ye ar 1
march 2 0 0 9
in the mission ISAF IN
are flattering but
Recognized and
appreciated in
Cover by Tomislav Brandt
combat uniforms
4 Interview
defense minister of the republic of croatia
6gbnVgZVahdZfj^eeZYVcYigV^cZY[dgeVgi^X^eVi^dc 6gbn]VhValVnh\^kZc\gZVi^bedgiVcXZid VcYVgbVbZci!i]Z8gdVi^Vc6gbn
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t h e c r oat ian ar my
branko vukeliĆ
by Leida Parlov, photo by Tomislav Brandt croatian military magazine
CROATIAN ARMY WITH THE LARGEST FORCES IN NATO LED OPERATIONS A component of the CAF with peak strength, with most of the
members deployed to international operations in which the
Republic of Croatia participates, always ready to assist civilian
population, well trained, with rich bilateral and multilateral
cooperation are only some of the distinctive features and first
associations linked to the Croatian Army. Created in war together
with other components of our Armed Forces, the Croatian Army
8 conference
developed very quickly and today, it participates in numerous
international exercises and in preservation of the world’s peace
equally with its partners from the most developed militaries
of the world. The Command of the Croatian Army is situated
in Karlovac and its units are deployed throughout Croatia. In
Defense Minister of the Republic of Croatia are technically and visually different from the old
so in implementation of the Partnership Goals.
10 Interview
Branko Vukelić and KROKO - Internacional ones will have a stylized picture of the Croatian
Director and holder of the contract of the map. Specific qualities of the new uniforms are
reform, some of its units were dissolved and some were
newly established. The Guards Armored Mechanized
Brigade and the Guards Motorized Brigade are its main
Association of Bidders, Denis Popović have raw-materials structure, prolonged time of usage,
its organic entities are within structure of the Croatian
Army. As in other services of the CAF, modernization
that is implemented in conformity with the Long-Term
Development Plan of the CAF is underway. Besides
6hi]ZW^\\Zhi investments in equipment and armament, the
XdbedcZcid[i]Z86; Croatian Army gives great significance to fitting out
signed a Contract. For the procurement of new long-lasting dyes, increased airiness and stability
exercise ranges. The accommodation capacities are
12 military exercise
undergoing systematic refurbishment at three main
\gZViZhiXdcig^Wji^dcid military exercise ranges of the Croatian Army “Eugen
idiVaYZXaVgZY[dgXZh[dg Kvaternik”- Slunj, “Gašinci”- Gašinci and “Crvena
C6IDaZYdeZgVi^dch# zemlja” -Knin; APS and ATS training infrastructure
is being built, more precisely shooting ranges for
combat uniforms for the CAF’s requirements of material, as well as a specially designed
^hVegdedcZcid[i]Z instinctive and situational target practice, shooting
^beaZbZciVi^dcd[&( house, training area road - convoy and control >ci]Zb^hh^dc>H6;^c
EVgicZgh]^e<dVah stations, all with aim to raise the level and standard 6[\]Vc^hiVc!bZbWZgh
of training. d[i]Z8gdVi^Vc6gbn
to the mission
Apart from their basic tasks, all units of the Xdchi^ijiZZ^\]in
Croatian Army are also equipped and trained for eZgXZcid[i]Z86;Æh
for 2009 that could last several years. This recognizable “ornament”. Uniforms could be worn
participation in international operations where =GK8DC
is a procurement of new combat uniforms in maximally for two years, meaning that durability page 14
14 the croatian army
camouflage. The so-called desert variants that has been prolonged. Recognized and appreciated in international
[jaaXVeVX^i^Zhid^beaZbZci^ihgZ[dgb!bdYZgc^oVi^dc i]ZcVknlVhVW^\C6IDZmZgX^hZ ^cid[jaaC6IDbZbWZgh]^e!i]Z8gdVi^Vc6gbZY;dgXZh
VcY^ciZgdeZgVW^a^inl^i]cVk^ZhVcYdi]ZghZgk^XZhd[ CdWaZB^YVhi]Vi8gdVi^V]dhiZY^c ]VkZVY_jhiZY^ihhigjXijgZVcYbdYZgc^oVi^dcidi]ZhnhiZb
i]ZVgbZY[dgXZhd[C6IDXdjcig^Zh DXidWZg'%%, d[XdaaZXi^kZYZ[ZchZi]Vi^hegdk^YZYWni]ZbZbWZgh]^e
THE CROATIAN NAVY�a RELIABLE ALLY OF NATO The first association that people throughout Fj^iZhdbZ of sustaining Croatian sovereignty in our part of
HIGHER VOLUME OF its coast. That is very simple to explain since our d[djgXdjcign entire Croatia, that role has become even more
long and well-indented coast is bordered by one of ^cid[jaaC6ID prominent than in most of the countries with a
the most beautiful seas of the world and it is also bZbWZgh]^e! coast. However, in the light of the entry into NATO
serve as commodity transit not only for Croatia of the Central and South East of Europe and even
but also for a series of Central and East European to the entire Mediterranean. The Republic of
countries. Protection of the Croatian Adriatic is YZ[ZchZi]Vi^h Croatia is absolutely aware of its responsibility
accordingly of vital significance for our country. egdk^YZYWni]Z and of the security of the neighboring and friendly
To a large extent Croats regard themselves as a bZbWZgh]^e countries, especially of the future North Atlantic
n Kosovo
Croatia is the most important link in the system preserve the environment as well as protect sea
page 18
POCKETS: 30 peacekeeping missions
All pockets have Velcro straps FROM OCTOBER IN chad
BELT: and do not have buttons.
As compared to the old one, the new memb er s of t h e c af in t h e mis s ion is af by Leida Parlov, photo by Tomislav Brandt croatian military magazine
34 excerpts from interviews with defense attachés
belt has three safety systems that E V E RY O N E W O U L D L I KE T O H A VE
substantially diminish the possibility CROATIAN SOLDIERS 36 members of the caf in the mission isaf
of coming off during crawling.
