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Chapter 1

Objects in C: A Roadmap

Max has an extensive API for developing new objects in C.Before you start learning about it, however, we would like
to save you time and make sure you learn the minimum about the API for what you need to do. Therefore, we've
made a brief list of application areas for object development along with the sections of this document with which
you'll probably want to become familiar.

1.1 Max Objects

For logic and arithmetic objects, such as new mathematical functions or more complex conditional operations
than what is offered in Max, it should be sufficient to read the Anatomy of a Max Object section.
For objects that use Data Structures, you'll want to read, in addition, the Atoms and Messages section to learn about
Max's basic mechanisms for representing and communicating data.
If you are interested in writing interfaces to operating system services, you may need to learn about Max's Thread-
ing model and The Scheduler.
For objects that deal with time and timing you'll want to learn about The Scheduler. If you're interested in tempo-
based scheduling, you'll want to read the section on ITM and look at the delay2 example.
To create new user interface gadgets, you'll want to read all of the above, plus the section on Attributes and the
Anatomy of a UI Object. The section on JGraphics will also be helpful.
To create objects with editing windows, things are much more complicated than they used to be. You'll need to
learn everything about UI objects, plus understand the scripto example object project.
For patcher scripting and interrogation objects, the section on Scripting the Patcher, plus a few of the examples will
be very helpful. It is also helpful to have a clear conceptual understanding of the patcher, which might be aided by
reading the patcher scripting sections of the js object documentation.
Max 6 introduced support for passing structured data with the Dictionary Passing API.

1.2 MSP Objects

To create audio filters and signal generators, read the Anatomy of a Max Object, then read the Anatomy of a
MSP Object section. MSP objects make use of Creating and Using Proxies when receiving multiple audio inputs,
so familiarity with that concept could be helpful.
For audio objects that output events (messages), you'll need to use the services of The Scheduler, so we suggest
reading about that.
For UI objects for analyzing and controlling audio, you'll need to learn about regular MSP objects as well as Max UI
Information on updating MSP objects from Max 5 or earlier for 64-bit audio (introduced in Max 6) is located in
2 Objects in C: A Roadmap

Appendix: Updating Externals for Max 6.

1.3 Jitter Objects

The Jitter Object Model outlines some important basic information about Jitter's flexible object model. Jitter Max
Wrappers describes how to write Max wrapper objects that contain Jitter objects for use in the Max patcher world.
Matrix Operator QuickStart and Matrix Operator Details describe how to create a particular type of Jitter object
called matrix operators, or MOPs. OB3D QuickStart and OB3D Details describe how to create OB3D Jitter objects
for use in rendering OpenGL scenes. Scheduler and Low Priority Queue Issues covers important threading and
timing issues when building Jitter objects. Jitter Object Registration and Notification explains how Jitter objects
can be registered by name and notify clients as they change or important events occur. Using Jitter Objects in
C provides some examples of how to instantiate and take advantage of Jitter objects from C, just as one would
from Java, Javascript, or the patcher. Finally, The JXF File Specification and Jitter Networking Specification contain
information relating to the data formats involved in the JXF file format and Jitter networking protocols, respectively.

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Chapter 2

Development System Information

2.1 Building

This SDK documentation is accompanied by a series of projects for compiling some example Max external objects.
The details of how to build these projects are documented below in separate sections for the Mac and Windows.
When you build the example projects, the resulting Max external will be located in a folder called "externals" at the
top level of the SDK package. This is located a couple of folders up from the project and source file.
Place the SDK package in your "Packages" folder in order to load and test the externals you build in Max itself.

2.2 Build Script

We have provided a basic script that will build all of the projects in the SDK at once. This script is written using the
Ruby language. A Ruby interpretter is standard on the Mac. On windows you can download and install Ruby (1.9.3
recommended) from .
Run from (Mac) or a Command Prompt (Windows) by cd'ing into the examples directory, and then

ruby build.rb

2.3 Mac

Max external objects for the Mac are Mach-O bundles (folders that appear to be files) whose filenames must end
with the .mxo extension. The example projects have been tested using Xcode 6.2. Xcode is available through the
Apple Mac Store.
After installing Xcode, if you wish to run the aforementioned Ruby script, you will also need to install the Command
Line Tools. This is done via the menu item: Xcode > Open Developer Tool > More Development Tools...

2.3.1 XCode Project Setup

The example projects are set up to have Development and Deployment build configurations. The Development
configuration does not optimize and ensures debugging symbols are present. The Deployment configuration creates
a universal binary and performs optimization.
The files required for the projects are included in the project folders with the exception of the following two files:

• Info.plist
4 Development System Information

• maxmspsdk.xcconfig

These two files are located one folder-level up from the project folder, and are required for the Xcode project to build
the Max external.

2.3.2 Linking and Frameworks

External objects use dynamic linking to access the API functions provided by the Max application. When an object
is loaded, calls to functions inside the application are resolved by the operating system to the correct memory
address. Due to the fact that "Max" could exist as an application, a standalone you create, or a library inside
another application, an object's Xcode project does not link directly to a framework, library, or application. Instead,
the list of permitted symbols is provided to the linker. This list is defined in the aforementioned maxmspsdk.xcconfig
Audio objects will link against MaxAudioAPI.framework and Jitter objects link against JitterAPI.framework. Alterna-
tively, you could also provide linker flags as we have provided for Max itself. The most recent version of all frame-
works will be found inside the application you are using (they are found inside the application bundle in Contents/←-
Frameworks). In addition, there are versions inside the c74support folder provided with the SDK. These will be used
only to link your objects; they are never actually executed.
Xcode uses something called the Frameworks Search Path to locate frameworks when linking. The example SDK
projects use a frameworks search path with a c74support folder two levels up from your the folder containing your
Xcode project. If you rearrange the SDK folders, projects may not find the frameworks and will fail to link properly.
Furthermore, even though we specify the frameworks search path, Xcode seems to look in /Library/Frameworks
first. If you have installed a version of the Max SDK for version 4.6 or ealier, you may have older versions of
MaxAPI.framework and MaxAudioAPI.framework in /Library/Frameworks. When you try to link objects that contain
references to functions only defined in the newest MaxAPI.framework, the link may fail because the projects are
using the old frameworks. To fix this, you'll need to remove the Max frameworks from /Library/Frameworks. If you
want to develop objects for both the Max 4.6 and Max 5 SDKs on the same machine, you'll need to modify your 4.6
projects to specify a Frameworks Search Path, and relocate the 4.6 frameworks to the specified location.

2.4 Windows

Max external objects for Windows are Dynamic Link Libraries (DLLs) whose filenames must end with the .mxe
extension (for 32-bit builds) or .mxe64 (for 64-bit builds). These DLLs will export a single function called "ext_←-
main" which is called by max when the external object is first loaded. Generally these DLLs will import functions of
the Max API from the import library "MaxAPI.lib" which is located in the c74support\max-includes\ folder. External
objects that use audio functionality will import functions from the import library "MaxAudio.lib" which is located in
c74support\msp-includes\. External objects that use Jitter functionality will import functions from the import library
"jitlib.lib" which is located in c74support\jit-includes\.

2.4.1 Compiling with Visual Studio

The example projects are in Visual C++ 2013 format (vcxproj files). A free version of Visual C++ can be obtained
from Microsoft at You will want to choose "Visual Studio Express
2013 for Windows Desktop".
The projects are set up to have both a Debug and a Release configuration. The Release configuration is optimized
whereas the Debug one is not. Note that for debugging purposes you can exercise your object in the Max Runtime
since the copy protection for the Max Application will interfere when run under the debugger.
Another thing to note is that Max has a private build of the Microsoft C Runtime Library for historical and backward
compatibility reasons. It is recommended that you link with Microsoft's standard C runtime library rather than the
Max C runtime library. When you include "ext.h" from the max API it will include ext_prefix.h which for the release
build will automatically cause your project to use the max C runtime library. To use the Microsoft C Runtime define
the C preprocessor macro MAXAPI_USE_MSCRT before including ext.h.

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2.5 Important Project Settings 5

2.5 Important Project Settings

The easiest way to create a new external is to choose one of the existing SDK examples, duplicate it, and then
change only the settings that need to be changes (such as the name of the project). This will help to guarantee that
important project settings are correct. Project settings of particular importance are noted below.

2.5.1 Mac

Particularly important for Max externals on the Mac are that the Info.plist is correct set up and that the "Force
Package Info Generation" is set to true. Without these your object may fail to load on some machines.

2.5.2 Windows

In the preprocessor definitions for the Visual Studio project it is important to define WIN_VERSION and EXT_WI←-
N_VERSION to ensure that the headers are set up properly.

2.6 Platform-specificity

If you are writing a cross-platform object and you need to do something that is specific to one platform, the Max API
headers provide some predefined symbols you can use.

// do something specific to the Mac
// do something specific to Windows

Another reason for conditional compilation is to handle endianness on the Mac platform. If you are still supporting
PowerPC, you may have situations where the ordering of bytes within a 16- or 32-bit word is important. ext_←-
byteorder.h provides cross-platform tools for manipulating memory in an endian-independent way.

2.7 Configuration

As the Max API evolves, the use of a number of older legacy functions are discouraged. Use of said functions will
issue a 'deprecation' warning when you try to compile the code. To disable these deprecation warnings you can
define the preprocessor symbol C74_NO_DEPRECATION in the target preprocessor section of your IDE.

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6 Development System Information

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Chapter 3

Anatomy of a Max Object

Max objects are written in the C language, and the Max API is C-based.
You could use C++ but we don't support it at the API level. Writing a Max object in C, you have five basic tasks:
1) including the right header files (usually ext.h and ext_obex.h)
2) declaring a C structure for your object
3) writing an initialization routine called ext_main that defines the class
4) writing a new instance routine that creates a new instance of the class, when someone makes one or types its
name into an object box
5) writing methods (or message handlers) that implement the behavior of the object
Let's look at each of these in more detail. It's useful to open the simplemax example project as we will be citing
examples from it.

3.1 Include Files

Most of the basic Max API is included in the files ext.h and ext_obex.h. These are essentially required for any object.
Beyond this there are specific include files for more specialized objects.
The header files are cross-platform.

• jpatcher_api.h is required for any Max UI objects

• z_dsp.h is required for MSP audio objects

#include "ext.h" // should always be first, followed by ext_obex.h and any other files.

3.2 The Object Declaration

Basic Max objects are declared as C structures. The first element of the structure is a t_object, followed by whatever
you want. The example below has one long structure member.

typedef struct _simp

t_object s_obj; // t_object header
long s_value; // something else
} t_simp;

Your structure declaration will be used in the prototypes to functions you declare, so you'll need to place above these
8 Anatomy of a Max Object

3.3 Initialization Routine

The initialization routine, which must be called ext_main, is called when Max loads your object for the first time. In
the initialization routine, you define one or more classes. Defining a class consists of the following:
1) telling Max about the size of your object's structure and how to create and destroy an instance 2) defining
methods that implement the object's behavior 3) in some cases, defining attributes that describe the object's data
4) registering the class in a name space
Here is the simp class example initialization routine:

static t_class *s_simp_class; // global pointer to our class definition that is setup in ext_main()

void ext_main(void *r)

t_class *c;

c = class_new("simp", (method)simp_new, (method)NULL, sizeof(t_simp), 0L, 0);

class_addmethod(c, (method)simp_int, "int", A_LONG, 0);
class_addmethod(c, (method)simp_bang, "bang", 0);

class_register(CLASS_BOX, c);

s_simp_class = c;

In order for Max to call the ext_main() function on your compiled external, that function must be "exported" or made
public. This is accomplished by using the C74_EXPORT macro in the prototype of the ext_main() function, which is
provided for you automatically in the "ext.h" header file.
class_new() creates a class with the new instance routine (see below), a free function (in this case there isn't one,
so we pass NULL), the size of the structure, a no-longer used argument, and then a description of the arguments
you type when creating an instance (in this case, there are no arguments, so we pass 0).
class_addmethod() binds a C function to a text symbol. The two methods defined here are int and bang.
class_register() adds this class to the CLASS_BOX name space, meaning that it will be searched when a user tries
to type it into a box.
Finally, we assign the class we've created to a global variable so we can use it when creating new instances.
More complex classes will declare more methods. In many cases, you'll declare methods to implement certain API
features. This is particularly true for UI objects.

3.4 New Instance Routine

The standard new instance routine allocates the memory to create an instance of your class and then initializes this
instance. It then returns a pointer to the newly created object.
Here is the simp new instance routine

void *simp_new()
t_simp *x = (t_simp *)object_alloc(s_simp_class);

x->s_value = 0;

return x;

The first line uses the global variable s_simp_class we defined in the initialization routine to create a new instance
of the class. Essentially, the instance is a block of memory of the size defined by the class, along with a pointer to
the class that permits us to dispatch messages correctly.
The next line initializes our data. More complex objects will do a lot more here, such as creating inlets and outlets.
By default, the object being created will appear with one inlet and no outlets.
Finally, in the last line, we return a pointer to the newly created instance.

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3.5 Message Handlers 9

3.5 Message Handlers

We are now ready to define some actual behavior for our object by writing C functions that will be called when our
object is sent messages. For this simple example, we will write only two functions. simp_int will be called when our
object receives numbers. It will store the received number in the s_value field. simp_bang will be called when our
object receives a bang. It will print the value in the Max window. So, yes, this object is pretty useless!
The C functions you write will be declared according to the arguments the message requires. All functions are
passed a pointer to your object as the first argument. For a function handling the int message, a single second
argument that is a long is passed. For a function handling the bang message, no additional arguments are passed.
Here is the int method:

void simp_int(t_simp *x, long n)

x->s_value = n;

This simply copies the value of the argument to the internal storage within the instance.
Here is the bang method:

void simp_bang(t_simp *x)

post("value is %ld",x->s_value);

The post() function is similar to printf(), but puts the text in the Max window. post() is very helpful for debugging,
particularly when you cannot stop user interaction or real-time computation to look at something in a debugger.
You can also add a float message, which is invoked when a floating-point number is sent to your object. Add the
following to your initialization routine:

class_addmethod(c, (method)simp_float, "float", A_FLOAT, 0);

Then write the method that receives the floating-point value as follows:

void simp_float(t_simp *x, double f)

post("got a float and it is %.2f", f);

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10 Anatomy of a Max Object

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Chapter 4

Inlets and Outlets

You are familiar with inlets and outlets when connecting two objects together in a patcher.
To receive data in your object or send data to other objects, you need to create the C versions of inlets and outlets.
In this section, we'll explain what inlets and outlets are, how to create them, and how to use them. We'll also discuss
a more advanced type of inlet called a proxy that permits a message to be received in any of your object's inlets.
Proxies are used by audio objects to permit inlets to handle both signals and normal Max messages.
By default, every object shows one inlet. Additional inlets appear to the right of the default inlet, with the rightmost
inlet being created last.
Inlets are essentially message translators. For example, if you create an int inlet, your object will receive the "in1"
message instead of the "int" message when a number arrives at this newly created inlet. You can use the different
message name to define special behavior for numbers arriving at each inlet. For example, a basic arithmetic object
in Max such as + stores the number to be added when it arrives in the right inlet, but performs the computation and
outputs the result when a number arrives in the left inlet.
Outlets define connections between objects and are used to send messages from your object to the objects to
which it is connected. What is not obvious about an outlet, however, is that when you send a number out an outlet,
the outlet-sending function does not return until all computation "below" the outlet has completed. This stack-based
execution model is best illustrated by observing a patch with the Max debugger window. To understand this stack-
based model it may be helpful to use the breakpoint and debugging features in Max and follow the stack display as
you step through the execution of a patch. Outlets, like inlets, appear in the order you create them from right-to-left.
In other words, the first inlet or outlet you create will be the visually farthest to the right.

4.1 Creating and Using Inlets

Proper use of an inlet involves two steps: first, add a method that will respond to the message sent via the inlet
in your initialization routine, and second, create the inlet in your new instance routine. (Creating inlets at any other
time is not supported.)
There are three types of inlets: int, float, and custom. We'll only describe int and float inlets here because proxies
are generally a better way to create an inlet that can respond to any message. For int inlets, you'll bind a function
to a message "in1", "in2", "in3" etc. depending on the inlet number you assign. Here's how to create a single inlet
using "in1"...
In your initialization routine:

class_addmethod(c, (method)myobject_in1, "in1", A_LONG, 0);

In your new instance routine, after calling object_alloc() to create your instance:

intin(x, 1);

The method that will be called when an int is received in the right inlet:
12 Inlets and Outlets

void myobject_in1(t_myobject *x, long n)

// do something with n

Creating a single inlet in this way gives your object two inlets (remember that it always has one by default). If you
want to create multiple inlets, you'll need to create them in order from right to left, as shown below:

intin(x, 2); // creates an inlet (the right inlet) that will send your object the "in2" message
intin(x, 1); // creates an inlet (the middle inlet) that will send your object the "in1" message

Inlets that send float messages to your object are created with floatin() and translate the float message into
"ft1","ft2","ft3" etc. Example:
In initialization routine:

class_addmethod(c, (method)myobject_ft1, "ft1", A_FLOAT, 0);

In new instance routine:

floatin(x, 1);


void myobject_ft1(t_myobject *x, double f)

post("float %.2f received in right inlet,f);

Note that you can mix int and float inlets, but each inlet must have a unique number. Example:

intin(x, 2);
floatin(x, 1);

4.2 Creating and Using Outlets

You create outlets in your new instance routine. Outlet creators return a pointer that you should store for later use
when you want to send a message. As with inlets, outlets are created from right to left.
Here's a simple example. First we'll add two void pointers to our data structure to store the outlets for each instance.

typedef struct _myobject

t_object m_ob;
void *m_outlet1;
void *m_outlet2;
} t_myobject;

Then we'll create the outlets in our new instance routine.

x = (t_myobject *)object_alloc(s_myobject_class);
x->m_outlet2 = bangout((t_object *)x);
x->m_outlet1 = intout((t_object *)x);
return x;

These outlets are type-specific, meaning that we will always send the same type of message through them. If you
want to create outlets that can send any message, use outlet_new(). Type-specific outlets execute faster, because
they make a direct connection to the method handler that will be called at the time you send a message. When we
want to send messages out these outlets, say, in our bang method, we do the following:

void myobject_bang(t_myobject *x)

outlet_int(x->m_outlet1, 74);

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4.3 Creating and Using Proxies 13

The bang method above sends the bang message out the m_outlet2 outlet first, then sends the number 74 out the
m_outlet1. This is consistent with the general design in Max to send values out outlets from right to left. However,
there is nothing enforcing this design, and you could reverse the statements if you felt like it.
A more general message-sending routine, outlet_anything(), will be shown in the Atoms and Messages section.

4.3 Creating and Using Proxies

A proxy is a small object that controls an inlet, but does not translate the message it receives. Instead it sets a
location inside your object's data structure to a value you associate with the inlet. If the message comes "directly" to
your object via the left inlet, the value will be 0. However, in order to be thread-safe, you should not read the value
of this "inlet number" directly. Instead, you'll use the proxy_getinlet() routine to determine the inlet that has received
the message.
The advantage of proxies over regular inlets is that your object can respond to any message in all of its inlets, not
just the left inlet. As a Max user, you may already appreciate the proxy feature without knowing it. For example, the
pack object can combine ints, floats, lists, or symbols arriving in any of its inlets. It uses proxies to make this happen.
MSP audio objects that accept signals in more than one inlet use proxies as well. In fact, the proxy capability is built
into the way you create audio objects, as will be discussed in the Anatomy of a MSP Object section.
If your object's non-left inlets will only respond to ints or floats, implementing proxies is usually overkill.

4.4 Example

First, add a place in your object to store the proxy value. You shouldn't access this directly, but the proxy needs it.
Second, you'll need to store the proxy, because you need to free it when your object goes away. If you create many
proxies, you'll need to store pointers to all of them, but all proxies share the same long integer value field.

typedef struct _myobject

t_object m_obj;
long m_in; // space for the inlet number used by all the proxies
void *m_proxy;
} t_myobject;

In your new instance routine, create the proxy, passing your object, a non-zero code value associated with the proxy,
and a pointer to your object's inlet number location.

x->m_proxy = proxy_new((t_object *)x, 1, &x->m_in);

If you want to create regular inlets for your object, you can do so. Proxies and regular inlets can be mixed, although
such a design might confuse a user of your object.
Finally, here is a method that takes a different action depending on the value of x->m_in that we check using

void myobject_bang(t_myobject *x)

switch (proxy_getinlet((t_object *)x)) {
case 0:
post("bang received in left inlet");
case 1:
post("bang received in right inlet");

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14 Inlets and Outlets

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Chapter 5

Atoms and Messages

When a Max object receives a message, it uses its class to look up the message selector ("int", "bang", "set" etc.)
and invoke the associated C function (method).
This association is what you are creating when you use class_addmethod() in the initialization routine. If the lookup
fails, you'll see an "object doesn't understand message" error in the Max window.
Message selectors are not character strings, but a special data structure called a symbol (t_symbol). A symbol
holds a string and a value, but what is more important is that every symbol in Max is unique. This permits you to
compare two symbols for equivalence by comparing pointers, rather than having to compare each character in two
The "data" or argument part of a message, if it exists, is transmitted in the form of an array of atoms (t_atom). The
atom is a structure that can hold integers, floats, symbols, or even pointers to other objects, identified by a tag. You'll
use symbols and atoms both in sending messages and receiving them.
To illustrate the use of symbols and atoms, here is how you would send a message out an outlet. Let's say we
want to send the message "green 43 crazy 8.34." This message consists of a selector "green" plus an array of three
First, we'll need to create a generic outlet with outlet_new in our new instance routine.

x->m_outlet = outlet_new((t_object *)x, NULL);

The second argument being NULL indicates that the outlet can be used to send any message. If the second
argument had been a character string such as "int" or "set" only that specific message could be sent out the outlet.
You'd be correct if you wondered whether intout() is actually just outlet_new(x, "int").
Now that we have our generic outlet, we'll call outlet_anything() on it in a method. The first step, however, is to
assemble our message, with a selector "green" plus an array of atoms. Assigning ints and floats to an atom is
relatively simple, but to assign a symbol, we need to transform a character string into a symbol using gensym().
The gensym() function returns a pointer to a symbol that is guaranteed to be unique for the string you supply. This
means the string is compared with other symbols to ensure its uniqueness. If it already exists, gensym() will supply
a pointer to the symbol. Otherwise it will create a new one and store it in a table so it can be found the next time
someone asks for it.

void myobject_bang(t_object *x)

t_atom argv[3];

atom_setlong(argv, 43);
atom_setsym(argv + 1, gensym("crazy"));
atom_setfloat(argv + 2, 8.34);

outlet_anything(x->m_outlet, gensym("green"), 3, argv);


In the call to outlet_anything() above, gensym("green") represents the message selector. The outlet_anything()
function will try to find a message "green" in each of the objects connected to the outlet. If outlet_anything() finds
such a message, it will execute it, passing it the array of atoms it received.
16 Atoms and Messages

If it cannot find a match for the symbol green, it does one more thing, which allows objects to handle messages
generically. Your object can define a special method bound to the symbol "anything" that will be invoked if no
other match is found for a selector. We'll discuss the anything method in a moment, but first, we need to return to
class_addmethod() and explain the final arguments it accepts.
To access atoms, you can use the functions atom_setlong(), atom_getlong() etc. or you can access the t_atom
structure directly. We recommend using the accessor functions, as they lead to both cleaner code and will permit
your source to work without modifications when changes to the t_atom structure occur over time.

5.1 Argument Type Specifiers

In the simp example, you saw the int method defined as follows:

class_addmethod(c, (method)simp_int, "int", A_LONG, 0);

The A_LONG, 0 arguments to class_addmethod() specify the type of arguments expected by the C function you
have written. A_LONG means that the C function accepts a long integer argument. The 0 terminates the argument
specifier list, so for the int message, there is a single long integer argument.
The other options are A_FLOAT for doubles, A_SYM for symbols, and A_GIMME, which passes the raw list of
atoms that were originally used to send the Max message in the first place. These argument type specifiers define
what are known as "typed" methods in Max. Typed methods are those where Max checks the type of each atom in
a message to ensure it is consistent with what the receiving object has said it expects for a given selector.
If the atoms cannot be coerced into the format of the argument type specifier, a bad arguments error is printed in
the Max window.
There is a limit to the number of specifiers you can use, and in general, multiple A_FLOAT specifiers should be
avoided due to the historically unpredictable nature of compiler implementations when passing floating-point values
on the stack. Use A_GIMME for more than four arguments or with multiple floating-point arguments.
You can also specify that missing arguments to a message be filled in with default values before your C function
receives them. A_DEFLONG will put a 0 in place of a missing long argument, A_DEFFLOAT will put 0.0 in place
of a missing float argument, and A_DEFSYM will put the empty symbol (equal to gensym("")) in place of a missing
symbol argument.

5.2 Writing A_GIMME Functions

A method that uses A_GIMME is declared as follows:

void myobject_message(t_myobject *x, t_symbol *s, long argc, t_atom *argv);

The symbol argument s is the message selector. Ordinarily this might seem redundant, but it is useful for the
"anything" method as we'll discuss below.
argc is the number of atoms in the argv array. It could be 0 if the message was sent without arguments. argv is the
array of atoms holding the arguments.
For typed messages, the atoms will be of type A_SYM, A_FLOAT, or A_LONG. Here is an example of a method
that merely prints all of the arguments.

void myobject_printargs(t_myobject *x, t_symbol *s, long argc, t_atom *argv)

long i;
t_atom *ap;

post("message selector is %s",s->s_name);

post("there are %ld arguments",argc);

// increment ap each time to get to the next atom

for (i = 0, ap = argv; i < argc; i++, ap++) {
switch (atom_gettype(ap)) {

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5.3 Writing "Anything" Methods 17

case A_LONG:
post("%ld: %ld",i+1,atom_getlong(ap));
case A_FLOAT:
post("%ld: %.2f",i+1,atom_getfloat(ap));
case A_SYM:
post("%ld: %s",i+1, atom_getsym(ap)->s_name);
post("%ld: unknown atom type (%ld)", i+1, atom_gettype(ap));

You can interpret the arguments in whatever manner you wish. You cannot, however, modify the arguments as they
may be about to be passed to another object.

5.3 Writing "Anything" Methods

As previously mentioned, your object can define a special method bound to the symbol "anything" that will be
invoked if no other match is found for a selector. For example:

class_addmethod(c, (method)myobject_anything, "anything",

A_GIMME, 0);

Your function definition for an anything method follows the same pattern as for all other A_GIMME methods:

void myobject_anything(t_myobject *x, t_symbol *s, long argc, t_atom *argv)

object_post( (t_object*)x,
"This method was invoked by sending the ’%s’ message to this object.",
// argc and argv are the arguments, as described in above.

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18 Atoms and Messages

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Chapter 6

The Scheduler

The Max scheduler permits operations to be delayed until a later time.

It keeps track of time in double-precision, but the resolution of the scheduler depends on the user's environment
preferences. The scheduler also works in conjunction with a low-priority queue, which permits time-consuming
operations that might be initiated inside the scheduler to be executed in a way that does not disrupt timing accuracy.
Most objects interface with the scheduler via a clock (t_clock) object. A clock is associated with a task function that
will execute when the scheduler's current time reaches the clock's time. There is also a function called schedule()
that can be used for one-off delayed execution of a function. It creates a clock to do its job however, so if your object
is going to be using the scheduler repeatedly, it is more efficient to store references to the clocks it creates so the
clocks can be reused.
The scheduler is periodically polled to see if it needs to execute clock tasks. There are numerous preferences Max
users can set to determine when and how often this polling occurs. Briefly:

• The Overdrive setting determines whether scheduler polling occurs in a high-prority timer thread or the main

• The Interval setting determines the number of milliseconds elapse between polling the scheduler

• The Throttle setting determines how many tasks can be executed in any particular scheduler poll

Similar Throttle and Interval settings exist for the low-priority queue as well.
For more information refer to the Timing documentation. While the details might be a little overwhelming on first
glance, the important point is that the exact time your scheduled task will execute is subject to variability. Max
permits this level of user control over the scheduler to balance all computational needs for a specific application.

6.1 Creating and Using Clocks

There are five steps to using a clock in an external object.

1. Add a member to your object's data structure to hold a pointer to the clock object

typedef struct _myobject

t_object m_obj;

void *m_clock;
} t_object;

2. Write a task function that will do something when the clock is executed. The function has only a single argument,
a pointer to your object. The example below gets the current scheduler time and prints it.

void myobject_task(t_myobject *x)

20 The Scheduler

double time;

post("instance %lx is executing at time %.2f", x, time);

3. In your new instance routine, create the clock (passing a pointer to your object and the task function) and store
the result in your object's data structure.

x->m_clock = clock_new((t_object *)x, (method)myobject_task);

4. Schedule your clock. Use clock_fdelay() to schedule the clock in terms of a delay from the current time. Below
we schedule the clock to execute 100 milliseconds from now.

clock_fdelay(x->m_clock, 100.);

If you want to cancel the execution of a clock for some reason, you can use clock_unset().


5. In your object's free routine, free the clock


Note that if you call clock_delay() on a clock that is already set, its execution time will be changed. It won't execute

6.2 Creating and Using Qelems

A qelem ("queue element") is used to ensure that an operation occurs in the low-priority thread. The task function
associated with a t_qelem is executed when the low-priority queue is serviced, always in the main (user interface)
thread. Any qelem that is "set" belongs to the low-priority queue and will be executed as soon as it serviced.
There are two principal things you want to avoid in the high priority thread: first, time-consuming or unpredictable
operations such as file access, and second, anything that will block execution for any length of time – for example,
showing a dialog box (including a file dialog).
The procedure for using a qelem is analogous to that for using a clock.
1. Add a member to your object's data structure to hold a pointer to the qelem

typedef struct _myobject

t_object m_obj;

void *m_qelem
} t_myobject;

2. Write a task function that will do something when the qelem is executed. The function has only a single argument,
a pointer to your object.

void myobject_qtask(t_myobject *x)

post("I am being executed a low priority!"

3. In your new instance routine, create the qelem (passing a pointer to your object and the task function) and store
the result in your object's data structure.

x->m_qelem = qelem_new((t_object *)x, (method)myobject_qtask);

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6.3 Defer 21

4. Set the qelem by using qelem_set(). You could, for example, call qelem_set() in a clock task function or in direct
response to a message such as bang or int.


If you want to cancel the execution of a qelem for some reason, you can use qelem_unset().


5. In your object's free routine, call qelem_free(). Do not call object_free() or freeobject() – unlike the clock, the
qelem is not an object.


Note that if you call qelem_set() on a qelem that is already set, it won't execute twice. This is a feature, not a bug,
as it permits you to execute a low-priority task only as fast as the low-priority queue operates, not at the high-priority
rate that the task might be triggered. An example would be that a number box will redraw more slowly than a counter
that changes its value. This is not something you need to worry about, even if you are writing UI objects, as Max
handles it internally (using a qelem).

6.3 Defer

The defer function and its variants use a qelem to ensure that a function executes at low-priority. There are three
variants: defer(), defer_low(), and defer_medium(). The difference between using defer() and a qelem is that defer()
is a one-shot deal – it creates a qelem, sets it, and then gets rid of it when the task function has executed. The
effect of this is that if you have some rapid high-priority event that needs to trigger something to happen at low-
priority, defer() will ensure that this low-priority task happens every time the high-priority event occurs (in a 1:1
ratio), whereas using a qelem will only run the task at a rate that corresponds to the service interval of the low-
priority queue. If you repeatedly defer() something too rapidly, the low-priority queue will become backlogged and
the responsiveness of the UI will suffer.
A typical use of defer() is if your object implements a read message to ask the user for a file. Opening the dialog in
the timer thread and waiting for user input will likely crash, but even if it didn't, the scheduler would effectively stop.
To use defer(), you write a deferred task function that will execute at low priority. The function will be passed a
pointer to your object, plus a symbol and atom list modeled on the prototype for an anything method. You need not
pass any arguments to the deferred task if you don't need them, however.

void myobject_deferredtask(t_myobject *x, t_symbol *s, long argc, t_atom *argv)

post("I am deferred");

To call the task, use defer() as shown below. The first example passes no arguments. The second passes a couple
of long atoms.

defer((t_object *)x, (method)myobject_deferredtask, NULL, 0, NULL);

t_atom av[2];

atom_setlong(av, 1);
atom_setlong(av+ 2, 74);

defer((t_object *)x, (method)myobject_deferredtask, NULL, 2, av);

Defer copies any atoms you pass to newly allocated memory, which it frees when the deferred task has executed.

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22 The Scheduler

6.3.1 Defer Variants

defer has two variants, defer_low() and defer_medium(). Here is a comparison:

If executing at high priority, defer() puts the deferred task at the front of the low-priority queue. If not executing at
highpriority, defer() calls the deferred task immediately.
At all priority levels, defer_low() puts the deferred task at the back of the low-priority queue.
If executing at high priority, defer_medium() puts the deferred task at the back of the low-priority queue. If not
executing at high priority, defer_medium() calls the deferred task immediately.

6.4 Schedule

The schedule() function is to clocks as defer() is to qelems. Schedule creates a clock for a task function you specify
and calls clock_fdelay() on it to make the task execute at a desired time. As with defer(), schedule() can copy
arguments to be delivered to the task when it executes.
A schedule() variant, schedule_defer(), executes the task function at low priority after a specified delay.

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Chapter 7

Memory Allocation

The Max API offers cross-platform calls memory management.

There are two types of calls, those for pointers and those for handles. Handles are pointers to pointers, and were
used in the early Mac OS to permit memory to be relocated without changing a reference, and many Mac OS API
calls used handle. There are a few legacy Max API calls that use handles as well, but in general, unless the OS or
Max requires the use of a handle, you're probably better off using the simpler pointer.
Longtime Max object programmers may have used memory calls getbytes() and freebytes() in the past, but all mem-
ory calls now use same underlying OS mechanisms, so while getbytes() and freebytes() are still supported, they are
restricted to 32K of memory or less due to the arguments they use, and we recommend the use of sysmem_newptr()
and sysmem_freeptr() instead.
Here are some examples of allocating and freeing pointers and handles.

char *ptr;
char **hand;

ptr = sysmem_newptr(2000);
post("I have a pointer %lx and it is %ld bytes in size",ptr, sysmem_ptrsize(ptr));
ptr = sysmem_resizeptrclear(ptr, 3000);
post("Now I have a pointer %lx and it is %ld bytes in size",ptr,

hand = sysmem_newhandle(2000);
post("I have a handle %lx and it is %ld bytes in size",hand,
sysmem_resizehandle(hand, 3000);
post("Now the handle %lx is %ld bytes in size",hand, sysmem_ptrsize(hand));
24 Memory Allocation

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Chapter 8

Anatomy of a MSP Object

An MSP object that handles audio signals is a regular Max object with a few extras.
Refer to the simplemsp∼ example project source as we detail these additions. simplemsp∼ is simply an object that
adds a number to a signal, identical in function to the regular MSP +∼ object if you were to give it an argument of 1.
Here is an enumeration of the basic tasks:

8.1 Additional Header Files

After including ext.h and ext_obex.h, include z_dsp.h

#include "z_dsp.h"

8.2 C Structure Declaration

The C structure declaration must begin with a t_pxobject, not a t_object:

typedef struct _mydspobject

t_pxobject m_obj;
// rest of the structure’s fields
} t_mydspobject;

8.3 Initialization Routine

When creating the class with class_new(), you must have a free function. If you have nothing special to do, use
dsp_free(), which is defined for this purpose. If you write your own free function, the first thing it should do is call
dsp_free(). This is essential to avoid crashes when freeing your object when audio processing is turned on.

c = class_new("mydspobject", (method)mydspobject_new, (method)dsp_free, sizeof(

t_mydspobject), NULL, 0);

After creating your class with class_new(), you must call class_dspinit(), which will add some standard method
handlers for internal messages used by all signal objects.


Your signal object needs a method that is bound to the symbol "dsp" – we'll detail what this method does below, but
the following line needs to be added while initializing the class:

class_addmethod(c, (method)mydspobject_dsp64, "dsp64",

A_CANT, 0);
26 Anatomy of a MSP Object

8.4 New Instance Routine

The new instance routine must call dsp_setup(), passing a pointer to the newly allocated object pointer plus a
number of signal inlets the object will have. If the object has no signal inlets, you may pass 0. The simplemsp∼
object (as an example) has a single signal inlet:

dsp_setup((t_pxobject *)x, 1);

dsp_setup() will make the signal inlets (as proxies) so you need not make them yourself.
If your object will have audio signal outputs, they need to be created in the new instance routine with outlet_new().
However, you will never access them directly, so you don't need to store pointers to them as you do with regular
outlets. Here is an example of creating two signal outlets:

outlet_new((t_object *)x, "signal");

outlet_new((t_object *)x, "signal");

8.5 The DSP Method and Perform Routine

The dsp64 method specifies the signal processing function your object defines along with its arguments. Your
object's dsp64 method will be called when the MSP signal compiler is building a sequence of operations (known as
the DSP Chain) that will be performed on each set of audio samples. The operation sequence consists of a pointers
to functions (called perform routines) followed by arguments to those functions.
The dsp64 method is declared as follows:

void mydspobject_dsp64(t_mydspobject *x, t_object *dsp64, short *count, double samplerate, long
maxvectorsize, long flags);

To add an entry to the DSP chain, your dsp64 method uses the "dsp_add64" method of the DSP chain. The dsp←-
_add64 method is passed an a pointer to your object, a pointer to a perform64 routine that calculates the samples,
an optional flag which may alter behavior, and a generic pointer which will be passed on to your perform routine.

object_method(dsp64, gensym("dsp_add64"), x, mydspobject_perform64, 0, NULL);

The perform routine is not a "method" in the traditional sense. It will be called within the callback of an audio driver,
which, unless the user is employing the Non-Real Time audio driver, will typically be in a high-priority thread. Thread
protection inside the perform routine is minimal. You can use a clock, but you cannot use qelems or outlets.
Here is a perform routine that adds a constant of 1 to any incoming signal:

void mydspobject_perform64(t_mydspobject *x, t_object *dsp64, double **ins, long numins, double **
outs, long numouts, long sampleframes, long flags, void *userparam)
double *in = ins[0]; // first inlet
double *out = outs[0]; // first outlet
int n = sampleframes; // vector size
t_double value;

while (n--) { // perform calculation on all samples

value = *in++;
*out++ = value + 1.0;

8.6 Free Function

The free function for the class must either be dsp_free() or it must be written to call dsp_free() as shown in the
example below:

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8.6 Free Function 27

void mydspobject_free(t_mydspobject *x)

dsp_free((t_pxobject *)x);

// can do other stuff here


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28 Anatomy of a MSP Object

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Chapter 9

Advanced Signal Object Topics

Here are some techniques for implementing additional features found in most signal objects.

9.1 Saving Internal State

To implement unit generators such as filters and ramp generators, you need to save internal state between calls to
your object's perform routine. Here is a very simple low-pass filter (it just averages successive samples) that saves
the value of the last sample in a vector to be averaged with the first sample of the next vector. First we add a field
to our data structure to hold the value:

typedef struct _myfilter

t_pxobject f_obj;
double f_sample;
} t_myfilter;

Then, in our dsp method, we pass a pointer to the object as one of the DSP chain arguments. The dsp method also
initializes the value of the internal state, to avoid any noise when the audio starts.

void myfilter_dsp64(t_myfilter *x, t_object *dsp64, short *count, double samplerate, long
maxvectorsize, long flags)
object_method(dsp64, gensym("dsp_add64"), x, myfilter_perform64, 0, NULL);
x->f_sample = 0.0;

Here is the perform routine, which obtains the internal state before entering the processing loop, then stores the
most recent value after the loop is finished.

void myfilter_perform64(t_myfilter *x, t_object *dsp64, double **ins, long numins, double **outs,
long numouts, long sampleframes, long flags, void *userparam)
double *in = ins[0]; // first inlet
double *out = outs[0]; // first outlet
int n = sampleframes; // vector size
double samp = x->f_sample; // read from internal state
double val;

while (n--) {
val = *in++;
*out++ = (val + samp) * 0.5;
samp = val;
x->f_sample = samp; // save to internal state
30 Advanced Signal Object Topics

9.2 Using Connection Information

The third argument to the dsp method is an array of numbers that enumerate the number of objects connected to
each of your objects inputs and outputs. More advanced dsp methods can use this information for optimization
purposes. For example, if you find that your object has no inputs or outputs, you could avoid calling 'dsp_add64'
altogether. The MSP signal operator objects (such as +∼ and ∗∼) use this to implement a basic polymorphism:
they look at the connections count to determine whether the perform routine should use scalar or signal inputs. For
example, if the right input has no connected signals, the user can add a scalar value sent to the right inlet.
To implement this behavior, you have a few different options. The first option is to write two different perform
methods, one which handles the two-signal case, and one which handles the scalar case. The dsp method looks at
the count array and passes a different function to dsp_add64.

if (count[1]) // signal connected to second inlet

object_method(dsp64, gensym("dsp_add64"), x, mydspobject_twosigperform64, 0, NULL);
object_method(dsp64, gensym("dsp_add64"), x, mydspobject_scalarperform64, 0, NULL);

The second option is to store the value of the count array for a particular signal in your object's struct. Then the
perform method can make the decision whether to use the signal value or a scalar value that has been stored by
the object. In this case, many objects use a single sample value from the signal as a substitute for the scalar. Using
the first sample (i.e., the value at index 0) is a technique that works for any vector size, since vector sizes could be
as small as a single sample. Here is an example of this technique for an object that has two inputs and one output.
The connection count for the right input signal is stored in a struct member named m_count:

x->m_count = count[1];
object_method(dsp64, gensym("dsp_add64"), x, mydspobject_perform64, 0, NULL);

Here is a perform routine that uses the connection count information as passed in the format shown above:

void mydspobject_perform64(t_mydspobject *x, t_object *dsp64, double **ins, long numins, double **
outs, long numouts, long sampleframes, long flags, void *userparam)
t_mydspobject *x = (t_mydspobject *)w[1];
int connected = x->m_count;
double *in = ins[0];
double *in2 = ins[1];
double *out = outs[0];
int n = sampleframes;
double in2value;

// get scalar sample or use signal depending on whether signal is connected

in2value = connected ? *in2 : x->m_scalarvalue;

// do calculation here
// ...

9.3 Working with Buffer Objects

To access a named buffer∼ object for either reading or writing sample values, refer to the Buffers reference.

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Chapter 10

Sending Messages, Calling Methods

Max objects, such as the one you write, are C data structures in which methods are dynamically bound to functions.
Your object's methods are called by Max, but your object can also call methods itself. When you call a method, it is
essential to know whether the method you are calling is typed or not.
Calling a typed method requires passing arguments as an array of atoms. Calling an untyped method requires that
you know the exact arguments of the C function implementing the method. In both cases, you supply a symbol that
names the method.
In the typed method case, Max will take the array of atoms and pass the arguments to the object according to the
method's argument type specifier list. For example, if the method is declared to have an argument type specifier
list of A_LONG, 0, the first atom in the array you pass will be converted to an int and passed to the function on
the stack. If there are no arguments supplied, invoking a typed method that has A_LONG, 0 as an argument type
specifier will fail. To make typed method calls, use object_method_typed() or typedmess().
In the untyped method case, Max merely does a lookup of the symbol in the object, and, if a matching function is
found, calls the function with the arguments you pass.
Certain methods you write for your object, such as the assist method for describing your object and the DSP method
in audio objects, are declared as untyped using the A_CANT argument type specifier. This means that Max will not
typecheck the arguments you pass to these methods, but, most importantly, a user cannot hook up a message box
to your object and send it a message to invoke an untyped method. (Try this for yourself – send the assist message
to a standard Max object.)
When you use an outlet, you're effectively making a typed method call on any objects connected to the outlet.

10.1 Attributes

Attributes are descriptions of data in your object. The standardization of these descriptions permits Max to provide
a rich interface to object data, including the pattr system, inspectors, the quick reference menu, @ arguments, etc.
It is essential that you have some understanding of attributes if you are going to write a UI object. But non-UI objects
can make use of attributes as well. The discussion below is not specific to UI objects. It does however, use the
recently introduced system of macros in ext_obex_util.h (included in ext_obex.h) for defining attributes, as well as
describing them using attributes of attributes (attr attrs). You can read more detailed descriptions of the underlying
attribute definition mechanisms on a per-function basis in the Attributes reference.

10.1.1 Attribute Basics

While attributes can be defined for a specific instance of an object, it's much more common to define an attribute for
a class. In such a case, each instance of the class will have the attribute description, but the value will be instance
specific. The discussion here focuses only on class attributes.
When an attribute is declared and is made user-settable, a user can send a message to your object consisting of the
32 Sending Messages, Calling Methods

attribute name and arguments that represent the new value of the attribute. For example, if you declare an attribute
called trackcount, the message trackcount 20 will set it to 20. You don't need to do anything special to obtain this
behavior. In addition, user-settable attributes will appear when the user opens the inspector on your object.
If you define your attribute as an offset attribute, you describe its location (and size) within your object's C data
structure. Max can then read and write the data directly. You can also define custom getter and setter routines
if the attribute's value is more complex than simply a stored number. As a theoretical example, you could have
an object with an attribute representing the Earth's population. If this value was not able to be stored inside your
object, your custom getter routine could initiate a global census before returning the result. A custom setter for the
earth's population might do something nasty if the value was set to zero. If you are not a misanthrope, you can take
advantage of the ability to set such an attribute to be read-only.

10.1.2 Defining Attributes

Attributes are defined when you are defining methods in your initialization routine. You can define your attributes
before your methods if you like, but by convention, they are typically defined after the methods. For each definition,
you'll specify the name, size, and offset of the corresponding member in your object's data structure that will hold
the data. For example, let's say we have an object defined as follows:

typedef struct _myobject {

t_object m_ob;
long m_targetaddress;
t_symbol *m_shipname;
char m_compatmode;
} t_myobject;

We want to create attributes for m_targetaddress, m_shipname, and m_compatmode. For each data type (and a
few others), there are macros in ext_obex_util.h that will save a fair amount of typing. So, for example, we can
define an attribute for m_targetaddress that uses CLASS_ATTR_LONG. Here are attribute definitions for all of the
members of our data structure above.

CLASS_ATTR_LONG(c, "targetaddress", 0, t_myobject, m_targetaddress);

CLASS_ATTR_SYM(c, "shipname", 0, t_myobject, m_shipname);
CLASS_ATTR_CHAR(c, "compatibilitymode", 0, t_myobject, m_compatmode);

10.1.3 Attributes With Custom Getters and Setters

In some cases, it is not enough to have Max read and write data in your object directly. In some cases (as in the
world population example above) you may have data you need to calculate before it can be returned as a value.
In other cases, you may need to do something to update other object state when an attribute value changes. To
handle these challenges, you can define custom attribute getter and setter routines. The getter will be called when
the value of your attribute is accessed. The setter will be called when someone changes the value of your attribute.
As an example, suppose we have an object that holds onto an array of numbers, and we want to create an attribute
for the size of the array. Since we'll want to resize the array when the attribute value changes, we will define a
custom setter for our attribute. The default getter is adequate if we store the array size in our object, but since we
want to illustrate how to write an attribute getter, we'll write the code so that the array size is computed from the size
of the memory pointer we allocate. First, here is our object's data structure:

typedef struct _myobject {

t_object m_ob;
long *m_data;
} t_myobject;

We also have prototypes for our custom attribute setter and getter:

t_max_err myobject_size_get(t_myobject *x, t_object *attr, long *argc,

t_atom **argv);
t_max_err myobject_size_set(t_myobject *x, t_object *attr, long argc,
t_atom *argv);

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10.2 Receiving Notifications 33

Here is how we define our attribute using CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS macro to define the custom setter and
getter. Because we aren't really using an "offset" due to the custom setter and getter, we can pass any data
structure member as a dummy. (Only the default attribute getter and setter will use this offset, and they are out of
the picture.)

CLASS_ATTR_LONG(c, "size", 0, t_myobject, m_ob);

CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c, "size", myobject_size_get, myobject_size_set);

Now, here is an implementation of the custom setter for the array size. For the setter, we use the handy Max API
function sysmem_resizeptr so we can effectively "resize" our array and copy the data into it in one step. The setter
uses atoms, so we have to obtain the value from the first item in the argv array.

t_max_err myobject_size_set(t_myobject *x, t_object *attr, long argc,

t_atom *argv)
long size = atom_getlong(argv);

if (size < 0) // bad size, don’t change anything

return 0;

if (x->m_data)
x->m_data = (long *)sysmem_resizeptr((char *)x->m_data, size * sizeof(long));
else // first time alloc
x->m_data = (long *)sysmem_newptr(size * sizeof(long));
return 0;

The getter also uses atoms for access, but we are returning a pointer to an array of atoms. The caller of the getter
has the option to pre-allocate the memory (passing in the length in argc and the pointer to the memory in argv) or
pass in 0 for argc and set the contents of argv to NULL and have the getter allocate the memory. The easiest way
to handle this case is to call the utility function atom_alloc, which will figure out what was passed in and allocate
memory for a returned atom if necessary.

t_max_err myobject_size_get(t_myobject *x, t_object *attr, long *argc,

t_atom **argv)
char alloc;
long size = 0;

atom_alloc(argc, argv, &alloc); // allocate return atom

if (x->m_data)
size = sysmem_ptrsize((char *)x->m_data) / sizeof(long); // calculate array size
based on ptr size

atom_setlong(*argv, size);
return 0;

10.2 Receiving Notifications

As an alternative to writing a custom setter, you can take advantage of the fact that objects receive a "notify"
message whenever one of their attributes is changed. The prototype for a notify method is as follows:

t_max_err myobject_notify(t_myobject *x, t_symbol *s, t_symbol *msg, void *sender,

void *data);

Add the following to your class initialization so your notification method will be called:

class_addmethod(c, (method)myobject_notify, "notify",

A_CANT, 0);

The notify method can handle a variety of notifications (more documentation on this is coming soon!), but the one
we're interested in is "attr_modified" – the notification type is passed to the notify method in the msg argument.
Here is an example of a notify method that prints out the name of the attribute that has been modified. You could
take any action instead. To obtain the name, we interpret the data argument to the notify method as an attribute
object. As an attribute is a regular Max object, we can use object_method to send it a message. In the case we are
sending the message getname to the attribute object to obtain its name.

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34 Sending Messages, Calling Methods

t_max_err myobject_notify(t_myobject *x, t_symbol *s, t_symbol *msg, void *sender,

void *data)
t_symbol *attrname;

if (msg == gensym("attr_modified")) { // check notification type

attrname = (t_symbol *)object_method((t_object *)data,
gensym("getname")); // ask attribute object for name
object_post((t_object *)x, "changed attr name is %s",attrname->
return 0;

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Chapter 11

Anatomy of a UI Object

Max user interface objects are more complex than normal non-user-interface objects.
If you have nothing in particular to display, or do not need to create a unique interface for user interaction or editing,
it would be better to avoid writing one. However, if you want the details, we have them for you!
In order to create a user interface object, you'll need to be familiar with Attributes, as they are used extensively. If you
examine a toggle object in the inspector in Max, you will see a few attributes that have been defined as belonging
to the toggle class, namely:

• Background Color

• Check Color

• Border Color

We'll show how attributes are defined and described so that the inspector can edit them properly.
In addition to attributes, user interface objects draw in a box and respond to user events such as mouse clicks and
keyboard events. We'll show how to implement drawing an object's paint method as well user interaction in the
mousedown, mousedrag, and mouseup methods.
This chapter only covers basic drawing of lines and filled rectangles. But you can take advantage of a complete
graphics API called jgraphics, intended to be used in a user interface object's paint method. We discuss JGraphics
in more detail in a separate chapter. You may also find the jgraphics.h header file descriptions of the set of functions
The SDK examples contain two user interface projects – the one we'll discuss in this chapter is called uisimp and is
a version of the toggle object with a more complicated check box and user interaction. The second project is called
pictmeter∼, a more advanced object that uses audio as well as image files.
The uisimp object differs from the toggle object in a couple of ways:

• it tracks the mouse even when it isn't down and "looks excited" when the mouse passes over it

• it tracks the mouse while the user is holding the mouse down to show a sort of "depressed" appearance when
turning the toggle on

• the new toggle state value is sent out when the mouse is released rather than when the mouse is down. In
addition, the uisimp object tracks the mouse and does not change the state if the mouse is released outside
of the object's box

• it doesn't have rounded corners

• it has a solid square for a "checked state" instead of an X

Otherwise, it acts largely as the toggle does.

The first thing we suggest you do is build the uisimp object and test it out. Once the object is properly building, type
"uisimp" into an object box and you can try it out.
36 Anatomy of a UI Object

11.1 Required Headers

UI objects require that you include two header files, jpatcher_api.h and jgraphics.h:

#include "jpatcher_api.h"
#include "jgraphics.h"

The header file jpatcher_api.h includes data structures and accessor functions required by UI objects. The header
file jgraphics.h includes data structures and functions for drawing.

11.2 UI Object Data Structure

The first part of a UI object is a t_jbox, not a t_object. You should generally avoid direct access to fields of a t_jbox,
particularly when changing values, and use the accessor functions defined in jpatcher_api.h. For example, if you
change the rectangle of a box without using the accessor function jbox_set_rect(), the patcher will not be notified
properly and the screen will not update.
Following the t_jbox, you can add other fields for storing the internal state of your object. In particular, if you are
going to be drawing something using color, you will want to create attributes that reference fields holding colors in
your object. We'll show you how to do this below. Here is the declaration of the t_uisimp data structure.

typedef struct _uisimp

t_jbox u_box; // header for UI objects
void *u_out; // outlet pointer
long u_state; // state (1 or 0)
char u_mouseover; // is mouse over the object
char u_mousedowninside; // is mouse down within the object
char u_trackmouse; // if non-zero, track mouse when button not down
t_jrgba u_outline; // outline color
t_jrgba u_check; // check (square) color
t_jrgba u_background; // background color
t_jrgba u_hilite; // highlight color (when mouse is over and when clicking to
check box)
} t_uisimp;

The t_jrgba structure defines a color with four doubles for red, green, blue, and alpha. Each component ranges from
0-1. When red, green, and blue are all 0, the color is black; when red, green, and blue are 1, the color is white. By
defining color attributes using t_jrgba structures, you will permit the user to use the standard color picker from the
inspector to configure colors for your object.
The structure members u_mouseover and u_mousedowninside are used to signal the code that paints the toggle
from the code that handles mouse interaction. We'll discuss this more in the "interaction strategy" section below.

11.3 Initialization Routine for UI Objects

Once you've declared your object's struct, you'll write your initialization ( ext_main() ) routine to set up the class,
declaring methods and attributes used by UI objects.
The first addition to the class initialization of a normal Max object you need to make is a call to jbox_initclass(). This
adds standard methods and attributes common to all UI objects. Here's how you should to it:

c = class_new("uisimp", (method)uisimp_new, (method)uisimp_free, sizeof(t_uisimp), 0L,

A_GIMME, 0);

jbox_initclass(c, JBOX_FIXWIDTH | JBOX_COLOR);

The line c->c_flags |= CLASS_FLAG_NEWDICTIONARY is required, but the flags passed to jbox_initclass – JB←-
OX_FIXWIDTH and JBOX_COLOR – are optional. JBOX_FIXWIDTH means that when your object is selected in a
patcher, the Fix Width menu item will be enabled to resize your object to its class's default dimensions. We'll specify
the default dimensions in a moment. JBOX_COLOR means that your object will be given a color attribute so that

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11.4 UI Object Methods 37

it can be edited with the color picked shown by the Color... menu item. This is a way to edit a "basic" color of your
object without opening the inspector. If neither of these behaviors apply to your object, feel free to pass 0 for the
flags argument to jbox_initclass().

11.4 UI Object Methods

Next we need to bind a few standard methods. The only required method for UI objects is paint, which draws the
your object's content when its box is visible and needs to be redrawn.

class_addmethod(c, (method)uisimp_paint, "paint",

A_CANT, 0);

We'll discuss the paint method in detail below. It makes use of the JGraphics API, which is described in more detail
in its own chapter.
Our uisimp toggle will respond to mouse gestures, so we will define a set of mouse handling methods.

class_addmethod(c, (method)uisimp_mousedown, "mousedown",

A_CANT, 0);
class_addmethod(c, (method)uisimp_mousedrag, "mousedrag",
A_CANT, 0);
class_addmethod(c, (method)uisimp_mouseup, "mouseup",
A_CANT, 0);
class_addmethod(c, (method)uisimp_mouseenter, "mouseenter",
A_CANT, 0);
class_addmethod(c, (method)uisimp_mouseleave, "mouseleave",
A_CANT, 0);
class_addmethod(c, (method)uisimp_mousemove, "mousemove",
A_CANT, 0);
class_addmethod(c, (method)uisimp_mousewheel, "mousewheel",
A_CANT, 0);

mousedown is sent to your object when the user clicks on your object – in other words, when the mouse is moved
over the object and the primary mouse button is depressed. mousedrag is sent after an initial mousedown when the
mouse moves and the button is still held down from the click. mouseup is sent when the mouse button is released
after a mousedown is sent. mouseenter is sent when the mouse button is not down and the mouse moves into
your object's box. mousemove is sent – after a mouseenter – when the mouse button is not down but the mouse
position changes inside your object's box. mouseleave is sent when the mouse button is not down and the mouse
position moves from being over your object's box to being outside of it. mousewheel is sent when information about
the scrollwheel on the mouse (or scrolling from another source such as a trackpad) is transmitted while the cursor
is hovering over your object.
You are not obligated to respond to any of these messages. You could, for example, only respond to mousedown
and ignore the other messages.
It might be helpful to summarize mouse messages in the following "rules" (although normally it's not necessary to
think about them explicitly):

• mousedown will always be followed by mouseup, but not necessarily by mousedrag if the button press is rapid
and there is no movement while the mouse button is pressed.

• mouseenter will always be followed by mouseleave, but

• mouseenter will always precede mousemove

• mouseleave will be sent only after a mouseenter is sent

• You cannot count on any particular relationship between the mousedown / mousedrag / mouseup sequence
and the mouseenter / mousemove / mouseleave sequence.

We'll look at the actual implementation of mouse handling methods below.

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38 Anatomy of a UI Object

11.5 Defining Attributes

After the declaration of standard methods, your object will define its own attributes. By using what we call "attribute
attributes" you can further describe attributes so that they can be appropriately displayed and edited in the inspector
as well as saved in a patcher (or not). You can also set default values for attributes that are automatically copied to
your object when it is instantiated, and mark an attribute so that your object is redrawn when its value changes.
As a convenience, we've defined a series of macros in ext_obex_util.h (which is included when your object includes
ext_obex.h) that reduce the amount of typing needed to define attributes and attribute attributes.
Most UI object attributes are offset attributes; that is, they reference a location in your object's data structure by
offset and size. As an example, uisimp has a char offset attribute called trackmouse that specifies whether the
object will change the object's appearance when the mouse moves over it. Here's how this is defined:

CLASS_ATTR_CHAR(c, "trackmouse", 0, t_uisimp, u_trackmouse);

CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_LABEL(c, "trackmouse", 0, "onoff", "Track Mouse");
CLASS_ATTR_SAVE(c, "trackmouse", 0);

The first line, CLASS_ATTR_CHAR, defines a char-sized offset attribute. If you look at the declaration of t_←-
uisimp, you can see that the u_trackmouse field is declared to be a char. The CLASS_ATTR_CHAR macro take
five arguments.

• The first argument is the class for which the attribute is being declared.

• The second argument is the name of the attribute. You can use send a message to your object with this name
and a value and set the attribute.

• The third argument is a collection of attribute flags. For the attributes (and attribute attributes) we'll be defining
in the uisimp object, the flags will be 0, but you can use them to make attributes read-only with ATTR_SET←-

• The fourth argument is the name of your object's structure containing the field you want to use for the attribute

• The fifth argument is the field name you want to use for the attribute

The fourth and fifth arguments are used to calculate the offset of the beginning of the field from the beginning of the
structure. This allows the attribute to read and write the memory occupied by the field directly.
The second line, CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_LABEL, defines some attribute attributes for the trackmouse attribute. T←-
His macro takes five arguments as well:

• The first argument is the class for which the attribute attributes are being declared.

• The second argument is the name of the attribute, which should have already been defined by a CLASS_←-
ATTR_CHAR or similar attribute declaration

• The third argument is usually 0 – it is an attribute flags argument for the attribute attributes

• The fourth argument is the style of the attribute. "onoff" is used here for a setting in your object that will be a
toggle. By using the onoff style the trackmouse attribute will appear with a checkbox in the inspector window.
Effectively, this macro defines an attribute called "style" that is attached to the "trackmouse" attribute and set
its value to the symbol "onoff" in one step.

• The fifth argument is a string used as a descriptive label for the attribute that appears in the inspector and
other places in the Max user interface. If you don't supply a label, the attribute name will be shown. The string
is used as the value of a newly created "label" attribute attribute.

The category attribute attribute is used to organize your object's attributes in the inspector window. For the track-
mouse attribute, we use the "Behavior" category, and for the color attributes discussed below, we use "Color" – look
at the inspector category tabs for a few UI objects that come with Max for suggested standard category names.
You're free to create your own.
To define a category for a single attribute, you can use the CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY macro:

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11.5 Defining Attributes 39

CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY(c, "trackmouse", 0, "Behavior");

To define a category for a series of attributes, you can use CLASS_STICKY_ATTR, which applies the current value
of a specified attribute attribute to any attributes subsequently defined, until a CLASS_STICKY_ATTR_CLEAR is
set for an attribute attribute name. CLASS_STICKY_ATTR is used in uisimp to apply the "Color" category to a set
of three color attributes.

CLASS_STICKY_ATTR(c, "category", 0, "Color");

Color attributes are defined using CLASS_ATTR_RGBA. The uisimp object defines four color attributes. Here is the
first, called bgcolor:

CLASS_ATTR_RGBA(c, "bgcolor", 0, t_uisimp, u_background);

CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULTNAME_SAVE_PAINT(c, "bgcolor", 0, "1. 1. 1. 1.");
CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_LABEL(c,"bgcolor",0,"rgba","Background Color");

The difference between CLASS_ATTR_RGBA and CLASS_ATTR_CHAR for defining an attribute is that CLASS←-
_ATTR_RGBA expects the name of a structure member declared of type t_jrgba rather than type char. When set,
the attribute will assign values to the four doubles that make up the components of the color.
The next line uses the CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULTNAME_SAVE_PAINT macro. This sets three things about the
bgcolor attribute. First it says that the color attribute bgcolor can be assigned a default value via the object de-
faults window. So, if you don't like the standard white defined by the object, you can assign you own color for the
background color of all newly created uisimp objects. The four values 1 1 1 1 supplied as the last argument to C←-
LASS_ATTR_DEFAULTNAME_SAVE_PAINT specify the "standard" default value that will be used for the bgcolor
attribute in the absence of any overrides from the user.
The SAVE aspect of this macro specifies that this attribute's values should be saved with the object in a patcher. A
patcher file saves an object's class, location and connections, but it can also save the object's appearance or any
other attribute value you specify, by using the "save" attribute attribute.
The PAINT aspect of this macro provides the ability to have your object redrawn whenever this attribute (bgcolor)
changes. However, to implement auto-repainting on attribute changes, you'll need to add the following code when
initializing your class:

class_addmethod(c, (method)jbox_notify, "notify",

A_CANT, 0);

The function jbox_notify() will determine whether an attribute that has caused a change notification to be sent has
its paint attribute attribute set, and if so, will call jbox_redraw(). If you write your own notify method because you
want to respond to changes in attributes or other environment changes, you ∗must∗ call jbox_notify() inside of it.

11.5.1 Standard Color Attribute

At the beginning of our initialization routine, we passed JBOX_COLOR as a flag to jbox_initclass(). This adds an
attribute to our object called color, which uses storage provided in the t_jbox to keep track of a color for us. The
color attribute is a standard name for the "most basic" color your object uses, and if you define it, the Color menu
item in the Object menu will be enabled when your object is selected, permitting the user to change the color without
opening the inspector.
If you use JBOX_COLOR, you don't need to define the color attribute using CLASS_ATTR_RGBA – jbox_initclass()
will do it for you. However, the color attribute comes unadorned, so you are free to enhance it with attribute attributes.
Here's what uisimp does:

CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULTNAME_SAVE_PAINT(c, "color", 0, "0. 0. 0. 1.");

CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_LABEL(c,"color",0,"rgba","Check Color");

11.5.2 Setting a Default Size

Another attribute defined for your object by jbox_initclass() is called patching_rect. It holds the dimensions of your
object's box. If you want to set a standard size for new instances of your object, you can give the patching_rect a

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40 Anatomy of a UI Object

set of default values. Use 0 0 for the first two values (x and y position) and use the next two values to define the
width and height. We want a small square to be the default size for uisimp, so we use CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT to
assign a default value to the patching_rect attribute as follows:

CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT(c,"patching_rect",0, "0. 0. 20. 20.");

11.6 New Instance Routine

The UI object new instance routine is more complicated than that of a normal Max object. Each UI object is passed
a t_dictionary (a hierarchically structured collection of data accessed by symbolic names) containing the information
needed to instantiate an instance. For UI objects, data elements in the dictionary correspond to attribute values.
For example, if your object saved an attribute called "bgcolor" you will be able to access the saved value in your new
instance routine from the dictionary using the same name bgcolor.
If the instance is being created from the object palette or by the typing the name of your object into an object box,
the dictionary will be filled in with default values. If the object is being created by reading a patcher file, the dictionary
will be filled in with the saved attributes stored in the file. In most cases, you don't need to work with the dictionary
directly, unless you've added proprietary non-attribute information to your object's dictionary that you want to look
for and extract. However, you do need to pass the dictionary to some standard routines, and initialize everything in
the right order.
Let's take a look at the pattern you should follow for your object's new instance routine.
First, the new instance routine is declared as follows:

void *uisimp_new(t_symbol *s, long argc, t_atom *argv);

We will get the dictionary that defines the object out of the arguments passed in argc, argv. (The symbol argument
s is the name of the object.) If obtaining the dictionary fails, we should return NULL to indicate we didn't make an

void *uisimp_new(t_symbol *s, long argc, t_atom *argv);

t_uisimp *x = NULL;
t_dictionary *d = NULL;
long boxflags;

if (!(d = object_dictionaryarg(argc,argv)))
return NULL;

Next, we allocate a new instance of the object's class:

x = (t_uisimp *)object_alloc(s_uisimp_class);

Then we need to initialize the options for our box. Our object uses the options that are not commented out.

boxflags = 0

Here is some more detail about each of the box flags.

We pass the flags along with a pointer to our newly created instance and the argc, argv arguments to jbox_new().
The name is a little misleading. jbox_new() does not instantiate your box. As we explained above, your UI object
has a t_jbox at the beginning. jbox_new() just initializes the t_jbox for you. jbox_new() doesn't know about the other
stuff in your object's data structure that comes after the t_jbox. You'll have to initialize the extra items yourself.

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11.7 Dynamic Updating 41

jbox_new((t_jbox *)x, boxflags, argc, argv);

Once jbox_new() has been called, you then assign the b_firstin pointer of your t_jbox header to point to your object.
Essentially this assigns the object that will receive messages from objects connected to your leftmost inlet (as well
as other inlets via inlets or proxies you create). This step is easily forgotten and will cause most things not to work
until you remember it. jbox_new() will obtain the attributes common to all boxes such as the patching_rect, and
assign them to your object for you.

x->u_box.b_firstin = (void *)x;

Next, you are free to initialize any members of your object's data structure, as well as declare inlets. These steps
are the same for UI objects as for non-UI objects.

x->u_mousedowninside = x->u_mouseover = x->u_state = 0;

x->u_out = intout((t_object *)x);

Once your object is in a safe initialized state, call attr_dictionary_process() if you've defined any attributes. This will
find the attributes in the dictionary your object received, then set them to the values stored in the dictionary. There
is no way to guarantee the order in which the attributes will be set. If this a problem, you can obtain the attribute
values "by hand" and assign them to your object.
Note that you do not need to call attr_dictionary_process() if you have not defined any attributes. jbox_new() will
take care of setting all attributes common to all UI objects.


As the last thing to do before returning your newly created UI object, and more specifically after you've initialized
everything to finalize the appearance of your object, call jbox_ready(). jbox_ready() will paint your object, calculate
the positions of the inlets and outlets, and perform other initialization tasks to ensure that your box is a proper
member of the visible patcher.
If your object does not appear when you instantiate it, you should check whether you do not have a jbox_ready()

jbox_ready((t_jbox *)x);

Finally, as with any instance creation routine, the newly created object will be returned.

return x;

11.7 Dynamic Updating

Drawing anything to the screen must be limited to your paint method (this was not the case with the previous UI
object API in Max). If you want to redraw something, you need to call jbox_redraw() to cause the screen to be
redrawn. This is necessary because your object is part of a compositing user interface that must be managed by
the patcher as a whole to avoid screen artifacts. The jbox_redraw() routine calculates the area of the screen that
needs to be redrawn, then informs the Mac or Windows "window manager" to mark this area as invalid. At some
later point in time, the OS will invoke the patcher's paint routine, which will dispatch to all of the boxes inside the
invalid area according to the current Z-order of all the boxes. Boxes that are in the background are drawn first,
so that any transparent or semi-transparent boxes can be drawn on top of them. In addition, unless you specify
otherwise, the last drawn image of a box is cached in a buffer, so that your paint method will only be called when
you explicitly invalidate your object's content with jbox_redraw(). In other words, you can't count on "global patcher
drawing" to invoke your paint method.
The basic strategy you'll want to use in thinking about redrawing is that you will set internal state in other methods,
then call jbox_redraw(). The paint method will read the internal state and adjust its drawing appropriately. You'll see
this strategy used in the uisimp object as it tracks the mouse.

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42 Anatomy of a UI Object

11.8 The Paint Method

Your object's paint method uses the jgraphics API to draw. The header file, jgraphics.h, provides a description of
each of the routines in the API. Here we will only discuss general principles and features of drawing with uisimp's
relatively simple paint method. There is also a jgraphics example UI object that contains a number of functions
showing how various drawing tasks can be performed.
Drawing in Max is resolution-independent. The "size" of your object's rectangle is always the pixel size when the
patcher is scaled to 100% regardless of the zoom level, and any magnification or size reduction to the actual screen
is automatically handled by matrix transforms. Another thing that is handled automatically for you is drawing to
multiple views. If a patcher is invisible (i.e., a subpatcher that has not been double-clicked), it does not have any
views. But if it is visible, a patcher can have many patcherviews. If your UI object box is in a patcher with multiple
views open, your paint method will be called once for each view, and will be passed different a patcherview object
each time. For most objects, this will pose few problems, but for objects to work properly when there are anywhere
from zero to ten views open, they cannot change their internal state in the paint method, they can only read it. As
an example, if your object had a boolean "painted" field in its structure that would be set when the paint method
had finished, it would not work properly in the cases where the box was invisible or where it was shown in multiple
patcher views, because it would either be set zero or more than once.
The first step for any paint method is to obtain the t_jgraphics object from the patcherview object passed to the paint
method. The patcherview is an opaque t_object that you will use to access information about your box's rectangle
and its graphics context. A patcherview is not the same thing as a patcher; as mentioned above, there could be
more than one patcherview for a patcher if it has multiple views open.

void uisimp_paint(t_uisimp *x, t_object *patcherview)

t_rect rect;

t_jgraphics *g = (t_jgraphics*)
patcherview_get_jgraphics(patcherview); // obtain graphics context

After obtaining the t_jgraphics object, the next thing that you'll need to do is determine the rectangle of your box. A
view of a patcher may be in either patching or presentation mode. Since each mode can have its own rectangle, it
is necessary to use the patcherview to obtain the rectangle for your object.

jbox_get_rect_for_view((t_object *)x, patcherview, &rect);

The t_rect structure specifies a rectangle using the x and y coordinates of the top left corner, along with the width
and height. However, the coordinates of the t_jgraphics you'll be using to draw into always begin at 0 for the top left
corner, so you'll only care about the width and height, at least for drawing.
The first thing we'll draw is just an outline of our box using the value of the outline color attribute. First we'll set the
color we want to use, then make a rectangular path, then finally we'll stroke the path we've made.
With calls such as jgraphics_rectangle(), the rectangular shape is added to the existing path. The initial path is
empty, and after calling jgraphics_stroke() or jgraphics_fill(), the path is again cleared. (If you want to retain the
path, you can use the jgraphics_stroke_preserve() and jgraphics_fill_preserve variants().)

jgraphics_set_source_jrgba(g, &x->u_outline);
jgraphics_set_line_width(g, 1.);
jgraphics_rectangle(g, 0., 0., rect.width, rect.height);

You do not need to destroy the path before your paint method is finished. This will be done for you, but the fact
that the path does not survive after the paint method is finished means you can't make a path and then store it
without copying it first. Such a strategy is not recommended in any case, since your object's rectangle might change
unpredictably from one paint method invocation to the next, which will likely cause your path to be the wrong shape
or size.
The next feature of the paint method is to draw an inner outline if the mouse is moved over the box. Detecting
the mouse's presence over the box happens in the mouseenter / mouseleave methods described below – but
essentially, we know that the mouse is over our object if the u_mouseover has been set by these mouse tracking

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11.9 Handling Mouse Gestures 43

To draw a rectangle that is inset by one pixel from the box rectangle, we use the rectangle starting at 1, 1 with a
width of the box width - 2 and a height of the box height - 2.

// paint "inner highlight" to indicate mouseover

if (x->u_mouseover && !x->u_mousedowninside) {
jgraphics_set_source_jrgba(g, &x->u_hilite);
jgraphics_set_line_width(g, 1.);
jgraphics_rectangle(g, 1., 1., rect.width - 2, rect.
height - 2);

Some similar code provides the ability to show the highlight color when the user is about to check (turn on) the

if (x->u_mousedowninside && !x->u_state) { // paint hilite color

jgraphics_set_source_jrgba(g, &x->u_hilite);
jgraphics_rectangle(g, 1., 1., rect.width - 2, rect.
height - 2);

Finally, we paint a square in the middle of the object if the toggle state is non-zero to indicate that the box has been
checked. Here we are filling a path instead of stroking it. Note also that we use the call jbox_get_color() to get the
"standard" color of our object that is stored inside the t_jbox. As we've specified by using the JBOX_COLOR flag for
jbox_initclass() in our initialization routine, the color obtained by jbox_get_color() for the "check" (really just a square
of solid color) is the one the user can change with the Color... item in the Object menu.

if (x->u_state) {
t_jrgba col;

jbox_get_color((t_object *)x, &col);

jgraphics_set_source_jrgba(g, &col);
if (x->u_mousedowninside) // make rect bigger if mouse is down and we are unchecking
jgraphics_rectangle(g, 3., 3., rect.width - 6, rect.
height - 6);
jgraphics_rectangle(g, 4., 4., rect.width - 8, rect.
height - 8);

Clearly, a quick perusal of the jgraphics.h header file will demonstrate that there is much more to drawing than we've
discussed here. But the main purpose of the uisimp paint method is to show how to implement "dynamic" graphics
that follow the mouse. Now we'll see the mouse tracking side of the story.

11.9 Handling Mouse Gestures

When the mouse is clicked, dragged, released, or moved inside its box, your object will receive messages. In the
uisimp example we've defined methods for most of the mouse gesture messages available, and we've implemented
them to change internal state in the object, then call jbox_redraw() to repaint the object to reflect the new state. This
strategy produces a "dynamic" appearance of a gadget users associate with a typical graphical interface – in this
case a toggle checkbox.
All mouse gesture methods are declared in the same way:

void myobect_mouse(t_myobject *x, t_object *patcherview, t_pt pt, long modifiers);

Let's first look at the most commonly implemented mouse gesture handler, the mousedown method that responds
to an initial click on the object. As you can see, it is very simple; it merely sets u_mousedowninside to true, then
calls jbox_redraw(), causing the box to be repainted. We've defined this toggle not to change the actual state until
the mouse is released (unlike the standard Max toggle object), but we do want to give the user some feedback on
the initial mouse down that something is going to happen. If you look back at the paint method, you can see that
u_mousedowninside is used to change the way the object is painted to give it a "pending state change" appearance
that will be finalized when the mouse is released inside the box.

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44 Anatomy of a UI Object

void uisimp_mousedown(t_uisimp *x, t_object *patcherview, t_pt pt, long modifiers)

x->u_mousedowninside = true; // wouldn’t get a click unless it was inside the box
jbox_redraw((t_jbox *)x);

If we test the mouse position to ensure that it is inside the box when it is released, we provide the opportunity for
the user to cancel the act of toggling the state of the object by moving the cursor outside of the box before releasing
the button. To provide feedback to the user that this is going to happen, we've implemented a mousedrag method
that performs this test and redraws the object if the "mouse inside" condition has changed from its previous state.
The mousedrag message will be sent to your object as long as the mouse button is still down after an initial click
and the cursor has moved, even if the cursor moves outside of the boundaries of your object's box.
Note that, as with the paint method, we use the patcherview to get the current box rectangle. We can then test the
point we are given to see if it is inside or outside the box.

void uisimp_mousedrag(t_uisimp *x, t_object *patcherview, t_pt pt, long modifiers)

t_rect rect;

// test to see if mouse is still inside the object

jbox_get_rect_for_view((t_object *)x, patcherview, &rect);

// redraw if changed
if (pt.x >= 0 && pt.x <= rect.width && pt.y >= 0 && pt.y <= rect.
height) {
if (!x->u_mousedowninside) {
x->u_mousedowninside = true;
jbox_redraw((t_jbox *)x);
} else {
if (x->u_mousedowninside) {
x->u_mousedowninside = false;
jbox_redraw((t_jbox *)x);

Our mouseup method uses the last value of u_mousedowninside as the determining factor for whether to toggle the
object's internal state. If u_mousedowninside is false, no state change happens. But if it is true, the state changes
and the new state value is sent out the object's outlet (inside uisimp_bang()).

if (x->u_mousedowninside) {
x->u_state = !x->u_state;
x->u_mousedowninside = false;
jbox_redraw((t_jbox *)x);

Finally, we've implemented mouseenter, mousemove, and mouseleave methods to provide another level of "mouse
over" style highlighting for the object. Rather than changing u_mousedowninside, a u_mouseover field is set when
the mouseenter message is received, and cleared when the mouseleave method is received. And again, after this
variable is manipulated, we repaint the box with jbox_redraw().

void uisimp_mouseenter(t_uisimp *x, t_object *patcherview, t_pt pt, long modifiers)

x->u_mouseover = true;
jbox_redraw((t_jbox *)x);

void uisimp_mouseleave(t_uisimp *x, t_object *patcherview, t_pt pt, long modifiers)

x->u_mouseover = false;
jbox_redraw((t_jbox *)x);

11.10 Freeing a UI Object

If your object has created any clocks or otherwise allocated memory that should be freed when the object goes
away, you should handle this in the free routine. But, most importantly, you must call the function jbox_free(). If

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11.10 Freeing a UI Object 45

your UI object doesn't need to do anything special in its free routine, you can pass jbox_free() as the free routine
argument to class_new() in your initialization routine. We chose not to do this, since having an actual function
permits easy modification should some memory need to be freed at some point in the future evolution of the object.

void uisimp_free(t_uisimp *x)

jbox_free((t_jbox *)x);

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46 Anatomy of a UI Object

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Chapter 12

File Handling

Max contains a cross-platform set of routines for handling files.

These routines permit you to search for files, show file open and save dialogs, as well as open, read, write, and
close them. The file API is based around a "path identifier" – a number that describes the location of a file. When
searching or reading a file, path identifiers can be either a folders or collectives. Path identifiers that are negative (or
zero) describe actual folders in the computer's file system, while path identifiers that are positive refer to collectives.
A basic thing you might want to do make your object accept the read message in a manner similar to existing Max
objects. If the word read is followed by no arguments, a file dialog appears for the user to choose a file. If read is
followed by an argument, your object will search for the file. If a file is found (or chosen), your object will open it and
read data from it.
First, make your object accept the read message. The simplest way to make the filename argument optional is to
use the A_DEFSYM argument type specifier. When the symbol argument is not present, Max passes your method
the empty symbol.

class_addmethod(c, (method)myobject_read, "read", A_DEFSYM, 0);

The next requirement for any method that reads files is that it must defer execution to the low-priority thread, as
shown in the following implementation, where the filename argument is passed as the symbol argument to defer.

void myobject_read(t_myobject *x, t_symbol *s)

defer(x, (method)myobject_doread, s, 0, NULL);

The myobject_doread() function compares the filename argument with the empty symbol – if the argument was not
supplied, the open_dialog() is used, otherwise, we call locatefile_extended() to search for the file. This object looks
for text files, so we use a four-character code 'TEXT' as our file type to either open or locate. File type codes define
a set of acceptable extensions. The file max-fileformats.txt permits contains standard definitions, and you can add
your own by creating a similar text file and placing it in the init folder inside the Cycling '74 folder.

void myobject_doread(t_myobject *x, t_symbol *s)

t_fourcc filetype = ’TEXT’, outtype;
short numtypes = 1;
char filename[MAX_PATH_CHARS];
short path;

if (s == gensym("")) { // if no argument supplied, ask for file

if (open_dialog(filename, &path, &outtype, &filetype, 1)) // non-zero: user
} else {
strcpy(filename, s->s_name); // must copy symbol before calling locatefile_extended
if (locatefile_extended(filename, &path, &outtype, &filetype, 1)) { //
non-zero: not found
object_error(x, "%s: not found", s->s_name);
48 File Handling

// we have a file
myobject_openfile(x, filename, path);

To open and read files, you can use the cross-platform sysfile API. Files can be opened using a filename plus path
identifier. If successfully opened, the file can be accessed using a t_filehandle. Note that "files" inside collective
files are treated identically to regular files, with the exception that they are read-only.

12.1 Reading Text Files

First, we'll implement reading the text file whose name and path identifier are passed to myobject_openfile() using
a high-level routine sysfile_readtextfile() specifically for reading text files that handles text encoding conversion for
you. If you are reading text files, using this routine is strongly recommended since converting text encodings is
unpleasant to say the least.

void myobject_openfile(t_myobject *x, char *filename, short path)

t_filehandle fh;
char **texthandle;

if (path_opensysfile(filename, path, &fh, READ_PERM)) {

object_error(x, "error opening %s", filename);
// allocate some empty memory to receive text
texthandle = sysmem_newhandle(0);
sysfile_readtextfile(fh, texthandle, 0, 0); // see flags explanation below
post("the file has %ld characters", sysmem_handlesize(texthandle));

In most situations, you will pass 0 for the final two arguments to sysfile_readtextfile(). The third argument specifies
a maximum length to read, but if the value is 0, the entire file is read in, regardless of its size. The final argument
is a set of flags specifying options for reading in the text. The options concern the conversion of line breaks, text
encoding, and the ability to add a null character to the end of the data returned.
Line breaks are converted on the basis of any line break flags. When reading text files, Max converts line breaks to
"native" format, which is


on Windows and


on the Mac; this is the behavior you get if you either pass no line break flags or use TEXT_LB_NATIVE. Other
options include TEXT_LB_MAC, TEXT_LB_UNIX, or TEXT_LB_PC.
By default, text files are converted from their source encoding to UTF-8. If you do not want this conversion to occur,
you can use the TEXT_ENCODING_USE_FILE flag. This puts the burden on determining the encoding on you,
which is probably not what you want. For example, the source text file might use UTF-16 encoding, which requires
very different parsing than an 8-bit encoding.
Finally, you can have the memory returned from sysfile_readtextfile() terminated with a NULL character if you use

12.2 Reading Data Files

To read data files where you do not want to do text encoding conversion or worry about line breaks, you can use
the same technique shown above for text files, but write the myobject_openfile function using sysfile_read() instead
of sysfile_readtextfile(). This example shows how to read an entire file into a single block of memory.

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12.3 Writing Files 49

void myobject_openfile(t_myobject *x, char *filename, short path)

t_filehandle fh;
char *buffer;
long size;

if (path_opensysfile(filename, path, &fh, READ_PERM)) {

object_error(x, "error opening %s", filename);
// allocate memory block that is the size of the file
sysfile_geteof(fh, &size);
buffer = sysmem_newptr(size);

// read in the file

sysfile_read(fh, &size, buffer);


// do something with data in buffer here

sysmem_freeptr(buffer); // must free allocated memory


12.3 Writing Files

Some Max objects respond to the write message to save data into a file. If there is no argument present after the
word write, a save file dialog is shown and the user specifies a file name and location. If an argument is present, it
can either specify a complete path name or a filename. In the filename case, the file is written to the current "default"
directory, which is the location where a patcher was last opened. In the full pathname case, the file is written to the
location specified by the pathname.
Here's how to implement this behavior. We'll show how to handle the message arguments, then provide text and
data file writing examples.
Message and argument handling is very similar to the way we implemented the read message above, including the
use of deferred execution.

class_addmethod(c, (method)myobject_write, "write",


void myobject_write(t_myobject *x, t_symbol *s)

defer(x, (method)myobject_dowrite, s, 0, NULL);

The myobject_dowrite() function compares the filename argument with the empty symbol – if the argument was not
supplied, saveasdialog_extended() is used to obtain the user's choice for filename and location. Our first example
looks for text files, so we use a four-character code 'TEXT' as our file type for saving. File type codes define a set
of acceptable extensions. The file max-fileformats.txt permits contains standard definitions, and you can add your
own by creating a similar text file and placing it in the init folder inside the Cycling '74 folder.

void myobject_dowrite(t_myobject *x, t_symbol *s)

long filetype = ’TEXT’, outtype;
short numtypes = 1;
char filename[512];
short path;

if (s == gensym("")) { // if no argument supplied, ask for file

if (saveasdialog_extended(filename, &path, &outtype, &filetype, 1)) //
non-zero: user cancelled
} else {
strcpy(filename, s->s_name);
path = path_getdefault();
myobject_writefile(x, filename, path);

Here is the text file variant of myobject_writefile() using the high-level sysfile_writetextfile() routine. We just write a
sentence as our "text file" but your object will presumably have some text data stored internally that it will write. The
buffer passed to sysfile_writetextfile() must be NULL-terminated, and will be assumed to be UTF-8 encoded.

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50 File Handling

Note that path_createsysfile() can accept a full path in the filename argument, in which case, the path argument is
ignored. This means your object's write message can either accept a filename or full pathname and you needn't do
anything special to accept both.

void myobject_writefile(t_myobject *x, char *filename, short path)

char *buf = "write me into a file";
long err;
t_filehandle fh;

err = path_createsysfile(filename, path, ’TEXT’, &fh);

if (err)
err = sysfile_writetextfile(fh, &buf, TEXT_LB_NATIVE);

Here is a data file variant of myobject_writefile(). It writes a small buffer of ten numbers to a file.

void myobject_writefile(t_myobject *x, char *filename, short path)

char *buf[10];
long count, i;
long err;
t_filehandle fh;

// create some data

for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)

buf[i] = i + 1;

count = 10;

err = path_createsysfile(filename, path, ’TEXT’, &fh);

if (err)
err = sysfile_write(fh, &count, buf);

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Chapter 13

Scripting the Patcher

Your object can use scripting capabilities of the patcher to learn things about its context, such as the patcher's name,
hierarchy, or the peer objects to your object in its patcher.
You can also modify a patcher, although any actions your object takes are not undoable and may not work in the
runtime version.

13.1 Knowing the Patcher

To obtain the patcher object containing your object, you can use the obex hash table. The obex (for "object exten-
sions") is, more generally, a way to store and recall data in your object. In this case, however, we are just using it in
a read-only fashion.
Note that unlike the technique discussed in previous versions of the SDK, using the obex to find the patcher works
at any time, not just in the new instance routine.

void myobject_getmypatcher(t_myobject *x)

t_object *mypatcher;

object_obex_lookup(x, gensym("#P"), &mypatcher);

post("my patcher is at address %lx",mypatcher);

The patcher is an opaque Max object. To access data in a patcher, you'll use attributes and methods.

13.1.1 Patcher Name and File Path

To obtain the name of the patcher and its file path (if any), obtain attribute values as shown below.

t_symbol *name = object_attr_getsym(patcher, gensym("name"));

t_symbol *path = object_attr_getsym(patcher, gensym("filepath"));

These attributes may return NULL or empty symbols.

13.1.2 Patcher Hierarchy

To determine the patcher hierarchy above the patcher containing your object, you can use jpatcher_get_←-
parentpatcher(). A patcher whose parent is NULL is a top-level patcher. Here is a loop that prints the name of
each parent patcher as you ascend the hierarchy.

t_object *parent, *patcher;

t_symbol *name;
52 Scripting the Patcher

object_obex_lookup(x, gensym("#P"), &patcher);

parent = patcher;
do {
parent = jpatcher_get_parentpatcher(parent);
if (parent) {
name = object_attr_getsym(parent, gensym("name"));
if (name)
} while (parent != NULL);

13.1.3 Getting Objects in a Patcher

To obtain the first object in a patcher, you can use jpatcher_get_firstobject(). Subsequent objects are available with
If you haven't read the Anatomy of a UI Object, we'll mention that the patcher does not keep a list of non-UI objects
directly. Instead it keeps a list of UI objects called boxes, and the box that holds non-UI objects is called a newobj.
The "objects" you obtain with calls such as jpatcher_get_firstobject() are boxes. The jbox_get_object() routine can
be used to get the pointer to the actual object, whether the box is a UI object or a newobj containing a non-UI object.
In the case of UI objects such as dials and sliders, the pointer returned by jbox_get_object() will be the same as the
box. But for non-UI objects, it will be different.
Here is a function that prints the class of every object (in a box) in a patcher containing an object.

void myobject_printpeers(t_myobject *x)

t_object *patcher, *box, *obj;

object_obex_lookup(x, gensym("#P"), &patcher);

for (box = jpatcher_get_firstobject(patcher); box; box =

jbox_get_nextobject(box)) {
obj = jbox_get_object(box);
if (obj)
post("box with NULL object");

13.1.4 Iteration Using Callbacks

As an alternative to the technique shown above, you can write a callback function for use with the patcher's iteration
service. The advantage of using iteration is that you can descend into the patcher hierarchy without needing to
know the details of the various objects that may contain subpatchers (patcher, poly∼, bpatcher, etc.). If you want to
iterate only at one level of a patcher hierarchy, you can do that too.
Your iteration function is defined as follows. It will be called on every box in a patcher (and, if you specify, the
patcher's subpatchers).

long myobject_iterator(t_myobject *x, t_object *b);

The function returns 0 if iteration should continue, or 1 if it should stop. This permits you to use an iterator as a way
to search for a specific object.
Here is an example of using an iterator function:

t_object *patcher;
long result = 0;
t_max_err err;

err = object_obex_lookup(x, gensym("#P"), &patcher);

object_method(patcher, gensym("iterate"), myobject_iterator, (void *)x,

PI_WANTBOX | PI_DEEP, &result);

The PI_WANTBOX flag tells the patcher iterator that it should pass your iterator function the box, rather than the
object contained in the box. The PI_DEEP flag means that the iteration will descend, depth first, into subpatchers.

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13.2 Creating Objects 53

The result parameter returns the last value returned by the iterator. For example, if the iterator terminates early by
returning a non-zero value, it will contain that value. If the iterator function does not terminate early, result will be 0.
Assuming the iterator function receives boxes, here is an example iterator that prints out the class and scripting
name (if any) of all of the objects in a patcher. Note that the scripting name is an attribute of the box, while the class
we would like to know is of the object associated with the box.

long myobject_iterator(t_myobject *x, t_object *b)

t_symbol *name = object_attr_getsym(b, gensym("varname"));
t_symbol *cls = object_classname(jbox_get_object(b));

if (name)
post("%s (%s)",cls->s_name, name->s_name);
post("%s", cls->s_name);
return 0;

13.2 Creating Objects

Much of the Max user interface is implemented using patcher scripting. For example, the inspectors are patchers in
which an inspector object has been created. The file browser window has four or five separate scripted objects in it.
Even the debug window is a dynamically scripted patcher. We point this out just to inform you that creating objects in
a patcher actually works (if you get all the details right). The xxx example object shows how to use patcher scripting
to create an "editing window" similar to the ones you see when double-clicking on a table or buffer∼ object.
Creating objects in a patcher generally requires the use of a Dictionary (see discussion of UI objects above), but
there is a convenience function newobject_sprintf() that can be used to avoid some of the complexity.
To create an object, your task is to set some attributes. In the absence of any specific values, an object's attributes
will be set to some default, but you'll probably care, at the very least, about specifying the object's location. Here
is an example that creates a toggle and metro object using a combination of attribute parse syntax and sprintf. If
you're interested in creating objects with newobject_sprintf(), it may help to examine a Max document to see some
of the attribute name - value pairs used to specify objects.

t_object *patcher, *toggle, *metro;

t_max_err err;

err = object_obex_lookup(x, gensym("#P"), &patcher);

toggle = newobject_sprintf(patcher, "@maxclass toggle

@patching_position %.2f %.2f",
x->togxpos, x-> togxpos);

metro = newobject_sprintf(patcher, "@maxclass newobj @text \"metro 400\"

@patching_position %.2f %.2f",
x->metxpos, x->metypos);

Note that to create a non-UI object, you use set the maxclass attribute to newobj and the text attribute to the
contents of the object box. Attributes can be specified in any order. Using the patching_position attribute permits
you to specify only the top-left corner and use the object's default size. For text objects, the default size is based on
the default font for the patcher.
Finally, note that newobject_sprintf() returns a pointer to the newly created box, not the newly created object inside
the box. To get the object inside the box, use jbox_get_object().

13.2.1 Connecting Objects

If you'd like to script the connections between two objects, you can do so via a message to the patcher. Assuming
you have the patcher, toggle, and metro objects above, you'll create an array of atoms to send the message using

t_atom msg[4], rv;

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54 Scripting the Patcher

atom_setobj(msg, toggle); // source

atom_setlong(msg + 1, 0); // outlet number (0 is leftmost)
atom_setobj(msg + 2, metro); // destination
atom_setlong(msg + 3, 0); // inlet number (0 is leftmost)

object_method_typed(patcher, gensym("connect"), 4, msg, &rv);

If you want to have a hidden connection, pass an optional fifth argument that is any negative number.

13.3 Deleting Objects

To delete an object in a patcher you call object_free() on the box. As of Max 5.0.6 this will properly redraw the
patcher and remove any connected patch cords.

13.4 Obtaining and Changing Patcher and Object Attributes

You can use object attribute functions to modify the appearance and behavior of objects in a patcher or the patcher
itself. Note that only a few of these attributes can be modified by the user. The C level access to attributes is much
more extensive.
Attributes whose type is object can be accessed via object_attr_getobj() / object_attr_setobj(). Attributes whose
type is char can be accessed with object_attr_getchar() / object_attr_setchar(). Attributes whose type is long can
be accessed with object_attr_getlong() / object_attr_setlong(). Attributes whose type is symbol can be accessed
via object_attr_getsym() / object_attr_setsym(). For attributes that are arrays, such as colors and rectangles, use
object_attr_getvalueof() / object_attr_setvalueof().

13.4.1 Patcher Attributes

Name Type Settable Description

box object No The box containing the
patcher (NULL for
top-level patcher)
locked char Yes (not in runtime) Locked state of the
presentation char Yes Presentation mode of the
openinpresentation char Yes Will patcher open in
presentation mode?
count long No Number of objects in a
fgcount long No Number of objects in the
patcher's foreground
bgcount long No Number of objects in the
patcher's background
numvews long No Number of currently open
views of the patcher
numwindowviews long No Number of currently open
window-based views of
the patcher

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13.4 Obtaining and Changing Patcher and Object Attributes 55

firstobject object No First box in the patcher

lastobject object No Last box in the patcher
firstline object No First patch cord in the
firstview object No First view object in the
title symbol Yes Window title
fulltitle symbol No Complete title including
"unlocked" etc.
name symbol No Name (could be different
from title)
filename symbol No Filename
filepath symbol No File path
file path syntax)
fileversion long No File version
noedit char No Whether patcher can be
collective object No Collective object, if
patcher is inside a
cansave char No Whether patcher can be
dirty char Yes (not in runtime) Whether patcher is
bglocked char Yes Whether background is
rect double[4] Yes Patcher's rect (left, top,
width, height)
defrect double[4] Yes Patcher's default rect
(used when opening the
first view)
openrect double[4] Yes Fixed initial window
parentpatcher object No Immediate parent
patcher (NULL for
toplevel patchers)
toppatcher object No Topmost parent patcher
(NULL for toplevel
parentclass object No Class object of parent
(patcher, poly∼,
bpatcher etc.)
bgcolor double[4] Yes Locked background color
editing_bgcolor double[4] Yes Unlocked background
color (RGBA)
edit_framecolor double[4] Yes Text editing frame color
locked_iocolor double[4] Yes Locked inlet/outlet color
unlocked_iocolor double[4] Yes Unlocked inlet/outlet

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56 Scripting the Patcher

boguscolor double[4] Yes Color of uninitialized

(bogus) objects
gridsize double[2] Yes Editing grid size
gridonopen char Yes Show grid on open
gridsnapopen char Yes Snap to grid on open
imprint char Yes Save default-valued
object attributes
defaultfocusbox symbol Yes Default focus box
enablehscroll char Yes Show horizontal scrollbar
enablevscroll char Yes Show vertical scrollbar
boxanimatetime long Yes Box animation time
default_fontname symbol Yes Default font name
default_fontface long Yes Default "fake" font face (0
plain, 1, bold, 2 italic, 3
bold italic)
default_fontsize long Yes Default font size in points
toolbarvisible char Yes Show toolbar on open
toolbarheight long Yes Height of toolbar (can
use 0 for invisible)
toolbarid symbol Yes Name (in
maxinterface.json) of
toolbar, none = empty

13.4.2 Box Attributes

Name Type Settable Description

rect double[4] Settable only Changes both
patching_rect and
presentation_rect double[4] Yes Presentation mode rect
patching_rect double[4] Yes Patching mode rect
position double[2] Settable only Changes both
patching_position and
size double[2] Settable only Changes both
patching_size and
patching_position double[2] Yes Patching mode position
(top, left corner)
presentation_position d[2] Yes Presentation mode
patching_size double[2] Yes Patching mode size
(width, height)
presentation_size double[2] Yes Presentation mode size
maxclass symbol No Name of Max class
(newobj for non-UI
object object No Associated object
(equivalent to

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

13.4 Obtaining and Changing Patcher and Object Attributes 57

patcher object No Containing patcher

hidden char Yes Is box hidden on lock?
fontname symbol Yes Font name (if box has
font attributes or a text
fontface long Yes "Fake" font face (if box
has font attribute or a text
fontsize long Yes Font size (if box has font
attributes or a text field)
textcolor double[4] Yes Text color (if box has font
attributes or a text field)
hint symbol Yes Associated hint
color double[4] Yes Standard color attribute
(may not be present in all
nextobject object No Next object in the
patcher's list
prevobject object No Previous object in the
patcher's list
varname symbol Yes Scripting name
id symbol No Immutable object ID
(stored in files)
canhilite char No Does this object accept
background char Yes Include in background
ignoreclick char Yes Ignores clicks
maxfilename symbol No Filename if class is
description symbol No Description used by
drawfirstin char No Is leftmost inlet drawn?
growy char No Can object grow with
fixed aspect ratio?
growboth char No Can object grow
independently in width
and height?
nogrow char No Is object fixed size?
mousedragdelta char No Does object use
hidden-mouse drag
tracking (number box)
textfield object No Textfield object
associated with this box
if any
editactive char No Is object the currently
focused box in an
unlocked patcher?
prototypename symbol No Name of the prototype
file used to create this

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

58 Scripting the Patcher

presentation char Yes Is object included in the

annotation symbol Yes Text shown in clue
window when mouse is
over the object
numinlets long No Number of inlets visible
numoutlets long No Number of outlets visible
outlettype symbol[] No Array of symbols with
outlet types ("signal" etc.)
To access an attribute of a non-UI object, use jbox_get_object() on the box to obtain the non-UI object first.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

Chapter 14

Enhancements to Objects

14.1 Preset Support

Presets are a simple state-saving mechanism. Your object receives a preset message when state is being saved.
You respond by creating a message that will be sent back to your object when the preset is recalled.
For more powerful and general state-saving, use the pattr system described below.
To support saving a single integer in a preset, you can use the preset_int() convenience function. The preset_int()
function records an int message with the value you pass it in the preset, to be sent back to your object at a later

class_addmethod(c, (method)myobject_preset, "preset", 0);

void myobject_preset(t_myobject *x)

preset_int(x, x->m_currentvalue);

More generally, you can use preset_store(). Here is an example of storing two values (m_xvalue and m_yvalue) in
a list.

preset_store("ossll", x, ob_sym(x), gensym("list"), x->m_xvalue, x->m_yvalue);

14.2 Pattr Support

In most cases, you need only to define your object's state using Attributes and it will be ready for use with Max's
pattr system. For more complex scenarios you may also wish to investigate object_notify(), object_attach(), and the
section on Receiving Notifications.

14.3 Assistance

To show descriptions of your object's inlets and outlets while editing a patcher, your object can respond to the assist
message with a function that copies the text to a string.

class_addmethod(c, (method)myobject_assist, "assist",

A_CANT, 0);

The function below has two inlets and one outlet. The io argument will be 1 for inlets, 2 for outlets. The index
argument will be 0 for the leftmost inlet or outlet. You can copy a maximum of 512 characters to the output string
s. You can use strncpy_zero() to copy the string, or if you want to format the assistance string based on a current
value in the object, you could use snprintf_zero().
60 Enhancements to Objects

void myobject_assist(t_myobject *x, void *b, long io, long index, char *s)
switch (io) {
case 1:
switch (index) {
case 0:
strncpy_zero(s, "This is a description of the leftmost inlet", 512);
case 1:
strncpy_zero(s, "This is a description of the rightmost inlet", 512);
case 2:
strncpy_zero(s, "This is a description of the outlet", 512);

14.4 Hot and Cold Inlets

Objects such as operators (+, -, etc.) and the int object have inlets that merely store values rather than performing
an operation and producing output. These inlets are labeled with a blue color to indicate they are "cold" rather than
action-producing "hot" inlets. To implement this labeling, your object can respond to the inletinfo message.

class_addmethod(c, (method)myobject_inletinfo, "inletinfo",

A_CANT, 0);

If all of your object's non-left inlets are "cold" you can use the function stdinletinfo() instead of writing your own, as
shown below:

class_addmethod(c, (method)stdinletinfo, "inletinfo",

A_CANT, 0);

To write your own function, just look at the index argument (which is 0 for the left inlet). This example turns the third
inlet cold. You don't need to do anything for "hot" inlets.

void myobject_inletinfo(t_myobject *x, void *b, long index, char *t)

if (index == 2)
*t = 1;

14.5 Showing a Text Editor

Objects such as coll and text display a text editor window when you double-click. Users can edit the contents of the
objects and save the updated data (or not). Here's how to do the same thing in your object.
First, if you want to support double-clicking on a non-UI object, you can respond to the dblclick message.

class_addmethod(c, (method)myobject_dblclick, "dblclick",

A_CANT, 0);

void myobject_dblclick(t_myobject *x)

// open editor here

You'll need to add a t_object pointer to your object's data structure to hold the editor.

typedef struct _myobject

t_object m_obj;
t_object *m_editor;
} t_myobject;

Initialize the m_editor field to NULL in your new instance routine. Then implement the dblclick method as follows:

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14.5 Showing a Text Editor 61

if (!x->m_editor)
x->m_editor = object_new(CLASS_NOBOX, gensym("jed"), (
t_object *)x, 0);
object_attr_setchar(x->m_editor, gensym("visible"), 1);

The code above does the following: If the editor does not exist, we create one by making a "jed" object and passing
our object as an argument. This permits the editor to tell our object when the window is closed.
If the editor does exist, we set its visible attribute to 1, which brings the text editor window to the front.
To set the text of the edit window, we can send our jed object the settext message with a zero-terminated buffer of
text. We also provide a symbol specifying how the text is encoded. For best results, the text should be encoded as
UTF-8. Here is an example where we set a string to contain "Some text to edit" then pass it to the editor.

char text[512];

strcpy(text,"Some text to edit");

object_method(x->m_editor, gensym("settext"), text, gensym("utf-8"));

The title attribute sets the window title of the text editor.

object_attr_setsym(x->m_editor, gensym("title"), gensym("crazytext"));

When the user closes the text window, your object (or the object you passed as an argument when creating the
editor) will be sent the edclose message.

class_addmethod(c, (method)myobject_edclose, "edclose",

A_CANT, 0);

The edclose method is responsible for doing something with the text. It should also zero the reference to the editor
stored in the object, because it will be freed. A pointer to the text pointer is passed, along with its size. The encoding
of the text is always UTF-8.

void myobject_edclose(t_myobject *x, char **ht, long size)

// do something with the text
x->m_editor = NULL;

If your object will be showing the contents of a text file, you are still responsible for setting the initial text, but you can
assign a file so that the editor will save the text data when the user chooses Save from the File menu. To assign a
file, use the filename message, assuming you have a filename and path ID.

object_method(x->m_editor, gensym("filename"), x->m_myfilename, x->m_mypath);

The filename message will set the title of the text editor window, but you can use the title attribute to override the
simple filename. For example, you might want the name of your object to precede the filename:

char titlename[512];

sprintf(titlename, "myobject: %s", x->m_myfilename);

object_attr_setsym(x->m_editor, gensym("title"), gensym(titlename));

Each time the user chooses Save, your object will receive an edsave message. If you return zero from your edsave
method, the editor will proceed with saving the text in a file. If you return non-zero, the editor assumes you have
taken care of saving the text. The general idea is that when the user wants to save the text, it is either updated
inside your object, updated in a file, or both. As an example, the js object uses its edsave message to trigger a
recompile of the Javascript code. But it also returns 0 from its edsave method so that the text editor will update the
script file. Except for the return value, the prototype of the edsave method is identical to the edclose method.

class_addmethod(c, (method)myobject_edsave, "edsave",

A_CANT, 0);

long myobject_edsave(t_myobject *x, char **ht, long size)

// do something with the text
return 0; // tell editor it can save the text

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

62 Enhancements to Objects

14.6 Accessing Data in table Objects

Table objects can be given names as arguments. If a table object has a name, you can access the data using
table_get(). Supply a symbol, as well as a place to assign a pointer to the data and the length. The following
example accesses a table called foo, and, if found, posts all its values.

long **data = NULL;

long i, size;

if (!table_get(gensym("foo"), &data, &size)) {

for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
post("%ld: %ld",i,(*data)[i]);

You can also write data into the table. If you would like the table editor to redraw after doing so, use table_dirty().
Here's an example where we set all values in the table to zero, then notify the table to redraw.

long **data = NULL;

long i, size;

if (!table_get(gensym("foo"), &data, &size)) {

for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
(*data)[i] = 0;

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

Chapter 15

Data Structures

15.1 Available Data Structures

The Max API provides a variety of useful data structures which may be used across platforms and provide basic

• Atom Array : container for an array of atoms

• Linked List : doubly-linked-list

• Hash Table : hash table for mapping symbols to data

• Quick Map : a double hash with keys mapped to values and vice-versa

• Database : SQLite database access

• Index Map : managed array of pointers

• String Object : wrapper for C-strings with an API for manipulating them

• Symbol Object : wrapper for symbols

• Dictionary : structured/hierarchical data that is both sortable and fast

15.2 Passing Data Structures

Most often, the use of a particular instance of a data structure will be limited to within the confines a single class or
object you create. However, in some cases you may wish to pass structured data from one object to another. For
this purpose, Max 6 introduced facilities for passing named t_dictionary instances.
Examples, descriptions, and API documentation can be found in Dictionary Passing API .
64 Data Structures

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

Chapter 16


The Max systhread API has two main purposes.

First, it can be used to implement thread protection which works in conjunction with Max's existing threading model
and is cross-platform. Thread protection prevents data corruption in the case of simultaneously executing threads in
the same application. We'll discuss the Max threading model and show you a simple example of thread protection
below, but you can often avoid the need to use thread protection by using one of the thread-safe Data Storage Max
The second use of the systhread API is a cross-platform way to create and manage threads. This is an advanced
feature that very few programmers will ever need. For information on creating and managing threads look at the
systhread API header file.

16.1 Max Threading Operation

Please note that this description of how Max operates is subject to change and may not apply to future versions.
For more information about the Max scheduler and low-priority queue, see the The Scheduler section.
Max (without audio) has two threads. The main or event thread handles user interaction, asks the system to redraw
the screen, processes events in the low-priority queue. When not in Overdrive mode, the main thread handles the
execution of events in the Max scheduler as well. When Overdrive is enabled, the scheduler is moved to a high-
priority timer thread that, within performance limits imposed by the operating system, attempts to run at the precise
scheduler interval set by user preference. This is usually 1 or 2 milliseconds.
The basic idea is to put actions that require precise timing and are relatively computationally cheap in the high-
priority thread and computationally expensive events that do not require precise timing in the main thread. On
multi-core machines, the high-priority thread may (or may not) be executing on a different core.
On both Mac and Windows, either the main thread or the timer thread can interrupt the other thread, even though
the system priority level of the timer thread is generally much higher. This might seem less than optimal, but it is
just how operating systems work. For example, if the OS comes to believe the Max timer thread is taking too much
time, the OS may "punish" the thread by interrupting it with other threads, even if those threads have a lower system
Because either thread can be interrupted by the other, it is necessary to use thread protection to preserve the
integrity of certain types of data structures and logical operations. A good example is a linked list, which can be
corrupted if a thread in the process of modifying the list is interrupted by another thread that tries to modify the list.
The Max t_linklist data structure is designed to be thread-safe, so if you need such a data structure, we suggest you
use t_linklist. In addition, Max provides thread protection between the timer thread and the main thread for many of
its common operations, such as sending messages and using outlets.
When we add audio into the mix (so to speak), the threading picture gets more complicated. The audio perform
routine is run inside a thread that is controlled by the audio hardware driver. In order to eliminate excessive thread
blocking and potential race conditions, the thread protection offered inside the audio perform routine is far less
comprehensive, and as discussed in the MSP section of the API documentation, the only supported operation for
66 Threading

perform routines to communicate to Max is to use a clock. This will trigger a function to run inside the Max scheduler.
The Max scheduler can be run in many different threading conditions. As explained above it can be run either in the
main thread or the timer thread. When Scheduler in Audio Interrupt (SIAI) is enabled, the scheduler runs with an
interval equal to every signal vector of audio inside the audio thread. However, if the Non-Real-Time audio driver is
used, the audio thread is run inside the main thread, and if SIAI is enabled, the scheduler will also run inside the
main thread. If not, it will run either in the main thread or the timer thread depending on the Overdrive setting. (Using
the Non-Real-Time audio driver without SIAI will generally lead to unpredictable results and is not recommended.)

16.2 Thread Protection

The easiest method for thread protection is to use critical sections. A critical section represents a region of code that
cannot be interrupted by another thread. We speak of entering and exiting a critical section, and use critical_enter()
and critical_exit() to do so.
Max provides a default global critical section for your use. This same critical section is used to protect the timer
thread from the main thread (and vice versa) for many common Max data structures such as outlets. If you call
critical_enter() and critical_exit() with argument of 0, you are using this global critical section. Typically it is more
efficient to use fewer critical sections, so for many uses, the global critical section is sufficient. Note that the critical
section is recursive, so you if you exit the critical section from within some code that is already protected, you won't
be causing any trouble.

16.2.1 When Messages Arrive

It's possible that a message sent to your object could interrupt the same message sent to your object ("myobject").
For example, consider what happens when a button is connected to the left inlet of myobject and a metro connected
to the same inlet.
When a user clicks on the bang button, the message is sent to your object in the main thread. When Overdrive is
enabled, the metro will send a bang message to your object in the timer thread. Either could interrupt the other. If
your object performs operations on a data structure that cannot be interrupted, you should use thread protection.

16.2.2 Critical Section Example

Here is an example that uses the global critical section to provide thread protection for an array data structure.
Assume we have an operation array_read() that reads data from an array, and array_insert() that inserts data into
the same array. We wish to ensure that reading doesn't interrupt writing and vice versa.

long array_read(t_myobject *x, long index)

result = x->m_data[index];
return result;

Note that all paths of your code must exit the critical region once it is entered, or the other threads in Max will never

long array_insert(t_myobject *x, long index, long value)

// move existing data
sysmem_copyptr(x->m_data + index, x->m_data + index + 1, (x->m_size - x->m_index) *
// write new data
x->m_data[index] = value;

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

Chapter 17


The Max file browser permits you to drag files to a patcher window or onto objects to perform file operations.
Your object can specify the file types accepted as well as a message that will be sent when the user releases the
mouse button with the file on top of the object. UI and non-UI objects use the same interface to drag'n'drop.
Example UI object: pictmeter∼. Example non-UI: TBD.
Messages to support:

acceptsdrag_locked (A_CANT)

Sent to an object during a drag when the mouse is over the object in an unlocked patcher.

acceptsdrag_unlocked (A_CANT)

Sent to an object during a drag when the mouse is over the object in a locked patcher.

17.1 Discussion

Why two different scenarios? acceptsdrag_unlocked() can be thought of as an "editing" operation. For example,
objects such as pictslider accept new image files for changing their appearance when the patcher is unlocked, but
not when the patcher is locked. By contrast, sfplay∼ can accept audio files for playback in either locked or unlocked
patchers, since that is something you can do with a message (rather than an editing operation that changes the
Message handler definitions:

long myobject_acceptsdrag_unlocked(t_myobject *x, t_object *drag,

t_object *view);
long myobject_acceptsdrag_locked(t_myobject *x, t_object *drag, t_object *view);

The handlers return true if the file(s) contained in the drag can be used in some way by the object. To test the
filetypes, use jdrag_matchdragrole() passing in the drag object and a symbol for the file type. Here is list of pre-
defined file types:

• audiofile

• imagefile

• moviefile

• patcher

• helpfile
68 Drag'n'Drop

• textfile

or to accept all files, use file

If jdrag_matchdragrole() returns true, you then describe the messages your object receives when the drag com-
pletes using jdrag_object_add(). You can add as many messages as you wish. If you are only adding a single
message, use jdrag_object_add(). For more control over the process, and for adding more than one message,
jdrag_add() can be used. If you add more than one message, the user can use the option key to specify the desired
action. By default, the first one you add is used. If there are two actions, the option key will cause the second one
to be picked. If there are more than two, a pop-up menu appears with descriptions of the actions (as passed to
jdrag_add()), and the selected action is used.
This code shows how to respond to an audiofile being dropped on your object by having the read message sent.

if (jdrag_matchdragrole(drag, gensym("audiofile"), 0)) {

jdrag_object_add(drag, (t_object *)x, gensym("read"));
return true;
return false;

Your acceptsdrag handler can test for multiple types of files and add different messages.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

Chapter 18


ITM is the tempo-based timing system introduced with Max 5.

It allows users to express time in tempo-relative units as well as milliseconds, samples, and an ISO 8601 hour-
minute-second format. In addition, ITM supports one or more transports, which can be synchronized to external
sources. An ITM-aware object can schedule events to occur when the transport reaches a specific time, or find out
the current transport state.
The ITM API is provided on two different levels. The time object (t_timeobject) interface provides a higher-level way
to parse time format information and schedule events. In addition, you can use lower-level routines to access ITM
objects (t_itm) directly. An ITM object is responsible for maintaining the current time and scheduling events. There
can be multiple ITM objects in Max, each running independently of the others.

18.1 Scheduling Temporary Events

There are two kinds of events in ITM. Temporary events are analogous to Max clock objects in that they are sched-
uled and fire at a dynamically assigned time. Once they have executed, they are removed from the scheduler.
Permanent events always fire when the transport reaches a specific time, and are not removed from the sched-
uler. The ITM-aware metro is an example of an object that uses temporary events, while the timepoint object uses
permanent events. We'll show how to work both types using an example included in the SDK called delay2. The
existing Max delay object provides this capability, but this example shows most of the things you can do with the
time object interface. To see the complete object, look at the delay2 example. We'll introduce a simpler version of
the object, then proceed to add the quantization and the additional outlet that generates a delayed bang based on
low-level ITM calls.
The ITM time object API is based on a Max object you create that packages up common ways you will be using
ITM, including attribute support, quantization, and, if you want it, the ability to switch between traditional millisecond-
based timing and tempo-based timing using an interface that is consistent with the existing Max objects such as
metro and delay. (If you haven't familiarized yourself with attributes, you may want to read through the discussion
about them in Attributes before reading further.)
To use the time object, you'll first need to provide some space in your object to hold a pointer to the object(s) you'll
be creating.

typedef struct _delay2simple

t_object m_ob;
t_object *m_timeobj;
void *m_outlet;
} _delay2simple;

Next, in your ext_main() routine, you'll create attributes associated with the time object using the class_time_←-
addattr() function.

class_time_addattr(c, "delaytime", "Delay Time",

70 ITM

The second argument, "delaytime", is a string that names the attribute. Users of your object will be able to change
the delay value by sending a delaytime message. "Delay Time" is the label users see for the attribute in the inspector.
The flags argument permits you to customize the type of time object you'd like. TIME_FLAGS_TICKSONLY means
that the object can only be specified in tempo-relative units. You would not use this flag if you want the object to use
the regular Max scheduler if the user specifies an absolute time (such as milliseconds). TIME_FLAGS_USECLOCK
means that it is a time object that will actually schedule events. If you do not use this flag, you can use the time
object to hold and convert time values, which you use to schedule events manually. TIME_FLAGS_TRANSPO←-
RT means that an additional attribute for specifying the transport name is added to your object automatically (it's
called "transport" and has the label "Transport Name"). The combination of flags above is appropriate for an object
that will be scheduling events on a temporary basis that are only synchronized with the transport and specified in
tempo-relative units.
The next step is to create a time object in your new instance routine using time_new. The time_new function is
something like clock_new – you pass it a task function that will be executed when the scheduler reaches a certain
time (in this case, delay2simple_tick, which will send out a bang). The first argument to time_new is a pointer to
your object, the second is the name of the attribute created via class_time_addattr, the third is your task function,
and the fourth are flags to control the behavior of the time object, as explained above for class_time_addattr.
Finally, we use time_setvalue to set the initial delay value to 0.

void *delay2simple_new()
t_delay2simple *x;
t_atom a;

x = (t_delay2simple *)object_alloc(s_delay2simple_class);
x->m_timeobj = (t_object *)time_new((t_object *)x,
gensym("delaytime"), (method)delay2simple_tick, TIME_FLAGS_TICKSONLY |
x->m_outlet = bangout((t_object *)x);
atom_setfloat(&a, 0.);
time_setvalue(x->d_timeobj, NULL, 1, &a);
return x;

To make a delayed bang, we need a delay2simple_bang function that causes our time object to put its task func-
tion into the ITM scheduler. This is accomplished using time_schedule. Note that unlike the roughly equivalent
clock_fdelay, where the delay time is an argument, the time value must already be stored inside the time object
using time_setvalue. The second argument to time_schedule is another time object that can be used to control
quantization of an event. Since we aren't using quantization in this simple version of delay2, we pass NULL.

void delay2simple_bang(t_delay2 *x)

time_schedule(x->d_timeobj, NULL);

Next, our simple task routine, delay2simple_tick. After the specified number of ticks in the time object has elapsed
after the call to time_schedule, the task routine will be executed.

void delay2_tick(t_delay2 *x)


Now let's add the two more advanced features found in delay2: quantization and a second (unquantized) bang
output using low-level ITM routines. Here is the delay2 data structure. The new elements are a proxy (for receiving
a delay time), a time object for quantization (d_quantize), a clock to be used for low-level ITM scheduling, and an
outlet for the use of the low-level clock's task.

typedef struct delay2

t_object d_obj;
void *d_outlet;
void *d_proxy;
long d_inletnum;
t_object *d_timeobj;
t_object *d_outlet2;
t_object *d_quantize;
void *d_clock;
} t_delay2;

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

18.2 Permanent Events 71

In the initialization routine, we'll define a quantization time attribute to work in conjunction with the d_quantize time
object we'll be creating. This attribute does not have its own clock to worry about. It just holds a time value, which
we specify will only be in ticks (quantizing in milliseconds doesn't make sense in the ITM context). If you build delay2
and open the inspector, you will see time attributes for both Delay Time and Quantization.

class_time_addattr(c, "quantize", "Quantization",


Here is part of the revised delay2 new instance routine. It now creates two time objects, plus a regular clock object.

x->d_inletnum = 0;
x->d_proxy = proxy_new(x, 1, &x->d_inletnum);
x->d_outlet2 = bangout(x);
x->d_outlet = bangout(x);

x->d_timeobj = (t_object*) time_new((t_object *)x,

gensym("delaytime"), (method)delay2_tick, TIME_FLAGS_TICKSONLY |
x->d_quantize = (t_object*) time_new((t_object *)x,
gensym("quantize"), NULL, TIME_FLAGS_TICKSONLY);
x->d_clock = clock_new((t_object *)x, (method)delay2_clocktick);

To use the quantization time object, we can pass it as the second argument to time_schedule. If the value of the
quantization is 0, there is no effect. Otherwise, time_schedule will move the event time so it lies on a quantization
boundary. For example, if the quantization value is 4n (480 ticks), the delay time is 8n (240 ticks) and current time
is 650 ticks, the delay time will be adjusted so that the bang comes out of the delay2 object at 980 ticks instead of
890 ticks.
In addition to using quantization with time_schedule, delay2_bang shows how to calculate a millisecond equivalent
for an ITM time value using itm_tickstoms. This delay value is not quantized, although you read the time value from
the d_quantize object and calculate your own quantized delay if wanted. The "calculated" delay is sent out the right
outlet, since the clock we created uses delay2_clocktick.

void delay2_bang(t_delay2 *x)

double ms, tix;

time_schedule(x->d_timeobj, x->d_quantize);

tix = time_getticks(x->d_timeobj);
tix += (tix / 2);
ms = itm_tickstoms(time_getitm(x->d_timeobj), tix);
clock_fdelay(x->d_clock, ms);

void delay2_clocktick(t_delay2 *x)


18.2 Permanent Events

A permanent event in ITM is one that has been scheduled to occur when the transport reaches a specific time. You
can schedule a permanent event in terms of ticks or bars/beats/units. An event based in ticks will occur when the
transport reaches the specified tick value, and it will not be affected by changes in time signature. An event specified
for a time in bars/beats/units will be affected by the time signature. As an example, consider an event scheduled
for bar 2, beat 1, unit 0. If the time signature of the ITM object on which the event has been scheduled is 3/4, the
event will occur at 480 times 3 or 1440 ticks. But if the time signature is 4/4, the event will occur at 1920 ticks. If, as
an alternative, you had scheduled the event to occur at 1920 ticks, setting the time signature to 3/4 would not have
affected when it occurred.
You don't "schedule" a permanent event. Once it is created, it is always in an ITM object's list of permanent events.
To specify when the event should occur, use time_setvalue.
The high-level time object interface handles permanent events. Let's say we want to have a time value called
"targettime." First, we declare an attribute using class_time_addattr. The flags used are TIME_FLAGS_TICKS←-
ONLY (required because you can't specify a permanent event in milliseconds), TIME_FLAGS_LOCATION (which

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72 ITM

interprets the bar/beat/unit times where 1 1 0 is zero ticks), TIME_FLAGS_PERMANENT (for a permanent event),
and TIME_FLAGS_TRANSPORT (which adds a transport attribute permitting a user to choose a transport object
as a destination for the event) and TIME_FLAGS_POSITIVE (constrains the event to happen only for positive tick
and bar/beat/unit values).

class_time_addattr(c, "targettime", "Target Time",


The TIME_FLAGS_TRANSPORT flag is particularly nice. Without any intervention on your part, it creates a trans-
port attribute for your object, and takes care of scheduling the permanent event on the transport the user specifies,
with a default value of the global ITM object. If you want to cause your event to be rescheduled dynamically when
the user changes the transport, your object can respond to the reschedule message as follows.

class_addmethod(c, (method)myobject_reschedule, "reschedule",

A_CANT, 0); // for dynamic transport reassignment

All you need to do in your reschedule method is just act as if the user has changed the time value, and use the
current time value to call time_setvalue.
In your new instance routine, creating a permanent event with time_new uses the same flags as were passed to

x->t_time = (t_object*) time_new((t_object *)x, gensym("targettime"), (

method)myobject_tick, TIME_FLAGS_TICKSONLY |

The task called by the permanent time object is identical to a clock task or an ITM temporary event task.

18.3 Cleaning Up

With all time objects, both permanent and temporary, it's necessary to free the objects in your object's free method.
Failure to do so will lead to crashes if your object is freed but its events remain in the ITM scheduler. For example,
here is the delay2 free routine:

void delay2_free(t_delay2 *x)

freeobject((t_object *) x->d_proxy);
freeobject((t_object *)x->d_clock);

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

Chapter 19

Jitter Object Model

19.1 Jitter Object Model Basics

Jitter objects use an object model which is somewhat different than the one traditionally used for developing Max
external objects. The first big difference between Jitter objects and traditional Max external objects is that Jitter
objects don't have any notion of the patcher themselves. This allows for the flexible instantiation and use of Jitter
objects from C, Java, JavaScript, as well as in the Max patcher. The use of these Jitter objects is exposed to the
patcher with a Max "wrapper" object, which will be discussed in the following chapter.
In this chapter we'll restrict our discussion to the fundamentals of defining the Jitter object which can be used in
any of these languages. While Jitter's primary focus is matrix processing and real-time graphics, these tasks are
unrelated to the object model, and will be covered in later chapters on developing Matrix Operator (MOP) and OB3D
objects. Like Max objects, Jitter objects are typically written in C. While C++ can be used to develop Jitter objects,
none of the object oriented language features will be used to define your object as far as Jitter is concerned. Similar
to C++ or Java objects, Jitter objects are defined by a class with methods and member variables - we will refer to the
member variables as "attributes". Unlike C++ or Java, there are no language facilities that manage class definition,
class inheritance, or making use of class instances. In Jitter this must all be managed with sets of standard C
function calls that will define your class, exercise methods, and get and set object attributes.
Max and Jitter implement their object models by maintaining a registry of ordinary C functions and struct members
that map to methods and attributes associated with names. When some other code wishes to make use of these
methods or attributes, it asks the Jitter object to look up the method or attribute in its registry based on a name.
This is called dynamic binding, and is similar to Smalltalk or Objective C's object model. C++ and Java typically
make use of static binding — i.e. methods and member variables are resolved at compile time rather than being
dynamically looked up at run time.

19.2 Defining a Jitter Class

A Jitter class is typically defined in a C function named something like your_object_name_init(). Class definition
begins with a call to jit_class_new(), which creates a new class associated with a specified name, constructor,
destructor, and size in bytes of the object as stored in a C structure. This is followed by calls to jit_class_←-
addmethod() and jit_class_addattr(), which register methods and attributes with their corresponding names in the
class. The class is finally registered with a call to jit_class_register(). A minimal example class definition is shown

typedef struct _jit_foo

t_jit_object ob;
float myval;
} t_jit_foo;

static t_jit_class *_jit_foo_class=NULL;

t_jit_err jit_foo_init(void)
74 Jitter Object Model

long attrflags=0;
t_jit_object *attr;

// create new class named "jit_foo" with constructor + destructor

_jit_foo_class = jit_class_new("jit_foo",(method)jit_foo_new,
(method)jit_foo_free, sizeof(t_jit_foo), 0L);

// add method to class

jit_class_addmethod(jit_foo_scream, "scream", A_DEFLONG, 0L);

// define attribute
attr = jit_object_new( // instantiate an object
_jit_sym_jit_attr_offset, // of class jit_attr_offset
"myval", // with name "myval"
_jit_sym_float32, // type float32
attrflags, // default flags
(method)0L, // default getter accessor
(method)0L, // default setter accessor
calcoffset(t_jit_foo,myval)); // byte offset to struct member

// add attribute object to class

jit_class_addattr(_jit_foo_class, attr);

// register class

return JIT_ERR_NONE;

// constructor
t_jit_foo *jit_foo_new(void)
t_jit_foo *x;

// allocate object
if (x=jit_object_alloc(_jit_foo_class))
// if successful, perform any initialization
x->myval = 0;
return x;

// destructor
void jit_foo_free(t_jit_foo *x)
// would free any necessary resources here

// scream method
void jit_foo_scream(t_jit_foo *x, long i)
post("MY VALUE IS %f! AND MY ARGUMENT IS %d", x->myval, i);

The above example has a constructor, jit_foo_new(); a destructor, jit_foo_free(); one 32 bit floating point attribute,
myval, a member of the object struct accessed with default accessor methods; and a method jit_foo_scream(),
which posts the current value of myval to the Max window.

19.3 Object Struct

Each instance of an object occupies some region of organized memory. The C structure that defines this organiza-
tion of memory is typically referred to as the "object struct". It is important that the object struct always begin with
an entry of type t_jit_object. It is within the t_jit_object where special information about the class is kept. The C
structure can contain additional information, either exposed as attributes or not, but it is important that the size of
the object struct does not exceed 16384 bytes. This means that it is not safe to define a large array as a struct entry
if it will cause the size of the object struct to be larger than this limit. If additional memory is required, the object
struct should contain a pointer to memory allocated from within the constructor, and freed within the destructor.
The class registration in the above code makes use of the object struct both to record in the class how large
each object instance should be—i.e. sizeof(t_jit_foo) ; and at what byte offset in the object struct an attribute is
located—i.e. calcoffset(t_jit_foo, myval) . When methods of an object are called, the instance of the object struct is
passed as the first argument to the C functions which define the object methods. This instance may be thought of
as similar to the "this" keyword used in C++ and Java - actually the C++ and Java underlying implementation works
quite similarly to what has been implemented here in pure C. Object struct entries may be thought of as similar to

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19.4 Constructor/Destructor 75

object member variables, but methods must be called via functions rather than simply dereferencing instances of
the class as you might do in C++ or Java. The list of object methods and other class information is referenced by
your object's t_jit_object entry.

19.4 Constructor/Destructor

The two most important methods that are required for all objects are the constructor and the destructor. These
are typically named your_object_name_new(), and your_object_name_free(), respectively. It is the constructor's
responsibility to allocate and initialize the object struct and any additional resources the object instance requires.
The object struct is allocated via jit_object_alloc(), which also initializes the t_jit_object struct entry to point at your
relevant class information. The class information resides in your global class variable, e.g. _jit_foo_class, which you
pass as an argument to jit_object_alloc(). This allocation does not, however initialize the other struct entries, such
as "myval", which you must explicitly initialize if your allocation is successful. Note that because the constructor
allocates the object instance, no object instance is passed as the first argument to the function which defines the
constructor, unlike other object methods.
The constructor also has the option of having a typed argument signature with the same types as defined in the
Writing Max Externals documentation—i.e. A_LONG, A_FLOAT, A_SYM, A_GIMME, etc. Typically, Jitter object
constructors either have no arguments or use the A_GIMME typed argument signature.
In earlier versions of Jitter, the constructors were often specified as private and "untyped" using the A_CANT type
signature. While this obsolete style of an untyped constructor will work for the exposure of a Jitter class to the
patcher and C, it is now discouraged, as there must be a valid type signature for exposure of a class to Javascript
or Java, though that signature may be the empty list.
It is the destructor's responsibility to free any resources allocated, with the exception of the object struct itself. The
object struct is freed for you after your destructor exits.

19.5 Methods

You can define additional methods using the jit_class_addmethod() function. This example defines the scream
method associated with the function jit_foo_scream(), with no additional arguments aside from the standard first
argument of a pointer to the object struct. Just like methods for ordinary Max objects, these methods could have
a typed argument signature with the same types as defined in the Writing Max Externals documentation — i.←-
e. A_LONG, A_FLOAT, A_SYM, A_GIMME. Typically in Jitter objects, public methods are specified either without
arguments, or use A_GIMME, or the low priority variants, A_DEFER_LOW, or A_USURP_LOW, which will be
discussed in following chapters. Private methods, just like their Max equivalent should be defined as untyped, using
the A_CANT type signature. Object methods can be called from C either by calling the C function directly, or by
using jit_object_method() or jit_object_method_typed(). For example, the following calls that relate to the above
jit_foo example are equivalent:

// call scream method directly

jit_foo_scream(x, 74);

// dynamically resolve and call scream method

jit_object_method(x, gensym("scream"), 74);

// dynamically resolve and call scream method with typed atom arguments
t_atom a[1];
jit_atom_setlong(a, 74);
jit_object_method_typed(x, gensym("scream"), 1, a, NULL);

What the jit_object_method() and jit_object_method_typed() functions do is look up the provided method symbol in
the object's class information, and then calls the corresponding C function associated with the provided symbol. The
difference between jit_object_method() and jit_object_method_typed() is that jit_object_method() will not require
that the method is typed and public, and blindly pass all of the arguments following the method symbol on to the
corresponding method. For this reason, it is required that you know the signature of the method you are calling,
and pass the correct arguments. This is not type checked at compile time, so you must be extremely attentive to
the arguments you pass via jit_object_method(). It is also possible for you to define methods which have a typed

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76 Jitter Object Model

return value with the A_GIMMEBACK type signature. When calling such methods, the final argument to jit_object←-
_method_typed(), should point to a t_atom to be filled in by the callee. This and the subject of "typed wrappers" for
exposing otherwise private methods to language bindings that require typed methods (e.g. Java/!JavaScript) will be
covered in a later chapter.

19.6 Attributes

You can add attributes to the class with jit_class_addattr(). Attributes themselves are Jitter objects which share a
common interface for getting and setting values. While any class which conforms to the attribute interface could be
used to define attributes of a given class, there are a few common classes which are currently used: jit_attr_offset(),
which specifies a scalar attribute of a specific type (char, long, float32, float64, symbol, or atom) at some byte offset
in the object struct; jit_attr_offset_array() which specifies an array (vector) attribute of a specific type (char, long,
float32, float64, symbol, or atom) at some byte offset in the object struct; and jit_attribute, which is a more generic
attribute object that can be instantiated on a per object basis. We will not document the usage of jit_attribute at this
time. The constructor for the class jit_attr_offset() has the following prototype:

t_jit_object *jit_attr_offset_new(char *name,

t_symbol *type, long flags,
method mget, method mset, long offset);

When this constructor is called via jit_object_new(), additionally the class name, _jit_sym_jit_attr_offset (a global
variable equivalent to gensym("jit_attr_offset") ) must be passed as the first parameter, followed by the above argu-
ments, which are passed on to the constructor. The name argument specifies the attribute name as a null terminated
C string. The type argument specifies the attribute type, which may be one of the following symbols: _jit_sym_char,
_jit_sym_long, _jit_sym_float32, _jit_sym_float64, _jit_sym_symbol, _jit_sym_atom, _jit_sym_object, or _jit_sym←-
_pointer. The latter two are only useful for private attributes as these types are not exposed to, or converted from
Max message atom values.
The flags argument specifies the attribute flags, which may be a bitwise combination of the following constants:

#define JIT_ATTR_GET_OPAQUE 0x00000001 // cannot query

#define JIT_ATTR_SET_OPAQUE 0x00000002 // cannot set
#define JIT_ATTR_GET_OPAQUE_USER 0x00000100 // user cannot query
#define JIT_ATTR_SET_OPAQUE_USER 0x00000200 // user cannot set
#define JIT_ATTR_GET_DEFER 0x00010000 // (deprecated)
#define JIT_ATTR_GET_USURP 0x00020000 // (deprecated)
#define JIT_ATTR_GET_DEFER_LOW 0x00040000 // query in low priority
#define JIT_ATTR_GET_USURP_LOW 0x00080000 // query in low, usurping
#define JIT_ATTR_SET_DEFER 0x01000000 // (deprecated)
#define JIT_ATTR_SET_USURP 0x02000000 // (deprecated)
#define JIT_ATTR_SET_DEFER_LOW 0x04000000 // set at low priority
#define JIT_ATTR_SET_USURP_LOW 0x08000000 // set at low, usurping

Typically attributes in Jitter are defined with flags JIT_ATTR_GET_DEFER_LOW, and JIT_ATTR_SET_USURP←-
_LOW. This means that multiple queries from the patcher will generate a response for each query, and that multiple
attempts to set the value at high priority will collapse into a single call with the last received value. For more
information on defer and usurp, see the chapter on Jitter scheduling issues.
The mget argument specifies the attribute "getter" accessor method, used to query the attribute value. If this
argument is zero (NULL), then the default getter accessor will be used. If you need to define a custom accessor, it
should have a prototype and form comparable to the following custom getter:

t_jit_err jit_foo_myval_get(t_jit_foo *x, void *attr, long *ac, t_atom **av)

if ((*ac)&&(*av)) {
//memory passed in, use it
} else {
//otherwise allocate memory
*ac = 1;
if (!(*av = jit_getbytes(sizeof(t_atom)*(*ac)))) {
*ac = 0;

return JIT_ERR_NONE;

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19.7 Array Attributes 77

Note that getters require memory to be allocated, if there is not memory passed into the getter. Also the attr
argument is the class' attribute object and can be queried using jit_object_method() for things like the attribute flags,
names, filters, etc.. The mset argument specifies the attribute "setter" accessor method, used to set the attribute
value. If this argument is zero (NULL), then the default setter accessor will be used. If we need to define a custom
accessor, it should have a prototype and form comparable to the following custom setter:

t_jit_err jit_foo_myval_set(t_jit_foo *x, void *attr, long ac, t_atom *av)

if (ac&&av) {
x->myval = jit_atom_getfloat(av);
} else {
// no args, set to zero
x->myval = 0;
return JIT_ERR_NONE;

The offset argument specifies the attribute's byte offset in the object struct, used by default getters and setters to
automatically query and set the attribute's value. If you have both custom accessors, this value is ignored. This can
be a useful strategy to employ if you wish to have an object attribute that does not correspond to any actual entry
in your object struct. For example, this is how we implement the time attribute of — i.e. it uses a custom
getter and setter which make QuickTime API calls to query and set the current movie time, rather than manipulating
the object struct itself, where no information about movie time is actually stored. In such an instance, you should
set this offset to zero.
After creating the attribute, it must be added to the Jitter class using the jit_class_addattr() function:

t_jit_err jit_class_addattr(void *c, t_jit_object *attr);

To put it all together: to define a jit_attribute_offset() with the custom getter and setter functions defined above, you'd
make the following call:

long attrflags = JIT_ATTR_GET_DEFER_LOW |

t_jit_object *attr = jit_object_new(_jit_sym_jit_attr_offset, "myval",
_jit_sym_float32, attrflags,
(method)jit_foo_myval_get, (method)jit_foo_myval_set, NULL);
jit_class_addattr(_jit_foo_class, attr);

And to define a completely standard jit_attribute_offset(), using the default getter and setter methods:

long attrflags = JIT_ATTR_GET_DEFER_LOW |

t_jit_object *attr = jit_object_new(_jit_sym_jit_attr_offset, "myval",
_jit_sym_float32, attrflags,
(method)NULL, (method)NULL, calcoffset(t_jit_foo, myval));
jit_class_addattr(_jit_foo_class, attr);

19.7 Array Attributes

Attributes can, in addition to referencing single values, also refer to arrays of data. The class jit_attribute_offset_←-
array is used in this instance. The constructor for the class jit_attr_offset_array() has the following prototype:

t_jit_object *jit_attr_offset_array_new(char *name,

t_symbol *type, long size,
long flags, method mget, method mset, long offsetcount, long offset);

When this constructor is called via jit_object_new(), additionally the class name, _jit_sym_jit_attr_offset_array() (a
global variable equivalent to gensym("jit_attr_offset_array") ) must be passed as the first parameter, followed by the
above arguments, which are passed on to the constructor.
The name, type, flags, mget, mset and offset arguments are identical to those specified above.
The size argument specifies the maximum length of the array (the allocated size of the array in the Jitter object
struct). The offsetcount specifies the byte offset in the object struct, where the actual length of the array can be

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78 Jitter Object Model

queried/set. This value should be specified as a long. This value is used by default getters and setters when
querying and setting the attribute's value. As with the jit_attr_offset object, if you have both custom accessors, this
value is ignored.
The following sample listing demonstrates the creation of a simple instance of the jit_attr_offset_array() class for an
object defined as:

typedef struct _jit_foo

t_jit_object ob;
long myarray[10]; // max of 10 entries in this array
long myarraycount; // actual number being used
} t_jit_foo;

long attrflags = JIT_ATTR_GET_DEFER_LOW |

t_jit_object *attr = jit_object_new(_jit_sym_jit_attr_offset_array
, "myarray",
_jit_sym_long, 10, attrflags, (method)0L, (method)0L,
calcoffset(t_jit_foo, myarraycount), calcoffset(t_jit_foo, myarray));
jit_class_addattr(_jit_foo_class, attr);

19.8 Attribute Notification

Although the subject of object registration and notification will be covered in greater depth in a forthcoming chapter,
it bears noting that attributes of all types (e.g. jit_attr_offset, jit_attr_offset_array and jit_attribute) will, if registered,
automatically send notifications to all attached client objects, each time the attribute's value is set.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

Chapter 20

Jitter Max Wrappers

20.1 Max Wrapper Classes

In order to expose the Jitter object to the Max patcher, a Max "wrapper" class must be defined. For simple classes,
this is largely facilitated by a handful of utility functions that take a Jitter class and create the appropriate wrapper
class with default functionality. However, there are occasions which warrant additional intervention to achieve special
behavior, such as the use of additional inlets and outlets, integrating with MSP, converting matrix information to and
from Max lists, etc. The first Max wrapper class we'll demonstrate won't have any extra complication beyond simply
containing a basic Jitter class.
In general it is preferable to design the Jitter class so that it knows nothing about the Max patcher, and that any logic
necessary to communicate with the patcher is maintained in the Max wrapper class. In situations where this might
seem difficult, this can typically be accomplished by making special methods in the Jitter class that are only meant
to be called by the Max wrapper, or by using Jitter's object notification mechanism, which we'll discuss in a future
chapter. Below is the minimal Max wrapper class for the minimal Jitter class shown in the last chapter.

typedef struct _max_jit_foo

t_object ob;
void *obex;
} t_max_jit_foo;

void *class_max_jit_foo;

void ext_main(void *r)

void *p,*q;

// initialize the Jitter class


// create the Max class as documented in Writing Max Externals

(method) max_jit_foo_new,
(method) max_jit_foo_free,
0L, A_GIMME, 0);

// specify a byte offset to keep additional information

p = max_jit_classex_setup(calcoffset(t_max_jit_foo, obex));

// look up the Jitter class in the class registry

q = jit_class_findbyname(gensym("jit_foo"));

// wrap the Jitter class with the standard methods for Jitter objects
max_jit_classex_standard_wrap(p, q, 0);

// add an inlet/outlet assistance method

addmess((method)max_jit_foo_assist, "assist", A_CANT,0);

void max_jit_foo_assist(t_max_jit_foo *x, void *b, long m, long a, char *s)

// no inlet/outlet assistance
80 Jitter Max Wrappers

void max_jit_foo_free(t_max_jit_foo *x)

// lookup the internal Jitter object instance and free

// free resources associated with the obex entry


void *max_jit_foo_new(t_symbol *s, long argc, t_atom *argv)

t_max_jit_foo *x;
long attrstart;
void *o;

// create the wrapper object instance based on the

// max wrapper class, and the jitter class
if (x = (t_max_jit_foo *)max_jit_obex_new(class_max_jit_foo,
// add a general purpose outlet (rightmost)
max_jit_obex_dumpout_set(x, outlet_new(x,0L));

// get normal args if necessary

attrstart = max_jit_attr_args_offset(argc,argv);

// instantiate Jitter object

if (o = jit_object_new(gensym("jit_foo")))
// set internal jitter object instance

// process attribute arguments

// couldn’t instantiate, clean up and report an error
freeobject((void *)x);
x = NULL;
error(" out of memory");

return (x);

20.2 Object Struct

The first thing you must do is define your Max class object struct. As is typical, for standard Max objects the first
entry of the object struct must be of type t_object; for UI objects, it must be of type t_jbox; for MSP objects, it must
be of type t_pxobject; and for MSP UI objects, it must be of type t_pxjbox. For more information on these different
Max object types, please consult the Max developer documentation. Jitter objects can be wrapped within any of
these object types.
You also need to define a pointer to point to extra information and resources needed to effectively wrap your Jitter
class. This is typically referred to as the "obex" data, and it is where Jitter stores things like attribute information,
the general purpose "dumpout", the internal Jitter object instance, Matrix Operator resources for inlets/outlets, and
other auxiliary object information that is not required in a simple Max object. As of Max 4.5 there is also the facility
for making use of such additional object information for ordinary Max objects. At the time of this writing, such
information is provided in the Pattr developer documentation, as it is relevant to the definition of object attributes,
which may be stored and operated upon by the patcher attribute suite of objects.

20.3 Defining Your Max Class

In your Max class registration, which takes place in your external's ext_main() function, you should begin by calling
your Jitter class's registration function, typically named something like your_object_name_init(). Then you should
proceed to define the Max class's constructor, destructor, object struct size, and typed arguments as is typically
accomplished for Max objects via the setup function. In order for your wrapper class to be able to find the obex data,
you need to specify a byte offset where this pointer is located within each object instance and allocate the resource

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20.4 Constructor 81

in which this is stored in your Max class. This is accomplished with the max_jit_classex_setup() function. You
should then look up the Jitter class via jit_class_findbyname(), and wrap it via the max_jit_classex_standard_wrap()
function. The max_jit_classex_standard_wrap() function will add all typed methods defined in the Jitter class, as
well getter and setter methods for attributes that are not opaque (i.e. private), and all the methods that are common
to Jitter objects like getattributes, getstate, summary, importattrs, exportattrs, etc.
Now that you have wrapped the Jitter class, you can add any additional methods that you wish, such as your
inlet/outlet assistance method, or something specific to the Max object. Like Jitter objects, you can also add methods
which have defer or usurp wrappers, and these should be added via the max_addmethod_defer_low() or max_←-
addmethod_usurp_low() functions, rather than simply using the traditional addmess() function. C

20.4 Constructor

Inside the Max object constructor, there are a few things which are different than building an ordinary Max external.
If your object is to respond to attribute arguments, the constructor must be defined to take variable number of typed
atom arguments, accomplished with the A_GIMME signature. You allocate your Max object with the max_jit_←-
obex_new() function, instead of the traditional newobject function. You need to pass your Jitter class name to the
max_jit_obex_new() function, which also allocates and initializes your obex data. If successful, you should proceed
to add your general purpose "dumpout" outlet, used for returning attribute queries and other methods that provide
information like ∗∗'s framedump method's frame number or read method success code, with the max_←-
jit_object_dumpout_set() function. If your object is a Matrix Operator that calls max_jit_mop_setup_simple() you
will not need to explicitly call max_jit_object_dumpout_set(), as max_jit_mop_setup_simple() calls max_jit_object←-
_dumpout_set() internally.
You then allocate your Jitter object with jit_object_new(), and store it in your obex data via max_jit_obex_jitob_set().
Note that this Jitter object instance can always be found with the function max_jit_obex_jitob_get(). If you wish,
prior to allocating your Jitter object, you can look at your non-attribute arguments first — those arguments up to
the location returned by max_jit_attr_args_offset() — and make use of them in your Jitter object constructor. It is
typical to process attribute arguments after you've allocated both the Max and Jitter object instances, with max←-
_jit_attr_args(), which is passed the Max object instance. If you wanted to use the attribute arguments somehow
in your Jitter object constructor, you would need to parse the attribute arguments yourself. If you are not able to
allocate your Jitter object (as is the case if you have run out of memory or if Jitter is present but not authorized), it is
important that you clean up your Max wrapper object, and return NULL.

20.5 Destructor

In your Max object destructor, you additionally need to free your internal Jitter object with jit_object_free(), and free
any additional obex data with max_jit_obex_free(). Matrix operators will typically require that max_jit_mop_free() is
called, to free the resources allocated for matrix inputs and outputs. If your object has attached to a registered object
for notification via jit_object_attach(), you should detach from that object in your destructor using jit_object_detach()
to prevent invalid memory accesses as the registered object might attempt to notify the memory of a now freed
object. Object registration and notification is discussed in further detail in following chapters.

20.6 Dumpout

The general purpose outlet, also known as "dumpout", is automatically used by the Max wrapper object when calling
attribute getters and several of the standard methods like summary, or getattributes. It is also available for use in
any other Max method you want, most easily accessed with the max_jit_obex_dumpout() function that operates
similar to outlet_anything(), but uses the max object pointer rather than the outlet pointer as the first argument.
The outlet pointer which has been set in your constructor can be queried with the max_jit_obex_dumpout_get()
function, and used in the standard outlet calls. However, it is recommended for routing purposes that any output
through the dumpout outlet is a message beginning with a symbol, rather than simply a bang, int, or float. Therefore,
outlet_anything() makes the most sense to use.

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82 Jitter Max Wrappers

20.7 Additional inlets/outlets

To add additional inlets and outlets to your Max external, a few things should be noted. First, if your object is a Matrix
Operator, matrix inlets and outlets will be added either through either the high level max_jit_mop_setup_simple(), or
lower level max_jit_mop_inputs() or max_jit_mop_outputs() calls. These Matrix Operator functions will be covered
in the chapter on Matrix Operators. Secondly, if your object is an MSP object, all signal inlets and outlets must be
leftmost, and all non-signal inlets and outlets must be to the right of any single inlets or outlets—i.e. they cannot be
intermixed. Lastly, additional inlets should use proxies (covered in detail in the Max developer documentation) so
that your object knows which inlet a message has been received. This is accomplished with the max_jit_obex_←-
proxy_new() function. The inlet number is zero based, and you do not need to create a proxy for the leftmost inlet.
Inside any methods which need to know which inlet the triggering message has been received, you can use the
max_jit_obex_inletnumber_get() function.

20.8 Max Wrapper Attributes

Sometimes you will need additional attributes which are specific to the Max wrapper class, but are not part of the
internal Jitter class. Attributes objects for the Max wrapper class are defined in the same way as those for the
Jitter class, documented in the previous chapter. However, these attributes are not added to the Max class with the
jit_class_addattr() function, but instead with the max_jit_classex_addattr() function, which takes the classex pointer
returned from max_jit_classex_setup(). Attribute flags, and custom getter and setter methods should be defined
exactly as they would for the Jitter class.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

Chapter 21

Matrix Operator QuickStart

The purpose of this chapter is to give a quick and high level overview of how to develop a simple Matrix Operator
(MOP), which can process the matrix type most commonly used for video streams—i.e.
4 plane char data. For this task, we will use the jit.scalebias SDK example. More details such as how to make a
Matrix Operator which deals with multiple types, plane count, dimensionality, inputs, outputs, etc. will appear in the
following chapter. This chapter assumes familiarity with Jitter's multi-dimensional matrix representation and Matrix
Operators used from the Max patcher, as discussed in the Jitter Tutorial, and as well as the preceding chapters on
the Jitter object model and Max wrapper classes.

21.1 Defining the MOP Jitter Class

In the Jitter class definition, we introduce a few new concepts for Matrix Operators. In addition to the standard
method and attribute definitions discussed in the Jitter object model chapter, you will want to define things like how
many inputs and outputs the operator has, and what type, plane count, and dimension restrictions the operator has.
These are accomplished by creating an instance of the jit_mop class, setting some state for the jit_mop object and
adding this object as an adornment to your Jitter class. The following code segment references the jit.scalebias
SDK example.

// create a new instance of jit_mop with 1 input, and 1 output

mop = jit_object_new(_jit_sym_jit_mop,1,1);

// enforce a single type for all inputs and outputs


// enforce a single plane count for all inputs and outputs


// add the jit_mop object as an adornment to the class


You create your jit_mop instance in a similar fashion to creating your attribute instances, using jit_object_new(). The
jit_mop constructor has two integer arguments for inputs and outputs, respectively. By default, each MOP input
and output is unrestricted in plane count, type, and dimension, and also are linked to the plane count, type, and
dimensions of the first (i.e. leftmost) input. This default behavior can be overridden, and this simple 4 plane, char
type, jit.scalebias example enforces the corresponding type and plane count restrictions via the jit_mop_single_←-
type() and jit_mop_single_planecount() utility functions. For more information on the jit_mop class, please see the
following chapter on MOP details and the Jitter API reference.
Once you have created your jit_mop instance, and configured it according to the needs of your object, you add it as
an adornment to your Jitter class with the jit_class_add_adornment() function. Adornments are one way for Jitter
objects to have additional information, and in some instances behavior, tacked onto an existing class. Adornments
will be discussed in detail in a later chapter.
You also want to define your matrix calculation method, where most of the work of a Matrix Operator occurs, with
the jit_class_addmethod() function as a private, untyped method bound to the symbol matrix_calc.
84 Matrix Operator QuickStart

"matrix_calc", A_CANT, 0L);

21.2 The Jitter Class Constructor/Destructor

You don't need to add anything special to your Matrix Operator's constructor or destructor, aside from the stan-
dard initialization and cleanup any Jitter object would need to do. Any internal matrices for input and outputs are
maintained, and only required, by the Max wrapper's asynchronous interface. The Jitter MOP contains no matrices
for inputs and outputs, but rather expects that the matrix calculation method is called with all inputs and outputs
synchronously. When used from languages like C, Java, and JavaScript, it is up to the programmer to maintain and
provide any matrices which are being passed into the matrix calculation method.

21.3 The Matrix Calculation Method

The most important method for Matrix Operators, and the one in which the most work typically occurs is in the
matrix calculation, or "matrix_calc" method, which should be defined as a private, untyped method with the A_←-
CANT type signature, and bound to the symbol "matrix_calc". In this method your object receives a list of input
matrices and output matrices to use in its calculation. You need to lock access to these matrices, inquire about
important attributes, and ensure that any requirements with respect to type, plane count, or dimensionality for the
inputs are met before actually processing the data, unlocking access to the matrices and returning. It should be
defined as in the following example.

t_jit_err jit_scalebias_matrix_calc(t_jit_scalebias *x,

void *inputs, void *outputs)
t_jit_err err=JIT_ERR_NONE;
long in_savelock,out_savelock;
t_jit_matrix_info in_minfo,out_minfo;
char *in_bp,*out_bp;
long i,dimcount,planecount,dim[JIT_MATRIX_MAX_DIMCOUNT];
void *in_matrix,*out_matrix;

// get the zeroth index input and output from

// the corresponding input and output lists
in_matrix = jit_object_method(inputs,_jit_sym_getindex,0);
out_matrix = jit_object_method(outputs,_jit_sym_getindex,0);

// if the object and both input and output matrices

// are valid, then process, else return an error
if (x&&in_matrix&&out_matrix)
// lock input and output matrices
in_savelock =
(long) jit_object_method(in_matrix,_jit_sym_lock,1);
out_savelock =
(long) jit_object_method(out_matrix,_jit_sym_lock,1);

// fill out matrix info structs for input and output


// get matrix data pointers


// if data pointers are invalid, set error, and cleanup

if (!in_bp) { err=JIT_ERR_INVALID_INPUT; goto out;}
if (!out_bp) { err=JIT_ERR_INVALID_OUTPUT; goto out;}

// enforce compatible types

if ((in_minfo.type!=_jit_sym_char) ||
goto out;

// enforce compatible planecount

if ((in_minfo.planecount!=4) ||

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21.4 Processing N-Dimensional Matrices 85

goto out;

// get dimensions/planecount
dimcount = out_minfo.dimcount;
planecount = out_minfo.planecount;
for (i=0;i<dimcount;i++)
// if input and output are not matched in
// size, use the intersection of the two
dim[i] = MIN(in_minfo.dim[i],out_minfo.dim[i]);

// calculate, using the parallel utility function to

// call the calculate_ndim function in multiple
// threads if there are multiple processors available
x, dimcount, dim, planecount,
&in_minfo, in_bp, &out_minfo, out_bp,
0, 0);
} else {

// restore matrix lock state to previous value
return err;

21.4 Processing N-Dimensional Matrices

Since Jitter supports the processing of N-dimensional matrices where N can be any number from 1 to 32, most
Matrix Operators are designed with a recursive function that will process the data in some lower dimensional slice,
most often 2 dimensional. The recursive function that does this is typically named myobject_calculate_ndim(), and
is called by your matrix_calc method either directly or via one of the parallel processing utility functions, which are
discussed in a future chapter.
It is out of the scope of this documentation to provide a detailed tutorial on fixed point or pointer arithmetic, both
of which are used in this example. The code increments a pointer through the matrix data, scaling each planar
element of each matrix cell by some factor and adding some bias amount. This is done with fixed point arithmetic
(assuming an 8bit fractional component), since a conversion from integer to floating point data and back is an
expensive operation. The jit.scalebias object also has two modes, one which sums the planes together, and one
which processes each plane independently. You can improve performance by case handling on a per row, rather
than per cell basis, and reduce your code somewhat by case handling on a per row, rather than per matrix basis.
While a slight performance increase could be made by handling on a per matrix basis, per row is usually a decent
point at which to make such an optimization trade off.

// recursive function to handle higher dimension matrices,

// by processing 2D sections at a time
void jit_scalebias_calculate_ndim(t_jit_scalebias *x,
long dimcount, long *dim, long planecount,
t_jit_matrix_info *in_minfo, char *bip,
t_jit_matrix_info *out_minfo, char *bop)
long i,j,width,height;
uchar *ip,*op;
long ascale,rscale,gscale,bscale;
long abias,rbias,gbias,bbias,sumbias;
long tmp;

if (dimcount<1) return; //safety

case 1:
// if only 1D, interpret as 2D, falling through to 2D case
case 2:
// convert floating point scale factors to a fixed point int
ascale = x->ascale*256.;
rscale = x->rscale*256.;
gscale = x->gscale*256.;

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86 Matrix Operator QuickStart

bscale = x->bscale*256.;

// convert floating point bias values to a fixed point int

abias = x->abias*256.;
rbias = x->rbias*256.;
gbias = x->gbias*256.;
bbias = x->bbias*256.;

// for efficiency in sum mode (1), make a single bias value

sumbias = (x->abias+x->rbias+x->gbias+x->bbias)*256.;

width = dim[0];
height = dim[1];

// for each row

for (i=0;i<height;i++)
// increment data pointers according to byte stride
ip = bip + i*in_minfo->dimstride[1];
op = bop + i*out_minfo->dimstride[1];

switch (x->mode) {
case 1:
// sum together, clamping to the range 0-255
// and set all output planes
for (j=0;j<width;j++) {
tmp = (long)(*ip++)*ascale;
tmp += (long)(*ip++)*rscale;
tmp += (long)(*ip++)*gscale;
tmp += (long)(*ip++)*bscale;
tmp = (tmp>>8L) + sumbias;
tmp = (tmp>255)?255:((tmp<0)?0:tmp);
*op++ = tmp;
*op++ = tmp;
*op++ = tmp;
*op++ = tmp;
// apply to each plane individually
// clamping to the range 0-255
for (j=0;j<width;j++) {
tmp = (((long)(*ip++)*ascale)>>8L)+abias;
*op++ = (tmp>255)?255:((tmp<0)?0:tmp);
tmp = (((long)(*ip++)*rscale)>>8L)+rbias;
*op++ = (tmp>255)?255:((tmp<0)?0:tmp);
tmp = (((long)(*ip++)*gscale)>>8L)+gbias;
*op++ = (tmp>255)?255:((tmp<0)?0:tmp);
tmp = (((long)(*ip++)*bscale)>>8L)+bbias;
*op++ = (tmp>255)?255:((tmp<0)?0:tmp);
// if processing higher dimension than 2D,
// for each lower dimensioned slice, set
// base pointer and recursively call this function
// with decremented dimcount and new base pointers
for (i=0;i<dim[dimcount-1];i++)
ip = bip + i*in_minfo->dimstride[dimcount-1];
op = bop + i*out_minfo->dimstride[dimcount-1];

Rather than using multidimensional arrays, Jitter matrix data is packed in a single dimensional array, with defined
byte strides for each dimension for greatest flexibility. This permits matrices to reference subregions of larger
matrices, as well as support data that is not tightly packed. Therefore, rather than using multidimensional array
syntax, this code uses pointer arithmetic to access each plane of each cell of the matrix, adding the corresponding
byte strides to the base pointer for each dimension across which it is iterating. These byte strides are stored in the
dimstride entry of the t_jit_matrix_info struct. Note that Jitter requires that planes within a cell, and cells across the
first dimension (dim[0]) are tightly packed. The above code assumes that this is the case, using a simple pointer
increment for each plane and cell, rather than looking up byte strides for dim[0].

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21.5 Defining the MOP Max Wrapper Class 87

21.5 Defining the MOP Max Wrapper Class

In order to use the MOP class in a Max patcher you need to make a Max wrapper class. In addition to the standard
methods used to wrap any Jitter class, MOPs need to add special methods and information to the Max class. One of
the things that needs to happen is that the Max wrapper class needs to allocate and maintain instances of jit.matrix
for each matrix input and output other than the leftmost input, to accommodate Max's asynchronous event model. In
order to perform this maintenance, the Max wrapper class must have special methods and attributes for setting the
type, plane count, dimensions, adaptability, and named references for the internal matrices. All of these messages
are exclusive to the Max wrapper implementation, and are not used by the C, Java, or JavaScript usage of Matrix
Operators. There are also common methods and attributes for the matrix output mode, and the jit_matrix and bang
messages, all of which are specific to the MOP's Max wrapper. These special attributes and methods are added by
the max_jit_classex_mop_wrap() function, which should be called inside your Max external's ext_main() function,
after calling max_jit_classex_setup() and jit_class_findbyname(), and before calling max_jit_classex_standard_←-
wrap(). Several default methods and attributes can be overridden using the various flags that can be combined for
the flags argument to max_jit_classex_mop_wrap(). These flags, which for most simple MOPs won't be necessary,
are listed below.


#define MAX_JIT_MOP_FLAGS_OWN_BANG 0x00000002
#define MAX_JIT_MOP_FLAGS_OWN_NAME 0x00000008
#define MAX_JIT_MOP_FLAGS_OWN_TYPE 0x00000010
#define MAX_JIT_MOP_FLAGS_OWN_DIM 0x00000020
#define MAX_JIT_MOP_FLAGS_OWN_CLEAR 0x00000080
#define MAX_JIT_MOP_FLAGS_OWN_NOTIFY 0x00000100
#define MAX_JIT_MOP_FLAGS_OWN_ADAPT 0x00000200

21.6 The Max Class Constructor/Destructor

Inside your Max class' constructor you need to allocate the matrices necessary for the MOP inputs and outputs,
the corresponding matrix inlets and outlets, process matrix arguments and other MOP setup. The max_jit_mop_←-
setup_simple() function takes care of these functions and some of the other necessary tasks of wrapping your Jitter
instance. As such, the use of this function simplifies your Jitter class wrapping even further for the simple case
where no special behavior, incompatible with max_jit_mop_setup_simple() is required. Here is the constructor for
the Max class of the jit.scalebias object.

void *max_jit_scalebias_new(t_symbol *s, long argc, t_atom *argv)

t_max_jit_scalebias *x;
void *o;

if (x = (t_max_jit_scalebias *)
// instantiate Jitter object
if (o=jit_object_new(gensym("jit_scalebias")))
// handle standard MOP max wrapper setup tasks

// process attribute arguments

error("jit.scalebias: could not allocate object");
return (x);

Below is the listing of the max_jit_mop_setup_simple() function, demonstrating the smaller pieces, it manages for
you. If your object has special requirements, you can use whatever subset of the following function as necessary.

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88 Matrix Operator QuickStart

t_jit_err max_jit_mop_setup_simple(void *x, void *o, long argc,

t_atom *argv)

return JIT_ERR_NONE;

In your Max class' destructor, you need to free the resources allocated for your MOP. This is accomplished with
the max_jit_mop_free() function, which should be called before you free your internal Jitter instance, and your Max
class' obex data. As an example, the jit.scalebias destructor is listed below.

void max_jit_scalebias_free(t_max_jit_scalebias *x)

// free MOP max wrapper resources

// lookup internal Jitter object instance and free


// free resources associated with obex entry


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Chapter 22

Matrix Operator Details

The purpose of this chapter is to fill in the details of what a Matrix Operator is and how it works.
Matrix data in Jitter is typically considered raw data without respect to what the data represents. This permits simple
fundamental operations to be applied to different sorts of data without needing to know any special information.
For this reason most MOPs are general purpose. The jit.scalebias example from the preceding chapter could
be considered video specific in its terminology, and type and plane count restrictions, but fundamentally it is just
calculating a product and sum on each plane of an incoming matrix. In this chapter, we'll cover the details of how to
configure MOP inputs and outputs, any attribute restrictions or linking for those inputs and outputs, what you must
do in your matrix_calc method and how you expose your MOP to the Max environment, overriding default behavior
if necessary.

22.1 Defining the MOP Jitter Class

As discussed in the Matrix Operator Quick Start, for MOPs you must create an instance of jit_mop with the jit_←-
object_new() function and add it to your Jitter class as an adornment with the jit_class_addadornment() function.
The jit_mop object holds information such as how many inputs and outputs the object has, what types, plane count,
and dimension counts are supported, and how inputs should respond to incoming matrices. This information is
only relevant to wrappers of the Jitter object which actually maintain additional matrices for inputs and outputs, as
is the case with the MOP Max wrapper class. When used from C, Java, or JavaScript, it is the the programmer's
responsibility to pass in matrices that conform to any restrictions imposed by the MOP. An example of instantiating
and adding the jit_mop object is below.

