Audiovisual Literacy and The Ghost of Silent Cinema in Contemporary Youtube Clips
Audiovisual Literacy and The Ghost of Silent Cinema in Contemporary Youtube Clips
Audiovisual Literacy and The Ghost of Silent Cinema in Contemporary Youtube Clips
To cite this article: Mathias Bonde Korsgaard (2019): Audiovisual Literacy and the Ghost
of Silent Cinema in Contemporary YouTube Clips, Quarterly Review of Film and Video, DOI:
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Mathias Bonde Korsgaard is Assistant Professor in Film and Media Studies at Aarhus University. His work focuses
on music video, audiovisual studies, and remixing. He has published several pieces in international journals and
anthologies, is the author of Music Video After MTV (Routledge, 2017) and co-editor of the online film jour-
nal 16:9.
ß 2019 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
in the sense that they are marked by such major innovations in technology,
but also seeing that both periods arguably privilege an aesthetics
of spectacle.8
Even as there are several kinds of clips on YouTube that of course bear
no such direct resemblance to past traditions, there are still equally many
clips that make us recall past audiovisual modes of expression—sometimes
unwittingly, sometimes not. Take for example a famous early (dare I even
say “classic”?) YouTube clip, “Charlie Bit My Finger.” The fascination that
has brought this clip close to having been watched a billion times is argu-
ably the same fascination that drove the early Lumiere film Le Repas de
Bebe from 1895. Apart from presenting similar situations—cute children,
that is—they are also strikingly similar on a formal level. They are both
short, feature no edits whatsoever, and even as “Charlie Bit My Finger”
also features sound, color, and camera movement (contrary to what was
technically possible at the time of Le Repas de Bebe), these differences
appear not so much as conscious choices on part of the father who filmed
the clip, as they are simply the result of technological developments on a
general level. Howard Davies-Carr, the father of the family who filmed the
“Charlie” clip, simply decided to film his children in the same way that the
Lumieres in their time would simply film their family and immediate sur-
roundings. Anyone who has children and a camera of any kind will prob-
ably attest to the fact that it is a surprisingly natural impulse to point the
camera in their direction. And anyone who has spent time online will also
know that there is only one other subject that is close to outranking chil-
dren in terms of being cute and likeable and thereby capable of attracting
the attention of cameras: Cats. One of the main manifestations of the
photogenic nature of cats is the phenomenon known as lolcats, that is, pho-
tos or films of cats doing something funny and/or adorable (often even in
the presence of children). The big reveal here is of course that the Lumiere
brothers were already there more than 120 years ago, filming some of the
first ever lolcats to put it in anachronistic terms, in both Le Dejeuner du
Chat (1895) and La Petite Fille et son Chat (1899). And even before the
Lumiere brothers, Edison’s assistant William Dickson filmed cats in The
Boxing Cats just like Etienne-Jules Marey shot serial photographs of a fall-
ing cat with his pre-cinematic invention, the chronophotographic gun
(both in 1894).
But it is not only this realist strand of early silent cinema that finds an
equivalent on YouTube. The formalism of the Lumiere brothers’ contem-
porary fellow countryman Georges Melies is also eerily present in the clips
made by the video magician Zach King. His clips were originally made for
Vine, a now defunct short-form video hosting service, where users could
share clips, or so-called Vines, lasting no longer than six seconds. King
uses these six seconds to create short visual gags and video magic. While
some of his clips use somewhat advanced digital techniques, many of them
are simply predicated on the trick editing that Melies was among the first
to employ. One example of this could be the 2013 clip titled “How to
Impress a Girl,” in which he uses masked jump-cut editing to magically
conjure first flowers, then—again—a cat. Compared to Melies, the similar-
ities are obvious. One of Melies’ early works like for instance Escamotage
d’une Dame au The^atre Robert-Houdin (1896) already employs the exact
same editing ploy—where Melies is able to first make a woman magically
disappear, then reconjuring her as a skeleton before finally bringing her
back from the dead, now alive and well. Even as King manages to partly
wrong-foot us by adding camera motion in postproduction (in contrast to
the static camera of Melies), the clips often come off as being nothing
more than updated digital versions of Melies’ early movie magic.
As a final example, consider the practice of fanmade recut trailers where
well-known movies are provided with fanedited trailers that most often
present the movies as if they belonged to an altogether different genre. In
the first example of this practice to go viral, Robert Ryang recasts Stanley
Kubrick’s 1980 classic horror movie The Shining as a family comedy drama.
