Aer-O-Lite 3%: Aqueous Film-Forming Foam NFC300

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Aer-O-LiteTM C6 3%

Aqueous Film-Forming Foam


Assurance Environmentally responsible foam supported by the surface tension of the

concentrate. fuel. The effectiveness of the aqueous
Firefighting and environmental performance film is directly influenced by the surface
you can rely on Low Energy Input AFFF - Requires
tension of the fuel. The film tends to
Minimal Agitation
be more effective on fuels with higher
National Foam prides itself on the open
Excellent Fluidity Provides Rapid surface tension such as diesel and jet
and honest way in which we conduct our
“Knockdown” fuels, and less effective on fuels with
business throughout the world. Our foams lower surface tension such as hexane
are an extension of our ethical beliefs and we Suitable For Use With Fresh Or Sea
and gasoline.
pride ourselves in being the responsible foam Water
manufacturer, balancing high performance Compatible With Standard Applications
with minimal environmental impact. Proportioning And Foam Making
Devices Aer-O-LiteTMC6 3% is used at 3%
C6 Technology Suitable For Use With Foam concentration in fire suppression systems
TMC6 Compatible Dry Powder and manually to fight fires involving
Environmentally Responsible Aer-O-Lite 3% hydrocarbon fuels such as crude oil,
is an aqueous film forming foam (AFFF) which Extinguishing Agents
gasoline, and fuel oils. It is not suitable for
is used at 3% concentration to extinguish fires Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. use on polar solvents or water miscible
in hydrocarbon fuels. The C6 Fluorosurfactants Underwriters Laboratories of Canada fuels such as alcohols, ketones, esters,
have been developed and refined specifically (ULC). and ethers. Typical installations include
to lower the environmental impact without foam water sprinkler systems, aircraft
reducing performance. This new formulation AFFF foam concentrates are designed hangars, loading racks, process areas, etc.
demonstrates National Foam’s commitment for rapid fire knockdown by producing a Aer-O-LiteTMC6 3% is an excellent agent
thin aqueous film which spreads across for use in aircraft rescue and fire fighting
to superior flexibility, firefighting performance,
the surface of the fuel, separating the (ARFF) or other manual fire fighting
and environmental responsibility. Aer-O-
fuel from oxygen. This is accomplished applications where polar solvent fuels are
LiteTMC6 3% is suitable for use with most types not encountered.
by allowing the foam solution to quickly
of proportioning and discharge equipment.
drain from the foam bubble which in
turn, affects long term sealability and In general, AFFF foam concentrates may
burnback resistance. be used with non aspirating nozzles
and sprinklers, however, for best foam
The aqueous film is produced by the expansion and 25% drainage time all
fluorocarbon surfactant reducing the foam concentrates should be used with
surface tension of the foam solution aspirating nozzles and foam making
to a point where the solution can be discharge devices.
Aer-O-LiteTM C6 3%
Aqueous Film-Forming Foam

Typical Physical Properties Aer-O-LiteTMC6 3% is freeze/thaw stable. Environmental and Toxicological

