Automated Essay Scoring Versus Human Scoring: A Correlational Study
Automated Essay Scoring Versus Human Scoring: A Correlational Study
Automated Essay Scoring Versus Human Scoring: A Correlational Study
The purpose of the current study was to analyze the relationship between automated
essay scoring (AES) and human scoring in order to determine the validity and usefulness
of AES for large-scale placement tests. Specifically, a correlational research design was
used to examine the correlations between AES performance and human raters’
performance. Spearman rank correlation coefficient tests were utilized for data analyses.
Results from the data analyses showed no statistically significant correlation between the
overall holistic scores assigned by the AES tool and the overall holistic scores assigned by
faculty human raters or human raters who scored another standardized writing test. On
the other hand, there was a significant correlation between scores assigned by two teams
of human raters. A significant correlation was also present between AES and faculty
human scoring in Dimension 4 - Sentence Structure, but no significant correlations
existed in other dimensions. Findings from the current study do not corroborate previous
findings on AES tools. Implications of these findings for English educators reveal that
AES tools have limited capability at this point and that more reliable measures for
assessment, like writing portfolios and conferencing, still need to be a part of the methods
Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 8(4)
An increasing number of school districts and higher education institutions are adopting
Automated Essay Scoring (AES) to assess students’ writing for placement or
accountability purposes (Shermis & Burstein, 2003b; Vantage Learning, 2001b). The
Educational Testing Service (ETS) has used its AES tool “e-rater” to replace one of the
two human graders for the writing portion of the Graduate Management Admission Test
(GMAT) since 1999 (Herrington & Moran, 2001). The College Board and ACT testing
companies have used Vantage Learning’s AES tool IntelliMetric™ to rate the WritePlacer
Plus test and the e-Write test, respectively (Haswell, 2004). The obvious advantages of
using AES tools for large-scale assessment include timely feedback, low cost, and
consistency of scoring. Additionally, if applied to classroom assessment, AES tools can
reduce the workload of writing instructors and offer immediate feedback to every student
(Bull, 1999).
However, whether AES tools can assess writing in the same way as do human raters is an
issue that has been continuously debated. Testing agencies and AES developers have
published numerous research results that generally show high agreement rates and
strong correlations between AES scores and human raters’ scores, yet the predictability
rates have been low (Haswell, 2004). Because writing assessment is intimately related to
teaching, learning, and thinking, the use of AES tools has caused much concern from
composition scholars, who fear that the approaches taken by AES tools may send the
wrong messages to students about the nature of writing.
For example, Herrington and Moran (2001) believed that writing had the power to
change a person and the world, but if machine scoring were adopted, students might not
be able to understand the power of writing because they would feel they were merely
writing to the machines. The same concern was expressed by Drechsel (1999), who
believed that students wrote with the expectation of getting human reaction. If they wrote
to the machine, their “voice” would get lost—they would be “writing into silence” (p. 380).
The ongoing debate about the nature of AES and its implications on writing instruction
and writing assessment necessitates more research in the validity and usefulness of AES
tools. However, the realm of AES research has so far been occupied by commercial testing
companies. It is important that potential users of AES in secondary and higher education
begin to direct their attention to investigating how AES works and to what extent AES can
replace human raters, since both writing instruction and students’ learning are at stake.
To understand how AES tools work, it may be helpful to take a look at how AES tools
evolved and how some of the major AES tools are currently functioning (a glossary of
terms is provided in the appendix). In 1966, Ellis Page, the inventor of Project Essay
Grader (PEG) and the pioneer of AES, published an article entitled “The Imminence of
Grading Essays by Computer.” In this article Page described his invention of using
computer technology to grade essays and expressed his optimism about the promising
future of relieving English teachers from the burden of grading papers (Wresch, 1993).
Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 8(4)
Page’s PEG uses three steps to generate scores (Yang, Buckendahl, Juszkiewicz, & Bhola,
2002). First, it identifies a set of measurable features that are approximations or
correlates of the intrinsic variables of writing quality (proxes); second, a statistical
procedure—linear multiple regression—is used to find out the “optimal combination” of
these proxes that can “best predict the ratings of human experts” (Yang et al., 2002, p.
394); third, the proxes and their optimal combination are then programmed into the
computer to score new essays.
Other AES tools use similar three-step strategies to score essays. Intelligent Essay
Assessor (IEA), which is used by the ETS to score the Graduate Equivalency Diploma
essay test, grades essays by using the technique of latent semantic analysis—it first
processes a large body of the texts in a given domain of knowledge, establishing a
“semantic space” for this domain. Then, it analyzes a large amount of expert-scored
essays to learn about the desirable or undesirable qualities of essays. Finally, it uses a
factor-analytic model of word co-occurrences to find the similarity and semantic
relatedness between the trained essays and the new essays at different score levels
(Rudner & Gagne, 2001; Yang et al., 2002).
E-rater, which was also adopted by ETS, uses natural language processing and
information retrieval to develop modules that capture features such as syntactic variety,
topic content, and organization of ideas or rhetorical structures from a set of training
essays prescored by expert raters. It then uses a stepwise linear regression model to find
the best combinations of these features that predict expert raters’ scores. These
combinations are processed into the computer program to score new essays (Yang et al.,
Building on the strategies utilized by PEG, IEA, and e-rater, IntelliMetric™, developed by
Vantage Learning, incorporates the technologies of artificial intelligence and natural
language processing, as well as statistical technologies. These combined approaches are
treated as a “committee of judges,” and “potential scores” from these judges are
calculated by using proprietary algorithms to achieve the most accurate score possible
(Vantage Learning, 2003, p. 9). Capable of analyzing more than 300 semantic, syntactic,
and discourse level features, IntelliMetric functions by building an essay scoring model
first—samples of essays with scores already assigned by human expert raters are
processed into the machine, which would then extract features that distinguish essays at
different score levels. Once the model is established, it is validated by another set of
essays. Finally, it is used to score new essays (Elliot, 2003).
At the present stage, AES tool developers are still exploring ways to enhance the
correlation between writing quality and surface features of writing, such as “lexical-
grammatical errors,” or “rough shifts,” or “rhetorical relations” (Kukich, 2000, p. 26).
However, technologies such as artificial intelligence and natural language processing
need to become more sophisticated before AES tools can come closer to simulating
human assessment of writing qualities. In terms of evaluating the content of essays and
assessing works written in nontesting situations, AES tools are still lagging behind human
raters (Warschauer & Ware, 2006).
The purpose of the current study was to analyze the relationship between AES and human
scoring in order to determine the validity and usefulness of automated essay scoring for
large-scale placement tests. Specifically, the researcher examined the validity of one
automated essay scoring tool patented as IntelliMetric, which was used to score College
Board’s WritePlacer Plus—an online standardized writing test. A group of Developmental
Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 8(4)
Writing students were invited to take WritePlacer Plus, and their scores assigned by
IntelliMetric were compared with their scores given by human raters on the same test. In
addition, the study also examined the construct validity (whether the results of an
instrument correlate well with the results of other instruments that measure the same
construct) of IntelliMetric by comparing the performance of IntelliMetric with human
scoring of written responses to another standardized writing test, the Texas Higher
Education Assessment (THEA), taken by the same group of students. Results from the
study might help institutions understand the implications of replacing human scoring
with AES, so they can make informed decisions about which placement test or exit test to
Review of Literature
Since its advent in 1998, IntelliMetric has been adopted by many testing organizations,
school districts, and higher education institutions. The College Board uses IntelliMetric to
grade WritePlacer Plus, an online writing placement test. Other organizations such as
Thompson Learning, Harcourt Companies, the states of Oregon and Pennsylvania, and
the Secondary School Assessment Testing Board, have used IntelliMetric for various
writing assessment needs (Vantage Learning, 2001b). Its popularity reflects the demand
for the cost-effective and expedient means to evaluate writing tests as well as classroom
writing assignments. However, the decisions made to adopt such an AES tool are still
largely based on the research briefings published by Vantage Learning, the company that
patented IntelliMetric.
