2018 - Research On Iris Image Encryption Based On DL PDF
2018 - Research On Iris Image Encryption Based On DL PDF
2018 - Research On Iris Image Encryption Based On DL PDF
With the development of information technology, the demand for information security is increasing. For more
convenient and safer needs, the encryption technology based on biometrics has developed rapidly. Among them,
iris technology has become an important research object of information security research due to the stability of iris
characteristics and its difficulty in forgery. In this paper, the iris feature encryption technology based on the iris is
studied by using the method of deep learning as the feature classification method and the iris feature as the
research object. The simulation experiment is carried out by using the common iris database. The results show that
the method can greatly improve the consistency of iris encryption and improve the security of encryption and
decryption process.
Keywords: Image analysis, Iris, Deep learning, Image encryption
© The Author(s). 2018 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to
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Li et al. EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing (2018) 2018:126 Page 2 of 10
realized. It belongs to the human biological feature extrac- Image encryption has higher security requirements.
tion technology and has a very excellent quality. Com- Iris features are more suitable for extracting feature from
pared with other human biological characteristics, the iris deep learning algorithm and applying it to image encryp-
has more excellent characteristics. It is more suitable for tion. Compared with other biometrics, it is more effect-
image encryption to improve the security and anti-attack ive to improve encryption security. The traditional iris
ability of the algorithm. Academic and business circles pay image encryption technology, the iris feature extraction
more attention to identity recognition technology based method which uses machine learning algorithm, presents
on iris feature extraction. It has a wide application pro- some problems of lack of feature learning and low effi-
spect and is gradually applied to some departments which ciency, such as image preprocessing trouble, high quality
need high security requirements, such as banking system, of iris image quality, and the need to repeat the iris
secrecy, and so on. image acquisition in the process of decryption in order
The target information contained in the image is filtered to achieve a correct decryption operation. In recent
by feature extraction to perform information processing years, deep learning has solved many unsolved problems
according to the user’s needs. The biggest disadvantage of in the field of artificial intelligence with its excellent fea-
traditional machine learning is that many parameters need ture learning ability and has achieved rapid develop-
to be set manually during the learning process. This short- ment. Research shows that deep learning is superior to
coming is especially noticeable when dealing with big data other learning algorithms in many fields, especially in
and high-dimensional complex data. Deep learning tech- feature learning on high-dimensional complex data and
nology belongs to machine learning [16–20], based on big data, and has been applied in commercial, economic,
artificial neural network for data feature extraction. The and government fields. The reason why deep learning
original information is expressed as a feature vector can be applied to image encryption technology is that it
through feature learning, input into a sub-learning system exhibits excellent learning ability for dealing with a large
(such as classifier, decision maker), and then the sample is amount of data, accurately extracts essential features,
classified or detected. Feature learning is a means of de- and satisfies the high security requirements of image
tecting and classifying input samples. Through feature encryption.
learning of input samples, feature extraction is automatic- In this paper, the deep learning algorithm is introduced
ally realized. to extract the iris image. Based on the original iris image
Deep learning uses a nonlinear neural network model to encryption algorithm, a new iris image encryption algo-
transform original data into higher-level abstract represen- rithm based on deep learning is proposed. The image en-
tations through nonlinear transformations. Deep learning cryption function is realized by training the sample. The
uses an artificial neural network structure. After multiple simulation experiments on the iris samples of the public
linear transformations and nonlinear transformations, iris database show that the proposed method can solve the
complex functions are constructed. The principle of sam- inconsistency of iris features and improve the confidential-
ple classification is to strengthen the ability to discrimin- ity of the encryption and decryption process.