Should the product freeze during Information
Appearance.......................Straw Yellow Color shipment or storage, no performance
Specific Gravity at 77°F(25°C) ..................1.03 loss is expected upon thawing. Aer-O-LiteTMC6 3% contains no ingredients
pH ................................................................................8.0 reportable under the Superfund
Viscosity at 77°F(25°C) .............................. 3 cST It is recommended that Aer-O-LiteTMC6 3% Amendments and Reauthorization Act
Freezing Point ...................................14°F(-10°C) not be mixed with any other type of foam (SARA) Title III, Section 313 of 40 CFR-372
Min Usable Temperature...............20°F(-7°C) concentrate in long term storage. Such or the Comprehensive Environmental
Max Usable Temperature ..........120°F(49°C) mixing could lead to chemical changes Response, Compensation, and Liability
in the product and a possible reduction Act (CERCLA) as of July 1, 1995.
Storage and Handling in or loss of firefighting capability. Most
expanded foams are compatible for side- National Foam Concentrates do not
Aer-O-LiteTMC6 3% is ideally stored in by-side application during an incident. contain PFOS.
its original shipping container or in
tanks or other containers which have Aer-O-LiteTMC6 3% is suitable for use in Prevent foam concentrate and foam
been designed for such foam storage. combination with foam compatible dry solution from entering ground water,
Recommended construction materials chemical extinguishing agents. surface water, or storm drains. Discharge
are stainless steel (Type 304L or 316), and disposal of Aer-O-LiteTMC6 3%
high density cross linked polyethylene, Shelf Life, Inspection, and Testing concentrate or foam solution should be
or reinforced fiberglass polyester made in accordance with federal, state,
(isophthalic polyester resin) with a vinyl The shelf life of any foam concentrate and local regulations. Refer to National
ester resin internal layer coating (50-100 is maximized by proper storage Foam Technical Bulletin NFTB110 for
mils). Refer to National Foam Technical conditions and maintenance. Factors further information.
Bulletin NFTB100 for further information. affecting shelf life are wide temperature
changes, extreme high or low Results of tests for acute oral toxicity
Foam concentrates are subject to temperatures, evaporation, dilution, and primary skin irritation have proved
evaporation which accelerates when and contamination by foreign materials. negative. Repeated skin contact will
the product is exposed to air. Storage Properly stored National Foam AFFF remove oils from the skin and cause
tanks should be sealed and fitted with foam concentrates have been tested and dryness. Aer-O-LiteTMC6 3% is a primary eye
a pressure vacuum vent to prevent free shown no significant loss of fire fighting irritant, and contact with the eyes should
exchange of air. The recommended performance, even after 15 years. be avoided. Users are advised to wear
storage environment is with the UL protective equipment. If Aer-O-LiteTMC6
listed temperature range of 20°F to 120°F Annual testing of all fire fighting foam 3% enters the eyes, flush them well
(-7°C to 49°C). When product is stored is recommended by the National Fire with water and seek immediate medical
in atmospheric storage tanks, contents Protection Association (NFPA). National attention. For further details, see the Aer-
must be covered with 1/4-inch (6.35mm) Foam provides a Technical Service O-LiteTMC6 3% Safety Data Sheet NMS300.
of National Foam Seal Oil to ensure Program to conduct such tests. Refer
prevention of air coming into contact to National Foam product data sheet
with the foam concentrate. Use of Seal NFC960 for further details on Technical
Oil is only recommended in stationary Service Program.
storage tanks. Refer to National Foam
Technical Bulletin NFTB100 or National
Foam product data sheet NFC950 for
further information.

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Aer-O-LiteTM C6 3%
Aqueous Film-Forming Foam

Ordering Information
Container Shipping Weight Shipping Dimensions Part Number
5-Gallon Pails (19 liters) 46 lb. (20.9 kg) 1.13 cu. ft.3 (0.032 cu. m) 2133-5340-4
55-Gallon Drums (208 liters) 497 lb. (225.4 kg) 11.51 cu. ft. (0.326 cu. m) 2133-5481-4
275-Gallon IBC Reusable Tote Tank (1041 liters) 2508 lb. (1137.6 kg) 51.11 cu. ft. (1.1061 cu. m) 2133-5725-4
330-Gallon IBC Reusable Tote Tank (1249 liters) 3003 lb. (1362.1 kg) 55.8 cu. ft.3 (1.580 cu. m) 2133-5033-4
Bulk 8.63 lb./gal. (1.03 kg/l) 2133-5001-4

NOTE: Aer-O-Lite is a trademark of National Foam.

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Aer-O-LiteTM C6 3%
Aqueous Film-Forming Foam

24hr RED ALERT® : 610-363-1400 • Fax: 610-431-7084 Page 4 of 4

National Foam National Foam operates a continuous programme of product development.

350 East Union Street, West Chester, PA 19382, USA The right is therefore reserved to modify any specification without prior notice
Email: [email protected] and National Foam should be contacted to ensure that the current issues of all
technical data sheets are used.
© National Foam
07/18 NFC300 (Rev L)

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