The earliest research on IntelliMetric started in 1996 before IntelliMetric went into full
operation. Since then, more than 120 studies have been conducted by Vantage Learning.
The majority of them focused on verifying the validity of IntelliMetric by using various
research designs, such as “Expert Comparison Studies,” “True Score Studies,” and
“Construct Validity Studies” (Elliot, 2003, pp. 73-74). Most researchers have used the
correlational study design to examine the holistic scores assigned by Intellimetric and
human raters; a few researchers have examined analytic dimensional scores.
Nearly all the studies reported high correlation coefficient rates. For example, a study
conducted in 2001 examined the validity of IntelliMetric in scoring essays written by
entry-level college students, and it reported the Pearson r correlation coefficients for the
six writing prompts as ranging from .50 to .83 (Vantage Learning, 2001a). Another
correlational study of IntelliMetric scoring versus human scoring conducted in 2002
reported a Pearson r correlation coefficient at .77 (Vantage Learning, 2002a).
Several Vantage Learning studies focused on the correlations between IntelliMetric and
human raters in both holistic scoring and dimensional scoring – analytic scoring on such
features as Focus, Content, Organization, Style, and Convention. Sometimes, features
varied according to the rubric developed by users, such as state testing agencies or school
One of the dimensional studies examined how well IntelliMetric could be used in the
Pennsylvania Student Skills Assessment Program. The results showed that for persuasive
writing prompt, IntelliMetric had a slightly higher agreement rates (exact agreement
rates) than did human raters in four dimensions—focus, content, organization, and
style—whereas human raters had a higher agreement rate than IntelliMetric in one
dimension—convention. IntelliMetric also had higher correlation rates with each of the
human raters in the same four dimensions than human raters’ correlation between
themselves (Vantage Learning, 2000).
Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 8(4)
Vantage Learning researchers also published a study on dimensional scoring in 2002, and
this time the focus was on validating IntelliMetric in grading WritePlacer ESL. The results
showed that the overall holistic score of IntelliMetric had a strong correlation (.78 to .84)
with human raters’ scores. The exact agreement rates were moderately strong (52% to
58%). However, the dimensional scoring of IntelliMetric was “less reliable than holistic
scoring,” especially in the case of the “convention” dimension (Vantage Learning, 2002b,
p. 4). In this dimension, the correlations between IntelliMetric scores and experts’ scores
across the prompts were .60 to .80, and the exact agreement rates (agreement between
IntelliMetric scores and experts’ scores) were 48% to 58%. For the remaining four
dimensions, the correlation rates ranged from .72 to .89, whereas the exact agreement
rates ranged from 44% to 60%. Both the highest correlation rate and the highest
agreement rate came from the “content” dimension (Vantage Learning, 2002b, p. 5).
On the whole, all the Vantage Learning research reported strong correlations between
IntelliMetric and human raters. However, these publicized studies were research briefs
with no report on details in research design, such as how human raters were calibrated
and whether significance tests were run to demonstrate the statistically significant
difference between IntelliMetric’s performance and human raters’ performance. In
addition, most of the studies were validation studies, with the validation data drawn from
the same student population from which the training data were collected; thus, the
generalizability of the findings from these studies was not demonstrated.
Research Questions
1. How well do scores assigned by IntelliMetric correlate to scores given by human raters
on the WritePlacer Plus test?
How well does IntelliMetric scoring correlate to human scoring in the overall rating of the
How well does IntelliMetric scoring correlate to human scoring in measuring Focus?
How well does IntelliMetric scoring correlate to human scoring in measuring
How well does IntelliMetric scoring correlate to human scoring in measuring
How well does IntelliMetric scoring correlate to human scoring in measuring Sentence
How well does IntelliMetric scoring correlate to human scoring in measuring Mechanics?
