Medium For The Complementary Activities of Speculation and Hedging
Medium For The Complementary Activities of Speculation and Hedging
Medium For The Complementary Activities of Speculation and Hedging
Spot Price – rate or price quoted for delivery in one or two HOW ARE STOCK FUTURES PRICED?
business days from the date of the transaction.
Futures Price = Spot Price + Cost of Carry
The theoretical price of a future contract is sum of the current
1. Forward Contracts – a forward market is a market in spot price and cost of carry. However, the actual price of
which a commodity/exchange rate for a future futures contract very much depends upon the demand and
exchange of commodities or financial contracts is supply of the underlying stock. Generally, the futures prices
fixed today. are higher than the spot prices of the underlying stocks.
2. Futures Contracts – an agreement reached at one
Cost of carry – is the interest cost of a similar position in cash
point in time calling for the delivery of some
market and carried to maturity of the futures contract less
commodity at a specified later date at a price
any dividend expected till the expiry of the contract.
established at the time of contracting.
Currency Future – a.k.a FX future or a foreign exchange
future, is a futures contract to exchange one currency for
another at a specified date in the future at a price (exchange
FOREIGN EXCHANGE DERIVATIVES MARKET rate) that is fixed on the purchase date. Typically, one of
the currencies is the US dollar.
Foreign Exchange Market – is a financial derivative whose
payoff depends on the foreign exchange rates of two or more Currency Swap – an agreement in which two parties
currencies. These instruments are commonly used for currency exchange the principal amount of a loan and the interest in
speculation and arbitrage or for hedging foreign exchange risk. one currency for the principal and interest in another
EXCHANGE MARKET Foreign Exchange Binary Option – a binary option is a
financial exotic option in which the payoff is either some fixed
Commercial Banks
monetary amount or nothing at all. Also called all-or-nothing
Serve as financial intermediaries in the foreign exchange options.
market by buying or selling currencies.
Speculate on foreign currency movements by taking long
Forward Foreign Exchange – a contract to purchase or sell a
positions in some currencies and short positions in others. set amount of a foreign currency at a specified price for
Provide forward contracts to customers. settlement at a predetermined future date (closed forward)
Offer currency options to customers, which can be tailored or within a range of dates in the future (open forward).
to a customer’s specific needs.
Foreign Exchange Option – or FX option is a derivative
International Mutual Funds financial instrument that gives the right but not the obligation
to exchange money denominated in one currency into
Use foreign exchange markets to exchange currencies
when reconstructing their portfolios.
another currency at a pre-agreed exchange rate on a
Use foreign exchange derivatives to hedge a portion of specified date.
their exposure.
Foreign Exchange Swap – a forex swap or FX swap is a
Brokerage Firms and Investment Banking Firms simultaneous purchase and sale of identical amounts of one
currency for another with two different value dates (normally
Engage in foreign security transactions for their customers
spot to forward) and may use foreign exchange derivatives.
or for their own accounts
Forward Exchange Rate – the exchange rate at which a bank
Insurance Companies
agrees to exchange one currency for another at a future date
Use foreign exchange markets when exchanging currencies when it enters into a forward contract with an investor.
for their international operations
Use foreign exchange markets when purchasing foreign Non-deliverable Forward – is an outright forward or futures
securities for their investment portfolios or when selling contract in which counterparties settle the difference
foreign securities between the contracted NDF price or rate and the prevailing
Use foreign exchange derivatives to hedge a portion of spot price or rate on an agreed notional amount.
their exposure
Dual-currency Note – a reverse dual-currency note is a note
Pension Funds which pays a foreign interest rate in the investor's domestic
Require foreign exchange of currencies when investing in
foreign securities for their stock or bond portfolios
Margin Trading – which means you could pay part of margin
Use foreign exchange derivatives to hedge a portion of
but make full transaction without the practically transferring
their exposure
of your principal. The end of contract mostly adopts the
INSTRUMENTS OF FOREIGN EXCHANGE DERIVATIVE settlement for differences. At the same time, the buyers need
MARKET not present full payment only when the physical delivery gets
performed on the maturity date.
Basis Swap – is an interest rate swap which involves the
exchange of two floating rate financial instruments. A basis FUNCTIONS OF FOREIGN EXCHANGE DERIVATIVE MARKET
swap functions as a floating-floating interest rate swap.
Avoiding and managing systemically financial risk.