// create a new instance of jit_mop with 1 input, and 1 output

mop = jit_object_new(_jit_sym_jit_mop,1,1);

// add jit_mop object as an adornment to the class


22.2 The jit_mop_io Object

Each instance of jit_mop contains some number of inputs and outputs, specified by the input and output arguments
to the constructor. For each of these inputs and outputs there is an instance of jit_mop_io which records information
specific to that input or output, such as type, plane count, and dimension restrictions. You can access the input or
output objects by calling the getinput or getoutput methods with an integer index argument as below:

input = jit_object_method(mop,_jit_sym_getinput,1);
output = jit_object_method(mop,_jit_sym_getoutput,1);

Once you have obtained references to these inputs or outputs, you may query or set the jit_mop_io attributes.
The attributes typically configured are: types, which is a list of symbols of permitted types, the first of which be-
ing the default; mindim and maxdim, which are the minimum and maximum permitted sizes for each dimension;
90 Matrix Operator Details

mindimcount and maxdimcount, which are the minimum and maximum permitted number of dimensions permitted;
minplanecount and maxplanecount, which are the minimum and maximum number of planes permitted; typelink,
which is the flag that determines if the I/O should change its type to whatever the leftmost incoming matrix is; dim-
link, which is the flag that determines if the I/O should change its dimensions to whatever the leftmost incoming
matrix is; and planelink, which is the flag that determines if the I/O should change its plane count to whatever the
leftmost incoming matrix is.

22.3 Restricting Input/Output Attributes

By default, all types, dimensions and plane count are permitted, and all linking is enabled. If you wish your MOP
to have some specific restrictions, or difference in linking behaviors for any input or output in particular, you can set
the corresponding attributes. For example, to set the plane count to always be four planes, you would set both the
minplanecount and maxplanecount attributes to 4, as below:

output = jit_object_method(mop,_jit_sym_getoutput,1);

The jit.scalebias example could have set the planecount using the minplanecount and maxplanecount attributes
rather than calling the utility function jit_mop_single_planecount(), which internally sets these attributes. A similar
thing could be done to restrict type and dimensions. As for linking, if you wish to develop an object where the right
hand input does not adapt to the size of the leftmost input, as is the case with jit.convolve, you would turn off the
dimlink attribute, as below:

input2 = jit_object_method(mop,_jit_sym_getinput,2);

Similar could be done to remove type and planecount linking, and the utility functions jit_mop_input_nolink() and
jit_mop_output_nolink() set all of these link attributes to false (zero).

22.4 The ioproc Function

For right hand matrix inputs, incoming data is typically copied by the MOP Max wrapper class. When an incoming
matrix is received by the MOP Max wrapper class, a function called the ioproc is called, and the default ioproc copies
the data, using the current input attributes (which might be linked to the lefthand input). The default ioproc can be
overridden by calling the ioproc method followed by a function with the signature as listed below in the jit_mop_←-
ioproc_copy_adapt() function. The jit_mop_ioproc_copy_adapt() function will always adapt to that inlet's incoming
matrix attributes, as long as they don't conflict with any restrictions. The SDK project for jit.concat demonstrates the
use of the jit_mop_ioproc_copy_adapt() function.

t_jit_err jit_mop_ioproc_copy_adapt(void *mop, void *mop_io, void *matrix)

void *m; // destination matrix
t_jit_matrix_info info;

// look up destination matrix from mop_io

if (matrix&&(m=jit_object_method(mop_io,_jit_sym_getmatrix)))
// retrieve incoming matrix info

//restrict matrix info based on mop_io attribtues


// set destination matrix info


// copy the data with the frommatrix method


return JIT_ERR_NONE;

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22.5 Variable Inputs/Outputs 91

22.5 Variable Inputs/Outputs

You can specify variable input/output MOPs with a negative argument for input and/or outputs when constructing
your jit_mop object. When the using variable inputs and/or outputs, there is not a jit_mop_io for each input and/or
output within your class definition, and therefore the template type, dim, planecount, and linking attributes are not
settable. If anything but the default behavior is required, you must accomplished it in another way — for example,
either by overriding the jit_matrix method of the MOP Max wrapper class, or defining an mproc method to be called
from within the standard jit_matrix method of the MOP Max wrapper class. The jit.pack, jit.unpack, jit.scissors, and
jit.glue objects are a few SDK examples of MOPs with variable inputs and outputs. More information on overriding
the jit_matrix, mproc, and other default methods of the MOP Max wrapper class is covered later in this chapter.

22.6 Adding jit_mop as a Class Adornment

Once you have configured all of the inputs and outputs of your jit_mop object, you must add your jit_mop object to
your Jitter class with the jit_class_addadornment() function. Adorments can be queried from the Jitter class at any
time by calling jit_class_adornment_get() with the Jitter class pointer and the class name of the adornment object,
as demonstrated below.

// add jit_mop object as an adornment to the class


// look up jit_mop adornment

mop = jit_class_adornment_get(_jit_your_class,

22.7 The Matrix Calculation Method

The entry point of the MOP Jitter class is the matrix_calc method, which is passed a list of matrices for the input,
and a list of matrices for the output. It is not the responsibility of the matrix_calc method to perform any copying and
adaptation behavior, but rather simply ensure that the matrices are valid, compatible, and if so, process. Certain
objects may modify the dim, type, or planecount of the output matrices — e.g. the SDK project, jit.thin. However, it is
the calling party's responsibility to perform any copying and conformance to MOP I/O restrictions as defined by the
jit_mop_io objects—i.e. either the Max wrapper class, or the C, Java, or Javascript code which calls the matrix_calc

22.8 Accessing the Input and Output Lists

The input and output lists passed as arguments to your matrix_calc method are Jitter objects, and pointers to the
individual inputs and outputs are acquired by calling the getindex method with an integer argument specifying the
zero based list index. The return values should be tested to make sure they are not null. For example:

// get the zeroth index input and output from

// the corresponding input and output lists
in_matrix = jit_object_method(inputs,_jit_sym_getindex,0);
out_matrix = jit_object_method(outputs,_jit_sym_getindex,0);

// if the object and both input and output matrices

// are valid, then process, else return an error
if (x&&in_matrix&&out_matrix)
// ... process data ...

} else {

Technically, you can also pass in an instance of jit_matrix in place of a list for the input or output arguments, since
jit_matrix has a getindex method which returns the jit_matrix instance. This is an example of dynamic binding at
work. Another example of dynamic binding inside the matrix_calc method is that the list elements might be instances

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92 Matrix Operator Details

of jit_mop_io, rather than instances of jit_matrix. However, since Jitter uses dynamic binding and the jit_mop_←-
io object is a "decorator" class for jit_matrix, all corresponding methods are passed on to the jit_matrix referenced
by the jit_mop_io. In fact, any Jitter objects which respond to the standard interface for jit_matrix could be passed
as inputs or outputs. If this seems confusing, you need not think about the underlying implementation further, but
instead can assume that what is being passed in is simply an instance of jit_matrix. After all it should behave like
one, even if it is not.

22.9 Locking and Unlocking Matrices

Prior to working with a matrix, it is necessary to "lock" it so that the data and attributes will not be changed across
the duration of the operation. This is accomplished by calling the jit_matrix instance's lock method with an integer
argument of 1 (true) to lock the matrix. You should store the current lock state to restore when you're done pro-
cessing. The lock operation should be the first thing to do after ensuring that the matrix objects are not NULL. For

// lock input and output matrices

in_savelock = (long) jit_object_method(in_matrix,_jit_sym_lock,1);
out_savelock = (long) jit_object_method(out_matrix,_jit_sym_lock,1);

// ... process data ...

// restore matrix lock state to previous value

22.10 Retrieving Matrix Information

Once you have locked the matrices, you are ready to find out some information about them. This is accomplished
by calling the getinfo method with a pointer to an instance of the t_jit_matrix_info struct. The t_jit_matrix_info struct
contains several common attributes of the matrix and data organization of the matrix data, and is a useful way
to obtain this information in one call, rather than querying each attribute individually. This information is typically
tested to verify compatibility with any assumptions the matrix_calc method needs to make (since this method might
be called from C, Java, or Javascript, you cannot assume that the MOP Max wrapper will have enforced these
assumptions). It is also used to perform the appropriate pointer arithmetic based on type, plane count, dimensions,
and the byte stride of those dimensions, since higher dimensions may not be tightly packed. The t_jit_matrix_info
struct is listed below:

typedef struct _jit_matrix_info

long size; // in bytes (0xFFFFFFFF=UNKNOWN)
t_symbol *type; // primitive type
long flags; // matrix flags: my data?, handle?
long dimcount; // # of dimensions
long dim[JIT_MATRIX_MAX_DIMCOUNT]; // dimension sizes
long dimstride[JIT_MATRIX_MAX_DIMCOUNT]; // in bytes
long planecount; // # of planes
} t_jit_matrix_info;

And here is an example of calling the getinfo method to fill out the t_jit_matrix_info struct:

// fill out matrix info structs for input and output


22.11 Retrieving the Data Pointer

The t_jit_matrix_info struct is the meta data, but the actual matrix data can be accessed by acquiring the data
pointer. You accomplish this by calling the matrix's getdata method, passing in a pointer to a pointer. This pointer
can be any type, but it is typically a char (or byte) pointer since you may need to perform bytewise pointer arithmetic

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22.12 Processing the Data 93

depending on the type and dimstride of your matrix. It is essential to verify that this pointer is valid before attempting
to operate on the data, as demonstrated below.

// get matrix data pointers


// if data pointers are invalid, set error, and cleanup

if (!in_bp) { err=JIT_ERR_INVALID_INPUT; goto out;}
if (!out_bp) { err=JIT_ERR_INVALID_OUTPUT; goto out;}

22.12 Processing the Data

While it is possible to incorporate the data processing code inside the matrix_calc method, it is typical to rely on
other routines to accomplish the N dimensional processing through recursion, potentially dispatching to multiple pro-
cessors. The N-dimensional recursive processing function (typically named myobject_calculate_ndim) is discussed
in the next section. You should pass in to the calculate_ndim function your object pointer, the overall dimension
count, dimension sizes, planecount to consider in your calculation, together with the necessary matrix info structs
and data pointers for each input and output. You can call this method directly as is the case in the following code:

// call calculate_ndim function directly in current thread

jit_scalebias_calculate_ndim(x, dimcount, dim, planecount,
&in_minfo, in_bp, &out_minfo, out_bp);

Or you can call this method with the parallel processing utility functions provided with Jitter 1.5 to automatically
dispatch the processing of large matrices across multiple processors when available. This figure illustrates the
dispatching and calculating of the parallel processing utility:
The parallel processing is accomplished by breaking up the matrix into smaller matrices that each reference sub-
regions of the original inputs and outputs. No new objects are created, but rather just additional t_jit_matrix_info
structs and offset data pointers. Jitter 1.5 maintains a pool of worker threads for this purpose, so there is no thread
creation overhead, but rather only some small thread synchronization overhead. Jitter 1.5 only dispatches across
multiple threads when the data count is large enough to justify this thread synchronization overhead.
An important thing worth noting is that if your object performs some kind of spatial operation (e.g. convolution,
rotation, scaling, etc.), you will either need to account for the matrix segmentation used by the parallel utilities or
avoid using parallel processing and call directly in the current thread. Since the jit.scalebias example only processes
one pixel at a time (i.e. a pointwise operation), it is inherently parallelizable, so it takes advantage of multiple
processors as below:

// calculate, using the parallel utility function to

// call the calculate_ndim function in multiple
// threads if there are multiple processors available
x, dimcount, dim, planecount,
&in_minfo, in_bp, &out_minfo, out_bp,
0, 0 );

Important Note: If you aren't sure if your object is a pointwise operator, or don't fully understand how to make your
algorithm parallelizable, you shouldn't use the parallel utility functions in your object. You should simply call the
function directly.

22.13 Processing N-Dimensional Matrices

In the Matrix Operator Quick Start chapter, we discussed how to define a recursive function to process N-
dimensional data in 2D slices, using the jit.scalebias object as an example. This example was restricted to pro-
cessing four plane char data, but many Jitter objects work with any type of data and any plane count. In order to
support all types and plane counts, there needs to be some case handling to know how to step through the data,
and what type data to interpret as so that you can perform the appropriate operations. There are a number of
ways to approach this logic, and decisions to make with respect to optimization. All this case handling can be a bit

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94 Matrix Operator Details

cumbersome, so when initially developing objects, it probably makes sense for you to focus on a single type and
plane count, and only after you've adequately defined your operation, attempt to make your code robust to process
any type of data and consider optimization of certain cases. The use of C macros, or C++ templates might be
useful things to explore for better code re-use. As for code optimization, typically a decent atomic element to try and
optimize is the "innermost" loop, avoiding branch conditions where possible.
This function is at the heart of the logic you will add in your own custom object. Since there is no "right way" to pro-
cess this data, we won't cover any more code listings for the recursive N-dimensional processing function. However,
the SDK projects that are good examples include: jit.clip, which performs a planar independent, pointwise operation
(limiting numbers to some specified range); jit.rgb2luma, which performs a planar dependent, pointwise operation
(converting RGB color to luminance); and jit.transpose, which performs a planar independent, spatial operation
(rows become columns). For more ideas about N-dimensional matrix processing, we would recommend reading
one of the several books available on 2D signal processing and/or image processing. Most of these concepts are
easily generalized to higher dimensions.

22.14 Defining the MOP Max Wrapper Class

MOP Max wrapper classes typically have a large amount of default behavior, as setup through the max_jit_classex←-
_mop_wrap function, based on the jit_mop Jitter class adornment, and user specified flags. You can either override
all of the default behavior or just specific features. If you wish to override all of the default behavior, you can use
the flag MAX_JIT_MOP_FLAGS_OWN_ALL, when calling the max_jit_classex_mop_wrap() function. If you need to
make use of the jit_mop adornment(), the jit_mop can be looked up by calling the jit_class_adornment_get() method
on the Jitter class. The jit_mop_io inputs and outputs can be queried and their attributes inspected, similar to how
they were set in the MOP Jitter class definition, described earlier in this chapter. Here is an example of how to look
up the jit_mop adornment of the jit.scalebias object:

// look up jitter class by name

jclass = jit_class_findbyname(gensym("jit_scalebias"));
// look up jit_mop adornment
mop = jit_class_adornment_get(jclass,_jit_sym_jit_mop);

22.15 Overriding the jit_matrix Method

By default, a jit_matrix method is added which automatically manages matrix copying and calculation based on the
incoming data. Most typical MOPs simply use the default jit_matrix method. However there are instances where
it is necessary to override the default MOP method to get special behavior, such as recording which matrix input
data is being input to as is the case for the jit.op SDK example, or to do something other than standard copying
and adaptation as is the case for the jit.pack or jit.str.op SDK examples, or to prevent any jit_matrix method at all,
as is the case for the jit.noise SDK example. To prevent the default jit_matrix method from being defined, you can
use the flag MAX_JIT_MOP_FLAGS_OWN_JIT_MATRIX, when calling the max_jit_classex_mop_wrap() function.
To define your own jit_matrix method, you can add an A_GIMME method bound to the symbol jit_matrix, in your
ext_main() function. Here's an example from jit.op:

// add custom jit_matrix method in ext_main()

addmess((method)max_jit_op_jit_matrix, "jit_matrix", A_GIMME, 0);

void max_jit_op_jit_matrix(t_max_jit_op *x, t_symbol *s, short argc,

t_atom *argv)
if (max_jit_obex_inletnumber_get(x))
// if matrix is received in right input,
// record to override float or int input
x->last = OP_LAST_MATRIX;

// now pass on to the default jit_matrix method


The jit.pack and jit.str.op examples are a bit more involved and also better illustrate the kinds of tasks the default
jit_matrix method performs.

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22.16 Overriding the bang and outputmatrix Methods 95

22.16 Overriding the bang and outputmatrix Methods

A MOP Max wrapper class typically has a bang and outputmatrix method. These two methods are typically equiv-
alent, and by default, both send out the most recently calcuated matrix output. Certain objects that don't have
a matrix output, like the jit.3m SDK example, typcially override these messages with their own bang and some-
times outputmatrix method. These methods can be overridden by using the MAX_JIT_MOP_FLAGS_OWN_BANG
and MAX_JIT_MOP_FLAGS_OWN_OUTPUTMATRIX flags when calling the max_jit_classex_mop_wrap() func-
tion. These flags are typically both passed in together.

22.17 Overriding the name, type, dim, and planecount Attributes

For each input and output, other than the leftmost input, there is, by default, an attribute added to query and set that
input or output's matrix attributes, including name, type, dim, and planecount. While overriding the default attribute
behavior is conceivably necessary to perform very specialized behavior, it is not used by any of the SDK examples.
To prevent the addition of the default attributes for name, type, dim, and planecount, you can use the MAX_J←-
MAX_JIT_MOP_FLAGS_OWN_PLANECOUNT flags when calling the max_jit_classex_mop_wrap() function. To
define your own attributes, you would follow the same means of defining any attributes for a Max wrapper class with
the appropriate attribute name you wish to override.

22.18 Overriding the clear and notify Methods

By default, a clear and a notify method are added. The default clear method clears each of the input and output
matrices. The default notify method, max_jit_mop_notify(), is called whenever any of the matrices maintained by
the MOP are changed. If it is necessary to respond to additional notifications, it is important to call the max_jit←-
_mop_notify function so that the MOP can perform any necessary maintenance with respect to input and output
matrices, as demonstrated by the jit.notify SDK example. These methods can be overridden using the MAX_JI←-
T_MOP_FLAGS_OWN_CLEAR and MAX_JIT_MOP_FLAGS_OWN_NOTIFY flags, respectively, when calling the
max_jit_classex_mop_wrap() function. Object registration and notification is covered in detail in a future chapter,
but the jit.notify notify method is provided as an example.

// s is the servername, msg is the message, ob is the server object pointer,

// and data is extra data the server might provide for a given message
void max_jit_notify_notify(
t_max_jit_notify *x, t_symbol *s, t_symbol *msg, void *ob, void *data)
if (msg==gensym("splat")) {
post("notify: server=%s message=%s",s->s_name,msg->s_name);
if (!data) {
error("splat message NULL pointer");
// here’s where we output using the rightmost outlet
// we just happen to know that "data" points to a t_atom[3]
max_jit_obex_dumpout(x,msg,3,(t_atom *)data);
} else {
// pass on to the default Max MOP notification method

22.19 Overriding the adapt and outputmode Attributes

By default, adapt and outputmode attributes are added to the MOP Max Wrapper. These attributes determine
whether or not to adapt to incoming matrix attributes, and whether or not the output should calculate a new output
matrix, output the last calculated matrix (freeze), pass on the input matrix (bypass). To prevent the addition of the
default attributes for adapt and outputmode, you can use the MAX_JIT_MOP_FLAGS_OWN_ADAPT, and MAX_←-
JIT_MOP_FLAGS_OWN_OUTPUTMODE flags when calling the max_jit_classex_mop_wrap() function. To define

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96 Matrix Operator Details

your own attributes, you would follow the same means of defining any attributes for a Max wrapper class with the
appropriate attribute name you wish to override.

22.20 Defining an mproc Method

For many types of operations, it's not required to fully override the default jit_matrix method and any adaptation.
If your object simply needs to override the way in which the Jitter class' matrix_calc method and outlet functions
are called, you can do so by defining an mproc method, which will be called instead of the default behavior. The
jit.3m SDK project is an example where after it calls the Jitter class' matrix_calc method, it queries the Jitter class'
attributes and outputs max messages rather than the default jit_matrix message output.

void max_jit_3m_mproc(t_max_jit_3m *x, void *mop)

t_jit_err err;

// call internal Jitter object’s matrix_calc method

if (err=(t_jit_err) jit_object_method(
// report error if present
} else {
// query Jitter class and makes outlet calls

22.21 The Max Class Constructor/Destructor

As we discussed in the Matrix Operator Quick Start, inside your Max class' constructor you need to allocate the
matrices necessary for the MOP inputs and outputs, the corresponding matrix inlets and outlets, process matrix
arguments and other MOP setup. And in your destructor, you need to free oup MOP resources. Typically you would
accomplish this all with the standard max_jit_mop_setup_simple() and max_jit_mop_free() functions, however there
are some instances where you may need to introduce custom behavior.

22.21.1 Variable Inputs/Outputs

The max_jit_mop_setup_simple() function calls max_jit_mop_inputs() and max_jit_mop_outputs() to define any

necessary proxy inlets, outlets, and internal matrices. The listing for these functions are provided below to illus-
trate the default behavior, and a few SDK projects we recommend investigating further are jit.scissors, jit.glue,
jit.pack, and jit.unpack.

t_jit_err max_jit_mop_inputs(void *x)

void *mop,*p,*m;
long i,incount;
t_jit_matrix_info info;
t_symbol *name;

// look up object’s MOP adornment

if (x&&(mop=max_jit_obex_adornment_get(x,
incount = jit_attr_getlong(mop,_jit_sym_inputcount);

// add proxy inlet and internal matrix for

// all inputs except leftmost inlet
for (i=2;i<=incount;i++) {
max_jit_obex_proxy_new(x,(incount+1)-i); // right to left
if (p=jit_object_method(mop,_jit_sym_getinput,i)) {
name = jit_symbol_unique();
m = jit_object_new(_jit_sym_jit_matrix,&info);

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22.21 The Max Class Constructor/Destructor 97

m = jit_object_register(m,name);
jit_object_attach(name, x);
return JIT_ERR_NONE;

t_jit_err max_jit_mop_outputs(void *x)

void *mop,*p,*m;
long i,outcount;
t_jit_matrix_info info;
t_symbol *name;

if (x&&(mop=max_jit_obex_adornment_get(x,
outcount = jit_attr_getlong(mop,_jit_sym_outputcount);

// add outlet and internal matrix for all outputs

for (i=1;i<=outcount;i++) {
max_jit_mop_matrixout_new(x,(outcount)-i);// right to left
if (p=jit_object_method(mop,_jit_sym_getoutput,i)) {
name = jit_symbol_unique();
m = jit_object_new(_jit_sym_jit_matrix,&info);
m = jit_object_register(m,name);
jit_object_attach(name, x);

return JIT_ERR_NONE;

22.21.2 Matrix Arguments

The max_jit_mop_setup_simple() function calls max_jit_mop_matrix_args() to read any matrix arguments, and if
present send them to any linked inputs/outputs and disable the adapt attribute. The listing is provided below to
illustrate the default behavior.

t_jit_err max_jit_mop_matrix_args(void *x, long argc,

t_atom *argv)
void *mop,*p,*m;
long incount,outcount,attrstart,i,j;
t_jit_matrix_info info,info2;

if (!(mop=max_jit_obex_adornment_get(x,

incount = jit_attr_getlong(mop,_jit_sym_inputcount);
outcount = jit_attr_getlong(mop,_jit_sym_outputcount);


attrstart = max_jit_attr_args_offset(argc,argv);
if (attrstart&&argv) {
jit_atom_arg_getlong(&info.planecount, 0, attrstart, argv);
jit_atom_arg_getsym(&info.type, 1, attrstart, argv);
i=2; j=0;
while (i<attrstart) { //dimensions
jit_atom_arg_getlong(&(info.dim[j]), i, attrstart, argv);
i++; j++;
if (j) info.dimcount=j;

jit_attr_setlong(mop,_jit_sym_adapt,0); //adapt off



for (i=2;i<=incount;i++) {

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98 Matrix Operator Details

if ((p=jit_object_method(mop,_jit_sym_getinput,i)) &&
if (jit_attr_getlong(p,_jit_sym_typelink)) {
info2.type = info.type;
if (jit_attr_getlong(p,_jit_sym_planelink)) {
info2.planecount = info.planecount;
if (jit_attr_getlong(p,_jit_sym_dimlink)) {
info2.dimcount = info.dimcount;
for (j=0;j<info2.dimcount;j++) {
info2.dim[j] = info.dim[j];

for (i=1;i<=outcount;i++) {
if ((p=jit_object_method(mop,_jit_sym_getoutput,i)) &&
if (jit_attr_getlong(p,_jit_sym_typelink)) {
info2.type = info.type;
if (jit_attr_getlong(p,_jit_sym_planelink)) {
info2.planecount = info.planecount;
if (jit_attr_getlong(p,_jit_sym_dimlink)) {
info2.dimcount = info.dimcount;
for (j=0;j<info2.dimcount;j++) {
info2.dim[j] = info.dim[j];

return JIT_ERR_NONE;

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Chapter 23

OB3D QuickStart

The purpose of this chapter is to give a quick and high level overview of how to develop a simple Jitter OpenGL
object which draws geometry within a named rendering context - we refer to such an object as an OB3D.
For this task, we will use the SDK example. More details such as how to make an OpenGL object which
deals with resources such as display lists and textures, wishes to support matrix input/output, or needs greater
access to OpenGL state will appear in the following chapter. This chapter assumes familiarity with Jitter's OpenGL
object suite used from the Max patcher, as discussed in the Jitter Tutorial, and the preceding chapters on the Jitter
object model and Max wrapper classes.

23.1 Defining the OB3D Jitter Class

Jitter OB3Ds typically are defined to have all or most of the common OB3D attributes and methods discussed in the
Group-OB3D section of the Jitter HTML object reference. These include attributes and methods to set the rendering
destination name, object name, color, lighting, texturing, modelview transform, depth buffering, polygon mode, and
several other common tasks. These common attributes and methods are added by the call to the jit_ob3d_setup()
function in your Jitter class definition, after calling jit_class_new, but typically prior to defining other methods and
attributes. For an OB3D, Jitter needs to store additional information in your object. This information is stored in an
opaque pointer in your object struct, typically named ob3d. The byte offset to your OB3D data pointer is passed into
jit_ob3d_setup(). You can override any default attributes and methods added by jit_ob3d_setup() with the following


#define JIT_OB3D_NO_POLY_VARS 1 << 1
#define JIT_OB3D_NO_BLEND 1 << 2
#define JIT_OB3D_NO_TEXTURE 1 << 3
#define JIT_OB3D_AUTO_ONLY 1 << 5
#define JIT_OB3D_DOES_UI 1 << 6
#define JIT_OB3D_NO_DEPTH 1 << 7
#define JIT_OB3D_NO_ANTIALIAS 1 << 8
#define JIT_OB3D_NO_FOG 1 << 9
#define JIT_OB3D_HAS_LIGHTS 1 << 11
#define JIT_OB3D_HAS_CAMERA 1 << 12
#define JIT_OB3D_IS_RENDERER 1 << 13
#define JIT_OB3D_NO_COLOR 1 << 14

Aside from the attributes and methods added to your class by jit_ob3d_setup(), you need to define a private, untyped
method bound to the symbol ob3d_draw. This method is where your object does all its drawing. It is called by the
standard OB3D draw and drawraw methods. The OB3D draw method sets up all of the OpenGL state associated
with the common OB3D attributes before calling your private ob3d_draw method. The drawraw method simply sets
the context before calling your private ob3d_draw method. Because OB3Ds support being named for use within∗'s drawobject command, you must also add a private, untyped "register" method associated with the
jit_object_register() function. Let's examine the ∗ SDK project as an example:

t_jit_err jit_gl_simple_init(void)
100 OB3D QuickStart

long ob3d_flags = JIT_OB3D_NO_MATRIXOUTPUT; // no matrix output
void *ob3d;

_jit_gl_simple_class = jit_class_new("jit_gl_simple",
(method)jit_gl_simple_new, (method)jit_gl_simple_free,

// set up object extension for 3d object, customized with flags

ob3d = jit_ob3d_setup(_jit_gl_simple_class,
calcoffset(t_jit_gl_simple, ob3d),

// define the OB3D draw method. called in automatic mode by

// or otherwise through ob3d when banged. this
// method is A_CANT because our draw setup needs to happen
// in the ob3d beforehand to initialize OpenGL state
(method)jit_gl_simple_draw, "ob3d_draw", A_CANT, 0L);

// define the dest_closing and dest_changed methods.

// these methods are called by when the
// destination context closes or changes: for example, when
// the user moves the window from one monitor to another. Any
// resources your object keeps in the OpenGL machine
// (e.g. textures, display lists, vertex shaders, etc.)
// will need to be freed when closing, and rebuilt when it has
// changed. In this object, these functions do nothing, and
// could be omitted.
(method)jit_gl_simple_dest_closing, "dest_closing", A_CANT, 0L);
(method)jit_gl_simple_dest_changed, "dest_changed", A_CANT, 0L);

// must register for ob3d use

(method)jit_object_register, "register", A_CANT, 0L);


return JIT_ERR_NONE;

23.2 The Jitter Class Constructor/Destructor

In your OB3D Jitter Class constructor, you need to pass in your rendering destination name as the first argument.
You should call the jit_ob3d_new() function with your destination name argument to initialize the OB3D data pointer,
associating it with your rendering destination. In your destructor, you need to free your OB3D data pointer with
jit_ob3d_free(). The constructor and destructors are below as an example.

t_jit_gl_simple *jit_gl_simple_new(t_symbol *dest_name)

t_jit_gl_simple *x;

// make jit object

if (x = (t_jit_gl_simple *)jit_object_alloc(_jit_gl_simple_class))
// create and attach ob3d
jit_ob3d_new(x, dest_name);
x = NULL;
return x;

void jit_gl_simple_free(t_jit_gl_simple *x)

// free ob3d data

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23.3 The OB3D draw Method 101

23.3 The OB3D draw Method

Your OB3D draw method, bound to the ob3d_draw symbol, is where all of your drawing code takes place. It is called
automatically when your associated object receives a bang, if your automatic and enabled attributes
are turned on, as they are by default. It is also called if your Max wrapper object receives a bang, or the draw or
drawraw messages. With the exception of the drawraw message, all of the standard OB3D object state is setup
prior to calling your ob3d_draw method, so you needn't setup things like the modelview transform, color, lighting
properties, texture information, if your object doesn't have special needs. The following example from,
just draws a simple quadrilateral.

t_jit_err jit_gl_simple_draw(t_jit_gl_simple *x)

t_jit_err result = JIT_ERR_NONE;

// draw our OpenGL geometry.


return result;

Since this example is meant only to show a minimal object which draws geometry with standard OpenGL calls,
there is no texture information or vertex normals specified. However, all standard OpenGL calls should work within
the ob3d_draw method. This example also doesn't show matrix output, as accomplished by jit_ob3d_draw_chunk(),
which will be discussed in the following chapter on OB3D details.

23.4 Defining the OB3D Max Wrapper Class

For OB3Ds, the Max wrapper class has less extra work than for MOPs. In your Max wrapper class definition, you
need only add a call to the max_ob3d_setup() function to add your standard drawing methods, and the max_jit_←-
ob3d_assist() function as your assist method, unless you wish to define your own custom assist method. Everything
else is similar to the standard technique of wrapping a Jitter Class demonstrated in the Max Wrapper Class chapter.

void ext_main(void *r)

void *classex, *jitclass;

// initialize Jitter class


// create Max class

setup((t_messlist **)&max_jit_gl_simple_class,
(method)max_jit_gl_simple_new, (method)max_jit_gl_simple_free,
(short)sizeof(t_max_jit_gl_simple), 0L, A_GIMME, 0);

// specify a byte offset to keep additional information about our object

classex = max_jit_classex_setup(calcoffset(t_max_jit_gl_simple, obex));

// look up Jitter class in the class registry

jitclass = jit_class_findbyname(gensym("jit_gl_simple"));

// wrap Jitter class with the standard methods for Jitter objects
max_jit_classex_standard_wrap(classex, jitclass, 0);

// use standard ob3d assist method

addmess((method)max_jit_ob3d_assist, "assist",

// add methods for 3d drawing


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102 OB3D QuickStart

23.5 The Max Class Constructor/Destructor

Your Max class' constructor should be similar to the standard Max wrapper constructor, but the differences worth
noting are that you should pass your first normal argument, which is the rendering destination, on to your Jitter
OB3D constructor, and create a second outlet for matrix output, attached to your object's OB3D data. For your de-
structor, there is nothing additional you need to do for OB3D. The Max class' constructor and destructor
are provided as examples.

void *max_jit_gl_simple_new(t_symbol *s, long argc, t_atom *argv)

t_max_jit_gl_simple *x;
void *jit_ob;
long attrstart;
t_symbol *dest_name_sym = _jit_sym_nothing;

if (x = (t_max_jit_gl_simple *) max_jit_obex_new(
max_jit_gl_simple_class, gensym("jit_gl_simple")))
// get first normal arg, the destination name
attrstart = max_jit_attr_args_offset(argc,argv);
if (attrstart&&argv)
jit_atom_arg_getsym(&dest_name_sym, 0, attrstart, argv);

// instantiate Jitter object with dest_name arg

if (jit_ob = jit_object_new(
gensym("jit_gl_simple"), dest_name_sym))
// set internal jitter object instance
max_jit_obex_jitob_set(x, jit_ob);

// add a general purpose outlet (rightmost)

max_jit_obex_dumpout_set(x, outlet_new(x,NULL));

// process attribute arguments

max_jit_attr_args(x, argc, argv);

// attach the jit object’s ob3d to a new outlet

// this outlet is used in matrixoutput mode
max_jit_ob3d_attach(x, jit_ob, outlet_new(x, "jit_matrix"));
error(" could not allocate object");
freeobject((t_object *)x);
x = NULL;
return (x);

void max_jit_gl_simple_free(t_max_jit_gl_simple *x)

// lookup our internal Jitter object instance and free

// free resources associated with our obex entry


Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

Chapter 24

OB3D Details

The purpose of this chapter is to fill in additional details of Jitter OpenGL, which we refer to as OB3Ds.
We will show how to disable and/or override default OB3D attributes and methods, how to support matrix input
and output, and manage resources such as textures, display lists, and shaders. This chapter assumes familiarity
with the OpenGL API and the OB3D Quick Start chapter. It is out of the scope of our documentation to cover the
OpenGL API, so for information on the OpenGL API we recommend consulting the OpenGL Red Book and the
many online tutorials.

24.1 Defining the OB3D Jitter Class

As covered in the OB3D Quick Start, Jitter OB3Ds have a large number of default attributes and methods, and
require some specific methods to be defined. This section seeks to clarify these common attributes and methods
and how to achieve custom behavior where necessary.

24.2 Declaring a Draw Method

All Jitter OB3Ds must define a method bound to the symbol ob3d_draw. This method takes no arguments in addition
to the object struct, and should be defined with the private A_CANT type signature. The private ob3d_draw method
will be called by the standard draw, and drawraw methods that are added to every OB3D. The draw method will set
up OpenGL state associated with the default OB3D attributes before calling ob3d_draw, while the drawraw method
will not.

24.3 Declaring Destination and Geometry Related Methods

It is possible for attributes of a Jitter OB3D or your render destination to change, requiring resources to be freed or
rebuilt. There are three methods used to communicate to an OB3D which such events happen so that the OB3D
can manage resources accordingly. They are: dest_closing, which informs an OB3D that the destination is being
freed, and any context dependent resources such as textures, display lists, and shaders should be freed; dest_←-
changed, which informs an OB3D that the destination has been rebuilt, and new resources can be allocated; and
rebuild_geometry, which informs an OB3D of a change in texture units or some other attribute which affects jit_gl_←-
drawinfo_setup() and other t_jit_gl_drawinfo related functions, such as jit_gl_texcoord, requiring geometry that uses
such functions to be rebuilt. These methods take no arguments in addition to the object struct. The dest_closing
and dest_changed methods should be defined with the private A_CANT type signature, and the rebuild_geometry
method is typically defined as typed, but without arguments, so that users have the ability to explicitly call, if deemed
necessary. The SDK project is a good example of these methods as it needs to free and allocate
a display list as the render destination changes, and also makes use of jit_gl_texcoord to support multi-texturing,
requiring geometry to be rebuilt as the number of texture units or other attributes change.
104 OB3D Details

24.4 Declaring a Register Method

Since all Jitter OB3D objects are named to support reference by name in, and other objects, it is neces-
sary to add the default registration method, jit_object_register(). Object registration and notification are covered in
detail in a future chapter.

24.5 Overriding Rotation and Scale Related Attributes

By default, each Jitter OB3D has rotate, rotatexyz, scale, and viewalign attributes added to the class by jit_ob3d_←-
setup(), and these attributes are used in the ob3d_draw_preamble() function to set up OpenGL state prior to calling
your object's draw method. These attributes can be disabled by using the JIT_OB3D_NO_ROTATION_SCALE
flag. You can override these attributes by defining your own attributes of the same name, however, you will need to
manage any necessary OpenGL state inside of your own draw method with the appropriate calls to glMatrixMode,
glTranslate, glRotate, and glScale.

24.6 Overriding Color Related Attributes

By default, each Jitter OB3D has color, aux_color, and smooth_shading attributes added to the class by jit_←-
ob3d_setup(), and these attributes are used in the ob3d_draw_preamble function prior to calling your object's draw
method. These attributes can be disabled by using the JIT_OB3D_NO_COLOR flag. You can override these
attributes by defining your own attributes of the same name, however, you will need to manage any necessary
OpenGL state inside of your own draw method with the appropriate calls to glColor and glShadeModel.

24.7 Overriding Texture Related Attributes

By default, each Jitter OB3D has texture, capture, tex_map, tex_plane_s, and tex_plane_t attributes added to the
class by jit_ob3d_setup(), and these attributes are used in the ob3d_draw_preamble() function prior to calling your
object's draw method. These attributes can be disabled by using the JIT_OB3D_NO_TEXTURE flag. You can
override these attributes by defining your own attributes of the same name, however, you will need to manage
any necessary OpenGL state inside of your own draw method with the appropriate calls to glEnable, glTexGen,
jit_gl_bindtexture, jit_gl_unbindtexture, jit_gl_begincapture, and jit_gl_endcapture.

24.8 Overriding Lighting and Material Related Attributes

By default, each Jitter OB3D has lighting_enable, auto_material, shininess, mat_ambient, mat_diffuse, mat_←-
specular, and mat_emission attributes added to the class by jit_ob3d_setup(), and these attributes are used in the
ob3d_draw_preamble function prior to calling your object's draw method. These attributes can be disabled by using
the JIT_OB3D_NO_LIGHTING_MATERIAL flag. You can override these attributes by defining your own attributes
of the same name, however, you will need to manage any necessary OpenGL state inside of your own draw method
with the appropriate calls to glEnable, glLight, glLightModel, and glMaterial.

24.9 Overriding Fog Related Attributes

By default, each Jitter OB3D has fog and fog_params attributes added to the class by jit_ob3d_setup(), and these
attributes are used in the ob3d_draw_preamble function prior to calling your object's draw method. These attributes
can be disabled by using the JIT_OB3D_NO_FOG flag. You can override these attributes by defining your own
attributes of the same name, however, you will need to manage any necessary OpenGL state inside of your own
draw method with the appropriate calls to glEnable, glHint, and glFog.

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24.10 Overriding Polygon Variable Related Attributes 105

24.10 Overriding Polygon Variable Related Attributes

By default, each Jitter OB3D has poly_mode, cull_face, point_size, and line_width attributes added to the class by
jit_ob3d_setup(), and these attributes are used in the ob3d_draw_preamble function prior to calling your object's
draw method. These attributes can be disabled by using the JIT_OB3D_NO_POLY_VARS flag. You can override
these attributes by defining your own attributes of the same name, however, you will need to manage any necessary
OpenGL state inside of your own draw method with the appropriate calls to glPolygonMode, glEnable, glCullFace,
glPointSize, and glLineWidth.

24.11 Overriding Blending Related Attributes

By default, each Jitter OB3D has blend_mode and blend_enable attributes added to the class by jit_ob3d_setup(),
and these attributes are used in the ob3d_draw_preamble function prior to calling your object's draw method. These
attributes can be disabled by using the JIT_OB3D_NO_BLEND flag. You can override these attributes by defining
your own attributes of the same name, however, you will need to manage any necessary OpenGL state inside of
your own draw method with the appropriate calls to glEnable and glBlendFunc.

24.12 Overriding Depth Buffer and Antialiasing Related Attributes

By default, each Jitter OB3D has depth_enable and antialias attributes added to the class by jit_ob3d_setup(), and
these attributes are used in your ob3d_draw_preamble function prior to calling your object's draw method. These
attributes can be disabled by using the JIT_OB3D_NO_DEPTH and JIT_OB3D_NO_ANTIALIAS flags, respectively.
You can override these attributes by defining your own attributes of the same name, however, you will need to
manage any necessary OpenGL state inside of your own draw method with the appropriate calls to glEnable and

24.13 Overriding Matrixoutput and Automatic Attributes

By default, each Jitter OB3D has matrixoutput and automatic attributes added to the class by jit_ob3d_setup(), and
these attributes are used in the ob3d_draw_preamble function prior to calling your object's draw method. These
attributes can be disabled by using the JIT_OB3D_NO_MATRIXOUTPUT and JIT_OB3D_AUTO_ONLY flags, re-
spectively. You can override these attributes by defining your own attributes of the same name.

24.14 Declaring a User Interface Object

It is possible to declare a user interface OB3D, such as To do so, you must use the JIT_OB3D_DO←-
ES_UI flag to jit_ob3d_setup(), and define a method bound to the symbol ob3d_ui, with the private A_CANT type
signature and prototype similar to the following example from

t_jit_err jit_gl_handle_ui(t_jit_gl_handle *x,

t_line_3d *p_line, t_wind_mouse_info *p_mouse);

24.15 The Jitter Class Constructor and Destructor

Inside your Jitter class constructor, you must call jit_ob3d_new() with a pointer to your newly allocated object, and
your render destination name. The jit_ob3d_new() function allocates an opaque structure that stores the standard
OB3D attributes and some additional OB3D state, initializing them to default values, and then setting the pointer at
the byte offset specified when calling the jit_ob3d_setup() function in your class definition. If your object supports
matrix output or simply uses the t_jit_glchunk structure when drawing, you should typically allocate your initial

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106 OB3D Details

t_jit_glchunk in your constructor using the jit_glchunk_new() or jit_glchunk_grid_new() functions. Use of the t_jit←-
_glchunk structure and matrix output is described later in this chapter. Similarly, your OB3D Jitter class destructor
must call jit_ob3d_free() to free the opaque structure used for common OB3D state, free any allocated instances of
t_jit_glchunk with jit_glchunk_free(), and free any other resources allocated such as display lists or textures.

24.16 The OB3D Draw Method

The ob3d_draw method is where all the drawing in your object should take place. It is also where you should
typically allocate context dependent resources or query the context state, since you know that your context is valid
and has been set. For the most part, the drawing you will perform in your ob3d_draw method will be pure and simple
OpenGL, though there are a few caveats which we will cover.

24.17 The t_jit_glchunk Structure and Matrix Output

Since Jitter is a general purpose matrix processing framework, it makes sense that you would have the ability to pass
geometry information through a Jitter network as matrices if your geometry is well suited to a matrix representation.
The cells of your matrix can hold vertex information such as position, texture coordinates, normal vectors, color,
and edge flags, and are documented in the "Geometry Under The Hood" Jitter Tutorial. You also have the option
of specifying a connections matrix to reference the connectivity of the vertices if it is not implicit in the matrix
representation, and a drawing primitive to use when drawing the vertices.
All this information, and whether or not the geometry matrix should be rendered immediately or sent through the
Jitter network is managed with the t_jit_glchunk. An SDK example which demonstrates the use of t_jit_glchunk
is The t_jit_glchunk structure along with the vertex matrix it contains is allocated by the jit_←-
glchunk_new() or jit_glchunk_grid_new() functions, freed with the jit_glchunk_delete() function, and drawn with the
jit_ob3d_draw_chunk() function. For reference, the t_jit_glchunk structure and relevant chunk flags are provided

// jit_glchunk is a public structure to store one

// gl-command’s-worth of data, in a format which
// can be passed easily to glDrawRangeElements.

typedef struct _jit_glchunk

t_symbol *prim; // GL_TRI_STRIP, GL_TRIANGLES, etc.
t_jit_object *m_vertex; // jit_matrix of xyzst... data.
t_symbol *m_vertex_name; // vertex matrix name
t_jit_object *m_index; // optional 1d connection matrix
t_symbol *m_index_name; // connection matrix name
unsigned long m_flags; // special flags
void *next_chunk; // singly linked list, typically NULL
} t_jit_glchunk;

// flags for chunk creation


24.18 OB3D OpenGL Caveats

While you can use any standard Open GL calls inside of your ob3d_draw method. There are a few things worth
noting to follow Jitter conventions. The first of which is the binding of texture coordinates. Since Jitter OB3Ds
support multi-texturing by default, it is not necessarily satisfactory to submit only one texture coordinate with gl←-
TexCoord. Jitter provides some utility routines to set the texture coordinates for as many texture units which are
bound, jit_gl_texcoord(1/2/3)(f/fv). Determining how many texture units have been bound by the default OB3D
attributes requires some overhead, so rather than perform this overhead with every jit_gl_texcoord call, the jit_gl←-
_texcoord functions take a t_jit_gl_drawinfo struct as an argument. This struct can be setup once before rendering
many vertices with the jit_gl_drawinfo_setup function. Example use of jit_gl_texcoord and jit_gl_drawinfo_setup is
in the SDK project. Another Jitter specific mechanism is the means to bind textures using named

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24.19 Getting Information About the OB3D Attributes 107

instances of It is possible to create and bind your own textures in an OB3D, but you must then perform
all maintenance instead of relying on to handle this work for you. To bind and unbind an instance of, you should call the jit_gl_bindtexture and jit_gl_unbindtexture functions, which take a t_jit_gl_drawinfo
argument, a symbol with the name of the instance, and an integer for which texture unit to bind. Unlike
binding ordinary textures in OpenGL, it is important to unbind instances of, or else problems may arise.

24.19 Getting Information About the OB3D Attributes

Though the default OB3D attributes are typically relevant to the code which is automatically handled for your object
prior to calling the ob3d_draw method, it is sometimes necessary to access these values. Since the default OB3D
attributes are stored in an opaque ob3d struct member, they are not accessible by your object with a simple struct
pointer dereference. Instead, you need to use the jit_attr_get∗ functions to access these attributes. You should pass
in your object struct as the first argument to these functions rather than your ob3d struct member. For example:

float pos[3];

Note that if you are acquiring this value often, it is preferable to generate the symbol in advance rather than generate
the symbol for every call.

24.20 Getting Information About the Context

From within the ob3d_draw, dest_closing, and dest_changed methods, the rendering context has always been
set, and you can get a handle to the native context using either the aglGetCurrentContext or wglGetCurrentContext
functions. One can also in these methods use standard OpenGL glGet∗ functions to determine the context's Open←-
GL state, such as the viewport, transformation matrix. It is not recommended to try and acquire the native context
from other methods, or query the OpenGL state as it may not be valid.

24.21 Playing Well with Others

It is important to recognize that OpenGL state is persistent, and that there may be objects which rely on Open←-
GL state that are drawn after your object draws itself. If your object makes any changes to OpenGL state that
might affect objects that follow, you should restore the OpenGL state to whatever it was before your routine was
called. For example, if your object changes the texture transformation matrix, you should push and pop the texture
transformation matrix with glMatrixMode, glPushMatrix, and glPopMatrix, to prevent any problems with other objects.

24.22 Defining the OB3D Max Wrapper Class

As mentioned in the OB3D Quick Start, in your Max wrapper class definition, you need only add a call to the
max_ob3d_setup() function to add your standard drawing methods, and the max_jit_ob3d_assist() function as your
assist method, unless you wish to define your own custom assist method. Everything else is similar to the standard
technique of wrapping a Jitter Class demonstrated in the Max Wrapper Class chapter. Please consult the OB3D
Quick Start chapter and the SDK project for all necessary information related to the OB3D Max wrapper

24.23 Matrix Input

Sometimes it is desirable for an OB3D also support incoming matrices as is the case with or jit.←-
gl.mesh. It is not recommended to mix and match OB3Ds with MOPs. Conflicts arise with respect to arguments,
standard inlets and outlets. Instead, if you wish to support matrix input in your OB3D, you should simply add to your

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108 OB3D Details

Jitter class a method bound to the symbol jit_matrix, and handle the incoming matrix data according to your needs
- for example as texture data in the case of, or geometry data in the case of The←-
videoplane SDK project provides an example of an OB3D which also supports matrix input. When it is necessary
to have multiple input matrices, this is typically managed by either declaring alternately named methods for each
input, or exposing an attribute that specifies which input the jit_matrix method assumes it is being called with. Note
that this requires additional logic within the Max wrapper class to map to inlets, as it is not handled automatically.

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Chapter 25

Scheduler and Low Priority Queue Issues

In Max, there are a few threads of execution.

The details of these threads are highlighted in the Max documentation and the article, "Event Priority in Max (←-
Scheduler vs. Queue)". In this chapter, we won't cover all these details and restrict our discussion to the scheduler
(which when overdrive is on runs in a separate and high priority thread) and the low priority queue (which always
runs in the main application thread). As far as Jitter is concerned, we won't consider the real time audio thread or
the case of scheduler in audio interrupt, where the scheduler runs in this real time audio thread.
By default, Jitter performs all drawing and matrix processing in the main application thread, with events serviced
from the low priority queue. The reason for this low priority processing is to prevent high timing events such as note
triggering or audio DSP from suffering timing problems due to visual processing. Jitter also exploits the low priority
queue as a mechanism for graceful temporal downsampling of the visual stream in the instance that the processing
requested is too demanding to be calculated in real-time. This results in dropped frames in the output when the
demands cant be met. With audio, it's not sufficient to just drop frames of samples, since there will be an audible
click, but with images, the last image will persist if a new one isn't generated at some fixed sampling rate.

25.1 Defer and Usurp

The mechanisms which enforce execution of Jitter drawing and matrix processing from within the low priority queue
we will call "defer" and "usurp". The defer mechanism will take any high priority events and create a corresponding
low priority event at the end of the low priority queue. The defer mechanism ensures that the events will not
be executed from the high priority scheduler thread, but does not prevent scheduler backlog with the temporal
downsampling mentioned above. To accomplish this, the usurp mechanism mush be used. The usurp mechanism
will use no more than one low priority queue element for the task requested (either a method call or attribute setter).
The way usurp works is that if there is no pending event for the method or attribute call, a new event is placed at the
end of the low priority queue. If there is already an event pending, the usurp mechanism will not place a new event
on the end of the low priority queue, but rather "usurp" the arguments for the event waiting to being passed to the
method or attribute call. This way, if a high priority metronome is rapidly sending values to set an attribute, while the
initial low priority event is waiting to be processed, the value to be set is constantly being updated ("usurped") and
only the value at the time of servicing the event will be used.
It is important to note that the defer and usurp mechanisms only work as called from within the Max patcher. For
any methods which are called from a text based programming language, such as C, Java, or JavaScript, the defer
and usurp mechanisms are bypassed. This may be something you need to pay attention to and handle yourself if
you are making such calls from a text based programming language and need the defer or usurp behavior.

25.2 Using Defer and Usurp in Jitter Object Methods

When defining a method in Jitter, there is the possibility to define a type signature for the method just as one would
do in Max. Typical type signatures include typical atom elements such as A_LONG, A_FLOAT, and A_SYM; or the
110 Scheduler and Low Priority Queue Issues

corresponding default value versions A_DEFLONG, A_DEFFLOAT, A_DEFSYM; or the variable argument version
A_GIMME which provides a list of atoms and the number of atoms provided; or the private and untyped status
of A_CANT used for methods which are not exposed to the patcher and require additional C function prototype
information in order to call. While these type signatures can be used within Jitter objects, most methods exposed to
the patcher interface make use of either the defer or usurp mechanism as defined by two new type signatures A_←-
DEFER_LOW or A_USURP_LOW. Methods defined with the A_DEFER_LOW, or A_USURP_LOW type signatures
should conform to the same variable argument prototype as A_GIMME methods, but behind the scenes, Jitter will
make use of the defer and usurp mechanism to enforce the appropriate behavior.
An example of two methods from which use these mechanisms is below:

// add a usurping jit_matrix method

jit_class_addmethod(_jit_gl_videoplane_class, (method)jit_gl_videoplane_jit_matrix
, "jit_matrix", A_USURP_LOW, 0);

// add a deferred sendtexture method

jit_class_addmethod(_jit_gl_videoplane_class, (method)
jit_gl_videoplane_sendtexture, "sendtexture", A_DEFER_LOW, 0);

The implementation of these methods is below:

void jit_gl_videoplane_jit_matrix(t_jit_gl_videoplane *x, t_symbol *s, int argc,

t_atom *argv)
t_symbol *name;
void *m;
t_jit_matrix_info info;
long dim[2];

if ((name=jit_atom_getsym(argv)) != _jit_sym_nothing) {
m = jit_object_findregistered(name);
if (!m) {
error(" couldn’t get matrix object!");

if (x->texture) {
jit_object_method(m, _jit_sym_getinfo, &info);

void jit_gl_videoplane_sendtexture(t_jit_gl_videoplane *x, t_symbol *s, int argc,

t_atom *argv)
if (x->texture) {
s = jit_atom_getsym(argv);
if (argc)
argv = NULL;

From inspecting the header files, you may note that there are also A_DEFER and A_USURP type signatures, but
these should be considered obsolete, as they make use of the problematic deferral strategy of placing the event at
the front of the low priority queue and have the potential of reversing message sequencing.

25.3 Using Defer and Usurp in Jitter Object Attributes

Unlike methods, attributes do not make use of type signatures for their getter and setter accessor methods. Instead
they should always be prototyped similar to A_GIMME, but with an attribute object being passed in place of the
traditional method symbol pointer of the A_GIMME signature. So the way you can specify to use the defer and
usurp mechanisms for attribute accessors are through the attribute flags argument to the attribute constructor. For
the getter accessor method, you can use JIT_ATTR_GET_DEFER_LOW or JIT_ATTR_GET_USURP_LOW flags.
For the setter accessor method, you can use JIT_ATTR_SET_DEFER_LOW or JIT_ATTR_SET_USURP_LOW

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25.4 Using Defer and Usurp in the Max Wrapper Object 111

An example attribute definition from is below:

attrflags = JIT_ATTR_GET_DEFER_LOW |
attr = jit_object_new(_jit_sym_jit_attr_offset,"displaylist",

You may have noticed that like previous code example, all Jitter object attributes which are not private have been de-
fined with getter accessors which use the defer mechanism (JIT_ATTR_GET_DEFER_LOW) and setter accessors
which use the usurp mechanism (JIT_ATTR_SET_USURP_LOW). This is the recommended style of exposing Jitter
object attributes to the patcher, since there are many cases where at high priority an attribute is set repeatedly and
we want both the latest high priority value when the next calculation is made at low priority and no low priority queue
backlog from generating more events at high priority than can be processed at low priority. The defer mechanism is
used for getter accessor methods so that every attribute query results in a corresponding output message out the
dump outlet. Otherwise certain patcher logic could easily become confused. If a different behavior is required by
the Max programmer, they can make use of the jit.qball object to force either the defer or usurp mechanisms to be
used for their message stream.

25.4 Using Defer and Usurp in the Max Wrapper Object

Most of the above is also true when declaring methods and attributes in the Max wrapper object, however the func-
tion calls which are used are slightly different. You must use the special max object function calls max_addmethod←-
_defer_low() and max_addmethod_usurp_low() for methods, and max_jit_classex_addattr() for attributes. Below
are examples from jit.matrixset. Note that there is no type signature provided for either max_addmethod_defer_←-
low() or max_addmethod_usurp_low().

// add a deferred "exportmovie" method

max_addmethod_defer_low((method)max_jit_matrixset_export_movie, "exportmovie")

// add a usurped outputmatrix method

max_addmethod_usurp_low((method)max_jit_matrixset_outputmatrix, "

// add index attribute

attrflags = JIT_ATTR_GET_DEFER_LOW |
attr = jit_object_new(_jit_sym_jit_attr_offset,"index",

25.5 When Not to Use the Usurp Mechanism

The bang method for Jitter MOP objects uses the usurp mechanism to drop frames when the number of bang
messages cannot be handled in real time. However,'s bang method does not behave this way, and
instead uses the defer mechanism. At first this might seem counterintuitive, however, because rendering in Open←-
GL with uses a group of messages to perform erasing, any non automatic drawing of objects, and then a
drawing of automatic clients and a swap to the screen with the bang method, it is not an atomic action (i.e. requires a
sequence of different events rather than a single event). Since the usurp mechanism is method or attribute specific
with regard to the events which are being usurped, it only works for atomic actions. For this reason, it is important
for users to perform some drop framing behavior before triggering the message sequence, typically accomplished
with qmetro or jit.qball. If your object has some operation which requires a sequence of events in a similar fashion
as, then it would be best to use the defer mechanism rather than the usurp mechanism for relevant

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112 Scheduler and Low Priority Queue Issues

25.6 Overriding Defer and Usurp

There are instances where the user does not wish to be limited to processing Jitter matrices at low priority, such as
when Jitter matrices are used for tasks other than realtime image processing–for example, parameter interpolation
or matrices containing audio data. For these tasks, the jit.qfaker object is provided for advanced users which are
aware of the potential problems involved in bypassing these low priority mechanisms. As mentioned above, when
programming in a text based language, these mechanisms aren't used and all method and attribute accessor calls
are synchronous. Therefore there typically isn't a need to consider overriding this behavior from a text based
language. However, for certain externals which wish to simulate the jit.qfaker behavior, we expose the max_jit←-
_queuestate() function to override Jitter's detection of queue state for the defer and usurp mechanisms. It is also
possible to query what jitter believes the queue state to be with the max_jit_getqueuestate() function. This is the
function employed by the defer and usurp mechanisms. The source code for these functions is below for reference.

long max_jit_queuestate(long state)

long rv=_max_jit_queuestate;

_max_jit_queuestate = (state!=0);

return rv;

long max_jit_getqueuestate(void)
// always return true if faking
if (_max_jit_queuestate) return 1;

return !sched_isinpoll();

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Chapter 26

Jitter Object Registration and Notification

In Jitter, matrices are passed around as named references between Max objects.
This named reference is created since Jitter registers these matrices with the corresponding name using the jit_←-
object_register() function. Object registration is useful for a few reasons. First, registered matrices can be resolved
by name using the jit_object_findregistered() function. Secondly, registered objects can sent event notification
to clients who have attached to them using jit_object_attach(). Lastly, under certain circumstances, the object
registration process can be used to have multiple external references to a single instance of an object as is the case
with jit.matrix.

26.1 Registering Named Objects

To register an object, one can use the jit_object_register() function, which is equivalent to the Max object_register()
function in the namespace associated with gensym("jitter"). Traditionally in Jitter, we bind jit_object_register() to the
"register" method for an object and use jit_object_method() to call this method. For example, from the jit.notify SDK

// allocate the Jitter object

if (o=jit_object_new(gensym("jit_notify"))) {
// generate a unique name
x->servername = jit_symbol_unique();

// register the object with the given name


If not using a specific name, it is good to use the jit_symbol_unique() function as above to generate a unique name
which is slated for re-use once a registered object is freed. This prevents excess memory usage by the symbol
table as associated with these unique names.
If you wish the object to have multiple references to a single instance with some name, as is common with the
jit.matrix object, it is essential to use the return value of jit_object_register() in any instance where the object pointer
is saved after registration. This is because if the registered object with the same class already exists, the object
attempting to be registered will be freed, and the already registered object of the same class will be returned, its
reference count having been incremented. This is not typically an issue outside of registering jit.matrix objects,
although you may have a need for this type of implementation in other situations. Most other situations in which
object registration is used within Jitter only expects and/or permits a single instance to be registered. In the above
example, we know that this is safe to do, as we are using jit_symbol_unique() to generate a unique name.
It is also possible to unregister named objects, with the jit_object_unregister() function, but typically this is handled
for you when your object is freed, or if your object is registered again with a different name. This is not often used in
the Jitter code base except within these contexts.
114 Jitter Object Registration and Notification

26.2 Looking Up an Object by Name

Registered objects can be found by name using the jit_object_findregistered() function. For example named ma-
trices are resolved using this function. Most Matrix Operator objects have this done for them by the default MOP
code, but for example any MOP which has its own jit_matrix method, such as the jit.pack SDK example will make
use of jit_object_findregistered() inside its jit_matrix method:

// get our matrix name from the atom arguments provided

matrixname = jit_atom_getsym(argv);

// look up based on name

matrix = jit_object_findregistered(matrixname);

// make sure that it is a valid pointer and has a "class_jit_matrix" method which returns 1
if (matrix&&jit_object_method(matrix, _jit_sym_class_jit_matrix)) {

26.3 Attaching to Named Objects

Once an object has been registered, it can be considered a server to which clients attach to be notified of various
events. To attach to a named object, use the the jit_object_attach() function. Similarly to detach from a named
object, use the jit_object_detach() function. It is typical to detach from a server in your object's destructor, or any
time your object is switching which server it is attached to. For your client object to receive any notification from the
server object, it is important for your object to have defined a "notify" method which will receive the notification from
all objects it is attached to.
Below is the jit.notify SDK example's max wrapper object's notify method, which receives some atom values from
its internal Jitter object instance. Since this object is a Matrix Operator, it is important in the following example
that jit.notify calls the max_jit_classex_mop_wrap() function with the MAX_JIT_MOP_FLAGS_OWN_NOTIFY flag
to override the default MOP notify method, and that we pass on all other messages to the standard max_jit_mop←-
_notify() method so that the default MOP code is informed of any changes to the input and output matrices.

// s is the servername, msg is the message, ob is the server object pointer,

// and data is extra data the server might provide for a given message
void max_jit_notify_notify(t_max_jit_notify *x, t_symbol *s, t_symbol *msg, void *ob, void
if (msg==gensym("splat")) {
post("notify: server=%s message=%s",s->s_name,msg->s_name);
if (!data) {
error("splat message NULL pointer");
// here’s where we output using the rightmost outlet
// we just happen to know that "data" points to a t_atom[3]
// alternately you could use max_jit_obex_dumpout_get just to get
// the outlet pointer
max_jit_obex_dumpout(x,msg,3,(t_atom *)data);
} else {
// since we are a MOP, we are also attached to all the matrices for each input/output
// so we need to deal with this by calling the default mop notify method
// (this is how mops handle their matrices getting new names/freed/modified)

26.4 Notifying Clients

If you are making an object which is to be registered, and wish to send custom notification to clients in addition to
the default notification that attributes send to all clients when the attribute is modified, and the default object free
notification, then you will want to use the jit_object_notify() function. This function lets you determine a message
name to use for notification and optionally specify additional, but untyped data to all clients. If you choose to send
additional data to clients, it is necessary for all client code to know how to unpack this information. Below is the
example from the jit.notify SDK example which uses the notification mechanism to send some data to its max
wrapper object:

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26.4 Notifying Clients 115

t_atom foo[3];

jit_object_notify(x,gensym("splat"), foo);

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116 Jitter Object Registration and Notification

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Chapter 27

Using Jitter Objects in C

When developing for Jitter in C, the functionality of pre-existing Jitter objects can be used.
In this chapter, we'll briefly examine instantation and incorporation of the features of the and jit.qt.record
objects from your C code.

27.1 Example 1: the t_jit_qt_movie object

Using an object like t_jit_qt_movie from your own code is fairly straightforward. Since it's a standard Jitter ob-
ject, we can use jit_object_new() and jit_object_free() for instantiation and freeing, jit_object_method() for sending
messages, and jit_attr_get... and jit_attr_set... for getting and setting attributes.
For instance, in the following code snippet, we'll create a t_jit_qt_movie object, read a pre-specified movie from disk,
and decompress its first frame into a matrix, set to the native size of the movie.

void jit_foo_read_first_movie_frame(
t_jit_foo *x, t_symbol *s, long ac, t_atom *av)
void *qtmovie;

// create the t_jit_qt_movie object, sized to 1x1

qtmovie = jit_object_new(gensym("jit_qt_movie"), 1, 1);
if (qtmovie) {
t_atom rv; // will contain rvarr, with any return values
// from our "read" call
t_object *rvarr; // the t_atomarray with the actual
// return values

// turn off autostart

jit_attr_setlong(qtmovie, gensym("autostart"), 0);
// read the movie, just pass in the args to our function
object_method_typed(qtmovie, gensym("read"), ac, av, &rv);

// check the return value & verify that the movie loaded
if (rvarr = jit_atom_getobj(&rv)) {
long rvac = 0;
t_atom *rvav = NULL;

object_getvalueof(rvarr, &rvac, &rvav);

if (rvac && rvav) {
// just as in Max, we get a list: "filename success";
// success of 1 means the read was successful
if (rvac > 1 && jit_atom_getlong(rvav + 1)) {
long dim[2];
void *matrix;
t_jit_matrix_info info;

// get our movie’s native dims

jit_attr_getlong_array(qtmovie, gensym("movie_dim"),
2, dim);
// set the t_jit_qt_movie’s dim to match
// set our matrix up to match
info.type = _jit_sym_char;
info.planecount = 4;
118 Using Jitter Objects in C

info.dimcount = 2;
info.dim[0] = dim[0];
info.dim[1] = dim[1];
matrix = jit_object_new(_jit_sym_jit_matrix, &info);
if (matrix) {
// call the t_jit_qt_movie’s matrix_calc method
// with our matrix as an argument
err = (t_jit_err)jit_object_method(qtmovie,
_jit_sym_matrix_calc, NULL, matrix);
if (err != JIT_ERR_NONE) {
error("something went wrong");
// do something with the matrix

// free the matrix

freebytes(rvav, sizeof(t_atom) * rvac);

Naturally, we could also set the t_jit_qt_movie object's time attribute, or call its or frame method, to recall an arbitrary
point in time. In fact, nearly every documented method and attribute of the object, as it functions in the Max
interface, is available from C. The exceptions are those functions implemented in the Max wrapper object, such as

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Chapter 28

JXF File Specification

The Jitter File Format (JXF) stores matrix data in a binary (not human-readable) form.
When using Jitter you can create JXF files by sending the write message to a jit.matrix object. Conversely you can
read JXF files from disk using the read message. This section will cover first the API functions that one can use
from C to read and write JXF files. Then it will break down the file format at the bit level.

28.1 The Binary JXF API

Most Jitter users do not need or want to know about the internal binary format of a JXF-file. Even users who want
to read and write JXF-files from C do not need to know the internal details if they use the functions of the Jitter API
for the binary interface. Not only is the API more convenient, but using the functions provided by Cycling '74 may
protect your code from having to be altered in the future in the event of a specification change.
There are two primary functions one should use to read data from a JXF file. jit_bin_read_header() reads the
version number and the size of the file from the header, and has the following signature:

t_jit_err jit_bin_read_header(t_filehandle fh, ulong *version, long *


jit_bin_read_matrix() imports matrix data from a file to a matrix, resizing the matrix if necessary, and has the following

t_jit_err jit_bin_read_matrix(t_filehandle fh, void *matrix)

Here’s a chunk of code that shows how to read a matrix from disk:

if (!(err=path_opensysfile(filename, path, &fh, READ_PERM))) {

//all is well
} else {
error("jit.matrix: can’t open file %s",name->s_name);
goto out;
if (jit_bin_read_header(fh,&version,&filesize)) {
error("jit.matrix: improper file format %s",name->s_name);
goto out;
if (jit_bin_read_matrix(fh,matrix)) {
error("jit.matrix: improper file format %s",name->s_name);
goto out;

Similarly there are two functions one should use when writing data to a JXF file. jit_bin_write_header() writes a
header to a file, and has the following signature:
120 JXF File Specification

t_jit_err jit_bin_write_header(t_filehandle fh, long filesize)

jit_bin_write_matrix() writes a matrix to a file, and has the following signature:

t_jit_err jit_bin_write_matrix(t_filehandle fh, void *matrix)

Here’s a section of code that shows how you might write a file with one matrix. Note that the initial filesize argument
to jit_bin_write_header() is bogus, but that the header is written again at the end of the operation when the filesize
can be determined from the file position after writing the matrix.

if (err=path_createsysfile(filename, path, type, &fh)) {

error("jit.matrix: could not create file %s",name->s_name);
goto out;
if (jit_bin_write_header(fh,0)) {
error("jit.matrix: could not write header %s", matrixName->s_name);
goto out;
if (jit_bin_write_matrix(fh,pointerToMatrix)) {
error("jit.matrix: could not write matrix %s", matrixName->s_name);
goto out;
sysfile_getpos(fh, &position);
sysfile_seteof(fh, position);
if (jit_bin_write_header(fh,position)) {
error("jit.matrix: could not write header %s",
goto out;

28.2 Specification of the JXF Format

The internal format of JXF-files is based on the Interchange File Format (IFF) (←-
org/wiki/Interchange_File_Format). An IFF file is built up from chunks. All data in IFF files is big-
endian. Several convenience macros defined in jit.byteorder.h are available to help convert numbers to the proper
format before and after they're written to and read from a JXF file: BE_I32() can be called on 32-bit integers,
BE_F32() on 32-bit floats, and BE_F64() on 64-bit doubles.
Each chunk in an IFF file begins with a four character Type ID. This is followed by a 32-bit unsigned integer specifying
the size of the chunk content in bytes. In a JXF file, the 32-bit integer part of the first chunk tells us the size of the
file, and all the subsequent chunks, which begin immediately after the first chunk, contain matrices. In the future
chunks may also be used to store other kinds of data.
Here is a tabular overview of an example minimal JXF file.
Container Chunk
File size 32-bit int
Format Chunk


Chunk size 12 bytes
Version JIT_BIN_VERSION_1 (0x3C93DC80)
Matrix Chunk

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28.2 Specification of the JXF Format 121

chunk size 32-bit int

offset 32-bit int
type 4-char
planecount 32-bit int
dimcount 32-bit int
dim Array of 32-bit ints that contain the dimensions
The data offset of the matrix chunk represents the offset, in bytes, from the beginning of the chunk to the beginning
of the data portion of the chunk. The type is one of CHAR, LONG, FL32 and FL64. The dim array contains dimcount
elements, each of which is a 32-bit int. The data portion consists of the cells of the matrix written out one at a time
in row-major order. Planar data is multiplexed in each cell. For example, a 3-plane 2 by 2 matrix would be written
out in the following order:
Plane Dim 0 Dim 1
0 0 0
1 0 0
2 0 0
0 1 0
1 1 0
2 1 0
0 0 1
1 0 1
2 0 1
0 1 1
1 1 1
2 1 1
The various chunks discussed above can be represented by the C structs listed below:

typedef struct _jit_bin_chunk_container

ulong ckid; //’FORM’
long cksize; //filesize
ulong formtype; //’JIT!’
} t_jit_bin_chunk_container;

typedef struct _jit_bin_chunk_format_version

ulong ckid; //’FVER’
long cksize; //12
ulong vers; //timestamp
} t_jit_bin_chunk_format_version;

typedef struct _jit_bin_chunk_matrix

ulong ckid; //’MTRX’
long cksize; //varies(should be equal to
long offset; //data offset(should be equal to 24+(4*dimcount))
ulong type; //’CHAR’,’LONG’,’FL32’,’FL64’
long planecount;
long dimcount;
long dim[1];
} t_jit_bin_chunk_matrix;

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122 JXF File Specification

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Chapter 29

Jitter Networking Specification

This appendix describes the format of the data sent by a object.
The object attempts to form a TCP connection with a host at the IP and port specified by the object's attributes. Any
program wishing to receive data will therefore have to set itself up as a host and listen for incoming TCP connections.
Once a connection is formed, data can be sent. Data is sent as a stream of chunks. The first thing received will be
a chunk header. It consists of a 32-bit chunk ID and a 32-bit int representing the size of the next chunk to come.
The chunk ID can be one of the following 4-char symbols, depending on what kind of packet it is:



This chunk header could be represented in C by the following struct:

typedef struct _jit_net_packet_header

t_int32 id;
t_int32 size; //size of packet to come
} t_jit_net_packet_header;

If the chunk is a matrix packet, the next data received will be a header of 288 bytes with the following contents:
id 'JMTX'
Size 288 (32-bit int, size of this header)
Planecount 32-bit int
Type 32-bit int, 0 for char, 1 for long, 2 for float32, 3 for
Dimcount 32-bit int
Dim Array of 32 32-bit ints
Dimstride Array of 32 32-bit ints
Datasize 32-bit int, size of the data buffer to come
Time 64-bit double precision float
This chunk could be represented with the following C struct:

typedef struct _jit_net_packet_matrix

t_int32 id;
t_int32 size;
t_int32 planecount;
t_int32 type; //0=char,1=long,2=float32,3=float64
t_int32 dimcount;
t_int32 dimstride[JIT_MATRIX_MAX_DIMCOUNT];
t_int32 datasize;
double time;
} t_jit_net_packet_matrix;

Following this header the next data received will be the matrix data, the size of which was passed in the above
header. When using the data, please note the dimstrides transmitted in the header.
124 Jitter Networking Specification

The time field in the above header will be set to the time of transmission from the sending computer.
expects the server to respond by sending back timing data of its own – it uses this data to estimate the transmission
latency. The exact data in the latency chunk that expects to receive is the following:
id 'JMLP'
client_time_original 64-bit double, the time value received in the matrix
header packet
server_time_before_data 64-bit double, the time on the server when the packet
header is received
server_time_after_data 64-bit double, the time on the server after the packet
has been processed and is in use

This chunk can be represnted by the following C struct:

typedef struct _jit_net_packet_latency

t_int32 id;
double client_time_original;
double server_time_before_data;
double server_time_after_data;
} t_jit_net_packet_latency;

The difference between the server time before and server time after processing the data represents the time it
takes the server to mobilize the data after it has been received. will send and expects to receive time
in milliseconds. When this timing information is received by the transmitting computer, it notes its current time,
calculates the round trip time and then estimates the latency as half the round trip time plus half of the server
processing time. This estimate is accurate if the time of flight from A to B is the same as the time of flight from B
to A, but network topology can be very complicated, and often the route from A to B is not the reverse of the route
from B to A. In simple situations, such as a direct connection between two computers or a small LAN, the estimate
should be reasonably accurate.
Finally, the last type of packet that can be sent is the message packet. The size of the message packet is sent in the
initial header packet. Standard A_GIMME messages (t_symbol ∗s, long ac, t_atom ∗av) are serialized starting with
a 32-bit integer that contains the size of the serialized message in bytes. Following that another 32-bit integer gives
the argument count for the atoms. Following that comes the message atoms themselves, starting with the leading
symbol if it exists. Each atom is represented in memory first with a char that indicates what type of atom it is: 's'
for symbol, 'l' for long, and 'f' for float. For long and float atoms, the next 4 bytes contain the value of the atom; for
symbol atoms a null terminated character string follows.
All data is represented with little endian byte ordering.
Below is a C function that will deserialize a message passed in as a data pointer.

void gimme_deserialize(char *data, t_symbol **s, long *ac, t_atom **av)

char *curr = data;
float *currf;
long *currl,i;
long datasize = BE_I32(*((long *)curr));
curr += sizeof(long);
*ac = BE_I32(*(long *)(curr));
curr += sizeof(long);
*av = (t_atom *)sysmem_newptr(sizeof(t_atom)*(*ac));

*s = gensym(curr);
while (*(++curr) != ’\0’) ;
*s = 0L;
for (i=0;i<*ac;i++)
switch (*curr++)
(*av)[i].a_type = A_SYM;
(*av)[i].a_w.w_sym = gensym(curr);
while (*(++curr) != ’\0’) ;

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(*av)[i].a_type = A_FLOAT;
(*av)[i].a_w.w_float = BE_F32(*((float *)curr));
curr += sizeof(float);
(*av)[i].a_type = A_LONG;
(*av)[i].a_w.w_long = BE_I32(*((long *)curr));
curr += sizeof(long);

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126 Jitter Networking Specification

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Chapter 30

Appendix: Messages sent to Objects

When writing objects for Max, you typically think of creating methods which are called when a message is sent to
your object through the object's inlet.
However, your object may receive messages directly from Max rather than using the inlet.
One common example is the "assist" message, which is sent to your object when a user's mouse cursor hovers
over one of your object's inlets or outlets. If your object binds a method to the "assist" message then you will be
able to customize the message that is shown.
This appendix serves as a quick reference for messages that are commonly sent to objects by Max, should they be
implemented by the given object. Where possible, the prototypes given are actual prototypes from example objects
in the SDK rather than abstractions to assist in finding the context for these calls.

30.1 Messages for All Objects

acceptsdrag_locked long pictmeter_acceptsdrag_←-

unlocked(t_pictmeter ∗x, t_object
∗drag, t_object ∗view);
acceptsdrag_unlocked long pictmeter_acceptsdrag_←-
unlocked(t_pictmeter ∗x, t_object
∗drag, t_object ∗view);
assist void pictmeter_assist(t_pictmeter
∗x, void ∗b, long m, long a, char
dumpout bind this message to
object_obex_dumpout() rather
than defining your own method.
inletinfo void my_obj(t_object ∗x, void ∗b, you may bind to stdinletinfo() or
long a, char ∗t) define your own inletinfo method.

The 'b' parameter can be ignored,

the 'a' parameter is the inlet
number, and 1 or 0 should set the
value of '∗t' upon return.
128 Appendix: Messages sent to Objects

notify t_max_err
dbviewer_notify(t_dbviewer ∗x,
t_symbol ∗s, t_symbol ∗msg, void
∗sender, void ∗data);
stdargs t_max_err my_obj(t_dictionary ∗d, when loading an old (Max 3 or 4)
t_symbol ∗s, long argc, t_atom patcher, this will be called prior to
∗argv) your new method. You can then fill
in the dictionary with key/value
pairs from your previous args.
quickref obsolete, this is provided
automatically now

30.2 Messages for Non-UI Objects

dblclick void scripto_dblclick(t_scripto ∗x);

30.3 Messages for User Interface Objects

getdrawparams void
∗x, t_object ∗patcherview,
t_jboxdrawparams ∗params);
mousedown void scripto_ui_mousedown(t_←-
scripto_ui ∗x, t_object
∗patcherview, t_pt pt, long
mouseup void uisimp_mouseup(t_uisimp ∗x,
t_object ∗patcherview, t_pt pt, long
mousedrag void scripto_ui_mousedrag(t_←-
scripto_ui ∗x, t_object
∗patcherview, t_pt pt, long
mouseenter void uisimp_mouseenter(t_uisimp
∗x, t_object ∗patcherview, t_pt pt,
long modifiers);
mouseleave void uisimp_mouseleave(t_uisimp
∗x, t_object ∗patcherview, t_pt pt,
long modifiers);
mousemove void uisimp_mousemove(t_uisimp
∗x, t_object ∗patcherview, t_pt pt,
long modifiers);
paint void pictmeter_paint(t_pictmeter
∗x, t_object ∗patcherview);

30.4 Message for Audio Objects

dsp void plus_dsp(t_plus ∗x, t_signal

∗∗sp, short ∗count);
dspstate plus_dspstate(t_plus ∗x, long n);

30.5 Messages for Objects Containing Text Fields

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30.6 Messages for Objects with Text Editor Windows 129

key long uitextfield_key(t_uitextfield ∗x,

t_object ∗patcherview, long
keycode, long modifiers, long
keyfilter long
uitextfield_keyfilter(t_uitextfield ∗x,
t_object ∗patcherview, long
∗keycode, long ∗modifiers, long
enter void uitextfield_enter(t_uitextfield
select void uitextfield_select(t_uitextfield

30.6 Messages for Objects with Text Editor Windows

edclose void
∗x, char ∗∗text, long size);

30.7 Messages for Dataview Client Objects

getcelltext void
∗x, t_symbol ∗colname, long
index, char ∗text, long maxlen);
newpatcherview void dbviewer_newpatcherview(t←-
_dbviewer ∗x, t_object
freepatcherview void dbviewer_freepatcherview(t←-
_dbviewer ∗x, t_object

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130 Appendix: Messages sent to Objects

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Chapter 31

Appendix: Providing Icons for UI Objects

If you are writing user interface objects for Max, it is recommended that you provide an icon for your object.
Providing an icon will allow users to create an instance of your class from the object palette, and improve the user's
experience in other interactions with Max including the Object Defaults inspector.

31.1 Object SVG Icon

To see the icons provided by Cycling '74 for objects included in Max, look in the Cycling '74/object-icons folder
installed by Max. You will find a variety of SVG (scalable vector graphics) files for the objects. The files are named
with the same name of the class (as it is defined in your ext_main() function) with which they are associated.
SVG files can be edited in a variety of software applications such as InkScape or Adobe Illustrator. You can also
export SVG files from OmniGraffle on the Mac, which is how the Max's object icons were created.
It is recommended that you distribute your object as a Max Package (see Appendix: SDK changes for Max 7).
Within this package you shoulo place your svg in the 'interfaces' folder.

31.2 Quick Lookup Definition

Adding the svg file will make the icon available to Max for use in some ways. To make your icon appear in Max's
Object Explorer, however, you must create a quick-lookup (or qlookup) entry for your object. If you look in the
Cycling '74/interfaces folder, you should notice some files with names like "obj-qlookup.json" and "doc-qlookup.←-
json". For your object, you should create a similar qlookup file.
For the following example we will assume you have created an object called 'littleuifoo'. For this object we will create
a qlookup called 'littleuifoo-obj-qlookup.json'. The contents of this file will look like this:

"littleuifoo": {
"digest": "Little UI Object that does Foo",
"module": "max",
"category": [
"palette": {
"category": [
"action": "littleuifoo",
"pic": "littleuifoo.svg"
132 Appendix: Providing Icons for UI Objects

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

Chapter 32

Appendix: Additional Resources

While it is out of the scope of this document to cover many topics related to Jitter development, we suggest the
following resources to better inform your development.
The C Programming Language:

• "The C Programming Language", Kernighan and Ritchie (Prentice Hall, 1988). ISBN: 0131103709

• "A Book on C", Kelly and Pohl (Addison Wesley, 1997). ISBN: 0201183994

• Wikipedia's C programming language resources

Object Oriented Programming:

• Wikipedia's Object Oriented Programming resources

• Sun's Object Oriented Programming Concepts Tutorial

• Object Oriented Programming in C

Digital Image Processing:

• "Handbook of Image and Video Processing", A. Bovik et al. (Academic Press, 2000). ISBN: 0121197921

• "Digital Image Processing", W. K. Pratt (John Wiley and Sons, 2001). ISBN: 0471857661

• "Principles of Digital Image Synthesis", A. S. Glassner (Morgan Kaufmann, 1995). ISBN: 1558602763

• Wikipedia's digital image processing resources

Open GL:

• The official OpenGL web portal

Apple and QuickTime:

• Apple's developer resources


• Micrcosoft's developer resources

134 Appendix: Additional Resources

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

Chapter 33

Appendix: Updating Externals for Max 6

33.1 Updating MSP Externals for 64-bit Audio Processing

33.1.1 Background

In Max 5 and prior versions, the signal chain for processing audio was compiled by sending all objects in the patcher
a "dsp" message. Objects responding to this message then executed their dsp method, typically adding one of the
object's perform methods to the signal chain.
In Max 6, the signal chain is compiled by first sending objects a "dsp64" message. When your object responds to
this message, you can add your 64-bit audio perform methods. If an object supports the old "dsp" message but not
the "dsp64" message, it then wraps the older 32-bit perform routine with conversion on the inputs and outputs.
This means that the 64-bit engine will work just fine with the older 32-bit objects. However, the conversion comes
with some computational expense. For the best performance your objects should support the 64-bit dsp chain
natively by implementing the "dsp64" message as explained below.

33.1.2 API

As noted, instead of the "dsp" method used by objects for Max 5 and earlier, Max 6 objects implement a "dsp64"
method. This has the same purpose as the original dsp method. One notable difference is that the signals are not
passed to the dsp64 method. This is to allow for the signal that is used to change dynamically at runtime. However,
the relevant info (samplerate, number of signals connected, etc) is passed in.
The main purpose of the dsp64 method is to call back into the audio lib to put perform methods on the dsp chain.
This is done by sending the 'dsp_add64' message to the dspchain object using object_method().
The perform routine is now of type t_perfroutine64, defined in z_dsp.h, and now has a fixed function signature. It
does take a user-defined parameter that is passed back from the call to 'dsp_add64'.

33.1.3 Example Code

The simplemsp∼ examples in the 'audio' folder of the SDK have been updated for 64-bit audio processing in Max
6. Several projects, including the simplemsp∼ example, demonstrate how to support both 64-bit audio processing
in Max 6 and 32-bit audio processing for compatibility with Max 5.

33.2 Updating Max Externals for Cocoa

On the Macintosh platform, Max 6 made the transition from using the Carbon API to using the Cocoa API for
interacting with the Mac OS. In most cases the transition for third-party developers should be seemless. If you are
operating directly using native Carbon calls then your code will need to be updated to Cocoa using Objective-C.
136 Appendix: Updating Externals for Max 6

The most common scenario is where you ask a patcherview for the native window handle with a call such as:

WindowRef viewWindow;
object_method(patcherview, gensym("nativewindow"), (void**)&viewWindow);

In Max 6 this will not work because the returned 'viewWindow' is not the Carbon WindowRef but is instead a Cocoa
NSWindow∗. You may update your code to use Cocoa instead of Carbon, or you may wish to transition more slowly
by continuing to use a WindowRef. Here is an example to assist in obtaining a WindowRef:

NSView *cocoa_view = NULL;

NSWindow *cocoa_window = NULL;
WindowRef carbon_window;

object_method(patcherview, gensym("nativewindow"), (void**)&cocoa_view);

if (cocoa_view) {
cocoa_window = [cocoa_view window];
if (cocoa_window) {
carbon_window = [cocoa_window windowRef];

// now you can use your carbon_window as before

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

Chapter 34

Appendix: Updating Externals for Max 6.1 (x64


34.1 Background

The Max 6.0.x application binary, and the external objects and libraries it uses, are compiled for the i386 processor
architecture. This architecture uses 32-bit memory addressing, meaning that the size of a pointer is 32 bits (or 4
Max 6.1 introduces support for the x86_64 (or x64) architecture which uses 64-bit (8 bytes) memory addressing.
Among the benefits are the ability to use more than 2 GB of memory in Max. Additionally, the size of the t_atom is
8-bytes on x64, meaning that double-precision floating pointer numbers can be represented.
For backwards compatibility, Max 6.1 also continues to be distributed as a 32-bit application binary. On the Windows
platform the 32-bit and 64-bit applications are distributed separately, as are the external objects you create for them.
On the Mac platform a Universal Binary (or "FAT" binary) is distributed containing both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions
in the same dynamically-loaded library.
All externals on the Mac remain bundles using the ".mxo" filename extension.
32-bit externals on Windows remain DLLs using the ".mxe" filename extension.
64-bit externals on Windows are still DLLs but use a new ".mxe64" filename extension.

34.1.1 New Types

In addition to the change of size in a pointer, there are some additional changes for 64-bit. For example, a "long"
integer for 32-bit targets is 4 bytes on both the Mac and Windows. However, a "long" integer for 64-bit targets is 4
bytes on Windows but 8 bytes (the size of a pointer) on the Mac!
To facilitate cross platform code that is independent of these platform differences, the Max 6.1 API defines some
new types used throughout the SDK.
Types of fixed size:


Types of architecture-dependent size:

t_ptr_int : an int that is the same size as a pointer

138 Appendix: Updating Externals for Max 6.1 (x64 architecture)

t_ptr_uint : an unsigned int that is the same size as a pointer

t_atom_long : the type that is an A_LONG in an atom (32-bits on i386; 64-bits on x64)
t_atom_float : the type that is an A_FLOAT in an atom (float on i386; double on x64)

Types for specific contexts:

t_filepath : i.e. path/vol in file APIs identifying a folder

t_fourcc : use for type codes in locatefile_extended(), file dialogs, etc. to
represent a four char code
t_getbytes_size : if you are using getbytes() and freebytes(), use this type to
represent the size of the memory

34.2 Xcode and Visual Studio Projects

For new objects, you can base projects on those in the new SDK. To update existing projects you will need to make
a few changes to your project settings.

34.2.1 Mac / Xcode

Max 6.1 on the Mac no longer uses the intermediary MaxAPI.framework for linking. Instead, the linking is handled
at runtime and the symbols are checked using special flags to the linker. To update an existing project:

1. remove references to the MaxAPI.framework

2. update the .xcconfig file on which the project is based with the .xcconfig file in the new Max SDK

3. in your target's build settings find the "Other Linker Flags" and set it to "$(C74_SYM_LINKER_FLAGS)"

4. in your target's build settings find the "Architectures" and set it to "i386 x86_64"

34.2.2 Windows / Visual Studio

In order to build for x64 with Visual Studio 2008, you must have the "Pro" version. The free "Express" version will
not work. The "Express" versions of Visual Studio 2010 and 2012 do work (2012 is recommended).
Due to bugs in Visual Studio 2008, it is really difficult to update an existing project. Instead, it is recommended to
simply create a new Visual Studio project based on an existing example. For Visual Studio 2008 use the "vcproj"
files. For Visual Studio 2010 and 2012 use the "vcxproj" files.

1. choose a relevant starting point, e.g., the "dummy" example project

2. copy it to the folder your old project was in, rename it

3. open it in a text editor such as "sublime text 2"

4. do a find/replace for all instances of the text "dummy" changing it to your object's name

5. open the Visual Studio project and build you can choose either "Win32" or "x64" from the platform drop-down
menu in the IDE

34.3 Changes to Code

34.3.1 Atoms

Any assumptions in your code about the size of a t_atom or the size of its members should be reviewed. When
setting or getting values to and from atoms you should use the types t_atom_long and t_atom_float as appropriate.

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34.4 Common Scenarios 139

34.3.2 Return Values

All methods which return a value must return a pointer-sized value, e.g., t_ptr_int, t_ptr_uint, t_max_err, etc.

34.3.3 File Code

File access in Max involves several areas subject to either required or suggested update.
A path in Max has traditionally been represented with a short int; it is recommened to now use the new t_filepath
File types in Max are represented using four char codes. Traditionally these have been defined using variables of
type "long", which is now problematic. This is a 4-byte type but the long on the Mac for x64 is 8-bytes. These must
be updated to use the new t_fourcc type.

34.3.4 Miscellaneous Gotchas

Look for any ld or lu strings in sprintf() or related formatting functions.

34.4 Common Scenarios

34.4.1 "Long" integers

One of biggest areas we've had to address is the use of the long datatype. The reason for this is that under 64bit
windows a long integer is 32 bits and under 64bit OS X (and Unix), a long is a 64 bit integer.
To assist in this process, we have a the new data types documented above. We'll distinguis these from what we are
calling a "platform long".
This platform long discrepancy can lead to all sorts of problems which are outlined with a brief statement of the
problem scenario, and our recommended fix with types:
Problem: long integers as A_LONG/A_DEFLONG method arguments (this includes your object construc-
Solution: type your A_LONG/A_DEFLONG methods' function signatures to use the t_atom_long in place of long
Problem: long integers as A_CANT method arguments called only through object_method()
Solution: either redefine your A_CANT method's arguments to t_atom_long, or define your type as A_DIRECT, and
make use of the object_method_direct() macro, passing in a function prototype to the macro (also see under floating
point how this is required for anything which previously was A_CANT with floating point values). Technically many
of these will still work properly due to the nature of how integers are passed on the stack under x64, without any
change, it is still best practice.
Problem: long integers being used to store pointers as integer values either for pointer arithmetic, at-
tributes, or other situations.
Solution: use t_atom_long or even better t_ptr_uint (for pointer sized unsigned integer) or the actual pointer type.
Problem: long integers as four character codes for filetypes (t_fourcc) which applies to locatefile_extended
and path functions and friends
Solution: Use t_foucc inplace of long, for anywhere you are using filetype codes.
Problem: long integers as return values for functions called via object_method()
Solution: These should always return a t_atom_long or other pointer sized integer
Problem: long integers passed as pointers into functions like dictionary_getlong() which are now proto-
typed to take a t_atom_long ∗

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140 Appendix: Updating Externals for Max 6.1 (x64 architecture)

Solution: Use a t_atom_long value, and pass a pointer to it. A cast from a platform long ∗to a t_atom_long ∗ is not
Problem: long integers for performing bitwise manipulation of 32bit floating point values including
Solution: Use t_int32/t_uint32
There are many cases where it is safe to use long integers, and we have continued to use them in our code. Below
are the scenarios where they are okay and in several cases required. This might provide some confusion at some
points, but hopefully it makes the porting process a little bit easier, allowing more code to remain unchanged.

• Attributes defined as _sym_long should remain a platform long. If you need to have a t_atom_long attribute,
you will need to use the new atom_long attribute type. This is probably the most confusing aspect of porting
to 64bit and a very real ambiguity of the word "long". Unfortunately, having to balance the difficulties of porting
with the clarity of API, this is something we felt necessary to do.

• Attribute getters/setters should still use the long type for ac. this is especially important for getters which are
passed a pointer to a platform long in the ac value.

• A_GIMME methods may still use the long type for ac without issues

34.4.2 Floating point values

For A_FLOAT/A_DEFFLOAT function signatures, you should always use double as is currently recommended in
the Max SDK. You should not use the new t_atom_float dataype. (this includes your object constructors)
For A_CANT functions with floating point arguments that currently use object_method(). You will need to use
object_method_direct() or pass in pointers to the floating point values (which is safe as it is a pointer sized integer).
It is no longer possible to pass floats through object_method() or the many functions like it (linklist_methodall(),
hashtab_methodall(), etc.)
Attributes are already defined in terms of their bitsize float32 or float 64. If you wish for your attribute to make use of
the new atom support for double preceision. You will want to change your struct definition, as well as your attribute
constructor to be a double (_sym_float64). There isn't currently a t_atom_float attribute type like we've added for

34.4.3 Deprecated Apple types

like Byte/Boolean/Point/etc
Use the t_byte/t_bool/t_point/etc types instead.

34.5 Additional Miscellaneous Changes

The old 32-bit 'dsp' (and perform) methods are no longer supported as of Max 6.1. They must be updated as per
Updating MSP Externals for 64-bit Audio Processing .

34.6 Additional Resources




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34.6 Additional Resources 141


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142 Appendix: Updating Externals for Max 6.1 (x64 architecture)

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Chapter 35

Appendix: SDK changes for Max 7

35.1 Using ext_main for Entry Point

Prior to Max 7 the entry point for externals was the main() function exported from the dynamic library you create.
Beginning with Max 7 the entry point for externals is called ext_main(). This addresses compatibility problems
with various newer compilers and frees us from the constraints enforced for main() as the standard entry point for
Objects that do no not define ext_main() will still be loaded using the older main(). Support for ext_main() is also
present in Max 6.1.9.

35.2 Support for Max 7 UI Object Styles

Max 7 introduces the concept of styles which determine the appearance of UI objects. For attributes of your U←-
I object to map to colors or attributes of a style you need to add the required attribute properties in your class
See the section on Styles for more information.
144 Appendix: SDK changes for Max 7

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Chapter 36

Module Documentation

36.1 Attributes

An attribute of an object is a setting or property that tells the object how to do its job.

Data Structures

• struct t_attr
Common attr struct.


• #define CLASS_ATTR_CHAR(c, attrname, flags, structname, structmember)

Create a char attribute and add it to a Max class.
• #define CLASS_ATTR_LONG(c, attrname, flags, structname, structmember)
Create a t_atom_long integer attribute and add it to a Max class.
• #define CLASS_ATTR_ATOM_LONG(c, attrname, flags, structname, structmember)
Create a t_atom_long integer attribute and add it to a Max class.
• #define CLASS_ATTR_INT32(c, attrname, flags, structname, structmember)
Create a t_int32 integer attribute and add it to a Max class.
• #define CLASS_ATTR_FLOAT(c, attrname, flags, structname, structmember)
Create a 32-bit float attribute and add it to a Max class.
• #define CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE(c, attrname, flags, structname, structmember)
Create a 64-bit float attribute and add it to a Max class.
• #define CLASS_ATTR_SYM(c, attrname, flags, structname, structmember)
Create a t_symbol∗ attribute and add it to a Max class.
• #define CLASS_ATTR_ATOM(c, attrname, flags, structname, structmember)
Create a t_atom attribute and add it to a Max class.
• #define CLASS_ATTR_OBJ(c, attrname, flags, structname, structmember)
Create a t_object∗ attribute and add it to a Max class.
• #define CLASS_ATTR_CHAR_ARRAY(c, attrname, flags, structname, structmember, size)
Create an array-of-chars attribute of fixed length, and add it to a Max class.
• #define CLASS_ATTR_LONG_ARRAY(c, attrname, flags, structname, structmember, size)
Create an array-of-long-integers attribute of fixed length, and add it to a Max class.
• #define CLASS_ATTR_ATOM_LONG_ARRAY(c, attrname, flags, structname, structmember, size)
Create an array-of-t_atom_long-integers attribute of fixed length, and add it to a Max class.
• #define CLASS_ATTR_FLOAT_ARRAY(c, attrname, flags, structname, structmember, size)
146 Module Documentation

Create an array-of-32bit-floats attribute of fixed length, and add it to a Max class.

• #define CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE_ARRAY(c, attrname, flags, structname, structmember, size)
Create an array-of-64bit-floats attribute of fixed length, and add it to a Max class.
• #define CLASS_ATTR_SYM_ARRAY(c, attrname, flags, structname, structmember, size)
Create an array-of-symbols attribute of fixed length, and add it to a Max class.
• #define CLASS_ATTR_ATOM_ARRAY(c, attrname, flags, structname, structmember, size)
Create an array-of-atoms attribute of fixed length, and add it to a Max class.
• #define CLASS_ATTR_OBJ_ARRAY(c, attrname, flags, structname, structmember, size)
Create an array-of-objects attribute of fixed length, and add it to a Max class.
• #define CLASS_ATTR_CHAR_VARSIZE(c, attrname, flags, structname, structmember, sizemember, max-
Create an array-of-chars attribute of variable length, and add it to a Max class.
• #define CLASS_ATTR_LONG_VARSIZE(c, attrname, flags, structname, structmember, sizemember, max-
Create an array-of-long-integers attribute of variable length, and add it to a Max class.
• #define CLASS_ATTR_FLOAT_VARSIZE(c, attrname, flags, structname, structmember, sizemember, max-
Create an array-of-32bit-floats attribute of variable length, and add it to a Max class.
• #define CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE_VARSIZE(c, attrname, flags, structname, structmember, sizemember,
Create an array-of-64bit-floats attribute of variable length, and add it to a Max class.
• #define CLASS_ATTR_SYM_VARSIZE(c, attrname, flags, structname, structmember, sizemember, maxsize)
Create an array-of-symbols attribute of variable length, and add it to a Max class.
• #define CLASS_ATTR_ATOM_VARSIZE(c, attrname, flags, structname, structmember, sizemember, max-
Create an array-of-atoms attribute of variable length, and add it to a Max class.
• #define CLASS_ATTR_OBJ_VARSIZE(c, attrname, flags, structname, structmember, sizemember, maxsize)
Create an array-of-objects attribute of variable length, and add it to a Max class.
• #define STRUCT_ATTR_CHAR(c, flags, structname, structmember)
Create a char attribute and add it to a Max class.
• #define STRUCT_ATTR_LONG(c, flags, structname, structmember)
Create a long integer attribute and add it to a Max class.
• #define STRUCT_ATTR_ATOM_LONG(c, flags, structname, structmember)
Create a t_atom_long integer attribute and add it to a Max class.
• #define STRUCT_ATTR_FLOAT(c, flags, structname, structmember)
Create a 32bit float attribute and add it to a Max class.
• #define STRUCT_ATTR_DOUBLE(c, flags, structname, structmember)
Create a 64bit float attribute and add it to a Max class.
• #define STRUCT_ATTR_SYM(c, flags, structname, structmember)
Create a t_symbol∗ attribute and add it to a Max class.
• #define STRUCT_ATTR_ATOM(c, flags, structname, structmember)
Create a t_atom attribute and add it to a Max class.
• #define STRUCT_ATTR_OBJ(c, flags, structname, structmember)
Create a t_object∗ attribute and add it to a Max class.
• #define STRUCT_ATTR_CHAR_ARRAY(c, flags, structname, structmember, size)
Create an array-of-chars attribute of fixed length, and add it to a Max class.
• #define STRUCT_ATTR_LONG_ARRAY(c, flags, structname, structmember, size)
Create an array-of-long-integers attribute of fixed length, and add it to a Max class.
• #define STRUCT_ATTR_FLOAT_ARRAY(c, flags, structname, structmember, size)
Create an array-of-32bit-floats attribute of fixed length, and add it to a Max class.
• #define STRUCT_ATTR_DOUBLE_ARRAY(c, flags, structname, structmember, size)

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36.1 Attributes 147

Create an array-of-64bit-floats attribute of fixed length, and add it to a Max class.

• #define STRUCT_ATTR_SYM_ARRAY(c, flags, structname, structmember, size)
Create an array-of-symbols attribute of fixed length, and add it to a Max class.
• #define STRUCT_ATTR_ATOM_ARRAY(c, flags, structname, structmember, size)
Create an array-of-atoms attribute of fixed length, and add it to a Max class.
• #define STRUCT_ATTR_OBJ_ARRAY(c, flags, structname, structmember, size)
Create an array-of-objects attribute of fixed length, and add it to a Max class.
• #define STRUCT_ATTR_CHAR_VARSIZE(c, flags, structname, structmember, sizemember, maxsize)
Create an array-of-chars attribute of variable length, and add it to a Max class.
• #define STRUCT_ATTR_LONG_VARSIZE(c, flags, structname, structmember, sizemember, maxsize)
Create an array-of-long-integers attribute of variable length, and add it to a Max class.
• #define STRUCT_ATTR_FLOAT_VARSIZE(c, flags, structname, structmember, sizemember, maxsize)
Create an array-of-32bit-floats attribute of variable length, and add it to a Max class.
• #define STRUCT_ATTR_DOUBLE_VARSIZE(c, flags, structname, structmember, sizemember, maxsize)
Create an array-of-64bit-floats attribute of variable length, and add it to a Max class.
• #define STRUCT_ATTR_SYM_VARSIZE(c, flags, structname, structmember, sizemember, maxsize)
Create an array-of-symbols attribute of variable length, and add it to a Max class.
• #define STRUCT_ATTR_ATOM_VARSIZE(c, flags, structname, structmember, sizemember, maxsize)
Create an array-of-atoms attribute of variable length, and add it to a Max class.
• #define STRUCT_ATTR_OBJ_VARSIZE(c, flags, structname, structmember, sizemember, maxsize)
Create an array-of-objects attribute of variable length, and add it to a Max class.
• #define OBJ_ATTR_CHAR(x, attrname, flags, val)
Create an instance-local char attribute and add it to a Max class.
• #define OBJ_ATTR_LONG(x, attrname, flags, val)
Create an instance-local long integer attribute and add it to a Max class.
• #define OBJ_ATTR_FLOAT(x, attrname, flags, val)
Create an instance-local 32bit float attribute and add it to a Max class.
• #define OBJ_ATTR_DOUBLE(x, attrname, flags, val)
Create an instance-local 64bit float attribute and add it to a Max class.
• #define OBJ_ATTR_SYM(x, attrname, flags, val)
Create an instance-local t_symbol∗ attribute and add it to a Max class.
• #define OBJ_ATTR_ATOM(x, attrname, flags, val)
Create an instance-local t_atom attribute and add it to a Max class.
• #define OBJ_ATTR_OBJ(x, attrname, flags, val)
Create an instance-local t_object∗ attribute and add it to a Max class.
• #define OBJ_ATTR_CHAR_ARRAY(x, attrname, flags, count, vals)
Create an instance-local array-of-chars attribute of fixed length, and add it to the object.
• #define OBJ_ATTR_LONG_ARRAY(x, attrname, flags, count, vals)
Create an instance-local array-of-long-integers attribute of fixed length, and add it to the object.
• #define OBJ_ATTR_FLOAT_ARRAY(x, attrname, flags, count, vals)
Create an instance-local array-of-32bit-floats attribute of fixed length, and add it to the object.
• #define OBJ_ATTR_DOUBLE_ARRAY(x, attrname, flags, count, vals)
Create an instance-local array-of-64bit-floats attribute of fixed length, and add it to the object.
• #define OBJ_ATTR_SYM_ARRAY(x, attrname, flags, count, vals)
Create an instance-local array-of-symbols attribute of fixed length, and add it to the object.
Create an instance-local array-of-atoms attribute of fixed length, and add it to the object.
• #define OBJ_ATTR_OBJ_ARRAY(x, attrname, flags, count, vals)
Create an instance-local array-of-objects attribute of fixed length, and add it to the object.
• #define CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c, attrname, getter, setter)
Specify custom accessor methods for an attribute.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

148 Module Documentation

• #define CLASS_ATTR_ADD_FLAGS(c, attrname, flags)

Add flags to an attribute.
• #define CLASS_ATTR_REMOVE_FLAGS(c, attrname, flags)
Remove flags from an attribute.
• #define CLASS_ATTR_FILTER_MIN(c, attrname, minval)
Add a filter to the attribute to limit the lower bound of a value.
• #define CLASS_ATTR_FILTER_MAX(c, attrname, maxval)
Add a filter to the attribute to limit the upper bound of a value.
• #define CLASS_ATTR_FILTER_CLIP(c, attrname, minval, maxval)
Add a filter to the attribute to limit both the lower and upper bounds of a value.
• #define CLASS_ATTR_ALIAS(c, attrname, aliasname)
Create a new attribute that is an alias of an existing attribute.
• #define CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT(c, attrname, flags, parsestr)
Add a new attribute to the specified attribute to specify a default value.
• #define CLASS_ATTR_SAVE(c, attrname, flags)
Add a new attribute to the specified attribute to indicate that the specified attribute should be saved with the patcher.
• #define CLASS_ATTR_SELFSAVE(c, attrname, flags)
Add a new attribute to the specified attribute to indicate that it is saved by the object (so it does not appear in italics in
the inspector).
• #define CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE(c, attrname, flags, parsestr)
A convenience wrapper for both CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT and CLASS_ATTR_SAVE.
• #define CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULTNAME(c, attrname, flags, parsestr)
Add a new attribute to the specified attribute to specify a default value, based on Max's Object Defaults.
• #define CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULTNAME_SAVE(c, attrname, flags, parsestr)
A convenience wrapper for both CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULTNAME and CLASS_ATTR_SAVE.
• #define CLASS_ATTR_MIN(c, attrname, flags, parsestr)
Add a new attribute to the specified attribute to specify a lower range.
• #define CLASS_ATTR_MAX(c, attrname, flags, parsestr)
Add a new attribute to the specified attribute to specify an upper range.
• #define CLASS_ATTR_PAINT(c, attrname, flags)
Add a new attribute indicating that any changes to the specified attribute will trigger a call to the object's paint method.
• #define CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_PAINT(c, attrname, flags, parsestr)
A convenience wrapper for both CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT and CLASS_ATTR_PAINT.
• #define CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE_PAINT(c, attrname, flags, parsestr)
• #define CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULTNAME_PAINT(c, attrname, flags, parsestr)
• #define CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULTNAME_SAVE_PAINT(c, attrname, flags, parsestr)
• #define CLASS_ATTR_STYLE(c, attrname, flags, parsestr)
Add a new attribute to the specified attribute to specify an editor style for the Max inspector.
• #define CLASS_ATTR_LABEL(c, attrname, flags, labelstr)
Add a new attribute to the specified attribute to specify an a human-friendly label for the Max inspector.
• #define CLASS_ATTR_ENUM(c, attrname, flags, parsestr)
Add a new attribute to the specified attribute to specify a list of choices to display in a menu for the Max inspector.
• #define CLASS_ATTR_ENUMINDEX(c, attrname, flags, parsestr)
Add a new attribute to the specified attribute to specify a list of choices to display in a menu for the Max inspector.
• #define CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY(c, attrname, flags, parsestr)
Add a new attribute to the specified attribute to specify a category to which the attribute is assigned in the Max
• #define CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_LABEL(c, attrname, flags, stylestr, labelstr)

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A convenience wrapper for CLASS_ATTR_STYLE, and CLASS_ATTR_LABEL.

• #define CLASS_ATTR_INVISIBLE(c, attrname, flags)
Add a new attribute to the specified attribute to flag an attribute as invisible to the Max inspector.
• #define CLASS_ATTR_ORDER(c, attrname, flags, parsestr)
Add a new attribute to the specified attribute to specify a default order in which to list attributes.
• #define CLASS_ATTR_BASIC(c, attrname, flags)
Add a new attribute to the specified attribute to specify that it should appear in the inspector's Basic tab.
• #define CLASS_METHOD_ATTR_PARSE(c, methodname, attrname, type, flags, parsestring)
Define and add attributes to class methods.
• #define CLASS_ATTR_LEGACYDEFAULT(c, legacyattrname, newattrname, flags, parsestr)
Add a new attribute to the specified attribute to specify a legacy default value.
• #define CLASS_ATTR_OBSOLETE(c, attrname, flags)
Add a new attribute to the specified attribute to flag it as obsolete.
• #define CLASS_ATTR_RENAMED(c, oldname, newname, flags)
Add a new attribute to the specified attribute to flag it as renamed.
• #define CLASS_ATTR_INTRODUCED(c, attrname, flags, versionstr)
Add a new attribute to the specified attribute to indicate in which version the attribute was introduced.
• #define CLASS_METHOD_OBSOLETE(c, methodname, flags)
Add a new attribute to the specified method to flag it as obsolete.
• #define CLASS_METHOD_RENAMED(c, oldname, newname, flags)
Add a new attribute to the specified method to flag a method as renamed.
• #define CLASS_METHOD_INTRODUCED(c, methodname, flags, versionstr)
Add a new attribute to the specified method to indicate in which version the method was introduced.
• #define OBJ_ATTR_DEFAULT(x, attrname, flags, parsestr)
An instance-attribute version of CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT.
• #define OBJ_ATTR_SAVE(x, attrname, flags)
An instance-attribute version of CLASS_ATTR_SAVE.
• #define OBJ_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE(x, attrname, flags, parsestr)
An instance-attribute version of CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE.
• #define CLASS_STICKY_ATTR(c, name, flags, parsestr)
Create an attribute, and add it to all following attribute declarations.
• #define CLASS_STICKY_ATTR_CLEAR(c, name)
Close a CLASS_STICKY_ATTR block.
• #define CLASS_STICKY_METHOD(c, name, flags, parsestr)
Create an attribute, and add it to all following method declarations.
• #define CLASS_STICKY_METHOD_CLEAR(c, name)
• #define CLASS_ATTR_RGBA(c, attrname, flags, structname, structmember)
Create a color (t_jrgba) attribute and add it to a Max class.


• enum e_max_attrflags {
Attribute flags.

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150 Module Documentation


• void ∗ object_attr_get (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗attrname)

Returns the pointer to an attribute, given its name.
• method object_attr_method (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗methodname, void ∗∗attr, long ∗get)
Returns the method of an attribute's get or set function, as well as a pointer to the attribute itself, from a message
• long object_attr_usercanset (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s)
Determines if an object's attribute can be set from the Max interface (i.e.
• long object_attr_usercanget (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s)
Determines if the value of an object's attribute can be queried from the Max interface (i.e.
• void object_attr_getdump (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, long argc, t_atom ∗argv)
Forces a specified object's attribute to send its value from the object's dumpout outlet in the Max interface.
• t_max_err object_attr_setvalueof (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, long argc, t_atom ∗argv)
Sets the value of an object's attribute.
• t_max_err object_addattr (void ∗x, t_object ∗attr)
Attaches an attribute directly to an object.
• t_max_err object_deleteattr (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗attrsym)
Detach an attribute from an object that was previously attached with object_addattr().
• t_max_err object_chuckattr (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗attrsym)
Detach an attribute from an object that was previously attached with object_addattr().
• long attr_args_offset (short ac, t_atom ∗av)
Determines the point in an atom list where attribute arguments begin.
• void attr_args_process (void ∗x, short ac, t_atom ∗av)
Takes an atom list and properly set any attributes described within.
• t_object ∗ attribute_new (C74_CONST char ∗name, t_symbol ∗type, long flags, method mget, method mset)
Create a new attribute.
• t_object ∗ attr_offset_new (C74_CONST char ∗name, C74_CONST t_symbol ∗type, long flags, C74_CON←-
ST method mget, C74_CONST method mset, long offset)
Create a new attribute.
• t_object ∗ attr_offset_array_new (C74_CONST char ∗name, t_symbol ∗type, long size, long flags, method
mget, method mset, long offsetcount, long offset)
Create a new attribute.
• t_atom_long object_attr_getlong (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s)
Retrieves the value of an attribute, given its parent object and name.
• t_max_err object_attr_setlong (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, t_atom_long c)
Sets the value of an attribute, given its parent object and name.
• t_atom_float object_attr_getfloat (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s)
Retrieves the value of an attribute, given its parent object and name.
• t_max_err object_attr_setfloat (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, t_atom_float c)
Sets the value of an attribute, given its parent object and name.
• t_symbol ∗ object_attr_getsym (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s)
Retrieves the value of an attribute, given its parent object and name.
• t_max_err object_attr_setsym (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, t_symbol ∗c)
Sets the value of an attribute, given its parent object and name.
• long object_attr_getlong_array (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, long max, t_atom_long ∗vals)
Retrieves the value of an attribute, given its parent object and name.
• t_max_err object_attr_setlong_array (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, long count, t_atom_long ∗vals)
Sets the value of an attribute, given its parent object and name.
• long object_attr_getchar_array (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, long max, t_uint8 ∗vals)
Retrieves the value of an attribute, given its parent object and name.

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• t_max_err object_attr_setchar_array (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, long count, C74_CONST t_uint8 ∗vals)
Sets the value of an attribute, given its parent object and name.
• long object_attr_getfloat_array (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, long max, float ∗vals)
Retrieves the value of an attribute, given its parent object and name.
• t_max_err object_attr_setfloat_array (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, long count, float ∗vals)
Sets the value of an attribute, given its parent object and name.
• long object_attr_getdouble_array (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, long max, double ∗vals)
Retrieves the value of an attribute, given its parent object and name.
• t_max_err object_attr_setdouble_array (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, long count, double ∗vals)
Sets the value of an attribute, given its parent object and name.
• long object_attr_getsym_array (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, long max, t_symbol ∗∗vals)
Retrieves the value of an attribute, given its parent object and name.
• t_max_err object_attr_setsym_array (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, long count, t_symbol ∗∗vals)
Sets the value of an attribute, given its parent object and name.
• t_max_err attr_addfilterset_clip (void ∗x, double min, double max, long usemin, long usemax)
Attaches a clip filter to an attribute.
• t_max_err attr_addfilterset_clip_scale (void ∗x, double scale, double min, double max, long usemin, long
Attaches a clip/scale filter to an attribute.
• t_max_err attr_addfilterget_clip (void ∗x, double min, double max, long usemin, long usemax)
Attaches a clip filter to an attribute.
• t_max_err attr_addfilterget_clip_scale (void ∗x, double scale, double min, double max, long usemin, long
Attaches a clip/scale filter to an attribute.
• t_max_err attr_addfilter_clip (void ∗x, double min, double max, long usemin, long usemax)
Attaches a clip filter to an attribute.
• t_max_err attr_addfilter_clip_scale (void ∗x, double scale, double min, double max, long usemin, long use-
Attaches a clip/scale filter to an attribute.
• t_max_err attr_addfilterset_proc (void ∗x, method proc)
Attaches a custom filter method to an attribute.
• t_max_err attr_addfilterget_proc (void ∗x, method proc)
Attaches a custom filter method to an attribute.
• void attr_args_dictionary (t_dictionary ∗x, short ac, t_atom ∗av)
Create a dictionary of attribute-name, attribute-value pairs from an array of atoms containing an attribute definition
• void attr_dictionary_process (void ∗x, t_dictionary ∗d)
Set attributes for an object that are defined in a dictionary.
• void attr_dictionary_check (void ∗x, t_dictionary ∗d)
Check that a dictionary only contains values for existing attributes of an object.
• t_max_err object_attr_setparse (t_object ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, C74_CONST char ∗parsestr)
Set an attribute value with one or more atoms parsed from a C-string.
• void ∗ object_new_parse (t_symbol ∗name_space, t_symbol ∗classname, C74_CONST char ∗parsestr)
Create a new object with one or more atoms parsed from a C-string.
• t_max_err object_attr_getjrgba (void ∗ob, t_symbol ∗s, t_jrgba ∗c)
Retrieves the value of a color attribute, given its parent object and name.
• t_max_err object_attr_setjrgba (void ∗ob, t_symbol ∗s, t_jrgba ∗c)
Sets the value of a color attribute, given its parent object and name.
• t_max_err object_attr_get_rect (t_object ∗o, t_symbol ∗name, t_rect ∗rect)
Gets the value of a t_rect attribute, given its parent object and name.
• t_max_err object_attr_set_rect (t_object ∗o, t_symbol ∗name, t_rect ∗rect)

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152 Module Documentation

Sets the value of a t_rect attribute, given its parent object and name.
• void object_attr_set_xywh (t_object ∗o, t_symbol ∗attr, double x, double y, double w, double h)
Sets the value of a t_rect attribute, given its parent object and name.
• t_max_err object_attr_getpt (t_object ∗o, t_symbol ∗name, t_pt ∗pt)
Gets the value of a t_pt attribute, given its parent object and name.
• t_max_err object_attr_setpt (t_object ∗o, t_symbol ∗name, t_pt ∗pt)
Sets the value of a t_pt attribute, given its parent object and name.
• t_max_err object_attr_getsize (t_object ∗o, t_symbol ∗name, t_size ∗size)
Gets the value of a t_size attribute, given its parent object and name.
• t_max_err object_attr_setsize (t_object ∗o, t_symbol ∗name, t_size ∗size)
Sets the value of a t_size attribute, given its parent object and name.
• t_max_err object_attr_getcolor (t_object ∗b, t_symbol ∗attrname, t_jrgba ∗prgba)
Gets the value of a t_jrgba attribute, given its parent object and name.
• t_max_err object_attr_setcolor (t_object ∗b, t_symbol ∗attrname, t_jrgba ∗prgba)
Sets the value of a t_jrgba attribute, given its parent object and name.

36.1.1 Detailed Description

An attribute of an object is a setting or property that tells the object how to do its job.
For example, the metro object has an interval attribute that tells it how fast to run.
Attributes are similar to methods, except that the attributes have a state. Attributes are themselves objects, and they
share a common interface for getting and setting values.
An attribute is most typically added to the class definition of another object during it's class initialization or ext_←-
main() function. Most typically, this attribute's value will be stored in an instance's struct, and thus it will serve as a
property of that instance of the object.
Attributes can, however, be declared as 'class static'. This means that the property is shared by all instances of the
class, and the value is stored as a shared (static) variable.
Additionally, Max 5 has introduced the notion of 'instance attributes' (also called 'object attributes'). Instance at-
tributes are the creation of an attribute object, and then adding it to one specific instance of another class.
Finally, because attributes themselves are Max objects they too can possess attributes. These 'attributes of at-
tributes' are used in Max to do things like specify a range of values for an attribute, give an attribute human friendly
caption, or determine to what category an attribute should belong in the inspector.
The easiest and most common way of working with attributes is to use the provided macros. These macros simplify
the process of creating a new attribute object, setting any attributes of the attribute, and binding it to an object class
or an object instance.

36.1.2 Setting and Getting Attribute Values

By default, Max provides standard attribute accessors. These are the functions the get or set the attribute value in
the object's struct. If you need to define a custom accessor, you can specify this information using the CLASS_A←-
TTR_ACCESSORS macro. Writing a custom Attribute Getter

If you need to define a custom accessor, it should have a prototype and form comparable to the following custom

t_max_err foo_myval_get(t_foo *x, void *attr, long *ac, t_atom **av)

if ((*ac)&&(*av)) {
//memory passed in, use it

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} else {
//otherwise allocate memory
*ac = 1;
if (!(*av = getbytes(sizeof(t_atom)*(*ac)))) {
*ac = 0;

return MAX_ERR_NONE;

Note that getters require memory to be allocated, if there is not memory passed into the getter. Also the attr
argument is the class' attribute object and can be queried using object_method for things like the attribute flags,
names, filters, etc.. Writing a custom Attribute Setter

If you need to define a custom accessor, it should have a prototype and form comparable to the following custom

t_max_err foo_myval_set(t_foo *x, void *attr, long ac, t_atom *av)

if (ac&&av) {
x->myval = atom_getfloat(av);
} else {
// no args, set to zero
x->myval = 0;
return MAX_ERR_NONE;

36.1.3 Attribute Notificaton

Although the subject of object registration and notification is covered elsewhere, it bears noting that attributes of all
types will, if registered, automatically send notifications to all attached client objects each time the attribute's value
is set.

36.1.4 Macro Definition Documentation #define CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS( c, attrname, getter, setter )

Specify custom accessor methods for an attribute.

If you specify a non-NULL value for the setter or getter, then the function you specify will be called to set or get the
attribute's value rather than using the built-in accessor.
c The class pointer.
attrname The name of the attribute as a C-string.
getter An appropriate getter method as discussed in Setting and Getting Attribute Values, or NULL
to use the default getter.
setter An appropriate setter method as discussed in Setting and Getting Attribute Values, or NULL
to use the default setter. #define CLASS_ATTR_ADD_FLAGS( c, attrname, flags )

Add flags to an attribute.

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154 Module Documentation

c The class pointer.
attrname The name of the attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to add to this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags. #define CLASS_ATTR_ALIAS( c, attrname, aliasname )

Create a new attribute that is an alias of an existing attribute.

c The class pointer.
attrname The name of the actual attribute as a C-string.
aliasname The name of the new alias attribute. #define CLASS_ATTR_ATOM( c, attrname, flags, structname, structmember )

Create a t_atom attribute and add it to a Max class.

c The class pointer.
attrname The name of this attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
structname The C identifier for the struct (containing a valid t_object header) representing an instance of
this class.
structmember The C identifier of the member in the struct that holds the value of this attribute. #define CLASS_ATTR_ATOM_ARRAY( c, attrname, flags, structname, structmember, size )

Create an array-of-atoms attribute of fixed length, and add it to a Max class.

c The class pointer.
attrname The name of this attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
structname The C identifier for the struct (containing a valid t_object header) representing an instance of
this class.
structmember The C identifier of the member in the struct that holds the value of this attribute.
size The number of items in the t_atom array. #define CLASS_ATTR_ATOM_LONG( c, attrname, flags, structname, structmember )

Create a t_atom_long integer attribute and add it to a Max class.

c The class pointer.
attrname The name of this attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.

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structname The C identifier for the struct (containing a valid t_object header) representing an instance of
this class.
structmember The C identifier of the member in the struct that holds the value of this attribute. #define CLASS_ATTR_ATOM_LONG_ARRAY( c, attrname, flags, structname, structmember, size )

Create an array-of-t_atom_long-integers attribute of fixed length, and add it to a Max class.

c The class pointer.
attrname The name of this attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
structname The C identifier for the struct (containing a valid t_object header) representing an instance of
this class.
structmember The C identifier of the member in the struct that holds the value of this attribute.
size The number of longs in the array. #define CLASS_ATTR_ATOM_VARSIZE( c, attrname, flags, structname, structmember, sizemember, maxsize )

Create an array-of-atoms attribute of variable length, and add it to a Max class.

c The class pointer.
attrname The name of this attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
structname The C identifier for the struct (containing a valid t_object header) representing an instance of
this class.
structmember The C identifier of the member in the struct that holds the value of this attribute.
sizemember The actual number of items in the t_atom array at any given moment.
maxsize The maximum number of items in the t_atom array, i.e. the number of members allocated for
the array in the struct. #define CLASS_ATTR_BASIC( c, attrname, flags )

Add a new attribute to the specified attribute to specify that it should appear in the inspector's Basic tab.
c The class pointer.
attrname The name of the attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this new attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.

Referenced by jit_ob3d_setup(). #define CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY( c, attrname, flags, parsestr )

Add a new attribute to the specified attribute to specify a category to which the attribute is assigned in the Max
Categories are represented in the inspector as tabs. If the specified category does not exist then it will be created.

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156 Module Documentation

c The class pointer.
attrname The name of the attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this new attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
parsestr A C-string, which will be parsed into an array of atoms to set the initial value. #define CLASS_ATTR_CHAR( c, attrname, flags, structname, structmember )

Create a char attribute and add it to a Max class.

c The class pointer.
attrname The name of this attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
structname The C identifier for the struct (containing a valid t_object header) representing an instance of
this class.
structmember The C identifier of the member in the struct that holds the value of this attribute. #define CLASS_ATTR_CHAR_ARRAY( c, attrname, flags, structname, structmember, size )

Create an array-of-chars attribute of fixed length, and add it to a Max class.

c The class pointer.
attrname The name of this attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
structname The C identifier for the struct (containing a valid t_object header) representing an instance of
this class.
structmember The C identifier of the member in the struct that holds the value of this attribute.
size The number of chars in the array. #define CLASS_ATTR_CHAR_VARSIZE( c, attrname, flags, structname, structmember, sizemember, maxsize )

Create an array-of-chars attribute of variable length, and add it to a Max class.

c The class pointer.
attrname The name of this attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
structname The C identifier for the struct (containing a valid t_object header) representing an instance of
this class.
structmember The C identifier of the member in the struct that holds the value of this attribute.
sizemember The actual number of items in the char array at any given moment.
maxsize The maximum number of items in the char array, i.e. the number of members allocated for
the array in the struct. #define CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT( c, attrname, flags, parsestr )

Add a new attribute to the specified attribute to specify a default value.

The default value will be automatically set when the object is created only if your object uses a dictionary constructor

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c The class pointer.
attrname The name of the attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this new attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
parsestr A C-string, which will be parsed into an array of atoms to set the initial value. #define CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_PAINT( c, attrname, flags, parsestr )

A convenience wrapper for both CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT and CLASS_ATTR_PAINT.

c The class pointer.
attrname The name of the attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this new attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
parsestr A C-string, which will be parsed into an array of atoms to set the initial value.

See also

CLASS_ATTR_PAINT #define CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE( c, attrname, flags, parsestr )

A convenience wrapper for both CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT and CLASS_ATTR_SAVE.

c The class pointer.
attrname The name of the attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this new attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
parsestr A C-string, which will be parsed into an array of atoms to set the initial value.

See also

CLASS_ATTR_SAVE #define CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE_PAINT( c, attrname, flags, parsestr )


c The class pointer.
attrname The name of the attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this new attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
parsestr A C-string, which will be parsed into an array of atoms to set the initial value.

See also


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158 Module Documentation #define CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULTNAME( c, attrname, flags, parsestr )

Add a new attribute to the specified attribute to specify a default value, based on Max's Object Defaults.
If a value is present in Max's Object Defaults, then that value will be used as the default value. Otherwise, use the
default value specified here. The default value will be automatically set when the object is created only if your object
uses a dictionary constructor with the CLASS_FLAG_NEWDICTIONARY flag.
c The class pointer.
attrname The name of the attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this new attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
parsestr A C-string, which will be parsed into an array of atoms to set the initial value. #define CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULTNAME_PAINT( c, attrname, flags, parsestr )


c The class pointer.
attrname The name of the attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this new attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
parsestr A C-string, which will be parsed into an array of atoms to set the initial value.

See also

CLASS_ATTR_SAVE #define CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULTNAME_SAVE( c, attrname, flags, parsestr )

A convenience wrapper for both CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULTNAME and CLASS_ATTR_SAVE.

c The class pointer.
attrname The name of the attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this new attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
parsestr A C-string, which will be parsed into an array of atoms to set the initial value.

See also

CLASS_ATTR_SAVE #define CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULTNAME_SAVE_PAINT( c, attrname, flags, parsestr )



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36.1 Attributes 159

c The class pointer.

attrname The name of the attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this new attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
parsestr A C-string, which will be parsed into an array of atoms to set the initial value.

See also

CLASS_ATTR_SAVE #define CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE( c, attrname, flags, structname, structmember )

Create a 64-bit float attribute and add it to a Max class.

c The class pointer.
attrname The name of this attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
structname The C identifier for the struct (containing a valid t_object header) representing an instance of
this class.
structmember The C identifier of the member in the struct that holds the value of this attribute. #define CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE_ARRAY( c, attrname, flags, structname, structmember, size )

Create an array-of-64bit-floats attribute of fixed length, and add it to a Max class.

c The class pointer.
attrname The name of this attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
structname The C identifier for the struct (containing a valid t_object header) representing an instance of
this class.
structmember The C identifier of the member in the struct that holds the value of this attribute.
size The number of doubles in the array. #define CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE_VARSIZE( c, attrname, flags, structname, structmember, sizemember,

maxsize )

Create an array-of-64bit-floats attribute of variable length, and add it to a Max class.

c The class pointer.
attrname The name of this attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
structname The C identifier for the struct (containing a valid t_object header) representing an instance of
this class.

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160 Module Documentation

structmember The C identifier of the member in the struct that holds the value of this attribute.
sizemember The actual number of items in the double array at any given moment.
maxsize The maximum number of items in the double array, i.e. the number of members allocated for
the array in the struct. #define CLASS_ATTR_ENUM( c, attrname, flags, parsestr )

Add a new attribute to the specified attribute to specify a list of choices to display in a menu for the Max inspector.
c The class pointer.
attrname The name of the attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this new attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
parsestr A C-string, which will be parsed into an array of atoms to set the initial value.


This macro automatically calls

1 CLASS_ATTR_STYLE(c,attrname,flags,"enum").

See also


Referenced by jit_ob3d_setup(). #define CLASS_ATTR_ENUMINDEX( c, attrname, flags, parsestr )

Add a new attribute to the specified attribute to specify a list of choices to display in a menu for the Max inspector.
c The class pointer.
attrname The name of the attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this new attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
parsestr A C-string, which will be parsed into an array of atoms to set the initial value.


This macro automatically calls

1 CLASS_ATTR_STYLE(c,attrname,flags,"enumindex").

See also

CLASS_ATTR_ENUM #define CLASS_ATTR_FILTER_CLIP( c, attrname, minval, maxval )

Add a filter to the attribute to limit both the lower and upper bounds of a value.
The limiting will be performed by the default attribute accessor.

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36.1 Attributes 161

c The class pointer.
attrname The name of the attribute as a C-string.
minval The maximum acceptable value to which the attribute will be limited.
maxval The maximum acceptable value to which the attribute will be limited.

See also #define CLASS_ATTR_FILTER_MAX( c, attrname, maxval )

Add a filter to the attribute to limit the upper bound of a value.

The limiting will be performed by the default attribute accessor.
c The class pointer.
attrname The name of the attribute as a C-string.
maxval The maximum acceptable value to which the attribute will be limited.

See also

CLASS_ATTR_MAX #define CLASS_ATTR_FILTER_MIN( c, attrname, minval )

Add a filter to the attribute to limit the lower bound of a value.

The limiting will be performed by the default attribute accessor.
c The class pointer.
attrname The name of the attribute as a C-string.
minval The minimum acceptable value to which the attribute will be limited.

See also

CLASS_ATTR_MIN #define CLASS_ATTR_FLOAT( c, attrname, flags, structname, structmember )

Create a 32-bit float attribute and add it to a Max class.


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162 Module Documentation

c The class pointer.

attrname The name of this attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
structname The C identifier for the struct (containing a valid t_object header) representing an instance of
this class.
structmember The C identifier of the member in the struct that holds the value of this attribute. #define CLASS_ATTR_FLOAT_ARRAY( c, attrname, flags, structname, structmember, size )

Create an array-of-32bit-floats attribute of fixed length, and add it to a Max class.

c The class pointer.
attrname The name of this attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
structname The C identifier for the struct (containing a valid t_object header) representing an instance of
this class.
structmember The C identifier of the member in the struct that holds the value of this attribute.
size The number of floats in the array. #define CLASS_ATTR_FLOAT_VARSIZE( c, attrname, flags, structname, structmember, sizemember, maxsize )

Create an array-of-32bit-floats attribute of variable length, and add it to a Max class.

c The class pointer.
attrname The name of this attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
structname The C identifier for the struct (containing a valid t_object header) representing an instance of
this class.
structmember The C identifier of the member in the struct that holds the value of this attribute.
sizemember The actual number of items in the float array at any given moment.
maxsize The maximum number of items in the float array, i.e. the number of members allocated for
the array in the struct. #define CLASS_ATTR_INT32( c, attrname, flags, structname, structmember )

Create a t_int32 integer attribute and add it to a Max class.

c The class pointer.
attrname The name of this attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
structname The C identifier for the struct (containing a valid t_object header) representing an instance of
this class.
structmember The C identifier of the member in the struct that holds the value of this attribute. #define CLASS_ATTR_INTRODUCED( c, attrname, flags, versionstr )

Add a new attribute to the specified attribute to indicate in which version the attribute was introduced.

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36.1 Attributes 163

c The class pointer.
attrname The name of the attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this new attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
versionstr A C-string, which will be parsed set the version number (e.g. "7.0.0"). #define CLASS_ATTR_INVISIBLE( c, attrname, flags )

Add a new attribute to the specified attribute to flag an attribute as invisible to the Max inspector.
c The class pointer.
attrname The name of the attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this new attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags. #define CLASS_ATTR_LABEL( c, attrname, flags, labelstr )

Add a new attribute to the specified attribute to specify an a human-friendly label for the Max inspector.
c The class pointer.
attrname The name of the attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this new attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
labelstr A C-string, which will be parsed into an array of atoms to set the initial value. #define CLASS_ATTR_LEGACYDEFAULT( c, legacyattrname, newattrname, flags, parsestr )

Add a new attribute to the specified attribute to specify a legacy default value.
The default value will be automatically set when the object is created only if your object uses a dictionary constructor
c The class pointer.
legacyattrname The name of the attribute.
newattrname The name of the attribute.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this new attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
parsestr A C-string, which will be parsed into an array of atoms to set the legacy value, used by
jbox_processlegacydefaults() #define CLASS_ATTR_LONG( c, attrname, flags, structname, structmember )

Create a t_atom_long integer attribute and add it to a Max class.

c The class pointer.
attrname The name of this attribute as a C-string.

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164 Module Documentation

flags Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
structname The C identifier for the struct (containing a valid t_object header) representing an instance of
this class.
structmember The C identifier of the member in the struct that holds the value of this attribute. #define CLASS_ATTR_LONG_ARRAY( c, attrname, flags, structname, structmember, size )

Create an array-of-long-integers attribute of fixed length, and add it to a Max class.

c The class pointer.
attrname The name of this attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
structname The C identifier for the struct (containing a valid t_object header) representing an instance of
this class.
structmember The C identifier of the member in the struct that holds the value of this attribute.
size The number of longs in the array. #define CLASS_ATTR_LONG_VARSIZE( c, attrname, flags, structname, structmember, sizemember, maxsize )

Create an array-of-long-integers attribute of variable length, and add it to a Max class.

c The class pointer.
attrname The name of this attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
structname The C identifier for the struct (containing a valid t_object header) representing an instance of
this class.
structmember The C identifier of the member in the struct that holds the value of this attribute.
sizemember The actual number of items in the long array at any given moment.
maxsize The maximum number of items in the long array, i.e. the number of members allocated for
the array in the struct. #define CLASS_ATTR_MAX( c, attrname, flags, parsestr )

Add a new attribute to the specified attribute to specify an upper range.

The values will not be automatically limited.
c The class pointer.
attrname The name of the attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this new attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
parsestr A C-string, which will be parsed into an array of atoms to set the initial value.

See also


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36.1 Attributes 165 #define CLASS_ATTR_MIN( c, attrname, flags, parsestr )

Add a new attribute to the specified attribute to specify a lower range.

The values will not be automatically limited.
c The class pointer.
attrname The name of the attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this new attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
parsestr A C-string, which will be parsed into an array of atoms to set the initial value.

See also

CLASS_ATTR_FILTER_CLIP #define CLASS_ATTR_OBJ( c, attrname, flags, structname, structmember )

Create a t_object∗ attribute and add it to a Max class.

c The class pointer.
attrname The name of this attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
structname The C identifier for the struct (containing a valid t_object header) representing an instance of
this class.
structmember The C identifier of the member in the struct that holds the value of this attribute. #define CLASS_ATTR_OBJ_ARRAY( c, attrname, flags, structname, structmember, size )

Create an array-of-objects attribute of fixed length, and add it to a Max class.

c The class pointer.
attrname The name of this attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
structname The C identifier for the struct (containing a valid t_object header) representing an instance of
this class.
structmember The C identifier of the member in the struct that holds the value of this attribute.
size The number of items in the t_object∗ array. #define CLASS_ATTR_OBJ_VARSIZE( c, attrname, flags, structname, structmember, sizemember, maxsize )

Create an array-of-objects attribute of variable length, and add it to a Max class.

c The class pointer.

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166 Module Documentation

attrname The name of this attribute as a C-string.

flags Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
structname The C identifier for the struct (containing a valid t_object header) representing an instance of
this class.
structmember The C identifier of the member in the struct that holds the value of this attribute.
sizemember The actual number of items in the t_object∗ array at any given moment.
maxsize The maximum number of items in the t_object∗ array, i.e. the number of members allocated
for the array in the struct. #define CLASS_ATTR_OBSOLETE( c, attrname, flags )

Add a new attribute to the specified attribute to flag it as obsolete.

c The class pointer.
attrname The name of the attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this new attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags. #define CLASS_ATTR_ORDER( c, attrname, flags, parsestr )

Add a new attribute to the specified attribute to specify a default order in which to list attributes.
c The class pointer.
attrname The name of the attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this new attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
parsestr A C-string, which will be parsed into an array of atoms to set the initial value.


A value of zero indicates that there is no ordering. Ordering values begin at 1. For example:

1 CLASS_ATTR_ORDER(c, "firstattr", 0, "1");

2 CLASS_ATTR_ORDER(c, "secondattr", 0, "2");
3 CLASS_ATTR_ORDER(c, "thirdattr", 0, "3"); #define CLASS_ATTR_PAINT( c, attrname, flags )

Add a new attribute indicating that any changes to the specified attribute will trigger a call to the object's paint
c The class pointer.
attrname The name of the attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this new attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags. #define CLASS_ATTR_REMOVE_FLAGS( c, attrname, flags )

Remove flags from an attribute.

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c The class pointer.
attrname The name of the attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to remove from this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags. #define CLASS_ATTR_RENAMED( c, oldname, newname, flags )

Add a new attribute to the specified attribute to flag it as renamed.

c The class pointer.
oldname The name of the old attribute as a C-string.
newname The name of the new attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this new attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags. #define CLASS_ATTR_RGBA( c, attrname, flags, structname, structmember )

Create a color (t_jrgba) attribute and add it to a Max class.

c The class pointer.
attrname The name of this attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
structname The C identifier for the struct (containing a valid t_object header) representing an instance of
this class.
structmember The C identifier of the member in the struct that holds the value of this attribute. #define CLASS_ATTR_SAVE( c, attrname, flags )

Add a new attribute to the specified attribute to indicate that the specified attribute should be saved with the patcher.
c The class pointer.
attrname The name of the attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this new attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags. #define CLASS_ATTR_SELFSAVE( c, attrname, flags )

Add a new attribute to the specified attribute to indicate that it is saved by the object (so it does not appear in italics
in the inspector).
c The class pointer.
attrname The name of the attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this new attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags. #define CLASS_ATTR_STYLE( c, attrname, flags, parsestr )

Add a new attribute to the specified attribute to specify an editor style for the Max inspector.

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168 Module Documentation

Available styles include

• "text" : a text editor

• "onoff" : a toggle switch

• "rgba" : a color chooser

• "enum" : a menu of available choices, whose symbol will be passed upon selection

• "enumindex" : a menu of available choices, whose index will be passed upon selection

• "rect" : a style for displaying and editing t_rect values

• "font" : a font chooser

• "file" : a file chooser dialog

c The class pointer.
attrname The name of the attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this new attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
parsestr A C-string, which will be parsed into an array of atoms to set the initial value. #define CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_LABEL( c, attrname, flags, stylestr, labelstr )

A convenience wrapper for CLASS_ATTR_STYLE, and CLASS_ATTR_LABEL.

c The class pointer.
attrname The name of the attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this new attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
stylestr A C-string that names the style for the attribute. See CLASS_ATTR_STYLE for the available
labelstr A C-string that names the category to which the attribute is assigned in the inspector.

See also

CLASS_ATTR_LABEL #define CLASS_ATTR_SYM( c, attrname, flags, structname, structmember )

Create a t_symbol∗ attribute and add it to a Max class.

c The class pointer.
attrname The name of this attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
structname The C identifier for the struct (containing a valid t_object header) representing an instance of
this class.

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36.1 Attributes 169

structmember The C identifier of the member in the struct that holds the value of this attribute. #define CLASS_ATTR_SYM_ARRAY( c, attrname, flags, structname, structmember, size )

Create an array-of-symbols attribute of fixed length, and add it to a Max class.

c The class pointer.
attrname The name of this attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
structname The C identifier for the struct (containing a valid t_object header) representing an instance of
this class.
structmember The C identifier of the member in the struct that holds the value of this attribute.
size The number of items in the t_symbol∗ array. #define CLASS_ATTR_SYM_VARSIZE( c, attrname, flags, structname, structmember, sizemember, maxsize )

Create an array-of-symbols attribute of variable length, and add it to a Max class.

c The class pointer.
attrname The name of this attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
structname The C identifier for the struct (containing a valid t_object header) representing an instance of
this class.
structmember The C identifier of the member in the struct that holds the value of this attribute.
sizemember The actual number of items in the t_symbol∗ array at any given moment.
maxsize The maximum number of items in the t_symbol∗ array, i.e. the number of members allocated
for the array in the struct. #define CLASS_METHOD_ATTR_PARSE( c, methodname, attrname, type, flags, parsestring )

Define and add attributes to class methods.

c The class pointer.
methodname The name of the existing method as a C-string.
attrname The name of the attribute to add as a C-string.
type The datatype of the attribute to be added.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this new attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
parsestring A C-string, which will be parsed into an array of atoms to set the initial value.


An example which makes a method invisible to users:

1 class_addmethod(c, (method)my_foo, "foo", 0);

2 CLASS_METHOD_ATTR_PARSE(c, "foo", "undocumented", gensym("long"), 0, "1");

Referenced by jit_ob3d_setup().

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170 Module Documentation #define CLASS_METHOD_INTRODUCED( c, methodname, flags, versionstr )

Add a new attribute to the specified method to indicate in which version the method was introduced.

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36.1 Attributes 171

c The class pointer.
methodname The name of the method as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this new attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
versionstr A C-string, which will be parsed set the version number (e.g. "7.0.0"). #define CLASS_METHOD_OBSOLETE( c, methodname, flags )

Add a new attribute to the specified method to flag it as obsolete.

c The class pointer.
methodname The name of the method as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this new attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags. #define CLASS_METHOD_RENAMED( c, oldname, newname, flags )

Add a new attribute to the specified method to flag a method as renamed.

c The class pointer.
oldname The name of the old method as a C-string.
newname The name of the new method as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this new attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags. #define CLASS_STICKY_ATTR( c, name, flags, parsestr )

Create an attribute, and add it to all following attribute declarations.

The block is closed by a call to CLASS_STICKY_ATTR_CLEAR.
c The class pointer.
name The name of the new attribute to create as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this new attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
parsestr A C-string, which will be parsed into an array of atoms to set the initial value.


The most common use of CLASS_STICKY_ATTR is for creating multiple attributes with the same category,
as in this example:
1 CLASS_STICKY_ATTR(c, "category", 0, "Foo");
3 CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE(c, "bar", 0, t_myobject, x_bar);
4 CLASS_ATTR_LABEL(c, "bar", 0, "A Bar");
6 CLASS_ATTR_CHAR(c, "switch", 0, t_myobject, x_switch);
7 CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_LABEL(c, "switch", 0, "onoff", "Bar Switch");
9 CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE(c, "flow", 0, t_myobject, x_flow);
10 CLASS_ATTR_LABEL(c, "flow", 0, "Flow Amount");
12 CLASS_STICKY_ATTR_CLEAR(c, "category");

See also


Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

172 Module Documentation #define CLASS_STICKY_ATTR_CLEAR( c, name )

Close a CLASS_STICKY_ATTR block.

c The class pointer.
name The name of the sticky attribute as a C-string.

See also

CLASS_STICKY_ATTR #define CLASS_STICKY_METHOD( c, name, flags, parsestr )

Create an attribute, and add it to all following method declarations.

The block is closed by a call to CLASS_STICKY_METHOD_CLEAR.
c The class pointer.
name The name of the new attribute to create as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this new attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
parsestr A C-string, which will be parsed into an array of atoms to set the initial value.


The most common use of CLASS_STICKY_ATTR is for creating multiple attributes with the same category,
as in this example:
1 CLASS_STICKY_METHOD(c, "undocumented", 0, "1");
3 // add some methods here with class_addmethod()
4 // the undocumented attribute for methods means that the ref-page
5 // generator will ignore these methods.
7 CLASS_STICKY_METHOD_CLEAR(c, "undocumented");

See also



c The class pointer.
name The name of the sticky attribute as a C-string.

See also

CLASS_STICKY_METHOD #define OBJ_ATTR_ATOM( x, attrname, flags, val )

Create an instance-local t_atom attribute and add it to a Max class.

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36.1 Attributes 173

x The object pointer.
attrname The name of this attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
val Pointer to the value. #define OBJ_ATTR_ATOM_ARRAY

Create an instance-local array-of-atoms attribute of fixed length, and add it to the object.
x The object pointer.
attrname The name of this attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
count The number of items in the t_atom array.
vals Pointer to the values. #define OBJ_ATTR_CHAR( x, attrname, flags, val )

Create an instance-local char attribute and add it to a Max class.

x The object pointer.
attrname The name of this attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
val Pointer to the value. #define OBJ_ATTR_CHAR_ARRAY( x, attrname, flags, count, vals )

Create an instance-local array-of-chars attribute of fixed length, and add it to the object.
x The object pointer.
attrname The name of this attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
count The number of items in the char array.
vals Pointer to the values. #define OBJ_ATTR_DEFAULT( x, attrname, flags, parsestr )

An instance-attribute version of CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT.

x The t_object instance pointer.
attrname The name of the attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this new attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.

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174 Module Documentation

parsestr A C-string, which will be parsed into an array of atoms to set the initial value.

See also

CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT #define OBJ_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE( x, attrname, flags, parsestr )

An instance-attribute version of CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE.

x The t_object instance pointer.
attrname The name of the attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this new attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
parsestr A C-string, which will be parsed into an array of atoms to set the initial value.

See also

CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE #define OBJ_ATTR_DOUBLE( x, attrname, flags, val )

Create an instance-local 64bit float attribute and add it to a Max class.

x The object pointer.
attrname The name of this attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
val Pointer to the value. #define OBJ_ATTR_DOUBLE_ARRAY( x, attrname, flags, count, vals )

Create an instance-local array-of-64bit-floats attribute of fixed length, and add it to the object.
x The object pointer.
attrname The name of this attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
count The number of items in the double array.
vals Pointer to the values. #define OBJ_ATTR_FLOAT( x, attrname, flags, val )

Create an instance-local 32bit float attribute and add it to a Max class.

x The object pointer.

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36.1 Attributes 175

attrname The name of this attribute as a C-string.

flags Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
val Pointer to the value. #define OBJ_ATTR_FLOAT_ARRAY( x, attrname, flags, count, vals )

Create an instance-local array-of-32bit-floats attribute of fixed length, and add it to the object.
x The object pointer.
attrname The name of this attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
count The number of items in the float array.
vals Pointer to the values. #define OBJ_ATTR_LONG( x, attrname, flags, val )

Create an instance-local long integer attribute and add it to a Max class.

x The object pointer.
attrname The name of this attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
val Pointer to the value. #define OBJ_ATTR_LONG_ARRAY( x, attrname, flags, count, vals )

Create an instance-local array-of-long-integers attribute of fixed length, and add it to the object.
x The object pointer.
attrname The name of this attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
count The number of items in the long array.
vals Pointer to the values. #define OBJ_ATTR_OBJ( x, attrname, flags, val )

Create an instance-local t_object∗ attribute and add it to a Max class.

x The object pointer.
attrname The name of this attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
val Pointer to the value. #define OBJ_ATTR_OBJ_ARRAY( x, attrname, flags, count, vals )

Create an instance-local array-of-objects attribute of fixed length, and add it to the object.

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176 Module Documentation

x The object pointer.
attrname The name of this attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
count The number of items in the t_object∗ array.
vals Pointer to the values. #define OBJ_ATTR_SAVE( x, attrname, flags )

An instance-attribute version of CLASS_ATTR_SAVE.

x The t_object instance pointer.
attrname The name of the attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this new attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.

See also

CLASS_ATTR_SAVE #define OBJ_ATTR_SYM( x, attrname, flags, val )

Create an instance-local t_symbol∗ attribute and add it to a Max class.

x The object pointer.
attrname The name of this attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
val Pointer to the value. #define OBJ_ATTR_SYM_ARRAY( x, attrname, flags, count, vals )

Create an instance-local array-of-symbols attribute of fixed length, and add it to the object.
x The object pointer.
attrname The name of this attribute as a C-string.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
count The number of items in the t_symbol∗ array.
vals Pointer to the values. #define STRUCT_ATTR_ATOM( c, flags, structname, structmember )

Create a t_atom attribute and add it to a Max class.

The name of the attribute is automatically determined by the name of the struct member.

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36.1 Attributes 177

c The class pointer.

flags Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
structname The C identifier for the struct (containing a valid t_object header) representing an instance of
this class.
structmember The C identifier of the member in the struct that holds the value of this attribute. #define STRUCT_ATTR_ATOM_ARRAY( c, flags, structname, structmember, size )

Create an array-of-atoms attribute of fixed length, and add it to a Max class.

The name of the attribute is automatically determined by the name of the struct member.
c The class pointer.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
structname The C identifier for the struct (containing a valid t_object header) representing an instance of
this class.
structmember The C identifier of the member in the struct that holds the value of this attribute.
size The number of items in the t_atom array. #define STRUCT_ATTR_ATOM_LONG( c, flags, structname, structmember )

Create a t_atom_long integer attribute and add it to a Max class.

The name of the attribute is automatically determined by the name of the struct member.
c The class pointer.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
structname The C identifier for the struct (containing a valid t_object header) representing an instance of
this class.
structmember The C identifier of the member in the struct that holds the value of this attribute. #define STRUCT_ATTR_ATOM_VARSIZE( c, flags, structname, structmember, sizemember, maxsize )

Create an array-of-atoms attribute of variable length, and add it to a Max class.

The name of the attribute is automatically determined by the name of the struct member.
c The class pointer.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
structname The C identifier for the struct (containing a valid t_object header) representing an instance of
this class.
structmember The C identifier of the member in the struct that holds the value of this attribute.
sizemember The actual number of items in the t_atom array at any given moment.
maxsize The maximum number of items in the t_atom array, i.e. the number of members allocated for
the array in the struct. #define STRUCT_ATTR_CHAR( c, flags, structname, structmember )

Create a char attribute and add it to a Max class.

The name of the attribute is automatically determined by the name of the struct member.

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178 Module Documentation

c The class pointer.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
structname The C identifier for the struct (containing a valid t_object header) representing an instance of
this class.
structmember The C identifier of the member in the struct that holds the value of this attribute. #define STRUCT_ATTR_CHAR_ARRAY( c, flags, structname, structmember, size )

Create an array-of-chars attribute of fixed length, and add it to a Max class.

The name of the attribute is automatically determined by the name of the struct member.
c The class pointer.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
structname The C identifier for the struct (containing a valid t_object header) representing an instance of
this class.
structmember The C identifier of the member in the struct that holds the value of this attribute.
size The number of items in the char array. #define STRUCT_ATTR_CHAR_VARSIZE( c, flags, structname, structmember, sizemember, maxsize )

Create an array-of-chars attribute of variable length, and add it to a Max class.

The name of the attribute is automatically determined by the name of the struct member.
c The class pointer.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
structname The C identifier for the struct (containing a valid t_object header) representing an instance of
this class.
structmember The C identifier of the member in the struct that holds the value of this attribute.
sizemember The actual number of items in the char array at any given moment.
maxsize The maximum number of items in the char array, i.e. the number of members allocated for
the array in the struct. #define STRUCT_ATTR_DOUBLE( c, flags, structname, structmember )

Create a 64bit float attribute and add it to a Max class.

The name of the attribute is automatically determined by the name of the struct member.
c The class pointer.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
structname The C identifier for the struct (containing a valid t_object header) representing an instance of
this class.
structmember The C identifier of the member in the struct that holds the value of this attribute. #define STRUCT_ATTR_DOUBLE_ARRAY( c, flags, structname, structmember, size )

Create an array-of-64bit-floats attribute of fixed length, and add it to a Max class.

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36.1 Attributes 179

The name of the attribute is automatically determined by the name of the struct member.

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180 Module Documentation

c The class pointer.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
structname The C identifier for the struct (containing a valid t_object header) representing an instance of
this class.
structmember The C identifier of the member in the struct that holds the value of this attribute.
size The number of items in the double array. #define STRUCT_ATTR_DOUBLE_VARSIZE( c, flags, structname, structmember, sizemember, maxsize )

Create an array-of-64bit-floats attribute of variable length, and add it to a Max class.

The name of the attribute is automatically determined by the name of the struct member.
c The class pointer.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
structname The C identifier for the struct (containing a valid t_object header) representing an instance of
this class.
structmember The C identifier of the member in the struct that holds the value of this attribute.
sizemember The actual number of items in the double array at any given moment.
maxsize The maximum number of items in the double array, i.e. the number of members allocated for
the array in the struct. #define STRUCT_ATTR_FLOAT( c, flags, structname, structmember )

Create a 32bit float attribute and add it to a Max class.

The name of the attribute is automatically determined by the name of the struct member.
c The class pointer.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
structname The C identifier for the struct (containing a valid t_object header) representing an instance of
this class.
structmember The C identifier of the member in the struct that holds the value of this attribute. #define STRUCT_ATTR_FLOAT_ARRAY( c, flags, structname, structmember, size )

Create an array-of-32bit-floats attribute of fixed length, and add it to a Max class.

The name of the attribute is automatically determined by the name of the struct member.
c The class pointer.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
structname The C identifier for the struct (containing a valid t_object header) representing an instance of
this class.
structmember The C identifier of the member in the struct that holds the value of this attribute.

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36.1 Attributes 181

size The number of items in the floats array. #define STRUCT_ATTR_FLOAT_VARSIZE( c, flags, structname, structmember, sizemember, maxsize )

Create an array-of-32bit-floats attribute of variable length, and add it to a Max class.

The name of the attribute is automatically determined by the name of the struct member.
c The class pointer.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
structname The C identifier for the struct (containing a valid t_object header) representing an instance of
this class.
structmember The C identifier of the member in the struct that holds the value of this attribute.
sizemember The actual number of items in the float array at any given moment.
maxsize The maximum number of items in the float array, i.e. the number of members allocated for
the array in the struct. #define STRUCT_ATTR_LONG( c, flags, structname, structmember )

Create a long integer attribute and add it to a Max class.

The name of the attribute is automatically determined by the name of the struct member.
c The class pointer.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
structname The C identifier for the struct (containing a valid t_object header) representing an instance of
this class.
structmember The C identifier of the member in the struct that holds the value of this attribute. #define STRUCT_ATTR_LONG_ARRAY( c, flags, structname, structmember, size )

Create an array-of-long-integers attribute of fixed length, and add it to a Max class.

The name of the attribute is automatically determined by the name of the struct member.
c The class pointer.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
structname The C identifier for the struct (containing a valid t_object header) representing an instance of
this class.
structmember The C identifier of the member in the struct that holds the value of this attribute.
size The number of items in the long array. #define STRUCT_ATTR_LONG_VARSIZE( c, flags, structname, structmember, sizemember, maxsize )

Create an array-of-long-integers attribute of variable length, and add it to a Max class.

The name of the attribute is automatically determined by the name of the struct member.

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182 Module Documentation

c The class pointer.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
structname The C identifier for the struct (containing a valid t_object header) representing an instance of
this class.
structmember The C identifier of the member in the struct that holds the value of this attribute.
sizemember The actual number of items in the long array at any given moment.
maxsize The maximum number of items in the long array, i.e. the number of members allocated for
the array in the struct. #define STRUCT_ATTR_OBJ( c, flags, structname, structmember )

Create a t_object∗ attribute and add it to a Max class.

The name of the attribute is automatically determined by the name of the struct member.
c The class pointer.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
structname The C identifier for the struct (containing a valid t_object header) representing an instance of
this class.
structmember The C identifier of the member in the struct that holds the value of this attribute. #define STRUCT_ATTR_OBJ_ARRAY( c, flags, structname, structmember, size )

Create an array-of-objects attribute of fixed length, and add it to a Max class.

The name of the attribute is automatically determined by the name of the struct member.
c The class pointer.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
structname The C identifier for the struct (containing a valid t_object header) representing an instance of
this class.
structmember The C identifier of the member in the struct that holds the value of this attribute.
size The number of items in the t_object∗ array. #define STRUCT_ATTR_OBJ_VARSIZE( c, flags, structname, structmember, sizemember, maxsize )

Create an array-of-objects attribute of variable length, and add it to a Max class.

The name of the attribute is automatically determined by the name of the struct member.
c The class pointer.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
structname The C identifier for the struct (containing a valid t_object header) representing an instance of
this class.
structmember The C identifier of the member in the struct that holds the value of this attribute.

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36.1 Attributes 183

sizemember The actual number of items in the t_object∗ array at any given moment.
maxsize The maximum number of items in the t_object∗ array, i.e. the number of members allocated
for the array in the struct. #define STRUCT_ATTR_SYM( c, flags, structname, structmember )

Create a t_symbol∗ attribute and add it to a Max class.

The name of the attribute is automatically determined by the name of the struct member.
c The class pointer.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
structname The C identifier for the struct (containing a valid t_object header) representing an instance of
this class.
structmember The C identifier of the member in the struct that holds the value of this attribute. #define STRUCT_ATTR_SYM_ARRAY( c, flags, structname, structmember, size )

Create an array-of-symbols attribute of fixed length, and add it to a Max class.

The name of the attribute is automatically determined by the name of the struct member.
c The class pointer.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
structname The C identifier for the struct (containing a valid t_object header) representing an instance of
this class.
structmember The C identifier of the member in the struct that holds the value of this attribute.
size The number of items in the t_symbol∗ array. #define STRUCT_ATTR_SYM_VARSIZE( c, flags, structname, structmember, sizemember, maxsize )

Create an array-of-symbols attribute of variable length, and add it to a Max class.

The name of the attribute is automatically determined by the name of the struct member.
c The class pointer.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
structname The C identifier for the struct (containing a valid t_object header) representing an instance of
this class.
structmember The C identifier of the member in the struct that holds the value of this attribute.
sizemember The actual number of items in the t_symbol∗ array at any given moment.
maxsize The maximum number of items in the t_symbol∗ array, i.e. the number of members allocated
for the array in the struct.

36.1.5 Enumeration Type Documentation enum e_max_attrflags

Attribute flags.

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184 Module Documentation


To create a readonly attribute, for example, you should pass ATTR_SET_OPAQUE or ATTR_SET_OPAQ←-
UE_USER as a flag when you create your attribute.


ATTR_GET_OPAQUE The attribute cannot be queried by either max message when used inside of a CLA←-
SS_BOX object, nor from C code.
ATTR_SET_OPAQUE The attribute cannot be set by either max message when used inside of a CLASS_←-
BOX object, nor from C code.
ATTR_GET_OPAQUE_USER The attribute cannot be queried by max message when used inside of a CL←-
ASS_BOX object, but can be queried from C code.
ATTR_SET_OPAQUE_USER The attribute cannot be set by max message when used inside of a CLASS←-
_BOX object, but can be set from C code.

36.1.6 Function Documentation t_max_err attr_addfilter_clip ( void ∗ x, double min, double max, long usemin, long usemax )

Attaches a clip filter to an attribute.

The filter will clip any values sent to or retrieved from the attribute using the attribute's get and set functions.
x Pointer to the attribute to receive the filter
min Minimum value for the clip filter
max Maximum value for the clip filter
usemin Sets this value to 0 if the minimum clip value should not be used. Otherwise, set the value to
usemax Sets this value to 0 if the minimum clip value should not be used. Otherwise, set the value to


This function returns the error code MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, or one of the other error codes defined
in e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful. t_max_err attr_addfilter_clip_scale ( void ∗ x, double scale, double min, double max, long usemin, long usemax )

Attaches a clip/scale filter to an attribute.

The filter will clip and scale any values sent to or retrieved from the attribute using the attribute's get and set
x Pointer to the attribute to receive the filter
scale Scale value. Data sent to the attribute will be scaled by this amount. Data retrieved from the
attribute will be scaled by its reciprocal. Scaling occurs previous to clipping.
min Minimum value for the clip filter
max Maximum value for the clip filter
usemin Sets this value to 0 if the minimum clip value should not be used. Otherwise, set the value to
usemax Sets this value to 0 if the minimum clip value should not be used. Otherwise, set the value to

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36.1 Attributes 185


This function returns the error code MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, or one of the other error codes defined
in e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful. t_max_err attr_addfilterget_clip ( void ∗ x, double min, double max, long usemin, long usemax )

Attaches a clip filter to an attribute.

The filter will only clip values retrieved from the attribute using the attribute's get function.
x Pointer to the attribute to receive the filter
min Minimum value for the clip filter
max Maximum value for the clip filter
usemin Sets this value to 0 if the minimum clip value should not be used. Otherwise, set the value to
usemax Sets this value to 0 if the minimum clip value should not be used. Otherwise, set the value to


This function returns the error code MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, or one of the other error codes defined
in e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful. t_max_err attr_addfilterget_clip_scale ( void ∗ x, double scale, double min, double max, long usemin, long
usemax )

Attaches a clip/scale filter to an attribute.

The filter will only clip and scale values retrieved from the attribute using the attribute's get function.
x Pointer to the attribute to receive the filter
scale Scale value. Data retrieved from the attribute will be scaled by this amount. Scaling occurs
previous to clipping.
min Minimum value for the clip filter
max Maximum value for the clip filter
usemin Sets this value to 0 if the minimum clip value should not be used. Otherwise, set the value to
usemax Sets this value to 0 if the minimum clip value should not be used. Otherwise, set the value to


This function returns the error code MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, or one of the other error codes defined
in e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful. t_max_err attr_addfilterget_proc ( void ∗ x, method proc )

Attaches a custom filter method to an attribute.

The filter will only be called for values retrieved from the attribute using the attribute's get function.

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186 Module Documentation

x Pointer to the attribute to receive the filter
proc A filter method


This function returns the error code MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, or one of the other error codes defined
in e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.


The filter method should be prototyped and implemented as described above for the attr_addfilterset_proc()
function. t_max_err attr_addfilterset_clip ( void ∗ x, double min, double max, long usemin, long usemax )

Attaches a clip filter to an attribute.

The filter will only clip values sent to the attribute using the attribute's set function.
x Pointer to the attribute to receive the filter
min Minimum value for the clip filter
max Maximum value for the clip filter
usemin Sets this value to 0 if the minimum clip value should not be used. Otherwise, set the value to
usemax Sets this value to 0 if the minimum clip value should not be used. Otherwise, set the value to


This function returns the error code MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, or one of the other error codes defined
in e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful. t_max_err attr_addfilterset_clip_scale ( void ∗ x, double scale, double min, double max, long usemin, long usemax

Attaches a clip/scale filter to an attribute.

The filter will only clip and scale values sent to the attribute using the attribute's set function.
x Pointer to the attribute to receive the filter
scale Scale value. Data sent to the attribute will be scaled by this amount. Scaling occurs previous
to clipping.
min Minimum value for the clip filter
max Maximum value for the clip filter
usemin Sets this value to 0 if the minimum clip value should not be used. Otherwise, set the value to
usemax Sets this value to 0 if the minimum clip value should not be used. Otherwise, set the value to


This function returns the error code MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, or one of the other error codes defined
in e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.

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36.1 Attributes 187 t_max_err attr_addfilterset_proc ( void ∗ x, method proc )

Attaches a custom filter method to an attribute.

The filter will only be called for values retrieved from the attribute using the attribute's set function.
x Pointer to the attribute to receive the filter
proc A filter method


This function returns the error code MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, or one of the other error codes defined
in e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.


The filter method should be prototyped and implemented as follows:

1 t_max_err myfiltermethod(void *parent, void *attr, long ac, t_atom *av);

3 t_max_err myfiltermethod(void *parent, void *attr, long ac, t_atom *av)
4 {
5 long i;
6 float temp,
8 // this filter rounds off all values
9 // assumes that the data is float
10 for (i = 0; i < ac; i++) {
11 temp = atom_getfloat(av + i);
12 temp = (float)((long)(temp + 0.5));
13 atom_setfloat(av + i, temp);
14 }
15 return MAX_ERR_NONE;
16 } void attr_args_dictionary ( t_dictionary ∗ x, short ac, t_atom ∗ av )

Create a dictionary of attribute-name, attribute-value pairs from an array of atoms containing an attribute definition
x A dictionary instance pointer.
ac The number of atoms to parse in av.
av A pointer to the first of the array of atoms containing the attribute values.


The code example below shows the creation of a list of atoms using atom_setparse(), and then uses that list
of atoms to fill the dictionary with attr_args_dictionary().

1 long ac = 0;
2 t_atom *av = NULL;
3 char parsebuf[4096];
4 t_dictionary *d = dictionary_new();
5 t_atom a;
7 sprintf(parsebuf,"@defrect %.6f %.6f %.6f %.6f @title Untitled @presentation 0 ", r->x, r->y, r->width,
8 atom_setparse(&ac, &av, parsebuf);
9 attr_args_dictionary(d, ac, av);
10 atom_setobj(&a, d);

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188 Module Documentation long attr_args_offset ( short ac, t_atom ∗ av )

Determines the point in an atom list where attribute arguments begin.

Developers can use this function to assist in the manual processing of attribute arguments, when attr_args_←-
process() doesn't provide the correct functionality for a particular purpose.

