Green Metric: Ui Greenmetric World University Ranking: Sustainability in University & Quality of Education

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UI GreenMetric World University Ranking:
Sustainability in University & Quality of Education

Riri Fitri Sari

Congreso Internacional de Calidad Educativa
Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon
Monterrey, Mexico
November 13th 2013
• Sustainability in University & Quality of Education
• Background of UI Greenmetric
• Basic Principles
• Aim of the Ranking
• Methodology
• Evolution of UI Greenmetric Questionnaire
• Questionnaire of UI Greenmetric
• Participants 2010-2013
• Ranking based on Criteria
• Lesson Learnt
• Summary
Reporting and Rankings on Sustainability
 Annual Report
 Greenhouse gas emissions verification and Inventory from
Electricity, Air travel, Student and Staff Transportation, natural
gas, campus fleet, water, solid waste, etc.
 Energy Saving building projects: Heating, ventilation, air
conditioning, Lighting.
 LEEDS certified building projects
 Waste diversion rate: the amount of solid waste sent to landfills
by the campus
 Reduction of fuel used by commuter to campus
 Recycled of Copy paper reduction.
 Student taking focus study on sustainability
 Faculty engaged in sustainability research
 Student movement and activities on Green Campus Initiative
 Rankings by third-parties: STAR, Green League, Green Report
Card, etc.
Ranking as a Measurement for HE?

Efficient allocation of limited resources

Accountability towards funders and society
Transparency of results
Main World University Rankings:
 Academic Ranking of World Universities
(ARWU) Shanghai Jio Tong - 2003
 Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) - 2004
 Times Higher Education Ranking (THE) – 2010
 Webometrics Ranking

Why UI Greenmetric for
Sustainability Measurement ?
• A voluntary, opt-in self-reporting framework
• A guide for advancing sustainability in
education, waste, water, transportation,
policy, and energy and climate change.
• A common standard, easy and simple tools to
measure sustainability in higher education.
• Promotes an understanding of sustainability
(social, economic and environmental
Background of the
Background of UIRanking

 World University Ranking Conference at UI April

16th 2009
 Speakers: Isidro Aguillo (Webometrics), Angela
Yung-Chi Hou (HEEACT), and Alex Usher
(Educational Policy Canada)
 Initiative of the Previous UI’s Rector Prof. Dr. Der
Soz. Gumilar Rusliwa Soemantri (February 2010)
Economy, Social, Environment (Triple bottom line
of Sustainability) + Culture
Basic Principles

 It is open to global participation

 It is accessible to HEIs in both the developed
and developing world
 It should contribute to academic discourse on
sustainability in education and the greening
of campuses
 It should encourage university-led social
change with regard to sustainability goals.
 Policy and Procedure for Climate Change
Aim of the Ranking

To encourage universities in the world to look and self

asses their policies and direction in relation with the effort
to combat global climate change:
• Reservation of energy
• Water
• Waste recycling program
• Transportation
• Education
• Keeping the campus green
• Involving all stakeholders to change their behavior in
order to keep a sustainable environment.

To provide the result of online survey regarding the

current condition and policies related to Green Campus
and sustainability, in the Universities all over the world.
Methodology UI GreenMetric 2013

Important Criteria in sustainability:

 collection of a basic profile of the size of the
university and its zoning profile, whether urban,
suburban, rural. Beyond this we want to see the
degree of green space.
Criteria  Information concerning electricity consumption
because of its link to our carbon footprint.
 transport, water usage, waste management, etc.
Content Title  How the university is responding to or dealing with
the issue of sustainability through policies, actions,
and communication.
 Sustainability education and research.

• Scoring for each item will be numeric so that our data

can be processed statistically.
Scoring • Simple counts of things
• Responses on a scale of some sort.
UI Greenmetric

 World University Ranking Based on Green

Campus Criteria
 Began 2010
 Aim : Increasing the awareness of university
stakeholders in Indonesia, and the world,
regarding sustainability issues
 2010-2013
Evolution of UI Greenmetric Questionnaire
2010 2011 2012
Criteria Point Indica Criteria Point Indica Criteria Point Indicat
tors tors ors
Setting and 24 4 Setting and 24 12 Setting and 15 6
Infrastructure Infrastructure Infrastructure

Energy and 28 8 Energy and 28 10 Energy and 21 7

Climate Change Climate Climate Change
Change (EC)

Waste 15 5 Waste 15 5 Waste (WS) 18 6

Water 15 3 Water 15 3 Water (WR) 10 2

Transportation 18 3 Transportation 18 4 Transporta--tion 18 6
Education (ED) 18 6
23 33
Questionnaire of UI Greenmetric

