Maven - Coalescing Pipeline
Maven - Coalescing Pipeline
Maven - Coalescing Pipeline
1.Maven build process is composed of one build life cycles but has one or more
->Comprehension and Management tool.
4.Maven is _______________
->Comprehension and Management tool.
7.What are the minimal coordinate attributes required for pom xlm file
17.A build goal is peripheral for a phase when pom binds all goal to the
corresponding life cycle
i. groupId
ii. artifactId
iii. package
iv. version
->I, ii, iii and iv
24.How can we compile and generate war file using single command
->mvn compile war:war
26.What is archetype
->It is maven project templating toolkit
27.To generate war file using single command,which command in these option is
->mvn archetype:generate -DartifactId=First-WebApp
-DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-webapp -DinteractiveMode=false
32.Maven plugin is
->Both the options mentioned
39.It is mandatory to have at least one goal associated with a build phase
4.4. Super POM is a view-only POM for attributes of all dependencies exists across
multiple POMs