Everyone would like to have Croatian soldiers in
The Republic of Croatia has been participating
for seven years in the mission ISAF in Afghanistan
under leadership of NATO and has proven to be
a realiable partner to all countries that have
demonstrated preparedness and determination
to establishing peace in that country. With
increase of the number of members of our
forces who are recognized in Afghanistan as
first-rate professionals and decidedly motivated
for taking part in the mission, and it is no
their ranks
bZbWZghd[i]Z86;! to establish and preserve peace in this Asian surprise considering our country experienced
djgb^a^iVgneda^XZbZc country. With its engagement in Afghanistan, attrocities of the war, the number and diversity
l]dlZgZYZeadnZY the Republic of Croatia has confirmed once of our activities have also increased.
idi]Zb^hh^dc>H6; again (it has participated in UN missions Besides military policemen, staff officers
^c;ZWgjVgn'%%([dg since 1999), its committment to contribute to and NCOs who operate in ISAF’s Headquarters
i]ZÎghii^bZ!jeid preservation of peace in the world wherever it were also sent to the mission; the combined
(%%hdaY^ZghbVnWZ is necessary. From the first fifty members of the medical team of the US-Adriatic Charter was
YZeadnZYVii]ZegZhZci CAF, our military policemen who were deployed deployed for the first time in 2005 and Croatian
the course of time employees of our Ministry of as a means that will facilitate development of
the Interior and our diplomats have contributed the secure environment and reconstruction
and Polyamide. The desert uniform has 42 Croatian pistol in several armies of the world
a special coat that is a repellent. The
Pockets containing special gel d30
uniform does not retain sweat, it warms (+ B6G8='%%.8GDB>A 8GDB>AB6G8='%%. (,
2,400 HRK (in distinction from former the territory of Croatia (camouflage, of peacekeeping missions and solely receive commendations have earned as a country and as an army through the
for the performance of their tasks. We wish that this dedicated and responsible execution of tasks in every
4,000 HRK). By the end of this year, half prevailing green color in digital print), and
magazine should provide support while they carry out their international activity. We hope we will be able to realize
of Croatian soldiers will have received 1,500 for use in peacekeeping missions tasks, that colleagues they work with in joint operations that mission in equal terms of quality.
their new uniforms, and in 2010, all (camouflage, of desert color in digital print). could read and learn more about Croatia and the Croatian
Armed Forces. We have all the reasons to proudly say Željko StipanoviÊ
something about ourselves! EDITOR-IN-CHIEF
En t r y in t o NATO con fir mat ion of Croatia’ s
pr ogr es s in en t ir et y
As the reform process develops, what are the experiences after the end of Army developed during the Homeland War
the training of voluntary conscripts? How does the Minister comment on the and it has a very high reputation among
numerous commendations Croatian soldiers receive for their participation Croatian citizens. That imposes an obligation
in peacekeeping missions? These are some of the questions we asked upon us to be even more approachable and
the Minister of Defense Branko Vukelić on the eve of the forthcoming full closer to citizens and to show everything
Croatian membership of the NATO Alliance that represents one of the top we do since they finance all our activities
priority goals of our foreign policy. through the government budget. Apart from
numerous activities related to the accession
A little more than a year has passed of your to the NATO Alliance, I am also satisfied with
mandate as Minister of Defense. What would the equipping and modernization projects
you emphasize as the greatest achievement we proceeded with and speeded up some of
in the defense system of that period? them.
I would like to take this opportunity to point
Great efforts have been made in the last out my great satisfaction with the praise and
ten years in the Ministry of Defense and the commendation our soldiers received from
Croatian Armed Forces in the field of reform We are the only NATO’s officials and other Defense Ministers.
and transformation. That has, in any case, country that is What is especially singled out during
contributed to our status of a candidate for not a member those meetings the high level of training,
membership in NATO and I am convinced that of the NATO motivation and professionalism of Croatian
entry into full membership of NATO Alliance Alliance but in soldiers. This is exactly the greatest richness
will happen in the near future. As a new head some missions we and power of the Croatian army. I am proud
of the Ministry of Defense, I wanted to initiate execute tasks that that Croatia, as a country that knows what
some processes I considered not noticeable require very high it means to be at war and that appreciates
enough. What I would like to mention first level of capability peace, takes part in numerous peacekeeping
of all, not as the most important but as very and professional missions throughout the world. From my
essential is that this ministry is according to competence viewpoint, I am satisfied with last year and
its nature, a system that is more closed than with everything what was done. Naturally, I
some other ministries. I wanted and I still want will always point out how it is very important
to open it to public as much as I can. For me, it members of the armed forces, employees of
is important that activities in the ministry and the ministry, the state leadership and citizens
the armed forces are transparent, perceptible in the whole are satisfied. I hope I share their
defense minister of the and identifiable in public. The general public satisfaction with the breakthrough that has
republic of croatia exceptionally appreciates that the Croatian been achieved.
branko vukelić
I am proud that
Croatia, as a
country that
Croatia has for its part done everything that was necessary to become a knows what it
member of NATO. The invitation to become a member of NATO is not means to be at
merely evidence of our military capabilities as it is not only the army that is war and that
entering NATO, but it is also evidence that Croatia has made headway and peace, takes part
developed all segments of its society like other democratically developed in numerous
countries. That is a great recognition for Croatia and a great recognition to peacekeeping
all members of the armed forces and employees of the Ministry of Defense throughout the
A military system can not be an isolated found second career prospects out of the participation in peacekeeping missions, we
island. We can not share the destiny of system during past reforms, activities ahead gained experience in the Homeland War and
the country and not bear the burden of a of us do not mean that a great number of that is exceptionally important for each one
time marked by financial crisis. We will, people will end up outside the system or of our members. Not so long ago members
as everybody else, save very much and that employees of the Croatian Ministry of of the peacekeeping missions were deployed
behave rationally. That means we will keep Defense will experience any stresses. We to Croatia and each one of our soldiers
expenses that are not indispensable under have provided all those who will not see their knows how valuable and important it is to be
strict control. A great part of our budget prospects in our armed forces or ministry a member of the peacekeeping mission in
relates to funds that are necessary for with models and incentives so as to continue eyes of the people they are among.
equipping and modernization, contracts we their business future in some other place. At the NATO summit in April Croatia should
signed are an obligation we have to keep The first generation of voluntary conscripts already participate as a full member of the
and those are projects we have to complete. completed their training. Have expectations Alliance. It would be a realization of one of
However, it is of crucial importance to invest from this project been completely met? the greatest successes of Croatia’s foreign
all funds into modernization and equipping Satisfaction with the first generation of policy and its armed forces. What would
in a completely transparent way and in this voluntary conscripts is mutual and I am I would like that mean for you as Head of the Ministry
matter I am considering implementing the especially glad about that. Our commanders to take this of Defense of the Republic of Croatia?
