Advanced Quantum Mechanics: Judith Mcgovern December 20, 2012
Advanced Quantum Mechanics: Judith Mcgovern December 20, 2012
Advanced Quantum Mechanics: Judith Mcgovern December 20, 2012
Judith McGovern
• Shankar, R. Principles of Quantum Mechanics 2nd ed. (Plenum 1994) [preview] [Errata
to 13th printing, (2006)]
• Gasiorowicz, S. Quantum Physics 3rd ed. (Wiley 2003) [Supplementary material] [errata]
Throughout these notes, I have provided section references, mostly to the first three of these.
Note that Shankar and Townsend use Gaussian rather than SI units, as do older editions of
Gasiorowicz. Notes on translation are given in section A.12.
I have found two sets of extensive on-line quantum mechanics notes that are at the right
level for this course. One is by Prof Richard Fitzpatrick, of the University of Texas at Austin.
His UG course notes are here and his PG notes here. The UG notes start at the level of our
PHYS20101 course, but continue to the end of this course. The PG notes also start from the
begining but more in the style of PHYS20602, and continue to the end of this course. They
seem very much equivalent (though not quite idential) for the coverage of this course.
The other is by Prof Jim Branson of the University of California, San Diego, notes avail-
able here; these again start at the beginning, but go beyond this course and cover parts of
PHYS30202 as well.
Both sets of notes should be useful for revision of background material and as an alternative
resource for this course. Both have more details in the derivations than I have given here.
These notes have been prepared with TEX4ht, and use MathML to render the equations.
If you are using Internet Explorer, you may need to download ”MathPlayer” from here. Once
you have done so, the following should look more or less the same:
Z ∞ r
2π 2 n −αx2 π
|hkf |eE · r|ki| δ(Ei − Ef ) x e dx =
−∞ α
The first is MathML, the second is an image. Subtle things to look out for are bold-face
for vectors k etc; not so subtle is whether the square root in the second equation covers both
numerator and denominator. If you are using Firefox, you may need to download STIX fonts;
see here. Safari (even 5.1) is still a mess, unfortunately.
The advantage of MathML is accessibility (at least in theory), equations that can be mag-
nified if you change the magnification of the page (or that pop out with a click using “Math-
Player”), and much cleaner directories. The disadvantage is that I don’t think it looks as nice
on average, and I don’t know in advance how much trouble might be caused by incompatable
browsers. I may revert to using images for equations (as the web notes discussed above do) if
there are widespread problems, so let me know.
Operator methods in Quantum
If a particle (or an ensemble of particles) is repeatedly prepared in the same initial state
|ψ(t0 )i and the measurement is performed, the result each time will in general be different
(assuming this state is not an eigenstate of Ω; b if it is the result will be the corresponding ωi
each time). Only the distribution of results can be predicted. The postulate expressed this way
has the same content as saying that the average value of ω is given by hψ(t0 )|Ω|ψ(t b 0 )i. (Note
the distinction between repeated measurements on freshly-prepared particles, and repeated
measurements on the same particle which will give the same ωi each subsequent time.)
V: The time evolution of the state |ψ(t)i is given by i~ dt |ψ(t)i = H|ψ(t)i,
b where H b is the
operator corresponding to the classical Hamiltonian.
In most cases the Hamiltonian is just the energy and is expressed as p̂ · p̂/2m + V (x̂). (They
differ in some cases though - see texts on classical mechanics such as Kibble and Berkshire.)
In the presence of non-conservative forces such as magnetism the Hamiltonian is still equal to
the energy, but its expression in terms of p̂ is more complicated.
VI: The Hilbert space for a system of two or more particles is a product space.
This is true whether the particles interact or not, ie if the states |φi i span the space for one
particle, the states |φi i ⊗ |φj i will span the space for two particles. If they do interact though,
the eigenstates of the Hamiltonian will not just be simple products of that form, but will be
linear superpositions of such states.
• Shankar 4
• Working in one dimension for the moment, it is convenient to define the state |x0 i which
is an eigenfunction of the position operator: x̂|x0 i = x0 |x0 i. Here we have used x0 to
indicate a specific value of x – say 3 m right of the origin - but we also write |xi when we
want to leave the exact value open. It’s like the difference between |ω1 i and |ωi i.
• The set {|xi} form a complete set as x̂ is Hermitian, but now when we expand another
state in terms of these, we have to integrate rather than sum, and
R rather than a discrete set
of coefficients {ai } we have a continuous set or function, |αi = α(x )|x idx0 . (Integration
0 0
• We choose the normalisation to be hx|x0 i = δ(x − x0 ). Then α(x) = hx|αi. This is called
the wave function in position space of the state |αi. With this normalisation the identity
operator is Z ∞
|x0 ihx0 |dx0 .
These states have infinite norm and so don’t really belong to our vector space, but we
don’t need to worry about this! (See PHYS20602 notes for much more detail.)
• Since |αi = α(x0 )|x0 idx0 , from the fourth postulate we might expect that RP (x) ≡ |α(x)|2
is the probability of finding the particle at position x. But we also need P (x0 )dx0 = 1
– the probability of finding the particle at some x is unity. The transition from sums to
integrals corresponds to the transition from discrete probabilities to probability distribu-
tions, and so the correct interpretation is that P (x)dx is the probability of finding the
particle in an infinitesimal interval between x and x + dx.
• Since hx|x̂|αi = xhx|αi = xα(x), we can say that the position operator in the position
space representation is simply x, and operating with it is equivalent to multiplying the
wave function by x.
• If we make the hypothesis that hx|p̂|αi = −i~dα(x)/dx, we can see that the required
commutation relation [x̂, p̂] = i~ is satisfied.
• We can equally imagine states of definite momentum, |pi, with p̂|pi = p|pi. Then α̃(p) =
hp|αi is the wave function in position space; in this representation p̂ is given by p and x̂
by (i~)d/dp.
• Let’s write the position-space wave function of |pi, hx|pi, as φp (x). Since hx|p̂|pi can be
written as either pφp (x) or −i~dφp (x)/dx, we see that φp (x) = (1/ 2π~) eipx/~ . This is just
a plane wave, as expected. (The normalisation is determined by hp|p0 i = δ(p − p0 ).)
√ R 0
• This implies that α(x) = (1/ 2π~) eip x/~ α̃(p0 )dp0 , that is the position-
√ and momentum-
space wave functions are Fourier transforms of each other. (The 1/ ~ is present in the
prefactor because we are using p and not k = p/~ as the conjugate variable.)
• The extension to three dimensions is trivial, with the representation of the vector operator
p̂ in position space being −i~∇. Since differentiation with respect to one coordinate
commutes with multiplication by another, [x̂i , p̂j ] = i~δij as required. (We have used x̂
as the position operator. We will however use r as the position vector. The reason we
don’t use r̂ is that it is so commonly used to mean a unit vector. Thus x̂|ri = r|ri.)
√ ip·r/~
The generalisation of φp (x) is φp (r) = (1/ 2π~) e , which is a plane wave travelling in
the direction of p.
~2 2 ∂
− ∇ ψ(r, t) + V (r)ψ(r, t) = i~ ψ(r, t)
2m ∂t
Note though that position and time are treated quite differently in quantum mechanics.
There is no operator corresponding to time, and t is just part of the label of the state:
ψ(r, t) = hr|ψ(t)i.
• Together with the probability density, ρ(r) = |ψ(r)|2 , we also have a probability flux j(r) =
(−i~/2m)(ψ(r)∗ ∇ψ(r) − ψ(r)∇ψ(r)∗ ). The continuity equation ∇ · j = −∂ρ/∂t which
ensures local conservation of probability density follows from the Schrödinger equation.
• A two-particle state has a wave function which is a function of the two positions, Φ(r1 , r2 ),
and the basis kets are direct product states |r1 i ⊗ |r2 i. For states of non-interacting
distinguishable particles where it is possible to say that the first particle is in single-
particle state |ψi and the second in |φi, the state of the system is |ψi ⊗ |φi and the wave
function is Φ(r1 , r2 ) = (hr1 | ⊗ hr2 |)(|ψi ⊗ |φi) = hr1 |ψihr2 |φi = ψ(r1 )φ(r2 ).
• From i~ dt |ψ(t)i = H|ψ(t)i
b we obtain |ψ(t + dt)i = 1 − ~i Hdt b |ψ(t)i. Thus
i (t − t0 ) b
|ψ(t)i = lim 1− H |ψ(t0 )i = e−iH(t−t0 )/~ |ψ(t0 )i ≡ U (t, t0 )|ψ(t0 )i
N →∞ ~ N
• Shankar ch 1.10
• Mandl ch 12.4
The usual reason for considering the Stern-Gerlach experiment is that it shows experi-
mentally that angular momentum is quantised, and that particles can have intrinsic angular
momentum which is an integer multiple of 21 ~. An inhomogeneous magnetic field deflects par-
ticles by an amount proportional to the component of their magnetic moment parallel to the
field; when a beam of atoms passes through they follow only a few discrete paths (2j + 1 where
j is their total angular momentum quantum number) rather than, as classically predicted, a
continuum of paths (corresponding to a magnetic moment which can be at any angle relative
to the field).
For our purposes though a Stern-Gerlach device is a quick and easily-visualised way of
making measurements of quantities (spin components) for which the corresponding operators
do not commute, and thereby testing the postulates concerned with measurement. We restrict
ourselves to spin- 12 ; all we need to know is that if we write | + ni to indicate a particle with its
spin up along the direction n, and | − ni for spin down, then the two orthogonal states {| ± ni}
span the space for any n, and |h±n| ± n0 i|2 = 21 if n and n0 are perpendicular.
In the figure above we see an unpolarised beam entering a Stern-Gerlach device with its
field oriented in the z-direction. If we intercept only the upper or lower exiting beam, we have
a pure spin-up or spin-down state.
Here we see a sequence of Stern-Gerlach devices with their fields oriented in either the x- or
z-direction. The numbers give the fraction of the original unpolarised beam which reaches this
point. The sequence of two x-devices in a row illustrates reproducibility. The final z-device
is the really crucial one. Do you understand why half of the particles end up spin-down, even
though we initially picked the | + zi beam?
• Townsend ch 1.4
d b 1 b b ∂Ω
hΩi = h[Ω, H]i + h i
dt i~ ∂t
d ∂Ω dx ∂Ω dp ∂Ω
Ω(p, x, t) = + +
dt ∂x dt ∂p dt ∂t
∂Ω ∂H ∂Ω ∂H ∂Ω
= − +
∂x ∂p ∂p ∂x ∂t
≡ {Ω, H} +
where the notation {Ω, H} is called the Poisson bracket of Ω and H, and is simply defined in
terms of the expression on the line above which it replaced. (For Ω = x and Ω = p we can in
fact recover Hamilton’s equations for ṗ and ẋ from this more general expression.)
In fact for H
+ V (x̂), we can further show that
d p̂ d dV (x̂)
hx̂i = h i and hp̂i = −h i
dt m dt dx̂
which looks very close to Newton’s laws. Note though that hdV (x̂)/dx̂i 6= dhV (x̂)i/dhx̂i in
This correspondence is not just a coincidence, in the sense that Heisenberg was influenced
by it in coming up with his formulation of quantum mechanics. It confirms that it is the
expectation value of an operator, rather than the operator itself, which is closer to the classical
concept of the time evolution of some quantity as a particle moves along a trajectory.
Similarity of formalism is not the same as identity of concepts though. Ehrenfest’s Theorem
does not say that the expectation value of a quantity follows a classical trajectory in general.
What it does ensure is that if the uncertainty in the quantity is sufficiently small, in other words
if ∆x and ∆p are both small (in relative terms) then the quantum motion will aproximate the
classical path. Of course because of the uncertainty principle, if ∆x is small then ∆p is large, and
it can only be relatively small if p itself is really large—ie if the particle’s mass is macroscopic.
More specifically, we can say that we will be in the classical regime if the de Broglie wavelength
is much less that the (experimental) uncertainty in x. (In the Stern-Gerlach experiment the
atoms are heavy enough that (for a given component of their magnetic moment) they follow
approximately classical trajectories through the inhomogeneous magnetic field.)
• Shankar ch 2.7, ch 6
• Mandl ch 3.2
Approximate methods I: variational
method and WKB
It is often (almost always!) the case that we cannot solve real problems analytically. Only a
very few potentials have analytic solutions, by which I mean one can write down the energy
levels and wave functions in closed form, as for the harmonic oscillator and Coulomb potential.
In fact those are really the only useful ones (along with square wells)... In the last century,
a number of approximate methods have been developed to obtain information about systems
which can’t be solved exactly.
These days, this might not seem very relevant. Computers can solve differential equations
very efficiently. But:
• It is always useful to have a check on numerical methods
• Even supercomputers can’t solve the equations for many interacting particle exactly in a
reasonable time (where “many” may be as low as four, depending on the complexity of
the interaction) — ask a nuclear physicist or quantum chemist.
• Quantum field theories are systems with infinitely many degrees of freedom. All ap-
proaches to QFT must be approximate.
• If the system we are interested in is close to a soluble one, we might obtain more insight
from approximate methods than from numerical ones. This is the realm of perturbation
theory. The most accurate prediction ever made, for the anomalous magnetic moment of
the electron, which is good to one part in 1012 , is a 4th order perturbative calculation.
