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4200 Summative Assignment Brief

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Summative  Assessment  Brief  

Table  of  Contents  

MODULE  LEARNING  OUTCOMES  ..........................................................................................................................  1  

ASSIGNMENT  TIMELINE  ..........................................................................................................................................  1  

ASSIGNMENT  WEIGHTING  ......................................................................................................................................  2  

1.   COMPARATIVE  DISCUSSION  PAPER  ............................................................................................................  3  

LEARNING  OUTCOMES  ....................................................................................................................................................  3  
OVERVIEW  ......................................................................................................................................................................  3  
REQUIREMENTS  ..............................................................................................................................................................  4  
LEARNING  OBJECTIVES  ...................................................................................................................................................  4  
ASSESSMENT  CRITERIA  ..................................................................................................................................................  5  

2.   CREATIVE  INDUSTRIES  PRESENTATION  ...................................................................................................  6  

LEARNING  OUTCOMES  ....................................................................................................................................................  6  
OVERVIEW  ......................................................................................................................................................................  6  
REQUIREMENTS  ..............................................................................................................................................................  6  
LEARNING  OBJECTIVES  ...................................................................................................................................................  7  
ASSESSMENT  CRITERIA  ..................................................................................................................................................  7  

3.   ONLINE  PORTFOLIO  .........................................................................................................................................  8  

LEARNING  OUTCOMES  ....................................................................................................................................................  8  
OVERVIEW  ......................................................................................................................................................................  8  
REQUIREMENTS  ..............................................................................................................................................................  9  
LEARNING  OBJECTIVES  ...................................................................................................................................................  9  
ASSESSMENT  CRITERIA  ..................................................................................................................................................  9  
SAE Institute CMN4200 Assessment Guidelines

Assessment  Overview  
Please read these assignment guidelines in conjunction with the Module Narratives in the
Programme Handbook.

Module Learning Outcomes

K1: Summarise basics of learning theories and their application in learning, communication
and teamwork;
K2: Explain academic practice, critical thinking and reasons for their importance;
K3: Identify key players in the creative media industries and discuss their interplay with
wider cultural, economical, political and geographical phenomena;
K4: Articulate a thought-through plan for development of a career, project
or concept.

S1: Derive tasks from goals, plan time and resources accordingly and manage working in
group context;
S2: Present an objective argument succinctly in written form employing a standard
referencing system;
S3: Apply the most appropriate method of learning in a given scenario and adapt learning
methods when needed;
S4: Discuss culture and communication in different media disciplines (audio, picture, film,

Assignment Timeline

Assignment Title Full-Time Span

Comparative Discussion Paper Week 2 to Week 11

Creative Industries Presentation Week 2 to Week 9

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SAE Institute CMN4200 Assessment Guidelines

Online Portfolio Week 1 to Week 13

Assignment Weighting

Assignment Title Submission Code Weighting

Comparative Discussion CMN4200.1 40%


Creative Industries CMN4200.2 20%


Online Portfolio CMN4200.3 40%

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SAE Institute CMN4200 Assessment Guidelines

1. Comparative Discussion Paper

Format: Coursework
Submission Format: Blog and TurnItIn
Working format: Individual
Type: Written
Moderation: Cross Campus Moderation - One Assessor plus Moderation
Weighting: 40%
Submission Code: CMN4200.1

Learning Outcomes
K3: Identify key players in the creative media industries and discuss their interplay with
wider cultural, economical, political and geographical phenomena;
S2: Present an objective argument succinctly in written form employing a standard
referencing system;
S4: Discuss culture and communication in different media disciplines (audio, picture, film,

The Comparative Discussion Paper requires you to demonstrate your knowledge on your
own discipline as well as another chosen discipline. Students are to develop and present
an insightful discussion into a digital content provider (chosen from the list below) that is
relevant to your discipline. Students should then compare and contrast an aspect of this
provider with a provider for another medium. Choose from one of the following digital
content providers:

• Amazon • Humblebundle • Pandora • Vimeo

• Bandcamp • Indiegala • Ponoko • YouTube

• BBC iPlayer • iTunes • Shapeways

• Blinkbox • Netflix • Spotify !

• GOG • NowTV • Steam !

It is important that you develop a specific focus for your project to ensure that your
submission will have clear and consistent theme.
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SAE Institute CMN4200 Assessment Guidelines

! 2400 words (±10%, not including quoted materials);
! You must develop a specific focus for your Comparative Discussion Paper;
! You must consider at least one of the following aspects: cultural, economic, political
or geographical influences on the digital content provider;
! Source quotes and other materials (pictures, charts, music etc.) from a variety of
sources should be used to support the analysis;
! All sources used must be referenced using the Harvard Referencing System;
! At least two books and two academic peer-reviewed journal articles (paper or online
publications) must be used in preparing your work (sources may be in any language);
! The essay must be submitted to both your blog (see Online Portfolio) and to TurnItIn;
! The essay must be formatted in accordance to the Formatting Guidelines;
! The paper must include:
! Title Page
! Table of Contents & List of Figures/Tables (if necessary)
! Introduction
! Main body with clearly defined chapters (if necessary)
! Conclusion
! Reference List (using the Harvard Referencing system)

Learning Objectives
On successful completion of this assignment the student should be able to:
! Describe and explain how an aspect of the creative media industries function and
discuss current issues, concerns, policies and attitudes that impact on industry
! Identify key players in the creative media industries and discuss their interplay with
wider cultural, economical, political and geographical phenomena;
! Discuss culture and communication in different media disciplines (audio, picture, film,
! Discuss the development of the industry;
! Describe and illustrate the impact of technology upon the nature of creative media;
! Transfer skills in organising and compiling data to specific relevant industry settings;
! Present an objective argument succinctly in written form employing a standard
referencing system.