ate data and weaken irrelevant factors by high-level
expression of original data, illustrated by an example: The 2 Proposed method
image is a matrix composed of many pixels. The first layer 2.1 Iris feature extraction
of the model expresses the features of the edge and pos- The structure of the human eye mainly includes the
ition of the image. The second layer will display the fea- pupil, the iris, and the sclera (as shown in the upper left
tures such as edges on the basis of the features extracted of Fig. 1). The pupil is an approximately circular black
by the first layer to detect the pattern, while the interfer- structure in the center of the eye. The white area around
ence item will be ignored. The third layer may further the eyeball is the sclera. The iris is located in the annular
splicing and combining the detected images to show region between the pupil and the sclera. The texture in-
the part that has obvious detection or classification formation is very rich. The details of the iris are mainly
help for the target. Thus, as the number of layers in- stripes, wrinkles, crypts, stains, and so on (as shown in
creases, the target to be detected is gradually formed. the lower left of Fig. 1). The best choice for biometric
Traditional machine learning is based on manual fea- technology is the iris. The reason is that the iris has the
ture setting and machine learning algorithm is used to advantages of highest uniqueness, high recognition ac-
screen. The core of deep learning is automatic feature curacy, high speed, strong biological activity, strong
setting in each layer. Model training is realized through anti-counterfeiting ability, and lifelong stability com-
continuous feedback, and features are constantly pared with other biological features.
learned from data. There are also some relevant re- It can be seen from the structure of the iris that the
search results on this aspect of research, which proves iris area of the human eye has a very rich texture feature.
that relevant research is feasible [21, 22]. The iris is formed in the stage of human embryo
Li et al. EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing (2018) 2018:126 Page 3 of 10
development, and the cell tissue grows randomly, result- extraction, and recognition. According to the above de-
ing in a series of differences in shape, color, and gray in scription of iris recognition technology, the iris recogni-
the iris area. These differences constitute iris texture fea- tion system framework is shown in Fig. 2.
tures. The different shapes of scars, different gray areas, As an important branch of pattern recognition, feature
and randomness of features make the difference between extraction and pattern classification of iris recognition are
iris very large. Texture is not affected by gene regulation, two important tasks. From the perspective of feature ex-
even though the iris texture of the right and left eyes of traction, the existing iris recognition algorithms can be
the same person varies greatly. After iris localization and roughly divided into three categories: based on phase
human eye image segmentation, how to effectively ex- method, zero crossing representation method, and texture
tract the texture features contained in the iris is the analysis method. From the perspective of the classification
most important step in the whole iris recognition sys- mechanism of iris samples, the existing algorithms can be
tem. Iris feature extraction refers to extracting the rich divided into three categories: the algorithm based on the
texture information contained in the iris as the feature distance classification, the method of using the correlation
code of the iris for subsequent matching recognition, analysis, and the classification algorithm through machine
and the distance measurement function determines the learning. There are few algorithms for classifying using
similarity between the two iris images. Iris recognition machine learning. The most popular is the use of learning
technology uses the invariance of the iris and the differ- vector quantization (LVQ) in the classifier.
ence of features to achieve individual identification. The iris contains rich features, and it is suitable for
Individual identity is determined by comparing the simi- recognition, encryption, and other fields because of
larities between features of the iris image. Image process- its excellent quality. How to extract high-efficiency
ing, pattern recognition, and other methods are used to and strong distinguishing features from iris images is
describe and match the characteristics of the iris to auto- a key part of iris application. Iris preprocessing
matically identify the identity. Typical iris recognition sys- mainly includes iris dryness, filtering, localization, and
tems include iris image acquisition, preprocessing, feature normalization.
There are many kinds of noise in the image, and the main The inner edge of the iris is positioned using the gray
purpose of image smoothing is to reduce noise. Their effect projection method. The center and radius of the pupil
on the amplitude and phase of the image signal is very are determined based on the gray scale distribution of
complex. Common noise includes additive noise, multi- the image. The gray scale distribution of the human eye
plicative noise, quantization noise, and “salt and salt noise.” image has certain characteristics. The gray scale distribu-
In the frequency domain, due to the high-frequency do- tion of the pupil, sclera, and iris is different, so the inner
main of the noise spectrum, various forms of low-pass fil- edge of the iris is defined by gray. In the imported
tering can be employed to reduce noise in the spatial image, find the sum of the pixels of the x and y axes, re-
domain. Image noise is often intertwined with signals, espe- spectively, and find the point with the smallest pixel. Fi-
cially multiplicative noise, but the basis of smoothing is de- nally, use the traverse method to find the boundary
tails such as edges and blurred contours, so smoothing point of the pupil.