≥ E0
This initially surprising result is more obvious if we consider expanding the (normalised)
b = P Pn En . Since all the probabilities
|Ψi in the true energy eigenstates |ni, which gives hHi n
Pn are non-negative, and all the En greater than or equal to E0 , this is obviously not less than
E0 .
It is also clear that the better the guess (in the sense of maximising the overlap with the
true ground state) the lower the energy bound, till successively better guesses converge on the
true result.
As a very simple example, consider the infinite square well with V = 0, 0 < x < a and
V = ∞ otherwise. As a trial function, we use Ψ(x) = x(a − x), 0 < x < a and Ψ(x) = 0
otherwise. Then
b 10 ~2 π 2 ~2
= = 1.013
hΨ|Ψi 2ma2 2ma2
This is spectacularly good! Obviously it helped that our trial wave function looked a lot like
what we’d expect of the true solution - symmetric about the midpoint, obeying the boundary
conditions, no nodes....
In general, we will do better if we have an adjustable parameter, because then we can find
the value which minimises our upper bound. So we could try Ψ(x) = x(a − x) + bx2 (a − x)2
(with our previous guess corresponding to b = 0). Letting Mathematica do the dirty work, we
get an energy bound which is a function of b, which takes its minimum value of 1.00001E0 at
b = 1.133/a2 . Not much room for further improvement here!
Above we have plotted, on the left, the true and approximate wave functions (except that
the true one is hidden under the second approximation, given in blue) and on the right, the
deviations of the approximate wave functions from the true one (except that for the second
approximation the deviation has been multiplied by 5 to render it visible!) This illustrates
a general principle though: the wave function does have deviations from the true one on the
part-per-mil scale, while the energy is good to 1 part in 105 . This is because the error in the
energy is proportional to the coefficients squared of the admixture of “wrong” states, whereas
the error in the wave function is linear in them.
Another example, for which the analytic solution is not known, is the quartic potential,
V (x) = βx4 . Here a Gaussian trial wave function Ψ(x) = e−ax /2 gives an upper bound for
the ground energy state of 83 61/3 = 0.68 in units of (~4 β/m2 )1/3 . (The value obtained from
numerical solution of the equation is 0.668).
• Gasiorowicz ch 14.4
• Mandl ch 8.1
• Shankar ch 16.1
Looking again at the expression hHib = P Pn En , and recalling that the Pn are the squares
of the overlap between the trial function and the actual eigenstates of the system, we see that
we can only find bounds on excited states if we can arrange for the overlap of the trial wave
function with all lower states to be zero. Usually this is not possible.
However an exception occurs where the states of the system can be separated into sets
with different symmetry properties or other quantum numbers. Examples include parity and
(in 3 dimensions) angular momentum. For example the lowest state with odd parity will
automatically have zero overlap with the (even-parity) ground state, and so an upper bound
can be found for it as well.
For the square well, the relevant symmetry is reflection about the midpoint of the well.
If we choose a trial function which is antisymmetric about the midpoint, it must have zero
overlap with the
P true ground state. So we can get a good bound on the first excited state,
since hHi = n>0 Pn En > E1 . Using Ψ1 (x) = x(a − x)(2x − a), 0 < x < a we get E1 ≤
42 ~2 /2ma2 = 1.064E1 .
If we wanted a bound on E2 , we’d need a wave function which was orthogonal to both the
ground state and the first excited state. The latter is easy by symmetry, but as we don’t know
the exact ground state (or so we are pretending!) we can’t ensure the first. We can instead
form a trial wave function which is orthogonal to the best trial ground state, but we will no
longer have a strict upper bound on the energy E2 , just a guess as to its value.
In this case we can choose Ψ(x) = x(a − x) + bx2 (a − x)2 with a new value of b which gives
orthogonality to the previous state, and then we get E2 ∼ 10.3E0 (as opposed to 9 for the
actual value).
• Mandl ch 8.3
• Shankar ch 16.1
Summary: The most famous example of the variational principle is the ground
state of the two-electron helium atom.
If we could switch off the interactions between the electrons, we would know what the
ground state of the helium atom would be: Ψ(r1 , r2 ) = φZ=2 Z=2 Z
100 (r1 )φ100 (r2 ), where φnlm is a
single-particle wave function of the hydrogenic atom with nuclear charge Z. For the ground
state n = 1 and l = m = 0 (spherical symmetry). The energy of the two electrons would be
2Z 2 ERy = −108.8 eV. But the experimental energy is only −78.6 eV (ie it takes 78.6 eV to
fully ionise neutral helium). The difference is obviously due to the fact that the electrons repel
one another.
The full Hamiltonian (ignoring the motion of the proton - a good approximation for the
accuracy to which we will be working) is
2 2 1 1 1
− (∇1 + ∇2 ) − 2 ~cα + + ~cα
2m |r1 | |r2 | |r1 − r2 |
where ∇21 involves differentiation with respect to the components of r1 , and α = e2 /(4π0 ~c) ≈
1/137. (See here for a note on units in EM.)
A really simple guess at a trial wave function for this problem would just be Ψ(r1 , r2 ) as
written above. The expectation value of the repulsive interaction term is (5Z/4)ERy giving
a total energy of −74.8 eV. (Gasiorowicz demonstrates the integral, as do Fitzpatrick and
It turns out we can do even better if we use the atomic number Z in the wave function Ψ as
a variational parameter (that in the Hamiltonian, of course, must be left at 2). The best value
turns out to be Z = 27/16 and that gives a better upper bound of −77.5 eV – just slightly
higher than the experimental value. (Watch the sign – we get an lower bound for the ionization
energy.) This effective nuclear charge of less than 2 presumably reflects the fact that to some
extent each electron screens the nuclear charge from the other.
Summary: The WKB approximation works for potentials which are slowly-
varying on the scale of the wavelength of the particle and is particularly useful for
describing tunnelling.
The WKB approximation is named for G. Wentzel, H.A. Kramers, and L. Brillouin, who
independently developed the method in 1926. There are pre-quantum antecedents due to
Jeffreys and Raleigh, though.
We can always write the one-dimensional Schrödinger equation as
d2 φ
= −k(x)2 φ(x)
where k(x) ≡ 2m(E − V (x))/~. We could think of the quantity k(x) as a spatially-varying
wavenumber (k = 2π/λ), though we anticipate that this can only make sense if it doesn’t
change too quickly with position - else we can’t identify a wavelength at all.
Let’s see under what conditions a solution of the form
Z x
0 0
ψ(x) = A exp ±i k(x )dx
might be a good approximate solution. Plugging this into the SE above, the LHS reads −(k 2 ∓
ik 0 )ψ. (Here and hereafter, primes denote differentiation wrt x — except when they indicate
an integration variable.) So provided |k 0 /k| |k|, or |λ0 | 1, this is indeed a good solution as
the second term can be ignored. And |λ0 | 1 does indeed mean that the wavelength is slowly
varying. (One sometimes reads that what is needed is that the potential is slowly varying.
But that is not a well defined statement, because dV /dx is not dimensionless. For any smooth
potential, at high-enough energy we will have |λ0 | 1. What is required is that the lengthscale
of variation of λ, or k, or V (the scales are all approximately equal) is large compared with the
de Broglie wavelength of the particle.
An obvious problem with this form is that the current isn’t constant: if we calculate it we
get |A|2 ~k(x)/m. A better approximation is
Z x
A 0 0
ψ(x) = p exp ±i k(x )dx
which gives a constant flux. (Classically, the probability of finding a particle in a small region
is inversely proportional to the speed with which it passes through that region.) Furthermore
one can show that if the error in the first approximation is O |λ0 |, the residual error with
the second approximation is O |λ0 |2 . At first glance there is a problem with the second form
when k(x) = 0, ie when E = V (x). But near these points - the classical turning points - the
whole approximation scheme is invalid, because λ → ∞ and so the potential cannot be “slowly
varying” on the scale of λ.
For a region of constant potential, of course, there
R x is0 no 0difference between the two approx-
imations and both reduce to a plain wave, since k(x )dx = kx.
For regions where E < V (x), k(x) will be imaginary and there is no wavelength as such.
But defining λ = 2π/k still, the WKB approximation will continue to be valid if |λ0 | 1.
Tunnelling and bound-state problems inevitably include regions where E ≈ V (x) and the
WKB approximation isn’t valid. This would seem to be a major problem. However if such
regions are short the requirement that the wave function and its derivative be continuous can
help us to “bridge the gap”.
• Gasiorowicz Supplement 4 A
• Shankar ch 16.2
For the particular case of a well with infinite sides the solution must vanish at the boundaries,
so (taking the lower limit of integration as a for definiteness; any other choice just shifts φ)
Rb Rb
φ = (n0 + 21 )π and a k(x0 )dx0 + φ = (n00 + 12 )π; in other words a k(x0 )dx0 = (n + 1)π, with
integer n ≥ 0. Of course for constant k this gives k = nπ/(b − a), which is exact.
For a more general potential, outside the classically allowed region we will have decaying
exponentials. In the vicinity of the turning points these solutions will not be valid, but if we
approximate the potential as linear we can solve the Schrödinger equation exactly (in terms of
Airy functions). Matching these to our WKB solutions in the vicinity of x = a and x = b gives
the surprisingly simple result that inside the well
Z x Z x
A 0 0 0 0
ψ(x) = p cos k(x )dx − π/4 and ψ(x) = p cos k(x )dx + π/4
k(x) a k(x) b
which can only be satisfied if A0 = ±A and a k(x0 )dx0 = (n+ 12 )π. This latter is the quantisation
condition for a finite well; it is different from the infinite well because the solution can leak
into the forbidden region. (For a semi-infinite well, the condition is that the integral equal
(n + 43 )π. This is the appropriate form for the l = 0 solutions of a spherically symmetric
well.) Unfortunately we can’t check this against the finite square well though, because there
the potential is definitely not slowly varying at the edges, nor can it be approximated as linear.
But we can try the harmonic oscillator, for which the integral gives Eπ/~ω and hence the
quantisation condition gives E = (n + 21 ) ~ω! The approximation was only valid for large n
(small wavelength) but in fact we’ve obtained the exact answer for all levels.
Details of the matching process are given in section, since I’ve not found them in
full detail in any textbook. They are not examinable.
• Gasiorowicz Supplement 4 A
• Shankar ch 16.2
WKB B 2 3/2
WKB C 2 3/2
ψx<b (z) = cos − 3
(µ − z) + φ and ψx>b (z) = exp − 3
(z − µ) .
(µ − z)1/4 (z − µ)1/4
(We chose the lower limit of integration to be µ in order that the constant of integration
vanished; any other choice would just shift φ.) Now the asymptotic forms of the Airy function
are known:
2 3/2 π
cos 3 |z| − 4 − 2 z 3/2
z→∞ e 3
Ai(z) −→ √ and Ai(z) −→ √ 1/4
π |z|1/4 2 πz
so 2 3/2
− π4
z→−∞ cos 3 (µ − z) z→∞ e− 3 (z−µ)
Ai(z − µ) −→ √ and Ai(z − µ) −→ √
π(µ − z)1/4 2 π(z − µ)1/4
and these will match the WKB expressions exactly provided C = 2B and φ = π/4.
At the left-hand turning point a, the potential is V = −βx (with a different Rβ in general)
R z the solution y(z) = AAi(−z − µ). On the other hand the WKB integral is a k(x0 )dx0 =
(µ + z 0 )dz 0 = 2/3(µ + z)3/2 . So in the classically allowed region we are comparing
− π4
z→∞ cos 3 (z + µ) WKB D 2 3/2
Ai(−z−µ) −→ √ with ψ x>a (z) = cos 3
(µ + z) + φ
π(z + µ)1/4 (µ + z)1/4
which requires φ = −π/4. (Note that φ is different in each case because we have taken the
integral from a different place.)
It is worth stressing that though the exact (Airy function) and WKB solutions match “far
away” from the turning point, they do not do so close in. The (z − µ)−1/4 terms in the latter
mean that they blow up, but the former are perfectly smooth. They are shown (for µ = 0)
below, in red for the WKB and black for the exact functions. We can see they match very well
so long as |z − µ| > 1; in fact z → ∞ is overkill!
So now we can be more precise about the conditions under which the matching is possible:
we need the potential to be linear over the region ∆x ∼ ( ~2 /(2mβ)) 1/3
2 where β = dV /dx.
Linearity means that ∆V /∆x ≈ dV /dx at the turning point, or d V /dx2 ∆x dV /dx
(assuming the curvature
2 is the
dominant non-linearity,2/3
as is likely if V is smooth). For the
harmonic oscillator, d V /dx ∆x/(dV /dx) = 2(~ω/E) which is only much less than 1 for
very large n, making the exact result even more surprising!
In the figure above the value of a is roughly the nuclear radius R, and b is given by VC (b) = E,
with the Coulomb potential VC (r) = zZ ~cα/r. (Z is the atomic number of the daughter nucleus
and z = 2 that of the alpha.) The integral in the exponent can be done (see Gasiorowicz
Supplement 4 B for details; the substitution r = b cos2 θ is used), giving in the limit b a
Z b r
mc2 Z 1 Z
2 κ(x0 )dx0 = 2πzZα = 39 p ⇒ log10 = const − 1.72 p
a 2E E(MeV) τ E(MeV)
Data for the lifetimes of long-lived isotopes (those with low-energy alphas) fit such a functional
form well, but with 1.61 rather than 1.72. In view of the fairly crude approximations made,
this is a pretty good result. Note it is independent of thepnuclear radius because we used b a;
we could have kept the first correction, proportional to b/a, to improve the result.