Increasing financial systems’ ability to resist risk.
Improving economic efficiency. It mainly refers to current account and fixed deposits. Interest paid on savings
raise the efficiency of business running and financial account deposits in lesser than that of fixed deposit.
B. Loans – are the primary use of their funds and the principal
Risk and Return: Foreign exchange derivatives can allow way in which they earn income. Loans are typically made for
investors to engage in risk avoidance to keep value, but also fixed terms, at fixed rates and are typically secured with real
can earn profit through speculation. This kind of specific property; often the property that the loan is going to be used
duality makes derivatives more uncontrollable. Thus, foreign to purchase.
exchange derivative products can be risky while rewardable.
Bank loan officers decide which projects, and/or businesses,
COMMERCIAL BANK are worth pursuing and are deserving of capital.
It accepts deposits
Advancing Loans
2. Secondary Functions
Transfer of funds
General Utility Services
Agency Services
Credit Creation
These are financial derivatives that give buyers the right, but
not the obligation, to buy or sell an underlying asset at an
agreed-upon price and date.
Key points:
Although there are many opportunities to profit with options,
investors should carefully weigh the risks
Effective central bank control
Formulation of suitable monetary policy
Source of finance to government
1. Treasury bills
The most marketable money market security.
Issued with three-months, six-months, and one-year
Purchased for a price that is less than their par value;
It is a money market for short terms financial assets that are when they mature, the government pays the holder
close substitute for money, facilitates the exchange of money the full par value
in primary and secondary market. The money market is a 2. Certificate of deposit
mechanism that deals with the lending and borrowing of It is a time deposit with a bank
short-term funds. It has specific maturity date, interest rate and it can
be issued in any denomination
A segment of the financial market in which financial instruments The main advantage of CD is their safety
with high liquidity and very short maturities are traded. It doesn’t
3. Commercial Paper
actually deal in cash or money but deals with substitute of cash like
It is a short-term unsecured loan issued by a
trade bills, promissory notes and government papers which can be
converted into cash without any loss at low transaction cost. corporation typically financing day to day operation.
It is a very safe investment because the financial
FEATURES OF MONEY MARKET situation of a company can easily be predicted over a
few months Only company with high credit rating
It is a market for short-term funds or financial assets
issues CP’s
called near money.
It is not meant for the general public and hence,
It deals with financial assets having a maturity period
there is a restriction on the advertisement to market
of less than one year only.
the securities.
Money market transaction is done through oral
It is issued at a discount to the face value and upon
communication and writing communication
maturity; the face value becomes the redemption
value. The maturity ranges from 1 to 270 days (9
It is not homogeneous market, it comprises of
months) but usually, it is issued for 30 days or less.
several submarket like called money market,
acceptance and bill market. Kinds of Commercial papers
The component of money market are commercial
banks and non-bank financial companies. Draft – a written instruction by a person to another to pay the
specified amount to a third party
Check – a special form of draft where the drawee is a bank
To provide a parking place to employ short-term
surplus funds Note – in this instrument, a promise is made by one person to
To provide room for overcoming short-term deficits. pay another certain sum of money to another
To enable the central bank to influence and regulate
liquidity in the economy Certificate of Deposit
To provide a reasonable access to users of short- 4. Repurchase Agreement (Repos)
term funds to meet their requirement quickly, It is a form of government borrowing and is used by
adequately at reasonable cost. those who deal in government securities. They are
usually very short term repurchases agreement,
from overnight to 30 days or more.
Development of trade and industry The short-term maturity and government backing
Development of capital market usually mean that Repos provide lenders with
Smooth functioning of commercial banks extremely low risk.
Repos are safe collateral loans. 1./ Open Market Operations – consist of repurchase and
5. Banker’s acceptance reverse repurchase transactions, outright transactions, and
It is a short-term credit investment by a non-financial foreign exchange swaps. “In Purchase transactions, the Bangko
firm Sentral buys government securities with a dedication to sell it back
It is guaranteed by a bank to make payment at a specified future date, and at a predetermined interest rate.”
Acceptances are traded at discounts from face value The BSP’s payment increases reserve balances and expands
in the secondary market the monetary supply in the Philippines:
BA acts as a negotiable time draft for financing
Reverse Repurchase – the government acts as the seller and
imports, exports or other transactions in goods
works to decrease the liquidity of money. These transactions
BOND MARKET usually have maturities ranging from overnight to one month.