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36.1 Attributes 189

ac The count of t_atoms in av
av An atom list


This function returns an offset into the atom list, where the first attribute argument occurs. For instance, the
atom list foo bar 3.0 @mode 6 would cause attr_args_offset to return 3 (the attribute mode
appears at position 3 in the atom list).

Referenced by max_jit_attr_args_offset(). void attr_args_process ( void ∗ x, short ac, t_atom ∗ av )

Takes an atom list and properly set any attributes described within.
This function is typically used in an object's new method to conveniently process attribute arguments.
x The object whose attributes will be processed
ac The count of t_atoms in av
av An atom list


Here is a typical example of usage:

1 void *myobject_new(t_symbol *s, long ac, t_atom *av)

2 {
3 t_myobject *x = NULL;
5 if (x=(t_myobject *)object_alloc(myobject_class))
6 {
7 // initialize any data before processing
8 // attributes to avoid overwriting
9 // attribute argument-set values
10 x->data = 0;
12 // process attr args, if any
13 attr_args_process(x, ac, av);
14 }
15 return x;
16 } void attr_dictionary_check ( void ∗ x, t_dictionary ∗ d )

Check that a dictionary only contains values for existing attributes of an object.
If a key in the dictionary doesn't correspond an one of the object's attributes, an error will be posted to the Max
x The object instance pointer.
d The dictionary containing the attributes.

See also


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190 Module Documentation void attr_dictionary_process ( void ∗ x, t_dictionary ∗ d )

Set attributes for an object that are defined in a dictionary.

Objects with dictionary constructors, such as UI objects, should call this method to set their attributes when an
object is created.
x The object instance pointer.
d The dictionary containing the attributes.

See also

attr_args_process() t_object∗ attr_offset_array_new ( C74_CONST char ∗ name, t_symbol ∗ type, long size, long flags, method
mget, method mset, long offsetcount, long offset )

Create a new attribute.

The attribute references an array of memory stored outside of itself, in the object's data structure. Attributes created
using attr_offset_array_new() can be assigned either to classes (using the class_addattr() function) or to objects
(using the object_addattr() function).
name A name for the attribute, as a C-string
type A t_symbol ∗ representing a valid attribute type. At the time of this writing, the valid type-
symbols are: _sym_char (char), _sym_long (long), _sym_float32 (32-bit float), ←-
_sym_float64 (64-bit float), _sym_atom (Max t_atom pointer), _sym_symbol (Max
t_symbol pointer), _sym_pointer (generic pointer) and _sym_object (Max t_object
size Maximum number of items that may be in the array.
flags Any attribute flags, expressed as a bitfield. Attribute flags are used to determine if an attribute
is accessible for setting or querying. The available accessor flags are defined in e_max_←-
mget The method to use for the attribute's get functionality. If mget is NULL, the default method
is used. See the discussion under attribute_new(), for more information.
mset The method to use for the attribute's set functionality. If mset is NULL, the default method
is used. See the discussion under attribute_new(), for more information.
offsetcount Byte offset into the object class's data structure of a long variable describing how many array
elements (up to size) comprise the data to be referenced by the attribute. Typically, the
calcoffset macro is used to calculate this offset.
offset Byte offset into the class data structure of the object which will "own" the attribute. The offset
should point to the data to be referenced by the attribute. Typically, the calcoffset macro is
used to calculate this offset.


This function returns the new attribute's object pointer if successful, or NULL if unsuccessful.


For instance, to create a new attribute which references an array of 10 t_atoms (atm; the current number of
"active" elements in the array is held in the variable atmcount) in an object class's data structure:
1 t_object *attr = attr_offset_array_new("myattrarray", _sym_atom / * matches data size * /, 10 / * max * /,
0 / * no flags * /, (method)0L, (method)0L, calcoffset(t_myobject, atmcount) / * count * /,
calcoffset(t_myobject, atm) / * data * /);

Referenced by ext_main().

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36.1 Attributes 191 t_object∗ attr_offset_new ( C74_CONST char ∗ name, C74_CONST t_symbol ∗ type, long flags, C74_CONST
method mget, C74_CONST method mset, long offset )

Create a new attribute.

The attribute references memory stored outside of itself, in the object's data structure. Attributes created using
attr_offset_new() can be assigned either to classes (using the class_addattr() function) or to objects (using the
object_addattr() function).
name A name for the attribute, as a C-string
type A t_symbol ∗ representing a valid attribute type. At the time of this writing, the valid type-
symbols are: _sym_char (char), _sym_long (long), _sym_float32 (32-bit float), ←-
_sym_float64 (64-bit float), _sym_atom (Max t_atom pointer), _sym_symbol (Max
t_symbol pointer), _sym_pointer (generic pointer) and _sym_object (Max t_object
flags Any attribute flags, expressed as a bitfield. Attribute flags are used to determine if an attribute
is accessible for setting or querying. The available accessor flags are defined in e_max_←-
mget The method to use for the attribute's get functionality. If mget is NULL, the default method
is used. See the discussion under attribute_new(), for more information.
mset The method to use for the attribute's set functionality. If mset is NULL, the default method
is used. See the discussion under attribute_new(), for more information.
offset Byte offset into the class data structure of the object which will "own" the attribute. The offset
should point to the data to be referenced by the attribute. Typically, the calcoffset macro
(described above) is used to calculate this offset.


This function returns the new attribute's object pointer if successful, or NULL if unsuccessful.


For instance, to create a new attribute which references the value of a double variable (val) in an object
class's data structure:

1 t_object *attr = attr_offset_new("myattr", _sym_float64 / * matches data size * /, 0 / * no flags * /,

(method)0L, (method)0L, calcoffset(t_myobject, val));

Referenced by ext_main(). t_object∗ attribute_new ( C74_CONST char ∗ name, t_symbol ∗ type, long flags, method mget, method mset

Create a new attribute.

The attribute will allocate memory and store its own data. Attributes created using attribute_new() can be assigned
either to classes (using the class_addattr() function) or to objects (using the object_addattr() function).

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192 Module Documentation

name A name for the attribute, as a C-string
type A t_symbol ∗ representing a valid attribute type. At the time of this writing, the valid type-
symbols are: _sym_char (char), _sym_long (long), _sym_float32 (32-bit float), ←-
_sym_float64 (64-bit float), _sym_atom (Max t_atom pointer), _sym_symbol (Max
t_symbol pointer), _sym_pointer (generic pointer) and _sym_object (Max t_object
flags Any attribute flags, expressed as a bitfield. Attribute flags are used to determine if an attribute
is accessible for setting or querying. The available accessor flags are defined in e_max_←-
mget The method to use for the attribute's get functionality. If mget is NULL, the default method
is used.
mset The method to use for the attribute's set functionality. If mset is NULL, the default method
is used.


This function returns the new attribute's object pointer if successful, or NULL if unsuccessful.


Developers wishing to define custom methods for get or set functionality need to prototype them as:

1 t_max_err myobject_myattr_get(t_myobject *x, void *attr, long *ac, t_atom **av);

1 t_max_err myobject_myattr_set(t_myobject *x, void *attr, long ac, t_atom *av);

Implementation will vary, of course, but need to follow the following basic models. Note that, as with cus-
tom getvalueof and setvalueof methods for the object, assumptions are made throughout Max that
getbytes() has been used for memory allocation. Developers are strongly urged to do the same:

1 t_max_err myobject_myattr_get(t_myobject *x, void *attr, long *ac, t_atom **av)

2 {
3 if (*ac && *av)
4 // memory passed in; use it
5 else {
6 *ac = 1; // size of attr data
7 *av = (t_atom *)getbytes(sizeof(t_atom) * (*ac));
8 if (!(*av)) {
9 *ac = 0;
10 return MAX_ERR_OUT_OF_MEM;
11 }
12 }
13 atom_setlong(*av, x->some_value);
14 return MAX_ERR_NONE;
15 }
17 t_max_err myobject_myattr_set(t_myobject *x, void *attr, long ac, t_atom *av)
18 {
19 if (ac && av) {
20 x->some_value = atom_getlong(av);
21 }
22 return MAX_ERR_NONE;
23 } t_max_err object_addattr ( void ∗ x, t_object ∗ attr )

Attaches an attribute directly to an object.


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36.1 Attributes 193

x An object to which the attribute should be attached

attr The attribute's pointer—this should be a pointer returned from attribute_new(), attr_offset_←-
new() or attr_offset_array_new().


This function returns the error code MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, or one of the other error codes defined
in e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful. void∗ object_attr_get ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ attrname )

Returns the pointer to an attribute, given its name.

x Pointer to the object whose attribute is of interest
attrname The attribute's name


This function returns a pointer to the attribute, if successful, or NULL, if unsuccessful.

Referenced by jit_attr_getchar_array(), jit_attr_getdouble_array(), jit_attr_getfloat(), jit_attr_getfloat_array(), jit_←-

attr_getlong(), jit_attr_getlong_array(), jit_attr_getsym(), jit_attr_getsym_array(), jit_attr_setchar_array(), jit_attr←-
_setdouble_array(), jit_attr_setfloat(), jit_attr_setfloat_array(), jit_attr_setlong(), jit_attr_setlong_array(), jit_attr_←-
setsym(), jit_attr_setsym_array(), jit_object_attr_get(), jit_object_exportattrs(), and max_jit_attr_set(). t_max_err object_attr_get_rect ( t_object ∗ o, t_symbol ∗ name, t_rect ∗ rect )

Gets the value of a t_rect attribute, given its parent object and name.
Do not use this on a jbox object – use jbox_get_rect_for_view() instead!
o The attribute's parent object
name The attribute's name
rect The address of a valid t_rect whose values will be filled-in from the attribute.


This function returns the error code MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, or one of the other error codes defined
in e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful. long object_attr_getchar_array ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, long max, t_uint8 ∗ vals )

Retrieves the value of an attribute, given its parent object and name.
This function uses a developer-allocated array to copy data to. Developers wishing to retrieve the value of an
attribute without pre-allocating memory should refer to the object_attr_getvalueof() function.
x The attribute's parent object
s The attribute's name
max The number of array elements in vals. The function will take care not to overwrite the
bounds of the array.
vals Pointer to the first element of a pre-allocated array of unsigned char data.

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194 Module Documentation


This function returns the number of elements copied into vals.


If the attribute is not of the type specified by the function, the function will attempt to coerce a valid value from
the attribute.

Referenced by jit_attr_getchar_array(). t_max_err object_attr_getcolor ( t_object ∗ b, t_symbol ∗ attrname, t_jrgba ∗ prgba )

Gets the value of a t_jrgba attribute, given its parent object and name.
b The attribute's parent object
attrname The attribute's name
prgba The address of a valid t_jrgba whose values will be filled-in from the attribute.


This function returns the error code MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, or one of the other error codes defined
in e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful. long object_attr_getdouble_array ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, long max, double ∗ vals )

Retrieves the value of an attribute, given its parent object and name.
This function uses a developer-allocated array to copy data to. Developers wishing to retrieve the value of an
attribute without pre-allocating memory should refer to the object_attr_getvalueof() function.
x The attribute's parent object
s The attribute's name
max The number of array elements in vals. The function will take care not to overwrite the
bounds of the array.
vals Pointer to the first element of a pre-allocated array of double data.


This function returns the number of elements copied into vals.


If the attribute is not of the type specified by the function, the function will attempt to coerce a valid value from
the attribute.

Referenced by jit_attr_getdouble_array(). void object_attr_getdump ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, long argc, t_atom ∗ argv )

Forces a specified object's attribute to send its value from the object's dumpout outlet in the Max interface.

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36.1 Attributes 195

x Pointer to the object whose attribute is of interest
s The attribute's name
argc Unused
argv Unused t_atom_float object_attr_getfloat ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s )

Retrieves the value of an attribute, given its parent object and name.
x The attribute's parent object
s The attribute's name


This function returns the value of the specified attribute, if successful, or 0, if unsuccessful.


If the attribute is not of the type specified by the function, the function will attempt to coerce a valid value from
the attribute.

Referenced by jit_attr_getfloat(). long object_attr_getfloat_array ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, long max, float ∗ vals )

Retrieves the value of an attribute, given its parent object and name.
This function uses a developer-allocated array to copy data to. Developers wishing to retrieve the value of an
attribute without pre-allocating memory should refer to the object_attr_getvalueof() function.
x The attribute's parent object
s The attribute's name
max The number of array elements in vals. The function will take care not to overwrite the
bounds of the array.
vals Pointer to the first element of a pre-allocated array of float data.


This function returns the number of elements copied into vals.


If the attribute is not of the type specified by the function, the function will attempt to coerce a valid value from
the attribute.

Referenced by jit_attr_getfloat_array(). t_max_err object_attr_getjrgba ( void ∗ ob, t_symbol ∗ s, t_jrgba ∗ c )

Retrieves the value of a color attribute, given its parent object and name.

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196 Module Documentation

ob The attribute's parent object
s The attribute's name
c The address of a t_jrgba struct that will be filled with the attribute's color component values.


This function returns the error code MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, or one of the other error codes defined
in e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful. t_atom_long object_attr_getlong ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s )

Retrieves the value of an attribute, given its parent object and name.
x The attribute's parent object
s The attribute's name


This function returns the value of the specified attribute, if successful, or 0, if unsuccessful.


If the attribute is not of the type specified by the function, the function will attempt to coerce a valid value from
the attribute.

Referenced by jit_attr_getlong(). long object_attr_getlong_array ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, long max, t_atom_long ∗ vals )

Retrieves the value of an attribute, given its parent object and name.
This function uses a developer-allocated array to copy data to. Developers wishing to retrieve the value of an
attribute without pre-allocating memory should refer to the object_attr_getvalueof() function.
x The attribute's parent object
s The attribute's name
max The number of array elements in vals. The function will take care not to overwrite the
bounds of the array.
vals Pointer to the first element of a pre-allocated array of long data.


This function returns the number of elements copied into vals.


If the attribute is not of the type specified by the function, the function will attempt to coerce a valid value from
the attribute.

Referenced by jit_attr_getlong_array(). t_max_err object_attr_getpt ( t_object ∗ o, t_symbol ∗ name, t_pt ∗ pt )

Gets the value of a t_pt attribute, given its parent object and name.

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36.1 Attributes 197

o The attribute's parent object
name The attribute's name
pt The address of a valid t_pt whose values will be filled-in from the attribute.


This function returns the error code MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, or one of the other error codes defined
in e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful. t_max_err object_attr_getsize ( t_object ∗ o, t_symbol ∗ name, t_size ∗ size )

Gets the value of a t_size attribute, given its parent object and name.
o The attribute's parent object
name The attribute's name
size The address of a valid t_size whose values will be filled-in from the attribute.


This function returns the error code MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, or one of the other error codes defined
in e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful. t_symbol∗ object_attr_getsym ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s )

Retrieves the value of an attribute, given its parent object and name.
x The attribute's parent object
s The attribute's name


This function returns the value of the specified attribute, if successful, or the empty symbol (equivalent to
gensym("") or _sym_nothing), if unsuccessful.

Referenced by jit_attr_getsym(). long object_attr_getsym_array ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, long max, t_symbol ∗∗ vals )

Retrieves the value of an attribute, given its parent object and name.
This function uses a developer-allocated array to copy data to. Developers wishing to retrieve the value of an
attribute without pre-allocating memory should refer to the object_attr_getvalueof() function.
x The attribute's parent object
s The attribute's name
max The number of array elements in vals. The function will take care not to overwrite the
bounds of the array.
vals Pointer to the first element of a pre-allocated array of t_symbol ∗s.

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198 Module Documentation


This function returns the number of elements copied into vals.

Referenced by jit_attr_getsym_array(). method object_attr_method ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ methodname, void ∗∗ attr, long ∗ get )

Returns the method of an attribute's get or set function, as well as a pointer to the attribute itself, from a message
x Pointer to the object whose attribute is of interest
methodname The Max message used to call the attribute's get or set function. For example,
gensym("mode") or gensym("getthresh").
attr A pointer to a void ∗, which will be set to the attribute pointer upon successful completion of
the function
get A pointer to a long variable, which will be set to 1 upon successful completion of the function,
if the queried method corresponds to the get function of the attribute.


This function returns the requested method, if successful, or NULL, if unsuccessful. t_max_err object_attr_set_rect ( t_object ∗ o, t_symbol ∗ name, t_rect ∗ rect )

Sets the value of a t_rect attribute, given its parent object and name.
Do not use this on a jbox object – use jbox_get_rect_for_view() instead!
o The attribute's parent object
name The attribute's name
rect The address of a valid t_rect whose values will be used to set the attribute.


This function returns the error code MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, or one of the other error codes defined
in e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful. void object_attr_set_xywh ( t_object ∗ o, t_symbol ∗ attr, double x, double y, double w, double h )

Sets the value of a t_rect attribute, given its parent object and name.
Do not use this on a jbox object – use jbox_get_rect_for_view() instead!
o The attribute's parent object
attr The attribute's name
x A double containing the new x position.
y A double containing the new y position.
w A double containing the new width.
h A double containing the new height.

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36.1 Attributes 199


This function returns the error code MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, or one of the other error codes defined
in e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful. t_max_err object_attr_setchar_array ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, long count, C74_CONST t_uint8 ∗ vals )

Sets the value of an attribute, given its parent object and name.
The function will call the attribute's set method, using the data provided.
x The attribute's parent object
s The attribute's name
count The number of array elements in vals
vals Pointer to the first element of an array of unsigned char data


This function returns the error code MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, or one of the other error codes defined
in e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.

Referenced by jit_attr_setchar_array(). t_max_err object_attr_setcolor ( t_object ∗ b, t_symbol ∗ attrname, t_jrgba ∗ prgba )

Sets the value of a t_jrgba attribute, given its parent object and name.
b The attribute's parent object
attrname The attribute's name
prgba The address of a valid t_jrgba whose values will be used to set the attribute.


This function returns the error code MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, or one of the other error codes defined
in e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful. t_max_err object_attr_setdouble_array ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, long count, double ∗ vals )

Sets the value of an attribute, given its parent object and name.
The function will call the attribute's set method, using the data provided.
x The attribute's parent object
s The attribute's name
count The number of array elements in vals
vals Pointer to the first element of an array of double data


This function returns the error code MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, or one of the other error codes defined
in e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.

Referenced by jit_attr_setdouble_array().

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200 Module Documentation t_max_err object_attr_setfloat ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, t_atom_float c )

Sets the value of an attribute, given its parent object and name.
The function will call the attribute's set method, using the data provided.
x The attribute's parent object
s The attribute's name
c An floating point value; the new value for the attribute


This function returns the error code MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, or one of the other error codes defined
in e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.

Referenced by jit_attr_setfloat(). t_max_err object_attr_setfloat_array ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, long count, float ∗ vals )

Sets the value of an attribute, given its parent object and name.
The function will call the attribute's set method, using the data provided.
x The attribute's parent object
s The attribute's name
count The number of array elements in vals
vals Pointer to the first element of an array of float data


This function returns the error code MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, or one of the other error codes defined
in e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.

Referenced by jit_attr_setfloat_array(). t_max_err object_attr_setjrgba ( void ∗ ob, t_symbol ∗ s, t_jrgba ∗ c )

Sets the value of a color attribute, given its parent object and name.
The function will call the attribute's set method, using the data provided.
ob The attribute's parent object
s The attribute's name
c The address of a t_jrgba struct that contains the new color.


This function returns the error code MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, or one of the other error codes defined
in e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful. t_max_err object_attr_setlong ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, t_atom_long c )

Sets the value of an attribute, given its parent object and name.
The function will call the attribute's set method, using the data provided.

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36.1 Attributes 201

x The attribute's parent object
s The attribute's name
c An integer value; the new value for the attribute


This function returns the error code MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, or one of the other error codes defined
in e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.

Referenced by jit_attr_setlong(). t_max_err object_attr_setlong_array ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, long count, t_atom_long ∗ vals )

Sets the value of an attribute, given its parent object and name.
The function will call the attribute's set method, using the data provided.
x The attribute's parent object
s The attribute's name
count The number of array elements in vals
vals Pointer to the first element of an array of long data


This function returns the error code MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, or one of the other error codes defined
in e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.

Referenced by jit_attr_setlong_array(). t_max_err object_attr_setparse ( t_object ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, C74_CONST char ∗ parsestr )

Set an attribute value with one or more atoms parsed from a C-string.
x The object whose attribute will be set.
s The name of the attribute to set.
parsestr A C-string to parse into an array of atoms to set the attribute value.


A Max error code.

See also

atom_setparse() t_max_err object_attr_setpt ( t_object ∗ o, t_symbol ∗ name, t_pt ∗ pt )

Sets the value of a t_pt attribute, given its parent object and name.

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202 Module Documentation

o The attribute's parent object
name The attribute's name
pt The address of a valid t_pt whose values will be used to set the attribute.


This function returns the error code MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, or one of the other error codes defined
in e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful. t_max_err object_attr_setsize ( t_object ∗ o, t_symbol ∗ name, t_size ∗ size )

Sets the value of a t_size attribute, given its parent object and name.
o The attribute's parent object
name The attribute's name
size The address of a valid t_size whose values will be used to set the attribute.


This function returns the error code MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, or one of the other error codes defined
in e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful. t_max_err object_attr_setsym ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, t_symbol ∗ c )

Sets the value of an attribute, given its parent object and name.
The function will call the attribute's set method, using the data provided.
x The attribute's parent object
s The attribute's name
c A t_symbol ∗; the new value for the attribute


This function returns the error code MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, or one of the other error codes defined
in e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.

Referenced by jit_attr_setsym(). t_max_err object_attr_setsym_array ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, long count, t_symbol ∗∗ vals )

Sets the value of an attribute, given its parent object and name.
The function will call the attribute's set method, using the data provided.
x The attribute's parent object

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36.1 Attributes 203

s The attribute's name

count The number of array elements in vals
vals Pointer to the first element of an array of t_symbol ∗s


This function returns the error code MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, or one of the other error codes defined
in e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.

Referenced by jit_attr_setsym_array(). t_max_err object_attr_setvalueof ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, long argc, t_atom ∗ argv )

Sets the value of an object's attribute.

x Pointer to the object whose attribute is of interest
s The attribute's name
argc The count of arguments in argv
argv Array of t_atoms; the new desired data for the attribute


This function returns the error code MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, or one of the other error codes defined
in e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.

Referenced by jit_object_importattrs(). long object_attr_usercanget ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s )

Determines if the value of an object's attribute can be queried from the Max interface (i.e.
if its ATTR_GET_OPAQUE_USER flag is set).
x Pointer to the object whose attribute is of interest
s The attribute's name


This function returns 1 if the value of the attribute can be queried from the Max interface. Otherwise, it returns

Referenced by jit_object_attr_usercanget(). long object_attr_usercanset ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s )

Determines if an object's attribute can be set from the Max interface (i.e.
if its ATTR_SET_OPAQUE_USER flag is set).
x Pointer to the object whose attribute is of interest
s The attribute's name

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204 Module Documentation


This function returns 1 if the attribute can be set from the Max interface. Otherwise, it returns 0.

Referenced by jit_object_attr_usercanset(). t_max_err object_chuckattr ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ attrsym )

Detach an attribute from an object that was previously attached with object_addattr().
This function will not free the attribute (use object_free() to do this manually).
x The object to which the attribute is attached
attrsym The attribute's name


This function returns the error code MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, or one of the other error codes defined
in e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful. t_max_err object_deleteattr ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ attrsym )

Detach an attribute from an object that was previously attached with object_addattr().
The function will also free all memory associated with the attribute. If you only wish to detach the attribute, without
freeing it, see the object_chuckattr() function.
x The object to which the attribute is attached
attrsym The attribute's name


This function returns the error code MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, or one of the other error codes defined
in e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful. void∗ object_new_parse ( t_symbol ∗ name_space, t_symbol ∗ classname, C74_CONST char ∗ parsestr )

Create a new object with one or more atoms parsed from a C-string.
The object's new method must have an A_GIMME signature.
name_space The namespace in which to create the instance. Typically this is either CLASS_BOX or CL←-
classname The name of the class to instantiate.
parsestr A C-string to parse into an array of atoms to set the attribute value.


A pointer to the new instance.

See also


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36.2 Classes 205

36.2 Classes

When a user types the name of your object into an object box, Max looks for an external of this name in the
searchpath and, upon finding it, loads the bundle or dll and calls the ext_main() function.
Collaboration diagram for Classes:

Inlets and Outlets

Old-Style Classes


• Old-Style Classes
• Inlets and Outlets
Routines for creating and communicating with inlets and outlets.

Data Structures

• struct t_class
The data structure for a Max class.


• #define CLASS_BOX
The namespace for all Max object classes which can be instantiated in a box, i.e.
• #define CLASS_NOBOX
A namespace for creating hidden or internal object classes which are not a direct part of the user creating patcher.


• enum e_max_class_flags {
Class flags.

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206 Module Documentation


• BEGIN_USING_C_LINKAGE void C74_EXPORT ext_main (void ∗r)

ext_main() is the entry point for an extern to be loaded, which all externs must implement this shared/common
prototype ensures that it will be exported correctly on all platforms.
• t_class ∗ class_new (C74_CONST char ∗name, C74_CONST method mnew, C74_CONST method mfree,
long size, C74_CONST method mmenu, short type,...)
Initializes a class by informing Max of its name, instance creation and free functions, size and argument types.
• t_max_err class_free (t_class ∗c)
Frees a previously defined object class.
• t_max_err class_register (t_symbol ∗name_space, t_class ∗c)
Registers a previously defined object class.
• t_max_err class_alias (t_class ∗c, t_symbol ∗aliasname)
Registers an alias for a previously defined object class.
• t_max_err class_addmethod (t_class ∗c, C74_CONST method m, C74_CONST char ∗name,...)
Adds a method to a previously defined object class.
• t_max_err class_addattr (t_class ∗c, t_object ∗attr)
Adds an attribute to a previously defined object class.
• t_symbol ∗ class_nameget (t_class ∗c)
Retrieves the name of a class, given the class's pointer.
• t_class ∗ class_findbyname (t_symbol ∗name_space, t_symbol ∗classname)
Finds the class pointer for a class, given the class's namespace and name.
• t_class ∗ class_findbyname_casefree (t_symbol ∗name_space, t_symbol ∗classname)
Finds the class pointer for a class, given the class's namespace and name.
• t_max_err class_dumpout_wrap (t_class ∗c)
Wraps user gettable attributes with a method that gets the values and sends out dumpout outlet.
• void class_obexoffset_set (t_class ∗c, long offset)
Registers the byte-offset of the obex member of the class's data structure with the previously defined object class.
• long class_obexoffset_get (t_class ∗c)
Retrieves the byte-offset of the obex member of the class's data structure.
• long class_is_ui (t_class ∗c)
Determine if a class is a user interface object.
• t_max_err class_subclass (t_class ∗superclass, t_class ∗subclass)
Define a subclass of an existing class.
• t_object ∗ class_super_construct (t_class ∗c,...)
Call super class constructor.

36.2.1 Detailed Description

When a user types the name of your object into an object box, Max looks for an external of this name in the
searchpath and, upon finding it, loads the bundle or dll and calls the ext_main() function.
Thus, Max classes are typically defined in the ext_main() function of an external.
Historically, Max classes have been defined using an API that includes functions like setup() and addmess(). This
interface is still supported, and the relevant documentation can be found in Old-Style Classes.
A more recent and more flexible interface for creating objects was introduced with Jitter 1.0 and later included
directly in Max 4.5. This newer API includes functions such as class_new() and class_addmethod(). Supporting
attributes, user interface objects, and additional new features of Max requires the use of the newer interface for
definiting classes documented on this page.
You may not mix these two styles of creating classes within an object.

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36.2 Classes 207

36.2.2 Macro Definition Documentation #define CLASS_BOX

The namespace for all Max object classes which can be instantiated in a box, i.e.
in a patcher.
Referenced by ext_main().

36.2.3 Enumeration Type Documentation enum e_max_class_flags

Class flags.
If not box or polyglot, class is only accessible in C via known interface


CLASS_FLAG_BOX for use in a patcher

CLASS_FLAG_POLYGLOT for use by any text language (c/js/java/etc)
CLASS_FLAG_NEWDICTIONARY dictionary based constructor
CLASS_FLAG_REGISTERED for backward compatible messlist implementation (once reg'd can't grow)
CLASS_FLAG_UIOBJECT for objects that don't go inside a newobj box.
CLASS_FLAG_ALIAS for classes that are just copies of some other class (i.e. del is a copy of delay)
CLASS_FLAG_DO_NOT_PARSE_ATTR_ARGS override dictionary based constructor attr arg parsing
CLASS_FLAG_DO_NOT_ZERO don't zero the object struct on construction (for efficiency)
CLASS_FLAG_OWNATTRIBUTES for classes which support a custom attr interface (e.g. jitter)
CLASS_FLAG_PARAMETER for classes which have a parameter
CLASS_FLAG_RETYPEABLE object box can be retyped without recreating the object
CLASS_FLAG_OBJECT_METHOD objects of this class may have object specific methods

36.2.4 Function Documentation t_max_err class_addattr ( t_class ∗ c, t_object ∗ attr )

Adds an attribute to a previously defined object class.

c The class pointer
attr The attribute to add. The attribute will be a pointer returned by attribute_new(), attr_offset←-
_new() or attr_offset_array_new().


This function returns the error code MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, or one of the other error codes defined
in e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.

Referenced by ext_main(), and jit_class_addattr(). t_max_err class_addmethod ( t_class ∗ c, C74_CONST method m, C74_CONST char ∗ name, ... )

Adds a method to a previously defined object class.

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208 Module Documentation

c The class pointer
m Function to be called when the method is invoked
name C-string defining the message (message selector)
... One or more integers specifying the arguments to the message, in the standard Max type list
format (see Chapter 3 of the Writing Externals in Max document for more information).


This function returns the error code MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, or one of the other error codes defined
in e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.


The class_addmethod() function works essentially like the traditional addmess() function, adding the function
pointed to by m, to respond to the message string name in the leftmost inlet of the object.

Referenced by ext_main(), jit_class_addmethod(), jit_class_new(), and max_jit_class_ob3d_wrap(). t_max_err class_alias ( t_class ∗ c, t_symbol ∗ aliasname )

Registers an alias for a previously defined object class.

c The class pointer
aliasname A symbol who's name will become an alias for the given class


This function returns the error code MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, or one of the other error codes defined
in e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful. t_max_err class_dumpout_wrap ( t_class ∗ c )

Wraps user gettable attributes with a method that gets the values and sends out dumpout outlet.
c The class pointer


This function returns the error code MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, or one of the other error codes defined
in e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful. t_class∗ class_findbyname ( t_symbol ∗ name_space, t_symbol ∗ classname )

Finds the class pointer for a class, given the class's namespace and name.

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36.2 Classes 209

name_space The desired class's name space. Typically, either the constant CLASS_BOX, for obex classes
which can instantiate inside of a Max patcher (e.g. boxes, UI objects, etc.), or the constant
CLASS_NOBOX, for classes which will only be used internally. Developers can define their
own name spaces as well, but this functionality is currently undocumented.
classname The name of the class to be looked up


If successful, this function returns the class's data pointer. Otherwise, it returns NULL.

Referenced by jit_class_findbyname(). t_class∗ class_findbyname_casefree ( t_symbol ∗ name_space, t_symbol ∗ classname )

Finds the class pointer for a class, given the class's namespace and name.
name_space The desired class's name space. Typically, either the constant CLASS_BOX, for obex classes
which can instantiate inside of a Max patcher (e.g. boxes, UI objects, etc.), or the constant
CLASS_NOBOX, for classes which will only be used internally. Developers can define their
own name spaces as well, but this functionality is currently undocumented.
classname The name of the class to be looked up (case free)


If successful, this function returns the class's data pointer. Otherwise, it returns NULL. t_max_err class_free ( t_class ∗ c )

Frees a previously defined object class.

This function is not typically used by external developers.
c The class pointer


This function returns the error code MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, or one of the other error codes defined
in e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.

Referenced by jit_class_free(). long class_is_ui ( t_class ∗ c )

Determine if a class is a user interface object.

c The class pointer.


True is the class defines a user interface object, otherwise false.

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210 Module Documentation t_symbol∗ class_nameget ( t_class ∗ c )

Retrieves the name of a class, given the class's pointer.

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36.2 Classes 211

c The class pointer


If successful, this function returns the name of the class as a t_symbol ∗.

Referenced by jit_class_nameget(). t_class∗ class_new ( C74_CONST char ∗ name, C74_CONST method mnew, C74_CONST method mfree, long
size, C74_CONST method mmenu, short type, ... )

Initializes a class by informing Max of its name, instance creation and free functions, size and argument types.
Developers wishing to use obex class features (attributes, etc.) must use class_new() instead of the traditional
setup() function.
name The class's name, as a C-string
mnew The instance creation function
mfree The instance free function
size The size of the object's data structure in bytes. Usually you use the C sizeof operator here.
mmenu Obsolete - pass NULL. In Max 4 this was a function pointer for UI objects called when the
user created a new object of the class from the Patch window's palette.
type A standard Max type list as explained in Chapter 3 of the Writing Externals in Max document
(in the Max SDK). The final argument of the type list should be a 0. Generally, obex objects
have a single type argument, A_GIMME, followed by a 0.


This function returns the class pointer for the new object class. This pointer is used by numerous other
functions and should be stored in a global or static variable.

Referenced by ext_main(), and jit_class_new(). long class_obexoffset_get ( t_class ∗ c )

Retrieves the byte-offset of the obex member of the class's data structure.
c The class pointer


This function returns the byte-offset of the obex member of the class's data structure. void class_obexoffset_set ( t_class ∗ c, long offset )

Registers the byte-offset of the obex member of the class's data structure with the previously defined object class.
Use of this function is required for obex-class objects. It must be called from main().

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212 Module Documentation

c The class pointer
offset The byte-offset to the obex member of the object's data structure. Conventionally, the macro
calcoffset is used to calculate the offset.

Referenced by ext_main(). t_max_err class_register ( t_symbol ∗ name_space, t_class ∗ c )

Registers a previously defined object class.

This function is required, and should be called at the end of main().
name_space The desired class's name space. Typically, either the constant CLASS_BOX, for obex classes
which can instantiate inside of a Max patcher (e.g. boxes, UI objects, etc.), or the constant
CLASS_NOBOX, for classes which will only be used internally. Developers can define their
own name spaces as well, but this functionality is currently undocumented.
c The class pointer


This function returns the error code MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, or one of the other error codes defined
in e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.

Referenced by ext_main(), and jit_class_register(). t_max_err class_subclass ( t_class ∗ superclass, t_class ∗ subclass )

Define a subclass of an existing class.

First call class_new on the subclass, then pass in to class_subclass. If constructor or destructor are NULL will use
the superclass constructor.
superclass The superclass pointer.
subclass The subclass pointer.


A Max error code t_object∗ class_super_construct ( t_class ∗ c, ... )

Call super class constructor.

Use this instead of object_alloc if you want to call the super class constructor, but allocating enough memory for
c The (sub)class pointer.

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36.2 Classes 213

... Args to super class constructor.


initialized object instance BEGIN_USING_C_LINKAGE void C74_EXPORT ext_main ( void ∗ r )

ext_main() is the entry point for an extern to be loaded, which all externs must implement this shared/common
prototype ensures that it will be exported correctly on all platforms.
r Pointer to resources for the external, if applicable.

See also

Anatomy of a Max Object


Introduced in Max 6.1.9

References A_CANT, A_FLOAT, A_GIMME, A_LONG, addbang(), addfloat(), addint(), addmess(), attr_offset_←-
array_new(), attr_offset_new(), ATTR_SET_OPAQUE, ATTR_SET_OPAQUE_USER, calcoffset, class_addattr(),
class_addmethod(), CLASS_BOX, class_new(), class_obexoffset_set(), class_register(), object_obex_dumpout(),
object_obex_quickref(), and setup().

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214 Module Documentation

Here is the call graph for this function:














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36.3 Old-Style Classes 215

36.3 Old-Style Classes

Collaboration diagram for Old-Style Classes:

Classes Old-Style Classes


• BEGIN_USING_C_LINKAGE void setup (t_messlist ∗∗ident, method makefun, method freefun, t_getbytes←-
_size size, method menufun, short type,...)
Use the setup() function to initialize your class by informing Max of its size, the name of your functions that create and
destroy instances, and the types of arguments passed to the instance creation function.
• void addmess (method f, char ∗s, short type,...)
Use addmess() to bind a function to a message other than the standard ones covered by addbang(), addint(), etc.
• void addbang (method f)
Used to bind a function to the common triggering message bang.
• void addint (method f)
Use addint() to bind a function to the int message received in the leftmost inlet.
• void addfloat (method f)
Use addfloat() to bind a function to the float message received in the leftmost inlet.
• void addinx (method f, short n)
Use addinx() to bind a function to a int message that will be received in an inlet other than the leftmost one.
• void addftx (method f, short n)
Use addftx() to bind a function to a float message that will be received in an inlet other than the leftmost one.
• void ∗ newobject (void ∗maxclass)
Use newobject to allocate the space for an instance of your class and initialize its object header.
• void freeobject (t_object ∗op)
Release the memory used by a Max object.
• void ∗ newinstance (t_symbol ∗s, short argc, t_atom ∗argv)
Make a new instance of an existing Max class.
• void alias (char ∗name)
Use the alias function to allow users to refer to your object by a name other than that of your shared library.
• void class_setname (char ∗obname, char ∗filename)
Use class_setname() to associate you object's name with it's filename on disk.
• void ∗ typedmess (t_object ∗op, t_symbol ∗msg, short argc, t_atom ∗argp)
Send a typed message directly to a Max object.
• method getfn (t_object ∗op, t_symbol ∗msg)
Use getfn() to send an untyped message to a Max object with error checking.
• method egetfn (t_object ∗op, t_symbol ∗msg)
Use egetfn() to send an untyped message to a Max object that always works.
• method zgetfn (t_object ∗op, t_symbol ∗msg)
Use zgetfn() to send an untyped message to a Max object without error checking.

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216 Module Documentation

36.3.1 Detailed Description

36.3.2 Function Documentation void addbang ( method f )

Used to bind a function to the common triggering message bang.

f Function to be the bang method.

Referenced by ext_main(), max_jit_classex_mop_wrap(), and max_ob3d_setup(). void addfloat ( method f )

Use addfloat() to bind a function to the float message received in the leftmost inlet.
f Function to be the int method.

Referenced by ext_main(). void addftx ( method f, short n )

Use addftx() to bind a function to a float message that will be received in an inlet other than the leftmost one.
f Function to be the float method.
n Number of the inlet connected to this method. 1 is the first inlet to the right of the left inlet.


This correspondence between inlet locations and messages is not automatic, but it is strongly suggested that
you follow existing practice. You must set the correspondence up when creating an object of your class with
proper use of intin and floatin in your instance creation function New Instance Routine. void addint ( method f )

Use addint() to bind a function to the int message received in the leftmost inlet.
f Function to be the int method.

Referenced by ext_main(). void addinx ( method f, short n )

Use addinx() to bind a function to a int message that will be received in an inlet other than the leftmost one.

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36.3 Old-Style Classes 217

f Function to be the int method.

n Number of the inlet connected to this method. 1 is the first inlet to the right of the left inlet.


This correspondence between inlet locations and messages is not automatic, but it is strongly suggested that
you follow existing practice. You must set the correspondence up when creating an object of your class with
proper use of intin and floatin in your instance creation function New Instance Routine. void addmess ( method f, char ∗ s, short type, ... )

Use addmess() to bind a function to a message other than the standard ones covered by addbang(), addint(), etc.
f Function you want to be the method.
s C string defining the message.
type The first of one or more integers from e_max_atomtypes specifying the arguments to the
... Any additional types from e_max_atomtypes for additonal arguments.

See also

Anatomy of a Max Object

Referenced by ext_main(), max_addmethod_defer(), max_addmethod_defer_low(), max_addmethod_usurp(),

max_addmethod_usurp_low(), max_jit_classex_addattr(), max_jit_classex_mop_wrap(), max_jit_classex_setup(),
max_jit_classex_standard_wrap(), and max_ob3d_setup(). void alias ( char ∗ name )

Use the alias function to allow users to refer to your object by a name other than that of your shared library.
name An alternative name for the user to use to make an object of your class. void class_setname ( char ∗ obname, char ∗ filename )

Use class_setname() to associate you object's name with it's filename on disk.
obname A character string with the name of your object class as it appears in Max.
filename A character string with the name of your external's file as it appears on disk. method egetfn ( t_object ∗ op, t_symbol ∗ msg )

Use egetfn() to send an untyped message to a Max object that always works.

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218 Module Documentation

op Receiver of the message.

msg Message selector.


egetfn returns a pointer to the method bound to the message selector msg in the receiver's message list. If
the method can't be found, a pointer to a do-nothing function is returned. void freeobject ( t_object ∗ op )

Release the memory used by a Max object.

freeobject() calls an object's free function, if any, then disposes the memory used by the object itself. freeobject()
should be used on any instance of a standard Max object data structure, with the exception of Qelems and Atombufs.
Clocks, Binbufs, Proxies, Exprs, etc. should be freed with freeobject().
op The object instance pointer to free.


This function can be replaced by the use of object_free(). Unlike freeobject(), object_free() checkes to make
sure the pointer is not NULL before trying to free it.

See also


Referenced by max_jit_obex_gimmeback(), and max_jit_obex_gimmeback_dumpout(). method getfn ( t_object ∗ op, t_symbol ∗ msg )

Use getfn() to send an untyped message to a Max object with error checking.
op Receiver of the message.
msg Message selector.


getfn returns a pointer to the method bound to the message selector msg in the receiver's message list. It
returns 0 and prints an error message in Max Window if the method can't be found. void∗ newinstance ( t_symbol ∗ s, short argc, t_atom ∗ argv )

Make a new instance of an existing Max class.


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36.3 Old-Style Classes 219

s className Symbol specifying the name of the class of the instance to be created.
argc Count of arguments in argv.
argv Array of t_atoms; arguments to the class's instance creation function.


A pointer to the created object, or 0 if the class didn't exist or there was another type of error in creating the


This function creates a new instance of the specified class. Using newinstance is equivalent to typing some-
thing in a New Object box when using Max. The difference is that no object box is created in any Patcher
window, and you can send messages to the object directly without connecting any patch cords. The mes-
sages can either be type- checked (using typedmess) or non-type-checked (using the members of the getfn

This function is useful for taking advantage of other already-defined objects that you would like to use 'privately' in
your object, such as tables. See the source code for the coll object for an example of using a privately defined class. void∗ newobject ( void ∗ maxclass )

Use newobject to allocate the space for an instance of your class and initialize its object header.
maxclass The global class variable initialized in your main routine by the setup function.


A pointer to the new instance.


You call newobject() when creating an instance of your class in your creation function. newobject allocates the
proper amount of memory for an object of your class and installs a pointer to your class in the object, so that
it can respond with your class's methods if it receives a message.

Referenced by max_jit_obex_new(). BEGIN_USING_C_LINKAGE void setup ( t_messlist ∗∗ ident, method makefun, method freefun,
t_getbytes_size size, method menufun, short type, ... )

Use the setup() function to initialize your class by informing Max of its size, the name of your functions that create
and destroy instances, and the types of arguments passed to the instance creation function.
ident A global variable in your code that points to the initialized class.
makefun Your instance creation function.
freefun Your instance free function (see Chapter 7).

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220 Module Documentation

size The size of your objects data structure in bytes. Usually you use the C sizeof operator here.
menufun No longer used. You should pass NULL for this parameter.
type The first of a list of arguments passed to makefun when an object is created.
... Any additional arguments passed to makefun when an object is created. Together with the
type parameter, this creates a standard Max type list as enumerated in e_max_atomtypes.
The final argument of the type list should be a 0.

See also

Anatomy of a Max Object

Referenced by ext_main(). void∗ typedmess ( t_object ∗ op, t_symbol ∗ msg, short argc, t_atom ∗ argp )

Send a typed message directly to a Max object.

op Max object that will receive the message.
msg The message selector.
argc Count of message arguments in argv.
argp Array of t_atoms; the message arguments.


If the receiver object can respond to the message, typedmess() returns the result. Otherwise, an error mes-
sage will be seen in the Max window and 0 will be returned.


typedmess sends a message to a Max object (receiver) a message with arguments. Note that the message
must be a t_symbol, not a character string, so you must call gensym on a string before passing it to typedmess.
Also, note that untyped messages defined for classes with the argument list A_CANT cannot be sent using
typedmess. You must use getfn() etc. instead.


1 //If you want to send a bang message to the object bang_me...

2 void *bangResult;
3 bangResult = typedmess(bang_me,gensym("bang"),0,0L);

Referenced by max_jit_mop_bang(), and max_ob3d_bang(). method zgetfn ( t_object ∗ op, t_symbol ∗ msg )

Use zgetfn() to send an untyped message to a Max object without error checking.
op Receiver of the message.
msg Message selector.


zgetfn returns a pointer to the method bound to the message selector msg in the receiver's message list. It
returns 0 but doesn't print an error message in Max Window if the method can't be found.

Referenced by max_jit_attr_getdump().

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36.4 Inlets and Outlets 221

36.4 Inlets and Outlets

Routines for creating and communicating with inlets and outlets.

Collaboration diagram for Inlets and Outlets:

Classes Inlets and Outlets


• void ∗ inlet_new (void ∗x, C74_CONST char ∗s)

Use inlet_new() to create an inlet that can receive a specific message or any message.
• void ∗ intin (void ∗x, short n)
Use intin() to create an inlet typed to receive only integers.
• void ∗ floatin (void ∗x, short n)
Use floatin() to create an inlet typed to receive only floats.
• void ∗ outlet_new (void ∗x, C74_CONST char ∗s)
Use outlet_new() to create an outlet that can send a specific non-standard message, or any message.
• void ∗ bangout (void ∗x)
Use bangout() to create an outlet that will always send the bang message.
• void ∗ intout (void ∗x)
Use intout() to create an outlet that will always send the int message.
• void ∗ floatout (void ∗x)
Use floatout() to create an outlet that will always send the float message.
• void ∗ listout (void ∗x)
Use listout() to create an outlet that will always send the list message.
• void ∗ outlet_bang (void ∗o)
Use outlet_bang() to send a bang message out an outlet.
• void ∗ outlet_int (void ∗o, t_atom_long n)
Use outlet_int() to send an int message out an outlet.
• void ∗ outlet_float (void ∗o, double f)
Use outlet_float() to send a float message out an outlet.
• void ∗ outlet_list (void ∗o, t_symbol ∗s, short ac, t_atom ∗av)
Use outlet_list() to send a list message out an outlet.
• void ∗ outlet_anything (void ∗o, t_symbol ∗s, short ac, t_atom ∗av)
Use outlet_anything() to send any message out an outlet.
• void ∗ proxy_new (void ∗x, long id, long ∗stuffloc)
Use proxy_new to create a new Proxy object.
• long proxy_getinlet (t_object ∗master)
Use proxy_getinlet to get the inlet number in which a message was received.

36.4.1 Detailed Description

Routines for creating and communicating with inlets and outlets.

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222 Module Documentation

36.4.2 Function Documentation void∗ bangout ( void ∗ x )

Use bangout() to create an outlet that will always send the bang message.
x Your object.


A pointer to the new outlet.


You can send a bang message out a general purpose outlet, but creating an outlet using bangout() allows Max
to type-check the connection a user might make and refuse to connect the outlet to any object that cannot
receive a bang message. bangout() returns the created outlet. void∗ floatin ( void ∗ x, short n )

Use floatin() to create an inlet typed to receive only floats.

x Your object.
n Location of the inlet from 1 to 9. 1 is immediately to the right of the leftmost inlet.


A pointer to the new inlet. void∗ floatout ( void ∗ x )

Use floatout() to create an outlet that will always send the float message.
x Your object.


A pointer to the new outlet. void∗ inlet_new ( void ∗ x, C74_CONST char ∗ s )

Use inlet_new() to create an inlet that can receive a specific message or any message.
x Your object.

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36.4 Inlets and Outlets 223

s Character string of the message, or NULL to receive any message.


A pointer to the new inlet.


inlet_new() ceates a general purpose inlet. You can use it in circumstances where you would like special mes-
sages to be received in inlets other than the leftmost one. To create an inlet that receives a particular message,
pass the message's character string. For example, to create an inlet that receives only bang messages, do
the following
1 inlet_new (myObject,"bang");

To create an inlet that can receive any message, pass NULL for msg
1 inlet_new (myObject, NULL);

Proxies are an alternative method for general-purpose inlets that have a number of advantages. If you create
multiple inlets as shown above, there would be no way to figure out which inlet received a message. See the
discussion in Creating and Using Proxies. void∗ intin ( void ∗ x, short n )

Use intin() to create an inlet typed to receive only integers.

x Your object.
n Location of the inlet from 1 to 9. 1 is immediately to the right of the leftmost inlet.


A pointer to the new inlet.


intin creates integer inlets. It takes a pointer to your newly created object and an integer n, from 1 to 9. The
number specifies the message type you'll get, so you can distinguish one inlet from another. For example, an
integer sent in inlet 1 will be of message type in1 and a floating point number sent in inlet 4 will be of type ft4.
You use addinx() and addftx() to add methods to respond to these messages.

The order you create additional inlets is important. If you want the rightmost inlet to be the have the highest number
in- or ft- message (which is usually the case), you should create the highest number message inlet first. void∗ intout ( void ∗ x )

Use intout() to create an outlet that will always send the int message.
x Your object.


A pointer to the new outlet.


You can send a bang message out a general purpose outlet, but creating an outlet using bangout() allows Max
to type-check the connection a user might make and refuse to connect the outlet to any object that cannot
receive a bang message. bangout() returns the created outlet.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

224 Module Documentation void∗ listout ( void ∗ x )

Use listout() to create an outlet that will always send the list message.
x Your object.


A pointer to the new outlet. void∗ outlet_anything ( void ∗ o, t_symbol ∗ s, short ac, t_atom ∗ av )

Use outlet_anything() to send any message out an outlet.

o Outlet that will send the message.
s The message selector t_symbol∗.
ac Number of elements in the list in argv.
av Atoms constituting the list.


Returns 0 if a stack overflow occurred, otherwise returns 1.


This function lets you send an arbitrary message out an outlet. Here are a couple of examples of its use.

First, here's a hard way to send the bang message (see outlet_bang() for an easier way):

1 outlet_anything(myOutlet, gensym("bang"), 0, NIL);


And here's an even harder way to send a single integer (instead of using outlet_int()).
1 t_atom myNumber;
3 atom_setlong(&myNumber, 432);
4 outlet_anything(myOutlet, gensym("int"), 1, &myNumber);

Notice that outlet_anything() expects the message argument as a t_symbol∗, so you must use gensym() on a
character string.

If you'll be sending the same message a lot, you might call gensym() on the message string at initialization time
and store the result in a global variable to save the (significant) overhead of calling gensym() every time you want
to send a message.
Also, do not send lists using outlet_anything() with list as the selector argument. Use the outlet_list() function
Referenced by max_jit_mop_jit_matrix(), max_jit_mop_outputmatrix(), and max_jit_obex_dumpout(). void∗ outlet_bang ( void ∗ o )

Use outlet_bang() to send a bang message out an outlet.

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36.4 Inlets and Outlets 225

o Outlet that will send the message.


Returns 0 if a stack overflow occurred, otherwise returns 1. void∗ outlet_float ( void ∗ o, double f )

Use outlet_float() to send a float message out an outlet.

o Outlet that will send the message.
f Float value to send.


Returns 0 if a stack overflow occurred, otherwise returns 1. void∗ outlet_int ( void ∗ o, t_atom_long n )

Use outlet_int() to send an int message out an outlet.

o Outlet that will send the message.
n Integer value to send.


Returns 0 if a stack overflow occurred, otherwise returns 1. void∗ outlet_list ( void ∗ o, t_symbol ∗ s, short ac, t_atom ∗ av )

Use outlet_list() to send a list message out an outlet.

o Outlet that will send the message.
s Should be NULL, but can be the _sym_list.
ac Number of elements in the list in argv.
av Atoms constituting the list.


Returns 0 if a stack overflow occurred, otherwise returns 1.


outlet_list() sends the list specified by argv and argc out the specified outlet. The outlet must have been
created with listout or outlet_new in your object creation function (see above). You create the list as an array
of Atoms, but the first item in the list must be an integer or float.

Here's an example of sending a list of three numbers.

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226 Module Documentation

1 t_atom myList[3];
2 long theNumbers[3];
3 short i;
5 theNumbers[0] = 23;
6 theNumbers[1] = 12;
7 theNumbers[2] = 5;
8 for (i=0; i < 3; i++) {
9 atom_setlong(myList+i,theNumbers[i]);
10 }
11 outlet_list(myOutlet,0L,3,&myList);


It's not a good idea to pass large lists to outlet_list that are comprised of local (automatic) variables. If the list
is small, as in the above example, there's no problem. If your object will regularly send lists, it might make
sense to keep an array of t_atoms inside your object's data structure. void∗ outlet_new ( void ∗ x, C74_CONST char ∗ s )

Use outlet_new() to create an outlet that can send a specific non-standard message, or any message.
x Your object.
s A C-string specifying the message that will be sent out this outlet, or NULL to indicate the
outlet will be used to send various messages. The advantage of this kind of outlet's flexibility is
balanced by the fact that Max must perform a message-lookup in real-time for every message
sent through it, rather than when a patch is being constructed, as is true for other types of
outlets. Patchers execute faster when outlets are typed, since the message lookup can be
done before the program executes.


A pointer to the new outlet.

Referenced by max_jit_mop_matrixout_new(), and max_jit_mop_setup_simple(). long proxy_getinlet ( t_object ∗ master )

Use proxy_getinlet to get the inlet number in which a message was received.
Note that the owner argument should point to your external object's instance, not a proxy object.
master Your object.


The index number of the inlet that received the message.

Referenced by max_jit_obex_inletnumber_get(). void∗ proxy_new ( void ∗ x, long id, long ∗ stuffloc )

Use proxy_new to create a new Proxy object.

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36.4 Inlets and Outlets 227

x Your object.
id A non-zero number to be written into your object when a message is received in this particular
Proxy. Normally, id will be the inlet number analogous to in1, in2 etc.
stuffloc A pointer to a location where the id value will be written.


A pointer to the new proxy inlet.


This routine creates a new Proxy object (that includes an inlet). It allows you to identify messages based on
an id value stored in the location specified by stuffLoc. You should store the pointer returned by proxy_new()
because you'll need to free all Proxies in your object's free function using object_free().

After your method has finished, Proxy sets the stuffLoc location back to 0, since it never sees messages coming in
an object's leftmost inlet. You'll know you received a message in the leftmost inlet if the contents of stuffLoc is 0. As
of Max 4.3, stuffLoc is not always guaranteed to be a correct indicator of the inlet in which a message was received.
Use proxy_getinlet() to determine the inlet number.
Referenced by max_jit_obex_proxy_new().

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228 Module Documentation

36.5 Data Storage

Max provides a number of ways of storing and manipulating data at a high level.
Collaboration diagram for Data Storage:

Linked List

Quick Map

String Object


Symbol Object
Data Storage
Atom Array

Dictionary Passing API


Hash Table

Index Map


• Atom Array
Max's atomarray object is a container for an array of atoms with an interface for manipulating that array.
• Database
Max's database ( i.e.
• Dictionary
Max 5, introduced the t_dictionary structure/object.
• Hash Table
A hash table is a data structure that associates some data with a unique key.
• Index Map
An indexmap is basically a managed array of pointers, but it allows you to derive relatively quickly the index from a
pointer in the array.

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36.5 Data Storage 229

• Linked List
The Max t_linklist data structure is useful for maintaining ordered lists of items where you want to be able to insert
and delete items efficiently.
• Quick Map
A quickmap implements a pair of t_hashtab hash tables so that it is fast to look up a unique value for a unique key or
• String Object
Max's string object is a simple wrapper for c-strings, useful when working with Max's t_dictionary, t_linklist, or t_←-
• Symbol Object
The symobject class is a simple object that wraps a t_symbol∗ together with a couple of additional fields.
• Dictionary Passing API
The Dictionary Passing API defines a means by which t_dictionary instances may be passed between Max objects in
a way similar to the way Jitter Matrices are passed between objects.


• typedef long(∗ t_cmpfn) (void ∗, void ∗)

Comparison function pointer type.


• enum e_max_datastore_flags {
Flags used in linklist and hashtab objects.

36.5.1 Detailed Description

Max provides a number of ways of storing and manipulating data at a high level.
It is recommended to use Max's data storage mechanisms where possible, as Max's systems are designed for
thread-safety and integration with the rest of Max API.

36.5.2 Typedef Documentation typedef long(∗ t_cmpfn) (void ∗, void ∗)

Comparison function pointer type.

Methods that require a comparison function pointer to be passed in use this type. It should return true or false
depending on the outcome of the comparison of the two linklist items passed in as arguments.

See also


36.5.3 Enumeration Type Documentation enum e_max_datastore_flags

Flags used in linklist and hashtab objects.

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230 Module Documentation


OBJ_FLAG_OBJ free using object_free()

OBJ_FLAG_REF don't free
OBJ_FLAG_DATA don't free data or call method
OBJ_FLAG_MEMORY don't call method, and when freeing use sysmem_freeptr() instead of freeobject
OBJ_FLAG_SILENT don't notify when modified
OBJ_FLAG_INHERITABLE obexprototype entry will be inherited by subpatchers and abstractions
OBJ_FLAG_ITERATING used by linklist to signal when is inside iteration
OBJ_FLAG_DEBUG context-dependent flag, used internally for linklist debug code

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36.6 Atom Array 231

36.6 Atom Array

Max's atomarray object is a container for an array of atoms with an interface for manipulating that array.
Collaboration diagram for Atom Array:

Data Storage Atom Array

Data Structures

• struct t_atomarray
The atomarray object.


The atomarray flags.


• BEGIN_USING_C_LINKAGE t_atomarray ∗ atomarray_new (long ac, t_atom ∗av)

Create a new atomarray object.
• void atomarray_flags (t_atomarray ∗x, long flags)
Set the atomarray flags.
• long atomarray_getflags (t_atomarray ∗x)
Get the atomarray flags.
• t_max_err atomarray_setatoms (t_atomarray ∗x, long ac, t_atom ∗av)
Replace the existing array contents with a new set of atoms Note that atoms provided to this function will be copied.
• t_max_err atomarray_getatoms (t_atomarray ∗x, long ∗ac, t_atom ∗∗av)
Retrieve a pointer to the first atom in the internal array of atoms.
• t_max_err atomarray_copyatoms (t_atomarray ∗x, long ∗ac, t_atom ∗∗av)
Retrieve a copy of the atoms in the array.
• t_atom_long atomarray_getsize (t_atomarray ∗x)
Return the number of atoms in the array.
• t_max_err atomarray_getindex (t_atomarray ∗x, long index, t_atom ∗av)
Copy an a specific atom from the array.
• void ∗ atomarray_duplicate (t_atomarray ∗x)
Create a new atomarray object which is a copy of another atomarray object.
• void ∗ atomarray_clone (t_atomarray ∗x)
Create a new atomarray object which is a full clone of another atomarray object.
• void atomarray_appendatom (t_atomarray ∗x, t_atom ∗a)
Copy a new atom onto the end of the array.
• void atomarray_appendatoms (t_atomarray ∗x, long ac, t_atom ∗av)
Copy multiple new atoms onto the end of the array.

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232 Module Documentation

• void atomarray_chuckindex (t_atomarray ∗x, long index)

Remove an atom from any location within the array.
• void atomarray_clear (t_atomarray ∗x)
Clear the array.
• void atomarray_funall (t_atomarray ∗x, method fun, void ∗arg)
Call the specified function for every item in the atom array.

36.6.1 Detailed Description

Max's atomarray object is a container for an array of atoms with an interface for manipulating that array.
It can be useful for passing lists as a single atom, such as for the return value of an A_GIMMEBACK method. It also
used frequently in when working with Max's t_dictionary object.

See also


36.6.2 Macro Definition Documentation #define ATOMARRAY_FLAG_FREECHILDREN

The atomarray flags.

Currently the only flag is ATOMARRAY_FLAG_FREECHILDREN. If set via atomarray_flags() the atomarray will
free any contained A_OBJ atoms when the atomarray is freed.

36.6.3 Function Documentation void atomarray_appendatom ( t_atomarray ∗ x, t_atom ∗ a )

Copy a new atom onto the end of the array.

x The atomarray instance.
a A pointer to the new atom to append to the end of the array.

See also

atomarray_setatoms() void atomarray_appendatoms ( t_atomarray ∗ x, long ac, t_atom ∗ av )

Copy multiple new atoms onto the end of the array.

x The atomarray instance.
ac The number of new atoms to be appended to the array.

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36.6 Atom Array 233

av A pointer to the first of the new atoms to append to the end of the array.

See also

atomarray_setatoms() void atomarray_chuckindex ( t_atomarray ∗ x, long index )

Remove an atom from any location within the array.

The array will be resized and collapsed to fill in the gap.
x The atomarray instance.
index The zero-based index of the atom to remove from the array. void atomarray_clear ( t_atomarray ∗ x )

Clear the array.

Frees all of the atoms and sets the size to zero. This function does not perform a 'deep' free, meaning that any
A_OBJ atoms will not have their object's freed. Only the references to those objects contained in the atomarray will
be freed.
x The atomarray instance.


The number of atoms in the array. void∗ atomarray_clone ( t_atomarray ∗ x )

Create a new atomarray object which is a full clone of another atomarray object.
x The atomarray instance which is to be copied.


A new atomarray which is copied from x.

See also

atomarray_new() t_max_err atomarray_copyatoms ( t_atomarray ∗ x, long ∗ ac, t_atom ∗∗ av )

Retrieve a copy of the atoms in the array.

To retrieve a pointer to the contained atoms use atomarray_getatoms().

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234 Module Documentation

x The atomarray instance.
ac The address of a long where the number of atoms will be set.
av The address of a t_atom pointer where the atoms will be allocated and copied.


A Max error code.


You are responsible for freeing memory allocated for the copy of the atoms returned.

1 long ac = 0;
2 t_atom *av = NULL;
4 atomarray_copyatoms(anAtomarray, &ac, &av);
5 if(ac && av){
6 // do something with ac and av here...
7 sysmem_freeptr(av);
8 }

See also

atomarray_getatoms() void∗ atomarray_duplicate ( t_atomarray ∗ x )

Create a new atomarray object which is a copy of another atomarray object.

x The atomarray instance which is to be copied.


A new atomarray which is copied from x.

See also

atomarray_new() void atomarray_flags ( t_atomarray ∗ x, long flags )

Set the atomarray flags.

x The atomarray instance.
flags The new value for the flags. void atomarray_funall ( t_atomarray ∗ x, method fun, void ∗ arg )

Call the specified function for every item in the atom array.

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36.6 Atom Array 235

x The atomarray instance.
fun The function to call, specified as function pointer cast to a Max method.
arg An argument that you would like to pass to the function being called.


A max error code.


The atomarray_funall() method will call your function for every item in the list. It will pass both a pointer to
the item in the list, and any argument that you provide. The following example shows a function that could be
called by hashtab_funall().
1 void myFun(t_atom *a, void *myArg)
2 {
3 // do something with a and myArg here
4 // a is the atom in the atom array
5 }

See also

hashtab_funall() t_max_err atomarray_getatoms ( t_atomarray ∗ x, long ∗ ac, t_atom ∗∗ av )

Retrieve a pointer to the first atom in the internal array of atoms.

This method does not copy the atoms, btu simply provides access to them. To retrieve a copy of the atoms use
x The atomarray instance.
ac The address of a long where the number of atoms will be set.
av The address of a t_atom pointer where the address of the first atom of the array will be set.


A Max error code.

See also

atomarray_copyatoms() long atomarray_getflags ( t_atomarray ∗ x )

Get the atomarray flags.

x The atomarray instance.


The current value of the atomarray flags.

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236 Module Documentation t_max_err atomarray_getindex ( t_atomarray ∗ x, long index, t_atom ∗ av )

Copy an a specific atom from the array.

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36.6 Atom Array 237

x The atomarray instance.
index The zero-based index into the array from which to retrieve an atom pointer.
av The address of an atom to contain the copy.


A Max error code.


1 {
2 t_atom a;
4 // fetch a copy of the second atom in a previously existing array
5 atomarray_getindex(anAtomarray, 1, &a);
6 // do something with the atom here...
7 } t_atom_long atomarray_getsize ( t_atomarray ∗ x )

Return the number of atoms in the array.

x The atomarray instance.


The number of atoms in the array. BEGIN_USING_C_LINKAGE t_atomarray∗ atomarray_new ( long ac, t_atom ∗ av )

Create a new atomarray object.

Note that atoms provided to this function will be copied. The copies stored internally to the atomarray instance. You
can free the atomarray by calling object_free().
ac The number of atoms to be initially contained in the atomarray.
av A pointer to the first of an array of atoms to initially copy into the atomarray.


Pointer to the new atomarray object.


Note that due to the unusual prototype of this method that you cannot instantiate this object using the object←-
_new_typed() function. If you wish to use the dynamically bound creator to instantiate the object, you should
instead should use object_new() as demonstrated below. The primary reason that you might choose to instan-
tiate an atomarray using object_new() instead of atomarray_new() is for using the atomarray object in code
that is also intended to run in Max 4.
1 object_new(CLASS_NOBOX, gensym("atomarray"), argc, argv);

See also


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238 Module Documentation t_max_err atomarray_setatoms ( t_atomarray ∗ x, long ac, t_atom ∗ av )

Replace the existing array contents with a new set of atoms Note that atoms provided to this function will be copied.
The copies stored internally to the atomarray instance.
x The atomarray instance.
ac The number of atoms to be initially contained in the atomarray.
av A pointer to the first of an array of atoms to initially copy into the atomarray.


A Max error code.

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36.7 Database 239

36.7 Database

Max's database ( i.e.

Collaboration diagram for Database:

Data Storage Database


• typedef t_object t_database

A database object.
• typedef t_object t_db_result
A database result object.
• typedef t_object t_db_view
A database view object.


• BEGIN_USING_C_LINKAGE t_max_err db_open (t_symbol ∗dbname, const char ∗fullpath, t_database

Create an instance of a database.
• t_max_err db_open_ext (t_symbol ∗dbname, const char ∗fullpath, t_database ∗∗db, long flags)
Create an instance of a database.
• t_max_err db_close (t_database ∗∗db)
Close an open database.
• t_max_err db_query (t_database ∗db, t_db_result ∗∗dbresult, const char ∗sql,...)
Execute a SQL query on the database.
• t_max_err db_query_direct (t_database ∗db, t_db_result ∗∗dbresult, const char ∗sql)
Execute a SQL query on the database.
• t_max_err db_query_silent (t_database ∗db, t_db_result ∗∗dbresult, const char ∗sql,...)
Execute a SQL query on the database, temporarily overriding the database's error logging attribute.
• t_max_err db_query_getlastinsertid (t_database ∗db, long ∗id)
Determine the id (key) number for the most recent INSERT query executed on the database.
• t_max_err db_query_table_new (t_database ∗db, const char ∗tablename)
Create a new table in a database.
• t_max_err db_query_table_addcolumn (t_database ∗db, const char ∗tablename, const char ∗columnname,
const char ∗columntype, const char ∗flags)
Add a new column to an existing table in a database.
• t_max_err db_transaction_start (t_database ∗db)
Begin a database transaction.
• t_max_err db_transaction_end (t_database ∗db)
Finalize a database transaction.
• t_max_err db_transaction_flush (t_database ∗db)

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240 Module Documentation

Force any open transactions to close.

• t_max_err db_view_create (t_database ∗db, const char ∗sql, t_db_view ∗∗dbview)
A database view is a way of looking at a particular set of records in the database.
• t_max_err db_view_remove (t_database ∗db, t_db_view ∗∗dbview)
Remove a database view created using db_view_create().
• t_max_err db_view_getresult (t_db_view ∗dbview, t_db_result ∗∗result)
Fetch the pointer for a t_db_view's query result.
• t_max_err db_view_setquery (t_db_view ∗dbview, char ∗newquery)
Set the query used by the view.
• char ∗∗ db_result_nextrecord (t_db_result ∗result)
Return the next record from a set of results that you are walking.
• void db_result_reset (t_db_result ∗result)
Reset the interface for walking a result's record list to the first record.
• void db_result_clear (t_db_result ∗result)
Zero-out a database result.
• long db_result_numrecords (t_db_result ∗result)
Return a count of all records in the query result.
• long db_result_numfields (t_db_result ∗result)
Return a count of all fields (columns) in the query result.
• char ∗ db_result_fieldname (t_db_result ∗result, long fieldindex)
Return the name of a field specified by its index number.
• char ∗ db_result_string (t_db_result ∗result, long recordindex, long fieldindex)
Return a single value from a result according to its index and field coordinates.
• long db_result_long (t_db_result ∗result, long recordindex, long fieldindex)
Return a single value from a result according to its index and field coordinates.
• float db_result_float (t_db_result ∗result, long recordindex, long fieldindex)
Return a single value from a result according to its index and field coordinates.
• t_ptr_uint db_result_datetimeinseconds (t_db_result ∗result, long recordindex, long fieldindex)
Return a single value from a result according to its index and field coordinates.
• void db_util_stringtodate (const char ∗string, t_ptr_uint ∗date)
A utility to convert from a sql datetime string into seconds.
• void db_util_datetostring (const t_ptr_uint date, char ∗string)
A utility to convert from seconds into a sql-ready datetime string.

36.7.1 Detailed Description

Max's database ( i.e.

t_database ) support currently consists of a SQLite ( ) extension which is loaded dynam-
ically by Max at launch time. Because it is loaded dynamically, all interfacing with the sqlite object relies on Max's
message passing interface, using object_method() and related functions.
For most common database needs, a C-interface is defined in the ext_database.h header file and implemented in
the ext_database.c source file. The functions defined in this interface wrap the message passing calls and provide
a convenient means by which you can work with databases. ext_database.c is located in the 'common' folder
inside of the 'max-includes' folder. If you use any of the functions defined ext_database.h, you will need to add
ext_database.c to your project.

36.7.2 Typedef Documentation typedef t_object t_database

A database object.
Use db_open() and db_close() to create and free database objects.

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36.7 Database 241 typedef t_object t_db_result

A database result object.

This is what the database object returns when a query is executed. typedef t_object t_db_view

A database view object.

A database view wraps a query and a result for a given database, and is always updated and in-sync with the

36.7.3 Function Documentation t_max_err db_close ( t_database ∗∗ db )

Close an open database.

db The address of the t_database pointer for your database instance. The pointer will be freed
and set NULL upon return.


An error code. BEGIN_USING_C_LINKAGE t_max_err db_open ( t_symbol ∗ dbname, const char ∗ fullpath, t_database
∗∗ db )

Create an instance of a database.

dbname The name of the database.
fullpath If a database with this dbname is not already open, this will specify a full path to the location
where the database is stored on disk. If NULL is passed for this argument, the database will
reside in memory only. The path should be formatted as a Max style path.
db The address of a t_database pointer that will be set to point to the new database instance. If
the pointer is not NULL, then it will be treated as a pre-existing database instance and thus
will be freed.


An error code. t_max_err db_open_ext ( t_symbol ∗ dbname, const char ∗ fullpath, t_database ∗∗ db, long flags )

Create an instance of a database.


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242 Module Documentation

dbname The name of the database.

fullpath If a database with this dbname is not already open, this will specify a full path to the location
where the database is stored on disk. If NULL is passed for this argument, the database will
reside in memory only. The path should be formatted as a Max style path.
db The address of a t_database pointer that will be set to point to the new database instance. If
the pointer is not NULL, then it will be treated as a pre-existing database instance and thus
will be freed.
flags Any flags to be passed to the database backend while opening the db. At this time, DB_O←-
PEN_FLAGS_READONLY (0x01) is the only flag available.


An error code. t_max_err db_query ( t_database ∗ db, t_db_result ∗∗ dbresult, const char ∗ sql, ... )

Execute a SQL query on the database.

db The t_database pointer for your database instance.
dbresult The address of a t_db_result pointer. If the pointer is passed-in set to NULL then a new
dbresult will be created. If the pointer is not NULL then it is assumed to be a valid dbresult,
which will be filled in with the query results. When you are done with the dbresult you should
free it with object_free().
sql A C-string containing a valid SQL query, possibly with sprintf() formatting codes.
... If an sprintf() formatting codes are used in the sql string, these values will be interpolated into
the sql string.


An error code. t_max_err db_query_direct ( t_database ∗ db, t_db_result ∗∗ dbresult, const char ∗ sql )

Execute a SQL query on the database.

db The t_database pointer for your database instance.
dbresult The address of a t_db_result pointer. If the pointer is passed-in set to NULL then a new
dbresult will be created. If the pointer is not NULL then it is assumed to be a valid dbresult,
which will be filled in with the query results. When you are done with the dbresult you should
free it with object_free().
sql A C-string containing a valid SQL query.


An error code. t_max_err db_query_getlastinsertid ( t_database ∗ db, long ∗ id )

Determine the id (key) number for the most recent INSERT query executed on the database.

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36.7 Database 243

db The t_database pointer for your database instance.
id The address of a variable to hold the result on return.


An error code. t_max_err db_query_silent ( t_database ∗ db, t_db_result ∗∗ dbresult, const char ∗ sql, ... )

Execute a SQL query on the database, temporarily overriding the database's error logging attribute.
db The t_database pointer for your database instance.
dbresult The address of a t_db_result pointer. If the pointer is passed-in set to NULL then a new
dbresult will be created. If the pointer is not NULL then it is assumed to be a valid dbresult,
which will be filled in with the query results. When you are done with the dbresult you should
free it with object_free().
sql A C-string containing a valid SQL query, possibly with sprintf() formatting codes.
... If an sprintf() formatting codes are used in the sql string, these values will be interpolated into
the sql string.


An error code. t_max_err db_query_table_addcolumn ( t_database ∗ db, const char ∗ tablename, const char ∗ columnname,
const char ∗ columntype, const char ∗ flags )

Add a new column to an existing table in a database.

db The t_database pointer for your database instance.
tablename The name of the table to which the column should be added.
columnname The name to use for the new column.
columntype The SQL type for the data that will be stored in the column. For example: "INTEGER" or
flags If you wish to specify any additional information for the column, then pass that here. Other-
wise pass NULL.


An error code. t_max_err db_query_table_new ( t_database ∗ db, const char ∗ tablename )

Create a new table in a database.

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244 Module Documentation

db The t_database pointer for your database instance.
tablename The name to use for the new table. The new table will be created with one column, which
holds the primary key for the table, and is named according the form {tablename}_id.


An error code. void db_result_clear ( t_db_result ∗ result )

Zero-out a database result.

result The t_db_result pointer for your query results. t_ptr_uint db_result_datetimeinseconds ( t_db_result ∗ result, long recordindex, long fieldindex )

Return a single value from a result according to its index and field coordinates.
The value will be coerced from an expected datetime field into seconds.
result The t_db_result pointer for your query results.
recordindex The zero-based index number of the record (row) in the result.
fieldindex The zero-based index number of the field (column) in the result.


The datetime represented in seconds. char∗ db_result_fieldname ( t_db_result ∗ result, long fieldindex )

Return the name of a field specified by its index number.

result The t_db_result pointer for your query results.
fieldindex The zero-based index number of the field (column) in the result.


A C-String with the name of the field. float db_result_float ( t_db_result ∗ result, long recordindex, long fieldindex )

Return a single value from a result according to its index and field coordinates.

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36.7 Database 245

result The t_db_result pointer for your query results.

recordindex The zero-based index number of the record (row) in the result.
fieldindex The zero-based index number of the field (column) in the result.


The content of the specified cell from the result scanned out to a float. long db_result_long ( t_db_result ∗ result, long recordindex, long fieldindex )

Return a single value from a result according to its index and field coordinates.
result The t_db_result pointer for your query results.
recordindex The zero-based index number of the record (row) in the result.
fieldindex The zero-based index number of the field (column) in the result.


The content of the specified cell from the result scanned out to a long int. char∗∗ db_result_nextrecord ( t_db_result ∗ result )

Return the next record from a set of results that you are walking.
When you are returned a result from a query of the database, the result is prepared for walking the results from the
beginning. You can also reset the result manually to the beginning of the record list by calling db_result_reset().
result The t_db_result pointer for your query results.


An array of C-Strings with the values for every requested column (field) of a database record. To find out how
many columns are represented in the array, use db_result_numfields(). long db_result_numfields ( t_db_result ∗ result )

Return a count of all fields (columns) in the query result.

result The t_db_result pointer for your query results.


The count of fields in the query result. long db_result_numrecords ( t_db_result ∗ result )

Return a count of all records in the query result.

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246 Module Documentation

result The t_db_result pointer for your query results.


The count of records in the query result. void db_result_reset ( t_db_result ∗ result )

Reset the interface for walking a result's record list to the first record.
result The t_db_result pointer for your query results. char∗ db_result_string ( t_db_result ∗ result, long recordindex, long fieldindex )

Return a single value from a result according to its index and field coordinates.
result The t_db_result pointer for your query results.
recordindex The zero-based index number of the record (row) in the result.
fieldindex The zero-based index number of the field (column) in the result.


A C-String with the content of the specified cell in the result. t_max_err db_transaction_end ( t_database ∗ db )

Finalize a database transaction.

db The t_database pointer for your database instance.


An error code. t_max_err db_transaction_flush ( t_database ∗ db )

Force any open transactions to close.

db The t_database pointer for your database instance.


An error code.

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36.7 Database 247 t_max_err db_transaction_start ( t_database ∗ db )

Begin a database transaction.

When you are working with a file-based database, then the database will not be flushed to disk until db_←-
transacation_end() is called. This means that you can _much_ more efficiently execute a sequence of queries
in one transaction rather than independently.
That database object reference counts transactions, so it is possible nest calls to db_transacation_start() and db←-
_transacation_end(). It is important to balance all calls with db_transacation_end() or the database contents will
never be flushed to disk.
db The t_database pointer for your database instance.


An error code. void db_util_datetostring ( const t_ptr_uint date, char ∗ string )

A utility to convert from seconds into a sql-ready datetime string.

date The datetime represented in seconds.
string The address of a valid C-string whose contents will be set to a SQL-ready string format upon
return. void db_util_stringtodate ( const char ∗ string, t_ptr_uint ∗ date )

A utility to convert from a sql datetime string into seconds.

string A C-string containing a date and time in SQL format.
date The datetime represented in seconds upon return. t_max_err db_view_create ( t_database ∗ db, const char ∗ sql, t_db_view ∗∗ dbview )

A database view is a way of looking at a particular set of records in the database.

This particular set of records is defined with a standard SQL query, and the view maintains a copy of the results of
the query internally. Any time the database is modified the internal result set is updated, and any objects listening
to the view are notified via object_notify().
db The t_database pointer for your database instance.
sql A SQL query that defines the set of results provided by the view.
dbview The address of a NULL t_db_view pointer which will be set with the new view upon return.


An error code.

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248 Module Documentation t_max_err db_view_getresult ( t_db_view ∗ dbview, t_db_result ∗∗ result )

Fetch the pointer for a t_db_view's query result.

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36.7 Database 249

dbview The t_db_view pointer for your database view instance.
result The address of a pointer to a t_db_result object. This pointer will be overwritten with the
view's result pointer upon return.


An error code. t_max_err db_view_remove ( t_database ∗ db, t_db_view ∗∗ dbview )

Remove a database view created using db_view_create().

db The t_database pointer for your database instance for which this view was created.
dbview The address of the t_db_view pointer for the view. This pointer will be freed and set NULL
upon return.


An error code. t_max_err db_view_setquery ( t_db_view ∗ dbview, char ∗ newquery )

Set the query used by the view.

dbview The t_db_view pointer for your database view instance.
newquery The SQL string to define a new query for the view, replacing the old query.


An error code.

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250 Module Documentation

36.8 Dictionary

Max 5, introduced the t_dictionary structure/object.

Collaboration diagram for Dictionary:

Data Storage Dictionary

Data Structures

• struct t_dictionary_entry
A dictionary entry.
• struct t_dictionary
The dictionary object.


• t_dictionary ∗ dictionary_new (void)

Create a new dictionary object.
• t_max_err dictionary_appendlong (t_dictionary ∗d, t_symbol ∗key, t_atom_long value)
Add a long integer value to the dictionary.
• t_max_err dictionary_appendfloat (t_dictionary ∗d, t_symbol ∗key, double value)
Add a double-precision float value to the dictionary.
• t_max_err dictionary_appendsym (t_dictionary ∗d, t_symbol ∗key, t_symbol ∗value)
Add a t_symbol∗ value to the dictionary.
• t_max_err dictionary_appendatom (t_dictionary ∗d, t_symbol ∗key, t_atom ∗value)
Add a t_atom∗ value to the dictionary.
• t_max_err dictionary_appendstring (t_dictionary ∗d, t_symbol ∗key, const char ∗value)
Add a C-string to the dictionary.
• t_max_err dictionary_appendatoms (t_dictionary ∗d, t_symbol ∗key, long argc, t_atom ∗argv)
Add an array of atoms to the dictionary.
• t_max_err dictionary_appendatomarray (t_dictionary ∗d, t_symbol ∗key, t_object ∗value)
Add an Atom Array object to the dictionary.
• t_max_err dictionary_appenddictionary (t_dictionary ∗d, t_symbol ∗key, t_object ∗value)
Add a dictionary object to the dictionary.
• t_max_err dictionary_appendobject (t_dictionary ∗d, t_symbol ∗key, t_object ∗value)
Add an object to the dictionary.
• t_max_err dictionary_getlong (C74_CONST t_dictionary ∗d, t_symbol ∗key, t_atom_long ∗value)
Retrieve a long integer from the dictionary.
• t_max_err dictionary_getfloat (C74_CONST t_dictionary ∗d, t_symbol ∗key, double ∗value)
Retrieve a double-precision float from the dictionary.
• t_max_err dictionary_getsym (C74_CONST t_dictionary ∗d, t_symbol ∗key, t_symbol ∗∗value)
Retrieve a t_symbol∗ from the dictionary.
• t_max_err dictionary_getatom (C74_CONST t_dictionary ∗d, t_symbol ∗key, t_atom ∗value)

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36.8 Dictionary 251

Copy a t_atom from the dictionary.

• t_max_err dictionary_getstring (C74_CONST t_dictionary ∗d, t_symbol ∗key, const char ∗∗value)
Retrieve a C-string pointer from the dictionary.
• t_max_err dictionary_getatoms (C74_CONST t_dictionary ∗d, t_symbol ∗key, long ∗argc, t_atom ∗∗argv)
Retrieve the address of a t_atom array of in the dictionary.
• t_max_err dictionary_getatoms_ext (const t_dictionary ∗d, t_symbol ∗key, long stringstosymbols, long ∗argc,
t_atom ∗∗argv)
Retrieve the address of a t_atom array in the dictionary.
• t_max_err dictionary_copyatoms (C74_CONST t_dictionary ∗d, t_symbol ∗key, long ∗argc, t_atom ∗∗argv)
Retrieve copies of a t_atom array in the dictionary.
• t_max_err dictionary_getatomarray (C74_CONST t_dictionary ∗d, t_symbol ∗key, t_object ∗∗value)
Retrieve a t_atomarray pointer from the dictionary.
• t_max_err dictionary_getdictionary (C74_CONST t_dictionary ∗d, t_symbol ∗key, t_object ∗∗value)
Retrieve a t_dictionary pointer from the dictionary.
• t_max_err dictionary_get_ex (t_dictionary ∗d, t_symbol ∗key, long ∗ac, t_atom ∗∗av, char ∗errstr)
Retrieve the address of a t_atom array of in the dictionary within nested dictionaries.
• t_max_err dictionary_getobject (C74_CONST t_dictionary ∗d, t_symbol ∗key, t_object ∗∗value)
Retrieve a t_object pointer from the dictionary.
• long dictionary_entryisstring (C74_CONST t_dictionary ∗d, t_symbol ∗key)
Test a key to set if the data stored with that key contains a t_string object.
• long dictionary_entryisatomarray (C74_CONST t_dictionary ∗d, t_symbol ∗key)
Test a key to set if the data stored with that key contains a t_atomarray object.
• long dictionary_entryisdictionary (C74_CONST t_dictionary ∗d, t_symbol ∗key)
Test a key to set if the data stored with that key contains a t_dictionary object.
• long dictionary_hasentry (C74_CONST t_dictionary ∗d, t_symbol ∗key)
Test a key to set if it exists in the dictionary.
• t_atom_long dictionary_getentrycount (C74_CONST t_dictionary ∗d)
Return the number of keys in a dictionary.
• t_max_err dictionary_getkeys (C74_CONST t_dictionary ∗d, long ∗numkeys, t_symbol ∗∗∗keys)
Retrieve all of the key names stored in a dictionary.
• void dictionary_freekeys (t_dictionary ∗d, long numkeys, t_symbol ∗∗keys)
Free memory allocated by the dictionary_getkeys() method.
• t_max_err dictionary_deleteentry (t_dictionary ∗d, t_symbol ∗key)
Remove a value from the dictionary.
• t_max_err dictionary_chuckentry (t_dictionary ∗d, t_symbol ∗key)
Remove a value from the dictionary without freeing it.
• t_max_err dictionary_clear (t_dictionary ∗d)
Delete all values from a dictionary.
• void dictionary_funall (t_dictionary ∗d, method fun, void ∗arg)
Call the specified function for every entry in the dictionary.
• t_symbol ∗ dictionary_entry_getkey (t_dictionary_entry ∗x)
Given a t_dictionary_entry∗, return the key associated with that entry.
• void dictionary_entry_getvalue (t_dictionary_entry ∗x, t_atom ∗value)
Given a t_dictionary_entry∗, return the value associated with that entry.
• void dictionary_entry_getvalues (t_dictionary_entry ∗x, long ∗argc, t_atom ∗∗argv)
Given a t_dictionary_entry∗, return the values associated with that entry.
• t_max_err dictionary_copyunique (t_dictionary ∗d, t_dictionary ∗copyfrom)
Given 2 dictionaries, copy the keys unique to one of the dictionaries to the other dictionary.
• t_max_err dictionary_getdeflong (const t_dictionary ∗d, t_symbol ∗key, t_atom_long ∗value, t_atom_long def)
Retrieve a long integer from the dictionary.
• t_max_err dictionary_getdeffloat (const t_dictionary ∗d, t_symbol ∗key, double ∗value, double def)

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252 Module Documentation

Retrieve a double-precision float from the dictionary.

• t_max_err dictionary_getdefsym (const t_dictionary ∗d, t_symbol ∗key, t_symbol ∗∗value, t_symbol ∗def)
Retrieve a t_symbol∗ from the dictionary.
• t_max_err dictionary_getdefatom (const t_dictionary ∗d, t_symbol ∗key, t_atom ∗value, t_atom ∗def)
Retrieve a t_atom∗ from the dictionary.
• t_max_err dictionary_getdefstring (const t_dictionary ∗d, t_symbol ∗key, const char ∗∗value, char ∗def)
Retrieve a C-string from the dictionary.
• t_max_err dictionary_getdefatoms (t_dictionary ∗d, t_symbol ∗key, long ∗argc, t_atom ∗∗argv, t_atom ∗def)
Retrieve the address of a t_atom array of in the dictionary.
• t_max_err dictionary_copydefatoms (t_dictionary ∗d, t_symbol ∗key, long ∗argc, t_atom ∗∗argv, t_atom ∗def)
Retrieve copies of a t_atom array in the dictionary.
• t_max_err dictionary_dump (t_dictionary ∗d, long recurse, long console)
Print the contents of a dictionary to the Max window.
• t_max_err dictionary_copyentries (t_dictionary ∗src, t_dictionary ∗dst, t_symbol ∗∗keys)
Copy specified entries from one dictionary to another.
• t_dictionary ∗ dictionary_sprintf (C74_CONST char ∗fmt,...)
Create a new dictionary populated with values using a combination of attribute and sprintf syntax.
• t_max_err dictionary_read (char ∗filename, short path, t_dictionary ∗∗d)
Read the specified JSON file and return a t_dictionary object.
• t_max_err dictionary_write (t_dictionary ∗d, char ∗filename, short path)
Serialize the specified t_dictionary object to a JSON file.
• t_max_err dictionary_read_yaml (const char ∗filename, const short path, t_dictionary ∗∗d)
Read the specified YAML file and return a t_dictionary object.
• t_max_err dictionary_write_yaml (const t_dictionary ∗d, const char ∗filename, const short path)
Serialize the specified t_dictionary object to a YAML file.
• void postdictionary (t_object ∗d)
Print the contents of a dictionary to the Max window.

36.8.1 Detailed Description

Max 5, introduced the t_dictionary structure/object.

This is used for object prototypes, object serialization, object constructors, and many other tasks. A dictionary is
ultimately a collection of atom values assigned to symbolic keys. In addition to primitive A_LONG, A_FLOAT, and
A_SYM atom types, the A_OBJ atom type is used for t_atomarray (for a set of atoms assigned to a key), t_dictionary
(for hierarhical use), t_string (for large blocks of text which we don't wish to bloat the symbol table), and potentially
other object data types. Internally, the dictionary object uses a combination data structure of a hash table (for fast
key lookup) and a linked-list (to maintain ordering of information within the dictionary).
Dictionaries are clonable entites, but note that all the member objects of a given dictionary may not be clonable. At
the time of this writing, for example, the t_string object is not clonable, though it will be made clonable in the near
future. In order for prototype entities to be g uaranteed their passage into the constructor, they must be clonable
(currenlty a symbol conversion is in place for the t_string class).

36.8.2 Using Dictionaries

Dictionaries are used in many places in Max 5. They can be confusing in many respects. It is easy to produce
memory leaks or bugs where objects are freed twice. It is easy to confuse what type of dictionary is used for what.
This page will begin with some high level information to help understand when to free and when not to free. Then,
we will offer recipies for using dictionaries to accomplish common tasks.

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36.8 Dictionary 253 Understanding Dictionaries

A dictionary stores atom values under named key entries. These atoms can contain A_OBJ values. When the
dictionary is freed, any A_OBJ values that are in the dictionary will also be freed. Thus, it is easy to mistakenly free
objects twice, thus this is something to be careful about. For example, look at this code:

t_dictionary *d = dictionary_new();
t_dictionary *sd = dictionary_new();
dictionary_appenddictionary(d, gensym("subdictionary"), sd);
object_free(d); // this will free *both* d and sd since sd is contained by d
// freeing "sd" here would be bad

You primarily need to keep this in mind when calling dictionary_appendobject(), dictionary_appenddictionary(), or
dictionary_appendatomarray(). So, what do you do if you need to free a dictionary but you also want to hang on to
an object that is inside of the dictionary? In this case, chuck the entry in question first. For example, let's assume
that for some reason you cannot free the "sd" dictionary in the code above. Perhaps it doesn't belong to you. But,
to do some operation you need to append it to a new dictionary. Then, do this:

void function_foo(t_dictionary *sd) {

t_dictionary *d = dictionary_new();
dictionary_appenddictionary(d, gensym("subdictionary"), sd);
dictionary_chuckentry(d, gensym("subdictionary"));
} When to Free a Dictionary

So, how do you know when you need to free a dictionary? Well, generally if you make a dictionary, you need to free
it when you are done (unless you transfer ownership of the dictionary to someone else). On the other hand, if you
are passed a dictionary (i.e. as a parameter of your function or method) then it is not yours to free and you should
just use it. However, it is not always obvious that you made a dictionary vs just borrowed it.
Here are some common (and not so common) ways to make a dictionary. These functions return a new dictionary
and thus the dictionary you get should be freed when you are done, unless you pass the dictionary on to someone
else who will free it at an appropriate time. Here they are:

• dictionary_new()

• dictionary_clone()

• dictionary_read()

• dictionary_sprintf()

• dictionary_vsprintf()

• jsonreader_parse()

• jpatcher_monikerforobject()

• class_cloneprototype()

• prototype_getdictionary()

• clipboard_todictionary()

• jpatchercontroller_copytodictionary()

• probably others of course

Here are some functions that return borrowed dictionaries. These are dictionaries that you can use but you cannot
free since you do not own them. Here they are:

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254 Module Documentation

• dictionary_prototypefromclass()

• object_refpage_get_class_info_fromclassname()

• object_refpage_get_class_info()

• object_dictionaryarg()

Finally, most functions that accept dictionaries as parameters will not assume ownership of the dictionary. Usually
the way ownership is assumed is if you add a dictionary as a subdictionary to a dictionary that you do not own.
One exception is the utility newobject_fromdictionary_delete() who's name makes it clear that the dictionary will be
deleted after calling the function. Some Common Uses of Dictionaries

You can make a patcher by passing a dictionary to object_new_typed() when making a "jpatcher". Using atom_←-
setparse() and attr_args_dictionary() makes this relatively easy.
Use newobject_sprintf() to programmatically make an object in a patch. Actually, you don't explicitly use a dictionary
here! If you do want more control, so you can touch the dictionary to customize it, then see the next bullet.
Use dictionary_sprintf() to make a dictionary to specify a box (i.e. specify class with @maxclass attr). Then,
make another dictionary and append your box dictionary to it under the key "box" via dictionary_appenddictionary().
Finally, make your object with newobject_fromdictionary().

See also

Linked List
Hash Table



36.8.3 Reading and Writing Dictionaries as JSON Creating a Dictionary from JSON

The easiest way to get read a t_dictionary from a JSON file on disk is to use the dictionary_read() function. In some
cases you may wish have more control, such as to generate JSON but not write it to disk. For that purpose you can
create a jsonreader object as demonstrated below.

t_dictionary *d = NULL;
t_max_err err;
t_atom result[1];
t_object *jsonreader = (t_object*)object_new(_sym_nobox, _sym_jsonreader);

// assume we have an argument called ’jsontext’ which is a const char* with the JSON
// from which we wish to create a t_dictionary instance

err = (t_max_err)object_method(jsonreader, _sym_parse, jsontext, result);

if (!err) {
t_object *ro = (t_object*)atom_getobj(result);

if (ro) {
if (object_classname_compare(ro, _sym_dictionary))
d = (t_dictionary*)ro;

// we now have a t_dictionary in d that can be used as we see fit

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36.8 Dictionary 255 Creating JSON from a Dictionary

The easiest way to get write a t_dictionary to disk as JSON is to use the dictionary_write() function. In some cases
you may wish have more control, such as to generate JSON but not write it to disk. For that purpose you can create
a jsonwriter object as demonstrated below.

t_object *jsonwriter = (t_object*)object_new(_sym_nobox, _sym_jsonwriter);

t_handle json;
const char *str;

object_method(jsonwriter, _sym_writedictionary, d);

object_method(jsonwriter, _sym_getoutput, &json);

str = *json;

// now str contains our JSON serialization of the t_dictionary d


36.8.4 Function Documentation t_max_err dictionary_appendatom ( t_dictionary ∗ d, t_symbol ∗ key, t_atom ∗ value )

Add a t_atom∗ value to the dictionary.

d The dictionary instance.
key The name of the key used to index the new value. All keys must be unique. If the key name
already exists, then the existing value associated with the key will be freed prior to the new
value's assignment.
value The new value to append to the dictionary.


A Max error code. t_max_err dictionary_appendatomarray ( t_dictionary ∗ d, t_symbol ∗ key, t_object ∗ value )

Add an Atom Array object to the dictionary.

Note that from this point on that you should not free the t_atomarray∗, because the atomarray is now owned by the
dictionary, and freeing the dictionary will free the atomarray as discussed in When to Free a Dictionary.
d The dictionary instance.
key The name of the key used to index the new value. All keys must be unique. If the key name
already exists, then the existing value associated with the key will be freed prior to the new
value's assignment.
value The new value to append to the dictionary.


A Max error code. t_max_err dictionary_appendatoms ( t_dictionary ∗ d, t_symbol ∗ key, long argc, t_atom ∗ argv )

Add an array of atoms to the dictionary.

Internally these atoms will be copied into a t_atomarray object, which will be appended to the dictionary with the
given key.

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256 Module Documentation

d The dictionary instance.
key The name of the key used to index the new value. All keys must be unique. If the key name
already exists, then the existing value associated with the key will be freed prior to the new
value's assignment.
argc The number of atoms to append to the dictionary.
argv The address of the first atom in the array to append to the dictionary.


A Max error code. t_max_err dictionary_appenddictionary ( t_dictionary ∗ d, t_symbol ∗ key, t_object ∗ value )

Add a dictionary object to the dictionary.

Note that from this point on that you should not free the t_dictionary∗ that is being added, because the newly-added
dictionary is now owned by the dictionary to which it has been added, as discussed in When to Free a Dictionary.
d The dictionary instance.
key The name of the key used to index the new value. All keys must be unique. If the key name
already exists, then the existing value associated with the key will be freed prior to the new
value's assignment.
value The new value to append to the dictionary.


A Max error code. t_max_err dictionary_appendfloat ( t_dictionary ∗ d, t_symbol ∗ key, double value )

Add a double-precision float value to the dictionary.

d The dictionary instance.
key The name of the key used to index the new value. All keys must be unique. If the key name
already exists, then the existing value associated with the key will be freed prior to the new
value's assignment.
value The new value to append to the dictionary.


A Max error code. t_max_err dictionary_appendlong ( t_dictionary ∗ d, t_symbol ∗ key, t_atom_long value )

Add a long integer value to the dictionary.

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36.8 Dictionary 257

d The dictionary instance.
key The name of the key used to index the new value. All keys must be unique. If the key name
already exists, then the existing value associated with the key will be freed prior to the new
value's assignment.
value The new value to append to the dictionary.


A Max error code. t_max_err dictionary_appendobject ( t_dictionary ∗ d, t_symbol ∗ key, t_object ∗ value )

Add an object to the dictionary.

Note that from this point on that you should not free the t_object∗ that is being added, because the newly-added
object is now owned by the dictionary to which it has been added, as discussed in When to Free a Dictionary.
d The dictionary instance.
key The name of the key used to index the new value. All keys must be unique. If the key name
already exists, then the existing value associated with the key will be freed prior to the new
value's assignment.
value The new value to append to the dictionary.


A Max error code. t_max_err dictionary_appendstring ( t_dictionary ∗ d, t_symbol ∗ key, const char ∗ value )

Add a C-string to the dictionary.

Internally this uses the t_symbol object. It is useful to use the t_string in dictionaries rather than the t_symbol to
avoid bloating Max's symbol table unnecessarily.
d The dictionary instance.
key The name of the key used to index the new value. All keys must be unique. If the key name
already exists, then the existing value associated with the key will be freed prior to the new
value's assignment.
value The new value to append to the dictionary.


A Max error code. t_max_err dictionary_appendsym ( t_dictionary ∗ d, t_symbol ∗ key, t_symbol ∗ value )

Add a t_symbol∗ value to the dictionary.

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258 Module Documentation

d The dictionary instance.
key The name of the key used to index the new value. All keys must be unique. If the key name
already exists, then the existing value associated with the key will be freed prior to the new
value's assignment.
value The new value to append to the dictionary.


A Max error code. t_max_err dictionary_chuckentry ( t_dictionary ∗ d, t_symbol ∗ key )

Remove a value from the dictionary without freeing it.

d The dictionary instance.
key The key associated with the value to delete.


A max error code.

See also

dictionary_deleteentry() t_max_err dictionary_clear ( t_dictionary ∗ d )

Delete all values from a dictionary.

This method will free the objects in the dictionary. If freeing the objects is inappropriate or undesirable then you
should iterate through the dictionary and use dictionary_chuckentry() instead.
d The dictionary instance.


A max error code.

See also

dictionary_deleteentry() t_max_err dictionary_copyatoms ( C74_CONST t_dictionary ∗ d, t_symbol ∗ key, long ∗ argc, t_atom ∗∗
argv )

Retrieve copies of a t_atom array in the dictionary.

The retrieved pointer of t_atoms in the dictionary has memory allocated and copied to it from within the function.
You are responsible for freeing it with sysmem_freeptr().

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36.8 Dictionary 259

d The dictionary instance.
key The key associated with the value to lookup.
argc The address of a variable to hold the number of atoms in the array.
argv The address of a variable to hold a pointer to the first atom in the array. You should initialize
this pointer to NULL prior to passing it to dictionary_copyatoms().


A Max error code.

See also

dictionary_getatoms() t_max_err dictionary_copydefatoms ( t_dictionary ∗ d, t_symbol ∗ key, long ∗ argc, t_atom ∗∗ argv,
t_atom ∗ def )

Retrieve copies of a t_atom array in the dictionary.

The retrieved pointer of t_atoms in the dictionary has memory allocated and copied to it from within the function.
You are responsible for freeing it with sysmem_freeptr(). If the named key doesn't exist, then copy a default array of
atoms, specified as a t_atomarray∗.
d The dictionary instance.
key The key associated with the value to lookup.
argc The address of a variable to hold the number of atoms in the array.
argv The address of a variable to hold a pointer to the first atom in the array. You should initialize
this pointer to NULL prior to passing it to dictionary_copyatoms().
def The default values specified as an instance of the t_atomarray object.


A Max error code.

See also

dictionary_copyatoms() t_max_err dictionary_copyentries ( t_dictionary ∗ src, t_dictionary ∗ dst, t_symbol ∗∗ keys )

Copy specified entries from one dictionary to another.

src The source dictionary from which to copy entries.
dst The destination dictionary to which the entries will be copied.
keys The address of the first of an array of t_symbol∗ that specifies which keys to copy.


A Max error code.

See also


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260 Module Documentation t_max_err dictionary_copyunique ( t_dictionary ∗ d, t_dictionary ∗ copyfrom )

Given 2 dictionaries, copy the keys unique to one of the dictionaries to the other dictionary.
d A dictionary instance. This will be the destination for any values that are copied.
copyfrom A dictionary instance from which we will copy any values with unique keys.


A Max error code.

See also

dictionary_copyentries() t_max_err dictionary_deleteentry ( t_dictionary ∗ d, t_symbol ∗ key )

Remove a value from the dictionary.

This method will free the object in the dictionary. If freeing the object is inappropriate or undesirable, use dictionary←-
_chuckentry() instead.
d The dictionary instance.
key The key associated with the value to delete.


A max error code.

See also

dictionary_clear() t_max_err dictionary_dump ( t_dictionary ∗ d, long recurse, long console )

Print the contents of a dictionary to the Max window.

d The dictionary instance.
recurse If non-zero, the dictionary will be recursively unravelled to the Max window. Otherwise it will
only print the top level.
console If non-zero, the dictionary will be posted to the console rather than the Max window. On
the Mac you can view this using On Windows you can use the free DbgView
program which can be downloaded from Microsoft.


A Max error code. t_symbol∗ dictionary_entry_getkey ( t_dictionary_entry ∗ x )

Given a t_dictionary_entry∗, return the key associated with that entry.

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36.8 Dictionary 261

x The dictionary entry.


The key associated with the entry.

See also

dictionary_funall() void dictionary_entry_getvalue ( t_dictionary_entry ∗ x, t_atom ∗ value )

Given a t_dictionary_entry∗, return the value associated with that entry.

x The dictionary entry.
value The address of a t_atom to which the value will be copied.

See also

dictionary_funall() void dictionary_entry_getvalues ( t_dictionary_entry ∗ x, long ∗ argc, t_atom ∗∗ argv )

Given a t_dictionary_entry∗, return the values associated with that entry.

x The dictionary entry.
argc The length of the returned t_atom vector.
argv The address of a t_atom vector to which the values will be copied.

See also

dictionary_funall() long dictionary_entryisatomarray ( C74_CONST t_dictionary ∗ d, t_symbol ∗ key )

Test a key to set if the data stored with that key contains a t_atomarray object.
d The dictionary instance.
key The key associated with the value to test.


Returns true if the key contains a t_atomarray, otherwise returns false. long dictionary_entryisdictionary ( C74_CONST t_dictionary ∗ d, t_symbol ∗ key )

Test a key to set if the data stored with that key contains a t_dictionary object.

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262 Module Documentation

d The dictionary instance.
key The key associated with the value to test.


Returns true if the key contains a t_dictionary, otherwise returns false. long dictionary_entryisstring ( C74_CONST t_dictionary ∗ d, t_symbol ∗ key )

Test a key to set if the data stored with that key contains a t_string object.
d The dictionary instance.
key The key associated with the value to test.


Returns true if the key contains a t_string, otherwise returns false. void dictionary_freekeys ( t_dictionary ∗ d, long numkeys, t_symbol ∗∗ keys )

Free memory allocated by the dictionary_getkeys() method.

d The dictionary instance.
numkeys The address of a long where the number of keys retrieved will be set.
keys The address of the first of an array t_symbol pointers where the retrieved keys will be set.


A max error code.

See also

dictionary_getkeys() void dictionary_funall ( t_dictionary ∗ d, method fun, void ∗ arg )

Call the specified function for every entry in the dictionary.

d The dictionary instance.
fun The function to call, specified as function pointer cast to a Max method.
arg An argument that you would like to pass to the function being called.


The dictionary_funall() method will call your function for every entry in the dictionary. It will pass both a pointer
to the t_dictionary_entry, and any argument that you provide. The following example shows a function that
could be called by dictionary_funall().

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36.8 Dictionary 263

1 void my_function(t_dictionary_entry *entry, void* my_arg)

2 {
3 t_symbol *key;
4 t_atom value;
6 key = dictionary_entry_getkey(entry);
7 dictionary_entry_getvalue(entry, &value);
9 // do something with key, value, and my_arg...
10 }

See also

dictionary_entry_getvalue() t_max_err dictionary_get_ex ( t_dictionary ∗ d, t_symbol ∗ key, long ∗ ac, t_atom ∗∗ av, char ∗ errstr )

Retrieve the address of a t_atom array of in the dictionary within nested dictionaries.
The address can index into nested dictionaries using the '::' operator. For example, the key "field::subfield" will look
for the value at key "field" and then look for the value "subfield" in the value found at "field".
d The dictionary instance.
key The key associated with the value to lookup.
ac The number of return values
av The return values
errstr An error message if an error code was returned. Optional, pass NULL if you don't want it.


A Max error code. t_max_err dictionary_getatom ( C74_CONST t_dictionary ∗ d, t_symbol ∗ key, t_atom ∗ value )

Copy a t_atom from the dictionary.

d The dictionary instance.
key The key associated with the value to lookup.
value The address of variable to hold the value associated with the key.


A Max error code. t_max_err dictionary_getatomarray ( C74_CONST t_dictionary ∗ d, t_symbol ∗ key, t_object ∗∗ value )

Retrieve a t_atomarray pointer from the dictionary.


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264 Module Documentation

d The dictionary instance.

key The key associated with the value to lookup.
value The address of variable to hold the value associated with the key.


A Max error code. t_max_err dictionary_getatoms ( C74_CONST t_dictionary ∗ d, t_symbol ∗ key, long ∗ argc, t_atom ∗∗ argv

Retrieve the address of a t_atom array of in the dictionary.

The retrieved pointer references the t_atoms in the dictionary. To fetch a copy of the t_atoms from the dictionary,
use dictionary_copyatoms().
d The dictionary instance.
key The key associated with the value to lookup.
argc The address of a variable to hold the number of atoms in the array.
argv The address of a variable to hold a pointer to the first atom in the array.


A Max error code.

See also

dictionary_getatoms_ext() t_max_err dictionary_getatoms_ext ( const t_dictionary ∗ d, t_symbol ∗ key, long stringstosymbols, long ∗
argc, t_atom ∗∗ argv )

Retrieve the address of a t_atom array in the dictionary.

The retrieved pointer references the t_atoms in the dictionary. Optionally convert strings to symbols. To fetch a copy
of the t_atoms from the dictionary, use dictionary_copyatoms().
d The dictionary instance.
key The key associated with the value to lookup.
stringstosymbols The flag to convert strings to symbols (true,false).
argc The address of a variable to hold the number of atoms in the array.
argv The address of a variable to hold a pointer to the first atom in the array.


A Max error code.

See also


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36.8 Dictionary 265 t_max_err dictionary_getdefatom ( const t_dictionary ∗ d, t_symbol ∗ key, t_atom ∗ value, t_atom ∗ def )

Retrieve a t_atom∗ from the dictionary.

If the named key doesn't exist, then return a specified default value.
d The dictionary instance.
key The key associated with the value to lookup.
value The address of variable to hold the value associated with the key.
def The default value to return in the absence of the key existing in the dictionary.


A Max error code.

See also

dictionary_getatom() t_max_err dictionary_getdefatoms ( t_dictionary ∗ d, t_symbol ∗ key, long ∗ argc, t_atom ∗∗ argv, t_atom
∗ def )

Retrieve the address of a t_atom array of in the dictionary.

The retrieved pointer references the t_atoms in the dictionary. To fetch a copy of the t_atoms from the dictionary,
use dictionary_copyatoms(). If the named key doesn't exist, then return a default array of atoms, specified as a
d The dictionary instance.
key The key associated with the value to lookup.
argc The address of a variable to hold the number of atoms in the array.
argv The address of a variable to hold a pointer to the first atom in the array.
def The default values specified as an instance of the t_atomarray object.


A Max error code.

See also

dictionary_copydefatoms() t_max_err dictionary_getdeffloat ( const t_dictionary ∗ d, t_symbol ∗ key, double ∗ value, double def )

Retrieve a double-precision float from the dictionary.

If the named key doesn't exist, then return a specified default value.
d The dictionary instance.
key The key associated with the value to lookup.
value The address of variable to hold the value associated with the key.
def The default value to return in the absence of the key existing in the dictionary.

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266 Module Documentation


A Max error code.

See also

dictionary_getfloat() t_max_err dictionary_getdeflong ( const t_dictionary ∗ d, t_symbol ∗ key, t_atom_long ∗ value,

t_atom_long def )

Retrieve a long integer from the dictionary.

If the named key doesn't exist, then return a specified default value.
d The dictionary instance.
key The key associated with the value to lookup.
value The address of variable to hold the value associated with the key.
def The default value to return in the absence of the key existing in the dictionary.


A Max error code.

See also

dictionary_getlong() t_max_err dictionary_getdefstring ( const t_dictionary ∗ d, t_symbol ∗ key, const char ∗∗ value, char ∗ def )

Retrieve a C-string from the dictionary.

If the named key doesn't exist, then return a specified default value.
d The dictionary instance.
key The key associated with the value to lookup.
value The address of variable to hold the value associated with the key.
def The default value to return in the absence of the key existing in the dictionary.


A Max error code.

See also

dictionary_getstring() t_max_err dictionary_getdefsym ( const t_dictionary ∗ d, t_symbol ∗ key, t_symbol ∗∗ value, t_symbol ∗
def )

Retrieve a t_symbol∗ from the dictionary.

If the named key doesn't exist, then return a specified default value.

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36.8 Dictionary 267

d The dictionary instance.
key The key associated with the value to lookup.
value The address of variable to hold the value associated with the key.
def The default value to return in the absence of the key existing in the dictionary.


A Max error code.

See also

dictionary_getsym() t_max_err dictionary_getdictionary ( C74_CONST t_dictionary ∗ d, t_symbol ∗ key, t_object ∗∗ value )

Retrieve a t_dictionary pointer from the dictionary.

d The dictionary instance.
key The key associated with the value to lookup.
value The address of variable to hold the value associated with the key.


A Max error code. t_atom_long dictionary_getentrycount ( C74_CONST t_dictionary ∗ d )

Return the number of keys in a dictionary.

d The dictionary instance.


The number of keys in the dictionary. t_max_err dictionary_getfloat ( C74_CONST t_dictionary ∗ d, t_symbol ∗ key, double ∗ value )

Retrieve a double-precision float from the dictionary.

d The dictionary instance.
key The key associated with the value to lookup.
value The address of variable to hold the value associated with the key.


A Max error code.

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268 Module Documentation t_max_err dictionary_getkeys ( C74_CONST t_dictionary ∗ d, long ∗ numkeys, t_symbol ∗∗∗ keys )

Retrieve all of the key names stored in a dictionary.

The numkeys and keys parameters should be initialized to zero. The dictionary_getkeys() method will allocate
memory for the keys it returns. You are then responsible for freeing this memory using dictionary_freekeys(). You
must use dictionary_freekeys(), not some other method for freeing the memory.
d The dictionary instance.
numkeys The address of a long where the number of keys retrieved will be set.
keys The address of the first of an array t_symbol pointers where the retrieved keys will be set.


A max error code.


The following example demonstrates fetching all of the keys from a dictionary named 'd' in order to iterate
through each item stored in the dictionary.

1 t_symbol **keys = NULL;

2 long numkeys = 0;
3 long i;
4 t_object *anItem;
6 dictionary_getkeys(d, &numkeys, &keys);
7 for(i=0; i<numkeys; i++){
8 // do something with the keys...
9 }
10 if(keys)
11 dictionary_freekeys(d, numkeys, keys);

See also

dictionary_freekeys() t_max_err dictionary_getlong ( C74_CONST t_dictionary ∗ d, t_symbol ∗ key, t_atom_long ∗ value )

Retrieve a long integer from the dictionary.

d The dictionary instance.
key The key associated with the value to lookup.
value The address of variable to hold the value associated with the key.


A Max error code. t_max_err dictionary_getobject ( C74_CONST t_dictionary ∗ d, t_symbol ∗ key, t_object ∗∗ value )

Retrieve a t_object pointer from the dictionary.

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36.8 Dictionary 269

d The dictionary instance.
key The key associated with the value to lookup.
value The address of variable to hold the value associated with the key.


A Max error code. t_max_err dictionary_getstring ( C74_CONST t_dictionary ∗ d, t_symbol ∗ key, const char ∗∗ value )

Retrieve a C-string pointer from the dictionary.

The retrieved pointer references the string in the dictionary, it is not a copy.
d The dictionary instance.
key The key associated with the value to lookup.
value The address of variable to hold the value associated with the key.


A Max error code. t_max_err dictionary_getsym ( C74_CONST t_dictionary ∗ d, t_symbol ∗ key, t_symbol ∗∗ value )

Retrieve a t_symbol∗ from the dictionary.

d The dictionary instance.
key The key associated with the value to lookup.
value The address of variable to hold the value associated with the key.


A Max error code. long dictionary_hasentry ( C74_CONST t_dictionary ∗ d, t_symbol ∗ key )

Test a key to set if it exists in the dictionary.

d The dictionary instance.
key The key associated with the value to test.


Returns true if the key exists, otherwise returns false.

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270 Module Documentation t_dictionary∗ dictionary_new ( void )

Create a new dictionary object.

You can free the dictionary by calling object_free(). However, you should keep in mind the guidelines provided in
When to Free a Dictionary.


Pointer to the new dictionary object.

See also

object_free() t_max_err dictionary_read ( char ∗ filename, short path, t_dictionary ∗∗ d )

Read the specified JSON file and return a t_dictionary object.

You are responsible for freeing the dictionary with object_free(), subject to the caveats explained in When to Free a
filename The name of the file.
path The path of the file.
d The address of a t_dictionary pointer that will be set to the newly created dictionary.


A Max error code t_max_err dictionary_read_yaml ( const char ∗ filename, const short path, t_dictionary ∗∗ d )

Read the specified YAML file and return a t_dictionary object.

You are responsible for freeing the dictionary with object_free(), subject to the caveats explained in When to Free a
filename The name of the file.
path The path of the file.
d The address of a t_dictionary pointer that will be set to the newly created dictionary.


A Max error code t_dictionary∗ dictionary_sprintf ( C74_CONST char ∗ fmt, ... )

Create a new dictionary populated with values using a combination of attribute and sprintf syntax.

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36.8 Dictionary 271

fmt An sprintf-style format string specifying key-value pairs with attribute nomenclature.
... One or more arguments which are to be substituted into the format string.


A new dictionary instance.


Max attribute syntax is used to define key-value pairs. For example,

1 "@key1 value @key2 another_value"

One common use of this to create dictionary that represents an element of a patcher, or even an entire patcher
itself. The example below creates a dictionary that can be passed to a function like newobject_fromdictionary()
to create a new object.
1 t_dictionary *d;
2 char text[4];
4 strncpy_zero(text, "foo", 4);
6 d = dictionary_sprintf("@maxclass comment @varname _name \
7 @text \"%s\" @patching_rect %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f \
8 @fontsize %f @textcolor %f %f %f 1.0 \
9 @fontname %s @bgcolor 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.",
10 text, 20.0, 20.0, 200.0, 24.0,
11 18, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, "Arial");
13 // do something with the dictionary here.
15 object_free(d);

See also

atom_setparse() t_max_err dictionary_write ( t_dictionary ∗ d, char ∗ filename, short path )

Serialize the specified t_dictionary object to a JSON file.

d The dictionary to serialize into JSON format and write to disk.
filename The name of the file to write.
path The path to which the file should be written.


A Max error code. t_max_err dictionary_write_yaml ( const t_dictionary ∗ d, const char ∗ filename, const short path )

Serialize the specified t_dictionary object to a YAML file.

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272 Module Documentation

d The dictionary to serialize into YAML format and write to disk.
filename The name of the file to write.
path The path to which the file should be written.


A Max error code. void postdictionary ( t_object ∗ d )

Print the contents of a dictionary to the Max window.

d A pointer to a dictionary object.

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36.9 Hash Table 273

36.9 Hash Table

A hash table is a data structure that associates some data with a unique key.
Collaboration diagram for Hash Table:

Data Storage Hash Table

Data Structures

• struct t_hashtab_entry
A hashtab entry.
• struct t_hashtab
The hashtab object.


Default number of slots in the hash table.


• BEGIN_USING_C_LINKAGE t_hashtab ∗ hashtab_new (long slotcount)

Create a new hashtab object.
• t_max_err hashtab_store (t_hashtab ∗x, t_symbol ∗key, t_object ∗val)
Store an item in a hashtab with an associated key.
• t_max_err hashtab_storelong (t_hashtab ∗x, t_symbol ∗key, t_atom_long val)
Store a t_atom_long value in a hashtab with an associated key.
• t_max_err hashtab_storesym (t_hashtab ∗x, t_symbol ∗key, t_symbol ∗val)
Store a t_symbol value in a hashtab with an associated key.
• t_max_err hashtab_store_safe (t_hashtab ∗x, t_symbol ∗key, t_object ∗val)
Store an item in a hashtab with an associated key.
• t_max_err hashtab_storeflags (t_hashtab ∗x, t_symbol ∗key, t_object ∗val, long flags)
Store an item in a hashtab with an associated key and also flags that define the behavior of the item.
• t_max_err hashtab_lookup (t_hashtab ∗x, t_symbol ∗key, t_object ∗∗val)
Return an item stored in a hashtab with the specified key.
• t_max_err hashtab_lookuplong (t_hashtab ∗x, t_symbol ∗key, t_atom_long ∗val)
Return a t_atom_long value stored in a hashtab with the specified key.
• t_max_err hashtab_lookupsym (t_hashtab ∗x, t_symbol ∗key, t_symbol ∗∗val)
Return a t_symbol value stored in a hashtab with the specified key.
• t_max_err hashtab_lookupflags (t_hashtab ∗x, t_symbol ∗key, t_object ∗∗val, long ∗flags)
Return an item stored in a hashtab with the specified key, also returning the items flags.
• t_max_err hashtab_delete (t_hashtab ∗x, t_symbol ∗key)
Remove an item from a hashtab associated with the specified key and free it.

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274 Module Documentation

• t_max_err hashtab_clear (t_hashtab ∗x)

Delete all items stored in a hashtab.
• t_max_err hashtab_chuckkey (t_hashtab ∗x, t_symbol ∗key)
Remove an item from a hashtab associated with a given key.
• t_max_err hashtab_chuck (t_hashtab ∗x)
Free a hashtab, but don't free the items it contains.
• t_max_err hashtab_findfirst (t_hashtab ∗x, void ∗∗o, long cmpfn(void ∗, void ∗), void ∗cmpdata)
Search the hash table for the first item meeting defined criteria.
• t_max_err hashtab_methodall (t_hashtab ∗x, t_symbol ∗s,...)
Call the named message on every object in the hashtab.
• t_max_err hashtab_funall (t_hashtab ∗x, method fun, void ∗arg)
Call the specified function for every item in the hashtab.
• t_atom_long hashtab_getsize (t_hashtab ∗x)
Return the number of items stored in a hashtab.
• void hashtab_print (t_hashtab ∗x)
Post a hashtab's statistics to the Max window.
• void hashtab_readonly (t_hashtab ∗x, long readonly)
Set the hashtab's readonly bit.
• void hashtab_flags (t_hashtab ∗x, long flags)
Set the hashtab's datastore flags.
• t_atom_long hashtab_getflags (t_hashtab ∗x)
Get the hashtab's datastore flags.
• t_max_err hashtab_keyflags (t_hashtab ∗x, t_symbol ∗key, long flags)
Change the flags for an item stored in the hashtab with a given key.
• t_atom_long hashtab_getkeyflags (t_hashtab ∗x, t_symbol ∗key)
Retrieve the flags for an item stored in the hashtab with a given key.
• t_max_err hashtab_getkeys (t_hashtab ∗x, long ∗kc, t_symbol ∗∗∗kv)
Retrieve all of the keys stored in a hashtab.

36.9.1 Detailed Description

A hash table is a data structure that associates some data with a unique key.
If you know the key, you can get back the data much more quickly than with a linked list, particularly as the number
of items stored grows larger. The Max hash table t_hashtab is optimized to work with symbol pointers as keys, but
you can use any pointer or number, as long as it is unique.
To create a t_hashtab, you use hashtab_new(). To add items, use hashtab_store(). To find items that have been
added, use hashtab_lookup().
By contrast with linked lists and arrays, hash tables do not have a strong sense of ordering. You can iterate through
all items using hashtab_funall(), but the exact order is not under your control as items are added and removed.
There is also no way to "sort" a hash table.
The following example creates a hashtab, shows how to add some data (in this case, just a number), look it up, and
delete the hashtab.

t_hashtab *tab = (t_hashtab *)hashtab_new(0);

long result, value;

hashtab_store(tab, gensym("a great number"), (t_object *)74);

result = hashtab_lookup(tab, gensym("a great number"), (

t_object **)value);

if (!result)
post("found the value and it is %ld",value);

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36.9 Hash Table 275

post("did not find the value");


Note that the Max t_dictionary used for managing patcher data is implemented internally using both a t_hashtab
and a t_linklist in parallel. The t_hashtab provides fast access, and the t_linklist provides sorting.

See also
Linked List

36.9.2 Macro Definition Documentation #define HASH_DEFSLOTS

Default number of slots in the hash table.

Creating a hashtab using hashtab_new() with an argument of 0 will use the default number of slots. Primes typically
work well for the number of slots.

36.9.3 Function Documentation t_max_err hashtab_chuck ( t_hashtab ∗ x )

Free a hashtab, but don't free the items it contains.

The hashtab can contain a variety of different types of data. By default, the hashtab assumes that all items are max
objects with a valid t_object header.
You can alter the hashtab's notion of what it contains by using the hashtab_flags() method.
When you free the hashtab by calling object_free() it then tries to free all of the items it contains. If the hashtab is
storing a custom type of data, or should otherwise not free the data it contains, then call hashtab_chuck() to free
the object instead of object_free().
x The hashtab object to be freed.


A max error code.

See also

object_free t_max_err hashtab_chuckkey ( t_hashtab ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ key )

Remove an item from a hashtab associated with a given key.

You are responsible for freeing any memory associated with the item that is removed from the hashtab.

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276 Module Documentation

x The hashtab instance.
key The key of the item to delete.


A Max error code.

See also

hashtab_delete t_max_err hashtab_clear ( t_hashtab ∗ x )

Delete all items stored in a hashtab.

This is the equivalent of calling hashtab_delete() on every item in a hashtab.


A max error code.

See also

hashtab_delete() t_max_err hashtab_delete ( t_hashtab ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ key )

Remove an item from a hashtab associated with the specified key and free it.
The hashtab can contain a variety of different types of data. By default, the hashtab assumes that all items are max
objects with a valid t_object header. Thus by default, it frees items by calling object_free() on them.
You can alter the hashtab's notion of what it contains by using the hashtab_flags() method.
If you wish to remove an item from the hashtab and free it yourself, then you should use hashtab_chuckkey().
x The hashtab instance.
key The key of the item to delete.


A Max error code.

See also

hashtab_flags() t_max_err hashtab_findfirst ( t_hashtab ∗ x, void ∗∗ o, long cmpfnvoid ∗, void ∗, void ∗ cmpdata )

Search the hash table for the first item meeting defined criteria.
The items in the hashtab are iteratively processed, calling a specified comparison function on each until the com-
parison function returns true.

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36.9 Hash Table 277

x The hashtab instance.
o The address to pointer that will be set with the matching item.
cmpfn The function used to determine a match in the list.
cmpdata An argument to be passed to the t_cmpfn. This will be passed as the second of the two args
to the t_cmpfn. The first arg will be the hashtab item at each iteration in the list.


A max error code.

See also

t_cmpfn void hashtab_flags ( t_hashtab ∗ x, long flags )

Set the hashtab's datastore flags.

The available flags are enumerated in e_max_datastore_flags. These flags control the behavior of the hashtab,
particularly when removing items from the list using functions such as hashtab_clear(), hashtab_delete(), or when
freeing the hashtab itself.
x The hashtab instance.
flags A valid value from the e_max_datastore_flags. The default is OBJ_FLAG_OBJ. t_max_err hashtab_funall ( t_hashtab ∗ x, method fun, void ∗ arg )

Call the specified function for every item in the hashtab.

x The hashtab instance.
fun The function to call, specified as function pointer cast to a Max method.
arg An argument that you would like to pass to the function being called.


A max error code.


The hashtab_funall() method will call your function for every item in the list. It will pass both a pointer to the
item in the list, and any argument that you provide. The following example shows a function that could be
called by hashtab_funall().
1 void myFun(t_hashtab_entry *e, void *myArg)
2 {
3 if (e->key && e->value) {
4 // do something with e->key, e->value, and myArg here as appropriate
5 }
6 }

Referenced by jit_class_addinterface(). t_atom_long hashtab_getflags ( t_hashtab ∗ x )

Get the hashtab's datastore flags.

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278 Module Documentation

x The hashtab instance.


The current state of the hashtab flags as enumerated in e_max_datastore_flags. t_atom_long hashtab_getkeyflags ( t_hashtab ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ key )

Retrieve the flags for an item stored in the hashtab with a given key.
x The hashtab instance.
key The key in the hashtab whose flags will be returned.


The flags for the given key.

See also

hashtab_store_flags() t_max_err hashtab_getkeys ( t_hashtab ∗ x, long ∗ kc, t_symbol ∗∗∗ kv )

Retrieve all of the keys stored in a hashtab.

If the kc and kv parameters are properly initialized to zero, then hashtab_getkeys() will allocate memory for the keys
it returns. You are then responsible for freeing this memory using sysmem_freeptr().
x The hashtab instance.
kc The address of a long where the number of keys retrieved will be set.
kv The address of the first of an array t_symbol pointers where the retrieved keys will be set.


A max error code.


The following example demonstrates fetching all of the keys from a hashtab in order to iterate through each
item stored in the hashtab.
1 t_symbol **keys = NULL;
2 long numKeys = 0;
3 long i;
4 t_object *anItem;
6 hashtab_getkeys(aHashtab, &numKeys, &keys);
7 for(i=0; i<numKeys; i++){
8 hashtab_lookup(aHashtab, keys[i], &anItem);
9 // Do something with anItem here...
10 }
11 if(keys)
12 sysmem_freeptr(keys); t_atom_long hashtab_getsize ( t_hashtab ∗ x )

Return the number of items stored in a hashtab.

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36.9 Hash Table 279

x The hashtab instance.


The number of items in the hash table. t_max_err hashtab_keyflags ( t_hashtab ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ key, long flags )

Change the flags for an item stored in the hashtab with a given key.
x The hashtab instance.
key The key in the hashtab whose flags will be changed.
flags One of the values listed in e_max_datastore_flags.


A Max error code.

See also

hashtab_store_flags() t_max_err hashtab_lookup ( t_hashtab ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ key, t_object ∗∗ val )

Return an item stored in a hashtab with the specified key.

x The hashtab instance.
key The key in the hashtab to fetch.
val The address of a pointer to which the fetched value will be assigned.


A Max error code.

See also

hashtab_store(), hashtab_lookuplong(), hashtab_lookupsym() t_max_err hashtab_lookupflags ( t_hashtab ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ key, t_object ∗∗ val, long ∗ flags )

Return an item stored in a hashtab with the specified key, also returning the items flags.
x The hashtab instance.
key The key in the hashtab to fetch.

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280 Module Documentation

val The address of a pointer to which the fetched value will be assigned.
flags The address of a value to which the fetched flags will be assigned.


A Max error code.

See also

hashtab_store_flags() t_max_err hashtab_lookuplong ( t_hashtab ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ key, t_atom_long ∗ val )

Return a t_atom_long value stored in a hashtab with the specified key.

x The hashtab instance.
key The key in the hashtab to fetch.
val A pointer to a t_atom_long to which the fetched value will be assigned.


A Max error code.

See also

hashtab_storelong(), hashtab_lookup(), hashtab_lookupsym() t_max_err hashtab_lookupsym ( t_hashtab ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ key, t_symbol ∗∗ val )

Return a t_symbol value stored in a hashtab with the specified key.

x The hashtab instance.
key The key in the hashtab to fetch.
val A pointer to the address of a t_symbol to which the fetched value will be assigned.


A Max error code.

See also

hashtab_storesym(), hashtab_lookup(), hashtab_lookuplong() t_max_err hashtab_methodall ( t_hashtab ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, ... )

Call the named message on every object in the hashtab.

The hashtab_methodall() function requires that all items in the hashtab are object instances with a valid t_object

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36.9 Hash Table 281

x The hashtab instance.
s The name of the message to send to the objects.
... Any arguments to be sent with the message.


A max error code.


Internally, this function uses object_method(), meaning that no errors will be posted if the message name does
not exist for the object. It also means that messages sent methods with A_GIMME definitions will need to be
given a symbol argument prior to the argc and argv array information. BEGIN_USING_C_LINKAGE t_hashtab∗ hashtab_new ( long slotcount )

Create a new hashtab object.

You can free the hashtab by calling object_free() on the hashtab's pointer, or by using hashtab_chuck().
slotcount The number of slots in the hash table. Prime numbers typically work well. Pass 0 to get the
default size.


Pointer to the new hashtab object.

See also


Referenced by jit_class_addinterface(). void hashtab_print ( t_hashtab ∗ x )

Post a hashtab's statistics to the Max window.

x The hashtab instance. void hashtab_readonly ( t_hashtab ∗ x, long readonly )

Set the hashtab's readonly bit.

By default the readonly bit is 0, indicating that it is threadsafe for both reading and writing. Setting the readonly bit
to 1 will disable the hashtab's theadsafety mechanism, increasing performance but at the expense of threadsafe
operation. Unless you can guarantee the threading context for a hashtab's use, you should leave this set to 0.

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282 Module Documentation

x The hashtab instance.
readonly A 1 or 0 for setting the readonly bit. t_max_err hashtab_store ( t_hashtab ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ key, t_object ∗ val )

Store an item in a hashtab with an associated key.

x The hashtab instance.
key The key in the hashtab with which to associate the value.
val The value to store.


A Max error code.

See also

hashtab_lookup(), hashtab_storesafe(), hashtab_storelong(), hashtab_storesym()

Referenced by jit_class_addinterface(). t_max_err hashtab_store_safe ( t_hashtab ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ key, t_object ∗ val )

Store an item in a hashtab with an associated key.

The difference between hashtab_store_safe() and hashtab_store() is what happens in the event of a collision in the
hash table. The normal hashtab_store() function will free the existing value at the collision location with sysmem←-
_freeptr() and then replaces it. This version doesn't try to free the existing value at the collision location, but instead
just over-writes it.
x The hashtab instance.
key The key in the hashtab with which to associate the value.
val The value to store.


A Max error code.

See also

hashtab_store() t_max_err hashtab_storeflags ( t_hashtab ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ key, t_object ∗ val, long flags )

Store an item in a hashtab with an associated key and also flags that define the behavior of the item.
The hashtab_store() method is the same as calling this method with the default (0) flags.

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36.9 Hash Table 283

x The hashtab instance.
key The key in the hashtab with which to associate the value.
val The value to store.
flags One of the values listed in e_max_datastore_flags.


A Max error code.

See also

hashtab_store() t_max_err hashtab_storelong ( t_hashtab ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ key, t_atom_long val )

Store a t_atom_long value in a hashtab with an associated key.

x The hashtab instance.
key The key in the hashtab with which to associate the value.
val The t_atom_long value to store.


A Max error code.

See also

hashtab_lookuplong(), hashtab_store(), hashtab_storesafe(), hashtab_storesym() t_max_err hashtab_storesym ( t_hashtab ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ key, t_symbol ∗ val )

Store a t_symbol value in a hashtab with an associated key.

x The hashtab instance.
key The key in the hashtab with which to associate the value.
val The t_symbol pointer to store.


A Max error code.

See also

hashtab_lookupsym(), hashtab_store(), hashtab_storesafe(), hashtab_storelong()

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284 Module Documentation

36.10 Index Map

An indexmap is basically a managed array of pointers, but it allows you to derive relatively quickly the index from a
pointer in the array.
Collaboration diagram for Index Map:

Data Storage Index Map

Data Structures

• struct t_indexmap_entry
An indexmap element.
• struct t_indexmap
An indexmap object.


• t_indexmap ∗ indexmap_new (void)

Create a new indexmap object.
• void indexmap_append (t_indexmap ∗x, void ∗data)
Add an item to an indexmap.
• t_max_err indexmap_move (t_indexmap ∗x, void ∗data, long newindex)
Move an item to a different position in an indexmap.
• t_max_err indexmap_delete (t_indexmap ∗x, void ∗data)
Delete a specified item from an indexmap.
• t_max_err indexmap_delete_index (t_indexmap ∗x, long index)
Delete an item from the indexmap by index.
• t_max_err indexmap_delete_multi (t_indexmap ∗x, long count, void ∗∗pdata)
Delete multiple specified items from an indexmap.
• t_max_err indexmap_delete_index_multi (t_indexmap ∗x, long count, long ∗indices)
Delete multiple items from an indexmap by index.
• void ∗ indexmap_datafromindex (t_indexmap ∗x, long index)
Get an item from an indexmap by index.
• t_max_err indexmap_indexfromdata (t_indexmap ∗x, void ∗data, long ∗index)
Find the index of an item given a pointer to the item.
• long indexmap_getsize (t_indexmap ∗x)
Return the number of items in an indexmap.
• void indexmap_clear (t_indexmap ∗x)
Delete all items in an indexmap.
• void indexmap_sort (t_indexmap ∗x, t_cmpfn fn)
Sort the items in an indexmap.

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36.10 Index Map 285

36.10.1 Detailed Description

An indexmap is basically a managed array of pointers, but it allows you to derive relatively quickly the index from a
pointer in the array.
The index is assumed to be 0-N (where N is the current size of the array). You can sort the data and retain access
to an index from the data relatively quickly. There is a hashtab which holds pieces of memory that hold indices
that can be referenced by the data pointer. There is also an array of data pointers – this is in "index" order. When
operations take place on the array (insert, delete, sort), the pointers in the hashtab are updated with new indices.

36.10.2 Function Documentation void indexmap_append ( t_indexmap ∗ x, void ∗ data )

Add an item to an indexmap.

x The indexmap instance.
data The item to add. void indexmap_clear ( t_indexmap ∗ x )

Delete all items in an indexmap.

x The indexmap instance. void∗ indexmap_datafromindex ( t_indexmap ∗ x, long index )

Get an item from an indexmap by index.

x The indexmap instance.
index The index from which to fetch a stored item.


The item stored at the specified index. t_max_err indexmap_delete ( t_indexmap ∗ x, void ∗ data )

Delete a specified item from an indexmap.

x The indexmap instance.
data The item pointer to remove from the indexmap.


A Max error code.

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286 Module Documentation t_max_err indexmap_delete_index ( t_indexmap ∗ x, long index )

Delete an item from the indexmap by index.

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36.10 Index Map 287

x The indexmap instance.
index The index of the item to remove from the indexmap.


A Max error code. t_max_err indexmap_delete_index_multi ( t_indexmap ∗ x, long count, long ∗ indices )

Delete multiple items from an indexmap by index.

x The indexmap instance.
count The number of items to remove from the indexmap.
indices The address of the first of an array of index numbers to remove the indexmap.


A Max error code. t_max_err indexmap_delete_multi ( t_indexmap ∗ x, long count, void ∗∗ pdata )

Delete multiple specified items from an indexmap.

x The indexmap instance.
count The number of items to remove from the indexmap.
pdata The address of the first of an array of item pointers to remove from the indexmap.


A Max error code. long indexmap_getsize ( t_indexmap ∗ x )

Return the number of items in an indexmap.

x The indexmap instance.


The number of items in the indexmap. t_max_err indexmap_indexfromdata ( t_indexmap ∗ x, void ∗ data, long ∗ index )

Find the index of an item given a pointer to the item.

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288 Module Documentation

x The indexmap instance.
data The item whose index you wish to look up.
index The address of a variable to hold the retrieved index.


A Max error code. t_max_err indexmap_move ( t_indexmap ∗ x, void ∗ data, long newindex )

Move an item to a different position in an indexmap.

x The indexmap instance.
data The item in the indexmap to move.
newindex The new index to which to move the item.


A Max error code. t_indexmap∗ indexmap_new ( void )

Create a new indexmap object.


Pointer to the new indexmap object. void indexmap_sort ( t_indexmap ∗ x, t_cmpfn fn )

Sort the items in an indexmap.

Item are sorted using a t_cmpfn function that is passed in as an argument.
x The indexmap instance.
fn The function used to sort the list.

See also


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36.11 Linked List 289

36.11 Linked List

The Max t_linklist data structure is useful for maintaining ordered lists of items where you want to be able to insert
and delete items efficiently.
Collaboration diagram for Linked List:

Data Storage Linked List

Data Structures

• struct t_llelem
A linklist element.
• struct t_linklist
The linklist object.


• BEGIN_USING_C_LINKAGE t_linklist ∗ linklist_new (void)

Create a new linklist object.
• void linklist_chuck (t_linklist ∗x)
Free a linklist, but don't free the items it contains.
• t_atom_long linklist_getsize (t_linklist ∗x)
Return the number of items in a linklist object.
• void ∗ linklist_getindex (t_linklist ∗x, long index)
Return the item stored in a linklist at a specified index.
• t_atom_long linklist_objptr2index (t_linklist ∗x, void ∗p)
Return an item's index, given the item itself.
• t_atom_long linklist_append (t_linklist ∗x, void ∗o)
Add an item to the end of the list.
• t_atom_long linklist_insertindex (t_linklist ∗x, void ∗o, long index)
Insert an item into the list at the specified index.
• long linklist_insert_sorted (t_linklist ∗x, void ∗o, long cmpfn(void ∗, void ∗))
Insert an item into the list, keeping the list sorted according to a specified comparison function.
• t_llelem ∗ linklist_insertafterobjptr (t_linklist ∗x, void ∗o, void ∗objptr)
Insert an item into the list after another specified item.
• t_llelem ∗ linklist_insertbeforeobjptr (t_linklist ∗x, void ∗o, void ∗objptr)
Insert an item into the list before another specified item.
• t_llelem ∗ linklist_moveafterobjptr (t_linklist ∗x, void ∗o, void ∗objptr)
Move an existing item in the list to a position after another specified item in the list.
• t_llelem ∗ linklist_movebeforeobjptr (t_linklist ∗x, void ∗o, void ∗objptr)
Move an existing item in the list to a position before another specified item in the list.
• t_atom_long linklist_deleteindex (t_linklist ∗x, long index)
Remove the item from the list at the specified index and free it.

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290 Module Documentation

• long linklist_chuckindex (t_linklist ∗x, long index)

Remove the item from the list at the specified index.
• long linklist_chuckobject (t_linklist ∗x, void ∗o)
Remove the specified item from the list.
• long linklist_deleteobject (t_linklist ∗x, void ∗o)
Delete the specified item from the list.
• void linklist_clear (t_linklist ∗x)
Remove and free all items in the list.
• t_atom_long linklist_makearray (t_linklist ∗x, void ∗∗a, long max)
Retrieve linklist items as an array of pointers.
• void linklist_reverse (t_linklist ∗x)
Reverse the order of items in the linked-list.
• void linklist_rotate (t_linklist ∗x, long i)
Rotate items in the linked list in circular fashion.
• void linklist_shuffle (t_linklist ∗x)
Randomize the order of items in the linked-list.
• void linklist_swap (t_linklist ∗x, long a, long b)
Swap the position of two items in the linked-list, specified by index.
• t_atom_long linklist_findfirst (t_linklist ∗x, void ∗∗o, long cmpfn(void ∗, void ∗), void ∗cmpdata)
Search the linked list for the first item meeting defined criteria.
• void linklist_findall (t_linklist ∗x, t_linklist ∗∗out, long cmpfn(void ∗, void ∗), void ∗cmpdata)
Search the linked list for all items meeting defined criteria.
• void linklist_methodall (t_linklist ∗x, t_symbol ∗s,...)
Call the named message on every object in the linklist.
• void ∗ linklist_methodindex (t_linklist ∗x, t_atom_long i, t_symbol ∗s,...)
Call the named message on an object specified by index.
• void linklist_sort (t_linklist ∗x, long cmpfn(void ∗, void ∗))
Sort the linked list.
• void linklist_funall (t_linklist ∗x, method fun, void ∗arg)
Call the specified function for every item in the linklist.
• t_atom_long linklist_funall_break (t_linklist ∗x, method fun, void ∗arg)
Call the specified function for every item in the linklist.
• void ∗ linklist_funindex (t_linklist ∗x, long i, method fun, void ∗arg)
Call the specified function for an item specified by index.
• void ∗ linklist_substitute (t_linklist ∗x, void ∗p, void ∗newp)
Given an item in the list, replace it with a different value.
• void ∗ linklist_next (t_linklist ∗x, void ∗p, void ∗∗next)
Given an item in the list, find the next item.
• void ∗ linklist_prev (t_linklist ∗x, void ∗p, void ∗∗prev)
Given an item in the list, find the previous item.
• void ∗ linklist_last (t_linklist ∗x, void ∗∗item)
Return the last item (the tail) in the linked-list.
• void linklist_readonly (t_linklist ∗x, long readonly)
Set the linklist's readonly bit.
• void linklist_flags (t_linklist ∗x, long flags)
Set the linklist's datastore flags.
• t_atom_long linklist_getflags (t_linklist ∗x)
Get the linklist's datastore flags.
• long linklist_match (void ∗a, void ∗b)
A linklist comparison method that determines if two item pointers are equal.

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36.11 Linked List 291

36.11.1 Detailed Description

The Max t_linklist data structure is useful for maintaining ordered lists of items where you want to be able to insert
and delete items efficiently.
Random access of individual items, however, gets appreciably slower as the list grows in size. The t_linklist is
thread-safe by default, but thread safety can be turned off for performance benefits in single-threaded applica-
tions. However, ensure that your use of the linked list is truly single-threaded (based on an understanding of Max's
Threading model) before turning off the thread safety features.
By default, the t_linklist holds pointers to Max objects. However, you can treat what the linklist holds as data rather
than objects to be freed by using the linklist_flags() function.
Here is a simple example of the use of t_linklist. The code below stores five symbols, sorts them, searches for a
specific item, deletes an item, prints all items, and then frees the entire structure. Since symbols in Max are never
freed, linklist_flags() is used to specify that data, rather than object pointers, are being stored.

void mylistfun()
t_linklist *list;

list = (t_linklist *)linklist_new();

linklist_flags(list, OBJ_FLAG_DATA);

// add some data

linklist_append(list, gensym("one"));
linklist_append(list, gensym("two"));
linklist_append(list, gensym("three"));
linklist_append(list, gensym("four"));
linklist_append(list, gensym("five"));

// sort
linklist_sort(list, (t_cmpfn)mysortfun);

// search
index = linklist_findfirst(list, &found, mysearchfun,
gensym("four")); // find the "four" symbol
if (index != -1) // found
linklist_chuckindex(list, index);

// iterate
linklist_funall(list, myprintfun, NULL);

// delete

The sorting function compares two items in the list and returns non-zero if the first one should go before the second

long mysortfun(void *a, void *b)

t_symbol *sa = (t_symbol *)a;
t_symbol *sb = (t_symbol *)b;

return strcmp(sa->s_name, sb->s_name) > 0;


The search function is passed the final argument to linklist_findfirst() and, in this case, just returns the symbol
that matches, which is just testing for pointer equivalence since all Max symbols are unique. You could do more
sophisticated searching if you store more complex data in a linklist.

long mysearchfun(t_symbol *elem, t_symbol *match)

return elem == match;

The iteration function takes some action on all items in the list. The third argument to linklist_funall() is passed as
the second argument to your iteration function. In this example, we don't do anything with it.

void myprintfun(t_symbol *item, void *dummy)


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292 Module Documentation

See also

36.11.2 Function Documentation t_atom_long linklist_append ( t_linklist ∗ x, void ∗ o )

Add an item to the end of the list.

x The linklist instance.
o The item pointer to append to the linked-list.


The updated size of the linklist after appending the new item, or -1 if the append failed.

Referenced by jit_linklist_append(). void linklist_chuck ( t_linklist ∗ x )

Free a linklist, but don't free the items it contains.

The linklist can contain a variety of different types of data. By default, the linklist assumes that all items are max
objects with a valid t_object header.
You can alter the linklist's notion of what it contains by using the linklist_flags() method.
When you free the linklist by calling object_free() it then tries to free all of the items it contains. If the linklist is storing
a custom type of data, or should otherwise not free the data it contains, then call linklist_chuck() to free the object
instead of object_free().
x The linklist object to be freed.

See also


Referenced by jit_linklist_chuck(), and jit_linklist_findcount(). long linklist_chuckindex ( t_linklist ∗ x, long index )

Remove the item from the list at the specified index.

You are responsible for freeing any memory associated with the item that is removed from the linklist.
x The linklist instance.
index The index of the item to remove.


Returns MAX_ERR_NONE on successful removal, otherwise returns MAX_ERR_GENERIC

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36.11 Linked List 293

See also


Referenced by jit_linklist_chuckindex(). long linklist_chuckobject ( t_linklist ∗ x, void ∗ o )

Remove the specified item from the list.

You are responsible for freeing any memory associated with the item that is removed from the linklist.
x The linklist instance.
o The pointer to the item to remove.

See also

linklist_deleteobject void linklist_clear ( t_linklist ∗ x )

Remove and free all items in the list.

Freeing items in the list is subject to the same rules as linklist_deleteindex(). You can alter the linklist's notion of
what it contains, and thus how items are freed, by using the linklist_flags() method.
x The linklist instance.

Referenced by jit_linklist_clear(), and jit_linklist_free(). t_atom_long linklist_deleteindex ( t_linklist ∗ x, long index )

Remove the item from the list at the specified index and free it.
The linklist can contain a variety of different types of data. By default, the linklist assumes that all items are max
objects with a valid t_object header. Thus by default, it frees items by calling object_free() on them.
You can alter the linklist's notion of what it contains by using the linklist_flags() method.
If you wish to remove an item from the linklist and free it yourself, then you should use linklist_chuckptr().
x The linklist instance.
index The index of the item to delete.


Returns the index number of the item delted, or -1 if the operation failed.

See also


Referenced by jit_linklist_deleteindex().

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

294 Module Documentation long linklist_deleteobject ( t_linklist ∗ x, void ∗ o )

Delete the specified item from the list.

The object is removed from the list and deleted. The deletion is done with respect to any flags passed to linklist_←-
x The linklist instance.
o The pointer to the item to delete.

See also

linklist_chuckobject void linklist_findall ( t_linklist ∗ x, t_linklist ∗∗ out, long cmpfnvoid ∗, void ∗, void ∗ cmpdata )

Search the linked list for all items meeting defined criteria.
The items in the list are traversed, calling a specified comparison function on each, and returning the matches in
another linklist.
x The linklist instance.
out The address to a t_linklist pointer. You should initialize the pointer to NULL before calling
linklist_findall(). A new linklist will be created internally by linklist_findall() and returned here.
cmpfn The function used to determine a match in the list.
cmpdata An argument to be passed to the t_cmpfn. This will be passed as the second of the two args
to the t_cmpfn. The first arg will be the linklist item at each iteration in the list.


The following example assumes you have a linklist called myLinkList, and t_cmpfn called myCmpFunction,
and some sort of data to match in someCriteria.

1 t_linklist *results = NULL;

3 linklist_findall(myLinkList, &results, myCmpFunction, (void *)someCriteria);
4 // do something here with the ’results’ linklist
5 // then free the results linklist
6 linklist_chuck(results);

See also


Referenced by jit_linklist_findall(), and jit_linklist_findcount(). t_atom_long linklist_findfirst ( t_linklist ∗ x, void ∗∗ o, long cmpfnvoid ∗, void ∗, void ∗ cmpdata )

Search the linked list for the first item meeting defined criteria.
The items in the list are traversed, calling a specified comparison function on each until the comparison function
returns true.

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36.11 Linked List 295

x The linklist instance.
o The address to pointer that will be set with the matching item.
cmpfn The function used to determine a match in the list.
cmpdata An argument to be passed to the t_cmpfn. This will be passed as the second of the two args
to the t_cmpfn. The first arg will be the linklist item at each iteration in the list.


The index of the matching item, or -1 if no match is found.


The following shows how to manually do what linklist_chuckobject() does.

1 void *obj;
2 long index;
4 index = linklist_findfirst(x, &obj, #linklist_match, o);
5 if(index != -1)
6 linklist_chuckindex(x, index);

See also


Referenced by jit_linklist_findfirst(). void linklist_flags ( t_linklist ∗ x, long flags )

Set the linklist's datastore flags.

The available flags are enumerated in e_max_datastore_flags. These flags control the behavior of the linklist,
particularly when removing items from the list using functions such as linklist_clear(), linklist_deleteindex(), or when
freeing the linklist itself.
x The linklist instance.
flags A valid value from the e_max_datastore_flags. The default is OBJ_FLAG_OBJ. void linklist_funall ( t_linklist ∗ x, method fun, void ∗ arg )

Call the specified function for every item in the linklist.

x The linklist instance.
fun The function to call, specified as function pointer cast to a Max method.
arg An argument that you would like to pass to the function being called.


The linklist_funall() method will call your function for every item in the list. It will pass both a pointer to the item
in the list, and any argument that you provide. The following example shows a function that could be called by
1 void myFun(t_object *myObj, void *myArg)
2 {
3 // do something with myObj and myArg here
4 // myObj is the item in the linklist
5 }

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296 Module Documentation t_atom_long linklist_funall_break ( t_linklist ∗ x, method fun, void ∗ arg )

Call the specified function for every item in the linklist.

The iteration through the list will halt if the function returns a non-zero value.
x The linklist instance.
fun The function to call, specified as function pointer cast to a Max method.
arg An argument that you would like to pass to the function being called.


The linklist_funall() method will call your function for every item in the list. It will pass both a pointer to the item
in the list, and any argument that you provide. The following example shows a function that could be called by
1 long myFun(t_symbol *myListItemSymbol, void *myArg)
2 {
3 // this function is called by a linklist that contains symbols for its items
4 if(myListItemSymbol == gensym("")){
5 error("empty symbol -- aborting linklist traversal")
6 return 1;
7 }
8 else{
9 // do something with the symbol
10 return 0;
11 }
12 } void∗ linklist_funindex ( t_linklist ∗ x, long i, method fun, void ∗ arg )

Call the specified function for an item specified by index.

x The linklist instance.
i The index of the item to which to send the message.
fun The function to call, specified as function pointer cast to a Max method.
arg An argument that you would like to pass to the function being called.


The linklist_funindex() method will call your function for an item in the list. It will pass both a pointer to the item
in the list, and any argument that you provide. The following example shows a function that could be called by

1 void myFun(t_object *myObj, void *myArg)

2 {
3 // do something with myObj and myArg here
4 // myObj is the item in the linklist
5 } t_atom_long linklist_getflags ( t_linklist ∗ x )

Get the linklist's datastore flags.


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36.11 Linked List 297

x The linklist instance.


The current state of the linklist flags as enumerated in e_max_datastore_flags. void∗ linklist_getindex ( t_linklist ∗ x, long index )

Return the item stored in a linklist at a specified index.

x The linklist instance.
index The index in the linklist to fetch. Indices are zero-based.


The item from the linklist stored at index. If there is no item at the index, NULL is returned

Referenced by jit_linklist_getindex(). t_atom_long linklist_getsize ( t_linklist ∗ x )

Return the number of items in a linklist object.

x The linklist instance.


The number of items in the linklist object.

Referenced by jit_linklist_findcount(), and jit_linklist_getsize(). long linklist_insert_sorted ( t_linklist ∗ x, void ∗ o, long cmpfnvoid ∗, void ∗ )

Insert an item into the list, keeping the list sorted according to a specified comparison function.
x The linklist instance.
o The item pointer to insert.
cmpfn A comparison function by which the list should be sorted.


The index of the new item in the linklist, or -1 if the insert failed. t_llelem∗ linklist_insertafterobjptr ( t_linklist ∗ x, void ∗ o, void ∗ objptr )

Insert an item into the list after another specified item.

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298 Module Documentation

x The linklist instance.
o The item pointer to insert.
objptr The item pointer after which to insert in the list.


An opaque linklist element. t_llelem∗ linklist_insertbeforeobjptr ( t_linklist ∗ x, void ∗ o, void ∗ objptr )

Insert an item into the list before another specified item.

x The linklist instance.
o The item pointer to insert.
objptr The item pointer before which to insert in the list.


An opaque linklist element. t_atom_long linklist_insertindex ( t_linklist ∗ x, void ∗ o, long index )

Insert an item into the list at the specified index.

x The linklist instance.
o The item pointer to insert.
index The index at which to insert. Index 0 is the head of the list.


The index of the item in the linklist, or -1 if the insert failed.

Referenced by jit_linklist_insertindex(). void∗ linklist_last ( t_linklist ∗ x, void ∗∗ item )

Return the last item (the tail) in the linked-list.

x The linklist instance.
item The address of pointer in which to store the last item in the linked-list.


always returns NULL t_atom_long linklist_makearray ( t_linklist ∗ x, void ∗∗ a, long max )

Retrieve linklist items as an array of pointers.

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36.11 Linked List 299

x The linklist instance.
a The address of the first pointer in the array to fill.
max The number of pointers in the array.


The number of items from the list actually returned in the array.

Referenced by jit_linklist_makearray(). long linklist_match ( void ∗ a, void ∗ b )

A linklist comparison method that determines if two item pointers are equal.
a The first item to compare.
b The second item to compare.


Returns 1 if the items are equal, otherwise 0.

See also

t_cmpfn void linklist_methodall ( t_linklist ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, ... )

Call the named message on every object in the linklist.

The linklist_methodall() function requires that all items in the linklist are object instances with a valid t_object header.
x The linklist instance.
s The name of the message to send to the objects.
... Any arguments to be sent with the message.


Internally, this function uses object_method(), meaning that no errors will be posted if the message name does
not exist for the object. It also means that messages sent methods with A_GIMME definitions will need to be
given a symbol argument prior to the argc and argv array information.

Referenced by jit_linklist_methodall(). void∗ linklist_methodindex ( t_linklist ∗ x, t_atom_long i, t_symbol ∗ s, ... )

Call the named message on an object specified by index.

The item must be an object instance with a valid t_object header.

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300 Module Documentation

x The linklist instance.
i The index of the item to which to send the message.
s The name of the message to send to the objects.
... Any arguments to be sent with the message.


Internally, this function uses object_method(), meaning that no errors will be posted if the message name does
not exist for the object. It also means that messages sent methods with A_GIMME definitions will need to be
given a symbol argument prior to the argc and argv array information.

Referenced by jit_linklist_methodindex(). t_llelem∗ linklist_moveafterobjptr ( t_linklist ∗ x, void ∗ o, void ∗ objptr )

Move an existing item in the list to a position after another specified item in the list.
x The linklist instance.
o The item pointer to insert.
objptr The item pointer after which to move o in the list.


An opaque linklist element. t_llelem∗ linklist_movebeforeobjptr ( t_linklist ∗ x, void ∗ o, void ∗ objptr )

Move an existing item in the list to a position before another specified item in the list.
x The linklist instance.
o The item pointer to insert.
objptr The item pointer before which to move o in the list.


An opaque linklist element. BEGIN_USING_C_LINKAGE t_linklist∗ linklist_new ( void )

Create a new linklist object.

You can free the linklist by calling object_free() on the linklist's pointer, or by using linklist_chuck().


Pointer to the new linklist object.

See also


Referenced by jit_linklist_new().

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36.11 Linked List 301 void∗ linklist_next ( t_linklist ∗ x, void ∗ p, void ∗∗ next )

Given an item in the list, find the next item.

This provides an means for walking the list.
x The linklist instance.
p An item in the list.
next The address of a pointer to set with the next item in the list. t_atom_long linklist_objptr2index ( t_linklist ∗ x, void ∗ p )

Return an item's index, given the item itself.

x The linklist instance.
p The item pointer to search for in the linklist.


The index of the item given in the linklist. If the item is not in the linklist MAX_ERR_GENERIC is returned.

Referenced by jit_linklist_objptr2index(). void∗ linklist_prev ( t_linklist ∗ x, void ∗ p, void ∗∗ prev )

Given an item in the list, find the previous item.

This provides an means for walking the list.
x The linklist instance.
p An item in the list.
prev The address of a pointer to set with the previous item in the list. void linklist_readonly ( t_linklist ∗ x, long readonly )

Set the linklist's readonly bit.

By default the readonly bit is 0, indicating that it is threadsafe for both reading and writing. Setting the readonly
bit to 1 will disable the linklist's theadsafety mechanism, increasing performance but at the expense of threadsafe
operation. Unless you can guarantee the threading context for a linklist's use, you should leave this set to 0.
x The linklist instance.
readonly A 1 or 0 for setting the readonly bit. void linklist_reverse ( t_linklist ∗ x )

Reverse the order of items in the linked-list.

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302 Module Documentation

x The linklist instance.

Referenced by jit_linklist_reverse(). void linklist_rotate ( t_linklist ∗ x, long i )

Rotate items in the linked list in circular fashion.

x The linklist instance.
i The number of positions in the list to shift items.

Referenced by jit_linklist_rotate(). void linklist_shuffle ( t_linklist ∗ x )

Randomize the order of items in the linked-list.

x The linklist instance.

Referenced by jit_linklist_shuffle(). void linklist_sort ( t_linklist ∗ x, long cmpfnvoid ∗, void ∗ )

Sort the linked list.

The items in the list are ordered using a t_cmpfn function that is passed in as an argument.
x The linklist instance.
cmpfn The function used to sort the list.


The following is example is a real-world example of sorting a linklist of symbols alphabetically by first letter
only. First the cmpfn is defined, then it is used in a different function by linklist_sort().

1 long myAlphabeticalCmpfn(void *a, void *b)

2 {
3 t_symbol *s1 = (t_symbol *)a;
4 t_symbol *s2 = (t_symbol *)b;
6 if(s1->s_name[0] < s2->s_name[0])
7 return true;
8 else
9 return false;
10 }
12 void mySortMethod(t_myobj *x)
13 {
14 // the linklist was already created and filled with items previously
15 linklist_sort(x->myLinkList, myAlphabeticalCmpfn);
16 }

Referenced by jit_linklist_sort(). void∗ linklist_substitute ( t_linklist ∗ x, void ∗ p, void ∗ newp )

Given an item in the list, replace it with a different value.

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36.11 Linked List 303

x The linklist instance.
p An item in the list.
newp The new value.


Always returns NULL. void linklist_swap ( t_linklist ∗ x, long a, long b )

Swap the position of two items in the linked-list, specified by index.

x The linklist instance.
a The index of the first item to swap.
b The index of the second item to swap.

Referenced by jit_linklist_swap().

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304 Module Documentation

36.12 Quick Map

A quickmap implements a pair of t_hashtab hash tables so that it is fast to look up a unique value for a unique key
or vice-versa.
Collaboration diagram for Quick Map:

Data Storage Quick Map

Data Structures

• struct t_quickmap
The quickmap object.


• BEGIN_USING_C_LINKAGE void ∗ quickmap_new (void)

Create a new quickmap object.
• void quickmap_add (t_quickmap ∗x, void ∗p1, void ∗p2)
Add a pair of keys mapped to each other to the quickmap.
• void quickmap_drop (t_quickmap ∗x, void ∗p1, void ∗p2)
Drop a pair of keys mapped to each other in the quickmap.
• long quickmap_lookup_key1 (t_quickmap ∗x, void ∗p1, void ∗∗p2)
Given a (first) key, lookup the value (the second key).
• long quickmap_lookup_key2 (t_quickmap ∗x, void ∗p1, void ∗∗p2)
Given a (second) key, lookup the value (the first key).
• void quickmap_readonly (t_quickmap ∗x, long way)
Set the readonly flag of the quickmap's hash tables.

36.12.1 Detailed Description

A quickmap implements a pair of t_hashtab hash tables so that it is fast to look up a unique value for a unique key
or vice-versa.
This implies that both the keys and the values must be unique so that look-ups can be performed in both directions.

36.12.2 Function Documentation void quickmap_add ( t_quickmap ∗ x, void ∗ p1, void ∗ p2 )

Add a pair of keys mapped to each other to the quickmap.

Note that these are considered to be a t_symbol internally. This means that if you are mapping a t_symbol to a
t_object, for example, the t_object will not automatically be freed when you free the quickmap (unlike what happens
when you typically free a t_hashtab).

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36.12 Quick Map 305

x The quickmap instance.
p1 The (first) key.
p2 The value (or the second key).


A Max error code. void quickmap_drop ( t_quickmap ∗ x, void ∗ p1, void ∗ p2 )

Drop a pair of keys mapped to each other in the quickmap.

x The quickmap instance.
p1 The first key.
p2 The second key.


A Max error code. long quickmap_lookup_key1 ( t_quickmap ∗ x, void ∗ p1, void ∗∗ p2 )

Given a (first) key, lookup the value (the second key).

x The quickmap instance.
p1 The (first) key.
p2 The address of a pointer which will hold the resulting key upon return.


A Max error code. long quickmap_lookup_key2 ( t_quickmap ∗ x, void ∗ p1, void ∗∗ p2 )

Given a (second) key, lookup the value (the first key).

x The quickmap instance.
p1 The (second) key.
p2 The address of a pointer which will hold the resulting key upon return.


A Max error code. BEGIN_USING_C_LINKAGE void∗ quickmap_new ( void )

Create a new quickmap object.

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306 Module Documentation


Pointer to the new quickmap object. void quickmap_readonly ( t_quickmap ∗ x, long way )

Set the readonly flag of the quickmap's hash tables.

See hashtab_readonly() for more information about this.
x The quickmap instance.
way Set to true to make the quickmap readonly (disable thread protection) or false (the default) to
enable thread protection.

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36.13 String Object 307

36.13 String Object

Max's string object is a simple wrapper for c-strings, useful when working with Max's t_dictionary, t_linklist, or
Collaboration diagram for String Object:

Data Storage String Object

Data Structures

• struct t_string
The string object.


• t_string ∗ string_new (const char ∗psz)

Create a new string object.
• const char ∗ string_getptr (t_string ∗x)
Fetch a pointer to a string object's internal C-string.
• void string_reserve (t_string ∗x, long numbytes)
Reserve additional memory for future string growth.
• void string_append (t_string ∗x, const char ∗s)
Append a C-string onto the existing string maintained by a t_string object.
• void string_chop (t_string ∗x, long numchars)
Shorten a string by eliminating N characters from the end.

36.13.1 Detailed Description

Max's string object is a simple wrapper for c-strings, useful when working with Max's t_dictionary, t_linklist, or

See also


36.13.2 Function Documentation void string_append ( t_string ∗ x, const char ∗ s )

Append a C-string onto the existing string maintained by a t_string object.

Memory allocation for the string will grow as needed to hold the concatenated string.

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308 Module Documentation

x The string object instance.
s A string to append/concatenate with the existing string. void string_chop ( t_string ∗ x, long numchars )

Shorten a string by eliminating N characters from the end.

x The string object instance.
numchars The number of characters to chop from the end of the string. const char∗ string_getptr ( t_string ∗ x )

Fetch a pointer to a string object's internal C-string.

x The string object instance.


A pointer to the internally maintained C-string. t_string∗ string_new ( const char ∗ psz )

Create a new string object.

psz Pointer to a C-string that will be copied to memory internal to this string object instance.


The new string object instance pointer. void string_reserve ( t_string ∗ x, long numbytes )

Reserve additional memory for future string growth.

x The string object instance.
numbytes The total number of bytes to allocate for this string object.

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36.14 Symbol Object 309

36.14 Symbol Object

The symobject class is a simple object that wraps a t_symbol∗ together with a couple of additional fields.
Collaboration diagram for Symbol Object:

Data Storage Symbol Object

Data Structures

• struct t_symobject
The symobject data structure.


• void ∗ symobject_new (t_symbol ∗sym)

The symobject data structure.
• long symobject_linklist_match (void ∗a, void ∗b)
Utility for searching a linklist containing symobjects.

36.14.1 Detailed Description

The symobject class is a simple object that wraps a t_symbol∗ together with a couple of additional fields.
It is useful for storing symbols, possibly with additional flags or pointers, into a Hash Table or Linked List.



36.14.2 Function Documentation long symobject_linklist_match ( void ∗ a, void ∗ b )

Utility for searching a linklist containing symobjects.

a (opaque)
b (opaque)


Returns true if a match is found, otherwise returns false.

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310 Module Documentation


The following example shows one common use of the this method.