procurement procedure and giving a chance are also satisfied with the high motivation opportunity I am optimistic and I believe that we will carry
to the Croatian economy through all those of the voluntary conscripts who completed to emphasize out the ratification procedure and deposit
investments. There is no strong state without the training. I had the opportunity to talk my great protocols in Washington by the summit and
a strong economy. to some of those young men who had only satisfaction with become member of NATO. Croatia has done
Could we say in the context of rationalization words of praise about the completed training the praise and everything that was necessary to become a
At the beginning of your mandate you that Croatia is giving up the acquisition of and the conditions it was carried out in. commendation NATO member. Membership in the Alliance is
announced that the Ministry of Defense new fighter airplanes? It is on the basis of that that today, we can our soldiers have of exceptional importance to Croatia in entirety
of the Republic of Croatia will be more Firstly, I have to say that the purchase of confirm that this sort of a pilot-process was received from because that is one of the two strategically
transparent and open the public in its fighter airplanes was not planned for this completed successfully and that this year NATO’s officials most important goals of our foreign policy.
entire operations. Are you satisfied with year. Last year we carried out the procedure of we can proceed with it. I am also delighted and other Defense Invitation into the membership is not merely
the achievements in this field so far? gathering informative offers that we analyzed that far more candidates than we can admit Ministers. What evidence of our military capabilities as it
One can never be completely satisfied with It is of crucial very carefully. Of course, in a situation of have applied, and I hope that voluntary is especially is not only the army that is entering NATO,
that field. I will always be saying to myself importance global financial crises, it is neither possible military service will provide young people emphasized during it is also evidence that Croatia has made
and to other people that a lot more and that we invest nor wise to enter into some major projects with a manner and place for gaining rich those meetings progress and developed all segments of its
better can be done. I am satisfied with the all funds in that require exceptionally substantial funds. experience that will make any future job they is the high level society as other democratically developed
progress we have made but I do not think modernization Our dynamics in the process of purchasing will have easier. of training, countries have. That is a great recognition
that suffices. In order to be more satisfied and equipping fighter airplanes for this year was to continue Croatia occupies a very high position on the motivation and to the Croatian state and a great recognition
in this area, before all, we have to reinforce in a completely analyzing what would be best for Croatia and UN’s scale of contribution to peacekeeping professionalism of to all members of our armed forces and
departments that are responsible for that transparent prepare for decisions that could be realized missions. Since last year, it has become a Croatian soldiers employees of the Ministry of Defense. For
task but also train and educate people in manner and in in the following period. Everything we have participant of two new missions on the me, as Head of this ministry, admittance in
charge. Naturally, public relations mostly this matter I think in our strategic plans will depend on funds, Golan Heights and in Chad and it is among the membership will be a great event and an
depend on me and my associates. I repeat, of implementing but this year we will not think about projects countries that have members deployed to exceptionally great honor but I emphasize
progress is visible but this year we will make procurement that could place a strong burden on the most of the missions. Great confidence but once again the contribution made by the
additional efforts and try to be better in that procedures government budget. also responsibility has been placed in us. state leadership and the consensus of all
field. As a ministry that has about twenty but also giving What will the restructuring in the following How do you comment on that? political parties. I therefore believe that at
thousand people with the Armed forces, we a chance to period be focused on? We showed and proved to our partners, the beginning of April all of us will celebrate
are of special importance to any country Croatian economy When we talk about the entire system, about with the performance of our soldiers in this great event.
and are obligated to be present in public, through those the armed forces and the ministry, it should the missions, how much our members and
available and transparent in all processes investments be said that most of the reform has already training are of quality. It is true that we take
that are implemented. All the more so, since been implemented. A lot has changed in the part in a great number of missions but not
we received substantial budgetary funds past several years. This year, we have to finish by the number of members because we
from the citizens of the Republic of Croatia. organizing our Armed forces and finalize the are a small country. All partner countries
That is precisely what obligates us to make structure of the Ministry of Defense. With especially emphasize the quality of our
all we do visible and provide justification this organization, we want to define business participation that is manifested in all
for the purpose and manner of spending processes according to the standards of the missions. We are the only country that is not
funds. Through programmes and projects NATO Alliance in conformity with the size of a member of the NATO Alliance but that in
we prepare, through offset programmes our armed forces and avoid all overlappings some missions executes tasks that require a
we carry out, a chance will be given to the that occur in the system. When we talk about very high level of capability and professional
Croatian economy and this makes me the Ministry of Defense, we aim to reduce the competence. This is exactly what everybody
especially pleased. number of active military personnel except points out. That is also evidence of the ability
A year of cutting down expenses and self- for the necessary part of jobs for which those and motivation of our soldiers and also of
sacrifice is announced. What segment of persons are indispensable. Rationalization in their level of training, education and ability
the military system could this be reflected the number of people will probably be carried to quickly acquire new knowledge and skills.
on most? out, but in view of thousands of people who Although we do not have a long tradition of
mutual cooperation, peace, sta–
bility and security of the Region
but also of the whole world. All that is easier to NATO, the Minister expressed the conviction
For and realize with the full support provided by NATO and
the European Union and Euro-Atlantic integration
that this is a confirmation of how far the entire
region has moved on its pathway to security
processes countries of the Region strive for. Of and general progress. “Every effort aiming at
concrete measures, the Minister mentioned that fostering regional cooperation contributes to the
it is necessary to additionally strenghten bilateral better understanding, greater stability and better
cooperation among countries of the Region so relations”, Minister Kosor emphasized.
that is visible in several segments. A whole series of bilateral meetings among
Albanian Minister Gazmend Oketa addressed the representatives of the states was held on margins
audience in his additional capacitiy as Chairman of the Meeting and it can be said for Croatia
of the Region, but also of the whole World
A whole series
of the A-5 initiative. Having publicly praised that it was particularly active. We are singling
of bilateral
the Meeting’s excellent organization, Oketa meetings among out meetings that Minister Vukelić had with a
announced that a similar gathering will be held representatives delegation from Greece led by Defense Minister
Informal meeting of the Defense Ministers of South-Eastern European countries was held in the in a few months and will be hosted by his country. of the states was Vangelis Meimarakis, with State Secretary of
“This meeting was held at the right place and held on margins the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Italy
Hotel Westin in Zagreb in early March. The topics of the main meeting were: security in the time”, Oketa emphasized and made an allusion to of the Meeting Giuseppe Cossiga and Turkish colleague Mehmet
South-East of Europe, the increase in the number of countries within the US-Adriatiac Charter, the forthcoming accession of Croatia and Albania and it can be said Vecdi Gönül. High government representatives
NATO’s role in the South-East of Europe, the enlargement of NATO and the contribution to to NATO; he also commented that the success for Croatia that it considered various forms of developing defense
of each country in Euro-Atlantic integrations is in was particularly cooperation and also talked about cooperation in
peace and stability through peacekeeping operations and crisis response operations effect, the success of the entire Region. active the field of industry for designated purpose.