• Gasiorowicz Supplement 4 B
• Shankar ch 16.2
Approximate methods II:
Time-independent perturbation theory
3.1 Formalism
Perturbation theory is applicable when the Hamiltonian H b can be split into two parts, with
the first part being exactly solvable and the second part being small in comparison. The first
part is always written H b (0) , and we will denote its eigenstates by |n(0) i and energies by E (0) (with
wave functions φn ). These we know. The eigenstates and energies of the full Hamiltonian are
denoted |ni and En , and the aim is to find successively better approximations to these. The
zeroth-order approximation is simply |ni = |n(0) i and En = En(0) , which is just another way of
saying that the perturbation is small.
Nomenclature for the perturbing Hamiltonian H b −H b (0) varies. δV , H
b (1) and λH b (1) are all
common. It usually is a perturbing potential but we won’t assume so here, so we won’t use the
first. The second and third differ in that the third has explicitly identified a small, dimensionless
parameter (eg α in EM), so that the residual H b (1) isn’t itself small. With the last choice, our
expressions for the eigenstates and energies of the full Hamiltonian will be explicitly power
series in λ, so En = En(0) + λEn(1) + λ2 En(2) + . . . etc. With the second choice the small factor is
hidden in Hb (1) , and is implicit in the expansion which then reads En = En(0) +En(1) +En(2) +. . .. In
this case one has to remember that anything with a superscript (1) is first order in this implicit
small factor, or more generally the superscript (m) denotes something which is mth order. For
the derivation of the equations we will retain an explicit λ, but thereafter we will set it equal
to one to revert to the other formulation. We will take λ to be real so that H b 1 is Hermitian.
We start with the master equation
b (0) + λH
(H b (1) )|ni = En |ni.
Then we substitute in En = En(0) + λEn(1) + λ2 En(2) + . . . and |ni = |n(0) i + λ|n(1) i + λ2 |n(2) i + . . .
and expand. Then since λ is a free parameter, we have to match terms on each side with the
same powers of λ, to get
b (0) |n(0) i = En(0) |n(0) i
b (0) |n(1) i + H
H b (1) |n(0) i = En(0) |n(1) i + En(1) |n(0) i
b (0) |n(2) i + H
H b (1) |n(1) i = E (0) |n(2) i + E (1) |n(1) i + E (2) |n(0) i
n n n
We have to solve these sequentially. The first we assume we have already done. The second
will yield En(1) and |n(1) i. Once we know these, we can use the third equation to yield En(2) and
|n(2) i, and so on.
In each case, to solve for the energy we take the inner product with hn(0) | (ie the same state)
whereas for the wave function, we use hm(0) | (another state). We use, of course, hm(0) |H b (0) =
Em hm | and hm |n i = δmn .
(0) (0) (0) (0)
The second equation tells us the overlap of |n(1) i with all the other |m(0) i, but not with |n(0) i.
This is obviously not constrained, because we can add any amount of |n(0) i and the equations
will still be satisfied. However we need the state to continue to be normalised, and when we
expand hn|ni = 1 in powers of λ we find that hn(0) |n(1) i is required to be imaginary. Since this
is just like a phase rotation of the original state and we can ignore it. Hence
X hm(0) |H b (1) |n(0) i
|n(1) i = (0) (0)
|m(0) i
En − Em
b (0) is degenerate, there is a potential problem with this expression because
If the spectrum of H
the denominator can be infinite. In that case we have to diagonalise H b (1) in the subspace of
degenerate states exactly. This is called “degenerate perturbation theory”.
Then at second order
(0) b (1) (0) 2
X hm |H |n i
En(2) = hn(0) |H
b (1) |n(1) i =
En(0) − Em(0)
The expression for the second-order shift in the wave function |n(2) i can also be found but it
is tedious. The main reason we wanted |n(1) i was to find En(2) anyway, and we’re not planning
to find En(3) ! Note that though the expression for En(1) is generally applicable, those for |n(1) i
and En(2) would need some modification if the Hamiltonian had continuum eigenstates as well
as bound states (eg hydrogen atom). Provided the state |ni is bound, that is just a matter of
integrating rather than summing. This restriction to bound states is why Mandl calls chapter 7
“bound-state perturbation theory”. The perturbation of continuum states (eg scattering states)
is usually dealt with separately.
Note that the equations above hold whether we have identified an explicit small parameter
λ or not. So from now on we will set λ to one, and En = En(0) + En(1) + En(2) + . . ..
Connection to variational approach:
For the ground state (which is always non-degenerate) E0(0) + E0(1) is a variational upper bound
on the exact energy E0 , since it is obtained by using the unperturbed ground state as a trial
wavefunction for the full Hamiltonian. It follows that the sum of all higher corrections E0(2) +. . .
must be negative. We can see indeed that E0(2) will always be negative, since for every term in
the sum the numerator is positive and the denominator negative.
• Gasiorowicz ch 11.1
• Mandl ch 7.1,3
• Shankar ch 17.1
• Townsend ch 11.1-3
3.1.1 Simple examples of perturbation theory
Probably the simplest example we can think of is an infinite square well with a low step half
way across, so that V (x) = 0 for 0 < x < a/2, V0 for a/2 < x < a and infinite elsewhere. We
treat this as a perturbation on the flat-bottomed well, so H (1) = V0 for a/2 < x < a and zero
elsewhere. q
The ground-state unperturbed wavefunction is ψ0(0) = a2 sin πx a
, with unperturbed energy
E0(0) = π 2 ~2 /(2ma2 ). A “low” step will mean V0 E0(0) . Then we have
2 a
πx V0
(1) (0) (1) (0)
E0 = hψ0 |H |ψ0 i = V0 sin2 dx =
a a/2 a 2
This problem can be solved √ semi-analytically;p in both regions the solutions are sinusoids, but
with wavenumbers k = 2mE/~ and k 0 = 2m(E − V0 )/~ respectively; satisfying the bound-
ary conditions and matching the wavefunctions and derivatives at x = a/2 gives the condition
k cot(ka/2) = k 0 cot(k 0 a/2) which can be solved numerically for E. (You ought to try this, it
will be good practice for later sections of the course.) Below the exact solution (green, dotted)
and E0(0) + E0(1) (blue) are plotted; we can see that they start to diverge when V0 = 5 (everything
is in units of ~2 /(2ma2 )).
We can also plot the exact wavefunctions for different step size, and see that for V0 = 10 (the
middle picture, well beyond the validity of first-order perturbation theory) it is significantly
different from a simple sinusoid.
Another example is the harmonic oscillator, with a perturbing potential H (1) = λx2 . The
states of the unperturbed oscillator are denoted |n(0) i with energies E0(0) = (n + 21 )~ω.
p Recalling that† in terms of creation and annihilation operators (see section A.4), x̂ =
~/(2mω)(â + â ), with [â, ↠] = 1, and so
~λ λ
En(1) = hn(0) |H (1) |n(0) i = hn(0) |(↠)2 + â2 + 2↠â + 1|n(0) i = ~ω(n + 12 )
2mω mω 2
The first-order change in the wavefunction is also easy to compute, as hm(0) |H (1) |n(0) i = 0
unless m = n ± 2. Thus
X hm(0) |H b (1) |n(0) i
|n(1) i = (0) (0)
|m(0) i
En − Em
p p !
~λ (n + 1)(n + 2) n(n − 1)
= |(n + 2)(0) i + |(n − 2)(0) i
2mω −2~ω 2~ω
(0) b (1) (0) 2
X hm |H |n i
and En(2) = hn(0) |H
b (1) |n(1) i =
En(0) − Em
2 2
~λ (n + 1)(n + 2) n(n − 1) 1 λ
= + = −2 ~ω(n + 21 )
2mω −2~ω 2~ω mω 2
We can see a pattern emerging, and of course this is actually a soluble
p problem, as all that the
perturbation has done is change the frequency. Defining ω 0 = ω 1 + 2λ/(mω 2 ), we see that
the exact solution is
2 !
λ 1 λ
En = (n + 21 )~ω 0 = (n + 12 )~ω 1 + − + ...
mω 2 2 mω 2
in agreement with the perturbative calculation.
1 1
|10 i = √ (|1(0) i + |2(0) i) |20 i = √ (|1(0) i − |2(0) i).
(0) (0)
2 2
b (1) |10 (0) i = 2a|10 (0) i and H
Then H b (1) |20 (0) i = 0. Hence
|10 i = |20 i = 0,
(1) (1)
E1(1)0 = 2a, E2(1)0 = 0, E1(2)0 = E2(2)0 = 0
In this case because H b (1) doesn’t mix states 1 & 2 with 3, diagonalising it in the subspace is
actually equivalent to solving the problem exactly. We can check our results against the exact
eigenvalues for E2(0) = E1(0) and see that they are correct, except that we made the “wrong”
choice for our labelling of |10 (0) i and |20 (0) i.
α2 |En(0) |
(1) 2 3
hnlm|HKE |nlmi = −
b −
n 2l + 1 4n
In calculating this the expressions En(0) = 2n1 2 α2 mc2 and a0 = ~/(mcα) are useful. Tricks for
doing the the radial integrals are explained in Shankar qu. 17.3.4; they are tabulated in section
A.3. Details of the algebra for this and the following calculation are given here.
The second correction is the spin-orbit interaction:
b (1) = 1 dVC b b
2m2 c2 r dr
In this expression L b and S b are the vector operators for orbital and spin angular momentum
respectively. The usual (somewhat hand-waving) derivation talks of the electron seeing a mag-
netic field from the proton which appears to orbit it; the magnetic moment of the electron then
prefers to be aligned with this field. This gives an expression which is too large by a factor of
2; an exact derivation requires the Dirac equation.
This time we will run into trouble with the degeneracy of H b (0) unless we do some work first.
The usual trick of writing 2L b·Sb=J b2 − L
b 2 −S
b 2 where J b = L+
b Sb tells us that rather than working
2 2
with eigenstates of L , L̂z , S and Ŝz , which would be the basis we’d get with the minimal
b b
direct product of the spatial state |nlml i and a spinor |sms i, we want to use eigenstates of
b 2, S
L b2 and Jˆz , |nljmj i, instead. (Since S = 1 for an electron we suppress it in the labelling
b2 J
2 q q
of the state.) An example of such a state is |n1 2 2 i = 3 |n11i ⊗ | 2 − 2 i − 13 |n10i ⊗ | 21 12 i.
11 2 1 1
(1) α |E (0)
n | 2 2
hnljmj |H
b |nljmj i =
SO −
n 2l + 1 2j + 1
(This expression is only correct for l 6= 0. However there is another separate effect, the Darwin
term, which only affects s-waves and whose expectation value is just the same as above (with
l = 0 and j = 12 ), so we can use this for all l. The Darwin term can only be understood in the
context of the Dirac equation.)
So finally
α2 |En(0) | 3
(1) 2
Enj = − .
n 4n 2j + 1
The degeneracy of all states with the same n has been broken. States of l = j ± 21 are still
degenerate, a result that persists to all orders in the Dirac equation (where in any case orbital
angular momentum is no longer a good quantum number.) So the eight n = 2 states are split
by 4.5 × 10−5 eV, with the 2 p3/2 state lying higher that the degerate 2 p1/2 and 2 s1/2 states.
Two other effects should be mentioned here. One is the hyperfine splitting. The proton
has a magnetic moment, and the energy of the atom depends on whether the electon spin is
aligned with it or not— more precisely, whether the total spin of the electon and proton is 0 or
1. The anti-aligned case has lower energy (since the charges are opposite), and the splitting for
the 1s state is 5.9 × 10−6 eV. (It is around a factor of 10 smaller for any of the n = 2 states.)
Transitions between the two hyperfine states of 1s hydrogen give rise to the 21 cm microwave
radiation which is a signal of cold hydrogen gas in the galaxy and beyond.
The final effect is called the Lamb shift. It cannot be accounted for in quantum mechanics,
but only in quantum field theory.
The diagrams above show corrections to the simple Coulomb force which would be rep-
resented by the exchange of a single photon between the proton and the electron. The most
notable effect on the spectrum of hydrogen is to lift the remaining degeneracy between the 2 p1/2
and 2 s1/2 states, so that the latter is higher by 4.4 × 10−6 eV.
Below the various corrections to the energy levels of hydrogen are shown schematically. The
gap between the n = 1 and n = 2 shells is supressed, and the Lamb and hyperfine shifts are
exaggerated in comparison with the fine-structure. The effect of the last two on the 2 p3/2 level
is not shown.
• Gasiorowicz ch 12.1,2,4
• Mandl ch 7.4
• Shankar ch 17.3
• Townsend ch 11.6,7
(1) eB
Enljmj = hnljmj |L
bz + 2Sbz |nljmj i.
If Jbz is conserved but L bz and Sbz are not, the expectation values of the latter two might be
expected to be proportional to the first, modified by the average degree of alignment: hSbz i =
~mj hS b · Ji/h
b Ji b 2 and similarly for Lz . (This falls short of a proof but is in fact correct; see
Mandl 7.5.3 for details.) Using 2S b=S b2 + Jb2 − Lb 2 and the equivalent with S
b↔L b gives
(1) eB~mj j(j + 1) − l(l + 1) + s(s + 1) eB~mj
Enljmj = 1+ = gjls .
