Tel. +34 93 852 91 11
Fax +34 93 852 90 42
[email protected]
Export sales: [email protected]

Ref. 11/2014

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