The reform of the CAF is a permanent process that In conformity experience in the Homeland War know what
in fact never stops. What will be the emphasis of with the peacekeeping forces mean for agonized
general josip lucić, the reform in the next period? Long-Term people and their hope for a better tomorrow.
chief of the general staff of When we talk about the reform of the CAF, Development The professional carrying out of duties
the croatian armed forces Plan of the CAF,
sometimes it is wrongly identified with and the respect for diversities – historical,
personnel restructuring in conformity the number of culturological, religious and social – is the
with decisions on the size, structure and our members in foundation of our success that the entire
territorial deployment of the CAF. The peacekeeping system of training and preparation of our
personnel reform, besides the processes of missions will individuals and units for participation in
raising the quality of education and training, be increased,
peacekeeping operations is built on.
following the
We are encouraged by the has to be accompanied by a material reform
political decisions
recognition that the Republic carried through in terms of quality, i.e. by How do partners in the world experience the
and financial
of Croatia is „a state that will the equipping and modernization of our efforts made in accession and preparations for the
bring to the Alliance a new commands and units, especially those that forthcoming membership of the NATO Alliance?
quality with its knowledge take part in international peacekeeping During the last period of reforms, many
and war experiences, that operations. Those will be our central tasks in military officials who are highly positioned
has already proven itself as a 2009, but even at a later point. The prospect In 2009, we will in the world of politics in their states and
reliable and relevant partner of a full membership in the NATO Alliance have about 470 in the Armed forces throughout the world
in international peacekeeping already has and will continue to open the visited us. The result of all those talks is an
members in
missions throughout the world, issues of adjusting our defense system to the encouraging recognition that the Republic
especially in Afghanistan“. system of collective defense to an increased of Croatia is a „state that brings to the
missions and 384
We have to admit that such degree, as in legislative changes so in every Alliance a new quality with its knowledge
million HRK will
recognitions are flattering other field, from the doctrine, training, and experiences gained in the war, that
be allocated to
but are also binding since we education and organization to complete has proven to be a reliable and relevant
their equipping,
have to fulfill the expectations adjustment of the system of defense partner in international peacekeeping
material and
NATO has placed in front of us
planning, planning of forces and operational personnel missions throughout the world, especially
planning. The overall manner of functioning expenses in Afghanistan“. We have to admit that
and deliberation will have to be changed such recognitions are flattering but are
so that we could be ready for challenges also binding because we have to fulfil the
and opportunities that are offered by the expectations NATO has placed in front of
membership of the NATO Alliance. us. All afore mentioned strengthens our
conviction that in April 2009, the Republic of
During 2008, Croatia participated in two new Croatia will achieve one of the two strategic
missions, UNDOF and EUFOR Tchad/RCA, and has goals and become full member of NATO.
placed itself among the countries that have their
members in the most peacekeeping missions.
Discussions are also held on participation in With Croatian soldiers
Kosovo in the operation KFOR… in Afghanistan
This transformation from a state that from
1992 to 2002 had four UN peacekeeping
UNMOP) deployed on its territory, to a state
that will celebrate ten years of participation
Croatian and American soldiers security conditions in their country; they will also
try to help the Afghan army adopt and improve the
together mission
doctrine of the operational use of their forces as
well as they can. Members of the Afghan national
to the army ANA will be mentored in reconnaissance,
artillery, engineering, commanding company and
mentoring of the staff battalion.
In addition to the first NCO, the American side
Within structure of the 13th HRVCON that takes part in the will have their men in the commanding company
mission ISAF in Afghanistan, for the first time the Republic and the Headquarters and both sides will each
of Croatia also has an international American-Croatian MN have four drivers in the team. The proponent of
Combat Support OMLT. MN CS OMLT consists of 12 members the entire activity before the CAF is the Training
of our armed forces and 12 members of the US Army Minnesota and Doctrine Command Fran Krsto Frankopan
National Guard (ZOD); other units of the CAF which otherwise
take part in training our soldiers for participation
A step forward and a specific tribute to the successful participation of our in international missions were also engaged in
soldiers in NATO mission ISAF is deployment multinational Combat Support this training. It is good to know that both sides
OMLT, in which the Republic of Croatia is the lead nation to Afghanistan. functioned excellently together from the very
Namely, within structure of the 13th HRVCON that takes part in the mission beginning of the training in Croatia.
ISAF in Afghanistan, for the first time the Republic of Croatia also has an
international American-Croatian MN Combat Support OMLT. MN CS OMLT Besides the Team Commander, members
consists of 12 members of our armed forces and 12 members of the US of our armed forces will carry out duties of
Army Minnesota National Guard; this activity and trust that was placed the intelligence officer and will be covering
in the Croatian army is a confirmation of the continuity of good partner three companies: reconnaissance, artillery
relations and confidence between the USA and Croatia. and engineering
Commander of the CS OMLT is Major Ivan Galović who
is otherwise Commander of the infantry battalion of the This was confirmed at exercises during which
infantry regiment of the Training and Doctrine Command they demonstrated the manner of executing training
„Fran Krsto Frankopan”. Major Galović was also the first and achieved capabilities. One such exercise that
observer of the CAF in the UN mission at the Ivory Coast demonstrated methods and procedures in case of
and this assignment represents attack on a convoy was held in late February. It was
a new challenge already at that time, when training was in its initial
to him and other phase, that it was demonstrated that both sides
team members. functioned excellently as a team. Commander of
Great confidence the Croatian Army, Liuetenant General Mladen
has been placed in Kruljac and Head of the American Department
them but this is also an for Defense Cooperation, LTC Charles Davis who
obligation. monitored the exercise, confirmed that deployment
of this Operational Mentor and Liaison Team
Joint training to Afghanistan is a result of an exceptionally
in Croatia excellent cooperation between the Minnesota
National Guard and the CAF that has lasted
After the first part of the training that each several years. The team consists of excellent
side had undergone in their homeland, weeks-long joint soldiers; most of them have experience
training was held in the training area at Gašinci. The objective was to from international NATO and UN missions
practice all situations that could be expected in the area of deployment to the and our soldiers gained experience in the
mission in conditions as realistic as possible and the training area Gašinci Homeland War.