2. How well do scores assigned by IntelliMetric on the WritePlacer Plus test correlate to
the respondents’ scores on another standardized writing test, THEA, which is graded by
human raters?
A sample of 107 students was randomly selected from an accessible population of 498
students enrolled in the highest level of developmental writing courses at a college in
South Texas – a Hispanic serving institution with 95% of the students being Hispanic.
Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 8(4)
These students were required to take THEA as part of their developmental writing class
to exit the program. The online writing test – WritePlacer Plus test – was given to these
students as their practice test for the THEA writing exam.
Research Design
The current study utilized a quantitative correlational study design. Human scoring and
automated essay scoring were selected as variables for computing correlation coefficients.
Writing responses gathered from WritePlacer Plus test were graded by an automated
essay scoring tool—IntelliMetric—as well as by trained human raters. Responses from the
THEA writing test were graded by human raters trained by National Evaluation Systems
(an automated essay scoring tool has not been adopted by the THEA program). For
WritePlacer Plus, both the automated essay scoring tool and human raters assigned a
holistic score for the overall quality of a writing response and analytic scores on five
dimensions of each writing response—Focus, Development, Organization, Sentence
Structure, and Mechanics. Human raters for both WritePlacer Plus and THEA assigned
scores on a scale of 1 to 4, and the two raters’ scores were added up to form a score of 2 to
8 for each essay. IntelliMetric assigned scores reflecting the sum of two raters’ scores
ranging from 2 to 8. Altogether, three sets of variables were examined in the correlational
study, as indicated in Figure 1.
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Data Collection
To collect data, two standardized tests, WritePlacer Plus and THEA, were administered to
the participants by trained proctors within a week’s timeframe.
Participants took the WritePlacer Plus test first, and their writing samples were graded by
the IntelliMetric instantly. These IntelliMetric scores were collected by the researcher and
entered into the SPSS database. After the same group of students had taken THEA
organized and proctored by the Testing Office at the college and after the THEA scores
became available, the researcher obtained the score report. The participants’ THEA
scores were then entered in the SPSS database. At this point, the database was screened,
and students who had a WritePlacer score only or THEA scores only were deleted. After
the screening, 284 cases had both sets of scores and were kept in the SPSS database.
The SPSS Case Selection procedure was used to select a random sample of approximately
35% of 284 cases with the intention to get 100 cases, but this procedure yielded 107 cases.
Then, the chosen 107 papers were assigned a number ranging from 1 to 107. These
numbers were matched with students’ names and college ID numbers, as well as their
corresponding IntelliMetric scores and THEA scores. These 107 students’ WritePlacer
writing samples were then retrieved from the WritePlacer score report database. During
the process of retrieving the writing samples, each paper was labeled with the assigned
number and student’s names and college ID numbers were kept anonymous, sealed with
blank pieces of paper.
The retrieved writing samples were each graded by two trained human raters, who were
volunteers from the Developmental English Department of the college where the research
was conducted. To ensure consistency, both volunteers were instructors who had at least
a master’s degree in English or applied linguistics. They also had at least 5 years of
experience in evaluating students’ essays. Both volunteers had been to holistic scoring
training sponsored by the National Evaluation Systems (NES). In addition, both of them
received two more recent trainings.
The two raters graded each of the writing samples by first assigning a holistic score and
then analytic score, to ensure that the holistic score was the rater’s overall impression of
the overall quality of the writing sample, not the average of the analytic dimension scores.
After the grading was finished, the results were entered into the SPSS database with the
other sets of results.
Data Analysis
First, the SPSS Explore procedure was run to examine the normality of the data. For the
overall holistic scores assigned by the three scoring methods, namely, the IntelliMatric
scoring of WritePlacer Plus (GRME1), the human rater (faculty) scoring of WritePlacer
Plus (GRME2), and the human rater (NES experts) scoring of THEA writing test
(GRME3), all 107 cases had valid scores, with no outliers. Table 1 displays the means,
medians, and standard deviations for each scoring method.
Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 8(4)
Table 1
Descriptive Statistics for the Three Sets of Overall Holistic Scores, N = 107
Variables M Median SD
GRME1 (aeshs) 5.98 6.00 .87
GRME2 5.22 5.00 .965
GRME3 (theahs) 4.92 5.00 .963
The Spearman rank correlation coefficient test, a nonparametric version of the Pearson
correlation coefficient test, was selected for determining the correlations between
IntelliMetric scores and human raters’ scores.
The Spearman rank correlation coefficient tests were run separately for analyzing the
overall holistic scores and for each set of dimensional scores (SPSS 12.0 was used for data
analysis). First, the bivariate correlation analysis was performed to evaluate the holistic
score variables, namely, IntelliMetric holistic scores (aeshs), human raters’ holistic scores
on WritePlacer (hrhs_tot), and THEA holistic scores (theahs). The significance level was
set at .05 divided by the number of correlations, using the Bonferroni approach to control
for Type I errors.
Secondly, five Spearman correlation tests were run separately to analyze the dimensional
scores given by IntelliMetric™ and faculty human raters on WritePlacer Plus. The
significance level was set at .05 for each significance test.
The results of the correlational analyses indicated that there was a statistically significant
correlation between WritePlacer scores assigned by the faculty human raters and the
THEA scores assigned by NES human expert raters (rs = .35, p < .017). On the other
hand, the correlations between IntelliMetric assigned overall holistic scores and human
raters’ (faculty) overall holistic scores or THEA overall holistic scores were lower and not
statistically significant. The detailed results are presented in Table 2.
Table 2
Correlations Among the Three Sets of Overall Holistic Scores, N = 107
Analyses of the dimensional scores showed that IntelliMetric scoring did not correlate
well with human scoring in Dimension 1 - Focus, Dimension 2 - Development, Dimension
3 - Organization, and Dimension 5 -Mechanics, but it appeared to have a statistically
significant correlation with human scoring in Dimension 4 - Sentence Structure (rs = 21,
p < .05). The detailed results are displayed in Table 3.
Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 8(4)
Table 3
Correlations Between Dimensional Scores, N = 107
Variables r
D1aes – D1hr_tot .16
D2aes – D2hr_tot .17
D3aes – D3hr_tot .06
D4aes – D4hr_tot .21*
D5aes – D5hr_tot .07
*p < .05
On the other hand, the faculty human raters’ scoring had a significant correlation with
NES human raters’ scoring of the THEA writing test (rs = .35), whereas IntelliMetric
scoring did not show a significant correlation with the same NES human raters. This
contrast seemed to indicate that the faculty raters performed more consistently with NES
human raters than with IntelliMetric.
In general, findings from the study challenged the research results published by Vantage
Learning, which demonstrated strong correlations between AES and human scoring.
These findings also raised the question whether AES models built by writing samples
from one student population were generalizable to writing samples from other student
populations. If AES models are not generalizable, pending the confirmation of future
Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 8(4)
studies, then it may be necessary for a specific AES model to be built for a specific student
population. In that case, the cost of using AES tools may become a question of concern.
Furthermore, the results of the current study pointed out the possibility of AES being
significantly correlated to human raters in assessing Sentence Structure rather than in
content-related features. If this finding is true, pending the confirmation of further
studies, then it may mean that AES tools can be utilized more specifically in assisting
student writers with feedback on improving their sentence skills.
Finally, the serendipitous finding from the current study indicating significant correlation
between the two teams of human raters may mean human raters are more consistent with
each other in assigning essay scores than with AES tools. A finding of this nature, if
confirmed by future studies, may also call into question the validity of AES tools.