noise removal is maintained as much as possible while The outer edge of the iris is positioned by the calculus
maintaining image detail. operator method. Based on the gray scale characteristics
Smoothing usually uses Gaussian template for digital of the human eye, the sclera is white, and the iris is dar-
image processing. It removes point mutations for fixed ker. In the image, the gray scale contrast is large, so the
point and several surrounding points to remove certain detection of the outer boundary of the iris needs to be
noise. The Gaussian template used in this paper is as treated as follows on every point on the image.
(1) According to the length and width of the input
image, the circle detection range of the center and
1 2 1
1 the corresponding radius is determined. According
2 4 2
16 to the circumferential parameters of the rough
1 2 1
location of the outer iris boundary, the range of the
value is narrowed and the positioning speed is
In the case where the noise is not obvious, the accelerated.
smoothness does not contribute much to the segmenta- (2) For all possible radii, count the gray scale average of
tion and matching of the image, but it becomes difficult the points on the circumference.
to find the edge point boundary due to the problem of (3) Find the gray scale gradient of two adjacent circles.
blurring. The purpose of sharpening the image is to (4) Find the radius of the gray gradient jump value.
make the edges and outline blurred images clear and the
details clearer. From a spectral point of view, the average The inner and outer edges of the iris are positioned as
or integral operation of the reverse operation (such as shown in Fig. 3. The left side of Fig. 3 is the inner edge,
differential operation) is usually used. The essence of the and the right side is the outer edge.
image blur is the attenuation of the high-frequency com-
ponent, which can make the image clear by the 2.2 Deep learning theory
high-pass filter. It should be noted that sharpening of Deep learning is a popular research direction in recent
the image must require a higher signal to noise ratio, years. Due to its unique network structure, its deepening
generally eliminating or reducing noise prior to sharpen- in academic and industrial fields is often referred to as
ing. The difference method is one of the common deep neural network. The deep learning network itself is
methods of image sharpening, and the difference an artificial neural network model, but it has improved
method is divided into two methods: first-order differen- in terms of network structure and learning algorithms
tial and second-order differential. Second-order differen- than traditional artificial neural networks.
tial operators are more sensitive to noise and tend to Deep learning is a new field of machine learning re-
enhance noise components, so smoothing operations search. By establishing an artificial neural network model,
usually use second-order differentiation. Although the it simulates the working mode of the human brain, so that
edge of the sharpened image is enhanced, the increase in it can make a correct judgment on the input information.
noise is more serious, and image smoothing can effect- After the deep learning network model is established, con-
ively reduce noise. tinuous learning is needed to optimize the training net-
The iris feature includes a lot of noise data, although the work model and improve the decision-making results. It is
noise reduction method can reduce the noise, but it can- similar to human beings who need continuous learning
not remove all the noise. For the eye sample selected in after birth to make more accurate judgments.
this paper (as shown in the right of Fig. 1), in order to bet- Deep learning is used to construct a network structure
ter extract the eye features, iris inner edge positioning and with multiple hidden layers. The entire network training
outer edge positioning method are used in this paper. has a large amount of training data, and the deep
Li et al. EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing (2018) 2018:126 Page 5 of 10
network structure is used to extract features. Regardless (1) Calculate the error of the network layer output Op
of the human brain’s visual mechanism or its mathemat- and the ideal output Yp;
ical properties, the characteristics of the deep model are (2) The weight matrix is adjusted by inverse
far superior to the shallow model extraction feature, and propagation according to the algorithm such as
the use of this feature is very good for classification and gradient descent, and the parameters are
recognition. In this process, the depth of the multi-layer optimized.
hidden layer model is a method, and feature extraction
is the purpose of deep learning. CNN recognizes two-dimensional graphics with distor-
The convolutional neural network (CNN) is proposed tion invariance in the form of displacement and scaling.