provided excellent conditions for that. Representative of the American side, All that and high-quality training is surely
Major Elstad Peter Leif confirmed it. He mentioned that they began with a warranty that a good job will be done in
preparations for joint training several weeks prior to their arrival in Croatia. Afghanistan and that Croatia will justify the
He evaluated cooperation with the Commander of the team, training and confidence placed in it as the lead nation in
practice in the training area Gašinci, where the accommodation provided was this Operational Mentor Team.
also very good. “This is an excellent training area, conditions and capacities
for practice are very good and I think we will gain valuable experiences
here.” Their main task in the mission is mentoring, training and providing
Croatian Army with the largest forces in NATO led operations A component of the CAF with peak strength, with most of its
Recognized and
members deployed to international operations in which the
Republic of Croatia participates. That is always ready to assist
the civilian population, is well trained with rich bilateral and
appreciated in
multilateral cooperation are only some of the distinctive features
and first associations linked to the Croatian Army. Created in
war together with other components of our Armed Forces, the
Croatian Army developed very quickly and today participates in
numerous international exercises and in the preservation of world
peace along with its partners from the most developed militaries
of the world. The Command of the Croatian Army is situated in
Karlovac and its units are deployed throughout Croatia. In the
actual restructuring of the Armed forces that is carried out with
a goal to create a well equipped, small and mobile army, the
Croatian Army has also been restructured. Lieutenant General
Mladen Kruljac is the Commander of the Croatian Army and
during his mandate, the reform was implemented, numerous
novelties in the training process were introduced, and
international cooperation of the Croatian Army was intensified
through participation in international missions as well as in
the implementation of the Partnership Goals.
The Croatian Navy - reliable ally of NATO The first association that people throughout Quite some of sustaining Croatian sovereignty in our part of
Europe and world have when they hear about time before the the Adriatic. In the context of the above mentioned
the Republic of Croatia is the Adriatic Sea and anticipated entry facts, in view of the importance of the coast for
Higher volume of its coast. That is very simple to explain since our of our country all of Croatia, that role has become even more
long and well-indented coast is bordered by one of into full NATO prominent than in most countries with a coast.
the most beautiful seas of the world and it is also membership, However, in light of the entry into NATO and of
ornamented with thousands of islands. Natural the Croatian the world’s security in general, missions of the
beauties, cultural distinctions and touristic Armed Forces Croatian Navy are increasingly numerous and
tradition bring millions of tourists to our country have adjusted significant. Threat to security of the Croatian coast
its structure and
each year and large Croatian sea ports serve as a is also a potential threat to the “soft underbelly”
commodity transit not only for Croatia but also for of the Central and South East of Europe and even
to the system
a series of Central and East European countries. to the entire Mediterranean. The Republic of
of collective
Protection of the Croatian Adriatic is accordingly defense that is Croatia is absolutely aware of its responsibility
of vital significance to our country. provided by the and of the security of the neighboring and friendly
To a large extent Croats regard themselves as a membership countries, especially of the future North Atlantic
maritime nation. Their maritime tradition is as old partners. The Croatian Navy has for many years
resources so that they are used in conformity with The modernization of the Croatian Navy is not
Croatian laws. With its small and mobile vessel only a question of new technology but also of new
units and modern surveillance systems, the Coast people. Our navy is a combination of experienced
Guard ensures its constant presence at sea and sea dogs from the Homeland War and a growing
this brings along a decrease in criminal, terrorist number of young cadre who is entering the
and ecological threats. system. The Croatian Navy permanently work
Quite some time before the anticipated entry on their professional-military training and on
of our country into full NATO membership, the creating better conditions for their life and work in
Croatian Armed Forces have adjusted its structure Croatian naval bases. The number of those bases
and modernization to the system of collective has decreased, but in this case this decrease
defense that is provided by the membership. Most means that attention is directed towards facilities
of those changes, including the future ones, are that have characteristics more suitable to the
defined by a strategic document entitled Long- actual requirements of the Croatian Navy.
Term Development Plan of the CAF. It is precisely New vessels will Entry into NATO for the Croatian Navy will surely
in conformity with that plan that changes in the strengthen those bring along a higher volume of international
Croatian Navy have been implemented. The most possibilities. cooperation. The biggest such undertaking for
important items are equipping and modernization. Entry into NATO the navy was the big NATO exercise Noble Midas
Clearly, they are not solely directed towards the will also even that Croatia hosted in October 2007, as the first
requirements of NATO but first of all, towards more so intensify country outside the Alliance that organized an
the work of the
operations of the Croatian Navy in the Adriatic and interservice exercise of such a scale. At that time
Croatian officers
protection of our local waters and coast, with all the Croatian Navy proved, together with friendly
and increase their
specific features of operation in shallow waters, by navies and representatives of the strongest
number in the
many islands and well intended coast. The most world’s maritime forces, that it is able to operate
Command of the
important items of equipping and modernization according to high NATO standards.
Alliance in Naples;
have been recently implemented with phasing in because of its Aware of its essential role in the security of the
of a mine hunter and operational use of the new Mediterranean, the Croatian Navy has for a longer
naval component
radar system on ships; the acquisition of two it is logically period of time made efforts to give its contribution
or f e K
missile gunboats has drawn particular attention. to NATO after Croatia has entered it, to NATO’s
closest to the
Ships of the class “Helsinki”, that used to be Croatian Navy operation Active Endeavor that represents
in structure of the Finnish Navy are now called the strongest guarantee of the security of the
tl or ra oso
“Vukovar” and “Dubrovnik” and count their last Mediterranean’s waters and coasts.
days before they enter operational use; they have Entry of the Republic of Croatia into the North
already demonstrated to be very suitable for Atlantic Alliance is to the benefit of both sides.