2m 2j(j + 1) 2m
Of course for hydrogen s(s+1) = 43 , but the expression above, which defines the Landé g factor,
is actually more general and hence I’ve left it with an explicit s. For hydrogen, j = l ± 12 and
so g = (1 ± 2l+1 ).
Thus states of a given j (already no longer degenerate due to fine-structure effects) are
further split into (2j+1) equally-spaced levels. Since spectroscopy involves observing transitions
between two states, both split but by different amounts, the number of spectral lines can be
quite large.
• Gasiorowicz ch 12.3
• Mandl ch 7.5
• (Shankar ch 14.5)
• Townsend ch 11.8
(We use E1 for E100 ). This is a compact expression, but it would be very hard to evaluate
directly. We can get a crude estimate of the size of the effect by simply replacing all the
denominators by E1(0) − E2(0) ; this overestimates the magnitude of every term but the first, for
which it is exact, so it will give an upper bound on the magnitude of the shift. Then
(eE)2 XX Z
(2) 3
E1 > h100|z|nlmihnlm|z|100i + d kh100|z|kihk|z|100i
E1(0) − E2(0) n≥1 lm
(eE)2 2 8(eE)2 a30
= h100|z |100i = −
E1(0) − E2(0) 3~cα
where we have included n = 1 and other values of l and m in the sum because the matrix
elements vanish anyway, and then used the completeness relation involving all the states, bound
and unbound, of the hydrogen atom.
There is a trick for evaluating the exact result, which gives 9/4 rather than 8/3 as the
constant (See Shankar.) So our estimate of the magnitude is fairly good. (For comparison with
other ways of writing the shift, note that (eE)2 /~cα = 4π0 E2 —or in Gaussian units, just E2 .)
Having argued above that the hydrogen atom has no electric dipole, how come we are getting
a finite effect at all? The answer of course is that the field polarises the atom, and the induced
dipole can then interact with the field.
Now for the first excited state. We can’t conclude that the first-order shift vanishes here,
of course, because of degeneracy: there are four states and H b (1) is not diagonal in the usual
basis |2lmi. In fact as we argued above it only connects |200i and |210i, so the states |21 ± 1i
decouple and their first order shifts do vanish. Using h210|z|200i = −3a0 , we have in this
subspace (with h200| = (1, 0) and h210| = (0, 1))
b = −3a0 eE 0 1
H ,
1 0
and the eigenstates are 1/2(|200i±|210i) with eigenvalues ∓3a0 eE. So the degenerate quartet
is split into a triplet of levels (with the unshifted one doubly degenerate).
In reality the degeneracy of the n = 2 states is lifted by the fine-structure splitting; are
these results then actually relevant? They will be approximately true if the field is large; at
an intermediate strength both fine-structure and Stark effects should be treated together as a
perturbation on the pure Coulomb states. For very weak √ fields degenerate perturbation theory
holds in the space of j = 2 states, which are split by ∓ 3a0 eE.
• Gasiorowicz ch 11.3
• Shankar ch 17.2,3
• Townsend ch 11.4
Approximate methods III:
Time-dependent perturbation theory
4.1 Formalism
In defining the dn (t) we have pulled out the time variation due to Hb (0) . So in the absence of
the perturbation, the dn would be constant and equal to their initial values. Conversely, it
is the time evolution of the dn which tells us about the effect of the perturbation. Typically
we start with all the dn except one equal to zero, and look for non-zero values of the others
(0) (1)
H + H (t) |ψ(t)i = i~ |ψ(t)i
b b
⇒ i~dn = dm (t)eiωnm t hn|H
b (1) (t)|mi
where we used m as the dummy index in the summation and took the inner product with
eiEn t/~ hn|, and we have defined ωnm ≡ (En − Em )/~ (and d˙n represents the time derivative of
dn .)
So far this is exact, but usually impossible to solve, consisting of an infinite set of coupled
differential equations! Which is where perturbation theory comes in. If we start with di (t0 ) = 1
and all others zero (i for initial), and if the effect of H b (1) is small, then di will always be much
bigger than all the others and, to first order, we can replace the sum overall states by just the
contribution of the ith state. Furthermore to this order di barely changes, so we can take it
out of the time integral to get
Z t
dn (t) = − ~ eiωni t hn|H
b (1) (t)|iidt
Having obtained a first-order expression for the dn , we could substitute it back in to get a
better, second-order, approximation and so on.
• Gasiorowicz ch 15.1
• Mandl ch 9.1-3
• (Shankar ch 18.2)
• Townsend ch 14.6
In the limit τ 1/ωni we simply recover the expression for the first-order shifts of the eigenkets
in time-independent perturbation theory. With an adiabatic (exceedingly slow) perturbation
the system evolves smoothly from the state |i(0) i to the state |ii.
Summary: Fermi’s golden rule is the most important result of this chapter
Without specifying anything more about the system or perturbation, let us consider the
case H b (1) e−iωt . (Note ω is not now anything to do with the harmonic oscillator, and
b (1) (t) = H
indeed if we wanted to apply this to that system we’d need to use labels to distinguish the
oscillator frequency from the applied frequency).
At the outset we should note that with this problem we are heading towards the interaction
of atoms with a radiation field.
For definiteness, let the perturbation apply from −t/2 to t/2. Then
Z t/2
dn (t) = − ~i hn|H
b (1) |ii ei(ωni −ω)t dt0
2i b (1) |ii sin 1 (ωni − ω)t
= − hn|H 2
~(ωni − ω)
4 b (1) 2 2 1
⇒ Pi→n = 2 2
hn|H |ii sin 2 (ωni − ω)t
~ (ωni − ω)
t2 b (1) 2
|ii sinc2 21 (ωni − ω)t
= 2 hn|H
where sinc(x) ≡ sin(x)/x.
This expression is unproblematic provided ~ω doesn’t coincide with any excitation energy
of the system. In that case, the transition probability just oscillates with time and remains
very small.
The more interesting case is where we lift that restriction, but the expression then requires
rather careful handling! The standard exposition goes as follows: as t becomes very large,
t sinc2 ( 12 (ωni − ω)t) is a sharper and sharper – and taller and taller – function of ωni − ω, and
in fact tends to 2πδ(ωni R− ω). (The normalisation comes from comparing the integrals of each
side with respect to ω: −∞ sinc2 xdx = π. See section A.8 for more on δ-functions.) Then we
b (1) 2
Pi→n = 2πt
hn|H |ii δ(ωni − ω).
The need to take the average over a long time period to obtain the frequency-matching delta
function is easily understood if we remember that any wave train only approaches monochro-
maticity in the limit that it is very long; any truncation induces a spread of frequencies.
So the probability increases linearly with time, which accords with our expectation if the
perturbation has a certain chance of inducing the transition in any given time interval. Finally
then, we write for the transition rate (probability per unit time):
b (1) 2
Ri→n = 1t Pi→n = 2π ~ hn|H |ii δ(Eni − ~ω)
This result is commonly known as “Fermi’s golden rule”, and it is the main result of this
section. We have written ~ω = E to highlight the δ-function as enforcing conservation of energy
in the transition: the energy difference between the final and initial state must be supplied by
the perturbation. Although we have assumed nothing about radiation in the derivation, we
have ended up with the prediction that only the correct frequency of perturbation can induce a
transition, a result reminiscent of the photoelectric effect which demonstrates empirically that
energy is absorbed from fields in quanta of energy ~ω.
Taking on trust its importance though, how are we to interpret it? Taken literally, it says
that if E 6= Eni nothing happens, which is dull, and if E = Eni the transition rate is infinite
and first-order perturbation theory would appear to have broken down! The resolution is that
for actual applications, we do not have perfectly monochromatic radiation inducing transitions
to single, absolutely sharp energy levels. Such a perfect resonance would indeed give infinite
transition rates, but is unphysical. In practice there is always an integration over energy, with
a weighting function ρ(E) which is a distribution function smearing the strength over a range
of energies. Authors who don’t like playing with δ functions leave the t2 sinc2 (. . .) form in place
till this is evident, but the bottom line is the same (see eg Mandl).
Had we started from H b (1) eiωt we would have ended up with δ(Eni + E) In this case, energy
must be given up to the perturbing field: this is emission rather than absorption. With a real
field cos(ωt) = 21 (eiωt + e−iωt ), both processes can occur.
Finally we must point out that though we’ve derived Fermi’s golden rule for oscillatory
perturbations, the expression holds equally in the ω → 0 limit i.e. for a constant perturbation
acting from time −t/2 → t/2. It should be easy to see that exactly the same result is obtained,
except that the energy-conservation δ-function is simply δEni . This form is more appropriate
if, instead of considering an external field which can supply or absorb energy, one thinks in
terms of photons and defines |ni and |ii to include not only the atomic state, but also any
incoming or out-going photon. Viewed in that way the energies of the initial and final state
must be the same. Both derivations are valid but the one given here is more appropriate for
our purposes given that we are not going to quantise the radiation field. (Wait till next year for
that!) However the constant perturbation form will be used in scattering in the next chapter.
• Gasiorowicz ch 15.2
• (Mandl ch 9.4)
• Shankar ch 18.2
• (Townsend ch 14.7)
use p for obvious reasons!). (Most textbooks more correctly start from the vector potential A
to derive the same perturbing Hamiltonian, see section 4.6. We follow Mandl here.)
To avoid unphysically sharp resonance as discussed above we actually need to consider a field
with a range of frequencies, each being incoherent (so we add probabilities not amplitudes). The
energy per unit volume in a frequency range ω → ω + dω is denoted ρ(ω)dω, and 21 0 E2 = ρ(ω).
(This expression allows for a factor of 2 from including the magnetic field energy, but also a
factor of 12 from the time average hcos2 ωti). Then we have
2π 2
Ri→f = 2
eE(ω) |hf | · r|ii|2 (δ(ωf i − ω) + δ(ωf i + ω)) dω
= ρ(|ωf i |) |hf | · r|ii|2
0 ~2
where the result applies equally to absorption (with Ef > Ei ) or emission (with Ef < Ei ). We
note that as promised we now have a well-behaved result with no infinities around!
This is as far as we can go without being more specific about the system, except for one
thing. The symmetry between emission and absorption is rather odd. Of course absorption
needs a field to supply energy—or in quantum terms, to absorb a photon—a source of photons
is needed. But why should the same be true for emission? What we have calculated here is
stimulated emission, and it certainly does occur; it is behind the workings of a laser. Though
our calculation is classical, stimulated emission can be thought of as due to the bosonic nature of
photons - they “like to be in the same state”, so emission is more likely the more photons of the
right energy are already present. But surely an excited atom in a vacuum at zero temperature
can still decay! There must be spontaneous emission too, and the classical calculation can’t
predict it.
There is however a very clever argument due to Einstein which connects the rates for
stimulated and spontaneous emission, which says that if we regard the the energy density ρ(ω)
as proportional to the number of photons in a mode of this frequency, n(ω), then to allow
for spontaneous emission we simply need to replace n(ω) with n(ω) + 1. (Since classical fields
correspond to huge numbers of photons, the difference between n and n+1 is utterly negligible.)
• (Gasiorowicz ch 15.3)
• Mandl ch 9.5
• (Shankar ch 18.5)
• (Townsend ch 14.7)
ṅ0 = −n0 B01 ρ(ω) + n1 A10 + n1 B10 ρ(ω) and ṅ1 = −ṅ0 .
At thermal equilibrium, ṅ0 = ṅ1 = 0 and n1 /n0 = e−E/kB T . Using the Planck law for ρ(E/~),
with some rearrangement we get
Now this has to be true for any temperature, so we can equate coefficients of eE/kB T to give
A10 = B01 f (ω) and A10 = B10 f (ω). So we recover B01 = B10 , which we already knew, but we
also get a prediction for A10 . Thus we have
ṅ1 = B10 f (ω) −n1 n(ω, T ) + 1 + n0 n(ω, T )
We see that the total emission probability corresponds to replacing n(ω, T ) with n(ω, T )+1.
This result is confirmed by a full calculation with quantised radiation fields, where the factor
arises from the fact that the creation
√ operator for quanta in a mode of the EM field has the
usual normalisation a†ω |nω i = nω + 1 |nω + 1i.
• Gasiorowicz Supplement 1
Summary: This is the classic test-case of the theory we’ve developed so far. It
passes with flying colours!
We wish to calculate the total decay rate of the 2p state of hydrogen. We start with the
expression for spontaneous decay deduced from the preceding arguments:
Ri→f = ~ωD(ω k̂) |hf | · r|ii|2
0 ~2
where ω ≡ ωf i is taken as read. The expression D(ω k̂) is the density of states factor for
photons with a particular direction of propagation k̂ (which must R be perpendicular
R to ):
2 3
D(ω k̂) = ω /(2πc) . It is just D(k) written in terms of ω so that D(ω k̂)dω = D(k)dk. See
section A.10 for more details.