1 t_symobject *item = NULL;

2 long index;
3 t_symbol *textsym;
5 textsym = gensym("something to look for");
7 // search for a symobject with the symbol ’something to look for’
8 index = linklist_findfirst(s_ll_history, (void **)&item, symobject_linklist_match, textsym);
9 if(index == -1){
10 // symobject not found.
11 }
12 else{
13 do something with the symobject, or with the index of the symbobject in the linklist
14 } void∗ symobject_new ( t_symbol ∗ sym )

The symobject data structure.

sym A symbol with which to initialize the new symobject.


Pointer to the new symobject instance.

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36.15 Dictionary Passing API 311

36.15 Dictionary Passing API

The Dictionary Passing API defines a means by which t_dictionary instances may be passed between Max objects
in a way similar to the way Jitter Matrices are passed between objects.
Collaboration diagram for Dictionary Passing API:

Data Storage Dictionary Passing API


• BEGIN_USING_C_LINKAGE t_dictionary ∗ dictobj_register (t_dictionary ∗d, t_symbol ∗∗name)

Register a t_dictionary with the dictionary passing system and map it to a unique name.
• t_max_err dictobj_unregister (t_dictionary ∗d)
Unregister a t_dictionary with the dictionary passing system.
• t_dictionary ∗ dictobj_findregistered_clone (t_symbol ∗name)
Find the t_dictionary for a given name, and return a copy of that dictionary When you are done, do not call dictobj_←-
release() on the dictionary, because you are working on a copy rather than on a retained pointer.
• t_dictionary ∗ dictobj_findregistered_retain (t_symbol ∗name)
Find the t_dictionary for a given name, return a pointer to that t_dictionary, and increment its reference count.
• t_max_err dictobj_release (t_dictionary ∗d)
For a t_dictionary/name that was previously retained with dictobj_findregistered_retain(), release it (decrement its
reference count).
• t_symbol ∗ dictobj_namefromptr (t_dictionary ∗d)
Find the name associated with a given t_dictionary.
• void dictobj_outlet_atoms (void ∗out, long argc, t_atom ∗argv)
Send atoms to an outlet in your Max object, handling complex datatypes that may be present in those atoms.
• long dictobj_atom_safety (t_atom ∗a)
Ensure that an atom is safe for passing.
• long dictobj_atom_safety_flags (t_atom ∗a, long flags)
Ensure that an atom is safe for passing.
• long dictobj_validate (const t_dictionary ∗schema, const t_dictionary ∗candidate)
Validate the contents of a t_dictionary against a second t_dictionary containing a schema.
• t_max_err dictobj_jsonfromstring (long ∗jsonsize, char ∗∗json, const char ∗str)
Convert a C-string of Dictionary Syntax into a C-string of JSON.
• t_max_err dictobj_dictionaryfromstring (t_dictionary ∗∗d, const char ∗str, int str_is_already_json, char
Create a new t_dictionary from Dictionary Syntax which is passed in as a C-string.
• t_max_err dictobj_dictionaryfromatoms (t_dictionary ∗∗d, const long argc, const t_atom ∗argv)
Create a new t_dictionary from Dictionary Syntax which is passed in as an array of atoms.
• t_max_err dictobj_dictionaryfromatoms_extended (t_dictionary ∗∗d, const t_symbol ∗msg, long argc, const
t_atom ∗argv)
Create a new t_dictionary from from an array of atoms that use Max dictionary syntax, JSON, or compressed JSON.
• t_max_err dictobj_dictionarytoatoms (const t_dictionary ∗d, long ∗argc, t_atom ∗∗argv)
Serialize the contents of a t_dictionary into Dictionary Syntax .

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312 Module Documentation

• t_max_err dictobj_key_parse (t_object ∗x, t_dictionary ∗d, t_atom ∗akey, t_bool create, t_dictionary
∗∗targetdict, t_symbol ∗∗targetkey, t_int32 ∗index)
Given a complex key (one that includes potential heirarchy or array-member access), return the actual key and the
dictionary in which the key should be referenced.

36.15.1 Detailed Description

The Dictionary Passing API defines a means by which t_dictionary instances may be passed between Max objects
in a way similar to the way Jitter Matrices are passed between objects.
There are important differences, however, between Jitter matrix passing and dictionary passing. Many of these
differences are documented in Max's documentation on dictionaries and structured data.
Every dictionary instance in this system is mapped to a unique name that identifies the dictionary. Dictionaries are
passed between objects using the "dictionary" message with a single argument, which is the name of the dictionary.

36.15.2 Registration and Access

The C-API for working with these dictionaries is composed of 5 primary registration/access methods:

• dictobj_register() : register a t_dictionary instance with the system, and map the instance to a name

• dictobj_unregister() : unregister a t_dictionary from the system

• dictobj_findregistered_clone() : find the t_dictionary for a given name, and return a copy of that dictionary

• dictobj_findregistered_retain() : find the t_dictionary for a given name, return a pointer to that t_dictionary,
and increment its reference count.

• dictobj_release() : for a t_dictionary/name that was previously retained with dictobj_findregistered_retain(),

release it (decrement its reference count).

It is useful to think of objects in the dictionary system as "nouns" and "verbs".

A "noun" is an object that possess or owns a dictionary. These objects are servers whose dictionary will accessed
by other object that are clients. An example of a "noun" is the dict.pack object that creates a dictionary that is passed
to other objects.
A "verb" is an object that does not maintain its own dictionary (it is not a thing) but merely does something to any
dictionaries it receives. This object is a client rather than a server. An example of a "verb" is the dict.strip object,
which removes entries from an existing dictionary but possesses no dictionary of its own.
Any object which is a dictionary "noun", can keep and rely on their dictionary pointer. Because of the way object←-
_register() works, there should be no possiblity for this pointer to change behind the scenes. They each need to
call object_free() on their respective object pointer, however. A call to object_free() also calls object_unregister()
once, so there's technically not a need to unregister from the owner itself. They work like jit.matrix (and similar
to buffer∼), and use object_register() to increment a server reference count. If an object has already registered
an object with the given name, the pointer passed in to register is freed and the existing one is returned from the
registration function.
Dictionary "verbs" on the other hand should just call dict_findregistered_retain() and dict_release() when done. They
are not incrementing the server reference count. They increment a reference count with regards to object freeing,
which is compatible with and complementary to the server reference count.

36.15.3 Dictionary Syntax

Dictionaries may be represented in a variety of textual formats including JSON. Max also supports a compact Y←-
AML-like dictionary notation which is useful for proving data structure contents as lists of atoms in object boxes.
This format is documented in Max's documentation of the dictionary features. The following functions are used for
formatting and parsing the dictionary syntax.

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36.15 Dictionary Passing API 313

• dictobj_jsonfromstring()

• dictobj_dictionaryfromstring()

• dictobj_dictionaryfromatoms()

• dictobj_dictionarytoatoms()

36.15.4 Utilities

There are several utility functions available to assist in coding objects that pass dictionaries.

• dictobj_outlet_atoms()

• dictobj_atom_safety()

• dictobj_validate()

The dictobj_validate() object is a utility routine for validating a dictionary against "schema" dictionary. This enables
a behavior somewhat analogous to Objective-C or Smalltalk prototypes. Dictionary validation can be useful to
implement a kind of dictionary polymorphism. For a multiple-inheritance behavior, simply validate a dictionary
against multiple schemas to verify the presence of required keys and values.

36.15.5 Limitations

The dict_outlet_atoms() function will not output A_OBJ atoms directly (nor should any other object) and as such it
will also not output t_atomarray instances containing objects, thus atomarrays are not hierarchical in the dictionary
passing implementation.
It will output an atom array if provided a single A_OBJ atom with class atomarray. If there is an array of atoms which
contain A_OBJ atoms, they are converted to the ∗symbols∗ <dictionary-object>, <atomarray-object>, <string-
object>, <other-object> respectively. Ideally such a case should never be reached if everything which inserts
values into a dictionary is well behaved–i.e.

• a key may be a single atom

• a key may be an atomarray (but no A_OBJ atoms)

• a key may be a dictionary



36.15.6 Function Documentation long dictobj_atom_safety ( t_atom ∗ a )

Ensure that an atom is safe for passing.

Atoms are allowed to be A_LONG, A_FLOAT, or A_SYM, but not A_OBJ. If the atom is an A_OBJ, it will be
converted into something that will be safe to pass.

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314 Module Documentation

a An atom to check, and potentially modify, to ensure safety in the dictionary-passing system.


If the atom was changed then 1 is returned. Otherwise 0 is returned. long dictobj_atom_safety_flags ( t_atom ∗ a, long flags )

Ensure that an atom is safe for passing.

Atoms are allowed to be A_LONG, A_FLOAT, or A_SYM, but not A_OBJ. If the atom is an A_OBJ, it will be
converted into something that will be safe to pass.
a An atom to check, and potentially modify, to ensure safety in the dictionary-passing system.
flags Pass DICTOBJ_ATOM_FLAGS_REGISTER to have dictionary atoms registered/retained.


If the atom was changed then 1 is returned. Otherwise 0 is returned. t_max_err dictobj_dictionaryfromatoms ( t_dictionary ∗∗ d, const long argc, const t_atom ∗ argv )

Create a new t_dictionary from Dictionary Syntax which is passed in as an array of atoms.
Unlike many t_dictionary calls to create dictionaries, this function does not take over ownership of the atoms you
pass in.
d The address of a dictionary variable, which will hold a pointer to the new dictionary upon
return. Should be initialized to NULL.
argc The number of atoms in argv.
argv Pointer to the first of an array of atoms to be interpreted as Dictionary Syntax .


A Max error code.

See also

dictobj_dictionaryfromatoms_extended() dictobj_dictionarytoatoms() t_max_err dictobj_dictionaryfromatoms_extended ( t_dictionary ∗∗ d, const t_symbol ∗ msg, long argc,

const t_atom ∗ argv )

Create a new t_dictionary from from an array of atoms that use Max dictionary syntax, JSON, or compressed JSON.
This function is the C analog to the dict.deserialize object in Max. Unlike many t_dictionary calls to create dictionar-
ies, this function does not take over ownership of the atoms you pass in.

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36.15 Dictionary Passing API 315

d The address of a dictionary variable, which will hold a pointer to the new dictionary upon
return. Should be initialized to NULL.
msg Ignored.
argc The number of atoms in argv.
argv Pointer to the first of an array of atoms to be interpreted as Dictionary Syntax , JSON, or
compressed JSON.


A Max error code.

See also

dictobj_dictionaryfromatoms() dictobj_dictionaryfromstring() t_max_err dictobj_dictionaryfromstring ( t_dictionary ∗∗ d, const char ∗ str, int str_is_already_json, char ∗
errorstring )

Create a new t_dictionary from Dictionary Syntax which is passed in as a C-string.

d The address of a dictionary variable, which will hold a pointer to the new dictionary upon
return. Should be initialized to NULL.
str A NULL-terminated C-string containing Dictionary Syntax .


A Max error code.

See also

dictobj_dictionarytoatoms() t_max_err dictobj_dictionarytoatoms ( const t_dictionary ∗ d, long ∗ argc, t_atom ∗∗ argv )

Serialize the contents of a t_dictionary into Dictionary Syntax .

d The dictionary to serialize.
argc The address of a variable to hold the number of atoms allocated upon return.
argv The address of a t_atom pointer which will point to the first atom (of an array of argc atoms)
upon return.


A Max error code.

See also


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316 Module Documentation t_dictionary∗ dictobj_findregistered_clone ( t_symbol ∗ name )

Find the t_dictionary for a given name, and return a copy of that dictionary When you are done, do not call dictobj←-
_release() on the dictionary, because you are working on a copy rather than on a retained pointer.

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36.15 Dictionary Passing API 317

name The name associated with the dictionary for which you wish to obtain a copy.


The dictionary cloned from the existing dictionary. Returns NULL if no dictionary is associated with name.

See also

dictobj_findregistered_retain() t_dictionary∗ dictobj_findregistered_retain ( t_symbol ∗ name )

Find the t_dictionary for a given name, return a pointer to that t_dictionary, and increment its reference count.
When you are done you should call dictobj_release() on the dictionary.
name The name associated with the dictionary for which you wish to obtain a pointer.


A pointer to the dictionary associated with name. Returns NULL if no dictionary is associated with name.

See also

dictobj_findregistered_clone() t_max_err dictobj_jsonfromstring ( long ∗ jsonsize, char ∗∗ json, const char ∗ str )

Convert a C-string of Dictionary Syntax into a C-string of JSON.

jsonsize The address of a variable to be filled-in with the number of chars in json upon return.
json The address of a char pointer to point to the JSON C-string upon return. Should be initialized
to NULL. You are responsible for freeing the string with sysmem_freeptr() when you are done
with it.
str A NULL-terminated C-string containing Dictionary Syntax .


A Max error code.

See also

dictobj_dictionarytoatoms() t_max_err dictobj_key_parse ( t_object ∗ x, t_dictionary ∗ d, t_atom ∗ akey, t_bool create, t_dictionary
∗∗ targetdict, t_symbol ∗∗ targetkey, t_int32 ∗ index )

Given a complex key (one that includes potential heirarchy or array-member access), return the actual key and the
dictionary in which the key should be referenced.

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318 Module Documentation

x Your calling object. If there is an error this will be used by the internal call to object_error().
d The dictionary you are querying.
akey The complex key specifying the query.
create If true, create the intermediate dictionaries in the hierarchy specified in akey.
targetdict Returns the t_dictionary that for the (sub)dictionary specified by akey.
targetkey Returns the name of the key in targetdict that to which akey is referencing.
index Returns the index requested if array-member access is specified. Pass NULL if you are not
interested in this.


A Max error code. t_symbol∗ dictobj_namefromptr ( t_dictionary ∗ d )

Find the name associated with a given t_dictionary.

d A dictionary, whose name you wish to determine.


The symbol associated with the dictionary, or NULL if the dictionary is not registered.

See also

dictobj_register() void dictobj_outlet_atoms ( void ∗ out, long argc, t_atom ∗ argv )

Send atoms to an outlet in your Max object, handling complex datatypes that may be present in those atoms.
This is particularly when sending the contents of a dictionary entry out of an outlet as in the following example code.

1 long ac = 0;
2 t_atom *av = NULL;
3 t_max_err err;
5 err = dictionary_copyatoms(d, key, &ac, &av);
6 if (!err && ac && av) {
7 // handles singles, lists, symbols, atomarrays, dictionaries, etc.
8 dictobj_outlet_atoms(x->outlets[i],ac,av);
9 }
11 if (av)
12 sysmem_freeptr(av);

out The outlet through which the atoms should be sent.
argc The count of atoms in argv.
argv Pointer to the first of an array of atoms to send to the outlet. BEGIN_USING_C_LINKAGE t_dictionary∗ dictobj_register ( t_dictionary ∗ d, t_symbol ∗∗ name )

Register a t_dictionary with the dictionary passing system and map it to a unique name.

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36.15 Dictionary Passing API 319

d A valid dictionary object.
name The address of a t_symbol pointer to the name you would like mapped to this dictionary. If
the t_symbol pointer has a NULL value then a unique name will be generated and filled-in
upon return.


The dictionary mapped to the specified name. t_max_err dictobj_release ( t_dictionary ∗ d )

For a t_dictionary/name that was previously retained with dictobj_findregistered_retain(), release it (decrement its
reference count).
d A valid dictionary object retained by dictobj_findregistered_retain().


A Max error code.

See also

dictobj_findregistered_retain() t_max_err dictobj_unregister ( t_dictionary ∗ d )

Unregister a t_dictionary with the dictionary passing system.

Generally speaking you should not need to call this method. Calling object_free() on the t_dictionary automatically
unregisters it.
d A valid dictionary object.


A Max error code. long dictobj_validate ( const t_dictionary ∗ schema, const t_dictionary ∗ candidate )

Validate the contents of a t_dictionary against a second t_dictionary containing a schema.

The schema dictionary contains keys and values, like any dictionary. dictobj_validate() checks to make sure that all
keys in the schema dictionary are present in the candidate dictionary. If the keys are all present then the candidate
passes and the function returns true. Otherwise the the candidate fails the validation and the function returns false.
Generally speaking, the schema dictionary with contain values with the symbol "∗", indicating a wildcard, and thus
only the key is used to validate the dictionary (all values match the wildcard). However, if the schema dictionary
contains non-wildcard values for any of its keys, those keys in the candidate dictionary must also contain matching
values in order for the candidate to successfully validate.
An example of this in action is the dict.route object in Max, which simply wraps this function.

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320 Module Documentation

schema The dictionary against which to validate candidate.
candidate A dictionary to test against the schema.


Returns true if the candidate validates against the schema, otherwise returns false.

See also


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36.16 Data Types 321

36.16 Data Types

Collaboration diagram for Data Types:


Data Types



• Atoms
• Atombufs
An Atombuf is an alternative to Binbufs for temporary storage of atoms.
• Binbufs
You won’t need to know about the internal structure of a Binbuf, so you can use the void ∗ type to refer to one.
• Symbols
Max maintains a symbol table of all strings to speed lookup for message passing.

Data Structures

• struct t_rect
Coordinates for specifying a rectangular region.
• struct t_pt
Coordinates for specifying a point.
• struct t_size
Coordinates for specifying the size of a region.


• typedef void ∗(∗ method) (void ∗,...)

Function pointer type for generic methods.
• typedef long(∗ t_intmethod) (void ∗,...)
Function pointer type for methods returning a long.
• typedef void ∗(∗ zero_meth) (void ∗x)
Function pointer type for methods with no arguments.
• typedef void ∗(∗ one_meth) (void ∗x, void ∗z)
Function pointer type for methods with a single argument.

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322 Module Documentation

• typedef void ∗(∗ two_meth) (void ∗x, void ∗z, void ∗a)
Function pointer type for methods with two arguments.
• typedef long ∗(∗ gimmeback_meth) (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, long ac, t_atom ∗av, t_atom ∗rv)
Function pointer type for methods that pass back a result value through the last parameter as a t_atom, and return
an error.

36.16.1 Detailed Description

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36.17 Atoms 323

36.17 Atoms

Collaboration diagram for Atoms:

Data Types Atoms

Data Structures

• union word
Union for packing any of the datum defined in e_max_atomtypes.
• struct t_atom
An atom is a typed datum.


Defines the largest possible string size for an atom.


• enum e_max_atomtypes {
the list of officially recognized types, including pseudotypes for commas and semicolons.
• enum e_max_atom_gettext_flags {
Flags that determine how functions convert atoms into text (C-strings).


• t_max_err atom_setlong (t_atom ∗a, t_atom_long b)

Inserts an integer into a t_atom and change the t_atom's type to A_LONG.
• t_max_err atom_setfloat (t_atom ∗a, double b)
Inserts a floating point number into a t_atom and change the t_atom's type to A_FLOAT.
• t_max_err atom_setsym (t_atom ∗a, t_symbol ∗b)
Inserts a t_symbol ∗ into a t_atom and change the t_atom's type to A_SYM.
• t_max_err atom_setobj (t_atom ∗a, void ∗b)
Inserts a generic pointer value into a t_atom and change the t_atom's type to A_OBJ.

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324 Module Documentation

• t_atom_long atom_getlong (const t_atom ∗a)

Retrieves a long integer value from a t_atom.
• t_atom_float atom_getfloat (const t_atom ∗a)
Retrieves a floating point value from a t_atom.
• t_symbol ∗ atom_getsym (const t_atom ∗a)
Retrieves a t_symbol ∗ value from a t_atom.
• void ∗ atom_getobj (const t_atom ∗a)
Retrieves a generic pointer value from a t_atom.
• long atom_getcharfix (const t_atom ∗a)
Retrieves an unsigned integer value between 0 and 255 from a t_atom.
• long atom_gettype (const t_atom ∗a)
Retrieves type from a t_atom.
• t_max_err atom_arg_getlong (t_atom_long ∗c, long idx, long ac, const t_atom ∗av)
Retrieves the integer value of a particular t_atom from an atom list, if the atom exists.
• long atom_arg_getfloat (float ∗c, long idx, long ac, const t_atom ∗av)
Retrieves the floating point value of a particular t_atom from an atom list, if the atom exists.
• long atom_arg_getdouble (double ∗c, long idx, long ac, const t_atom ∗av)
Retrieves the floating point value, as a double, of a particular t_atom from an atom list, if the atom exists.
• long atom_arg_getsym (t_symbol ∗∗c, long idx, long ac, const t_atom ∗av)
Retrieves the t_symbol ∗ value of a particular t_atom from an atom list, if the atom exists.
• t_max_err atom_alloc (long ∗ac, t_atom ∗∗av, char ∗alloc)
Allocate a single atom.
• t_max_err atom_alloc_array (long minsize, long ∗ac, t_atom ∗∗av, char ∗alloc)
Allocate an array of atoms.
• t_max_err atom_setchar_array (long ac, t_atom ∗av, long count, unsigned char ∗vals)
Assign an array of char values to an array of atoms.
• t_max_err atom_setlong_array (long ac, t_atom ∗av, long count, t_atom_long ∗vals)
Assign an array of long integer values to an array of atoms.
• t_max_err atom_setfloat_array (long ac, t_atom ∗av, long count, float ∗vals)
Assign an array of 32bit float values to an array of atoms.
• t_max_err atom_setdouble_array (long ac, t_atom ∗av, long count, double ∗vals)
Assign an array of 64bit float values to an array of atoms.
• t_max_err atom_setsym_array (long ac, t_atom ∗av, long count, t_symbol ∗∗vals)
Assign an array of t_symbol∗ values to an array of atoms.
• t_max_err atom_setatom_array (long ac, t_atom ∗av, long count, t_atom ∗vals)
Assign an array of t_atom values to an array of atoms.
• t_max_err atom_setobj_array (long ac, t_atom ∗av, long count, t_object ∗∗vals)
Assign an array of t_object∗ values to an array of atoms.
• t_max_err atom_setparse (long ∗ac, t_atom ∗∗av, C74_CONST char ∗parsestr)
Parse a C-string into an array of atoms.
• t_max_err atom_setformat (long ∗ac, t_atom ∗∗av, C74_CONST char ∗fmt,...)
Create an array of atoms populated with values using sprintf-like syntax.
• t_max_err atom_getformat (long ac, t_atom ∗av, C74_CONST char ∗fmt,...)
Retrieve values from an array of atoms using sscanf-like syntax.
• t_max_err atom_gettext (long ac, t_atom ∗av, long ∗textsize, char ∗∗text, long flags)
Convert an array of atoms into a C-string.
• t_max_err atom_getchar_array (long ac, t_atom ∗av, long count, unsigned char ∗vals)
Fetch an array of char values from an array of atoms.
• t_max_err atom_getlong_array (long ac, t_atom ∗av, long count, t_atom_long ∗vals)
Fetch an array of long integer values from an array of atoms.
• t_max_err atom_getfloat_array (long ac, t_atom ∗av, long count, float ∗vals)

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36.17 Atoms 325

Fetch an array of 32bit float values from an array of atoms.

• t_max_err atom_getdouble_array (long ac, t_atom ∗av, long count, double ∗vals)
Fetch an array of 64bit float values from an array of atoms.
• t_max_err atom_getsym_array (long ac, t_atom ∗av, long count, t_symbol ∗∗vals)
Fetch an array of t_symbol∗ values from an array of atoms.
• t_max_err atom_getatom_array (long ac, t_atom ∗av, long count, t_atom ∗vals)
Fetch an array of t_atom values from an array of atoms.
• t_max_err atom_getobj_array (long ac, t_atom ∗av, long count, t_object ∗∗vals)
Fetch an array of t_object∗ values from an array of atoms.
• long atomisstring (const t_atom ∗a)
Determines whether or not an atom represents a t_string object.
• long atomisatomarray (t_atom ∗a)
Determines whether or not an atom represents a t_atomarray object.
• long atomisdictionary (t_atom ∗a)
Determines whether or not an atom represents a t_dictionary object.
• BEGIN_USING_C_LINKAGE void atom_copy (long argc1, t_atom ∗argv1, t_atom ∗argv2)
Copy an array of atoms.
• void postargs (long argc, t_atom ∗argv)
Print the contents of an array of atoms to the Max window.
• t_max_err atom_arg_getobjclass (t_object ∗∗x, long idx, long argc, t_atom ∗argv, t_symbol ∗cls)
Return a pointer to an object contained in an atom if it is of the specified class.
• void ∗ atom_getobjclass (t_atom ∗av, t_symbol ∗cls)
Return a pointer to an object contained in an atom if it is of the specified class.

36.17.1 Detailed Description

36.17.2 Enumeration Type Documentation enum e_max_atom_gettext_flags

Flags that determine how functions convert atoms into text (C-strings).


OBEX_UTIL_ATOM_GETTEXT_DEFAULT default translation rules for getting text from atoms

OBEX_UTIL_ATOM_GETTEXT_TRUNCATE_ZEROS eliminate redundant zeros for floating point numbers

(default used)

OBEX_UTIL_ATOM_GETTEXT_SYM_NO_QUOTE don't introduce quotes around symbols with spaces

OBEX_UTIL_ATOM_GETTEXT_SYM_FORCE_QUOTE always introduce quotes around symbols (useful for


OBEX_UTIL_ATOM_GETTEXT_COMMA_DELIM separate atoms with commas (useful for JSON)


OBEX_UTIL_ATOM_GETTEXT_NUM_HI_RES print more decimal places

OBEX_UTIL_ATOM_GETTEXT_NUM_LO_RES // print fewer decimal places (HI_RES will win though)

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326 Module Documentation enum e_max_atomtypes

the list of officially recognized types, including pseudotypes for commas and semicolons.
Used in two places: 1. the reader, when it reads a string, returns long, float, sym, comma, semi, or dollar; and
2. each object method comes with an array of them saying what types it needs, from among long, float, sym, obj,
gimme, and cant.


While these values are defined in an enum, you should use a long to represent the value. Using the enum
type creates ambiguity in struct size and is subject to various inconsistent compiler settings.


A_NOTHING no type, thus no atom

A_LONG long integer
A_FLOAT 32-bit float
A_SYM t_symbol pointer
A_OBJ t_object pointer (for argtype lists; passes the value of sym)
A_DEFLONG long but defaults to zero
A_DEFFLOAT float, but defaults to zero
A_DEFSYM symbol, defaults to ""
A_GIMME request that args be passed as an array, the routine will check the types itself.
A_CANT cannot typecheck args
A_SEMI semicolon
A_COMMA comma
A_DOLLAR dollar
A_DOLLSYM dollar
A_GIMMEBACK request that args be passed as an array, the routine will check the types itself. can return
atom value in final atom ptr arg. function returns long error code 0 = no err. see gimmeback_meth typedef

A_DEFER A special signature for declaring methods. This is like A_GIMME, but the call is deferred.
A_USURP A special signature for declaring methods. This is like A_GIMME, but the call is deferred and
multiple calls within one servicing of the queue are filtered down to one call.
A_DEFER_LOW A special signature for declaring methods. This is like A_GIMME, but the call is deferref to
the back of the queue.
A_USURP_LOW A special signature for declaring methods. This is like A_GIMME, but the call is deferred to
the back of the queue and multiple calls within one servicing of the queue are filtered down to one call.

36.17.3 Function Documentation t_max_err atom_alloc ( long ∗ ac, t_atom ∗∗ av, char ∗ alloc )

Allocate a single atom.

If ac and av are both zero then memory is allocated. Otherwise it is presumed that memory is already allocated and
nothing will happen.

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36.17 Atoms 327

ac The address of a variable that will contain the number of atoms allocated (1).
av The address of a pointer that will be set with the new allocated memory for the atom.
alloc Address of a variable that will be set true is memory is allocated, otherwise false.


A Max error code. t_max_err atom_alloc_array ( long minsize, long ∗ ac, t_atom ∗∗ av, char ∗ alloc )

Allocate an array of atoms.

If ac and av are both zero then memory is allocated. Otherwise it is presumed that memory is already allocated and
nothing will happen.
minsize The minimum number of atoms that this array will need to contain. This determines the
amount of memory allocated.
ac The address of a variable that will contain the number of atoms allocated.
av The address of a pointer that will be set with the new allocated memory for the atoms.
alloc Address of a variable that will be set true is memory is allocated, otherwise false.


A Max error code. long atom_arg_getdouble ( double ∗ c, long idx, long ac, const t_atom ∗ av )

Retrieves the floating point value, as a double, of a particular t_atom from an atom list, if the atom exists.
c Pointer to a double variable to receive the atom's data if the function is successful. Otherwise
the value is left unchanged.
idx Offset into the atom list of the atom of interest, starting from 0. For instance, if you want data
from the 3rd atom in the atom list, idx should be set to 2.
ac Count of av.
av Pointer to the first t_atom of an atom list.


This function returns the error code MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, or one of the other error codes defined
in e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.

Referenced by jit_atom_arg_getdouble(). long atom_arg_getfloat ( float ∗ c, long idx, long ac, const t_atom ∗ av )

Retrieves the floating point value of a particular t_atom from an atom list, if the atom exists.

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328 Module Documentation

c Pointer to a float variable to receive the atom's data if the function is successful. Otherwise,
the value is left unchanged.
idx Offset into the atom list of the atom of interest, starting from 0. For instance, if you want data
from the 3rd atom in the atom list, idx should be set to 2.
ac Count of av.
av Pointer to the first t_atom of an atom list.


This function returns the error code MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, or one of the other error codes defined
in e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.

Referenced by jit_atom_arg_getfloat(). t_max_err atom_arg_getlong ( t_atom_long ∗ c, long idx, long ac, const t_atom ∗ av )

Retrieves the integer value of a particular t_atom from an atom list, if the atom exists.
c Pointer to a long variable to receive the atom's data if the function is successful.
idx Offset into the atom list of the atom of interest, starting from 0. For instance, if you want data
from the 3rd atom in the atom list, idx should be set to 2.
ac Count of av.
av Pointer to the first t_atom of an atom list.


This function returns the error code MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, or one of the other error codes defined
in e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.


The atom_arg_getlong() function only changes the value of c if the function is successful. For instance, the
following code snippet illustrates a simple, but typical use:

1 void myobject_mymessage(t_myobject *x, t_symbol *s, long ac, t_atom *av)

2 {
3 t_atom_long var = -1;
5 // here, we are expecting a value of 0 or greater
6 atom_arg_getlong(&var, 0, ac, av);
7 if (val == -1) // i.e. unchanged
8 post("it is likely that the user did not provide a valid argument");
9 else {
10 ...
11 }
12 }

Referenced by jit_atom_arg_getlong(). t_max_err atom_arg_getobjclass ( t_object ∗∗ x, long idx, long argc, t_atom ∗ argv, t_symbol ∗ cls )

Return a pointer to an object contained in an atom if it is of the specified class.

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36.17 Atoms 329

x The address of a pointer to the object contained in av if it is of the specified class upon return.
Otherwise NULL upon return.
idx The index of the atom in the array from which to get the object pointer.
argc The count of atoms in argv.
argv The address to the first of an array of atoms.
cls A symbol containing the class name of which the object should be an instance.


A Max error code. long atom_arg_getsym ( t_symbol ∗∗ c, long idx, long ac, const t_atom ∗ av )

Retrieves the t_symbol ∗ value of a particular t_atom from an atom list, if the atom exists.
c Pointer to a t_symbol ∗ variable to receive the atom's data if the function is successful. Oth-
erwise, the value is left unchanged.
idx Offset into the atom list of the atom of interest, starting from 0. For instance, if you want data
from the 3rd atom in the atom list, idx should be set to 2.
ac Count of av.
av Pointer to the first t_atom of an atom list.


This function returns the error code MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, or one of the other error codes defined
in e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.


The atom_arg_getsym() function only changes the value of c if the function is successful. For instance, the
following code snippet illustrates a simple, but typical use:
1 void myobject_open(t_myobject *x, t_symbol *s, long ac, t_atom *av)
2 {
3 t_symbol *filename = _sym_nothing;
5 // here, we are expecting a file name.
6 // if we don’t get it, open a dialog box
7 atom_arg_getsym(&filename, 0, ac, av);
8 if (filename == _sym_nothing) { // i.e. unchanged
9 // open the file dialog box,
10 // get a value for filename
11 }
12 // do something with the filename
13 }

Referenced by jit_atom_arg_getsym(). BEGIN_USING_C_LINKAGE void atom_copy ( long argc1, t_atom ∗ argv1, t_atom ∗ argv2 )

Copy an array of atoms.


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330 Module Documentation

argc1 The count of atoms in argv1.

argv1 The address to the first of an array of atoms that is the source for the copy.
argv2 The address to the first of an array of atoms that is the destination for the copy. Note that this
array must already by allocated using sysmem_newptr() or atom_alloc(). t_max_err atom_getatom_array ( long ac, t_atom ∗ av, long count, t_atom ∗ vals )

Fetch an array of t_atom values from an array of atoms.

ac The number of atoms allocated in the av parameter.
av The address to the first of an array of allocated atoms.
count The number of values to fetch from the array specified by vals.
vals The address of the array to which is copied the values from av.


A Max error code. t_max_err atom_getchar_array ( long ac, t_atom ∗ av, long count, unsigned char ∗ vals )

Fetch an array of char values from an array of atoms.

ac The number of atoms allocated in the av parameter.
av The address to the first of an array of allocated atoms.
count The number of values to fetch from the array specified by vals.
vals The address of the array to which is copied the values from av.


A Max error code. long atom_getcharfix ( const t_atom ∗ a )

Retrieves an unsigned integer value between 0 and 255 from a t_atom.

a Pointer to a t_atom whose value is of interest


This function returns the value of the specified t_atom as an integer between 0 and 255, if possible. Otherwise,
it returns 0.


If the t_atom is typed A_LONG, but the data falls outside of the range 0-255, the data is truncated to that
range before output.
If the t_atom is typed A_FLOAT, the floating point value is multiplied by 255. and truncated to the range 0-255
before output. For example, the floating point value 0.5 would be output from atom_getcharfix as 127 (0.5 ∗
255. = 127.5).
No attempt is also made to coerce t_symbol data.

Referenced by jit_atom_getcharfix().

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36.17 Atoms 331 t_max_err atom_getdouble_array ( long ac, t_atom ∗ av, long count, double ∗ vals )

Fetch an array of 64bit float values from an array of atoms.

ac The number of atoms allocated in the av parameter.
av The address to the first of an array of allocated atoms.
count The number of values to fetch from the array specified by vals.
vals The address of the array to which is copied the values from av.


A Max error code. t_atom_float atom_getfloat ( const t_atom ∗ a )

Retrieves a floating point value from a t_atom.

a Pointer to a t_atom whose value is of interest


This function returns the value of the specified t_atom as a floating point number, if possible. Otherwise, it
returns 0.


If the t_atom is not of the type specified by the function, the function will attempt to coerce a valid value from
the t_atom. For instance, if the t_atom at is set to type A_LONG with a value of 5, the atom_getfloat() function
will return the value of at as a float, or 5.0. An attempt is also made to coerce t_symbol data.

Referenced by jit_atom_getfloat(). t_max_err atom_getfloat_array ( long ac, t_atom ∗ av, long count, float ∗ vals )

Fetch an array of 32bit float values from an array of atoms.

ac The number of atoms allocated in the av parameter.
av The address to the first of an array of allocated atoms.
count The number of values to fetch from the array specified by vals.
vals The address of the array to which is copied the values from av.


A Max error code. t_max_err atom_getformat ( long ac, t_atom ∗ av, C74_CONST char ∗ fmt, ... )

Retrieve values from an array of atoms using sscanf-like syntax.

atom_getformat() supports clfdsoaCLFDSOA tokens (primitive type scalars and arrays respectively for the char,
long, float, double, t_symbol∗, t_object∗, t_atom∗). It does not support vbp@ the tokens found in atom_setformat().

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332 Module Documentation

ac The number of atoms to parse in av.
av The address of the first t_atom pointer in an array to parse.
fmt An sscanf-style format string specifying types for the atoms.
... One or more arguments which are address of variables to be set according to the fmt string.


A Max error code.

See also

atom_setformat() t_atom_long atom_getlong ( const t_atom ∗ a )

Retrieves a long integer value from a t_atom.

a Pointer to a t_atom whose value is of interest


This function returns the value of the specified t_atom as an integer, if possible. Otherwise, it returns 0.


If the t_atom is not of the type specified by the function, the function will attempt to coerce a valid value from
the t_atom. For instance, if the t_atom at is set to type A_FLOAT with a value of 3.7, the atom_getlong()
function will return the truncated integer value of at, or 3. An attempt is also made to coerce t_symbol data.

Referenced by jit_atom_getlong(). t_max_err atom_getlong_array ( long ac, t_atom ∗ av, long count, t_atom_long ∗ vals )

Fetch an array of long integer values from an array of atoms.

ac The number of atoms allocated in the av parameter.
av The address to the first of an array of allocated atoms.
count The number of values to fetch from the array specified by vals.
vals The address of the array to which is copied the values from av.


A Max error code. void∗ atom_getobj ( const t_atom ∗ a )

Retrieves a generic pointer value from a t_atom.

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36.17 Atoms 333

a Pointer to a t_atom whose value is of interest


This function returns the value of the specified A_OBJ-typed t_atom, if possible. Otherwise, it returns NULL.

Referenced by jit_atom_getobj(). t_max_err atom_getobj_array ( long ac, t_atom ∗ av, long count, t_object ∗∗ vals )

Fetch an array of t_object∗ values from an array of atoms.

ac The number of atoms allocated in the av parameter.
av The address to the first of an array of allocated atoms.
count The number of values to fetch from the array specified by vals.
vals The address of the array to which is copied the values from av.


A Max error code. void∗ atom_getobjclass ( t_atom ∗ av, t_symbol ∗ cls )

Return a pointer to an object contained in an atom if it is of the specified class.

av A pointer to the atom from which to get the t_object.
cls A symbol containing the class name of which the object should be an instance.


A pointer to the object contained in av if it is of the specified class, otherwise NULL. t_symbol∗ atom_getsym ( const t_atom ∗ a )

Retrieves a t_symbol ∗ value from a t_atom.

a Pointer to a t_atom whose value is of interest


This function returns the value of the specified A_SYM-typed t_atom, if possible. Otherwise, it returns an
empty, but valid, t_symbol ∗, equivalent to gensym(""), or _sym_nothing.


No attempt is made to coerce non-matching data types.

Referenced by jit_atom_getsym().

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334 Module Documentation t_max_err atom_getsym_array ( long ac, t_atom ∗ av, long count, t_symbol ∗∗ vals )

Fetch an array of t_symbol∗ values from an array of atoms.

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36.17 Atoms 335

ac The number of atoms allocated in the av parameter.
av The address to the first of an array of allocated atoms.
count The number of values to fetch from the array specified by vals.
vals The address of the array to which is copied the values from av.


A Max error code. t_max_err atom_gettext ( long ac, t_atom ∗ av, long ∗ textsize, char ∗∗ text, long flags )

Convert an array of atoms into a C-string.

ac The number of atoms to fetch in av.
av The address of the first t_atom pointer in an array to retrieve.
textsize The size of the string to which the atoms will be formatted and copied.
text The address of the string to which the text will be written.
flags Determines the rules by which atoms will be translated into text. Values are bit mask as
defined by e_max_atom_gettext_flags.


A Max error code.

See also

atom_setparse() long atom_gettype ( const t_atom ∗ a )

Retrieves type from a t_atom.

a Pointer to a t_atom whose type is of interest


This function returns the type of the specified t_atom as defined in e_max_atomtypes t_max_err atom_setatom_array ( long ac, t_atom ∗ av, long count, t_atom ∗ vals )

Assign an array of t_atom values to an array of atoms.

ac The number of atoms to try to fetch from the second array of atoms. You should have at least
this number of atoms allocated in av.

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336 Module Documentation

av The address to the first of an array of allocated atoms.

count The number of values in the array specified by vals.
vals The array from which to copy the values into the array of atoms at av.


A Max error code. t_max_err atom_setchar_array ( long ac, t_atom ∗ av, long count, unsigned char ∗ vals )

Assign an array of char values to an array of atoms.

ac The number of atoms to try to fetch from the array of chars. You should have at least this
number of atoms allocated in av.
av The address to the first of an array of allocated atoms.
count The number of values in the array specified by vals.
vals The array from which to copy the values into the array of atoms at av.


A Max error code. t_max_err atom_setdouble_array ( long ac, t_atom ∗ av, long count, double ∗ vals )

Assign an array of 64bit float values to an array of atoms.

ac The number of atoms to try to fetch from the array of doubles. You should have at least this
number of atoms allocated in av.
av The address to the first of an array of allocated atoms.
count The number of values in the array specified by vals.
vals The array from which to copy the values into the array of atoms at av.


A Max error code. t_max_err atom_setfloat ( t_atom ∗ a, double b )

Inserts a floating point number into a t_atom and change the t_atom's type to A_FLOAT.
a Pointer to a t_atom whose value and type will be modified
b Floating point value to copy into the t_atom


This function returns the error code MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, or one of the other error codes defined
in e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.

Referenced by jit_atom_setfloat().

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36.17 Atoms 337 t_max_err atom_setfloat_array ( long ac, t_atom ∗ av, long count, float ∗ vals )

Assign an array of 32bit float values to an array of atoms.

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338 Module Documentation

ac The number of atoms to try to fetch from the array of floats. You should have at least this
number of atoms allocated in av.
av The address to the first of an array of allocated atoms.
count The number of values in the array specified by vals.
vals The array from which to copy the values into the array of atoms at av.


A Max error code. t_max_err atom_setformat ( long ∗ ac, t_atom ∗∗ av, C74_CONST char ∗ fmt, ... )

Create an array of atoms populated with values using sprintf-like syntax.

atom_setformat() supports clfdsoaCLFDSOA tokens (primitive type scalars and arrays respectively for the char,
long, float, double, t_symbol∗, t_object∗, t_atom∗). It also supports vbp@ tokens (obval, binbuf, parsestr, attribute).
This function allocates memory for the atoms if the ac and av parameters are NULL. Otherwise it will attempt to use
any memory already allocated to av. Any allocated memory should be freed with sysmem_freeptr().
ac The address of a variable to hold the number of returned atoms.
av The address of a t_atom pointer to which memory may be allocated and atoms copied.
fmt An sprintf-style format string specifying values for the atoms.
... One or more arguments which are to be substituted into the format string.


A Max error code.

See also

atom_setparse() t_max_err atom_setlong ( t_atom ∗ a, t_atom_long b )

Inserts an integer into a t_atom and change the t_atom's type to A_LONG.
a Pointer to a t_atom whose value and type will be modified
b Integer value to copy into the t_atom


This function returns the error code MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, or one of the other error codes defined
in e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.

Referenced by jit_atom_setlong(). t_max_err atom_setlong_array ( long ac, t_atom ∗ av, long count, t_atom_long ∗ vals )

Assign an array of long integer values to an array of atoms.

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36.17 Atoms 339

ac The number of atoms to try to fetch from the array of longs. You should have at least this
number of atoms allocated in av.
av The address to the first of an array of allocated atoms.
count The number of values in the array specified by vals.
vals The array from which to copy the values into the array of atoms at av.


A Max error code. t_max_err atom_setobj ( t_atom ∗ a, void ∗ b )

Inserts a generic pointer value into a t_atom and change the t_atom's type to A_OBJ.
a Pointer to a t_atom whose value and type will be modified
b Pointer value to copy into the t_atom


This function returns the error code MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, or one of the other error codes defined
in e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.

Referenced by jit_atom_setobj(). t_max_err atom_setobj_array ( long ac, t_atom ∗ av, long count, t_object ∗∗ vals )

Assign an array of t_object∗ values to an array of atoms.

ac The number of atoms to try to fetch from the array of objects. You should have at least this
number of atoms allocated in av.
av The address to the first of an array of allocated atoms.
count The number of values in the array specified by vals.
vals The array from which to copy the values into the array of atoms at av.


A Max error code. t_max_err atom_setparse ( long ∗ ac, t_atom ∗∗ av, C74_CONST char ∗ parsestr )

Parse a C-string into an array of atoms.

This function allocates memory for the atoms if the ac and av parameters are NULL. Otherwise it will attempt to use
any memory already allocated to av. Any allocated memory should be freed with sysmem_freeptr().

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340 Module Documentation

ac The address of a variable to hold the number of returned atoms.

av The address of a t_atom pointer to which memory may be allocated and atoms copied.
parsestr The C-string to parse.


A Max error code.


The following example will parse the string "foo bar 1 2 3.0" into an array of 5 atoms. The atom types will be
determined automatically as 2 A_SYM atoms, 2 A_LONG atoms, and 1 A_FLOAT atom.

1 t_atom *av = NULL;

2 long ac = 0;
3 t_max_err err = MAX_ERR_NONE;
5 err = atom_setparse(&ac, &av, "foo bar 1 2 3.0"); t_max_err atom_setsym ( t_atom ∗ a, t_symbol ∗ b )

Inserts a t_symbol ∗ into a t_atom and change the t_atom's type to A_SYM.
a Pointer to a t_atom whose value and type will be modified
b Pointer to a t_symbol to copy into the t_atom


This function returns the error code MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, or one of the other error codes defined
in e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.

Referenced by jit_atom_setsym(). t_max_err atom_setsym_array ( long ac, t_atom ∗ av, long count, t_symbol ∗∗ vals )

Assign an array of t_symbol∗ values to an array of atoms.

ac The number of atoms to try to fetch from the array of symbols. You should have at least this
number of atoms allocated in av.
av The address to the first of an array of allocated atoms.
count The number of values in the array specified by vals.
vals The array from which to copy the values into the array of atoms at av.


A Max error code. long atomisatomarray ( t_atom ∗ a )

Determines whether or not an atom represents a t_atomarray object.

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36.17 Atoms 341

a The address of the atom to test.


Returns true if the t_atom contains a valid t_atomarray object. long atomisdictionary ( t_atom ∗ a )

Determines whether or not an atom represents a t_dictionary object.

a The address of the atom to test.


Returns true if the t_atom contains a valid t_dictionary object. long atomisstring ( const t_atom ∗ a )

Determines whether or not an atom represents a t_string object.

a The address of the atom to test.


Returns true if the t_atom contains a valid t_string object. void postargs ( long argc, t_atom ∗ argv )

Print the contents of an array of atoms to the Max window.

argc The count of atoms in argv.
argv The address to the first of an array of atoms.

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342 Module Documentation

36.18 Atombufs

An Atombuf is an alternative to Binbufs for temporary storage of atoms.

Collaboration diagram for Atombufs:

Data Types Atombufs

Data Structures

• struct t_atombuf
The atombuf struct provides a way to pass a collection of atoms.


• BEGIN_USING_C_LINKAGE void ∗ atombuf_new (long argc, t_atom ∗argv)

Use atombuf_new() to create a new Atombuf from an array of t_atoms.
• void atombuf_free (t_atombuf ∗x)
Use atombuf_free() to dispose of the memory used by a t_atombuf.
• void atombuf_text (t_atombuf ∗∗x, char ∗∗text, long size)
Use atombuf_text() to convert text to a t_atom array in a t_atombuf.

36.18.1 Detailed Description

An Atombuf is an alternative to Binbufs for temporary storage of atoms.

Its principal advantage is that the internal structure is publicly available so you can manipulate the atoms in place.
The standard Max text objects (message box, object box, comment) use the Atombuf structure to store their text
(each word of text is stored as a t_symbol or a number).

36.18.2 Function Documentation void atombuf_free ( t_atombuf ∗ x )

Use atombuf_free() to dispose of the memory used by a t_atombuf.

x The t_atombuf to free. BEGIN_USING_C_LINKAGE void∗ atombuf_new ( long argc, t_atom ∗ argv )

Use atombuf_new() to create a new Atombuf from an array of t_atoms.

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36.18 Atombufs 343

argc Number of t_atoms in the argv array. May be 0.
argv Array of t_atoms. If creating an empty Atombuf, you may pass 0.


atombuf_new() create a new t_atombuf and returns a pointer to it. If 0 is returned, insufficient memory was
available. void atombuf_text ( t_atombuf ∗∗ x, char ∗∗ text, long size )

Use atombuf_text() to convert text to a t_atom array in a t_atombuf.

To use this routine to create a new Atombuf from the text buffer, first create a new empty t_atombuf with a call to
x Pointer to existing atombuf variable. The variable will be replaced by a new Atombuf contain-
ing the converted text.
text Handle to the text to be converted. It need not be zero-terminated.
size Number of characters in the text.

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344 Module Documentation

36.19 Binbufs

You won’t need to know about the internal structure of a Binbuf, so you can use the void ∗ type to refer to one.
Collaboration diagram for Binbufs:

Data Types Binbufs


• void ∗ binbuf_new (void)

Use binbuf_new() to create and initialize a Binbuf.
• void binbuf_vinsert (void ∗x, char ∗fmt,...)
Use binbuf_vinsert() to append a Max message to a Binbuf adding a semicolon.
• void binbuf_insert (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, short argc, t_atom ∗argv)
Use binbuf_insert() to append a Max message to a Binbuf adding a semicolon.
• void ∗ binbuf_eval (void ∗x, short ac, t_atom ∗av, void ∗to)
Use binbuf_eval to evaluate a Max message in a Binbuf, passing it arguments.
• short binbuf_getatom (void ∗x, long ∗p1, long ∗p2, t_atom ∗ap)
Use binbuf_getatom to retrieve a single t_atom from a Binbuf.
• short binbuf_text (void ∗x, char ∗∗srcText, long n)
Use binbuf_text() to convert a text handle to a Binbuf.
• short binbuf_totext (void ∗x, char ∗∗dstText, t_ptr_size ∗sizep)
Use binbuf_totext() to convert a Binbuf into a text handle.
• void binbuf_set (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, short argc, t_atom ∗argv)
Use binbuf_set() to change the entire contents of a Binbuf.
• void binbuf_append (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, short argc, t_atom ∗argv)
Use binbuf_append to append t_atoms to a Binbuf without modifying them.
• short readatom (char ∗outstr, char ∗∗text, long ∗n, long e, t_atom ∗ap)
Use readatom() to read a single t_atom from a text buffer.

36.19.1 Detailed Description

You won’t need to know about the internal structure of a Binbuf, so you can use the void ∗ type to refer to one.

36.19.2 Function Documentation void binbuf_append ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, short argc, t_atom ∗ argv )

Use binbuf_append to append t_atoms to a Binbuf without modifying them.

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36.19 Binbufs 345

x Binbuf to receive the items.
s Ignored. Pass NULL.
argc Count of items in the argv array.
argv Array of atoms to add to the Binbuf. void∗ binbuf_eval ( void ∗ x, short ac, t_atom ∗ av, void ∗ to )

Use binbuf_eval to evaluate a Max message in a Binbuf, passing it arguments.

binbuf_eval() is an advanced function that evaluates the message in a Binbuf with arguments in argv, and sends it
to receiver.
x Binbuf containing the message.
ac Count of items in the argv array.
av Array of t_atoms as the arguments to the message.
to Receiver of the message.


The result of sending the message. short binbuf_getatom ( void ∗ x, long ∗ p1, long ∗ p2, t_atom ∗ ap )

Use binbuf_getatom to retrieve a single t_atom from a Binbuf.

x Binbuf containing the desired t_atom.
p1 Offset into the Binbuf's array of types. Modified to point to the next t_atom.
p2 Offset into the Binbuf's array of data. Modified to point to the next t_atom.
ap Location of a t_atom where the retrieved data will be placed.


1 if there were no t_atoms at the specified offsets, 0 if there's a legitimate t_atom returned in result.


To get the first t_atom, set both typeOffset and stuffOffset to 0. Here's an example of getting all the items in a

1 t_atom holder;
2 long to, so;
4 to = 0;
5 so = 0;
6 while (!binbuf_getatom(x, &to, &so, &holder)){
7 // do something with the t_atom
8 } void binbuf_insert ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, short argc, t_atom ∗ argv )

Use binbuf_insert() to append a Max message to a Binbuf adding a semicolon.

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346 Module Documentation

x Binbuf to receive the items.
s Ignored. Pass NULL.
argc Count of items in the argv array.
argv Array of t_atoms to add to the Binbuf.


You'll use binbuf_insert() instead of binbuf_append() if you were saving your object into a Binbuf and wanted
a semicolon at the end. If the message is part of a file that will later be evaluated, such as a Patcher file, the
first argument argv[0] will be the receiver of the message and must be a Symbol. binbuf_vinsert() is easier to
use than binbuf_insert(), since you don't have to format your data into an array of Atoms first.

binbuf_insert() will also convert the t_symbols #1 through #9 into $1 through $9. This is used for saving patcher
files that take arguments; you will probably never save these symbols as part of anything you are doing. void∗ binbuf_new ( void )

Use binbuf_new() to create and initialize a Binbuf.


Returns a new binbuf if successful, otherwise NULL. void binbuf_set ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, short argc, t_atom ∗ argv )

Use binbuf_set() to change the entire contents of a Binbuf.

The previous contents of the Binbuf are destroyed.
x Binbuf to receive the items.
s Ignored. Pass NULL.
argc Count of items in the argv array.
argv Array of t_atoms to put in the Binbuf. short binbuf_text ( void ∗ x, char ∗∗ srcText, long n )

Use binbuf_text() to convert a text handle to a Binbuf.

binbuf_text() parses the text in the handle srcText and converts it into binary format. Use it to evaluate a text file or
text line entry into a Binbuf.
x Binbuf to contain the converted text. It must have already been created with binbuf_new. Its
previous contents are destroyed.
srcText Handle to the text to be converted. It need not be terminated with a 0.
n Number of characters in the text.


If binbuf_text encounters an error during its operation, a non-zero result is returned, otherwise it returns 0.

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36.19 Binbufs 347


Note: Commas, symbols containing a dollar sign followed by a number 1-9, and semicolons are identified by
special pseudo-type constants for you when your text is binbuf-ized.

The following constants in the a_type field of Atoms returned by binbuf_getAtom identify the special symbols A_←-
For a t_atom of the pseudo-type A_DOLLAR, the a_w.w_long field of the t_atom contains the number after the dollar
sign in the original text or symbol.
Using these pseudo-types may be helpful in separating 'sentences' and 'phrases' in the input language you design.
For example, the old pop-up umenu object allowed users to have spaces in between words by requiring the menu
items be separated by commas. It's reasonably easy, using binbuf_getatom(), to find the commas in a Binbuf in
order to determine the beginning of a new item when reading the atomized text to be displayed in the menu.
If you want to use a literal comma or semicolon in a symbol, precede it with a backslash (\) character. The backslash
character can be included by using two backslashes in a row. short binbuf_totext ( void ∗ x, char ∗∗ dstText, t_ptr_size ∗ sizep )

Use binbuf_totext() to convert a Binbuf into a text handle.

binbuf_totext() converts a Binbuf into text and places it in a handle. Backslashes are added to protect literal commas
and semicolons contained in symbols. The pseudo-types are converted into commas, semicolons, or dollar-sign
and number, without backslashes preceding them. binbuf_text can read the output of binbuf_totext and make the
same Binbuf.
x Binbuf with data to convert to text.
dstText Pre-existing handle where the text will be placed. dstText will be resized to accomodate the
sizep Where binbuf_totext() returns the number of characters in the converted text handle.


If binbuf_totext runs out of memory during its operation, it returns a non-zero result, otherwise it returns 0. void binbuf_vinsert ( void ∗ x, char ∗ fmt, ... )

Use binbuf_vinsert() to append a Max message to a Binbuf adding a semicolon.

x Binbuf containing the desired t_atom.
fmt A C-string containing one or more letters corresponding to the types of each element of the
message. s for t_symbol∗, l for long, or f for float.
... Elements of the message, passed directly to the function as Symbols, longs, or floats.


binbuf_vinsert() works somewhat like a printf() for Binbufs. It allows you to pass a number of arguments of
different types and insert them into a Binbuf. The entire message will then be terminated with a semicolon.
Only 16 items can be passed to binbuf_vinsert().

The example below shows the implementation of a normal object's save method. The save method requires that you
build a message that begins with #N (the new object) , followed by the name of your object (in this case, represented
by the t_symbol myobject), followed by any arguments your instance creation function requires. In this example, we
save the values of two fields m_val1 and m_val2 defined as longs.

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348 Module Documentation

1 void myobject_save (myObject *x, Binbuf *dstBuf)

2 {
3 binbuf_vinsert(dstBuf, "ssll", gensym("#N"),
4 gensym("myobject"),
5 x->m_val1, x->m_val2);
6 }

Suppose that such an object had written this data into a file. If you opened the file as text, you would see the

1 #N myobject 10 20;
2 #P newobj 218 82 30 myobject;

The first line will result in a new myobject object to be created; the creation function receives the arguments 10 and
20. The second line contains the text of the object box. The newobj message to a patcher creates the object box
user interface object and attaches it to the previously created myobject object. Normally, the newex message is
used. This causes the object to be created using the arguments that were typed into the object box. short readatom ( char ∗ outstr, char ∗∗ text, long ∗ n, long e, t_atom ∗ ap )

Use readatom() to read a single t_atom from a text buffer.

outstr C-string of 256 characters that will receive the next text item read from the buffer.
text Handle to the text buffer to be read.
n Starts at 0, and is modified by readatom to point to the next item in the text buffer.
e Number of characters in text.
ap Where the resulting t_atom read from the text buffer is placed.


readatom() returns non-zero if there is more text to read, and zero if it has reached the end of the text. Note
that this return value has the opposite logic from that of binbuf_getatom().


This function provides access to the low-level Max text evaluator used by binbuf_text(). It is designed to
operate on a handle of characters (text) and called in a loop, as in the example shown below.

1 long index = 0;
2 t_atom dst;
3 char outstr[256];
5 while (readatom(outstr,textHandle,&index,textLength,&dst))
6 {
7 // do something with the resulting t_atom
8 }

An alternative to using readatom is to turn your text into a Binbuf using binbuf_text(), then call binbuf_getatom()
in a loop.

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36.20 Symbols 349

36.20 Symbols

Max maintains a symbol table of all strings to speed lookup for message passing.
Collaboration diagram for Symbols:

Data Types Symbols

Data Structures

• struct t_symbol
The symbol.


• t_symbol ∗ gensym (C74_CONST char ∗s)

Given a C-string, fetch the matching t_symbol pointer from the symbol table, generating the symbol if neccessary.
• t_symbol ∗ gensym_tr (const char ∗s)
Given a C-string, fetch the matching t_symbol pointer from the symbol table, generating and translating the symbol if

36.20.1 Detailed Description

Max maintains a symbol table of all strings to speed lookup for message passing.
If you want to access the bang symbol for example, you’ll have to use the expression gensym("bang"). For example,
gensym() may be needed when sending messages directly to other Max objects such as with object_method() and
outlet_anything(). These functions expect a t_symbol∗, they don’t gensym() character strings for you.
The t_symbol data structure also contains a place to store an arbitrary value. The following example shows how
you can use this feature to use symbols to share values among two different external object classes. (Objects of
the same class can use the code resource’s global variable space to share data.) The idea is that the s_thing field
of a t_symbol can be set to some value, and gensym() will return a reference to the Symbol. Thus, the two classes
just have to agree about the character string to be used. Alternatively, each could be passed a t_symbol that will be
used to share data.
Storing a value:

t_symbol *s;
s = gensym("some_weird_string");
s->s_thing = (t_object *)someValue;

Retrieving a value:

t_symbol *s;
s = gensym("some_weird_string");
someValue = s->s_thing;

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350 Module Documentation

36.20.2 Function Documentation t_symbol∗ gensym ( C74_CONST char ∗ s )

Given a C-string, fetch the matching t_symbol pointer from the symbol table, generating the symbol if neccessary.

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36.20 Symbols 351

s A C-string to be looked up in Max's symbol table.


A pointer to the t_symbol in the symbol table.

Referenced by jit_attr_offset_array_new(), jit_attr_offset_new(), jit_attribute_new(), jit_bin_read_matrix(), jit_bin_←-

write_matrix(), jit_class_addinterface(), jit_class_method_addargsafe(), jit_class_method_argsafe_get(), jit_mop←-
_input_nolink(), jit_mop_io_new(), jit_mop_new(), jit_mop_newcopy(), jit_mop_output_nolink(), jit_mop_single←-
_planecount(), jit_mop_single_type(), jit_ob3d_free(), jit_ob3d_new(), jit_ob3d_setup(), jit_object_exportattrs(),
jit_object_importattrs(), max_jit_attr_args(), max_jit_attr_get(), max_jit_attr_getdump(), max_jit_mop_variable_←-
addinputs(), max_jit_mop_variable_addoutputs(), max_jit_obex_gimmeback_dumpout(), and max_jit_obex_jitob←-
_set(). t_symbol∗ gensym_tr ( const char ∗ s )

Given a C-string, fetch the matching t_symbol pointer from the symbol table, generating and translating the symbol
if neccessary.
s A C-string to be looked up in Max's symbol table and then translated


A pointer to the t_symbol in the symbol table.

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352 Module Documentation

36.21 Files and Folders

These routines assist your object in opening and saving files, as well as locating the user’s files in the Max search

Data Structures

• struct t_fileinfo
Information about a file.
• struct t_path
The path data structure.
• struct t_pathlink
The pathlink data structure.


• #define MAX_PATH_CHARS
The size you should use when allocating strings for full paths.
The size you should use when allocating strings for filenames.


• typedef t_filestruct ∗ t_filehandle

A t_filehandle is a cross-platform way of referring to an open file.


• enum e_max_path_styles {
Constants that determine the output of path_nameconform().
• enum e_max_path_types {
Constants that determine the output of path_nameconform().
Flags used to represent properties of a file in a t_fileinfo struct.
Flags used by functions such as path_foldernextfile() and path_openfolder().
• enum e_max_openfile_permissions { PATH_READ_PERM, PATH_WRITE_PERM, PATH_RW_PERM }
Permissions or mode with which to open a file.
Modes used by sysfile_setpos()
• enum t_sysfile_text_flags {
Flags used reading and writing text files.

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36.21 Files and Folders 353


• short path_getapppath (void)

Retrieve the Path ID of the Max application.
• short locatefile (C74_CONST char ∗name, short ∗outvol, short ∗binflag)
Find a Max document by name in the search path.
• short locatefiletype (C74_CONST char ∗name, short ∗outvol, t_fourcc filetype, t_fourcc creator)
Find a Max document by name in the search path.
• short locatefile_extended (char ∗name, short ∗outvol, t_fourcc ∗outtype, C74_CONST t_fourcc ∗filetypelist,
short numtypes)
Find a file by name.
• short path_resolvefile (char ∗name, C74_CONST short path, short ∗outpath)
Resolve a Path ID plus a (possibly extended) file name into a path that identifies the file's directory and a filename.
• short path_fileinfo (C74_CONST char ∗name, C74_CONST short path, t_fileinfo ∗info)
Retrive a t_fileinfo structure from a file/path combination.
• short path_topathname (C74_CONST short path, C74_CONST char ∗file, char ∗name)
Create a fully qualified file name from a Path ID/file name combination.
• short path_frompathname (C74_CONST char ∗name, short ∗path, char ∗filename)
Create a filename and Path ID combination from a fully qualified file name.
• void path_setdefault (short path, short recursive)
Install a path as the default search path.
• short path_getdefault (void)
Retrieve the Path ID of the default search path.
• short path_getmoddate (short path, t_ptr_uint ∗date)
Determine the modification date of the selected path.
• short path_getfilemoddate (C74_CONST char ∗filename, C74_CONST short path, t_ptr_uint ∗date)
Determine the modification date of the selected file.
• void ∗ path_openfolder (short path)
Prepare a directory for iteration.
• short path_foldernextfile (void ∗xx, t_fourcc ∗filetype, char ∗name, short descend)
Get the next file in the directory.
• void path_closefolder (void ∗x)
Complete a directory iteration.
• short path_opensysfile (C74_CONST char ∗name, C74_CONST short path, t_filehandle ∗ref, short perm)
Open a file given a filename and Path ID.
• short path_createsysfile (C74_CONST char ∗name, short path, t_fourcc type, t_filehandle ∗ref)
Create a file given a type code, a filename, and a Path ID.
• short path_nameconform (C74_CONST char ∗src, char ∗dst, long style, long type)
Convert a source path string to destination path string using the specified style and type.
• short path_topotentialname (C74_CONST short path, C74_CONST char ∗file, char ∗name, short check)
Create a fully qualified file name from a Path ID/file name combination, regardless of whether or not the file exists on
• t_max_err path_toabsolutesystempath (const short in_path, const char ∗in_filename, char ∗out_filepath)
Translates a Max path+filename combo into a correct POSIX absolute path that can be used to pass to libraries and
also handles multiple volumes correctly.
• t_max_err path_absolutepath (t_symbol ∗∗returned_path, const t_symbol ∗s, const t_fourcc ∗filetypelist,
short numtypes)
Convert a path to an absolutepath as done by the absolutepath object in Max.
• void open_promptset (C74_CONST char ∗s)
Use open_promptset() to add a prompt message to the open file dialog displayed by open_dialog().
• void saveas_promptset (C74_CONST char ∗s)

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354 Module Documentation

Use saveas_promptset() to add a prompt message to the open file dialog displayed by saveas_dialog() or
• void ∗ filewatcher_new (t_object ∗owner, C74_CONST short path, C74_CONST char ∗filename)
Create a new filewatcher.
• void fileusage_addfile (void ∗w, long flags, C74_CONST char ∗name, C74_CONST short path)
Add a file to a collective.
• void fileusage_addpackage (void ∗w, C74_CONST char ∗name, t_object ∗subfoldernames)
Add a package to a standalone.
• short open_dialog (char ∗name, short ∗volptr, t_fourcc ∗typeptr, t_fourcc ∗types, short ntypes)
Present the user with the standard open file dialog.
• short saveas_dialog (char ∗filename, short ∗path, short ∗binptr)
Present the user with the standard save file dialog.
• short saveasdialog_extended (char ∗name, short ∗vol, t_fourcc ∗type, t_fourcc ∗typelist, short numtypes)
Present the user with the standard save file dialog with your own list of file types.
• BEGIN_USING_C_LINKAGE t_max_err sysfile_close (t_filehandle f)
Close a file opened with sysfile_open().
• t_max_err sysfile_read (t_filehandle f, t_ptr_size ∗count, void ∗bufptr)
Read a file from disk.
• t_max_err sysfile_readtohandle (t_filehandle f, char ∗∗∗h)
Read the contents of a file into a handle.
• t_max_err sysfile_readtoptr (t_filehandle f, char ∗∗p)
Read the contents of a file into a pointer.
• t_max_err sysfile_write (t_filehandle f, t_ptr_size ∗count, const void ∗bufptr)
Write part of a file to disk.
• t_max_err sysfile_seteof (t_filehandle f, t_ptr_size logeof)
Set the size of a file handle.
• t_max_err sysfile_geteof (t_filehandle f, t_ptr_size ∗logeof)
Get the size of a file handle.
• t_max_err sysfile_setpos (t_filehandle f, t_sysfile_pos_mode mode, t_ptr_int offset)
Set the current file position of a file handle.
• t_max_err sysfile_getpos (t_filehandle f, t_ptr_size ∗filepos)
Get the current file position of a file handle.
• t_max_err sysfile_spoolcopy (t_filehandle src, t_filehandle dst, t_ptr_size size)
Copy the contents of one file handle to another file handle.
• t_max_err sysfile_readtextfile (t_filehandle f, t_handle htext, t_ptr_size maxlen, t_sysfile_text_flags flags)
Read a text file from disk.
• t_max_err sysfile_writetextfile (t_filehandle f, t_handle htext, t_sysfile_text_flags flags)
Write a text file to disk.
• t_max_err sysfile_openhandle (char ∗∗h, t_sysfile_flags flags, t_filehandle ∗fh)
Create a t_filehandle from a pre-existing handle.
• t_max_err sysfile_openptrsize (char ∗p, t_ptr_size length, t_sysfile_flags flags, t_filehandle ∗fh)
Create a t_filehandle from a pre-existing pointer.

36.21.1 Detailed Description

These routines assist your object in opening and saving files, as well as locating the user’s files in the Max search
There have been a significant number of changes to these routines (as well as the addition of many functions), so
some history may be useful in understanding their use.
Prior to version 4, Max used a feature of Mac OS 9 called "working directories" to specify files. When you used the
locatefile() service routine, you would get back a file name and a volume number. This name (converted to a Pascal

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36.21 Files and Folders 355

string) and the volume number could be passed to FSOpen() to open the located file for reading. The open_dialog()
routine worked similarly.
In Mac OSX, working directories are no longer supported. In addition, the use of these "volume" numbers makes it
somewhat difficult to port Max file routines to other operating systems, such as Windows XP, that specify files using
complete pathnames (i.e., "C:\dir1\dir2\file.pat").
However, it is useful to be able to refer to the path and the name of the file separately. The solution involves the
retention of the volume number (now called Path ID), but with a platform- independent wrapper that determines its
meaning. There are now calls to locate, open, and choose files using C filename strings and Path IDs, as well as
routines to convert between a "native" format for specifying a file (such as a full pathname on Windows or an FSRef
on the Macintosh) to the C string and Path ID. As of Max version 5 FSSpecs, long ago deprecated by Apple, are no
longer supported.
Now that paths in Max have changed to use the slash style, as opposed to the old Macintosh colon style (see the
Max 4.3 documentation for a description of the file path styles), there is one function in particular that you will find
useful for converting between the various ways paths can be represented, including operating system native paths.
This function is path_nameconform(). Note that for compatibility purposes Path API functions accept paths in any
number of styles, but will typically return paths, or modify paths inline to use the newer slash style. In addition to
absolute paths, paths relative to the Max Folder, the "Cycling '74" folder and the boot volume are also supported.
See the and ext_path.h files for more information on the various styles and types of paths. See
the "filebyte" SDK example project for a demonstration of how to use the path functions to convert a Max name and
path ref pair to a Windows native path for use with CreateFile().
There are a large number of service routine in the Max 4 kernel that support files, but only a handful will be needed
by most external objects. In addition to the descriptions that follow, you should consult the movie, folder and filedate
examples included with the SDK.

36.21.2 The Sysfile API

The Sysfile API provides the means of reading and writing files opened by path_createsysfile() and similar. These
functions all make use of an opaque structure, t_filehandle. See the path functions path_opensysfile() and path←-
_createsysfile() described earlier in this chapter for more information. The Sysfile API is relatively similar to parts
of the old Macintosh File Manager API, and not too different from Standard C library file functions. The "filebyte"
example project in the SDK shows how to use these functions to read from a file. It is not safe to mix these routines
with other file routines (e.g. don’t use fopen() to open a file and sysfile_close() to close it).
In addition to being able to use these routines to write cross-platform code in your max externals, another advantage
of the Sysfile API is that it is able to read files stored in the collective file format on both Windows XP and Mac OSX.

36.21.3 Example: filebyte (notes from the IRCAM workshop) Paths

• A number that specifies a file location

• Returned by locatefile_extended() and open_dialog()

• Supply a path when opening a file with path_opensysfile()

• Can convert path to and from pathname t_filehandle

• Returned by path_opensysfile

• Refers to an open file you want to read or write using sysfile_read / sysfile_write

• Could refer to a file in a collective

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356 Module Documentation File Names

• C string

• Max 5 filenames are UTF-8

• Max 5 supports long (unicode) filenames on both Mac and Windows File Path Names

• Max uses a platform-independent path string format: volume:/path1/path2/filename returned by path_←-


• Can convert to platform-specific format using path_nameconform (not needed if using path_opensysfile)

• Platform-independent format must be used with path_frompathname

36.21.4 Collectives and Fileusage

Use the fileusage routines to add files to a collective when a user chooses to build a collective. Your object can
respond to a "fileusage" message, which is sent by Max when the collective builder is building a collective using the

class_addmethod(c, (method)my_fileusage, "fileusage",

A_CANT, 0L);

Where my file usage has the prototype:

void my_fileusage(t_myObject *x, void *w);

Then you can use fileusage_addfile() to add any requisite files to the collective.

36.21.5 Filewatchers

Your object can watch a file or folder and be notified of changes. Use filewatcher_new(), filewatcher_start(), and
filewatcher_stop() to implement this functionality. You may wish to use filewatchers sparingly as they can potentially
incur computational overhead in the background.

36.21.6 Macro Definition Documentation #define MAX_FILENAME_CHARS

The size you should use when allocating strings for filenames.
At the time of this writing it supports up to 256 UTF chars

36.21.7 Typedef Documentation typedef t_filestruct∗ t_filehandle

A t_filehandle is a cross-platform way of referring to an open file.

It is an opaque structure, meaning you don’t have access to the individual elements of the data structure. You can
use a t_filehandle only with the file routines in the Sysfile API. Do not use other platform- specific file functions in
conjunction with these functions. The perm parameter can be either READ_PERM, WRITE_PERM, or RW_PERM.

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36.21 Files and Folders 357

36.21.8 Enumeration Type Documentation enum e_max_fileinfo_flags

Flags used to represent properties of a file in a t_fileinfo struct.


PATH_FILEINFO_PACKAGE package (Mac-only) enum e_max_openfile_permissions

Permissions or mode with which to open a file.



PATH_RW_PERM Read/Write mode. enum e_max_path_folder_flags

Flags used by functions such as path_foldernextfile() and path_openfolder().


PATH_REPORTPACKAGEASFOLDER if not true, then a Mac OS package will be reported as a file rather
than a folder.
PATH_NOALIASRESOLUTION no alias resolution enum e_max_path_styles

Constants that determine the output of path_nameconform().

See also




PATH_STYLE_COLON ':' sep, "vol:" volume, ":" relative, "∧ :" boot
PATH_STYLE_SLASH '/' sep, "vol:/" volume, "./" relative, "/" boot
PATH_STYLE_NATIVE_WIN '\' sep, "vol:\\" volume, ".\\" relative, "\\" boot

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358 Module Documentation enum e_max_path_types

Constants that determine the output of path_nameconform().

See also



PATH_TYPE_ABSOLUTE absolute path
PATH_TYPE_RELATIVE relative path
PATH_TYPE_BOOT boot path
PATH_TYPE_C74 Cycling '74 folder.
TH_TYPE_ABSOLUTE in that order enum t_sysfile_pos_mode

Modes used by sysfile_setpos()


SYSFILE_FROMSTART Calculate the file position from the start of the file.
SYSFILE_FROMLEOF Calculate the file position from the logical end of the file.
SYSFILE_FROMMARK Calculate the file position from the current file position. enum t_sysfile_text_flags

Flags used reading and writing text files.


TEXT_LB_NATIVE Use the linebreak format native to the current platform.

TEXT_LB_MAC Use Macintosh line breaks.
TEXT_LB_PC Use Windows line breaks.
TEXT_LB_UNIX Use Unix line breaks.
TEXT_ENCODING_USE_FILE If this flag is not set then the encoding is forced to UTF8.
TEXT_NULL_TERMINATE Terminate memory returned from sysfile_readtextfile() with a NULL character.

36.21.9 Function Documentation void fileusage_addfile ( void ∗ w, long flags, C74_CONST char ∗ name, C74_CONST short path )

Add a file to a collective.

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36.21 Files and Folders 359

w Handle for the collective builder.
flags If flags == 1, copy this file to support folder of an app instead of to the collective in an app.
name The name of the file.
path The path of the file to add. void fileusage_addpackage ( void ∗ w, C74_CONST char ∗ name, t_object ∗ subfoldernames )

Add a package to a standalone.

w Handle for the standalone builder
name The name of the package
subfoldernames A t_atomarray containing symbols, each of which is a foldername in the package to include.
Pass NULL to include the entire package contents.


Introduced in Max 7.0.4 void∗ filewatcher_new ( t_object ∗ owner, C74_CONST short path, C74_CONST char ∗ filename )

Create a new filewatcher.

The file will not be actively watched until filewatcher_start() is called. The filewatcher can be freed using object_←-
owner Your object. This object will receive the message "filechanged" when the watcher sees a
change in the file or folder.
path The path in which the file being watched resides, or the path of the folder being watched.
filename The name of the file being watched, or an empty string if you are simply watching the folder
specified by path.


A pointer to the new filewatcher.


The "filechanged" method should have the prototype:

1 void myObject_filechanged(t_myObject *x, char *filename, short path); short locatefile ( C74_CONST char ∗ name, short ∗ outvol, short ∗ binflag )

Find a Max document by name in the search path.

This routine performs the same function as the routine path_getdefault(). locatefile() searches through the directo-
ries specified by the user for Patcher files and tables in the File Preferences dialog as well as the current default
path (see path_getdefault) and the directory containing the Max application

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360 Module Documentation

name A C string that is the name of the file to look for.
outvol The Path ID containing the location of the file if it is found.
binflag If the file found is in binary format (it's of type 'maxb') 1 is returned here; if it's in text format,
0 is returned.


If a file is found with the name specified by filename, locatefile returns 0, otherwise it returns non-zero.


filename and vol can then be passed to binbuf_read to read and open file the file. When using MAXplay, the
search path consists of all subdirectories of the directory containing the MAXplay application. locatefile only
searches for files of type 'maxb' and 'TEXT.'

See also

locatefile_extended() short locatefile_extended ( char ∗ name, short ∗ outvol, t_fourcc ∗ outtype, C74_CONST t_fourcc ∗ filetypelist,
short numtypes )

Find a file by name.

If a complete path is not specified, search for the name in the search path. This is the preferred method for file
searching since its introduction in Max version 4.



name The file name for the search, receives actual filename upon return.
outvol The Path ID of the file (if found).
outtype The file type of the file (if found).
filetypelist The file type(s) for which you are searching for, or NULL if any type is acceptable.
numtypes The number of file types in the typelist array (1 if a single entry, 0 if any type is acceptable).


If a file is found with the name specified by filename, locatefile returns 0, otherwise it returns non-zero.

See also



The old file search routines locatefile() and locatefiletype() are still supported in Max 4, but the use of a
new routine locatefile_extended() is highly recommended. However, locatefile_extended() has an important
difference from locatefile() and locatefiletype() that may require some rewriting of your code. It modifies its
name parameter in certain cases, while locatefile() and locatefiletype() do not. The two cases where it could
modify the incoming filename string are 1) when an alias is specified, the file pointed to by the alias is returned;
and 2) when a full path is specified, the output is the filename plus the path number of the folder it's in.

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36.21 Files and Folders 361

This is important because many people pass the s_name field of a t_symbol to locatefile(). If the name field of a
t_symbol were to be modified, the symbol table would be corrupted. To avoid this problem, use strncpy_zero() to
copy the contents of a t_symbol to a character string first, as shown below:

1 char filename[MAX_FILENAME_CHARS];
2 strncpy_zero(filename,str->s_name, MAX_FILENAME_CHARS);
3 result = locatefile_extended(filename,&path,&type,typelist,1); short locatefiletype ( C74_CONST char ∗ name, short ∗ outvol, t_fourcc filetype, t_fourcc creator )

Find a Max document by name in the search path.

This function searches through the same directories as locatefile, but allows you to specify a type and creator of
your own.
name A C string that is the name of the file to look for.
outvol The Path ID containing the location of the file if it is found.
filetype The filetype of the file to look for. If you pass 0L, files of all filetypes are considered.
creator The creator of the file to look for. If you pass 0L, files with any creator are considered.


If a file is found with the name specified by filename, locatefile returns 0, otherwise it returns non-zero.

See also

locatefile_extended() short open_dialog ( char ∗ name, short ∗ volptr, t_fourcc ∗ typeptr, t_fourcc ∗ types, short ntypes )

Present the user with the standard open file dialog.

This function is convenient wrapper for using Mac OS Navigation Services or Standard File for opening files.
The mapping of extensions to types is configured in the C74:/init/max-fileformats.txt file. The standard types to use
for Max files are 'maxb' for old-format binary files, 'TEXT' for text files, and 'JSON' for newer format patchers or other
.json files.
name A C-string that will receive the name of the file the user wants to open. The C-string should
be allocated with a size of at least MAX_FILENAME_CHARS.
volptr Receives the Path ID of the file the user wants to open.
typeptr The file type of the file the user wants to open.
types A list of file types to display. This is not limited to 4 types as in the SFGetFile() trap. Pass
NULL to display all types.
ntypes The number of file types in typelist. Pass 0 to display all types.


0 if the user clicked Open in the dialog box. If the user cancelled, open_dialog() returns a non-zero value.

See also


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362 Module Documentation void open_promptset ( C74_CONST char ∗ s )

Use open_promptset() to add a prompt message to the open file dialog displayed by open_dialog().
Calling this function before open_dialog() permits a string to displayed in the dialog box instructing the user as
to the purpose of the file being opened. It will only apply to the call of open_dialog() that immediately follows
s A C-string containing the prompt you wish to display in the dialog box.



See also

open_dialog() t_max_err path_absolutepath ( t_symbol ∗∗ returned_path, const t_symbol ∗ s, const t_fourcc ∗ filetypelist,
short numtypes )

Convert a path to an absolutepath as done by the absolutepath object in Max.

returned_path Address to a symbol pointer which will be filled-in upon successful return.
s Incoming (non-absolute) path.
filetypelist The first of an array of file types to limit the search.
numtypes The number of entries in the filetypelist parameter.


A Max error code.

See also

locatefile_extended() void path_closefolder ( void ∗ x )

Complete a directory iteration.

x The "folder state" value originally returned by path_openfolder(). short path_createsysfile ( C74_CONST char ∗ name, short path, t_fourcc type, t_filehandle ∗ ref )

Create a file given a type code, a filename, and a Path ID.

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36.21 Files and Folders 363

name The name of the file to be opened.
path The Path ID of the file to be opened.
type The file type of the created file.
ref A t_filehandle reference to the opened file will be returned in this parameter.


An error code. short path_fileinfo ( C74_CONST char ∗ name, C74_CONST short path, t_fileinfo ∗ info )

Retrive a t_fileinfo structure from a file/path combination.

name The file name to be queried.
path The Path ID of the file.
info The address of a t_fileinfo structure to contain the file information.


Returns 0 if successful, otherwise it returns an OS-specific error code. short path_foldernextfile ( void ∗ xx, t_fourcc ∗ filetype, char ∗ name, short descend )

Get the next file in the directory.

In conjunction with path_openfolder() and path_closefolder(), this routine allows you to iterate through all of the files
in a path.
xx The "folder state" value returned by path_openfolder().
filetype Contains the file type of the file type on return.
name Contains the file name of the next file on return.
descend Unused.


Returns non-zero if successful, and zero when there are no more files.

See also

e_max_path_folder_flags short path_frompathname ( C74_CONST char ∗ name, short ∗ path, char ∗ filename )

Create a filename and Path ID combination from a fully qualified file name.
Note that path_frompathname() does not require that the file actually exist. In this way you can use it to convert
a full path you may have received as an argument to a file writing message to a form appropriate to provide to a
routine such as path_createfile().

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364 Module Documentation

name The extended file path to be converted.
path Contains the Path ID on return.
filename Contains the file name on return.


Returns 0 if successful, otherwise it returns an OS-specific error code. short path_getapppath ( void )

Retrieve the Path ID of the Max application.


The path id. short path_getdefault ( void )

Retrieve the Path ID of the default search path.


The path id of the default search path. short path_getfilemoddate ( C74_CONST char ∗ filename, C74_CONST short path, t_ptr_uint ∗ date )

Determine the modification date of the selected file.

filename The name of the file to query.
path The Path ID of the file.
date The last modification date of the file upon return.


An error code. short path_getmoddate ( short path, t_ptr_uint ∗ date )

Determine the modification date of the selected path.

path The Path ID of the directory to check.
date The last modification date of the directory.


An error code. short path_nameconform ( C74_CONST char ∗ src, char ∗ dst, long style, long type )

Convert a source path string to destination path string using the specified style and type.

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36.21 Files and Folders 365

src A pointer to source character string to be converted.
dst A pointer to destination character string.
style The destination filepath style, as defined in e_max_path_styles
type The destination filepath type, as defined in e_max_path_types


An error code.

See also

MAX_PATH_CHARS void∗ path_openfolder ( short path )

Prepare a directory for iteration.

path The directory Path ID to open.


The return value of this routine is an internal "folder state" structure used for further folder manipulation. It
should be saved and used for calls to path_foldernextfile() and path_closefolder(). If the folder cannot be found
or accessed, path_openfolder() returns 0. short path_opensysfile ( C74_CONST char ∗ name, C74_CONST short path, t_filehandle ∗ ref, short perm )

Open a file given a filename and Path ID.

name The name of the file to be opened.
path The Path ID of the file to be opened.
ref A t_filehandle reference to the opened file will be returned in this parameter.
perm The permission for the opened file as defined in e_max_openfile_permissions.


An error code. short path_resolvefile ( char ∗ name, C74_CONST short path, short ∗ outpath )

Resolve a Path ID plus a (possibly extended) file name into a path that identifies the file's directory and a filename.
This routine converts a name and Path ID to a standard form in which the name has no path information and does
not refer to an aliased file.

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366 Module Documentation

name A file name (which may be fully or partially qualified), will contain the file name on return.
path The Path ID to be resolved.
outpath The Path ID of the returned file name.


Returns 0 if successful. void path_setdefault ( short path, short recursive )

Install a path as the default search path.

The default path is searched before the Max search path. For instance, when loading a patcher from a directory
outside the search path, the patcher's directory is searched for files before the search path. path_setdefault() allows
you to set a path as the default.
path The path to use as the search path. If path is already part of the Max Search path, it will not
be added (since, by default, it will be searched during file searches).
recursive If non-zero, all subdirectories will be installed in the default search list. Be very careful with
the use of the recursive argument. It has the capacity to slow down file searches dramatically
as the list of folders is being built. Max itself never creates a hierarchical default search path. t_max_err path_toabsolutesystempath ( const short in_path, const char ∗ in_filename, char ∗ out_filepath )

Translates a Max path+filename combo into a correct POSIX absolute path that can be used to pass to libraries and
also handles multiple volumes correctly.
in_path The Max path reference
in_filename The name of the file in that path.
out_filepath A string that is MAX_PATH_CHARS in length, which will receive the formatted absolute path
upon return.


Returns 0 if successful.

See also


1 // example for getting a windows-formatted path for a folder path:

2 path_toabsolutesystempath(pathid, "", filestring);
3 path_nameconform(filestring, sNativeQualifiedPathname, PATH_STYLE_NATIVE, PATH_TYPE_PATH); short path_topathname ( C74_CONST short path, C74_CONST char ∗ file, char ∗ name )

Create a fully qualified file name from a Path ID/file name combination.
Unlike path_topotentialname(), this routine will only convert a pathname pair to a valid path string if the path exists.

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36.21 Files and Folders 367

path The path to be used.
file The file name to be used.
name Loaded with the fully extended file name on return.


Returns 0 if successful, otherwise it returns an OS-specific error code. short path_topotentialname ( C74_CONST short path, C74_CONST char ∗ file, char ∗ name, short check )

Create a fully qualified file name from a Path ID/file name combination, regardless of whether or not the file exists
on disk.
path The path to be used.
file The file name to be used.
name Loaded with the fully extended file name on return.
check Flag to check if a file with the given path exists.


Returns 0 if successful, otherwise it returns an OS-specific error code.

See also

path_topathname() short saveas_dialog ( char ∗ filename, short ∗ path, short ∗ binptr )

Present the user with the standard save file dialog.

The mapping of extensions to types is configured in the C74:/init/max-fileformats.txt file. The standard types to use
for Max files are 'maxb' for old-format binary files, 'TEXT' for text files, and 'JSON' for newer format patchers or other
.json files.
filename A C-string containing a default name for the file to save. If the user decides to save a file, its
name is returned here. The C-string should be allocated with a size of at least MAX_FILE←-
path If the user decides to save the file, the Path ID of the location chosen is returned here.
binptr Pass NULL for this parameter. This parameter was used in Max 4 to allow the choice of
saving binary or text format patchers.


0 if the user choose to save the file. If the user cancelled, returns a non-zero value.

See also


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368 Module Documentation void saveas_promptset ( C74_CONST char ∗ s )

Use saveas_promptset() to add a prompt message to the open file dialog displayed by saveas_dialog() or
Calling this function before saveasdialog_extended() permits a string to displayed in the dialog box instructing the
user as to the purpose of the file being opened. It will only apply to the call of saveasdialog_extended() that
immediately follows saveas_promptset().
s A C-string containing the prompt you wish to display in the dialog box.



See also

open_dialog() short saveasdialog_extended ( char ∗ name, short ∗ vol, t_fourcc ∗ type, t_fourcc ∗ typelist, short numtypes )

Present the user with the standard save file dialog with your own list of file types.
saveasdialog_extended() is similar to saveas_dialog(), but allows the additional feature of specifying a list of possible
types. These will be displayed in a pop-up menu.
File types found in the typelist argument that match known Max types will be displayed with descriptive text. Un-
matched types will simply display the type name (for example, "foXx" is not a standard type so it would be shown in
the pop-up menu as foXx)
Known file types include:

• TEXT: text file

• maxb: Max binary patcher

• maxc: Max collective

• Midi: MIDI file

• Sd2f: Sound Designer II audio file

• NxTS: NeXT/Sun audio file

• WAVE: WAVE audio file.

• AIFF: AIFF audio file

• mP3f: Max preference file

• PICT: PICT graphic file

• MooV: Quicktime movie file

• aPcs: VST plug-in

• AFxP: VST effect patch data file

• AFxB: VST effect bank data file

• DATA: Raw data audio file

• ULAW: NeXT/Sun audio file

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36.21 Files and Folders 369

name A C-string containing a default name for the file to save. If the user decides to save a file, its
name is returned here. The C-string should be allocated with a size of at least MAX_FILE←-
vol If the user decides to save the file, the Path ID of the location chosen is returned here.
type Returns the type of file chosen by the user.
typelist The list of types provided to the user.
numtypes The number of file types in typelist.


0 if the user choose to save the file. If the user cancelled, returns a non-zero value.

See also

locatefile_extended() BEGIN_USING_C_LINKAGE t_max_err sysfile_close ( t_filehandle f )

Close a file opened with sysfile_open().

This function is similar to FSClose() or fclose(). It should be used instead of system-specific file closing routines in
order to make max external code that will compile cross-platform.
f The t_filehandle structure of the file the user wants to close.


An error code. t_max_err sysfile_geteof ( t_filehandle f, t_ptr_size ∗ logeof )

Get the size of a file handle.

This function is similar to and should be used instead of GetEOF(). The function gets the size of file handle in bytes,
and places it in “logeof?.
f The file's t_filehandle structure.
logeof The file size in bytes is returned to this value.


An error code. t_max_err sysfile_getpos ( t_filehandle f, t_ptr_size ∗ filepos )

Get the current file position of a file handle.

This function is similar to and should be used instead of GetFPos(). The function gets the current file position of file
handle in bytes, and places it in "filepos".

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370 Module Documentation

f The file's t_filehandle structure.
filepos The address of a variable to hold the current file position of file handle in bytes.


An error code. t_max_err sysfile_openhandle ( char ∗∗ h, t_sysfile_flags flags, t_filehandle ∗ fh )

Create a t_filehandle from a pre-existing handle.

h A handle for some data, data is ∗not∗ copied and ∗not∗ freed on file close.
flags Pass 0 (additional flags are private).
fh The address of a t_filehandle which will be allocated.


An error code. t_max_err sysfile_openptrsize ( char ∗ p, t_ptr_size length, t_sysfile_flags flags, t_filehandle ∗ fh )

Create a t_filehandle from a pre-existing pointer.

p A pointer to some data. Data is ∗not∗ copied and ∗not∗ freed on file close.
length The size of p.
flags Pass 0 (additional flags are private).
fh The address of a t_filehandle which will be allocated.


An error code. t_max_err sysfile_read ( t_filehandle f, t_ptr_size ∗ count, void ∗ bufptr )

Read a file from disk.

This function is similar to FSRead() or fread(). It should be used instead of these functions (or other system-specific
file reading routines) in order to make max external code that will compile cross-platform. It reads "count" bytes from
file handle at current file position into "bufptr". The byte count actually read is set in "count", and the file position is
updated by the actual byte count read.
f The t_filehandle structure of the file the user wants to open.
count Pointer to the number of bytes that will be read from the file at the current file position. The
byte count actually read is returned to this value.

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36.21 Files and Folders 371

bufptr Pointer to the buffer that the data will be read into.


An error code.

Referenced by jit_bin_read_chunk_info(), jit_bin_read_header(), and jit_bin_read_matrix(). t_max_err sysfile_readtextfile ( t_filehandle f, t_handle htext, t_ptr_size maxlen, t_sysfile_text_flags

flags )

Read a text file from disk.

This function reads up to the maximum number of bytes given by maxlen from file handle at current file position into
the htext handle, performing linebreak translation if set in flags.
f The t_filehandle structure of the text file the user wants to open.
htext Handle that the data will be read into.
maxlen The maximum length in bytes to be read into the handle. Passing the value 0L indicates no
maximum (i.e. read the entire file).
flags Flags to set linebreak translation as defined in t_sysfile_text_flags.


An error code. t_max_err sysfile_readtohandle ( t_filehandle f, char ∗∗∗ h )

Read the contents of a file into a handle.

f The open t_filehandle structure to read into the handle.
h The address of a handle into which the file will be read.


An error code.


You should free the pointer, when you are done with it, using sysmem_freehandle(). t_max_err sysfile_readtoptr ( t_filehandle f, char ∗∗ p )

Read the contents of a file into a pointer.

f The open t_filehandle structure to read into the handle.

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372 Module Documentation

p The address of a pointer into which the file will be read.


An error code.


You should free the pointer, when you are done with it, using sysmem_freeptr(). t_max_err sysfile_seteof ( t_filehandle f, t_ptr_size logeof )

Set the size of a file handle.

This function is similar to and should be used instead of SetEOF(). The function sets the size of file handle in bytes,
specified by “logeof?.
f The file's t_filehandle structure.
logeof The file size in bytes.


An error code. t_max_err sysfile_setpos ( t_filehandle f, t_sysfile_pos_mode mode, t_ptr_int offset )

Set the current file position of a file handle.

This function is similar to and should be used instead of SetFPos(). It is used to set the current file position of file
handle to by the given number of offset bytes relative to the mode used, as defined in t_sysfile_pos_mode.
f The file's t_filehandle structure.
mode Mode from which the offset will be calculated, as defined in t_sysfile_pos_mode.
offset The offset in bytes relative to the mode.


An error code.

Referenced by jit_bin_read_chunk_info(), jit_bin_read_header(), and jit_bin_write_header(). t_max_err sysfile_spoolcopy ( t_filehandle src, t_filehandle dst, t_ptr_size size )

Copy the contents of one file handle to another file handle.

src The file handle from which to copy.
dst The file handle to which the copy is written.

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36.21 Files and Folders 373

size The number of bytes to copy. If 0 the size of src will be used.


An error code. t_max_err sysfile_write ( t_filehandle f, t_ptr_size ∗ count, const void ∗ bufptr )

Write part of a file to disk.

This function is similar to FSWrite() or fwrite(). It should be used instead of these functions (or other system-specific
file reading routines) in order to make max external code that will compile cross-platform. The function writes "count"
bytes from "bufptr" into file handle at current file position. The byte count actually written is set in "count", and the
file position is updated by the actual byte count written.
f The t_filehandle structure of the file to which the user wants to write.
count Pointer to the number of bytes that will be written to the file at the current file position. The
byte count actually written is returned to this value.
bufptr Pointer to the buffer that the data will be read from.


An error code.

Referenced by jit_bin_write_header(), and jit_bin_write_matrix(). t_max_err sysfile_writetextfile ( t_filehandle f, t_handle htext, t_sysfile_text_flags flags )

Write a text file to disk.

This function writes a text handle to a text file performing linebreak translation if set in flags.
f The t_filehandle structure of the text file to which the user wants to write.
htext Handle that the data that will be read from.
flags Flags to set linebreak translation as defined in t_sysfile_text_flags.


An error code.

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374 Module Documentation

36.22 Jitter

Collaboration diagram for Jitter:

Atom Module

Operator Vector Module

Attribute Module

MOP Module

Memory Module

OB3D Module

Matrix Module

Parallel Utility Module

Linked List Module

Max Wrapper Module

MOP Max Wrapper Module

Miscellaneous Utility

Object Module

Class Module

Binary Module

Math Module


• Atom Module
• Attribute Module
• Binary Module

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36.22 Jitter 375

• Class Module
• Object Module
• Miscellaneous Utility Module
• Linked List Module
• Math Module
• Matrix Module
• Max Wrapper Module
• Memory Module
• MOP Module
• Parallel Utility Module
• MOP Max Wrapper Module
• OB3D Module
• Operator Vector Module


private getter (all)
private setter (all)
private getter (user)
private setter (user)
defer getter (deprecated)
usurp getter (deprecated)
defer getter
usurp getter
defer setter (deprecated)
usurp setter (deprecated)
defer setter
usurp setter
data is handle
data is reference to outside memory
data is tightly packed (doesn't use standard 16 byte alignment)
necessary if using handle/reference data flags when creating jit_matrix, however, it is never stored in matrix
maximum dimension count

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376 Module Documentation

maximum plane count

not currently used
use interpolation
use source dimensions
use destination dimensions
ob3d flag
ob3d flag
• #define JIT_OB3D_NO_BLEND
ob3d flag
ob3d flag
ob3d flag
• #define JIT_OB3D_AUTO_ONLY
ob3d flag
• #define JIT_OB3D_DOES_UI
ob3d flag
• #define JIT_OB3D_NO_DEPTH
ob3d flag
ob3d flag
• #define JIT_OB3D_NO_FOG
ob3d flag
ob3d flag
ob3d flag
ob3d flag
ob3d flag
• #define JIT_OB3D_NO_COLOR
ob3d flag
• #define JIT_OB3D_IS_SLAB
ob3d flag
mop flag
mop flag
mop flag
mop flag
mop flag

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36.22 Jitter 377

mop flag
mop flag
mop flag
mop flag
mop flag
mop flag
mop flag
mop flag
mop flag
• #define JIT_MOP_INPUT
mop flag
• #define JIT_MOP_OUTPUT
mop flag


• typedef t_object t_jit_object

object header


• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_nothing

cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_new
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_free
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_classname
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_getname
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_getmethod
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_get
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_set
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_register
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_char
cached t_symbol

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378 Module Documentation

• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_long

cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_float32
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_float64
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_symbol
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_pointer
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_object
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_atom
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_list
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_type
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_dim
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_planecount
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_val
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_plane
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_cell
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_jit_matrix
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_class_jit_matrix
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_togworld
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_fromgworld
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_frommatrix
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_class_jit_attribute
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_jit_attribute
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_jit_attr_offset
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_jit_attr_offset_array
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_rebuilding
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_modified
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_lock

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36.22 Jitter 379

cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_setinfo
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_setinfo_ex
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_getinfo
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_data
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_getdata
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_outputmatrix
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_clear
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_clear_custom
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_err_calculate
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_max_jit_classex
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_setall
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_chuck
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_getsize
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_getindex
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_objptr2index
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_append
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_insertindex
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_deleteindex
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_chuckindex
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_makearray
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_reverse
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_rotate
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_shuffle
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_swap
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_findfirst
cached t_symbol

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380 Module Documentation

• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_findall

cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_methodall
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_methodindex
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_sort
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_matrix_calc
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_genframe
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_filter
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_jit_mop
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_newcopy
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_jit_linklist
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_inputcount
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_outputcount
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_getinput
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_getoutput
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_getinputlist
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_getoutputlist
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_ioname
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_matrixname
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_outputmode
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_matrix
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_getmatrix
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_typelink
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_dimlink
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_planelink
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_restrict_type
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_restrict_planecount

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36.22 Jitter 381

cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_restrict_dim
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_special
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_getspecial
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_adapt
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_decorator
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_frommatrix_trunc
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_ioproc
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_getioproc
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_name
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_types
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_minplanecount
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_maxplanecount
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_mindimcount
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_maxdimcount
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_mindim
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_maxdim
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_gl_points
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_gl_point_sprite
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_gl_lines
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_gl_line_strip
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_gl_line_loop
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_gl_triangles
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_gl_tri_strip
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_gl_tri_fan
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_gl_quads
cached t_symbol

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382 Module Documentation

• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_gl_quad_strip

cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_gl_polygon
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_gl_tri_grid
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_gl_quad_grid
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_err_lockout_stack
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_class_jit_namespace
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_jit_namespace
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_findsize
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_attach
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_detach
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_add
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_replace
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_gettype
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_ob_sym
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_resolve_name
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_resolve_raw
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_notifyall
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_block
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_unblock
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_position
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_rotatexyz
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_scale
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_quat
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_direction
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_lookat
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_anim

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36.22 Jitter 383

cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_bounds
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_boundcalc
cached t_symbol
• JIT_EX_DATA t_symbol ∗ _jit_sym_calcbounds
cached t_symbol

36.22.1 Detailed Description

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384 Module Documentation

36.23 Memory Management

In the past, Max has provided two separate APIs for memory management.


• #define MM_UNIFIED
This macro being defined means that getbytes and sysmem APIs for memory management are unified.


• char ∗ getbytes (t_getbytes_size size)

Allocate small amounts of non-relocatable memory.
• void freebytes (void ∗b, t_getbytes_size size)
Free memory allocated with getbytes().
• char ∗ getbytes16 (t_getbytes_size size)
Use getbytes16() to allocate small amounts of non-relocatable memory that is aligned on a 16-byte boundary for use
with vector optimization.
• void freebytes16 (char ∗mem, t_getbytes_size size)
Free memory allocated with getbytes16().
• char ∗∗ newhandle (long size)
Allocate relocatable memory.
• short growhandle (void ∗h, long size)
Change the size of a handle.
• void disposhandle (char ∗∗h)
Free the memory used by a handle you no longer need.
• BEGIN_USING_C_LINKAGE t_ptr sysmem_newptr (long size)
Allocate memory.
• t_ptr sysmem_newptrclear (long size)
Allocate memory and set it to zero.
• t_ptr sysmem_resizeptr (void ∗ptr, long newsize)
Resize an existing pointer.
• t_ptr sysmem_resizeptrclear (void ∗ptr, long newsize)
Resize an existing pointer and clear it.
• long sysmem_ptrsize (void ∗ptr)
Find the size of a pointer.
• void sysmem_freeptr (void ∗ptr)
Free memory allocated with sysmem_newptr().
• void sysmem_copyptr (const void ∗src, void ∗dst, long bytes)
Copy memory the contents of one pointer to another pointer.
• t_handle sysmem_newhandle (long size)
Allocate a handle (a pointer to a pointer).
• t_handle sysmem_newhandleclear (unsigned long size)
Allocate a handle (a pointer to a pointer) whose memory is set to zero.
• long sysmem_resizehandle (t_handle handle, long newsize)
Resize an existing handle.
• long sysmem_handlesize (t_handle handle)
Find the size of a handle.
• void sysmem_freehandle (t_handle handle)
Free memory allocated with sysmem_newhandle().

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36.23 Memory Management 385

• long sysmem_lockhandle (t_handle handle, long lock)

Set the locked/unlocked state of a handle.
• long sysmem_ptrandhand (void ∗p, t_handle h, long size)
Add memory to an existing handle and copy memory to the resized portion from a pointer.
• long sysmem_ptrbeforehand (void ∗p, t_handle h, unsigned long size)
Add memory to an existing handle and copy memory to the resized portion from a pointer.
• long sysmem_nullterminatehandle (t_handle h)
Add a null terminator to a handle.

36.23.1 Detailed Description

In the past, Max has provided two separate APIs for memory management.
One for allocating memory on the stack so that it was interrupt safe, including the getbytes() and freebytes() func-
tions. The other, the "sysmem" API, were for allocating memory on the heap where larger amounts of memory were
needed and the code could be guaranteed to operate at non-interrupt level.
Many things have changed in the environment of recent operating systems (MacOS X and Windows XP/Vista), the
memory routines function differently, and the scheduler is no longer directly triggered by a hardware interrupt. In
Max 5, the sysmem and getbytes API's have been unified, and thus may be used interchangeably.
The memory management unification can be switched on and off in the header files if needed, to compile code for
older versions of Max for example, by changing the use of MM_UNIFIED in the Max headers.

36.23.2 Sysmem API

The Sysmem API provides a number of utilities for allocating and managing memory. It is relatively similar to some
of the Macintosh Memory Manager API, and not too different from Standard C library memory functions. It is not safe
to mix these routines with other memory routines (e.g. don’t use malloc() to allocate a pointer, and sysmem_freeptr()
to free it).

36.23.3 Macro Definition Documentation #define MM_UNIFIED

This macro being defined means that getbytes and sysmem APIs for memory management are unified.
This is correct for Max 5, but should be commented out when compiling for older max targets.

36.23.4 Function Documentation void disposhandle ( char ∗∗ h )

Free the memory used by a handle you no longer need.

h The handle to dispose.

See also


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386 Module Documentation void freebytes ( void ∗ b, t_getbytes_size size )

Free memory allocated with getbytes().

As of Max 5 it is unified with sysmem_newptr(), which is the preferred method for allocating memory.

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36.23 Memory Management 387

b A pointer to the block of memory previously allocated that you want to free.
size The size the block specified (as parameter b) in bytes.

Referenced by jit_object_exportattrs(), jit_object_importattrs(), max_jit_attr_getdump(), max_jit_obex_←-

gimmeback(), and max_jit_obex_gimmeback_dumpout(). void freebytes16 ( char ∗ mem, t_getbytes_size size )

Free memory allocated with getbytes16().

As of Max 5 it is unified with sysmem_newptr(), which is the preferred method for allocating memory.
mem A pointer to the block of memory previously allocated that you want to free.
size The size the block specified (as parameter b) in bytes.


Note that freebytes16() will cause memory corruption if you pass it memory that was allocated with getbytes().
Use it only with memory allocated with getbytes16(). char∗ getbytes ( t_getbytes_size size )

Allocate small amounts of non-relocatable memory.

As of Max 5 it is unified with sysmem_newptr(), which is the preferred method for allocating memory.
size The size to allocate in bytes (up to 32767 bytes).


A pointer to the allocated memory. char∗ getbytes16 ( t_getbytes_size size )

Use getbytes16() to allocate small amounts of non-relocatable memory that is aligned on a 16-byte boundary for
use with vector optimization.
size The size to allocate in bytes (up to 32767 bytes).


A pointer to the allocated memory.


getbytes16() is identical to getbytes except that it returns memory that is aligned to a 16-byte boundary. This
allows you to allocate storage for vector-optimized memory at interrupt level. Note that any memory allocated
with getbytes16() must be freed with freebytes16(), not freebytes(). short growhandle ( void ∗ h, long size )

Change the size of a handle.

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388 Module Documentation

h The handle to resize.
size The new size to allocate in bytes.



See also

sysmem_resizehandle() char∗∗ newhandle ( long size )

Allocate relocatable memory.

size The size to allocate in bytes.


The allocated handle.

See also

sysmem_newhandle() void sysmem_copyptr ( const void ∗ src, void ∗ dst, long bytes )

Copy memory the contents of one pointer to another pointer.

This function is similar to BlockMove() or memcpy(). It copies the contents of the memory from the source to the
destination pointer.
src A pointer to the memory whose bytes will be copied.
dst A pointer to the memory where the data will be copied.
bytes The size in bytes of the data to be copied.

Referenced by jit_copy_bytes(). void sysmem_freehandle ( t_handle handle )

Free memory allocated with sysmem_newhandle().

handle The handle whose memory will be freed.

Referenced by jit_handle_free(). void sysmem_freeptr ( void ∗ ptr )

Free memory allocated with sysmem_newptr().

This function is similar to DisposePtr or free. It frees the memory that had been allocated to the given pointer.

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36.23 Memory Management 389

ptr The pointer whose memory will be freed.

Referenced by jit_disposeptr(), jit_freebytes(), and jit_gl_begincapture(). long sysmem_handlesize ( t_handle handle )

Find the size of a handle.

This function is similar to GetHandleSize().
handle The handle whose size will be queried.


The number of bytes allocated to the specified handle.

Referenced by jit_handle_size_get(). long sysmem_lockhandle ( t_handle handle, long lock )

Set the locked/unlocked state of a handle.

This function is similar to HLock or HUnlock. It sets the lock state of a handle, using a zero or non-zero number.
handle The handle that will be locked.
lock The new lock state of the handle.


The previous lock state.

Referenced by jit_handle_lock(). t_handle sysmem_newhandle ( long size )

Allocate a handle (a pointer to a pointer).

This function is similar to NewHandle(). It allocates a handle of a given number of bytes and returns a t_handle.
size The size of the handle in bytes that will be allocated.


A new t_handle.

Referenced by jit_handle_new(). t_handle sysmem_newhandleclear ( unsigned long size )

Allocate a handle (a pointer to a pointer) whose memory is set to zero.

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390 Module Documentation

size The size of the handle in bytes that will be allocated.


A new t_handle.

See also

sysmem_newhandle() BEGIN_USING_C_LINKAGE t_ptr sysmem_newptr ( long size )

Allocate memory.
This function is similar to NewPtr() or malloc(). It allocates a pointer of a given number of bytes and returns a pointer
to the memory allocated.
size The amount of memory to allocate.


A pointer to the allocated memory, or NULL if the allocation fails.

Referenced by jit_getbytes(), jit_gl_begincapture(), and jit_newptr(). t_ptr sysmem_newptrclear ( long size )

Allocate memory and set it to zero.

This function is similar to NewPtrClear() or calloc(). It allocates a pointer of a given number of bytes, zeroing all
memory, and returns a pointer to the memory allocated.
size The amount of memory to allocate.


A pointer to the allocated memory, or NULL if the allocation fails. long sysmem_nullterminatehandle ( t_handle h )

Add a null terminator to a handle.

h A handle to null terminate.


An error code.

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36.23 Memory Management 391 long sysmem_ptrandhand ( void ∗ p, t_handle h, long size )

Add memory to an existing handle and copy memory to the resized portion from a pointer.
This function is similar to PtrAndHand(). It resizes an existing handle by adding a given number of bytes to it and
copies data from a pointer into those bytes.

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392 Module Documentation

p The existing pointer whose data will be copied into the resized handle.
h The handle which will be enlarged by the size of the pointer.
size The size in bytes that will be added to the handle.


The number of bytes allocated to the specified handle. long sysmem_ptrbeforehand ( void ∗ p, t_handle h, unsigned long size )

Add memory to an existing handle and copy memory to the resized portion from a pointer.
Unlike sysmem_ptrandhand(), however, this copies the ptr before the previously exising handle data.
p The existing pointer whose data will be copied into the resized handle.
h The handle which will be enlarged by the size of the pointer.
size The size in bytes that will be added to the handle.


An error code. long sysmem_ptrsize ( void ∗ ptr )

Find the size of a pointer.

This function is similar to _msize().
ptr The pointer whose size will be queried


The number of bytes allocated to the pointer specified. long sysmem_resizehandle ( t_handle handle, long newsize )

Resize an existing handle.

This function is similar to SetHandleSize(). It resizes an existing handle to the size specified.
handle The handle that will be resized.
newsize The new size of the handle in bytes.


The number of bytes allocated to the specified handle.

Referenced by jit_handle_size_set().

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36.23 Memory Management 393 t_ptr sysmem_resizeptr ( void ∗ ptr, long newsize )

Resize an existing pointer.

This function is similar to realloc(). It resizes an existing pointer and returns a new pointer to the resized memory.

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394 Module Documentation

ptr The pointer to the memory that will be resized.
newsize The new size of the pointer in bytes.


A pointer to the resized memory, or NULL if the allocation fails. t_ptr sysmem_resizeptrclear ( void ∗ ptr, long newsize )

Resize an existing pointer and clear it.

ptr The pointer to the memory that will be resized.
newsize The new size of the pointer in bytes.


A pointer to the resized memory, or NULL if the allocation fails.

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36.24 Miscellaneous 395

36.24 Miscellaneous

Collaboration diagram for Miscellaneous:

Monitors and Displays

Byte Ordering

Table Access

Loading Max Files

Extending expr

Mouse and Keyboard

Text Editor Windows




• Console
• Byte Ordering
Utilities for swapping the order of bytes to match the Endianness of the required platform.
• Extending expr
If you want to use C-like variable expressions that are entered by a user of your object, you can use the "guts" of
Max’s expr object in your object.
• Table Access
You can use these functions to access named table objects.
• Text Editor Windows
Max has a simple built-in text editor object that can display and edit text in conjunction with your object.
• Presets

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396 Module Documentation

Max contains a preset object that has the ability to send preset messages to some or all of the objects (clients) in a
Patcher window.
• Loading Max Files
Several high-level functions permit you to load patcher files.
• Monitors and Displays
Functions for finding our information about the environment.
• Windows
• Mouse and Keyboard


• #define INRANGE(v, lo, hi)

If a value is within the specified range, then return true.
• #define MAX(a, b)
Return the higher of two values.
• #define MIN(a, b)
Return the lower of two values.
• #define CLAMP(a, lo, hi)
Limit values to within a specified range.
Ensure that any definitions following this macro use a C-linkage, not a C++ linkage.
Close a definition section that was opened using BEGIN_USING_C_LINKAGE.
• #define calcoffset(x, y)
Find byte offset of a named member of a struct, relative to the beginning of that struct.
• #define structmembersize(structname, membername)
Find size of a named member of a struct.


• typedef unsigned int t_uint

an unsigned int as defined by the architecture / platform
• typedef char t_int8
a 1-byte int
• typedef unsigned char t_uint8
an unsigned 1-byte int
• typedef short t_int16
a 2-byte int
• typedef unsigned short t_uint16
an unsigned 2-byte int
• typedef int t_int32
a 4-byte int
• typedef unsigned int t_uint32
an unsigned 4-byte int
• typedef long long t_int64
an 8-byte int
• typedef unsigned long long t_uint64
an unsigned 8-byte int
• typedef t_uint32 t_fourcc
an integer of suitable size to hold a four char code / identifier
• typedef unsigned long t_ptr_uint

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36.24 Miscellaneous 397

an unsigned pointer-sized int

• typedef long t_ptr_int
a pointer-sized int
• typedef float t_atom_float
the type that is an A_FLOAT in a t_atom
• typedef short t_getbytes_size
like size_t but for getbytes()
• typedef t_ptr_int t_int
an integer
• typedef t_ptr_uint t_ptr_size
unsigned pointer-sized value for counting (like size_t)
• typedef t_ptr_int t_atom_long
the type that is an A_LONG in a t_atom
• typedef t_atom_long t_max_err
an integer value suitable to be returned as an error code
• typedef char ∗∗ t_handle
a handle (address of a pointer)
• typedef char ∗ t_ptr
a pointer
• typedef t_uint8 t_bool
a true/false variable
• typedef t_int16 t_filepath
i.e. path/vol in file APIs identifying a folder


• enum e_max_errorcodes {
Standard values returned by function calls with a return type of t_max_err.
• enum e_max_wind_advise_result { aaYes, aaNo, aaCancel }
Returned values from wind_advise()


• BEGIN_USING_C_LINKAGE void ∗ globalsymbol_reference (t_object ∗x, C74_CONST char ∗name, C74←-

_CONST char ∗classname)
Get a reference to an object that is bound to a t_symbol.
• void globalsymbol_dereference (t_object ∗x, C74_CONST char ∗name, C74_CONST char ∗classname)
Stop referencing an object that is bound to a t_symbol, previously referenced using globalsymbol_reference().
• t_max_err globalsymbol_bind (t_object ∗x, C74_CONST char ∗name, long flags)
Bind an object to a t_symbol.
• void globalsymbol_unbind (t_object ∗x, C74_CONST char ∗name, long flags)
Remove an object from being bound to a t_symbol.
• t_atom_long method_true (void ∗x)
A method that always returns true.
• t_atom_long method_false (void ∗x)
A method that always returns false.
• t_symbol ∗ symbol_unique (void)
Generates a unique t_symbol ∗.
• t_symbol ∗ symbol_stripquotes (t_symbol ∗s)

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398 Module Documentation

Strip quotes from the beginning and end of a symbol if they are present.
• void error_sym (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s)
Posts an error message to the Max window.
• void post_sym (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s)
Posts a message to the Max window.
• t_max_err symbolarray_sort (long ac, t_symbol ∗∗av)
Performs an ASCII sort on an array of t_symbol ∗s.
• void object_obex_quickref (void ∗x, long ∗numitems, t_symbol ∗∗items)
Developers do not need to directly use the object_obex_quickref() function.
• void error_subscribe (t_object ∗x)
Receive messages from the error handler.
• void error_unsubscribe (t_object ∗x)
Remove an object as an error message recipient.
• void quittask_install (method m, void ∗a)
Register a function that will be called when Max exits.
• void quittask_remove (method m)
Unregister a function previously registered with quittask_install().
• short maxversion (void)
Determine version information about the current Max environment.
• BEGIN_USING_C_LINKAGE char ∗ strncpy_zero (char ∗dst, const char ∗src, long size)
Copy the contents of one string to another, in a manner safer than the standard strcpy() or strncpy().
• char ∗ strncat_zero (char ∗dst, const char ∗src, long size)
Concatenate the contents of one string onto the end of another, in a manner safer than the standard strcat() or
• int snprintf_zero (char ∗buffer, size_t count, const char ∗format,...)
Copy the contents of a string together with value substitutions, in a manner safer than the standard sprintf() or
• short wind_advise (t_object ∗w, char ∗s,...)
Throw a dialog which may have text and up to three buttons.
• void wind_setcursor (short which)
Change the cursor.
• void classname_openrefpage_ext (t_symbol ∗classnamespace, char ∗classname)
Show the refpage for a given class.

36.24.1 Detailed Description

36.24.2 Macro Definition Documentation #define BEGIN_USING_C_LINKAGE

Ensure that any definitions following this macro use a C-linkage, not a C++ linkage.
The Max API uses C-linkage. This is important for objects written in C++ or that use a C++ compiler. This macro
must be balanced with the END_USING_C_LINKAGE macro. #define calcoffset( x, y )

Find byte offset of a named member of a struct, relative to the beginning of that struct.

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36.24 Miscellaneous 399

x The name of the struct
y The name of the member


A pointer-sized integer representing the number of bytes into the struct where the member begins.

Referenced by ext_main(), and jit_ob3d_setup(). #define CLAMP( a, lo, hi )

Limit values to within a specified range.

a The value to constrain. NB: CLIP_ASSIGN modifies param 'a' but CLAMP only returns limited
lo The low bound for the range.
hi The high bound for the range.


Returns the value a constrained to the range specified by lo and hi. #define INRANGE( v, lo, hi )

If a value is within the specified range, then return true.

Otherwise return false.
v The value to test.
lo The low bound for the range.
hi The high bound for the range.


Returns true if within range, otherwise false. #define MAX( a, b )

Return the higher of two values.

a The first value to compare.
b The second value to compare.


Returns the higher of a or b.

Referenced by jit_gl_texcoord2f(), jit_matrix_frommatrix(), and jit_mop_io_restrict_dim(). #define MIN( a, b )

Return the lower of two values.

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400 Module Documentation

a The first value to compare.
b The second value to compare.


Returns the lower of a or b.

Referenced by jit_gl_texcoord1f(), jit_gl_texcoord1fv(), jit_gl_texcoord2f(), jit_gl_texcoord2fv(), jit_gl_texcoord3f(),

and jit_gl_texcoord3fv(). #define structmembersize( structname, membername )

Find size of a named member of a struct.

structname The name of the struct
membername The name of the member


The size of the member of the struct.

36.24.3 Enumeration Type Documentation enum e_max_errorcodes

Standard values returned by function calls with a return type of t_max_err.


MAX_ERR_NONE No error.
MAX_ERR_GENERIC Generic error.
MAX_ERR_INVALID_PTR Invalid Pointer.
MAX_ERR_OUT_OF_MEM Out of memory. enum e_max_wind_advise_result

Returned values from wind_advise()


aaYes Yes button was choosen.

aaNo No button was choosen.
aaCancel Cancel button was choosen.

36.24.4 Function Documentation void classname_openrefpage_ext ( t_symbol ∗ classnamespace, char ∗ classname )

Show the refpage for a given class.

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36.24 Miscellaneous 401

classnamespace The namespace for the class, e.g. "box".
classname The name of the class. void error_subscribe ( t_object ∗ x )

Receive messages from the error handler.

x The object to be subscribed to the error handler.


error_subscribe() enables your object to receive a message (error), followed by the list of atoms in the error
message posted to the Max window.

Prior to calling error_subscribe(), you should bind the error message to an internal error handling routine:

1 addmess((method)myobject_error, "error", A_GIMME, 0);

Your error handling routine should be declared as follows:

1 void myobject_error(t_myobject *x, t_symbol *s, short argc, t_atom *argv); void error_sym ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s )

Posts an error message to the Max window.

This function is interrupt safe.
x The object's pointer
s Symbol to be posted as an error in the Max window void error_unsubscribe ( t_object ∗ x )

Remove an object as an error message recipient.

x The object to unsubscribe. t_max_err globalsymbol_bind ( t_object ∗ x, C74_CONST char ∗ name, long flags )

Bind an object to a t_symbol.

x The object to bind to the t_symbol.

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402 Module Documentation

name The name of the t_symbol to which the object will be bound.
flags Pass 0.


A Max error code. void globalsymbol_dereference ( t_object ∗ x, C74_CONST char ∗ name, C74_CONST char ∗ classname )

Stop referencing an object that is bound to a t_symbol, previously referenced using globalsymbol_reference().
x The object that is getting the reference to the symbol.
name The name of the symbol to reference.
classname The name of the class of which the object we are referencing should be an instance.

See also

globalsymbol_reference() BEGIN_USING_C_LINKAGE void∗ globalsymbol_reference ( t_object ∗ x, C74_CONST char ∗ name,

C74_CONST char ∗ classname )

Get a reference to an object that is bound to a t_symbol.

x The object that is getting the reference to the symbol.
name The name of the symbol to reference.
classname The name of the class of which the object we are referencing should be an instance.


The s_thing of the t_symbol.


An example of real-world use is to get the buffer∼ object associated with a symbol.
1 // the struct of our object
2 typedef struct _myobject {
3 t_object obj;
4 t_symbol *buffer_name;
5 t_buffer *buffer_object;
6 } t_myobject;
8 void myobject_setbuffer(t_myobject *x, t_symbol *s, long argc, t_atom *argv)
9 {
10 if(s != x->buffer_name){
11 // Reference the buffer associated with the incoming name
12 x->buffer_object = (t_buffer *)globalsymbol_reference((t_object *)x, s->s_name, "buffer~");
14 // If we were previously referencing another buffer, we should not longer reference it.
15 globalsymbol_dereference((t_object *)x, x->buffer_name->s_name, "buffer~");
17 x->buffer_name = s;
18 }
19 } void globalsymbol_unbind ( t_object ∗ x, C74_CONST char ∗ name, long flags )

Remove an object from being bound to a t_symbol.

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36.24 Miscellaneous 403

x The object from which to unbind the t_symbol.
name The name of the t_symbol from which the object will be unbound.
flags Pass 0. short maxversion ( void )

Determine version information about the current Max environment.

This function returns the version number of Max. In Max versions 2.1.4 and later, this number is the version number
of the Max kernel application in binary-coded decimal. Thus, 2.1.4 would return 214 hex or 532 decimal. Version
3.0 returns 300 hex.
Use this to check for the existence of particular function macros that are only present in more recent Max versions.
Versions before 2.1.4 returned 1, except for versions 2.1.1 - 2.1.3 which returned 2.
Bit 14 (counting from left) will be set if Max is running as a standalone application, so you should mask the lower 12
bits to get the version number.


The Max environment's version number. void object_obex_quickref ( void ∗ x, long ∗ numitems, t_symbol ∗∗ items )

Developers do not need to directly use the object_obex_quickref() function.

It was used in Max 4 to add support for attributes to the quickref, but this is automatic in Max 5.
Referenced by ext_main(). void post_sym ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s )

Posts a message to the Max window.

This function is interrupt safe.
x The object's pointer
s Symbol to be posted in the Max window void quittask_install ( method m, void ∗ a )

Register a function that will be called when Max exits.

m A function that will be called on Max exit.
a Argument to be used with method m.


quittask_install() provides a mechanism for your external to register a routine to be called prior to Max shut-
down. This is useful for objects that need to provide disk-based persistance outside the standard Max storage
mechanisms, or need to shut down hardware or their connection to system software and cannot do so in the
termination routine of a code fragment.

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404 Module Documentation void quittask_remove ( method m )

Unregister a function previously registered with quittask_install().

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36.24 Miscellaneous 405

m Function to be removed as a shutdown method. int snprintf_zero ( char ∗ buffer, size_t count, const char ∗ format, ... )

Copy the contents of a string together with value substitutions, in a manner safer than the standard sprintf() or
This is the prefered function to use for this operation in Max.
buffer The destination string (already allocated) for the copy.
count The number of chars allocated to the buffer string.
format The source string that will be copied, which may include sprintf() formatting codes for substi-
... An array of arguments to be substituted into the format string. char∗ strncat_zero ( char ∗ dst, const char ∗ src, long size )

Concatenate the contents of one string onto the end of another, in a manner safer than the standard strcat() or
This is the prefered function to use for this operation in Max.
dst The destination string onto whose end the src string will be appended.
src The source string that will be copied.
size The number of chars allocated to the dst string. BEGIN_USING_C_LINKAGE char∗ strncpy_zero ( char ∗ dst, const char ∗ src, long size )

Copy the contents of one string to another, in a manner safer than the standard strcpy() or strncpy().
This is the prefered function to use for this operation in Max.
dst The destination string (already allocated) for the copy.
src The source string that will be copied.
size The number of chars allocated to the dst string. t_symbol∗ symbol_stripquotes ( t_symbol ∗ s )

Strip quotes from the beginning and end of a symbol if they are present.
s The symbol to be stipped.


Symbol with any leading/trailing quote pairs removed.

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406 Module Documentation t_symbol∗ symbol_unique ( void )

Generates a unique t_symbol ∗.

The symbol will be formatted somewhat like "u123456789".


This function returns a unique t_symbol ∗. t_max_err symbolarray_sort ( long ac, t_symbol ∗∗ av )

Performs an ASCII sort on an array of t_symbol ∗s.

ac The count of t_symbol ∗s in av
av An array of t_symbol ∗s to be sorted


This function returns the error code MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, or one of the other error codes defined
in e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.

Referenced by jit_object_exportattrs(). short wind_advise ( t_object ∗ w, char ∗ s, ... )

Throw a dialog which may have text and up to three buttons.

For example, this can be used to ask "Save changes before..."
w The window with which this dialog is associated.
s A string with any sprintf()-like formatting to be displayed.
... Any variables that should be substituted in the string defined by s.


One of the values defined in e_max_wind_advise_result, depending on what the user selected. void wind_setcursor ( short which )

Change the cursor.

which One of the following predefined cursors:

1 #define C_ARROW 1
2 #define C_WATCH 2
3 #define C_IBEAM 3
4 #define C_HAND 4
5 #define C_CROSS 5
6 #define C_PENCIL 6
7 #define C_GROW 8

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36.24 Miscellaneous 407


wind_setcursor() keeps track of what the cursor was previously set to, so if something else has changed the
cursor, you may not see a new cursor if you set it to the previous argument to wind_setcursor().

The solution is to call wind_setcursor(0) before calling it with the desired cursor constant. Use wind_setcursor(-1)
to tell Max you’ll set the cursor to your own cursor directly.

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408 Module Documentation

36.25 Console

Collaboration diagram for Console:

Miscellaneous Console


• void post (C74_CONST char ∗fmt,...)

Print text to the Max window.
• void cpost (C74_CONST char ∗fmt,...)
Print text to the system console.
• void error (C74_CONST char ∗fmt,...)
Print an error to the Max window.
• void ouchstring (C74_CONST char ∗s,...)
Put up an error or advisory alert box on the screen.
• void postatom (t_atom ∗ap)
Print multiple items in the same line of text in the Max window.
• void object_post (t_object ∗x, C74_CONST char ∗s,...)
Print text to the Max window, linked to an instance of your object.
• void object_error (t_object ∗x, C74_CONST char ∗s,...)
Print text to the Max window, linked to an instance of your object, and flagged as an error (highlighted with a red
• void object_warn (t_object ∗x, C74_CONST char ∗s,...)
Print text to the Max window, linked to an instance of your object, and flagged as a warning (highlighted with a yellow
• void object_error_obtrusive (t_object ∗x, C74_CONST char ∗s,...)
Print text to the Max window, linked to an instance of your object, and flagged as an error (highlighted with a red
background), and grab the user's attention by displaying a banner in the patcher window.

36.25.1 Detailed Description

36.25.2 Function Documentation void cpost ( C74_CONST char ∗ fmt, ... )

Print text to the system console.

On the Mac this post will be visible by launching in the /Applications/Utilities folder. On Windows
this post will be visible by launching the dbgView.exe program, which is a free download as a part of Microsoft's

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36.25 Console 409

fmt A C-string containing text and printf-like codes specifying the sizes and formatting of the
additional arguments.
... Arguments of any type that correspond to the format codes in fmtString.


Particularly on MacOS 10.5, posting to can be a computationally expensive operation. Use with

See also

object_post() void error ( C74_CONST char ∗ fmt, ... )

Print an error to the Max window.

Max 5 introduced object_error(), which provides several enhancements to error() where a valid t_object pointer is
error() is very similar to post(), thought it offers two additional features:

• the post to the Max window is highlighted (with a red background).

• the post can be trapped with the error object in a patcher.

fmt A C-string containing text and printf-like codes specifying the sizes and formatting of the
additional arguments.
... Arguments of any type that correspond to the format codes in fmtString.

See also


Referenced by jit_gl_begincapture(), and jit_gl_report_error(). void object_error ( t_object ∗ x, C74_CONST char ∗ s, ... )

Print text to the Max window, linked to an instance of your object, and flagged as an error (highlighted with a red
Max window rows which are generated using object_post() or object_error() can be double-clicked by the user to
have Max assist with locating the object in a patcher. Rows created with object_post() and object_error() will also
automatically provide the name of the object's class in the correct column in the Max window.

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410 Module Documentation

x A pointer to your object.

s A C-string containing text and printf-like codes specifying the sizes and formatting of the
additional arguments.
... Arguments of any type that correspond to the format codes in fmtString.

See also

object_warn() void object_error_obtrusive ( t_object ∗ x, C74_CONST char ∗ s, ... )

Print text to the Max window, linked to an instance of your object, and flagged as an error (highlighted with a red
background), and grab the user's attention by displaying a banner in the patcher window.
This function should be used exceedingly sparingly, with preference given to object_error() when a problem occurs.
x A pointer to your object.
s A C-string containing text and printf-like codes specifying the sizes and formatting of the
additional arguments.
... Arguments of any type that correspond to the format codes in fmtString.

See also

object_error() void object_post ( t_object ∗ x, C74_CONST char ∗ s, ... )

Print text to the Max window, linked to an instance of your object.

Max window rows which are generated using object_post() or object_error() can be double-clicked by the user to
have Max assist with locating the object in a patcher. Rows created with object_post() and object_error() will also
automatically provide the name of the object's class in the correct column in the Max window.
x A pointer to your object.
s A C-string containing text and printf-like codes specifying the sizes and formatting of the
additional arguments.
... Arguments of any type that correspond to the format codes in fmtString.



1 void myMethod(myObject *x, long someArgument)

2 {
3 object_post((t_object*)x, "This is my argument: %ld", someArgument);
4 }

See also


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36.25 Console 411 void object_warn ( t_object ∗ x, C74_CONST char ∗ s, ... )

Print text to the Max window, linked to an instance of your object, and flagged as a warning (highlighted with a yellow
Max window rows which are generated using object_post(), object_error(), or object_warn can be double-clicked by
the user to have Max assist with locating the object in a patcher. Rows created with object_post(), object_error(), or
object_warn() will also automatically provide the name of the object's class in the correct column in the Max window.
x A pointer to your object.
s A C-string containing text and printf-like codes specifying the sizes and formatting of the
additional arguments.
... Arguments of any type that correspond to the format codes in fmtString.

See also

object_error() void ouchstring ( C74_CONST char ∗ s, ... )

Put up an error or advisory alert box on the screen.

Don't use this function. Instead use error(), object_error(), or object_error_obtrusive().
This function performs an sprintf() on fmtstring and items, then puts up an alert box. ouchstring() will queue the
message to a lower priority level if it's called in an interrupt and there is no alert box request already pending.
s A C-string containing text and printf-like codes specifying the sizes and formatting of the
additional arguments.
... Arguments of any type that correspond to the format codes in fmtString.

See also

object_error_obtrusive() void post ( C74_CONST char ∗ fmt, ... )

Print text to the Max window.

Max 5 introduced object_post(), which provides several enhancements to post() where a valid t_object pointer is
post() is a printf() for the Max window. It even works from non-main threads, queuing up multiple lines of text to be
printed when the main thread processing resumes. post() can be quite useful in debugging your external object.
fmt A C-string containing text and printf-like codes specifying the sizes and formatting of the
additional arguments.

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412 Module Documentation

... Arguments of any type that correspond to the format codes in fmtString.


Note that post only passes 16 bytes of arguments to sprintf, so if you want additional formatted items on a
single line, use postatom().


1 short whatIsIt;
3 whatIsIt = 999;
4 post ("the variable is %ld",(long)whatIsIt);


The Max Window output when this code is executed.

1 the variable is 999

See also


Referenced by jit_gl_report_error(). void postatom ( t_atom ∗ ap )

Print multiple items in the same line of text in the Max window.
This function prints a single t_atom on a line in the Max window without a carriage return afterwards, as post() does.
Each t_atom printed is followed by a space character.
ap The address of a t_atom to print.

See also


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36.26 Byte Ordering 413

36.26 Byte Ordering

Utilities for swapping the order of bytes to match the Endianness of the required platform.
Collaboration diagram for Byte Ordering:

Miscellaneous Byte Ordering


• #define BYTEORDER_SWAPW16(x)
Switch the byte ordering of a short integer.
• #define BYTEORDER_SWAPW32(x)
Switch the byte ordering of an integer.
• #define BYTEORDER_SWAPW64(x)
Switch the byte ordering of an integer.
Switch the byte ordering of a float.
Switch the byte ordering of a double.

36.26.1 Detailed Description

Utilities for swapping the order of bytes to match the Endianness of the required platform.
An introduction to the issue of endianness can be found at←-
Of particular relevance is that a Macintosh with a PPC processor uses a Big-endian byte ordering, whereas an Intel
processor in a Mac or Windows machine will use a Little-endian byte ordering.
These utilities are defined to assist with cases where byte ordering needs to be manipulated for floats or ints. Note
that floats are subject to the same byte ordering rules as integers. While the IEEE defines the bits, the machine still
defines how the bits are arranged with regard to bytes.

36.26.2 Macro Definition Documentation #define BYTEORDER_SWAPF32

Switch the byte ordering of a float.

x A float.


A float with the byte-ordering swapped.

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414 Module Documentation #define BYTEORDER_SWAPF64

Switch the byte ordering of a double.

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36.26 Byte Ordering 415

x A double.


A double. #define BYTEORDER_SWAPW16( x )

Switch the byte ordering of a short integer.

x A short integer.


A short integer with the byte-ordering swapped. #define BYTEORDER_SWAPW32( x )

Switch the byte ordering of an integer.

x An integer.


An integer with the byte-ordering swapped. #define BYTEORDER_SWAPW64( x )

Switch the byte ordering of an integer.

x An integer.


An integer with the byte-ordering swapped.

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416 Module Documentation

36.27 Extending expr

If you want to use C-like variable expressions that are entered by a user of your object, you can use the "guts" of
Max’s expr object in your object.
Collaboration diagram for Extending expr:

Miscellaneous Extending expr

Data Structures

• struct t_ex_ex
• struct t_expr
Struct for an instance of expr.


• enum e_max_expr_types {
Defines for ex_type.


• void ∗ expr_new (long argc, t_atom ∗argv, t_atom ∗types)

Create a new expr object.
• short expr_eval (t_expr ∗x, long argc, t_atom ∗argv, t_atom ∗result)
Evaluate an expression in an expr object.

36.27.1 Detailed Description

If you want to use C-like variable expressions that are entered by a user of your object, you can use the "guts" of
Max’s expr object in your object.
For example, the if object uses expr routines for evaluating a conditional expression, so it can decide whether to
send the message after the words then or else. The following functions provide an interface to expr.

36.27.2 Enumeration Type Documentation enum e_max_expr_types

Defines for ex_type.

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36.27 Extending expr 417

We treat parenthesis and brackets special to keep a pointer to their match in the content.


ET_INT an int
ET_FLT a float
ET_OP operator
ET_STR string
ET_TBL a table, the content is a pointer
ET_FUNC a function
ET_SYM symbol ("string")
ET_VSYM variable symbol ("$s?")
ET_LP left parenthesis
ET_LB left bracket
ET_II and integer inlet
ET_FI float inlet
ET_SI string inlet

36.27.3 Function Documentation short expr_eval ( t_expr ∗ x, long argc, t_atom ∗ argv, t_atom ∗ result )

Evaluate an expression in an expr object.

x The expr object to evaluate.
argc Count of arguments in argv.
argv Array of nine t_atom values that will be substituted for variable arguments (such as $i1) in the
expression. Unused arguments should be of type A_NOTHING.
result A pre-existing t_atom that will hold the type and value of the result of evaluating the expres-



Evaluates the expression in an expr object with arguments in argv and returns the type and value of the
evaluated expression as a t_atom in result. result need only point to a single t_atom, but argv should contain
at least argc t_atom values. If, as in the example shown above under expr_new(), there are “gaps” between
arguments, they should be filled in with t_atom of type A_NOTHING. void∗ expr_new ( long argc, t_atom ∗ argv, t_atom ∗ types )

Create a new expr object.


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418 Module Documentation

argc Count of arguments in argv.

argv Arguments that are used to create the expr. See the example below for details.
types A pre-existing array of nine t_atoms, that will hold the types of any variable arguments created
in the expr. The types are returned in the a_type field of each t_atom. If an argument was
not present, A_NOTHING is returned.


expr_new() creates an expr object from the arguments in argv and returns the type of any expr-style arguments
contained in argv (i.e. $i1, etc.) in atoms in an array pointed to by types.


types should already exist as an array of nine t_atom values, all of which will be filled in by expr_new(). If an
argument was not present, it will set to type A_NOTHING. For example, suppose argv pointed to the following

1 $i1 (A_SYM)
2 + (A_SYM)
3 $f3 (A_SYM)
4 + (A_SYM)
5 3 (A_LONG)

After calling expr_new, types would contain the following:

1 Index Argument Type Value

2 0 1 ($i1) A_LONG 0
3 1 2 A_NOTHING 0
4 2 3 ($f3) A_FLOAT 0.0
5 3 4 A_NOTHING 0
6 4 5 A_NOTHING 0
7 5 6 A_NOTHING 0
8 6 7 A_NOTHING 0
9 7 8 A_NOTHING 0
10 8 9 A_NOTHING 0

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36.28 Table Access 419

36.28 Table Access

You can use these functions to access named table objects.

Collaboration diagram for Table Access:

Miscellaneous Table Access


• short table_get (t_symbol ∗s, long ∗∗∗hp, long ∗sp)

Get a handle to the data in a named table object.
• short table_dirty (t_symbol ∗s)
Mark a table object as having changed data.

36.28.1 Detailed Description

You can use these functions to access named table objects.

Tables have names when the user creates a table with an argument.
The scenario for knowing the name of a table but not the object itself is if you were passed a t_symbol, either as an
argument to your creation function or in some message, with the implication being "do your thing with the data in
the table named norris."

36.28.2 Function Documentation short table_dirty ( t_symbol ∗ s )

Mark a table object as having changed data.

s Symbol containing the name of a table object.


If no table is associated with tableName, table_dirty returns a non-zero result. short table_get ( t_symbol ∗ s, long ∗∗∗ hp, long ∗ sp )

Get a handle to the data in a named table object.

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420 Module Documentation

s Symbol containing the name of the table object to find.
hp Address of a handle where the table's data will be returned if the named table object is found.
sp Number of elements in the table (its size in longs).


If no table object is associated with the symbol tableName, table_get() returns a non-zero result.


table_get searches for a table associated with the t_symbol tableName. If one is found, a Handle to its
elements (stored as an array of long integers) is returned and the function returns 0. Never count on a table
to exist across calls to one of your methods. Call table_get and check the result each time you wish to use a

Here is an example of retrieving the 40th element of a table:

1 long **storage,size,value;
2 if (!table_get(gensym("somename"),&storage,&size)) {
3 if (size > 40)
4 value = *((*storage)+40);
5 }

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36.29 Text Editor Windows 421

36.29 Text Editor Windows

Max has a simple built-in text editor object that can display and edit text in conjunction with your object.
Collaboration diagram for Text Editor Windows:

Miscellaneous Text Editor Windows

Max has a simple built-in text editor object that can display and edit text in conjunction with your object.
The routines described here let you create a text editor.
When the editor window is about to be closed, your object could receive as many as three messages. The first
one, okclose, will be sent if the user has changed the text in the window. This is the standard okclose message
that is sent to all "dirty" windows when they are about to be closed, but the text editor window object passes it on to
you instead of doing anything itself. Refer to the section on Window Messages for a description of how to write a
method for the okclose message. It’s not required that you write one—if you don’t, the behavior of the window will
be determined by the setting of the window’s w_scratch bit. If it’s set, no confirmation will be asked when a dirty
window is closed (and no okclose message will be sent to the text editor either). The second message, edclose,
requires a method that should be added to your object at initialization time. The third message, edSave, allows you
to gain access to the text before it is saved, or save it yourself.

See also

Showing a Text Editor

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422 Module Documentation

36.30 Presets

Max contains a preset object that has the ability to send preset messages to some or all of the objects (clients) in a
Patcher window.
Collaboration diagram for Presets:

Miscellaneous Presets


• void preset_store (char ∗fmt,...)

Give the preset object a general message to restore the current state of your object.
• void preset_set (t_object ∗obj, t_atom_long val)
Restore the state of your object with a set message.
• void preset_int (t_object ∗x, t_atom_long n)
Restore the state of your object with an int message.

36.30.1 Detailed Description

Max contains a preset object that has the ability to send preset messages to some or all of the objects (clients) in a
Patcher window.
The preset message, sent when the user is storing a preset, is just a request for your object to tell the preset object
how to restore your internal state to what it is now. Later, when the user executes a preset, the preset object will
send you back the message you had previously said you wanted.
The dialog goes something like this:

• During a store. . . preset object to Client object(s): hello, this is the preset message—tell me how to restore
your stateClient object to preset object: send me int 34 (for example)

• During an execute. . . preset object to Client object: int 34

The client object won’t know the difference between receiving int 34 from a preset object and receiving a 34 in its
leftmost inlet.
It’s not mandatory for your object to respond to the preset message, but it is something that will make users happy.
All Max user interface objects currently respond to preset messages. Note that if your object is not a user interface
object and implements a preset method, the user will need to connect the outlet of the preset object to its leftmost
inlet in order for it to be sent a preset message when the user stores a preset.
Here’s an example of using preset_store() that specifies that the object would like to receive a set message. We
assume it has one field, myvalue, which it would like to save and restore.

void myobject_preset(myobject *x)


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36.30 Presets 423

When this preset is executed, the object will receive a set message whose argument will be the value of myvalue.
Note that the same thing can be accomplished more easily with preset_set() and preset_int().
Don’t pass more than 12 items to preset_store(). If you want to store a huge amount of data in a preset, use
The following example locates the Binbuf into which the preset data is being collected, then calls binbuf_insert() on
a previously prepared array of Atoms. It assumes that the state of your object can be restored with a set message.

void myobject_preset(myObject *x)

void *preset_buf;// Binbuf that stores the preset
short atomCount; // number of atoms you’re storing
t_atom atomArray[SOMESIZE];// array of atoms to be stored

// 1. prepare the preset "header" information

// fill atomArray+3 with object’s state here and set atomCount

// 2. find the Binbuf

preset_buf = gensym("_preset")->s_thing;

// 3. store the data

if (preset_buf) {

36.30.2 Function Documentation void preset_int ( t_object ∗ x, t_atom_long n )

Restore the state of your object with an int message.

This function causes an int message with the argument value to be sent to your object from the preset object when
the user executes a preset. All of the existing user interface objects use the int message for restoring their state
when a preset is executed.
x Your object.
n Current value of your object. void preset_set ( t_object ∗ obj, t_atom_long val )

Restore the state of your object with a set message.

This function causes a set message with the argument value to be sent to your object from the preset object when
the user executes a preset.
obj Your object.
val Current value of your object. void preset_store ( char ∗ fmt, ... )

Give the preset object a general message to restore the current state of your object.
This is a general preset function for use when your object's state cannot be restored with a simple int or set message.
The example below shows the expected format for specifying what your current state is to a preset object. The first
thing you supply is your object itself, followed by the symbol that is the name of your object's class (which you can
retrieve from your object using the macro ob_sym, declared in ext_mess.h). Next, supply the symbol that specifies

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424 Module Documentation

the message you want receive (a method for which had better be defined in your class), followed by the arguments
to this message—the current values of your object's fields.

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36.30 Presets 425

fmt C string containing one or more letters corresponding to the types of each element of the
message. s for Symbol, l for long, or f for float.
... Elements of the message used to restore the state of your object, passed directly to the
function as Symbols, longs, or floats. See below for an example that conforms to what the
preset object expects.

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426 Module Documentation

36.31 Loading Max Files

Several high-level functions permit you to load patcher files.

Collaboration diagram for Loading Max Files:

Miscellaneous Loading Max Files


• short readtohandle (C74_CONST char ∗name, short volume, char ∗∗∗h, long ∗sizep)
Load a data file into a handle.
• void ∗ fileload (C74_CONST char ∗name, short vol)
Load a patcher file by name and volume reference number.
• void ∗ intload (C74_CONST char ∗name, short volume, t_symbol ∗s, short ac, t_atom ∗av, short couldedit)
Pass arguments to Max files when you open them.
• void ∗ stringload (C74_CONST char ∗name)
Load a patcher file located in the Max search path by name.

36.31.1 Detailed Description

Several high-level functions permit you to load patcher files.

These can be used in sophisticated objects that use Patcher objects to perform specific tasks.

36.31.2 Function Documentation void∗ fileload ( C74_CONST char ∗ name, short vol )

Load a patcher file by name and volume reference number.

name Filename of the patcher file to load (C string).
vol Path ID specifying the location of the file.


If the file is found, fileload tries to open the file, evaluate it, open a window, and bring it to the front. A pointer
to the newly created Patcher is returned if loading is successful, otherwise, if the file is not found or there is
insufficient memory, zero is returned. void∗ intload ( C74_CONST char ∗ name, short volume, t_symbol ∗ s, short ac, t_atom ∗ av, short couldedit )

Pass arguments to Max files when you open them.

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36.31 Loading Max Files 427

This function loads the specified file and returns a pointer to the created object. Historically, intload() is was used
to open patcher files, whether they are in text or Max binary format. It could also open table files whose contents
begin with the word "table".

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428 Module Documentation

name Name of the file to open.
volume Path ID specifying the location of the file.
s A symbol.
ac Count of t_atoms in av. To properly open a patcher file, ac should be 9.
av Array of t_atoms that will replace the changeable arguments 1-9. The default behavior could
be to set all these to t_atoms of type A_LONG with a value of 0.
couldedit If non-zero and the file is not a patcher file, the file is opened as a text file.


If couldedit is non-zero and the file is not a patcher file, it is made into a text editor, and intoad() returns 0. If
couldedit is non-zero, intload() will alert the user to an error and return 0. If there is no error, the value returned
will be a pointer to a patcher or table object. short readtohandle ( C74_CONST char ∗ name, short volume, char ∗∗∗ h, long ∗ sizep )

Load a data file into a handle.

This is a low-level routine used for reading text and data files. You specify the file's name and Path ID, as well as a
pointer to a Handle.
name Name of the patcher file to load.
volume Path ID specifying the location of the file.
h Pointer to a handle variable that will receive the handle that contains the data in the file.
sizep Size of the handle returned in h.


If the file is found, readtohandle creates a Handle, reads all the data in the file into it, assigns the handle to
the variable hp, and returns the size of the data in size. readtohandle returns 0 if the file was opened and read
successfully, and non-zero if there was an error. void∗ stringload ( C74_CONST char ∗ name )

Load a patcher file located in the Max search path by name.

This function searches for a patcher file, opens it, evaluates it as a patcher file, opens a window for the patcher and
brings it to the front. You need only specify a filename and Max will look through its search path for the file. The
search path begins with the current 'default volume' that is often the volume of the last opened patcher file, then the
folders specified in the File Preferences dialog, searched depth first, then finally the folder that contains the Max
name Filename of the patcher file to load (C string).


If stringload() returns a non-zero result, you can later use freeobject() to close the patcher, or just let users do
it themselves. If stringload() returns zero, no file with the specified name was found or there was insufficient
memory to open it.

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36.32 Monitors and Displays 429

36.32 Monitors and Displays

Functions for finding our information about the environment.

Collaboration diagram for Monitors and Displays:

Miscellaneous Monitors and Displays


• long jmonitor_getnumdisplays ()
Return the number of monitors on which can be displayed.
• void jmonitor_getdisplayrect (long workarea, long displayindex, t_rect ∗rect)
Return the t_rect for a given display.
• void jmonitor_getdisplayrect_foralldisplays (long workarea, t_rect ∗rect)
Return a union of all display rects.
• void jmonitor_getdisplayrect_forpoint (long workarea, t_pt pt, t_rect ∗rect)
Return the t_rect for the display on which a point exists.

36.32.1 Detailed Description

Functions for finding our information about the environment.

36.32.2 Function Documentation void jmonitor_getdisplayrect ( long workarea, long displayindex, t_rect ∗ rect )

Return the t_rect for a given display.

workarea Set workarea non-zero to clip out things like dock / task bar.
displayindex The index number for a monitor. The primary monitor has an index of 0.
rect The address of a valid t_rect whose values will be filled-in upon return. void jmonitor_getdisplayrect_foralldisplays ( long workarea, t_rect ∗ rect )

Return a union of all display rects.

workarea Set workarea non-zero to clip out things like dock / task bar.

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430 Module Documentation

rect The address of a valid t_rect whose values will be filled-in upon return. void jmonitor_getdisplayrect_forpoint ( long workarea, t_pt pt, t_rect ∗ rect )

Return the t_rect for the display on which a point exists.

workarea Set workarea non-zero to clip out things like dock / task bar.
pt A point, for which the monitor will be determined and the rect recturned.
rect The address of a valid t_rect whose values will be filled-in upon return. long jmonitor_getnumdisplays ( )

Return the number of monitors on which can be displayed.


The number of monitors.

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36.33 Windows 431

36.33 Windows

Collaboration diagram for Windows:

Miscellaneous Windows


• t_object ∗ jwind_getactive (void)

Get the current window, if any.
• long jwind_getcount (void)
Determine how many windows exist.
• t_object ∗ jwind_getat (long index)
Return a pointer to the window with a given index.

36.33.1 Detailed Description

36.33.2 Function Documentation t_object∗ jwind_getactive ( void )

Get the current window, if any.


A pointer to the current window, if there is one. Otherwise returns NULL. t_object∗ jwind_getat ( long index )

Return a pointer to the window with a given index.

index Get window at index (0 to count-1).


A pointer to a window object. long jwind_getcount ( void )

Determine how many windows exist.


The number of windows.

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432 Module Documentation

36.34 Mouse and Keyboard

Collaboration diagram for Mouse and Keyboard:

Miscellaneous Mouse and Keyboard


• enum t_modifiers {
eCommandKey, eShiftKey, eControlKey, eAltKey,
eLeftButton, eRightButton, eMiddleButton, ePopupMenu,
eCapsLock, eAutoRepeat }
Bit mask values for various meta-key presses on the keyboard.
• enum t_jmouse_cursortype {
Mouse cursor types.


• t_modifiers jkeyboard_getcurrentmodifiers ()
Return the last known combination of modifier keys being held by the user.
• t_modifiers jkeyboard_getcurrentmodifiers_realtime ()
Return the current combination of modifier keys being held by the user.
• void jmouse_getposition_global (int ∗x, int ∗y)
Get the position of the mouse cursor in screen coordinates.
• void jmouse_setposition_global (int x, int y)
Set the position of the mouse cursor in screen coordinates.
• void jmouse_setposition_view (t_object ∗patcherview, double cx, double cy)
Set the position of the mouse cursor relative to the patcher canvas coordinates.
• void jmouse_setposition_box (t_object ∗patcherview, t_object ∗box, double bx, double by)
Set the position of the mouse cursor relative to a box within the patcher canvas coordinates.
• void jmouse_setcursor (t_object ∗patcherview, t_object ∗box, t_jmouse_cursortype type)
Set the mouse cursor.

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36.34 Mouse and Keyboard 433

36.34.1 Detailed Description

36.34.2 Enumeration Type Documentation enum t_jmouse_cursortype

Mouse cursor types.


JMOUSE_CURSOR_RESIZE_BOTTOMRIGHTCORNER Bottom-Right Corner. enum t_modifiers

Bit mask values for various meta-key presses on the keyboard.


eCommandKey Command Key.

eShiftKey Shift Key.
eControlKey Control Key.
eAltKey Alt Key.
eLeftButton Left mouse button.
eRightButton Right mouse button.
eMiddleButton Middle mouse button.
ePopupMenu Popup Menu (contextual menu requested)
eCapsLock Caps lock.
eAutoRepeat Key is generated by key press auto-repeat.

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434 Module Documentation

36.34.3 Function Documentation t_modifiers jkeyboard_getcurrentmodifiers ( )

Return the last known combination of modifier keys being held by the user.


The current modifier keys that are activated. t_modifiers jkeyboard_getcurrentmodifiers_realtime ( )

Return the current combination of modifier keys being held by the user.


The current modifier keys that are activated. void jmouse_getposition_global ( int ∗ x, int ∗ y )

Get the position of the mouse cursor in screen coordinates.

x The address of a variable to hold the x-coordinate upon return.
y The address of a variable to hold the y-coordinate upon return. void jmouse_setcursor ( t_object ∗ patcherview, t_object ∗ box, t_jmouse_cursortype type )

Set the mouse cursor.

patcherview The patcherview for which the cursor should be applied.
box The box for which the cursor should be applied.
type The type of cursor for the mouse to use. void jmouse_setposition_box ( t_object ∗ patcherview, t_object ∗ box, double bx, double by )

Set the position of the mouse cursor relative to a box within the patcher canvas coordinates.
patcherview The patcherview containing the box upon which the mouse coordinates are based.
box The box upon which the mouse coordinates are based.
bx The new x-coordinate of the mouse cursor position.
by The new y-coordinate of the mouse cursor position. void jmouse_setposition_global ( int x, int y )

Set the position of the mouse cursor in screen coordinates.

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36.34 Mouse and Keyboard 435

x The new x-coordinate of the mouse cursor position.
y The new y-coordinate of the mouse cursor position. void jmouse_setposition_view ( t_object ∗ patcherview, double cx, double cy )

Set the position of the mouse cursor relative to the patcher canvas coordinates.
patcherview The patcherview upon which the mouse coordinates are based.
cx The new x-coordinate of the mouse cursor position.
cy The new y-coordinate of the mouse cursor position.

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436 Module Documentation

36.35 MSP

Collaboration diagram for MSP:


MSP Poly



• Buffers
Your object can access shared data stored in an MSP buffer∼ object.
When an object is instantiated, it is possible to determine if it is being created in pfft∼ context in the new method.
• Poly
If your object is instatiated as a voice of a poly∼ object, it is possible both to determine this context and to determine
information about the specific voice.

Data Structures

• struct t_pxdata
Common struct for MSP objects.
• struct t_pxobject
Header for any non-ui signal processing object.
• struct t_signal
The signal data structure.
• struct t_pxjbox
Header for any ui signal processing object.


• #define Z_NO_INPLACE
flag indicating the object doesn't want signals in place
• #define Z_PUT_LAST
when list of ugens is resorted, put this object at end
• #define Z_PUT_FIRST
when list of ugens is resorted, put this object at beginning
• #define PI
The pi constant.
• #define TWOPI

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36.35 MSP 437

Twice the pi constant.

• #define PIOVERTWO
Half of the pi constant.
• #define dsp_setup
This is commonly used rather than directly calling z_dsp_setup() in MSP objects.
• #define dsp_free
This is commonly used rather than directly calling z_dsp_free() in MSP objects.


• typedef void ∗ t_vptr

A void pointer.
• typedef void ∗ vptr
A void pointer.
• typedef float t_float
A float – always a 32 bit floating point number.
• typedef double t_double
A double – always a 64 bit floating point number.
• typedef double t_sample
A sample value – width determined by MSP version.



MSP System Properties.


• int sys_getmaxblksize (void)

Query MSP for the maximum global vector (block) size.
• int sys_getblksize (void)
Query MSP for the current global vector (block) size.
• float sys_getsr (void)
Query MSP for the global sample rate.
• int sys_getdspstate (void)
Query MSP to determine whether or not it is running.
• int sys_getdspobjdspstate (t_object ∗o)
Query MSP to determine whether or not a given audio object is in a running dsp chain.
• void dsp_add (t_perfroutine f, int n,...)
Call this function in your MSP object's dsp method.
• void dsp_addv (t_perfroutine f, int n, void ∗∗vector)
Call this function in your MSP object's dsp method.
• void z_dsp_setup (t_pxobject ∗x, long nsignals)
Call this routine after creating your object in the new instance routine with object_alloc().
• void z_dsp_free (t_pxobject ∗x)
This function disposes of any memory used by proxies allocated by dsp_setup().
• void class_dspinit (t_class ∗c)
This routine must be called in your object's initialization routine.
• void class_dspinitjbox (t_class ∗c)
This routine must be called in your object's initialization routine.

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438 Module Documentation


• BEGIN_USING_C_LINKAGE typedef t_int ∗(∗ t_perfroutine )(t_int ∗args)

A function pointer for the audio perform routine used by MSP objects to process blocks of samples.

36.35.1 Detailed Description

36.35.2 Macro Definition Documentation #define PI

The pi constant. #define PIOVERTWO

Half of the pi constant. #define TWOPI

Twice the pi constant.

36.35.3 Typedef Documentation typedef double t_double

A double – always a 64 bit floating point number. typedef float t_float

A float – always a 32 bit floating point number. typedef double t_sample

A sample value – width determined by MSP version. typedef void∗ t_vptr

A void pointer. typedef void∗ vptr

A void pointer.

36.35.4 Enumeration Type Documentation anonymous enum

MSP System Properties.

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36.35 MSP 439


SYS_MAXBLKSIZE a good number for a maximum signal vector size

SYS_MAXSIGS number of signal inlets you can have in an object

36.35.5 Function Documentation void class_dspinit ( t_class ∗ c )

This routine must be called in your object's initialization routine.

It adds a set of methods to your object's class that are called by MSP to build the DSP call chain. These methods
function entirely transparently to your object so you don't have to worry about them. However, you should avoid
binding anything to their names: signal, userconnect, nsiginlets, and enable.
This routine is for non-user-interface objects only (where the first item in your object's struct is a t_pxobject). It must
be called prior to calling class_register() for your class.
c The class to make dsp-ready.

See also

class_dspinitjbox() void class_dspinitjbox ( t_class ∗ c )

This routine must be called in your object's initialization routine.

It adds a set of methods to your object's class that are called by MSP to build the DSP call chain. These methods
function entirely transparently to your object so you don't have to worry about them. However, you should avoid
binding anything to their names: signal, userconnect, nsiginlets, and enable.
This routine is for user-interface objects only (where the first item in your object's struct is a t_jbox).
c The class to make dsp-ready.

See also

class_dspinit() void dsp_add ( t_perfroutine f, int n, ... )

Call this function in your MSP object's dsp method.

This function adds your object's perform method to the DSP call chain and specifies the arguments it will be passed.
n, the number of arguments to your perform method, should be followed by n additional arguments, all of which must
be the size of a pointer or a long.
f The perform routine to use for processing audio.

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440 Module Documentation

n The number of arguments that will follow

... The arguments that will be passed to the perform routine.

See also

The DSP Method and Perform Routine

Using Connection Information void dsp_addv ( t_perfroutine f, int n, void ∗∗ vector )

Call this function in your MSP object's dsp method.

Use dsp_addv() to add your object's perform routine to the DSP call chain and specify its arguments in an array
rather than as arguments to a function.
f The perform routine to use for processing audio.
n The number of arguments that will follow in the vector parameter.
vector The arguments that will be passed to the perform routine.

See also

The DSP Method and Perform Routine

Using Connection Information int sys_getblksize ( void )

Query MSP for the current global vector (block) size.


The current global vector size for the MSP environment. int sys_getdspobjdspstate ( t_object ∗ o )

Query MSP to determine whether or not a given audio object is in a running dsp chain.
This is preferable over sys_getdspstate() since global audio can be on but an object could be in a patcher that is not


Returns true if the MSP object is in a patcher that has audio on, otherwise returns false. int sys_getdspstate ( void )

Query MSP to determine whether or not it is running.


Returns true if the DSP is turned on, otherwise returns false.

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36.35 MSP 441 int sys_getmaxblksize ( void )

Query MSP for the maximum global vector (block) size.


The maximum global vector size for the MSP environment. float sys_getsr ( void )

Query MSP for the global sample rate.


The global sample rate of the MSP environment. void z_dsp_free ( t_pxobject ∗ x )

This function disposes of any memory used by proxies allocated by dsp_setup().

It also notifies the signal compiler that the DSP call chain needs to be rebuilt if signal processing is active. You
should be sure to call this before de-allocating any memory that might be in use by your object’s perform routine, in
the event that signal processing is on when your object is freed.
x The object to free.

See also

dsp_free void z_dsp_setup ( t_pxobject ∗ x, long nsignals )

Call this routine after creating your object in the new instance routine with object_alloc().
Cast your object to t_pxobject as the first argument, then specify the number of signal inputs your object will have.
dsp_setup() initializes fields of the t_pxobject header and allocates any proxies needed (if num_signal_inputs is
greater than 1).
Some signal objects have no inputs; you should pass 0 for num_signal_inputs in this case. After calling dsp_setup(),
you can create additional non-signal inlets using intin(), floatin(), or inlet_new().
x Your object's pointer.
nsignals The number of signal/proxy inlets to create for the object.

See also


36.35.6 Variable Documentation BEGIN_USING_C_LINKAGE typedef t_int∗(∗ t_perfroutine) (t_int ∗args)

A function pointer for the audio perform routine used by MSP objects to process blocks of samples.

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442 Module Documentation

36.36 Buffers

Your object can access shared data stored in an MSP buffer∼ object.
Collaboration diagram for Buffers:

MSP Buffers

Data Structures

• struct t_buffer_info
Common buffer∼ data/metadata.


• typedef struct _buffer_ref t_buffer_ref

A buffer∼ reference.
• typedef t_object t_buffer_obj
A buffer∼ object.


• BEGIN_USING_C_LINKAGE t_buffer_ref ∗ buffer_ref_new (t_object ∗self, t_symbol ∗name)

Create a reference to a buffer∼ object by name.
• void buffer_ref_set (t_buffer_ref ∗x, t_symbol ∗name)
Change a buffer reference to refer to a different buffer∼ object by name.
• t_atom_long buffer_ref_exists (t_buffer_ref ∗x)
Query to find out if a buffer∼ with the referenced name actually exists.
• t_buffer_obj ∗ buffer_ref_getobject (t_buffer_ref ∗x)
Query a buffer reference to get the actual buffer∼ object being referenced, if it exists.
• t_max_err buffer_ref_notify (t_buffer_ref ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, t_symbol ∗msg, void ∗sender, void ∗data)
Your object needs to handle notifications issued by the buffer∼ you reference.
• void buffer_view (t_buffer_obj ∗buffer_object)
Open a viewer window to display the contents of the buffer∼.
• float ∗ buffer_locksamples (t_buffer_obj ∗buffer_object)
Claim the buffer∼ and get a pointer to the first sample in memory.
• void buffer_unlocksamples (t_buffer_obj ∗buffer_object)
Release your claim on the buffer∼ contents so that other objects may read/write to the buffer∼.
• t_atom_long buffer_getchannelcount (t_buffer_obj ∗buffer_object)
Query a buffer∼ to find out how many channels are present in the buffer content.
• t_atom_long buffer_getframecount (t_buffer_obj ∗buffer_object)
Query a buffer∼ to find out how many frames long the buffer content is in samples.
• t_atom_float buffer_getsamplerate (t_buffer_obj ∗buffer_object)
Query a buffer∼ to find out its native sample rate in samples per second.

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36.36 Buffers 443

• t_atom_float buffer_getmillisamplerate (t_buffer_obj ∗buffer_object)

Query a buffer∼ to find out its native sample rate in samples per millisecond.
• t_max_err buffer_setpadding (t_buffer_obj ∗buffer_object, t_atom_long samplecount)
Set the number of samples with which to zero-pad the buffer∼'s contents.
• t_max_err buffer_setdirty (t_buffer_obj ∗buffer_object)
Set the buffer's dirty flag, indicating that changes have been made.
• t_symbol ∗ buffer_getfilename (t_buffer_obj ∗buffer_object)
Retrieve the name of the last file to be read by a buffer∼.