The correlational analyses, using the nonparametric test Spearman Rank Correlation
Coefficient, showed that the overall holistic scores assigned by IntelliMetric had no
significant correlation with the overall holistic scores assigned by faculty human raters,
nor did it bear a significant correlation with the overall scores assigned by NES human
raters. On the other hand, there was a statistically significant correlation, with an effect
size of medium coefficient, between the two sets of overall holistic scores assigned by the
two teams of human raters. Spearman Rank Correlation analyses of dimensional scores
showed a significant correlation between IntelliMetric scoring and faculty human scoring
in Dimension 4 - Sentence Structure but no significant correlations in other dimensions.
On the whole, the results from the current study support the conclusion that IntelliMetric
did not seem to correlate well with human raters in scoring essays and that findings
published by Vantage Learning did not appear to be generalizable to the student
population in South Texas. The discrepancies between the findings of the current study
and those published by Vantage Learning may be attributed to the following factors:
Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 8(4)
Herrington & Moran, 2001), which AES tools may still be incapable of identifying
and evaluating.
As the interest in adopting AES tools increases, and as the development of AES
technologies undergoes rapid changes, they still hold a promising future for writing
assessment programs; therefore, continuous research and investigation in the validity
and generalizability of the AES tools are inevitable. Based on the findings of the current
study, further studies should be conducted to determine the validity and generalizability
of the AES tools. Topics should include experimental studies that investigate which
surface features impact the AES tools’ assigning high scores, correlational studies that
compare AES scores with multiple human raters’ scores, correlational studies that
compare participants’ AES scores with their course grades, and comparative studies that
examine the mean score differences across AES mean scores and two teams of human
raters’ mean scores, all on the same student writing samples. Qualitative studies should
also be conducted to analyze essays that receive AES scores with a 2-point discrepancy
from human raters’ scores.
In the interim, school administrators who make decisions about what assessment tools to
use need to take the validity of AES tools into consideration. While AES tools are cost
effective and fast in returning results, they may not be as accurate as human raters in
assessing students’ written works. Therefore, it is a matter of choosing between efficiency
and quality of assessment methods. Responsible decisions on the assessment tools should
be based on multiple measures, which include not only timed writing samples assessed by
human raters, but also students’ writing portfolios and advising/counseling processes. In
addition, for whatever assessment approach a school decides to adopt, a process for
validating and evaluating the approach should be implemented to ensure that the
assessment programs undergo continuous improvement for the sake of students’ learning
and success in their coursework (McLeod, Horn, & Haswell, 2005; Morante, 2005). The
validation and evaluation methods should include studies that correlate students’
placement scores with their course grade to examine the criterion-related validity, as well
as interviews and surveys about students’ and instructors’ perceptions of the accuracy of
the assessment.
For English teachers, AES tools have the potential to offer immediate feedback to
students’ writing while relieving the heavy load of grading. However, when the validity of
the AES tools is still in question, the use of machine grading should be restricted to
spelling checks and sentence skills feedback. Besides, if English teachers value writing as
a communicative act, and if they truly want to improve students’ writing, they will still
need to assess students’ writing personally and offer dialogic feedback to students, who
will benefit not only from their teachers’ specific comments but also from the human
touch. The results here have important implications for English teacher education as well.
While English educators may want to expose pre- and in-service teachers to AES tools,
their utility is limited at this point, and well-documented assessment strategies, like
writing portfolios and writing conferences, and a keen awareness of the process writing
approach should still be included in English education methods courses and in the
methods repertoire of practicing English language arts teachers.
Although an overwhelming grading load is often a reality for writing instructors, scholars
such as Zinn (1998) have explored ways to ease the load. Zinn suggested using student-
generated grading criteria and focusing on a couple of special grading problems.
Instructors should also make writing assignment topics clear, so that the end product will
be easy to grade. Sample papers and specific grading criteria will also assist with the
grading process. Group responses and feedback to early drafts can also be used to help
lighten the load. Too much commentary should be avoided.
Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 8(4)
Putting the issue of heavy grading load aside, the key issue behind writing assessment
should continue to be the promotion of student learning and the improvement of the
quality of students’ writing. The means to achieve this end lies in the hands of human
raters, rather than machines.
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Rudner, L., & Gagne, P. (2001). An overview of three approaches to scoring written essays
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(Eds.), Automatic essay scoring: A cross-disciplinary perspective (pp. xiii-xvi). Mahwah,
NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
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Vantage Learning (2002a). A study of expert scoring, standard human scoring and
IntelliMetric™ scoring accuracy for statewide eighth grade writing responses. (Report
No. RB-726). Newtown, PA: Vantage Learning.
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Vantage Learning (2002b). IntelliMetric™ scoring for WritePlacer ESL (Report No. RB-
734). Newtown, PA: Vantage Learning.
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RB-929). Newtown, PA: Vantage Learning.
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strategies for validating computer automated scoring. Applied Measurement in
Education, 15(4), 391-412.
Author Note:
Jinhao Wang
South Texas College
email: [email protected]
Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 8(4)
Definition of Terms
For the purpose of the current study, some technical terms are used and defined as
Automated essay scoring – refers to “the ability of computer technology to evaluate and
score written prose” (Shermis & Burstein, 2003a, p. xiii).
Holistic scoring – refers to a grading method that utilizes a holistic scoring guide to rank
order a piece of writing according to its overall quality or certain features. The rank
ordering takes place “quickly, impressionistically, after the rater has practiced the
procedure of rank ordering with other raters” (Cooper, 1977, p. 3).
Information retrieval – refers to the representation, storage, organization of, and access
to information items. The representation and organization of the information items
should provide the user with easy access to the information the user is interested in
retrieving (Baeza-Yates & Ribeiro-Neto, 1999).
Latent semantic analysis – refers to a machine learning method that represents the
meaning of words and passages through the use of statistical computations based on a
large amount of texts. The underlying idea of this method is that a passage is “the sum of
the meanings of its words” and that the combination of all the contexts in which a given
word is present or absent determines the similarities of word meanings. Utilizing such
concepts, Latent Semantic Analysis simulates human judgments and behavior in
assessing the quality of the semantic content of an essay and analyzing essays “for the
components of content that are and are not well covered” (Landauer, Laham, & Foltz,
2003, p. 88).
Proxes – refer to the computer extractable predictive features that “approximate” the
intrinsic features in an essay valued by human raters. The term was coined by Page
(1966) when he designed the automated essay scoring system. A prox is a “computer-
identifiable trait” that may “correlate with” the intrinsic value in an essay (Wresch, 1993,
p. 46).
Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 8(4)
Texas Higher Education Assessment (THEA) – a test assessing students in three subject
areas: reading, writing, and math. The writing portion of the test consists of two
subsections. One subsection assesses students’ ability to recognize elements of effective
writing in a multiple-choice format. The other subsection assesses students writing ability
in a multiple-paragraph essay format. The writing samples are graded by two human
raters on a scale of 1 to 4. The sum of the two raters’ scores constitutes a score ranging
from 2 to 8 for each writing sample (National Evaluation Systems, 2005).
Trins – refer to the intrinsic features in an essay valued by human raters. The term was
coined by Page (1966) when designing an automated essay scoring system to evaluate
essays. Page believed the intrinsic features in an essay were extractable by computer
programs and could be predicted by using statistical techniques. “A trin might be a
human measure of values such as aptness of word choice” (Wresch, 1993, p. 46).
WritePlacer Plus— refers to a standardized writing test that measures writing skills at the
level that is expected of entry-level college students. It is offered through the College
Board’s ACCUPLACER Program, and it is mainly an online writing test, but when
requested, the paper-and-pencil version is also available (College Board, 2004).
Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education is an online journal. All text, tables, and figures in the print
version of this article are exact representations of the original. However, the original article may also include video and
audio files, which can be accessed on the World Wide Web at