Now we don’t care about the direction in which the final photon is emitted, nor about its
polarisation, and so we need to integrate and sum the decay rate to a particular photon mode,
as written above, over these. ( is the polarisation vector.) We can pick any of the 2p states
(with m = 0, ±1) since the decay rate can’t depend on the direction the angular momentum is
pointing, so we will choose m = 0. Then h100| · r|210i = h100|z z|210i as we can see by writing
· r in terms of the l = 1 spherical harmonics (see A.2). There are two polarisation states and
both are perpendicular to k; if we use spherical polar coordinates in k-space, (k, θk , φk ), we can
take the two polarisation vectors to be (1) = θk and (2) = φk . Only the first contributes since
z = − sin θk but z = 0.
(1) (2)
We will need to integrate over all directions of the emitted photon. Hence the decay rate is
πe2 ω2
Ri→f = 2
~ω 3 3 sin2 θk |h100|z|210i|2 sin θk dθk dφk
0 ~ 8π c
e2 ω 3 8π
= |h100|z|210i|2
8π 2 c3 ~0 3
4αω 3 215 a20
= where ~ω = (3/4)ERy
3c2 310
8 5 2
2 α mc
= = 6.265 × 108 s−1
3 ~
This matches the experimental value of the 22 p1/2 state to better than one part in 10−5 , at
which point the effects of fine structure enter. The fact that this rate is very much smaller
than the frequency of the emitted photon (2.5 × 1015 Hz) justifies the use of the long-time
approximation which led to Fermi’s golden rule.
• Gasiorowicz ch 17.2,4
• Shankar ch 18.5
• Townsend ch 14.8
In first-order perturbation theory, changes in the initial state are ignored. But in fact we
have often been told that a state which can decay with a lifetime τ has an uncertainty in its
energy of the order ∆E = ~/τ . How does this arise?
At second order in perturbation theory the first-order expressions for the coefficients dn
(n 6= i) give a non-vanishing expression for the rate of change of the initial state di . The
mathematical treatment required to do this properly is too subtle to be worth giving here, but
the bottom line is (taking t = 0 as the starting time for simplicity)
Pi→i = e−Γi t/~ where Γi = ~ Ri→n
which is exactly as one would expect. Γ, which has units of energy, is called the line width; ~/Γ
is the total lifetime of the state.
Furthermore if one returns to the derivation of the dn and allows for the fact that di is
decaying exponentially (rather than constant as assumed at that order of perturbation theory)
we find the integral
Z t
i i(ωni −ω)t0 −Γt0 /(2~) 0 1
e dt →
0 ~(ωni − ω) + 2i Γ
The modulus is
(Eni − ~ω)2 + 14 Γ2
This is a Lorentzian; Γ is the full width at half maximum and its presence tames the energy
δ-function we found originally. (Hence sensible results can be found even if there is not a con-
tinuum of photon states.) The upshot is that we no longer need exact energy matching for
a transition to occur; the energy of an unstable state is not precise, but has an uncertainty:
∆E ≈ Γ = ~/τ .
• Mandl ch 9.5.3
Summary: In atomic physics, almost all observed transitions are of the electric
dipole form we have been studying. Only certain transitions are allowed.
The heart of all our expressions for interaction with the electromagnetic field was the matrix
element eEhf | · r|ii, obtained from a spatially invariant electric field which we argued was the
long-wavelength limit of an electromagnetic wave. Since the wavelength of light generated from
atomic transitions if of the order of 10−7 − 10−8 m, while atomic sizes are of order 10−10 m, this
should be a good approximation.
For completeness we note that the expression E = −∇φ(r) is no longer actually valid for
time-dependent fields; the correct expression is E = −∇φ(r) − dA/d t where A is the vector
potential; furthermore a very convenient gauge for radiation is φ = 0, A = A0 ei(k·r−ωt) with
k · = 0 and A0 = E/ω. Anticipating results from PHYS30202 we have the Hamiltonian
Examples of such allowed transitions are shown in this diagram of the energy levels of
helium: All of these levels have one excited electron and so have the configuration 1snl. Note
that in helium the states of the same n are no longer degenerate as the higher the value of l,
the more the nuclear charge is screened by the 1s electron. Also, triplet states (orthohelium) lie
lower than singlet (parahelium), because the latter, having antisymmetric spin wave functions,
must have symmetric spatial wavefunctions which bring the electrons closer together and hence
increase the Coulomb repulsion. Note that the diagram above doesn’t specify J values.
If L and S are not good quantum numbers, there is still one thing we can say: since R is a
vector operator, we must have J + 1 ≥ J 0 ≥ |J − 1|:
In helium violations of LS coupling will be very small (giving rise to very weak transitions)
and will be of similar size to those due to terms ignored in making the dipole approximation.
An example is the first excited state of orthohelium, in which one electron is in the 2p state
and S = 1, with total J = 1. According the the electric dipole selection rules in LS coupling it
cannot decay to the ground state (which has S = 0), but the fact that the spin-orbit interaction
mixes the S = 0 and S = 1 states allows a very weak electric-dipole decay which has only
recently been observed.
Violations of the electric dipole selection rules—“forbidden” transitions—must be due to
higher-order operators (quadrupole and higher). These allow successively greater changes in J.
But all orders, J = 0 → J = 0 transitions are excluded. So for example the ground state of
orthohelium (one electron in the 2s state and S = 1) is forbidden from decaying via an electric
dipole transition by the parity selection rule. Even magnetic dipole transitions are only allowed
through violations of LS coupling , and as a result its lifetime is 104 s. The single-photon decay
of the 2s1/2 state of hydrogen is a similarly “forbidden” magnetic dipole transition, but in fact
the two-photon decay dominates with a lifetime of about 0.1 sec.
An example of an absolutely forbidden process is the single-photon decay of the first excited
state of parahelium (one electron in the 2s state and S = 0, hence J = 0). In fact it decays by
emitting two photons with a lifetime of 19.7 ms.
• Shankar ch 17.2
• (Townsend ch 14.8)
d b (1) |ψI (t)i d b (0) ]
i~ dt |ψI (t)i = HI and Ω̂
dt I
= [Ω̂I , HI
Note that now we do have to specify H b I(1) (t) = U (0) † (t, t0 )HS(1) (t0 )U (0) (t, t0 ) because in general
b S(1) ] 6= 0.
b (0) , H
Concentrating on the time evolution of the state, we define UI (t, t0 ) such that |ψI (t)i =
UI (t, t0 )|ψI (t0 )i. It is clear that this satisfies
d b I(1) (t)UI (t, t0 )
i~ dt UI (t, t0 ) = H
(just differentiate both sides by t; the 1 comes from the initial condition that UI (t0 , t0 ) = 1.)
The utility of this comes if HI(1) (t0 ) is small, since we can then develop a perturbative sequence
for UI , the zeroth approximation being just 1, the first correction coming from substituting 1
for UI in the integral, the second approximation from substituting the first approximation for
UI in the integral and so on:
Z Z 0
i t b (1) 0 0 1 t t b (1) 0 b (1) 00 0 00
UI (t, t0 ) = 1 − H (t )d t − 2 H (t )HI (t )d t d t
~ t0 I ~ t0 t0 I
Z t Z t0 Z t00
i b I(1) (t0 )Hb I(1) (t00 )H
b I(1) (t000 )d t0 d t00 d t000 + . . .
+ 3 H
~ t0 t0 t0
where we have used the combination property of the unitary time-evolution operators, U (0) (t, t0 )U (0) † (t0 , t0 ) =
U (0) (t, t0 ) if t0 is between t and t0 . We see that we have a picture where the free Hamiltonian
Hb (0) governs the time evolution for most of the time, interrupted by interactions (H b (1) ) on
occasions, with multiple interactions being less progressively less likely. This is illustrated be-
low. Note that eigenstates of HS(0) remain so under the action of U (0) (t0 , t00 ): U (0) (t0 , t00 )|n(0) i =
0 00 (0)
e−i(t −t )En /~ |n(0) i. So if the system starts off in a particular state |i(0) i it will remain in it till
it reaches the first interaction. At that point it can undergo a transition into any other state
|n(0) i for which hn(0) |H (1) |i(0) i =
6 0. If we are looking for the probability that the system ends up
in state |f i then in the first term in the expansion we need i = f , in the second we need them
to be linked by hf (0) |H (1) |i(0) i, but in the third and subsequent terms the transition from |i(0) i
to |f (0) i can be via one or more intermediate states. Energy does not have to be conserved in
these intermediate steps, only in the overall transition: the system can “borrow” energy from
the field for a short time, as reflected in the expression ∆E∆t ∼ ~. Exactly the same idea
is behind the picture of elementary particles interacting via virtual particles, as depicted in
Feynman diagrams.
This is a good opportunity to introduce the time-ordered exponential. If we introduce the
time-ordering operator, such that T Â(t)B̂(t0 ) = Â(t)B̂(t0 ) if t0 < t and B̂(t0 )Â(t) if t0 > t (and
assuming they commute if t0 = t), then we can write
Z t Z t0 Z tZ t
0 b 00 0 00 1 b 0 )H(t
b 00 )d t0 d t00 ;
H(t )H(t )d t d t = T
b H(t
t0 t0 2 t0 t0
extending the t00 integral from t0 to t generates terms in which the two Hamiltonians are in
the wrong order but the T operator switches them so the net effect is that we over-count by a
factor of two. Similarly with three factors we can extend the integrals to t but over count by
3!, and so on. Hence we can write
Z t Z tZ t
i (1) 0 0 1 1 b (1) (t0 )Hb (1) (t00 )d t0 d t00
UI (t, t0 ) = 1 − T HI (t )d t −
~ t 2! ~ t0 t0
Z0 t Z t Z t
1 i b (1) (t0 )H
b (1) (t00 )H
b (1) (t000 )d t0 d t00 d t000 + . . .
+ 3
3! ~ t0 t0 t0
Z t
i (1) 0 0
= T exp H (t )d t .
~ t0 I
t b 0
Identical algebra is used in writing the full evolution operator as U (t, t0 ) = T exp ~i t0 H(t )d t0
as was asserted in section 1.2.
• (Gasiorowicz ch 16.3)
• Shankar ch 18.3
• Townsend ch 14.5
Approximate methods IV: Scattering
5.1 Preliminaries
All we know about the structure of sub-atomic matter comes from scattering experiments,
starting with Rutherford’s discovery of the nucleus right up to the Tevatron and LHC. In this
course we will introduce the main ideas, but largely confine ourselves to elastic scattering of
particles from a fixed, localised potential V (r); this is the limit of two-body scattering where
one particle (the projectile) is much lighter than the other (the stationary target). We will be
looking for the probability that the particle is scattered away from its original direction.
A careful approach would involve a wavepacket for the projectile, and the problem would
involve a fully time-dependent approach as the wavepacket aproached the scattering centre,
interacted with it and then moved away out of its influence. An easier approach is to use
an incident plane wave to represent a coherent beam of particles of fixed momentum; the
wavepacket aproach must give the same results in the limit that the momentum spread in the
packet is small. The lateral spread of the wavefronts will be large compared to the range of V (r)
but small compared to the perpendicular distance from the beam to the detector, so that unless
we put the detector directly in the line of the beam, we will only detect scattered particles.
We define the scattering cross section as the rate of particles scattered from the field divided
by the incoming flux. Since the units of flux are particles per second per metre2 , the cross
section has units of area. This has an obvious geometric interpretation. (The non-SI units of
cross-section used in particle physics are barns, where 1 barn is 10−28 m2 - that’s as in “barn
door”, something you can’t miss!) We are often interested in angular distributions too – they
are rarely isotropic as depicted above – so then we are interested in the scattering rate into
a given solid angle. Conventionally θ measures the angle from the beam direction, as shown
above, and φ the angle in a plane perpendicular to the beam direction.
An infinitesimal solid angle, spanned by infinitesimal range of θ and φ, is dΩ = sin θdθdφ. If
we have a detector at distance r with a (small) opening of area dS facing the scattering source
it subtends a solid angle dΩ = dS/r2 . If the scattering rate into this detector R divided by the
initial flux is denoted dσ, the differential cross section is dσ/dΩ. Obviously (dσ/dΩ)dΩ = σ
if the integral is taken over all angles.
Outside the range of V (r) the scattered particles are free and have the same energy as
initially (elastic scattering). The wavefunction must satisy Schrödinger’s equation which can
be written (∇2 + k 2 )ψsc = 0 (with ~2 k 2 /2m = E). Now we know that eik·r is a plane wave
solution of this, but we are looking for outgoing waves emanating from the centre. These are
spherical harmonics times spherical Bessel functions, and have the asymptotic form (as r → ∞)
X eikr eikr
ψsc → Alm (k)Ylm (θ, φ) = f (k, θ, φ)
r r
The function f (k, θ, φ) is called the scattering amplitude - note it has dimensions of length.
(The fact that as r → ∞ the radial wavefunction doesn’t depend on l can be seen from the fact
that ∇2 → d2 /dr2 ; the angular part falls off as 1/r2 .)
The flux in this wave is
~ ∗ r→∞ ~k
(ψsc ∇ψsc − ψsc ∇ψsc ) −→ |f (k, θ, φ)|2 r̂
2im mr2
which is indeed outgoing (had we chosen e−ikr it would have been ingoing). If we have a detector
with a (small) opening of area r2 dΩ facing the scattering source the rate of particles hitting it
is |f (θ, φ)|2 (~k/m)dΩ. Since the flux in the beam wave eik·r is ~k
, we have
dσ = |f (k, θ, φ)|2 dΩ and = |f (k, θ, φ)|2
So the scattering amplitude squared is the differential cross section. Now all we have to do is
calculate it!