2010 2011 2012 2013

• Point division
based on the • No
accumulated changes
result of the • Additional of a
data new criteria :
submitted Education
(range). • Delete the
• Addition of question on No
new Smoking policy.
indicators in
Questionaire of UI Greenmetric

Criteria Questions Indicators Points Total %

Total campus, Total ground floor area of buildings, Number of

students, Number of academic and administrative staff, Area on
Setting and campus covered in vegetation in the form of forest, Area on
6 1500 15
Infrastructure campus covered in planted vegetation, Retention: non-retentive
surfaces on campus as percentage of total for water absorption,
Percentage of university budget for sustainability effort
Energy efficient appliances usage, Renewable energy usage
Energy and policy, Electricity usage per year, Energy conservation, Green
7 2100 21
Climate Change building, Climate change adaptation and mitigation program ,
Greenhouse gas emission
Recycling program for university waste, Toxic waste recycling,
Waste Organic waste treatment, Sewerage disposal, Policy to reduce the 6 1600 16
use of paper and plastic in campus

Water Water conservation program, Piped water 2 200 10

Number of vehicles owned by your institution, Number of cars

entering the university daily, Transportation policy designed to
limit the number of motor vehicles used on campus,
Transportation 6 1800 18
Transportation policy designed to limit or decrease the parking
area on campus, Campus buses, Bicycle and pedestrian policy on

Number of courses related to environment and sustainability

offered, Total number of courses offered, Total research funds
dedicated to environmental and sustainability research, Total
research funds, Number of scholarly publications on environment
Education 6 600 18
and sustainability published, Number of scholarly events related
to environment and sustainability, Number of student
organizations related to environment and sustainability, Existence
of a university-run sustainability website
Total 34 10000 100%
The Formula

15% 21% 18% 10% 18% 18%

Energy and
Setting and Transportation Education
Climate Waste Water

Participant (All Region)
Berbagai Prestasi
 Mentioned as one of World ranking on the
opening speech of UNESCO Global Forum
on University Ranking (16-17 July 2011)
 Internal: 8 Sustainability policies in UI
 International Network: IREG, ISCN
 Invitation and Discussion:
IREG (Taipei May 2012), ISCN (Oregon June
2012) Nagoya Conference (Oct 2012), Mexico
Nuevo Leon Univ Conference (August 2013),
Workshop on Sostenabilita (Ca’ Foscari Oct
2013), Mexico Nuevo Leon Univ Quality of
Education Congress, etc
Participant (Nations)
No Nation FY2012 FY2011 FY2010
No Nation FY 2012 FY2011 FY2010
1 Australia 4 1 1
26 Lebanon 1 1 1
2 Austria 5 5 3
27 Lithuania 1 1 1
3 Belgium 2 1 1
28 Malaysia 3 3 2
4 Brazil 6 4 3
29 Mexico 2 0 0
5 Canada 6 6 4
30 Netherland 5 4 2
6 Chile 1 1 0
31 New Zeland 1 1 1
7 China 1 0 0
32 Palestine 2 2 0
8 Columbia 3 3 1
33 Peru 1 1 1
9 Czech Republic 2 1 0
34 Poland 2 2 1
10 Denmark 3 2 1
35 Romania 1 1 0
11 Ecuador 1 1 1
36 Russia 5 5 1
12 Fiji 1 0 0
37 Saudi Arabia 1 1 1
13 Finland 1 0 0
38 Singapore 1 1 1
14 France 3 2 0
39 South Africa 1 1 0
15 Germany 7 6 3
40 Spain 8 6 5
16 Greece 1 0 0
41 Sweden 5 5 2
17 Hong Kong 1 0 0
42 Switzerland 2 2 1
18 Hungary 4 4 1
43 Taiwan 15 10 2
19 India 3 3 1
44 Thailand 7 6 2
20 Indonesia 26 25 22
45 Turkey 2 2 1
21 Ireland 4 4 1
46 UK 14 11 8
22 Israel 2 2 1
47 United Arab Emirates 1
23 Italy 7 6 4
48 US 29 26 8
24 Japan 8 7 5
49 Vietnam 1 1 0
25 Latvia 2 1 1
Total 215 178 95
Participant (Nations)

