Using the heavy breathing of the girl shows the girl is in distress and to show that she is scared, this
is diegetic sound that we can see on screen. This helps to build up the suspense of what is on the
other side of the wall as she is so scared that it is affecting her breathing. This has been used
because it emphasizes how the girl is feeling which then affects us as an audience, because we then
feel bad for the girl, it also means that we as a audience can understand the genre more as she is
scared so it shows that it is a horror film. This is conventional to horror because females are usually
lead characters in this genre. The victim also uses diegetic sound through their screams or shaky
voice to show they are the victim and that they are scared. An example of this is Michael Myers
where the mother is the lead character and her granddaughter was the victim. Also, when the
crackling sound on the wall near the end of the film goes silent indicating something may have
happened to the wall or on the other side of the wall. This is conventional as no one knows what is
on the other side of the wall until the end which is very common in horror movies to add a sense of
mystery so the audience will feel uneasy.
Mise en scene
The film resolves around one character being a girl who falls victim to a hole in a wall.
Throughout the whole film there is lowkey lighting to represent the girl living in fear of something.
This also creates tension and tells the audience that something bad is going to happen. This is
conventional to horror films as most horror films are set in dark places to keep the monster or being
hidden. The film is set in one location being a house. The girl lives alone in the house and rarely gets
visited. This shows she is in her own personal space which links to Todorov’s theory of equilibrium.
This is also conventional to horror films as many horror films are set in a house such as insidious,
chucky or scary movie. This is done so the audience become more familiar with the characters and
the being that’s hunting them.
people watch dark comedy movies is because they want to laugh and be entertained. People like to
be entertained because they want to relax and try to escape from reality, so due to this the target
audience for this film would be older teens and young as most teens have a stressful work or college
days and watching a dark comedy would cheer them up due to the effects of the film making them
laugh, this will change the mood
mise en scene
The short film starts with the robber smoking at the bus stop. This shows that he is at ease, he also
seems very calm even though its late at night suggesting he goes out late a lot. This is conventional
as dark comedy films usually go against Todorov’s theory with his equilibrium which is especially
shown at the end. Dark comedy usually goes against Todorov’s theory because they usually consist
of many twists making it unpredictable for the audience. This is to make the film more comedic.
. While they are doing this the shoot the shop keepers thumb off. The shopkeeper then lets out a
funny sounding scream and soon after his other thumb accidently gets shot off by the Asian man
reminding us of the genre being dark comedy. The robber also makes fun of the Asian man’s shoes
by saying that’s the reason his wife is cheating on him. At the end of the film the robber said a
speech to the Asian man about what he should appreciate in life and why he shouldn’t kill himself
and soon after the Asian man unexpectedly shot himself in attempt to shock and make the audience
laugh due the robbers wasted, emotional speech also reminding use of the dark comedy genre. In
Dark comedy, villain characters are usually stereotyped to be made a fool out of and are shown to
have twisted emotions or insights about certain situations
Over the shoulder shots and low shots are also used on the robber to show that he is in power and
least vulnerable. The robber is shown to be superior. Low angle shots are conventional as it helps
the audience determine character roles as well as levels of power or authority, they have over each
other. However, he lets his guard down and gets his own gun stolen from him which is funny to the
audience as his whole persona switched up and now, he was in a position of being scared. The Asian
man then points the gun at his own head and the robber instantly reacts by insulting the Asian man
and trying to fool him into robbing the store but backfires when the shop keeper is accidently killed.
This is conventional as dark comedy is known to have many twists within their story.
Throughout the film the editing cuts are relatively fast as there was always something going on,
however despite that fact it still increases, especially when the robber and the Asian man are
fighting over the gun and accidently kill the shop keeper. Although increase pace in scene cuts
usually raise tension, in this particular film it felt like the complete opposite. The coming of the
climax was as if the audience is expecting something really funny to happen at which it did when the
shot both of the shop keepers thumbs off. This is conventional as in dark comedy, even the tensest
moments can ease you off from laughter.
Deep it – Drama
High shots were used on Warren and Tobi (Kadz friends) to show they are in less power and more
vulnerable, especially when low shots were used on Lara’s brother (being Kadz girlfriend) to show he
is indefinitely in power and control of the situation. Later on, Myles is given a low shot when he goes
to pick up a knife to show his vulnerability is going away as his anger rises from being humiliated.
This is conventional as most drama films ending result is due to a characters need of revenge which
ends in something bad happening.
Mise en scene
A knife was used within the short film as a weapon prop (which is a typical drama weapon) to
illustrate violence in London. Knives are very conventional in drama short films based in London due
to a high percentage in knife crimes compared to other weapons. The prop was going to be used by
Myles to attack Lara’s brother until Kadz took it off him. Lara’s brother decided to fight Kadz but
during this moment he made Kadz accidently stabbing himself in the back with the knife, paralysing
him from the waist down. The knife is seen as a symbol of trouble within the film and is something
that should be despised. As for the costume, Myles is always wearing dark clothes which is typical
for gang members. This indicated to the audience the Myles may be up to no good or may get into
something he is not supposed to get into. Lara’s Brother is also wearing a sleeveless denim jacket.
This is done so that the audience can see his muscles and see that he is far superior than any of the
other characters within the short film. He also has his hood up that could indicate that he is keeping
lowkey and is up to no good.
The first half of the film started with a lot a slow-paced cut,
mainly because there were no major moments or events
happening and instead was more of an introduction of the
characters and their personalities and relationships. This was
done so the audience understand why certain characters acted
the way they did. As the film got closer to the climax the cuts
started to speed up, even when Myles went out to stab Lara’s
brother, the scene cuts were going fast to match the rise of
tension. Slow paced edits are conventional in dramas, especially in states of equilibrium so the
audience know to focus on the dialogue instead of the action.
There is also a shot reverse shot when Tobi and Warren are talking to Lara’s brother and being
pressured to tell on Kadz and reveal where he lives even though they are very good friends the still
decided to turn their back on Kadz. This makes the audience feel sympathetic towards Kadz as he is
now in danger. The shot reverse shot implies that Lara’s brother is a threat and there is conflict
between Kadz and Lara’s brother which is conventional as many drama films involve a lot conflict
between the main characters. The shot reverse shot goes from a two shot of Tobi and warren to a
close shot of Lara’s brother to show all of their emotions. Lara’s brother looks confident implying he
is not phased by the situation at all however Tobi and Warrens expression said the complete
opposite as they are very scared and don’t want to be involved in any trouble. During this moment
the editing slows down so the audience can notice how the characters are feeling.
During the early stages of the short film, happy upbeat music was used to being in sync with the
equilibrium of Todorov’s theory. This was show through the scene of Myles working his Job that he
didn’t seem to have a problem with. Diegetic sound is used when Myles is angry for getting beaten
up and said “So you want to stand there and laugh at me, why are you laughing at me!” in an
angered and frustrated tone showing he is clearly in angered state which influences the decisions he
makes. This also showed us a different side of Myles we had never seen so it was a surprise to the
audience. This is conventional as in drama, the main character usually has some type of fallout and
gets unstable and then starts acting recklessly.