y ce ti v
op in
executing missions in the Adriatic. So is the case with naval component. With NATO,
A series of other modernization projects has the Croatian Navy will obtain an additional
w s on o
already been planned for this year and the Republic injection of security in the Adriatic area and the
of Croatia is interested in including them in as countries of the Alliance will gain a reliable ally
it in
C rt ek th nt at rop en de A K he rs
many Croatian companies as possible. This should in protection of the security and peace in the
ro ic e e s,
pa eac hin ge e th p nm a e C tion of t pte n
at ip ep s b th on t. C isi rF FO ir
not be a problem in a country with an exceptionally Mediterranean and in the Central and South East
p it in m o a ig ok th a y o a
ia at in tru ut e C en ro on an R
w ont ti als ass to of per nt elic at
n ed g c th A t
well-established shipbuilding tradition. of Europe.
c st s n nt n o
rm in is ure is i rF f ian
fir D i h a me tio O’s d tw o the
en int sio of s th an
A c ia pa T n tw d
From NATO exercise
su rl ici NA o a nd ye
ha ern ns ou e
Pa art in ov s a lo
m t
Noble Midas
ve at
A K b d te
in em be a
m ill y d
os er e
w arl
i o t on
c i
e h re
t h e c ro at i an air for c e and air d efense
Key missions
that are ahead of
them this year are
Members of the CAirF and connected with
AD participated in numerous admittance of the
Republic of Croatia
international military exercises in NATO Alliance
and their level of training and and that is before
qualification for carrying out all, related to
integration of the
missions in NATO environment CAirF and AD into
were highly evaluated a system of Air
Situation Data
Exchange (ASDE)
photo by Tomislav Brandt
The Croatian Air Force and Air Defense (CAirF Parliament made a Decision on participation of the that was made in recent years, its modernization pilots from other countries. Therefore, they hope to
and AD) is one of the three services of the CAirF and AD in NATO’s operation KFOR in Kosovo and adaptation to NATO standards was also carried become a regional centre for training military and
Croatian Armed Forces, earmarked for ensuring and twenty of their members and two helicopters out. So the CAirF has for several years now become civilian pilots in future. Since the education of pilots
the sovereignty of the Croatian air space and will be deployed there in the near future. Although richer by ten transport helicopters MI171Š that is a distinctly demanding, costly and lengthy process,
providing aviation support to other services in Croatian airmen have participated for a long time considerably increased transportation capabilities, there is no doubt that realization of that idea would
execution of their missions in joint operations. in international peacekeeping missions within five airplanes ZLIN-242L for selection and initial be well accepted outside of Croatia as well.
According to the new organization, it has two air structure of our contingents, the CAirF and AD training of pilots, two fire-fighting airplanes CL-415 The CAirF and AD take part in numerous activities,
bases within its structure: the 91st ab Zagreb and is a proponent of such assignment for the first and three AT-802 Fire Boss; phasing-in new radar as military so too civilian. Fighting fires, medical
the 93rd ab Zadar, and three runways - a helicopter time; besides experience learnt from participation system „Sky“ and installation of the radar FPS-117 transportation and search and rescue missions
Members of the
squadron is situated in Lučko and a squadron of in other missions, the experience gained in the should also be emphasized. are most important with regard to providing
CAirF and AD
fighter airplanes is situated in Pula; a squadron of Homeland War will be of use to them to a large Acquisition of new multipurpose combat airplanes assistance to the civilian population; in addition to
transport helicopters remains at Divulje. degree. that will replace existing MiGs is forthcoming their primary mission that comprises the defense
in numerous
Key missions that are ahead of them this year and is expected to happen within two years. As international of our country, they also successfully develop
are connected with admittance of the Republic Transformation and modernization in Commander of the CAirF and AD, Brigadier General military exercises international cooperation. They participated in
of Croatia in NATO Alliance and that is before all conformity with NATO standards Vlado Bagarić emphasized in his interview with the and their level numerous international military exercises and the
related to integration of the CAirF and AD into a magazine “Croatian Soldier”, the fighter squadron of training and level of training and qualification of our airmen
system of Air Situation Data Exchange (ASDE). In In conformity with strategic documents, the is the strike force of the Croatian Air Force and qualification for carrying out missions in NATO environment
that sense, the air force will have numerous tasks in Strategic Defense Review and the Long-Term training and qualification of the fighter pilots are for carrying out were evaluated very highly. They are also ready to
the system of control and protection of the airspace Development Plan of the CAF, it can be said today among our top priorities. The CAirF and AD has a missions in NATO participate in NATO led operations and will soon
and will be exchanging recognized air pictures that there is a vision of the development of the CAirF civilian-military system of education of quality and environment were be able to demonstrate that within KFOR security
with NATO Alliance. In addition to that, Croatian and AD. After the overhaul of the aviation-technics possibilities to provide education and training to highly evaluated forces in Kosovo.
t h e s u p p o r t c om m and by Domagoj Vlahović, Leida Parlov, photo by Davor Kirin croatian military magazine
tasks in the mission. Besides providing logistic support to our
soldiers, employees of the Support Command will soon be actively
engaged in training and mentoring the Afghan Army. Namely, within
the next regular contingent in the mission ISAF, one Operational
Mentor Liaison Team from the functional area of logistics will
be deployed there. This is the first Garrison OMLT accompanied
by employees of the Support Command and employees of the
ready for
Signal Regiment of the Croatian Army and the Croatian Defense
Academy. Commander of the Garrison OMLT is LTC Željko Kiršić,
Commander of the Overhaul Establishment of the Support
Command and the team has 13 officers and NCOs. LTC Željko
Kiršić already took part in the mission ISAF as member of the
mobile maintenance team; he returned from the mission with
positive impressions „It is important to help Afghanistan in
restoring peace and stability so that people in that country
could live in more humane conditions. I assured myself that
Afghanistan has capable officers and NCOs and people of
Afghanistan should be given a chance. That is the task of all us
who are involved in the process of creating peace and stability
in that area and creating conditions for the development and
progress of the Afghan people.“
The basic task of the Garrison OMLT in Afghanistan will
be mentoring, training and qualifying members of the ANA
in logistic duties and that is a very complex and demanding
task, LTC Kiršić emphasized. He pointed out that members
of the OMLT also carry out those tasks in the CAF and he
expects assignments in the mission will be accomplished.
„We are tasked with providing advice, training and
mentoring members of the ANA in functional areas such
as: personnel affairs, operational-planning jobs, training
and qualification, logistics (board and lodging, storage and
supply with all classes of materials, maintaining weapons
and military equipment....), maintenance and construction
of infrastructure and facilities, providing security in the
garrison, transportation, signals communications and
telecommunications and medical assistance.