• Gasiorowicz ch 19.1,
• Mandl ch 11.1
• Shankar ch 19.1,2
• Townsend ch 13.1
Summary: If the potential is weak, we can use first order perturbation theory to
calculate cross sections.
If the scattering potential V (r) is weak, we can ignore multiple interactions and use first-
order perturbation theory. In this context, this is called the Born approximation.
First order time-dependent perturbation theory means using Fermi’s golden rule. V (r) is
constant, not oscillatory, so the energy-conservation δ-function links incoming and scattering
states with the same energy, hence we are dealing with elastic scattering (as already assumed).
Our goal is to calculate dσ/dΩ, so we are interested in all the out-going momentum states
which fall within dΩ at a given scattering angle {θ, φ}:
Rki →dΩ = 2π
|hkf |V (r)|ki i|2 δ(Ei − Ef )
kf ∈dΩ
2π ∞
Z 2
2 ~ 2 2
= |hkf |V (r)|ki i| δ (k − ki ) D(kf )dΩdkf
~ 0 2m f
= 2 3
kf |hkf |V (r)|ki i|2 dΩ
4π ~
m2 V 2
⇒ dσ = |hkf |V (r)|ki i|2 dΩ
4π 2 ~4Z
⇒ |f (k, θ, φ)| = ei(ki −kf )·r V (r)d3 r
(Since the density of states is for single particles, we adjusted the normalisation of the incoming
beam to also contain one particle in volume V ; hence V drops out. For the density of states,
see A.10. For transforming the argument of delta functions, see A.8.)
Writing ki − kf = q, the momentum transfered from the initial to the final state, we have
the very general result that f (k, θ, φ) is just proportional to Ṽ (q), the Fourier transform of
V (r).
The classic application is Rutherford scattering, but we will start with a Yukawa potential
V (r) = −λe−µr /r; the Coulomb potential is the µ → 0 limit. Taking the z-axis along q for
the spatial integration (this is quite independent of the angles used in defining the scattering
direction) and noting that q = 2k sin(θ/2), we get
m 0 0 0
|f (k, θ, φ)| = 2
eiqr cos θ λe−µr r0 sin θ0 dθ0 dφ0 dr0
= 2 2
~ (µ + q 2 )
dσ 4m2 λ2
⇒ = 4 2
dΩ ~ (µ + 4k 2 sin2 (θ/2))2
dσ ~2 c2 α2
⇒ =
dΩ Coulomb 16E 2 sin4 (θ/2)
We note that the independence of φ is quite general for a spherical potential.
This result, though derived at first-order, is in fact correct to all orders and agrees with the
classical expression, which is called the Rutherford cross section. (Just as well for Rutherford!)
(The apearance of ~ is only because we have written e2 in terms of α.) The reason we took the
limit of a Yukawa is that our formalism doesn’t apply to a Coulomb potential, because there
is no asymptotic region - the potential is infinite ranged. The cross section blows up at θ = 0,
the forward direction, but obviously we can’t put a detector there as it would be swamped by
the beam.
• Gasiorowicz ch 19.3
• (Mandl ch 11.3)
• Shankar ch 19.3
• (Townsend ch 13.2)
(The references in brackets do not use the FGR to obtain the Born cross section.)
An important concept in scattering is that of phase shifts. The basic idea is that since
angular momentum is conserved by a spherically symmetric potential V (r), if the incoming
wave were an eigenfunction of angular momentum, so would the outgoing wave. This would
be the case independently of the potential, and the only influence of the potential would be
on the relative phase of the outgoing wave compared to the incoming wave. Since this is a
set-up which cannot be experimentally realised it might seem a pointless observation, until you
recognise that a plane wave must be expressible as a sum of such angular momentum eigenstates
which are called partial waves. In practice it is often the case, for a short-ranged potential,
and an incoming wave which is not too high energy, that only the lowest partial waves are
significantly scattered. Classically, for a particle with momentum p, the closest approach is
d = L/p. If a is the range of the potential, then only particles with L . pa (or l . ka) will
be scattered. Thus the first few phase shifts can be an efficient way of describing low-energy
scattering data.
Let us recall that for a free particle in spherical coordinates the seperable solutions are
ψ = Rl (r)Ylm (θ, φ), where the radial wavefunction satisfies
1 d2 l(l + 1)
rRl (r) − Rl (r) + k 2 Rl (r) = 0
r dr r2
whose solutions are spherical Bessel functions, the regular ones jl (kr) and the irregular ones
nl (kr); the latter blow up at the orgin. For example j0 (z) = sin z/z, n0 (z) = − cos z/z and
j1 = sin z/z 2 −cos z/z. Note that all tend to either ± sin z/z or ± cos z/z at large z. Specifically,
where the Pl (cos θ) are Legendre polynomials (proportional to Yl0 ). Fairly obviously, for each
partial wave the plane wave consists of both outgoing and incoming waves with equal and
opposite flux. (Further notes on this expression and on spherical Bessel functions can be found
in A.6; see also Gasiorowicz Supplement 8-B.)
Now consider the case in the presence of the potential. Close to the centre, the wave is
not free and can’t be described by spherical Bessel functions. But beyond the range of the
potential, it can. Furthermore nl (kr) can enter since the origin isn’t included in the region for
which this description can hold. The general form will be
X ∞
ψk (r, θ) = (Cl jl (kr) + Dl nl (kr)) Pl (cos θ) = Al (cos δl jl (kr) − sin δl nl (kr)) Pl (cos θ)
l=0 l=0
∞ ∞ ikr+iδl −ikr−iδl
X sin(kr − πl/2 + δl ) 1 X l e le
−→ Al Pl (cos θ) = (−i) Al − (−1) Pl (cos θ).
kr 2ik l=0 r r
p coeffients Cl and Dl can be taken to be real (since the wave equation is real), Al =
Cl2 + Dl2 and tan δl = −Dl /Cl . The magnitudes of the incoming and outgoing waves are thus
again equal.
Now we need to match the incoming waves with the plane waves, since that’s the bit we
control; hence (−i)l Al e−iδl = (2l + 1). So finally
∞ ikr −ikr
r→∞ 1 X 2iδl e le
ψk (r, θ) −→ (2l + 1) e − (−1) Pl (cos θ)
2ik l=0 r r
∞ ikr
2iδl e
ikr cos θ
=e + (2l + 1) e + Pl (cos θ)
r r
X eiδl sin δl
⇒f (k, θ) = (2l + 1) Pl (cos θ)
Because of the orthogonality of the Pl (cos θ), the cross section can also be written as a sum
over partial cross sections
Z ∞ ∞
X X 4π
σ= |f (k, θ)| dΩ = σl = (2l + 1) sin2 δl
l=0 l=0
• Gasiorowicz ch 19.2
• Mandl ch 11.5
• Shankar ch 19.5
• Townsend ch 13.4,5
5.3.1 Hard sphere scattering
For hard sphere scattering, the potential is infinite for r < a and zero for r > a. The free
form of the wavefuntion therefore holds for all r > a, and the wavefunction must vanish at the
surface (r = a). Since the partial waves are all independent, this means each partial wave must
vanish at r = a, ie Cl jl (ka) + Dl nl (ka) = 0. Thus
Dl jl (ka)
δl ≡ arctan − = arctan
Cl nl (ka)
For l = 0 this is very simple: δ0 = −ka. For higher l it has to be solved numerically.
In this figure above we see the corresponding wave functions, blue with the potential and
red (dashed) in its absence. The phase shifts δl are the displacements between the two.
The graph below shows the phase-shifts and cross sections for this case.
The fact that the phase-shifts are negative indicates a repulsive potential. The fact that
the phase-shifts and cross sections don’t tend to zero as k → ∞ is atypical, and comes from
the potential being infinite - we can’t use the Born approximation here either.
Since as z → 0, jl (z)/nl (z) ∼ z 2l+1 , in the low-energy limit ka 1 all higher phase shifts are
negligible. Then σ ≈ σ0 = 4πa2 sinc2 (ka) which tends to 4 times the classical limit of πa2 . In the
high-energy limit ka 1, all phase shifts up to l ∼ ka will be significant, and if there are enough
2 1
of them the average value of sin δl will just be 2 . Then we have σ = (ka)2 l=0 (2l + 1) → 2πa2 .
We might have expected πa2 in this, the classical, limit, but wave optics actually predicts the
factor of 2, a phenomenon related to Poisson’s spot.
The next two pictures show phase-shifts and cross sections for repulsive potentials (barriers),
with the lower one being stronger that the upper one. As expected the phase-shifts start at zero
and are negative; as in the hard-sphere case the magnitudes grow initially, but as k increases
the barrier gradually becomes less and less significant and the phase-shifts and cross sections
fall off to zero.
The next two pictures show attractive potentials, and as expected the phase shifts are
positive and they and the cross sections fall to zero as k → ∞. For the weaker well (top) the
phase shifts start at zero at k = 0 as expected, but for the stronger well the s-wave phase-shift
has jumped to π. Why is this? First, we should remember that since we determined δ via
an arctangent, it was ambiguous up to a multiple of π. (Another way of seeing that is to
recognise that the wave function itself is only defined up to an overall sign.) The correct value
can be determined by examining pictures of wavefunctions (if we know the exact solutions as
here), or by requiring δ to be a continuous function of k, falling to zero as k → ∞. Below
the wave functions are shown for low k and well depths either side of the critical value; in
the second −ψ is shown by the blue dotted line, and it is this which when compared with the
red dashed line gives a positive phase shift of more than π/2 (rather than a smaller negative
shift of δ − π). What determines the critical value? A finite square well in 3D has an s-wave
√ bound-state (i.e. states that would be bound if the well were infinitesimally deeper)
if b = (2n + 1)π/2a, n = 0, 1, 2 . . . . The lowest of these is b = 2.467/a2 , and that is the value
at which the phase shift at k = 0 jumps from 0 to π. This is an example of Levinson’s theorem,
which says that for well-behaved finite-range potentials the value of the phase-shift δl at the
origin is nπ where n is the number of bound states of the potential with angular momentum
l. This is an example of how we can obtain information about the potential from scattering.
This plot shows a much deeper well. From this we can deduce that for b = −50/a2 there are
two bound states with l = 0, two with l = 1, one each with l = 2, 3 and 4, but none with l = 5
(or higher). We can also see that for k greater than around 5/a the partial wave description
becomes too cumbersome - dozens of partial waves have to be included to reproduce the cross
section - far more than could realistically be deduced from experiment.
The plot above also suggests that something interesting is happening around k = 3.5/a,
where there is a very sharp peak in the cross section. It comes from the l = 5 partial wave,
where the phase-shift rises very rapidly from around 0 to nearly π. Since the cross section is
proportional to sin2 δl we see that it will rise and fall rapidly over the region in k, peaking at
δl = π/2. What is happening here is suggested by the next plot, of the l = 5 wave function:
We can see that for l > 0, the combination of the square well and the centrifugal barrier allows
for quasi-bound states to form with energies greater than zero — very similar to the situation
with radioactive decay, in which α particles were trapped for a time by the Coulomb repulsion
(see 2.4.2). When we send in a beam of particles, they will tend to get trapped and the wave
function within the well will be large. This is called a resonance. We can’t see the wavefunction,
of course, but the clue is in the phase shift, which rises rapidly through π/2 as we scan the
energy across the peak. As a function of k, the phase shift and cross section will have the form
Γ2 /4
Γ/2 4π
δl = δb + arctan σl = 2
Er − E k (E − Er )2 + Γ2 /4
This is a Lorentzian (ignoring the relatively slowly varying factor of k −2 ) and in the context of
scattering it is termed a Breit-Wigner curve. The width Γ gives the lifetime of the quasi-bound
The phase shift is very useful for distinguishing random bumps in the cross section from
true resonances. For instance when b is just too low for there to be a zero-energy s-wave bound
state there will be a significant bump in the cross section, but it is not a resonance: there is no
centrifugal barrier to trap the particles. (Many text-books fudge this issue, since l > 0 is hard
to deal with analytically. The correct term for a not-quite-bound state is a virtual state.) In
the plot for b = −50, we can see a number of bumps; the one at ka ≈ 2.5 might be a d-wave
virtual state, but only the really sharp peak at ka ≈ 3.5 is a resonance. Examples of resonances
in particle physics are the ∆, a sort of excited proton, which shows up very strongly in p-wave
πN scattering, and the Z-boson which was seen in e+ e− scattering at LEP.
Low-energy nucleon-nucleon scattering shows nice examples of both resonances and virtual
states: The phase shift is given in degrees. (Note the potential is more complicated than a
square well!). In the proton-proton channel there is a virtual state, but no resonance or bound
state. If the nuclear force were a little stronger perhaps di-protons could exist. In the neutron-
proton channel though the phase shift starts at π (180◦ ) indicating the presence of a bound
state — the deuteron. (Plots are from the Nijmegen phase shift analysis of nucleon-nucleon
scattering.) The fact that the phase shift starts to go negative at high-enough energy suggests
that there is a repulsive hard core to the interaction (as indeed we know from the size of nuclei
that there must be).
It can be shown (see examples) that the Born approximation is good for high-enough energy
scattering (k ba), and the shallower the well the greater its domain of validity till if ba2 1
it will be good everywhere. In the latter case the potential will not have any bound states or
resonances. Where the Born approximation breaks down, it is clear that multiple interactions
must be important (see 4.7).
