Dueling Chart: Dungeon Master's Screen
Dueling Chart: Dungeon Master's Screen
Dueling Chart: Dungeon Master's Screen
Dueling Chart
Defensive Guard
Attack Low Middle Hanging Close Inside None
Area Guard Guard Guard Guard Guard
Head +3 -5 -6 +3 +1 +4
Slash +4 -6 -8 +4 +2 +4
Torso -4 -6 +4 +1 +2 +3
Slash -5 -7 +3 +2 +3 +5
Abd. -3 +4 +8 -8 -4 +3
Slash +1 +2 +7 -7 -6 +3
Leg +2 +1 +8 -8 -7 +4
Slash +1 +2 +7 -7 -8 +5
Arm +2 +3 +5 -6 -8 +4
Slash +3 +2 +6 -8 -6 +3
Low Guard- With the weapon held point down and centered
Middle guard - the sword held point forward over the head
Hanging guard –point down and to the inside and the arm raise above.
Close guard –used to parry attacks to the waist, hip, and grip
Inside guard - a position with the blade horizontal pointing forward and the hilt pulled in close
Fighting Styles Exceptional Hits
Special Effects of Spellcasting
On Gothic Earth, the casting of magical spells can often draw unwanted attention. Many people through out
history have been persecuted for having extraordinary and/or supernatural powers. The casting of magical
and priestly spells bends certain forces to achieve the desired effects of the spell. With this “bending of
forces”, certain special effects can happen to the spellcaster and the area around him. The following are
some example types of these special effects.
These special effects do not appear at all levels of spell casting. Special effects also increase with intensity
as the spell level also increases. In general these special effects will not alter the spell or do harm to the
caster or the surrounding area.
Moon Magic
Magick Phase
The phases of the moon and the time of day has certain effects on all wizardry spells cast. This phase is
when the ability to cast is at it’s most powerful and potent. This period of time is called the Magick Phase.
Casting during the Magick Phase the spellcaster will receive a +2 modifier
Casting before or after the Magick Phase the spellcaster will receive a -2 modifier
Magick Influence
The phases of the moon also has an effect on which schools of magic are most powerful. This is called the
Magick Influence.
Casting a spell from a school during it’s time of Magick Influence, the spellcaster will receive a +4
Casting a spell from a school before or after it’s time of Magick Influence, the spellcaster will receive
a -4 modifier.
Dungeon Master’s
Miracle Check
All spells from the spheres of healing must make a “Miracle” check. This based on the Priest
Spiritcraft Non-weapon proficiency.
The base score to determine if a miracle takes place is based on the Priest Spiritcraft Non-weapon
proficiency score x4.
After the base score is determined add or subtract the appropriate modifiers to the base score. The remain
figure is the percentage chance on a d100 of the spell working.
Immortals Receive 1 Quickening Point , (plus the Immortal’s Honor score bonus), for every 50 years of his
When a player roles up a new character, use the table below for an initial amount of Quickening Points,
(adding the above stat for age also), to start play with.
When an Immortal loses his head after a duel, (or for what ever reason), the nearest Immortal in range,
(using the dead Immortal’s Sense Quickening range), will gain the fallen Immortal Quickening.
Use the same chart above to determine the amount of Quickening that will be received by the nearest
Immortal to the beheading.
If the roll is a maximum for that dice, the Immortal gets to roll again and add the results together.
Once this is done, add the Immortal’s Honor Score bonus to the total, and this is the total amount of
Quickening the Immortal adds to his Quickening Points total.