36.36.1 Detailed Description

Your object can access shared data stored in an MSP buffer∼ object.
Similar to table and coll objects, buffer∼ objects are bound to a t_symbol from which you can direct gain access
to the t_buffer struct. This is potentially dangerous, and not guaranteed to be forward (or backward) compatible.
Beginning with Max 6.1, developers accessing buffer∼ objects are encouraged to use the t_buffer_ref API. The
t_buffer_ref API provides many enhancements to improve thread-safety, simplify your perform routine, and manage
the binding to the buffer∼ object.
A class that accesses a buffer∼ is the simpwave∼ object included with Max SDK example projects.
While the Max 6 signal processing chain operates on 64-bit double-precision floats, the t_buffer_obj storage remains
as 32-bit single-precision float format. This is essential to maintain backward compatibility with older third-party
If you have written to the buffer∼ and thus changed the values of its samples, you should now mark the buffer∼ as
dirty. This will ensure that objects such as waveform∼ update their rendering of the contents of this buffer∼. This
can be accomplished with the following call:

object_method(b, gensym("dirty"));

36.36.2 Typedef Documentation typedef t_object t_buffer_obj

A buffer∼ object.
This represents the actual buffer∼ object. You can use this to send messages, query attributes, etc. of the actual
buffer object referenced by a t_buffer_ref. typedef struct _buffer_ref t_buffer_ref

A buffer∼ reference.
Use this struct to represent a reference to a buffer∼ object in Max. Use the buffer_ref_getbuffer() call to return a
pointer to the buffer. You can then make calls on the buffer itself.

36.36.3 Function Documentation t_atom_long buffer_getchannelcount ( t_buffer_obj ∗ buffer_object )

Query a buffer∼ to find out how many channels are present in the buffer content.

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444 Module Documentation

buffer_object the buffer object


the number of channels in the buffer t_symbol∗ buffer_getfilename ( t_buffer_obj ∗ buffer_object )

Retrieve the name of the last file to be read by a buffer∼.

(Not the last file written).
buffer_object the buffer object


The name of the file last read, or gensym("") if no files have been read.


Introduced in Max 7.0.1 t_atom_long buffer_getframecount ( t_buffer_obj ∗ buffer_object )

Query a buffer∼ to find out how many frames long the buffer content is in samples.
buffer_object the buffer object


the number of frames in the buffer t_atom_float buffer_getmillisamplerate ( t_buffer_obj ∗ buffer_object )

Query a buffer∼ to find out its native sample rate in samples per millisecond.
buffer_object the buffer object


the sample rate in samples per millisecond t_atom_float buffer_getsamplerate ( t_buffer_obj ∗ buffer_object )

Query a buffer∼ to find out its native sample rate in samples per second.

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36.36 Buffers 445

buffer_object the buffer object


the sample rate in samples per second float∗ buffer_locksamples ( t_buffer_obj ∗ buffer_object )

Claim the buffer∼ and get a pointer to the first sample in memory.
When you are done reading/writing to the buffer you must call buffer_unlocksamples(). If the attempt to claim the
buffer∼ fails the returned pointer will be NULL.
buffer_object the buffer object


a pointer to the first sample in memory, or NULL if the buffer doesn't exist. t_atom_long buffer_ref_exists ( t_buffer_ref ∗ x )

Query to find out if a buffer∼ with the referenced name actually exists.
x the buffer reference


non-zero if the buffer∼ exists, otherwise zero t_buffer_obj∗ buffer_ref_getobject ( t_buffer_ref ∗ x )

Query a buffer reference to get the actual buffer∼ object being referenced, if it exists.
x the buffer reference


the buffer object if exists, otherwise NULL BEGIN_USING_C_LINKAGE t_buffer_ref∗ buffer_ref_new ( t_object ∗ self, t_symbol ∗ name )

Create a reference to a buffer∼ object by name.

You must release the buffer reference using object_free() when you are finished using it.

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446 Module Documentation

self pointer to your object
name the name of the buffer∼


a pointer to your new buffer reference t_max_err buffer_ref_notify ( t_buffer_ref ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, t_symbol ∗ msg, void ∗ sender, void ∗ data )

Your object needs to handle notifications issued by the buffer∼ you reference.
You do this by defining a "notify" method. Your notify method should then call this notify method for the t_buffer_ref.
x the buffer reference
s the registered name of the sending object
msg then name of the notification/message sent
sender the pointer to the sending object
data optional argument sent with the notification/message


a max error code void buffer_ref_set ( t_buffer_ref ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ name )

Change a buffer reference to refer to a different buffer∼ object by name.

x the buffer reference
name the name of a different buffer∼ to reference t_max_err buffer_setdirty ( t_buffer_obj ∗ buffer_object )

Set the buffer's dirty flag, indicating that changes have been made.
buffer_object the buffer object


an error code t_max_err buffer_setpadding ( t_buffer_obj ∗ buffer_object, t_atom_long samplecount )

Set the number of samples with which to zero-pad the buffer∼'s contents.
The typical application for this need is to pad a buffer with enough room to allow for the reach of a FIR kernel in

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36.36 Buffers 447

buffer_object the buffer object
samplecount the number of sample to pad the buffer with on each side of the contents


an error code void buffer_unlocksamples ( t_buffer_obj ∗ buffer_object )

Release your claim on the buffer∼ contents so that other objects may read/write to the buffer∼.
buffer_object the buffer object void buffer_view ( t_buffer_obj ∗ buffer_object )

Open a viewer window to display the contents of the buffer∼.

buffer_object the buffer object

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448 Module Documentation

36.37 PFFT

When an object is instantiated, it is possible to determine if it is being created in pfft∼ context in the new method.
Collaboration diagram for PFFT:


Data Structures

• struct t_pfftpub
Public FFT Patcher struct.

36.37.1 Detailed Description

When an object is instantiated, it is possible to determine if it is being created in pfft∼ context in the new method.
In the new method (and only at this time), you can check the s_thing member of the t_symbol '__pfft∼__'. If this is
non-null, then you will have a pointer to a t_pfftpub struct.

t_pfftpub *pfft_parent = (t_pfftpub*) gensym("__pfft~__")->


if (pfft_parent) {
// in a pfft~ context
else {
// not in a pfft~

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36.38 Poly 449

36.38 Poly

If your object is instatiated as a voice of a poly∼ object, it is possible both to determine this context and to determine
information about the specific voice.
Collaboration diagram for Poly:

MSP Poly

If your object is instatiated as a voice of a poly∼ object, it is possible both to determine this context and to determine
information about the specific voice.
This is done by querying the patcher in which your object exists for an associated object, and then calling methods
on that object.

t_object *patcher = NULL;

t_max_err err = MAX_ERR_NONE;
t_object *assoc = NULL;
method m = NULL;
long voices = -1;
long index = -1;

err = object_obex_lookup(x, gensym("#P"), &patcher);

if (err == MAX_ERR_NONE) {
object_method(patcher, gensym("getassoc"), &assoc);
if (assoc) {
post("found %s", object_classname(assoc)->s_name);

voices = object_attr_getlong(assoc, gensym("voices"));

post("total amount of voices: %ld", voices);

if(m = zgetfn(assoc, gensym("getindex")))

index = (long)(*m)(assoc, patcher);
post("index: %ld", index);

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450 Module Documentation

36.39 Objects

Data Structures

• struct t_messlist
A list of symbols and their corresponding methods, complete with typechecking information.
• struct t_tinyobject
The tiny object structure sits at the head of any object to which you may pass messages (and which you may feed to
• struct t_object
The structure for the head of any object which wants to have inlets or outlets, or support attributes.


• #define MAGIC
Magic number used to determine if memory pointed to by a t_object∗ is valid.
• #define NOGOOD(x)
Returns true if a pointer is not a valid object.
• #define MSG_MAXARG
Maximum number of arguments that can be passed as a typed-list rather than using A_GIMME.
• #define object_method_direct(rt, sig, x, s, ...)
do a strongly typed direct call to a method of an object


• t_object ∗ newobject_sprintf (t_object ∗patcher, C74_CONST char ∗fmt,...)

Create a new object in a specified patcher with values using a combination of attribute and sprintf syntax.
• t_object ∗ newobject_fromboxtext (t_object ∗patcher, const char ∗text)
Create an object from the passed in text.
• t_object ∗ newobject_fromdictionary (t_object ∗patcher, t_dictionary ∗d)
Place a new object into a patcher.
• long object_classname_compare (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗name)
Determines if a particular object is an instance of a given class.
• void ∗ object_alloc (t_class ∗c)
Allocates the memory for an instance of an object class and initialize its object header.
• void ∗ object_new (t_symbol ∗name_space, t_symbol ∗classname,...)
Allocates the memory for an instance of an object class and initialize its object header internal to Max.
• void ∗ object_new_typed (t_symbol ∗name_space, t_symbol ∗classname, long ac, t_atom ∗av)
Allocates the memory for an instance of an object class and initialize its object header internal to Max.
• t_max_err object_free (void ∗x)
Call the free function and release the memory for an instance of an internal object class previously instantiated using
object_new(), object_new_typed() or other new-style object constructor functions (e.g.
• void ∗ object_method (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s,...)
Sends an untyped message to an object.
• t_max_err object_method_typed (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, long ac, t_atom ∗av, t_atom ∗rv)
Sends a type-checked message to an object.
• t_max_err object_method_typedfun (void ∗x, t_messlist ∗mp, t_symbol ∗s, long ac, t_atom ∗av, t_atom ∗rv)
Currently undocumented.
• method object_getmethod (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s)
Retrieves an object's method for a particular message selector.
• t_symbol ∗ object_classname (void ∗x)

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36.39 Objects 451

Retrieves an object instance's class name.

• void ∗ object_register (t_symbol ∗name_space, t_symbol ∗s, void ∗x)
Registers an object in a namespace.
• void ∗ object_findregistered (t_symbol ∗name_space, t_symbol ∗s)
Determines a registered object's pointer, given its namespace and name.
• t_max_err object_findregisteredbyptr (t_symbol ∗∗name_space, t_symbol ∗∗s, void ∗x)
Determines the namespace and/or name of a registered object, given the object's pointer.
• t_max_err object_register_getnames (t_symbol ∗name_space, long ∗namecount, t_symbol ∗∗∗names)
Returns all registered names in a namespace.
• void ∗ object_attach (t_symbol ∗name_space, t_symbol ∗s, void ∗x)
Attaches a client to a registered object.
• t_max_err object_detach (t_symbol ∗name_space, t_symbol ∗s, void ∗x)
Detach a client from a registered object.
• t_max_err object_attach_byptr (void ∗x, void ∗registeredobject)
Attaches a client to a registered object.
• t_max_err object_attach_byptr_register (void ∗x, void ∗object_to_attach, t_symbol ∗reg_name_space)
A convenience function wrapping object_register() and object_attach_byptr().
• t_max_err object_detach_byptr (void ∗x, void ∗registeredobject)
Detach a client from a registered object.
• void ∗ object_subscribe (t_symbol ∗name_space, t_symbol ∗s, t_symbol ∗classname, void ∗x)
Subscribes a client to wait for an object to register.
• t_max_err object_unsubscribe (t_symbol ∗name_space, t_symbol ∗s, t_symbol ∗classname, void ∗x)
Unsubscribe a client from a registered object, detaching if the object is registered.
• t_max_err object_unregister (void ∗x)
Removes a registered object from a namespace.
• t_max_err object_notify (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, void ∗data)
Broadcast a message (with an optional argument) from a registered object to any attached client objects.
• t_class ∗ object_class (void ∗x)
Determines the class of a given object.
• t_max_err object_getvalueof (void ∗x, long ∗ac, t_atom ∗∗av)
Retrieves the value of an object which supports the getvalueof/setvalueof interface.
• t_max_err object_setvalueof (void ∗x, long ac, t_atom ∗av)
Sets the value of an object which supports the getvalueof/setvalueof interface.
• t_max_err object_obex_lookup (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗key, t_object ∗∗val)
Retrieves the value of a data stored in the obex.
• t_max_err object_obex_store (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗key, t_object ∗val)
Stores data in the object's obex.
• void object_obex_dumpout (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, long argc, t_atom ∗argv)
Sends data from the object's dumpout outlet.
• t_dictionary ∗ object_dictionaryarg (long ac, t_atom ∗av)
Retrieve a pointer to a dictionary passed in as an atom argument.
• void ∗ object_super_method (t_object ∗x, t_symbol ∗s,...)
Sends an untyped message to an object using superclass methods.
• void ∗ object_this_method (t_object ∗x, t_symbol ∗s,...)
Sends an untyped message to an object, respects a thread specific class stack from object_super_method() calls.
• t_max_err object_attr_touch (t_object ∗x, t_symbol ∗attrname)
Mark an attribute as being touched by some code not from the attribute setter.
• t_max_err object_attr_touch_parse (t_object ∗x, char ∗attrnames)
Mark one or more attributes as being touched by some code not from the attribute setter.
• t_max_err object_method_parse (t_object ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, C74_CONST char ∗parsestr, t_atom ∗rv)
Convenience wrapper for object_method_typed() that uses atom_setparse() to define the arguments.

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452 Module Documentation

• t_max_err object_method_format (t_object ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, t_atom ∗rv, C74_CONST char ∗fmt,...)
Convenience wrapper for object_method_typed() that uses atom_setformat() to define the arguments.
• t_max_err object_method_char (t_object ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, unsigned char v, t_atom ∗rv)
Convenience wrapper for object_method_typed() that passes a single char as an argument.
• t_max_err object_method_long (t_object ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, long v, t_atom ∗rv)
Convenience wrapper for object_method_typed() that passes a single long integer as an argument.
• t_max_err object_method_float (t_object ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, float v, t_atom ∗rv)
Convenience wrapper for object_method_typed() that passes a single 32bit float as an argument.
• t_max_err object_method_double (t_object ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, double v, t_atom ∗rv)
Convenience wrapper for object_method_typed() that passes a single 64bit float as an argument.
• t_max_err object_method_sym (t_object ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, t_symbol ∗v, t_atom ∗rv)
Convenience wrapper for object_method_typed() that passes a single t_symbol∗ as an argument.
• t_max_err object_method_obj (t_object ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, t_object ∗v, t_atom ∗rv)
Convenience wrapper for object_method_typed() that passes a single t_object∗ as an argument.
• t_max_err object_method_char_array (t_object ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, long ac, unsigned char ∗av, t_atom ∗rv)
Convenience wrapper for object_method_typed() that passes an array of char values as an argument.
• t_max_err object_method_long_array (t_object ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, long ac, t_atom_long ∗av, t_atom ∗rv)
Convenience wrapper for object_method_typed() that passes an array of long integers values as an argument.
• t_max_err object_method_float_array (t_object ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, long ac, float ∗av, t_atom ∗rv)
Convenience wrapper for object_method_typed() that passes an array of 32bit floats values as an argument.
• t_max_err object_method_double_array (t_object ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, long ac, double ∗av, t_atom ∗rv)
Convenience wrapper for object_method_typed() that passes an array of 64bit float values as an argument.
• t_max_err object_method_sym_array (t_object ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, long ac, t_symbol ∗∗av, t_atom ∗rv)
Convenience wrapper for object_method_typed() that passes an array of t_symbol∗ values as an argument.
• t_max_err object_method_obj_array (t_object ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, long ac, t_object ∗∗av, t_atom ∗rv)
Convenience wrapper for object_method_typed() that passes an array of t_object∗ values as an argument.
• void object_openhelp (t_object ∗x)
Open the help patcher for a given instance of an object.
• void object_openrefpage (t_object ∗x)
Open the reference page for a given instance of an object.
• void object_openquery (t_object ∗x)
Open a search in the file browser for files with the name of the given object.
• void classname_openhelp (char ∗classname)
Open the help patcher for a given object class name.
• void classname_openrefpage (char ∗classname)
Open the reference page for a given object class name.
• void classname_openquery (char ∗classname)
Open a search in the file browser for files with the name of the given class.

36.39.1 Detailed Description

See also←-

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36.39 Objects 453

36.39.2 Macro Definition Documentation #define MSG_MAXARG

Maximum number of arguments that can be passed as a typed-list rather than using A_GIMME.
It is generally recommended to use A_GIMME. #define object_method_direct( rt, sig, x, s, ... )

do a strongly typed direct call to a method of an object

rt The type of the return value (double, void∗, void...)
sig the actual signature of the function in brackets ! something like (t_object ∗, double, long)
x The object where the method we want to call will be looked for, it will also always be the first
argument to the function call
s The message selector
... Any arguments to the call, the first one will always be the object (x)


will return anything that the called function returns, typed by (rt)


Example: To call the function identified by getcolorat on the object pwindow which is declared like:
t_jrgba pwindow_getcolorat(t_object ∗window, double x, double y)

1 double x = 44.73;
2 double y = 79.21;
3 t_object *pwindow;
4 t_jrgba result = object_method_direct(t_jrgba, (t_object *, double, double), pwindow, gensym("getcolorat"),
x, y);

36.39.3 Function Documentation void classname_openhelp ( char ∗ classname )

Open the help patcher for a given object class name.

classname The class name for which to open the help patcher. void classname_openquery ( char ∗ classname )

Open a search in the file browser for files with the name of the given class.
classname The class name for which to query. void classname_openrefpage ( char ∗ classname )

Open the reference page for a given object class name.

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454 Module Documentation

classname The class name for which to open the reference page. t_object∗ newobject_fromboxtext ( t_object ∗ patcher, const char ∗ text )

Create an object from the passed in text.

The passed in text is in the same format as would be typed into an object box. It can be used for UI objects or text
objects so this is the simplest way to create objects from C.
patcher An instance of a patcher object.
text The text as if typed into an object box.


A pointer to the newly created object instance, or NULL if creation of the object fails.

See also

newobject_sprintf() t_object∗ newobject_fromdictionary ( t_object ∗ patcher, t_dictionary ∗ d )

Place a new object into a patcher.

The new object will be created based on a specification contained in a Dictionary.
Create a new dictionary populated with values using a combination of attribute and sprintf syntax.
patcher An instance of a patcher object.
d A dictionary containing an object specification.


A pointer to the newly created object instance, or NULL if creation of the object fails.


Max attribute syntax is used to define key-value pairs. For example,

1 "@key1 value @key2 another_value"

The example below creates a new object that in a patcher whose object pointer is stored in a variable called
1 t_dictionary *d;
2 t_object *o;
3 char text[4];
5 strncpy_zero(text, "foo", 4);
7 d = dictionary_sprintf("@maxclass comment @varname _name \
8 @text \"%s\" @patching_rect %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f \
9 @fontsize %f @textcolor %f %f %f 1.0 \
10 @fontname %s @bgcolor 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.",
11 text, 20.0, 20.0, 200.0, 24.0,
12 18, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, "Arial");
14 o = newobject_fromdictionary(aPatcher, d);

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36.39 Objects 455

See also

atom_setparse() t_object∗ newobject_sprintf ( t_object ∗ patcher, C74_CONST char ∗ fmt, ... )

Create a new object in a specified patcher with values using a combination of attribute and sprintf syntax.
patcher An instance of a patcher object.
fmt An sprintf-style format string specifying key-value pairs with attribute nomenclature.
... One or more arguments which are to be substituted into the format string.


A pointer to the newly created object instance, or NULL if creation of the object fails.


Max attribute syntax is used to define key-value pairs. For example,

1 "@key1 value @key2 another_value"

The example below creates a new object that in a patcher whose object pointer is stored in a variable called

1 t_object *my_comment;
2 char text[4];
4 strncpy_zero(text, "foo", 4);
6 my_comment = newobject_sprintf(aPatcher, "@maxclass comment @varname _name \
7 @text \"%s\" @patching_rect %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f \
8 @fontsize %f @textcolor %f %f %f 1.0 \
9 @fontname %s @bgcolor 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.",
10 text, 20.0, 20.0, 200.0, 24.0,
11 18, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, "Arial");

See also

atom_setparse() void∗ object_alloc ( t_class ∗ c )

Allocates the memory for an instance of an object class and initialize its object header.
It is used like the traditional function newobject, inside of an object's new method, but its use is required with
obex-class objects.
c The class pointer, returned by class_new()


This function returns a new instance of an object class if successful, or NULL if unsuccessful.

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456 Module Documentation void∗ object_attach ( t_symbol ∗ name_space, t_symbol ∗ s, void ∗ x )

Attaches a client to a registered object.

Once attached, the object will receive notifications sent from the registered object (via the object_notify() function),
if it has a notify method defined and implemented.
name_space The namespace of the registered object. This should be the same value used in object←-
_register() to register the object. If you don't know the registered object's namespace, the
object_findregisteredbyptr() function can be used to determine it.
s The name of the registered object in the namespace. If you don't know the name of the
registered object, the object_findregisteredbyptr() function can be used to determine it.
x The client object to attach. Generally, this is the pointer to your Max object.


This function returns a pointer to the registered object (to the object referred to by the combination of name←-
_space and s arguments) if successful, or NULL if unsuccessful.


You should not attach an object to itself if the object is a UI object. UI objects automatically register and attach
to themselves in jbox_new().

See also


Referenced by jit_object_attach(). t_max_err object_attach_byptr ( void ∗ x, void ∗ registeredobject )

Attaches a client to a registered object.

Unlike object_attach(), the client is specified by providing a pointer to that object rather than the registered name of
that object.
Once attached, the object will receive notifications sent from the registered object (via the object_notify() function),
if it has a notify method defined and implemented.
x The attaching client object. Generally, this is the pointer to your Max object.
registeredobject A pointer to the registered object to which you wish to attach.


A Max error code.


You should not attach an object to itself if the object is a UI object. UI objects automatically register and attach
to themselves in jbox_new().

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36.39 Objects 457

See also

object_attach_byptr_register() t_max_err object_attach_byptr_register ( void ∗ x, void ∗ object_to_attach, t_symbol ∗ reg_name_space )

A convenience function wrapping object_register() and object_attach_byptr().

x The attaching client object. Generally, this is the pointer to your Max object.
object_to_attach A pointer to the object to which you wish to registered and then to which to attach.
reg_name_←- The namespace in which to register the object_to_attach.


A Max error code.

See also

object_attach_byptr() t_max_err object_attr_touch ( t_object ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ attrname )

Mark an attribute as being touched by some code not from the attribute setter.
This will notify clients that the attribute has changed.
x The object whose attribute has been changed
attrname The attribute name


A Max error code t_max_err object_attr_touch_parse ( t_object ∗ x, char ∗ attrnames )

Mark one or more attributes as being touched by some code not from the attribute setter.
This will notify clients that the attributes have changed. Utility to call object_attr_touch() for several attributes
x The object whose attribute has been changed
attrnames The attribute names as a space separated string


A Max error code

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458 Module Documentation t_class∗ object_class ( void ∗ x )

Determines the class of a given object.

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36.39 Objects 459

x The object to test


This function returns the t_class ∗ of the object's class, if successful, or NULL, if unsuccessful.

Referenced by jit_object_class(), and max_jit_obex_new(). t_symbol∗ object_classname ( void ∗ x )

Retrieves an object instance's class name.

x The object instance whose class name is being queried


The classname, or NULL if unsuccessful.

Referenced by jit_object_classname(). long object_classname_compare ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ name )

Determines if a particular object is an instance of a given class.

x The object to test
name The name of the class to test this object against


This function returns 1 if the object is an instance of the named class. Otherwise, 0 is returned.


For instance, to determine whether an unknown object pointer is a pointer to a print object, one would call:

1 long isprint = object_classname_compare(x, gensym("print")); t_max_err object_detach ( t_symbol ∗ name_space, t_symbol ∗ s, void ∗ x )

Detach a client from a registered object.

name_space The namespace of the registered object. This should be the same value used in object←-
_register() to register the object. If you don't know the registered object's namespace, the
object_findregisteredbyptr() function can be used to determine it.

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460 Module Documentation

s The name of the registered object in the namespace. If you don't know the name of the
registered object, the object_findregisteredbyptr() function can be used to determine it.
x The client object to attach. Generally, this is the pointer to your Max object.


This function returns the error code MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, or one of the other error codes defined
in e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.

Referenced by jit_object_detach(). t_max_err object_detach_byptr ( void ∗ x, void ∗ registeredobject )

Detach a client from a registered object.

x The attaching client object. Generally, this is the pointer to your Max object.
registeredobject The object from which to detach.


A Max error code.

See also

object_attach_byptr() t_dictionary∗ object_dictionaryarg ( long ac, t_atom ∗ av )

Retrieve a pointer to a dictionary passed in as an atom argument.

Use this function when working with classes that have dictionary constructors to fetch the dictionary.
ac The number of atoms.
av A pointer to the first atom in the array.


The dictionary retrieved from the atoms.

See also

attr_dictionary_process() void∗ object_findregistered ( t_symbol ∗ name_space, t_symbol ∗ s )

Determines a registered object's pointer, given its namespace and name.

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36.39 Objects 461

name_space The namespace of the registered object
s The name of the registered object in the namespace


This function returns the pointer of the registered object, if successful, or NULL, if unsuccessful.

Referenced by jit_object_findregistered(). t_max_err object_findregisteredbyptr ( t_symbol ∗∗ name_space, t_symbol ∗∗ s, void ∗ x )

Determines the namespace and/or name of a registered object, given the object's pointer.
name_space Pointer to a t_symbol ∗, to receive the namespace of the registered object
s Pointer to a t_symbol ∗, to receive the name of the registered object within the namespace
x Pointer to the registered object


This function returns the error code MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, or one of the other error codes defined
in e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.

Referenced by jit_object_findregisteredbyptr(). t_max_err object_free ( void ∗ x )

Call the free function and release the memory for an instance of an internal object class previously instantiated
using object_new(), object_new_typed() or other new-style object constructor functions (e.g.
hashtab_new()). It is, at the time of this writing, a wrapper for the traditional function freeobject(), but its use is
suggested with obex-class objects.
x The pointer to the object to be freed.


This function returns the error code MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, or one of the other error codes defined
in e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.

Referenced by jit_object_free(). method object_getmethod ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s )

Retrieves an object's method for a particular message selector.

x The object whose method is being queried
s The message selector


This function returns the method if successful, or method_false() if unsuccessful.

Referenced by jit_object_getmethod().

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462 Module Documentation t_max_err object_getvalueof ( void ∗ x, long ∗ ac, t_atom ∗∗ av )

Retrieves the value of an object which supports the getvalueof/setvalueof interface.

See part 2 of the pattr SDK for more information on this interface.
x The object whose value is of interest
ac Pointer to a long variable to receive the count of arguments in av. The long variable itself
should be set to 0 previous to calling this function.
av Pointer to a t_atom ∗, to receive object data. The t_atom ∗ itself should be set to NULL
previous to calling this function.


This function returns the error code MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, or one of the other error codes defined
in e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.


Calling the object_getvalueof() function allocates memory for any data it returns. It is the developer's respon-
sibility to free it, using the freebytes() function.
Developers wishing to design objects which will support this function being called on them must define and
implement a special method, getvalueof, like so:

1 class_addmethod(c, (method)myobject_getvalueof, "getvalueof", A_CANT, 0);

The getvalueof method should be prototyped as:

1 t_max_err myobject_getvalueof(t_myobject *x, long *ac, t_atom **av);

And implemented, generally, as:

1 t_max_err myobj_getvalueof(t_myobj *x, long *ac, t_atom **av)

2 {
3 if (ac && av) {
4 if (*ac && *av) {
5 // memory has been passed in; use it.
6 } else {
7 // allocate enough memory for your data
8 *av = (t_atom *)getbytes(sizeof(t_atom));
9 }
10 *ac = 1; // our data is a single floating point value
11 atom_setfloat(*av, x->objvalue);
12 }
13 return MAX_ERR_NONE;
14 }
16 @remark By convention, and to permit the interoperability of objects using the obex API,
17 developers should allocate memory in their <tt>getvalueof</tt> methods using the getbytes()

Referenced by max_jit_obex_gimmeback_dumpout(). void∗ object_method ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, ... )

Sends an untyped message to an object.

There are some caveats to its use, however, particularly for 64-bit architectures. object_method_direct() should be
used in cases where floating-point or other non-integer types are being passed on the stack or in return values.

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36.39 Objects 463

x The object that will receive the message
s The message selector
... Any arguments to the message


If the receiver object can respond to the message, object_method() returns the result. Otherwise, the function
will return 0.


Example: To send the message bang to the object bang_me:

1 void *bang_result;
2 bang_result = object_method(bang_me, gensym("bang"));

Referenced by jit_attr_symcompare(). t_max_err object_method_char ( t_object ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, unsigned char v, t_atom ∗ rv )

Convenience wrapper for object_method_typed() that passes a single char as an argument.

x The object to which the message will be sent.
s The name of the method to call on the object.
v An argument to pass to the method.
rv The address of an atom to hold a return value.


A Max error code.

See also

object_method_typed() t_max_err object_method_char_array ( t_object ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, long ac, unsigned char ∗ av, t_atom ∗ rv

Convenience wrapper for object_method_typed() that passes an array of char values as an argument.
x The object to which the message will be sent.
s The name of the method to call on the object.
ac The number of arguments to pass to the method.
av The address of the first of the array of arguments to pass to the method.
rv The address of an atom to hold a return value.


A Max error code.

See also


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464 Module Documentation t_max_err object_method_double ( t_object ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, double v, t_atom ∗ rv )

Convenience wrapper for object_method_typed() that passes a single 64bit float as an argument.

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36.39 Objects 465

x The object to which the message will be sent.
s The name of the method to call on the object.
v An argument to pass to the method.
rv The address of an atom to hold a return value.


A Max error code.

See also

object_method_typed() t_max_err object_method_double_array ( t_object ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, long ac, double ∗ av, t_atom ∗ rv )

Convenience wrapper for object_method_typed() that passes an array of 64bit float values as an argument.
x The object to which the message will be sent.
s The name of the method to call on the object.
ac The number of arguments to pass to the method.
av The address of the first of the array of arguments to pass to the method.
rv The address of an atom to hold a return value.


A Max error code.

See also

object_method_typed() t_max_err object_method_float ( t_object ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, float v, t_atom ∗ rv )

Convenience wrapper for object_method_typed() that passes a single 32bit float as an argument.
x The object to which the message will be sent.
s The name of the method to call on the object.
v An argument to pass to the method.
rv The address of an atom to hold a return value.


A Max error code.

See also

object_method_typed() t_max_err object_method_float_array ( t_object ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, long ac, float ∗ av, t_atom ∗ rv )

Convenience wrapper for object_method_typed() that passes an array of 32bit floats values as an argument.

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466 Module Documentation

x The object to which the message will be sent.
s The name of the method to call on the object.
ac The number of arguments to pass to the method.
av The address of the first of the array of arguments to pass to the method.
rv The address of an atom to hold a return value.


A Max error code.

See also

object_method_typed() t_max_err object_method_format ( t_object ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, t_atom ∗ rv, C74_CONST char ∗ fmt, ... )

Convenience wrapper for object_method_typed() that uses atom_setformat() to define the arguments.
x The object to which the message will be sent.
s The name of the method to call on the object.
rv The address of an atom to hold a return value.
fmt An sprintf-style format string specifying values for the atoms.
... One or more arguments which are to be substituted into the format string.


A Max error code.

See also

atom_setformat() t_max_err object_method_long ( t_object ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, long v, t_atom ∗ rv )

Convenience wrapper for object_method_typed() that passes a single long integer as an argument.
x The object to which the message will be sent.
s The name of the method to call on the object.
v An argument to pass to the method.
rv The address of an atom to hold a return value.


A Max error code.

See also


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36.39 Objects 467 t_max_err object_method_long_array ( t_object ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, long ac, t_atom_long ∗ av, t_atom ∗
rv )

Convenience wrapper for object_method_typed() that passes an array of long integers values as an argument.

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468 Module Documentation

x The object to which the message will be sent.
s The name of the method to call on the object.
ac The number of arguments to pass to the method.
av The address of the first of the array of arguments to pass to the method.
rv The address of an atom to hold a return value.


A Max error code.

See also

object_method_typed() t_max_err object_method_obj ( t_object ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, t_object ∗ v, t_atom ∗ rv )

Convenience wrapper for object_method_typed() that passes a single t_object∗ as an argument.

x The object to which the message will be sent.
s The name of the method to call on the object.
v An argument to pass to the method.
rv The address of an atom to hold a return value.


A Max error code.

See also

object_method_typed() t_max_err object_method_obj_array ( t_object ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, long ac, t_object ∗∗ av, t_atom ∗ rv )

Convenience wrapper for object_method_typed() that passes an array of t_object∗ values as an argument.
x The object to which the message will be sent.
s The name of the method to call on the object.
ac The number of arguments to pass to the method.
av The address of the first of the array of arguments to pass to the method.
rv The address of an atom to hold a return value.


A Max error code.

See also

object_method_typed() t_max_err object_method_parse ( t_object ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, C74_CONST char ∗ parsestr, t_atom ∗ rv )

Convenience wrapper for object_method_typed() that uses atom_setparse() to define the arguments.

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36.39 Objects 469

x The object to which the message will be sent.
s The name of the method to call on the object.
parsestr A C-string to parse into an array of atoms to pass to the method.
rv The address of an atom to hold a return value.


A Max error code.

See also

atom_setparse() t_max_err object_method_sym ( t_object ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, t_symbol ∗ v, t_atom ∗ rv )

Convenience wrapper for object_method_typed() that passes a single t_symbol∗ as an argument.

x The object to which the message will be sent.
s The name of the method to call on the object.
v An argument to pass to the method.
rv The address of an atom to hold a return value.


A Max error code.

See also

object_method_typed() t_max_err object_method_sym_array ( t_object ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, long ac, t_symbol ∗∗ av, t_atom ∗ rv )

Convenience wrapper for object_method_typed() that passes an array of t_symbol∗ values as an argument.
x The object to which the message will be sent.
s The name of the method to call on the object.
ac The number of arguments to pass to the method.
av The address of the first of the array of arguments to pass to the method.
rv The address of an atom to hold a return value.


A Max error code.

See also

object_method_typed() t_max_err object_method_typed ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, long ac, t_atom ∗ av, t_atom ∗ rv )

Sends a type-checked message to an object.

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470 Module Documentation

x The object that will receive the message
s The message selector
ac Count of message arguments in av
av Array of t_atoms; the message arguments
rv Return value of function, if available


This function returns the error code MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, or one of the other error codes defined
in e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.


If the receiver object can respond to the message, object_method_typed() returns the result in rv. Otherwise,
rv will contain an A_NOTHING atom.

Referenced by jit_object_method_typed(), max_jit_attr_args(), max_jit_obex_gimmeback(), and max_jit_obex_←-

gimmeback_dumpout(). t_max_err object_method_typedfun ( void ∗ x, t_messlist ∗ mp, t_symbol ∗ s, long ac, t_atom ∗ av,
t_atom ∗ rv )

Currently undocumented.
x The object that will receive the message
mp Undocumented
s The message selector
ac Count of message arguments in av
av Array of t_atoms; the message arguments
rv Return value of function, if available


This function returns the error code MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, or one of the other error codes defined
in e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.


If the receiver object can respond to the message, object_method_typedfun() returns the result in rv. Other-
wise, rv will contain an A_NOTHING atom. void∗ object_new ( t_symbol ∗ name_space, t_symbol ∗ classname, ... )

Allocates the memory for an instance of an object class and initialize its object header internal to Max.
It is used similarly to the traditional function newinstance(), but its use is required with obex-class objects.
name_space The desired object's name space. Typically, either the constant CLASS_BOX, for obex
classes which can instantiate inside of a Max patcher (e.g. boxes, UI objects, etc.), or the
constant CLASS_NOBOX, for classes which will only be used internally. Developers can
define their own name spaces as well, but this functionality is currently undocumented.
classname The name of the class of the object to be created
... Any arguments expected by the object class being instantiated

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36.39 Objects 471


This function returns a new instance of the object class if successful, or NULL if unsuccessful. void∗ object_new_typed ( t_symbol ∗ name_space, t_symbol ∗ classname, long ac, t_atom ∗ av )

Allocates the memory for an instance of an object class and initialize its object header internal to Max.
It is used similarly to the traditional function newinstance(), but its use is required with obex-class objects. The
object_new_typed() function differs from object_new() by its use of an atom list for object arguments—in this way, it
more resembles the effect of typing something into an object box from the Max interface.
name_space The desired object's name space. Typically, either the constant CLASS_BOX, for obex
classes which can instantiate inside of a Max patcher (e.g. boxes, UI objects, etc.), or the
constant CLASS_NOBOX, for classes which will only be used internally. Developers can
define their own name spaces as well, but this functionality is currently undocumented.
classname The name of the class of the object to be created
ac Count of arguments in av
av Array of t_atoms; arguments to the class's instance creation function.


This function returns a new instance of the object class if successful, or NULL if unsuccessful. t_max_err object_notify ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, void ∗ data )

Broadcast a message (with an optional argument) from a registered object to any attached client objects.
x Pointer to the registered object
s The message to send
data An optional argument which will be passed with the message. Sets this argument to NULL if
it will be unused.


This function returns the error code MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, or one of the other error codes defined
in e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.


In order for client objects to receive notifications, they must define and implement a special method, notify,
like so:

1 class_addmethod(c, (method)myobject_notify, "notify", A_CANT, 0);

The notify method should be prototyped as:

1 void myobject_notify(t_myobject *x, t_symbol *s, t_symbol *msg, void *sender, void *data);

where x is the pointer to the receiving object, s is the name of the sending (registered) object in its namespace,
msg is the sent message, sender is the pointer to the sending object, and data is an optional argument
sent with the message. This value corresponds to the data argument in the object_notify() method.

Referenced by jit_object_notify(), max_jit_attr_set(), and max_jit_obex_attr_set().

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472 Module Documentation void object_obex_dumpout ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, long argc, t_atom ∗ argv )

Sends data from the object's dumpout outlet.

The dumpout outlet is stored in the obex using the object_obex_store() function (see above). It is used approximately
like outlet_anything().
x The object pointer. This function should only be called on instantiated objects (i.e. in the new
method or later), not directly on classes (i.e. in main()).
s The message selector t_symbol ∗
argc Number of elements in the argument list in argv
argv t_atoms constituting the message arguments


This function returns the error code MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, or one of the other error codes defined
in e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.

Referenced by ext_main(). t_max_err object_obex_lookup ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ key, t_object ∗∗ val )

Retrieves the value of a data stored in the obex.

x The object pointer. This function should only be called on instantiated objects (i.e. in the new
method or later), not directly on classes (i.e. in main()).
key The symbolic name for the data to be retrieved
val A pointer to a t_object ∗, to be filled with the data retrieved from the obex.


This function returns the error code MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, or one of the other error codes defined
in e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.


By default, pointers to the object's containing patcher and box objects are stored in the obex, under the keys
'#P' and '#B', respectively. To retrieve them, the developer could do something like the following:

1 void post_containers(t_obexobj *x)

2 {
3 t_patcher *p;
4 t_box *b;
5 t_max_err err;
7 err = object_obex_lookup(x, gensym("#P"), (t_object **)&p);
8 err = object_obex_lookup(x, gensym("#B"), (t_object **)&b);
10 post("my patcher is located at 0x%X", p);
11 post("my box is located at 0x%X", b);
12 } t_max_err object_obex_store ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ key, t_object ∗ val )

Stores data in the object's obex.

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36.39 Objects 473

x The object pointer. This function should only be called on instantiated objects (i.e. in the new
method or later), not directly on classes (i.e. in main()).
key A symbolic name for the data to be stored
val A t_object ∗, to be stored in the obex, referenced under the key.


This function returns the error code MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, or one of the other error codes defined
in e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.


Most developers will need to use this function for the specific purpose of storing the dumpout outlet in the obex
(the dumpout outlet is used by attributes to report data in response to 'get' queries). For this, the developer
should use something like the following in the object's new method:

1 object_obex_store(x, _sym_dumpout, outlet_new(x, NULL)); void object_openhelp ( t_object ∗ x )

Open the help patcher for a given instance of an object.

x The object instance for which to open the help patcher. void object_openquery ( t_object ∗ x )

Open a search in the file browser for files with the name of the given object.
x The object instance for which to query. void object_openrefpage ( t_object ∗ x )

Open the reference page for a given instance of an object.

x The object instance for which to open the reference page. void∗ object_register ( t_symbol ∗ name_space, t_symbol ∗ s, void ∗ x )

Registers an object in a namespace.

name_space The namespace in which to register the object. The namespace can be any symbol. If the
namespace does not already exist, it is created automatically.
s The name of the object in the namespace. This name will be used by other objects to attach
and detach from the registered object.
x The object to register

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474 Module Documentation


The function returns a pointer to the registered object. Under some circumstances, object_register will du-
plicate the object, and return a pointer to the duplicate—the developer should not assume that the pointer
passed in is the same pointer that has been registered. To be safe, the returned pointer should be stored and
used with the bject_unregister() function.


You should not register an object if the object is a UI object. UI objects automatically register and attach to
themselves in jbox_new().

Referenced by jit_object_register(). t_max_err object_register_getnames ( t_symbol ∗ name_space, long ∗ namecount, t_symbol ∗∗∗ names )

Returns all registered names in a namespace.

name_space Pointer to a t_symbol, the namespace to lookup names in
namecount Pointer to a long, to receive the count of the registered names within the namespace
names Pointer to a t_symbol ∗∗, to receive the allocated names. This pointer should be freed after


This function returns the error code MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, or one of the other error codes defined in
"ext_obex.h" if unsuccessful. t_max_err object_setvalueof ( void ∗ x, long ac, t_atom ∗ av )

Sets the value of an object which supports the getvalueof/setvalueof interface.

x The object whose value is of interest
ac The count of arguments in av
av Array of t_atoms; the new desired data for the object


This function returns the error code MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, or one of the other error codes defined
in e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.


Developers wishing to design objects which will support this function being called on them must define and
implement a special method, setvalueof, like so:
1 class_addmethod(c, (method)myobject_setvalueof, "setvalueof", A_CANT, 0);

The setvalueof method should be prototyped as:

1 t_max_err myobject_setvalueof(t_myobject *x, long *ac, t_atom **av);

And implemented, generally, as:

1 t_max_err myobject_setvalueof(t_myobject *x, long ac, t_atom *av)
2 {
3 if (ac && av) {
4 // simulate receipt of a float value
5 myobject_float(x, atom_getfloat(av));
6 }
7 return MAX_ERR_NONE;
8 }

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36.39 Objects 475 void∗ object_subscribe ( t_symbol ∗ name_space, t_symbol ∗ s, t_symbol ∗ classname, void ∗ x )

Subscribes a client to wait for an object to register.

Upon registration, the object will attach. Once attached, the object will receive notifications sent from the registered
object (via the object_notify function), if it has a notify method defined and implemented. See below for
more information, in the reference for object_notify.
name_space The namespace of the registered object. This should be the same value used in object←-
_register to register the object. If you don't know the registered object's namespace, the
object_findregisteredbyptr function can be used to determine it.
s The name of the registered object in the namespace. If you don't know the name of the reg-
istered object, the object_findregisteredbyptr function can be used to determine
classname The classname of the registered object in the namespace to use as a filter. If NULL, then it
will attach to any class of object.
x The client object to attach. Generally, this is the pointer to your Max object.


This function returns a pointer to the object if registered (to the object referred to by the combination of
name_space and s arguments) if successful, or NULL if the object is not yet registered. void∗ object_super_method ( t_object ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, ... )

Sends an untyped message to an object using superclass methods.

Uses a thread specific stack to ensure traversal up the class hierarchy.
x The object that will receive the message
s The message selector
... Any arguments to the message


If the receiver object can respond to the message, object_method() returns the result. Otherwise, the function
will return 0. void∗ object_this_method ( t_object ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, ... )

Sends an untyped message to an object, respects a thread specific class stack from object_super_method() calls.
x The object that will receive the message
s The message selector
... Any arguments to the message


If the receiver object can respond to the message, object_method() returns the result. Otherwise, the function
will return 0.

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476 Module Documentation t_max_err object_unregister ( void ∗ x )

Removes a registered object from a namespace.

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36.39 Objects 477

x The object to unregister. This should be the pointer returned from the object_register() func-


This function returns the error code MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, or one of the other error codes defined
in e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.

Referenced by jit_object_unregister(). t_max_err object_unsubscribe ( t_symbol ∗ name_space, t_symbol ∗ s, t_symbol ∗ classname, void ∗ x )

Unsubscribe a client from a registered object, detaching if the object is registered.

name_space The namespace of the registered object. This should be the same value used in object←-
_register to register the object. If you don't know the registered object's namespace, the
object_findregisteredbyptr function can be used to determine it.
s The name of the registered object in the namespace. If you don't know the name of the reg-
istered object, the object_findregisteredbyptr function can be used to determine
classname The classname of the registered object in the namespace to use as a filter. Currently unused
for unsubscribe.
x The client object to detach. Generally, this is the pointer to your Max object.


This function returns the error code MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, or one of the other error codes defined in
"ext_obex.h" if unsuccessful.

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478 Module Documentation

36.40 Patcher

Max's patcher represents a graph of objects that communicate with messages.

Collaboration diagram for Patcher:





• jpatcher
The patcher.
• jbox
A box in the patcher.
• jpatchline
A patch cord.
• jpatcherview
A view of a patcher.

Data Structures

• struct t_jbox
The t_jbox struct provides the header for a Max user-interface object.


• typedef t_object t_box

A box.



patcher iteration flags

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36.40 Patcher 479


• BEGIN_USING_C_LINKAGE typedef t_object t_patcher

A patcher.

36.40.1 Detailed Description

Max's patcher represents a graph of objects that communicate with messages.

This is the public interface to the jpatcher – the new patcher object in Max 5. The jpatcher is fully controllable via
obex attributes and methods.
The jpatcher_api.h header defines constants, enumerations, symbols, structs, and functions for working with the
jpatcher. It also includes utility functions for getting/setting attributes and for calling methods. These utilities are just
wrapping the obex interface and thus loosely connect your code to the jpatcher implementation.
Finally methods are defined for implementing your own boxes.

36.40.2 Typedef Documentation typedef t_object t_box

A box.
As of Max 5, the box struct is opaque. Messages can be sent to a box using object_method() or object_method_←-
typed(), or by using Attributes accessors.

36.40.3 Enumeration Type Documentation anonymous enum

patcher iteration flags


PI_DEEP descend into subpatchers (not used by audio library)

PI_REQUIREFIRSTIN if b->b_firstin is NULL, do not call function
PI_WANTBOX instead, of b->b_firstin, pass b to function, whether or not b->b_firstin is NULL

36.40.4 Variable Documentation BEGIN_USING_C_LINKAGE typedef t_object t_patcher

A patcher.
As of Max 5, the patcher struct is opaque. Messages can be sent to a patcher using object_method() or object_←-
method_typed(), or by using Attributes accessors.

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480 Module Documentation

36.41 jpatcher

The patcher.
Collaboration diagram for jpatcher:

Patcher jpatcher


• int jpatcher_is_patcher (t_object ∗p)

Determine of a t_object∗ is a patcher object.
• t_object ∗ jpatcher_get_box (t_object ∗p)
If a patcher is inside a box, return its box.
• long jpatcher_get_count (t_object ∗p)
Determine the number of boxes in a patcher.
• t_max_err jpatcher_set_locked (t_object ∗p, char c)
Lock or unlock a patcher.
• char jpatcher_get_presentation (t_object ∗p)
Determine whether a patcher is currently in presentation mode.
• t_max_err jpatcher_set_presentation (t_object ∗p, char c)
Set a patcher to presentation mode.
• t_object ∗ jpatcher_get_firstobject (t_object ∗p)
Get the first box in a patcher.
• t_object ∗ jpatcher_get_lastobject (t_object ∗p)
Get the last box in a patcher.
• t_object ∗ jpatcher_get_firstline (t_object ∗p)
Get the first line (patch-cord) in a patcher.
• t_object ∗ jpatcher_get_firstview (t_object ∗p)
Get the first view (jpatcherview) for a given patcher.
• t_symbol ∗ jpatcher_get_title (t_object ∗p)
Retrieve a patcher's title.
• t_max_err jpatcher_set_title (t_object ∗p, t_symbol ∗ps)
Set a patcher's title.
• t_symbol ∗ jpatcher_get_name (t_object ∗p)
Retrieve a patcher's name.
• t_symbol ∗ jpatcher_get_filepath (t_object ∗p)
Retrieve a patcher's file path.
• t_symbol ∗ jpatcher_get_filename (t_object ∗p)
Retrieve a patcher's file name.
• char jpatcher_get_dirty (t_object ∗p)
Determine whether a patcher's dirty bit has been set.
• t_max_err jpatcher_set_dirty (t_object ∗p, char c)
Set a patcher's dirty bit.

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36.41 jpatcher 481

• char jpatcher_get_bglocked (t_object ∗p)

Determine whether a patcher's background layer is locked.
• t_max_err jpatcher_set_bglocked (t_object ∗p, char c)
Set whether a patcher's background layer is locked.
• char jpatcher_get_bghidden (t_object ∗p)
Determine whether a patcher's background layer is hidden.
• t_max_err jpatcher_set_bghidden (t_object ∗p, char c)
Set whether a patcher's background layer is hidden.
• char jpatcher_get_fghidden (t_object ∗p)
Determine whether a patcher's foreground layer is hidden.
• t_max_err jpatcher_set_fghidden (t_object ∗p, char c)
Set whether a patcher's foreground layer is hidden.
• t_max_err jpatcher_get_editing_bgcolor (t_object ∗p, t_jrgba ∗prgba)
Retrieve a patcher's editing background color.
• t_max_err jpatcher_set_editing_bgcolor (t_object ∗p, t_jrgba ∗prgba)
Set a patcher's editing background color.
• t_max_err jpatcher_get_bgcolor (t_object ∗p, t_jrgba ∗prgba)
Retrieve a patcher's unlocked background color.
• t_max_err jpatcher_get_locked_bgcolor (t_object ∗p, t_jrgba ∗prgba)
Retrieve a patcher's locked background color.
• t_max_err jpatcher_set_bgcolor (t_object ∗p, t_jrgba ∗prgba)
Set a patcher's unlocked background color.
• t_max_err jpatcher_set_locked_bgcolor (t_object ∗p, t_jrgba ∗prgba)
Set a patcher's locked background color.
• t_max_err jpatcher_get_gridsize (t_object ∗p, double ∗gridsizeX, double ∗gridsizeY)
Retrieve a patcher's grid size.
• t_max_err jpatcher_set_gridsize (t_object ∗p, double gridsizeX, double gridsizeY)
Set a patcher's grid size.
• void jpatcher_deleteobj (t_object ∗p, t_jbox ∗b)
Delete an object that is in a patcher.
• t_object ∗ jpatcher_get_parentpatcher (t_object ∗p)
Given a patcher, return its parent patcher.
• t_object ∗ jpatcher_get_toppatcher (t_object ∗p)
Given a patcher, return the top-level patcher for the tree in which it exists.
• t_object ∗ jpatcher_get_hubholder (t_object ∗p)
Given a patcher, return the patcher that will be responsible for holding the parameter hub.
• t_max_err jpatcher_get_rect (t_object ∗p, t_rect ∗pr)
Query a patcher to determine its location and size.
• t_max_err jpatcher_set_rect (t_object ∗p, t_rect ∗pr)
Set a patcher's location and size.
• t_max_err jpatcher_get_defrect (t_object ∗p, t_rect ∗pr)
Query a patcher to determine the location and dimensions of its window when initially opened.
• t_max_err jpatcher_set_defrect (t_object ∗p, t_rect ∗pr)
Set a patcher's default location and size.
• t_symbol ∗ jpatcher_uniqueboxname (t_object ∗p, t_symbol ∗classname)
Generate a unique name for a box in patcher.
• t_symbol ∗ jpatcher_get_default_fontname (t_object ∗p)
Return the name of the default font used for new objects in a patcher.
• float jpatcher_get_default_fontsize (t_object ∗p)
Return the size of the default font used for new objects in a patcher.
• long jpatcher_get_default_fontface (t_object ∗p)

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482 Module Documentation

Return the index of the default font face used for new objects in a patcher.
• long jpatcher_get_fileversion (t_object ∗p)
Return the file version of the patcher.
• long jpatcher_get_currentfileversion (void)
Return the file version for any new patchers, e.g.

36.41.1 Detailed Description

The patcher.

36.41.2 Function Documentation void jpatcher_deleteobj ( t_object ∗ p, t_jbox ∗ b )

Delete an object that is in a patcher.

p The patcher.
b The object box to delete. t_max_err jpatcher_get_bgcolor ( t_object ∗ p, t_jrgba ∗ prgba )

Retrieve a patcher's unlocked background color.

p The patcher to be queried.
prgba The address of a valid t_jrgba struct that will be filled-in with the current patcher color values.


A Max error code. char jpatcher_get_bghidden ( t_object ∗ p )

Determine whether a patcher's background layer is hidden.

p The patcher to be queried.


True if the background layer is hidden, otherwise false. char jpatcher_get_bglocked ( t_object ∗ p )

Determine whether a patcher's background layer is locked.

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36.41 jpatcher 483

p The patcher to be queried.


True if the background layer is locked, otherwise false. t_object∗ jpatcher_get_box ( t_object ∗ p )

If a patcher is inside a box, return its box.

p The patcher to be queried.


A pointer to the box containing the patcher, otherwise NULL. long jpatcher_get_count ( t_object ∗ p )

Determine the number of boxes in a patcher.

p The patcher to be queried.


The number of boxes in the patcher. long jpatcher_get_currentfileversion ( void )

Return the file version for any new patchers, e.g.

the current version created by Max.


The file version number. long jpatcher_get_default_fontface ( t_object ∗ p )

Return the index of the default font face used for new objects in a patcher.
p A pointer to a patcher instance.


The index of the default font face used for new objects in a patcher. t_symbol∗ jpatcher_get_default_fontname ( t_object ∗ p )

Return the name of the default font used for new objects in a patcher.

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484 Module Documentation

p A pointer to a patcher instance.


The name of the default font used for new objects in a patcher. float jpatcher_get_default_fontsize ( t_object ∗ p )

Return the size of the default font used for new objects in a patcher.
p A pointer to a patcher instance.


The size of the default font used for new objects in a patcher. t_max_err jpatcher_get_defrect ( t_object ∗ p, t_rect ∗ pr )

Query a patcher to determine the location and dimensions of its window when initially opened.
p A pointer to a patcher instance.
pr The address of valid t_rect whose values will be filled-in upon return.


A Max error code. char jpatcher_get_dirty ( t_object ∗ p )

Determine whether a patcher's dirty bit has been set.

p The patcher to be queried.


True if the patcher is dirty, otherwise false. t_max_err jpatcher_get_editing_bgcolor ( t_object ∗ p, t_jrgba ∗ prgba )

Retrieve a patcher's editing background color.

p The patcher to be queried.

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36.41 jpatcher 485

prgba The address of a valid t_jrgba struct that will be filled-in with the current patcher color values.


A Max error code. char jpatcher_get_fghidden ( t_object ∗ p )

Determine whether a patcher's foreground layer is hidden.

p The patcher to be queried.


True if the foreground layer is hidden, otherwise false. t_symbol∗ jpatcher_get_filename ( t_object ∗ p )

Retrieve a patcher's file name.

p The patcher to be queried.


The patcher's file name. t_symbol∗ jpatcher_get_filepath ( t_object ∗ p )

Retrieve a patcher's file path.

p The patcher to be queried.


The patcher's file path. long jpatcher_get_fileversion ( t_object ∗ p )

Return the file version of the patcher.

p A pointer to the patcher whose version number is desired.


The file version number.

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486 Module Documentation t_object∗ jpatcher_get_firstline ( t_object ∗ p )

Get the first line (patch-cord) in a patcher.

All lines in a patcher are maintained internally in a t_linklist. Use this function to begin traversing a patcher's lines.

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36.41 jpatcher 487

p The patcher to be queried.


The first jpatchline in a patcher. t_object∗ jpatcher_get_firstobject ( t_object ∗ p )

Get the first box in a patcher.

All boxes in a patcher are maintained internally in a t_linklist. Use this function together with jbox_get_nextobject()
to traverse a patcher.
p The patcher to be queried.


The first box in a patcher.

See also

jbox_get_prevobject() jbox_get_nextobject() jpatcher_get_lastobject() t_object∗ jpatcher_get_firstview ( t_object ∗ p )

Get the first view (jpatcherview) for a given patcher.

All views of a patcher are maintained internally as a t_linklist. Use this function to begin traversing a patcher's views.
p The patcher to be queried.


The first view of a patcher. t_max_err jpatcher_get_gridsize ( t_object ∗ p, double ∗ gridsizeX, double ∗ gridsizeY )

Retrieve a patcher's grid size.

p The patcher to be queried.
gridsizeX The address of a double that will be set to the current horizontal grid spacing for the patcher.
gridsizeY The address of a double that will be set to the current vertical grid spacing for the patcher.


A Max error code. t_object∗ jpatcher_get_hubholder ( t_object ∗ p )

Given a patcher, return the patcher that will be responsible for holding the parameter hub.

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488 Module Documentation

p The patcher to be queried.


The patcher's parameter hub holder. t_object∗ jpatcher_get_lastobject ( t_object ∗ p )

Get the last box in a patcher.

All boxes in a patcher are maintained internally in a t_linklist. Use this function together with jbox_get_prevobject()
to traverse a patcher.
p The patcher to be queried.


The last box in a patcher.

See also

jbox_get_prevobject() jbox_get_nextobject() jpatcher_get_firstobject() t_max_err jpatcher_get_locked_bgcolor ( t_object ∗ p, t_jrgba ∗ prgba )

Retrieve a patcher's locked background color.

p The patcher to be queried.
prgba The address of a valid t_jrgba struct that will be filled-in with the current patcher color values.


A Max error code. t_symbol∗ jpatcher_get_name ( t_object ∗ p )

Retrieve a patcher's name.

p The patcher to be queried.


The patcher's name. t_object∗ jpatcher_get_parentpatcher ( t_object ∗ p )

Given a patcher, return its parent patcher.

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36.41 jpatcher 489

p The patcher to be queried.


The patcher's parent patcher, if there is one. If there is no parent patcher (this is a top-level patcher) then
NULL is returned. char jpatcher_get_presentation ( t_object ∗ p )

Determine whether a patcher is currently in presentation mode.

p The patcher to be queried.


True if the patcher is in presentation mode, otherwise false. t_max_err jpatcher_get_rect ( t_object ∗ p, t_rect ∗ pr )

Query a patcher to determine its location and size.

p A pointer to a patcher instance.
pr The address of valid t_rect whose values will be filled-in upon return.


A Max error code. t_symbol∗ jpatcher_get_title ( t_object ∗ p )

Retrieve a patcher's title.

p The patcher to be queried.


The patcher's title. t_object∗ jpatcher_get_toppatcher ( t_object ∗ p )

Given a patcher, return the top-level patcher for the tree in which it exists.

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490 Module Documentation

p The patcher to be queried.


The patcher's top-level parent patcher. int jpatcher_is_patcher ( t_object ∗ p )

Determine of a t_object∗ is a patcher object.

p The object pointer to test.


Returns true if the object is a patcher, otherwise returns non-zero. t_max_err jpatcher_set_bgcolor ( t_object ∗ p, t_jrgba ∗ prgba )

Set a patcher's unlocked background color.

p The patcher to be queried.
prgba The address of a t_jrgba struct containing the new color to use.


A Max error code. t_max_err jpatcher_set_bghidden ( t_object ∗ p, char c )

Set whether a patcher's background layer is hidden.

p The patcher whose dirty bit will be set.
c Pass true to hide the patcher's background layer, otherwise pass false.


A Max error code. t_max_err jpatcher_set_bglocked ( t_object ∗ p, char c )

Set whether a patcher's background layer is locked.

p The patcher whose dirty bit will be set.

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36.41 jpatcher 491

c Pass true to lock the patcher's background layer, otherwise pass false.


A Max error code. t_max_err jpatcher_set_defrect ( t_object ∗ p, t_rect ∗ pr )

Set a patcher's default location and size.

p A pointer to a patcher instance.
pr The address of a t_rect with the new position and size.


A Max error code. t_max_err jpatcher_set_dirty ( t_object ∗ p, char c )

Set a patcher's dirty bit.

p The patcher whose dirty bit will be set.
c The new value for the patcher's dirty bit (pass true or false).


A Max error code. t_max_err jpatcher_set_editing_bgcolor ( t_object ∗ p, t_jrgba ∗ prgba )

Set a patcher's editing background color.

p The patcher to be queried.
prgba The address of a t_jrgba struct containing the new color to use.


A Max error code. t_max_err jpatcher_set_fghidden ( t_object ∗ p, char c )

Set whether a patcher's foreground layer is hidden.


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492 Module Documentation

p The patcher whose dirty bit will be set.

c Pass true to hide the patcher's foreground layer, otherwise pass false.


A Max error code. t_max_err jpatcher_set_gridsize ( t_object ∗ p, double gridsizeX, double gridsizeY )

Set a patcher's grid size.

p The patcher to be queried.
gridsizeX The new horizontal grid spacing for the patcher.
gridsizeY The new vertical grid spacing for the patcher.


A Max error code. t_max_err jpatcher_set_locked ( t_object ∗ p, char c )

Lock or unlock a patcher.

p The patcher whose locked state will be changed.
c Pass true to lock a patcher, otherwise pass false.


A Max error code. t_max_err jpatcher_set_locked_bgcolor ( t_object ∗ p, t_jrgba ∗ prgba )

Set a patcher's locked background color.

p The patcher to be queried.
prgba The address of a t_jrgba struct containing the new color to use.


A Max error code. t_max_err jpatcher_set_presentation ( t_object ∗ p, char c )

Set a patcher to presentation mode.

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p The patcher whose locked state will be changed.
c Pass true to switch the patcher to presentation mode, otherwise pass false.


A Max error code. t_max_err jpatcher_set_rect ( t_object ∗ p, t_rect ∗ pr )

Set a patcher's location and size.

p A pointer to a patcher instance.
pr The address of a t_rect with the new position and size.


A Max error code. t_max_err jpatcher_set_title ( t_object ∗ p, t_symbol ∗ ps )

Set a patcher's title.

p The patcher whose locked state will be changed.
ps The new title for the patcher.


A Max error code. t_symbol∗ jpatcher_uniqueboxname ( t_object ∗ p, t_symbol ∗ classname )

Generate a unique name for a box in patcher.

p A pointer to a patcher instance.
classname The name of an object's class.


The newly-generated unique name.


This is the function used by pattr to assign names to objects in a patcher.

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494 Module Documentation

36.42 jbox

A box in the patcher.

Collaboration diagram for jbox:

Patcher jbox

Data Structures

• struct t_jboxdrawparams
The t_jboxdrawparams structure.


draw first inlet
don't draw the frame
draw inlets after update method
don't make transparent unless you need it (for efficiency)
• #define JBOX_NOGROW
don't even draw grow thingie
• #define JBOX_GROWY
can grow in y direction by dragging
can grow independently in both x and y
box should ignore a click if patcher is locked
• #define JBOX_HILITE
flag passed to jbox_new() to tell max that the UI object can receive the focus when clicked on – may be replaced by
JBOX_FOCUS in the future
immediately set box into the background
no floating inspector window
save/load text from textfield, unless JBOX_BINBUF flag is set
give the box a textfield based fix-width (bfixwidth) method
if you want font related attribute you must add this to jbox_initclass()

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36.42 jbox 495

give your object a textjustification attr to control textfield
• #define JBOX_BINBUF
save/load text from b_binbuf
hides mouse cursor in drag and sends mousedragdelta instead of mousedrag (for infinite scrolling like number)
• #define JBOX_COLOR
support the "color" method for color customization
draw inlets and outlets when locked (default is not to draw them)
set to have box bg filled in for you based on getdrawparams method or brgba attribute
flag for objects such as bpatcher that have a different b_firstin,
• #define JBOX_FOCUS
more advanced focus support (passed to jbox_initclass() to add "nextfocus" and "prevfocus" attributes to the U←-
I object). Not implemented as of 2009-05-11
• #define JBOX_BOXVIEW
enable jboxview methods
add undocumented color N message to objects from Max 4 that used it
if there is a legacy default, copy it instead of the regular default
if there is a legacy default, don't copy any default



actual numerical values of the b_fontface attribute; use jbox_fontface() to weight
• enum HitTestResult {
HitNothing, HitBox, HitInlet, HitOutlet,
HitGrowBox, HitLine, HitLineLocked }
enumerations used for box decorators


• t_max_err jbox_get_rect_for_view (t_object ∗box, t_object ∗patcherview, t_rect ∗rect)

Find the rect for a box in a given patcherview.
• t_max_err jbox_set_rect_for_view (t_object ∗box, t_object ∗patcherview, t_rect ∗rect)
Change the rect for a box in a given patcherview.
• t_max_err jbox_get_rect_for_sym (t_object ∗box, t_symbol ∗which, t_rect ∗pr)
Find the rect for a box with a given attribute name.
• t_max_err jbox_set_rect_for_sym (t_object ∗box, t_symbol ∗which, t_rect ∗pr)
Change the rect for a box with a given attribute name.
• t_max_err jbox_set_rect (t_object ∗box, t_rect ∗pr)
Set both the presentation rect and the patching rect.
• t_max_err jbox_get_patching_rect (t_object ∗box, t_rect ∗pr)
Retrieve the patching rect of a box.
• t_max_err jbox_set_patching_rect (t_object ∗box, t_rect ∗pr)

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496 Module Documentation

Change the patching rect of a box.

• t_max_err jbox_get_presentation_rect (t_object ∗box, t_rect ∗pr)
Retrieve the presentation rect of a box.
• t_max_err jbox_set_presentation_rect (t_object ∗box, t_rect ∗pr)
Change the presentation rect of a box.
• t_max_err jbox_set_position (t_object ∗box, t_pt ∗pos)
Set the position of a box for both the presentation and patching views.
• t_max_err jbox_get_patching_position (t_object ∗box, t_pt ∗pos)
Fetch the position of a box for the patching view.
• t_max_err jbox_set_patching_position (t_object ∗box, t_pt ∗pos)
Set the position of a box for the patching view.
• t_max_err jbox_get_presentation_position (t_object ∗box, t_pt ∗pos)
Fetch the position of a box for the presentation view.
• t_max_err jbox_set_presentation_position (t_object ∗box, t_pt ∗pos)
Set the position of a box for the presentation view.
• t_max_err jbox_set_size (t_object ∗box, t_size ∗size)
Set the size of a box for both the presentation and patching views.
• t_max_err jbox_get_patching_size (t_object ∗box, t_size ∗size)
Fetch the size of a box for the patching view.
• t_max_err jbox_set_patching_size (t_object ∗box, t_size ∗size)
Set the size of a box for the patching view.
• t_max_err jbox_get_presentation_size (t_object ∗box, t_size ∗size)
Fetch the size of a box for the presentation view.
• t_max_err jbox_set_presentation_size (t_object ∗box, t_size ∗size)
Set the size of a box for the presentation view.
• t_symbol ∗ jbox_get_maxclass (t_object ∗b)
Retrieve the name of the class of the box's object.
• t_object ∗ jbox_get_object (t_object ∗b)
Retrieve a pointer to the box's object.
• t_object ∗ jbox_get_patcher (t_object ∗b)
Retrieve a box's patcher.
• char jbox_get_hidden (t_object ∗b)
Retrieve a box's 'hidden' attribute.
• t_max_err jbox_set_hidden (t_object ∗b, char c)
Set a box's 'hidden' attribute.
• t_symbol ∗ jbox_get_fontname (t_object ∗b)
Retrieve a box's 'fontname' attribute.
• t_max_err jbox_set_fontname (t_object ∗b, t_symbol ∗ps)
Set a box's 'fontname' attribute.
• double jbox_get_fontsize (t_object ∗b)
Retrieve a box's 'fontsize' attribute.
• t_max_err jbox_set_fontsize (t_object ∗b, double d)
Set a box's 'fontsize' attribute.
• t_max_err jbox_get_color (t_object ∗b, t_jrgba ∗prgba)
Retrieve a box's 'color' attribute.
• t_max_err jbox_set_color (t_object ∗b, t_jrgba ∗prgba)
Set a box's 'color' attribute.
• t_symbol ∗ jbox_get_hint (t_object ∗b)
Retrieve a box's hint text as a symbol.
• t_max_err jbox_set_hint (t_object ∗b, t_symbol ∗s)
Set a box's hint text using a symbol.

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36.42 jbox 497

• char ∗ jbox_get_hintstring (t_object ∗bb)

Retrieve a box's hint text as a C-string.
• void jbox_set_hintstring (t_object ∗bb, char ∗s)
Set a box's hint text using a C-string.
• char ∗ jbox_get_annotation (t_object ∗bb)
Retrieve a box's annotation string, if the user has given it an annotation.
• void jbox_set_annotation (t_object ∗bb, char ∗s)
Set a box's annotation string.
• t_object ∗ jbox_get_nextobject (t_object ∗b)
The next box in the patcher's (linked) list of boxes.
• t_object ∗ jbox_get_prevobject (t_object ∗b)
The previous box in the patcher's (linked) list of boxes.
• t_symbol ∗ jbox_get_varname (t_object ∗b)
Retrieve a box's scripting name.
• t_max_err jbox_set_varname (t_object ∗b, t_symbol ∗ps)
Set a box's scripting name.
• t_symbol ∗ jbox_get_id (t_object ∗b)
Retrieve a boxes unique id.
• char jbox_get_canhilite (t_object ∗b)
Retrieve a box flag value from a box.
• char jbox_get_background (t_object ∗b)
Determine whether a box is located in the patcher's background layer.
• t_max_err jbox_set_background (t_object ∗b, char c)
Set whether a box should be in the background or foreground layer of a patcher.
• char jbox_get_ignoreclick (t_object ∗b)
Determine whether a box ignores clicks.
• t_max_err jbox_set_ignoreclick (t_object ∗b, char c)
Set whether a box ignores clicks.
• char jbox_get_drawfirstin (t_object ∗b)
Determine whether a box draws its first inlet.
• char jbox_get_outline (t_object ∗b)
Determine whether a box draws an outline.
• t_max_err jbox_set_outline (t_object ∗b, char c)
Set whether a box draws an outline.
• char jbox_get_growy (t_object ∗b)
Retrieve a box flag value from a box.
• char jbox_get_growboth (t_object ∗b)
Retrieve a box flag value from a box.
• char jbox_get_nogrow (t_object ∗b)
Retrieve a box flag value from a box.
• char jbox_get_drawinlast (t_object ∗b)
Retrieve a box flag value from a box.
• t_object ∗ jbox_get_textfield (t_object ∗b)
Retrieve a pointer to a box's textfield.
• char jbox_get_presentation (t_object ∗b)
Determine if a box is included in the presentation view.
• t_max_err jbox_set_presentation (t_object ∗b, char c)
Determine if a box is included in the presentation view.
• t_max_err jbox_new (t_jbox ∗b, long flags, long argc, t_atom ∗argv)
Set up your UI object's t_jbox member.
• void jbox_free (t_jbox ∗b)

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498 Module Documentation

Tear down your UI object's t_jbox member.

• void jbox_ready (t_jbox ∗b)
Mark the box ready to be accessed and drawn by Max.
• void jbox_redraw (t_jbox ∗b)
Request that your object/box be re-drawn by Max.
• t_max_err jbox_notify (t_jbox ∗b, t_symbol ∗s, t_symbol ∗msg, void ∗sender, void ∗data)
Send a notification to a box.

36.42.1 Detailed Description

A box in the patcher.

36.42.2 Macro Definition Documentation #define JBOX_NOINSPECTFIRSTIN

flag for objects such as bpatcher that have a different b_firstin,

but the attrs of the b_firstin should not be shown in the inspector

36.42.3 Enumeration Type Documentation anonymous enum

actual numerical values of the b_fontface attribute; use jbox_fontface() to weight


JBOX_FONTFACE_BOLDITALIC bold and italic enum HitTestResult

enumerations used for box decorators


HitNothing a hole in the box

HitBox the body of the box
HitInlet an inlet
HitOutlet an outlet
HitGrowBox the grow handle
HitLine a line
HitLineLocked a line in a locked patcher (for probing)

36.42.4 Function Documentation void jbox_free ( t_jbox ∗ b )

Tear down your UI object's t_jbox member.

This should be called from your UI object's free method.

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36.42 jbox 499

b The address of your object's t_jbox member (which should be the first member of the object's
struct). char∗ jbox_get_annotation ( t_object ∗ bb )

Retrieve a box's annotation string, if the user has given it an annotation.

bb The box to query.


The user-created annotation string for a box, or NULL if no string exists. char jbox_get_background ( t_object ∗ b )

Determine whether a box is located in the patcher's background layer.

b The box to query.


Zero if the object is in the foreground, otherwise non-zero. char jbox_get_canhilite ( t_object ∗ b )

Retrieve a box flag value from a box.

b The box to query.


The value of the canhilite bit in the box's flags. t_max_err jbox_get_color ( t_object ∗ b, t_jrgba ∗ prgba )

Retrieve a box's 'color' attribute.

b The box to query.
prgba The address of a valid t_rect whose values will be filled-in upon return.


A Max error code. char jbox_get_drawfirstin ( t_object ∗ b )

Determine whether a box draws its first inlet.

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500 Module Documentation

b The box to query.


Zero if the inlet is not drawn, otherwise non-zero. char jbox_get_drawinlast ( t_object ∗ b )

Retrieve a box flag value from a box.

b The box to query.


The value of the drawinlast bit in the box's flags. t_symbol∗ jbox_get_fontname ( t_object ∗ b )

Retrieve a box's 'fontname' attribute.

b The box to query.


The font name. double jbox_get_fontsize ( t_object ∗ b )

Retrieve a box's 'fontsize' attribute.

b The box to query.


The font size in points. char jbox_get_growboth ( t_object ∗ b )

Retrieve a box flag value from a box.

b The box to query.


The value of the growboth bit in the box's flags. char jbox_get_growy ( t_object ∗ b )

Retrieve a box flag value from a box.

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36.42 jbox 501

b The box to query.


The value of the growy bit in the box's flags. char jbox_get_hidden ( t_object ∗ b )

Retrieve a box's 'hidden' attribute.

b The box to query.


True if the box is hidden, otherwise false. t_symbol∗ jbox_get_hint ( t_object ∗ b )

Retrieve a box's hint text as a symbol.

b The box to query.


The box's hint text. char∗ jbox_get_hintstring ( t_object ∗ bb )

Retrieve a box's hint text as a C-string.

bb The box to query.


The box's hint text. t_symbol∗ jbox_get_id ( t_object ∗ b )

Retrieve a boxes unique id.

b The box to query.


The unique id of the object. This is a symbol that is referenced, for example, by patchlines.

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502 Module Documentation char jbox_get_ignoreclick ( t_object ∗ b )

Determine whether a box ignores clicks.

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36.42 jbox 503

b The box to query.


Zero if the object responds to clicks, otherwise non-zero. t_symbol∗ jbox_get_maxclass ( t_object ∗ b )

Retrieve the name of the class of the box's object.

b The box to query.


The name of the class of the box's object. t_object∗ jbox_get_nextobject ( t_object ∗ b )

The next box in the patcher's (linked) list of boxes.

b The box to query.


The next box in the list. char jbox_get_nogrow ( t_object ∗ b )

Retrieve a box flag value from a box.

b The box to query.


The value of the nogrow bit in the box's flags. t_object∗ jbox_get_object ( t_object ∗ b )

Retrieve a pointer to the box's object.

b The box to query.


A pointer to the box's object.

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504 Module Documentation char jbox_get_outline ( t_object ∗ b )

Determine whether a box draws an outline.

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36.42 jbox 505

b The box to query.


Zero if the outline is not drawn, otherwise non-zero. t_object∗ jbox_get_patcher ( t_object ∗ b )

Retrieve a box's patcher.

b The box to query.


If the box has a patcher, the patcher's pointer is returned. Otherwise NULL is returned. t_max_err jbox_get_patching_position ( t_object ∗ box, t_pt ∗ pos )

Fetch the position of a box for the patching view.

box The box whose position will be retrieved.
pos The address of a valid t_pt whose x and y values will be filled in.


A Max error code. t_max_err jbox_get_patching_rect ( t_object ∗ box, t_rect ∗ pr )

Retrieve the patching rect of a box.

box The box whose rect values will be retrieved.
pr The address of a valid t_rect whose values will be filled in.


A Max error code. t_max_err jbox_get_patching_size ( t_object ∗ box, t_size ∗ size )

Fetch the size of a box for the patching view.


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506 Module Documentation

box The box whose size will be retrieved.

size The address of a valid t_size whose width and height values will be filled in.


A Max error code. char jbox_get_presentation ( t_object ∗ b )

Determine if a box is included in the presentation view.

b The box to query.


Non-zero if in presentation mode, otherwise zero. t_max_err jbox_get_presentation_position ( t_object ∗ box, t_pt ∗ pos )

Fetch the position of a box for the presentation view.

box The box whose position will be retrieved.
pos The address of a valid t_pt whose x and y values will be filled in.


A Max error code. t_max_err jbox_get_presentation_rect ( t_object ∗ box, t_rect ∗ pr )

Retrieve the presentation rect of a box.

box The box whose rect values will be retrieved.
pr The address of a valid t_rect whose values will be filled in.


A Max error code. t_max_err jbox_get_presentation_size ( t_object ∗ box, t_size ∗ size )

Fetch the size of a box for the presentation view.

box The box whose size will be retrieved.
size The address of a valid t_size whose width and height values will be filled in.


A Max error code.

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36.42 jbox 507 t_object∗ jbox_get_prevobject ( t_object ∗ b )

The previous box in the patcher's (linked) list of boxes.

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508 Module Documentation

b The box to query.


The next box in the list. t_max_err jbox_get_rect_for_sym ( t_object ∗ box, t_symbol ∗ which, t_rect ∗ pr )

Find the rect for a box with a given attribute name.

box The box whose rect will be fetched.
which The name of the rect attribute to be fetched, for example _sym_presentation_rect or
pr The address of a valid t_rect whose members will be filled in by this function.


A Max error code. t_max_err jbox_get_rect_for_view ( t_object ∗ box, t_object ∗ patcherview, t_rect ∗ rect )

Find the rect for a box in a given patcherview.

box The box whose rect will be fetched.
patcherview A patcherview in which the box exists.
rect The address of a valid t_rect whose members will be filled in by this function.


A Max error code. t_object∗ jbox_get_textfield ( t_object ∗ b )

Retrieve a pointer to a box's textfield.

b The box to query.


The textfield for the box, assuming it has one. If the box does not own a textfield then NULL is returned. t_symbol∗ jbox_get_varname ( t_object ∗ b )

Retrieve a box's scripting name.

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36.42 jbox 509

b The box to query.


The box's scripting name. t_max_err jbox_new ( t_jbox ∗ b, long flags, long argc, t_atom ∗ argv )

Set up your UI object's t_jbox member.

This should be called from your UI object's free method.
b The address of your UI object's t_jbox member (which should be the first member of the
object's struct).
flags Flags to set the box's behavior, such as JBOX_NODRAWBOX.
argc The count of atoms in the argv parameter.
argv The address of the first in an array of atoms to be passed to the box constructor. Typically
these are simply the argument passed to your object when it is created.


A Max error code. t_max_err jbox_notify ( t_jbox ∗ b, t_symbol ∗ s, t_symbol ∗ msg, void ∗ sender, void ∗ data )

Send a notification to a box.

This is the same as calling object_notify() for a box.
b The address of your object's t_jbox member.
s The name of the send object.
msg The notification name.
sender The sending object's address.
data A pointer to some data passed to the box's notify method.


A Max error code. void jbox_ready ( t_jbox ∗ b )

Mark the box ready to be accessed and drawn by Max.

This should typically be called at the end of your UI object's new method.
b The address of your object's t_jbox member. void jbox_redraw ( t_jbox ∗ b )

Request that your object/box be re-drawn by Max.

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510 Module Documentation

b The address of your object's t_jbox member. void jbox_set_annotation ( t_object ∗ bb, char ∗ s )

Set a box's annotation string.

bb The box to query.
s The annotation string for the box.


A Max error code. t_max_err jbox_set_background ( t_object ∗ b, char c )

Set whether a box should be in the background or foreground layer of a patcher.

b The box to query.
c Pass zero to tell the box to appear in the foreground, or non-zero to indicate that the box
should be in the background layer.


A Max error code. t_max_err jbox_set_color ( t_object ∗ b, t_jrgba ∗ prgba )

Set a box's 'color' attribute.

b The box to query.
prgba The address of a t_rect containing the desired color for the box/object.


A Max error code. t_max_err jbox_set_fontname ( t_object ∗ b, t_symbol ∗ ps )

Set a box's 'fontname' attribute.

b The box to query.
ps The font name. Note that the font name may be case-sensitive.


A Max error code.

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36.42 jbox 511 t_max_err jbox_set_fontsize ( t_object ∗ b, double d )

Set a box's 'fontsize' attribute.

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512 Module Documentation

b The box to query.
d The fontsize in points.


A Max error code. t_max_err jbox_set_hidden ( t_object ∗ b, char c )

Set a box's 'hidden' attribute.

b The box to query.
c Set to true to hide the box, otherwise false.


A Max error code. t_max_err jbox_set_hint ( t_object ∗ b, t_symbol ∗ s )

Set a box's hint text using a symbol.

b The box to query.
s The new text to use for the box's hint.


A Max error code. void jbox_set_hintstring ( t_object ∗ bb, char ∗ s )

Set a box's hint text using a C-string.

bb The box to query.
s The new text to use for the box's hint.


A Max error code. t_max_err jbox_set_ignoreclick ( t_object ∗ b, char c )

Set whether a box ignores clicks.

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36.42 jbox 513

b The box to query.
c Pass zero to tell the box to respond to clicks, or non-zero to indicate that the box should
ignore clicks.


A Max error code. t_max_err jbox_set_outline ( t_object ∗ b, char c )

Set whether a box draws an outline.

b The box to query.
c Pass zero to hide the outline, or non-zero to indicate that the box should draw the outline.


A Max error code. t_max_err jbox_set_patching_position ( t_object ∗ box, t_pt ∗ pos )

Set the position of a box for the patching view.

box The box whose positon will be changed.
pos The address of a t_pt with the new x and y values.


A Max error code. t_max_err jbox_set_patching_rect ( t_object ∗ box, t_rect ∗ pr )

Change the patching rect of a box.

box The box whose rect will be changed.
pr The address of a t_rect with the new rect values.


A Max error code. t_max_err jbox_set_patching_size ( t_object ∗ box, t_size ∗ size )

Set the size of a box for the patching view.

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514 Module Documentation

box The box whose size will be changed.
size The address of a t_size with the new width and height values.


A Max error code. t_max_err jbox_set_position ( t_object ∗ box, t_pt ∗ pos )

Set the position of a box for both the presentation and patching views.
box The box whose position will be changed.
pos The address of a t_pt with the new x and y values.


A Max error code. t_max_err jbox_set_presentation ( t_object ∗ b, char c )

Determine if a box is included in the presentation view.

b The box to query.
c Pass zero to remove a box from the presention view, or non-zero to add it to the presentation


Non-zero if in presentation mode, otherwise zero. t_max_err jbox_set_presentation_position ( t_object ∗ box, t_pt ∗ pos )

Set the position of a box for the presentation view.

box The box whose rect will be changed.
pos The address of a t_pt with the new x and y values.


A Max error code. t_max_err jbox_set_presentation_rect ( t_object ∗ box, t_rect ∗ pr )

Change the presentation rect of a box.

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36.42 jbox 515

box The box whose rect will be changed.
pr The address of a t_rect with the new rect values.


A Max error code. t_max_err jbox_set_presentation_size ( t_object ∗ box, t_size ∗ size )

Set the size of a box for the presentation view.

box The box whose size will be changed.
size The address of a t_size with the new width and height values.


A Max error code. t_max_err jbox_set_rect ( t_object ∗ box, t_rect ∗ pr )

Set both the presentation rect and the patching rect.

box The box whose rect will be changed.
pr The address of a t_rect with the new rect values.


A Max error code. t_max_err jbox_set_rect_for_sym ( t_object ∗ box, t_symbol ∗ which, t_rect ∗ pr )

Change the rect for a box with a given attribute name.

box The box whose rect will be changed.
which The name of the rect attribute to be changed, for example _sym_presentation_rect
or _sym_patching_rect.
pr The address of a valid t_rect that will replace the current values used by the box.


A Max error code. t_max_err jbox_set_rect_for_view ( t_object ∗ box, t_object ∗ patcherview, t_rect ∗ rect )

Change the rect for a box in a given patcherview.

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516 Module Documentation

box The box whose rect will be changed.
patcherview A patcherview in which the box exists.
rect The address of a valid t_rect that will replace the current values used by the box in the given


A Max error code. t_max_err jbox_set_size ( t_object ∗ box, t_size ∗ size )

Set the size of a box for both the presentation and patching views.
box The box whose size will be changed.
size The address of a t_size with the new size values.


A Max error code. t_max_err jbox_set_varname ( t_object ∗ b, t_symbol ∗ ps )

Set a box's scripting name.

b The box to query.
ps The new scripting name for the box.


A Max error code.

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36.43 jpatchline 517

36.43 jpatchline

A patch cord.
Collaboration diagram for jpatchline:

Patcher jpatchline


• t_max_err jpatchline_get_startpoint (t_object ∗l, double ∗x, double ∗y)

Retrieve a patchline's starting point.
• t_max_err jpatchline_get_endpoint (t_object ∗l, double ∗x, double ∗y)
Retrieve a patchline's ending point.
• long jpatchline_get_nummidpoints (t_object ∗l)
Determine the number of midpoints (segments) in a patchline.
• t_object ∗ jpatchline_get_box1 (t_object ∗l)
Return the object box from which a patchline originates.
• long jpatchline_get_outletnum (t_object ∗l)
Return the outlet number of the originating object box from which a patchline begins.
• t_object ∗ jpatchline_get_box2 (t_object ∗l)
Return the destination object box for a patchline.
• long jpatchline_get_inletnum (t_object ∗l)
Return the inlet number of the destination object box to which a patchline is connected.
• t_object ∗ jpatchline_get_nextline (t_object ∗b)
Given a patchline, traverse to the next patchline in the (linked) list.
• char jpatchline_get_hidden (t_object ∗l)
Determine if a patch line is hidden.
• t_max_err jpatchline_set_hidden (t_object ∗l, char c)
Set a patchline's visibility.
• t_max_err jpatchline_get_color (t_object ∗l, t_jrgba ∗prgba)
Get the color of a patch line.
• t_max_err jpatchline_set_color (t_object ∗l, t_jrgba ∗prgba)
Set the color of a patch line.

36.43.1 Detailed Description

A patch cord.

36.43.2 Function Documentation t_object∗ jpatchline_get_box1 ( t_object ∗ l )

Return the object box from which a patchline originates.

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518 Module Documentation

l A pointer to the patchline's instance.


The object box from which the patchline originates. t_object∗ jpatchline_get_box2 ( t_object ∗ l )

Return the destination object box for a patchline.

l A pointer to the patchline's instance.


The destination object box for a patchline. t_max_err jpatchline_get_color ( t_object ∗ l, t_jrgba ∗ prgba )

Get the color of a patch line.

l A patchline instance.
prgba The address of a valid t_jrgba struct that will be filled with the color values of the patch line.


An error code. t_max_err jpatchline_get_endpoint ( t_object ∗ l, double ∗ x, double ∗ y )

Retrieve a patchline's ending point.

l A pointer to the patchline's instance.
x The address of a variable to hold the x-coordinate of the ending point's position upon return.
y The address of a variable to hold the y-coordinate of the ending point's position upon return.


A Max error code. char jpatchline_get_hidden ( t_object ∗ l )

Determine if a patch line is hidden.

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36.43 jpatchline 519

l A patchline instance.


Zero if the patchline is visible, non-zero if it is hidden. long jpatchline_get_inletnum ( t_object ∗ l )

Return the inlet number of the destination object box to which a patchline is connected.
l A pointer to the patchline's instance.


The inlet number. t_object∗ jpatchline_get_nextline ( t_object ∗ b )

Given a patchline, traverse to the next patchline in the (linked) list.

b A patchline instance.


The next patchline. If the current patchline is at the end (tail) of the list, then NULL is returned. long jpatchline_get_nummidpoints ( t_object ∗ l )

Determine the number of midpoints (segments) in a patchline.

l A pointer to the patchline's instance.


The number of midpoints in the patchline. long jpatchline_get_outletnum ( t_object ∗ l )

Return the outlet number of the originating object box from which a patchline begins.
l A pointer to the patchline's instance.


The outlet number.

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520 Module Documentation t_max_err jpatchline_get_startpoint ( t_object ∗ l, double ∗ x, double ∗ y )

Retrieve a patchline's starting point.

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l A pointer to the patchline's instance.
x The address of a variable to hold the x-coordinate of the starting point's position upon return.
y The address of a variable to hold the y-coordinate of the starting point's position upon return.


A Max error code. t_max_err jpatchline_set_color ( t_object ∗ l, t_jrgba ∗ prgba )

Set the color of a patch line.

l A patchline instance.
prgba The address of a valid t_jrgba struct containing the color to use.


An error code. t_max_err jpatchline_set_hidden ( t_object ∗ l, char c )

Set a patchline's visibility.

l A patchline instance.
c Pass 0 to make a patchline visible, or non-zero to hide it.


An error code.

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522 Module Documentation

36.44 jpatcherview

A view of a patcher.
Collaboration diagram for jpatcherview:

Patcher jpatcherview


• t_object ∗ patcherview_findpatcherview (int x, int y)

Find a patcherview at the given screen coords.
• char patcherview_get_visible (t_object ∗pv)
Query a patcherview to determine whether it is visible.
• t_max_err patcherview_set_visible (t_object ∗pv, char c)
Set the 'visible' attribute of a patcherview.
• t_max_err patcherview_get_rect (t_object ∗pv, t_rect ∗pr)
Get the value of the rect attribute for a patcherview.
• t_max_err patcherview_set_rect (t_object ∗pv, t_rect ∗pr)
Set the value of the rect attribute for a patcherview.
• void patcherview_canvas_to_screen (t_object ∗pv, double cx, double cy, long ∗sx, long ∗sy)
Convert the point cx, cy in canvas coordinates to screen coordinates.
• void patcherview_screen_to_canvas (t_object ∗pv, long sx, long sy, double ∗cx, double ∗cy)
Convert the point cx, cy in canvas coordinates to screen coordinates.
• char patcherview_get_locked (t_object ∗p)
Find out if a patcherview is locked.
• t_max_err patcherview_set_locked (t_object ∗p, char c)
Lock or unlock a patcherview.
• char patcherview_get_presentation (t_object ∗pv)
Find out if a patcherview is a presentation view.
• t_max_err patcherview_set_presentation (t_object ∗p, char c)
Set whether or not a patcherview is a presentation view.
• double patcherview_get_zoomfactor (t_object ∗pv)
Fetch the zoom-factor of a patcherview.
• t_max_err patcherview_set_zoomfactor (t_object ∗pv, double d)
Set the zoom-factor of a patcherview.
• t_object ∗ patcherview_get_nextview (t_object ∗pv)
Given a patcherview, find the next patcherview.
• t_object ∗ patcherview_get_jgraphics (t_object ∗pv)
Given a patcherview, return the t_jgraphics context for that view.
• t_object ∗ patcherview_get_patcher (t_object ∗pv)
Given a patcherview, return its patcher.
• t_object ∗ patcherview_get_topview (t_object ∗pv)
Given a patcherview, return the top patcherview (possibly itself).

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36.44 jpatcherview 523

36.44.1 Detailed Description

A view of a patcher.

36.44.2 Function Documentation void patcherview_canvas_to_screen ( t_object ∗ pv, double cx, double cy, long ∗ sx, long ∗ sy )

Convert the point cx, cy in canvas coordinates to screen coordinates.

pv The patcherview instance the canvas coords are relative to.
cx The x dimension of the canvas coordinate relative to the patcherview.
cy The y dimension of the canvas coordinate relative to the patcherview.
sx A pointer to a long to receive the screen coordinate x dimension.
sy A pointer to a long to receive the screen coordinate y dimension. t_object∗ patcherview_findpatcherview ( int x, int y )

Find a patcherview at the given screen coords.

x The horizontal coordinate at which to find a patcherview.
y The vertical coordinate at which to find a patcherview.


A pointer to the patcherview at the specified location, or NULL if no patcherview exists at that location. t_object∗ patcherview_get_jgraphics ( t_object ∗ pv )

Given a patcherview, return the t_jgraphics context for that view.

pv The patcherview instance.


The t_jgraphics context for the view. char patcherview_get_locked ( t_object ∗ p )

Find out if a patcherview is locked.

p The patcherview instance whose attribute value will be fetched.


Returns 0 if unlocked, otherwise returns non-zero.

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524 Module Documentation t_object∗ patcherview_get_nextview ( t_object ∗ pv )

Given a patcherview, find the next patcherview.

The views of a patcher are maintained internally as a t_linklist, and so the views can be traversed should you need
to perform operations on all of a patcher's patcherviews.
pv The patcherview instance from which to find the next patcherview.


The next patcherview in the list, or NULL if the patcherview passed in pv is the tail. t_object∗ patcherview_get_patcher ( t_object ∗ pv )

Given a patcherview, return its patcher.

pv The patcherview instance for which to fetch the patcher.


The patcher. char patcherview_get_presentation ( t_object ∗ pv )

Find out if a patcherview is a presentation view.

pv The patcherview instance whose attribute value will be fetched.


Returns 0 if the view is not a presentation view, otherwise returns non-zero. t_max_err patcherview_get_rect ( t_object ∗ pv, t_rect ∗ pr )

Get the value of the rect attribute for a patcherview.

pv The patcherview instance whose attribute value will be fetched.
pr The address of a valid t_rect struct, whose contents will be filled upon return.


An error code. t_object∗ patcherview_get_topview ( t_object ∗ pv )

Given a patcherview, return the top patcherview (possibly itself).

If the patcherview is inside a bpatcher which is in a patcher then this will give you the view the bpatcher view is
inside of.

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36.44 jpatcherview 525

pv The patcherview instance whose top view you want to get.


The top patcherview. char patcherview_get_visible ( t_object ∗ pv )

Query a patcherview to determine whether it is visible.

pv The patcherview instance to query.


Returns zero if the patcherview is invisible, otherwise returns non-zero. double patcherview_get_zoomfactor ( t_object ∗ pv )

Fetch the zoom-factor of a patcherview.

pv The patcherview instance whose attribute value will be fetched.


The factor by which the view is zoomed. void patcherview_screen_to_canvas ( t_object ∗ pv, long sx, long sy, double ∗ cx, double ∗ cy )

Convert the point cx, cy in canvas coordinates to screen coordinates.

pv The patcherview instance the canvas coords are relative to.
sx The screen position x coordinate.
sy The screen position y coordinate
cx A pointer to a double to receive the canvas coordinate for the given screen x position.
cy A pointer to a double to receive the canvas coordinate for the given screen y position. t_max_err patcherview_set_locked ( t_object ∗ p, char c )

Lock or unlock a patcherview.

p The patcherview instance whose attribute value will be set.
c Set this value to zero to unlock the patcherview, otherwise pass a non-zero value.


An error code.

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526 Module Documentation t_max_err patcherview_set_presentation ( t_object ∗ p, char c )

Set whether or not a patcherview is a presentation view.

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36.44 jpatcherview 527

p The patcherview instance whose attribute value will be set.
c Set this value to non-zero to make the patcherview a presentation view, otherwise pass zero.


An error code. t_max_err patcherview_set_rect ( t_object ∗ pv, t_rect ∗ pr )

Set the value of the rect attribute for a patcherview.

pv The patcherview instance whose attribute value will be set.
pr The address of a valid t_rect struct.


An error code. t_max_err patcherview_set_visible ( t_object ∗ pv, char c )

Set the 'visible' attribute of a patcherview.

pv The patcherview instance whose attribute will be set.
c Whether or not the patcherview should be made visible.


An error code. t_max_err patcherview_set_zoomfactor ( t_object ∗ pv, double d )

Set the zoom-factor of a patcherview.

pv The patcherview instance whose attribute value will be set.
d The zoom-factor at which the patcherview should display the patcher.


An error code.

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528 Module Documentation

36.45 Timing

Collaboration diagram for Timing:


ITM Time Objects

Systime API


• Clocks
Clock objects are your interface to Max’s scheduler.
• Qelems
Your object’s methods may be called at interrupt level.
• Systime API
The Systime API provides the means of getting the system time, instead of the scheduler time as you would with
functions like gettime().
• ITM Time Objects
ITM Time Objects are a high-level interface to ITM, a tempo-based scheduler API.

36.45.1 Detailed Description

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36.46 Clocks 529

36.46 Clocks

Clock objects are your interface to Max’s scheduler.

Collaboration diagram for Clocks:

Timing Clocks


• typedef t_object t_clock

A clock.


• void ∗ clock_new (void ∗obj, method fn)

Create a new Clock object.
• void clock_delay (void ∗x, long n)
Schedule the execution of a Clock.
• void clock_unset (void ∗x)
Cancel the scheduled execution of a Clock.
• void clock_fdelay (void ∗c, double time)
Schedule the execution of a Clock using a floating-point argument.
• void clock_getftime (double ∗time)
Find out the current logical time of the scheduler in milliseconds as a floating-point number.
• void setclock_delay (t_object ∗x, void ∗c, long time)
Schedule a Clock on a scheduler.
• void setclock_unset (t_object ∗x, void ∗c)
Remove a Clock from a scheduler.
• long setclock_gettime (t_object ∗x)
Find out the current time value of a setclock object.
• void setclock_fdelay (t_object ∗s, void ∗c, double time)
Schedule a Clock on a scheduler, using a floating-point time argument.
• void setclock_getftime (t_object ∗s, double ∗time)
Find out the current time value of a setclock object in floating-point milliseconds.
• double systimer_gettime (void)
While most Max timing references "logical" time derived from Max's millisecond scheduler, time values produced by
the systimer_gettime() are referenced from the CPU clock and can be used to time real world events with microsecond
• long gettime (void)
Find out the current logical time of the scheduler in milliseconds.
• double gettime_forobject (t_object ∗x)
Find the correct scheduler for the object and return the current time in milliseconds.
• void ∗ scheduler_new (void)

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530 Module Documentation

Create a new local scheduler.

• void ∗ scheduler_set (void ∗x)
Make a scheduler current, so that future related calls (such as clock_delay()) will affect the appropriate scheduler.
• void ∗ scheduler_get ()
Get the currently set scheduler.
• void ∗ scheduler_fromobject (t_object ∗o)
Get the scheduler associated with a given object, if any.
• void scheduler_run (void ∗x, double until)
Run scheduler events to a selected time.
• void scheduler_settime (void ∗x, double time)
Set the current time of the scheduler.
• void scheduler_gettime (void ∗x, double ∗time)
Retrieve the current time of the selected scheduler.
• void scheduler_shift (void ∗x, double amount)
Shift scheduler's current time and run time for all pending clock.

36.46.1 Detailed Description

Clock objects are your interface to Max’s scheduler.

To use the scheduler, you create a new Clock object using clock_new in your instance creation function. You also
have to write a clock function that will be executed when the clock goes off, declared as follows:

void myobject_tick (myobject *x);

The argument x is determined by the arg argument to clock_new(). Almost always it will be pointer to your object.
Then, in one of your methods, use clock_delay() or clock_fdelay() to schedule yourself. If you want unschedule
yourself, call clock_unset(). To find out what time it is now, use gettime() or clock_getftime(). More advanced clock
operations are possible with the setclock object interface described in Chapter 9. We suggest you take advantage
of the higher timing precision of the floating-point clock routines—all standard Max 4 timing objects such as metro
use them.
When the user has Overdrive mode enabled, your clock function will execute at interrupt level.

36.46.2 Using Clocks

Under normal circumstances, gettime or clock_getftime will not be necessary for scheduling purposes if you use
clock_delay or clock_fdelay, but it may be useful for recording the timing of messages or events.
As an example, here’s a fragment of how one might go about writing a metronome using the Max scheduler. First,
here’s the data structure we’ll use.

typedef struct mymetro {

t_object *m_obj;
void *m_clock;
double m_interval;
void *m_outlet;
} t_mymetro;

We’ll assume that the class has been initialized already. Here’s the instance creation function that will allocate a
new Clock.

void *mymetro_create (double defaultInterval)

t_mymetro *x;
x = (t_mymetro *)newobject(mymetro_class); // allocate space
x->m_clock = clock_new(x,(method)mymetro_tick); // make a clock
x->m_interval = defaultInterval; // store the interval
x->m_outlet = bangout(x); // outlet for ticks
return x; // return the new object

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36.46 Clocks 531

Here’s the method written to respond to the bang message that starts the metronome.

void mymetro_bang (t_mymetro *x)


Here’s the Clock function.

void mymetro_tick(t_mymetro *x)

clock_fdelay(x->m_clock, x->m_interval);
// schedule another metronome tick
outlet_bang(x->m_outlet); // send out a bang

You may also want to stop the metronome at some point. Here’s a method written to respond to the message stop.
It uses clock_unset.

void mymetro_stop (t_mymetro *x)


In your object’s free function, you should call freeobject on any Clocks you’ve created.

void mymetro_free (MyMetro *x)

freeobject((t_object *)x->m_clock);

36.46.3 Scheduling with setclock Objects

The setclock object allows a more general way of scheduling Clocks by generalizing the advancement of the time
associated with a scheduler. Each setclock object’s "time" can be changed by a process other than the internal
millisecond clock. In addition, the object implements routines that modify the mapping of the internal millisecond
clock onto the current value of time in an object. Your object can call a set of routines that use either setclock or
the normal millisecond clock transparently. Many Max objects accept the message clock followed by an optional
symbol to set their internal scheduling to a named setclock object. The typical implementation passes the binding
of a Symbol (the s_thing field) to the Setclock functions. By default, the empty symbol is passed. If the binding has
been linked to a setclock object, it will be used to schedule the Clock. Otherwise, the Clock is scheduled using the
main internal millisecond scheduler. The Setclock data structure is a replacement for void ∗ since there will be no
reason for external objects to access it directly. Using the setclock Object Routines

Here’s an example implementation of the relevant methods of a metronome object using the Setclock routines.

typedef struct metro

t_object m_ob;
long m_interval;
long m_running;
void *m_clock;
t_symbol *m_setclock;
} t_metro;

Here’s the implementation of the routines for turning the metronome on and off. Assume that in the instance creation
function, the t_symbol m_setclock has been set to the empty symbol (gensym ("")) and m_clock has been created;
the clock function metro_tick() is defined further on.

void metro_bang(Metro *x) // turn metronome on

x->m_running = 1;

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532 Module Documentation


void metro_stop(Metro *x)

x->m_running = 0;

Here is the implementation of the clock function metro_tick() that runs periodically.

void metro_tick(Metro *x)

if (x->m_running)

Finally, here is an implementation of the method to respond to the clock message. Note that the function tries to
verify that a non-zero value bound to the t_symbol passed as an argument is in fact an instance of setclock by
checking to see if it responds to the unset message. If not, the metronome refuses to assign the t_symbol to its
internal m_setclock field.

void metro_clock(Metro *x, t_symbol *s)

void *old = x->m_setclock->s_thing;
void *c = 0;

// the line below can be restated as:

// if s is the empty symbol
// or s->s_thing is zero
// or s->s_thing is non-zero and a setclock object
if ((s == gensym("")) || ((c = s->s_thing) && zgetfn(c,&s_unset)))
if (old)
x->m_setclock = s;
if (x->m_running)

36.46.4 Creating Schedulers

If you want to schedule events independently of the time of the global Max scheduler, you can create your own
scheduler with scheduler_new(). By calling scheduler_set() with the newly created scheduler, calls to clock_new()
will create Clocks tied to your scheduler instead of Max’s global one. You can then control the time of the scheduler
(using scheduler_settime()) as well as when it executes clock functions (using scheduler_run()). This is a more
general facility than the setclock object routines, but unlike using the time from a setclock object to determine when
a Clock function runs, once a Clock is tied to a scheduler.

36.46.5 Function Documentation void clock_delay ( void ∗ x, long n )

Schedule the execution of a Clock.

clock_delay() sets a clock to go off at a certain number of milliseconds from the current logical time.
x Clock to schedule.
n Delay, in milliseconds, before the Clock will execute.

See also


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36.46 Clocks 533 void clock_fdelay ( void ∗ c, double time )

Schedule the execution of a Clock using a floating-point argument.

clock_delay() sets a clock to go off at a certain number of milliseconds from the current logical time.
c Clock to schedule.
time Delay, in milliseconds, before the Clock will execute.

See also

clock_delay() void clock_getftime ( double ∗ time )

Find out the current logical time of the scheduler in milliseconds as a floating-point number.
time Returns the current time.

See also

setclock_gettime() void∗ clock_new ( void ∗ obj, method fn )

Create a new Clock object.

Normally, clock_new() is called in your instance creation function—and it cannot be called from a thread other than
the main thread. To get rid of a clock object you created, use freeobject().
obj Argument that will be passed to clock function fn when it is called. This will almost always be
a pointer to your object.
fn Function to be called when the clock goes off, declared to take a single argument as shown
in Using Clocks.


A pointer to a newly created Clock object. void clock_unset ( void ∗ x )

Cancel the scheduled execution of a Clock.

clock_unset() will do nothing (and not complain) if the Clock passed to it has not been set.

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534 Module Documentation

x Clock to cancel. long gettime ( void )

Find out the current logical time of the scheduler in milliseconds.


Returns the current time.

See also

clock_getftime() double gettime_forobject ( t_object ∗ x )

Find the correct scheduler for the object and return the current time in milliseconds.


Returns the current time.

See also

clock_getftime() void∗ scheduler_fromobject ( t_object ∗ o )

Get the scheduler associated with a given object, if any.

o The object who's scheduler is to be returned.


This routine returns a pointer to the scheduler or the passed in object,

See also

Creating Schedulers void∗ scheduler_get ( )

Get the currently set scheduler.


This routine returns a pointer to the current scheduler,

See also

Creating Schedulers void scheduler_gettime ( void ∗ x, double ∗ time )

Retrieve the current time of the selected scheduler.

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36.46 Clocks 535

x The scheduler to query.
time The current time of the selected scheduler.

See also

Creating Schedulers void∗ scheduler_new ( void )

Create a new local scheduler.


A pointer to the newly created scheduler.

See also

Creating Schedulers void scheduler_run ( void ∗ x, double until )

Run scheduler events to a selected time.

x The scheduler to advance.
until The ending time for this run (in milliseconds).

See also

Creating Schedulers void∗ scheduler_set ( void ∗ x )

Make a scheduler current, so that future related calls (such as clock_delay()) will affect the appropriate scheduler.
x The scheduler to make current.


This routine returns a pointer to the previously current scheduler, saved and restored when local scheduling
is complete.

See also

Creating Schedulers void scheduler_settime ( void ∗ x, double time )

Set the current time of the scheduler.

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536 Module Documentation

x The scheduler to set.
time The new current time for the selected scheduler (in milliseconds).

See also

Creating Schedulers void scheduler_shift ( void ∗ x, double amount )

Shift scheduler's current time and run time for all pending clock.
Could be used to change scheduler's time reference without impacting current clocks.
x The scheduler to affect.
amount Number of milliseconds to shift by.

See also

Creating Schedulers void setclock_delay ( t_object ∗ x, void ∗ c, long time )

Schedule a Clock on a scheduler.

Schedules the Clock c to execute at time units after the current time. If scheduler x is 0 or does not point to a
setclock object, the internal millisecond scheduler is used. Otherwise c is scheduled on the setclock object's list of
Clocks. The Clock should be created with clock_new(), the same as for a Clock passed to clock_delay().
x A setclock object to be used for scheduling this clock.
c Clock object containing the function to be executed.
time Time delay (in the units of the Setclock) from the current time when the Clock will be executed.

See also

Scheduling with setclock Objects

setclock_fdelay() void setclock_fdelay ( t_object ∗ s, void ∗ c, double time )

Schedule a Clock on a scheduler, using a floating-point time argument.

s A setclock object to be used for scheduling this clock.
c Clock object containing the function to be executed.
time Time delay (in the units of the Setclock) from the current time when the Clock will be executed.

See also

Scheduling with setclock Objects


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36.46 Clocks 537 void setclock_getftime ( t_object ∗ s, double ∗ time )

Find out the current time value of a setclock object in floating-point milliseconds.

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538 Module Documentation

s A setclock object.
time The current time in milliseconds.

See also

Scheduling with setclock Objects

setclock_gettime() long setclock_gettime ( t_object ∗ x )

Find out the current time value of a setclock object.

x A setclock object.


Returns the current time value of the setclock object scheduler. If scheduler is 0, setclock_gettime is equivalent
to the function gettime that returns the current value of the internal millisecond clock.

See also

Scheduling with setclock Objects

setclock_getftime() void setclock_unset ( t_object ∗ x, void ∗ c )

Remove a Clock from a scheduler.

This function unschedules the Clock c in the list of Clocks in the setclock object x, or the internal millisecond
scheduler if scheduler is 0.
x The setclock object that was used to schedule this clock. If 0, the clock is unscheduled from
the internal millisecond scheduler.
c Clock object to be removed from the scheduler.

See also

Scheduling with setclock Objects double systimer_gettime ( void )

While most Max timing references "logical" time derived from Max's millisecond scheduler, time values produced
by the systimer_gettime() are referenced from the CPU clock and can be used to time real world events with
microsecond precision.
The standard 'cpuclock' external in Max is a simple wrapper around this function.


Returns the current real-world time.

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36.47 Qelems 539

36.47 Qelems

Your object’s methods may be called at interrupt level.

Collaboration diagram for Qelems:

Timing Qelems


• typedef void ∗ t_qelem

A qelem.


• void ∗ qelem_new (void ∗obj, method fn)

Create a new Qelem.
• void qelem_set (void ∗q)
Cause a Qelem to execute.
• void qelem_unset (void ∗q)
Cancel a Qelem's execution.
• void qelem_free (void ∗x)
Free a Qelem object created with qelem_new().
• void qelem_front (void ∗x)
Cause a Qelem to execute with a higher priority.

36.47.1 Detailed Description

Your object’s methods may be called at interrupt level.

This happens when the user has Overdrive mode enabled and one of your methods is called, directly or indirectly,
from a scheduler Clock function. This means that you cannot count on doing certain things—like drawing, asking
the user what file they would like opened, or calling any Macintosh toolbox trap that allocates or purges mem-
ory—from within any method that responds to any message that could be sent directly from another Max object.
The mechanism you’ll use to get around this limitation is the Qelem (queue element) structure. Qelems also allow
processor-intensive tasks to be done at a lower priority than in an interrupt. As an example, drawing on the screen,
especially in color, takes a long time in comparison with a task like sending MIDI data.
A Qelem works very much like a Clock. You create a new Qelem in your creation function with qelem_new and store
a pointer to it in your object. Then you write a queue function, very much like the clock function (it takes the same
single argument that will usually be a pointer to your object) that will be called when the Qelem has been set. You
set the Qelem to run its function by calling qelem_set().
Often you’ll want to use Qelems and Clocks together. For example, suppose you want to update the display for a
counter that changes 20 times a second. This can be accomplished by writing a Clock function that calls qelem←-
_set() and then reschedules itself for 50 milliseconds later using the technique shown in the metronome example
above. This scheme works even if you call qelem_set() faster than the computer can draw the counter, because if a

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540 Module Documentation

Qelem is already set, qelem_set() will not set it again. However, when drawing the counter, you’ll display its current
value, not a specific value generated in the Clock function.
Note that the Qelem-based defer mechanism discussed later in this chapter may be easier for lowering the priority
of one-time events, such as opening a standard file dialog box in response to a read message.
If your Qelem routine sends messages using outlet_int() or any other of the outlet functions, it needs to use the
lockout mechanism described in the Interrupt Level Considerations section.

36.47.2 Function Documentation void qelem_free ( void ∗ x )

Free a Qelem object created with qelem_new().

Typically this will be in your object's free funtion.
x The Qelem to destroy. void qelem_front ( void ∗ x )

Cause a Qelem to execute with a higher priority.

This function is identical to qelem_set(), except that the Qelem's function is placed at the front of the list of routines
to execute in the main thread instead of the back. Be polite and only use qelem_front() only for special time-critical
x The Qelem whose function will be executed in the main thread. void∗ qelem_new ( void ∗ obj, method fn )

Create a new Qelem.

The created Qelem will need to be freed using qelem_free(), do not use freeobject().
obj Argument to be passed to function fun when the Qelem executes. Normally a pointer to your
fn Function to execute.


A pointer to a Qelem instance. You need to store this value to pass to qelem_set().


Any kind of drawing or calling of Macintosh Toolbox routines that allocate or purge memory should be done in
a Qelem function. void qelem_set ( void ∗ q )

Cause a Qelem to execute.

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36.47 Qelems 541

q The Qelem whose function will be executed in the main thread.


The key behavior of qelem_set() is this: if the Qelem object has already been set, it will not be set again. (If
this is not what you want, see defer().) This is useful if you want to redraw the state of some data when it
changes, but not in response to changes that occur faster than can be drawn. A Qelem object is unset after
its queue function has been called. void qelem_unset ( void ∗ q )

Cancel a Qelem's execution.

If the Qelem's function is set to be called, qelem_unset() will stop it from being called. Otherwise, qelem_unset()
does nothing.
q The Qelem whose execution you wish to cancel.

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542 Module Documentation

36.48 Systime API

The Systime API provides the means of getting the system time, instead of the scheduler time as you would with
functions like gettime().
Collaboration diagram for Systime API:

Timing Systime API

Data Structures

• struct t_datetime
The Systime data structure.



Flags for the sysdateformat_formatdatetime() function.


• t_uint32 systime_ticks (void)

Find out the operating system’s time in ticks.
• t_uint32 systime_ms (void)
Find out the operating system’s time in milliseconds.
• t_int64 systime_datetime_milliseconds (void)
Find out the current date/time as number of ms since 1/1/1970.
• void systime_datetime (t_datetime ∗d)
Find out the operating system’s date and time.
• t_ptr_uint systime_seconds (void)
Find out the operating system’s time in seconds.
• void systime_secondstodate (t_ptr_uint secs, t_datetime ∗d)
Convert a time in seconds into a t_datetime representation.
• t_ptr_uint systime_datetoseconds (t_datetime ∗d)
Convert a t_datetime representation of time into seconds.
• void sysdateformat_strftimetodatetime (char ∗strf, t_datetime ∗d)
Fill a t_datetime struct with a datetime formatted string.
• void sysdateformat_formatdatetime (t_datetime ∗d, long dateflags, long timeflags, char ∗s, long buflen)
Get a human friendly string representation of a t_datetime.

36.48.1 Detailed Description

The Systime API provides the means of getting the system time, instead of the scheduler time as you would with
functions like gettime().

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36.48 Systime API 543

36.48.2 Enumeration Type Documentation enum e_max_dateflags

Flags for the sysdateformat_formatdatetime() function.



36.48.3 Function Documentation void sysdateformat_formatdatetime ( t_datetime ∗ d, long dateflags, long timeflags, char ∗ s, long buflen )

Get a human friendly string representation of a t_datetime.

For example: "Today", "Yesterday", etc.
d The address of a t_datetime to fill.
dateflags One of the values defined in e_max_dateflags.
timeflags Currently unused. Pass 0.
s An already allocated string to hold the human friendly result.
buflen The number of characters allocated to the string s. void sysdateformat_strftimetodatetime ( char ∗ strf, t_datetime ∗ d )

Fill a t_datetime struct with a datetime formatted string.

For example, the string "2007-12-24 12:21:00".
strf A string containing the datetime.
d The address of a t_datetime to fill. void systime_datetime ( t_datetime ∗ d )

Find out the operating system’s date and time.

d Returns the system’s date and time in a t_datetime data structure. t_int64 systime_datetime_milliseconds ( void )

Find out the current date/time as number of ms since 1/1/1970.


the number of milliseconds since 1/1/1970.

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544 Module Documentation t_ptr_uint systime_datetoseconds ( t_datetime ∗ d )

Convert a t_datetime representation of time into seconds.

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36.48 Systime API 545

d The address of a t_datetime that contains a valid period of time.


The number of seconds represented by d. t_uint32 systime_ms ( void )

Find out the operating system’s time in milliseconds.

Note that this is approximately the number of milliseconds since the OS was started up.


the system time in milliseconds. t_ptr_uint systime_seconds ( void )

Find out the operating system’s time in seconds.


the system time in seconds. void systime_secondstodate ( t_ptr_uint secs, t_datetime ∗ d )

Convert a time in seconds into a t_datetime representation.

secs A number of seconds to be represented as a t_datetime.
d The address of a t_datetime that will be filled with the converted value. t_uint32 systime_ticks ( void )

Find out the operating system’s time in ticks.


the system time in ticks.

Referenced by jit_rand_setseed().

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546 Module Documentation

36.49 ITM Time Objects

ITM Time Objects are a high-level interface to ITM, a tempo-based scheduler API.
Collaboration diagram for ITM Time Objects:

Timing ITM Time Objects


• enum {
Flags that determine attribute and time object behavior.


• void ∗ itm_getglobal (void)

Return the global (default / unnamed) itm object.
• void ∗ itm_getnamed (t_symbol ∗s, void ∗scheduler, t_symbol ∗defaultclocksourcename, long create)
Return a named itm object.
• void itm_reference (t_itm ∗x)
Reference an itm object.
• void itm_dereference (t_itm ∗x)
Stop referencing an itm object.
• double itm_gettime (t_itm ∗x)
Report the current internal time.
• double itm_getticks (t_itm ∗x)
Report the current time of the itm in ticks.
• void itm_dump (t_itm ∗x)
Print diagnostic information about an itm object to the Max window.
• void itm_settimesignature (t_itm ∗x, long num, long denom, long flags)
Set an itm object's current time signature.
• void itm_gettimesignature (t_itm ∗x, long ∗num, long ∗denom)
Query an itm object for its current time signature.
• void itm_pause (t_itm ∗x)
Pause the passage of time for an itm object.
• void itm_resume (t_itm ∗x)
Start the passage of time for an itm object, from it's current location.
• long itm_getstate (t_itm ∗x)

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36.49 ITM Time Objects 547

Find out if time is currently progressing for a given itm object.

• void itm_setresolution (double res)
Set the number of ticks-per-quarter-note globally for the itm system.
• double itm_getresolution (void)
Get the number of ticks-per-quarter-note globally from the itm system.
• t_symbol ∗ itm_getname (t_itm ∗x)
Given an itm object, return its name.
• double itm_tickstoms (t_itm ∗x, double ticks)
Convert a time value in ticks to the equivalent value in milliseconds, given the context of a specified itm object.
• double itm_mstoticks (t_itm ∗x, double ms)
Convert a time value in milliseconds to the equivalent value in ticks, given the context of a specified itm object.
• double itm_mstosamps (t_itm ∗x, double ms)
Convert a time value in milliseconds to the equivalent value in samples, given the context of a specified itm object.
• double itm_sampstoms (t_itm ∗x, double samps)
Convert a time value in samples to the equivalent value in milliseconds, given the context of a specified itm object.
• void itm_barbeatunitstoticks (t_itm ∗x, long bars, long beats, double units, double ∗ticks, char position)
Convert a time value in bbu to the equivalent value in ticks, given the context of a specified itm object.
• void itm_tickstobarbeatunits (t_itm ∗x, double ticks, long ∗bars, long ∗beats, double ∗units, char position)
Convert a time value in bbu to the equivalent value in ticks, given the context of a specified itm object.
• long itm_isunitfixed (t_symbol ∗u)
Given the name of a time unit (e.g.
• void time_stop (t_timeobject ∗x)
Stop a currently scheduled time object.
• void time_tick (t_timeobject ∗x)
Execute a time object's task, then if it was already set to execute, reschedule for the current interval value of the
• double time_getms (t_timeobject ∗x)
Convert the value of a time object to milliseconds.
• double time_getticks (t_timeobject ∗x)
Convert the value of a time object to ticks.
• void time_getphase (t_timeobject ∗tx, double ∗phase, double ∗slope, double ∗ticks)
Return the phase of the ITM object (transport) associated with a time object.
• void time_listen (t_timeobject ∗x, t_symbol ∗attr, long flags)
Specify that a millisecond-based attribute to be updated automatically when the converted milliseconds of the time
object's value changes.
• void time_setvalue (t_timeobject ∗tx, t_symbol ∗s, long argc, t_atom ∗argv)
Set the current value of a time object (either an interval or a position) using a Max message.
• void class_time_addattr (t_class ∗c, const char ∗attrname, const char ∗attrlabel, long flags)
Create an attribute permitting a time object to be changed in a user-friendly way.
• void ∗ time_new (t_object ∗owner, t_symbol ∗attrname, method tick, long flags)
Create a new time object.
• t_object ∗ time_getnamed (t_object ∗owner, t_symbol ∗attrname)
Return a time object associated with an attribute of an owning object.
• long time_isfixedunit (t_timeobject ∗x)
Return whether this time object currently holds a fixed (millisecond-based) value.
• void time_schedule (t_timeobject ∗x, t_timeobject ∗quantize)
Schedule a task, with optional quantization.
• void time_schedule_limit (t_timeobject ∗x, t_timeobject ∗quantize)
Schedule a task, with optional minimum interval,.
• void time_now (t_timeobject ∗x, t_timeobject ∗quantize)
Schedule a task for right now, with optional quantization.

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548 Module Documentation

• void ∗ time_getitm (t_timeobject ∗ox)

Return the ITM object associated with this time object.
• double time_calcquantize (t_timeobject ∗ox, t_itm ∗vitm, t_timeobject ∗oq)
Calculate the quantized interval (in ticks) if this time object were to be scheduled at the current time.
• void time_setclock (t_timeobject ∗tx, t_symbol ∗sc)
Associate a named setclock object with a time object (unsupported).


• BEGIN_USING_C_LINKAGE typedef t_object t_itm

A low-level object for tempo-based scheduling.
• BEGIN_USING_C_LINKAGE typedef t_object t_timeobject
A high-level time object for tempo-based scheduling.

36.49.1 Detailed Description

ITM Time Objects are a high-level interface to ITM, a tempo-based scheduler API.
They provide an abtraction so your object can schedule events either in milliseconds (as traditional clock objects) or
ticks (tempo-relative units).

36.49.2 Enumeration Type Documentation anonymous enum

Flags that determine attribute and time object behavior.


TIME_FLAGS_LOCATION 1 1 0 location-based bar/beat/unit values (as opposed to interval values, which

are 0 0 0 relative)
TIME_FLAGS_TICKSONLY only ticks-based values (not ms) are acceptable
TIME_FLAGS_FIXEDONLY only fixed values (ms, hz, samples) are acceptable
TIME_FLAGS_LOOKAHEAD add lookahead attribute (unsupported)
TIME_FLAGS_USECLOCK this time object will schedule events, not just hold a value
TIME_FLAGS_USEQELEM this time object will defer execution of scheduled events to low priority thread
TIME_FLAGS_FIXED will only use normal clock (i.e., will never execute out of ITM)
TIME_FLAGS_PERMANENT event will be scheduled in the permanent list (tied to a specific time)
TIME_FLAGS_TRANSPORT add a transport attribute
TIME_FLAGS_EVENTLIST add an eventlist attribute (unsupported)
TIME_FLAGS_LISTENTICKS flag for time_listen: only get notifications if the time object holds tempo-relative
TIME_FLAGS_NOUNITS internal use only
TIME_FLAGS_BBUSOURCE source time was in bar/beat/unit values, need to recalculate when time sig
TIME_FLAGS_POSITIVE constrain any values < 0 to 0

36.49.3 Function Documentation void class_time_addattr ( t_class ∗ c, const char ∗ attrname, const char ∗ attrlabel, long flags )

Create an attribute permitting a time object to be changed in a user-friendly way.

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36.49 ITM Time Objects 549

c Class being initialized.
attrname Name of the attribute associated with the time object.
attrlabel Descriptive label for the attribute (appears in the inspector)
flags Options, see "Flags that determine time object behavior" above void itm_barbeatunitstoticks ( t_itm ∗ x, long bars, long beats, double units, double ∗ ticks, char position )

Convert a time value in bbu to the equivalent value in ticks, given the context of a specified itm object.
x An itm object.
bars The measure number of the location/position.
beats The beat number of the location/position.
units The number of ticks past the beat of the location/position.
ticks The address of a variable to hold the number of ticks upon return.
position Set this parameter to TIME_FLAGS_LOCATION or to zero (for position mode). void itm_dereference ( t_itm ∗ x )

Stop referencing an itm object.

When you are done using an itm object, you must call this function to decrement its reference count.
x The itm object. void itm_dump ( t_itm ∗ x )

Print diagnostic information about an itm object to the Max window.

x The itm object. void∗ itm_getglobal ( void )

Return the global (default / unnamed) itm object.


The global t_itm object. t_symbol∗ itm_getname ( t_itm ∗ x )

Given an itm object, return its name.


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550 Module Documentation

x The itm object.


The name of the itm. void∗ itm_getnamed ( t_symbol ∗ s, void ∗ scheduler, t_symbol ∗ defaultclocksourcename, long create )

Return a named itm object.

s The name of the itm to return.
create If non-zero, then create this named itm should it not already exist.


The global t_itm object. double itm_getresolution ( void )

Get the number of ticks-per-quarter-note globally from the itm system.


The number of ticks-per-quarter-note.

See also

itm_setresolution() long itm_getstate ( t_itm ∗ x )

Find out if time is currently progressing for a given itm object.

x The itm object.


Returns non-zero if the time is running, or zero if it is paused.

See also

itm_resume() double itm_getticks ( t_itm ∗ x )

Report the current time of the itm in ticks.

You can use functions such as itm_tickstobarbeatunits() or itm_tickstoms() to convert to a different representation
of the time.

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36.49 ITM Time Objects 551

x The itm object.


The current time in ticks. double itm_gettime ( t_itm ∗ x )

Report the current internal time.

This is the same as calling clock_getftime();
x The itm object.


The current internal time. void itm_gettimesignature ( t_itm ∗ x, long ∗ num, long ∗ denom )

Query an itm object for its current time signature.

x The itm object.
num The address of a variable to hold the top number of the time signature upon return.
denom The address of a variable to hold the bottom number of the time signature upon return. long itm_isunitfixed ( t_symbol ∗ u )

Given the name of a time unit (e.g.

'ms', 'ticks', 'bbu', 'samples', etc.), determine whether the unit is fixed (doesn't change with tempo, time-signature,
etc.) or whether it is flexible.
u The name of the time unit.


Zero if the unit is fixed (milliseconds, for example) or non-zero if it is flexible (ticks, for example). double itm_mstosamps ( t_itm ∗ x, double ms )

Convert a time value in milliseconds to the equivalent value in samples, given the context of a specified itm object.

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552 Module Documentation

x An itm object.
ms A time specified in ms.


The time specified in samples. double itm_mstoticks ( t_itm ∗ x, double ms )

Convert a time value in milliseconds to the equivalent value in ticks, given the context of a specified itm object.
x An itm object.
ms A time specified in ms.


The time specified in ticks. void itm_pause ( t_itm ∗ x )

Pause the passage of time for an itm object.

This is the equivalent to setting the state of a transport object to 0 with a toggle.
x The itm object. void itm_reference ( t_itm ∗ x )

Reference an itm object.

When you are using an itm object, you must call this function to increment its reference count.
x The itm object. void itm_resume ( t_itm ∗ x )

Start the passage of time for an itm object, from it's current location.
This is the equivalent to setting the state of a transport object to 0 with a toggle.
x The itm object. double itm_sampstoms ( t_itm ∗ x, double samps )

Convert a time value in samples to the equivalent value in milliseconds, given the context of a specified itm object.

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36.49 ITM Time Objects 553

x An itm object.
samps A time specified in samples.


The time specified in ms. void itm_setresolution ( double res )

Set the number of ticks-per-quarter-note globally for the itm system.

The default is 480.
res The number of ticks-per-quarter-note.

See also

itm_getresolution() void itm_settimesignature ( t_itm ∗ x, long num, long denom, long flags )

Set an itm object's current time signature.

x The itm object.
num The top number of the time signature.
denom The bottom number of the time signature.
flags Currently unused – pass zero. void itm_tickstobarbeatunits ( t_itm ∗ x, double ticks, long ∗ bars, long ∗ beats, double ∗ units, char position )

Convert a time value in bbu to the equivalent value in ticks, given the context of a specified itm object.
x An itm object.
ticks The number of ticks to translate into a time represented as bars, beats, and ticks.
bars The address of a variable to hold the measure number of the location/position upon return.
beats The address of a variable to hold the beat number of the location/position upon return.
units The address of a variable to hold the number of ticks past the beat of the location/position
upon return.
position Set this parameter to TIME_FLAGS_LOCATION or to zero (for position mode). double itm_tickstoms ( t_itm ∗ x, double ticks )

Convert a time value in ticks to the equivalent value in milliseconds, given the context of a specified itm object.

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554 Module Documentation

x An itm object.
ticks A time specified in ticks.


The time specified in ms. double time_calcquantize ( t_timeobject ∗ ox, t_itm ∗ vitm, t_timeobject ∗ oq )

Calculate the quantized interval (in ticks) if this time object were to be scheduled at the current time.
ox Time object.
vitm The associated ITM object (use time_getitm() to determine it).
oq A time object that holds a quantization interval, can be NULL.


Interval (in ticks) for scheduling this object. void∗ time_getitm ( t_timeobject ∗ ox )

Return the ITM object associated with this time object.

ox Time object.


The associated t_itm object. double time_getms ( t_timeobject ∗ x )

Convert the value of a time object to milliseconds.

x The time object.


The time object's value, converted to milliseconds. t_object∗ time_getnamed ( t_object ∗ owner, t_symbol ∗ attrname )

Return a time object associated with an attribute of an owning object.

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36.49 ITM Time Objects 555

owner Object that owns this time object (task routine, if any, will pass owner as argument).
attrname Name of the attribute associated with the time object.


The t_timeobject associated with the named attribute. void time_getphase ( t_timeobject ∗ tx, double ∗ phase, double ∗ slope, double ∗ ticks )

Return the phase of the ITM object (transport) associated with a time object.
tx The time object.
phase Pointer to a double to receive the progress within the specified time value of the associated
ITM object.
slope Pointer to a double to receive the slope (phase difference) within the specified time value of
the associated ITM object.
ticks double time_getticks ( t_timeobject ∗ x )

Convert the value of a time object to ticks.

x The time object.


The time object's value, converted to ticks. long time_isfixedunit ( t_timeobject ∗ x )

Return whether this time object currently holds a fixed (millisecond-based) value.
x Time object.


True if time object's current value is fixed, false if it is tempo-relative. void time_listen ( t_timeobject ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ attr, long flags )

Specify that a millisecond-based attribute to be updated automatically when the converted milliseconds of the time
object's value changes.

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556 Module Documentation

x The time object.
attr Name of the millisecond based attribute in the owning object that will be updated
flags If TIME_FLAGS_LISTENTICKS is passed here, updating will not happen if the time value is
fixed (ms) based void∗ time_new ( t_object ∗ owner, t_symbol ∗ attrname, method tick, long flags )

Create a new time object.

owner Object that will own this time object (task routine, if any, will pass owner as argument).
attrname Name of the attribute associated with the time object.
tick Task routine that will be executed (can be NULL)
flags Options, see "Flags that determine time object behavior" above


The newly created t_timeobject. void time_now ( t_timeobject ∗ x, t_timeobject ∗ quantize )

Schedule a task for right now, with optional quantization.

x The time object that schedules temporary events. The time interval is ignored and 0 ticks is
used instead.
quantize A time object that holds a quantization interval, can be NULL for no quantization. void time_schedule ( t_timeobject ∗ x, t_timeobject ∗ quantize )

Schedule a task, with optional quantization.

x The time object that schedules temporary events (must have been created with TIME_FL←-
quantize A time object that holds a quantization interval, can be NULL for no quantization. void time_schedule_limit ( t_timeobject ∗ x, t_timeobject ∗ quantize )

Schedule a task, with optional minimum interval,.

x The time object that schedules temporary events (must have been created with TIME_FL←-
quantize The minimum interval into the future when the event can occur, can be NULL if there is no
minimum interval.

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36.49 ITM Time Objects 557 void time_setclock ( t_timeobject ∗ tx, t_symbol ∗ sc )

Associate a named setclock object with a time object (unsupported).

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558 Module Documentation

tx Time object.
sc Name of an associated setclock object. void time_setvalue ( t_timeobject ∗ tx, t_symbol ∗ s, long argc, t_atom ∗ argv )

Set the current value of a time object (either an interval or a position) using a Max message.
tx The time object.
s Message selector.
argc Count of arguments.
argv Message arguments. void time_stop ( t_timeobject ∗ x )

Stop a currently scheduled time object.

x The time object. void time_tick ( t_timeobject ∗ x )

Execute a time object's task, then if it was already set to execute, reschedule for the current interval value of the
x The time object.

36.49.4 Variable Documentation BEGIN_USING_C_LINKAGE typedef t_object t_itm

A low-level object for tempo-based scheduling.

See also

ITM BEGIN_USING_C_LINKAGE typedef t_object t_timeobject

A high-level time object for tempo-based scheduling.

See also


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36.50 Threads 559

36.50 Threads

In Max, there are several threads of execution.

Collaboration diagram for Threads:

Critical Regions


• Critical Regions
A critical region is a simple mechanism that prevents multiple threads from accessing at once code protected by the
same critical region.
• Mutexes


• #define ATOMIC_INCREMENT(atomicptr)
increment an atomic int value
return value of ATOMIC_INCREMENT and ATOMIC_DECREMENT is the ∗new∗ value after performing the operation
• #define ATOMIC_INCREMENT_BARRIER(atomicptr)
increment an atomic int value with a memory barrier
return value of ATOMIC_INCREMENT and ATOMIC_DECREMENT is the ∗new∗ value after performing the operation
• #define ATOMIC_DECREMENT(atomicptr)
decrement an atomic int value
return value of ATOMIC_INCREMENT and ATOMIC_DECREMENT is the ∗new∗ value after performing the operation
• #define ATOMIC_DECREMENT_BARRIER(atomicptr)
decrement an atomic int value with a memory barrier
return value of ATOMIC_INCREMENT and ATOMIC_DECREMENT is the ∗new∗ value after performing the operation


• typedef void ∗ t_systhread_mutex

An opaque mutex handle.
• typedef void ∗ t_systhread_cond
An opaque cond handle.


• enum e_max_systhread_mutex_flags { SYSTHREAD_MUTEX_NORMAL, SYSTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRO←-

systhread_mutex_new() flags

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560 Module Documentation


• void schedule (void ∗ob, method fun, long when, t_symbol ∗sym, short argc, t_atom ∗argv)
Cause a function to be executed at the timer level at some time in the future.
• void schedule_delay (void ∗ob, method fun, long delay, t_symbol ∗sym, short argc, t_atom ∗argv)
Cause a function to be executed at the timer level at some time in the future specified by a delay offset.
• long isr (void)
Determine whether your code is executing in the Max scheduler thread.
• void ∗ defer (void ∗ob, method fn, t_symbol ∗sym, short argc, t_atom ∗argv)
Defer execution of a function to the main thread if (and only if) your function is executing in the scheduler thread.
• void ∗ defer_low (void ∗ob, method fn, t_symbol ∗sym, short argc, t_atom ∗argv)
Defer execution of a function to the back of the queue on the main thread.
• long systhread_create (method entryproc, void ∗arg, long stacksize, long priority, long flags, t_systhread
Create a new thread.
• long systhread_terminate (t_systhread thread)
Forcefully kill a thread – not recommended.
• void systhread_sleep (long milliseconds)
Suspend the execution of the calling thread.
• void systhread_exit (long status)
Exit the calling thread.
• long systhread_join (t_systhread thread, unsigned int ∗retval)
Wait for thread to quit and get return value from systhread_exit().
• long systhread_detach (t_systhread thread)
Detach a thread.
• t_systhread systhread_self (void)
Return the thread instance pointer for the calling thread.
• void systhread_setpriority (t_systhread thread, int priority)
Set the thread priority for the given thread.
• int systhread_getpriority (t_systhread thread)
Get the thread priority for the given thread.
• short systhread_ismainthread (void)
Check to see if the function currently being executed is in the main thread.
• short systhread_istimerthread (void)
Check to see if the function currently being executed is in a scheduler thread.
• short systhread_isaudiothread (void)
Check to see if the function currently being executed is in an audio thread.


• BEGIN_USING_C_LINKAGE typedef void ∗ t_systhread

An opaque thread instance pointer.

36.50.1 Detailed Description

In Max, there are several threads of execution.

The details of these threads are highlighted in the article "Event Priority in Max (Scheduler vs. Queue)" located
online at
Not all of the details of Max's threading model are expounded here. Most important to understand is that we typically
deal the scheduler (which when overdrive is on runs in a separate and high priority thread) and the low priority queue
(which always runs in the main application thread).

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36.50 Threads 561

See also←-

36.50.2 Enumeration Type Documentation enum e_max_systhread_mutex_flags

systhread_mutex_new() flags



36.50.3 Function Documentation void∗ defer ( void ∗ ob, method fn, t_symbol ∗ sym, short argc, t_atom ∗ argv )

Defer execution of a function to the main thread if (and only if) your function is executing in the scheduler thread.
ob First argument passed to the function fun when it executes.
fn Function to be called, see below for how it should be declared.
sym Second argument passed to the function fun when it executes.
argc Count of arguments in argv. argc is also the third argument passed to the function fun when
it executes.
argv Array containing a variable number of t_atom function arguments. If this argument is non-
zero, defer allocates memory to make a copy of the arguments (according to the size passed
in argc) and passes the copied array to the function fun when it executes as the fourth argu-


Return values is for internal Cycling '74 use only.


This function uses the isr() routine to determine whether you're at the Max timer interrupt level (in the scheduler
thread). If so, defer() creates a Qelem (see Qelems), calls qelem_front(), and its queue function calls the
function fn you passed with the specified arguments. If you're not in the scheduler thread, the function is
executed immediately with the arguments. Note that this implies that defer() is not appropriate for using in
situations such as Device or File manager I/0 completion routines. The defer_low() function is appropriate
however, because it always defers.

The deferred function should be declared as follows:

1 void myobject_do (myObject *client, t_symbol *s, short argc, t_atom *argv);

See also


Referenced by jit_error_code(), jit_error_sym(), and jit_post_sym().

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562 Module Documentation void∗ defer_low ( void ∗ ob, method fn, t_symbol ∗ sym, short argc, t_atom ∗ argv )

Defer execution of a function to the back of the queue on the main thread.

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36.50 Threads 563

ob First argument passed to the function fun when it executes.
fn Function to be called, see below for how it should be declared.
sym Second argument passed to the function fun when it executes.
argc Count of arguments in argv. argc is also the third argument passed to the function fun when
it executes.
argv Array containing a variable number of t_atom function arguments. If this argument is non-
zero, defer allocates memory to make a copy of the arguments (according to the size passed
in argc) and passes the copied array to the function fun when it executes as the fourth argu-


Return values is for internal Cycling '74 use only.


defer_low() always defers a call to the function fun whether you are already in the main thread or not, and uses
qelem_set(), not qelem_front(). This function is recommended for responding to messages that will cause your
object to open a dialog box, such as read and write.

The deferred function should be declared as follows:

1 void myobject_do (myObject *client, t_symbol *s, short argc, t_atom *argv);

See also

defer() long isr ( void )

Determine whether your code is executing in the Max scheduler thread.


This function returns non-zero if you are within Max's scheduler thread, zero otherwise. Note that if your code
sets up other types of interrupt-level callbacks, such as for other types of device drivers used in asynchronous
mode, isr will return false. void schedule ( void ∗ ob, method fun, long when, t_symbol ∗ sym, short argc, t_atom ∗ argv )

Cause a function to be executed at the timer level at some time in the future.
ob First argument passed to the function fun when it executes.
fun Function to be called, see below for how it should be declared.
when The logical time that the function fun will be executed.
sym Second argument passed to the function fun when it executes.
argc Count of arguments in argv. argc is also the third argument passed to the function fun when
it executes.

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564 Module Documentation

argv Array containing a variable number of t_atom function arguments. If this argument is non-
zero, defer allocates memory to make a copy of the arguments (according to the size passed
in argc) and passes the copied array to the function fun when it executes as the fourth argu-


schedule() calls a function at some time in the future. Unlike defer(), the function is called in the scheduling
loop when logical time is equal to the specified value when. This means that the function could be called at
interrupt level, so it should follow the usual restrictions on interrupt-level conduct. The function fun passed to
schedule should be declared as follows:

1 void myobject_do (myObject *client, t_symbol *s, short argc, t_atom *argv);


One use of schedule() is as an alternative to using the lockout flag.

See also

defer() void schedule_delay ( void ∗ ob, method fun, long delay, t_symbol ∗ sym, short argc, t_atom ∗ argv )

Cause a function to be executed at the timer level at some time in the future specified by a delay offset.
ob First argument passed to the function fun when it executes.
fun Function to be called, see below for how it should be declared.
delay The delay from the current time before the function will be executed.
sym Second argument passed to the function fun when it executes.
argc Count of arguments in argv. argc is also the third argument passed to the function fun when
it executes.
argv Array containing a variable number of t_atom function arguments. If this argument is non-
zero, schedule_delay() allocates memory to make a copy of the arguments (according to the
size passed in argc) and passes the copied array to the function fun when it executes as the
fourth argument.


schedule_delay() is similar to schedule() but allows you to specify the time as a delay rather than a specific
logical time.

1 void myobject_click (t_myobject *x, Point pt, short modifiers)

2 {
3 t_atom a[1];
4 a[0].a_type = A_LONG;
5 a[0].a_w.w_long = Random();
6 schedule_delay(x, myobject_sched, 0 ,0, 1, a);
7 }
9 void myobject_sched (t_myobject *x, t_symbol *s, short ac, t_atom *av)
10 {
11 outlet_int(x->m_out,av->a_w.w_long);
12 }

See also


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36.50 Threads 565 long systhread_create ( method entryproc, void ∗ arg, long stacksize, long priority, long flags, t_systhread ∗
thread )

Create a new thread.

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566 Module Documentation

entryproc A method to call in the new thread when the thread is created.
arg An argument to pass to the method specified for entryproc. Typically this might be a pointer
to your object's struct.
stacksize Not used. Pass 0 for this argument.
priority Pass 0 for default priority. The priority can range from -32 to 32 where -32 is low, 0 is default
and 32 is high.
flags Not used. Pass 0 for this argument.
thread The address of a t_systhread where this thread's instance pointer will be stored.


A Max error code as defined in e_max_errorcodes. long systhread_detach ( t_systhread thread )

Detach a thread.
After detaching a thread you cannot call systhread_join() on it.
thread The thread to join.


A Max error code as defined in e_max_errorcodes.


You should either call systhread_join() on a thread or systhread_detach() to allow the system to reclaim re-
sources. void systhread_exit ( long status )

Exit the calling thread.

Call this from within a thread made using systhread_create() when the thread is no longer needed.
status You will typically pass 0 for status. This value will be accessible by systhread_join(), if needed. int systhread_getpriority ( t_systhread thread )

Get the thread priority for the given thread.

thread The thread for which to find the priority.


The current priority value for the given thread.

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36.50 Threads 567 short systhread_isaudiothread ( void )

Check to see if the function currently being executed is in an audio thread.


Returns true if the function is being executed in an audio thread, otherwise false. short systhread_ismainthread ( void )

Check to see if the function currently being executed is in the main thread.


Returns true if the function is being executed in the main thread, otherwise false. short systhread_istimerthread ( void )

Check to see if the function currently being executed is in a scheduler thread.


Returns true if the function is being executed in a scheduler thread, otherwise false. long systhread_join ( t_systhread thread, unsigned int ∗ retval )

Wait for thread to quit and get return value from systhread_exit().
thread The thread to join.
retval The address of a long to hold the return value (status) from systhread_exit().


A Max error code as defined in e_max_errorcodes.


If your object is freed, and your thread function accesses memory from your object, then you will obviously
have a memory violation. A common use of systhread_join() is to prevent this situation by waiting (in your free
method) for the thread to exit. t_systhread systhread_self ( void )

Return the thread instance pointer for the calling thread.


The thread instance pointer for the thread from which this function is called. void systhread_setpriority ( t_systhread thread, int priority )

Set the thread priority for the given thread.

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568 Module Documentation

thread The thread for which to set the priority.
priority A value in the range -32 to 32 where -32 is lowest, 0 is default, and 32 is highest. void systhread_sleep ( long milliseconds )

Suspend the execution of the calling thread.

milliseconds The number of milliseconds to suspend the execution of the calling thread. The actual amount
of time may be longer depending on various factors. long systhread_terminate ( t_systhread thread )

Forcefully kill a thread – not recommended.

thread The thread to kill.


A Max error code as defined in e_max_errorcodes.

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36.51 Critical Regions 569

36.51 Critical Regions

A critical region is a simple mechanism that prevents multiple threads from accessing at once code protected by the
same critical region.
Collaboration diagram for Critical Regions:

Threads Critical Regions


• void critical_new (t_critical ∗x)

Create a new critical region.
• void critical_enter (t_critical x)
Enter a critical region.
• void critical_exit (t_critical x)
Leave a critical region.
• void critical_free (t_critical x)
Free a critical region created with critical_new().
• short critical_tryenter (t_critical x)
Try to enter a critical region if it is not locked.


• BEGIN_USING_C_LINKAGE typedef MPCriticalRegionID t_critical

a critical region

36.51.1 Detailed Description

A critical region is a simple mechanism that prevents multiple threads from accessing at once code protected by the
same critical region.
The code fragments could be different, and in completely different modules, but as long as the critical region is
the same, no two threads should call the protected code at the same time. If one thread is inside a critical region,
and another thread wants to execute code protected by the same critical region, the second thread must wait for
the first thread to exit the critical region. In some implementations a critical region can be set so that if it takes
too long for the first thread to exit said critical region, the second thread is allowed to execute, dangerously and
potentially causing crashes. This is the case for the critical regions exposed by Max and the default upper limit for a
given thread to remain inside a critical region is two seconds. Despite the fact that there are two seconds of leeway
provided before two threads can dangerously enter a critical region, it is important to only protect as small a portion
of code as necessary with a critical region.
Under Max 4.1 and earlier there was a simple protective mechanism called "lockout" that would prevent the sched-
uler from interrupting the low priority thread during sensitive operations such as sending data out an outlet or
modifying members of a linked list. This lockout mechanism has been deprecated, and under the Mac OS X and
Windows XP versions (Max 4.2 and later) does nothing. So how do you protect thread sensitive operations? Use
critical regions (also known as critical sections). However, it is very important to mention that all outlet calls are now

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570 Module Documentation

thread safe and should never be contained inside a critical region. Otherwise, this could result in serious timing
problems. For other tasks which are not thread safe, such as accessing a linked list, critical regions or some other
thread protection mechanism are appropriate.
In Max, the critical_enter() function is used to enter a critical region, and the critical_exit() function is used to exit
a critical region. It is important that in any function which uses critical regions, all control paths protected by the
critical region, exit the critical region (watch out for goto or return statements). The critical_enter() and critical_←-
exit() functions take a critical region as an argument. However, for almost all purposes, we recommend using the
global critical region in which case this argument is zero. The use of multiple critical regions can cause problems
such as deadlock, i.e. when thread #1 is inside critical region A waiting on critical region B, but thread #2 is inside
critical region B and is waiting on critical region A. In a flexible programming environment such as Max, deadlock
conditions are easier to generate than you might think. So unless you are completely sure of what you are doing,
and absolutely need to make use of multiple critical regions to protect your code, we suggest you use the global
critical region.
In the following example code we show how one might use critical regions to protect the traversal of a linked list,
testing to find the first element whose values is equal to "val". If this code were not protected, another thread which
was modifying the linked list could invalidate assumptions in the traversal code.

for (p = head; p; p = p->next) {
if (p->value == val)
return p;

And just to illustrate how to ensure a critical region is exited when multiple control paths are protected by a critical
region, here's a slight variant.

for (p = head; p; p = p->next) {
if (p->value == val) {
return p;
return NULL;

For more information on multi-threaded programming, hardware interrupts, and related topics, we suggest you per-
form some research online or read the relevant chapters of "Modern Operating Systems" by Andrew S. Tanenbaum
(Prentice Hall). At the time of writing, some relevant chapters from this book are available for download in PDF
format on Prentice Hall’s web site. See:
Look under "sample sections".

36.51.2 Function Documentation void critical_enter ( t_critical x )

Enter a critical region.

Typically you will want the argument to be zero to enter the global critical region, although you could pass your
own critical created with critical_new(). It is important to try to keep the amount of code in the critical region to a
minimum. Exit the critical region with critical_exit().

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36.51 Critical Regions 571

x A pointer to a t_critical struct, or zero to uses Max’s global critical region.

See also


Referenced by jit_global_critical_enter(). void critical_exit ( t_critical x )

Leave a critical region.

Typically you will want the argument to be zero to exit the global critical region, although, you if you are using your
own critical regions you will want to pass the same one that you previously passed to critical_enter().
x A pointer to a t_critical struct, or zero to uses Max’s global critical region.

Referenced by jit_global_critical_exit(). void critical_free ( t_critical x )

Free a critical region created with critical_new().

If you created your own critical region, you will need to free it in your object’s free method.
x The t_critical struct that will be freed. void critical_new ( t_critical ∗ x )

Create a new critical region.

Normally, you do not need to create your own critical region, because you can use Max’s global critical region. Only
use this function (in your object’s instance creation method) if you are certain you are not able to use the global
critical region.
x A t_critical struct will be returned to you via this pointer. short critical_tryenter ( t_critical x )

Try to enter a critical region if it is not locked.

x A pointer to a t_critical struct, or zero to uses Max’s global critical region.


returns non-zero if there was a problem entering

See also


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572 Module Documentation

36.52 Mutexes

Collaboration diagram for Mutexes:

Threads Mutexes


• long systhread_mutex_new (t_systhread_mutex ∗pmutex, long flags)

Create a new mutex, which can be used to place thread locks around critical code.
• long systhread_mutex_free (t_systhread_mutex pmutex)
Free a mutex created with systhread_mutex_new().
• long systhread_mutex_lock (t_systhread_mutex pmutex)
Enter block of locked code code until a systhread_mutex_unlock() is reached.
• long systhread_mutex_unlock (t_systhread_mutex pmutex)
Exit a block of code locked with systhread_mutex_lock().
• long systhread_mutex_trylock (t_systhread_mutex pmutex)
Try to enter block of locked code code until a systhread_mutex_unlock() is reached.
• long systhread_mutex_newlock (t_systhread_mutex ∗pmutex, long flags)
Convenience utility that combines systhread_mutex_new() and systhread_mutex_lock().

36.52.1 Detailed Description

See also

Critical Regions

36.52.2 Function Documentation long systhread_mutex_free ( t_systhread_mutex pmutex )

Free a mutex created with systhread_mutex_new().

pmutex The mutex instance pointer.


A Max error code as defined in e_max_errorcodes. long systhread_mutex_lock ( t_systhread_mutex pmutex )

Enter block of locked code code until a systhread_mutex_unlock() is reached.

It is important to keep the code in this block as small as possible.

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36.52 Mutexes 573

pmutex The mutex instance pointer.


A Max error code as defined in e_max_errorcodes.

See also

systhread_mutex_trylock() long systhread_mutex_new ( t_systhread_mutex ∗ pmutex, long flags )

Create a new mutex, which can be used to place thread locks around critical code.
The mutex should be freed with systhread_mutex_free().
pmutex The address of a variable to store the mutex pointer.
flags Flags to determine the behaviour of the mutex, as defined in e_max_systhread_mutex_flags.


A Max error code as defined in e_max_errorcodes.


One reason to use systhread_mutex_new() instead of Critical Regions is to create non-recursive locks, which
are lighter-weight than recursive locks. long systhread_mutex_newlock ( t_systhread_mutex ∗ pmutex, long flags )

Convenience utility that combines systhread_mutex_new() and systhread_mutex_lock().

pmutex The address of a variable to store the mutex pointer.
flags Flags to determine the behaviour of the mutex, as defined in e_max_systhread_mutex_flags.


A Max error code as defined in e_max_errorcodes. long systhread_mutex_trylock ( t_systhread_mutex pmutex )

Try to enter block of locked code code until a systhread_mutex_unlock() is reached.

If the lock cannot be entered, this function will return non-zero.

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pmutex The mutex instance pointer.


Returns non-zero if there was a problem entering.

See also

systhread_mutex_lock() long systhread_mutex_unlock ( t_systhread_mutex pmutex )

Exit a block of code locked with systhread_mutex_lock().

pmutex The mutex instance pointer.


A Max error code as defined in e_max_errorcodes.

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36.53 User Interface 575

36.53 User Interface

Collaboration diagram for User Interface:

User Interface


• JGraphics
JGraphics is the API for creating user interface objects introduced with Max 5.
• DataView
The jdataview object provides a mechanism to display data in a tabular format.

36.53.1 Detailed Description

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576 Module Documentation

36.54 JGraphics

JGraphics is the API for creating user interface objects introduced with Max 5.
Collaboration diagram for JGraphics:

Popup Menus





User Interface JGraphics Scalable Vector Graphics

Box Layer


JGraphics Matrix Transformations




• JSurface
A surface is an abstract base class for something you render to.
• Scalable Vector Graphics
• JFont
• JGraphics Matrix Transformations
The t_jmatrix is one way to represent a transformation.
• JPattern
A pattern is like a brush that is used to fill a path with.
• Colors
• Styles
Styles provide a means by which to inherit attribute values from a patcher that are consistently used across many
• TextField
The textfield is a high-level text display object that may be used by a UI object to represent text in a patcher.
• TextLayout
A textlayout is lower-level text rendering object used by higher-level entities such as TextField.

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36.54 JGraphics 577

• Popup Menus
Popup menu API so externals can create popup menus that can also be drawn into.
• Box Layer
The boxlayer functions provide way to make it easier to use cached offscreen images (layers) in your drawing.

Data Structures

• struct t_jgraphics_font_extents
A structure for holding information related to how much space the rendering of a given font will use.


Determine the coordinate of the bottom of a rect.
• #define JGRAPHICS_RECT_RIGHT(rect)
Determine the coordinate of the right side of a rect.
• #define JGRAPHICS_PI
Utility macro to return the value of Pi.
• #define JGRAPHICS_2PI
Utility macro to return the value of twice Pi.
Utility macro to return the value of half of Pi.
Utility macro to return the 270º Case.


• typedef typedefBEGIN_USING_C_LINKAGE struct _jgraphics t_jgraphics

An instance of a jgraphics drawing context.
• typedef struct _jpath t_jpath
An instance of a jgraphics path.
• typedef struct _jtextlayout t_jtextlayout
An instance of a jgraphics text layout object.
• typedef struct _jtransform t_jtransform
An instance of a jgraphics transform.
• typedef struct _jdesktopui t_jdesktopui
An instance of a transparent UI window on the desktop.
• typedef struct _jpopupmenu t_jpopupmenu
An instance of a pop-up menu.
• typedef struct _jsvg t_jsvg
An instance of an SVG object.
• typedef struct _jsvg_remap t_jsvg_remap
An object used for remapping colors in a t_svg.

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578 Module Documentation



Enumeration of color formats used by jgraphics surfaces.
Enumeration of file formats usable for jgraphics surfaces.
• enum t_jgraphics_text_justification {
Enumeration of text justification options, which are specified as a bitmask.


• int jgraphics_round (double d)

Utility for rounding a double to an int.
• t_jgraphics ∗ jgraphics_reference (t_jgraphics ∗g)
Get a reference to a graphics context.
• void jgraphics_destroy (t_jgraphics ∗g)
Release or free a graphics context.
• void jgraphics_new_path (t_jgraphics ∗g)
Begin a new path.
• t_jpath ∗ jgraphics_copy_path (t_jgraphics ∗g)
Get a copy of the current path from a context.
• t_jpath ∗ jgraphics_path_createstroked (t_jpath ∗p, double thickness, t_jgraphics_line_join join, t_jgraphics←-
_line_cap cap)
Create a new path consisting of the original path stroked with a given thickness.
• void jgraphics_path_destroy (t_jpath ∗path)
Release/free a path.
• void jgraphics_append_path (t_jgraphics ∗g, t_jpath ∗path)
Add a path to a graphics context.
• void jgraphics_close_path (t_jgraphics ∗g)
Close the current path in a context.
• void jgraphics_path_roundcorners (t_jgraphics ∗g, double cornerRadius)
Round out any corners in a path.
• long jgraphics_path_contains (t_jpath ∗path, double x, double y)
Test if the path contains the point x,y.
• long jgraphics_path_intersectsline (t_jpath ∗path, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
Test if the path intersects the line defined by x1,y1 and x2,y2.
• double jgraphics_path_getlength (t_jpath ∗path)
Return the length of a path.
• void jgraphics_path_getpointalongpath (t_jpath ∗path, double distancefromstart, double ∗x, double ∗y)
Return a point that lies a given distance from the start of the path.
• double jgraphics_path_getnearestpoint (t_jpath ∗path, double x, double y, double ∗path_x, double ∗path_y)
Finds the point on the path that is nearest to the point x,y passed in.
• long jgraphics_path_getpathelems (t_jpath ∗path, t_jgraphics_path_elem ∗∗elems)
Get the path elements and return number of path elements.
• void jgraphics_get_current_point (t_jgraphics ∗g, double ∗x, double ∗y)
Get the current location of the cursor in a graphics context.

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36.54 JGraphics 579

• void jgraphics_arc (t_jgraphics ∗g, double xc, double yc, double radius, double angle1, double angle2)
Add a circular, clockwise, arc to the current path.
• void jgraphics_ovalarc (t_jgraphics ∗g, double xc, double yc, double radiusx, double radiusy, double angle1,
double angle2)
Add a non-circular arc to the current path.
• void jgraphics_arc_negative (t_jgraphics ∗g, double xc, double yc, double radius, double angle1, double
Add a circular, counter-clockwise, arc to the current path.
• void jgraphics_curve_to (t_jgraphics ∗g, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3)
Add a cubic Bezier spline to the current path.
• void jgraphics_rel_curve_to (t_jgraphics ∗g, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double
Add a cubic Bezier spline to the current path, using coordinates relative to the current point.
• void jgraphics_line_to (t_jgraphics ∗g, double x, double y)
Add a line segment to the current path.
• void jgraphics_rel_line_to (t_jgraphics ∗g, double x, double y)
Add a line segment to the current path, using coordinates relative to the current point.
• void jgraphics_move_to (t_jgraphics ∗g, double x, double y)
Move the cursor to a new point and begin a new subpath.
• void jgraphics_rel_move_to (t_jgraphics ∗g, double x, double y)
Move the cursor to a new point and begin a new subpath, using coordinates relative to the current point.
• void jgraphics_rectangle (t_jgraphics ∗g, double x, double y, double width, double height)
Add a closed rectangle path in the context.
• void jgraphics_oval (t_jgraphics ∗g, double x, double y, double width, double height)
Deprecated – do not use.
• void jgraphics_rectangle_rounded (t_jgraphics ∗g, double x, double y, double width, double height, double
ovalwidth, double ovalheight)
Add a closed rounded-rectangle path in the context.
• void jgraphics_ellipse (t_jgraphics ∗g, double x, double y, double width, double height)
Add a closed elliptical path in the context.
• void jgraphics_bubble (t_jgraphics ∗g, double bodyx, double bodyy, double bodywidth, double bodyheight,
double cornersize, double arrowtipx, double arrowtipy, t_jgraphics_bubble_side whichside, double arrowedge-
prop, double arrowwidth)
Add a closed bubble path in the context.
• void jgraphics_triangle (t_jgraphics ∗g, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3)
Add a closed triangular path in the context.
• void jgraphics_select_font_face (t_jgraphics ∗g, const char ∗family, t_jgraphics_font_slant slant, t_jgraphics←-
_font_weight weight)
Specify a font for a graphics context.
• void jgraphics_select_jfont (t_jgraphics ∗g, t_jfont ∗jfont)
Specify a font for a graphics context by passing a t_jfont object.
• void jgraphics_set_font_size (t_jgraphics ∗g, double size)
Specify the font size for a context.
• void jgraphics_set_underline (t_jgraphics ∗g, char underline)
Turn underlining on/off for text in a context.
• void jgraphics_show_text (t_jgraphics ∗g, const char ∗utf8)
Display text at the current position in a context.
• void jgraphics_text_path (t_jgraphics ∗g, const char ∗utf8)
Add a path of text to the current path.
• void jgraphics_font_extents (t_jgraphics ∗g, t_jgraphics_font_extents ∗extents)
Return the extents of the currently selected font for a given graphics context.
• void jgraphics_text_measure (t_jgraphics ∗g, const char ∗utf8, double ∗width, double ∗height)

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Return the height and width of a string given current graphics settings in a context.
• void jgraphics_text_measuretext_wrapped (t_jgraphics ∗g, const char ∗utf8, double wrapwidth, long include-
whitespace, double ∗width, double ∗height, long ∗numlines)
Return the height, width, and number of lines that will be used to render a given string.
• long jgraphics_system_canantialiastexttotransparentbg ()
Determine if you can anti-alias text to a transparent background.
• void jgraphics_user_to_device (t_jgraphics ∗g, double ∗x, double ∗y)
User coordinates are those passed to drawing functions in a given t_jgraphics context.
• void jgraphics_device_to_user (t_jgraphics ∗g, double ∗x, double ∗y)
User coordinates are those passed to drawing functions in a given t_jgraphics context.
• void jgraphics_getfiletypes (void ∗dummy, long ∗count, t_fourcc ∗∗filetypes, char ∗alloc)
Get a list of of filetypes appropriate for use with jgraphics surfaces.
• long jgraphics_rectintersectsrect (t_rect ∗r1, t_rect ∗r2)
Simple utility to test for rectangle intersection.
• long jgraphics_rectcontainsrect (t_rect ∗outer, t_rect ∗inner)
Simple utility to test for rectangle containment.
• void jgraphics_position_one_rect_near_another_rect_but_keep_inside_a_third_rect (t_rect ∗positioned_rect,
const t_rect ∗positioned_near_this_rect, const t_rect ∗keep_inside_this_rect)
Generate a t_rect according to positioning rules.
• void jgraphics_clip (t_jgraphics ∗g, double x, double y, double width, double height)
Clip to a subset of the graphics context; once done, cannot be undone, only further reduced.

36.54.1 Detailed Description

JGraphics is the API for creating user interface objects introduced with Max 5.
It includes functions for drawing vector-based shapes, managing pop-up menus, rendering text, and importing
graphics resources. The API design is inspired by and analogous to the Cairo API, though the underlying imple-
mentation is actually drawn using JUCE (JUCE functions, however, cannot be called directly).

36.54.2 Macro Definition Documentation #define JGRAPHICS_2PI

Utility macro to return the value of twice Pi. #define JGRAPHICS_3PIOVER2

Utility macro to return the 270º Case. #define JGRAPHICS_PI

Utility macro to return the value of Pi. #define JGRAPHICS_PIOVER2

Utility macro to return the value of half of Pi.

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36.54 JGraphics 581

36.54.3 Enumeration Type Documentation enum t_jgraphics_fileformat

Enumeration of file formats usable for jgraphics surfaces.


JGRAPHICS_FILEFORMAT_PNG Portable Network Graphics (PNG) format.

JGRAPHICS_FILEFORMAT_JPEG JPEG format. enum t_jgraphics_format

Enumeration of color formats used by jgraphics surfaces.


JGRAPHICS_FORMAT_ARGB32 Color is represented using 32 bits, 8 bits each for the components, and
including an alpha component.
JGRAPHICS_FORMAT_RGB24 Color is represented using 32 bits, 8 bits each for the components. There is
no alpha component.
JGRAPHICS_FORMAT_A8 The color is represented only as an 8-bit alpha mask. enum t_jgraphics_text_justification

Enumeration of text justification options, which are specified as a bitmask.



JGRAPHICS_TEXT_JUSTIFICATION_CENTERED Shortcut for Centering both vertically and horizontally.

36.54.4 Function Documentation void jgraphics_append_path ( t_jgraphics ∗ g, t_jpath ∗ path )

Add a path to a graphics context.

g The graphics context.
path The path to add. void jgraphics_arc ( t_jgraphics ∗ g, double xc, double yc, double radius, double angle1, double angle2 )

Add a circular, clockwise, arc to the current path.

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582 Module Documentation

g The graphics context.
xc The horizontal coordinate of the arc's center.
yc The vertical coordinate of the arc's center.
radius The radius of the arc.
angle1 The starting angle of the arc in radians. Zero radians is center right (positive x axis).
angle2 The terminal angle of the arc in radians. Zero radians is center right (positive x axis). void jgraphics_arc_negative ( t_jgraphics ∗ g, double xc, double yc, double radius, double angle1, double angle2

Add a circular, counter-clockwise, arc to the current path.

g The graphics context.
xc The horizontal coordinate of the arc's center.
yc The vertical coordinate of the arc's center.
radius The radius of the arc.
angle1 The starting angle of the arc in radians. Zero radians is center right (positive x axis).
angle2 The terminal angle of the arc in radians. Zero radians is center right (positive x axis). void jgraphics_bubble ( t_jgraphics ∗ g, double bodyx, double bodyy, double bodywidth, double bodyheight,
double cornersize, double arrowtipx, double arrowtipy, t_jgraphics_bubble_side whichside, double arrowedgeprop,
double arrowwidth )

Add a closed bubble path in the context.

g The graphics context.
bodyx Horizontal body origin.
bodyy The vertical origin.
bodywidth The width of the rect.
bodyheight The height of the rect.
cornersize Body rounded corners
arrowtipx X position of arrow tip
arrowtipy Y position of arrow tip
whichside side to connect arrow, 0 = top, 1 = left, 2 = bottom, 3 = right,
arrowedgeprop Arrow proportion along edge (0-1)
arrowwidth Arrow base width void jgraphics_clip ( t_jgraphics ∗ g, double x, double y, double width, double height )

Clip to a subset of the graphics context; once done, cannot be undone, only further reduced.
g The t_jgraphics context to be clipped.
x x origin of clip region.
y y origin of clip region.

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36.54 JGraphics 583

width width of clip region.

height height of clip region. void jgraphics_close_path ( t_jgraphics ∗ g )

Close the current path in a context.