by Yan Lecunn and his team. It belongs to a multi-layer The feature detection layer of CNN is learned from
neural network. The original CNN is mainly for the data training data, avoiding explicit feature extraction, and
processing of images and other data and has achieved learning from the training data implicitly when using
very advanced results. The CNN structure has three spe- CNN. In addition, the weights of neurons on the same
cial structures: convolution, downsampling, and weight feature mapped surfaces can be studied in parallel,
sharing. The network structure of CNN makes it very which is one of the advantages of CNN relative to the
few in terms of the number of parameters relative to neurons connected to each other. CNN has a unique ad-
other network structures. Each computing layer of the vantage in speech recognition and image processing. It
network consists of multiple feature maps, each of which has a special structure with local weight sharing, and the
is mapped into a plane with a higher distortion tolerance layout is closer to the actual biological neural network.
for the input samples in the recognition. The sharing of weight reduces the complexity of the net-
The CNN algorithm mainly includes two stages of for- work, especially for high-dimensional data. The input
ward propagation and back propagation, which are di- vector image can be directly input to the network fea-
vided into four steps: ture to avoid the complexity of data reconstruction in
The first stage, the forward transmission phase: feature extraction.
(1) Extract a sample (X, Yp) from the sample set and 2.3 Iris feature extraction method based on deep learning
enter X into the network (X, Y); Deep learning can learn by unsupervised, semi supervised,
(2) Calculate the corresponding actual output Op. or supervised methods of the original data, and extract the
advanced features contained in the information. It can be
In the forward propagation phase, information is con- used for pattern recognition, classification, and other
verted from the input layer to the output layer, and the scenes. Compared with the traditional feature extraction
network performs the training process after completing methods, it can produce better accuracy and achieve bet-
normal operations. In this process, the network is imple- ter application results. It is necessary to extract the fea-
menting the calculation (actually, the input weight matrix ture of the iris image by using the iris to generate the
is multiplied by each phase point, and the final output): image encryption key. However, the traditional feature
extraction method is based on the image processing
Op ¼ F n … F 2 F 1 X p W ð1Þ W ð2Þ … W ðnÞ ð1Þ or shallow learning, and the operation is cumbersome
and the quality of feature extraction is poor. So the
The second stage, the backward propagation phase: feature extraction of iris image is carried out by deep
Li et al. EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing (2018) 2018:126 Page 6 of 10
learning. The feature extraction of iris image based (2) According to the error correction capability t, the
on deep learning refers to the calculation of iris generator polynomial g(x) on GF(2m) is obtained:
image by deep learning and extraction of the feature
matrix, which mainly includes iris image acquisition,
image preprocessing, feature depth learning, and fea-
ture extraction. Y
g ð xÞ ¼ ðx−at Þ ð2Þ
The specific process of extracting iris features using i¼1
CNN can be described as the following steps:
The g(x) expansion formula is obtained according to
(1) Iris image acquisition of the human eye to obtain the domain operation rule simplification as follows:
an iris image;
(2) Iris image preprocessing to form an iris data set; X
g ð xÞ ¼ ak ðiÞ xi ð3Þ
(3) Using the deep learning model CNN to learn the i¼0
collected iris image dataset, including parameter
initialization, model selection, and hyperparameter
selection, and using the inverse gradient descent
algorithm to train the model; (3) Encoding the information bit polynomial M(x)
(4) The output matrix of the deep learning model is according to the relation C(x) = M(x)g(x) to obtain
the extracted iris feature. the code word polynomial C(x).