Quantum Measurement
Summary: This section is about nothing less important than “the nature of
In 1935 Einstein, along with Boris Poldosky and Nathan Rosen, published a paper entitled
“Can quantum-mechanical description of physical reality be considered complete?” By this
stage Einstein had accepted that the uncertainty principle did place fundamental restrictions
on what one could discover about a particle through measurements conducted on it. The
question however was whether the measuring process actually somehow brought the properties
into being, or whether they existed all along but without our being able to determine what
they were. If the latter was the case there would be “hidden variables” (hidden from the
experimenter) and the quantum description—the wave function—would not be a complete
description of reality. Till the EPR paper came out many people dismissed the question as
undecidable, but the EPR paper put it into much sharper focus. Then in 1964 John Bell
presented an analysis of a variant of the EPR paper which showed that the question actually
was decidable. Many experiments have been done subsequently, and they have come down
firmly in favour of a positive answer to the question posed in EPR’s title.
The original EPR paper used position and momentum as the two properties which couldn’t
be simultaneously known (but might still have hidden definite values), but subsequent discus-
sions have used components of spin instead, and we will do the same. But I will be quite lax
about continuing to refer to “the EPR experiment”.
There is nothing counter-intuitive or unclassical about the fact that we can produce a pair
of particles whose total spin is zero, so that if we find one to be spin-up along some axis, the
other must be spin down. All the variants of the experiment to which we will refer can be
considered like this: such a pair of electrons is created travelling back-to-back at one point, and
travel to distant measuring stations where each passes through a Stern-Gerlach apparatus (an
“SG”) of a certain orientation in the plane perpendicular to the electrons’ momentum.
As I say there is nothing odd about the fact that when the two SGs have the same orientation
the two sequences recorded at the two stations are perfectly anti-correlated (up to measurement
errors). But consider the case where they are orientated at 90◦ with respect to each other as
below: Suppose for a particular pair of electrons, we measure number 1 to be spin up in the
z-direction and number 2 to be spin down in the x-direction. Now let’s think about what would
have happened if we had instead measured the spin in the x-direction of particle 1. Surely, say
EPR, we know the answer. Since particle 2 is spin down in the x-direction, particle 1 would
have been spin up. So now we know that before it reached the detector, particle 1 was spin up
in the z-direction (because that’s what we got when we measured it) and also spin up in the
x-direction (because it is anti-correlated with particle 2 which was spin down). We have beaten
the uncertainty principle, if only retrospectively.
But of course we know we can’t construct a wave function with these properties. So is there
more to reality than the wave function? Bell’s contribution was to show that the assumption
that the electron really has definite values for different spin components—if you like, it has
an instruction set which tells it which way to go through any conceivable SG that it might
encounter—leads to testable predictions.
For Bell’s purposes, we imagine that the two measuring stations have agreed that they will
set their SG to one of 3 possible settings. Setting A is along the z-direction, setting C is along
the x direction, and setting B is at 45◦ to both. In the ideal set-up, the setting is chosen just
before the electron arrives, sufficiently late that no possible causal influence (travelling at not
more than the speed of light) can reach the other lab before the measurements are made. The
labs record their results for a stream of electrons, and then get together to classify each pair
as, for instance, (A ↑, B ↓) or (A ↑, C ↑) or (B ↑, B ↓) (the state of electron 1 being given
first). Then they look at the number of pairs with three particular classifications: (A ↑, B ↑),
(B ↑, C ↑) and (A ↑, C ↑). Bell’s inequality says that, if the way the electrons will go through
any given orientation is set in advance,
N (A ↑, B ↑) + N (B ↑, C ↑) ≥ N (A ↑, C ↑)
This is obvious from the diagram below, in which the union of the blue and green sets fully
contains the red set.
A logical proof is as follows:
|θ, ↑i = cos 2θ |0, ↑i + sin 2θ |0, ↓i |0, ↑i = cos 2θ |θ, ↑i − sin 2θ |θ, ↓i
|θ, ↓i = − sin 2θ |0, ↑i + cos 2θ |0, ↓i |0, ↓i = sin 2θ |θ, ↑i + cos 2θ |θ, ↓i
where θ is the angle between the orientation of the two axes. For A and B or for B and C
θ = 45◦ ; for A and C it is 90◦ .
Consider randomly oriented spin-zero pairs and settings A, B and C equally likely. If the
first SG is set to A and the second to B (which happens 1 time in 9), there is a probability
of 1/2 of getting A ↑ at the first station. But then we know that the state of the second
electron is |A ↓i and the probability that we will measure spin in the B direction to be up is
sin2 22.5◦ . Thus the fraction of pairs which are (A ↑, B ↑) is 12 sin2 22.5◦ = 0.073, and similarly
for (B ↑, C ↑). But the fraction which are (A ↑, C ↑) is 21 sin2 45◦ = 0.25. So the prediction of
quantum mechanics for 9N0 measurements is
In writing this section I found this document by David Harrison of the University of Toronto
very useful.
• (Gasiorowicz ch 20.3,4)
• Mandl ch 6.3
• Townsend ch 5.4,5
Further discussions can be found in N. David Mermin’s book Boojums all the way through (CUP
1990) and in John S. Bell’s Speakable and unspeakable in quantum mechanics (CUP 1987).
Mathematical background and revision
Most of the material presented here is expected to be revision. Some however (eg Airy functions)
is not, but is useful background material for one or more sections of the course. There are
references to contour integrals which can be ignored by students who have not taken a course
on the subject.
• The object |βihα| is an operator, since acting on a ket it gives another ket: (|βihα|)|φi =
(hα|φi)|βi; the adjoint operator is |αihβ|. By completeness, i |ωi ihωi | = Ib (the identity
• In the basis {|ωi i}, an operator Θ b is characterised by its matrix elements θij ≡ hωi |Θ|ω
b j i,
and we have
θ11 θ12 θ13 . . a1
X X θ21 θ22 θ23 . . a2
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
hβ|Θ|αi =
b bi θij aj = (b1 , b2 , b3 , . . .)
θ31 θ32 θ33 . . a3
i j . . . . . .
. . . . . .
See section 1.2 for the aplication to quantum mechanics, including states such as |xi and
• Shankar 1.1-6
hφ| ⊗ hα| |ψi ⊗ |βi = hφ|ψihα|βi
b ⊗ Ibn |φi ⊗ |αi
A = A|φi
b ⊗ |αi
b ⊗ Ibn + Ibp ⊗ B
A b |φi ⊗ |αi = A|φi
b ⊗ |αi + |φi ⊗ B|αi
A ⊗ B + C ⊗ D |φi ⊗ |αi + |ψi ⊗ |βi
b b b b = A|φi ⊗ B|αi + A|ψi ⊗ B|βi
b b b b
+ C|φi
b ⊗ D|αi
b + C|ψi
b ⊗ D|βi
If |φi is the spatial state ofa particle and |αi its spin state, the common notation φ(x)|αi
actually stands for hx| ⊗ IS |φi ⊗ |αi .
The direct product notation is clumsy, and shorthands are often used. If we indicate via a
label which space an operator acts on, eg by writing A bp and Bbn , or if it is otherwise obvious, we
often drop the explict identity operators in the other space and hence just write the operator in
the third equation above as A bp + B
bn . Even more succinctly, we may use a single ket with two
labels to stand for the state of the combined system, for example |φ, αi. An example of this
would be the two-dimensional harmonic oscillator described in section A.4. Such a labelling
though implies that we want to use basis states that are direct products of the sub-space
basis states, and that might not be convenient. In the case of addition of angular momentum
(section A.2), we are more likely to want to use eigenstates of the total angular momentum of
the system as our basis states, and they are not seperable.
• Shankar 10.1
the components of the spin operator are given by Sbi = 12 ~σi , where σi are the Pauli matrices
0 1 0 −i 1 0
σx = σy = σz =
1 0 i 0 0 −1
If a sytem has two contributions to its angular momentum, with operators J1 and J2 and
eigenstates |j1 m1 i and |j2 m2 i, the total angular momentum operator is J = J1 + J2 . The
quantum number j of the combined system satisfies j1 + j2 ≥ j ≥ |j1 − j2 |, and m = m1 + m2 .
Since enumerating states by {m1 , m2 } gives (2j1 + 1)(2j2 + 1) possible states, the number must
be unchanged in the {j, m} basis, which is verified as follows: labelling such that j2 > j1 we
j2 +j1
2j+1 = (j2 +j1 )(j2 +j1 +1)−(j2 −j1 )(j2 −j1 −1) +(j2 +j1 )−(j2 −j1 )+1 = (2j1 +1)(2j2 +1)
j=j2 −j1
Depending on basis, we write the states either as |j1 m1 i ⊗ |j2 m2 i or |j1 , j2 ; j mi, and they
must be linear combinations of each other as both span the space:
|j1 , j2 ; j mi = hj1 m1 ; j2 m2 |j mi |j1 m1 i ⊗ |j2 m2 i and
m1 m2
|j1 m1 i ⊗ |j2 m2 i = hj1 m1 ; j2 m2 |j mi |j1 , j2 ; j mi
where the numbers denoted by hj1 m1 ; j2 m2 |j mi are called Clebsch-Gordan coefficients; they
vanish unless j1 + j2 ≥ j ≥ |j1 − j2 |, and m = m1 + m2 . These are tabulated in various
places including the Particle Data Group site (see here for examples of how to use them); the
Mathematica function to obtain them is ClebschGordan[{j1 , m1 }, {j2 , m2 }, {j, m}]. There is
also an on-line calculator at Wolfram Alpha which is simple to use if you only have a few to
calculate. We use the “Condon-Shortley” phase convention, which is the most common; in this
convention they are real which is why we have not written hj1 m1 ; j2 m2 |j mi∗ in the second
line above.
As an example we list the states arising from coupling angular momenta 1 and 21 (as in
p-wave states of the hydrogen atom):
q q
|1, 12 ; 12 12 i = 2
|1 1i ⊗ | 1
− 1
i − 1
|1 0i ⊗ | 21 12 i
q q
1 1 1 1
|1, 2 ; 2 − 2 i = 3
|1 0i ⊗ | 2 − 2 i − 23 |1 −1i ⊗ | 12 21 i
1 1
|1, 21 ; 32 32 i = |1 1i ⊗ | 12 21 i
q q
1 3 1 1
|1, 2 ; 2 2 i = 3
|1 1i ⊗ | 2 − 2 i + 23 |1, 0i ⊗ | 21 12 i
1 1
q q
|1, 21 ; 32 − 21 i = 2
|1 0i ⊗ | 1
− 1
i + 1
|1 −1i ⊗ | 12 21 i
|1, 12 ; 32 − 23 i = |1 −1i ⊗ | 12 − 21 i
1 1
Somewhat more generally, the coupling of l and 2
to give j = l ± 2
s s
l∓m+ l ± m + 12
|l, 21 ; l± 12 mi = |l m+ 12 i ⊗ | 12 − 21 i ±
|l m− 12 i ⊗ | 12 12 i.
2l + 1 2l + 1
(The following material is not revision, but is asserted without proof. See Shankar 15.3 for
a partial proof.)
Similarly we can write expressions for products of spherical harmonics:
m0 0 ∗
X q
m 0 0 0 0 0 0
Yk Yl = f (k, l, l )hk q; l m|l m iYl0 ⇒ (Ylm m
0 ) Yk Yl dΩ = f (k, l, l )hk q; l m|l , m i
l0 m0
p p
where f (k, l, l0 ) = 1/4π (2l + 1)(2k + 1)/(2l0 + 1)hk 0; l 0|l0 0i. The factor hk 0; l 0|l0 0i is
the one which vanishes unless parity is conserved, ie unless k + l and l0 are both odd or both
If an operator Ω is a scalar, [Ji , Ω] = 0. If V is a triplet of operators which form a vector,
[Jx , Vy ] = i~Vz ; ⇒ [Jz , Vm ] = m~Vm , [J± , Vm ] = ~ (1 ∓ m)(2 ± m)Vm±1
where V±1 = ∓ 12 (Vx ± Vy ), V0 ≡ Vz
The operator
√ r isma vector operator which obeys these rules. Its components in the spherical
basis are 4π r Y1 .
The following rules are obeyed by the matrix elements of a vector operator, by the Wigner-
Eckart theorem
hj 0 m0 |Vq |j mi = hj 0 kVk jihj 0 m0 ; 1 q|j mi
where hj 0 kVk ji is called the reduced matrix element and is independent of the m, m0 and q.
The Clebsch-Gordan coefficient will vanish unless j + 1 ≥ j 0 ≥ |j − 1|, in other words operating
with a vector operator is like adding one unit of angular momentum to the system. This is
the origin of electric dipole selection rules for angular momentum. (In the rule for combining
spherical harmonics the factor f (k, l, l0 ) is a reduced matrix element.)
a20 n2
hr2 i = 5 n2 + 1 − 3l (l + 1) ,
3n2 − l (l + 1) ,
hri =
1 1
= 2
r n a0
1 1
= ,
r2 (l + 1/2) n3 a02
1 1
= .
r3 l (l + 1/2) (l + 1) n3 a30
For hydrogen-like atoms (single-electron ions with nuclear charge |e| Z) the results are ob-
tained by substituting α → Zα (and so a0 → a0 /Z).
b = ~ω(↠â + 1 )
H [â, H] = ~ω â and [↠, H] = −~ω â†
This suggests an interpretation of the states of the system in which the quanta of energy are
primary, with ↠and â respectively creating and annihilating a quantum of energy. Further
notes on creation and annihilation operators can be found here. p
For a particle in a two-dimensional potential 21 mωx2 x2 + 12 mωy2 y 2 , we define x0 = ~/mωx
and y0 = ~/mωy , and the wavefunction of the particle will be determined by two quantum
numbers nx and ny
2 2 2 2
φ0,0 (x, y) = (πx0 y0 )−1/2 e−x /2x0 e−y /2y0
1 1
φnx ,ny (x, y) = √ n Hnx ( xx0 ) p n Hny ( yy0 )φ0,0 (x, y)
2 x nx ! 2 y ny !