This will add a line segment to close current subpath.
g The graphics context. t_jpath∗ jgraphics_copy_path ( t_jgraphics ∗ g )

Get a copy of the current path from a context.

g the graphics context containing the current path


A copy of the current path. void jgraphics_curve_to ( t_jgraphics ∗ g, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3 )

Add a cubic Bezier spline to the current path.

g The graphics context.
x1 The first control point.
y1 The first control point.
x2 The second control point.
y2 The second control point.
x3 The destination point.
y3 The destination point. void jgraphics_destroy ( t_jgraphics ∗ g )

Release or free a graphics context.

g The context to release. void jgraphics_device_to_user ( t_jgraphics ∗ g, double ∗ x, double ∗ y )

User coordinates are those passed to drawing functions in a given t_jgraphics context.
Device coordinates refer to patcher canvas coordinates, before any zooming.

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584 Module Documentation void jgraphics_ellipse ( t_jgraphics ∗ g, double x, double y, double width, double height )

Add a closed elliptical path in the context.

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g The graphics context.
x The horizontal origin.
y The vertical origin.
width The width of the rect.
height The height of the rect. void jgraphics_font_extents ( t_jgraphics ∗ g, t_jgraphics_font_extents ∗ extents )

Return the extents of the currently selected font for a given graphics context.
g Pointer to a jgraphics context.
extents The address of a t_jgraphics_font_extents structure to be filled with the results. void jgraphics_get_current_point ( t_jgraphics ∗ g, double ∗ x, double ∗ y )

Get the current location of the cursor in a graphics context.

g The graphics context.
x The address of a variable that will be set to the horizontal cursor location upon return.
y The address of a variable that will be set to the vertical cursor location upon return. void jgraphics_getfiletypes ( void ∗ dummy, long ∗ count, t_fourcc ∗∗ filetypes, char ∗ alloc )

Get a list of of filetypes appropriate for use with jgraphics surfaces.

dummy Unused.
count The address of a variable to be set with the number of types in filetypes upon return.
filetypes The address of a variable that will represent the array of file types upon return.
alloc The address of a char that will be flagged with a 1 or a 0 depending on whether or not memory
was allocated for the filetypes member.


This example shows a common usage of jgraphics_getfiletypes().

1 char filename[MAX_PATH_CHARS];
2 t_fourcc *type = NULL;
3 long ntype;
4 long outtype;
5 t_max_err err;
6 char alloc;
7 short path;
8 t_jsurface *surface;
10 if (want_to_show_dialog) {
11 jgraphics_getfiletypes(x, &ntype, &type, &alloc);
12 err = open_dialog(filename, &path,(void *)&outtype, (void *)type, ntype);
13 if (err)
14 goto out;
15 }
16 else {
17 strncpy_zero(filename, s->s_name, MAX_PATH_CHARS);
18 err = locatefile_extended(filename, &path, &outtype, type, ntype);
19 if (err)
20 goto out;
21 }

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586 Module Documentation

22 surface = jgraphics_image_surface_create_referenced(filename, path);

23 out:
24 if (alloc)
25 sysmem_freeptr((char *)type); void jgraphics_line_to ( t_jgraphics ∗ g, double x, double y )

Add a line segment to the current path.

g The graphics context.
x The destination point.
y The destination point. void jgraphics_move_to ( t_jgraphics ∗ g, double x, double y )

Move the cursor to a new point and begin a new subpath.

g The graphics context.
x The new location.
y The new location. void jgraphics_new_path ( t_jgraphics ∗ g )

Begin a new path.

This action clears any current path in the context.
g The graphics context. void jgraphics_oval ( t_jgraphics ∗ g, double x, double y, double width, double height )

Deprecated – do not use.

Adds a closed oval path in the context, however, it does not scale appropriately.
g The graphics context.
x The horizontal origin.
y The vertical origin.
width The width of the oval.
height The height of the oval. void jgraphics_ovalarc ( t_jgraphics ∗ g, double xc, double yc, double radiusx, double radiusy, double angle1,
double angle2 )

Add a non-circular arc to the current path.

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36.54 JGraphics 587

g The graphics context.
xc The horizontal coordinate of the arc's center.
yc The vertical coordinate of the arc's center.
radiusx The horizontal radius of the arc.
radiusy The vertical radius of the arc.
angle1 The starting angle of the arc in radians. Zero radians is center right (positive x axis).
angle2 The terminal angle of the arc in radians. Zero radians is center right (positive x axis). long jgraphics_path_contains ( t_jpath ∗ path, double x, double y )

Test if the path contains the point x,y.

path the path
x the x-coordinate of the point to test
y the y-coordinate of the point to test t_jpath∗ jgraphics_path_createstroked ( t_jpath ∗ p, double thickness, t_jgraphics_line_join join,

t_jgraphics_line_cap cap )

Create a new path consisting of the original path stroked with a given thickness.
p the path to be stroked
thickness thickness of the stroke
join the style to join segments together at corners
cap the style of end cap to use


the new path, which must be freed with jgraphics_path_destroy() when done void jgraphics_path_destroy ( t_jpath ∗ path )

Release/free a path.
path The path to release. double jgraphics_path_getlength ( t_jpath ∗ path )

Return the length of a path.

path the path


the length of the path

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588 Module Documentation double jgraphics_path_getnearestpoint ( t_jpath ∗ path, double x, double y, double ∗ path_x, double ∗ path_y )

Finds the point on the path that is nearest to the point x,y passed in.

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36.54 JGraphics 589

path the path to search
x x position of the target point
y y position of the target point
path_x pointer to double to receive the x position of closest point on path
path_y pointer to double to receive the y position of the closest point on path


returns the distance along the path from the path start position to the found point on the path long jgraphics_path_getpathelems ( t_jpath ∗ path, t_jgraphics_path_elem ∗∗ elems )

Get the path elements and return number of path elements.

path the path
elems pointer to array of path elements


the number of path elements void jgraphics_path_getpointalongpath ( t_jpath ∗ path, double distancefromstart, double ∗ x, double ∗ y )

Return a point that lies a given distance from the start of the path.
path the path
distancefrom- distance from the start point
x pointer to double to receive the x position of the point
y pointer to double to receive the y position of the point long jgraphics_path_intersectsline ( t_jpath ∗ path, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2 )

Test if the path intersects the line defined by x1,y1 and x2,y2.
path the path
x1 the x-coordinate of the first point on the line
y1 the y-coordinate of the first point on the line
x2 the x-coordinate of the second point on the line
y2 the y-coordinate of the second point on the line void jgraphics_path_roundcorners ( t_jgraphics ∗ g, double cornerRadius )

Round out any corners in a path.

This action clears any current path in the context.

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590 Module Documentation

g The graphics context.
cornerRadius The amount by which to round corners. void jgraphics_position_one_rect_near_another_rect_but_keep_inside_a_third_rect ( t_rect ∗ positioned_rect,

const t_rect ∗ positioned_near_this_rect, const t_rect ∗ keep_inside_this_rect )

Generate a t_rect according to positioning rules.

positioned_rect The address of a valid t_rect whose members will be filled in upon return.
positioned_←- A pointer to a rect near which this rect should be positioned.
keep_inside_←- A pointer to a rect defining the limits within which the new rect must reside.
this_rect void jgraphics_rectangle ( t_jgraphics ∗ g, double x, double y, double width, double height )

Add a closed rectangle path in the context.

g The graphics context.
x The horizontal origin.
y The vertical origin.
width The width of the rect.
height The height of the rect. void jgraphics_rectangle_rounded ( t_jgraphics ∗ g, double x, double y, double width, double height, double
ovalwidth, double ovalheight )

Add a closed rounded-rectangle path in the context.

g The graphics context.
x The horizontal origin.
y The vertical origin.
width The width of the rect.
height The height of the rect.
ovalwidth The width of the oval used for the round corners.
ovalheight The height of the oval used for the round corners. long jgraphics_rectcontainsrect ( t_rect ∗ outer, t_rect ∗ inner )

Simple utility to test for rectangle containment.

outer The address of the first rect for the test.

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36.54 JGraphics 591

inner The address of the second rect for the test.


Returns true if the inner rect is completely inside the outer rect, otherwise false. long jgraphics_rectintersectsrect ( t_rect ∗ r1, t_rect ∗ r2 )

Simple utility to test for rectangle intersection.

r1 The address of the first rect for the test.
r2 The address of the second rect for the test.


Returns true if the rects intersect, otherwise false. t_jgraphics∗ jgraphics_reference ( t_jgraphics ∗ g )

Get a reference to a graphics context.

When you are done you should release your reference with jgraphics_destroy().
g The context you wish to reference.


A new reference to the context. void jgraphics_rel_curve_to ( t_jgraphics ∗ g, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3

Add a cubic Bezier spline to the current path, using coordinates relative to the current point.
g The graphics context.
x1 The first control point.
y1 The first control point.
x2 The second control point.
y2 The second control point.
x3 The destination point.
y3 The destination point. void jgraphics_rel_line_to ( t_jgraphics ∗ g, double x, double y )

Add a line segment to the current path, using coordinates relative to the current point.

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592 Module Documentation

g The graphics context.
x The destination point.
y The destination point. void jgraphics_rel_move_to ( t_jgraphics ∗ g, double x, double y )

Move the cursor to a new point and begin a new subpath, using coordinates relative to the current point.
g The graphics context.
x The new location.
y The new location. int jgraphics_round ( double d )

Utility for rounding a double to an int.

d floating-point input.


rounded int output. void jgraphics_select_font_face ( t_jgraphics ∗ g, const char ∗ family, t_jgraphics_font_slant slant,

t_jgraphics_font_weight weight )

Specify a font for a graphics context.

g The graphics context.
family The name of the font family (e.g. "Arial").
slant Define the slant to use for the font.
weight Define the weight to use for the font. void jgraphics_select_jfont ( t_jgraphics ∗ g, t_jfont ∗ jfont )

Specify a font for a graphics context by passing a t_jfont object.

g The graphics context.
jfont A jfont object whose attributes will be copied to the context. void jgraphics_set_font_size ( t_jgraphics ∗ g, double size )

Specify the font size for a context.

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g The graphics context.
size The font size. void jgraphics_set_underline ( t_jgraphics ∗ g, char underline )

Turn underlining on/off for text in a context.

g The graphics context.
underline Pass true or false to set the appropriate behavior. void jgraphics_show_text ( t_jgraphics ∗ g, const char ∗ utf8 )

Display text at the current position in a context.

g The graphics context.
utf8 The text to display. long jgraphics_system_canantialiastexttotransparentbg ( )

Determine if you can anti-alias text to a transparent background.

You might want to call this and then disable "useimagebuffer" if false ∗and∗ you are rendering text on a transparent


Non-zero if you can anti-alias text to a transparent background. void jgraphics_text_measure ( t_jgraphics ∗ g, const char ∗ utf8, double ∗ width, double ∗ height )

Return the height and width of a string given current graphics settings in a context.
g Pointer to a jgraphics context.
utf8 A string containing the text whose dimensions we wish to find.
width The address of a variable to be filled with the width of the rendered text.
height The address of a variable to be filled with the height of the rendered text. void jgraphics_text_measuretext_wrapped ( t_jgraphics ∗ g, const char ∗ utf8, double wrapwidth, long
includewhitespace, double ∗ width, double ∗ height, long ∗ numlines )

Return the height, width, and number of lines that will be used to render a given string.

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594 Module Documentation

g Pointer to a jgraphics context.

utf8 A string containing the text whose dimensions we wish to find.
wrapwidth The number of pixels in width at which the text should be wrapped if it is too long.
includewhites- Set zero to not include white space in the calculation, otherwise set this parameter to 1.
width The address of a variable to be filled with the width of the rendered text.
height The address of a variable to be filled with the height of the rendered text.
numlines The address of a variable to be filled with the number of lines required to render the text. void jgraphics_text_path ( t_jgraphics ∗ g, const char ∗ utf8 )

Add a path of text to the current path.

g The graphics context.
utf8 The text to generate path for. void jgraphics_triangle ( t_jgraphics ∗ g, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3 )

Add a closed triangular path in the context.

g The graphics context.
x1 Coordinate for the first point.
y1 Coordinate for the first point.
x2 Coordinate for the second point.
y2 Coordinate for the second point.
x3 Coordinate for the third point.
y3 Coordinate for the third point. void jgraphics_user_to_device ( t_jgraphics ∗ g, double ∗ x, double ∗ y )

User coordinates are those passed to drawing functions in a given t_jgraphics context.
Device coordinates refer to patcher canvas coordinates, before any zooming.

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36.55 JSurface 595

36.55 JSurface

A surface is an abstract base class for something you render to.

Collaboration diagram for JSurface:

JGraphics JSurface


• typedef struct _jsurface t_jsurface

An instance of a jgraphics surface.


• t_jsurface ∗ jgraphics_image_surface_create (t_jgraphics_format format, int width, int height)

Create an image surface.
• t_jsurface ∗ jgraphics_image_surface_create_referenced (const char ∗filename, short path)
Create an image surface, filling it with the contents of a file, and get a reference to the surface.
• t_jsurface ∗ jgraphics_image_surface_create_from_file (const char ∗filename, short path)
Create an image surface, filling it with the contents of a file.
• t_jsurface ∗ jgraphics_image_surface_create_for_data (unsigned char ∗data, t_jgraphics_format format, int
width, int height, int stride, method freefun, void ∗freearg)
Create an image surface from given pixel data.
• t_jsurface ∗ jgraphics_image_surface_create_from_filedata (const void ∗data, unsigned long datalen)
Create a new surface from file data.
• t_jsurface ∗ jgraphics_image_surface_create_from_resource (const void ∗moduleRef, const char ∗resname)
Create a new surface from a resource in your external.
• t_max_err jgraphics_get_resource_data (const void ∗moduleRef, const char ∗resname, long extcount, t_atom
∗exts, void ∗∗data, unsigned long ∗datasize)
Low-level routine to access an object's resource data.
• t_jsurface ∗ jgraphics_surface_reference (t_jsurface ∗s)
Create a reference to an existing surface.
• void jgraphics_surface_destroy (t_jsurface ∗s)
Release or free a surface.
• t_max_err jgraphics_image_surface_writepng (t_jsurface ∗surface, const char ∗filename, short path, long
Export a PNG file of the contents of a surface.
• t_max_err jgraphics_image_surface_writejpeg (t_jsurface ∗surface, const char ∗filename, short path)
Export a JPEG file of the contents of a surface.
• int jgraphics_image_surface_get_width (t_jsurface ∗s)
Retrieve the width of a surface.
• int jgraphics_image_surface_get_height (t_jsurface ∗s)
Retrieve the height of a surface.

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596 Module Documentation

• void jgraphics_image_surface_set_pixel (t_jsurface ∗s, int x, int y, t_jrgba color)

Set the color of an individual pixel in a surface.
• void jgraphics_image_surface_get_pixel (t_jsurface ∗s, int x, int y, t_jrgba ∗color)
Retrieve the color of an individual pixel in a surface.
• void jgraphics_image_surface_scroll (t_jsurface ∗s, int x, int y, int width, int height, int dx, int dy, t_jpath
• void jgraphics_image_surface_draw (t_jgraphics ∗g, t_jsurface ∗s, t_rect srcRect, t_rect destRect)
Draw an image surface.
• void jgraphics_image_surface_draw_fast (t_jgraphics ∗g, t_jsurface ∗s)
Draw an image surface quickly.
• void jgraphics_write_image_surface_to_filedata (t_jsurface ∗surf, long fmt, void ∗∗data, long ∗size)
Get surface data ready for manually writing to a file.
• void jgraphics_image_surface_clear (t_jsurface ∗s, int x, int y, int width, int height)
Set all pixels in rect to 0.
• t_jgraphics ∗ jgraphics_create (t_jsurface ∗target)
Create a context to draw on a particular surface.

36.55.1 Detailed Description

A surface is an abstract base class for something you render to.

An image surface is a concrete instance that renders to an image in memory, essentially an offscreen bitmap.

36.55.2 Function Documentation t_jgraphics∗ jgraphics_create ( t_jsurface ∗ target )

Create a context to draw on a particular surface.

When you are done, call jgraphics_destroy().
target The surface to which to draw.


The new graphics context. t_max_err jgraphics_get_resource_data ( const void ∗ moduleRef, const char ∗ resname, long extcount, t_atom
∗ exts, void ∗∗ data, unsigned long ∗ datasize )

Low-level routine to access an object's resource data.

moduleRef A pointer to your external's module, which is passed to your external's main() function when
the class is loaded.
resname Base name of the resource data (without an extension)
extcount Count of possible extensions (ignored on Windows)
exts Array of symbol atoms containing possible filename extensions (ignored on Windows)

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36.55 JSurface 597

data Returned resource data assigned to a pointer you supply

datasize Size of the data returned


You are responsible for freeing any data returned in the data pointer


A Max error code. void jgraphics_image_surface_clear ( t_jsurface ∗ s, int x, int y, int width, int height )

Set all pixels in rect to 0.

s The surface to clear.
x The horizontal origin of the rect to clear.
y The vertical origin of the rect to clear.
width The width of the rect to clear.
height The height of the rect to clear. t_jsurface∗ jgraphics_image_surface_create ( t_jgraphics_format format, int width, int height )

Create an image surface.

Use jgraphics_surface_destroy() to free it when you are done.
format Defines the color format for the new surface.
width Defines the width of the new surface.
height Defines the height of the new surface.


A pointer to the new surface. t_jsurface∗ jgraphics_image_surface_create_for_data ( unsigned char ∗ data, t_jgraphics_format format, int

width, int height, int stride, method freefun, void ∗ freearg )

Create an image surface from given pixel data.

Data should point to start of top line of bitmap, stride tells how to get to next line. For upside down windows bitmaps,
data = (pBits-(height-1)∗stride) and stride is a negative number.
data The data. For example, an RGBA image loaded in memory.
format The format of the data.
width The width of the new surface.

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598 Module Documentation

height The height of the new surface.

stride The number of bytes between the start of rows in the dat buffer.
freefun If not NULL, freefun will be called when the surface is destroyed
freearg This will be passed to freefun if/when freefun is called.


A pointer to the new surface. t_jsurface∗ jgraphics_image_surface_create_from_file ( const char ∗ filename, short path )

Create an image surface, filling it with the contents of a file.

Use jgraphics_surface_destroy() to free it when you are done.
filename The name of the file.
path The path id of the file.


A pointer to the new surface. t_jsurface∗ jgraphics_image_surface_create_from_filedata ( const void ∗ data, unsigned long datalen )

Create a new surface from file data.

data A pointer to the raw PNG or JPG bits.
datalen The number of bytes in data.


The new surface.

See also

jgraphics_write_image_surface_to_filedata() t_jsurface∗ jgraphics_image_surface_create_from_resource ( const void ∗ moduleRef, const char ∗ resname )

Create a new surface from a resource in your external.

moduleRef A pointer to your external's module, which is passed to your external's main() function when
the class is loaded.
resname The name of the resource in the external.

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36.55 JSurface 599


The following example shows an example of how this might be used in an external.

1 static s_my_surface = NULL;

3 int main(void *moduleRef)
4 {
5 // (Do typical class initialization here)
7 // now create the surface from a resource that we added to the Xcode/VisualStudio project
8 s_my_surface = jgraphics_image_surface_create_from_resource(moduleRef, "myCoolImage");
10 return 0;
11 } t_jsurface∗ jgraphics_image_surface_create_referenced ( const char ∗ filename, short path )

Create an image surface, filling it with the contents of a file, and get a reference to the surface.
Use jgraphics_surface_destroy() to release your reference to the surface when you are done.
filename The name of the file.
path The path id of the file.


A pointer to the new surface. void jgraphics_image_surface_draw ( t_jgraphics ∗ g, t_jsurface ∗ s, t_rect srcRect, t_rect destRect )

Draw an image surface.

This not in cairo, but, it seems silly to have to make a brush to just draw an image. This doesn't support rotations,
g The graphics context in which to draw the surface.
s The surface to draw.
srcRect The rect within the surface that should be drawn.
destRect The rect in the context to which to draw the srcRect.

See also

jgraphics_image_surface_draw_fast() void jgraphics_image_surface_draw_fast ( t_jgraphics ∗ g, t_jsurface ∗ s )

Draw an image surface quickly.

The draw_fast version won't scale based on zoom factor or user transforms so make sure that this is what you want!
Draws entire image, origin ∗can∗ be shifted via zoom and user transforms (even though image is not scaled based
on those same transforms)

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600 Module Documentation

g The graphics context in which to draw the surface.

s The surface to draw.

See also

jgraphics_image_surface_draw int jgraphics_image_surface_get_height ( t_jsurface ∗ s )

Retrieve the height of a surface.

s The surface to query.


The height of the surface. void jgraphics_image_surface_get_pixel ( t_jsurface ∗ s, int x, int y, t_jrgba ∗ color )

Retrieve the color of an individual pixel in a surface.

s The surface.
x The horizontal coordinate of the pixel.
y The vertical coordinate of the pixel.
color The address of a valid t_jrgba struct whose values will be filled in with the color of the pixel
upon return. int jgraphics_image_surface_get_width ( t_jsurface ∗ s )

Retrieve the width of a surface.

s The surface to query.


The width of the surface. void jgraphics_image_surface_scroll ( t_jsurface ∗ s, int x, int y, int width, int height, int dx, int dy, t_jpath ∗∗
path )

s The surface to scroll.
x The origin of the rect to scroll.

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36.55 JSurface 601

y The origin of the rect to scroll.

width The width of the rect to scroll.
height The height of the rect to scroll.
dx The amount to scroll the surface horizontally.
dy The amount to scroll the surface vertically.
path Can pass NULL if you are not interested in this info. Otherwise pass a pointer and it will be
returned with a path containing the invalid region. void jgraphics_image_surface_set_pixel ( t_jsurface ∗ s, int x, int y, t_jrgba color )

Set the color of an individual pixel in a surface.

s The surface.
x The horizontal coordinate of the pixel.
y The vertical coordinate of the pixel.
color The color of the pixel. t_max_err jgraphics_image_surface_writejpeg ( t_jsurface ∗ surface, const char ∗ filename, short path )

Export a JPEG file of the contents of a surface.

surface The surface to export.
filename Specify the name of the file to create.
path Specify the path id for where to create the file.


A Max error code. t_max_err jgraphics_image_surface_writepng ( t_jsurface ∗ surface, const char ∗ filename, short path, long
dpi )

Export a PNG file of the contents of a surface.

surface The surface to export.
filename Specify the name of the file to create.
path Specify the path id for where to create the file.
dpi Define the resolution of the image (e.g. 72).


A Max error code. void jgraphics_surface_destroy ( t_jsurface ∗ s )

Release or free a surface.

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602 Module Documentation

s The surface to release. t_jsurface∗ jgraphics_surface_reference ( t_jsurface ∗ s )

Create a reference to an existing surface.

Use jgraphics_surface_destroy() to release your reference to the surface when you are done.
s The surface to reference.


The new reference to the surface. void jgraphics_write_image_surface_to_filedata ( t_jsurface ∗ surf, long fmt, void ∗∗ data, long ∗ size )

Get surface data ready for manually writing to a file.

surf The surface whose data will be retrieved.
fmt The format for the data. This should be a selection from t_jgraphics_fileformat.
data The address of a pointer that will be allocated and filled. When you are done with this data
you should free it using sysmem_freeptr().
size The address of a variable to hold the size of the data upon return.


A good example of this is to embed the surface as a PNG in a patcher file.

1 long size = 0;
2 void *data = NULL;
4 jgraphics_write_image_surface_to_filedata(x->j_surface, JGRAPHICS_FILEFORMAT_PNG, &data, &size);
5 if (size) {
6 x->j_format = gensym("png");
7 binarydata_appendtodictionary(data, size, gensym("data"), x->j_format, d);
8 x->j_imagedata = data;
9 x->j_imagedatasize = size;
10 }

See also


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36.56 Scalable Vector Graphics 603

36.56 Scalable Vector Graphics

Collaboration diagram for Scalable Vector Graphics:

JGraphics Scalable Vector Graphics


• t_jsvg ∗ jsvg_create_from_file (const char ∗filename, short path)

Read an SVG file, return a t_jsvg object.
• t_jsvg ∗ jsvg_create_from_resource (const void ∗moduleRef, const char ∗resname)
Read an SVG file from a resource.
• t_jsvg ∗ jsvg_create_from_xmlstring (const char ∗svgXML)
Create an SVG object from a string containing the SVG's XML.
• void jsvg_get_size (t_jsvg ∗svg, double ∗width, double ∗height)
Retrieve the size of an SVG object.
• void jsvg_destroy (t_jsvg ∗svg)
Free a t_jsvg object.
• void jsvg_render (t_jsvg ∗svg, t_jgraphics ∗g)
Render an SVG into a graphics context.

36.56.1 Detailed Description

36.56.2 Function Documentation t_jsvg∗ jsvg_create_from_file ( const char ∗ filename, short path )

Read an SVG file, return a t_jsvg object.

filename The name of the file to read.
path The path id of the file to read.


A new SVG object. t_jsvg∗ jsvg_create_from_resource ( const void ∗ moduleRef, const char ∗ resname )

Read an SVG file from a resource.

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604 Module Documentation

moduleRef The external's moduleRef.
resname The name of the SVG resource.


A new SVG object.

See also

jgraphics_image_surface_create_from_resource() t_jsvg∗ jsvg_create_from_xmlstring ( const char ∗ svgXML )

Create an SVG object from a string containing the SVG's XML.

svgXML The SVG source.


A new SVG object. void jsvg_destroy ( t_jsvg ∗ svg )

Free a t_jsvg object.

svg The object to free. void jsvg_get_size ( t_jsvg ∗ svg, double ∗ width, double ∗ height )

Retrieve the size of an SVG object.

svg An SVG object.
width The address of a variable that will be set to the width upon return.
height The address of a variable that will be set to the width upon return. void jsvg_render ( t_jsvg ∗ svg, t_jgraphics ∗ g )

Render an SVG into a graphics context.

svg The SVG object to render.
g The graphics context in which to render.

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36.57 JFont 605

36.57 JFont

Collaboration diagram for JFont:

JGraphics JFont


• typedef struct _jfont t_jfont

An instance of a jgraphics font.



IC }
Enumeration of slanting options for font display.
Enumeration of font weight options for font display.


• t_jfont ∗ jfont_create (const char ∗family, t_jgraphics_font_slant slant, t_jgraphics_font_weight weight, double
Create a new font object.
• t_jfont ∗ jfont_reference (t_jfont ∗font)
Create new reference to an existing font object.
• void jfont_destroy (t_jfont ∗font)
Release or free a font object.
• long jfont_isequalto (t_jfont ∗font, t_jfont ∗other)
Compare two fonts to see if they are equivalent.
• void jfont_set_family (t_jfont ∗font, t_symbol ∗family)
Set the name of the font family (e.g.
• t_symbol ∗ jfont_get_family (t_jfont ∗font)
Get the name of the font family (e.g.
• void jfont_set_slant (t_jfont ∗font, t_jgraphics_font_slant slant)
Set the slant of the font.
• t_jgraphics_font_slant jfont_get_slant (t_jfont ∗font)
Get the slant of the font.
• void jfont_set_weight (t_jfont ∗font, t_jgraphics_font_weight weight)
Set the weight of the font.
• t_jgraphics_font_weight jfont_get_weight (t_jfont ∗font)
Get the weight of the font.

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606 Module Documentation

• void jfont_set_font_size (t_jfont ∗font, double size)

Set the size of a font object.
• double jfont_get_font_size (t_jfont ∗font)
Get the size of a font object.
• void jfont_set_underline (t_jfont ∗font, char ul)
Set the underlining of a font object.
• char jfont_get_underline (t_jfont ∗font)
Get the underline state of a font object.
• void jfont_extents (t_jfont ∗font, t_jgraphics_font_extents ∗extents)
Get extents of this font.
• void jfont_text_measure (t_jfont ∗font, const char ∗utf8, double ∗width, double ∗height)
Given a font, find out how much area is required to render a string of text.
• void jfont_text_measuretext_wrapped (t_jfont ∗font, const char ∗utf8, double wrapwidth, long includewhites-
pace, double ∗width, double ∗height, long ∗numlines)
Given a font, find out how much area is required to render a string of text, provided a horizontal maximum limit at
which the text is wrapped.
• void jfont_get_em_dimensions (t_jfont ∗font, double ∗width, double ∗height)
Given a font, find out the width and height of the 'M' character.
• t_max_err jfont_getfontlist (long ∗count, t_symbol ∗∗∗list)
Get a list of font names.
• long jbox_get_font_weight (t_object ∗b)
Get the slant box's font.
• long jbox_get_font_slant (t_object ∗b)
Get the slant box's font.
• const char ∗ systemfontname ()
Retrieve the name of Max's system font.
• const char ∗ systemfontname_bold ()
Retrieve the name of Max's bold system font.
• const char ∗ systemfontname_light ()
Retrieve the name of Max's light system font.
• t_symbol ∗ systemfontsym ()
Retrieve the name of Max's system font as a symbol.

36.57.1 Detailed Description

36.57.2 Enumeration Type Documentation enum t_jgraphics_font_slant

Enumeration of slanting options for font display.


JGRAPHICS_FONT_SLANT_NORMAL Normal slanting (typically this means no slanting)

JGRAPHICS_FONT_SLANT_ITALIC Italic slanting. enum t_jgraphics_font_weight

Enumeration of font weight options for font display.




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36.57 JFont 607

36.57.3 Function Documentation long jbox_get_font_slant ( t_object ∗ b )

Get the slant box's font.

b An object's box.


A value from the t_jgraphics_font_slant enum. long jbox_get_font_weight ( t_object ∗ b )

Get the slant box's font.

b An object's box.


A value from the t_jgraphics_font_weight enum. t_jfont∗ jfont_create ( const char ∗ family, t_jgraphics_font_slant slant, t_jgraphics_font_weight weight,
double size )

Create a new font object.

family The name of the font family (e.g. Arial).
slant The type of slant for the font.
weight The type of weight for the font.
size The size of the font.


The new font object. void jfont_destroy ( t_jfont ∗ font )

Release or free a font object.

font The font object to release. void jfont_extents ( t_jfont ∗ font, t_jgraphics_font_extents ∗ extents )

Get extents of this font.

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608 Module Documentation

font The font object.
extents The font extents upon return/ void jfont_get_em_dimensions ( t_jfont ∗ font, double ∗ width, double ∗ height )

Given a font, find out the width and height of the 'M' character.
This is equivalent to jfont_text_measure(font, "M", width, height) but is faster.
font The font object.
width The address of a variable to hold the width upon return.
height The address of a variable to hold the height upon return. t_symbol∗ jfont_get_family ( t_jfont ∗ font )

Get the name of the font family (e.g.

font The font object.


A t_symbol representing the name of the font family. double jfont_get_font_size ( t_jfont ∗ font )

Get the size of a font object.

font The font object.


The size of the font. t_jgraphics_font_slant jfont_get_slant ( t_jfont ∗ font )

Get the slant of the font.

font The font object.


The current slant setting for the font. char jfont_get_underline ( t_jfont ∗ font )

Get the underline state of a font object.

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36.57 JFont 609

font The font object.


Nonzero value if the font will be underlined. t_jgraphics_font_weight jfont_get_weight ( t_jfont ∗ font )

Get the weight of the font.

font The font object.


The current weight setting for the font. t_max_err jfont_getfontlist ( long ∗ count, t_symbol ∗∗∗ list )

Get a list of font names.

count The addres of a variable to hold the count of font names in list upon return.
list The address of a t_symbol∗∗ initialized to NULL. Upon return this will be set to an array of
count t_symbol pointers. This array should be freed using sysmem_freeptr() when you are
done with it.


A Max error code. long jfont_isequalto ( t_jfont ∗ font, t_jfont ∗ other )

Compare two fonts to see if they are equivalent.

font The first font object that is being compared.
other The second font object that is being compared.


Nonzero value if the two fonts are equivalent. t_jfont∗ jfont_reference ( t_jfont ∗ font )

Create new reference to an existing font object.

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610 Module Documentation

font The font object for which to obtain a reference.


The new font object reference. void jfont_set_family ( t_jfont ∗ font, t_symbol ∗ family )

Set the name of the font family (e.g.

font The font object.
family A t_symbol containing the name of the desired font family. void jfont_set_font_size ( t_jfont ∗ font, double size )

Set the size of a font object.

font The font object.
size The new size for the font object. void jfont_set_slant ( t_jfont ∗ font, t_jgraphics_font_slant slant )

Set the slant of the font.

font The font object
slant The desired slant. void jfont_set_underline ( t_jfont ∗ font, char ul )

Set the underlining of a font object.

font The font object.
ul Pass true to underline, or false for no underlining. void jfont_set_weight ( t_jfont ∗ font, t_jgraphics_font_weight weight )

Set the weight of the font.


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36.57 JFont 611

font The font object

weight The desired weight (e.g. bold). void jfont_text_measure ( t_jfont ∗ font, const char ∗ utf8, double ∗ width, double ∗ height )

Given a font, find out how much area is required to render a string of text.
font The font object.
utf8 The text whose rendering will be measured.
width The address of a variable to hold the width upon return.
height The address of a variable to hold the height upon return. void jfont_text_measuretext_wrapped ( t_jfont ∗ font, const char ∗ utf8, double wrapwidth, long
includewhitespace, double ∗ width, double ∗ height, long ∗ numlines )

Given a font, find out how much area is required to render a string of text, provided a horizontal maximum limit at
which the text is wrapped.
font The font object.
utf8 The text whose rendering will be measured.
wrapwidth The maximum width, above which text should wrap onto a new line.
includewhites- If non-zero, include whitespace in the measurement.
width The address of a variable to hold the width upon return.
height The address of a variable to hold the height upon return.
numlines The address of a variable to hold the number of lines of text after wrapping upon return. const char∗ systemfontname ( )

Retrieve the name of Max's system font.


The name of Max's system font. const char∗ systemfontname_bold ( )

Retrieve the name of Max's bold system font.


The name of Max's bold system font. const char∗ systemfontname_light ( )

Retrieve the name of Max's light system font.


The name of Max's light system font.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

612 Module Documentation t_symbol∗ systemfontsym ( )

Retrieve the name of Max's system font as a symbol.


The name of Max's system font.

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36.58 JGraphics Matrix Transformations 613

36.58 JGraphics Matrix Transformations

The t_jmatrix is one way to represent a transformation.

Collaboration diagram for JGraphics Matrix Transformations:

JGraphics JGraphics Matrix Transformations

Data Structures

• struct t_jmatrix
An affine transformation (such as scale, shear, etc).


• void jgraphics_matrix_init (t_jmatrix ∗x, double xx, double yx, double xy, double yy, double x0, double y0)
Set a t_jmatrix to an affine transformation.
• void jgraphics_matrix_init_identity (t_jmatrix ∗x)
Modify a matrix to be an identity transform.
• void jgraphics_matrix_init_translate (t_jmatrix ∗x, double tx, double ty)
Initialize a t_jmatrix to translate (offset) a point.
• void jgraphics_matrix_init_scale (t_jmatrix ∗x, double sx, double sy)
Initialize a t_jmatrix to scale (offset) a point.
• void jgraphics_matrix_init_rotate (t_jmatrix ∗x, double radians)
Initialize a t_jmatrix to rotate (offset) a point.
• void jgraphics_matrix_translate (t_jmatrix ∗x, double tx, double ty)
Apply a translation to an existing matrix.
• void jgraphics_matrix_scale (t_jmatrix ∗x, double sx, double sy)
Apply a scaling to an existing matrix.
• void jgraphics_matrix_rotate (t_jmatrix ∗x, double radians)
Apply a rotation to an existing matrix.
• void jgraphics_matrix_invert (t_jmatrix ∗x)
Invert an existing matrix.
• void jgraphics_matrix_multiply (t_jmatrix ∗result, const t_jmatrix ∗a, const t_jmatrix ∗b)
Multiply two matrices: resulting matrix has effect of first applying a and then applying b.
• void jgraphics_matrix_transform_point (const t_jmatrix ∗matrix, double ∗x, double ∗y)
Transform a point using a t_jmatrix transormation.

36.58.1 Detailed Description

The t_jmatrix is one way to represent a transformation.

You can use the t_jmatrix in the call to jgraphics_transform(), jgraphics_setmatrix(), and jgraphics_pattern_set_←-
matrix for specifying transformations.

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614 Module Documentation

36.58.2 Function Documentation void jgraphics_matrix_init ( t_jmatrix ∗ x, double xx, double yx, double xy, double yy, double x0, double y0 )

Set a t_jmatrix to an affine transformation.



given x,y the matrix specifies the following transformation:

1 xnew = xx * x + xy * y + x0;
2 ynew = yx * x + yy * y + y0; void jgraphics_matrix_init_identity ( t_jmatrix ∗ x )

Modify a matrix to be an identity transform.

x The t_jmatrix. void jgraphics_matrix_init_rotate ( t_jmatrix ∗ x, double radians )

Initialize a t_jmatrix to rotate (offset) a point.

x The t_jmatrix.
radians The angle or rotation in radians. void jgraphics_matrix_init_scale ( t_jmatrix ∗ x, double sx, double sy )

Initialize a t_jmatrix to scale (offset) a point.

x The t_jmatrix.
sx The horizontal scale factor.
sy The vertical scale factor. void jgraphics_matrix_init_translate ( t_jmatrix ∗ x, double tx, double ty )

Initialize a t_jmatrix to translate (offset) a point.

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36.58 JGraphics Matrix Transformations 615

x The t_jmatrix.
tx The amount of x-axis translation.
ty The amount of y-axis translation. void jgraphics_matrix_invert ( t_jmatrix ∗ x )

Invert an existing matrix.

x The t_jmatrix. void jgraphics_matrix_multiply ( t_jmatrix ∗ result, const t_jmatrix ∗ a, const t_jmatrix ∗ b )

Multiply two matrices: resulting matrix has effect of first applying a and then applying b.
result The resulting product t_jmatrix.
a The first operand.
b The second operand. void jgraphics_matrix_rotate ( t_jmatrix ∗ x, double radians )

Apply a rotation to an existing matrix.

x The t_jmatrix.
radians The angle or rotation in radians. void jgraphics_matrix_scale ( t_jmatrix ∗ x, double sx, double sy )

Apply a scaling to an existing matrix.

x The t_jmatrix.
sx The horizontal scale factor.
sy The vertical scale factor. void jgraphics_matrix_transform_point ( const t_jmatrix ∗ matrix, double ∗ x, double ∗ y )

Transform a point using a t_jmatrix transormation.

matrix The t_jmatrix.
x The address of the variable holding the x coordinate.

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616 Module Documentation

y The address of the variable holding the y coordinate. void jgraphics_matrix_translate ( t_jmatrix ∗ x, double tx, double ty )

Apply a translation to an existing matrix.

x The t_jmatrix.
tx The amount of x-axis translation.
ty The amount of y-axis translation.

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36.59 JPattern 617

36.59 JPattern

A pattern is like a brush that is used to fill a path with.

Collaboration diagram for JPattern:

JGraphics JPattern


• typedef struct _jpattern t_jpattern

An instance of a jgraphics pattern.

36.59.1 Detailed Description

A pattern is like a brush that is used to fill a path with.

It could be a solid color but it could also be an image. You can draw to a surface and then from that surface create a
pattern that can be used to fill another surface. For example, jgraphics_patter_create_for_surface(). There are also
gradients: see jgraphics_pattern_create_linear() and jgraphics_pattern_create_radial().

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618 Module Documentation

36.60 Colors

Collaboration diagram for Colors:

JGraphics Colors

Data Structures

• struct t_jrgb
A color composed of red, green, and blue components.
• struct t_jrgba
A color composed of red, green, blue, and alpha components.


• void jrgba_to_atoms (t_jrgba ∗c, t_atom ∗argv)

Get the components of a color in an array of pre-allocated atoms.
• t_max_err atoms_to_jrgba (long argc, t_atom ∗argv, t_jrgba ∗c)
Set the components of a color by providing an array of atoms.
• void jrgba_set (t_jrgba ∗prgba, double r, double g, double b, double a)
Set the components of a color.
• void jrgba_copy (t_jrgba ∗dest, t_jrgba ∗src)
Copy a color.
• long jrgba_compare (t_jrgba ∗rgba1, t_jrgba ∗rgba2)
Compare two colors for equality.
• t_max_err jrgba_attr_get (t_jrgba ∗jrgba, long ∗argc, t_atom ∗∗argv)
Get the value of a t_jrgba struct, returned as an array of atoms with the values for each component.
• t_max_err jrgba_attr_set (t_jrgba ∗jrgba, long argc, t_atom ∗argv)
Set the value of a t_jrgba struct, given an array of atoms with the values to use.

36.60.1 Detailed Description

36.60.2 Function Documentation t_max_err atoms_to_jrgba ( long argc, t_atom ∗ argv, t_jrgba ∗ c )

Set the components of a color by providing an array of atoms.

If it is an array of 3 atoms, then the atoms provided should define the red, green, and blue components (in this
order) in a range of [0.0, 1.0]. If a 4th atom is provided, it will define the alpha channel. If the alpha channel is not
defined then it is assumed to be 1.0.

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36.60 Colors 619

argc The number of atoms in the array provided in argv. This should be 3 or 4 depending on
whether or not the alpha channel is being provided.
argv The address to the first of an array of atoms that define the color.
c The address of a t_jrgba struct for which the color will be defined.


A Max error code. t_max_err jrgba_attr_get ( t_jrgba ∗ jrgba, long ∗ argc, t_atom ∗∗ argv )

Get the value of a t_jrgba struct, returned as an array of atoms with the values for each component.
jrgba The color struct whose color will be retrieved.
argc The address of a variable that will be set with the number of atoms in the argv array. The
returned value should be 4. The value of the int should be set to 0 prior to calling this function.
argv The address of a t_atom pointer that will receive the a new array of atoms set to the values of
the jrgba struct. The pointer should be set to NULL prior to calling this function. There should
be 4 atoms returned, representing alpha, red, green, and blue components. When you are
done using the atoms, you are responsible for freeing the pointer using sysmem_freeptr().


This function returns the error code MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, or one of the other error codes defined
in e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful. t_max_err jrgba_attr_set ( t_jrgba ∗ jrgba, long argc, t_atom ∗ argv )

Set the value of a t_jrgba struct, given an array of atoms with the values to use.
jrgba The color struct whose color will be set.
argc The number of atoms in the array. This must be 4.
argv The address of the first of the atoms in the array. There must be 4 atoms, representing alpha,
red, green, and blue components.


This function returns the error code MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, or one of the other error codes defined
in e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful. long jrgba_compare ( t_jrgba ∗ rgba1, t_jrgba ∗ rgba2 )

Compare two colors for equality.


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620 Module Documentation

rgba1 The address of a t_jrgba struct to compare.

rgba2 The address of another t_jrgba struct to compare.


returns 1 if rgba1 == rgba2. void jrgba_copy ( t_jrgba ∗ dest, t_jrgba ∗ src )

Copy a color.
dest The address of a t_jrgba struct to which the color will be copied.
src The address of a t_jrgba struct from which the color will be copied. void jrgba_set ( t_jrgba ∗ prgba, double r, double g, double b, double a )

Set the components of a color.

prgba The address of a t_jrgba struct for which the color will be defined.
r The value of the red component in a range of [0.0, 1.0].
g The value of the green component in a range of [0.0, 1.0].
b The value of the blue component in a range of [0.0, 1.0].
a The value of the alpha component in a range of [0.0, 1.0]. void jrgba_to_atoms ( t_jrgba ∗ c, t_atom ∗ argv )

Get the components of a color in an array of pre-allocated atoms.

argv The address to the first of an array of atoms that will hold the result. At least 4 atoms must
be allocated, as 4 atoms will be set by this function for the red, green, blue, and alpha com-
c The address of a t_jrgba struct from which the color components will be fetched.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.61 Styles 621

36.61 Styles

Styles provide a means by which to inherit attribute values from a patcher that are consistently used across many
Collaboration diagram for Styles:

JGraphics Styles


• #define FILL_ATTR_SAVE
Flag indicating we want this fill attribute saved (creates attrs).
• #define CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_RGBA_NOSAVE(c, attrname, flags, structname, structmember, label)
Define an RGBA style attribute with standard settings.
• #define CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_RGBA(c, attrname, flags, structname, structmember, label)
Define an RGBA style attribute with standard settings.
• #define CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_RGBA_PREVIEW(c, attrname, flags, structname, structmember, label, pre-
Define an RGBA style attribute with standard settings.
• #define CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_ALIAS_NOSAVE(c, attrname, aliasname)
Define an unsaved alias.
• #define CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_ALIAS_COMPATIBILITY(c, attrname, aliasname)
Define a Max 5/6 saved compatibility alias.
• #define CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_ALIAS_RGBA_LEGACY(c, attrname, aliasname)
Define a Max 4 legacy RGB attribute alias.


• BEGIN_USING_C_LINKAGE void class_attr_setstyle (t_class ∗c, const char ∗s)

Add an attribute to the current style.
• void class_attr_style_alias (t_class ∗c, const char ∗name, const char ∗aliasname, long legacy)
Add an alias to the current style.
• void class_attr_setfill (t_class ∗c, const char ∗name, long flags)
Specify that an attr requires a fill.
• void jgraphics_attr_fillrect (t_object ∗b, t_jgraphics ∗g, t_symbol ∗attrname, t_rect ∗area)
Fill using the current value of a named style color that exists either in the object or the defined style.
• t_jpattern ∗ jgraphics_attr_setfill (t_object ∗b, t_jgraphics ∗g, t_symbol ∗attrname, t_rect ∗area)
Fill using the current value of a named style color that exists either in the object or the defined style.
• void object_attr_getfillcolor_atposition (t_object ∗b, const char ∗attrname, double pos, t_jrgba ∗c)
Determine the color at a given position in a fill.
• long object_attr_getfill (t_object ∗obj, t_symbol ∗attrname)
Determine if an attribute is a fill.
• void class_attr_stylemap (t_class ∗c, char ∗attrname, char ∗mapname)
Associate the name of an attribute of your class with the name of an attribute of a style.

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622 Module Documentation

36.61.1 Detailed Description

Styles provide a means by which to inherit attribute values from a patcher that are consistently used across many

36.61.2 Macro Definition Documentation #define CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_ALIAS_COMPATIBILITY( c, attrname, aliasname )

Define a Max 5/6 saved compatibility alias.

c The class whose attribute will be added to the style.
attrname The name of the attribute of your class.
aliasname The name of the alias. #define CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_ALIAS_NOSAVE( c, attrname, aliasname )

Define an unsaved alias.

c The class whose attribute will be added to the style.
attrname The name of the attribute of your class.
aliasname The name of the alias.

See also

'jslider' example project in the SDK. #define CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_ALIAS_RGBA_LEGACY( c, attrname, aliasname )

Define a Max 4 legacy RGB attribute alias.

c The class whose attribute will be added to the style.
attrname The name of the attribute of your class.
aliasname The name of the alias.

See also

'jslider' example project in the SDK. #define CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_RGBA( c, attrname, flags, structname, structmember, label )

Define an RGBA style attribute with standard settings.

c The class whose attribute will be added to the style.

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36.61 Styles 623

attrname The name of the attribute of your class.

flags Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
structname The C identifier for the struct (containing a valid t_object header) representing an instance of
this class.
structmember The C identifier of the member in the struct that holds the value of this attribute.
label A human-friendly label for the Max inspector.

See also

CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_RGBA_NOSAVE is a variant that does not save the state with the Patcher.
CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_RGBA_PREVIEW is a variant that provides a style preview.
class_attr_setstyle() is the lower level function used to provide the style part of the attribute definition. #define CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_RGBA_NOSAVE( c, attrname, flags, structname, structmember, label )

Define an RGBA style attribute with standard settings.

c The class whose attribute will be added to the style.
attrname The name of the attribute of your class.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
structname The C identifier for the struct (containing a valid t_object header) representing an instance of
this class.
structmember The C identifier of the member in the struct that holds the value of this attribute.
label A human-friendly label for the Max inspector.

See also

CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_RGBA is a variant that saves the state with the Patcher.

CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_RGBA_PREVIEW is a variant that provides a style preview.
class_attr_setstyle() is the lower level function used to provide the style part of the attribute definition. #define CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_RGBA_PREVIEW( c, attrname, flags, structname, structmember, label,

previewtype )

Define an RGBA style attribute with standard settings.

c The class whose attribute will be added to the style.
attrname The name of the attribute of your class.
flags Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in e_max_attrflags.
structname The C identifier for the struct (containing a valid t_object header) representing an instance of
this class.
structmember The C identifier of the member in the struct that holds the value of this attribute.
label A human-friendly label for the Max inspector.
previewtype Type of preview to use in the style bar, e.g. "triangle_fill"

See also

CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_RGBA_NOSAVE is a variant that does not save the state with the Patcher.
CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_RGBA is a variant that saves the state with the Patcher but does not provide the
class_attr_setstyle() is the lower level function used to provide the style part of the attribute definition.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

624 Module Documentation #define FILL_ATTR_SAVE

Flag indicating we want this fill attribute saved (creates attrs).

See also

The 'uitextfield' example project in the SDK.

36.61.3 Function Documentation void class_attr_setfill ( t_class ∗ c, const char ∗ name, long flags )

Specify that an attr requires a fill.

c The class whose attribute is a fill.
name The name of the attribute.
flags 0 for none, or FILL_ATTR_SAVE.

See also

The 'uitextfield' example project in the SDK. BEGIN_USING_C_LINKAGE void class_attr_setstyle ( t_class ∗ c, const char ∗ s )

Add an attribute to the current style.

c The class whose attribute will be added to the style.
s The name of the attribute to be added to the style.

See also

The 'uitextfield' example project in the SDK. void class_attr_style_alias ( t_class ∗ c, const char ∗ name, const char ∗ aliasname, long legacy )

Add an alias to the current style.

This is used for backward compatibility where an attribute using an old name will want a style applied to it from a
different name. Typically you will use one of the macros such as CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_ALIAS_NOSAVE rather
than using this function directly.
c The class for whom the alias will be created.
name The name of the attribute of the style.
aliasname The name of the alias.
legacy Always pass 0 for this argument.

See also

The 'jslider' project in the SDK.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.61 Styles 625 void class_attr_stylemap ( t_class ∗ c, char ∗ attrname, char ∗ mapname )

Associate the name of an attribute of your class with the name of an attribute of a style.

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626 Module Documentation

c The class whose attribute will be added to the style.
attrname The name of the attribute of your class.
mapname The name of the attribute from the style.

See also

'jslider' example project in the SDK. void jgraphics_attr_fillrect ( t_object ∗ b, t_jgraphics ∗ g, t_symbol ∗ attrname, t_rect ∗ area )

Fill using the current value of a named style color that exists either in the object or the defined style.
Abdridged example from the 'attrui' object:

1 long is_fill = object_attr_getfill(destination, x->j_attr);

3 if (is_fill) {
4 jgraphics_attr_fillrect((t_object *)destination, g, x->j_attr, rect);
5 jgraphics_rectangle(g, rect->x, rect->y, rect->width, rect->height); // ready to be stroked
6 }
7 else {
8 object_attr_getjrgba(destination, x->j_attr, &color);
9 jgraphics_set_source_jrgba(g, &color);
10 jgraphics_rectangle(g, rect->x, rect->y, rect->width, rect->height);
11 jgraphics_fill_preserve(g);
12 }
14 jgraphics_set_source_jrgba(g, &bordercolor);
15 jgraphics_stroke(g);

b The instance of your object.
g The jgraphics context.
attrname The name of the attribute whose fill style you want.
area The rect area to be filled. t_jpattern∗ jgraphics_attr_setfill ( t_object ∗ b, t_jgraphics ∗ g, t_symbol ∗ attrname, t_rect ∗ area )

Fill using the current value of a named style color that exists either in the object or the defined style.
Example from the 'panel' object:

1 t_rect r;
3 r.x = r.y = thick * 0.5;
4 r.width = rect->width - thick;
5 r.height = rect->height - thick;
7 pat = jgraphics_attr_setfill((t_object *)x, g, ps_bgfillcolor, &r);
8 jgraphics_rectangle_rounded(g, r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height, round, round);
9 jgraphics_fill_preserve(g);
10 jgraphics_pattern_destroy(pat);
12 object_attr_getjrgba(x, ps_bordercolor, &color);
13 jgraphics_set_source_jrgba(g, &color);
14 jgraphics_set_line_width(g, thick);
15 jgraphics_stroke(g);

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36.61 Styles 627

b The instance of your object.
g The jgraphics context.
attrname The name of the attribute whose fill style you want.
area The rect area to be filled.


The pattern. long object_attr_getfill ( t_object ∗ obj, t_symbol ∗ attrname )

Determine if an attribute is a fill.

obj The instance of your object.
attrname The name of the attribute to query.


true if the object is a fill, otherwise false. void object_attr_getfillcolor_atposition ( t_object ∗ b, const char ∗ attrname, double pos, t_jrgba ∗ c )

Determine the color at a given position in a fill.

b The instance of your object.
attrname The name of the attribute to query.
pos The position in a range of [0.0, 1.0].
c A valid t_jrgba whose members will be filled-in upon return.


true if the object is a fill, otherwise false.

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628 Module Documentation

36.62 TextField

The textfield is a high-level text display object that may be used by a UI object to represent text in a patcher.
Collaboration diagram for TextField:

JGraphics TextField


• t_object ∗ textfield_get_owner (t_object ∗tf)

Return the object that owns a particular textfield.
• t_max_err textfield_get_textcolor (t_object ∗tf, t_jrgba ∗prgba)
Retrieve the color of the text in a textfield.
• t_max_err textfield_set_textcolor (t_object ∗tf, t_jrgba ∗prgba)
Set the color of the text in a textfield.
• t_max_err textfield_get_bgcolor (t_object ∗tf, t_jrgba ∗prgba)
Retrieve the background color of a textfield.
• t_max_err textfield_set_bgcolor (t_object ∗tf, t_jrgba ∗prgba)
Set the background color of a textfield.
• t_max_err textfield_get_textmargins (t_object ∗tf, double ∗pleft, double ∗ptop, double ∗pright, double
Retrieve the margins from the edge of the textfield to the text itself in a textfield.
• t_max_err textfield_set_textmargins (t_object ∗tf, double left, double top, double right, double bottom)
Set the margins from the edge of the textfield to the text itself in a textfield.
• char textfield_get_editonclick (t_object ∗tf)
Return the value of the 'editonclick' attribute of a textfield.
• t_max_err textfield_set_editonclick (t_object ∗tf, char c)
Set the 'editonclick' attribute of a textfield.
• char textfield_get_selectallonedit (t_object ∗tf)
Return the value of the 'selectallonedit' attribute of a textfield.
• t_max_err textfield_set_selectallonedit (t_object ∗tf, char c)
Set the 'selectallonedit' attribute of a textfield.
• char textfield_get_noactivate (t_object ∗tf)
Return the value of the 'noactivate' attribute of a textfield.
• t_max_err textfield_set_noactivate (t_object ∗tf, char c)
Set the 'noactivate' attribute of a textfield.
• char textfield_get_readonly (t_object ∗tf)
Return the value of the 'readonly' attribute of a textfield.
• t_max_err textfield_set_readonly (t_object ∗tf, char c)
Set the 'readonly' attribute of a textfield.
• char textfield_get_wordwrap (t_object ∗tf)
Return the value of the 'wordwrap' attribute of a textfield.
• t_max_err textfield_set_wordwrap (t_object ∗tf, char c)

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36.62 TextField 629

Set the 'wordwrap' attribute of a textfield.

• char textfield_get_useellipsis (t_object ∗tf)
Return the value of the 'useellipsis' attribute of a textfield.
• t_max_err textfield_set_useellipsis (t_object ∗tf, char c)
Set the 'useellipsis' attribute of a textfield.
• char textfield_get_autoscroll (t_object ∗tf)
Return the value of the 'autoscroll' attribute of a textfield.
• t_max_err textfield_set_autoscroll (t_object ∗tf, char c)
Set the 'autoscroll' attribute of a textfield.
• char textfield_get_wantsreturn (t_object ∗tf)
Return the value of the 'wantsreturn' attribute of a textfield.
• t_max_err textfield_set_wantsreturn (t_object ∗tf, char c)
Set the 'wantsreturn' attribute of a textfield.
• char textfield_get_wantstab (t_object ∗tf)
Return the value of the 'wantstab' attribute of a textfield.
• t_max_err textfield_set_wantstab (t_object ∗tf, char c)
Set the 'wantstab' attribute of a textfield.
• char textfield_get_underline (t_object ∗tf)
Return the value of the 'underline' attribute of a textfield.
• t_max_err textfield_set_underline (t_object ∗tf, char c)
Set the 'underline' attribute of a textfield.
• t_max_err textfield_set_emptytext (t_object ∗tf, t_symbol ∗txt)
Set the 'empty' text of a textfield.
• t_symbol ∗ textfield_get_emptytext (t_object ∗tf)
Retrieve the 'empty' text of a textfield.

36.62.1 Detailed Description

The textfield is a high-level text display object that may be used by a UI object to represent text in a patcher.
It is built on the lower-level TextLayout

36.62.2 Function Documentation char textfield_get_autoscroll ( t_object ∗ tf )

Return the value of the 'autoscroll' attribute of a textfield.

tf The textfield instance pointer.


A value of the attribute. t_max_err textfield_get_bgcolor ( t_object ∗ tf, t_jrgba ∗ prgba )

Retrieve the background color of a textfield.

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630 Module Documentation

tf The textfield instance pointer.
prgba The address of a valid t_jrgba whose values will be filled-in upon return.


A Max error code. char textfield_get_editonclick ( t_object ∗ tf )

Return the value of the 'editonclick' attribute of a textfield.

tf The textfield instance pointer.


A value of the attribute. t_symbol∗ textfield_get_emptytext ( t_object ∗ tf )

Retrieve the 'empty' text of a textfield.

The empty text is the text that is displayed in the textfield when no text is present. By default this is gensym("").
tf The textfield instance pointer.


The current text used as the empty text. char textfield_get_noactivate ( t_object ∗ tf )

Return the value of the 'noactivate' attribute of a textfield.

tf The textfield instance pointer.


A value of the attribute. t_object∗ textfield_get_owner ( t_object ∗ tf )

Return the object that owns a particular textfield.


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36.62 TextField 631

tf The textfield instance pointer.


A pointer to the owning object. char textfield_get_readonly ( t_object ∗ tf )

Return the value of the 'readonly' attribute of a textfield.

tf The textfield instance pointer.


A value of the attribute. char textfield_get_selectallonedit ( t_object ∗ tf )

Return the value of the 'selectallonedit' attribute of a textfield.

tf The textfield instance pointer.


A value of the attribute. t_max_err textfield_get_textcolor ( t_object ∗ tf, t_jrgba ∗ prgba )

Retrieve the color of the text in a textfield.

tf The textfield instance pointer.
prgba The address of a valid t_jrgba whose values will be filled-in upon return.


A Max error code. t_max_err textfield_get_textmargins ( t_object ∗ tf, double ∗ pleft, double ∗ ptop, double ∗ pright, double ∗
pbottom )

Retrieve the margins from the edge of the textfield to the text itself in a textfield.
tf The textfield instance pointer.

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632 Module Documentation

pleft The address of a variable to hold the value of the left margin upon return.
ptop The address of a variable to hold the value of the top margin upon return.
pright The address of a variable to hold the value of the right margin upon return.
pbottom The address of a variable to hold the value of the bottom margin upon return.


A Max error code. char textfield_get_underline ( t_object ∗ tf )

Return the value of the 'underline' attribute of a textfield.

tf The textfield instance pointer.


A value of the attribute. char textfield_get_useellipsis ( t_object ∗ tf )

Return the value of the 'useellipsis' attribute of a textfield.

tf The textfield instance pointer.


A value of the attribute. char textfield_get_wantsreturn ( t_object ∗ tf )

Return the value of the 'wantsreturn' attribute of a textfield.

tf The textfield instance pointer.


A value of the attribute. char textfield_get_wantstab ( t_object ∗ tf )

Return the value of the 'wantstab' attribute of a textfield.


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36.62 TextField 633

tf The textfield instance pointer.


A value of the attribute. char textfield_get_wordwrap ( t_object ∗ tf )

Return the value of the 'wordwrap' attribute of a textfield.

tf The textfield instance pointer.


A value of the attribute. t_max_err textfield_set_autoscroll ( t_object ∗ tf, char c )

Set the 'autoscroll' attribute of a textfield.

tf The textfield instance pointer.
c The new value for the attribute.


A Max error code. t_max_err textfield_set_bgcolor ( t_object ∗ tf, t_jrgba ∗ prgba )

Set the background color of a textfield.

tf The textfield instance pointer.
prgba The address of a t_jrgba containing the new color to use.


A Max error code. t_max_err textfield_set_editonclick ( t_object ∗ tf, char c )

Set the 'editonclick' attribute of a textfield.

tf The textfield instance pointer.

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634 Module Documentation

c The new value for the attribute.


A Max error code. t_max_err textfield_set_emptytext ( t_object ∗ tf, t_symbol ∗ txt )

Set the 'empty' text of a textfield.

The empty text is the text that is displayed in the textfield when no text is present. By default this is gensym("").
tf The textfield instance pointer.
txt A symbol containing the new text to display when the textfield has no content.


A Max error code. t_max_err textfield_set_noactivate ( t_object ∗ tf, char c )

Set the 'noactivate' attribute of a textfield.

tf The textfield instance pointer.
c The new value for the attribute.


A Max error code. t_max_err textfield_set_readonly ( t_object ∗ tf, char c )

Set the 'readonly' attribute of a textfield.

tf The textfield instance pointer.
c The new value for the attribute.


A Max error code. t_max_err textfield_set_selectallonedit ( t_object ∗ tf, char c )

Set the 'selectallonedit' attribute of a textfield.

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36.62 TextField 635

tf The textfield instance pointer.
c The new value for the attribute.


A Max error code. t_max_err textfield_set_textcolor ( t_object ∗ tf, t_jrgba ∗ prgba )

Set the color of the text in a textfield.

tf The textfield instance pointer.
prgba The address of a t_jrgba containing the new color to use.


A Max error code. t_max_err textfield_set_textmargins ( t_object ∗ tf, double left, double top, double right, double bottom )

Set the margins from the edge of the textfield to the text itself in a textfield.
tf The textfield instance pointer.
left The new value for the left margin.
top The new value for the top margin.
right The new value for the right margin.
bottom The new value for the bottom margin.


A Max error code. t_max_err textfield_set_underline ( t_object ∗ tf, char c )

Set the 'underline' attribute of a textfield.

tf The textfield instance pointer.
c The new value for the attribute.


A Max error code. t_max_err textfield_set_useellipsis ( t_object ∗ tf, char c )

Set the 'useellipsis' attribute of a textfield.

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636 Module Documentation

tf The textfield instance pointer.
c The new value for the attribute.


A Max error code. t_max_err textfield_set_wantsreturn ( t_object ∗ tf, char c )

Set the 'wantsreturn' attribute of a textfield.

tf The textfield instance pointer.
c The new value for the attribute.


A Max error code. t_max_err textfield_set_wantstab ( t_object ∗ tf, char c )

Set the 'wantstab' attribute of a textfield.

tf The textfield instance pointer.
c The new value for the attribute.


A Max error code. t_max_err textfield_set_wordwrap ( t_object ∗ tf, char c )

Set the 'wordwrap' attribute of a textfield.

tf The textfield instance pointer.
c The new value for the attribute.


A Max error code.

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36.63 TextLayout 637

36.63 TextLayout

A textlayout is lower-level text rendering object used by higher-level entities such as TextField.
Collaboration diagram for TextLayout:

JGraphics TextLayout


• enum t_jgraphics_textlayout_flags { JGRAPHICS_TEXTLAYOUT_NOWRAP, JGRAPHICS_TEXTLAYOU←-

Flags for setting text layout options.


• t_jtextlayout ∗ jtextlayout_create ()
Create a new textlayout object.
• t_jtextlayout ∗ jtextlayout_withbgcolor (t_jgraphics ∗g, t_jrgba ∗bgcolor)
Create a new textlayout object.
• void jtextlayout_destroy (t_jtextlayout ∗textlayout)
Release/free a textlayout object.
• void jtextlayout_set (t_jtextlayout ∗textlayout, const char ∗utf8, t_jfont ∗jfont, double x, double y, double width,
double height, t_jgraphics_text_justification justification, t_jgraphics_textlayout_flags flags)
Set the text and attributes of a textlayout object.
• void jtextlayout_settext (t_jtextlayout ∗textlayout, const char ∗utf8, t_jfont ∗jfont)
Set the text of a textlayout object.
• void jtextlayout_settextcolor (t_jtextlayout ∗textlayout, t_jrgba ∗textcolor)
Set the color to render text in a textlayout object.
• void jtextlayout_measuretext (t_jtextlayout ∗textlayout, long startindex, long numchars, long includewhites-
pace, double ∗width, double ∗height, long ∗numlines)
Return a measurement of how much space will be required to draw the text of a textlayout.
• void jtextlayout_draw (t_jtextlayout ∗tl, t_jgraphics ∗g)
Draw a textlayout in a given graphics context.
• long jtextlayout_getnumchars (t_jtextlayout ∗tl)
Retrieve a count of the number of characters in a textlayout object.
• t_max_err jtextlayout_getcharbox (t_jtextlayout ∗tl, long index, t_rect ∗rect)
Retrieve the t_rect containing a character at a given index.
• t_max_err jtextlayout_getchar (t_jtextlayout ∗tl, long index, long ∗pch)
Retrieve the unicode character at a given index.
• t_jpath ∗ jtextlayout_createpath (t_jtextlayout ∗tl)
Create a t_jpath object representing the text layout.

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638 Module Documentation

36.63.1 Detailed Description

A textlayout is lower-level text rendering object used by higher-level entities such as TextField.

36.63.2 Enumeration Type Documentation enum t_jgraphics_textlayout_flags

Flags for setting text layout options.



JGRAPHICS_TEXTLAYOUT_USEELLIPSIS show ... if a line doesn't fit (implies NOWRAP too)

36.63.3 Function Documentation t_jtextlayout∗ jtextlayout_create ( )

Create a new textlayout object.


The new textlayout object. t_jpath∗ jtextlayout_createpath ( t_jtextlayout ∗ tl )

Create a t_jpath object representing the text layout.

tl The textlayout object to retrieve a path for.


A t_jpath. When finished with the path free it with jgraphics_path_destroy. void jtextlayout_destroy ( t_jtextlayout ∗ textlayout )

Release/free a textlayout object.

textlayout The textlayout object to release. void jtextlayout_draw ( t_jtextlayout ∗ tl, t_jgraphics ∗ g )

Draw a textlayout in a given graphics context.


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36.63 TextLayout 639

tl The textlayout object to query.

g The graphics context in which to draw the text. t_max_err jtextlayout_getchar ( t_jtextlayout ∗ tl, long index, long ∗ pch )

Retrieve the unicode character at a given index.

tl The textlayout object to query.
index The index from which to fetch the unicode character.
pch The address of a variable to hold the unicode character value upon return.


A Max error code. t_max_err jtextlayout_getcharbox ( t_jtextlayout ∗ tl, long index, t_rect ∗ rect )

Retrieve the t_rect containing a character at a given index.

tl The textlayout object to query.
index The index from which to fetch the unicode character.
rect The address of a valid t_rect which will be filled in upon return.


A Max error code. long jtextlayout_getnumchars ( t_jtextlayout ∗ tl )

Retrieve a count of the number of characters in a textlayout object.

tl The textlayout object to query.


The number of characters. void jtextlayout_measuretext ( t_jtextlayout ∗ textlayout, long startindex, long numchars, long includewhitespace,
double ∗ width, double ∗ height, long ∗ numlines )

Return a measurement of how much space will be required to draw the text of a textlayout.
textlayout The textlayout object to query.

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640 Module Documentation

startindex You can measure a subset of the characters. This defines the character from which to start.
numchars Pass -1 for all characters from startindex to end
includewhites- Define whether to measure with or without whitespace truncated from edges.
width Returns the width of text not including any margins.
height Returns the height of text not including any margins.
numlines Returns the number of lines of text. void jtextlayout_set ( t_jtextlayout ∗ textlayout, const char ∗ utf8, t_jfont ∗ jfont, double x, double y, double
width, double height, t_jgraphics_text_justification justification, t_jgraphics_textlayout_flags flags )

Set the text and attributes of a textlayout object.

textlayout The textlayout object.
utf8 The text to render.
jfont The font with which to render the text.
x The text is placed within rect specified by x, y, width, height.
y The text is placed within rect specified by x, y, width, height.
width The text is placed within rect specified by x, y, width, height.
height The text is placed within rect specified by x, y, width, height.
justification How to justify the text within the rect.
flags Additional flags to control behaviour. void jtextlayout_settext ( t_jtextlayout ∗ textlayout, const char ∗ utf8, t_jfont ∗ jfont )

Set the text of a textlayout object.

textlayout The textlayout object.
utf8 The text to render.
jfont The font with which to render the text. void jtextlayout_settextcolor ( t_jtextlayout ∗ textlayout, t_jrgba ∗ textcolor )

Set the color to render text in a textlayout object.

textlayout The textlayout object for which to set the color.
textcolor The color for the text. t_jtextlayout∗ jtextlayout_withbgcolor ( t_jgraphics ∗ g, t_jrgba ∗ bgcolor )

Create a new textlayout object.

This gives a hint to the textlayout as to what the text bgcolor will be. It won't actually paint the bg for you. But, it
does let it do a better job.

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36.63 TextLayout 641

g The graphics context for the textlayout.
bgcolor The background color for the textlayout.


The new textlayout object.

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642 Module Documentation

36.64 Popup Menus

Popup menu API so externals can create popup menus that can also be drawn into.
Collaboration diagram for Popup Menus:

JGraphics Popup Menus


• t_jpopupmenu ∗ jpopupmenu_create ()
Create a pop-up menu.
• void jpopupmenu_destroy (t_jpopupmenu ∗menu)
Free a pop-up menu created with jpopupmenu_create().
• void jpopupmenu_clear (t_jpopupmenu ∗menu)
Clear the conents of a pop-up menu.
• void jpopupmenu_setcolors (t_jpopupmenu ∗menu, t_jrgba text, t_jrgba bg, t_jrgba highlightedtext, t_jrgba
Set the colors used by a pop-up menu.
• void jpopupmenu_setfont (t_jpopupmenu ∗menu, t_jfont ∗font)
Set the font used by a pop-up menu.
• void jpopupmenu_additem (t_jpopupmenu ∗menu, int itemid, const char ∗utf8Text, t_jrgba ∗textColor, int
checked, int disabled, t_jsurface ∗icon)
Add an item to a pop-up menu.
• void jpopupmenu_addsubmenu (t_jpopupmenu ∗menu, const char ∗utf8Name, t_jpopupmenu ∗submenu, int
Add a pop-menu to another pop-menu as a submenu.
• void jpopupmenu_addseperator (t_jpopupmenu ∗menu)
Add a separator to a pop-menu.
• int jpopupmenu_popup (t_jpopupmenu ∗menu, t_pt screen, int defitemid)
Tell a menu to display at a specified location.
• int jpopupmenu_popup_abovebox (t_jpopupmenu ∗menu, t_object ∗box, t_object ∗view, int offset, int de-
Tell a menu to display above a given box in a patcher.
• int jpopupmenu_popup_nearbox (t_jpopupmenu ∗menu, t_object ∗box, t_object ∗view, int defitemid)
Tell a menu to display near a given box in a patcher.
• int jpopupmenu_popup_belowrect (t_jpopupmenu ∗menu, t_rect rect, int defitemid)
Tell a menu to display below a given rectangle in a patcher.
• int jpopupmenu_popup_aboverect (t_jpopupmenu ∗menu, t_rect rect, int defitemid)
Tell a menu to display above a given rectangle in a patcher.

36.64.1 Detailed Description

Popup menu API so externals can create popup menus that can also be drawn into.

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36.64 Popup Menus 643

36.64.2 Function Documentation void jpopupmenu_additem ( t_jpopupmenu ∗ menu, int itemid, const char ∗ utf8Text, t_jrgba ∗ textColor, int
checked, int disabled, t_jsurface ∗ icon )

Add an item to a pop-up menu.

menu The pop-up menu to which the item will be added.
itemid Each menu item should be assigned a unique integer id using this parameter.
utf8Text The text to display in for the menu item.
textColor The color to use for the menu item, or NULL to use the default color.
checked A non-zero value indicates that the item should have a check-mark next to it.
disabled A non-zero value indicates that the item should be disabled.
icon A t_jsurface will be used as an icon for the menu item if provided here. Pass NULL for no
icon. void jpopupmenu_addseperator ( t_jpopupmenu ∗ menu )

Add a separator to a pop-menu.

menu The pop-up menu to which the separator will be added. void jpopupmenu_addsubmenu ( t_jpopupmenu ∗ menu, const char ∗ utf8Name, t_jpopupmenu ∗ submenu,
int disabled )

Add a pop-menu to another pop-menu as a submenu.

menu The pop-up menu to which a menu will be added as a submenu.
utf8Name The name of the menu item.
submenu The pop-up menu which will be used as the submenu.
disabled Pass a non-zero value to disable the menu item. void jpopupmenu_clear ( t_jpopupmenu ∗ menu )

Clear the conents of a pop-up menu.

menu The pop-up menu whose contents will be cleared. t_jpopupmenu∗ jpopupmenu_create ( )

Create a pop-up menu.

Free this pop-up menu using jpopupmenu_destroy().


A pointer to the newly created jpopupmenu object.

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644 Module Documentation void jpopupmenu_destroy ( t_jpopupmenu ∗ menu )

Free a pop-up menu created with jpopupmenu_create().

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36.64 Popup Menus 645

menu The pop-up menu to be freed. int jpopupmenu_popup ( t_jpopupmenu ∗ menu, t_pt screen, int defitemid )

Tell a menu to display at a specified location.

menu The pop-up menu to display.
screen The point at which to display in screen coordinates.
defitemid The initially choosen item id.


The item id for the item in the menu choosen by the user. int jpopupmenu_popup_abovebox ( t_jpopupmenu ∗ menu, t_object ∗ box, t_object ∗ view, int offset, int
defitemid )

Tell a menu to display above a given box in a patcher.

menu The pop-up menu to display.
box The box above which to display the menu.
view The patcherview for the box in which to display the menu.
offset An offset from the box position at which to display the menu.
defitemid The initially choosen item id.


The item id for the item in the menu choosen by the user. int jpopupmenu_popup_aboverect ( t_jpopupmenu ∗ menu, t_rect rect, int defitemid )

Tell a menu to display above a given rectangle in a patcher.

menu The pop-up menu to display.
rect The rectangle above which to display the menu.
defitemid The initially choosen item id.


The item id for the item in the menu choosen by the user. int jpopupmenu_popup_belowrect ( t_jpopupmenu ∗ menu, t_rect rect, int defitemid )

Tell a menu to display below a given rectangle in a patcher.

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646 Module Documentation

menu The pop-up menu to display.
rect The rectangle below which to display the menu.
defitemid The initially choosen item id.


The item id for the item in the menu choosen by the user. int jpopupmenu_popup_nearbox ( t_jpopupmenu ∗ menu, t_object ∗ box, t_object ∗ view, int defitemid )

Tell a menu to display near a given box in a patcher.

menu The pop-up menu to display.
box The box above which to display the menu.
view The patcherview for the box in which to display the menu.
defitemid The initially choosen item id.


The item id for the item in the menu choosen by the user. void jpopupmenu_setcolors ( t_jpopupmenu ∗ menu, t_jrgba text, t_jrgba bg, t_jrgba highlightedtext,
t_jrgba highlightedbg )

Set the colors used by a pop-up menu.

menu The pop-up menu to which the colors will be applied.
text The text color for menu items.
bg The background color for menu items.
highlightedtext The text color for the highlighted menu item.
highlightedbg The background color the highlighted menu item. void jpopupmenu_setfont ( t_jpopupmenu ∗ menu, t_jfont ∗ font )

Set the font used by a pop-up menu.

menu The pop-up menu whose font will be set.
font A pointer to a font object, whose font info will be copied to the pop-up menu.

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36.65 Box Layer 647

36.65 Box Layer

The boxlayer functions provide way to make it easier to use cached offscreen images (layers) in your drawing.
Collaboration diagram for Box Layer:

JGraphics Box Layer


• t_max_err jbox_invalidate_layer (t_object ∗b, t_object ∗view, t_symbol ∗name)

Invalidate a layer, indicating that it needs to be re-drawn.
• t_jgraphics ∗ jbox_start_layer (t_object ∗b, t_object ∗view, t_symbol ∗name, double width, double height)
Create a layer, and ready it for drawing commands.
• t_max_err jbox_end_layer (t_object ∗b, t_object ∗view, t_symbol ∗name)
Conclude a layer, indicating that it is complete and ready for painting.
• t_max_err jbox_paint_layer (t_object ∗b, t_object ∗view, t_symbol ∗name, double x, double y)
Paint a layer at a given position.

36.65.1 Detailed Description

The boxlayer functions provide way to make it easier to use cached offscreen images (layers) in your drawing.
The general idea is to do something like this:

t_jgraphics *g;
g = jbox_start_layer(box, view, layername, width, height);
if (g) {
// draw to your new offscreen context here
// the second time you call jbox_start_layer() it will return NULL
// since you already drew it -- you don’t have to do drawing the second time
jbox_end_layer(box, view, layername);
jbox_paint_layer(box, view, layername, xpos, ypos);

Then, if something changes where you would need to redraw the layer you invalidate it:

jbox_invalidate_layer(box, view, layername);


jbox_invalidate_layer(box, NULL, layername); // to invalidate for all views

Each view has its own layer stored since if a patcher has multiple views each could be at a different zoom level.

36.65.2 Function Documentation t_max_err jbox_end_layer ( t_object ∗ b, t_object ∗ view, t_symbol ∗ name )

Conclude a layer, indicating that it is complete and ready for painting.

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648 Module Documentation

b The object/box for the layer opened by jbox_start_layer().
view The patcherview for the object opened by jbox_start_layer().
name The name of the layer.


A Max error code. t_max_err jbox_invalidate_layer ( t_object ∗ b, t_object ∗ view, t_symbol ∗ name )

Invalidate a layer, indicating that it needs to be re-drawn.

b The object/box to invalidate.
view The patcherview for the object which should be invalidated, or NULL for all patcherviews.
name The name of the layer to invalidate.


A Max error code. t_max_err jbox_paint_layer ( t_object ∗ b, t_object ∗ view, t_symbol ∗ name, double x, double y )

Paint a layer at a given position.

Note that the current color alpha value is used when painting layers to allow you to blend layers. The same is also
true for jgraphics_image_surface_draw() and jgraphics_image_surface_draw_fast().
b The object/box to be painted.
view The patcherview for the object which should be painted, or NULL for all patcherviews.
name The name of the layer to paint.
x The x-coordinate for the position at which to paint the layer.
y The y-coordinate for the position at which to paint the layer.


A Max error code. t_jgraphics∗ jbox_start_layer ( t_object ∗ b, t_object ∗ view, t_symbol ∗ name, double width, double height

Create a layer, and ready it for drawing commands.

The layer drawing commands must be wrapped with a matching call to jbox_end_layer() prior to calling jbox_paint←-

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36.65 Box Layer 649

b The object/box to which the layer is attached.

view The patcherview for the object to which the layer is attached.
name A name for this layer.
width The width of the layer.
height The height of the layer.


A t_jgraphics context for drawing into the layer.

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650 Module Documentation

36.66 DataView

The jdataview object provides a mechanism to display data in a tabular format.

Collaboration diagram for DataView:

User Interface DataView

Data Structures

• struct t_celldesc
A dataview cell description.
• struct t_jcolumn
A dataview column.
• struct t_jdataview
The dataview object.
• struct t_privatesortrec
used to pass data to a client sort function


• void ∗ jdataview_new (void)

Create a dataview.
• void jdataview_setclient (t_object ∗dv, t_object ∗client)
Set a dataview's client.
• t_object ∗ jdataview_getclient (t_object ∗dv)
Get a pointer to a dataview's client.

36.66.1 Detailed Description

The jdataview object provides a mechanism to display data in a tabular format.

In Max this is used internally for the implementation of the inspectors, file browser, preferences, and jit.cellblock
object, among others.
A jdataview object does not contain the information that it presents. The object you create will maintain the data
and then make the data available to the dataview using the provided api.

36.66.2 Function Documentation t_object∗ jdataview_getclient ( t_object ∗ dv )

Get a pointer to a dataview's client.

The client is the object to which the dataview will send messages to get data, notify of changes to cells, etc.

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36.66 DataView 651

dv The dataview instance.


A pointer to the dataview's client object. void∗ jdataview_new ( void )

Create a dataview.
You should free it with object_free().


A pointer to the new instance. void jdataview_setclient ( t_object ∗ dv, t_object ∗ client )

Set a dataview's client.

The client is the object to which the dataview will send messages to get data, notify of changes to cells, etc. Typically
this is the object in which you are creating the dataview.
dv The dataview instance.
client The object to be assigned as the dataview's client.

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652 Module Documentation

36.67 Unicode

Data Structures

• struct t_charset_converter
The charset_converter object.


• t_max_err charset_convert (t_symbol ∗src_encoding, const char ∗in, long inbytes, t_symbol ∗dest_encoding,
char ∗∗out, long ∗outbytes)
A convenience function that simplifies usage by wrapping the other charset functions.
• unsigned short ∗ charset_utf8tounicode (char ∗s, long ∗outlen)
Convert a UTF8 C-String into a 16-bit-wide-character array.
• char ∗ charset_unicodetoutf8 (unsigned short ∗s, long len, long ∗outlen)
Convert a 16-bit-wide-character array into a UTF C-string.
• long charset_utf8_count (char ∗utf8, long ∗bytecount)
Returns utf8 character count, and optionally bytecount.
• char ∗ charset_utf8_offset (char ∗utf8, long charoffset, long ∗byteoffset)
Returns utf8 character offset (positive or negative), and optionally byte offset.

36.67.1 Detailed Description

36.67.2 Character Encodings

Currently supported character encodings

• _sym_utf_8; // utf-8, no bom

• _sym_utf_16; // utf-16, big-endian

• _sym_utf_16be; // utf-16, big-endian

• _sym_utf_16le; // utf-16, little-endian

• _sym_iso_8859_1; // iso-8859-1 (latin-1)

• _sym_us_ascii; // us-ascii 7-bit

• _sym_ms_ansi; // ms-ansi (microsoft code page 1252)

• _sym_macroman; // mac roman

• _sym_charset_converter;

• _sym_convert;

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36.67 Unicode 653 Example Usage

t_charset_converter *conv = object_new(CLASS_NOBOX,

gensym("charset_converter"), ps_macroman, ps_ms_ansi);
char *cstr = "Text to convert";
char *cvtbuffer = NULL; // to-be-allocated data buffer
long cvtbuflen = 0; // length of buffer on output

if (conv) {
// note that it isn’t necessary to send in a 0-terminated string, although we do so here
if (object_method(conv, gensym("convert"), cstr, strlen(cstr) + 1, &cvtbuffer, &
cvtbuflen) == ERR_NONE) {
// do something with the converted buffer
sysmem_freeptr(cvtbuffer); // free newly allocated data buffer
object_free(conv); // free converter

36.67.3 Function Documentation t_max_err charset_convert ( t_symbol ∗ src_encoding, const char ∗ in, long inbytes, t_symbol ∗
dest_encoding, char ∗∗ out, long ∗ outbytes )

A convenience function that simplifies usage by wrapping the other charset functions.
src_encoding The name encoding of the input.
in The input string.
inbytes The number of bytes in the input string.
dest_encoding The name of the encoding to use for the output.
out The address of a char∗, which will be allocated and filled with the string in the new encoding.
outbytes The address of a value that will hold the number of bytes long the output is upon return.


A Max error code.


Remember to call sysmem_freeptr(∗out) to free any allocated memory. char∗ charset_unicodetoutf8 ( unsigned short ∗ s, long len, long ∗ outlen )

Convert a 16-bit-wide-character array into a UTF C-string.

Accepts either null termination, or not (len is zero in the latter case).
s An array of wide (16-bit) unicode characters.
len The length of s.
outlen The address of a variable to hold the size of the number of chars but does not include the
NULL terminator in the count.


A UTF8-encoded C-string. long charset_utf8_count ( char ∗ utf8, long ∗ bytecount )

Returns utf8 character count, and optionally bytecount.

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654 Module Documentation

utf8 The UTF-8 encoded string whose characters are to be counted.
bytecount The address of a variable to hold the byte count on return. Pass NULL if you don't require the
byte count.


The number of characters in the UTF8 string. char∗ charset_utf8_offset ( char ∗ utf8, long charoffset, long ∗ byteoffset )

Returns utf8 character offset (positive or negative), and optionally byte offset.
utf8 A UTF-8 encoded string.
charoffset The char offset into the string at which to find the byte offset.
byteoffset The address of a variable to hold the byte offset on return. Pass NULL if you don't require the
byte offset.


The character offset. unsigned short∗ charset_utf8tounicode ( char ∗ s, long ∗ outlen )

Convert a UTF8 C-String into a 16-bit-wide-character array.

s The string to be converted to unicode.
outlen The address of a variable to hold the size of the number of chars but does not include the
NULL terminator in the count.


A pointer to the buffer of unicode (wide) characters.

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36.68 Atom Module 655

36.68 Atom Module

Collaboration diagram for Atom Module:

Jitter Atom Module


• t_jit_err jit_atom_setlong (t_atom ∗a, t_atom_long b)

Sets atom value to long integer.
• t_jit_err jit_atom_setfloat (t_atom ∗a, double b)
Sets atom value to floating point number.
• t_jit_err jit_atom_setsym (t_atom ∗a, t_symbol ∗b)
Sets atom value to symbol.
• t_jit_err jit_atom_setobj (t_atom ∗a, void ∗b)
Sets atom value to object pointer.
• t_atom_long jit_atom_getlong (t_atom ∗a)
Retrieves atom value as long integer.
• double jit_atom_getfloat (t_atom ∗a)
Retrieves atom value as floating point number.
• t_symbol ∗ jit_atom_getsym (t_atom ∗a)
Retrieves atom value as symbol pointer.
• void ∗ jit_atom_getobj (t_atom ∗a)
Retrieves atom value as object pointer.
• long jit_atom_getcharfix (t_atom ∗a)
Retrieves atom value as an 8 bit fixed point number.
• long jit_atom_arg_getlong (t_atom_long ∗c, long idx, long ac, t_atom ∗av)
Retrieves atom argument at index as long integer if present.
• long jit_atom_arg_getfloat (float ∗c, long idx, long ac, t_atom ∗av)
Retrieves atom argument at index as floating point number if present.
• long jit_atom_arg_getdouble (double ∗c, long idx, long ac, t_atom ∗av)
Retrieves atom argument at index as double precision floating point number if present.
• long jit_atom_arg_getsym (t_symbol ∗∗c, long idx, long ac, t_atom ∗av)
Retrieves atom argument at index as symbol pointer if present.

36.68.1 Detailed Description

36.68.2 Function Documentation long jit_atom_arg_getdouble ( double ∗ c, long idx, long ac, t_atom ∗ av )

Retrieves atom argument at index as double precision floating point number if present.
This function is useful for setting the values only if there is an argument at the specified index, otherwise, the input
value is untouched.

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656 Module Documentation

c pointer to double (should contain desired default)
idx atom argument index
ac atom argument count
av atom argument vector


t_jit_err error code. JIT_ERR_NONE if successful.

References atom_arg_getdouble().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_atom_arg_getdouble atom_arg_getdouble long jit_atom_arg_getfloat ( float ∗ c, long idx, long ac, t_atom ∗ av )

Retrieves atom argument at index as floating point number if present.

This function is useful for setting the values only if there is an argument at the specified index, otherwise, the input
value is untouched.
c pointer to float (should contain desired default)
idx atom argument index
ac atom argument count
av atom argument vector


t_jit_err error code. JIT_ERR_NONE if successful.

References atom_arg_getfloat().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_atom_arg_getfloat atom_arg_getfloat

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36.68 Atom Module 657 long jit_atom_arg_getlong ( t_atom_long ∗ c, long idx, long ac, t_atom ∗ av )

Retrieves atom argument at index as long integer if present.

This function is useful for setting the values only if there is an argument at the specified index, otherwise, the input
value is untouched.
c pointer to long (should contain desired default)
idx atom argument index
ac atom argument count
av atom argument vector


t_jit_err error code. JIT_ERR_NONE if successful.

References atom_arg_getlong().
Referenced by max_jit_mop_matrix_args().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_atom_arg_getlong atom_arg_getlong long jit_atom_arg_getsym ( t_symbol ∗∗ c, long idx, long ac, t_atom ∗ av )

Retrieves atom argument at index as symbol pointer if present.

This function is useful for setting the values only if there is an argument at the specified index, otherwise, the input
value is untouched.
c pointer to symbol pointer (should contain desired default)
idx atom argument index
ac atom argument count
av atom argument vector

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658 Module Documentation


t_jit_err error code. JIT_ERR_NONE if successful.

References atom_arg_getsym().
Referenced by max_jit_mop_matrix_args().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_atom_arg_getsym atom_arg_getsym long jit_atom_getcharfix ( t_atom ∗ a )

Retrieves atom value as an 8 bit fixed point number.

a atom pointer


8 bit fixed point value in the range 0-255. 0 if atom has no numeric value.

References atom_getcharfix().
Referenced by jit_matrix_fillplane(), jit_matrix_setall(), and jit_matrix_setcell().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_atom_getcharfix atom_getcharfix double jit_atom_getfloat ( t_atom ∗ a )

Retrieves atom value as floating point number.


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36.68 Atom Module 659

a atom pointer


floating point value. 0 if atom has no numeric value.

References atom_getfloat().
Referenced by jit_matrix_fillplane(), jit_matrix_setall(), and jit_matrix_setcell().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_atom_getfloat atom_getfloat long jit_atom_getlong ( t_atom ∗ a )

Retrieves atom value as long integer.

a atom pointer


long integer value. 0 if atom has no numeric value.

Referenced by jit_matrix_exprfill(), jit_matrix_fillplane(), jit_matrix_getcell(), jit_matrix_setall(), jit_matrix_setcell(),

jit_matrix_setcell1d(), jit_matrix_setcell2d(), jit_matrix_setcell3d(), jit_matrix_setplane1d(), jit_matrix_setplane2d(),
and jit_matrix_setplane3d(). void∗ jit_atom_getobj ( t_atom ∗ a )

Retrieves atom value as object pointer.

a atom pointer


object pointer. NULL if atom has no object value.

References atom_getobj().
Referenced by jit_matrix_setcell().

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660 Module Documentation

Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_atom_getobj atom_getobj t_symbol ∗ jit_atom_getsym ( t_atom ∗ a )

Retrieves atom value as symbol pointer.

a atom pointer


symbol pointer. _jit_sym_nothing if atom has no symbolic value.

Referenced by jit_matrix_exprfill(), jit_matrix_jit_gl_texture(), jit_matrix_op(), jit_matrix_setcell(), and max_jit_mop←-

_jit_matrix(). t_jit_err jit_atom_setfloat ( t_atom ∗ a, double b )

Sets atom value to floating point number.

a atom pointer
b floating point value


t_jit_err error code.

References atom_setfloat().
Referenced by jit_matrix_getcell().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_atom_setfloat atom_setfloat

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36.68 Atom Module 661 t_jit_err jit_atom_setlong ( t_atom ∗ a, t_atom_long b )

Sets atom value to long integer.

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662 Module Documentation

a atom pointer
b integer value


t_jit_err error code.

Referenced by jit_matrix_getcell(), jit_matrix_setcell1d(), jit_matrix_setcell2d(), jit_matrix_setcell3d(), jit_matrix_←-

setplane1d(), jit_matrix_setplane2d(), jit_matrix_setplane3d(), and jit_ob3d_draw_chunk(). t_jit_err jit_atom_setobj ( t_atom ∗ a, void ∗ b )

Sets atom value to object pointer.

a atom pointer
b object pointer


t_jit_err error code.

References atom_setobj().
Referenced by jit_gl_begincapture(), jit_matrix_getcell(), and jit_matrix_jit_gl_texture().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_atom_setobj atom_setobj t_jit_err jit_atom_setsym ( t_atom ∗ a, t_symbol ∗ b )

Sets atom value to symbol.

a atom pointer
b symbol value


t_jit_err error code.

References atom_setsym().
Referenced by jit_matrix_getcell(), jit_matrix_setcell1d(), jit_matrix_setcell2d(), jit_matrix_setcell3d(), jit_matrix_←-
setplane1d(), jit_matrix_setplane2d(), jit_matrix_setplane3d(), jit_mop_single_type(), jit_ob3d_new(), jit_object_←-
exportattrs(), and max_jit_mop_outputmatrix().

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36.68 Atom Module 663

Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_atom_setsym atom_setsym

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664 Module Documentation

36.69 Attribute Module

Collaboration diagram for Attribute Module:

Jitter Attribute Module

Data Structures

• struct t_jit_attribute
t_jit_attribute object struct.
• struct t_jit_attr_offset
t_jit_attr_offset object struct.
• struct t_jit_attr_offset_array
t_jit_attr_offset_array object struct.
• struct t_jit_attr_filter_clip
t_jit_attr_filter_clip object struct.
• struct t_jit_attr_filter_proc
t_jit_attr_filter_proc object struct.
• struct t_jit_attr
Common attribute struct.


• t_symbol ∗ jit_attr_getname (t_jit_attr ∗x)

Retrieves attribute name.
• t_symbol ∗ jit_attr_gettype (t_jit_attr ∗x)
Retrieves attribute type.
• t_atom_long jit_attr_canget (t_jit_attr ∗x)
Retrieves attribute gettable flag.
• t_atom_long jit_attr_canset (t_jit_attr ∗x)
Retrieves attribute settable flag.
• t_atom_long jit_attr_usercanget (t_jit_attr ∗x)
Retrieves attribute user gettable flag.
• t_atom_long jit_attr_usercanset (t_jit_attr ∗x)
Retrieves attribute user settable flag.
• method jit_attr_getmethod (t_jit_attr ∗x, t_symbol ∗methodname)
Retrieves attribute getter or setter method.
• t_jit_err jit_attr_filterget (t_jit_attr ∗x, void ∗y)
Sets attribute getter filter.
• t_jit_err jit_attr_filterset (t_jit_attr ∗x, void ∗y)
Sets attribute setter filter.
• t_jit_err jit_attr_get (t_jit_attr ∗x, void ∗parent, long ∗ac, t_atom ∗∗av)
Calls attribute getter to retrieve from parent object.

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36.69 Attribute Module 665

• t_jit_err jit_attr_set (t_jit_attr ∗x, void ∗parent, long ac, t_atom ∗av)
Calls attribute setter to set in parent object.
• t_jit_object ∗ jit_attribute_new (char ∗name, t_symbol ∗type, long flags, method mget, method mset)
Constructs instance of t_jit_attribute.
• t_jit_object ∗ jit_attr_offset_new (char ∗name, t_symbol ∗type, long flags, method mget, method mset, long
Constructs instance of t_jit_attr_offset.
• t_jit_object ∗ jit_attr_offset_array_new (char ∗name, t_symbol ∗type, long size, long flags, method mget,
method mset, long offsetcount, long offset)
Constructs instance of t_jit_attr_offset_array.
• t_jit_object ∗ jit_attr_filter_clip_new (void)
Constructs instance of t_jit_attr_filter_clip.
• t_jit_object ∗ jit_attr_filter_proc_new (method proc)
Constructs instance of t_jit_attr_filter_proc.
• t_atom_long jit_attr_getlong (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s)
Retrieves attribute value as a long integer value.
• t_jit_err jit_attr_setlong (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, t_atom_long c)
Sets attribute value as a long integer value.
• t_atom_float jit_attr_getfloat (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s)
Retrieves attribute value as a floating point value.
• t_jit_err jit_attr_setfloat (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, t_atom_float c)
Sets attribute value as a floating point value.
• t_symbol ∗ jit_attr_getsym (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s)
Retrieves attribute value as a symbol value.
• t_jit_err jit_attr_setsym (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, t_symbol ∗c)
Sets attribute value as a symbol value.
• long jit_attr_getlong_array (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, long max, t_atom_long ∗vals)
Retrieves attribute value as an array of long integer values.
• t_jit_err jit_attr_setlong_array (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, long count, t_atom_long ∗vals)
Sets attribute value as an array of long integer values.
• long jit_attr_getchar_array (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, long max, uchar ∗vals)
Retrieves attribute value as an array of char values.
• t_jit_err jit_attr_setchar_array (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, long count, uchar ∗vals)
Sets attribute value as an array of char values.
• long jit_attr_getfloat_array (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, long max, float ∗vals)
Retrieves attribute value as an array of floating point values.
• t_jit_err jit_attr_setfloat_array (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, long count, float ∗vals)
Sets attribute value as an array of floating point values.
• long jit_attr_getdouble_array (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, long max, double ∗vals)
Retrieves attribute value as an array of double precision floating point values.
• t_jit_err jit_attr_setdouble_array (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, long count, double ∗vals)
Sets attribute value as an array of double precision floating point values.
• long jit_attr_getsym_array (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, long max, t_symbol ∗∗vals)
Retrieves attribute value as an array of symbol values.
• t_jit_err jit_attr_setsym_array (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, long count, t_symbol ∗∗vals)
Sets attribute value as an array of symbol values.
• long jit_attr_symcompare (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗name)
Compares symbol name with name provided.

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666 Module Documentation

36.69.1 Detailed Description

36.69.2 Function Documentation t_atom_long jit_attr_canget ( t_jit_attr ∗ x )

Retrieves attribute gettable flag.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.69 Attribute Module 667

x attribute object pointer


gettable flag


This function is not exported, but is provided for reference when calling via jit_object_method on an intance of
any attribute obejct.

References t_jit_attr::flags, and JIT_ATTR_GET_OPAQUE. t_atom_long jit_attr_canset ( t_jit_attr ∗ x )

Retrieves attribute settable flag.

x attribute object pointer


settable flag


This function is not exported, but is provided for reference when calling via jit_object_method on an intance of
any attribute obejct.

References t_jit_attr::flags, and JIT_ATTR_SET_OPAQUE. t_jit_object ∗ jit_attr_filter_clip_new ( void )

Constructs instance of t_jit_attr_filter_clip.


t_jit_attr_filter_clip object pointer


This function is not exported, but is provided for reference when calling via jit_object_new.

References _jit_sym_float64, t_jit_attr_filter_clip::max, t_jit_attr_filter_clip::min, t_jit_attr_filter_clip::scale, t_jit_←-

attr_filter_clip::type, t_jit_attr_filter_clip::usemax, t_jit_attr_filter_clip::usemin, and t_jit_attr_filter_clip::usescale. t_jit_object ∗ jit_attr_filter_proc_new ( method proc )

Constructs instance of t_jit_attr_filter_proc.

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668 Module Documentation

proc filter procedure


t_jit_attr_filter_clip object pointer


This function is not exported, but is provided for reference when calling via jit_object_new.

References t_jit_attr_filter_proc::proc. t_jit_err jit_attr_filterget ( t_jit_attr ∗ x, void ∗ y )

Sets attribute getter filter.

x attribute object pointer
y getter filter object


t_jit_err error code


This function is not exported, but is provided for reference when calling via jit_object_method on an intance of
any attribute obejct.

References _jit_sym_filter, t_jit_attr::filterget, and jit_object_getmethod().

Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_attr_filterget jit_object_getmethod object_getmethod t_jit_err jit_attr_filterset ( t_jit_attr ∗ x, void ∗ y )

Sets attribute setter filter.

x attribute object pointer
y setter filter object


t_jit_err error code

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.69 Attribute Module 669


This function is not exported, but is provided for reference when calling via jit_object_method on an intance of
any attribute obejct.

References _jit_sym_filter, t_jit_attr::filterset, and jit_object_getmethod().

Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_attr_filterset jit_object_getmethod object_getmethod t_jit_err jit_attr_get ( t_jit_attr ∗ x, void ∗ parent, long ∗ ac, t_atom ∗∗ av )

Calls attribute getter to retrieve from parent object.

x attribute object pointer
parent target object pointer
ac pointer to argument count
av pointer to argument vector


t_jit_err error code


This function is not exported, but is provided for reference when calling via jit_object_method on an intance of
any attribute obejct.

References t_jit_attr::filterget, and t_jit_attr::get. long jit_attr_getchar_array ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, long max, uchar ∗ vals )

Retrieves attribute value as an array of char values.

x object pointer
s attribute name
max maximum number of values to copy
vals pointer to retrieved values


number of values retrieved.

References object_attr_get(), and object_attr_getchar_array().

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

670 Module Documentation

Here is the call graph for this function:


_array long jit_attr_getdouble_array ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, long max, double ∗ vals )

Retrieves attribute value as an array of double precision floating point values.

x object pointer
s attribute name
max maximum number of values to copy
vals pointer to retrieved values


number of values retrieved.

References object_attr_get(), and object_attr_getdouble_array().

Here is the call graph for this function:

_array t_atom_float jit_attr_getfloat ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s )

Retrieves attribute value as a floating point value.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.69 Attribute Module 671

x object pointer
s attribute name


floating point value

References object_attr_get(), and object_attr_getfloat().

Here is the call graph for this function:

object_attr_getfloat long jit_attr_getfloat_array ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, long max, float ∗ vals )

Retrieves attribute value as an array of floating point values.

x object pointer
s attribute name
max maximum number of values to copy
vals pointer to retrieved values


number of values retrieved.

References object_attr_get(), and object_attr_getfloat_array().

Here is the call graph for this function:



Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

672 Module Documentation t_atom_long jit_attr_getlong ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s )

Retrieves attribute value as a long integer value.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.69 Attribute Module 673

x object pointer
s attribute name


long integer value

References object_attr_get(), and object_attr_getlong().

Referenced by max_jit_classex_mop_wrap(), max_jit_mop_adapt_matrix_all(), max_jit_mop_clear(), max_jit←-
_mop_free(), max_jit_mop_getoutputmode(), max_jit_mop_inputs(), max_jit_mop_jit_matrix(), max_jit_mop_←-
matrix_args(), max_jit_mop_notify(), max_jit_mop_outputmatrix(), and max_jit_mop_outputs().
Here is the call graph for this function:

object_attr_getlong long jit_attr_getlong_array ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, long max, t_atom_long ∗ vals )

Retrieves attribute value as an array of long integer values.

x object pointer
s attribute name
max maximum number of values to copy
vals pointer to retrieved values

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

674 Module Documentation


number of values retrieved.

References object_attr_get(), and object_attr_getlong_array().

Here is the call graph for this function:


_array method jit_attr_getmethod ( t_jit_attr ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ methodname )

Retrieves attribute getter or setter method.

x attribute object pointer
methodname "get" or "set" symbol


getter or setter method


This function is not exported, but is provided for reference when calling via jit_object_method on an intance of
any attribute obejct.

References _jit_sym_get, _jit_sym_set, t_jit_attr::filterget, t_jit_attr::filterset, t_jit_attr::get, and t_jit_attr::set. t_symbol ∗ jit_attr_getname ( t_jit_attr ∗ x )

Retrieves attribute name.

x attribute object pointer


attribute name


This function is not exported, but is provided for reference when calling via jit_object_method on an intance of
any attribute obejct.

References _jit_sym_nothing, and t_jit_attr::name.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.69 Attribute Module 675 t_symbol∗ jit_attr_getsym ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s )

Retrieves attribute value as a symbol value.

x object pointer
s attribute name


symbol value

References object_attr_get(), and object_attr_getsym().

Referenced by jit_mop_io_restrict_type(), jit_ob3d_free(), jit_ob3d_new(), max_jit_classex_mop_wrap(), max_jit_←-
mop_assist(), max_jit_mop_free(), max_jit_mop_notify(), max_jit_mop_outputmatrix(), max_jit_ob3d_attach(), and
Here is the call graph for this function:

object_attr_getsym long jit_attr_getsym_array ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, long max, t_symbol ∗∗ vals )

Retrieves attribute value as an array of symbol values.

x object pointer
s attribute name
max maximum number of values to copy
vals pointer to retrieved values

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676 Module Documentation


number of values retrieved.

References object_attr_get(), and object_attr_getsym_array().

Here is the call graph for this function:


_array t_symbol ∗ jit_attr_gettype ( t_jit_attr ∗ x )

Retrieves attribute type.

x attribute object pointer


attribute type


This function is not exported, but is provided for reference when calling via jit_object_method on an intance of
any attribute obejct.

References _jit_sym_nothing, and t_jit_attr::type. t_jit_object ∗ jit_attr_offset_array_new ( char ∗ name, t_symbol ∗ type, long size, long flags, method mget,
method mset, long offsetcount, long offset )

Constructs instance of t_jit_attr_offset_array.

name attribute name
type data type
size maximum size
flags privacy flags
mget getter method

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36.69 Attribute Module 677

mset setter method

offsetcount byte offset to count struct member (if zero, remain fixed size with max size)
offset byte offset to array struct member


t_jit_attr_offset_array object pointer


This function is not exported, but is provided for reference when calling via jit_object_new.

References t_jit_attr_offset_array::filterget, t_jit_attr_offset_array::filterset, t_jit_attr_offset_array::flags, gensym(),

t_jit_attr_offset_array::get, t_jit_attr_offset_array::name, t_jit_attr_offset_array::offset, t_jit_attr_offset_array←-
::offsetcount, t_jit_attr_offset_array::reserved, t_jit_attr_offset_array::set, t_jit_attr_offset_array::size, and t_jit←-
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_attr_offset_array_new gensym t_jit_object ∗ jit_attr_offset_new ( char ∗ name, t_symbol ∗ type, long flags, method mget, method mset,
long offset )

Constructs instance of t_jit_attr_offset.

name attribute name
type data type
flags privacy flags
mget getter method
mset setter method
offset byte offset to struct member


t_jit_attr_offset object pointer


This function is not exported, but is provided for reference when calling via jit_object_new.

References t_jit_attr_offset::filterget, t_jit_attr_offset::filterset, t_jit_attr_offset::flags, gensym(), t_jit_attr_offset::get,

t_jit_attr_offset::name, t_jit_attr_offset::offset, t_jit_attr_offset::reserved, t_jit_attr_offset::set, and t_jit_attr_offset←-

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678 Module Documentation

Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_attr_offset_new gensym t_jit_err jit_attr_set ( t_jit_attr ∗ x, void ∗ parent, long ac, t_atom ∗ av )

Calls attribute setter to set in parent object.

x attribute object pointer
parent target object pointer
ac argument count
av argument vector


t_jit_err error code


This function is not exported, but is provided for reference when calling via jit_object_method on an intance of
any attribute obejct.

References t_jit_attr::filterset, and t_jit_attr::set. t_jit_err jit_attr_setchar_array ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, long count, uchar ∗ vals )

Sets attribute value as an array of char values.

x object pointer
s attribute name
count number of values
vals pointer to values

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.69 Attribute Module 679


t_jit_err error code.

References jit_err_from_max_err(), object_attr_get(), and object_attr_setchar_array().

Here is the call graph for this function:


jit_attr_setchar_array object_attr_get

_array t_jit_err jit_attr_setdouble_array ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, long count, double ∗ vals )

Sets attribute value as an array of double precision floating point values.

x object pointer
s attribute name
count number of values
vals pointer to values


t_jit_err error code.

References jit_err_from_max_err(), object_attr_get(), and object_attr_setdouble_array().

Here is the call graph for this function:


jit_attr_setdouble object_attr_get


Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

680 Module Documentation t_jit_err jit_attr_setfloat ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, t_atom_float c )

Sets attribute value as a floating point value.

x object pointer
s attribute name
c value


t_jit_err error code.

References jit_err_from_max_err(), object_attr_get(), and object_attr_setfloat().

Here is the call graph for this function:


jit_attr_setfloat object_attr_get

object_attr_setfloat t_jit_err jit_attr_setfloat_array ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, long count, float ∗ vals )

Sets attribute value as an array of floating point values.

x object pointer
s attribute name
count number of values
vals pointer to values

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36.69 Attribute Module 681


t_jit_err error code.

References jit_err_from_max_err(), object_attr_get(), and object_attr_setfloat_array().

Here is the call graph for this function:


jit_attr_setfloat_array object_attr_get

_array t_jit_err jit_attr_setlong ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, t_atom_long c )

Sets attribute value as a long integer value.

x object pointer
s attribute name
c value


t_jit_err error code.

Referenced by jit_mop_input_nolink(), jit_mop_output_nolink(), jit_mop_single_planecount(), and max_jit_mop_←-

matrix_args(). t_jit_err jit_attr_setlong_array ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, long count, t_atom_long ∗ vals )

Sets attribute value as an array of long integer values.

x object pointer
s attribute name
count number of values
vals pointer to values

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

682 Module Documentation


t_jit_err error code.

References jit_err_from_max_err(), object_attr_get(), and object_attr_setlong_array().

Here is the call graph for this function:


jit_attr_setlong_array object_attr_get

_array t_jit_err jit_attr_setsym ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, t_symbol ∗ c )

Sets attribute value as a symbol value.

x object pointer
s attribute name
c value


t_jit_err error code.

References jit_err_from_max_err(), object_attr_get(), and object_attr_setsym().

Referenced by jit_matrix_exprfill(), jit_matrix_op(), jit_mop_new(), jit_ob3d_free(), jit_ob3d_new(), max_jit_mop_←-
free(), max_jit_mop_inputs(), max_jit_mop_jit_matrix(), max_jit_mop_notify(), and max_jit_mop_outputs().

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.69 Attribute Module 683

Here is the call graph for this function:


jit_attr_setsym object_attr_get

object_attr_setsym t_jit_err jit_attr_setsym_array ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, long count, t_symbol ∗∗ vals )

Sets attribute value as an array of symbol values.

x object pointer
s attribute name
count number of values
vals pointer to values


t_jit_err error code.

References jit_err_from_max_err(), object_attr_get(), and object_attr_setsym_array().

Here is the call graph for this function:


jit_attr_setsym_array object_attr_get


Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

684 Module Documentation long jit_attr_symcompare ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ name )

Compares symbol name with name provided.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.69 Attribute Module 685

x attribute object pointer
name attribute name


1 if equal, 0 if not equal

References _jit_sym_getname, and object_method().

Referenced by max_jit_obex_attr_get(), and max_jit_obex_attr_set().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_attr_symcompare object_method t_atom_long jit_attr_usercanget ( t_jit_attr ∗ x )

Retrieves attribute user gettable flag.

x attribute object pointer


user gettable flag


This function is not exported, but is provided for reference when calling via jit_object_method on an intance of
any attribute obejct.

References t_jit_attr::flags, and JIT_ATTR_GET_OPAQUE_USER. t_atom_long jit_attr_usercanset ( t_jit_attr ∗ x )

Retrieves attribute user settable flag.

x attribute object pointer


user settable flag

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

686 Module Documentation


This function is not exported, but is provided for reference when calling via jit_object_method on an intance of
any attribute obejct.

References t_jit_attr::flags, and JIT_ATTR_SET_OPAQUE_USER. t_jit_object ∗ jit_attribute_new ( char ∗ name, t_symbol ∗ type, long flags, method mget, method mset )

Constructs instance of t_jit_attribute.

name attribute name
type data type
flags privacy flags
mget getter method
mset setter method


t_jit_attribute object pointer


This function is not exported, but is provided for reference when calling via jit_object_new.

References t_jit_attribute::data, t_jit_attribute::filterget, t_jit_attribute::filterset, t_jit_attribute::flags, gensym(), t_←-

jit_attribute::get, t_jit_attribute::name, t_jit_attribute::reserved, t_jit_attribute::set, t_jit_attribute::size, and t_jit_←-
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_attribute_new gensym

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.70 Binary Module 687

36.70 Binary Module

Collaboration diagram for Binary Module:

Jitter Binary Module


• t_jit_err jit_bin_read_header (t_filehandle fh, t_uint32 ∗version, t_int32 ∗filesize)

Reads the header of a JXF binary file.

• t_jit_err jit_bin_read_chunk_info (t_filehandle fh, t_uint32 ∗ckid, t_int32 ∗cksize)

Reads the the info of a chunk from a JXF binary file.

• t_jit_err jit_bin_write_header (t_filehandle fh, t_int32 filesize)

Writes the header of a JXF binary file.

• t_jit_err jit_bin_read_matrix (t_filehandle fh, void ∗matrix)

Reads matrix data from a JXF binary file.

• t_jit_err jit_bin_write_matrix (t_filehandle fh, void ∗matrix)

Writes a matrix to a JXF binary file.

36.70.1 Detailed Description

36.70.2 Function Documentation t_jit_err jit_bin_read_chunk_info ( t_filehandle fh, t_uint32 ∗ ckid, t_int32 ∗ cksize )

Reads the the info of a chunk from a JXF binary file.

fh t_filehandle file handle
cksize the size of the chunk

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688 Module Documentation


t_jit_err error code.

References SYSFILE_FROMMARK, sysfile_read(), and sysfile_setpos().

Here is the call graph for this function:

sysfile_setpos t_jit_err jit_bin_read_header ( t_filehandle fh, t_uint32 ∗ version, t_int32 ∗ filesize )

Reads the header of a JXF binary file.

fh t_filehandle file handle
version version of the binary file format (ie JIT_BIN_VERSION_1)
filesize the size of the file


t_jit_err error code.

References SYSFILE_FROMSTART, sysfile_read(), and sysfile_setpos().

Here is the call graph for this function:

sysfile_setpos t_jit_err jit_bin_read_matrix ( t_filehandle fh, void ∗ matrix )

Reads matrix data from a JXF binary file.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.70 Binary Module 689

fh t_filehandle file handle
matrix the matrix data


t_jit_err error code.

References _jit_sym_char, _jit_sym_float32, _jit_sym_float64, _jit_sym_getdata, _jit_sym_getinfo, _jit_sym_lock,

_jit_sym_long, _jit_sym_setinfo, t_jit_matrix_info::dim, t_jit_matrix_info::dimcount, t_jit_matrix_info::flags, gensym(),
JIT_MATRIX_MAX_DIMCOUNT, t_jit_matrix_info::planecount, sysfile_read(), and t_jit_matrix_info::type.
Here is the call graph for this function:

sysfile_read t_jit_err jit_bin_write_header ( t_filehandle fh, t_int32 filesize )

Writes the header of a JXF binary file.

fh t_filehandle file handle
filesize the size of the file


t_jit_err error code.

References SYSFILE_FROMSTART, sysfile_setpos(), and sysfile_write().

Here is the call graph for this function:


Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

690 Module Documentation t_jit_err jit_bin_write_matrix ( t_filehandle fh, void ∗ matrix )

Writes a matrix to a JXF binary file.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.70 Binary Module 691

fh t_filehandle file handle
matrix the matrix data


t_jit_err error code.

References _jit_sym_char, _jit_sym_float32, _jit_sym_float64, _jit_sym_long, t_jit_matrix_info::dim, t_jit_matrix_←-

info::dimcount, gensym(), JIT_MATRIX_MAX_DIMCOUNT, t_jit_matrix_info::planecount, sysfile_write(), and t_jit←-
Here is the call graph for this function:


Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

692 Module Documentation

36.71 Class Module

Collaboration diagram for Class Module:

Jitter Class Module


• t_max_err class_copy (t_symbol ∗src_name_space, t_symbol ∗src_classname, t_symbol ∗dst_name_space,

t_symbol ∗dst_classname)
Duplicates a previously registered object class, and registers a copy of this class.
• void ∗ jit_class_new (C74_CONST char ∗name, method mnew, method mfree, long size,...)
Creates a new class with the name specified by the name argument.
• t_jit_err jit_class_addmethod (void ∗c, method m, const char ∗name,...)
Adds a named method to a class.
• t_jit_err jit_class_addattr (void ∗c, t_jit_object ∗attr)
Adds an attribute to a class.
• t_jit_err jit_class_addadornment (void ∗c, t_jit_object ∗o)
Adds an adornment to a class.
• t_jit_err jit_class_addinterface (void ∗c, void ∗interfaceclass, long byteoffset, long flags)
Adds an interface to a class.
• void ∗ jit_class_adornment_get (void ∗c, t_symbol ∗classname)
Retrieves an adornment from a class.
• t_jit_err jit_class_free (void ∗c)
Frees a class.
• t_symbol ∗ jit_class_nameget (void ∗c)
Retrieves the name of a class.
• long jit_class_symcompare (void ∗c, t_symbol ∗name)
Compares name of class with the name provided.
• t_jit_err jit_class_register (void ∗c)
Registers class in the class registry.
• method jit_class_method (void ∗c, t_symbol ∗methodname)
Retrieves method function pointer for named method.
• t_messlist ∗ jit_class_mess (t_jit_class ∗c, t_symbol ∗methodname)
Retrieves messlist entry for named method.
• void ∗ jit_class_attr_get (void ∗c, t_symbol ∗attrname)
Retrieves attribute pointer associated with name provided.
• void ∗ jit_class_findbyname (t_symbol ∗classname)
Retrieves class pointer associated with name provided.
• t_jit_err jit_class_addtypedwrapper (void ∗c, method m, char ∗name,...)
Adds a typed wrapper method to a class.
• t_messlist ∗ jit_class_typedwrapper_get (void ∗c, t_symbol ∗s)
Retrieves typed wrapper messlist pointer associated with name provided.
• t_jit_err jit_class_method_addargsafe (void ∗c, char ∗argname, char ∗methodname)

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.71 Class Module 693

Marks a method as safe to call as an attribute style argument.

• t_symbol ∗ jit_class_method_argsafe_get (void ∗c, t_symbol ∗s)
Checks to see if symbol is safe to call as an attribute style argument.

36.71.1 Detailed Description

36.71.2 Function Documentation t_max_err class_copy ( t_symbol ∗ src_name_space, t_symbol ∗ src_classname, t_symbol ∗

dst_name_space, t_symbol ∗ dst_classname )

Duplicates a previously registered object class, and registers a copy of this class.
src_name_←- The source class's name space.
src_classname The source class's class name.
dst_name_←- The copied class's name space.
dst_classname The copied class's class name.


This function returns the error code MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, or one of the other error codes defined in
"ext_obex.h" if unsuccessful. t_jit_err jit_class_addadornment ( void ∗ c, t_jit_object ∗ o )

Adds an adornment to a class.

Adornments provide additional state and behavior to a class. This is most commonly used for the jit_mop adorn-
c class pointer
o object to use as adornment


t_jit_err error code

References jit_err_from_max_err().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_class_addadornment jit_err_from_max_err

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

694 Module Documentation t_jit_err jit_class_addattr ( void ∗ c, t_jit_object ∗ attr )

Adds an attribute to a class.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.71 Class Module 695

c class pointer
attr attribute object


t_jit_err error code

References class_addattr(), and jit_err_from_max_err().

Referenced by jit_ob3d_setup().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_err_from_max_err t_jit_err jit_class_addinterface ( void ∗ c, void ∗ interfaceclass, long byteoffset, long flags )

Adds an interface to a class.

Automatically expose methods and attributes of an interface class to a classes. Can also be used for class con-
tainers or subclassing behavior. If method or attribute is present in interface class prior to this call, the inteface
class' method or attribute will not be added. Use a nonzero byteoffset to contained class' object pointer in struct for
container class. Use byte offset of zero for interface or subclassing behavior.
c class pointer
interfaceclass interface class pointer
byteoffset byte offset (if for a contained object)
flags reserved for future use

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

696 Module Documentation


t_jit_err error code

References gensym(), hashtab_funall(), hashtab_new(), and hashtab_store().

Here is the call graph for this function:



hashtab_store t_jit_err jit_class_addmethod ( void ∗ c, method m, const char ∗ name, ... )

Adds a named method to a class.

c class pointer
m function called when method is invoked
name method name
... type signature for the method in the standard Max type list format (see Chapter 3 of the
Writing Externals in Max document for more information)

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.71 Class Module 697


t_jit_err error code

References class_addmethod(), and jit_err_from_max_err().

Referenced by jit_ob3d_setup().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_err_from_max_err t_jit_err jit_class_addtypedwrapper ( void ∗ c, method m, char ∗ name, ... )

Adds a typed wrapper method to a class.

Typed wrappers typically are used when there is an existing private, untyped method defined for a Jitter class, but it
is desirable to expose the method to language bindings which require a typed interface–e.g. Java or JavaScript.
c class pointer
m function called when method is invoked
name method name
... type signature for the method in the standard Max type list format (see Chapter 3 of the
Writing Externals in Max document for more information)


t_jit_err error code

References jit_err_from_max_err().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_class_addtypedwrapper jit_err_from_max_err void∗ jit_class_adornment_get ( void ∗ c, t_symbol ∗ classname )

Retrieves an adornment from a class.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

698 Module Documentation

Adornments provide additional state and behavior to a class. This is most commonly used for the jit_mop adorn-
c class pointer
classname classname of adornment to retrieve


t_jit_err error code

Referenced by max_jit_classex_mop_mproc(), max_jit_classex_mop_wrap(), and max_jit_mop_setup(). void∗ jit_class_attr_get ( void ∗ c, t_symbol ∗ attrname )

Retrieves attribute pointer associated with name provided.

c class pointer
attrname attribute name


attribute object pointer void∗ jit_class_findbyname ( t_symbol ∗ classname )

Retrieves class pointer associated with name provided.

classname class name


class pointer

References class_findbyname().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_class_findbyname class_findbyname t_jit_err jit_class_free ( void ∗ c )

Frees a class.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.71 Class Module 699


This function is not typically used outside of jitlib.

c class pointer


t_jit_err error code

References class_free(), and jit_err_from_max_err().

Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_err_from_max_err t_messlist∗ jit_class_mess ( t_jit_class ∗ c, t_symbol ∗ methodname )

Retrieves messlist entry for named method.

c class pointer
methodname method name


t_messlist pointer. method jit_class_method ( void ∗ c, t_symbol ∗ methodname )

Retrieves method function pointer for named method.

c class pointer
methodname method name


method function pointer.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

700 Module Documentation t_jit_err jit_class_method_addargsafe ( void ∗ c, char ∗ argname, char ∗ methodname )

Marks a method as safe to call as an attribute style argument.


It is important that no argument settable method causes any output into the patcher, or else it could lead to a
crash, or other undesired behavior.

c class pointer
argname name as used via argument
methodname name of method to map the argument name to


t_jit_err error code

References gensym(), and jit_err_from_max_err().

Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_err_from_max_err t_symbol∗ jit_class_method_argsafe_get ( void ∗ c, t_symbol ∗ s )

Checks to see if symbol is safe to call as an attribute style argument.

c class pointer
s name as used via argument

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.71 Class Module 701


If successful, name of method to map the argument name to. Otherwise, NULL.

References gensym(), and t_symbol::s_name.

Referenced by jit_object_method_argsafe_get().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_class_method_argsafe_get gensym t_symbol∗ jit_class_nameget ( void ∗ c )

Retrieves the name of a class.

c class pointer


t_symbol pointer containing name of class

References class_nameget().
Referenced by jit_class_symcompare().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_class_nameget class_nameget void∗ jit_class_new ( C74_CONST char ∗ name, method mnew, method mfree, long size, ... )

Creates a new class with the name specified by the name argument.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

702 Module Documentation

name class name

mnew class constructor
mfree class destructor
size object struct size in bytes
... type signature for the constructor in the standard Max type list format (see Chapter 3 of the
Writing Externals in Max document for more information)


In order for the Jitter class to be exposed to JavaScript and Java, it is important that the constructor is typed,
even if no arguments are provided–i.e. do not use the older strategy of defining Jitter constructors as private
and untyped with A_CANT.


class pointer to be used in other class functions

References A_CANT, A_GIMME, class_addmethod(), class_new(), jit_object_exportattrs(), and jit_object_←-

Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_linklist_chuck linklist_chuck

jit_linklist_getsize linklist_getsize
jit_linklist_getindex linklist_getindex
jit_class_new object_attr_setvalueof

jit_object_classname object_classname

jit_atom_setsym atom_setsym

symbolarray_sort t_jit_err jit_class_register ( void ∗ c )

Registers class in the class registry.


Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.71 Class Module 703

c class pointer


t_jit_err error code

References class_register(), and jit_err_from_max_err().

Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_err_from_max_err long jit_class_symcompare ( void ∗ c, t_symbol ∗ name )

Compares name of class with the name provided.

c class pointer
name name to compare with class name


1 if equal, 0 if not equal

References jit_class_nameget().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_class_symcompare jit_class_nameget class_nameget t_messlist∗ jit_class_typedwrapper_get ( void ∗ c, t_symbol ∗ s )

Retrieves typed wrapper messlist pointer associated with name provided.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

704 Module Documentation

c class pointer
s name


t_messlist pointer

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.72 Object Module 705

36.72 Object Module

Collaboration diagram for Object Module:

Jitter Object Module


• long jit_object_classname_compare (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗name)

Compares object's class name with the name provided.
• t_symbol ∗ jit_object_method_argsafe_get (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s)
Checks to see if symbol is safe to call as an attribute style argument.
• void ∗ jit_object_new_imp (void ∗cn, void ∗p1, void ∗p2, void ∗p3, void ∗p4, void ∗p5, void ∗p6, void ∗p7, void
∗p8, void ∗dummy)
Instantiates an object specified by class name.
• void ∗ jit_object_method_imp (void ∗x, void ∗s, void ∗p1, void ∗p2, void ∗p3, void ∗p4, void ∗p5, void ∗p6,
void ∗p7, void ∗p8)
Calls an object method specified by method name.
• void ∗ jit_object_method_typed (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, long ac, t_atom ∗av, t_atom ∗rv)
Calls a typed object method specified by method name.
• method jit_object_getmethod (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s)
Retrieves an object method specified by method name.
• long jit_object_attr_usercanset (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s)
Determines if an object attribute is user settable.
• long jit_object_attr_usercanget (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s)
Determines if an object attribute is user gettable.
• void ∗ jit_object_attr_get (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗attrname)
Retrieves an object's attribute pointer specified by attribute name.
• t_jit_err jit_object_free (void ∗x)
Frees an object.
• t_symbol ∗ jit_object_classname (void ∗x)
Retrieves an object's class name.
• void ∗ jit_object_class (void ∗x)
Retrieves an object's class pointer.
• void ∗ jit_object_register (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s)
Registers an object in the named object registry.
• t_jit_err jit_object_unregister (void ∗x)
Unregisters an object from the named object registry.
• void ∗ jit_object_findregistered (t_symbol ∗s)
Retrieves a registered object associated with name.
• t_symbol ∗ jit_object_findregisteredbyptr (void ∗x)
Retrieves a registered object's name.
• void ∗ jit_object_attach (t_symbol ∗s, void ∗x)
Attaches an object as a client of a named server object for notification.

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706 Module Documentation

• t_jit_err jit_object_detach (t_symbol ∗s, void ∗x)

Detaches a client object from a named server object.
• t_jit_err jit_object_notify (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, void ∗data)
Notifies all client objects for a named server object.
• t_jit_err jit_object_importattrs (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, long argc, t_atom ∗argv)
Imports object attributes from an XML file.
• t_jit_err jit_object_exportattrs (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, long argc, t_atom ∗argv)
Exports object attributes to an XML file.
• t_jit_err jit_object_exportsummary (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, long argc, t_atom ∗argv)
Exports object summary to an XML file.

36.72.1 Detailed Description

36.72.2 Function Documentation void∗ jit_object_attach ( t_symbol ∗ s, void ∗ x )

Attaches an object as a client of a named server object for notification.

s name of server object
x client object pointer


If successful, server object pointer. Otherwise NULL.

References object_attach().
Referenced by max_jit_mop_inputs(), max_jit_mop_notify(), max_jit_mop_outputs(), and max_jit_ob3d_attach().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_object_attach object_attach void∗ jit_object_attr_get ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ attrname )

Retrieves an object's attribute pointer specified by attribute name.

x object pointer
attrname attribute name

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36.72 Object Module 707


attribute object pointer

References object_attr_get().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_object_attr_get object_attr_get long jit_object_attr_usercanget ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s )

Determines if an object attribute is user gettable.

x object pointer
s attribute name


1 if gettable, 0 if not gettable

References object_attr_usercanget().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_object_attr_usercanget object_attr_usercanget long jit_object_attr_usercanset ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s )

Determines if an object attribute is user settable.

x object pointer
s attribute name

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708 Module Documentation


1 if settable, 0 if not settable

References object_attr_usercanset().
Referenced by max_jit_attr_args().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_object_attr_usercanset object_attr_usercanset void∗ jit_object_class ( void ∗ x )

Retrieves an object's class pointer.

x object pointer


class pointer

References object_class().
Referenced by jit_object_method_argsafe_get(), and max_jit_mop_setup().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_object_class object_class t_symbol∗ jit_object_classname ( void ∗ x )

Retrieves an object's class name.

x object pointer

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36.72 Object Module 709


class name t_symbol pointer

References object_classname().
Referenced by jit_gl_begincapture(), jit_ob3d_free(), jit_ob3d_new(), jit_object_classname_compare(), and jit_←-
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_object_classname object_classname long jit_object_classname_compare ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ name )

Compares object's class name with the name provided.

x object pointer
name name to compare with class name


1 if equal, 0 if not equal

References jit_object_classname().
Referenced by max_jit_obex_adornment_get().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_object_classname jit_object_classname object_classname

_compare t_jit_err jit_object_detach ( t_symbol ∗ s, void ∗ x )

Detaches a client object from a named server object.

s name of server object
x client object pointer

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

710 Module Documentation


t_jit_err error code

References jit_err_from_max_err(), and object_detach().

Referenced by max_jit_mop_free(), and max_jit_ob3d_detach().
Here is the call graph for this function:

object_detach t_jit_err jit_object_exportattrs ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, long argc, t_atom ∗ argv )

Exports object attributes to an XML file.

x object pointer
s ignored
argc argument count
argv argument vector


t_jit_err error code

References _jit_sym_getname, freebytes(), gensym(), jit_atom_setsym(), jit_object_classname(), jit_object_free(),

object_attr_get(), t_symbol::s_name, and symbolarray_sort().
Referenced by jit_class_new(), and max_jit_classex_standard_wrap().

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.72 Object Module 711

Here is the call graph for this function:



jit_atom_setsym atom_setsym

jit_object_exportattrs jit_object_classname object_classname

jit_object_free object_free

object_attr_get jit_err_from_max_err

symbolarray_sort t_jit_err jit_object_exportsummary ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, long argc, t_atom ∗ argv )

Exports object summary to an XML file.


Currently this function does nothing, but is reserved for future use.

x object pointer
s ignored
argc argument count
argv argument vector


t_jit_err error code

Referenced by max_jit_classex_standard_wrap(). void ∗ jit_object_findregistered ( t_symbol ∗ s )

Retrieves a registered object associated with name.

s registered name


If successful, object pointer. Otherwise NULL.

Referenced by jit_gl_begincapture(), jit_matrix_jit_gl_texture(), jit_matrix_op(), max_jit_mop_jit_matrix(), and max←-


Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

712 Module Documentation t_symbol∗ jit_object_findregisteredbyptr ( void ∗ x )

Retrieves a registered object's name.

x object pointer


If successful, t_symbol pointer name. Otherwise NULL.

References object_findregisteredbyptr().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_object_findregisteredbyptr object_findregisteredbyptr t_jit_err jit_object_free ( void ∗ x )

Frees an object.
x object pointer


t_jit_err error code

References jit_err_from_max_err(), and object_free().

Referenced by jit_glchunk_delete(), jit_matrix_exprfill(), jit_matrix_new(), jit_matrix_newcopy(), jit_matrix_op(), jit←-
_mop_free(), jit_mop_new(), jit_mop_newcopy(), jit_ob3d_free(), jit_object_exportattrs(), jit_object_importattrs(),
max_jit_mop_adapt_matrix_all(), max_jit_mop_free(), and max_jit_obex_free().
Here is the call graph for this function:


Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.72 Object Module 713 method jit_object_getmethod ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s )

Retrieves an object method specified by method name.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

714 Module Documentation

x object pointer
s method name



References object_getmethod().
Referenced by jit_attr_filterget(), jit_attr_filterset(), and jit_ob3d_new().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_object_getmethod object_getmethod t_jit_err jit_object_importattrs ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, long argc, t_atom ∗ argv )

Imports object attributes from an XML file.

x object pointer
s ignored
argc argument count
argv argument vector

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.72 Object Module 715


t_jit_err error code

References _jit_sym_name, freebytes(), gensym(), jit_linklist_chuck(), jit_linklist_getindex(), jit_linklist_getsize(),

jit_object_free(), and object_attr_setvalueof().
Referenced by jit_class_new(), and max_jit_classex_standard_wrap().
Here is the call graph for this function:



jit_linklist_chuck linklist_chuck

jit_object_importattrs jit_linklist_getindex linklist_getindex

jit_linklist_getsize linklist_getsize

jit_object_free jit_err_from_max_err

object_attr_setvalueof object_free t_symbol∗ jit_object_method_argsafe_get ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s )

Checks to see if symbol is safe to call as an attribute style argument.

x object pointer
s name as used via argument


If successful, name of method to map the argument name to. Otherwise, NULL.

References jit_class_method_argsafe_get(), and jit_object_class().

Referenced by max_jit_attr_args().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_class_method_argsafe_get gensym
jit_object_class object_class

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

716 Module Documentation void∗ jit_object_method_imp ( void ∗ x, void ∗ s, void ∗ p1, void ∗ p2, void ∗ p3, void ∗ p4, void ∗ p5, void ∗ p6,
void ∗ p7, void ∗ p8 )

Calls an object method specified by method name.

This operation is untyped, and the contents of the stack following the method name argument are blindly passed to
the method called.
x object pointer
s method name
p1 untyped arguments passed on to the method
p2 untyped arguments passed on to the method
p3 untyped arguments passed on to the method
p4 untyped arguments passed on to the method
p5 untyped arguments passed on to the method
p6 untyped arguments passed on to the method
p7 untyped arguments passed on to the method
p8 untyped arguments passed on to the method


It is important to know any necessary arguments for untyped constructors such as those used by jit_matrix or


method dependent, but uses void ∗ as a super type. void∗ jit_object_method_typed ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, long ac, t_atom ∗ av, t_atom ∗ rv )

Calls a typed object method specified by method name.

This operation only supports methods which are typed–i.e. it cannot be used to call private, untyped A_CANT
x object pointer
s method name
ac argument count
av argument vector
rv return value for A_GIMMEBACK methods

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.72 Object Module 717


method dependent, but uses void ∗ as a super type.

References object_method_typed().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_object_method_typed object_method_typed void∗ jit_object_new_imp ( void ∗ cn, void ∗ p1, void ∗ p2, void ∗ p3, void ∗ p4, void ∗ p5, void ∗ p6, void ∗ p7,
void ∗ p8, void ∗ dummy )

Instantiates an object specified by class name.

This function may used to create instances of any Jitter object.
cn class name
p1 untyped arguments passed on to the constructor
p2 untyped arguments passed on to the constructor
p3 untyped arguments passed on to the constructor
p4 untyped arguments passed on to the constructor
p5 untyped arguments passed on to the constructor
p6 untyped arguments passed on to the constructor
p7 untyped arguments passed on to the constructor
p8 untyped arguments passed on to the constructor
dummy unused


It is important to know any necessary arguments for untyped constructors such as those used by jit_matrix or


If successful, a valid object pointer. Otherwise, NULL. t_jit_err jit_object_notify ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, void ∗ data )

Notifies all client objects for a named server object.

x server object pointer
s notification message
data message specific data

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

718 Module Documentation


t_jit_err error code

References object_notify().
Referenced by jit_matrix_setinfo(), jit_matrix_setinfo_ex(), and jit_ob3d_draw_chunk().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_object_notify object_notify void∗ jit_object_register ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s )

Registers an object in the named object registry.

x object pointer
s object name


object pointer


It is important to use the object pointer returned by jit_object_register, since if there is an existing object with
the same name and class, it could free the input object and pass back a reference to the previously defined

References object_register().
Referenced by max_jit_mop_inputs(), max_jit_mop_notify(), and max_jit_mop_outputs().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_object_register object_register t_jit_err jit_object_unregister ( void ∗ x )

Unregisters an object from the named object registry.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.72 Object Module 719

x object pointer


t_jit_err error code

References jit_err_from_max_err(), and object_unregister().

Here is the call graph for this function:


Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

720 Module Documentation

36.73 Miscellaneous Utility Module

Collaboration diagram for Miscellaneous Utility Module:

Miscellaneous Utility


• float swapf32 (float f)

Byte swaps 32 bit floating point number.
• double swapf64 (double f)
Byte swaps 64 bit floating point number.
• void jit_global_critical_enter (void)
Enters the global Jitter critical region.
• void jit_global_critical_exit (void)
Exits the global Jitter critical region.
• void jit_error_sym (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s)
Sends symbol based error message to Max console (safe from all threads)
• void jit_error_code (void ∗x, t_jit_err v)
Sends error code based error message to Max console (safe from all threads)
• void jit_post_sym (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s)
Sends symbol based message to Max console (safe from all threads)
• t_jit_err jit_err_from_max_err (t_max_err err)
Converts Max style error codes to Jitter style error codes.
• void jit_rand_setseed (long n)
Sets global random number generator seed.
• long jit_rand (void)
Generates a random value as a signed long integer.

36.73.1 Detailed Description

36.73.2 Function Documentation t_jit_err jit_err_from_max_err ( t_max_err err )

Converts Max style error codes to Jitter style error codes.

err Max error code

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.73 Miscellaneous Utility Module 721


t_jit_err error code


Referenced by jit_attr_setchar_array(), jit_attr_setdouble_array(), jit_attr_setfloat(), jit_attr_setfloat_array(), jit_attr←-
_setlong(), jit_attr_setlong_array(), jit_attr_setsym(), jit_attr_setsym_array(), jit_class_addadornment(), jit_class_←-
addattr(), jit_class_addmethod(), jit_class_addtypedwrapper(), jit_class_free(), jit_class_method_addargsafe(), jit←-
_class_register(), jit_object_detach(), jit_object_free(), and jit_object_unregister(). void jit_error_code ( void ∗ x, t_jit_err v )

Sends error code based error message to Max console (safe from all threads)
x object pointer
v error code

References defer().
Referenced by max_jit_attr_getdump(), and max_jit_mop_jit_matrix().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_error_code defer void jit_error_sym ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s )

Sends symbol based error message to Max console (safe from all threads)
x object pointer
s error message symbol

References defer().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_error_sym defer

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

722 Module Documentation void jit_global_critical_enter ( void )

Enters the global Jitter critical region.

This function is useful for simple protection of thread sensitive operations. However, it may be too broad a lock, as
it prevents any other operations that use the global critical region from working. For more localized control, I would
suggest using either Max's systhread API or the platform specific locking mechanisms however, be sensitive to the
possibility deadlock when locking code which calls code which may require the locking off unknown resources.
References critical_enter().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_global_critical critical_enter
_enter void jit_global_critical_exit ( void )

Exits the global Jitter critical region.

This function is useful for simple protection of thread sensitive operations. However, it may be too broad a lock, as
it prevents any other operations that use the global critical region from working. For more localized control, I would
suggest using either Max's systhread API or the platform specific locking mechanisms however, be sensitive to the
possibility deadlock when locking code which calls code which may require the locking off unknown resources.
References critical_exit().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_global_critical_exit critical_exit void jit_post_sym ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s )

Sends symbol based message to Max console (safe from all threads)
x object pointer

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.73 Miscellaneous Utility Module 723

s message symbol

References defer().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_post_sym defer long jit_rand ( void )

Generates a random value as a signed long integer.


random value void jit_rand_setseed ( long n )

Sets global random number generator seed.

n seed

References systime_ticks().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_rand_setseed systime_ticks float swapf32 ( float f )

Byte swaps 32 bit floating point number.


Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

724 Module Documentation

f input float


byte swapped float double swapf64 ( double f )

Byte swaps 64 bit floating point number.

f input double


byte swapped double

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.74 Linked List Module 725

36.74 Linked List Module

Collaboration diagram for Linked List Module:

Jitter Linked List Module


• void ∗ jit_linklist_new (void)

Constructs instance of t_jit_linklist.
• t_atom_long jit_linklist_getsize (t_jit_linklist ∗x)
Retrieves the linked list size.
• void ∗ jit_linklist_getindex (t_jit_linklist ∗x, long index)
Retrieves the object at the specified list index.
• t_atom_long jit_linklist_objptr2index (t_jit_linklist ∗x, void ∗p)
Retrieves the list index for an object pointer.
• t_atom_long jit_linklist_makearray (t_jit_linklist ∗x, void ∗∗a, long max)
Flatten the linked list into an array.
• t_atom_long jit_linklist_insertindex (t_jit_linklist ∗x, void ∗o, long index)
Insert object at specified index.
• t_atom_long jit_linklist_append (t_jit_linklist ∗x, void ∗o)
Append object to the end of the linked list.
• t_atom_long jit_linklist_deleteindex (t_jit_linklist ∗x, long index)
Delete object at specified index, freeing the object.
• t_atom_long jit_linklist_chuckindex (t_jit_linklist ∗x, long index)
Remove object at specified index, without freeing the object.
• void jit_linklist_clear (t_jit_linklist ∗x)
Clears the linked list, freeing all objects in list.
• void jit_linklist_chuck (t_jit_linklist ∗x)
Removes all objects from the linked list, without freeing any objects in list.
• void jit_linklist_reverse (t_jit_linklist ∗x)
Reverses the order of objects in the linked list.
• void jit_linklist_rotate (t_jit_linklist ∗x, long i)
Rotates the order of objects in the linked list, by the specified number of indeces.
• void jit_linklist_shuffle (t_jit_linklist ∗x)
Randomizes the order of objects in the linked list.
• void jit_linklist_swap (t_jit_linklist ∗x, long a, long b)
Swap list location of the indeces specified.
• void jit_linklist_findfirst (t_jit_linklist ∗x, void ∗∗o, long cmpfn(void ∗, void ∗), void ∗cmpdata)
Retrieves the first object that satisfies the comparison function.
• void jit_linklist_findall (t_jit_linklist ∗x, t_jit_linklist ∗∗out, long cmpfn(void ∗, void ∗), void ∗cmpdata)
Retrieves a linked list of all objects that satisfy the comparison function.
• t_atom_long jit_linklist_findcount (t_jit_linklist ∗x, long cmpfn(void ∗, void ∗), void ∗cmpdata)

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

726 Module Documentation

Retrieves the number of objects that satisfy the comparison function.

• void jit_linklist_methodall (t_jit_linklist ∗x, t_symbol ∗s,...)
Calls a method on all objects in linked list.
• void ∗ jit_linklist_methodindex (t_jit_linklist ∗x, long i, t_symbol ∗s,...)
Calls a method on the object at the specified index.
• void jit_linklist_sort (t_jit_linklist ∗x, long cmpfn(void ∗, void ∗))
Sorts linked list based on the provided comparison function.

36.74.1 Detailed Description

36.74.2 Function Documentation t_atom_long jit_linklist_append ( t_jit_linklist ∗ x, void ∗ o )

Append object to the end of the linked list.

x t_jit_linklist object pointer
o object pointer


new list length, or -1 if unsuccessful


While exported, it is recommend to use jit_object_method to call methods on an object when the object may
not be an instance of t_jit_linklist, but instead an object that supports some portion of the t_jit_linklist interface.
One instance where this is the case is inside of a MOP matrix_calc method, where the arguments can be
either an instance of t_jit_linklist, or t_jit_matrix which has a getindex method.

References linklist_append().
Referenced by jit_matrix_op(), max_jit_classex_addattr(), and max_jit_obex_proxy_new().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_linklist_append linklist_append void jit_linklist_chuck ( t_jit_linklist ∗ x )

Removes all objects from the linked list, without freeing any objects in list.
To remove all objects from the linked list, freeing the objects, use the jit_linklist_clear method.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.74 Linked List Module 727

x t_jit_linklist object pointer


While exported, it is recommend to use jit_object_method to call methods on an object when the object may
not be an instance of t_jit_linklist, but instead an object that supports some portion of the t_jit_linklist interface.
One instance where this is the case is inside of a MOP matrix_calc method, where the arguments can be
either an instance of t_jit_linklist, or t_jit_matrix which has a getindex method.

References linklist_chuck().
Referenced by jit_matrix_op(), and jit_object_importattrs().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_linklist_chuck linklist_chuck t_atom_long jit_linklist_chuckindex ( t_jit_linklist ∗ x, long index )

Remove object at specified index, without freeing the object.

This method will not free the object. To remove from the linked list and free the object, use the jit_linklist_deleteindex
x t_jit_linklist object pointer
index index to remove (zero based)


index removed, or -1 if unsuccessful

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

728 Module Documentation


While exported, it is recommend to use jit_object_method to call methods on an object when the object may
not be an instance of t_jit_linklist, but instead an object that supports some portion of the t_jit_linklist interface.
One instance where this is the case is inside of a MOP matrix_calc method, where the arguments can be
either an instance of t_jit_linklist, or t_jit_matrix which has a getindex method.

References linklist_chuckindex().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_linklist_chuckindex linklist_chuckindex void jit_linklist_clear ( t_jit_linklist ∗ x )

Clears the linked list, freeing all objects in list.

To remove all elements from the linked list without freeing the objects, use the jit_linklist_chuck method.
x t_jit_linklist object pointer


While exported, it is recommend to use jit_object_method to call methods on an object when the object may
not be an instance of t_jit_linklist, but instead an object that supports some portion of the t_jit_linklist interface.
One instance where this is the case is inside of a MOP matrix_calc method, where the arguments can be
either an instance of t_jit_linklist, or t_jit_matrix which has a getindex method.

References linklist_clear().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_linklist_clear linklist_clear t_atom_long jit_linklist_deleteindex ( t_jit_linklist ∗ x, long index )

Delete object at specified index, freeing the object.

To remove from the linked list without freeing the object, use the jit_linklist_chuckindex method.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.74 Linked List Module 729

x t_jit_linklist object pointer
index index to delete (zero based)


index deleted, or -1 if unsuccessful


While exported, it is recommend to use jit_object_method to call methods on an object when the object may
not be an instance of t_jit_linklist, but instead an object that supports some portion of the t_jit_linklist interface.
One instance where this is the case is inside of a MOP matrix_calc method, where the arguments can be
either an instance of t_jit_linklist, or t_jit_matrix which has a getindex method.

References linklist_deleteindex().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_linklist_deleteindex linklist_deleteindex void jit_linklist_findall ( t_jit_linklist ∗ x, t_jit_linklist ∗∗ out, long cmpfnvoid ∗, void ∗, void ∗ cmpdata )

Retrieves a linked list of all objects that satisfy the comparison function.
x t_jit_linklist object pointer
out pointer to linked list containing all objects found found (set to NULL, if not found)
cmpfn comparison function pointer (should returns 1 if object matches data, otherwise 0)
cmpdata opaque data used in comparison function

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

730 Module Documentation


While exported, it is recommend to use jit_object_method to call methods on an object when the object may
not be an instance of t_jit_linklist, but instead an object that supports some portion of the t_jit_linklist interface.
One instance where this is the case is inside of a MOP matrix_calc method, where the arguments can be
either an instance of t_jit_linklist, or t_jit_matrix which has a getindex method.

References linklist_findall().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_linklist_findall linklist_findall t_atom_long jit_linklist_findcount ( t_jit_linklist ∗ x, long cmpfnvoid ∗, void ∗, void ∗ cmpdata )

Retrieves the number of objects that satisfy the comparison function.

x t_jit_linklist object pointer
cmpfn comparison function pointer (should returns 1 if object matches data, otherwise 0)
cmpdata opaque data used in comparison function


number object objects that satisfy the comparison function

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.74 Linked List Module 731


While exported, it is recommend to use jit_object_method to call methods on an object when the object may
not be an instance of t_jit_linklist, but instead an object that supports some portion of the t_jit_linklist interface.
One instance where this is the case is inside of a MOP matrix_calc method, where the arguments can be
either an instance of t_jit_linklist, or t_jit_matrix which has a getindex method.

References linklist_chuck(), linklist_findall(), and linklist_getsize().

Here is the call graph for this function:


jit_linklist_findcount linklist_findall

linklist_getsize void jit_linklist_findfirst ( t_jit_linklist ∗ x, void ∗∗ o, long cmpfnvoid ∗, void ∗, void ∗ cmpdata )

Retrieves the first object that satisfies the comparison function.

x t_jit_linklist object pointer
o pointer to object pointer found (set to NULL, if not found)
cmpfn comparison function pointer (should returns 1 if object matches data, otherwise 0)
cmpdata opaque data used in comparison function


While exported, it is recommend to use jit_object_method to call methods on an object when the object may
not be an instance of t_jit_linklist, but instead an object that supports some portion of the t_jit_linklist interface.
One instance where this is the case is inside of a MOP matrix_calc method, where the arguments can be
either an instance of t_jit_linklist, or t_jit_matrix which has a getindex method.

References linklist_findfirst().
Referenced by max_jit_obex_attr_get(), and max_jit_obex_attr_set().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_linklist_findfirst linklist_findfirst

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

732 Module Documentation void∗ jit_linklist_getindex ( t_jit_linklist ∗ x, long index )

Retrieves the object at the specified list index.

x t_jit_linklist object pointer
index list index ()


object pointer


While exported, it is recommend to use jit_object_method to call methods on an object when the object may
not be an instance of t_jit_linklist, but instead an object that supports some portion of the t_jit_linklist interface.
One instance where this is the case is inside of a MOP matrix_calc method, where the arguments can be
either an instance of t_jit_linklist, or t_jit_matrix which has a getindex method.

References linklist_getindex().
Referenced by jit_object_importattrs().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_linklist_getindex linklist_getindex t_atom_long jit_linklist_getsize ( t_jit_linklist ∗ x )

Retrieves the linked list size.

x t_jit_linklist object pointer


linked list size


While exported, it is recommend to use jit_object_method to call methods on an object when the object may
not be an instance of t_jit_linklist, but instead an object that supports some portion of the t_jit_linklist interface.
One instance where this is the case is inside of a MOP matrix_calc method, where the arguments can be
either an instance of t_jit_linklist, or t_jit_matrix which has a getindex method.

References linklist_getsize().
Referenced by jit_object_importattrs().

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.74 Linked List Module 733

Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_linklist_getsize linklist_getsize t_atom_long jit_linklist_insertindex ( t_jit_linklist ∗ x, void ∗ o, long index )

Insert object at specified index.

x t_jit_linklist object pointer
o object pointer
index index (zero based)


index inserted at, or -1 if unsuccessful


While exported, it is recommend to use jit_object_method to call methods on an object when the object may
not be an instance of t_jit_linklist, but instead an object that supports some portion of the t_jit_linklist interface.
One instance where this is the case is inside of a MOP matrix_calc method, where the arguments can be
either an instance of t_jit_linklist, or t_jit_matrix which has a getindex method.

References linklist_insertindex().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_linklist_insertindex linklist_insertindex t_atom_long jit_linklist_makearray ( t_jit_linklist ∗ x, void ∗∗ a, long max )

Flatten the linked list into an array.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

734 Module Documentation

x t_jit_linklist object pointer
a array pointer
max maximum array size


number of object pointers copied into array


While exported, it is recommend to use jit_object_method to call methods on an object when the object may
not be an instance of t_jit_linklist, but instead an object that supports some portion of the t_jit_linklist interface.
One instance where this is the case is inside of a MOP matrix_calc method, where the arguments can be
either an instance of t_jit_linklist, or t_jit_matrix which has a getindex method.

References linklist_makearray().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_linklist_makearray linklist_makearray void jit_linklist_methodall ( t_jit_linklist ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, ... )

Calls a method on all objects in linked list.

Equivalent to calling jit_object_method on the object at each index.
x t_jit_linklist object pointer
s method name
... untyped arguments

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.74 Linked List Module 735


While exported, it is recommend to use jit_object_method to call methods on an object when the object may
not be an instance of t_jit_linklist, but instead an object that supports some portion of the t_jit_linklist interface.
One instance where this is the case is inside of a MOP matrix_calc method, where the arguments can be
either an instance of t_jit_linklist, or t_jit_matrix which has a getindex method.

References linklist_methodall().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_linklist_methodall linklist_methodall void∗ jit_linklist_methodindex ( t_jit_linklist ∗ x, long i, t_symbol ∗ s, ... )

Calls a method on the object at the specified index.

Equivalent to calling jit_object_method on the object.
x t_jit_linklist object pointer
i index
s method name
... untyped arguments


method return value


While exported, it is recommend to use jit_object_method to call methods on an object when the object may
not be an instance of t_jit_linklist, but instead an object that supports some portion of the t_jit_linklist interface.
One instance where this is the case is inside of a MOP matrix_calc method, where the arguments can be
either an instance of t_jit_linklist, or t_jit_matrix which has a getindex method.

References linklist_methodindex().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_linklist_methodindex linklist_methodindex

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

736 Module Documentation void∗ jit_linklist_new ( void )

Constructs instance of t_jit_linklist.


t_jit_linklist object pointer


While exported, it is recommend to use jit_object_new to construct a t_jit_linklist object.

References linklist_new().
Referenced by jit_matrix_op(), max_jit_classex_addattr(), and max_jit_obex_proxy_new().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_linklist_new linklist_new t_atom_long jit_linklist_objptr2index ( t_jit_linklist ∗ x, void ∗ p )

Retrieves the list index for an object pointer.

x t_jit_linklist object pointer
p object pointer


object's list index (zero based), or -1 if not present


While exported, it is recommend to use jit_object_method to call methods on an object when the object may
not be an instance of t_jit_linklist, but instead an object that supports some portion of the t_jit_linklist interface.
One instance where this is the case is inside of a MOP matrix_calc method, where the arguments can be
either an instance of t_jit_linklist, or t_jit_matrix which has a getindex method.

References linklist_objptr2index().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_linklist_objptr2index linklist_objptr2index

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.74 Linked List Module 737 void jit_linklist_reverse ( t_jit_linklist ∗ x )

Reverses the order of objects in the linked list.

x t_jit_linklist object pointer


While exported, it is recommend to use jit_object_method to call methods on an object when the object may
not be an instance of t_jit_linklist, but instead an object that supports some portion of the t_jit_linklist interface.
One instance where this is the case is inside of a MOP matrix_calc method, where the arguments can be
either an instance of t_jit_linklist, or t_jit_matrix which has a getindex method.

References linklist_reverse().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_linklist_reverse linklist_reverse void jit_linklist_rotate ( t_jit_linklist ∗ x, long i )

Rotates the order of objects in the linked list, by the specified number of indeces.
x t_jit_linklist object pointer
i rotation index count


While exported, it is recommend to use jit_object_method to call methods on an object when the object may
not be an instance of t_jit_linklist, but instead an object that supports some portion of the t_jit_linklist interface.
One instance where this is the case is inside of a MOP matrix_calc method, where the arguments can be
either an instance of t_jit_linklist, or t_jit_matrix which has a getindex method.

References linklist_rotate().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_linklist_rotate linklist_rotate

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

738 Module Documentation void jit_linklist_shuffle ( t_jit_linklist ∗ x )

Randomizes the order of objects in the linked list.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.74 Linked List Module 739

x t_jit_linklist object pointer


While exported, it is recommend to use jit_object_method to call methods on an object when the object may
not be an instance of t_jit_linklist, but instead an object that supports some portion of the t_jit_linklist interface.
One instance where this is the case is inside of a MOP matrix_calc method, where the arguments can be
either an instance of t_jit_linklist, or t_jit_matrix which has a getindex method.

References linklist_shuffle().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_linklist_shuffle linklist_shuffle void jit_linklist_sort ( t_jit_linklist ∗ x, long cmpfnvoid ∗, void ∗ )

Sorts linked list based on the provided comparison function.

x t_jit_linklist object pointer
cmpfn comparison function pointer (returns 0 if a>b, otherwise 1)


While exported, it is recommend to use jit_object_method to call methods on an object when the object may
not be an instance of t_jit_linklist, but instead an object that supports some portion of the t_jit_linklist interface.
One instance where this is the case is inside of a MOP matrix_calc method, where the arguments can be
either an instance of t_jit_linklist, or t_jit_matrix which has a getindex method.

References linklist_sort().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_linklist_sort linklist_sort void jit_linklist_swap ( t_jit_linklist ∗ x, long a, long b )

Swap list location of the indeces specified.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

740 Module Documentation

x t_jit_linklist object pointer
a index a
b index b


While exported, it is recommend to use jit_object_method to call methods on an object when the object may
not be an instance of t_jit_linklist, but instead an object that supports some portion of the t_jit_linklist interface.
One instance where this is the case is inside of a MOP matrix_calc method, where the arguments can be
either an instance of t_jit_linklist, or t_jit_matrix which has a getindex method.

References linklist_swap().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_linklist_swap linklist_swap

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.75 Math Module 741

36.75 Math Module

Collaboration diagram for Math Module:

Jitter Math Module


• double jit_math_cos (double x)

Calculates the cosine.
• double jit_math_sin (double x)
Calculates the sine.
• double jit_math_tan (double x)
Calculates the tangent.
• double jit_math_acos (double x)
Calculates the arccosine.
• double jit_math_asin (double x)
Calculates the arcsine.
• double jit_math_atan (double x)
Calculates the arctangent.
• double jit_math_atan2 (double y, double x)
Calculates the four quadrant arctangent.
• double jit_math_cosh (double x)
Calculates the hyperbolic cosine.
• double jit_math_sinh (double x)
Calculates the hyperbolic sine.
• double jit_math_tanh (double x)
Calculates the hyperbolic tangent.
• double jit_math_acosh (double x)
Calculates the hyperbolic arccosine.
• double jit_math_asinh (double x)
Calculates the hyperbolic arcsine.
• double jit_math_atanh (double x)
Calculates the hyperbolic arctangent.
• double jit_math_exp (double x)
Calculates the exponent.
• double jit_math_expm1 (double x)
Calculates the exponent minus 1.
• double jit_math_exp2 (double x)
Calculates the exponent base 2.
• double jit_math_log (double x)
Calculates the logarithm.
• double jit_math_log2 (double x)

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

742 Module Documentation

Calculates the logarithm base 2.

• double jit_math_log10 (double x)
Calculates the logarithm base 10.
• double jit_math_hypot (double x, double y)
Calculates the hypotenuse.
• double jit_math_pow (double x, double y)
Calculates x raised to the y power.
• double jit_math_sqrt (double x)
Calculates the square root.
• double jit_math_ceil (double x)
Calculates the ceiling.
• double jit_math_floor (double x)
Calculates the floor.
• double jit_math_round (double x)
Rounds the input.
• double jit_math_trunc (double x)
Truncates the input.
• double jit_math_fmod (double x, double y)
Calculates the floating point x modulo y.
• double jit_math_fold (double x, double lo, double hi)
Calculates the fold of x between lo and hi.
• double jit_math_wrap (double x, double lo, double hi)
Calculates the wrap of x between lo and hi.
• double jit_math_j1_0 (double x)
Calcuates the j1_0 Bessel function.
• double jit_math_p1 (double x)
Calcuates the p1 Bessel function.
• double jit_math_q1 (double x)
Calcuates the q1 Bessel function.
• double jit_math_j1 (double x)
Calcuates the j1 Bessel function.
• unsigned long jit_math_roundup_poweroftwo (unsigned long x)
Rounds up to the nearest power of two.
• long jit_math_is_finite (float v)
Checks if input is finite.
• long jit_math_is_nan (float v)
Checks if input is not a number (NaN).
• long jit_math_is_valid (float v)
Checks if input is both finite and a number.
• long jit_math_is_poweroftwo (long x)
Checks if input is a power of two.
• float jit_math_fast_sqrt (float n)
Calculates the square root by fast approximation.
• float jit_math_fast_invsqrt (float x)
Calculates the inverse square root by fast approximation.
• float jit_math_fast_sin (float x)
Calculates the sine by fast approximation.
• float jit_math_fast_cos (float x)
Calculates the cosine by fast approximation.
• float jit_math_fast_tan (float x)
Calculates the tangent by fast approximation.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.75 Math Module 743

• float jit_math_fast_asin (float x)

Calculates the arcsine by fast approximation.
• float jit_math_fast_acos (float x)
Calculates the arccosine by fast approximation.
• float jit_math_fast_atan (float x)
Calculates the arctangent by fast approximation.

36.75.1 Detailed Description

36.75.2 Function Documentation double jit_math_acos ( double x )

Calculates the arccosine.

x input


output double jit_math_acosh ( double x )

Calculates the hyperbolic arccosine.

x input


output double jit_math_asin ( double x )

Calculates the arcsine.

x input


output double jit_math_asinh ( double x )

Calculates the hyperbolic arcsine.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

744 Module Documentation

x input


output double jit_math_atan ( double x )

Calculates the arctangent.

x input


output double jit_math_atan2 ( double y, double x )

Calculates the four quadrant arctangent.

y input
x input


output double jit_math_atanh ( double x )

Calculates the hyperbolic arctangent.

x input


output double jit_math_ceil ( double x )

Calculates the ceiling.

x input



Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.75 Math Module 745 double jit_math_cos ( double x )

Calculates the cosine.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

746 Module Documentation

x input



Referenced by jit_math_j1(). double jit_math_cosh ( double x )

Calculates the hyperbolic cosine.

x input


output double jit_math_exp ( double x )

Calculates the exponent.

x input


output double jit_math_exp2 ( double x )

Calculates the exponent base 2.

x input


output double jit_math_expm1 ( double x )

Calculates the exponent minus 1.


Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.75 Math Module 747

x input


output float jit_math_fast_acos ( float x )

Calculates the arccosine by fast approximation.

Absolute error of 6.8e-05 for [0, 1]
x input



References jit_math_sqrt().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_math_fast_acos jit_math_sqrt float jit_math_fast_asin ( float x )

Calculates the arcsine by fast approximation.

Absolute error of 6.8e-05 for [0, 1]
x input

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

748 Module Documentation



References jit_math_sqrt().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_math_fast_asin jit_math_sqrt float jit_math_fast_atan ( float x )

Calculates the arctangent by fast approximation.

Absolute error of 1.43-08 for [-1, 1]
x input


output float jit_math_fast_cos ( float x )

Calculates the cosine by fast approximation.

Absolute error of 1.2e-03 for [0, PI/2]
x input


output float jit_math_fast_invsqrt ( float x )

Calculates the inverse square root by fast approximation.

x input



Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.75 Math Module 749 float jit_math_fast_sin ( float x )

Calculates the sine by fast approximation.

Absolute error of 1.7e-04 for [0, PI/2]
x input


output float jit_math_fast_sqrt ( float n )

Calculates the square root by fast approximation.

n input


output float jit_math_fast_tan ( float x )

Calculates the tangent by fast approximation.

Absolute error of 1.9e-00 for [0, PI/4]
x input


output double jit_math_floor ( double x )

Calculates the floor.

x input


output double jit_math_fmod ( double x, double y )

Calculates the floating point x modulo y.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

750 Module Documentation

x input
y input


output double jit_math_fold ( double x, double lo, double hi )

Calculates the fold of x between lo and hi.

x input
lo lower bound
hi upper bound


output double jit_math_hypot ( double x, double y )

Calculates the hypotenuse.

x input
y input


output long jit_math_is_finite ( float v )

Checks if input is finite.

v input


1 if finite. Otherwise, 0.

Referenced by jit_math_is_valid(). long jit_math_is_nan ( float v )

Checks if input is not a number (NaN).

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.75 Math Module 751

v input


1 if not a number. Otherwise, 0.

Referenced by jit_math_is_valid(). long jit_math_is_poweroftwo ( long x )

Checks if input is a power of two.

x input


1 if finite. Otherwise, 0. long jit_math_is_valid ( float v )

Checks if input is both finite and a number.

v input


1 if vaild. Otherwise, 0.

References jit_math_is_finite(), and jit_math_is_nan().

Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_math_is_nan double jit_math_j1 ( double x )

Calcuates the j1 Bessel function.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

752 Module Documentation

x input



References jit_math_cos(), jit_math_j1_0(), jit_math_p1(), jit_math_q1(), and jit_math_sin().

Here is the call graph for this function:



jit_math_j1 jit_math_p1


jit_math_sin double jit_math_j1_0 ( double x )

Calcuates the j1_0 Bessel function.

x input



Referenced by jit_math_j1(). double jit_math_log ( double x )

Calculates the logarithm.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.75 Math Module 753

x input


output double jit_math_log10 ( double x )

Calculates the logarithm base 10.

x input


output double jit_math_log2 ( double x )

Calculates the logarithm base 2.

x input


output double jit_math_p1 ( double x )

Calcuates the p1 Bessel function.

x input



Referenced by jit_math_j1(). double jit_math_pow ( double x, double y )

Calculates x raised to the y power.

x input
y input



Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

754 Module Documentation double jit_math_q1 ( double x )

Calcuates the q1 Bessel function.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.75 Math Module 755

x input



Referenced by jit_math_j1(). double jit_math_round ( double x )

Rounds the input.

x input


output unsigned long jit_math_roundup_poweroftwo ( unsigned long x )

Rounds up to the nearest power of two.

x input


output double jit_math_sin ( double x )

Calculates the sine.

x input



Referenced by jit_math_j1(). double jit_math_sinh ( double x )

Calculates the hyperbolic sine.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

756 Module Documentation

x input


output double jit_math_sqrt ( double x )

Calculates the square root.

x input



Referenced by jit_math_fast_acos(), and jit_math_fast_asin(). double jit_math_tan ( double x )

Calculates the tangent.

x input


output double jit_math_tanh ( double x )

Calculates the hyperbolic tangent.

x input


output double jit_math_trunc ( double x )

Truncates the input.


Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.75 Math Module 757

x input


output double jit_math_wrap ( double x, double lo, double hi )

Calculates the wrap of x between lo and hi.

x input
lo lower bound
hi upper bound



Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

758 Module Documentation

36.76 Matrix Module

Collaboration diagram for Matrix Module:

Jitter Matrix Module


• void jit_linklist_free (t_jit_linklist ∗x)

Frees instance of t_jit_linklist.
• void ∗ jit_matrix_new (t_jit_matrix_info ∗info)
Constructs instance of t_jit_matrix.
• void ∗ jit_matrix_newcopy (t_jit_matrix ∗copyme)
Constructs instance of t_jit_matrix, copying from input.
• t_jit_err jit_matrix_free (t_jit_matrix ∗x)
Frees instance of t_jit_matrix.
• t_jit_err jit_matrix_setinfo (t_jit_matrix ∗x, t_jit_matrix_info ∗info)
Sets all attributes according to the t_jit_matrix_info struct provided.
• t_jit_err jit_matrix_setinfo_ex (t_jit_matrix ∗x, t_jit_matrix_info ∗info)
Sets all attributes according to the t_jit_matrix_info struct provided (including data flags).
• t_jit_err jit_matrix_getinfo (t_jit_matrix ∗x, t_jit_matrix_info ∗info)
Retrieves all attributes, copying into the t_jit_matrix_info struct provided.
• t_jit_err jit_matrix_getdata (t_jit_matrix ∗x, void ∗∗data)
Retrieves matrix data pointer.
• t_jit_err jit_matrix_data (t_jit_matrix ∗x, void ∗data)
Sets matrix data pointer.
• t_jit_err jit_matrix_freedata (t_jit_matrix ∗x)
Frees matrix's internal data pointer if an internal reference and sets to NULL.
• t_jit_err jit_matrix_info_default (t_jit_matrix_info ∗info)
Initializes matrix info struct to default values.
• t_jit_err jit_matrix_clear (t_jit_matrix ∗x)
Sets all cells in matrix to the zero.
• t_jit_err jit_matrix_setcell1d (t_jit_matrix ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, long argc, t_atom ∗argv)
Sets cell at index to the value provided.
• t_jit_err jit_matrix_setcell2d (t_jit_matrix ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, long argc, t_atom ∗argv)
Sets cell at index to the value provided.
• t_jit_err jit_matrix_setcell3d (t_jit_matrix ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, long argc, t_atom ∗argv)
Sets cell at index to the value provided.
• t_jit_err jit_matrix_setplane1d (t_jit_matrix ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, long argc, t_atom ∗argv)
Sets plane of cell at index to the value provided.
• t_jit_err jit_matrix_setplane2d (t_jit_matrix ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, long argc, t_atom ∗argv)
Sets plane of cell at index to the value provided.
• t_jit_err jit_matrix_setplane3d (t_jit_matrix ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, long argc, t_atom ∗argv)

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.76 Matrix Module 759

Sets plane of cell at index to the value provided.

• t_jit_err jit_matrix_setcell (t_jit_matrix ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, long argc, t_atom ∗argv)
Sets cell at index to the value provided.
• t_jit_err jit_matrix_getcell (t_jit_matrix ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, long argc, t_atom ∗argv, long ∗rac, t_atom ∗∗rav)
Gets cell at index to the value provided.
• t_jit_err jit_matrix_setall (t_jit_matrix ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, long argc, t_atom ∗argv)
Sets all cells to the value provided.
• t_jit_err jit_matrix_fillplane (t_jit_matrix ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, long argc, t_atom ∗argv)
Sets the plane specified in all cells to the value provided.
• t_jit_err jit_matrix_frommatrix (t_jit_matrix ∗dst_matrix, t_jit_matrix ∗src_matrix, t_matrix_conv_info ∗mcinfo)
Copies Jitter matrix data from another matrix.
• t_jit_err jit_matrix_op (t_jit_matrix ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, long argc, t_atom ∗argv)
Applies unary or binary operator to matrix See Jitter user documentation for more information.
• t_jit_err jit_matrix_exprfill (t_jit_matrix ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, long argc, t_atom ∗argv)
Fills cells according to the jit.expr expression provided.
• t_jit_err jit_matrix_jit_gl_texture (t_jit_matrix ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, long argc, t_atom ∗argv)
Copies texture information to matrix.

36.76.1 Detailed Description

36.76.2 Function Documentation void jit_linklist_free ( t_jit_linklist ∗ x )

Frees instance of t_jit_linklist.

should never be called directly
x t_jit_linklist object pointer


t_jit_err error code


Use jit_object_free instead.

References linklist_clear().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_linklist_free linklist_clear

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

760 Module Documentation t_jit_err jit_matrix_clear ( t_jit_matrix ∗ x )

Sets all cells in matrix to the zero.

See Jitter user documentation for more information.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.76 Matrix Module 761

x t_jit_matrix object pointer


t_jit_err error code


This function is not exported, but is provided for reference when calling via jit_object_method on an intance of
t_jit_matrix. t_jit_err jit_matrix_data ( t_jit_matrix ∗ x, void ∗ data )

Sets matrix data pointer.

x t_jit_matrix object pointer
data data pointer


t_jit_err error code


This function is not exported, but is provided for reference when calling via jit_object_method on an intance of
t_jit_matrix. t_jit_err jit_matrix_exprfill ( t_jit_matrix ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, long argc, t_atom ∗ argv )

Fills cells according to the jit.expr expression provided.

See Jitter user documentation for more information.
x t_jit_matrix object pointer
s message symbol pointer
argc argument count
argv argument vector


t_jit_err error code


This function is not exported, but is provided for reference when calling via jit_object_method on an intance of

References _jit_sym_float32, _jit_sym_frommatrix, _jit_sym_matrix_calc, _jit_sym_nothing, A_SYM, t_matrix_←-

conv_info::flags, jit_atom_getlong(), jit_atom_getsym(), jit_attr_setsym(), jit_matrix_getinfo(), JIT_MATRIX_MA←-
X_PLANECOUNT, jit_matrix_new(), jit_object_free(), t_jit_matrix_info::planecount, t_matrix_conv_info::planemap,
and t_jit_matrix_info::type.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

762 Module Documentation

Here is the call graph for this function:



jit_attr_setsym object_attr_get
jit_matrix_exprfill jit_err_from_max_err
jit_matrix_getinfo object_attr_setsym

jit_matrix_new jit_matrix_info_default

jit_object_free object_free t_jit_err jit_matrix_fillplane ( t_jit_matrix ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, long argc, t_atom ∗ argv )

Sets the plane specified in all cells to the value provided.

See Jitter user documentation for more information.
x t_jit_matrix object pointer
s message symbol pointer
argc argument count
argv argument vector


t_jit_err error code


This function is not exported, but is provided for reference when calling via jit_object_method on an intance of

References _jit_sym_char, _jit_sym_float32, _jit_sym_float64, _jit_sym_long, jit_atom_getcharfix(), jit_atom_←-

getfloat(), and jit_atom_getlong().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_atom_getcharfix atom_getcharfix

jit_matrix_fillplane jit_atom_getfloat atom_getfloat


Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.76 Matrix Module 763 t_jit_err jit_matrix_free ( t_jit_matrix ∗ x )

Frees instance of t_jit_matrix.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

764 Module Documentation

x t_jit_matrix object pointer


t_jit_err error code


Use jit_object_free instead.

References jit_handle_free(), JIT_MATRIX_DATA_HANDLE, JIT_MATRIX_DATA_REFERENCE, and jit_matrix←-

Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_handle_free sysmem_freehandle
jit_matrix_freedata jit_freebytes sysmem_freeptr t_jit_err jit_matrix_freedata ( t_jit_matrix ∗ x )

Frees matrix's internal data pointer if an internal reference and sets to NULL.
x t_jit_matrix object pointer


t_jit_err error code


This function is not exported, but is provided for reference when calling via jit_object_method on an intance of

References jit_freebytes(), and JIT_MATRIX_DATA_REFERENCE.

Referenced by jit_matrix_free().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_matrix_freedata jit_freebytes sysmem_freeptr

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.76 Matrix Module 765 t_jit_err jit_matrix_frommatrix ( t_jit_matrix ∗ dst_matrix, t_jit_matrix ∗ src_matrix, t_matrix_conv_info ∗ mcinfo


Copies Jitter matrix data from another matrix.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

766 Module Documentation

dst_matrix destination t_jit_matrix object pointer
src_matrix destination t_jit_matrix object pointer
mcinfo conversion information pointer


t_jit_err error code


This function is not exported, but is provided for reference when calling via jit_object_method on an intance of

References _jit_sym_getdata, _jit_sym_getinfo, _jit_sym_lock, t_jit_matrix_info::dim, t_jit_matrix_info::dimcount, t←-

_matrix_conv_info::dstdimend, t_matrix_conv_info::dstdimstart, t_matrix_conv_info::flags, JIT_MATRIX_MAX_D←-
IMCOUNT, MAX, t_jit_matrix_info::size, t_matrix_conv_info::srcdimend, and t_matrix_conv_info::srcdimstart. t_jit_err jit_matrix_getcell ( t_jit_matrix ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, long argc, t_atom ∗ argv, long ∗ rac, t_atom ∗∗ rav )

Gets cell at index to the value provided.

See Jitter user documentation for more information.
x t_jit_matrix object pointer
s message symbol pointer
argc argument count
argv argument vector
rac return value atom count
rav return value atom vector


t_jit_err error code

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.76 Matrix Module 767


This function is not exported, but is provided for reference when calling via jit_object_method on an intance of

References _jit_sym_char, _jit_sym_float32, _jit_sym_float64, _jit_sym_long, _jit_sym_object, _jit_sym_symbol,

_jit_sym_val, jit_atom_getlong(), jit_atom_setfloat(), jit_atom_setlong(), jit_atom_setobj(), jit_atom_setsym(), jit_←-
getbytes(), and JIT_MATRIX_MAX_DIMCOUNT.
Here is the call graph for this function:


jit_atom_setfloat atom_setfloat

jit_atom_setobj atom_setobj

jit_atom_setsym atom_setsym

jit_getbytes sysmem_newptr t_jit_err jit_matrix_getdata ( t_jit_matrix ∗ x, void ∗∗ data )

Retrieves matrix data pointer.

x t_jit_matrix object pointer
data pointer to data pointer (set to NULL if matrix is not available)


t_jit_err error code


This function is not exported, but is provided for reference when calling via jit_object_method on an intance of
t_jit_matrix. t_jit_err jit_matrix_getinfo ( t_jit_matrix ∗ x, t_jit_matrix_info ∗ info )

Retrieves all attributes, copying into the t_jit_matrix_info struct provided.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

768 Module Documentation

x t_jit_matrix object pointer
info t_jit_matrix_info pointer


t_jit_err error code


This function is not exported, but is provided for reference when calling via jit_object_method on an intance of

Referenced by jit_matrix_exprfill(), and jit_matrix_op(). t_jit_err jit_matrix_info_default ( t_jit_matrix_info ∗ info )

Initializes matrix info struct to default values.

info t_jit_matrix_info struct pointer


t_jit_err error code


This function is not exported, but is provided for reference when calling via jit_object_method on an intance of

References t_jit_matrix_info::dim, t_jit_matrix_info::dimcount, t_jit_matrix_info::dimstride, t_jit_matrix_info::flags,

JIT_MATRIX_MAX_DIMCOUNT, t_jit_matrix_info::planecount, t_jit_matrix_info::size, and t_jit_matrix_info::type.
Referenced by jit_glchunk_grid_new(), jit_glchunk_new(), jit_matrix_new(), max_jit_mop_inputs(), max_jit_mop_←-
matrix_args(), and max_jit_mop_outputs(). t_jit_err jit_matrix_jit_gl_texture ( t_jit_matrix ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, long argc, t_atom ∗ argv )

Copies texture information to matrix.

See Jitter user documentation for more information.
x t_jit_matrix object pointer
s message symbol pointer
argc argument count
argv argument vector


t_jit_err error code

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.76 Matrix Module 769


This function is not exported, but is provided for reference when calling via jit_object_method on an intance of

References _jit_sym_nothing, jit_atom_getsym(), jit_atom_setobj(), and jit_object_findregistered().

Here is the call graph for this function:


jit_matrix_jit_gl_texture jit_atom_setobj atom_setobj

jit_object_findregistered void ∗ jit_matrix_new ( t_jit_matrix_info ∗ info )

Constructs instance of t_jit_matrix.

info t_jit_matrix_info struct pointer


t_jit_matrix object pointer


This function is not exported, but is provided for reference when calling via jit_object_new.

References t_jit_matrix_info::flags, JIT_MATRIX_DATA_FLAGS_USE, JIT_MATRIX_DATA_HANDLE, JIT_MAT←-

RIX_DATA_REFERENCE, jit_matrix_info_default(), and jit_object_free().
Referenced by jit_matrix_exprfill(), and jit_matrix_op().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_matrix_new jit_err_from_max_err

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

770 Module Documentation void ∗ jit_matrix_newcopy ( t_jit_matrix ∗ copyme )

Constructs instance of t_jit_matrix, copying from input.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.76 Matrix Module 771

copyme t_jit_matrix object pointer


t_jit_matrix object pointer


This function is not exported, but is provided for reference when calling via jit_object_method on an intance of

References JIT_MATRIX_DATA_REFERENCE, and jit_object_free().

Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_matrix_newcopy jit_object_free
object_free t_jit_err jit_matrix_op ( t_jit_matrix ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, long argc, t_atom ∗ argv )

Applies unary or binary operator to matrix See Jitter user documentation for more information.
x t_jit_matrix object pointer
s message symbol pointer
argc argument count
argv argument vector


t_jit_err error code


This function is not exported, but is provided for reference when calling via jit_object_method on an intance of

References _jit_sym_class_jit_matrix, _jit_sym_matrix_calc, _jit_sym_nothing, A_FLOAT, A_LONG, A_OBJ, A←-

_SYM, jit_atom_getsym(), jit_attr_setsym(), jit_linklist_append(), jit_linklist_chuck(), jit_linklist_new(), jit_matrix_←-
getinfo(), jit_matrix_new(), jit_matrix_setall(), jit_object_findregistered(), jit_object_free(), and t_symbol::s_name.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

772 Module Documentation

Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_atom_getsym object_attr_get

jit_attr_setsym object_attr_setsym

jit_linklist_append linklist_append jit_err_from_max_err

jit_linklist_chuck linklist_chuck

jit_linklist_new linklist_new
jit_matrix_getinfo jit_matrix_info_default

jit_matrix_new jit_object_free object_free

jit_atom_getcharfix atom_getcharfix

jit_matrix_setall jit_atom_getlong

jit_object_findregistered jit_atom_getfloat atom_getfloat t_jit_err jit_matrix_setall ( t_jit_matrix ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, long argc, t_atom ∗ argv )

Sets all cells to the value provided.

See Jitter user documentation for more information.
x t_jit_matrix object pointer
s message symbol pointer
argc argument count
argv argument vector


t_jit_err error code

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.76 Matrix Module 773


This function is not exported, but is provided for reference when calling via jit_object_method on an intance of

References _jit_sym_char, _jit_sym_float32, _jit_sym_float64, _jit_sym_long, jit_atom_getcharfix(), jit_atom_←-

getfloat(), jit_atom_getlong(), and JIT_MATRIX_MAX_PLANECOUNT.
Referenced by jit_matrix_op().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_atom_getcharfix atom_getcharfix

jit_matrix_setall jit_atom_getfloat atom_getfloat

jit_atom_getlong t_jit_err jit_matrix_setcell ( t_jit_matrix ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, long argc, t_atom ∗ argv )

Sets cell at index to the value provided.

See Jitter user documentation for more information.
x t_jit_matrix object pointer
s message symbol pointer
argc argument count
argv argument vector


t_jit_err error code


This function is not exported, but is provided for reference when calling via jit_object_method on an intance of

References _jit_sym_char, _jit_sym_float32, _jit_sym_float64, _jit_sym_long, _jit_sym_object, _jit_sym_plane, ←-

_jit_sym_symbol, _jit_sym_val, A_SYM, jit_atom_getcharfix(), jit_atom_getfloat(), jit_atom_getlong(), jit_atom_←-
getobj(), jit_atom_getsym(), JIT_MATRIX_MAX_DIMCOUNT, and word::w_sym.
Referenced by jit_matrix_setcell1d(), jit_matrix_setcell2d(), jit_matrix_setcell3d(), jit_matrix_setplane1d(), jit_←-
matrix_setplane2d(), and jit_matrix_setplane3d().

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

774 Module Documentation

Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_atom_getcharfix atom_getcharfix

jit_atom_getfloat atom_getfloat

jit_matrix_setcell jit_atom_getlong

jit_atom_getobj atom_getobj

jit_atom_getsym t_jit_err jit_matrix_setcell1d ( t_jit_matrix ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, long argc, t_atom ∗ argv )

Sets cell at index to the value provided.

See Jitter user documentation for more information.
x t_jit_matrix object pointer
s message symbol pointer
argc argument count
argv argument vector


t_jit_err error code

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.76 Matrix Module 775


This function is not exported, but is provided for reference when calling via jit_object_method on an intance of

References _jit_sym_val, jit_atom_getlong(), jit_atom_setlong(), jit_atom_setsym(), and jit_matrix_setcell().

Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_atom_setsym atom_setsym


jit_atom_getobj atom_getobj


jit_atom_getcharfix atom_getcharfix

jit_atom_getfloat atom_getfloat t_jit_err jit_matrix_setcell2d ( t_jit_matrix ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, long argc, t_atom ∗ argv )

Sets cell at index to the value provided.

See Jitter user documentation for more information.
x t_jit_matrix object pointer
s message symbol pointer
argc argument count
argv argument vector


t_jit_err error code

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

776 Module Documentation


This function is not exported, but is provided for reference when calling via jit_object_method on an intance of

References _jit_sym_val, jit_atom_getlong(), jit_atom_setlong(), jit_atom_setsym(), and jit_matrix_setcell().

Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_atom_setsym atom_setsym


jit_atom_getobj atom_getobj


jit_atom_getcharfix atom_getcharfix

jit_atom_getfloat atom_getfloat t_jit_err jit_matrix_setcell3d ( t_jit_matrix ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, long argc, t_atom ∗ argv )

Sets cell at index to the value provided.

See Jitter user documentation for more information.
x t_jit_matrix object pointer
s message symbol pointer
argc argument count
argv argument vector


t_jit_err error code

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.76 Matrix Module 777


This function is not exported, but is provided for reference when calling via jit_object_method on an intance of

References _jit_sym_val, jit_atom_getlong(), jit_atom_setlong(), jit_atom_setsym(), and jit_matrix_setcell().

Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_atom_setsym atom_setsym


jit_atom_getobj atom_getobj


jit_atom_getcharfix atom_getcharfix

jit_atom_getfloat atom_getfloat t_jit_err jit_matrix_setinfo ( t_jit_matrix ∗ x, t_jit_matrix_info ∗ info )

Sets all attributes according to the t_jit_matrix_info struct provided.

x t_jit_matrix object pointer
info t_jit_matrix_info pointer


t_jit_err error code


This function is not exported, but is provided for reference when calling via jit_object_method on an intance of

References _jit_sym_setinfo, and jit_object_notify().

Referenced by jit_matrix_setinfo_ex().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_matrix_setinfo jit_object_notify object_notify

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

778 Module Documentation t_jit_err jit_matrix_setinfo_ex ( t_jit_matrix ∗ x, t_jit_matrix_info ∗ info )

Sets all attributes according to the t_jit_matrix_info struct provided (including data flags).
x t_jit_matrix object pointer
info t_jit_matrix_info pointer


t_jit_err error code


This function is not exported, but is provided for reference when calling via jit_object_method on an intance of

References _jit_sym_modified, _jit_sym_nothing, t_jit_matrix_info::flags, JIT_MATRIX_DATA_REFERENCE, jit_←-

matrix_setinfo(), jit_object_notify(), and t_jit_matrix_info::size.
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_matrix_setinfo_ex jit_object_notify object_notify t_jit_err jit_matrix_setplane1d ( t_jit_matrix ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, long argc, t_atom ∗ argv )

Sets plane of cell at index to the value provided.

See Jitter user documentation for more information.
x t_jit_matrix object pointer
s message symbol pointer
argc argument count
argv argument vector


t_jit_err error code


This function is not exported, but is provided for reference when calling via jit_object_method on an intance of

References _jit_sym_plane, _jit_sym_val, jit_atom_getlong(), jit_atom_setlong(), jit_atom_setsym(), and jit_←-


Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.76 Matrix Module 779

Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_atom_setsym atom_setsym


jit_atom_getobj atom_getobj


jit_atom_getcharfix atom_getcharfix

jit_atom_getfloat atom_getfloat t_jit_err jit_matrix_setplane2d ( t_jit_matrix ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, long argc, t_atom ∗ argv )

Sets plane of cell at index to the value provided.

See Jitter user documentation for more information.
x t_jit_matrix object pointer
s message symbol pointer
argc argument count
argv argument vector


t_jit_err error code

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

780 Module Documentation


This function is not exported, but is provided for reference when calling via jit_object_method on an intance of

References _jit_sym_plane, _jit_sym_val, jit_atom_getlong(), jit_atom_setlong(), jit_atom_setsym(), and jit_←-

Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_atom_setsym atom_setsym


jit_atom_getobj atom_getobj


jit_atom_getcharfix atom_getcharfix

jit_atom_getfloat atom_getfloat t_jit_err jit_matrix_setplane3d ( t_jit_matrix ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, long argc, t_atom ∗ argv )

Sets plane of cell at index to the value provided.

See Jitter user documentation for more information.
x t_jit_matrix object pointer
s message symbol pointer
argc argument count
argv argument vector


t_jit_err error code

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.76 Matrix Module 781


This function is not exported, but is provided for reference when calling via jit_object_method on an intance of

References _jit_sym_plane, _jit_sym_val, jit_atom_getlong(), jit_atom_setlong(), jit_atom_setsym(), and jit_←-

Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_atom_setsym atom_setsym


jit_atom_getobj atom_getobj


jit_atom_getcharfix atom_getcharfix

jit_atom_getfloat atom_getfloat

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

782 Module Documentation

36.77 Max Wrapper Module

Collaboration diagram for Max Wrapper Module:

Jitter Max Wrapper Module


• void max_jit_attr_set (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, short ac, t_atom ∗av)
Sets attribute value.
• t_jit_err max_jit_attr_get (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, long ∗ac, t_atom ∗∗av)
Retrieves attribute value.
• void max_jit_attr_getdump (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, short argc, t_atom ∗argv)
Retrieves attribute value and sends out dump outlet.
• long max_jit_attr_args_offset (short ac, t_atom ∗av)
Determines argument offset to first attribute argument.
• void max_jit_attr_args (void ∗x, short ac, t_atom ∗av)
Processes attribute arguments.
• void max_jit_classex_standard_wrap (void ∗mclass, void ∗jclass, long flags)
Adds standard Jitter methods, as well as public methods and attributes of the specified Jitter class.
• void max_addmethod_defer (method m, char ∗s)
Adds method to Max class that calls defer rather than the method directly.
• void max_addmethod_defer_low (method m, char ∗s)
Adds method to Max class that calls defer_low rather than the method directly.
• void max_addmethod_usurp (method m, char ∗s)
Adds method to Max class that uses the usurp mechanism to execute method at low priority without backlog.
• void max_addmethod_usurp_low (method m, char ∗s)
Adds method to Max class that uses the usurp mechanism to execute method at low priority without backlog.
• void ∗ max_jit_classex_setup (long oboffset)
Allocates and initializes special t_max_jit_classex data, used by the Max wrapper class.
• t_jit_err max_jit_classex_addattr (void ∗x, void ∗attr)
Adds an attribute to the Max wrapper class.
• void ∗ max_jit_obex_new (void ∗mc, t_symbol ∗classname)
Allocates an initializes a new Max wrapper object instance.
• void max_jit_obex_free (void ∗x)
Frees additional resources for the Max wrapper object instance.
• t_jit_err max_jit_obex_attr_set (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, long ac, t_atom ∗av)
Sets an attribute of the Max wrapper or the wrapped Jitter object.
• t_jit_err max_jit_obex_attr_get (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, long ∗ac, t_atom ∗∗av)
Retrienves an attribute of the Max wrapper or the wrapped Jitter object.
• void ∗ max_jit_obex_jitob_get (void ∗x)
Retrieves the wrapped Jitter object from a Max wrapper object.
• void max_jit_obex_jitob_set (void ∗x, void ∗jitob)

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36.77 Max Wrapper Module 783

Sets the wrapped Jitter object for a Max wrapper object.

• long max_jit_obex_inletnumber_get (void ∗x)
Retrieves the current inlet number used by inlet proxies.
• void max_jit_obex_inletnumber_set (void ∗x, long inletnumber)
Sets the current inlet number used by inlet proxies.
• t_jit_err max_jit_obex_proxy_new (void ∗x, long c)
Creates a new proxy inlet.
• void max_jit_obex_dumpout_set (void ∗x, void ∗outlet)
Sets the Max wrapper object's dump outlet's outlet pointer.
• void ∗ max_jit_obex_dumpout_get (void ∗x)
Retrieves the Max wrapper object's dump outlet's outlet pointer.
• void max_jit_obex_dumpout (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, short argc, t_atom ∗argv)
Sends a message and arguments out the dump outlet.
• void ∗ max_jit_obex_adornment_get (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗classname)
Retrieves Max wrapper object adornment specified by class name.
• void max_jit_obex_gimmeback (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, long ac, t_atom ∗av)
Calls gimmeback methods and frees any return value.
• void max_jit_obex_gimmeback_dumpout (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, long ac, t_atom ∗av)
Calls gimmeback methods and outputs any return value through the Max wrapper class' dump outlet.

36.77.1 Detailed Description

36.77.2 Function Documentation void max_addmethod_defer ( method m, char ∗ s )

Adds method to Max class that calls defer rather than the method directly.
To prevent sequencing problems which arize through the use of defer, rather than defer_low, you should instead use
the max_addmethod_defer_low function.
m method (function pointer)
s method name

References A_CANT, A_GIMME, and addmess().

Referenced by max_jit_classex_addattr().
Here is the call graph for this function:

max_addmethod_defer addmess void max_addmethod_defer_low ( method m, char ∗ s )

Adds method to Max class that calls defer_low rather than the method directly.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

784 Module Documentation

m method (function pointer)
s method name

References A_CANT, A_GIMME, and addmess().

Referenced by max_jit_classex_addattr(), max_jit_classex_mop_wrap(), and max_jit_classex_standard_wrap().
Here is the call graph for this function:

max_addmethod_defer_low addmess void max_addmethod_usurp ( method m, char ∗ s )

Adds method to Max class that uses the usurp mechanism to execute method at low priority without backlog.
Equivalent to max_addmethod_usurp_low function.
m method (function pointer)
s method name

References A_CANT, A_GIMME, and addmess().

Referenced by max_jit_classex_addattr().
Here is the call graph for this function:

max_addmethod_usurp addmess void max_addmethod_usurp_low ( method m, char ∗ s )

Adds method to Max class that uses the usurp mechanism to execute method at low priority without backlog.
m method (function pointer)

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.77 Max Wrapper Module 785

s method name

References A_CANT, A_GIMME, and addmess().

Referenced by max_jit_classex_addattr(), and max_jit_classex_mop_wrap().
Here is the call graph for this function:

max_addmethod_usurp_low addmess void max_jit_attr_args ( void ∗ x, short ac, t_atom ∗ av )

Processes attribute arguments.

x Max wrapper object pointer
ac argument count
av argument vector

References _jit_sym_nothing, A_SYM, gensym(), jit_object_attr_usercanset(), jit_object_method_argsafe_get(),

max_jit_obex_jitob_get(), object_method_typed(), and t_symbol::s_name.
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_object_attr_usercanset jit_class_method_argsafe_get

max_jit_attr_args jit_object_method_argsafe_get jit_object_class object_class


object_method_typed long max_jit_attr_args_offset ( short ac, t_atom ∗ av )

Determines argument offset to first attribute argument.

ac argument count
av argument vector

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786 Module Documentation


argument offset

References attr_args_offset().
Referenced by max_jit_mop_matrix_args().
Here is the call graph for this function:

max_jit_attr_args_offset attr_args_offset t_jit_err max_jit_attr_get ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, long ∗ ac, t_atom ∗∗ av )

Retrieves attribute value.

x Max wrapper object pointer
s attribute name
ac pointer atom count
av pointer atom vector


t_jit_err error code

References gensym(), max_jit_obex_jitob_get(), and t_symbol::s_name.

Referenced by max_jit_attr_getdump().
Here is the call graph for this function:

max_jit_obex_jitob_get void max_jit_attr_getdump ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, short argc, t_atom ∗ argv )

Retrieves attribute value and sends out dump outlet.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.77 Max Wrapper Module 787

x Max wrapper object pointer
s attribute name
argc argument count (ignored)
argv argument vector (ignored)

References freebytes(), gensym(), jit_error_code(), max_jit_attr_get(), t_symbol::s_name, and zgetfn().

Here is the call graph for this function:


jit_error_code defer

max_jit_attr_getdump gensym

max_jit_attr_get max_jit_obex_jitob_get

zgetfn void max_jit_attr_set ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, short ac, t_atom ∗ av )

Sets attribute value.

x Max wrapper object pointer
s attribute name
ac atom count
av atom vector

References max_jit_obex_jitob_get(), object_attr_get(), and object_notify().

Here is the call graph for this function:


max_jit_attr_set object_attr_get


Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

788 Module Documentation long max_jit_classex_addattr ( void ∗ x, void ∗ attr )

Adds an attribute to the Max wrapper class.

x pointer to t_max_jit_classex data (opaque)
attr attribute object pointer


t_jit_err error code

Referenced by max_jit_classex_mop_wrap(). void ∗ max_jit_classex_setup ( long oboffset )

Allocates and initializes special t_max_jit_classex data, used by the Max wrapper class.
oboffset object struct byte offset to obex pointer


pointer to t_max_jit_classex data (opaque) void max_jit_classex_standard_wrap ( void ∗ mclass, void ∗ jclass, long flags )

Adds standard Jitter methods, as well as public methods and attributes of the specified Jitter class.
This includes the following public methods: getattributes, getstate, summary, importattrs, exportattrs; and the fol-
lowing private methods: dumpout, quickref, attr_getnames, attr_get, attr_gettarget, and attrindex.
mclass Max wrapper class pointer
jclass jitter class pointer
flags reserved for future use (currently ignored) void∗ max_jit_obex_adornment_get ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ classname )

Retrieves Max wrapper object adornment specified by class name.

Typcially used for accessing the jit_mop adornment for MOP Max wrapper objects.
x Max wrapper object pointer
classname adornment classname


adornment pointer

References _jit_sym_findfirst, and jit_object_classname_compare().

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.77 Max Wrapper Module 789

Referenced by max_jit_mop_adapt_matrix_all(), max_jit_mop_assist(), max_jit_mop_clear(), max_jit_mop←-

_free(), max_jit_mop_get_io_by_name(), max_jit_mop_getinput(), max_jit_mop_getoutput(), max_jit_mop_←-
getoutputmode(), max_jit_mop_inputs(), max_jit_mop_jit_matrix(), max_jit_mop_matrix_args(), max_jit_mop←-
_matrixout_new(), max_jit_mop_notify(), max_jit_mop_outputmatrix(), max_jit_mop_outputs(), max_jit_mop_←-
variable_addinputs(), and max_jit_mop_variable_addoutputs().
Here is the call graph for this function:

max_jit_obex_adornment_get jit_object_classname jit_object_classname object_classname

_compare t_jit_err max_jit_obex_attr_get ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, long ∗ ac, t_atom ∗∗ av )

Retrienves an attribute of the Max wrapper or the wrapped Jitter object.

x Max wrapper object pointer
s attribute name
ac pointer to atom count
av pointer to atom vector


t_jit_error error code

References _jit_sym_get, _jit_sym_getmethod, jit_attr_symcompare(), and jit_linklist_findfirst().

Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_attr_symcompare object_method
jit_linklist_findfirst linklist_findfirst t_jit_err max_jit_obex_attr_set ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, long ac, t_atom ∗ av )

Sets an attribute of the Max wrapper or the wrapped Jitter object.

x Max wrapper object pointer
s attribute name

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790 Module Documentation

ac atom count
av atom vector


t_jit_error error code

References _jit_sym_getmethod, _jit_sym_set, jit_attr_symcompare(), jit_linklist_findfirst(), and object_notify().

Referenced by max_jit_classex_addattr().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_attr_symcompare object_method

max_jit_obex_attr_set jit_linklist_findfirst linklist_findfirst

object_notify void max_jit_obex_dumpout ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, short argc, t_atom ∗ argv )

Sends a message and arguments out the dump outlet.

This message is equivalent to calling outlet_anything with the outlet returned by max_jit_obex_dumpout_get.
x Max wrapper object pointer
s message symbol
argc argument count
argv argument vector

References outlet_anything().
Referenced by max_jit_classex_standard_wrap(), and max_jit_obex_gimmeback_dumpout().
Here is the call graph for this function:

max_jit_obex_dumpout outlet_anything void∗ max_jit_obex_dumpout_get ( void ∗ x )

Retrieves the Max wrapper object's dump outlet's outlet pointer.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.77 Max Wrapper Module 791

x Max wrapper object pointer


dump outlet pointer void max_jit_obex_dumpout_set ( void ∗ x, void ∗ outlet )

Sets the Max wrapper object's dump outlet's outlet pointer.

x Max wrapper object pointer
outlet dump outlet pointer

Referenced by max_jit_mop_setup_simple(), and max_jit_obex_new(). void max_jit_obex_free ( void ∗ x )

Frees additional resources for the Max wrapper object instance.

x Max wrapper object pointer void max_jit_obex_gimmeback ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, long ac, t_atom ∗ av )

Calls gimmeback methods and frees any return value.

x Max wrapper object pointer
s method name
ac argument count
av argument vector

References A_NOTHING, A_OBJ, freebytes(), freeobject(), max_jit_obex_jitob_get(), object_method_typed(), and


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792 Module Documentation

Here is the call graph for this function:



object_method_typed void max_jit_obex_gimmeback_dumpout ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, long ac, t_atom ∗ av )

Calls gimmeback methods and outputs any return value through the Max wrapper class' dump outlet.
x Max wrapper object pointer
s method name
ac argument count
av argument vector

References A_NOTHING, A_OBJ, freebytes(), freeobject(), gensym(), max_jit_obex_dumpout(), max_jit_obex_←-

jitob_get(), object_getvalueof(), object_method_typed(), t_symbol::s_name, and word::w_obj.
Here is the call graph for this function:




max_jit_obex_dumpout outlet_anything




Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.77 Max Wrapper Module 793 long max_jit_obex_inletnumber_get ( void ∗ x )

Retrieves the current inlet number used by inlet proxies.

x Max wrapper object pointer


current inlet index

References proxy_getinlet().
Referenced by max_jit_mop_jit_matrix().
Here is the call graph for this function:

max_jit_obex_inletnumber_get proxy_getinlet void max_jit_obex_inletnumber_set ( void ∗ x, long inletnumber )

Sets the current inlet number used by inlet proxies.


Typically not used outside jitlib.

x Max wrapper object pointer
inletnumber inlet index

Referenced by max_jit_obex_new(). void∗ max_jit_obex_jitob_get ( void ∗ x )

Retrieves the wrapped Jitter object from a Max wrapper object.

x Max wrapper object pointer


Jitter object pointer

Referenced by max_jit_attr_args(), max_jit_attr_get(), max_jit_attr_set(), max_jit_mop_jit_matrix(), max_jit_mop←-

_setup(), max_jit_ob3d_detach(), max_jit_obex_gimmeback(), and max_jit_obex_gimmeback_dumpout().

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

794 Module Documentation void max_jit_obex_jitob_set ( void ∗ x, void ∗ jitob )

Sets the wrapped Jitter object for a Max wrapper object.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.77 Max Wrapper Module 795

x Max wrapper object pointer
jitob Jitter object pointer

References gensym(), and OBJ_FLAG_REF.

Referenced by max_jit_mop_setup_simple(), and max_jit_obex_new().
Here is the call graph for this function:

max_jit_obex_jitob_set gensym void ∗ max_jit_obex_new ( void ∗ mc, t_symbol ∗ classname )

Allocates an initializes a new Max wrapper object instance.

This is used in place of the newobject function.
mc Max class pointer
classname Jitter class name to wrap


pointer to new Max wrapper object instance t_jit_err max_jit_obex_proxy_new ( void ∗ x, long c )

Creates a new proxy inlet.

x Max wrapper object pointer
c inlet index

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796 Module Documentation


t_jit_err error code

References jit_linklist_append(), jit_linklist_new(), and proxy_new().

Referenced by max_jit_mop_inputs().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_linklist_append linklist_append

max_jit_obex_proxy_new jit_linklist_new linklist_new


Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.78 Memory Module 797

36.78 Memory Module

Collaboration diagram for Memory Module:

Jitter Memory Module


• void ∗ jit_getbytes (long size)

Allocates a pointer to memory.
• void jit_freebytes (void ∗ptr, long size)
Frees a pointer to memory.
• void ∗∗ jit_handle_new (long size)
Allocates a memory handle.
• void jit_handle_free (void ∗∗handle)
Frees a memory handle.
• long jit_handle_size_get (void ∗∗handle)
Retrieves a memory handle's size in bytes.
• t_jit_err jit_handle_size_set (void ∗∗handle, long size)
Sets a memory handle's size in bytes.
• long jit_handle_lock (void ∗∗handle, long lock)
Sets a memory handle's lock state.
• void jit_copy_bytes (void ∗dest, const void ∗src, long bytes)
Copy bytes from source to destination pointer.
• long jit_freemem (void)
Reports free memory.
• char ∗ jit_newptr (long size)
Allocates a pointer to memory.
• void jit_disposeptr (char ∗ptr)
Frees a pointer to memory.

36.78.1 Detailed Description

36.78.2 Function Documentation void jit_copy_bytes ( void ∗ dest, const void ∗ src, long bytes )

Copy bytes from source to destination pointer.


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798 Module Documentation

dest destination pointer

src source pointer
bytes byte count to copy

References sysmem_copyptr().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_copy_bytes sysmem_copyptr void jit_disposeptr ( char ∗ ptr )

Frees a pointer to memory.


It is important to avoid mixing memory pools, and therefore to match calls to jit_newptr and jit_disposeptr.

ptr pointer to memory

References sysmem_freeptr().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_disposeptr sysmem_freeptr void jit_freebytes ( void ∗ ptr, long size )

Frees a pointer to memory.

Depending on the size of the pointer, jit_freebytes will free from either the faster memory pool or the system memory


It is important to avoid mixing memory pools, and therefore to match calls to jit_getbytes and jit_freebytes.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.78 Memory Module 799

ptr pointer to memory
size size in bytes allocated

References sysmem_freeptr().
Referenced by jit_glchunk_delete(), jit_matrix_freedata(), jit_ob3d_free(), and max_jit_obex_free().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_freebytes sysmem_freeptr long jit_freemem ( void )

Reports free memory.


Obsolete. OS 9 only.


free bytes void∗ jit_getbytes ( long size )

Allocates a pointer to memory.

Depending on the size requested, jit_getbytes will allocate from either the faster memory pool or the system memory


It is important to avoid mixing memory pools, and therefore to match calls to jit_getbytes and jit_freebytes.

size size in bytes to allocate


pointer to memory

References sysmem_newptr().
Referenced by jit_glchunk_copy(), jit_glchunk_grid_new(), jit_glchunk_new(), jit_matrix_getcell(), jit_ob3d_new(),
jit_ob3d_setup(), max_jit_classex_setup(), and max_jit_obex_new().

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

800 Module Documentation

Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_getbytes sysmem_newptr void jit_handle_free ( void ∗∗ handle )

Frees a memory handle.


It is important to avoid mixing memory pools, and therefore to match calls to jit_handle_new and jit_handle←-

handle memory handle

References sysmem_freehandle().
Referenced by jit_matrix_free().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_handle_free sysmem_freehandle long jit_handle_lock ( void ∗∗ handle, long lock )

Sets a memory handle's lock state.

handle memory handle
lock state (1=locked, 0=unlocked)


lock state.

References sysmem_lockhandle().

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.78 Memory Module 801

Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_handle_lock sysmem_lockhandle void∗∗ jit_handle_new ( long size )

Allocates a memory handle.

Handles are relocatable sections of memory which should be locked before dereferencing, and unlocked when not
in use so that they may be relocated as necessary.


It is important to avoid mixing memory pools, and therefore to match calls to jit_handle_new and jit_handle←-

size size in bytes to allocate


memory handle

References sysmem_newhandle().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_handle_new sysmem_newhandle long jit_handle_size_get ( void ∗∗ handle )

Retrieves a memory handle's size in bytes.


Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

802 Module Documentation

handle memory handle


size in bytes

References sysmem_handlesize().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_handle_size_get sysmem_handlesize t_jit_err jit_handle_size_set ( void ∗∗ handle, long size )

Sets a memory handle's size in bytes.

handle memory handle
size new size in bytes


t_jit_err error code.

References sysmem_resizehandle().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_handle_size_set sysmem_resizehandle char∗ jit_newptr ( long size )

Allocates a pointer to memory.

Always allocates from the the system memory pool.


It is important to avoid mixing memory pools, and therefore to match calls to jit_newptr and jit_disposeptr.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.78 Memory Module 803

size size in bytes to allocate


pointer to memory

References sysmem_newptr().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_newptr sysmem_newptr

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

804 Module Documentation

36.79 MOP Module

Collaboration diagram for MOP Module:

Jitter MOP Module

Data Structures

• struct t_jit_mop_io
t_jit_mop_io object struct.
• struct t_jit_mop
t_jit_mop object struct.


• t_jit_object ∗ jit_mop_io_new (void)

Constructs instance of t_jit_mop_io.
• t_jit_object ∗ jit_mop_io_newcopy (t_jit_mop_io ∗x)
Constructs instance of t_jit_mop_io, copying settings of input.
• t_jit_err jit_mop_io_free (t_jit_mop ∗x)
Frees instance of t_jit_mop_io.
• t_jit_err jit_mop_io_restrict_type (t_jit_mop_io ∗x, t_jit_matrix_info ∗info)
Restricts the type specified in t_jit_matrix_info struct to those permitted by t_jit_mop_io instance, overwriting value in
t_jit_matrix_info struct.
• t_jit_err jit_mop_io_restrict_planecount (t_jit_mop_io ∗x, t_jit_matrix_info ∗info)
Restricts the planecount specified in t_jit_matrix_info struct to those permitted by t_jit_mop_io instance, overwriting
value in t_jit_matrix_info struct.
• t_jit_err jit_mop_io_restrict_dim (t_jit_mop_io ∗x, t_jit_matrix_info ∗info)
Restricts the dimension sizes specified in t_jit_matrix_info struct to those permitted by t_jit_mop_io instance, over-
writing value in t_jit_matrix_info struct.
• t_jit_err jit_mop_io_matrix (t_jit_mop_io ∗x, void ∗m)
Sets the internal matrix reference.
• void ∗ jit_mop_io_getmatrix (t_jit_mop_io ∗x)
Retrieves the internal matrix reference.
• t_jit_err jit_mop_io_ioproc (t_jit_mop_io ∗x, method ioproc)
Sets the I/O procedure used when handling incoming matrices.
• method jit_mop_io_getioproc (t_jit_mop_io ∗x)
Retrieves the I/O procedure used when handling incoming matrices.
• t_jit_object ∗ jit_mop_new (long inputcount, long outputcount)
Constructs instance of t_jit_mop.
• t_jit_object ∗ jit_mop_newcopy (t_jit_mop ∗x)
Constructs instance of t_jit_mop, copying settings of input.
• void ∗ jit_mop_getinput (t_jit_mop ∗x, long i)
Retrieves input at input list index specified.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.79 MOP Module 805

• void ∗ jit_mop_getoutput (t_jit_mop ∗x, long i)

Retrieves output at output list index specified.
• void ∗ jit_mop_getinputlist (t_jit_mop ∗x)
Retrieves input list.
• void ∗ jit_mop_getoutputlist (t_jit_mop ∗x)
Retrieves output list.
• t_jit_err jit_mop_free (t_jit_mop ∗x)
Frees instance of t_jit_mop.
• t_jit_err jit_mop_single_type (void ∗mop, t_symbol ∗s)
Utility function to set the type attribute for all MOP inputs and outputs.
• t_jit_err jit_mop_single_planecount (void ∗mop, long c)
Utility function to set the planecount attribute for all MOP inputs and outputs.
• t_jit_err jit_mop_methodall (void ∗mop, t_symbol ∗s,...)
Utility function to send the same method to all MOP inputs and outputs.
• t_jit_err jit_mop_input_nolink (void ∗mop, long c)
Utility function to disable all linking attributes for a MOP input.
• t_jit_err jit_mop_output_nolink (void ∗mop, long c)
Utility function to disable all linking attributes for a MOP output.
• t_jit_err jit_mop_ioproc_copy_adapt (void ∗mop, void ∗mop_io, void ∗matrix)
MOP I/O procedure to copy and adapt to input.
• t_jit_err jit_mop_ioproc_copy_trunc (void ∗mop, void ∗mop_io, void ∗matrix)
MOP I/O procedure to copy, but truncate input.
• t_jit_err jit_mop_ioproc_copy_trunc_zero (void ∗mop, void ∗mop_io, void ∗matrix)
MOP I/O procedure to copy, but truncate input.
• t_symbol ∗ jit_mop_ioproc_tosym (void ∗ioproc)
Utility to convert MOP I/O procedure function to a human-readable type name.

36.79.1 Detailed Description

36.79.2 Function Documentation t_jit_err jit_mop_free ( t_jit_mop ∗ x )

Frees instance of t_jit_mop.

x t_jit_mop object pointer


t_jit_err error code

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806 Module Documentation


Use jit_object_free instead.

References t_jit_mop::inputlist, jit_object_free(), and t_jit_mop::outputlist.

Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_mop_free jit_object_free
object_free void ∗ jit_mop_getinput ( t_jit_mop ∗ x, long i )

Retrieves input at input list index specified.

x t_jit_mop object pointer
i index


t_jit_mop_io object pointer


This function is not exported, but is provided for reference when calling via jit_object_method on an intance of

References _jit_sym_getindex, and t_jit_mop::inputlist. void ∗ jit_mop_getinputlist ( t_jit_mop ∗ x )

Retrieves input list.

x t_jit_mop object pointer


t_jit_linklist object pointer


This function is not exported, but is provided for reference when calling via jit_object_method on an intance of

References t_jit_mop::inputlist.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.79 MOP Module 807 void ∗ jit_mop_getoutput ( t_jit_mop ∗ x, long i )

Retrieves output at output list index specified.

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808 Module Documentation

x t_jit_mop object pointer
i index


t_jit_mop_io object pointer


This function is not exported, but is provided for reference when calling via jit_object_method on an intance of

References _jit_sym_getindex, and t_jit_mop::outputlist. void ∗ jit_mop_getoutputlist ( t_jit_mop ∗ x )

Retrieves output list.

x t_jit_mop object pointer


t_jit_linklist object pointer


This function is not exported, but is provided for reference when calling via jit_object_method on an intance of

References t_jit_mop::outputlist. t_jit_err jit_mop_input_nolink ( void ∗ mop, long c )

Utility function to disable all linking attributes for a MOP input.

mop t_jit_mop object pointer
c input index

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.79 MOP Module 809


t_jit_err error code

References _jit_sym_getindex, gensym(), t_jit_mop::inputlist, and jit_attr_setlong().

Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_attr_setlong t_jit_err jit_mop_io_free ( t_jit_mop ∗ x )

Frees instance of t_jit_mop_io.

x t_jit_mop_io object pointer


t_jit_err error code


Use jit_object_free instead. method jit_mop_io_getioproc ( t_jit_mop_io ∗ x )

Retrieves the I/O procedure used when handling incoming matrices.

x t_jit_mop_io object pointer


I/O procedure


This function is not exported, but is provided for reference when calling via jit_object_method on an intance of

References t_jit_mop_io::ioproc. void ∗ jit_mop_io_getmatrix ( t_jit_mop_io ∗ x )

Retrieves the internal matrix reference.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

810 Module Documentation

x t_jit_mop_io object pointer


t_jit_matrix object pointer


This function is not exported, but is provided for reference when calling via jit_object_method on an intance of

References t_jit_mop_io::matrix. t_jit_err jit_mop_io_ioproc ( t_jit_mop_io ∗ x, method ioproc )

Sets the I/O procedure used when handling incoming matrices.

x t_jit_mop_io object pointer
ioproc I/O procedure


t_jit_err error code


This function is not exported, but is provided for reference when calling via jit_object_method on an intance of

References t_jit_mop_io::ioproc. t_jit_err jit_mop_io_matrix ( t_jit_mop_io ∗ x, void ∗ m )

Sets the internal matrix reference.

x t_jit_mop_io object pointer
m t_jit_matrix object pointer


t_jit_err error code


This function is not exported, but is provided for reference when calling via jit_object_method on an intance of

References t_jit_mop_io::matrix.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.79 MOP Module 811 t_jit_object ∗ jit_mop_io_new ( void )

Constructs instance of t_jit_mop_io.


t_jit_mop_io object pointer


This function is not exported, but is provided for reference when calling via jit_object_new.

References _jit_sym_char, _jit_sym_float32, _jit_sym_float64, _jit_sym_long, t_jit_mop_io::dimlink, gensym(), t←-

_jit_mop_io::ioname, t_jit_mop_io::ioproc, JIT_MATRIX_MAX_DIMCOUNT, JIT_MATRIX_MAX_PLANECOUN←-
T, t_jit_mop_io::matrix, t_jit_mop_io::matrixname, t_jit_mop_io::maxdim, t_jit_mop_io::maxdimcount, t_jit_mop_←-
io::maxplanecount, t_jit_mop_io::mindim, t_jit_mop_io::mindimcount, t_jit_mop_io::minplanecount, t_jit_mop_io←-
::planelink, t_jit_mop_io::special, t_jit_mop_io::typelink, t_jit_mop_io::types, and t_jit_mop_io::typescount.
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_mop_io_new gensym t_jit_object ∗ jit_mop_io_newcopy ( t_jit_mop_io ∗ x )

Constructs instance of t_jit_mop_io, copying settings of input.

x t_jit_mop_io object pointer


t_jit_mop_io object pointer


This function is not exported, but is provided for reference when calling via jit_object_method on an intance of
t_jit_mop_io. t_jit_err jit_mop_io_restrict_dim ( t_jit_mop_io ∗ x, t_jit_matrix_info ∗ info )

Restricts the dimension sizes specified in t_jit_matrix_info struct to those permitted by t_jit_mop_io instance, over-
writing value in t_jit_matrix_info struct.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

812 Module Documentation

x t_jit_mop_io object pointer
info t_jit_matrix_info pointer


t_jit_err error code


This function is not exported, but is provided for reference when calling via jit_object_method on an intance of

References t_jit_matrix_info::dim, t_jit_matrix_info::dimcount, JIT_MATRIX_MAX_DIMCOUNT, MAX, t_jit_mop_←-

io::maxdim, t_jit_mop_io::maxdimcount, t_jit_mop_io::mindim, and t_jit_mop_io::mindimcount. t_jit_err jit_mop_io_restrict_planecount ( t_jit_mop_io ∗ x, t_jit_matrix_info ∗ info )

Restricts the planecount specified in t_jit_matrix_info struct to those permitted by t_jit_mop_io instance, overwriting
value in t_jit_matrix_info struct.
x t_jit_mop_io object pointer
info t_jit_matrix_info pointer


t_jit_err error code


This function is not exported, but is provided for reference when calling via jit_object_method on an intance of

References t_jit_mop_io::maxplanecount, t_jit_mop_io::minplanecount, and t_jit_matrix_info::planecount. t_jit_err jit_mop_io_restrict_type ( t_jit_mop_io ∗ x, t_jit_matrix_info ∗ info )

Restricts the type specified in t_jit_matrix_info struct to those permitted by t_jit_mop_io instance, overwriting value
in t_jit_matrix_info struct.
x t_jit_mop_io object pointer
info t_jit_matrix_info pointer


t_jit_err error code

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.79 MOP Module 813


This function is not exported, but is provided for reference when calling via jit_object_method on an intance of

References _jit_sym_type, jit_attr_getsym(), t_jit_mop_io::matrix, t_jit_matrix_info::type, t_jit_mop_io::types, and

Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_mop_io_restrict_type jit_attr_getsym
object_attr_getsym t_jit_err jit_mop_ioproc_copy_adapt ( void ∗ mop, void ∗ mop_io, void ∗ matrix )

MOP I/O procedure to copy and adapt to input.

mop t_jit_mop object pointer
mop_io t_jit_mop_io object pointer
matrix t_jit_matrix object pointer


t_jit_err error code

1 void *m;
2 t_jit_matrix_info info;
4 if (matrix&&(m=jit_object_method(mop_io,_jit_sym_getmatrix))) {
5 jit_object_method(matrix,_jit_sym_getinfo,&info);
6 jit_object_method(mop_io,_jit_sym_restrict_type,&info);
7 jit_object_method(mop_io,_jit_sym_restrict_dim,&info);
8 jit_object_method(mop_io,_jit_sym_restrict_planecount,&info);
9 jit_object_method(m,_jit_sym_setinfo,&info);
10 jit_object_method(m,_jit_sym_frommatrix,matrix,NULL);
11 }
13 return JIT_ERR_NONE;

References _jit_sym_frommatrix, _jit_sym_getinfo, _jit_sym_getmatrix, _jit_sym_restrict_dim, _jit_sym_restrict_←-

planecount, _jit_sym_restrict_type, and _jit_sym_setinfo.
Referenced by jit_mop_ioproc_tosym(). t_jit_err jit_mop_ioproc_copy_trunc ( void ∗ mop, void ∗ mop_io, void ∗ matrix )

MOP I/O procedure to copy, but truncate input.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

814 Module Documentation

mop t_jit_mop object pointer
mop_io t_jit_mop_io object pointer
matrix t_jit_matrix object pointer


t_jit_err error code

1 void *m;
2 t_jit_matrix_info info;
4 if (matrix&&(m=jit_object_method(mop_io,_jit_sym_getmatrix))) {
5 jit_object_method(m,_jit_sym_frommatrix_trunc,matrix);
6 }
8 return JIT_ERR_NONE;

References _jit_sym_frommatrix_trunc, and _jit_sym_getmatrix.

Referenced by jit_mop_ioproc_tosym(). t_jit_err jit_mop_ioproc_copy_trunc_zero ( void ∗ mop, void ∗ mop_io, void ∗ matrix )

MOP I/O procedure to copy, but truncate input.

Zero elsewhere.
mop t_jit_mop object pointer
mop_io t_jit_mop_io object pointer
matrix t_jit_matrix object pointer


t_jit_err error code

1 void *m;
2 t_jit_matrix_info info;
4 if (matrix&&(m=jit_object_method(mop_io,_jit_sym_getmatrix))) {
5 jit_object_method(m,_jit_sym_clear);
6 jit_object_method(m,_jit_sym_frommatrix_trunc,matrix);
7 }
9 return JIT_ERR_NONE;

References _jit_sym_clear, _jit_sym_frommatrix_trunc, and _jit_sym_getmatrix.

Referenced by jit_mop_ioproc_tosym(). t_symbol∗ jit_mop_ioproc_tosym ( void ∗ ioproc )

Utility to convert MOP I/O procedure function to a human-readable type name.

ioproc t_jit_mop_io procedure pointer

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.79 MOP Module 815


t_symbol pointer

1 if (ioproc==NULL) {
2 return ps_resamp;
3 } else if (ioproc==jit_mop_ioproc_copy_adapt) {
4 return ps_adapt;
5 } else if (ioproc==jit_mop_ioproc_copy_trunc) {
6 return ps_trunc;
7 } else if (ioproc==jit_mop_ioproc_copy_trunc_zero) {
8 return ps_trunc_zero;
9 } else {
10 return ps_custom;
11 }
12 return ps_resamp;

References jit_mop_ioproc_copy_adapt(), jit_mop_ioproc_copy_trunc(), and jit_mop_ioproc_copy_trunc_zero().

Here is the call graph for this function:


jit_mop_ioproc_tosym jit_mop_ioproc_copy

_trunc_zero t_jit_err jit_mop_methodall ( void ∗ mop, t_symbol ∗ s, ... )

Utility function to send the same method to all MOP inputs and outputs.
mop t_jit_mop object pointer
s method symbol
... untyped arguments


t_jit_err error code

References _jit_sym_getindex, t_jit_mop::inputcount, t_jit_mop::inputlist, t_jit_mop::outputcount, and t_jit_mop←-

::outputlist. t_jit_object ∗ jit_mop_new ( long inputcount, long outputcount )

Constructs instance of t_jit_mop.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

816 Module Documentation


t_jit_mop object pointer


This function is not exported, but is provided for reference when calling via jit_object_new.

References _jit_sym_append, t_jit_mop::adapt, t_jit_mop::caninplace, gensym(), t_jit_mop::inputcount, t_jit_mop←-

::inputlist, jit_attr_setsym(), jit_object_free(), t_jit_mop::outputcount, t_jit_mop::outputlist, t_jit_mop::outputmode,
and t_jit_mop::special.
Here is the call graph for this function:

gensym object_attr_get

jit_mop_new jit_attr_setsym object_attr_setsym

jit_object_free jit_err_from_max_err

object_free t_jit_object ∗ jit_mop_newcopy ( t_jit_mop ∗ x )

Constructs instance of t_jit_mop, copying settings of input.

x t_jit_mop object pointer


t_jit_mop object pointer

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.79 MOP Module 817


This function is not exported, but is provided for reference when calling via jit_object_method on an intance of

References _jit_sym_append, _jit_sym_getindex, _jit_sym_newcopy, gensym(), t_jit_mop::inputcount, t_jit_mop←-

::inputlist, jit_object_free(), t_jit_mop::outputcount, and t_jit_mop::outputlist.
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_mop_newcopy jit_err_from_max_err
object_free t_jit_err jit_mop_output_nolink ( void ∗ mop, long c )

Utility function to disable all linking attributes for a MOP output.

mop t_jit_mop object pointer
c output index


t_jit_err error code

References _jit_sym_getindex, gensym(), jit_attr_setlong(), and t_jit_mop::outputlist.

Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_attr_setlong t_jit_err jit_mop_single_planecount ( void ∗ mop, long c )

Utility function to set the planecount attribute for all MOP inputs and outputs.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

818 Module Documentation

mop t_jit_mop object pointer
c planecount


t_jit_err error code

References _jit_sym_getindex, gensym(), t_jit_mop::inputcount, t_jit_mop::inputlist, jit_attr_setlong(), t_jit_mop←-

::outputcount, and t_jit_mop::outputlist.
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_attr_setlong t_jit_err jit_mop_single_type ( void ∗ mop, t_symbol ∗ s )

Utility function to set the type attribute for all MOP inputs and outputs.
mop t_jit_mop object pointer
s type symbol


t_jit_err error code

References _jit_sym_getindex, gensym(), t_jit_mop::inputcount, t_jit_mop::inputlist, jit_atom_setsym(), t_jit_mop←-

::outputcount, and t_jit_mop::outputlist.
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_atom_setsym atom_setsym

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.80 Parallel Utility Module 819

36.80 Parallel Utility Module

Collaboration diagram for Parallel Utility Module:

Jitter Parallel Utility Module


• void jit_parallel_ndim_calc (t_jit_parallel_ndim ∗p)

Tasks N-dimensional matrix calcuations to multiple threads if appropriate.
• void jit_parallel_ndim_simplecalc1 (method fn, void ∗data, long dimcount, long ∗dim, long planecount, t_jit←-
_matrix_info ∗minfo1, char ∗bp1, long flags1)
Tasks one input/output N-dimensional matrix calcuations to multiple threads if appropriate.
• void jit_parallel_ndim_simplecalc2 (method fn, void ∗data, long dimcount, long ∗dim, long planecount, t_jit←-
_matrix_info ∗minfo1, char ∗bp1, t_jit_matrix_info ∗minfo2, char ∗bp2, long flags1, long flags2)
Tasks two input/output N-dimensional matrix calcuations to multiple threads if appropriate.
• void jit_parallel_ndim_simplecalc3 (method fn, void ∗data, long dimcount, long ∗dim, long planecount, t_jit←-
_matrix_info ∗minfo1, char ∗bp1, t_jit_matrix_info ∗minfo2, char ∗bp2, t_jit_matrix_info ∗minfo3, char ∗bp3,
long flags1, long flags2, long flags3)
Tasks three input/output N-dimensional matrix calcuations to multiple threads if appropriate.
• void jit_parallel_ndim_simplecalc4 (method fn, void ∗data, long dimcount, long ∗dim, long planecount, t_jit←-
_matrix_info ∗minfo1, char ∗bp1, t_jit_matrix_info ∗minfo2, char ∗bp2, t_jit_matrix_info ∗minfo3, char ∗bp3,
t_jit_matrix_info ∗minfo4, char ∗bp4, long flags1, long flags2, long flags3, long flags4)
Tasks four input/output N-dimensional matrix calcuations to multiple threads if appropriate.

36.80.1 Detailed Description

36.80.2 Function Documentation void jit_parallel_ndim_calc ( t_jit_parallel_ndim ∗ p )

Tasks N-dimensional matrix calcuations to multiple threads if appropriate.

This function is ultimately what the other parallel utility functions call after having set up the t_jit_parallel_ndim struct.
The operation is tasked to multiple threads if all of the following conditions are met:

• multiple processors or cores are present

• parallel processing is enabled

• the size of the matrix data is larger then the parallel threshold

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

820 Module Documentation

p parallel ndim calc data

Referenced by jit_parallel_ndim_simplecalc1(), jit_parallel_ndim_simplecalc2(), jit_parallel_ndim_simplecalc3(),

and jit_parallel_ndim_simplecalc4(). void jit_parallel_ndim_simplecalc1 ( method fn, void ∗ data, long dimcount, long ∗ dim, long planecount,
t_jit_matrix_info ∗ minfo1, char ∗ bp1, long flags1 )

Tasks one input/output N-dimensional matrix calcuations to multiple threads if appropriate.

This function fills out the t_jit_parallel_ndim struct for a one input/output N-dimensional matrix calc method, and
calls jit_parallel_ndim_calc. This function does not distinguish between what is an input or output.
fn N-dimensional matrix calc method
data user defined pointer (typically object)
dimcount master number of dimensions to iterate
dim master pointer to dimension sizes
planecount master number of planes
minfo1 matrix info for first input/output
bp1 matrix data pointer for first input/output
flags1 parallel flags for first input/output

References jit_parallel_ndim_calc().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_parallel_ndim_simplecalc1 jit_parallel_ndim_calc void jit_parallel_ndim_simplecalc2 ( method fn, void ∗ data, long dimcount, long ∗ dim, long planecount,
t_jit_matrix_info ∗ minfo1, char ∗ bp1, t_jit_matrix_info ∗ minfo2, char ∗ bp2, long flags1, long flags2 )

Tasks two input/output N-dimensional matrix calcuations to multiple threads if appropriate.

This function fills out the t_jit_parallel_ndim struct for a two input/output N-dimensional matrix calc method, and calls
jit_parallel_ndim_calc. This function does not distinguish between what is an input or output.
fn N-dimensional matrix calc method
data user defined pointer (typically object)
dimcount master number of dimensions to iterate
dim master pointer to dimension sizes
planecount master number of planes

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.80 Parallel Utility Module 821

minfo1 matrix info for first input/output

bp1 matrix data pointer for first input/output
flags1 parallel flags for first input/output
minfo2 matrix info for second input/output
bp2 matrix data pointer for second input/output
flags2 parallel flags for second input/output

References t_jit_matrix_info::flags, and jit_parallel_ndim_calc().

Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_parallel_ndim_simplecalc2 jit_parallel_ndim_calc void jit_parallel_ndim_simplecalc3 ( method fn, void ∗ data, long dimcount, long ∗ dim, long planecount,
t_jit_matrix_info ∗ minfo1, char ∗ bp1, t_jit_matrix_info ∗ minfo2, char ∗ bp2, t_jit_matrix_info ∗ minfo3,
char ∗ bp3, long flags1, long flags2, long flags3 )

Tasks three input/output N-dimensional matrix calcuations to multiple threads if appropriate.

This function fills out the t_jit_parallel_ndim struct for a three input/output N-dimensional matrix calc method, and
calls jit_parallel_ndim_calc. This function does not distinguish between what is an input or output.
fn N-dimensional matrix calc method
data user defined pointer (typically object)
dimcount master number of dimensions to iterate
dim master pointer to dimension sizes
planecount master number of planes
minfo1 matrix info for first input/output
bp1 matrix data pointer for first input/output
flags1 parallel flags for first input/output
minfo2 matrix info for second input/output
bp2 matrix data pointer for second input/output
flags2 parallel flags for second input/output
minfo3 matrix info for third input/output
bp3 matrix data pointer for third input/output
flags3 parallel flags for third input/output

References t_jit_matrix_info::flags, and jit_parallel_ndim_calc().

Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_parallel_ndim_simplecalc3 jit_parallel_ndim_calc

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

822 Module Documentation void jit_parallel_ndim_simplecalc4 ( method fn, void ∗ data, long dimcount, long ∗ dim, long planecount,
t_jit_matrix_info ∗ minfo1, char ∗ bp1, t_jit_matrix_info ∗ minfo2, char ∗ bp2, t_jit_matrix_info ∗ minfo3,
char ∗ bp3, t_jit_matrix_info ∗ minfo4, char ∗ bp4, long flags1, long flags2, long flags3, long flags4 )

Tasks four input/output N-dimensional matrix calcuations to multiple threads if appropriate.

This function fills out the t_jit_parallel_ndim struct for a three input/output N-dimensional matrix calc method, and
calls jit_parallel_ndim_calc. This function does not distinguish between what is an input or output.
fn N-dimensional matrix calc method
data user defined pointer (typically object)
dimcount master number of dimensions to iterate
dim master pointer to dimension sizes
planecount master number of planes
minfo1 matrix info for first input/output
bp1 matrix data pointer for first input/output
flags1 parallel flags for first input/output
minfo2 matrix info for second input/output
bp2 matrix data pointer for second input/output
flags2 parallel flags for second input/output
minfo3 matrix info for third input/output
bp3 matrix data pointer for third input/output
flags3 parallel flags for third input/output
minfo4 matrix info for fourth input/output
bp4 matrix data pointer for fourth input/output
flags4 parallel flags for fourth input/output

References t_jit_matrix_info::flags, and jit_parallel_ndim_calc().

Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_parallel_ndim_simplecalc4 jit_parallel_ndim_calc

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.81 MOP Max Wrapper Module 823

36.81 MOP Max Wrapper Module

Collaboration diagram for MOP Max Wrapper Module:

Jitter MOP Max Wrapper Module


• t_jit_err max_jit_classex_mop_wrap (void ∗mclass, void ∗jclass, long flags)

Adds default methods and attributes to the MOP Max wrapper class.
• t_jit_err max_jit_classex_mop_mproc (void ∗mclass, void ∗jclass, void ∗mproc)
Sets a custom matrix procedure for the MOP Max wrapper class.
• t_jit_err max_jit_mop_setup (void ∗x)
Sets up necessary resources for MOP Max wrapper object.
• t_jit_err max_jit_mop_variable_addinputs (void ∗x, long c)
Sets the number of inputs for a variable input MOP Max wrapper object.
• t_jit_err max_jit_mop_variable_addoutputs (void ∗x, long c)
Sets the number of outputs for a variable input MOP Max wrapper object.
• t_jit_err max_jit_mop_inputs (void ∗x)
Creates input resources for a MOP Max wrapper object.
• t_jit_err max_jit_mop_outputs (void ∗x)
Creates output resources for a MOP Max wrapper object.
• t_jit_err max_jit_mop_matrixout_new (void ∗x, long c)
Creates matrix outlet for a MOP Max wrapper object.
• t_jit_err max_jit_mop_matrix_args (void ∗x, long argc, t_atom ∗argv)
Process matrix arguments for a MOP Max wrapper object.
• t_jit_err max_jit_mop_jit_matrix (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, long argc, t_atom ∗argv)
Default jit_matrix method for a MOP Max wrapper object.
• t_jit_err max_jit_mop_assist (void ∗x, void ∗b, long m, long a, char ∗s)
Default assist method for a MOP Max wrapper object.
• t_jit_err max_jit_mop_bang (void ∗x)
Default bang method for a MOP Max wrapper object.
• t_jit_err max_jit_mop_outputmatrix (void ∗x)
Default outputmatrix method for a MOP Max wrapper object.
• void max_jit_mop_clear (void ∗x)
Default clear method for a MOP Max wrapper object.
• t_jit_err max_jit_mop_notify (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s, t_symbol ∗msg)
Default notify method for a MOP Max wrapper object.
• void max_jit_mop_free (void ∗x)
Frees additional resources used by a MOP Max wrapper object.
• t_jit_err max_jit_mop_adapt_matrix_all (void ∗x, void ∗y)
Adapts all input and output matrices to matrix specified.
• void ∗ max_jit_mop_get_io_by_name (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗s)

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824 Module Documentation

Retrieves t_jit_mop_io object pointer by name.

• void ∗ max_jit_mop_getinput (void ∗x, long c)
Retrieves input t_jit_mop_io object pointer index.
• void ∗ max_jit_mop_getoutput (void ∗x, long c)
Retrieves output t_jit_mop_io object pointer index.
• long max_jit_mop_getoutputmode (void ∗x)
Retrieves current MOP Max wrapper class output mode.
• t_jit_err max_jit_mop_setup_simple (void ∗x, void ∗o, long argc, t_atom ∗argv)
Initializes default state and resources for MOP Max wrapper class.

36.81.1 Detailed Description

36.81.2 Function Documentation t_jit_err max_jit_classex_mop_mproc ( void ∗ mclass, void ∗ jclass, void ∗ mproc )

Sets a custom matrix procedure for the MOP Max wrapper class.
mclass max jit classex pointer returned from max_jit_classex_setup
jclass t_jit_class pointer, typcially returned from jit_class_findbyname
mproc matrix procedure


t_jit_err error code

References _jit_sym_jit_mop, _jit_sym_special, and jit_class_adornment_get().

Here is the call graph for this function:

_mproc jit_class_adornment_get t_jit_err max_jit_classex_mop_wrap ( void ∗ mclass, void ∗ jclass, long flags )

Adds default methods and attributes to the MOP Max wrapper class.
mclass max jit classex pointer returned from max_jit_classex_setup
jclass t_jit_class pointer, typcially returned from jit_class_findbyname

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.81 MOP Max Wrapper Module 825

flags flags to override default MOP Max wrapper behavior


t_jit_err error code

References _jit_sym_atom, _jit_sym_char, _jit_sym_getinput, _jit_sym_getoutput, _jit_sym_inputcount, _jit_←-

sym_ioname, _jit_sym_jit_attr_offset, _jit_sym_jit_attr_offset_array, _jit_sym_jit_mop, _jit_sym_long, _jit_sym_←-
outputcount, _jit_sym_symbol, A_CANT, A_GIMME, addbang(), addmess(), JIT_ATTR_GET_DEFER_LOW, jit_←-
attr_getlong(), jit_attr_getsym(), JIT_ATTR_SET_USURP_LOW, jit_class_adornment_get(), JIT_MATRIX_MAX←-
_DIMCOUNT, max_addmethod_defer_low(), max_addmethod_usurp_low(), max_jit_classex_addattr(), max_jit_←-
mop_bang(), max_jit_mop_clear(), MAX_JIT_MOP_FLAGS_ONLY_MATRIX_PROBE, MAX_JIT_MOP_FLAGS←-
YPE, max_jit_mop_jit_matrix(), max_jit_mop_notify(), max_jit_mop_outputmatrix(), and t_symbol::s_name.
Here is the call graph for this function:


addbang typedmess

jit_error_code defer

max_addmethod_defer_low max_jit_obex_inletnumber_get proxy_getinlet

max_addmethod_usurp_low max_jit_obex_jitob_get

jit_class_adornment_get jit_atom_getsym


jit_object_free object_free
max_jit_classex_mop_wrap max_jit_mop_jit_matrix

max_jit_classex_addattr max_jit_mop_adapt_matrix_all jit_object_classname
_compare jit_object_classname object_classname


max_jit_mop_clear jit_attr_getlong


jit_attr_setsym object_attr_get

jit_attr_getsym object_attr_getsym

jit_object_attach object_attach

jit_object_register object_register t_jit_err max_jit_mop_adapt_matrix_all ( void ∗ x, void ∗ y )

Adapts all input and output matrices to matrix specified.

Typically used within the MOP Max Wrapper jit_matrix method for left most input.
x Max object pointer
y matrix to adapt to


t_jit_err error code

References _jit_sym_dimlink, _jit_sym_frommatrix, _jit_sym_getinfo, _jit_sym_getinput, _jit_sym_getioproc, ←-

_jit_sym_getmatrix, _jit_sym_getoutput, _jit_sym_inputcount, _jit_sym_jit_matrix, _jit_sym_jit_mop, _jit_sym←-
_outputcount, _jit_sym_planelink, _jit_sym_setinfo, _jit_sym_typelink, t_jit_matrix_info::dim, t_jit_matrix_info←-
::dimcount, jit_attr_getlong(), jit_object_free(), max_jit_obex_adornment_get(), t_jit_matrix_info::planecount, and

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

826 Module Documentation

Referenced by max_jit_mop_jit_matrix().
Here is the call graph for this function:


jit_attr_getlong object_attr_getlong

max_jit_mop_adapt_matrix_all jit_object_free

jit_object_classname jit_object_classname object_classname
_compare t_jit_err max_jit_mop_assist ( void ∗ x, void ∗ b, long m, long a, char ∗ s )

Default assist method for a MOP Max wrapper object.

x Max object pointer
b ignored
m inlet or outlet type
a index
s output string


t_jit_err error code

References _jit_sym_getinput, _jit_sym_getoutput, _jit_sym_ioname, _jit_sym_jit_mop, jit_attr_getsym(), and

Here is the call graph for this function:


jit_attr_getsym object_attr_getsym
max_jit_obex_adornment_get jit_object_classname jit_object_classname object_classname
_compare t_jit_err max_jit_mop_bang ( void ∗ x )

Default bang method for a MOP Max wrapper object.

Simply calls the default outputmatrix method.
x Max object pointer

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.81 MOP Max Wrapper Module 827


t_jit_err error code

References _jit_sym_outputmatrix, and typedmess().

Referenced by max_jit_classex_mop_wrap().
Here is the call graph for this function:

max_jit_mop_bang typedmess void max_jit_mop_clear ( void ∗ x )

Default clear method for a MOP Max wrapper object.

Calls the clear method on all input and output matrices.
x Max object pointer


t_jit_err error code

References _jit_sym_clear, _jit_sym_getinput, _jit_sym_getmatrix, _jit_sym_getoutput, _jit_sym_inputcount, _jit_←-

sym_jit_mop, _jit_sym_outputcount, jit_attr_getlong(), and max_jit_obex_adornment_get().
Referenced by max_jit_classex_mop_wrap().
Here is the call graph for this function:


jit_attr_getlong object_attr_getlong

max_jit_obex_adornment_get jit_object_classname
jit_object_classname object_classname
_compare void max_jit_mop_free ( void ∗ x )

Frees additional resources used by a MOP Max wrapper object.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

828 Module Documentation

x Max object pointer

References _jit_sym_getinput, _jit_sym_getmatrix, _jit_sym_getoutput, _jit_sym_inputcount, _jit_sym_jit_mop, ←-

_jit_sym_matrix, _jit_sym_matrixname, _jit_sym_outputcount, jit_attr_getlong(), jit_attr_getsym(), jit_attr_setsym(),
jit_object_detach(), jit_object_free(), and max_jit_obex_adornment_get().
Here is the call graph for this function:


jit_attr_getsym object_attr_get

jit_attr_getlong object_attr_getlong

jit_attr_setsym object_attr_setsym
jit_object_detach jit_err_from_max_err

jit_object_free object_detach


jit_object_classname jit_object_classname object_classname
_compare void∗ max_jit_mop_get_io_by_name ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s )

Retrieves t_jit_mop_io object pointer by name.

x Max object pointer
s input/output name (e.g. in, in2 , out, out2, etc.)


t_jit_err error code

References _jit_sym_getinput, _jit_sym_getoutput, _jit_sym_jit_mop, JIT_MOP_INPUT, JIT_MOP_OUTPUT, and

Here is the call graph for this function:

max_jit_mop_get_io jit_object_classname
_by_name max_jit_obex_adornment_get _compare jit_object_classname object_classname void∗ max_jit_mop_getinput ( void ∗ x, long c )

Retrieves input t_jit_mop_io object pointer index.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.81 MOP Max Wrapper Module 829

x Max object pointer
c input index


t_jit_err error code

References _jit_sym_getinput, _jit_sym_jit_mop, and max_jit_obex_adornment_get().

Here is the call graph for this function:

max_jit_mop_getinput max_jit_obex_adornment_get jit_object_classname jit_object_classname object_classname

_compare void∗ max_jit_mop_getoutput ( void ∗ x, long c )

Retrieves output t_jit_mop_io object pointer index.

x Max object pointer
c output index


t_jit_err error code

References _jit_sym_getoutput, _jit_sym_jit_mop, and max_jit_obex_adornment_get().

Here is the call graph for this function:

max_jit_mop_getoutput max_jit_obex_adornment_get jit_object_classname jit_object_classname object_classname

_compare long max_jit_mop_getoutputmode ( void ∗ x )

Retrieves current MOP Max wrapper class output mode.

x Max object pointer


t_jit_err error code

References _jit_sym_jit_mop, _jit_sym_outputmode, jit_attr_getlong(), and max_jit_obex_adornment_get().

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

830 Module Documentation

Here is the call graph for this function:


jit_attr_getlong object_attr_getlong

max_jit_obex_adornment_get jit_object_classname
_compare jit_object_classname object_classname t_jit_err max_jit_mop_inputs ( void ∗ x )

Creates input resources for a MOP Max wrapper object.

x Max object pointer


t_jit_err error code

References _jit_sym_getinput, _jit_sym_inputcount, _jit_sym_jit_matrix, _jit_sym_jit_mop, _jit_sym_matrix, _←-

jit_sym_matrixname, jit_attr_getlong(), jit_attr_setsym(), jit_matrix_info_default(), jit_object_attach(), jit_object_←-
register(), max_jit_obex_adornment_get(), and max_jit_obex_proxy_new().
Referenced by max_jit_mop_setup_simple().
Here is the call graph for this function:


jit_attr_getlong object_attr_get

jit_attr_setsym jit_err_from_max_err

jit_matrix_info_default object_attr_setsym

max_jit_mop_inputs jit_object_attach object_attach

jit_object_register object_register

max_jit_obex_adornment_get jit_object_classname
jit_object_classname object_classname

jit_linklist_append linklist_append
jit_linklist_new linklist_new

proxy_new t_jit_err max_jit_mop_jit_matrix ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, long argc, t_atom ∗ argv )

Default jit_matrix method for a MOP Max wrapper object.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.81 MOP Max Wrapper Module 831

x Max object pointer
s message symbol ("jit_matrix")
argc argument count
argv argument vector


t_jit_err error code

References _jit_sym_adapt, _jit_sym_class_jit_matrix, _jit_sym_frommatrix, _jit_sym_getinput, _jit_sym_←-

getinputlist, _jit_sym_getioproc, _jit_sym_getmatrix, _jit_sym_getoutput, _jit_sym_getoutputlist, _jit_sym_jit_matrix,
_jit_sym_jit_mop, _jit_sym_matrix, _jit_sym_matrix_calc, _jit_sym_matrixname, _jit_sym_nothing, _jit_sym_←-
outputmode, jit_atom_getsym(), jit_attr_getlong(), jit_attr_setsym(), jit_error_code(), jit_object_findregistered(),
max_jit_mop_adapt_matrix_all(), max_jit_mop_outputmatrix(), max_jit_obex_adornment_get(), max_jit_obex_←-
inletnumber_get(), max_jit_obex_jitob_get(), and outlet_anything().
Referenced by max_jit_classex_mop_wrap().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_attr_setsym jit_err_from_max_err

jit_object_free object_free

max_jit_mop_adapt_matrix_all jit_attr_getlong

_compare jit_object_classname object_classname
max_jit_mop_jit_matrix max_jit_mop_outputmatrix jit_attr_getsym


jit_error_code outlet_anything

jit_object_findregistered defer

max_jit_obex_inletnumber_get proxy_getinlet

max_jit_obex_jitob_get t_jit_err max_jit_mop_matrix_args ( void ∗ x, long argc, t_atom ∗ argv )

Process matrix arguments for a MOP Max wrapper object.

x Max object pointer
argc argument count
argv argument vector


t_jit_err error code

References _jit_sym_adapt, _jit_sym_dimlink, _jit_sym_getinfo, _jit_sym_getinput, _jit_sym_getmatrix, _jit_sym_←-

getoutput, _jit_sym_inputcount, _jit_sym_jit_mop, _jit_sym_outputcount, _jit_sym_outputmode, _jit_sym_planelink,
_jit_sym_setinfo, _jit_sym_typelink, t_jit_matrix_info::dim, t_jit_matrix_info::dimcount, jit_atom_arg_getlong(), jit_←-
atom_arg_getsym(), jit_attr_getlong(), jit_attr_setlong(), jit_matrix_info_default(), max_jit_attr_args_offset(), max←-
_jit_obex_adornment_get(), t_jit_matrix_info::planecount, and t_jit_matrix_info::type.
Referenced by max_jit_mop_setup_simple().

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

832 Module Documentation

Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_atom_arg_getlong atom_arg_getlong

jit_atom_arg_getsym atom_arg_getsym

jit_attr_getlong object_attr_get

max_jit_mop_matrix_args jit_attr_setlong object_attr_getlong


max_jit_attr_args_offset attr_args_offset

max_jit_obex_adornment_get jit_object_classname
_compare jit_object_classname object_classname t_jit_err max_jit_mop_matrixout_new ( void ∗ x, long c )

Creates matrix outlet for a MOP Max wrapper object.

x Max object pointer
c output index (zero based)


t_jit_err error code

References _jit_sym_getoutput, _jit_sym_jit_mop, _jit_sym_special, max_jit_obex_adornment_get(), and outlet_←-

Referenced by max_jit_mop_outputs().
Here is the call graph for this function:

max_jit_obex_adornment_get jit_object_classname object_classname
outlet_new t_jit_err max_jit_mop_notify ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ s, t_symbol ∗ msg )

Default notify method for a MOP Max wrapper object.

Handles any notification methods from any input and output matrix.
x Max object pointer
s notifier name

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.81 MOP Max Wrapper Module 833

msg notification message


t_jit_err error code

References _jit_sym_free, _jit_sym_getinfo, _jit_sym_getinput, _jit_sym_getoutput, _jit_sym_inputcount, _jit_sym←-

_jit_matrix, _jit_sym_jit_mop, _jit_sym_matrixname, _jit_sym_outputcount, jit_attr_getlong(), jit_attr_getsym(), jit←-
_attr_setsym(), jit_object_attach(), jit_object_findregistered(), jit_object_register(), and max_jit_obex_adornment←-
Referenced by max_jit_classex_mop_wrap().
Here is the call graph for this function:


jit_attr_getsym object_attr_get

jit_attr_getlong object_attr_getlong

jit_attr_setsym jit_err_from_max_err

max_jit_mop_notify jit_object_attach object_attr_setsym

jit_object_findregistered object_attach

jit_object_register object_register

max_jit_obex_adornment_get jit_object_classname jit_object_classname object_classname

_compare t_jit_err max_jit_mop_outputmatrix ( void ∗ x )

Default outputmatrix method for a MOP Max wrapper object.

Calculates and outputs according to the MOP outputmode attribute.
x Max object pointer

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

834 Module Documentation


t_jit_err error code

References _jit_sym_getoutput, _jit_sym_jit_matrix, _jit_sym_jit_mop, _jit_sym_matrixname, _jit_sym_outputcount,

_jit_sym_outputmode, jit_atom_setsym(), jit_attr_getlong(), jit_attr_getsym(), max_jit_obex_adornment_get(), and
Referenced by max_jit_classex_mop_wrap(), and max_jit_mop_jit_matrix().
Here is the call graph for this function:



max_jit_mop_outputmatrix jit_attr_getsym

_compare jit_object_classname object_classname

outlet_anything t_jit_err max_jit_mop_outputs ( void ∗ x )

Creates output resources for a MOP Max wrapper object.

x Max object pointer


t_jit_err error code

References _jit_sym_getoutput, _jit_sym_jit_matrix, _jit_sym_jit_mop, _jit_sym_matrix, _jit_sym_matrixname, _←-

jit_sym_outputcount, jit_attr_getlong(), jit_attr_setsym(), jit_matrix_info_default(), jit_object_attach(), jit_object_←-
register(), max_jit_mop_matrixout_new(), and max_jit_obex_adornment_get().
Referenced by max_jit_mop_setup_simple().
Here is the call graph for this function:


jit_attr_getlong object_attr_get

jit_attr_setsym jit_err_from_max_err

jit_matrix_info_default object_attr_setsym

max_jit_mop_outputs jit_object_attach object_attach

jit_object_register object_register

max_jit_obex_adornment_get jit_object_classname jit_object_classname object_classname


max_jit_mop_matrixout_new outlet_new t_jit_err max_jit_mop_setup ( void ∗ x )

Sets up necessary resources for MOP Max wrapper object.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.81 MOP Max Wrapper Module 835

x Max object pointer


t_jit_err error code

References _jit_sym_jit_mop, _jit_sym_newcopy, jit_class_adornment_get(), jit_object_class(), and max_jit_obex←-

Referenced by max_jit_mop_setup_simple().
Here is the call graph for this function:


max_jit_mop_setup jit_object_class object_class

max_jit_obex_jitob_get t_jit_err max_jit_mop_setup_simple ( void ∗ x, void ∗ o, long argc, t_atom ∗ argv )

Initializes default state and resources for MOP Max wrapper class.
x Max object pointer
o Jitter object pointer
argc argument count
argv argument vector


t_jit_err error code

1 max_jit_obex_jitob_set(x,o);
2 max_jit_obex_dumpout_set(x,outlet_new(x,NULL));
3 max_jit_mop_setup(x);
4 max_jit_mop_inputs(x);
5 max_jit_mop_outputs(x);
6 max_jit_mop_matrix_args(x,argc,argv);
8 return JIT_ERR_NONE;

References max_jit_mop_inputs(), max_jit_mop_matrix_args(), max_jit_mop_outputs(), max_jit_mop_setup(),

max_jit_obex_dumpout_set(), max_jit_obex_jitob_set(), and outlet_new().

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

836 Module Documentation

Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_linklist_append linklist_append

jit_linklist_new linklist_new

max_jit_mop_inputs object_attr_setsym


max_jit_obex_adornment_get jit_object_classname jit_object_classname object_classname

jit_matrix_info_default _compare


jit_atom_arg_getlong atom_arg_getlong

jit_atom_arg_getsym atom_arg_getsym

max_jit_attr_args_offset attr_args_offset

max_jit_mop_setup_simple outlet_new

max_jit_mop_setup jit_class_adornment_get

max_jit_obex_dumpout_set jit_object_class object_class

gensym t_jit_err max_jit_mop_variable_addinputs ( void ∗ x, long c )

Sets the number of inputs for a variable input MOP Max wrapper object.
x Max object pointer
c inlet count


t_jit_err error code

References _jit_sym_jit_mop, gensym(), and max_jit_obex_adornment_get().

Here is the call graph for this function:

max_jit_obex_adornment_get jit_object_classname jit_object_classname object_classname
_compare t_jit_err max_jit_mop_variable_addoutputs ( void ∗ x, long c )

Sets the number of outputs for a variable input MOP Max wrapper object.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.81 MOP Max Wrapper Module 837

x Max object pointer
c inlet count


t_jit_err error code

References _jit_sym_jit_mop, gensym(), and max_jit_obex_adornment_get().

Here is the call graph for this function:

max_jit_obex_adornment_get _compare jit_object_classname object_classname

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

838 Module Documentation

36.82 OB3D Module

Collaboration diagram for OB3D Module:

Jitter OB3D Module


• long jit_gl_report_error (char ∗prefix)

Tests for OpenGL error and reports to Max window.
• const char ∗ jit_gl_get_vendor ()
Retrieves OpenGL vendor string.
• const char ∗ jit_gl_get_renderer ()
Retrieves OpenGL renderer string.
• const char ∗ jit_gl_get_version ()
Retrieves OpenGL version string.
• const char ∗ jit_gl_get_glu_version ()
Retrieves OpenGL GL Utilities version string.
• const char ∗ jit_gl_get_extensions ()
Retrieves OpenGL extensions string.
• const char ∗ jit_gl_get_glsl_version ()
Retrieves OpenGL GLSL version string.
• char jit_gl_is_min_version (int major, int minor, int release)
Tests current OpenGL version to be greater than or equal to the version provided.
• char jit_gl_is_extension_supported (t_jit_gl_context ctx, const char ∗ext)
Given a t_jit_gl_context pointer, checks to see if it suppports the provided extension.
• t_jit_glchunk ∗ jit_glchunk_new (t_symbol ∗prim, int planes, int vertices, int indices)
Allocates and initializes a t_jit_glchunk struct.
• t_jit_glchunk ∗ jit_glchunk_grid_new (t_symbol ∗prim, int planes, int width, int height)
Allocates and initializes a t_jit_glchunk struct with 2D grid matrix.
• void jit_glchunk_delete (t_jit_glchunk ∗x)
Disposes t_jit_glchunk struct.
• t_jit_err jit_glchunk_copy (t_jit_glchunk ∗∗new, t_jit_glchunk ∗orig)
Allocates t_jit_glchunk struct, and copies from t_jit_gl_struct provided.
• t_jit_err jit_gl_drawinfo_setup (void ∗x, t_jit_gl_drawinfo ∗drawinfo)
Initializes t_jit_gl_drawinfo struct with the current context and ob3d.
• long jit_gl_drawinfo_active_textures (t_jit_gl_drawinfo ∗drawinfo)
Determine the number of active texture units to use.
• void jit_gl_texcoord1f (t_jit_gl_drawinfo ∗drawinfo, float s)
Set texture coordinate for all active texture units.
• void jit_gl_texcoord2f (t_jit_gl_drawinfo ∗drawinfo, float s, float t)
Set texture coordinate for all active texture units.
• void jit_gl_texcoord3f (t_jit_gl_drawinfo ∗drawinfo, float s, float t, float r)

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36.82 OB3D Module 839

Set texture coordinate for all active texture units.

• void jit_gl_texcoord1fv (t_jit_gl_drawinfo ∗drawinfo, float ∗v)
Set texture coordinate for all active texture units.
• void jit_gl_texcoord2fv (t_jit_gl_drawinfo ∗drawinfo, float ∗v)
Set texture coordinate for all active texture units.
• void jit_gl_texcoord3fv (t_jit_gl_drawinfo ∗drawinfo, float ∗v)
Set texture coordinate for all active texture units.
• void jit_gl_bindtexture (t_jit_gl_drawinfo ∗drawinfo, t_symbol ∗s, long i)
Bind texture for specified texture unit.
• void jit_gl_unbindtexture (t_jit_gl_drawinfo ∗drawinfo, t_symbol ∗s, long i)
Unbind texture for specified texture unit.
• void jit_gl_begincapture (t_jit_gl_drawinfo ∗drawinfo, t_symbol ∗s, long i)
Begin texture capture.
• void jit_gl_endcapture (t_jit_gl_drawinfo ∗drawinfo, t_symbol ∗s, long i)
End texture capture.
• void ∗ jit_ob3d_setup (void ∗jit_class, long oboffset, long flags)
Adds default methods and attributes to the OB3D class.
• void ∗ jit_ob3d_new (void ∗x, t_symbol ∗dest_name)
Allocates and initializes OB3D resources.
• void jit_ob3d_free (void ∗jit_ob)
Disposes OB3D resources.
• t_jit_err jit_ob3d_set_context (void ∗jit_ob)
Sets the current Open GL context to the context referenced by the OB3D drawto attribute.
• void ∗ ob3d_jitob_get (void ∗v)
Retrieves parent Jitter object from opaque t_jit_ob3d struct.
• void ∗ ob3d_patcher_get (void ∗v)
Retrieves containing patcher object from opaque t_jit_ob3d struct.
• long ob3d_auto_get (void ∗v)
Retrieves automatic flag from opaque t_jit_ob3d struct.
• long ob3d_enable_get (void ∗v)
Retrieves enable flag from opaque t_jit_ob3d struct.
• long ob3d_ui_get (void ∗v)
Retrieves UI flag from opaque t_jit_ob3d struct.
• void ∗ ob3d_outlet_get (void ∗v)
Retrieves matrix outlet from opaque t_jit_ob3d struct.
• long ob3d_dirty_get (void ∗v)
Retrieves dirty flag from opaque t_jit_ob3d struct.
• void ob3d_dirty_set (void ∗v, long c)
Sets dirty flag from opaque t_jit_ob3d struct.
• void ob3d_dest_dim_set (void ∗v, long width, long height)
Sets destination dimensions in opaque t_jit_ob3d struct.
• void ob3d_dest_dim_get (void ∗v, long ∗width, long ∗height)
Gets destination dimensions from opaque t_jit_ob3d struct.
• void ob3d_render_ptr_set (void ∗v, void ∗render_ptr)
Sets renderer pointer in opaque t_jit_ob3d struct.
• void ∗ ob3d_render_ptr_get (void ∗v)
Gets renderer pointer from opaque t_jit_ob3d struct.
• void max_ob3d_setup (void)
Adds default methods and OB3D Max wrapper class.
• void max_jit_class_ob3d_wrap (t_class ∗c)
Adds default methods and OB3D Max wrapper class.

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840 Module Documentation

• void max_jit_ob3d_attach (void ∗x, t_jit_object ∗jit_ob, void ∗outlet)

Allocates and initializes OB3D Max wrapper related resources.
• void max_jit_ob3d_detach (void ∗x)
Disposes OB3D Max wrapper related resources.
• t_jit_err max_jit_ob3d_assist (void ∗x, void ∗b, long m, long a, char ∗s)
Default OB3D Max wrapper assistance method.
• void max_ob3d_bang (t_max_object ∗x)
Default OB3D Max wrapper bang method.
• void max_ob3d_notify (t_max_object ∗x, t_symbol ∗sender_name, t_symbol ∗msg, void ∗p_sender)
Default OB3D Max wrapper notification method.
• t_jit_err jit_ob3d_draw_chunk (void ∗v, t_jit_glchunk ∗chunk)
Draws one t_jit_glchunk If the OB3D is not in matrixoutput mode, the drawing call is made directly to the renderer.

36.82.1 Detailed Description

36.82.2 Function Documentation void jit_gl_begincapture ( t_jit_gl_drawinfo ∗ drawinfo, t_symbol ∗ s, long i )

Begin texture capture.

drawinfo t_jit_gl_drawinfo pointer
s texture name
i ignored

References error(), jit_atom_setobj(), jit_gl_report_error(), jit_object_classname(), jit_object_findregistered(), t_jit←-

_gl_drawinfo::ob3d, sysmem_freeptr(), and sysmem_newptr().
Here is the call graph for this function:


jit_gl_report_error post

jit_atom_setobj atom_setobj

jit_gl_begincapture jit_object_classname object_classname




Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.82 OB3D Module 841 void jit_gl_bindtexture ( t_jit_gl_drawinfo ∗ drawinfo, t_symbol ∗ s, long i )

Bind texture for specified texture unit.

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842 Module Documentation

drawinfo t_jit_gl_drawinfo pointer
s texture name
i texture unit

References t_jit_gl_drawinfo::ob3d. long jit_gl_drawinfo_active_textures ( t_jit_gl_drawinfo ∗ drawinfo )

Determine the number of active texture units to use.

drawinfo t_jit_gl_drawinfo pointer


number of active texture units

References t_jit_gl_drawinfo::ctx, and t_jit_gl_drawinfo::ob3d. t_jit_err jit_gl_drawinfo_setup ( void ∗ x, t_jit_gl_drawinfo ∗ drawinfo )

Initializes t_jit_gl_drawinfo struct with the current context and ob3d.

x Jitter object pointer
drawinfo t_jit_gl_drawinfo pointer


t_jit_err error code

References t_jit_gl_drawinfo::ctx, and t_jit_gl_drawinfo::ob3d. void jit_gl_endcapture ( t_jit_gl_drawinfo ∗ drawinfo, t_symbol ∗ s, long i )

End texture capture.

drawinfo t_jit_gl_drawinfo pointer
s texture name
i ignored

References t_jit_gl_drawinfo::ob3d. const char∗ jit_gl_get_extensions ( )

Retrieves OpenGL extensions string.

Equivalent to glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS). Assumes a valid context has been set.


OpenGL GL extensions string

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.82 OB3D Module 843 const char∗ jit_gl_get_glsl_version ( )

Retrieves OpenGL GLSL version string.

Equivalent to glGetString(GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION). Assumes a valid context has been set and the
OpenGL renderer supports GLSL.


OpenGL GL GLSL version string const char∗ jit_gl_get_glu_version ( )

Retrieves OpenGL GL Utilities version string.

Equivalent to glGetString(GL_GLU_VERSION). Assumes a valid context has been set.


OpenGL GL Utilities version string const char∗ jit_gl_get_renderer ( )

Retrieves OpenGL renderer string.

Equivalent to glGetString(GL_RENDERER). Assumes a valid context has been set.


OpenGL renderer string const char∗ jit_gl_get_vendor ( )

Retrieves OpenGL vendor string.

Equivalent to glGetString(GL_VENDOR). Assumes a valid context has been set.


OpenGL vendor string const char∗ jit_gl_get_version ( )

Retrieves OpenGL version string.

Equivalent to glGetString(GL_VERSION). Assumes a valid context has been set.


OpenGL version string

Referenced by jit_gl_is_min_version(). char jit_gl_is_extension_supported ( t_jit_gl_context ctx, const char ∗ ext )

Given a t_jit_gl_context pointer, checks to see if it suppports the provided extension.

Equivalent to testing for the substring within the string returned by glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS).

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

844 Module Documentation

ctx t_jit_gl_context pointer
ext extension string


1 if true, 0 if false. char jit_gl_is_min_version ( int major, int minor, int release )

Tests current OpenGL version to be greater than or equal to the version provided.
Assumes a valid context has been set.
major major version number
minor minor version number
release release version number


1 if true, 0 if false.

References jit_gl_get_version().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_gl_is_min_version jit_gl_get_version long jit_gl_report_error ( char ∗ prefix )

Tests for OpenGL error and reports to Max window.

prefix prefix string


OpenGL error code

References error(), and post().

Referenced by jit_gl_begincapture().

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.82 OB3D Module 845

Here is the call graph for this function:

post void jit_gl_texcoord1f ( t_jit_gl_drawinfo ∗ drawinfo, float s )

Set texture coordinate for all active texture units.

Equivalent to glMultiTexCoord1fARB for each active texture unit.
drawinfo t_jit_gl_drawinfo pointer
s s texture coordinate

References t_jit_gl_drawinfo::ctx, MIN, and t_jit_gl_drawinfo::ob3d. void jit_gl_texcoord1fv ( t_jit_gl_drawinfo ∗ drawinfo, float ∗ v )

Set texture coordinate for all active texture units.

Equivalent to glMultiTexCoord1fvARB for each active texture unit.
drawinfo t_jit_gl_drawinfo pointer
v texture coordinate vector

References t_jit_gl_drawinfo::ctx, MIN, and t_jit_gl_drawinfo::ob3d. void jit_gl_texcoord2f ( t_jit_gl_drawinfo ∗ drawinfo, float s, float t )

Set texture coordinate for all active texture units.

Equivalent to glMultiTexCoord2fARB for each active texture unit.
drawinfo t_jit_gl_drawinfo pointer
s s texture coordinate
t t texture coordinate

References t_jit_gl_drawinfo::ctx, MAX, MIN, and t_jit_gl_drawinfo::ob3d. void jit_gl_texcoord2fv ( t_jit_gl_drawinfo ∗ drawinfo, float ∗ v )

Set texture coordinate for all active texture units.

Equivalent to glMultiTexCoord2fvARB for each active texture unit.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

846 Module Documentation

drawinfo t_jit_gl_drawinfo pointer
v texture coordinate vector

References t_jit_gl_drawinfo::ctx, MIN, and t_jit_gl_drawinfo::ob3d. void jit_gl_texcoord3f ( t_jit_gl_drawinfo ∗ drawinfo, float s, float t, float r )

Set texture coordinate for all active texture units.

Equivalent to glMultiTexCoord3fARB for each active texture unit.
drawinfo t_jit_gl_drawinfo pointer
s s texture coordinate
t t texture coordinate
r r texture coordinate

References t_jit_gl_drawinfo::ctx, MIN, and t_jit_gl_drawinfo::ob3d. void jit_gl_texcoord3fv ( t_jit_gl_drawinfo ∗ drawinfo, float ∗ v )

Set texture coordinate for all active texture units.

Equivalent to glMultiTexCoord3fvARB for each active texture unit.
drawinfo t_jit_gl_drawinfo pointer
v texture coordinate vector

References t_jit_gl_drawinfo::ctx, MIN, and t_jit_gl_drawinfo::ob3d. void jit_gl_unbindtexture ( t_jit_gl_drawinfo ∗ drawinfo, t_symbol ∗ s, long i )

Unbind texture for specified texture unit.

drawinfo t_jit_gl_drawinfo pointer
s texture name
i texture unit

References t_jit_gl_drawinfo::ob3d. t_jit_err jit_glchunk_copy ( t_jit_glchunk ∗∗ new, t_jit_glchunk ∗ orig )

Allocates t_jit_glchunk struct, and copies from t_jit_gl_struct provided.

new pointer to new t_jit_glchunk pointer
orig priginal t_jit_glchunk pointer

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.82 OB3D Module 847


t_jit_err error code

References _jit_sym_frommatrix, _jit_sym_getinfo, _jit_sym_jit_matrix, _jit_sym_nothing, jit_getbytes(), jit_←-

glchunk_copy(), jit_glchunk_delete(), t_jit_glchunk::m_flags, t_jit_glchunk::m_index, t_jit_glchunk::m_index_name,
t_jit_glchunk::m_vertex, t_jit_glchunk::m_vertex_name, t_jit_glchunk::next_chunk, and t_jit_glchunk::prim.
Referenced by jit_glchunk_copy(), and jit_ob3d_draw_chunk().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_getbytes sysmem_newptr
jit_object_free object_free

jit_freebytes sysmem_freeptr void jit_glchunk_delete ( t_jit_glchunk ∗ x )

Disposes t_jit_glchunk struct.

x t_jit_glchunk pointer

References jit_freebytes(), jit_glchunk_delete(), jit_object_free(), t_jit_glchunk::m_index, t_jit_glchunk::m_vertex,

and t_jit_glchunk::next_chunk.
Referenced by jit_glchunk_copy(), jit_glchunk_delete(), jit_glchunk_grid_new(), jit_glchunk_new(), jit_ob3d_draw←-
_chunk(), and jit_ob3d_free().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_freebytes sysmem_freeptr
jit_object_free jit_err_from_max_err

object_free t_jit_glchunk∗ jit_glchunk_grid_new ( t_symbol ∗ prim, int planes, int width, int height )

Allocates and initializes a t_jit_glchunk struct with 2D grid matrix.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

848 Module Documentation

prim drawing primitive name
planes number of planes to allocate in vertex matrix
width width of vertex matrix to allocate
height height of vertex matrix to allocate


t_jit_glchunk pointer

References _jit_sym_float32, _jit_sym_jit_matrix, _jit_sym_nothing, t_jit_matrix_info::dim, t_jit_matrix_info←-

::dimcount, jit_getbytes(), jit_glchunk_delete(), jit_matrix_info_default(), t_jit_glchunk::m_flags, t_jit_glchunk←-
::m_index, t_jit_glchunk::m_index_name, t_jit_glchunk::m_vertex, t_jit_glchunk::m_vertex_name, t_jit_glchunk←-
::next_chunk, t_jit_matrix_info::planecount, t_jit_glchunk::prim, and t_jit_matrix_info::type.
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_getbytes sysmem_newptr

jit_freebytes sysmem_freeptr
jit_glchunk_grid_new jit_glchunk_delete

jit_object_free jit_err_from_max_err

object_free t_jit_glchunk∗ jit_glchunk_new ( t_symbol ∗ prim, int planes, int vertices, int indices )

Allocates and initializes a t_jit_glchunk struct.

prim drawing primitive name
planes number of planes to allocate in vertex matrix
vertices number of vertices to allocate in vertex matrix
indices number of indices to allocate in index matrix, if used

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.82 OB3D Module 849


t_jit_glchunk pointer

References _jit_sym_float32, _jit_sym_jit_matrix, _jit_sym_long, _jit_sym_nothing, t_jit_matrix_info::dim, t_jit_←-

matrix_info::dimcount, jit_getbytes(), jit_glchunk_delete(), jit_matrix_info_default(), t_jit_glchunk::m_flags, t_jit←-
_glchunk::m_index, t_jit_glchunk::m_index_name, t_jit_glchunk::m_vertex, t_jit_glchunk::m_vertex_name, t_jit_←-
glchunk::next_chunk, t_jit_matrix_info::planecount, t_jit_glchunk::prim, and t_jit_matrix_info::type.
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_getbytes sysmem_newptr

jit_freebytes sysmem_freeptr
jit_glchunk_new jit_glchunk_delete

jit_object_free jit_err_from_max_err

object_free t_jit_err jit_ob3d_draw_chunk ( void ∗ v, t_jit_glchunk ∗ chunk )

Draws one t_jit_glchunk If the OB3D is not in matrixoutput mode, the drawing call is made directly to the renderer.
Otherwise, the chunk is sent out the OB3D's outlet as a message compatible with
v t_jit_ob3d pointer
chunk t_jit_glchunk pointer


t_jit_err error code

References _jit_sym_nothing, _jit_sym_register, jit_atom_setlong(), jit_glchunk_copy(), jit_glchunk_delete(), and

Here is the call graph for this function:


jit_getbytes sysmem_newptr
jit_freebytes sysmem_freeptr

jit_object_free jit_err_from_max_err
jit_object_notify object_notify

object_free void jit_ob3d_free ( void ∗ jit_ob )

Disposes OB3D resources.

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850 Module Documentation

jit_ob Jitter object pointer

References _jit_sym_nothing, gensym(), jit_attr_getsym(), jit_attr_setsym(), jit_freebytes(), jit_glchunk_delete(),

jit_object_classname(), and jit_object_free().
Here is the call graph for this function:


jit_attr_setsym object_attr_setsym
jit_attr_getsym object_attr_get

jit_ob3d_free object_attr_getsym

jit_object_free object_free


jit_freebytes sysmem_freeptr

jit_object_classname object_classname void∗ jit_ob3d_new ( void ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ dest_name )

Allocates and initializes OB3D resources.

x Jitter object pointer
dest_name drawing destination name


t_jit_ob3d pointer (opaque)

References _jit_sym_name, _jit_sym_nothing, gensym(), jit_atom_setsym(), jit_attr_getsym(), jit_attr_setsym(), jit←-

_getbytes(), jit_object_classname(), and jit_object_getmethod().

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.82 OB3D Module 851

Here is the call graph for this function:

gensym atom_setsym

jit_atom_setsym object_attr_getsym

jit_attr_getsym object_attr_get

jit_ob3d_new jit_attr_setsym jit_err_from_max_err

jit_getbytes object_attr_setsym



object_getmethod t_jit_err jit_ob3d_set_context ( void ∗ jit_ob )

Sets the current Open GL context to the context referenced by the OB3D drawto attribute.


Not recommended for use within the draw method, as it can have adverse effects when rendering to alternate
contexts as is the case when capturing to a texture.

jit_ob Jitter object pointer


t_jit_err error code void∗ jit_ob3d_setup ( void ∗ jit_class, long oboffset, long flags )

Adds default methods and attributes to the OB3D class.

jit_class Jitter class pointer

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852 Module Documentation

oboffset object struct byte offset for t_jit_ob3d pointer

flags flags to override default OB3D behavior


t_jit_class3d pointer (opaque)

References _jit_sym_atom, _jit_sym_float32, _jit_sym_jit_attr_offset, _jit_sym_jit_attr_offset_array, _jit_sym_long,

_jit_sym_symbol, A_CANT, A_DEFER_LOW, calcoffset, CLASS_ATTR_BASIC, CLASS_ATTR_ENUM, CLAS←-
T_ATTR_SET_OPAQUE_USER, JIT_ATTR_SET_USURP_LOW, jit_class_addattr(), jit_class_addmethod(), jit←-
Here is the call graph for this function:

gensym class_addattr

jit_class_addattr jit_err_from_max_err
jit_class_addmethod class_addmethod

jit_getbytes sysmem_newptr t_jit_err max_jit_ob3d_assist ( void ∗ x, void ∗ b, long m, long a, char ∗ s )

Default OB3D Max wrapper assistance method.

x Max object pointer
b ignored
m inlet or outlet type
a index
s output string


t_jit_err error code void max_jit_ob3d_attach ( void ∗ x, t_jit_object ∗ jit_ob, void ∗ outlet )

Allocates and initializes OB3D Max wrapper related resources.

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36.82 OB3D Module 853

x Max wrapper object pointer
jit_ob Jitter object pointer
outlet matrix outlet pointer

References _jit_sym_name, jit_attr_getsym(), and jit_object_attach().

Here is the call graph for this function:


jit_attr_getsym object_attr_getsym
jit_object_attach object_attach void max_jit_ob3d_detach ( void ∗ x )

Disposes OB3D Max wrapper related resources.

x Max wrapper object pointer

References _jit_sym_name, jit_attr_getsym(), jit_object_detach(), and max_jit_obex_jitob_get().

Here is the call graph for this function:


jit_attr_getsym object_attr_getsym

max_jit_ob3d_detach jit_object_detach jit_err_from_max_err

max_jit_obex_jitob_get object_detach void max_ob3d_bang ( t_max_object ∗ x )

Default OB3D Max wrapper bang method.

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854 Module Documentation

x Max object pointer

References typedmess().
Referenced by max_jit_class_ob3d_wrap(), and max_ob3d_setup().
Here is the call graph for this function:

max_ob3d_bang typedmess void max_ob3d_notify ( t_max_object ∗ x, t_symbol ∗ sender_name, t_symbol ∗ msg, void ∗ p_sender )

Default OB3D Max wrapper notification method.

x Max object pointer
sender_name sender's object name
msg notification message
p_sender sender's object pointer

Referenced by max_jit_class_ob3d_wrap(), and max_ob3d_setup(). long ob3d_auto_get ( void ∗ v )

Retrieves automatic flag from opaque t_jit_ob3d struct.

v t_jit_ob3d pointer


automatic flag void ob3d_dest_dim_get ( void ∗ v, long ∗ width, long ∗ height )

Gets destination dimensions from opaque t_jit_ob3d struct.

v t_jit_ob3d pointer
width destination dimensions width pointer
height destination dimensions height pointer void ob3d_dest_dim_set ( void ∗ v, long width, long height )

Sets destination dimensions in opaque t_jit_ob3d struct.

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36.82 OB3D Module 855

v t_jit_ob3d pointer
width destination dimensions width
height destination dimensions height long ob3d_dirty_get ( void ∗ v )

Retrieves dirty flag from opaque t_jit_ob3d struct.

v t_jit_ob3d pointer


dirty flag void ob3d_dirty_set ( void ∗ v, long c )

Sets dirty flag from opaque t_jit_ob3d struct.

v t_jit_ob3d pointer
c dirty flag state long ob3d_enable_get ( void ∗ v )

Retrieves enable flag from opaque t_jit_ob3d struct.

v t_jit_ob3d pointer


enable flag void∗ ob3d_jitob_get ( void ∗ v )

Retrieves parent Jitter object from opaque t_jit_ob3d struct.

v t_jit_ob3d pointer


parent Jitter object pointer void∗ ob3d_outlet_get ( void ∗ v )

Retrieves matrix outlet from opaque t_jit_ob3d struct.

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856 Module Documentation

v t_jit_ob3d pointer


matrix outlet void∗ ob3d_patcher_get ( void ∗ v )

Retrieves containing patcher object from opaque t_jit_ob3d struct.

v t_jit_ob3d pointer


containing patcher object void∗ ob3d_render_ptr_get ( void ∗ v )

Gets renderer pointer from opaque t_jit_ob3d struct.

v t_jit_ob3d pointer


renderer pointer void ob3d_render_ptr_set ( void ∗ v, void ∗ render_ptr )

Sets renderer pointer in opaque t_jit_ob3d struct.

v t_jit_ob3d pointer
render_ptr renderer pointer long ob3d_ui_get ( void ∗ v )

Retrieves UI flag from opaque t_jit_ob3d struct.

v t_jit_ob3d pointer


UI flag

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36.83 Operator Vector Module 857

36.83 Operator Vector Module

Collaboration diagram for Operator Vector Module:

Jitter Operator Vector Module


• void jit_op_vector_pass_char (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Unary operator: pass (char)
• void jit_op_vector_mult_char (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: multiplication (char)
• void jit_op_vector_div_char (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: division (char)
• void jit_op_vector_mod_char (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: modulo (char)
• void jit_op_vector_add_char (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: addition (char)
• void jit_op_vector_adds_char (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: saturated addition (char)
• void jit_op_vector_sub_char (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: subtraction (char)
• void jit_op_vector_subs_char (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: saturated subtraction (char)
• void jit_op_vector_min_char (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: minimum (char)
• void jit_op_vector_max_char (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: maximum (char)
• void jit_op_vector_avg_char (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: average (char)
• void jit_op_vector_absdiff_char (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: absolute difference (char)
• void jit_op_vector_pass_float32 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info
Unary operator: pass (float32)
• void jit_op_vector_mult_float32 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: multiplication (float32)
• void jit_op_vector_div_float32 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: division (float32)
• void jit_op_vector_add_float32 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: addition (float32)
• void jit_op_vector_sub_float32 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: subtraction (float32)
• void jit_op_vector_min_float32 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)

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858 Module Documentation

Binary operator: minimum (float32)

• void jit_op_vector_max_float32 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: maximum (float32)
• void jit_op_vector_abs_float32 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Unary operator: absolute value (float32)
• void jit_op_vector_avg_float32 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: average (float32)
• void jit_op_vector_absdiff_float32 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info
Binary operator: absolute difference (float32)
• void jit_op_vector_mod_float32 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: modulo (float32)
• void jit_op_vector_fold_float32 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: fold (float32)
• void jit_op_vector_wrap_float32 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info
Binary operator: wrap (float32)
• void jit_op_vector_pass_float64 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info
Unary operator: pass (float64)
• void jit_op_vector_mult_float64 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: multiplication (float64)
• void jit_op_vector_div_float64 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: division (float64)
• void jit_op_vector_add_float64 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: addition (float64)
• void jit_op_vector_sub_float64 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: subtraction (float64)
• void jit_op_vector_min_float64 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: minimum (float64)
• void jit_op_vector_max_float64 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: maximum (float64)
• void jit_op_vector_abs_float64 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Unary operator: absolute value (float64)
• void jit_op_vector_avg_float64 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: average (float64)
• void jit_op_vector_absdiff_float64 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info
Binary operator: absolute difference (float64)
• void jit_op_vector_mod_float64 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: modulo (float64)
• void jit_op_vector_fold_float64 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: fold (float64)
• void jit_op_vector_wrap_float64 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info
Binary operator: wrap (float64)
• void jit_op_vector_pass_long (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Unary operator: pass (long)
• void jit_op_vector_mult_long (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: multiplication (long)
• void jit_op_vector_div_long (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)

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36.83 Operator Vector Module 859

Binary operator: division (long)

• void jit_op_vector_mod_long (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: modulo (long)
• void jit_op_vector_add_long (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: addition (long)
• void jit_op_vector_sub_long (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: subtraction (long)
• void jit_op_vector_min_long (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: minimum (long)
• void jit_op_vector_max_long (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: maximum (long)
• void jit_op_vector_abs_long (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Unary operator: absolute value (long)
• void jit_op_vector_avg_long (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: average (long)
• void jit_op_vector_absdiff_long (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: absolute difference (long)
• void jit_op_vector_bitand_char (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: bitwise and (char)
• void jit_op_vector_bitor_char (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: bitwise or (char)
• void jit_op_vector_bitxor_char (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: bitwise exclusive or (char)
• void jit_op_vector_bitnot_char (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Unary operator: bitwise not (char)
• void jit_op_vector_rshift_char (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: bitwise right shift (char)
• void jit_op_vector_lshift_char (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: bitwise left shift (char)
• void jit_op_vector_bitand_long (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: bitwise and (long)
• void jit_op_vector_bitor_long (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: bitwise or (long)
• void jit_op_vector_bitxor_long (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: bitwise exclusive or (long)
• void jit_op_vector_bitnot_long (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Unary operator: bitwise not (long)
• void jit_op_vector_rshift_long (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: bitwise right shift (long)
• void jit_op_vector_lshift_long (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: bitwise left shift (long)
• void jit_op_vector_flippass_char (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info
Unary operator: flipped pass (char)
• void jit_op_vector_flipdiv_char (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: flipped division (char)
• void jit_op_vector_flipmod_char (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info
Binary operator: flipped modulo (char)
• void jit_op_vector_flipsub_char (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: flipped subtraction (char)

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860 Module Documentation

• void jit_op_vector_flippass_float32 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info
Unary operator: flipped pass (float32)
• void jit_op_vector_flipdiv_float32 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info
Binary operator: flipped division (float32)
• void jit_op_vector_flipmod_float32 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info
Binary operator: flipped modulo (float32)
• void jit_op_vector_flipsub_float32 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info
Binary operator: flipped subtraction (float32)
• void jit_op_vector_flippass_float64 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info
Unary operator: flipped pass (float64)
• void jit_op_vector_flipdiv_float64 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info
Binary operator: flipped division (float64)
• void jit_op_vector_flipmod_float64 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info
Binary operator: flipped modulo (float64)
• void jit_op_vector_flippass_long (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info
Unary operator: flipped pass (long)
• void jit_op_vector_flipdiv_long (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: flipped division (long)
• void jit_op_vector_flipmod_long (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info
Binary operator: flipped modulo (long)
• void jit_op_vector_flipsub_long (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: flipped subtraction (long)
• void jit_op_vector_and_char (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: logical and (char)
• void jit_op_vector_or_char (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: logical or (char)
• void jit_op_vector_not_char (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Unary operator: logical not (char)
• void jit_op_vector_gt_char (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: greater than (char)
• void jit_op_vector_gte_char (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: greater than or equals (char)
• void jit_op_vector_lt_char (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: less than (char)
• void jit_op_vector_lte_char (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: less than or equals (char)
• void jit_op_vector_eq_char (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: equals (char)
• void jit_op_vector_neq_char (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: not equals (char)
• void jit_op_vector_and_float32 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: logical and (float32)
• void jit_op_vector_or_float32 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.83 Operator Vector Module 861

Binary operator: logical or (float32)

• void jit_op_vector_not_float32 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Unary operator: logical not (float32)
• void jit_op_vector_gt_float32 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: greater than (float32)
• void jit_op_vector_gte_float32 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: greater than or equals (float32)
• void jit_op_vector_lt_float32 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: less than (float32)
• void jit_op_vector_lte_float32 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: less than or equals (float32)
• void jit_op_vector_eq_float32 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: equals (float32)
• void jit_op_vector_neq_float32 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: not equals (float32)
• void jit_op_vector_and_float64 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: logical and (float64)
• void jit_op_vector_or_float64 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: logical or (float64)
• void jit_op_vector_not_float64 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Unary operator: logical not (float64)
• void jit_op_vector_gt_float64 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: greater than (float64)
• void jit_op_vector_gte_float64 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: greater than or equals (float64)
• void jit_op_vector_lt_float64 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: less than (float64)
• void jit_op_vector_lte_float64 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: less than or equals (float64)
• void jit_op_vector_eq_float64 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: equals (float64)
• void jit_op_vector_neq_float64 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: not equals (float64)
• void jit_op_vector_and_long (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: logical and (long)
• void jit_op_vector_or_long (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: logical or (long)
• void jit_op_vector_not_long (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Unary operator: logical not (long)
• void jit_op_vector_gt_long (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: greater than (long)
• void jit_op_vector_gte_long (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: greater than or equals (long)
• void jit_op_vector_lt_long (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: less than (long)
• void jit_op_vector_lte_long (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: less than or equals (long)
• void jit_op_vector_eq_long (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: equals (long)
• void jit_op_vector_neq_long (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: not equals (long)

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862 Module Documentation

• void jit_op_vector_gtp_char (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: greater than pass (char)
• void jit_op_vector_gtep_char (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: greater than or equals pass (char)
• void jit_op_vector_ltp_char (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: less than pass (char)
• void jit_op_vector_ltep_char (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: less than or equals pass (char)
• void jit_op_vector_eqp_char (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: equals pass (char)
• void jit_op_vector_neqp_char (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: not equals pass (char)
• void jit_op_vector_gtp_float32 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: greater than pass (float32)
• void jit_op_vector_gtep_float32 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: greater than or equals pass (float32)
• void jit_op_vector_ltp_float32 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: less than pass (float32)
• void jit_op_vector_ltep_float32 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: less than or equals pass (float32)
• void jit_op_vector_eqp_float32 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: equals pass (float32)
• void jit_op_vector_neqp_float32 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info
Binary operator: not equals pass (float32)
• void jit_op_vector_gtp_float64 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: greater than pass (float64)
• void jit_op_vector_gtep_float64 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: greater than or equals pass (float64)
• void jit_op_vector_ltp_float64 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: less than pass (float64)
• void jit_op_vector_ltep_float64 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: less than or equals pass (float64)
• void jit_op_vector_eqp_float64 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: equals pass (float64)
• void jit_op_vector_neqp_float64 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info
Binary operator: not equals pass (float64)
• void jit_op_vector_gtp_long (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: greater than pass (long)
• void jit_op_vector_gtep_long (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: greater than or equals pass (long)
• void jit_op_vector_ltp_long (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: less than pass (long)
• void jit_op_vector_ltep_long (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: less than or equals pass (long)
• void jit_op_vector_eqp_long (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: equals pass (long)
• void jit_op_vector_neqp_long (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: not equals pass (long)
• void jit_op_vector_sin_float32 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.83 Operator Vector Module 863

Unary operator: sine (float32)

• void jit_op_vector_cos_float32 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Unary operator: cosine (float32)
• void jit_op_vector_tan_float32 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Unary operator: tangent (float32)
• void jit_op_vector_asin_float32 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Unary operator: arcsine (float32)
• void jit_op_vector_acos_float32 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info
Unary operator: arccosine (float32)
• void jit_op_vector_atan_float32 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Unary operator: arctangent (float32)
• void jit_op_vector_atan2_float32 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info
Binary operator: arctangent (float32)
• void jit_op_vector_sinh_float32 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Unary operator: hyperbolic sine (float32)
• void jit_op_vector_cosh_float32 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info
Unary operator: hyperbolic cosine (float32)
• void jit_op_vector_tanh_float32 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Unary operator: hyperbolic tangent (float32)
• void jit_op_vector_asinh_float32 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info
Unary operator: hyperbolic arcsine (float32)
• void jit_op_vector_acosh_float32 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info
Unary operator: hyperbolic arccosine (float32)
• void jit_op_vector_atanh_float32 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info
Unary operator: hyperbolic arctangent (float32)
• void jit_op_vector_exp_float32 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Unary operator: exponent (float32)
• void jit_op_vector_exp2_float32 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info
Unary operator: exponent base 10 (float32)
• void jit_op_vector_log_float32 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Unary operator: logarithm (float32)
• void jit_op_vector_log2_float32 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Unary operator: logarithm base 2(float32)
• void jit_op_vector_log10_float32 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info
Unary operator: logarithm base 10 (float32)
• void jit_op_vector_hypot_float32 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info
Binary operator: hypotenuse (float32)
• void jit_op_vector_pow_float32 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: power (float32)
• void jit_op_vector_sqrt_float32 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Unary operator: square root (float32)
• void jit_op_vector_ceil_float32 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Unary operator: ceiling (float32)

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864 Module Documentation

• void jit_op_vector_floor_float32 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Unary operator: floor (float32)
• void jit_op_vector_round_float32 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info
Unary operator: round (float32)
• void jit_op_vector_trunc_float32 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info
Unary operator: truncate (float32)
• void jit_op_vector_sin_float64 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Unary operator: sine (float64)
• void jit_op_vector_cos_float64 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Unary operator: cosine (float64)
• void jit_op_vector_tan_float64 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Unary operator: tangent (float64)
• void jit_op_vector_asin_float64 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Unary operator: arcsine (float64)
• void jit_op_vector_acos_float64 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info
Unary operator: arccosine (float64)
• void jit_op_vector_atan_float64 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Unary operator: arctangetn (float64)
• void jit_op_vector_atan2_float64 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info
Binary operator: arctangent (float64)
• void jit_op_vector_sinh_float64 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Unary operator: hyperbolic sine (float64)
• void jit_op_vector_cosh_float64 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info
Unary operator: hyperbolic cosine (float64)
• void jit_op_vector_tanh_float64 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Unary operator: hyperbolic tangent (float64)
• void jit_op_vector_asinh_float64 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info
Unary operator: hyperbolic arcsine (float64)
• void jit_op_vector_acosh_float64 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info
Unary operator: hyperbolic arccosine (float64)
• void jit_op_vector_atanh_float64 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info
Unary operator: hyperbolic arctangent (float64)
• void jit_op_vector_exp_float64 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Unary operator: exponent (float64)
• void jit_op_vector_exp2_float64 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info
Unary operator: exponent base 2(float64)
• void jit_op_vector_log_float64 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Unary operator: logarithm (float64)
• void jit_op_vector_log2_float64 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Unary operator: logarithm base 2 (float64)
• void jit_op_vector_log10_float64 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info
Unary operator: logarithm base 10 (float64)

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36.83 Operator Vector Module 865

• void jit_op_vector_hypot_float64 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info
Binary operator: hypotenuse (float64)
• void jit_op_vector_pow_float64 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Binary operator: power (float64)
• void jit_op_vector_sqrt_float64 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Unary operator: square root (float64)
• void jit_op_vector_ceil_float64 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Unary operator: ceiling (float64)
• void jit_op_vector_floor_float64 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info ∗out)
Unary operator: floor (float64)
• void jit_op_vector_round_float64 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info
Unary operator: round (float64)
• void jit_op_vector_trunc_float64 (long n, void ∗vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗in0, t_jit_op_info ∗in1, t_jit_op_info
Unary operator: truncate (float64)

36.83.1 Detailed Description

36.83.2 Function Documentation void jit_op_vector_abs_float32 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Unary operator: absolute value (float32)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_abs_float64 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Unary operator: absolute value (float64)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_abs_long ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info ∗
out )

Unary operator: absolute value (long)

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

866 Module Documentation

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_absdiff_char ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Binary operator: absolute difference (char)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_absdiff_float32 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Binary operator: absolute difference (float32)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_absdiff_float64 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Binary operator: absolute difference (float64)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_absdiff_long ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Binary operator: absolute difference (long)

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.83 Operator Vector Module 867

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_acos_float32 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Unary operator: arccosine (float32)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_acos_float64 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Unary operator: arccosine (float64)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_acosh_float32 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Unary operator: hyperbolic arccosine (float32)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_acosh_float64 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Unary operator: hyperbolic arccosine (float64)

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

868 Module Documentation

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_add_char ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Binary operator: addition (char)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_add_float32 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Binary operator: addition (float32)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_add_float64 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Binary operator: addition (float64)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_add_long ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Binary operator: addition (long)

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.83 Operator Vector Module 869

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_adds_char ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Binary operator: saturated addition (char)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_and_char ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Binary operator: logical and (char)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_and_float32 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Binary operator: logical and (float32)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_and_float64 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Binary operator: logical and (float64)

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

870 Module Documentation

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_and_long ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Binary operator: logical and (long)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_asin_float32 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Unary operator: arcsine (float32)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_asin_float64 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Unary operator: arcsine (float64)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_asinh_float32 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Unary operator: hyperbolic arcsine (float32)

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.83 Operator Vector Module 871

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_asinh_float64 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Unary operator: hyperbolic arcsine (float64)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_atan2_float32 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Binary operator: arctangent (float32)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_atan2_float64 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Binary operator: arctangent (float64)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_atan_float32 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Unary operator: arctangent (float32)

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

872 Module Documentation

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_atan_float64 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Unary operator: arctangetn (float64)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_atanh_float32 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Unary operator: hyperbolic arctangent (float32)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_atanh_float64 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Unary operator: hyperbolic arctangent (float64)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_avg_char ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info ∗
out )

Binary operator: average (char)

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.83 Operator Vector Module 873

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_avg_float32 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Binary operator: average (float32)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_avg_float64 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Binary operator: average (float64)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_avg_long ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info ∗
out )

Binary operator: average (long)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_bitand_char ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Binary operator: bitwise and (char)

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

874 Module Documentation

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_bitand_long ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Binary operator: bitwise and (long)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_bitnot_char ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Unary operator: bitwise not (char)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_bitnot_long ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Unary operator: bitwise not (long)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_bitor_char ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Binary operator: bitwise or (char)

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.83 Operator Vector Module 875

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_bitor_long ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Binary operator: bitwise or (long)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_bitxor_char ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Binary operator: bitwise exclusive or (char)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_bitxor_long ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Binary operator: bitwise exclusive or (long)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_ceil_float32 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Unary operator: ceiling (float32)

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

876 Module Documentation

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_ceil_float64 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Unary operator: ceiling (float64)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_cos_float32 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Unary operator: cosine (float32)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_cos_float64 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Unary operator: cosine (float64)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_cosh_float32 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Unary operator: hyperbolic cosine (float32)

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.83 Operator Vector Module 877

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_cosh_float64 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Unary operator: hyperbolic cosine (float64)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_div_char ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info ∗
out )

Binary operator: division (char)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride

Referenced by jit_op_vector_flipdiv_char(). void jit_op_vector_div_float32 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Binary operator: division (float32)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride

Referenced by jit_op_vector_flipdiv_float32(). void jit_op_vector_div_float64 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Binary operator: division (float64)

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

878 Module Documentation

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride

Referenced by jit_op_vector_flipdiv_float64(). void jit_op_vector_div_long ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info ∗
out )

Binary operator: division (long)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride

Referenced by jit_op_vector_flipdiv_long(). void jit_op_vector_eq_char ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info ∗
out )

Binary operator: equals (char)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_eq_float32 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Binary operator: equals (float32)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_eq_float64 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Binary operator: equals (float64)

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.83 Operator Vector Module 879

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_eq_long ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info ∗
out )

Binary operator: equals (long)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_eqp_char ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Binary operator: equals pass (char)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_eqp_float32 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Binary operator: equals pass (float32)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_eqp_float64 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Binary operator: equals pass (float64)

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

880 Module Documentation

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_eqp_long ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Binary operator: equals pass (long)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_exp2_float32 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Unary operator: exponent base 10 (float32)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_exp2_float64 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Unary operator: exponent base 2(float64)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_exp_float32 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Unary operator: exponent (float32)

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.83 Operator Vector Module 881

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_exp_float64 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Unary operator: exponent (float64)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_flipdiv_char ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Binary operator: flipped division (char)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride

References jit_op_vector_div_char().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_op_vector_flipdiv_char jit_op_vector_div_char void jit_op_vector_flipdiv_float32 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Binary operator: flipped division (float32)

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

882 Module Documentation

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride

References jit_op_vector_div_float32().
Here is the call graph for this function:

_float32 jit_op_vector_div_float32 void jit_op_vector_flipdiv_float64 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Binary operator: flipped division (float64)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride

References jit_op_vector_div_float64().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_op_vector_flipdiv jit_op_vector_div_float64
_float64 void jit_op_vector_flipdiv_long ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Binary operator: flipped division (long)

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.83 Operator Vector Module 883

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride

References jit_op_vector_div_long().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_op_vector_flipdiv_long jit_op_vector_div_long void jit_op_vector_flipmod_char ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Binary operator: flipped modulo (char)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride

References jit_op_vector_mod_char().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_op_vector_flipmod_char jit_op_vector_mod_char void jit_op_vector_flipmod_float32 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Binary operator: flipped modulo (float32)

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

884 Module Documentation

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride

References jit_op_vector_mod_float32().
Here is the call graph for this function:

_float32 jit_op_vector_mod_float32 void jit_op_vector_flipmod_float64 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Binary operator: flipped modulo (float64)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride

References jit_op_vector_mod_float64().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_op_vector_flipmod jit_op_vector_mod_float64
_float64 void jit_op_vector_flipmod_long ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Binary operator: flipped modulo (long)

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.83 Operator Vector Module 885

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride

References jit_op_vector_mod_long().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_op_vector_flipmod_long jit_op_vector_mod_long void jit_op_vector_flippass_char ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Unary operator: flipped pass (char)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride

References jit_op_vector_pass_char().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_op_vector_flippass_char jit_op_vector_pass_char void jit_op_vector_flippass_float32 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Unary operator: flipped pass (float32)

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

886 Module Documentation

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride

References jit_op_vector_pass_float32().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_op_vector_flippass jit_op_vector_pass
_float32 _float32 void jit_op_vector_flippass_float64 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Unary operator: flipped pass (float64)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride

References jit_op_vector_pass_float64().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_op_vector_flippass jit_op_vector_pass
_float64 _float64 void jit_op_vector_flippass_long ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Unary operator: flipped pass (long)

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.83 Operator Vector Module 887

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride

References jit_op_vector_pass_long().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_op_vector_flippass_long jit_op_vector_pass_long void jit_op_vector_flipsub_char ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Binary operator: flipped subtraction (char)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride

References jit_op_vector_subs_char().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_op_vector_flipsub_char jit_op_vector_subs_char void jit_op_vector_flipsub_float32 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Binary operator: flipped subtraction (float32)

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

888 Module Documentation

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride

References jit_op_vector_sub_float32().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_op_vector_flipsub jit_op_vector_sub_float32
_float32 void jit_op_vector_flipsub_long ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Binary operator: flipped subtraction (long)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride

References jit_op_vector_sub_long().
Here is the call graph for this function:

jit_op_vector_flipsub_long jit_op_vector_sub_long void jit_op_vector_floor_float32 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Unary operator: floor (float32)

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.83 Operator Vector Module 889

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_floor_float64 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Unary operator: floor (float64)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_fold_float32 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Binary operator: fold (float32)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_fold_float64 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Binary operator: fold (float64)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_gt_char ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info ∗
out )

Binary operator: greater than (char)

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

890 Module Documentation

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_gt_float32 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Binary operator: greater than (float32)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_gt_float64 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Binary operator: greater than (float64)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_gt_long ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info ∗
out )

Binary operator: greater than (long)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_gte_char ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info ∗
out )

Binary operator: greater than or equals (char)

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.83 Operator Vector Module 891

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_gte_float32 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Binary operator: greater than or equals (float32)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_gte_float64 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Binary operator: greater than or equals (float64)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_gte_long ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info ∗
out )

Binary operator: greater than or equals (long)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_gtep_char ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Binary operator: greater than or equals pass (char)

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

892 Module Documentation

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_gtep_float32 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Binary operator: greater than or equals pass (float32)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_gtep_float64 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Binary operator: greater than or equals pass (float64)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_gtep_long ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Binary operator: greater than or equals pass (long)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_gtp_char ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info ∗
out )

Binary operator: greater than pass (char)

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.83 Operator Vector Module 893

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_gtp_float32 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Binary operator: greater than pass (float32)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_gtp_float64 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Binary operator: greater than pass (float64)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_gtp_long ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info ∗
out )

Binary operator: greater than pass (long)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_hypot_float32 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Binary operator: hypotenuse (float32)

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

894 Module Documentation

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_hypot_float64 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Binary operator: hypotenuse (float64)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_log10_float32 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Unary operator: logarithm base 10 (float32)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_log10_float64 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Unary operator: logarithm base 10 (float64)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_log2_float32 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Unary operator: logarithm base 2(float32)

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.83 Operator Vector Module 895

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_log2_float64 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Unary operator: logarithm base 2 (float64)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_log_float32 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Unary operator: logarithm (float32)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_log_float64 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Unary operator: logarithm (float64)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_lshift_char ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Binary operator: bitwise left shift (char)

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

896 Module Documentation

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_lshift_long ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Binary operator: bitwise left shift (long)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_lt_char ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info ∗
out )

Binary operator: less than (char)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_lt_float32 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Binary operator: less than (float32)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_lt_float64 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Binary operator: less than (float64)

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.83 Operator Vector Module 897

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_lt_long ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info ∗
out )

Binary operator: less than (long)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_lte_char ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info ∗
out )

Binary operator: less than or equals (char)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_lte_float32 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Binary operator: less than or equals (float32)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_lte_float64 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Binary operator: less than or equals (float64)

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

898 Module Documentation

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_lte_long ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Binary operator: less than or equals (long)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_ltep_char ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Binary operator: less than or equals pass (char)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_ltep_float32 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Binary operator: less than or equals pass (float32)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_ltep_float64 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Binary operator: less than or equals pass (float64)

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.83 Operator Vector Module 899

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_ltep_long ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Binary operator: less than or equals pass (long)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_ltp_char ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Binary operator: less than pass (char)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_ltp_float32 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Binary operator: less than pass (float32)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_ltp_float64 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Binary operator: less than pass (float64)

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

900 Module Documentation

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_ltp_long ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Binary operator: less than pass (long)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_max_char ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Binary operator: maximum (char)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_max_float32 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Binary operator: maximum (float32)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_max_float64 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Binary operator: maximum (float64)

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.83 Operator Vector Module 901

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_max_long ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Binary operator: maximum (long)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_min_char ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Binary operator: minimum (char)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_min_float32 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Binary operator: minimum (float32)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_min_float64 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Binary operator: minimum (float64)

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

902 Module Documentation

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_min_long ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Binary operator: minimum (long)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_mod_char ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Binary operator: modulo (char)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride

Referenced by jit_op_vector_flipmod_char(). void jit_op_vector_mod_float32 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Binary operator: modulo (float32)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride

Referenced by jit_op_vector_flipmod_float32(). void jit_op_vector_mod_float64 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Binary operator: modulo (float64)

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.83 Operator Vector Module 903

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride

Referenced by jit_op_vector_flipmod_float64(). void jit_op_vector_mod_long ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Binary operator: modulo (long)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride

Referenced by jit_op_vector_flipmod_long(). void jit_op_vector_mult_char ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Binary operator: multiplication (char)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_mult_float32 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Binary operator: multiplication (float32)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_mult_float64 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Binary operator: multiplication (float64)

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

904 Module Documentation

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_mult_long ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Binary operator: multiplication (long)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_neq_char ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Binary operator: not equals (char)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_neq_float32 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Binary operator: not equals (float32)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_neq_float64 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Binary operator: not equals (float64)

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.83 Operator Vector Module 905

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_neq_long ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Binary operator: not equals (long)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_neqp_char ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Binary operator: not equals pass (char)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_neqp_float32 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Binary operator: not equals pass (float32)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_neqp_float64 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Binary operator: not equals pass (float64)

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

906 Module Documentation

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_neqp_long ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Binary operator: not equals pass (long)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_not_char ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Unary operator: logical not (char)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_not_float32 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Unary operator: logical not (float32)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_not_float64 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Unary operator: logical not (float64)

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.83 Operator Vector Module 907

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_not_long ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Unary operator: logical not (long)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_or_char ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info ∗
out )

Binary operator: logical or (char)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_or_float32 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Binary operator: logical or (float32)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_or_float64 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Binary operator: logical or (float64)

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

908 Module Documentation

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_or_long ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info ∗
out )

Binary operator: logical or (long)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_pass_char ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Unary operator: pass (char)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride

Referenced by jit_op_vector_flippass_char(). void jit_op_vector_pass_float32 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Unary operator: pass (float32)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride

Referenced by jit_op_vector_flippass_float32(). void jit_op_vector_pass_float64 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Unary operator: pass (float64)

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.83 Operator Vector Module 909

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride

References t_jit_op_info::p, and t_jit_op_info::stride.

Referenced by jit_op_vector_flippass_float64(). void jit_op_vector_pass_long ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Unary operator: pass (long)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride

Referenced by jit_op_vector_flippass_long(). void jit_op_vector_pow_float32 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Binary operator: power (float32)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_pow_float64 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Binary operator: power (float64)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_round_float32 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Unary operator: round (float32)

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

910 Module Documentation

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_round_float64 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Unary operator: round (float64)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_rshift_char ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Binary operator: bitwise right shift (char)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_rshift_long ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Binary operator: bitwise right shift (long)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_sin_float32 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Unary operator: sine (float32)

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.83 Operator Vector Module 911

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_sin_float64 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Unary operator: sine (float64)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_sinh_float32 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Unary operator: hyperbolic sine (float32)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_sinh_float64 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Unary operator: hyperbolic sine (float64)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_sqrt_float32 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Unary operator: square root (float32)

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912 Module Documentation

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_sqrt_float64 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Unary operator: square root (float64)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_sub_char ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Binary operator: subtraction (char)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_sub_float32 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Binary operator: subtraction (float32)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride

Referenced by jit_op_vector_flipsub_float32(). void jit_op_vector_sub_float64 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Binary operator: subtraction (float64)

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.83 Operator Vector Module 913

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_sub_long ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1, t_jit_op_info
∗ out )

Binary operator: subtraction (long)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride

Referenced by jit_op_vector_flipsub_long(). void jit_op_vector_subs_char ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Binary operator: saturated subtraction (char)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride

Referenced by jit_op_vector_flipsub_char(). void jit_op_vector_tan_float32 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Unary operator: tangent (float32)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_tan_float64 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Unary operator: tangent (float64)

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

914 Module Documentation

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_tanh_float32 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Unary operator: hyperbolic tangent (float32)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_tanh_float64 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Unary operator: hyperbolic tangent (float64)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_trunc_float32 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Unary operator: truncate (float32)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_trunc_float64 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Unary operator: truncate (float64)

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

36.83 Operator Vector Module 915

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_wrap_float32 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Binary operator: wrap (float32)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride void jit_op_vector_wrap_float64 ( long n, void ∗ vecdata, t_jit_op_info ∗ in0, t_jit_op_info ∗ in1,
t_jit_op_info ∗ out )

Binary operator: wrap (float64)

n length of vectors
vecdata ignored
in0 left input pointer and stride
in1 right input pointer and stride
out output pointer and stride

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

916 Module Documentation

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

Chapter 37

Data Structure Documentation

37.1 t_atom Struct Reference

An atom is a typed datum.

#include <ext_mess.h>
Collaboration diagram for t_atom:




37.1.1 Detailed Description

An atom is a typed datum.

37.2 t_atomarray Struct Reference

The atomarray object.

#include <ext_atomarray.h>
918 Data Structure Documentation

Collaboration diagram for t_atomarray:



t_object t_atom

ob av


37.2.1 Detailed Description

The atomarray object.

This struct is provided for debugging convenience, but should be considered opaque and is subject to change
without notice.

37.3 t_atombuf Struct Reference

The atombuf struct provides a way to pass a collection of atoms.

#include <ext_atombuf.h>

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

37.4 t_attr Struct Reference 919

Collaboration diagram for t_atombuf:






Data Fields

• long a_argc

the number of atoms

• t_atom a_argv [1]

the first of the array of atoms

37.3.1 Detailed Description

The atombuf struct provides a way to pass a collection of atoms.

37.4 t_attr Struct Reference

Common attr struct.

#include <ext_obex.h>

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920 Data Structure Documentation

Collaboration diagram for t_attr:



ob t_symbol



37.4.1 Detailed Description

Common attr struct.

This struct is provided for debugging convenience, but should be considered opaque and is subject to change
without notice.

37.5 t_buffer Struct Reference

Data structure for the buffer∼ object.

#include <buffer.h>

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

37.5 t_buffer Struct Reference 921

Collaboration diagram for t_buffer:



_handler t_symbol


t_buffer b_peer

Data Fields

• t_object b_obj
doesn't have any signals so it doesn't need to be pxobject
• long b_valid
flag is off during read replacement or editing operation
• float ∗ b_samples
stored with interleaved channels if multi-channel
• long b_frames
number of sample frames (each one is sizeof(float) ∗ b_nchans bytes)
• long b_nchans
number of channels
• long b_size
size of buffer in floats
• float b_sr
sampling rate of the buffer
• float b_1oversr
1 / sr
• float b_msr
sr ∗ .001
• float ∗ b_memory
pointer to where memory starts (initial padding for interp)
• t_symbol ∗ b_name
name of the buffer
• long b_susloopstart
looping info (from AIFF file) in samples
• long b_susloopend

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

922 Data Structure Documentation

looping info (from AIFF file) in samples

• long b_relloopstart
looping info (from AIFF file) in samples
• long b_relloopend
looping info (from AIFF file) in samples
• long b_format
'AIFF' or 'Sd2f'
• t_symbol ∗ b_filename
last file read (not written) for info∼
• long b_oldnchans
used for resizing window in case of # of channels change
• long b_outputbytes
number of bytes used for output sample (1-4)
• long b_modtime
last modified time ("dirty" method)
• struct _buffer ∗ b_peer
objects that share this symbol (used as a link in the peers)
• t_bool b_owner
b_memory/b_samples "owned" by this object
• long b_outputfmt
sample type (A_LONG, A_FLOAT, etc.)
• t_int32_atomic b_inuse
objects that use buffer should ATOMIC_INCREMENT / ATOMIC_DECREMENT this in their perform
• void ∗ b_dspchain
dspchain used for this instance
• long b_padding
amount of padding (number of samples) in b_memory before b_samples starts
• long b_paddingchanged
flag indicating that b_padding has changed and needs to be allocated
• t_object ∗ b_jsoundfile
internal instance for reading/writing FLAC format
• t_systhread_mutex b_mutex
mutex to use when locking and performing operations anywhere except perform method
• long b_wasvalid
internal flag used by replacement or editing operation
• t_object ∗ b_custom_error_handler
used to return error numbers to a caller if this object is embedded inside of another object (e.g. playlist∼)
• t_clock ∗ b_dirty_clock
used to return error numbers to a caller if this object is embedded inside of another object (e.g. playlist∼)
• t_qelem ∗ b_dirty_qelem
used to move buffer dirty notifications to the main thread
• t_bool b_dirty_done
a buffer is not only dirty, but needs the 'done' message sent out its b_doneout outlet
• t_filepath b_filevol
path of last file read (not written)

37.5.1 Detailed Description

Data structure for the buffer∼ object.

Deprectated. Use t_buffer_ref and t_buffer_obj instead.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

37.6 t_buffer_info Struct Reference 923

37.5.2 Field Documentation t_clock∗ t_buffer::b_dirty_clock

used to return error numbers to a caller if this object is embedded inside of another object (e.g. playlist∼)
used to move buffer dirty notifications to the main thread

37.6 t_buffer_info Struct Reference

Common buffer∼ data/metadata.

#include <ext_buffer.h>
Collaboration diagram for t_buffer_info:






Data Fields

• t_symbol ∗ b_name
name of the buffer
• float ∗ b_samples
stored with interleaved channels if multi-channel
• long b_frames
number of sample frames (each one is sizeof(float) ∗ b_nchans bytes)
• long b_nchans
number of channels
• long b_size
size of buffer in floats
• float b_sr
sampling rate of the buffer
• long b_modtime
last modified time ("dirty" method)
• long b_rfu [57]
reserved for future use (total struct size is 64x4 = 256 bytes)

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924 Data Structure Documentation

37.6.1 Detailed Description

Common buffer∼ data/metadata.

This info can be retreived from a buffer∼ using the buffer_getinfo() call.

37.7 t_celldesc Struct Reference

A dataview cell description.

#include <jdataview.h>

37.7.1 Detailed Description

A dataview cell description.

37.8 t_charset_converter Struct Reference

The charset_converter object.

#include <ext_charset.h>
Collaboration diagram for t_charset_converter:




37.8.1 Detailed Description

The charset_converter object.

This struct is provided for debugging convenience, but should be considered opaque and is subject to change
without notice.

37.9 t_class Struct Reference

The data structure for a Max class.

#include <ext_mess.h>

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

37.10 t_datetime Struct Reference 925

Collaboration diagram for t_class:




Data Fields

• struct symbol ∗ c_sym

symbol giving name of class
• struct symbol ∗ c_filename
name of file associated with this class

37.9.1 Detailed Description

The data structure for a Max class.

This struct is provided for debugging convenience, but should be considered opaque and is subject to change
without notice.

37.10 t_datetime Struct Reference

The Systime data structure.

#include <ext_systime.h>

Data Fields

• t_uint32 year
• t_uint32 month
• t_uint32 day
• t_uint32 hour
• t_uint32 minute
• t_uint32 second

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926 Data Structure Documentation

• t_uint32 millisecond
(reserved for future use)

37.10.1 Detailed Description

The Systime data structure.

37.11 t_dictionary Struct Reference

The dictionary object.

#include <ext_dictionary.h>
Collaboration diagram for t_dictionary:



ob t_llelem


d_obj t_linklist


t_hashtab d_linklist



37.11.1 Detailed Description

The dictionary object.

This struct is provided for debugging convenience, but should be considered opaque and is subject to change
without notice.

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37.12 t_dictionary_entry Struct Reference 927

See also


37.12 t_dictionary_entry Struct Reference

A dictionary entry.
#include <ext_dictionary.h>
Collaboration diagram for t_dictionary_entry:

t_object word

s_thing a_w

e_obj t_symbol t_atom

e_key e_value


37.12.1 Detailed Description

A dictionary entry.
This struct is provided for debugging convenience, but should be considered opaque and is subject to change
without notice.

See also


37.13 t_ex_ex Struct Reference

#include <ext_expr.h>

Data Fields

• union {
} ex_cont


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928 Data Structure Documentation

• long ex_type
type of the node

37.13.1 Detailed Description


37.14 t_expr Struct Reference

Struct for an instance of expr.

#include <ext_expr.h>
Collaboration diagram for t_expr:

t_ex_ex t_object

exp_stack exp_ob


Data Fields

• t_ex_ex exp_res
the result of last evaluation

37.14.1 Detailed Description

Struct for an instance of expr.

37.15 t_fileinfo Struct Reference

Information about a file.

#include <ext_path.h>

Data Fields

• t_fourcc type
type (four-char-code)
• t_fourcc creator

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37.16 t_funbuff Struct Reference 929

Mac-only creator (four-char-code)

• t_uint32 unused
this was date but it wasn't populated and it wasn't used
• t_int32 flags
One of the values defined in e_max_fileinfo_flags.

37.15.1 Detailed Description

Information about a file.

37.16 t_funbuff Struct Reference

The structure of a funbuff object.

#include <ext_maxtypes.h>
Collaboration diagram for t_funbuff:



f_obj t_symbol t_zll



Data Fields

• t_zll f_head
head of double linked list of function elements
• t_zll ∗ f_foot
foot in the door pointer for list
• long f_gotoDelta
used by goto and next
• long f_selectX
selected region start
• long f_selectW
selected region width
• t_symbol ∗ f_sym

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930 Data Structure Documentation

• long f_y
y-value from inlet
• char f_yvalid
flag that y has been set since x has
• char f_embed
flag for embedding funbuff values in patcher

37.16.1 Detailed Description

The structure of a funbuff object.

37.17 t_hashtab Struct Reference

The hashtab object.

#include <ext_hashtab.h>
Collaboration diagram for t_hashtab:



ob t_llelem

ob pending




37.17.1 Detailed Description

The hashtab object.

This struct is provided for debugging convenience, but should be considered opaque and is subject to change
without notice.

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37.18 t_hashtab_entry Struct Reference 931

See also


37.18 t_hashtab_entry Struct Reference

A hashtab entry.
#include <ext_hashtab.h>
Collaboration diagram for t_hashtab_entry:






37.18.1 Detailed Description

A hashtab entry.
This struct is provided for debugging convenience, but should be considered opaque and is subject to change
without notice.

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932 Data Structure Documentation

See also


37.19 t_indexmap Struct Reference

An indexmap object.
#include <indexmap.h>
Collaboration diagram for t_indexmap:



ob t_llelem

ob pending

m_ob t_linklist


t_hashtab t_indexmap_entry

m_data2index m_index2data


37.19.1 Detailed Description

An indexmap object.
This struct is provided for debugging convenience, but should be considered opaque and is subject to change
without notice.

See also


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37.20 t_indexmap_entry Struct Reference 933

37.20 t_indexmap_entry Struct Reference

An indexmap element.
#include <indexmap.h>

37.20.1 Detailed Description

An indexmap element.
This struct is provided for debugging convenience, but should be considered opaque and is subject to change
without notice.

See also


37.21 t_jbox Struct Reference

The t_jbox struct provides the header for a Max user-interface object.
#include <jpatcher_api.h>
Collaboration diagram for t_jbox:



t_rect t_symbol t_jrgba

b_patching_rect b_name
b_presentation_rect b_fontname


37.21.1 Detailed Description

The t_jbox struct provides the header for a Max user-interface object.
This struct should be considered opaque and is subject to change without notice. Do not access it's members
directly any code.

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934 Data Structure Documentation

37.22 t_jboxdrawparams Struct Reference

The t_jboxdrawparams structure.

#include <jpatcher_api.h>
Collaboration diagram for t_jboxdrawparams:




37.22.1 Detailed Description

The t_jboxdrawparams structure.

This struct is provided for debugging convenience, but should be considered opaque and is subject to change
without notice.

37.23 t_jcolumn Struct Reference

A dataview column.
#include <jdataview.h>

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37.23 t_jcolumn Struct Reference 935

Collaboration diagram for t_jcolumn:



c_dv t_symbol



Data Fields

• t_symbol ∗ c_name
column name (hash)
• t_object ∗ c_dv
parent dataview
• int c_id
id in DataViewComponent
• long c_width
column width in pixels
• long c_maxwidth
max column width
• long c_minwidth
min column width
• char c_autosize
determine width of text column automatically (true/false)
• char c_alignment
display of text, left, right, center
• t_symbol ∗ c_font
name of font
• long c_fontsize
font size (points?)
• t_symbol ∗ c_label

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936 Data Structure Documentation

heading of column
• char c_separator
separator mode
• char c_button
column has a button (true/false)
• t_symbol ∗ c_buttonlabel
text in a button
• t_symbol ∗ c_customsort
message sent to sort this column – if none, default sorting is used based on value c_numeric
• char c_overridesort
if true only the sortdata method is called, not the sort method (true/false)
• t_symbol ∗ c_custompaint
send this msg name to client to paint this column
• t_symbol ∗ c_valuemsg
message sent when a component mode cell's value changes
• t_symbol ∗ c_beginmsg
message sent when a component mode cell's value is about to start changing
• t_symbol ∗ c_endmsg
message sent when a component mode cell's value is finished changing
• t_symbol ∗ c_rowcomponentmsg
message sent to determine what kind of component should be created for each cell in a column
• t_symbol ∗ c_custommenuset
message to set a menu (for a readonly or custompaint column)
• t_symbol ∗ c_custommenuresult
message sent when an item is chosen from a custom menu
• char c_editable
can you edit the data in a cell in this column
• char c_selectable
can select the data in a cell in this column (possibly without being able to edit)
• char c_multiselectable
can you select more than one cell in this column
• char c_sortable
can you click on a column heading to sort the data
• long c_initiallysorted
if this is set to JCOLUMN_INITIALLYSORTED_FORWARDS the column is displayed with the sort triangle
• long c_maxtextlen
maximum text length: this is used to allocate a buffer to pass to gettext (but there is also a constant)
• long c_sortdirection
0 for ascending, 1 for descending
• long c_component
enum of components (check box etc.)
• char c_canselect
can select entire column
• char c_cancut
can cut/clear entire column
• char c_cancopy
can copy entire column
• char c_cancutcells
can cut a single cell (assumes "editable" or "selectable") (probably won't be implemented)
• char c_cancopycells
can copy a single cell

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37.24 t_jdataview Struct Reference 937

• char c_canpastecells
can paste into a single cell
• char c_hideable
can the column be hidden
• char c_hidden
is the column hidden (set/get)
• char c_numeric
is the data numeric (i.e., is getcellvalue implemented)
• char c_draggable
can drag the column to rearrange it
• char c_casesensitive
use case sensitive sorting (applies only to default text sorting)
• char c_showinfo
show info button for cell clue on mouse over
• void ∗ c_reference
reference for the use of the client
• double c_indentspacing
amount of space (in pixels) for one indent level
• t_symbol ∗ c_insertbefore
name of column before which this one should have been inserted (used only once)
• t_symbol ∗ c_cellcluemsg
message to send requesting clue text for a cell
• t_symbol ∗ c_celltextcolormsg
message to get the cell's text color
• t_symbol ∗ c_celltextstylemsg
message to get the cell's style and alignment
• t_symbol ∗ c_cellentermsg
message for cell enter
• t_symbol ∗ c_cellexitmsg
message for cell exit
• t_symbol ∗ c_cellmovedmsg
message for cell mouse move
• t_symbol ∗ c_cellclickmsg
message for custom cell click action

37.23.1 Detailed Description

A dataview column.
Columns for a given dataview are stored in a t_hashtab and accessed by name.

37.24 t_jdataview Struct Reference

The dataview object.

#include <jdataview.h>

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938 Data Structure Documentation

Collaboration diagram for t_jdataview:


s_thing thing

ob t_llelem

t_symbol ob tail

d_obj t_linklist

d_colheadercluemsg slots

t_hashtab d_components t_jrgba

d_columns d_selectcolor
d_id2columns d_rowcolor2


Data Fields

• t_linklist ∗ d_components
list of DataViewComponents showing this dataview
• t_object ∗ d_client
object that will be sent messages to get data to display
• t_hashtab ∗ d_columns
columns – point to t_jcolumn objects
• t_hashtab ∗ d_id2columns
columns from column IDs
• t_linklist ∗ d_colorder
current order of columns
• void ∗ d_rowmap_obsolete
no longer used
• long d_numcols
number of columns
• double d_rowheight
fixed height of a row in pixels
• char d_autoheight
height determined by font
• char d_hierarchical
does it allow hierarchical disclosure (true / false) – not implemented yet
• t_jrgba d_rowcolor1

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37.24 t_jdataview Struct Reference 939

odd row color (striped)

• t_jrgba d_rowcolor2
even row color
• t_jrgba d_selectcolor
color when rows are selected
• t_jrgba d_bordercolor
border color
• char d_bordercolorset
was border color set? if not, use JUCE default
• char d_canselectmultiple
multiple rows are selectable
• char d_cancopy
copy enabled
• char d_cancut
cut / clear enabled
• char d_canpaste
paste enabled
• char d_canrearrangerows
rows can be dragged to rearrange – may not be implemented yet
• char d_canrearrangecolumns
columns can be dragged to rearrange
• long d_viscount
number of visible views of this dataview
• long d_inset
inset for table inside containing component in pixels
• char d_autosizeright
right side autosizes when top-level component changes
• char d_autosizebottom
bottom autosizes when top-level component changes
• char d_dragenabled
enabled for dragging (as in drag and drop)
• t_symbol ∗ d_fontname
font name
• double d_fontsize
font size
• t_symbol ∗ d_colheadercluemsg
message to send requesting clue text for the column headers
• char d_autosizerightcolumn
right column should stretch to remaining width of the dataview, regardless of column width
• char d_customselectcolor
send getcellcolor message to draw selected cell, don't use select color
• void ∗ d_qelem
defer updating
• long d_top_inset
vertical inset for row background (default 0)
• long d_bottom_inset
vertical inset for row background (default 0)
• long d_borderthickness
border line thickness default 0 for no border
• char d_keyfocusable
notify component to grab some keys

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940 Data Structure Documentation

• char d_enabledeletekey
delete key will delete selected rows
• char d_usegradient
color rows with gradient between rowcolor1 (top) and rowcolor2 (bottom)
• char d_inchange
in change flag for inspector end-change protection system
• char d_horizscrollvisible
is horizontal scroll bar visible
• char d_vertscrollvisible
is vertical scroll bar visible
• char d_scrollvisset
has the scroll visibility ever been changed since the dv was created?
• char d_overridefocus
override default focus behavior where ListBox is focused when assigning focus to the dataview
• char d_usesystemfont
use system font (true by default)
• t_object ∗ d_searchcolumn
column we ask for celltext in order to navigate the selection via the keyboard
• t_object ∗ d_returnkeycolumn
column that is sent the return key when a given row is selected
• void ∗ d_navcache
sorted list of column strings for key navigation
• char d_usecharheight
use font specified in points rather than pixels (default is pixels)
• t_linklist ∗ d_sections
list of sections
• char d_paintcellseparator
should paint a line below a cell (grayish)
• t_object ∗ d_sortset
sort col saved when dv is invisible

37.24.1 Detailed Description

The dataview object.

37.25 t_jgraphics_font_extents Struct Reference

A structure for holding information related to how much space the rendering of a given font will use.
#include <jgraphics.h>

Data Fields

• double ascent
The ascent.
• double descent
The descent.
• double height
The hieght.
• double max_x_advance

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37.26 t_jit_attr Struct Reference 941

Unused / Not valid.

• double max_y_advance
Unused / Not valid.

37.25.1 Detailed Description

A structure for holding information related to how much space the rendering of a given font will use.
The units for these measurements is in pixels.

37.26 t_jit_attr Struct Reference

Common attribute struct.

#include <jit.common.h>
Collaboration diagram for t_jit_attr:



ob t_symbol



Data Fields

• t_jit_object ob
common object header
• t_symbol ∗ name
attribute name
• t_symbol ∗ type
attribute type (char, long, float32, float64, symbol, atom, or obj)
• long flags
flags for public/private get/set methods
• method get
override default get method
• method set
override default set method

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942 Data Structure Documentation

• void ∗ filterget
filterobject for get method
• void ∗ filterset
filterobject for set method
• void ∗ reserved
for future use

37.26.1 Detailed Description

Common attribute struct.

Shared by all built in attribute classes.

37.27 t_jit_attr_filter_clip Struct Reference

t_jit_attr_filter_clip object struct.

Collaboration diagram for t_jit_attr_filter_clip:



ob t_symbol



Data Fields

• t_jit_object ob
common object header
• t_symbol ∗ type
"type" attribute
• double scale
scaling factor; "scale" attribute
• double min
minimum vlaue; "min" attribute
• double max
maximum value; "max" attribute
• char usescale

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37.28 t_jit_attr_filter_proc Struct Reference 943

use scaling flag; "usescale" attribute

• char usemin
clip to minimum flag; "usemin" attribute
• char usemax
clip to maximum flag; "usemax" attribute

37.27.1 Detailed Description

t_jit_attr_filter_clip object struct.


This struct should not be accessed directly, but is provided for reference when calling Jitter attribute functions.

37.28 t_jit_attr_filter_proc Struct Reference

t_jit_attr_filter_proc object struct.

Collaboration diagram for t_jit_attr_filter_proc:




Data Fields

• t_jit_object ob
common object header
• method proc
filter procedure

37.28.1 Detailed Description

t_jit_attr_filter_proc object struct.


This struct should not be accessed directly, but is provided for reference when calling Jitter attribute functions.

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944 Data Structure Documentation

37.29 t_jit_attr_offset Struct Reference

t_jit_attr_offset object struct.

Collaboration diagram for t_jit_attr_offset:



ob t_symbol



Data Fields

• t_jit_object ob
common object header
• t_symbol ∗ name
attribute name
• t_symbol ∗ type
attribute type (char, long, float32, float64, symbol, atom, or obj)
• long flags
flags for public/private get/set methods
• method get
override default get method
• method set
override default set method
• void ∗ filterget
filterobject for get method
• void ∗ filterset
filterobject for set method
• void ∗ reserved
for future use
• long offset
byte offset to the attribute data

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37.30 t_jit_attr_offset_array Struct Reference 945

37.29.1 Detailed Description

t_jit_attr_offset object struct.


This struct should not be accessed directly, but is provided for reference. Attribute objects do not typically use
attributes themselves to access members, but rather accessor methods–i.e. use jit_object_method in place of
the jit_attr_∗ functions to access attribute state.

37.30 t_jit_attr_offset_array Struct Reference

t_jit_attr_offset_array object struct.

Collaboration diagram for t_jit_attr_offset_array:



ob t_symbol



Data Fields

• t_jit_object ob
common object header
• t_symbol ∗ name
attribute name
• t_symbol ∗ type
attribute type (char, long, float32, float64, symbol, atom, or obj)
• long flags
flags for public/private get/set methods
• method get
override default get method
• method set
override default set method
• void ∗ filterget
filterobject for get method

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946 Data Structure Documentation

• void ∗ filterset
filterobject for set method
• void ∗ reserved
for future use
• long offset
byte offset to the attribute data
• long size
maximum size
• long offsetcount
byte offset to the attribute count

37.30.1 Detailed Description

t_jit_attr_offset_array object struct.


This struct should not be accessed directly, but is provided for reference. Attribute objects do not typically use
attributes themselves to access members, but rather accessor methods–i.e. use jit_object_method in place of
the jit_attr_∗ functions to access attribute state.

37.31 t_jit_attribute Struct Reference

t_jit_attribute object struct.

Collaboration diagram for t_jit_attribute:



ob t_symbol



Data Fields

• t_jit_object ob
common object header
• t_symbol ∗ name

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37.31 t_jit_attribute Struct Reference 947

attribute name

• t_symbol ∗ type

attribute type (char, long, float32, float64, symbol, atom, or obj)

• long flags

flags for public/private get/set methods

• method get

override default get method

• method set

override default set method

• void ∗ filterget

filterobject for get method

• void ∗ filterset

filterobject for set method

• void ∗ reserved

for future use

• void ∗ data

interally stored data

• long size

data size

37.31.1 Detailed Description

t_jit_attribute object struct.