They began providing training for the mission in mid
October 2008; it was complex and comprehensive and
organized in Poland with teams from about 15 countries.
Besides the joint practice of certain suppositions
and tactical actions, during the training men were
acquainted with part of the particular activities they
will be faced with while deployed in the mission
area. One of the members of the Croatian team in
One Operational Mentor Liaison Team the mission will also carry out the engineer officer’s
from the functional area of logistics will be duty and his basic task will be mentoring officers and
deployed to the mission ISAF within the next NCOs of the ANA in maintenance and construction of The basic task of the
regular contingent. This is the first Garrison the infrastructure, facilities and other installations Garrison OMLT in
OMLT accompanied by an employee of the necessary for life and work. Afghanistan will be
Support Command and members of the Considering that this is the first Croatian Garrison mentoring, training
Signals Regiment of the Croatian Army and in OMLT, they will surely have a more difficult time and qualifying
the Croatian Defense Academy than in the following rotations, but there is no members of the ANA
doubt they will successfully carry out their tasks. in logistic duties
In conformity with
current approaching
of Croatia Euro -
Atlantic associations,
activities of the
Croatian Defense
Academy (CDA) have
also increased
Military education
according to the most modern methods
One of the important segments of the Croatian Bilateral since this academic year; part of the education
Armed Forces is military education and the cooperation has will shortly be provided in the English language
Croatian Defense Academy “Petar Zrinski” is become more which will enable participation of the attendants
responsible for that. In more than seventeen years concrete and more from NATO and Partnership for Peace member
of its existence, the Academy has undergone comprehensive; it countries and from the Mediterranean Dialogue.
numerous transformations and restructurings, refers above all, to In accordance with the Long-Term Development
from courses organized during the Homeland War the neighboring Plan of the CAF, the system of education of the
to the establishment of a military institution of countries and employees for requirements of the CAF and the
higher education. countries of Croatian MoD has been integrated at the CDA level
Numerous important achievements were the region and
where a general part of the education is provided; the
it also realizes
realized in the past period and Commandant of the specialist or rather practical part is implemented
good cooperation
Academy, Major General Mirko Šundov emphasizes in cooperation with the CAF’s services (Croatian
with other NATO
they are result of team work at the CDA “Petar Army, Croatian Navy, Croatian Air Force and Air
member countries
Zrinski”; he also mentioned that all that is directly Defense) and the Support Command. Education
connected with the process of integration of the CAF of cadets should be especially emphasized, a
in NATO. In that respect, it is worth emphasizing project that is fully implemented and an increasing
the implementation of all levels of education that number of candidates are interested in joining it
has been carried out according to new programs every year.
Croatian soldiers already ten years in peacekeeping This year, the Republic of Croatia will mark ten years of participation
missions under command of the UN in UN missions. Croatia committed itself to be a keeper of
world’s peace at the time when it was using the assistance of the
international community for establishment and preservation of
peace on its territory. Already in 1999, Croatia confirmed that, as
member of the international community, it would take an active
part in world’s peacekeeping processes wherever it would be
necessary in the world. At that time, ten members of the Armed
Forces in capacity of unarmed military observers were deployed
to the mission UNAMSIL in Sierra Leone. Today, ten years later,
Croatia is among countries that participate in most UN missions.
The volume of activities and duties our peacekeepers carry out
in the missions has increased over the years. In the beginning,
they participated in the missions solely as military observers
and later on also as staff officers of various specialties
(commanding functions, physicians, operational staff, PR
specialists …) However, an additional step was made.
In June of last year, an infantry company of 95 members of
the CAF was deployed to the Golan Heights to the mission
UNDOF; this is also the biggest contingent the Republic of
Croatia’s aspirations to access the European We could state many reasons as an immediate
Union and NATO are fully supported by France ltc olivier rouanet, cause for this interview. However, the fact that LTC ltc burkhard kühnapfel,
and this is confirmed by good French-Croatian defense attaché of the republic of Burkhard Kühnapfel is a Defense Attaché of the defense attaché of the fr germany
bilateral relations with priority on the cooperation
france to the republic of croatia Federal Republic of Germany and also a doyen
in military-defense field. We talked with French of the Military Diplomatic Corps in Croatia is a
Defense Attaché to Croatia, LTC Olivier Rouanet sufficient reason, all the more so because he has Germany had given great support to Croatia
about that military segment of cooperation been in Croatia since 2005. during the Homeland War and in the post-
between the two countries. war period and it has strongly influenced the
Members of the German and Croatian armed international recognition of Croatia. Could we
Members of the CAF are deployed in the As a Defense Attaché of the country that is one forces cooperate in peacekeeping missions also expect such support in realization of our
mission EUFOR in which France is the lead nation. of the founders of NATO, how do you assess the throughout the world and in the mission ISAF most important foreign policy goals, entry in
Do you have any information about experiences readiness of our Armed forces for the Alliance and in Afghanistan Croatian contingent is directly NATO and the EU?