In bra-ket notation, we will represent the state with quantum numbers nx and ny as |nx , ny i
Creation operators âx and â†x can be constructed from x̂ and pˆx as above, and we can
construct a second set of operators ây and â†y from ŷ and pˆy (using y0 as the scale factor) in the
same way. Then â†x and â†y act on |nx , ny i to increase nx and ny respectively, and âx and ây to
decrease them, and both of the latter annihilate the ground state. So for instance
â†y |nx , ny i = ny + 1|nx , ny + 1i.
âx |nx , ny i = nx |nx − 1, nyi and
d2 f df 2
z2 + 2z + z − l(l + 1) f =0
dz 2 dz
for integer l.
The regular solution is denoted jl (z) and the irregular one, nl (z) (or sometimes yl (z)). The
Mathematica functions for obtaining them are SphericalBesselJ[l, z] and SphericalBesselY[l,
z]. For l = 0 the equation is ddzg2 − g = 0, where g = zf , and so the solutions are j0 = sin z/z
and n0 = − cos z/z. The general solutions are
l l
l 1 d sin z l1 d cos z
jl (z) = z − and nl (z) = −z − .
z dz z z dz z
The asymptotic forms are
(Note “n!!” is like factorial but only including the odd (even) numbers for odd (even) n, eg
7!! = 7 × 5 × 3 × 1 and 6!! = 6 × 4 × 2, with 0!! = 0! ≡ 1.)
In spherical polar coordinates the Schrödinger equation for a particle in free space (V (r) = 0)
gives the following equation for the radial wavefuntion:
d2 Rl 2 dRl
2 l(l + 1)
+ + k − Rl = 0
dr2 r dr r2
where B will equal zero if the solution has to hold at the origin, but not if the origin is excluded
(for instance outside a hard sphere).
Poisson’s integral representation of the regular spherical Bessel functions
Z 1
jn (z) = n+1 cos(zx)(x2 − 1)n dx
2 n! −1
together with Rodrigues representation of the Legendre polynomials can be used to show that
Z 1
jn (z) = 2 (−i) eizx Pn (x)dx
whence follows the expression for the expansion of a plane wave in spherical polars given in
section 5.3.
d2 f
− zf = 0
dz 2
There are two solutions, Ai(z) and Bi(z); the first tends to zero as z → ∞, while the second
blows up. Both are oscillatory for z < 0. The Mathematica functions for obtaining them are
AiryAi[z] and AiryBi[z].
The asymptotic forms of the Airy functions are:
z→∞ e
− 32 z 3/2
cos 2
|z|3/2 − π
Ai(z) −→ √ 1/4 and Ai(z) −→ √
2 πz π |z|1/4
2 3/2 π
2 3/2
cos 3
|z| + 4
Bi(z) −→ √ 1/4 and Bi(z) −→ √ 1/4
πz π |z|
The Schrödinger equation for a linear potential V (x) = βx in one dimension can be cast in
the following form
~2 d2 ψ
− + βxψ − Eψ = 0
2m dx2
Defining z = x/x0 , with x0 = (~2 /(2mβ))1/3 , and E = (~2 β 2 /(2m))1/3 µ, and with y(z) ≡ ψ(x),
this can be written
d2 y
− zy + µy = 0
dz 2
(see section A.11 for more on scaling.) The solution is
y(z) = C Ai(z−µ)+D Bi(z−µ) or ψ(x) = C Ai (βx−E)/(βx0 ) +D Bi((βx−E)/(βx0 )
where D = 0 if the solution has to extend to x = ∞. The point z = µ, x = E/β is the point
at which E = V and the solution changes from oscillatory to decaying / growing.
The equation for a potential with a negative slope is given by substituting z → −z in the
defining equation. Hence the general solution is ψ(x) = C Ai(−x/x0 − µ) + D Bi(−x/x0 − µ),
with D = 0 if the solution has to extend to x = −∞.
The first few zeros of the Airy functions are given in Wolfram MathWorld.
where the limits a and b are positive and as large or small as we want; the integration simply
has to span the point on which the δ-function is centred.
The following equivalences may also be proved by changing variables in the corresponding
integral (an appropriate integration range is assumed for compactness of notation):
1 b
δ(ax − b) = |a| δ(x − a ) since f (x)δ(ax − b)dx = a1 f ( ab )
X δ(x − xi )
δ(g(x)) = where the xi are the (simple) real roots of g(x).
|g 0 (xi )|
Note that the dimensions of a δ-function are the inverse of those of its argument, as should be
obvious from the first equation.
We encounter two functions which tend to δ-functions:
1 0
Z x/2
0 0 sin (k − k )x x→∞
ei(k−k )x dx0 = π1 2
−→ δ(k − k 0 )
−x/2 k − k
2 1 0
sin (k − k )x x→∞
0 2
−→ δ(k − k 0 )
(k − k ) x
In both cases, as x → ∞ the function tends to zero unless k = k 0 , at which point it tends to x,
so it looks like an infinite spike at k = k 0 .
integral is zero. By Jordan’s lemma the integral round the outer circle tends to zero as R → 0
as eiz decays exponentially in the upper half plane. So the integral along the real axis is equal
and opposite to the integral over the inner circle, namely 12 of the residue at x = 0, iπ. So the
imaginary part, the integral of sinc(x), is π.
A.9 Gaussian integrals
The following integrals will be useful:
Z ∞ ∞
r Z r
2 π −αx2 n π
e−αx dx = and x2n e dx = (−1)
−∞ α −∞ dαn α
Often we are faced with a somewhat more complicated integral, which can be cast in Gaus-
sian form by “completing the square” in the exponent and then shifting integration variable
x → x − β/(2α):
Z ∞ Z ∞ r
−αx2 −βx β 2 /(4α) −α(x+β/(2α))2 π β 2 /(4α)
e dx = e e dx = e
−∞ −∞ α
This works even if β is imaginary. One way of seeing this is as follows. In the diagram below,
as R → ∞ the blue contour is the original one (with β imaginary) and the red one the new
contour after shifting; the red and black paths together must equal the blue since there are no
poles in the region bounded by the complete contour. However as e−z tends to zero faster than
1/R as R → ∞ providing |x| > |y|, by Jordan’s lemma the contribution from the black paths
is zero. Hence the two integrals must be the same.
for positive integers l, m, n, that is, the allowed values of the wavenumber ki are quantised,
though very closely spaced for a macroscopic box. The density of states gives the number of
states in the vicinity of a given momentum or energy. In momentum space, the number of
states with k(≡ |k|) in the range k → k + dk, (where dk is small, but much bigger than the
spacing between states) is
V k2
D(k)dk = dk
2π 2
See here for details of the derivation. Note that as kx , ky and kz all have to be positive, the
vector k, which isn’t quite a momentum becuase we are dealing with standing waves, has to lie
in the positive octant.
In quantum mechanics we prefer not to deal with standing waves, but with momentum
eigenstates which are travelling waves. But we still want the advantage of a finite box so that
the states remain countable. The solution is to use periodic boundary conditions in which,
when a particle reaches a wall at, say, (x, y, Lz ) it leaves the box and reappears, with the same
momentum, at (x, y, 0). This may sound artificial but we get the same expression for D(k); the
advantage is that we can usefully talk about D(k) as well.
In this case the boundary condition is ψ(x, y, Lz ) = ψ(x, y, 0) and the wavefunction is
ψlmn (x, y, z) = exp Lx exp Ly i2πnz
exp Lz = eik·r
noting now that kx = 2πl/Lx etc since a whole number of wavelengths have to fit into the box.
We have fixed the normalisation so that there is one particle in the box; this differs from the
δ-function normalisation used elsewhere. We can now talk about the number of states with k
in the range kx → kx + dkx , ky → ky + dky and kz → kz + dkz (where dki is small, but much
bigger than the spacing between states)
where dΩk = sin θk dθk dφk . We have obtained the same expression for D(k), as advertised.
This time though we integrated over all values of θk and φk , not just the positive octant.
The density of states can be defined with respect to energy, or to frequency, as well. In
each case the number of states remains the same: D(k)dk = D(E)dE = D(ω)dω so the
density of states will change by the inverse of the factor which relates k and the new variable:
D(x) = D(k)(dk/dx). √ √
For non-relativistic particles k = 2mE/~, so D(E) = (V m 2mE)/(2π 2 ~3 ). For photons
though, k = E/~c, so D(E) = (V E 2 )/(2π 2 ~3 c3 ) and D(ω) = (V ω 2 )/(2π 2 c3 ). In the notes we
define D(ω k̂) which is akin to D(k); the angle integral hasn’t yet been done, but the switch to
frequency has, bringing in a factor of 1/c3 .
If a particle has more than one spin state we need to multiply by the degeneracy factor
which is 2 for spin- 21 electrons and for photons.
Bose-Einstein statisitics gives the average number of photons n(ω, T ) in a mode of frequency
ω at temperature T . Hence we obtain the Planck law for the energy density in space at frequency
~ω 3 1
ρ(ω) = 2~ω V1 D(ω)n(ω, T ) = 2 3 ~ω/k T
π c e B −1
Note the dimesions, which are energy/frequency/length3 . It’s a “double density” - per unit
volume, but also per unit ω. To get the full energy density U (T ) we integrate over ω.
~c mc2 ~ω ω/c ~
[Energy][Length] [Length] [Energy] [Length−1 ] [Energy][Time]
If the electric charge enters without external fields, write in terms of α. Use the combinations
eE and µB B (both with dimensions of energy) when external fields enter. (See section A.12 for
more on units in EM.)
In calculations use eV or MeV as much as possible (eg instead of using me in kg, use me c2 =
0.511 MeV). Remember ~c = 1973 eV Å = 197.3 MeV fm; also useful is ~ = 6.582×10−22 eV s−1 .
Often we need to cast the Schrödinger equation in dimensionless units to recognise the
solution in terms of special functions. Suppose we have a potential of the form V (x) = βxn
for some integer n. Then the dimensions of β are [Energy][Length−n ]. The other scales in the
problem are ~2 /2m which has dimensions [Energy][Length2 ] and the particle energy. We proceed
by forming a length scale x0 = (~2 /(2mβ))1/(n+2) and an energy scale E = (~2 β 2/n /2m)n/(n+2) .
Writing x = x0 z and E = Eµ, the Schrödinger equation for y(z) ≡ ψ(x) reads
f 00 − z n f − µf = 0
A.12 Units in EM
There are several systems of units in electromagnetism. We are familiar with SI units, but
Gaussian units are still very common and are used, for instance, in Shankar.
In SI units the force between two currents is used to define the unit of current, and hence the
unit of charge. (Currents are much easier to calibrate and manipulate in the lab than charges.)
The constant µ0 is defined as 4π × 10−7 N A−2 , with the magnitude chosen so that the Ampère
is a “sensible” sort of size. Then Coulomb’s law reads
q1 q2
4π0 |r1 − r2 |2
and 0 has to be obtained from experiment. (Or, these days, as the speed of light is now has a
defined value, 0 is obtained from 1/(µ0 c2 ).)
However one could in principle equally decide to use Coulomb’s law to define charge. This
is what is done in Gaussian units, where by definition
q1 q2
|r1 − r2 |2
Then there is no separate unit of charge; charges are measured in N1/2 m (or the non-SI equiv-
alent): e = 4.803 × 10−10 g1/2 cm3/2 s−1 . (You should never need that!) In these units,
µ0 = 4π/c2 . Electric and magnetic fields are also measured in different units.
The following translation table can be used:
Gauss e E p B
√ √
SI e/ 4π0 4π0 E 4π/µ0 B
Note that eE is the same in both systems of units, but eB in SI units is replaced by eB/c in
Gaussian units. Thus the Bohr magneton µB is e~/2m in SI units, but e~/2mc in Gaussian
units, and µB B has dimesions of energy in both systems.
The fine-structure constant α is a dimensionless combination of fundamental units, and as
such takes on the same value (≈ 1/137) in all systems. In SI it is defined as α = e2 /(4π0 ~c), in
Gaussian units as α = e2 /( ~c). In all systems, therefore, Coulomb’s law between two particles
of charge z1 e and z2 e can be written
z1 z2 ~cα
|r1 − r2 |2
• Examples 1
• Solutions 1
• Examples 2
• Solutions 2
• Examples 3
• Solutions 3
• Examples 4
• Solutions 4
• Examples 5
• Solutions 5
This formula sheet will be available in the exam. There are other formulae which you are
expected to know, of course!
The versions of problem and solutions sheets above have all known errors corrected. A list
of errata in the distributed sheets is here.
A list of suitable past exam questions for revision purposes is here.