In a sense, what these recut trailers do is indeed very similar to the experi-
ments carried out by the Soviet silent directors of the 1920s in the so-called
Kuleshov workshops. By resequencing footage from the original films, these
reedited trailers demonstrate the reality of the Kuleshov effect in that they
clearly show us how meaning does not necessarily reside in the shot, but
rather in-between the shots—in the editing. Thereby it is possible to trans-
form the image of Jack Nicholson’s character kissing a dead body—a truly
horrifying image in the real movie—into something romantic in the recut
trailer. The underlying principle is the very same as in Kuleshov’s famous
experiment where the same image of an actor changes meaning depending
on the image that follows it. The analogy extends even further, seeing that
the Soviet directors allegedly reedited copies of D. W. Griffith’s 1916 film
Intolerance as part of their experiments in order to learn more about how
the meaning of the individual images change when reedited in a different
sequence.9 This change of meaning is without a doubt very similar to what
happens in the fanmade trailers—and in others kinds of audiovisual remix-
ing as well.
Audiovisual literacy
The question remains, of course: Why do these YouTube clips resemble
something made (more than) a century ago? I believe that the answer is
rather simple: because today common people have the means to experiment
with creating moving images in the same way that a selected elite group of
filmmakers had a century ago. Whether consciously or not, YouTube film-
makers are making many of the same discoveries all anew, approaching
and learning the language of film in the same way that the very first film
directors did back then. In this respect, the question is one of literacy, or
more precisely: Clips such as these can be taken as an indication that
increasingly more people are able to and find it natural to express them-
selves through recorded sounds and moving images.
The concept of literacy has also changed lately, in accordance with gen-
eral media historical changes. Originally the concept of literacy was linked
to the ability to read and write using language (and in terms of techno-
logical development connected to Gutenberg and the invention of the
printing press). In recent times however it has become common to speak
of multiple literacies or literacies in the plural.10 This plurality is not only
to be taken in the sense that there are multiple differing conceptions of
what constitutes being literate, but also in the sense that there are differing
kinds of literacies, ranging from the classical print-, literature- and lan-
guage-based literacy, to an audiovisual literacy associated with film, televi-
sion, and electronic media, to a current digital or general media literacy
associated with digital media.11 In fact, there has even been a tendency for
this concept of digital literacy to encompass all other kinds of literacy
as well.
In relation to these YouTube clips, I find it necessary to return to the
older notion of a specifically audiovisual literacy and to try and disentangle
it from the concept of digital literacy—at least in part. Because while it
may be true that using audiovisual means of expression is an integrated
part of navigating the digital media landscape, these two kinds of literacy
are certainly not the same or reducible to one another. Of course, the view
that we are all now potential creators of audiovisual media and not just
passive recipients is certainly widespread and in no way a new claim—no
matter whether we prefer Jenkins’ concept of “convergence culture,” Axel
Bruns’ concept of produsage with an “s,” Nicholas Bourriaud’s notion of
“postproduction,” Lawrence Lessig’s idea of a shift from a “Read Only-
Culture” to a “Read/Write-Culture,” or the even older notion of the pro-
sumer, first coined by Alvin Toffler.12 In fact, these thoughts date back
even further, seeing that this fusion of consumption and production was
already predicted by Marshall McLuhan in 1964 when he wrote that
“electric automation unites production, consumption, and learning in an
inextricable process.”13
Nonetheless, it is highly likely that we have only even seen the tip of the
iceberg in terms of how profoundly our ways of expressing ourselves will
change—and how common it will become, or indeed has become, to use
writing. For example, the clip “Ping Pong Balls for Breakfast,” in which
King is seemingly able to transform a ping-pong ball into an egg, has
spawned numerous user-generated remakes and tutorials on how to achieve
the effect of the clip. To return to the above McLuhan quote, people are
indeed learning how to use audiovisual media by turning from consumption
into production—or, as Henry Jenkins has more recently put it, these acts
of appropriation are best understood “as a process by which students learn
by taking culture apart and putting it back together.”16
1. Jenkins, “What Happened Before YouTube?” in Confessions of an ACA-Fan.
2. Bolter and Grusin, Remediation: Understanding New Media; Manovich, The Language
of New Media; Jenkins, Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide.
3. Bolter and Grusin, Remediation, p. 270.
4. Manovich, Language, p. 11.
5. Gunning, “The Cinema of Attractions. Early Film, Its Spectator and the Avant-
Garde,” in Early Cinema: Space–Frame–Narrative.
6. Rizzo, YouTube: The New Cinema of Attractions,” in Scan: Journal of Media
Arts Culture.
7. Rizzo, YouTube New Cinema.
This article was submitted in relation to the 4th World Conference on Media & Mass
Communication in Bangkok, Thailand, 2018.
This work was supported by the Independent Research Fund Denmark under Grant num-
ber [DFF-4089-00149] (“Audiovisual Literacy and New Audiovisual Short-Forms”).
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