Ap CSP - Karon Syllabus 2020-21
Ap CSP - Karon Syllabus 2020-21
Ap CSP - Karon Syllabus 2020-21
Course Description
Advanced Placement Computer Science Principles (AP CSP) is a course that explores "the
fundamentals of computing, including problem solving, working with data, understanding the
Internet, cybersecurity, and programming." It is a course that is designed to broaden the
understanding of computer science for all students, no matter what your previous background,
current interests, or intended college and career track may be. (Edhesive)
Curriculum - Edhesive
The course curriculum is online through a program called Edhesive. Students will be given a class
code and sign up instructions by their teacher once classes have begun.
The Edhesive AP CSP student curriculum is a one-year high school course consisting of seven units.
These units address the seven big ideas and the six computational thinking practices outlined by the
College Board's AP CSP curriculum framework.
The Edhesive student curriculum and supporting materials were designed by experts in the field of
computer science education. This offering is highly scaffolded for students, providing substantially
more instructional support as well as lesson videos from their course’s virtual instructor. The course
uses an online platform for content delivery, making it easy for students to navigate and use in the
classroom while providing the opportunity for anytime, anywhere learning outside the classroom as
well. (Edhesive)
Technology Requirements
DHSHS is a 1-to-1 campus which means that each student will be given a Chromebook to use for the
duration of the school year. Students will be required to bring their Chromebook to class daily along
with a charger to properly charge their device when needed. If a student would like to bring their
own device instead, they may, and I recommend it due to limitations on the Chromebook.
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Grades will be awarded as follows (and are subject to change at the discretion of the teacher):
45% Edhesive & Assignments
20% Assessments
35% Projects
Citizenship reflects a student’s behavior. Aside from grades, students are given a citizenship mark on
report cards: Outstanding (O), Satisfactory (S) and Not Satisfactory (N). To better understand these
marks please refer the citizenship rubric.
Homework is rarely assigned, however, any work that is not completed in class becomes your
responsibility to complete at home in a timely manner. This class moves at a fast pace and there is
roughly one exercise per day. Expect at least 30 minutes to an hour of homework every night.
Students are required to attend class on a daily basis according to school policy and procedure. If a
student is absent, it is their responsibility to locate and complete any missed work.
Classroom Passes
Students will not be granted passes the first or last 10 minutes of the period. Students who need to
use the restroom should go between classes so as not to miss important information. Please file this
directly with the school nurse.
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Syllabus Contract (Parent / Guardian & Student Signatures Required)
Student Parent / Guardian
• I have read the class Syllabus. • I have read the class information in the
• I have had the opportunity to ask questions
and fully understand the class rules & • I understand I will have the opportunity and
expectations. responsibility to check my son’s / daughter’s
progress in this class through Synergy and
• I understand that coming prepared and also by contacting the teacher via phone or
having proper supplies is critical to my email (email works best).
success in this class.
• I understand and will encourage my student
• I understand that the likelihood of passing to seek help when they need it.
this class is directly related to my effort,
practice, and dedication to completing the • I understand that my student’s homework is
work and learning the material. vital to help them learn the material and
reach proficiency. I will provide them ample
time to work on this outside of school.
Parent /
Student:____________________________________ Guardian:____________________________________
Student Signature Signature
Parent /
Student:____________________________________ Guardian:____________________________________
Print Name (Clearly) Print Name (Clearly)
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