Magnolias: For Central Florida

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for Central Florida

By Eric Schmidt
T he Magnolia Family, Magnoliaceae, is a family
of flowering trees and shrubs native mainly to
eastern North America, tropical South America,
and eastern Asia. They are found growing in
both temperate and tropical climates. There are
two different genus found in the Magnoliaceae.
Liriodendron, which consists of 2 species and
Magnolia which contains around 210 different
species. Recent taxonomy changes have lumped
previously separate genera such as Manglietia,
Michelia, Parakmeria, and Talauma into Magnolia.
The Magnolia Family is one of the most primitive
Magnolia virginiana var. australis
of the angiosperms (flowering plants). Fossils of
Magnoliaceae date back 80 million years, into the late trade. ‘Alta’ is a dense grower with a narrower, upright form.
Cretaceous, when dinosaurs still ruled the land. Members of It can grow 20-30 feet tall. ‘Bracken’s Brown Beauty’ is a
the Magnolia Family bear primitive flowers with pistils and dense grower with smaller leaves that are rusty brown on the
stamens arranged spirally on a cone-like structure. They also undersides. ‘Coco’ has a nice pyramidal form and very dark
lack true petals or sepals, instead bearing similar structures green leaves. ‘D.D. Blanchard’ also has a pyramidal form.
called tepals. The foliage is very lustrous and dark green and very distinct
brownish orange undersides. It is also a much faster growing
In Central Florida several species of Magnolia are popular form. This one is very commonly planted in Central Florida.
landscape trees. There are many others not widely grown ‘Greenback’ (‘MgTig’) is also dense grower with smaller,
but are suitable for use in our climate. Many of the more cupped, dark green leaves. ‘Little Gem’ is another common
northern, temperate-type of deciduous Magnolias do not cultivar. It is a dwarf form only growing 10 to 20 feet tall.
grow well here or are short lived. Of the trees that are suited, The leaves and flowers are also smaller, about half the normal
most are easy to grow and have just a few basic needs. size. This cultivar has a much longer bloom period, often
Magnolias prefer acidic soils and do not grow well in alkaline flowering into December. ‘Miss Chloe’ is a faster growing
locations or areas with high pH. Most also prefer fairly moist cultivar with large leaves and flowers. ‘Teddy Bear’ is a newer
soils. Some are even tolerant of wet locations. form with a dense, upright pyramidal form. The dark green
Magnolia grandiflora, Southern Magnolia, is a native of leaves are fuzzy and orange on the undersides. Southern
Florida and the southeastern U.S. It is one of the most widely Magnolia is fairly drought tolerant once it is established but
grown trees in Florida and also one of the most widely grows and looks better with watering during very dry times.
cultivated Magnolias in Magnolia virginiana var.
the world. It is a large, australis, Southern Sweetbay
stately, evergreen tree that Magnolia, is another native
can grow 30 to 80 feet tree, growing wild in the
tall. It has large, leathery southeastern U.S. This is a
leaves that are dark fast growing, evergreen tree
green with undersides with a narrow growth form.
often covered in a rusty It can reach 30 to 60 feet
pubescence. In late spring tall. The shiny, dark green
and early summer it leaves are silvery underneath.
bears large white flowers It bears white, lemon scented
that are very fragrant. In flowers during late spring
recent years quite a few and summer. Southern
cultivars with varying Sweetbay Magnolia prefers
heights, growth habits moist soils. It can also grow
and foliage have been in wet or swampy locations.
introduced to the nursery
Magnolia grandiflora ‘DD Blanchard’
| Harry P. Leu Gardens | G arden V iew
Liriodendron tulipifera, American Tulip Tree, is native to the eastern U.S.
In Central Florida, its range extends south into the Wekiva basin. Trees of
this east central Florida ecotype are the specimens that should be grown
in this area as they are adapted to our subtropical climate. They differ in
that the leaves have rounded lobes and the tree only remains deciduous for
a short period of time. It is a fast growing tree that can reach over 50 feet
tall, often 70 to 90 feet. In early spring it bears greenish-yellow flowers.
American Tulip Tree also prefers a moist soil and can also grow in wet
locations. Liriodendron chinense, the Chinese Tulip Tree, is similar but has
much larger flowers and leaves. Also the leaves are more deeply lobed. It
can grow 40 to 60 feet tall and is also deciduous. It is native from central
China to northern Vietnam.
Magnolia champaca (formerly Michelia champaca), Champaca Tree, is
native to southeastern Asia. It is an evergreen tree growing 30 to 40 feet
tall. During the warmer months it bears small, orange flowers that are
Magnolia champaca
extremely fragrant. Oils derived from these flowers are used to make
perfume including Joy. Magnolia x alba is similar but it bears pure white
flowers. ‘Golden’ is a cultivar of M. x alba that bears white flowers that
turn a golden color. Champaca Trees are tender and better suited to the
warmer locations of Central Florida.
Magnolia coco is a dwarf tree only growing 6 to 8 feet tall. It is evergreen
and bears small, white flowers during the warmer months. They are very
fragrant. Magnolia coco prefers a shaded location. It is also somewhat tender
to cold so grows best in the warmer areas of Central Florida. Because of its
small size, it can be grown in a container in colder areas. Magnolia coco is
native to southern China, northern Vietnam and Taiwan.
Magnolia ernestii (Michelia wilsonii) is an evergreen tree with very dark
green leaves. It bears fragrant yellow flowers during the warmer months.
It can grow 30 to 40 feet tall and is native to southern China.
Magnolia figo (formerly Michelia figo), is known as the Banana Shrub.
It is a dense, evergreen shrub growing 6-10 feet tall. In spring and early Magnolia grandiflora

summer it bears small greenish yellow flowers that are very fragrant with
a banana scent. In Central Florida it grows better with afternoon shade or
in bright, filtered light. It is native to southeastern China. Magnolia figo
var. skinneriana is a superior form that seems better suited to our area. It
also has a longer bloom period.
Magnolia lilifera var. lilifera (Talauma candollei), Egg Magnolia, is native
to southeastern Asia. It bears white flowers that are very fragrant during
the summer. The unopened flower buds are egg shaped.
Magnolia lilifera var. ovata (Talauma hodgsonii), Himalayan Magnolia, is
an evergreen tree with extremely large leaves. It bears very fragrant white
flowers in summer. It can grow 10-20 feet tall and is native to southeastern
Magnolia macclurei (Michelia macclurei) grows wild in southern China
and northern Vietnam. It is evergreen and grows 30-50 feet tall. It bears
large white flowers that are extremely fragrant. Magnolia grandiflora ‘Little Gem’

Magnolia maudiae (Michelia maudiae) is an evergreen tree growing 20-30 feet tall. It bears large, fragrant white flowers in
spring. It is also native to southern China.
Magnolia sirindhorniae (Michelia sirindhorniae), Thai Magnolia, is an evergreen tree growing 15-20 feet tall. It bears small
creamy white flowers during the warmer months which are sweetly scented.
Magnolia tamaulipana, Mexican Magnolia, has a narrow growth form and grows 20-30 feet tall. It is evergreen and bears flowers
similar to M. grandiflora but they are smaller in size. It is native to northeastern Mexico.
Harry P. Leu Gardens |

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