Total number of participating nations: 49

Participant (All Region)
No Region Countries (Universities) No.
1 Southern Africa South Africa (1) 1
2 Latin America Brazil (6), Chile (1), Columbia (3), 12
Ecuador (1), Peru (1)
3 North America Canada (6), Mexico (2), US (29) 37
4 East Asia China (1)Japan (8), Hong Kong (1), 25
Taiwan (15) OCEANIA 6
5 South Asia India (3) 3 TOTAL 215
6 South East Asia Indonesia (26), Malaysia (3), Singapore 38
(1), Thailand (7), Vietnam (1)
7 West Asia Israel (2), Lebanon (1), Occupied 9
Palestinian Territory (2), Saudi Arabia
(1), Turkey (2), United Emirates Arab
8 Eastern Europe Czech Republic (2), Hungary (4), Poland 14
(2), Romania (1), Russian Federation
9 Northern Europe Denmark (3), Finland (1), Ireland (4), 30
Latvia (2), Lithuania (1), Sweden (5),
UK (14)
10 Southern Europe Greece (1), Italy (7), Spain (8) 16
11 Western Europe Austria (5), Belgium (2), France (3), 24
Germany (7), Netherlands (5),
Switzerland (2)
12 Oceania Australia (4), Fiji (1), New Zealand (1) 6
All Regions Total 215
Participant (All Region)
Top 20 UI GreenMetric
World Ranking 2012

University of Connecticut US 7,569.39 1

University of Nottingham UK 7,375.59 2

University College Cork National University of Ireland Ireland 7,301.84 3

Northeastern University US 7,264.07 4

University of Plymouth UK 6,798.51 5

Universite de Sherbrooke Canada 6,796.90 6

University of California, Los Angeles US 6,787.36 7

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill US 6,766.29 8

University of Bath UK 6,736.68 9

University of California Merced US 6,725.26 10

Washington University Saint Louis US 6,647.59 11

Linkoping University Sweden 6,647.18 12

University of Sussex UK 6,639.16 13

University of Ottawa Canada 6,625.46 14

York University Canada 6,620.06 15

University of California, Berkeley US 6,601.95 16

University of California, Davis US 6,589.30 17

Bangor University UK 6,580.59 18

Universiti Putra Malaysia Malaysia 6,570.03 19

Tel Aviv University Israel 6,564.33 20

Ranking based on Criteria
UI GreenMetric in International Media
UI GreenMetric in International Media
University of Connecticut
Universita Ca Foscari Venezia
Georgia Institute of Technology
Sustainability Website of
Universitas Indonesia
Mountains and Oceans (Shell New Lens Scenario)
Mountains (Scenario 1) Oceans (Scenario 2)
• Anticipates a world of moderate economic • Envisions a more prosperous, but more volatile
development, world.
• policy playing an important role in shaping the • The global energy system is shaped by market
global energy system and environmental forces and civil society than government policy.
pathway. • Both nuclear power and natural gas growth are
• More compact cities and transform the global limited, slow adoption of policies and
transport network. technologies,
• Cleaner-burning natural gas becomes the • Oil and coal remaining significant forces in the
backbone of the world’s energy system. energy system.
• Global demand for oil peaks in about 2035, • Lacking legal and financial support, carbon
• Technology to capture carbon dioxide emissions catching and storage lags, capturing roughly
aids in reducing CO2 emissions from the power 10% of emissions.
sector to zero by 2060. • Electricity generation takes about 30 years
• GHG begin to fall after 2030 but remain to longer to become carbon neutral
overshoot the target of limiting global • High energy prices and a surge in energy
temperature rise to 2 degrees Celsius. demand
• Oil demand plateaus around 2040.
• These high energy prices encourage
improvements in efficiency and also solar power,
• Solar becoming the largest primary source of
energy by the 2060s.
• “By 2030 we expect demand for critical
resources like water, energy, and food to have
risen by 40%-50%. require business unusual,”
(Royal Dutch Shell CEO Peter Voser).
Sharing and Road Ahead

 International Workshop on UI Greenmetric

Jakarta, November 21st 2013,
 Please register at
 Speakers:
• Vice President of IREG, Prof. Serban Agachi
• Vice Rector Universität fur Bodenkultur Wien, Prof. Dr. Josef
• President Da Yeh University, Professor Dong-Sing Wuu
• Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia, Prof. Dr. Chiara Mio
• University of Nottingham, Chris Jagger
• Vice President of Mahidol University Prof. Suwanna
• President of KMUT University
 Sustainability in HE Rating, Self evaluation, Ranking:
AASHE STARS, College Sustainability Report
(Greenreport Card) – suspended (5 years), Sierra
club Coollest school (5 years), LEED buildings,
Green League (People and Planet)-UK,
 Quality and Education for Sustainability in Higher
 Reduction of Carbon footprint -> Helping each other
 Bike to Campus, free bike, free campus bus,
Gardening, Energy system innovation, recycling and
composting, biofuel, electric vehichle charging in
campus, GHG emission reduction, student club on
eco issues, research, publications, budgeting, and
Thank you
[email protected]
UI GreenMetric 2013

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