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948 Data Structure Documentation


This struct should not be accessed directly, but is provided for reference. Attribute objects do not typically use
attributes themselves to access members, but rather accessor methods–i.e. use jit_object_method in place of
the jit_attr_∗ functions to access attribute state.

37.32 t_jit_gl_context_view Struct Reference

t_jit_gl_context_view object struct.

#include <>
Collaboration diagram for t_jit_gl_context_view:



word s_thing ob t_llelem

a_w ob

t_atom t_symbol t_linklist

mouseatoms mousesymbol slots

t_wind_mouse_info t_hashtab

mouse_info shared_contexts


Data Fields

• t_object ob
jitter object
• long rebuild
rebuild flag
• t_jit_gl_context context
OpenGL context.
• t_symbol ∗ shared_context
shared context name
• t_wind_mouse_info mouse_info
data for mouse events
• t_wind_mousewheel_info mousewheel_info
data for mouse wheel events
• t_wind_key_info key_info
data for key events
• long canrebuild
flag for whether the context can rebuild or not

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37.32 t_jit_gl_context_view Struct Reference 949

• long doublebuffer
double buffer flag
• long depthbuffer
depth buffer flag
• long stereo
active stereo flag
• t_jit_rect frame
frame of context
• long fsaa
FSAA flag.
• long sync
V-sync flag.
• long shared
Shader context flag.
• t_hashtab ∗ shared_contexts
Hashtab of shared context names.
• long idlemouse
Idlemouse flag (events on mouse move)
• long mousewheel
mosuewheel flag (events on mouse wheel)
• void ∗ target
target object we're controlled by
• long targettype
target type we're controlled by
• t_symbol ∗ name
name of the view
• long reshaping
flag for breaking cycles on reshape notification
• long ownerreshape
flag for if the owner handles reshaping the context
• t_object ∗ patcher
patcher the context view is in (if there is one)
• long freeing
in the process of freeing flag
• long creating
in the process of creating flag
• float scalefactor
scaling factor when drawing to retina display
• long allow_hi_res
allows for high resolution drawing when available

37.32.1 Detailed Description

t_jit_gl_context_view object struct.

Manages an OpenGL context within a rectangle. Objects that use a t_jit_gl_context_view to manage an OpenGL
context should attach themselves to the object for its lifetime and implement an "update" method in order to handle
modifications to the t_jit_gl_context_view that may require a rebuild or further response within the embedding object.

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950 Data Structure Documentation

37.33 t_jit_gl_drawinfo Struct Reference

t_jit_gl_drawinfo struct used for tasks such as multi texture unit binding.
#include <>

Data Fields

• t_jit_gl_context ctx
current t_jit_gl_context
• void ∗ ob3d
object's t_jit_ob3d pointer
• void ∗ rfu [6]
reserved for future use

37.33.1 Detailed Description

t_jit_gl_drawinfo struct used for tasks such as multi texture unit binding.

37.34 t_jit_glchunk Struct Reference

t_jit_glchunk is a public structure to store one gl-command's-worth of data, in a format which can be passed easily
to glDrawRangeElements, and matrixoutput.
#include <>
Collaboration diagram for t_jit_glchunk:



m_vertex t_symbol



Data Fields

• t_symbol ∗ prim

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37.35 t_jit_matrix_info Struct Reference 951

drawing primitive. "tri_strip", "tri", "quads", "quad_grid", etc.

• t_jit_object ∗ m_vertex
vertex matrix containing xyzst... data
• t_symbol ∗ m_vertex_name
vertex matrix name
• t_jit_object ∗ m_index
optional 1d matrix of vertex indices to use with drawing primitive
• t_symbol ∗ m_index_name
index matrix name
• unsigned long m_flags
chunk flags to ignore texture, normal, color, or edge planes when drawing
• void ∗ next_chunk
pointer to next chunk for drawing a list of chunks together

37.34.1 Detailed Description

t_jit_glchunk is a public structure to store one gl-command's-worth of data, in a format which can be passed easily
to glDrawRangeElements, and matrixoutput.

37.35 t_jit_matrix_info Struct Reference

Matrix information struct.

#include <jit.common.h>
Collaboration diagram for t_jit_matrix_info:






Data Fields

• long size
• t_symbol ∗ type

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952 Data Structure Documentation

primitifve type (char, long, float32, or float64)

• long flags
flags to specify data reference, handle, or tightly packed
• long dimcount
number of dimensions
dimension sizes
• long dimstride [JIT_MATRIX_MAX_DIMCOUNT]
stride across dimensions in bytes
• long planecount
number of planes

37.35.1 Detailed Description

Matrix information struct.

Used to get/set multiple matrix attributes at once.

37.36 t_jit_mop Struct Reference

t_jit_mop object struct.

Collaboration diagram for t_jit_mop:



ob t_llelem

ob tail




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37.36 t_jit_mop Struct Reference 953

Data Fields

• t_jit_object ob

standard object header

• void ∗ special

special data pointer for use by wrappers of various kinds (e.g. max wrapper)

• long inputcount

"inputcount" attribute

• long outputcount

"inputcount" attribute

• t_jit_linklist ∗ inputlist

linked list of inputs, accessed via methods

• t_jit_linklist ∗ outputlist

linked list of inputs, accessed via methods

• char caninplace


• char adapt

"adapt" attribute

• char outputmode

"outputmode" attribute

37.36.1 Detailed Description

t_jit_mop object struct.

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954 Data Structure Documentation


This struct should not be accessed directly, but is provided for reference when calling Jitter attribute functions.

37.37 t_jit_mop_io Struct Reference

t_jit_mop_io object struct.

Collaboration diagram for t_jit_mop_io:



ob t_symbol



Data Fields

• t_jit_object ob
standard object header
• void ∗ special
special data pointer for use by wrappers of various kinds (e.g. max wrapper)
• t_symbol ∗ ioname
"ioname" attribute
• t_symbol ∗ matrixname
"matrixname" attribute
• void ∗ matrix
internal matrix, accessed via methods (unused in class template MOP)
• t_symbol ∗ types [JIT_MATRIX_MAX_TYPES]
"types" attribute
"mindim" attribute
"maxdim" attribute
• long typescount
relevant to "types" attribute
• long mindimcount

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37.38 t_jit_op_info Struct Reference 955

"mindimcount" attribute
• long maxdimcount
"maxdimcount" attribute
• long minplanecount
"minplanecount" attribute
• long maxplanecount
"maxplanecount" attribute
• char typelink
"typelink" attribute
• char dimlink
"dimlink" attribute
• char planelink
"planelink" attribute
• method ioproc
I/O procedure, accessed via methods.

37.37.1 Detailed Description

t_jit_mop_io object struct.


This struct should not be accessed directly, but is provided for reference when calling Jitter attribute functions.

37.38 t_jit_op_info Struct Reference

Provides base pointer and stride for vector operator functions.

#include <jit.op.h>

Data Fields

• void ∗ p
base pointer (coerced to appropriate type)
• long stride
stride between elements (in type, not bytes)

37.38.1 Detailed Description

Provides base pointer and stride for vector operator functions.

37.39 t_jmatrix Struct Reference

An affine transformation (such as scale, shear, etc).

#include <jgraphics.h>

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956 Data Structure Documentation

Data Fields

• double xx
xx component
• double yx
yx component
• double xy
xy component
• double yy
yy component
• double x0
x translation
• double y0
y translation

37.39.1 Detailed Description

An affine transformation (such as scale, shear, etc).

37.40 t_jrgb Struct Reference

A color composed of red, green, and blue components.

#include <jpatcher_api.h>

Data Fields

• double red
Red component in the range [0.0, 1.0].
• double green
Green component in the range [0.0, 1.0].
• double blue
Blue component in the range [0.0, 1.0].

37.40.1 Detailed Description

A color composed of red, green, and blue components.

Typically such a color is assumed to be completely opaque (with no transparency).

See also


37.41 t_jrgba Struct Reference

A color composed of red, green, blue, and alpha components.

#include <jpatcher_api.h>

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37.42 t_line_3d Struct Reference 957

Data Fields

• double red

Red component in the range [0.0, 1.0].

• double green

Green component in the range [0.0, 1.0].

• double alpha

Alpha (transparency) component in the range [0.0, 1.0].

37.41.1 Detailed Description

A color composed of red, green, blue, and alpha components.

37.42 t_line_3d Struct Reference

Line or line segment in 3D space (GLfloat)

#include <>

Data Fields

• GLfloat u [3]

starting point

• GLfloat v [3]

ending point

37.42.1 Detailed Description

Line or line segment in 3D space (GLfloat)

37.43 t_linklist Struct Reference

The linklist object.

#include <ext_linklist.h>

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958 Data Structure Documentation

Collaboration diagram for t_linklist:



ob t_llelem



37.43.1 Detailed Description

The linklist object.

This struct is provided for debugging convenience, but should be considered opaque and is subject to change
without notice.

See also


37.44 t_llelem Struct Reference

A linklist element.
#include <ext_linklist.h>

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37.45 t_matrix_conv_info Struct Reference 959

Collaboration diagram for t_llelem:




37.44.1 Detailed Description

A linklist element.
This struct is provided for debugging convenience, but should be considered opaque and is subject to change
without notice.

See also


37.45 t_matrix_conv_info Struct Reference

Matrix conversion struct.

#include <jit.common.h>

Data Fields

• long flags
flags for whether or not to use interpolation, or source/destination dimensions
plane mapping
• long srcdimstart [JIT_MATRIX_MAX_DIMCOUNT]
source dimension start
• long srcdimend [JIT_MATRIX_MAX_DIMCOUNT]
source dimension end
• long dstdimstart [JIT_MATRIX_MAX_DIMCOUNT]
destination dimension start
• long dstdimend [JIT_MATRIX_MAX_DIMCOUNT]
destination dimension end

37.45.1 Detailed Description

Matrix conversion struct.

Used to copy data from one matrix to another with special characteristics.

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960 Data Structure Documentation

37.46 t_messlist Struct Reference

A list of symbols and their corresponding methods, complete with typechecking information.
#include <ext_mess.h>

Data Fields

• struct symbol ∗ m_sym

Name of the message.
• method m_fun
Method associated with the message.
• char m_type [MSG_MAXARG+1]
Argument type information.

37.46.1 Detailed Description

A list of symbols and their corresponding methods, complete with typechecking information.

37.47 t_object Struct Reference

The structure for the head of any object which wants to have inlets or outlets, or support attributes.
#include <ext_mess.h>

Data Fields

• struct messlist ∗ o_messlist

list of messages and methods. The -1 entry of the message list of an object contains a pointer to its t_class entry.
• t_ptr_int o_magic
magic number
• struct inlet ∗ o_inlet
list of inlets
• struct outlet ∗ o_outlet
list of outlets

37.47.1 Detailed Description

The structure for the head of any object which wants to have inlets or outlets, or support attributes.

37.48 t_package_file Struct Reference

A container for a path/filename pair, together with additional meta fields for special cases.
#include <ext_packages.h>

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

37.49 t_path Struct Reference 961

Collaboration diagram for t_package_file:






37.48.1 Detailed Description

A container for a path/filename pair, together with additional meta fields for special cases.

37.49 t_path Struct Reference

The path data structure.

#include <ext_path.h>

37.49.1 Detailed Description

The path data structure.

This struct is provided for debugging convenience, but should be considered opaque and is subject to change
without notice.

37.50 t_pathlink Struct Reference

The pathlink data structure.

#include <ext_path.h>

37.50.1 Detailed Description

The pathlink data structure.

This struct is provided for debugging convenience, but should be considered opaque and is subject to change
without notice.

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962 Data Structure Documentation

37.51 t_pfftpub Struct Reference

Public FFT Patcher struct.

#include <r_pfft.h>
Collaboration diagram for t_pfftpub:

t_pxobject t_object

x_obj x_patcher


Data Fields

• t_object ∗ x_parent
parent patcher
• t_object ∗ x_patcher
patcher loaded
• struct _dspchain ∗ x_chain
dsp chain within pfft
• long x_fftsize
fft frame size
• long x_ffthop
hop between fft frames
• long x_fftoffset
n samples offset before fft is started
• long x_fftindex
current index into fft frame
• short x_fullspect
process half-spectrum (0) or full mirrored spectrum (1)?

37.51.1 Detailed Description

Public FFT Patcher struct.

37.52 t_privatesortrec Struct Reference

used to pass data to a client sort function

#include <jdataview.h>

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37.52 t_privatesortrec Struct Reference 963

Collaboration diagram for t_privatesortrec:


s_thing thing

c_dv t_symbol t_llelem ob

c_cellclickmsg head
c_buttonlabel ob

t_jcolumn d_obj t_linklist

d_fontname slots p_client


t_jrgba d_components t_hashtab

d_selectcolor d_columns
p_col d_rowcolor2 d_id2columns




Data Fields

• t_jcolumn ∗ p_col
column object to sort
• char p_fwd
1 if sorting "forwards"
• t_object ∗ p_client
pointer to the client object
• t_jdataview ∗ p_dv
pointer to the dataview

37.52.1 Detailed Description

used to pass data to a client sort function

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964 Data Structure Documentation

37.53 t_pt Struct Reference

Coordinates for specifying a point.

#include <jpatcher_api.h>

Data Fields

• double x
The horizontal coordinate.
• double y
The vertical coordinate.

37.53.1 Detailed Description

Coordinates for specifying a point.

See also


37.54 t_pxdata Struct Reference

Common struct for MSP objects.

#include <z_dsp.h>

Data Fields

• long z_disabled
set to non-zero if this object is muted (using the pcontrol or mute∼ objects)
• short z_count
an array that indicates what inlets/outlets are connected with signals
• short z_misc
flags (bitmask) determining object behaviour, such as Z_NO_INPLACE, Z_PUT_FIRST, or Z_PUT_LAST

37.54.1 Detailed Description

Common struct for MSP objects.

37.55 t_pxjbox Struct Reference

Header for any ui signal processing object.

#include <z_dsp.h>

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37.56 t_pxobject Struct Reference 965

Collaboration diagram for t_pxjbox:



t_rect b_patcher t_symbol t_jrgba

b_patching_rect b_name
b_presentation_rect b_fontname b_color




Data Fields

• t_jbox z_box
The box struct used by all ui objects.
• long z_disabled
set to non-zero if this object is muted (using the pcontrol or mute∼ objects)
• short z_count
an array that indicates what inlets/outlets are connected with signals
• short z_misc
flags (bitmask) determining object behaviour, such as Z_NO_INPLACE, Z_PUT_FIRST, or Z_PUT_LAST

37.55.1 Detailed Description

Header for any ui signal processing object.

For non-ui objects use t_pxobject.

37.56 t_pxobject Struct Reference

Header for any non-ui signal processing object.

#include <z_dsp.h>

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966 Data Structure Documentation

Data Fields

• struct object z_ob

The standard t_object struct.

• long z_disabled

set to non-zero if this object is muted (using the pcontrol or mute∼ objects)

• short z_count

an array that indicates what inlets/outlets are connected with signals

• short z_misc

flags (bitmask) determining object behaviour, such as Z_NO_INPLACE, Z_PUT_FIRST, or Z_PUT_LAST

37.56.1 Detailed Description

Header for any non-ui signal processing object.

For ui objects use t_pxjbox.

37.57 t_quickmap Struct Reference

The quickmap object.

#include <ext_quickmap.h>

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37.58 t_rect Struct Reference 967

Collaboration diagram for t_quickmap:



ob t_llelem

ob tail

m_obj t_linklist





37.57.1 Detailed Description

The quickmap object.

This struct is provided for debugging convenience, but should be considered opaque and is subject to change
without notice.

37.58 t_rect Struct Reference

Coordinates for specifying a rectangular region.

#include <jpatcher_api.h>

Data Fields

• double x
The horizontal origin.
• double y

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968 Data Structure Documentation

The vertical origin.

• double width
The width.
• double height
The height.

37.58.1 Detailed Description

Coordinates for specifying a rectangular region.

See also


37.59 t_signal Struct Reference

The signal data structure.

#include <z_dsp.h>

Data Fields

• long s_n
The vector size of the signal.
• t_sample ∗ s_vec
An array of buffers holding the vectors of audio.
• float s_sr
The sample rate of the signal.

37.59.1 Detailed Description

The signal data structure.

37.60 t_size Struct Reference

Coordinates for specifying the size of a region.

#include <jpatcher_api.h>

Data Fields

• double width
The width.
• double height
The height.

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37.61 t_string Struct Reference 969

37.60.1 Detailed Description

Coordinates for specifying the size of a region.

See also


37.61 t_string Struct Reference

The string object.

#include <ext_obstring.h>
Collaboration diagram for t_string:




37.61.1 Detailed Description

The string object.

This struct is provided for debugging convenience, but should be considered opaque and is subject to change
without notice.

37.62 t_symbol Struct Reference

The symbol.
#include <ext_mess.h>

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970 Data Structure Documentation

Collaboration diagram for t_symbol:




Data Fields

• char ∗ s_name

name: a c-string

• struct object ∗ s_thing

possible binding to a t_object

37.62.1 Detailed Description

The symbol.
Note: You should never manipulate the s_name field of the t_symbol directly! Doing so will corrupt Max's symbol
table. Instead, always use gensym() to get a symbol with the desired string contents for the s_name field.

37.63 t_symobject Struct Reference

The symobject data structure.

#include <ext_symobject.h>

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

37.64 t_tinyobject Struct Reference 971

Collaboration diagram for t_symobject:



obj t_symbol



Data Fields

• t_object obj
Max object header.
• t_symbol ∗ sym
The symbol contained by the object.
• long flags
Any user-flags you wish to set or get.
• void ∗ thing
A generic pointer for attaching additional data to the symobject.

37.63.1 Detailed Description

The symobject data structure.

37.64 t_tinyobject Struct Reference

The tiny object structure sits at the head of any object to which you may pass messages (and which you may feed
to freeobject()).
#include <ext_mess.h>

Data Fields

• struct messlist ∗ t_messlist

list of messages and methods
• long t_magic
magic number

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972 Data Structure Documentation

37.64.1 Detailed Description

The tiny object structure sits at the head of any object to which you may pass messages (and which you may feed
to freeobject()).
In general, you should use t_object instead.

37.65 t_wind_mouse_info Struct Reference

t_wind_mouse_info_struct provided by jit.window and jit.pwindow mouse events

#include <>
Collaboration diagram for t_wind_mouse_info:

t_object word

s_thing a_w

t_symbol t_atom

mousesymbol mouseatoms


Data Fields

• t_atom mouseatoms [8]

h, v, (up/down), cmdKey, shiftKey, alphaLock, option, control.
• int argc
argument count
• t_symbol ∗ mousesymbol
mouse event type

37.65.1 Detailed Description

t_wind_mouse_info_struct provided by jit.window and jit.pwindow mouse events

37.66 t_zll Struct Reference

A simple doubly-linked list used by the t_funbuff object.

#include <ext_maxtypes.h>

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

37.67 word Union Reference 973

37.66.1 Detailed Description

A simple doubly-linked list used by the t_funbuff object.

37.67 word Union Reference

Union for packing any of the datum defined in e_max_atomtypes.

#include <ext_mess.h>

Data Fields

• t_atom_long w_long
long integer
• t_atom_float w_float
32-bit float
• struct symbol ∗ w_sym
pointer to a symbol in the Max symbol table
• struct object ∗ w_obj
pointer to a t_object or other generic pointer

37.67.1 Detailed Description

Union for packing any of the datum defined in e_max_atomtypes.

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974 Data Structure Documentation

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen


_buffer Attributes, 184

b_dirty_clock, 923 ATTR_SET_OPAQUE_USER
Attributes, 184
A_CANT aaCancel
Atoms, 325 Miscellaneous, 399
Atoms, 325 Miscellaneous, 399
Atoms, 325 Miscellaneous, 399
A_DEFER_LOW addbang
Atoms, 325 Old-Style Classes, 216
A_DEFFLOAT addfloat
Atoms, 325 Old-Style Classes, 216
Atoms, 325
Old-Style Classes, 216
Atoms, 325
Old-Style Classes, 216
Atoms, 325
Old-Style Classes, 216
Atoms, 325
Old-Style Classes, 217
Atoms, 325
Old-Style Classes, 217
Atom Array, 231
Atoms, 325
atomarray_appendatom, 232
Atoms, 325
atomarray_appendatoms, 232
Atoms, 325 atomarray_chuckindex, 233
A_NOTHING atomarray_clear, 233
Atoms, 325 atomarray_clone, 233
A_OBJ atomarray_copyatoms, 233
Atoms, 325 atomarray_duplicate, 234
A_SEMI atomarray_flags, 234
Atoms, 325 atomarray_funall, 234
A_SYM atomarray_getatoms, 235
Atoms, 325 atomarray_getflags, 235
A_USURP atomarray_getindex, 235
Atoms, 325 atomarray_getsize, 237
A_USURP_LOW atomarray_new, 237
Atoms, 325 atomarray_setatoms, 237
Atom Array, 232 jit_atom_arg_getdouble, 654
ATTR_FLAGS_NONE jit_atom_arg_getfloat, 655
Attributes, 183 jit_atom_arg_getlong, 655
ATTR_GET_OPAQUE jit_atom_arg_getsym, 656
Attributes, 183 jit_atom_getcharfix, 657
ATTR_GET_OPAQUE_USER jit_atom_getfloat, 657
Attributes, 184 jit_atom_getlong, 658
ATTR_SET_OPAQUE jit_atom_getobj, 658

jit_atom_getsym, 659 Atoms, 335

jit_atom_setfloat, 659 atom_setfloat
jit_atom_setlong, 659 Atoms, 335
jit_atom_setobj, 661 atom_setfloat_array
jit_atom_setsym, 661 Atoms, 335
atom_alloc atom_setformat
Atoms, 325 Atoms, 337
atom_alloc_array atom_setlong
Atoms, 326 Atoms, 337
atom_arg_getdouble atom_setlong_array
Atoms, 326 Atoms, 337
atom_arg_getfloat atom_setobj
Atoms, 326 Atoms, 338
atom_arg_getlong atom_setobj_array
Atoms, 327 Atoms, 338
atom_arg_getobjclass atom_setparse
Atoms, 327 Atoms, 338
atom_arg_getsym atom_setsym
Atoms, 328 Atoms, 339
atom_copy atom_setsym_array
Atoms, 328 Atoms, 339
atom_getatom_array atomarray_appendatom
Atoms, 329 Atom Array, 232
atom_getchar_array atomarray_appendatoms
Atoms, 329 Atom Array, 232
atom_getcharfix atomarray_chuckindex
Atoms, 329 Atom Array, 233
atom_getdouble_array atomarray_clear
Atoms, 329 Atom Array, 233
atom_getfloat atomarray_clone
Atoms, 330 Atom Array, 233
atom_getfloat_array atomarray_copyatoms
Atoms, 330 Atom Array, 233
atom_getformat atomarray_duplicate
Atoms, 330 Atom Array, 234
atom_getlong atomarray_flags
Atoms, 331 Atom Array, 234
atom_getlong_array atomarray_funall
Atoms, 331 Atom Array, 234
atom_getobj atomarray_getatoms
Atoms, 331 Atom Array, 235
atom_getobj_array atomarray_getflags
Atoms, 332 Atom Array, 235
atom_getobjclass atomarray_getindex
Atoms, 332 Atom Array, 235
atom_getsym atomarray_getsize
Atoms, 332 Atom Array, 237
atom_getsym_array atomarray_new
Atoms, 332 Atom Array, 237
atom_gettext atomarray_setatoms
Atoms, 334 Atom Array, 237
atom_gettype atombuf_free
Atoms, 334 Atombufs, 341
atom_setatom_array atombuf_new
Atoms, 334 Atombufs, 341
atom_setchar_array atombuf_text
Atoms, 335 Atombufs, 342
atom_setdouble_array Atombufs, 341

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen


atombuf_free, 341 atom_setformat, 337

atombuf_new, 341 atom_setlong, 337
atombuf_text, 342 atom_setlong_array, 337
atomisatomarray atom_setobj, 338
Atoms, 339 atom_setobj_array, 338
atomisdictionary atom_setparse, 338
Atoms, 340 atom_setsym, 339
atomisstring atom_setsym_array, 339
Atoms, 340 atomisatomarray, 339
Atoms, 322 atomisdictionary, 340
A_CANT, 325 atomisstring, 340
A_COMMA, 325 e_max_atom_gettext_flags, 324
A_DEFER, 325 e_max_atomtypes, 324
A_DEFFLOAT, 325 324
A_DOLLAR, 325 324
A_FLOAT, 325 324
A_GIMMEBACK, 325 324
A_SEMI, 325 OTE, 324
A_USURP, 325 EROS, 324
A_USURP_LOW, 325 postargs, 340
atom_alloc, 325 atoms_to_jrgba
atom_alloc_array, 326 Colors, 617
atom_arg_getdouble, 326 attr_addfilter_clip
atom_arg_getfloat, 326 Attributes, 184
atom_arg_getlong, 327 attr_addfilter_clip_scale
atom_arg_getobjclass, 327 Attributes, 184
atom_arg_getsym, 328 attr_addfilterget_clip
atom_copy, 328 Attributes, 184
atom_getatom_array, 329 attr_addfilterget_clip_scale
atom_getchar_array, 329 Attributes, 185
atom_getcharfix, 329 attr_addfilterget_proc
atom_getdouble_array, 329 Attributes, 185
atom_getfloat, 330 attr_addfilterset_clip
atom_getfloat_array, 330 Attributes, 186
atom_getformat, 330 attr_addfilterset_clip_scale
atom_getlong, 331 Attributes, 186
atom_getlong_array, 331 attr_addfilterset_proc
atom_getobj, 331 Attributes, 186
atom_getobj_array, 332 attr_args_dictionary
atom_getobjclass, 332 Attributes, 187
atom_getsym, 332 attr_args_offset
atom_getsym_array, 332 Attributes, 187
atom_gettext, 334 attr_args_process
atom_gettype, 334 Attributes, 188
atom_setatom_array, 334 attr_dictionary_check
atom_setchar_array, 335 Attributes, 188
atom_setdouble_array, 335 attr_dictionary_process
atom_setfloat, 335 Attributes, 188
atom_setfloat_array, 335 attr_offset_array_new

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen


Attributes, 189 attr_offset_array_new, 189

attr_offset_new attr_offset_new, 189
Attributes, 189 attribute_new, 190
Attribute Module, 663 CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS, 153
jit_attr_canget, 665 CLASS_ATTR_ADD_FLAGS, 153
jit_attr_canset, 666 CLASS_ATTR_ALIAS, 154
jit_attr_filter_clip_new, 666 CLASS_ATTR_ATOM, 154
jit_attr_filter_proc_new, 666 CLASS_ATTR_ATOM_ARRAY, 154
jit_attr_filterget, 667 CLASS_ATTR_ATOM_LONG, 154
jit_attr_filterset, 667 CLASS_ATTR_ATOM_LONG_ARRAY, 155
jit_attr_get, 668 CLASS_ATTR_ATOM_VARSIZE, 155
jit_attr_getchar_array, 668 CLASS_ATTR_BASIC, 155
jit_attr_getdouble_array, 669 CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY, 155
jit_attr_getfloat, 669 CLASS_ATTR_CHAR, 156
jit_attr_getfloat_array, 670 CLASS_ATTR_CHAR_ARRAY, 156
jit_attr_getlong, 670 CLASS_ATTR_CHAR_VARSIZE, 156
jit_attr_getlong_array, 672 CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT, 156
jit_attr_getmethod, 673 CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_PAINT, 157
jit_attr_getname, 673 CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE, 157
jit_attr_getsym, 673 CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE_PAINT, 157
jit_attr_getsym_array, 674 CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULTNAME, 157
jit_attr_gettype, 675 CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULTNAME_PAINT, 158
jit_attr_offset_array_new, 675 CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULTNAME_SAVE, 158
jit_attr_offset_new, 676 CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULTNAME_SAVE_PAINT,
jit_attr_set, 677 158
jit_attr_setchar_array, 677 CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE, 159
jit_attr_setdouble_array, 678 CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE_ARRAY, 159
jit_attr_setfloat, 679 CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE_VARSIZE, 159
jit_attr_setfloat_array, 679 CLASS_ATTR_ENUM, 160
jit_attr_setlong, 680 CLASS_ATTR_ENUMINDEX, 160
jit_attr_setlong_array, 680 CLASS_ATTR_FILTER_CLIP, 160
jit_attr_setsym, 681 CLASS_ATTR_FILTER_MAX, 161
jit_attr_setsym_array, 682 CLASS_ATTR_FILTER_MIN, 161
jit_attr_symcompare, 682 CLASS_ATTR_FLOAT, 161
jit_attr_usercanget, 684 CLASS_ATTR_FLOAT_ARRAY, 162
jit_attr_usercanset, 684 CLASS_ATTR_FLOAT_VARSIZE, 162
jit_attribute_new, 685 CLASS_ATTR_INT32, 162
attribute_new CLASS_ATTR_INTRODUCED, 162
Attributes, 190 CLASS_ATTR_INVISIBLE, 163
Attributes, 145 CLASS_ATTR_LABEL, 163
attr_addfilter_clip, 184 CLASS_ATTR_MIN, 164
attr_addfilter_clip_scale, 184 CLASS_ATTR_OBJ, 165
attr_addfilterget_clip, 184 CLASS_ATTR_OBJ_ARRAY, 165
attr_addfilterget_clip_scale, 185 CLASS_ATTR_OBJ_VARSIZE, 165
attr_addfilterget_proc, 185 CLASS_ATTR_OBSOLETE, 166
attr_addfilterset_clip, 186 CLASS_ATTR_ORDER, 166
attr_addfilterset_clip_scale, 186 CLASS_ATTR_PAINT, 166
attr_addfilterset_proc, 186 CLASS_ATTR_REMOVE_FLAGS, 166
attr_args_dictionary, 187 CLASS_ATTR_RENAMED, 167
attr_args_offset, 187 CLASS_ATTR_RGBA, 167
attr_args_process, 188 CLASS_ATTR_SAVE, 167
attr_dictionary_check, 188 CLASS_ATTR_SELFSAVE, 167
attr_dictionary_process, 188 CLASS_ATTR_STYLE, 167

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen


CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_LABEL, 168 object_attr_setpt, 201

CLASS_ATTR_SYM, 168 object_attr_setsize, 202
CLASS_ATTR_SYM_ARRAY, 169 object_attr_setsym, 202
CLASS_ATTR_SYM_VARSIZE, 169 object_attr_setsym_array, 202
CLASS_METHOD_ATTR_PARSE, 169 object_attr_setvalueof, 203
CLASS_METHOD_INTRODUCED, 169 object_attr_usercanget, 203
CLASS_METHOD_OBSOLETE, 171 object_attr_usercanset, 203
CLASS_METHOD_RENAMED, 171 object_chuckattr, 203
CLASS_STICKY_ATTR, 171 object_deleteattr, 204
CLASS_STICKY_ATTR_CLEAR, 171 object_new_parse, 204
e_max_attrflags, 183 STRUCT_ATTR_ATOM_LONG, 177
object_addattr, 191
object_attr_get, 191
object_attr_get_rect, 192 b_dirty_clock
object_attr_getchar_array, 192 _buffer, 923
object_attr_getcolor, 192 BEGIN_USING_C_LINKAGE
object_attr_getdouble_array, 194 Miscellaneous, 397
object_attr_getdump, 194 BYTEORDER_SWAPF32
object_attr_getfloat, 194 Byte Ordering, 412
object_attr_getfloat_array, 195 BYTEORDER_SWAPF64
object_attr_getjrgba, 195 Byte Ordering, 412
object_attr_getlong, 195 BYTEORDER_SWAPW16
object_attr_getlong_array, 196 Byte Ordering, 414
object_attr_getpt, 196 BYTEORDER_SWAPW32
object_attr_getsize, 196 Byte Ordering, 414
object_attr_getsym, 197 BYTEORDER_SWAPW64
object_attr_getsym_array, 197 Byte Ordering, 414
object_attr_method, 197 bangout
object_attr_set_rect, 198 Inlets and Outlets, 222
object_attr_set_xywh, 198 Binary Module, 686
object_attr_setchar_array, 198 jit_bin_read_chunk_info, 686
object_attr_setcolor, 199 jit_bin_read_header, 687
object_attr_setdouble_array, 199 jit_bin_read_matrix, 687
object_attr_setfloat, 199 jit_bin_write_header, 688
object_attr_setfloat_array, 200 jit_bin_write_matrix, 688
object_attr_setjrgba, 200 binbuf_append
object_attr_setlong, 200 Binbufs, 343
object_attr_setlong_array, 201 binbuf_eval
object_attr_setparse, 201 Binbufs, 344

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen


binbuf_getatom buffer_view
Binbufs, 344 Buffers, 446
binbuf_insert Buffers, 441
Binbufs, 344 buffer_getchannelcount, 442
binbuf_new buffer_getfilename, 443
Binbufs, 345 buffer_getframecount, 443
binbuf_set buffer_getmillisamplerate, 443
Binbufs, 345 buffer_getsamplerate, 443
binbuf_text buffer_locksamples, 444
Binbufs, 345 buffer_ref_exists, 444
binbuf_totext buffer_ref_getobject, 444
Binbufs, 346 buffer_ref_new, 444
binbuf_vinsert buffer_ref_notify, 445
Binbufs, 346 buffer_ref_set, 445
Binbufs, 343 buffer_setdirty, 445
binbuf_append, 343 buffer_setpadding, 445
binbuf_eval, 344 buffer_unlocksamples, 446
binbuf_getatom, 344 buffer_view, 446
binbuf_insert, 344 t_buffer_obj, 442
binbuf_new, 345 t_buffer_ref, 442
binbuf_set, 345 Byte Ordering, 412
binbuf_text, 345 BYTEORDER_SWAPF32, 412
binbuf_totext, 346 BYTEORDER_SWAPF64, 412
binbuf_vinsert, 346 BYTEORDER_SWAPW16, 414
readatom, 347 BYTEORDER_SWAPW32, 414
Box Layer, 646 BYTEORDER_SWAPW64, 414
jbox_end_layer, 646
jbox_invalidate_layer, 647
Miscellaneous, 398
jbox_paint_layer, 647 CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS
jbox_start_layer, 647 Attributes, 153
buffer_getchannelcount CLASS_ATTR_ADD_FLAGS
Buffers, 442 Attributes, 153
buffer_getfilename CLASS_ATTR_ALIAS
Buffers, 443 Attributes, 154
buffer_getframecount CLASS_ATTR_ATOM
Buffers, 443 Attributes, 154
buffer_getmillisamplerate CLASS_ATTR_ATOM_ARRAY
Buffers, 443 Attributes, 154
buffer_getsamplerate CLASS_ATTR_ATOM_LONG
Buffers, 443 Attributes, 154
buffer_locksamples CLASS_ATTR_ATOM_LONG_ARRAY
Buffers, 444 Attributes, 155
buffer_ref_exists CLASS_ATTR_ATOM_VARSIZE
Buffers, 444 Attributes, 155
buffer_ref_getobject CLASS_ATTR_BASIC
Buffers, 444 Attributes, 155
buffer_ref_new CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY
Buffers, 444 Attributes, 155
buffer_ref_notify CLASS_ATTR_CHAR
Buffers, 445 Attributes, 156
buffer_ref_set CLASS_ATTR_CHAR_ARRAY
Buffers, 445 Attributes, 156
Buffers, 445 Attributes, 156
buffer_setpadding CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT
Buffers, 445 Attributes, 156
buffer_unlocksamples CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_PAINT
Buffers, 446 Attributes, 157

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen


Attributes, 157 Attributes, 165
Attributes, 157 Attributes, 166
Attributes, 157 Attributes, 166
Attributes, 158 Attributes, 166
Attributes, 158 Attributes, 166
Attributes, 158 Attributes, 167
Attributes, 159 Attributes, 167
Attributes, 159 Attributes, 167
Attributes, 159 Attributes, 167
Attributes, 160 Attributes, 167
Attributes, 160 Styles, 621
Attributes, 160 Styles, 621
Attributes, 161 Styles, 621
Attributes, 161 Attributes, 168
Attributes, 161 Styles, 621
Attributes, 162 Styles, 622
Attributes, 162 Styles, 622
Attributes, 162 Attributes, 168
Attributes, 162 Attributes, 169
Attributes, 163 Attributes, 169
Attributes, 163 Classes, 207
Attributes, 163 Classes, 207
Attributes, 163 Classes, 207
Attributes, 164 Classes, 207
Attributes, 164 Classes, 207
Attributes, 164 Classes, 207
Attributes, 164 Classes, 207
Attributes, 165 Classes, 207
Attributes, 165 Classes, 207

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen


Classes, 207 Classes, 207
CLASS_FLAG_POLYGLOT class_addmethod
Classes, 207 Classes, 207
Classes, 207 Classes, 208
CLASS_FLAG_RETYPEABLE class_attr_setfill
Classes, 207 Styles, 623
CLASS_FLAG_UIOBJECT class_attr_setstyle
Classes, 207 Styles, 623
CLASS_METHOD_ATTR_PARSE class_attr_style_alias
Attributes, 169 Styles, 623
CLASS_METHOD_INTRODUCED class_attr_stylemap
Attributes, 169 Styles, 623
Attributes, 171 Class Module, 692
Attributes, 171 MSP, 438
CLASS_STICKY_ATTR class_dspinitjbox
Attributes, 171 MSP, 438
CLASS_STICKY_ATTR_CLEAR class_dumpout_wrap
Attributes, 171 Classes, 208
CLASS_STICKY_METHOD class_findbyname
Attributes, 172 Classes, 208
CLASS_STICKY_METHOD_CLEAR class_findbyname_casefree
Attributes, 172 Classes, 209
calcoffset class_free
Miscellaneous, 397 Classes, 209
charset_convert class_is_ui
Unicode, 652 Classes, 209
charset_unicodetoutf8 class_nameget
Unicode, 652 Classes, 209
charset_utf8_count class_new
Unicode, 652 Classes, 211
charset_utf8_offset class_obexoffset_get
Unicode, 653 Classes, 211
charset_utf8tounicode class_obexoffset_set
Unicode, 653 Classes, 211
Class Module, 691 class_register
class_copy, 692 Classes, 212
jit_class_addadornment, 692 class_setname
jit_class_addattr, 692 Old-Style Classes, 217
jit_class_addinterface, 694 class_subclass
jit_class_addmethod, 695 Classes, 212
jit_class_addtypedwrapper, 696 class_super_construct
jit_class_adornment_get, 696 Classes, 212
jit_class_attr_get, 697 class_time_addattr
jit_class_findbyname, 697 ITM Time Objects, 548
jit_class_free, 697 Classes, 205
jit_class_mess, 698 CLASS_BOX, 207
jit_class_method, 698 CLASS_FLAG_ALIAS, 207
jit_class_method_addargsafe, 698 CLASS_FLAG_BOX, 207
jit_class_method_argsafe_get, 699 CLASS_FLAG_DO_NOT_PARSE_ATTR_ARGS,
jit_class_nameget, 700 207
jit_class_new, 700 CLASS_FLAG_DO_NOT_ZERO, 207
jit_class_register, 701 CLASS_FLAG_NEWDICTIONARY, 207
jit_class_symcompare, 702 CLASS_FLAG_NOATTRIBUTES, 207
jit_class_typedwrapper_get, 702 CLASS_FLAG_OBJECT_METHOD, 207

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen


CLASS_FLAG_OWNATTRIBUTES, 207 setclock_fdelay, 536

CLASS_FLAG_PARAMETER, 207 setclock_getftime, 536
CLASS_FLAG_POLYGLOT, 207 setclock_gettime, 538
CLASS_FLAG_REGISTERED, 207 setclock_unset, 538
CLASS_FLAG_RETYPEABLE, 207 systimer_gettime, 538
CLASS_FLAG_UIOBJECT, 207 Colors, 617
class_addattr, 207 atoms_to_jrgba, 617
class_addmethod, 207 jrgba_attr_get, 618
class_alias, 208 jrgba_attr_set, 618
class_dumpout_wrap, 208 jrgba_compare, 618
class_findbyname, 208 jrgba_copy, 619
class_findbyname_casefree, 209 jrgba_set, 619
class_free, 209 jrgba_to_atoms, 619
class_is_ui, 209 Console, 407
class_nameget, 209 cpost, 407
class_new, 211 error, 408
class_obexoffset_get, 211 object_error, 408
class_obexoffset_set, 211 object_error_obtrusive, 409
class_register, 212 object_post, 409
class_subclass, 212 object_warn, 409
class_super_construct, 212 ouchstring, 410
e_max_class_flags, 207 post, 410
ext_main, 213 postatom, 411
classname_openhelp cpost
Objects, 452 Console, 407
classname_openquery Critical Regions, 569
Objects, 452 critical_enter, 570
classname_openrefpage critical_exit, 571
Objects, 452 critical_free, 571
classname_openrefpage_ext critical_new, 571
critical_tryenter, 571
Miscellaneous, 399
Critical Regions, 570
Clocks, 532
Critical Regions, 571
Clocks, 532
Critical Regions, 571
Clocks, 533
Critical Regions, 571
Clocks, 533
Critical Regions, 571
Clocks, 533
Clocks, 529 Data Storage, 228
clock_delay, 532 e_max_datastore_flags, 229
clock_fdelay, 532 OBJ_FLAG_DATA, 230
clock_getftime, 533 OBJ_FLAG_DEBUG, 230
clock_new, 533 OBJ_FLAG_INHERITABLE, 230
clock_unset, 533 OBJ_FLAG_ITERATING, 230
gettime, 533 OBJ_FLAG_MEMORY, 230
gettime_forobject, 534 OBJ_FLAG_OBJ, 230
scheduler_fromobject, 534 OBJ_FLAG_REF, 230
scheduler_get, 534 OBJ_FLAG_SILENT, 230
scheduler_gettime, 534 t_cmpfn, 229
scheduler_new, 535 Data Types, 320
scheduler_run, 535 DataView, 649
scheduler_set, 535 jdataview_getclient, 649
scheduler_settime, 535 jdataview_new, 650
scheduler_shift, 536 jdataview_setclient, 650
setclock_delay, 536 Database, 239

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen


db_close, 241 Database, 245

db_open, 241 db_result_nextrecord
db_open_ext, 241 Database, 245
db_query, 242 db_result_numfields
db_query_direct, 242 Database, 245
db_query_getlastinsertid, 242 db_result_numrecords
db_query_silent, 243 Database, 245
db_query_table_addcolumn, 243 db_result_reset
db_query_table_new, 243 Database, 246
db_result_clear, 244 db_result_string
db_result_datetimeinseconds, 244 Database, 246
db_result_fieldname, 244 db_transaction_end
db_result_float, 244 Database, 246
db_result_long, 245 db_transaction_flush
db_result_nextrecord, 245 Database, 246
db_result_numfields, 245 db_transaction_start
db_result_numrecords, 245 Database, 246
db_result_reset, 246 db_util_datetostring
db_result_string, 246 Database, 247
db_transaction_end, 246 db_util_stringtodate
db_transaction_flush, 246 Database, 247
db_transaction_start, 246 db_view_create
db_util_datetostring, 247 Database, 247
db_util_stringtodate, 247 db_view_getresult
db_view_create, 247 Database, 247
db_view_getresult, 247 db_view_remove
db_view_remove, 249 Database, 249
db_view_setquery, 249 db_view_setquery
t_database, 240 Database, 249
t_db_result, 240 defer
t_db_view, 241 Threads, 561
db_close defer_low
Database, 241 Threads, 561
db_open Dictionary, 250
Database, 241 dictionary_appendatom, 255
db_open_ext dictionary_appendatomarray, 255
Database, 241 dictionary_appendatoms, 255
db_query dictionary_appenddictionary, 256
Database, 242 dictionary_appendfloat, 256
db_query_direct dictionary_appendlong, 256
Database, 242 dictionary_appendobject, 257
db_query_getlastinsertid dictionary_appendstring, 257
Database, 242 dictionary_appendsym, 257
db_query_silent dictionary_chuckentry, 258
Database, 243 dictionary_clear, 258
db_query_table_addcolumn dictionary_copyatoms, 258
Database, 243 dictionary_copydefatoms, 259
db_query_table_new dictionary_copyentries, 259
Database, 243 dictionary_copyunique, 259
db_result_clear dictionary_deleteentry, 260
Database, 244 dictionary_dump, 260
db_result_datetimeinseconds dictionary_entry_getkey, 260
Database, 244 dictionary_entry_getvalue, 261
db_result_fieldname dictionary_entry_getvalues, 261
Database, 244 dictionary_entryisatomarray, 261
db_result_float dictionary_entryisdictionary, 261
Database, 244 dictionary_entryisstring, 262
db_result_long dictionary_freekeys, 262

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen


dictionary_funall, 262 Dictionary, 257

dictionary_get_ex, 263 dictionary_appendstring
dictionary_getatom, 263 Dictionary, 257
dictionary_getatomarray, 263 dictionary_appendsym
dictionary_getatoms, 264 Dictionary, 257
dictionary_getatoms_ext, 264 dictionary_chuckentry
dictionary_getdefatom, 264 Dictionary, 258
dictionary_getdefatoms, 265 dictionary_clear
dictionary_getdeffloat, 265 Dictionary, 258
dictionary_getdeflong, 265 dictionary_copyatoms
dictionary_getdefstring, 266 Dictionary, 258
dictionary_getdefsym, 266 dictionary_copydefatoms
dictionary_getdictionary, 267 Dictionary, 259
dictionary_getentrycount, 267 dictionary_copyentries
dictionary_getfloat, 267 Dictionary, 259
dictionary_getkeys, 267 dictionary_copyunique
dictionary_getlong, 268 Dictionary, 259
dictionary_getobject, 268 dictionary_deleteentry
dictionary_getstring, 268 Dictionary, 260
dictionary_getsym, 269 dictionary_dump
dictionary_hasentry, 269 Dictionary, 260
dictionary_new, 269 dictionary_entry_getkey
dictionary_read, 269 Dictionary, 260
dictionary_read_yaml, 270 dictionary_entry_getvalue
dictionary_sprintf, 270 Dictionary, 261
dictionary_write, 271 dictionary_entry_getvalues
dictionary_write_yaml, 271 Dictionary, 261
postdictionary, 271 dictionary_entryisatomarray
Dictionary Passing API, 310 Dictionary, 261
dictobj_atom_safety, 312 dictionary_entryisdictionary
dictobj_atom_safety_flags, 313 Dictionary, 261
dictobj_dictionaryfromatoms, 313 dictionary_entryisstring
dictobj_dictionaryfromatoms_extended, 313 Dictionary, 262
dictobj_dictionaryfromstring, 314 dictionary_freekeys
dictobj_dictionarytoatoms, 314 Dictionary, 262
dictobj_findregistered_clone, 314 dictionary_funall
dictobj_findregistered_retain, 316 Dictionary, 262
dictobj_jsonfromstring, 316 dictionary_get_ex
dictobj_key_parse, 316 Dictionary, 263
dictobj_namefromptr, 317 dictionary_getatom
dictobj_outlet_atoms, 317 Dictionary, 263
dictobj_register, 317 dictionary_getatomarray
dictobj_release, 318 Dictionary, 263
dictobj_unregister, 318 dictionary_getatoms
dictobj_validate, 318 Dictionary, 264
dictionary_appendatom dictionary_getatoms_ext
Dictionary, 255 Dictionary, 264
dictionary_appendatomarray dictionary_getdefatom
Dictionary, 255 Dictionary, 264
dictionary_appendatoms dictionary_getdefatoms
Dictionary, 255 Dictionary, 265
dictionary_appenddictionary dictionary_getdeffloat
Dictionary, 256 Dictionary, 265
dictionary_appendfloat dictionary_getdeflong
Dictionary, 256 Dictionary, 265
dictionary_appendlong dictionary_getdefstring
Dictionary, 256 Dictionary, 266
dictionary_appendobject dictionary_getdefsym

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen


Dictionary, 266 Dictionary Passing API, 318

dictionary_getdictionary dictobj_unregister
Dictionary, 267 Dictionary Passing API, 318
dictionary_getentrycount dictobj_validate
Dictionary, 267 Dictionary Passing API, 318
dictionary_getfloat disposhandle
Dictionary, 267 Memory Management, 384
dictionary_getkeys dsp_add
Dictionary, 267 MSP, 438
dictionary_getlong dsp_addv
Dictionary, 268 MSP, 439
Dictionary, 268
Atoms, 324
Dictionary, 268
Atoms, 324
Dictionary, 269
Attributes, 183
Dictionary, 269
Classes, 207
Dictionary, 269
Data Storage, 229
Dictionary, 269
Systime API, 543
Dictionary, 270
Miscellaneous, 399
Dictionary, 270
Extending expr, 415
Dictionary, 271 Files and Folders, 356
dictionary_write_yaml e_max_openfile_permissions
Dictionary, 271 Files and Folders, 356
dictobj_atom_safety e_max_path_folder_flags
Dictionary Passing API, 312 Files and Folders, 356
dictobj_atom_safety_flags e_max_path_styles
Dictionary Passing API, 313 Files and Folders, 356
dictobj_dictionaryfromatoms e_max_path_types
Dictionary Passing API, 313 Files and Folders, 356
dictobj_dictionaryfromatoms_extended e_max_systhread_mutex_flags
Dictionary Passing API, 313 Threads, 561
dictobj_dictionaryfromstring e_max_wind_advise_result
Dictionary Passing API, 314 Miscellaneous, 399
dictobj_dictionarytoatoms eAltKey
Dictionary Passing API, 314 Mouse and Keyboard, 432
dictobj_findregistered_clone eAutoRepeat
Dictionary Passing API, 314 Mouse and Keyboard, 432
dictobj_findregistered_retain eCapsLock
Dictionary Passing API, 316 Mouse and Keyboard, 432
dictobj_jsonfromstring eCommandKey
Dictionary Passing API, 316 Mouse and Keyboard, 432
dictobj_key_parse eControlKey
Dictionary Passing API, 316 Mouse and Keyboard, 432
dictobj_namefromptr eLeftButton
Dictionary Passing API, 317 Mouse and Keyboard, 432
dictobj_outlet_atoms eMiddleButton
Dictionary Passing API, 317 Mouse and Keyboard, 432
dictobj_register ePopupMenu
Dictionary Passing API, 317 Mouse and Keyboard, 432
dictobj_release eRightButton

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen


Mouse and Keyboard, 432 ET_TBL, 416

eShiftKey ET_VSYM, 416
Mouse and Keyboard, 432 expr_eval, 416
ET_FI expr_new, 416
Extending expr, 416
Extending expr, 416 Styles, 622
ET_FUNC fileload
Extending expr, 416 Loading Max Files, 425
Files and Folders, 351
e_max_fileinfo_flags, 356
Extending expr, 416
e_max_openfile_permissions, 356
e_max_path_folder_flags, 356
Extending expr, 416
e_max_path_styles, 356
e_max_path_types, 356
Extending expr, 416
fileusage_addfile, 357
fileusage_addpackage, 358
Extending expr, 416
filewatcher_new, 358
locatefile, 358
Extending expr, 416
locatefile_extended, 359
locatefiletype, 360
Extending expr, 416
open_dialog, 360
Extending expr, 416
open_promptset, 360
Extending expr, 416
Extending expr, 416
Extending expr, 416 PATH_READ_PERM, 356
Old-Style Classes, 217 PATH_RW_PERM, 356
Console, 408 PATH_STYLE_MAX, 356
error_subscribe PATH_STYLE_NATIVE, 356
Miscellaneous, 400 PATH_STYLE_NATIVE_WIN, 356
error_sym PATH_STYLE_SLASH, 356
Miscellaneous, 400 PATH_TYPE_ABSOLUTE, 357
error_unsubscribe PATH_TYPE_BOOT, 357
Miscellaneous, 400 PATH_TYPE_C74, 357
expr_eval PATH_TYPE_DESKTOP, 357
Extending expr, 416 PATH_TYPE_IGNORE, 357
expr_new PATH_TYPE_MAXDB, 357
Extending expr, 416 PATH_TYPE_PATH, 357
ext_main PATH_TYPE_RELATIVE, 357
Classes, 213 PATH_TYPE_TEMPFOLDER, 357
Extending expr, 415 PATH_TYPE_TILDE, 357
e_max_expr_types, 415 PATH_WRITE_PERM, 356
ET_FI, 416 path_absolutepath, 361
ET_FLT, 416 path_closefolder, 361
ET_FUNC, 416 path_createsysfile, 361
ET_II, 416 path_fileinfo, 362
ET_INT, 416 path_foldernextfile, 362
ET_LB, 416 path_frompathname, 362
ET_LP, 416 path_getapppath, 363
ET_OP, 416 path_getdefault, 363
ET_SI, 416 path_getfilemoddate, 363
ET_STR, 416 path_getmoddate, 363
ET_SYM, 416 path_nameconform, 363

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen


path_openfolder, 364 Memory Management, 386

path_opensysfile, 364 getbytes16
path_resolvefile, 364 Memory Management, 386
path_setdefault, 365 getfn
path_toabsolutesystempath, 365 Old-Style Classes, 218
path_topathname, 365 gettime
path_topotentialname, 366 Clocks, 533
SYSFILE_ATMARK, 357 gettime_forobject
SYSFILE_FROMLEOF, 357 Clocks, 534
SYSFILE_FROMMARK, 357 globalsymbol_bind
SYSFILE_FROMSTART, 357 Miscellaneous, 400
saveas_dialog, 366 globalsymbol_dereference
saveas_promptset, 366 Miscellaneous, 401
saveasdialog_extended, 367 globalsymbol_reference
sysfile_close, 368 Miscellaneous, 401
sysfile_geteof, 368 globalsymbol_unbind
sysfile_getpos, 368 Miscellaneous, 401
sysfile_openhandle, 369 growhandle
sysfile_openptrsize, 369 Memory Management, 386
sysfile_read, 369
sysfile_readtextfile, 370 HASH_DEFSLOTS
sysfile_readtohandle, 370 Hash Table, 274
sysfile_readtoptr, 370 Hash Table, 272
sysfile_seteof, 371 HASH_DEFSLOTS, 274
sysfile_setpos, 371 hashtab_chuck, 274
sysfile_spoolcopy, 371 hashtab_chuckkey, 274
sysfile_write, 372 hashtab_clear, 275
sysfile_writetextfile, 372 hashtab_delete, 275
t_filehandle, 355 hashtab_findfirst, 275
t_sysfile_pos_mode, 357 hashtab_flags, 276
t_sysfile_text_flags, 357 hashtab_funall, 276
TEXT_ENCODING_USE_FILE, 357 hashtab_getflags, 276
TEXT_LB_MAC, 357 hashtab_getkeyflags, 277
TEXT_LB_NATIVE, 357 hashtab_getkeys, 277
TEXT_LB_PC, 357 hashtab_getsize, 277
TEXT_LB_UNIX, 357 hashtab_keyflags, 278
TEXT_NULL_TERMINATE, 357 hashtab_lookup, 278
fileusage_addfile hashtab_lookupflags, 278
Files and Folders, 357 hashtab_lookuplong, 279
fileusage_addpackage hashtab_lookupsym, 279
Files and Folders, 358 hashtab_methodall, 279
filewatcher_new hashtab_new, 280
Files and Folders, 358 hashtab_print, 280
floatin hashtab_readonly, 280
Inlets and Outlets, 222 hashtab_store, 281
floatout hashtab_store_safe, 281
Inlets and Outlets, 222 hashtab_storeflags, 281
freebytes hashtab_storelong, 282
Memory Management, 384 hashtab_storesym, 282
freebytes16 hashtab_chuck
Memory Management, 386 Hash Table, 274
freeobject hashtab_chuckkey
Old-Style Classes, 218 Hash Table, 274
gensym Hash Table, 275
Symbols, 349 hashtab_delete
gensym_tr Hash Table, 275
Symbols, 350 hashtab_findfirst
getbytes Hash Table, 275

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen


hashtab_flags ITM Time Objects, 546

Hash Table, 276 class_time_addattr, 548
hashtab_funall itm_barbeatunitstoticks, 549
Hash Table, 276 itm_dereference, 549
hashtab_getflags itm_dump, 549
Hash Table, 276 itm_getglobal, 549
hashtab_getkeyflags itm_getname, 549
Hash Table, 277 itm_getnamed, 550
hashtab_getkeys itm_getresolution, 550
Hash Table, 277 itm_getstate, 550
hashtab_getsize itm_getticks, 550
Hash Table, 277 itm_gettime, 551
hashtab_keyflags itm_gettimesignature, 551
Hash Table, 278 itm_isunitfixed, 551
hashtab_lookup itm_mstosamps, 551
Hash Table, 278 itm_mstoticks, 552
hashtab_lookupflags itm_pause, 552
Hash Table, 278 itm_reference, 552
hashtab_lookuplong itm_resume, 552
Hash Table, 279 itm_sampstoms, 552
hashtab_lookupsym itm_setresolution, 553
Hash Table, 279 itm_settimesignature, 553
hashtab_methodall itm_tickstobarbeatunits, 553
Hash Table, 279 itm_tickstoms, 553
hashtab_new t_itm, 558
Hash Table, 280 t_timeobject, 558
hashtab_print TIME_FLAGS_BBUSOURCE, 548
hashtab_readonly TIME_FLAGS_EVENTLIST, 548
Hash Table, 280 TIME_FLAGS_FIXED, 548
Hash Table, 281
Hash Table, 281
Hash Table, 281
Hash Table, 282
Hash Table, 282
jbox, 498
time_calcquantize, 554
time_getitm, 554
jbox, 498
time_getms, 554
time_getnamed, 554
jbox, 498
time_getphase, 555
time_getticks, 555
jbox, 498
time_isfixedunit, 555
time_listen, 555
jbox, 498
HitNothing time_new, 556
jbox, 498 time_now, 556
HitOutlet time_schedule, 556
jbox, 498 time_schedule_limit, 556
HitTestResult time_setclock, 556
jbox, 498 time_setvalue, 558
time_stop, 558
INRANGE time_tick, 558
Miscellaneous, 398 Index Map, 283

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen


indexmap_append, 284 intout

indexmap_clear, 284 Inlets and Outlets, 223
indexmap_datafromindex, 284 isr
indexmap_delete, 284 Threads, 563
indexmap_delete_index, 284 itm_barbeatunitstoticks
indexmap_delete_index_multi, 286 ITM Time Objects, 549
indexmap_delete_multi, 286 itm_dereference
indexmap_getsize, 286 ITM Time Objects, 549
indexmap_indexfromdata, 286 itm_dump
indexmap_move, 287 ITM Time Objects, 549
indexmap_new, 287 itm_getglobal
indexmap_sort, 287 ITM Time Objects, 549
indexmap_append itm_getname
Index Map, 284 ITM Time Objects, 549
indexmap_clear itm_getnamed
Index Map, 284 ITM Time Objects, 550
indexmap_datafromindex itm_getresolution
Index Map, 284 ITM Time Objects, 550
indexmap_delete itm_getstate
Index Map, 284 ITM Time Objects, 550
indexmap_delete_index itm_getticks
Index Map, 284 ITM Time Objects, 550
indexmap_delete_index_multi itm_gettime
Index Map, 286 ITM Time Objects, 551
indexmap_delete_multi itm_gettimesignature
Index Map, 286 ITM Time Objects, 551
indexmap_getsize itm_isunitfixed
Index Map, 286 ITM Time Objects, 551
indexmap_indexfromdata itm_mstosamps
Index Map, 286 ITM Time Objects, 551
ITM Time Objects, 552
Index Map, 287
ITM Time Objects, 552
Index Map, 287
ITM Time Objects, 552
Index Map, 287
ITM Time Objects, 552
Inlets and Outlets, 222
Inlets and Outlets, 221
ITM Time Objects, 552
bangout, 222
floatin, 222
ITM Time Objects, 553
floatout, 222
inlet_new, 222
ITM Time Objects, 553
intin, 223
intout, 223
ITM Time Objects, 553
listout, 223
outlet_anything, 224
ITM Time Objects, 553
outlet_bang, 224
outlet_float, 225 JBOX_FONTFACE_BOLD
outlet_int, 225 jbox, 498
outlet_new, 226 jbox, 498
proxy_getinlet, 226 JBOX_FONTFACE_ITALIC
proxy_new, 226 jbox, 498
Inlets and Outlets, 223 jbox, 498
Loading Max Files, 425 jbox, 498

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen



jbox_get_font_slant, 606 JGraphics, 581
jfont_create, 606 JGraphics, 581
jfont_extents, 606 JGraphics, 581
jfont_get_em_dimensions, 607 JGRAPHICS_TEXT_JUSTIFICATION_RIGHT
jfont_get_family, 607 JGraphics, 581
jfont_get_slant, 607 JGraphics, 581
jfont_get_weight, 608 JGraphics, 581
jfont_getfontlist, 608 JGRAPHICS_TEXTLAYOUT_NOWRAP
jfont_isequalto, 608 TextLayout, 637
jfont_set_family, 609 TextLayout, 637
jfont_set_font_size, 609 JGraphics, 576
jfont_set_slant, 609 JGRAPHICS_2PI, 580
jfont_set_underline, 609 JGRAPHICS_3PIOVER2, 580
jfont_set_weight, 609 JGRAPHICS_FILEFORMAT_JPEG, 581
jfont_text_measure, 610 JGRAPHICS_FILEFORMAT_PNG, 581
jfont_text_measuretext_wrapped, 610 JGRAPHICS_FORMAT_A8, 581
systemfontname, 610 JGRAPHICS_FORMAT_ARGB32, 581
systemfontname_bold, 610 JGRAPHICS_FORMAT_RGB24, 581
systemfontname_light, 610 JGRAPHICS_PI, 580
systemfontsym, 610 JGRAPHICS_PIOVER2, 580
t_jgraphics_font_slant, 605 JGRAPHICS_TEXT_JUSTIFICATION_BOTTOM,
t_jgraphics_font_weight, 605 581
JGraphics, 580 ED, 581
JGraphics, 580 RED, 581
JGraphics, 581 IED, 581
JFont, 605 RED, 581
JGRAPHICS_FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD jgraphics_append_path, 581
JFont, 605 jgraphics_arc, 581
JGRAPHICS_FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL jgraphics_arc_negative, 582
JFont, 605 jgraphics_bubble, 582
JGRAPHICS_FORMAT_A8 jgraphics_clip, 582
JGraphics, 581 jgraphics_close_path, 582
JGRAPHICS_FORMAT_ARGB32 jgraphics_copy_path, 583
JGraphics, 581 jgraphics_curve_to, 583
JGRAPHICS_FORMAT_RGB24 jgraphics_destroy, 583
JGraphics, 581 jgraphics_device_to_user, 583
JGRAPHICS_PI jgraphics_ellipse, 583
JGraphics, 580 jgraphics_font_extents, 584
JGRAPHICS_PIOVER2 jgraphics_get_current_point, 584
JGraphics, 580 jgraphics_getfiletypes, 584

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen


jgraphics_line_to, 585 JMOUSE_CURSOR_DRAGGINGHAND

jgraphics_move_to, 585 Mouse and Keyboard, 432
jgraphics_new_path, 585 JMOUSE_CURSOR_IBEAM
jgraphics_oval, 585 Mouse and Keyboard, 432
jgraphics_ovalarc, 585 JMOUSE_CURSOR_NONE
jgraphics_path_contains, 586 Mouse and Keyboard, 432
jgraphics_path_createstroked, 586 JMOUSE_CURSOR_POINTINGHAND
jgraphics_path_destroy, 586 Mouse and Keyboard, 432
jgraphics_path_getlength, 586 JMOUSE_CURSOR_RESIZE_BOTTOMEDGE
jgraphics_path_getnearestpoint, 586 Mouse and Keyboard, 432
jgraphics_path_getpathelems, 588 JMOUSE_CURSOR_RESIZE_BOTTOMLEFTCORN←-
jgraphics_path_getpointalongpath, 588 ER
jgraphics_path_intersectsline, 588 Mouse and Keyboard, 432
jgraphics_path_roundcorners, 588 JMOUSE_CURSOR_RESIZE_BOTTOMRIGHTCOR←-
jgraphics_position_one_rect_near_another_rect←- NER
_but_keep_inside_a_third_rect, 589 Mouse and Keyboard, 432
jgraphics_rectangle, 589 JMOUSE_CURSOR_RESIZE_FOURWAY
jgraphics_rectangle_rounded, 589 Mouse and Keyboard, 432
jgraphics_rectcontainsrect, 589 JMOUSE_CURSOR_RESIZE_LEFTEDGE
jgraphics_rectintersectsrect, 590 Mouse and Keyboard, 432
jgraphics_reference, 590 JMOUSE_CURSOR_RESIZE_LEFTRIGHT
jgraphics_rel_curve_to, 590 Mouse and Keyboard, 432
jgraphics_rel_line_to, 590 JMOUSE_CURSOR_RESIZE_RIGHTEDGE
jgraphics_rel_move_to, 591 Mouse and Keyboard, 432
jgraphics_select_font_face, 591 Mouse and Keyboard, 432
jgraphics_select_jfont, 591 JMOUSE_CURSOR_RESIZE_TOPLEFTCORNER
jgraphics_set_font_size, 591 Mouse and Keyboard, 432
jgraphics_set_underline, 592 JMOUSE_CURSOR_RESIZE_TOPRIGHTCORNER
jgraphics_show_text, 592 Mouse and Keyboard, 432
jgraphics_system_canantialiastexttotransparentbg, JMOUSE_CURSOR_RESIZE_UPDOWN
592 Mouse and Keyboard, 432
jgraphics_text_measure, 592 JMOUSE_CURSOR_WAIT
jgraphics_text_measuretext_wrapped, 592 Mouse and Keyboard, 432
jgraphics_text_path, 593 JPattern, 616
jgraphics_triangle, 593 JSurface, 594
jgraphics_user_to_device, 593 jgraphics_create, 595
t_jgraphics_fileformat, 581 jgraphics_get_resource_data, 595
t_jgraphics_format, 581 jgraphics_image_surface_clear, 596
t_jgraphics_text_justification, 581 jgraphics_image_surface_create, 596
JGraphics Matrix Transformations, 612 jgraphics_image_surface_create_for_data, 596
jgraphics_matrix_init, 613 jgraphics_image_surface_create_from_file, 597
jgraphics_matrix_init_identity, 613 jgraphics_image_surface_create_from_filedata,
jgraphics_matrix_init_rotate, 613 597
jgraphics_matrix_init_scale, 613 jgraphics_image_surface_create_from_resource,
jgraphics_matrix_init_translate, 613 597
jgraphics_matrix_invert, 614 jgraphics_image_surface_create_referenced, 598
jgraphics_matrix_multiply, 614 jgraphics_image_surface_draw, 598
jgraphics_matrix_rotate, 614 jgraphics_image_surface_draw_fast, 598
jgraphics_matrix_scale, 614 jgraphics_image_surface_get_height, 599
jgraphics_matrix_transform_point, 614 jgraphics_image_surface_get_pixel, 599
jgraphics_matrix_translate, 615 jgraphics_image_surface_get_width, 599
JMOUSE_CURSOR_ARROW jgraphics_image_surface_scroll, 599
Mouse and Keyboard, 432 jgraphics_image_surface_set_pixel, 600
JMOUSE_CURSOR_COPYING jgraphics_image_surface_writejpeg, 600
Mouse and Keyboard, 432 jgraphics_image_surface_writepng, 600
JMOUSE_CURSOR_CROSSHAIR jgraphics_surface_destroy, 600
Mouse and Keyboard, 432 jgraphics_surface_reference, 601

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen


jgraphics_write_image_surface_to_filedata, 601 jbox_set_hidden, 512

jbox, 494 jbox_set_hint, 512
HitBox, 498 jbox_set_hintstring, 512
HitGrowBox, 498 jbox_set_ignoreclick, 512
HitInlet, 498 jbox_set_outline, 513
HitLine, 498 jbox_set_patching_position, 513
HitLineLocked, 498 jbox_set_patching_rect, 513
HitNothing, 498 jbox_set_patching_size, 513
HitOutlet, 498 jbox_set_position, 514
HitTestResult, 498 jbox_set_presentation, 514
JBOX_FONTFACE_BOLD, 498 jbox_set_presentation_position, 514
JBOX_FONTFACE_BOLDITALIC, 498 jbox_set_presentation_rect, 514
JBOX_FONTFACE_ITALIC, 498 jbox_set_presentation_size, 515
JBOX_FONTFACE_REGULAR, 498 jbox_set_rect, 515
JBOX_NOINSPECTFIRSTIN, 498 jbox_set_rect_for_sym, 515
jbox_free, 498 jbox_set_rect_for_view, 515
jbox_get_annotation, 499 jbox_set_size, 516
jbox_get_background, 499 jbox_set_varname, 516
jbox_get_canhilite, 499 jbox_end_layer
jbox_get_color, 499 Box Layer, 646
jbox_get_drawfirstin, 499 jbox_free
jbox_get_drawinlast, 500 jbox, 498
jbox_get_fontname, 500 jbox_get_annotation
jbox_get_fontsize, 500 jbox, 499
jbox_get_growboth, 500 jbox_get_background
jbox_get_growy, 500 jbox, 499
jbox_get_hidden, 501 jbox_get_canhilite
jbox_get_hint, 501 jbox, 499
jbox_get_hintstring, 501 jbox_get_color
jbox_get_id, 501 jbox, 499
jbox_get_ignoreclick, 501 jbox_get_drawfirstin
jbox_get_maxclass, 503 jbox, 499
jbox_get_nextobject, 503 jbox_get_drawinlast
jbox_get_nogrow, 503 jbox, 500
jbox_get_object, 503 jbox_get_font_slant
jbox_get_outline, 503 JFont, 606
jbox_get_patcher, 505 jbox_get_font_weight
jbox_get_patching_position, 505 JFont, 606
jbox_get_patching_rect, 505 jbox_get_fontname
jbox_get_patching_size, 505 jbox, 500
jbox_get_presentation, 505 jbox_get_fontsize
jbox_get_presentation_position, 507 jbox, 500
jbox_get_presentation_rect, 507 jbox_get_growboth
jbox_get_presentation_size, 507 jbox, 500
jbox_get_prevobject, 507 jbox_get_growy
jbox_get_rect_for_sym, 508 jbox, 500
jbox_get_rect_for_view, 508 jbox_get_hidden
jbox_get_textfield, 508 jbox, 501
jbox_get_varname, 508 jbox_get_hint
jbox_new, 509 jbox, 501
jbox_notify, 509 jbox_get_hintstring
jbox_ready, 509 jbox, 501
jbox_redraw, 509 jbox_get_id
jbox_set_annotation, 510 jbox, 501
jbox_set_background, 510 jbox_get_ignoreclick
jbox_set_color, 510 jbox, 501
jbox_set_fontname, 510 jbox_get_maxclass
jbox_set_fontsize, 510 jbox, 503

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen


jbox_get_nextobject jbox_set_hint
jbox, 503 jbox, 512
jbox_get_nogrow jbox_set_hintstring
jbox, 503 jbox, 512
jbox_get_object jbox_set_ignoreclick
jbox, 503 jbox, 512
jbox_get_outline jbox_set_outline
jbox, 503 jbox, 513
jbox_get_patcher jbox_set_patching_position
jbox, 505 jbox, 513
jbox_get_patching_position jbox_set_patching_rect
jbox, 505 jbox, 513
jbox_get_patching_rect jbox_set_patching_size
jbox, 505 jbox, 513
jbox_get_patching_size jbox_set_position
jbox, 505 jbox, 514
jbox_get_presentation jbox_set_presentation
jbox, 505 jbox, 514
jbox_get_presentation_position jbox_set_presentation_position
jbox, 507 jbox, 514
jbox_get_presentation_rect jbox_set_presentation_rect
jbox, 507 jbox, 514
jbox_get_presentation_size jbox_set_presentation_size
jbox, 507 jbox, 515
jbox_get_prevobject jbox_set_rect
jbox, 507 jbox, 515
jbox_get_rect_for_sym jbox_set_rect_for_sym
jbox, 508 jbox, 515
jbox_get_rect_for_view jbox_set_rect_for_view
jbox, 508 jbox, 515
jbox_get_textfield jbox_set_size
jbox, 508 jbox, 516
jbox_get_varname jbox_set_varname
jbox, 508 jbox, 516
jbox_invalidate_layer jbox_start_layer
Box Layer, 647 Box Layer, 647
jbox_new jdataview_getclient
jbox, 509 DataView, 649
jbox_notify jdataview_new
jbox, 509 DataView, 650
jbox_paint_layer jdataview_setclient
Box Layer, 647 DataView, 650
jbox_ready jfont_create
jbox, 509 JFont, 606
jbox_redraw jfont_destroy
jbox, 509 JFont, 606
jbox_set_annotation jfont_extents
jbox, 510 JFont, 606
jbox_set_background jfont_get_em_dimensions
jbox, 510 JFont, 607
jbox_set_color jfont_get_family
jbox, 510 JFont, 607
jbox_set_fontname jfont_get_font_size
jbox, 510 JFont, 607
jbox_set_fontsize jfont_get_slant
jbox, 510 JFont, 607
jbox_set_hidden jfont_get_underline
jbox, 512 JFont, 607

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen


jfont_get_weight jgraphics_image_surface_clear
JFont, 608 JSurface, 596
jfont_getfontlist jgraphics_image_surface_create
JFont, 608 JSurface, 596
jfont_isequalto jgraphics_image_surface_create_for_data
JFont, 608 JSurface, 596
jfont_reference jgraphics_image_surface_create_from_file
JFont, 608 JSurface, 597
jfont_set_family jgraphics_image_surface_create_from_filedata
JFont, 609 JSurface, 597
jfont_set_font_size jgraphics_image_surface_create_from_resource
JFont, 609 JSurface, 597
jfont_set_slant jgraphics_image_surface_create_referenced
JFont, 609 JSurface, 598
jfont_set_underline jgraphics_image_surface_draw
JFont, 609 JSurface, 598
jfont_set_weight jgraphics_image_surface_draw_fast
JFont, 609 JSurface, 598
jfont_text_measure jgraphics_image_surface_get_height
JFont, 610 JSurface, 599
jfont_text_measuretext_wrapped jgraphics_image_surface_get_pixel
JFont, 610 JSurface, 599
jgraphics_append_path jgraphics_image_surface_get_width
JGraphics, 581 JSurface, 599
jgraphics_arc jgraphics_image_surface_scroll
JGraphics, 581 JSurface, 599
jgraphics_arc_negative jgraphics_image_surface_set_pixel
JGraphics, 582 JSurface, 600
jgraphics_attr_fillrect jgraphics_image_surface_writejpeg
Styles, 625 JSurface, 600
jgraphics_attr_setfill jgraphics_image_surface_writepng
Styles, 625 JSurface, 600
jgraphics_bubble jgraphics_line_to
JGraphics, 582 JGraphics, 585
jgraphics_clip jgraphics_matrix_init
JGraphics, 582 JGraphics Matrix Transformations, 613
jgraphics_close_path jgraphics_matrix_init_identity
JGraphics, 582 JGraphics Matrix Transformations, 613
jgraphics_copy_path jgraphics_matrix_init_rotate
JGraphics, 583 JGraphics Matrix Transformations, 613
jgraphics_create jgraphics_matrix_init_scale
JSurface, 595 JGraphics Matrix Transformations, 613
jgraphics_curve_to jgraphics_matrix_init_translate
JGraphics, 583 JGraphics Matrix Transformations, 613
jgraphics_destroy jgraphics_matrix_invert
JGraphics, 583 JGraphics Matrix Transformations, 614
jgraphics_device_to_user jgraphics_matrix_multiply
JGraphics, 583 JGraphics Matrix Transformations, 614
jgraphics_ellipse jgraphics_matrix_rotate
JGraphics, 583 JGraphics Matrix Transformations, 614
jgraphics_font_extents jgraphics_matrix_scale
JGraphics, 584 JGraphics Matrix Transformations, 614
jgraphics_get_current_point jgraphics_matrix_transform_point
JGraphics, 584 JGraphics Matrix Transformations, 614
jgraphics_get_resource_data jgraphics_matrix_translate
JSurface, 595 JGraphics Matrix Transformations, 615
jgraphics_getfiletypes jgraphics_move_to
JGraphics, 584 JGraphics, 585

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jgraphics_new_path JSurface, 601

JGraphics, 585 jgraphics_system_canantialiastexttotransparentbg
jgraphics_oval JGraphics, 592
JGraphics, 585 jgraphics_text_measure
jgraphics_ovalarc JGraphics, 592
JGraphics, 585 jgraphics_text_measuretext_wrapped
jgraphics_path_contains JGraphics, 592
JGraphics, 586 jgraphics_text_path
jgraphics_path_createstroked JGraphics, 593
JGraphics, 586 jgraphics_triangle
jgraphics_path_destroy JGraphics, 593
JGraphics, 586 jgraphics_user_to_device
jgraphics_path_getlength JGraphics, 593
JGraphics, 586 jgraphics_write_image_surface_to_filedata
jgraphics_path_getnearestpoint JSurface, 601
JGraphics, 586 jit_atom_arg_getdouble
jgraphics_path_getpathelems Atom Module, 654
JGraphics, 588 jit_atom_arg_getfloat
jgraphics_path_getpointalongpath Atom Module, 655
JGraphics, 588 jit_atom_arg_getlong
jgraphics_path_intersectsline Atom Module, 655
JGraphics, 588 jit_atom_arg_getsym
jgraphics_path_roundcorners Atom Module, 656
JGraphics, 588 jit_atom_getcharfix
jgraphics_position_one_rect_near_another_rect_but_←- Atom Module, 657
keep_inside_a_third_rect jit_atom_getfloat
JGraphics, 589 Atom Module, 657
jgraphics_rectangle jit_atom_getlong
JGraphics, 589 Atom Module, 658
jgraphics_rectangle_rounded jit_atom_getobj
JGraphics, 589 Atom Module, 658
jgraphics_rectcontainsrect jit_atom_getsym
JGraphics, 589 Atom Module, 659
jgraphics_rectintersectsrect jit_atom_setfloat
JGraphics, 590 Atom Module, 659
jgraphics_reference jit_atom_setlong
JGraphics, 590 Atom Module, 659
jgraphics_rel_curve_to jit_atom_setobj
JGraphics, 590 Atom Module, 661
jgraphics_rel_line_to jit_atom_setsym
JGraphics, 590 Atom Module, 661
jgraphics_rel_move_to jit_attr_canget
JGraphics, 591 Attribute Module, 665
jgraphics_round jit_attr_canset
JGraphics, 591 Attribute Module, 666
jgraphics_select_font_face jit_attr_filter_clip_new
JGraphics, 591 Attribute Module, 666
jgraphics_select_jfont jit_attr_filter_proc_new
JGraphics, 591 Attribute Module, 666
jgraphics_set_font_size jit_attr_filterget
JGraphics, 591 Attribute Module, 667
jgraphics_set_underline jit_attr_filterset
JGraphics, 592 Attribute Module, 667
jgraphics_show_text jit_attr_get
JGraphics, 592 Attribute Module, 668
jgraphics_surface_destroy jit_attr_getchar_array
JSurface, 600 Attribute Module, 668
jgraphics_surface_reference jit_attr_getdouble_array

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen


Attribute Module, 669 Binary Module, 688

jit_attr_getfloat jit_class_addadornment
Attribute Module, 669 Class Module, 692
jit_attr_getfloat_array jit_class_addattr
Attribute Module, 670 Class Module, 692
jit_attr_getlong jit_class_addinterface
Attribute Module, 670 Class Module, 694
jit_attr_getlong_array jit_class_addmethod
Attribute Module, 672 Class Module, 695
jit_attr_getmethod jit_class_addtypedwrapper
Attribute Module, 673 Class Module, 696
jit_attr_getname jit_class_adornment_get
Attribute Module, 673 Class Module, 696
jit_attr_getsym jit_class_attr_get
Attribute Module, 673 Class Module, 697
jit_attr_getsym_array jit_class_findbyname
Attribute Module, 674 Class Module, 697
jit_attr_gettype jit_class_free
Attribute Module, 675 Class Module, 697
jit_attr_offset_array_new jit_class_mess
Attribute Module, 675 Class Module, 698
jit_attr_offset_new jit_class_method
Attribute Module, 676 Class Module, 698
jit_attr_set jit_class_method_addargsafe
Attribute Module, 677 Class Module, 698
jit_attr_setchar_array jit_class_method_argsafe_get
Attribute Module, 677 Class Module, 699
jit_attr_setdouble_array jit_class_nameget
Attribute Module, 678 Class Module, 700
jit_attr_setfloat jit_class_new
Attribute Module, 679 Class Module, 700
jit_attr_setfloat_array jit_class_register
Attribute Module, 679 Class Module, 701
jit_attr_setlong jit_class_symcompare
Attribute Module, 680 Class Module, 702
jit_attr_setlong_array jit_class_typedwrapper_get
Attribute Module, 680 Class Module, 702
jit_attr_setsym jit_copy_bytes
Attribute Module, 681 Memory Module, 797
jit_attr_setsym_array jit_disposeptr
Attribute Module, 682 Memory Module, 798
jit_attr_symcompare jit_err_from_max_err
Attribute Module, 682 Miscellaneous Utility Module, 718
jit_attr_usercanget jit_error_code
Attribute Module, 684 Miscellaneous Utility Module, 719
jit_attr_usercanset jit_error_sym
Attribute Module, 684 Miscellaneous Utility Module, 719
jit_attribute_new jit_freebytes
Attribute Module, 685 Memory Module, 798
jit_bin_read_chunk_info jit_freemem
Binary Module, 686 Memory Module, 799
jit_bin_read_header jit_getbytes
Binary Module, 687 Memory Module, 799
jit_bin_read_matrix jit_gl_begincapture
Binary Module, 687 OB3D Module, 840
jit_bin_write_header jit_gl_bindtexture
Binary Module, 688 OB3D Module, 840
jit_bin_write_matrix jit_gl_drawinfo_active_textures

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen


OB3D Module, 842 Memory Module, 802

jit_gl_drawinfo_setup jit_linklist_append
OB3D Module, 842 Linked List Module, 724
jit_gl_endcapture jit_linklist_chuck
OB3D Module, 842 Linked List Module, 724
jit_gl_get_extensions jit_linklist_chuckindex
OB3D Module, 842 Linked List Module, 725
jit_gl_get_glsl_version jit_linklist_clear
OB3D Module, 842 Linked List Module, 726
jit_gl_get_glu_version jit_linklist_deleteindex
OB3D Module, 843 Linked List Module, 726
jit_gl_get_renderer jit_linklist_findall
OB3D Module, 843 Linked List Module, 727
jit_gl_get_vendor jit_linklist_findcount
OB3D Module, 843 Linked List Module, 728
jit_gl_get_version jit_linklist_findfirst
OB3D Module, 843 Linked List Module, 729
jit_gl_is_extension_supported jit_linklist_free
OB3D Module, 843 Matrix Module, 759
jit_gl_is_min_version jit_linklist_getindex
OB3D Module, 844 Linked List Module, 730
jit_gl_report_error jit_linklist_getsize
OB3D Module, 844 Linked List Module, 730
jit_gl_texcoord1f jit_linklist_insertindex
OB3D Module, 845 Linked List Module, 731
jit_gl_texcoord1fv jit_linklist_makearray
OB3D Module, 845 Linked List Module, 731
jit_gl_texcoord2f jit_linklist_methodall
OB3D Module, 845 Linked List Module, 732
jit_gl_texcoord2fv jit_linklist_methodindex
OB3D Module, 845 Linked List Module, 733
jit_gl_texcoord3f jit_linklist_new
OB3D Module, 846 Linked List Module, 733
jit_gl_texcoord3fv jit_linklist_objptr2index
OB3D Module, 846 Linked List Module, 734
jit_gl_unbindtexture jit_linklist_reverse
OB3D Module, 846 Linked List Module, 735
jit_glchunk_copy jit_linklist_rotate
OB3D Module, 846 Linked List Module, 735
jit_glchunk_delete jit_linklist_shuffle
OB3D Module, 847 Linked List Module, 735
jit_glchunk_grid_new jit_linklist_sort
OB3D Module, 847 Linked List Module, 737
jit_glchunk_new jit_linklist_swap
OB3D Module, 848 Linked List Module, 737
jit_global_critical_enter jit_math_acos
Miscellaneous Utility Module, 719 Math Module, 741
jit_global_critical_exit jit_math_acosh
Miscellaneous Utility Module, 720 Math Module, 741
jit_handle_free jit_math_asin
Memory Module, 800 Math Module, 741
jit_handle_lock jit_math_asinh
Memory Module, 800 Math Module, 741
jit_handle_new jit_math_atan
Memory Module, 801 Math Module, 742
jit_handle_size_get jit_math_atan2
Memory Module, 801 Math Module, 742
jit_handle_size_set jit_math_atanh

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen


Math Module, 742 Math Module, 753

jit_math_ceil jit_math_q1
Math Module, 742 Math Module, 753
jit_math_cos jit_math_round
Math Module, 742 Math Module, 754
jit_math_cosh jit_math_roundup_poweroftwo
Math Module, 744 Math Module, 754
jit_math_exp jit_math_sin
Math Module, 744 Math Module, 754
jit_math_exp2 jit_math_sinh
Math Module, 744 Math Module, 754
jit_math_expm1 jit_math_sqrt
Math Module, 744 Math Module, 755
jit_math_fast_acos jit_math_tan
Math Module, 744 Math Module, 755
jit_math_fast_asin jit_math_tanh
Math Module, 745 Math Module, 755
jit_math_fast_atan jit_math_trunc
Math Module, 745 Math Module, 755
jit_math_fast_cos jit_math_wrap
Math Module, 747 Math Module, 755
jit_math_fast_invsqrt jit_matrix_clear
Math Module, 747 Matrix Module, 759
jit_math_fast_sin jit_matrix_data
Math Module, 747 Matrix Module, 761
jit_math_fast_sqrt jit_matrix_exprfill
Math Module, 747 Matrix Module, 761
jit_math_fast_tan jit_matrix_fillplane
Math Module, 748 Matrix Module, 762
jit_math_floor jit_matrix_free
Math Module, 748 Matrix Module, 762
jit_math_fmod jit_matrix_freedata
Math Module, 748 Matrix Module, 764
jit_math_fold jit_matrix_frommatrix
Math Module, 748 Matrix Module, 764
jit_math_hypot jit_matrix_getcell
Math Module, 749 Matrix Module, 766
jit_math_is_finite jit_matrix_getdata
Math Module, 749 Matrix Module, 767
jit_math_is_nan jit_matrix_getinfo
Math Module, 749 Matrix Module, 767
jit_math_is_poweroftwo jit_matrix_info_default
Math Module, 749 Matrix Module, 768
jit_math_is_valid jit_matrix_jit_gl_texture
Math Module, 749 Matrix Module, 768
jit_math_j1 jit_matrix_new
Math Module, 751 Matrix Module, 769
jit_math_j1_0 jit_matrix_newcopy
Math Module, 752 Matrix Module, 769
jit_math_log jit_matrix_op
Math Module, 752 Matrix Module, 771
jit_math_log10 jit_matrix_setall
Math Module, 752 Matrix Module, 772
jit_math_log2 jit_matrix_setcell
Math Module, 753 Matrix Module, 773
jit_math_p1 jit_matrix_setcell1d
Math Module, 753 Matrix Module, 774
jit_math_pow jit_matrix_setcell2d

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

1000 INDEX

Matrix Module, 775 MOP Module, 816

jit_matrix_setcell3d jit_mop_output_nolink
Matrix Module, 776 MOP Module, 817
jit_matrix_setinfo jit_mop_single_planecount
Matrix Module, 777 MOP Module, 817
jit_matrix_setinfo_ex jit_mop_single_type
Matrix Module, 777 MOP Module, 818
jit_matrix_setplane1d jit_newptr
Matrix Module, 778 Memory Module, 802
jit_matrix_setplane2d jit_ob3d_draw_chunk
Matrix Module, 779 OB3D Module, 849
jit_matrix_setplane3d jit_ob3d_free
Matrix Module, 780 OB3D Module, 849
jit_mop_free jit_ob3d_new
MOP Module, 805 OB3D Module, 850
jit_mop_getinput jit_ob3d_set_context
MOP Module, 806 OB3D Module, 851
jit_mop_getinputlist jit_ob3d_setup
MOP Module, 806 OB3D Module, 851
jit_mop_getoutput jit_object_attach
MOP Module, 806 Object Module, 705
jit_mop_getoutputlist jit_object_attr_get
MOP Module, 808 Object Module, 705
jit_mop_input_nolink jit_object_attr_usercanget
MOP Module, 808 Object Module, 706
jit_mop_io_free jit_object_attr_usercanset
MOP Module, 809 Object Module, 706
jit_mop_io_getioproc jit_object_class
MOP Module, 809 Object Module, 707
jit_mop_io_getmatrix jit_object_classname
MOP Module, 809 Object Module, 707
jit_mop_io_ioproc jit_object_classname_compare
MOP Module, 810 Object Module, 708
jit_mop_io_matrix jit_object_detach
MOP Module, 810 Object Module, 708
jit_mop_io_new jit_object_exportattrs
MOP Module, 810 Object Module, 709
jit_mop_io_newcopy jit_object_exportsummary
MOP Module, 811 Object Module, 710
jit_mop_io_restrict_dim jit_object_findregistered
MOP Module, 811 Object Module, 710
jit_mop_io_restrict_planecount jit_object_findregisteredbyptr
MOP Module, 812 Object Module, 711
jit_mop_io_restrict_type jit_object_free
MOP Module, 812 Object Module, 711
jit_mop_ioproc_copy_adapt jit_object_getmethod
MOP Module, 813 Object Module, 712
jit_mop_ioproc_copy_trunc jit_object_importattrs
MOP Module, 813 Object Module, 712
jit_mop_ioproc_copy_trunc_zero jit_object_method_argsafe_get
MOP Module, 814 Object Module, 713
jit_mop_ioproc_tosym jit_object_method_imp
MOP Module, 814 Object Module, 714
jit_mop_methodall jit_object_method_typed
MOP Module, 815 Object Module, 714
jit_mop_new jit_object_new_imp
MOP Module, 815 Object Module, 715
jit_mop_newcopy jit_object_notify

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INDEX 1001

Object Module, 715 Operator Vector Module, 871

jit_object_register jit_op_vector_atan_float64
Object Module, 716 Operator Vector Module, 872
jit_object_unregister jit_op_vector_atanh_float32
Object Module, 716 Operator Vector Module, 872
jit_op_vector_abs_float32 jit_op_vector_atanh_float64
Operator Vector Module, 865 Operator Vector Module, 872
jit_op_vector_abs_float64 jit_op_vector_avg_char
Operator Vector Module, 865 Operator Vector Module, 872
jit_op_vector_abs_long jit_op_vector_avg_float32
Operator Vector Module, 865 Operator Vector Module, 873
jit_op_vector_absdiff_char jit_op_vector_avg_float64
Operator Vector Module, 866 Operator Vector Module, 873
jit_op_vector_absdiff_float32 jit_op_vector_avg_long
Operator Vector Module, 866 Operator Vector Module, 873
jit_op_vector_absdiff_float64 jit_op_vector_bitand_char
Operator Vector Module, 866 Operator Vector Module, 873
jit_op_vector_absdiff_long jit_op_vector_bitand_long
Operator Vector Module, 866 Operator Vector Module, 874
jit_op_vector_acos_float32 jit_op_vector_bitnot_char
Operator Vector Module, 867 Operator Vector Module, 874
jit_op_vector_acos_float64 jit_op_vector_bitnot_long
Operator Vector Module, 867 Operator Vector Module, 874
jit_op_vector_acosh_float32 jit_op_vector_bitor_char
Operator Vector Module, 867 Operator Vector Module, 874
jit_op_vector_acosh_float64 jit_op_vector_bitor_long
Operator Vector Module, 867 Operator Vector Module, 875
jit_op_vector_add_char jit_op_vector_bitxor_char
Operator Vector Module, 868 Operator Vector Module, 875
jit_op_vector_add_float32 jit_op_vector_bitxor_long
Operator Vector Module, 868 Operator Vector Module, 875
jit_op_vector_add_float64 jit_op_vector_ceil_float32
Operator Vector Module, 868 Operator Vector Module, 875
jit_op_vector_add_long jit_op_vector_ceil_float64
Operator Vector Module, 868 Operator Vector Module, 876
jit_op_vector_adds_char jit_op_vector_cos_float32
Operator Vector Module, 869 Operator Vector Module, 876
jit_op_vector_and_char jit_op_vector_cos_float64
Operator Vector Module, 869 Operator Vector Module, 876
jit_op_vector_and_float32 jit_op_vector_cosh_float32
Operator Vector Module, 869 Operator Vector Module, 876
jit_op_vector_and_float64 jit_op_vector_cosh_float64
Operator Vector Module, 869 Operator Vector Module, 877
jit_op_vector_and_long jit_op_vector_div_char
Operator Vector Module, 870 Operator Vector Module, 877
jit_op_vector_asin_float32 jit_op_vector_div_float32
Operator Vector Module, 870 Operator Vector Module, 877
jit_op_vector_asin_float64 jit_op_vector_div_float64
Operator Vector Module, 870 Operator Vector Module, 877
jit_op_vector_asinh_float32 jit_op_vector_div_long
Operator Vector Module, 870 Operator Vector Module, 878
jit_op_vector_asinh_float64 jit_op_vector_eq_char
Operator Vector Module, 871 Operator Vector Module, 878
jit_op_vector_atan2_float32 jit_op_vector_eq_float32
Operator Vector Module, 871 Operator Vector Module, 878
jit_op_vector_atan2_float64 jit_op_vector_eq_float64
Operator Vector Module, 871 Operator Vector Module, 878
jit_op_vector_atan_float32 jit_op_vector_eq_long

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1002 INDEX

Operator Vector Module, 879 Operator Vector Module, 890

jit_op_vector_eqp_char jit_op_vector_gt_float64
Operator Vector Module, 879 Operator Vector Module, 890
jit_op_vector_eqp_float32 jit_op_vector_gt_long
Operator Vector Module, 879 Operator Vector Module, 890
jit_op_vector_eqp_float64 jit_op_vector_gte_char
Operator Vector Module, 879 Operator Vector Module, 890
jit_op_vector_eqp_long jit_op_vector_gte_float32
Operator Vector Module, 880 Operator Vector Module, 891
jit_op_vector_exp2_float32 jit_op_vector_gte_float64
Operator Vector Module, 880 Operator Vector Module, 891
jit_op_vector_exp2_float64 jit_op_vector_gte_long
Operator Vector Module, 880 Operator Vector Module, 891
jit_op_vector_exp_float32 jit_op_vector_gtep_char
Operator Vector Module, 880 Operator Vector Module, 891
jit_op_vector_exp_float64 jit_op_vector_gtep_float32
Operator Vector Module, 881 Operator Vector Module, 892
jit_op_vector_flipdiv_char jit_op_vector_gtep_float64
Operator Vector Module, 881 Operator Vector Module, 892
jit_op_vector_flipdiv_float32 jit_op_vector_gtep_long
Operator Vector Module, 881 Operator Vector Module, 892
jit_op_vector_flipdiv_float64 jit_op_vector_gtp_char
Operator Vector Module, 882 Operator Vector Module, 892
jit_op_vector_flipdiv_long jit_op_vector_gtp_float32
Operator Vector Module, 882 Operator Vector Module, 893
jit_op_vector_flipmod_char jit_op_vector_gtp_float64
Operator Vector Module, 883 Operator Vector Module, 893
jit_op_vector_flipmod_float32 jit_op_vector_gtp_long
Operator Vector Module, 883 Operator Vector Module, 893
jit_op_vector_flipmod_float64 jit_op_vector_hypot_float32
Operator Vector Module, 884 Operator Vector Module, 893
jit_op_vector_flipmod_long jit_op_vector_hypot_float64
Operator Vector Module, 884 Operator Vector Module, 894
jit_op_vector_flippass_char jit_op_vector_log10_float32
Operator Vector Module, 885 Operator Vector Module, 894
jit_op_vector_flippass_float32 jit_op_vector_log10_float64
Operator Vector Module, 885 Operator Vector Module, 894
jit_op_vector_flippass_float64 jit_op_vector_log2_float32
Operator Vector Module, 886 Operator Vector Module, 894
jit_op_vector_flippass_long jit_op_vector_log2_float64
Operator Vector Module, 886 Operator Vector Module, 895
jit_op_vector_flipsub_char jit_op_vector_log_float32
Operator Vector Module, 887 Operator Vector Module, 895
jit_op_vector_flipsub_float32 jit_op_vector_log_float64
Operator Vector Module, 887 Operator Vector Module, 895
jit_op_vector_flipsub_long jit_op_vector_lshift_char
Operator Vector Module, 888 Operator Vector Module, 895
jit_op_vector_floor_float32 jit_op_vector_lshift_long
Operator Vector Module, 888 Operator Vector Module, 896
jit_op_vector_floor_float64 jit_op_vector_lt_char
Operator Vector Module, 889 Operator Vector Module, 896
jit_op_vector_fold_float32 jit_op_vector_lt_float32
Operator Vector Module, 889 Operator Vector Module, 896
jit_op_vector_fold_float64 jit_op_vector_lt_float64
Operator Vector Module, 889 Operator Vector Module, 896
jit_op_vector_gt_char jit_op_vector_lt_long
Operator Vector Module, 889 Operator Vector Module, 897
jit_op_vector_gt_float32 jit_op_vector_lte_char

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INDEX 1003

Operator Vector Module, 897 Operator Vector Module, 904

jit_op_vector_lte_float32 jit_op_vector_neq_float64
Operator Vector Module, 897 Operator Vector Module, 904
jit_op_vector_lte_float64 jit_op_vector_neq_long
Operator Vector Module, 897 Operator Vector Module, 905
jit_op_vector_lte_long jit_op_vector_neqp_char
Operator Vector Module, 898 Operator Vector Module, 905
jit_op_vector_ltep_char jit_op_vector_neqp_float32
Operator Vector Module, 898 Operator Vector Module, 905
jit_op_vector_ltep_float32 jit_op_vector_neqp_float64
Operator Vector Module, 898 Operator Vector Module, 905
jit_op_vector_ltep_float64 jit_op_vector_neqp_long
Operator Vector Module, 898 Operator Vector Module, 906
jit_op_vector_ltep_long jit_op_vector_not_char
Operator Vector Module, 899 Operator Vector Module, 906
jit_op_vector_ltp_char jit_op_vector_not_float32
Operator Vector Module, 899 Operator Vector Module, 906
jit_op_vector_ltp_float32 jit_op_vector_not_float64
Operator Vector Module, 899 Operator Vector Module, 906
jit_op_vector_ltp_float64 jit_op_vector_not_long
Operator Vector Module, 899 Operator Vector Module, 907
jit_op_vector_ltp_long jit_op_vector_or_char
Operator Vector Module, 900 Operator Vector Module, 907
jit_op_vector_max_char jit_op_vector_or_float32
Operator Vector Module, 900 Operator Vector Module, 907
jit_op_vector_max_float32 jit_op_vector_or_float64
Operator Vector Module, 900 Operator Vector Module, 907
jit_op_vector_max_float64 jit_op_vector_or_long
Operator Vector Module, 900 Operator Vector Module, 908
jit_op_vector_max_long jit_op_vector_pass_char
Operator Vector Module, 901 Operator Vector Module, 908
jit_op_vector_min_char jit_op_vector_pass_float32
Operator Vector Module, 901 Operator Vector Module, 908
jit_op_vector_min_float32 jit_op_vector_pass_float64
Operator Vector Module, 901 Operator Vector Module, 908
jit_op_vector_min_float64 jit_op_vector_pass_long
Operator Vector Module, 901 Operator Vector Module, 909
jit_op_vector_min_long jit_op_vector_pow_float32
Operator Vector Module, 902 Operator Vector Module, 909
jit_op_vector_mod_char jit_op_vector_pow_float64
Operator Vector Module, 902 Operator Vector Module, 909
jit_op_vector_mod_float32 jit_op_vector_round_float32
Operator Vector Module, 902 Operator Vector Module, 909
jit_op_vector_mod_float64 jit_op_vector_round_float64
Operator Vector Module, 902 Operator Vector Module, 910
jit_op_vector_mod_long jit_op_vector_rshift_char
Operator Vector Module, 903 Operator Vector Module, 910
jit_op_vector_mult_char jit_op_vector_rshift_long
Operator Vector Module, 903 Operator Vector Module, 910
jit_op_vector_mult_float32 jit_op_vector_sin_float32
Operator Vector Module, 903 Operator Vector Module, 910
jit_op_vector_mult_float64 jit_op_vector_sin_float64
Operator Vector Module, 903 Operator Vector Module, 911
jit_op_vector_mult_long jit_op_vector_sinh_float32
Operator Vector Module, 904 Operator Vector Module, 911
jit_op_vector_neq_char jit_op_vector_sinh_float64
Operator Vector Module, 904 Operator Vector Module, 911
jit_op_vector_neq_float32 jit_op_vector_sqrt_float32

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1004 INDEX

Operator Vector Module, 911 jmouse_getposition_global

jit_op_vector_sqrt_float64 Mouse and Keyboard, 433
Operator Vector Module, 912 jmouse_setcursor
jit_op_vector_sub_char Mouse and Keyboard, 433
Operator Vector Module, 912 jmouse_setposition_box
jit_op_vector_sub_float32 Mouse and Keyboard, 433
Operator Vector Module, 912 jmouse_setposition_global
jit_op_vector_sub_float64 Mouse and Keyboard, 433
Operator Vector Module, 912 jmouse_setposition_view
jit_op_vector_sub_long Mouse and Keyboard, 434
Operator Vector Module, 913 jpatcher, 480
jit_op_vector_subs_char jpatcher_deleteobj, 482
Operator Vector Module, 913 jpatcher_get_bgcolor, 482
jit_op_vector_tan_float32 jpatcher_get_bghidden, 482
Operator Vector Module, 913 jpatcher_get_bglocked, 482
jit_op_vector_tan_float64 jpatcher_get_box, 483
Operator Vector Module, 913 jpatcher_get_count, 483
jit_op_vector_tanh_float32 jpatcher_get_currentfileversion, 483
Operator Vector Module, 914 jpatcher_get_default_fontface, 483
jit_op_vector_tanh_float64 jpatcher_get_default_fontname, 483
Operator Vector Module, 914 jpatcher_get_default_fontsize, 484
jit_op_vector_trunc_float32 jpatcher_get_defrect, 484
Operator Vector Module, 914 jpatcher_get_dirty, 484
jit_op_vector_trunc_float64 jpatcher_get_editing_bgcolor, 484
Operator Vector Module, 914 jpatcher_get_fghidden, 485
jit_op_vector_wrap_float32 jpatcher_get_filename, 485
Operator Vector Module, 915 jpatcher_get_filepath, 485
jit_op_vector_wrap_float64 jpatcher_get_fileversion, 485
Operator Vector Module, 915 jpatcher_get_firstline, 485
jit_parallel_ndim_calc jpatcher_get_firstobject, 487
Parallel Utility Module, 819 jpatcher_get_firstview, 487
jit_parallel_ndim_simplecalc1 jpatcher_get_gridsize, 487
Parallel Utility Module, 820 jpatcher_get_hubholder, 487
jit_parallel_ndim_simplecalc2 jpatcher_get_lastobject, 488
Parallel Utility Module, 820 jpatcher_get_locked_bgcolor, 488
jit_parallel_ndim_simplecalc3 jpatcher_get_name, 488
Parallel Utility Module, 821 jpatcher_get_parentpatcher, 488
jit_parallel_ndim_simplecalc4 jpatcher_get_presentation, 489
Parallel Utility Module, 822 jpatcher_get_rect, 489
jit_post_sym jpatcher_get_title, 489
Miscellaneous Utility Module, 720 jpatcher_get_toppatcher, 489
jit_rand jpatcher_is_patcher, 490
Miscellaneous Utility Module, 721 jpatcher_set_bgcolor, 490
jit_rand_setseed jpatcher_set_bghidden, 490
Miscellaneous Utility Module, 721 jpatcher_set_bglocked, 490
Jitter, 373 jpatcher_set_defrect, 491
jkeyboard_getcurrentmodifiers jpatcher_set_dirty, 491
Mouse and Keyboard, 433 jpatcher_set_editing_bgcolor, 491
jkeyboard_getcurrentmodifiers_realtime jpatcher_set_fghidden, 491
Mouse and Keyboard, 433 jpatcher_set_gridsize, 492
jmonitor_getdisplayrect jpatcher_set_locked, 492
Monitors and Displays, 428 jpatcher_set_locked_bgcolor, 492
jmonitor_getdisplayrect_foralldisplays jpatcher_set_presentation, 492
Monitors and Displays, 428 jpatcher_set_rect, 493
jmonitor_getdisplayrect_forpoint jpatcher_set_title, 493
Monitors and Displays, 429 jpatcher_uniqueboxname, 493
jmonitor_getnumdisplays jpatcher_deleteobj
Monitors and Displays, 429 jpatcher, 482

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INDEX 1005

jpatcher_get_bgcolor jpatcher_is_patcher
jpatcher, 482 jpatcher, 490
jpatcher_get_bghidden jpatcher_set_bgcolor
jpatcher, 482 jpatcher, 490
jpatcher_get_bglocked jpatcher_set_bghidden
jpatcher, 482 jpatcher, 490
jpatcher_get_box jpatcher_set_bglocked
jpatcher, 483 jpatcher, 490
jpatcher_get_count jpatcher_set_defrect
jpatcher, 483 jpatcher, 491
jpatcher_get_currentfileversion jpatcher_set_dirty
jpatcher, 483 jpatcher, 491
jpatcher_get_default_fontface jpatcher_set_editing_bgcolor
jpatcher, 483 jpatcher, 491
jpatcher_get_default_fontname jpatcher_set_fghidden
jpatcher, 483 jpatcher, 491
jpatcher_get_default_fontsize jpatcher_set_gridsize
jpatcher, 484 jpatcher, 492
jpatcher_get_defrect jpatcher_set_locked
jpatcher, 484 jpatcher, 492
jpatcher_get_dirty jpatcher_set_locked_bgcolor
jpatcher, 484 jpatcher, 492
jpatcher_get_editing_bgcolor jpatcher_set_presentation
jpatcher, 484 jpatcher, 492
jpatcher_get_fghidden jpatcher_set_rect
jpatcher, 485 jpatcher, 493
jpatcher_get_filename jpatcher_set_title
jpatcher, 485 jpatcher, 493
jpatcher_get_filepath jpatcher_uniqueboxname
jpatcher, 485 jpatcher, 493
jpatcher_get_fileversion jpatcherview, 522
jpatcher, 485 patcherview_canvas_to_screen, 523
jpatcher_get_firstline patcherview_findpatcherview, 523
jpatcher, 485 patcherview_get_jgraphics, 523
jpatcher_get_firstobject patcherview_get_locked, 523
jpatcher, 487 patcherview_get_nextview, 523
jpatcher_get_firstview patcherview_get_patcher, 524
jpatcher, 487 patcherview_get_presentation, 524
jpatcher_get_gridsize patcherview_get_rect, 524
jpatcher, 487 patcherview_get_topview, 524
jpatcher_get_hubholder patcherview_get_visible, 525
jpatcher, 487 patcherview_get_zoomfactor, 525
jpatcher_get_lastobject patcherview_screen_to_canvas, 525
jpatcher, 488 patcherview_set_locked, 525
jpatcher_get_locked_bgcolor patcherview_set_presentation, 525
jpatcher, 488 patcherview_set_rect, 527
jpatcher_get_name patcherview_set_visible, 527
jpatcher, 488 patcherview_set_zoomfactor, 527
jpatcher_get_parentpatcher jpatchline, 517
jpatcher, 488 jpatchline_get_box1, 517
jpatcher_get_presentation jpatchline_get_box2, 518
jpatcher, 489 jpatchline_get_color, 518
jpatcher_get_rect jpatchline_get_endpoint, 518
jpatcher, 489 jpatchline_get_hidden, 518
jpatcher_get_title jpatchline_get_inletnum, 519
jpatcher, 489 jpatchline_get_nextline, 519
jpatcher_get_toppatcher jpatchline_get_nummidpoints, 519
jpatcher, 489 jpatchline_get_outletnum, 519

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1006 INDEX

jpatchline_get_startpoint, 519 Colors, 618

jpatchline_set_color, 521 jrgba_copy
jpatchline_set_hidden, 521 Colors, 619
jpatchline_get_box1 jrgba_set
jpatchline, 517 Colors, 619
jpatchline_get_box2 jrgba_to_atoms
jpatchline, 518 Colors, 619
jpatchline_get_color jsvg_create_from_file
jpatchline, 518 Scalable Vector Graphics, 602
jpatchline_get_endpoint jsvg_create_from_resource
jpatchline, 518 Scalable Vector Graphics, 602
jpatchline_get_hidden jsvg_create_from_xmlstring
jpatchline, 518 Scalable Vector Graphics, 603
jpatchline_get_inletnum jsvg_destroy
jpatchline, 519 Scalable Vector Graphics, 603
jpatchline_get_nextline jsvg_get_size
jpatchline, 519 Scalable Vector Graphics, 603
jpatchline_get_nummidpoints jsvg_render
jpatchline, 519 Scalable Vector Graphics, 603
jpatchline_get_outletnum jtextlayout_create
jpatchline, 519 TextLayout, 637
jpatchline_get_startpoint jtextlayout_createpath
jpatchline, 519 TextLayout, 637
jpatchline_set_color jtextlayout_destroy
jpatchline, 521 TextLayout, 637
jpatchline_set_hidden jtextlayout_draw
jpatchline, 521 TextLayout, 637
jpopupmenu_additem jtextlayout_getchar
Popup Menus, 642 TextLayout, 638
jpopupmenu_addseperator jtextlayout_getcharbox
TextLayout, 638
Popup Menus, 642
TextLayout, 638
Popup Menus, 642
TextLayout, 638
Popup Menus, 642
TextLayout, 639
Popup Menus, 642
TextLayout, 639
Popup Menus, 642
TextLayout, 639
Popup Menus, 644
TextLayout, 639
Popup Menus, 644
Windows, 430
Popup Menus, 644
Windows, 430
Popup Menus, 644
Windows, 430
Popup Menus, 645
jpopupmenu_setcolors Linked List, 288
Popup Menus, 645 linklist_append, 291
jpopupmenu_setfont linklist_chuck, 291
Popup Menus, 645 linklist_chuckindex, 291
jrgba_attr_get linklist_chuckobject, 292
Colors, 618 linklist_clear, 292
jrgba_attr_set linklist_deleteindex, 292
Colors, 618 linklist_deleteobject, 292
jrgba_compare linklist_findall, 293

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

INDEX 1007

linklist_findfirst, 293 linklist_chuckobject

linklist_flags, 294 Linked List, 292
linklist_funall, 294 linklist_clear
linklist_funall_break, 294 Linked List, 292
linklist_funindex, 295 linklist_deleteindex
linklist_getflags, 295 Linked List, 292
linklist_getindex, 296 linklist_deleteobject
linklist_getsize, 296 Linked List, 292
linklist_insert_sorted, 296 linklist_findall
linklist_insertafterobjptr, 296 Linked List, 293
linklist_insertbeforeobjptr, 297 linklist_findfirst
linklist_insertindex, 297 Linked List, 293
linklist_last, 297 linklist_flags
linklist_makearray, 297 Linked List, 294
linklist_match, 298 linklist_funall
linklist_methodall, 298 Linked List, 294
linklist_methodindex, 298 linklist_funall_break
linklist_moveafterobjptr, 299 Linked List, 294
linklist_movebeforeobjptr, 299 linklist_funindex
linklist_new, 299 Linked List, 295
linklist_next, 299 linklist_getflags
linklist_objptr2index, 300 Linked List, 295
linklist_prev, 300 linklist_getindex
linklist_readonly, 300 Linked List, 296
linklist_reverse, 300 linklist_getsize
linklist_rotate, 301 Linked List, 296
linklist_shuffle, 301 linklist_insert_sorted
linklist_sort, 301 Linked List, 296
linklist_substitute, 301 linklist_insertafterobjptr
linklist_swap, 302 Linked List, 296
Linked List Module, 723 linklist_insertbeforeobjptr
jit_linklist_append, 724 Linked List, 297
jit_linklist_chuck, 724 linklist_insertindex
jit_linklist_chuckindex, 725 Linked List, 297
jit_linklist_clear, 726 linklist_last
jit_linklist_deleteindex, 726 Linked List, 297
jit_linklist_findall, 727 linklist_makearray
jit_linklist_findcount, 728 Linked List, 297
jit_linklist_findfirst, 729 linklist_match
jit_linklist_getindex, 730 Linked List, 298
jit_linklist_getsize, 730 linklist_methodall
jit_linklist_insertindex, 731 Linked List, 298
jit_linklist_makearray, 731 linklist_methodindex
jit_linklist_methodall, 732 Linked List, 298
jit_linklist_methodindex, 733 linklist_moveafterobjptr
jit_linklist_new, 733 Linked List, 299
jit_linklist_objptr2index, 734 linklist_movebeforeobjptr
jit_linklist_reverse, 735 Linked List, 299
jit_linklist_rotate, 735 linklist_new
jit_linklist_shuffle, 735 Linked List, 299
jit_linklist_sort, 737 linklist_next
jit_linklist_swap, 737 Linked List, 299
linklist_append linklist_objptr2index
Linked List, 291 Linked List, 300
linklist_chuck linklist_prev
Linked List, 291 Linked List, 300
linklist_chuckindex linklist_readonly
Linked List, 291 Linked List, 300

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

1008 INDEX

linklist_reverse max_jit_mop_matrixout_new, 832

Linked List, 300 max_jit_mop_notify, 832
linklist_rotate max_jit_mop_outputmatrix, 833
Linked List, 301 max_jit_mop_outputs, 834
linklist_shuffle max_jit_mop_setup, 834
Linked List, 301 max_jit_mop_setup_simple, 835
linklist_sort max_jit_mop_variable_addinputs, 836
Linked List, 301 max_jit_mop_variable_addoutputs, 836
linklist_substitute MOP Module, 804
Linked List, 301 jit_mop_free, 805
linklist_swap jit_mop_getinput, 806
Linked List, 302 jit_mop_getinputlist, 806
listout jit_mop_getoutput, 806
Inlets and Outlets, 223 jit_mop_getoutputlist, 808
Loading Max Files, 425 jit_mop_input_nolink, 808
fileload, 425 jit_mop_io_free, 809
intload, 425 jit_mop_io_getioproc, 809
readtohandle, 427 jit_mop_io_getmatrix, 809
stringload, 427 jit_mop_io_ioproc, 810
locatefile jit_mop_io_matrix, 810
Files and Folders, 358 jit_mop_io_new, 810
locatefile_extended jit_mop_io_newcopy, 811
Files and Folders, 359 jit_mop_io_restrict_dim, 811
locatefiletype jit_mop_io_restrict_planecount, 812
Files and Folders, 360 jit_mop_io_restrict_type, 812
jit_mop_ioproc_copy_adapt, 813
jit_mop_ioproc_copy_trunc, 813
Miscellaneous, 398
jit_mop_ioproc_copy_trunc_zero, 814
Miscellaneous, 399 jit_mop_ioproc_tosym, 814
MAX_ERR_GENERIC jit_mop_methodall, 815
Miscellaneous, 399 jit_mop_new, 815
MAX_ERR_INVALID_PTR jit_mop_newcopy, 816
Miscellaneous, 399 jit_mop_output_nolink, 817
MAX_ERR_NONE jit_mop_single_planecount, 817
Miscellaneous, 399 jit_mop_single_type, 818
Miscellaneous, 399 Objects, 452
Files and Folders, 355 class_dspinit, 438
MIN class_dspinitjbox, 438
Miscellaneous, 398 dsp_add, 438
MM_UNIFIED dsp_addv, 439
Memory Management, 384 PI, 437
MOP Max Wrapper Module, 823 PIOVERTWO, 437
max_jit_classex_mop_mproc, 824 SYS_MAXBLKSIZE, 438
max_jit_classex_mop_wrap, 824 SYS_MAXSIGS, 438
max_jit_mop_adapt_matrix_all, 825 sys_getblksize, 439
max_jit_mop_assist, 826 sys_getdspobjdspstate, 439
max_jit_mop_bang, 826 sys_getdspstate, 439
max_jit_mop_clear, 827 sys_getmaxblksize, 439
max_jit_mop_free, 827 sys_getsr, 440
max_jit_mop_get_io_by_name, 828 t_double, 437
max_jit_mop_getinput, 828 t_float, 437
max_jit_mop_getoutput, 829 t_perfroutine, 440
max_jit_mop_getoutputmode, 829 t_sample, 437
max_jit_mop_inputs, 830 t_vptr, 437
max_jit_mop_jit_matrix, 830 TWOPI, 437
max_jit_mop_matrix_args, 831 vptr, 437

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INDEX 1009

z_dsp_free, 440 jit_matrix_getcell, 766

z_dsp_setup, 440 jit_matrix_getdata, 767
Math Module, 739 jit_matrix_getinfo, 767
jit_math_acos, 741 jit_matrix_info_default, 768
jit_math_acosh, 741 jit_matrix_jit_gl_texture, 768
jit_math_asin, 741 jit_matrix_new, 769
jit_math_asinh, 741 jit_matrix_newcopy, 769
jit_math_atan, 742 jit_matrix_op, 771
jit_math_atan2, 742 jit_matrix_setall, 772
jit_math_atanh, 742 jit_matrix_setcell, 773
jit_math_ceil, 742 jit_matrix_setcell1d, 774
jit_math_cos, 742 jit_matrix_setcell2d, 775
jit_math_cosh, 744 jit_matrix_setcell3d, 776
jit_math_exp, 744 jit_matrix_setinfo, 777
jit_math_exp2, 744 jit_matrix_setinfo_ex, 777
jit_math_expm1, 744 jit_matrix_setplane1d, 778
jit_math_fast_acos, 744 jit_matrix_setplane2d, 779
jit_math_fast_asin, 745 jit_matrix_setplane3d, 780
jit_math_fast_atan, 745 Max Wrapper Module, 782
jit_math_fast_cos, 747 max_addmethod_defer, 783
jit_math_fast_invsqrt, 747 max_addmethod_defer_low, 783
jit_math_fast_sin, 747 max_addmethod_usurp, 784
jit_math_fast_sqrt, 747 max_addmethod_usurp_low, 784
jit_math_fast_tan, 748 max_jit_attr_args, 785
jit_math_floor, 748 max_jit_attr_args_offset, 785
jit_math_fmod, 748 max_jit_attr_get, 786
jit_math_fold, 748 max_jit_attr_getdump, 786
jit_math_hypot, 749 max_jit_attr_set, 787
jit_math_is_finite, 749 max_jit_classex_addattr, 787
jit_math_is_nan, 749 max_jit_classex_setup, 788
jit_math_is_poweroftwo, 749 max_jit_classex_standard_wrap, 788
jit_math_is_valid, 749 max_jit_obex_adornment_get, 788
jit_math_j1, 751 max_jit_obex_attr_get, 789
jit_math_j1_0, 752 max_jit_obex_attr_set, 789
jit_math_log, 752 max_jit_obex_dumpout, 790
jit_math_log10, 752 max_jit_obex_dumpout_get, 790
jit_math_log2, 753 max_jit_obex_dumpout_set, 791
jit_math_p1, 753 max_jit_obex_free, 791
jit_math_pow, 753 max_jit_obex_gimmeback, 791
jit_math_q1, 753 max_jit_obex_gimmeback_dumpout, 792
jit_math_round, 754 max_jit_obex_inletnumber_get, 792
jit_math_roundup_poweroftwo, 754 max_jit_obex_inletnumber_set, 793
jit_math_sin, 754 max_jit_obex_jitob_get, 793
jit_math_sinh, 754 max_jit_obex_jitob_set, 793
jit_math_sqrt, 755 max_jit_obex_new, 795
jit_math_tan, 755 max_jit_obex_proxy_new, 795
jit_math_tanh, 755 max_addmethod_defer
jit_math_trunc, 755 Max Wrapper Module, 783
jit_math_wrap, 755 max_addmethod_defer_low
Matrix Module, 758 Max Wrapper Module, 783
jit_linklist_free, 759 max_addmethod_usurp
jit_matrix_clear, 759 Max Wrapper Module, 784
jit_matrix_data, 761 max_addmethod_usurp_low
jit_matrix_exprfill, 761 Max Wrapper Module, 784
jit_matrix_fillplane, 762 max_jit_attr_args
jit_matrix_free, 762 Max Wrapper Module, 785
jit_matrix_freedata, 764 max_jit_attr_args_offset
jit_matrix_frommatrix, 764 Max Wrapper Module, 785

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1010 INDEX

max_jit_attr_get max_jit_ob3d_attach
Max Wrapper Module, 786 OB3D Module, 852
max_jit_attr_getdump max_jit_ob3d_detach
Max Wrapper Module, 786 OB3D Module, 853
max_jit_attr_set max_jit_obex_adornment_get
Max Wrapper Module, 787 Max Wrapper Module, 788
max_jit_classex_addattr max_jit_obex_attr_get
Max Wrapper Module, 787 Max Wrapper Module, 789
max_jit_classex_mop_mproc max_jit_obex_attr_set
MOP Max Wrapper Module, 824 Max Wrapper Module, 789
max_jit_classex_mop_wrap max_jit_obex_dumpout
MOP Max Wrapper Module, 824 Max Wrapper Module, 790
max_jit_classex_setup max_jit_obex_dumpout_get
Max Wrapper Module, 788 Max Wrapper Module, 790
max_jit_classex_standard_wrap max_jit_obex_dumpout_set
Max Wrapper Module, 788 Max Wrapper Module, 791
max_jit_mop_adapt_matrix_all max_jit_obex_free
MOP Max Wrapper Module, 825 Max Wrapper Module, 791
max_jit_mop_assist max_jit_obex_gimmeback
MOP Max Wrapper Module, 826 Max Wrapper Module, 791
max_jit_mop_bang max_jit_obex_gimmeback_dumpout
MOP Max Wrapper Module, 826 Max Wrapper Module, 792
max_jit_mop_clear max_jit_obex_inletnumber_get
MOP Max Wrapper Module, 827 Max Wrapper Module, 792
max_jit_mop_free max_jit_obex_inletnumber_set
MOP Max Wrapper Module, 827 Max Wrapper Module, 793
max_jit_mop_get_io_by_name max_jit_obex_jitob_get
MOP Max Wrapper Module, 828 Max Wrapper Module, 793
max_jit_mop_getinput max_jit_obex_jitob_set
MOP Max Wrapper Module, 828 Max Wrapper Module, 793
max_jit_mop_getoutput max_jit_obex_new
MOP Max Wrapper Module, 829 Max Wrapper Module, 795
max_jit_mop_getoutputmode max_jit_obex_proxy_new
MOP Max Wrapper Module, 829 Max Wrapper Module, 795
max_jit_mop_inputs max_ob3d_bang
MOP Max Wrapper Module, 830 OB3D Module, 853
max_jit_mop_jit_matrix max_ob3d_notify
MOP Max Wrapper Module, 830 OB3D Module, 854
max_jit_mop_matrix_args maxversion
MOP Max Wrapper Module, 831 Miscellaneous, 402
max_jit_mop_matrixout_new Memory Management, 383
MOP Max Wrapper Module, 832 disposhandle, 384
max_jit_mop_notify freebytes, 384
MOP Max Wrapper Module, 832 freebytes16, 386
max_jit_mop_outputmatrix getbytes, 386
MOP Max Wrapper Module, 833 getbytes16, 386
max_jit_mop_outputs growhandle, 386
MOP Max Wrapper Module, 834 MM_UNIFIED, 384
max_jit_mop_setup newhandle, 387
MOP Max Wrapper Module, 834 sysmem_copyptr, 387
max_jit_mop_setup_simple sysmem_freehandle, 387
MOP Max Wrapper Module, 835 sysmem_freeptr, 387
max_jit_mop_variable_addinputs sysmem_handlesize, 388
MOP Max Wrapper Module, 836 sysmem_lockhandle, 388
max_jit_mop_variable_addoutputs sysmem_newhandle, 388
MOP Max Wrapper Module, 836 sysmem_newhandleclear, 388
max_jit_ob3d_assist sysmem_newptr, 389
OB3D Module, 852 sysmem_newptrclear, 389

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INDEX 1011

sysmem_nullterminatehandle, 389 Miscellaneous Utility Module, 718

sysmem_ptrandhand, 389 jit_err_from_max_err, 718
sysmem_ptrbeforehand, 391 jit_error_code, 719
sysmem_ptrsize, 391 jit_error_sym, 719
sysmem_resizehandle, 391 jit_global_critical_enter, 719
sysmem_resizeptr, 391 jit_global_critical_exit, 720
sysmem_resizeptrclear, 393 jit_post_sym, 720
Memory Module, 797 jit_rand, 721
jit_copy_bytes, 797 jit_rand_setseed, 721
jit_disposeptr, 798 swapf32, 721
jit_freebytes, 798 swapf64, 722
jit_freemem, 799 Monitors and Displays, 428
jit_getbytes, 799 jmonitor_getdisplayrect, 428
jit_handle_free, 800 jmonitor_getdisplayrect_foralldisplays, 428
jit_handle_lock, 800 jmonitor_getdisplayrect_forpoint, 429
jit_handle_new, 801 jmonitor_getnumdisplays, 429
jit_handle_size_get, 801 Mouse and Keyboard, 431
jit_handle_size_set, 802 eAltKey, 432
jit_newptr, 802 eAutoRepeat, 432
Miscellaneous, 394 eCapsLock, 432
aaCancel, 399 eCommandKey, 432
aaNo, 399 eControlKey, 432
aaYes, 399 eLeftButton, 432
BEGIN_USING_C_LINKAGE, 397 eMiddleButton, 432
CLAMP, 398 ePopupMenu, 432
calcoffset, 397 eRightButton, 432
classname_openrefpage_ext, 399 eShiftKey, 432
e_max_errorcodes, 399 JMOUSE_CURSOR_ARROW, 432
e_max_wind_advise_result, 399 JMOUSE_CURSOR_COPYING, 432
error_subscribe, 400 JMOUSE_CURSOR_CROSSHAIR, 432
error_unsubscribe, 400 JMOUSE_CURSOR_IBEAM, 432
globalsymbol_bind, 400 JMOUSE_CURSOR_NONE, 432
globalsymbol_dereference, 401 JMOUSE_CURSOR_POINTINGHAND, 432
globalsymbol_reference, 401 JMOUSE_CURSOR_RESIZE_BOTTOMEDGE,
globalsymbol_unbind, 401 432
MAX, 398 ORNER, 432
object_obex_quickref, 402 JMOUSE_CURSOR_RESIZE_TOPLEFTCORN←-
post_sym, 402 ER, 432
quittask_remove, 402 NER, 432
snprintf_zero, 404 JMOUSE_CURSOR_RESIZE_UPDOWN, 432
strncat_zero, 404 JMOUSE_CURSOR_WAIT, 432
strncpy_zero, 404 jkeyboard_getcurrentmodifiers, 433
structmembersize, 399 jkeyboard_getcurrentmodifiers_realtime, 433
symbol_stripquotes, 404 jmouse_getposition_global, 433
symbol_unique, 404 jmouse_setcursor, 433
symbolarray_sort, 405 jmouse_setposition_box, 433
wind_advise, 405 jmouse_setposition_global, 433
wind_setcursor, 405 jmouse_setposition_view, 434

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1012 INDEX

t_jmouse_cursortype, 432 ob3d_auto_get, 854

t_modifiers, 432 ob3d_dest_dim_get, 854
Mutexes, 572 ob3d_dest_dim_set, 854
systhread_mutex_free, 572 ob3d_dirty_get, 855
systhread_mutex_lock, 572 ob3d_dirty_set, 855
systhread_mutex_new, 573 ob3d_enable_get, 855
systhread_mutex_newlock, 573 ob3d_jitob_get, 855
systhread_mutex_trylock, 573 ob3d_outlet_get, 855
systhread_mutex_unlock, 574 ob3d_patcher_get, 856
ob3d_render_ptr_get, 856
newhandle ob3d_render_ptr_set, 856
Memory Management, 387 ob3d_ui_get, 856
Old-Style Classes, 218 Atoms, 324
Old-Style Classes, 219 Atoms, 324
Objects, 453 Atoms, 324
Objects, 453
Atoms, 324
Objects, 454
Atoms, 324
OB3D Module, 838
jit_gl_begincapture, 840
Atoms, 324
jit_gl_bindtexture, 840
jit_gl_drawinfo_active_textures, 842
Atoms, 324
jit_gl_drawinfo_setup, 842
jit_gl_get_extensions, 842 Atoms, 324
jit_gl_get_glsl_version, 842 OBJ_ATTR_ATOM
jit_gl_get_glu_version, 843 Attributes, 172
jit_gl_get_renderer, 843 OBJ_ATTR_ATOM_ARRAY
jit_gl_get_vendor, 843 Attributes, 173
jit_gl_get_version, 843 OBJ_ATTR_CHAR
jit_gl_is_extension_supported, 843 Attributes, 173
jit_gl_is_min_version, 844 OBJ_ATTR_CHAR_ARRAY
jit_gl_report_error, 844 Attributes, 173
jit_gl_texcoord1f, 845 OBJ_ATTR_DEFAULT
jit_gl_texcoord1fv, 845 Attributes, 173
jit_gl_texcoord2f, 845 OBJ_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE
jit_gl_texcoord2fv, 845 Attributes, 174
jit_gl_texcoord3f, 846 OBJ_ATTR_DOUBLE
jit_gl_texcoord3fv, 846 Attributes, 174
jit_gl_unbindtexture, 846 OBJ_ATTR_DOUBLE_ARRAY
jit_glchunk_copy, 846 Attributes, 174
jit_glchunk_delete, 847 OBJ_ATTR_FLOAT
jit_glchunk_grid_new, 847 Attributes, 174
jit_glchunk_new, 848 OBJ_ATTR_FLOAT_ARRAY
jit_ob3d_draw_chunk, 849 Attributes, 175
jit_ob3d_free, 849 OBJ_ATTR_LONG
jit_ob3d_new, 850 Attributes, 175
jit_ob3d_set_context, 851 OBJ_ATTR_LONG_ARRAY
jit_ob3d_setup, 851 Attributes, 175
max_jit_ob3d_assist, 852 OBJ_ATTR_OBJ
max_jit_ob3d_attach, 852 Attributes, 175
max_jit_ob3d_detach, 853 OBJ_ATTR_OBJ_ARRAY
max_ob3d_bang, 853 Attributes, 175
max_ob3d_notify, 854 OBJ_ATTR_SAVE

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INDEX 1013

Attributes, 176 jit_object_free, 711

OBJ_ATTR_SYM jit_object_getmethod, 712
Attributes, 176 jit_object_importattrs, 712
OBJ_ATTR_SYM_ARRAY jit_object_method_argsafe_get, 713
Attributes, 176 jit_object_method_imp, 714
OBJ_FLAG_DATA jit_object_method_typed, 714
Data Storage, 230 jit_object_new_imp, 715
OBJ_FLAG_DEBUG jit_object_notify, 715
Data Storage, 230 jit_object_register, 716
OBJ_FLAG_INHERITABLE jit_object_unregister, 716
Data Storage, 230 object_addattr
OBJ_FLAG_ITERATING Attributes, 191
Data Storage, 230 object_alloc
OBJ_FLAG_MEMORY Objects, 454
Data Storage, 230 object_attach
OBJ_FLAG_OBJ Objects, 454
Data Storage, 230 object_attach_byptr
OBJ_FLAG_REF Objects, 455
Data Storage, 230 object_attach_byptr_register
OBJ_FLAG_SILENT Objects, 456
Data Storage, 230 object_attr_get
ob3d_auto_get Attributes, 191
OB3D Module, 854 object_attr_get_rect
ob3d_dest_dim_get Attributes, 192
OB3D Module, 854 object_attr_getchar_array
ob3d_dest_dim_set Attributes, 192
OB3D Module, 854 object_attr_getcolor
ob3d_dirty_get Attributes, 192
OB3D Module, 855 object_attr_getdouble_array
ob3d_dirty_set Attributes, 194
OB3D Module, 855 object_attr_getdump
ob3d_enable_get Attributes, 194
OB3D Module, 855 object_attr_getfill
ob3d_jitob_get Styles, 626
OB3D Module, 855 object_attr_getfillcolor_atposition
ob3d_outlet_get Styles, 626
OB3D Module, 855 object_attr_getfloat
ob3d_patcher_get Attributes, 194
OB3D Module, 856 object_attr_getfloat_array
ob3d_render_ptr_get Attributes, 195
OB3D Module, 856 object_attr_getjrgba
ob3d_render_ptr_set Attributes, 195
OB3D Module, 856 object_attr_getlong
ob3d_ui_get Attributes, 195
OB3D Module, 856 object_attr_getlong_array
Object Module, 704 Attributes, 196
jit_object_attach, 705 object_attr_getpt
jit_object_attr_get, 705 Attributes, 196
jit_object_attr_usercanget, 706 object_attr_getsize
jit_object_attr_usercanset, 706 Attributes, 196
jit_object_class, 707 object_attr_getsym
jit_object_classname, 707 Attributes, 197
jit_object_classname_compare, 708 object_attr_getsym_array
jit_object_detach, 708 Attributes, 197
jit_object_exportattrs, 709 object_attr_method
jit_object_exportsummary, 710 Attributes, 197
jit_object_findregistered, 710 object_attr_set_rect
jit_object_findregisteredbyptr, 711 Attributes, 198

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1014 INDEX

object_attr_set_xywh object_findregistered
Attributes, 198 Objects, 459
object_attr_setchar_array object_findregisteredbyptr
Attributes, 198 Objects, 459
object_attr_setcolor object_free
Attributes, 199 Objects, 461
object_attr_setdouble_array object_getmethod
Attributes, 199 Objects, 461
object_attr_setfloat object_getvalueof
Attributes, 199 Objects, 461
object_attr_setfloat_array object_method
Attributes, 200 Objects, 462
object_attr_setjrgba object_method_char
Attributes, 200 Objects, 462
object_attr_setlong object_method_char_array
Attributes, 200 Objects, 463
object_attr_setlong_array object_method_direct
Attributes, 201 Objects, 452
object_attr_setparse object_method_double
Attributes, 201 Objects, 463
object_attr_setpt object_method_double_array
Attributes, 201 Objects, 463
object_attr_setsize object_method_float
Attributes, 202 Objects, 464
object_attr_setsym object_method_float_array
Attributes, 202 Objects, 464
object_attr_setsym_array object_method_format
Attributes, 202 Objects, 464
object_attr_setvalueof object_method_long
Attributes, 203 Objects, 465
object_attr_touch object_method_long_array
Objects, 456 Objects, 465
object_attr_touch_parse object_method_obj
Objects, 456 Objects, 465
object_attr_usercanget object_method_obj_array
Attributes, 203 Objects, 467
object_attr_usercanset object_method_parse
Attributes, 203 Objects, 467
object_chuckattr object_method_sym
Attributes, 203 Objects, 467
object_class object_method_sym_array
Objects, 456 Objects, 468
object_classname object_method_typed
Objects, 458 Objects, 468
object_classname_compare object_method_typedfun
Objects, 458 Objects, 468
object_deleteattr object_new
Attributes, 204 Objects, 470
object_detach object_new_parse
Objects, 458 Attributes, 204
object_detach_byptr object_new_typed
Objects, 459 Objects, 470
object_dictionaryarg object_notify
Objects, 459 Objects, 470
object_error object_obex_dumpout
Console, 408 Objects, 472
object_error_obtrusive object_obex_lookup
Console, 409 Objects, 472

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INDEX 1015

object_obex_quickref object_method_direct, 452

Miscellaneous, 402 object_method_double, 463
object_obex_store object_method_double_array, 463
Objects, 473 object_method_float, 464
object_openhelp object_method_float_array, 464
Objects, 473 object_method_format, 464
object_openquery object_method_long, 465
Objects, 474 object_method_long_array, 465
object_openrefpage object_method_obj, 465
Objects, 474 object_method_obj_array, 467
object_post object_method_parse, 467
Console, 409 object_method_sym, 467
object_register object_method_sym_array, 468
Objects, 474 object_method_typed, 468
object_register_getnames object_method_typedfun, 468
Objects, 474 object_new, 470
object_setvalueof object_new_typed, 470
Objects, 475 object_notify, 470
object_subscribe object_obex_dumpout, 472
Objects, 475 object_obex_lookup, 472
object_super_method object_obex_store, 473
Objects, 475 object_openhelp, 473
object_this_method object_openquery, 474
Objects, 476 object_openrefpage, 474
object_unregister object_register, 474
Objects, 476 object_register_getnames, 474
object_unsubscribe object_setvalueof, 475
Objects, 476 object_subscribe, 475
object_warn object_super_method, 475
Console, 409 object_this_method, 476
Objects, 449 object_unregister, 476
classname_openhelp, 452 object_unsubscribe, 476
classname_openquery, 452 Old-Style Classes, 215
classname_openrefpage, 452 addbang, 216
MSG_MAXARG, 452 addfloat, 216
newobject_fromboxtext, 453 addftx, 216
newobject_fromdictionary, 453 addint, 216
newobject_sprintf, 454 addinx, 216
object_alloc, 454 addmess, 217
object_attach, 454 alias, 217
object_attach_byptr, 455 class_setname, 217
object_attach_byptr_register, 456 egetfn, 217
object_attr_touch, 456 freeobject, 218
object_attr_touch_parse, 456 getfn, 218
object_class, 456 newinstance, 218
object_classname, 458 newobject, 219
object_classname_compare, 458 setup, 219
object_detach, 458 typedmess, 220
object_detach_byptr, 459 zgetfn, 220
object_dictionaryarg, 459 open_dialog
object_findregistered, 459 Files and Folders, 360
object_findregisteredbyptr, 459 open_promptset
object_free, 461 Files and Folders, 360
object_getmethod, 461 Operator Vector Module, 857
object_getvalueof, 461 jit_op_vector_abs_float32, 865
object_method, 462 jit_op_vector_abs_float64, 865
object_method_char, 462 jit_op_vector_abs_long, 865
object_method_char_array, 463 jit_op_vector_absdiff_char, 866

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1016 INDEX

jit_op_vector_absdiff_float32, 866 jit_op_vector_exp_float32, 880

jit_op_vector_absdiff_float64, 866 jit_op_vector_exp_float64, 881
jit_op_vector_absdiff_long, 866 jit_op_vector_flipdiv_char, 881
jit_op_vector_acos_float32, 867 jit_op_vector_flipdiv_float32, 881
jit_op_vector_acos_float64, 867 jit_op_vector_flipdiv_float64, 882
jit_op_vector_acosh_float32, 867 jit_op_vector_flipdiv_long, 882
jit_op_vector_acosh_float64, 867 jit_op_vector_flipmod_char, 883
jit_op_vector_add_char, 868 jit_op_vector_flipmod_float32, 883
jit_op_vector_add_float32, 868 jit_op_vector_flipmod_float64, 884
jit_op_vector_add_float64, 868 jit_op_vector_flipmod_long, 884
jit_op_vector_add_long, 868 jit_op_vector_flippass_char, 885
jit_op_vector_adds_char, 869 jit_op_vector_flippass_float32, 885
jit_op_vector_and_char, 869 jit_op_vector_flippass_float64, 886
jit_op_vector_and_float32, 869 jit_op_vector_flippass_long, 886
jit_op_vector_and_float64, 869 jit_op_vector_flipsub_char, 887
jit_op_vector_and_long, 870 jit_op_vector_flipsub_float32, 887
jit_op_vector_asin_float32, 870 jit_op_vector_flipsub_long, 888
jit_op_vector_asin_float64, 870 jit_op_vector_floor_float32, 888
jit_op_vector_asinh_float32, 870 jit_op_vector_floor_float64, 889
jit_op_vector_asinh_float64, 871 jit_op_vector_fold_float32, 889
jit_op_vector_atan2_float32, 871 jit_op_vector_fold_float64, 889
jit_op_vector_atan2_float64, 871 jit_op_vector_gt_char, 889
jit_op_vector_atan_float32, 871 jit_op_vector_gt_float32, 890
jit_op_vector_atan_float64, 872 jit_op_vector_gt_float64, 890
jit_op_vector_atanh_float32, 872 jit_op_vector_gt_long, 890
jit_op_vector_atanh_float64, 872 jit_op_vector_gte_char, 890
jit_op_vector_avg_char, 872 jit_op_vector_gte_float32, 891
jit_op_vector_avg_float32, 873 jit_op_vector_gte_float64, 891
jit_op_vector_avg_float64, 873 jit_op_vector_gte_long, 891
jit_op_vector_avg_long, 873 jit_op_vector_gtep_char, 891
jit_op_vector_bitand_char, 873 jit_op_vector_gtep_float32, 892
jit_op_vector_bitand_long, 874 jit_op_vector_gtep_float64, 892
jit_op_vector_bitnot_char, 874 jit_op_vector_gtep_long, 892
jit_op_vector_bitnot_long, 874 jit_op_vector_gtp_char, 892
jit_op_vector_bitor_char, 874 jit_op_vector_gtp_float32, 893
jit_op_vector_bitor_long, 875 jit_op_vector_gtp_float64, 893
jit_op_vector_bitxor_char, 875 jit_op_vector_gtp_long, 893
jit_op_vector_bitxor_long, 875 jit_op_vector_hypot_float32, 893
jit_op_vector_ceil_float32, 875 jit_op_vector_hypot_float64, 894
jit_op_vector_ceil_float64, 876 jit_op_vector_log10_float32, 894
jit_op_vector_cos_float32, 876 jit_op_vector_log10_float64, 894
jit_op_vector_cos_float64, 876 jit_op_vector_log2_float32, 894
jit_op_vector_cosh_float32, 876 jit_op_vector_log2_float64, 895
jit_op_vector_cosh_float64, 877 jit_op_vector_log_float32, 895
jit_op_vector_div_char, 877 jit_op_vector_log_float64, 895
jit_op_vector_div_float32, 877 jit_op_vector_lshift_char, 895
jit_op_vector_div_float64, 877 jit_op_vector_lshift_long, 896
jit_op_vector_div_long, 878 jit_op_vector_lt_char, 896
jit_op_vector_eq_char, 878 jit_op_vector_lt_float32, 896
jit_op_vector_eq_float32, 878 jit_op_vector_lt_float64, 896
jit_op_vector_eq_float64, 878 jit_op_vector_lt_long, 897
jit_op_vector_eq_long, 879 jit_op_vector_lte_char, 897
jit_op_vector_eqp_char, 879 jit_op_vector_lte_float32, 897
jit_op_vector_eqp_float32, 879 jit_op_vector_lte_float64, 897
jit_op_vector_eqp_float64, 879 jit_op_vector_lte_long, 898
jit_op_vector_eqp_long, 880 jit_op_vector_ltep_char, 898
jit_op_vector_exp2_float32, 880 jit_op_vector_ltep_float32, 898
jit_op_vector_exp2_float64, 880 jit_op_vector_ltep_float64, 898

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INDEX 1017

jit_op_vector_ltep_long, 899 jit_op_vector_tan_float32, 913

jit_op_vector_ltp_char, 899 jit_op_vector_tan_float64, 913
jit_op_vector_ltp_float32, 899 jit_op_vector_tanh_float32, 914
jit_op_vector_ltp_float64, 899 jit_op_vector_tanh_float64, 914
jit_op_vector_ltp_long, 900 jit_op_vector_trunc_float32, 914
jit_op_vector_max_char, 900 jit_op_vector_trunc_float64, 914
jit_op_vector_max_float32, 900 jit_op_vector_wrap_float32, 915
jit_op_vector_max_float64, 900 jit_op_vector_wrap_float64, 915
jit_op_vector_max_long, 901 ouchstring
jit_op_vector_min_char, 901 Console, 410
jit_op_vector_min_float32, 901 outlet_anything
jit_op_vector_min_float64, 901 Inlets and Outlets, 224
jit_op_vector_min_long, 902 outlet_bang
jit_op_vector_mod_char, 902 Inlets and Outlets, 224
jit_op_vector_mod_float32, 902 outlet_float
jit_op_vector_mod_float64, 902 Inlets and Outlets, 225
jit_op_vector_mod_long, 903 outlet_int
jit_op_vector_mult_char, 903 Inlets and Outlets, 225
jit_op_vector_mult_float32, 903 outlet_list
jit_op_vector_mult_float64, 903 Inlets and Outlets, 225
jit_op_vector_mult_long, 904 outlet_new
jit_op_vector_neq_char, 904 Inlets and Outlets, 226
jit_op_vector_neq_float32, 904
jit_op_vector_neq_float64, 904
Files and Folders, 356
jit_op_vector_neq_long, 905
jit_op_vector_neqp_char, 905
Files and Folders, 356
jit_op_vector_neqp_float32, 905
jit_op_vector_neqp_float64, 905
Files and Folders, 356
jit_op_vector_neqp_long, 906 PATH_FOLDER_SNIFF
jit_op_vector_not_char, 906 Files and Folders, 356
jit_op_vector_not_float32, 906 PATH_NOALIASRESOLUTION
jit_op_vector_not_float64, 906 Files and Folders, 356
jit_op_vector_not_long, 907 PATH_READ_PERM
jit_op_vector_or_char, 907 Files and Folders, 356
jit_op_vector_or_float32, 907 PATH_REPORTPACKAGEASFOLDER
jit_op_vector_or_float64, 907 Files and Folders, 356
jit_op_vector_or_long, 908 PATH_RW_PERM
jit_op_vector_pass_char, 908 Files and Folders, 356
jit_op_vector_pass_float32, 908 PATH_STYLE_COLON
jit_op_vector_pass_float64, 908 Files and Folders, 356
jit_op_vector_pass_long, 909 PATH_STYLE_MAX
jit_op_vector_pow_float32, 909 Files and Folders, 356
jit_op_vector_pow_float64, 909 PATH_STYLE_NATIVE
jit_op_vector_round_float32, 909 Files and Folders, 356
jit_op_vector_round_float64, 910 PATH_STYLE_NATIVE_WIN
jit_op_vector_rshift_char, 910 Files and Folders, 356
jit_op_vector_rshift_long, 910 PATH_STYLE_SLASH
jit_op_vector_sin_float32, 910 Files and Folders, 356
jit_op_vector_sin_float64, 911 PATH_TYPE_ABSOLUTE
jit_op_vector_sinh_float32, 911 Files and Folders, 357
jit_op_vector_sinh_float64, 911 PATH_TYPE_BOOT
jit_op_vector_sqrt_float32, 911 Files and Folders, 357
jit_op_vector_sqrt_float64, 912 PATH_TYPE_C74
jit_op_vector_sub_char, 912 Files and Folders, 357
jit_op_vector_sub_float32, 912 PATH_TYPE_DESKTOP
jit_op_vector_sub_float64, 912 Files and Folders, 357
jit_op_vector_sub_long, 913 PATH_TYPE_IGNORE
jit_op_vector_subs_char, 913 Files and Folders, 357

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1018 INDEX

PATH_TYPE_MAXDB jpatcherview, 525

Files and Folders, 357 patcherview_set_locked
PATH_TYPE_PATH jpatcherview, 525
Files and Folders, 357 patcherview_set_presentation
PATH_TYPE_RELATIVE jpatcherview, 525
Files and Folders, 357 patcherview_set_rect
PATH_TYPE_TEMPFOLDER jpatcherview, 527
Files and Folders, 357 patcherview_set_visible
PATH_TYPE_TILDE jpatcherview, 527
Files and Folders, 357 patcherview_set_zoomfactor
PATH_WRITE_PERM jpatcherview, 527
Files and Folders, 356 path_absolutepath
PFFT, 447 Files and Folders, 361
PI path_closefolder
MSP, 437 Files and Folders, 361
PI_DEEP path_createsysfile
Patcher, 479 Files and Folders, 361
Patcher, 479 Files and Folders, 362
PI_WANTBOX path_foldernextfile
Patcher, 479 Files and Folders, 362
PIOVERTWO path_frompathname
MSP, 437 Files and Folders, 362
Parallel Utility Module, 819 path_getapppath
jit_parallel_ndim_calc, 819 Files and Folders, 363
jit_parallel_ndim_simplecalc1, 820 path_getdefault
jit_parallel_ndim_simplecalc2, 820 Files and Folders, 363
jit_parallel_ndim_simplecalc3, 821 path_getfilemoddate
jit_parallel_ndim_simplecalc4, 822 Files and Folders, 363
Patcher, 478 path_getmoddate
PI_DEEP, 479 Files and Folders, 363
PI_REQUIREFIRSTIN, 479 path_nameconform
PI_WANTBOX, 479 Files and Folders, 363
t_box, 479 path_openfolder
t_patcher, 479 Files and Folders, 364
patcherview_canvas_to_screen path_opensysfile
jpatcherview, 523 Files and Folders, 364
patcherview_findpatcherview path_resolvefile
jpatcherview, 523 Files and Folders, 364
patcherview_get_jgraphics path_setdefault
jpatcherview, 523 Files and Folders, 365
patcherview_get_locked path_toabsolutesystempath
jpatcherview, 523 Files and Folders, 365
patcherview_get_nextview path_topathname
jpatcherview, 523 Files and Folders, 365
patcherview_get_patcher path_topotentialname
jpatcherview, 524 Files and Folders, 366
patcherview_get_presentation Poly, 448
jpatcherview, 524 Popup Menus, 641
patcherview_get_rect jpopupmenu_additem, 642
jpatcherview, 524 jpopupmenu_addseperator, 642
patcherview_get_topview jpopupmenu_addsubmenu, 642
jpatcherview, 524 jpopupmenu_clear, 642
patcherview_get_visible jpopupmenu_create, 642
jpatcherview, 525 jpopupmenu_destroy, 642
patcherview_get_zoomfactor jpopupmenu_popup, 644
jpatcherview, 525 jpopupmenu_popup_abovebox, 644
patcherview_screen_to_canvas jpopupmenu_popup_aboverect, 644

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INDEX 1019

jpopupmenu_popup_belowrect, 644 Quick Map, 304

jpopupmenu_popup_nearbox, 645 quickmap_new
jpopupmenu_setcolors, 645 Quick Map, 304
jpopupmenu_setfont, 645 quickmap_readonly
post Quick Map, 305
Console, 410 quittask_install
post_sym Miscellaneous, 402
Miscellaneous, 402 quittask_remove
postargs Miscellaneous, 402
Atoms, 340
postatom readatom
Console, 411 Binbufs, 347
postdictionary readtohandle
Dictionary, 271 Loading Max Files, 427
preset_set Attributes, 176
preset_store Attributes, 177
Presets, 421 Attributes, 177
preset_set, 422 Attributes, 177
preset_store, 422 STRUCT_ATTR_CHAR
proxy_getinlet Attributes, 177
Inlets and Outlets, 226 STRUCT_ATTR_CHAR_ARRAY
proxy_new Attributes, 178
Inlets and Outlets, 226 STRUCT_ATTR_CHAR_VARSIZE
Attributes, 178
Qelems, 540 Attributes, 178
Qelems, 540 Attributes, 178
Qelems, 540 Attributes, 180
Qelems, 540 Attributes, 180
Qelems, 541 Attributes, 180
qelem_free, 540 Attributes, 180
qelem_front, 540 STRUCT_ATTR_LONG
qelem_new, 540 Attributes, 181
qelem_unset, 541 Attributes, 181
quickmap_add, 303 Attributes, 181
quickmap_drop, 304 STRUCT_ATTR_OBJ
quickmap_lookup_key1, 304 Attributes, 182
quickmap_lookup_key2, 304 STRUCT_ATTR_OBJ_ARRAY
quickmap_new, 304 Attributes, 182
quickmap_readonly, 305 STRUCT_ATTR_OBJ_VARSIZE
quickmap_add Attributes, 182
Quick Map, 303 STRUCT_ATTR_SYM
quickmap_drop Attributes, 182
quickmap_lookup_key1 Attributes, 183
quickmap_lookup_key2 Attributes, 183

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1020 INDEX


MSP, 438 setclock_fdelay
SYS_MAXSIGS Clocks, 536
MSP, 438 setclock_getftime
Systime API, 543 setclock_gettime
Systime API, 543 setclock_unset
Systime API, 543 setup
SYSFILE_ATMARK Old-Style Classes, 219
Files and Folders, 357 snprintf_zero
SYSFILE_FROMLEOF Miscellaneous, 404
Files and Folders, 357 String Object, 306
SYSFILE_FROMMARK string_append, 306
Files and Folders, 357 string_chop, 307
SYSFILE_FROMSTART string_getptr, 307
Files and Folders, 357 string_new, 307
Threads, 561 string_append
Threads, 561 string_chop
Threads, 561 string_getptr
saveas_dialog String Object, 307
Files and Folders, 366 string_new
saveas_promptset String Object, 307
Files and Folders, 366 string_reserve
saveasdialog_extended String Object, 307
Files and Folders, 367 stringload
Scalable Vector Graphics, 602 Loading Max Files, 427
jsvg_create_from_file, 602 strncat_zero
jsvg_create_from_resource, 602 Miscellaneous, 404
jsvg_create_from_xmlstring, 603 strncpy_zero
jsvg_destroy, 603 Miscellaneous, 404
jsvg_get_size, 603 structmembersize
jsvg_render, 603 Miscellaneous, 399
schedule Styles, 620
schedule_delay 621
Clocks, 534 621
scheduler_get CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_RGBA, 621
scheduler_gettime CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_RGBA_PREVIEW, 622
Clocks, 534 class_attr_setfill, 623
scheduler_new class_attr_setstyle, 623
Clocks, 535 class_attr_style_alias, 623
scheduler_run class_attr_stylemap, 623
Clocks, 535 FILL_ATTR_SAVE, 622
scheduler_set jgraphics_attr_fillrect, 625
Clocks, 535 jgraphics_attr_setfill, 625
scheduler_settime object_attr_getfill, 626
Clocks, 535 object_attr_getfillcolor_atposition, 626
scheduler_shift swapf32
Clocks, 536 Miscellaneous Utility Module, 721
setclock_delay swapf64

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INDEX 1021

Miscellaneous Utility Module, 722 Files and Folders, 372

Symbol Object, 308 sysmem_copyptr
symobject_linklist_match, 308 Memory Management, 387
symobject_new, 309 sysmem_freehandle
symbol_stripquotes Memory Management, 387
Miscellaneous, 404 sysmem_freeptr
symbol_unique Memory Management, 387
Miscellaneous, 404 sysmem_handlesize
symbolarray_sort Memory Management, 388
Miscellaneous, 405 sysmem_lockhandle
Symbols, 348 Memory Management, 388
gensym, 349 sysmem_newhandle
gensym_tr, 350 Memory Management, 388
symobject_linklist_match sysmem_newhandleclear
Symbol Object, 308 Memory Management, 388
symobject_new sysmem_newptr
Symbol Object, 309 Memory Management, 389
sys_getblksize sysmem_newptrclear
MSP, 439 Memory Management, 389
sys_getdspobjdspstate sysmem_nullterminatehandle
MSP, 439 Memory Management, 389
sys_getdspstate sysmem_ptrandhand
MSP, 439 Memory Management, 389
sys_getmaxblksize sysmem_ptrbeforehand
MSP, 439 Memory Management, 391
sys_getsr sysmem_ptrsize
MSP, 440 Memory Management, 391
sysdateformat_formatdatetime sysmem_resizehandle
Systime API, 543 Memory Management, 391
sysdateformat_strftimetodatetime sysmem_resizeptr
Systime API, 543 Memory Management, 391
sysfile_close sysmem_resizeptrclear
Files and Folders, 368 Memory Management, 393
sysfile_geteof systemfontname
Files and Folders, 368 JFont, 610
sysfile_getpos systemfontname_bold
Files and Folders, 368 JFont, 610
sysfile_openhandle systemfontname_light
Files and Folders, 369 JFont, 610
sysfile_openptrsize systemfontsym
Files and Folders, 369 JFont, 610
sysfile_read systhread_create
Files and Folders, 369 Threads, 564
sysfile_readtextfile systhread_detach
Files and Folders, 370 Threads, 566
sysfile_readtohandle systhread_exit
Files and Folders, 370 Threads, 566
sysfile_readtoptr systhread_getpriority
Files and Folders, 370 Threads, 566
sysfile_seteof systhread_isaudiothread
Files and Folders, 371 Threads, 566
sysfile_setpos systhread_ismainthread
Files and Folders, 371 Threads, 567
sysfile_spoolcopy systhread_istimerthread
Files and Folders, 371 Threads, 567
sysfile_write systhread_join
Files and Folders, 372 Threads, 567
sysfile_writetextfile systhread_mutex_free

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1022 INDEX

Mutexes, 572 Buffers, 442

systhread_mutex_lock t_buffer_ref
Mutexes, 572 Buffers, 442
systhread_mutex_new t_celldesc, 924
Mutexes, 573 t_charset_converter, 924
systhread_mutex_newlock t_class, 924
Mutexes, 573 t_cmpfn
systhread_mutex_trylock Data Storage, 229
Mutexes, 573 t_database
systhread_mutex_unlock Database, 240
Mutexes, 574 t_datetime, 925
systhread_self t_db_result
Threads, 567 Database, 240
systhread_setpriority t_db_view
Threads, 567 Database, 241
systhread_sleep t_dictionary, 926
Threads, 568 t_dictionary_entry, 927
systhread_terminate t_double
Threads, 568 MSP, 437
Systime API, 542 t_ex_ex, 927
e_max_dateflags, 543 t_expr, 928
SYSDATEFORMAT_FLAGS_MEDIUM, 543 Files and Folders, 355
SYSDATEFORMAT_FLAGS_SHORT, 543 t_fileinfo, 928
sysdateformat_formatdatetime, 543 t_float
sysdateformat_strftimetodatetime, 543 MSP, 437
systime_datetime, 543 t_funbuff, 929
systime_datetime_milliseconds, 543 t_hashtab, 930
systime_datetoseconds, 543 t_hashtab_entry, 931
systime_ms, 545 t_indexmap, 932
systime_seconds, 545
t_indexmap_entry, 933
systime_secondstodate, 545
systime_ticks, 545
ITM Time Objects, 558
t_jbox, 933
Systime API, 543
t_jboxdrawparams, 934
t_jcolumn, 934
Systime API, 543
t_jdataview, 937
Systime API, 543
JGraphics, 581
t_jgraphics_font_extents, 940
Systime API, 545
JFont, 605
Systime API, 545
JFont, 605
Systime API, 545
JGraphics, 581
Systime API, 545
JGraphics, 581
Clocks, 538
t_atom, 917 TextLayout, 637
t_atomarray, 917 t_jit_attr, 941
t_atombuf, 918 t_jit_attr_filter_clip, 942
t_attr, 919 t_jit_attr_filter_proc, 943
t_box t_jit_attr_offset, 944
Patcher, 479 t_jit_attr_offset_array, 945
t_buffer, 920 t_jit_attribute, 946
t_buffer_info, 923 t_jit_gl_context_view, 948
t_buffer_obj t_jit_gl_drawinfo, 950

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INDEX 1023

t_jit_glchunk, 950 Files and Folders, 357

t_jit_matrix_info, 951 TEXT_LB_UNIX
t_jit_mop, 952 Files and Folders, 357
t_jit_mop_io, 954 TEXT_NULL_TERMINATE
t_jit_op_info, 955 Files and Folders, 357
t_jmouse_cursortype ITM Time Objects, 548
Mouse and Keyboard, 432 TIME_FLAGS_CHECKSCHEDULE
t_jrgb, 956 ITM Time Objects, 548
t_line_3d, 957 ITM Time Objects, 548
t_linklist, 957 TIME_FLAGS_FIXED
t_llelem, 958 ITM Time Objects, 548
t_matrix_conv_info, 959 TIME_FLAGS_FIXEDONLY
t_messlist, 960 ITM Time Objects, 548
Mouse and Keyboard, 432 ITM Time Objects, 548
t_package_file, 960 ITM Time Objects, 548
Patcher, 479 ITM Time Objects, 548
t_pathlink, 961 ITM Time Objects, 548
MSP, 440 ITM Time Objects, 548
t_pfftpub, 962 TIME_FLAGS_POSITIVE
t_privatesortrec, 962 ITM Time Objects, 548
t_pxdata, 964 ITM Time Objects, 548
t_pxobject, 965 ITM Time Objects, 548
t_quickmap, 966 TIME_FLAGS_USECLOCK
t_rect, 967 ITM Time Objects, 548
MSP, 437 ITM Time Objects, 548
t_signal, 968 TWOPI
t_size, 968 MSP, 437
t_string, 969 Table Access, 418
t_symbol, 969 table_dirty, 418
t_symobject, 970 table_get, 418
t_sysfile_pos_mode table_dirty
Files and Folders, 357 Table Access, 418
t_sysfile_text_flags table_get
Files and Folders, 357 Table Access, 418
t_timeobject Text Editor Windows, 420
ITM Time Objects, 558 TextField, 627
t_tinyobject, 971 textfield_get_autoscroll, 628
t_vptr textfield_get_bgcolor, 628
MSP, 437 textfield_get_editonclick, 629
t_wind_mouse_info, 972 textfield_get_emptytext, 629
t_zll, 972 textfield_get_noactivate, 629
TEXT_ENCODING_USE_FILE textfield_get_owner, 629
Files and Folders, 357 textfield_get_readonly, 630
TEXT_LB_MAC textfield_get_selectallonedit, 630
Files and Folders, 357 textfield_get_textcolor, 630
TEXT_LB_NATIVE textfield_get_textmargins, 630
Files and Folders, 357 textfield_get_underline, 631
TEXT_LB_PC textfield_get_useellipsis, 631

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1024 INDEX

textfield_get_wantsreturn, 631 TextField, 631

textfield_get_wantstab, 631 textfield_get_wantstab
textfield_get_wordwrap, 632 TextField, 631
textfield_set_autoscroll, 632 textfield_get_wordwrap
textfield_set_bgcolor, 632 TextField, 632
textfield_set_editonclick, 632 textfield_set_autoscroll
textfield_set_emptytext, 633 TextField, 632
textfield_set_noactivate, 633 textfield_set_bgcolor
textfield_set_readonly, 633 TextField, 632
textfield_set_selectallonedit, 633 textfield_set_editonclick
textfield_set_textcolor, 634 TextField, 632
textfield_set_textmargins, 634 textfield_set_emptytext
textfield_set_underline, 634 TextField, 633
textfield_set_useellipsis, 634 textfield_set_noactivate
textfield_set_wantsreturn, 635 TextField, 633
textfield_set_wantstab, 635 textfield_set_readonly
textfield_set_wordwrap, 635 TextField, 633
TextLayout, 636 textfield_set_selectallonedit
JGRAPHICS_TEXTLAYOUT_USEELLIPSIS, 637 textfield_set_textcolor
jtextlayout_create, 637 TextField, 634
jtextlayout_createpath, 637 textfield_set_textmargins
jtextlayout_destroy, 637 TextField, 634
jtextlayout_draw, 637 textfield_set_underline
jtextlayout_getchar, 638 TextField, 634
jtextlayout_getcharbox, 638 textfield_set_useellipsis
jtextlayout_getnumchars, 638 TextField, 634
jtextlayout_measuretext, 638 textfield_set_wantsreturn
jtextlayout_set, 639 TextField, 635
jtextlayout_settext, 639 textfield_set_wantstab
jtextlayout_settextcolor, 639 TextField, 635
jtextlayout_withbgcolor, 639 textfield_set_wordwrap
t_jgraphics_textlayout_flags, 637 TextField, 635
textfield_get_autoscroll Threads, 559
TextField, 628 defer, 561
textfield_get_bgcolor defer_low, 561
TextField, 628 e_max_systhread_mutex_flags, 561
textfield_get_editonclick isr, 563
textfield_get_emptytext SYSTHREAD_MUTEX_NORMAL, 561
textfield_get_noactivate schedule, 563
TextField, 629 schedule_delay, 564
textfield_get_owner systhread_create, 564
TextField, 629 systhread_detach, 566
textfield_get_readonly systhread_exit, 566
TextField, 630 systhread_getpriority, 566
textfield_get_selectallonedit systhread_isaudiothread, 566
TextField, 630 systhread_ismainthread, 567
textfield_get_textcolor systhread_istimerthread, 567
TextField, 630 systhread_join, 567
textfield_get_textmargins systhread_self, 567
TextField, 630 systhread_setpriority, 567
textfield_get_underline systhread_sleep, 568
TextField, 631 systhread_terminate, 568
textfield_get_useellipsis time_calcquantize
TextField, 631 ITM Time Objects, 554
textfield_get_wantsreturn time_getitm

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INDEX 1025

ITM Time Objects, 554

ITM Time Objects, 554
ITM Time Objects, 554
ITM Time Objects, 555
ITM Time Objects, 555
ITM Time Objects, 555
ITM Time Objects, 555
ITM Time Objects, 556
ITM Time Objects, 556
ITM Time Objects, 556
ITM Time Objects, 556
ITM Time Objects, 556
ITM Time Objects, 558
ITM Time Objects, 558
ITM Time Objects, 558
Timing, 528
Old-Style Classes, 220

Unicode, 651
charset_convert, 652
charset_unicodetoutf8, 652
charset_utf8_count, 652
charset_utf8_offset, 653
charset_utf8tounicode, 653
User Interface, 575

MSP, 437

Miscellaneous, 405
Miscellaneous, 405
Windows, 430
jwind_getactive, 430
jwind_getat, 430
jwind_getcount, 430
word, 973

MSP, 440
MSP, 440
Old-Style Classes, 220

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2015 09:20:55 for Max API by Doxygen

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