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SAE Institute CMN4200 Assessment Guidelines

Assessment Criteria
! Adherence to brief;
! Demonstration of a good knowledge of the subject;
! Demonstration of the ability to analyse and discuss;
! Well structured and developed arguments;
! Use of quotes/references and other supporting materials;
! Citation of key sources with appropriate bibliography;
! Use of language.

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SAE Institute CMN4200 Assessment Guidelines

2. Creative Industries Presentation

Format: Presentation
Submission Format: Class Presentation
Working format: Individual
Type: Presentation
Moderation: Dual Assessed
Weighting: 20%
Submission Code: CMN4200.2

Learning Outcomes
K3: Identify key players in the creative media industries and discuss their interplay with
wider cultural, economical, political and geographical phenomena;
S3: Apply the most appropriate method of learning in a given scenario and adapt learning
methods when needed.
S4: Discuss culture and communication in different media disciplines (audio, picture, film,

In this assessment you should carry out an analytical discussion of a significant
work/production in your own discipline, which is accessible on the digital content
provider that you have chosen for the Comparative Discussion Paper (e.g. Spotify, Netflix
Here, students should present their current ideas for the Comparative Discussion Paper
as well as discussing a significant work that has had a demonstrable impact by
considering its artistic and production characteristics.

! 10 minute oral presentation (±10%);
! Students must prepare their presentation with slides (PowerPoint, Keynote, Prezi etc)
and any other audio-visual aid that is relevant to their topic;
! Students must prepare a one page handout for the presentation;
! The presentation and handout should be submitted to TurnItIn prior to presenting;

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SAE Institute CMN4200 Assessment Guidelines
! Clearly present a major work in your own discipline which is accessible on the digital
content provider chosen for the Comparative Discussion Paper and discuss your
current ideas for the Comparative Discussion Paper;
! A consideration of aesthetic and technological characteristics of the major work;
! Source quotes and other materials (pictures, charts, music etc.) from a variety of
sources should be used to support the analysis;
! All sources used must be referenced using the Harvard Referencing System;
! Students must rehearse the presentation to optimise timing and effectiveness of the
! It is your responsibility to ensure your presentation runs smoothly with the setup used
in class;
! Students must be prepared to present at anytime on the day that they are scheduled
to present;
! Candidate must be presentation for all presentations- failure to meet attendance
requirements may lead to mark deductions.

Learning Objectives
! To develop your knowledge and understanding of key creative media industries
concepts and structures;
! To discuss elements of culture using appropriate vocabulary;
! To develop your presentation and communication skills.

Assessment Criteria
! Clearly defined topic;
! Demonstration of a good knowledge of the subject;
! Insightful analysis/discussion of the topic;
! Clear and concise introduction and conclusion;
! Referencing and citation;
! Effective use of audio/visuals and handouts;
! Clear and effective presentation style;
! Presentation structure and timing.

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SAE Institute CMN4200 Assessment Guidelines

3. Online Portfolio

Format: Online Portfolio

Submission Format: Website
Working format: Individual
Type: Written
Moderation: Cross Campus Moderation - One Assessor plus Moderation
Weighting: 40%
Submission Code: CMN4200.3

Learning Outcomes
K1: Summarise basics of learning theories and their application in learning, communication
and teamwork;
K2: Explain academic practice, critical thinking and reasons for their importance;
K4: Articulate a thought-through plan for development of a career, project
or concept.
S1: Derive tasks from goals, plan time and resources accordingly and manage working in
group context;

Develop an online portfolio which will consist of a blog, portfolio, CV and professional
development plan (PDP). This portfolio should link to a completed LinkedIn page and
should comprise of other, relevant, professional online media (Twitter, SoundCloud,
Vimeo, YouTube). Additionally, you will write a CV and a sample cover letter for a relevant
job posting.
This online portfolio will enable you to create a clear professional development plan which
will help you identify your academic and employability developmental needs along with
providing a space for publishing your work whilst developing a portfolio throughout the two
year degree programme.
Students are encouraged to discuss the blogs with their peers and and to post a comment
to at least one of their peers’ blogs on each post.
Please note that you are responsible for the privacy settings of your blog posts. These
should initially be restricted to password protected posts, where tutors and the group share

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SAE Institute CMN4200 Assessment Guidelines
a common password. This means that your posts will not be made public until you chose
to do so.

! Students are required to write four blog posts throughout CMN4200 for the Reflective
Portfolio formative assignment. These blog posts contribute to the Online Portfolio;
! Students are required to develop a blog (see above), a completed LinkedIn page and
other, relevant, professional online media. For instance, Twitter, SoundCloud, Vimeo
YouTube. These websites should be embedded to or linked from the blog and the
style and themes should be consistent throughout;
! Students are required to write a one page CV and a cover letter for a relevant job
posting. These should be uploaded onto the online portfolio as PDFs;
! Students are required to create a professional development plan (PDP) which can be
used as a guide to plan your learning throughout the two year degree programme;

Learning Objectives
! To demonstrate your understanding of learning and how learning supports your
personal and professional development;
! To present a career development plan/PDP and derive tasks from goals and plan
time effectively;
! To develop online and professional communication and writing skills;
! To develop a professional online presence which can be used as a portfolio
throughout the degree programme.

Assessment Criteria
! Adherence to brief;
! Use of relevant tools and technologies;
! Insightful coverage of the subject;
! Demonstration of a good knowledge of the project;
! Effective use of relevant quotes and other materials;
! Use of language;
! Presentation and formatting.

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