(4) Using the encryption key Vk1 and the pixel matrix 3 Experiments and results
gray value of the image matrix to perform XOR 3.1 Experimental dataset
operation to obtain an encrypted image, the entire In order to improve the credibility and predictability of
encryption process is completed. the algorithm, the experimental iris dataset uses the
CASIA iris database public version; CASIA is the first
The decryption process is performed after the image large-scale iris shared database built by the Institute of
is encrypted by the encrypting side, and after receiving Automation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences using
the image ciphertext and the RS error correcting code the self-developed iris image acquisition device. This
transmitted by the encrypting side, the reverse algo- paper uses the CASIA version 4.0. CASIA Iris Library
rithm of the encryption algorithm is used to realize the Version 4.0 has added three distinctive datasets
decryption of the ciphertext to obtain the plaintext. But ASIA-Iris-Distance, CASIA-Iris-Thousand, CASIA-Iris-
the algorithm in this paper is not a complete inverse Syn based on version 3.0 and was officially released in
transformation. The decryption process can be de- March 2009. By the end of November 2010, there were
scribed as the following steps: more than 3635 applicants from more than 100 coun-
tries and regions, including 522 domestic and 3113 for-
(1) Performing iris image acquisition on the eign countries, mainly in India (787), China (522), the
decryption side, inputting into the trained deep USA (290), Britain (114), Brazil (82), France (39), and
learning model, and realizing iris feature vector other countries. The database applicants include re-
extraction V2; searchers from internationally renowned universities
(2) Since V2 and V1 may have different values in some such as Harvard, MIT, CMU, and Cambridge, and other
dimensions, the RS error correction code is used to well-known international institutions, as well as R & D
correct the feature vector V2 to obtain the personnel from famous international enterprises such as
decryption key Vk2; Microsoft, Philips, BT (British Telecom), Sagem, and
(3) Using the decryption key Vk2 to encrypt the image other government institutions such as the American
matrix corresponding to the gray value of the pixel Standardization Technology Institute and the US Naval
to perform XOR operation, and get the decrypted Research Institute.
image, and then complete the whole process of The deep learning model for feature learning of the
decryption. iris uses CNN, and the dataset contains 400 images of
irises in total, 10 types, 40 images per class. The CNN
structure uses a five-layer network layer, the convolution
2.6 Evaluation method process is a 5 × 5 convolution filter, and the sampling
Iris image encryption is different from general image en- layer is a 2 × 2 pooling filter.
cryption algorithms and has different indicators in algo-
rithm evaluation. The evaluation indexes of iris image 3.2 Experimental simulation environment
encryption algorithm mainly include the following. In this paper, the data simulation is carried out in the
False acceptance rate and error rejection rate: The MATLAB 2014B environment.The data of each subject
false acceptance rate (FAR) is the probability that the is divided into test set and training set according to the
wrong key correctly decrypts the original image. The tenfold cross validation method. That is, the sample of
false rejection rate (FRR) is the probability that the the subjects was equally divided into ten parts, nine of
original image cannot be correctly decrypted with the which were training sets and one was a test set, which
correct key. were calculated ten times for each sample, and the final
System security: System security is the most import- results were averaged.
ant indicator to measure the encryption algorithm,
which restricts the feasibility of the encryption algo- 4 Discussion
rithm. It mainly includes indicators such as the prob- The feature extraction is performed on the iris as de-
ability of being attacked. The specific indicators and scribed above. First, the inner and outer edges of the iris
their implementation methods will be elaborated in the are positioned, and then the iris image is encrypted. The
experiments in the following chapters. There is a prob- encryption process is described in Fig. 4, and the result
ability that the attacked probability pointer will operate of Fig. 4 shows that the original inner and outer edge
on the encryption system and successfully decode the features of the iris are encrypted into a set of encrypted
plaintext. Unidirectionality refers to the ability to re- images that are unrecognizable in appearance.
cover plaintext from all aspects of the encryption Deep learning is a feature extraction method based on
process. Discrimination refers to the successful decryp- neural network. Training and testing precision after net-
tion performance of different irises. work training are an important indicator to measure the
Li et al. EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing (2018) 2018:126 Page 8 of 10
Table 1 Comparison of iris characteristics Table 2 FAR and FRR for different thresholds
Number of groups 5 10 20 30 40 Threshold FAR (%) FRR (%)
Before coding 0.93 0.92 0.91 0.89 0.89 96 0.015 2.045
After encoding 0 0.01 0 0 0 95 0.014 1.882
94 0.007 1.402