and impressions as regards the cooperation with what support could Croatia expect from France on subordinated to the German one… The question of the entry of Croatia into NATO
Croatian soldiers in Chad? Croatia’s its pathway to entry into NATO and the EU? Croatian and German soldiers have made all for the German side is no longer a topic. With
Croatia’s decision to deploy soldiers to the commitment As a consequence of positive voting held in efforts for the past five years to ensure stability the signature of our federal President under an
mission EUFOR, and especially soldiers of special under auspices French parliament in early February, France and reconstruction of Afghanistan. Even 75% appropriate law that was approved in Bundestag
forces is an evidence of the importance Croatia of the European completed the ratification procedure of the protocol of the Croatian contingent in the mission ISAF before Christmas 2008, my country has given an
has been giving to operations within the European Union to the on accession of Croatia to the North Atlantic is deployed in the northern part of the country incontestable consent for full membership of
Security and Defense Policy. Croatia’s commitment benefit of the Alliance. This political support reflects in the best together with German forces, mainly in Mazar-e- Croatia in NATO. Germany will also do its best to
under auspices of the European Union to the stability of Darfur possible way our standpoint of the readiness of Sharif. Croatian soldiers have given there valuable support Croatia’s efforts to become a member
benefit of the stability of Darfur region is very region is very Croatia to enter NATO. France, who is organizing a contribution to realization of the set task. From the of the EU because peace, stability and prosperity
much appreciated
much appreciated. summit in Strasbourg-Kehl with Germany, would German point of view, this could not be realized. in throughout all of Europe are for us important
News I have received about Croatian soldiers be exceptionally honored it Croatia accessed NATO without that contribution. Croatian forces share the pillars of foreign and security policy“, Croatia has
from Chad or Afghanistan where Croatian and during the summit responsibility in large measure for safeguarding already been giving its voluntary support as if it
French soldiers share the camp Warehouse France, as it showed during its chairmanship the airport Mazar-e-Sharif. For example, German were a member of the EU by participating in the
induce me to confirm very positive evaluations of of the European Union, also wants Croatia to reconnaissance aircraft Tornado that are deployed mission of EUFOR in Chad and with its plans to
their performance. In fact, Croatian soldiers are join the European Union. From this point of view, in that airport could not fulfill their valuable participate in the year 2012 in the EU battle group
regarded as serious, professional and know how the growing interest of Croatia for issues of the task for ISAF without those forces. I heard only concept with one contingent of soldiers. That
to treat local populations with respect. European security and defense cooperation good evaluations on our cooperation with ISAF. military contribution deserves high recognition
urges us to include Croatia into various European Commanders of Headquarters set up regular and respect and Germany especially supports that
initiatives in the said field from now on. meetings and consultations to keep it that way. undertaking.
environment and reconstruction of some particular Numerous forces will have three OMLTs in the mission ISAF. Croatia is the more Croatian soldiers in their ranks. Rotations
provinces of Afghanistan; they also started to commendations Besides the existing INF OMLT, we will also have a lead nation in of contingents are carried out twice a year and all
carry out tasks of surveillance and security with with which they Garrison OMLT deployed in Afghanistan; it will train the CS OMLT; it members of the CAF who take part in the mission ISAF
return to their is composed of 12
organized infantry and security task forces (INF Homeland are a the Afghan army in the functional area of logistics Croatian and 12 volunteer for that. Before they depart, they undergo
TF, HRV GUARD). The Croatian Armed Forces also confirmation they and a multinational CS OMLT constituted of the CAF American soldiers lenghty preparations and demanding training and
have a Mobile Liaison Observation Team MLOT possess all that; it members and members of the US Army Minnesota and an officer from particular emphasis is placed on security. Standards
deployed in Afghanistan as an operational part of can often be heard National Guard. Croatia is the lead nation in the our armed forces is and the level of training have increased year in year
the PRT’s military component. It is exceptionally from the highest CS OMLT, that is composed of 12 Croatian and 12 in command of the out and training is based as much on lessons learnt
commanding team
mobile, it patrols in settlements in the PRT’s area of American soldiers and an officer of our armed in missions as on our rich and valauble experiences
structures, not only
responsibility and it operates in close cooperation from the mission forces, Major Ivica Galović, is in command of the gained in the Homeland War. At the initiative of
with the local population. Our soldiers are otherwise ISAF but also from team. Joint training was carried out in Croatia, and Lieutenant General Mladen Kruljac, Commander of
known for their relations with local populations other missions the the confidence Americans have placed in us to be in the Croatian Army, joint training of all components
which is more than good. They appreciate Republic of Croatia command of their soldiers as well is surely one of of the HRVCON to be deployed to the mission ISAF
diversities, the religious and cultural customs participates in that the greatest recognitions and confirmation that our has been carried out lately. The exercise is known
they would like to
of Afghan people; they get detailed information have more Croatian
soldiers do a good job in Afghanistan. as Croatian Pride and the most recent one the
about specific features of their way of living during soldiers in their readiness of the 13th HRVCON was evaluated on
predeployment training in which the Meshihat of the ranks Lengthy preparations and was held in late January at the drill field Gašinci.
Islamic religious community in Croatia also takes demanding training The training is carried out in conditions that are
active part. Besides all stated, Croatian soldiers most similar to conditions members of the CAF will
Our soldiers
also provide training, practice and mentoring to the An excellent level of training, professionalism, are otherwise
encounter in Afghanistan; in addition to the good
Afghan National Army (ANA) in various functional the respect of safety measures and motivation are known for their level of training of our soldiers, their good fitting out
areas; that activitiy is carried out by Operational a guarantee of success for the execution of any task. relations with local with weapons, equipment or material contribute to
Mentor and Liaison Teams (OMLT). The objective Numerous commendations with which they return populations which their security. Condiserable efforts have been made
is to assist ANA in adopting the doctrine of the to their Homeland are a confirmation they possess is more than good. in equipping the military training areas with contents
They appreciate
operational use of its forces in the best possible all that; it can often be heard from the highest which render possible the practicing of all situations
diversities, the
way so that it could assume future tasks by itself commanding structures, not only from the mission religious and our soldiers could encounter in the mission and in
and create better security conditions in the country. ISAF but also from other missions the Republic of cultural customs of the carrying out of training in conditions that are as
From this 13th rotation of HRVCON on, our armed Croatia participates in, that they would like to have Afghan people realistic as possible.
The following plan is From stockings or undershirts to fighter planes, all new elements of that purpose, Croatian companies rely on word - control maximally in cooperation with the Textile-
momentarily the most equipping the Croatian army are under special scrutiny of the Croatian association. The idea is in fact two years old and Technological Faculty, the Institute of Mechanical
important for Croatian public and media. There are three basic reasons for that. Firstly, sources was generated by Kroko. Denis Popović, Director Engineering, indpendent inspection companies
manufacturers: that the entire of that equipping are in Croatian state budget and people want to know of Kroko claims that: and various testing laboratories in Germany, Italy
apparel, footwear and other what their money is spent on. Secondly, the equippment of modern soldiers “we can go forward and fight for the job only and the USA”.
accessories (belts, pouches, requires technological innovation with full particulars: the stated stockings with joint efforts”. In other words, in the Europe All this is on track of the basic goal of our
cases, caps...), that members of and airplanes contain many details that are new, modern and interesting that is coming to us, none of the Croatian market companies – the Croatian soldier is to be dressed
the CAF will be equipped with to the profession and to laymen. Thirdly, military occupation is demanding players are individually big and strong enough to in Croatian clothing and with fine workmanship.
in the future should be labeled
and dangerous, so concern for those who have decided to defend peace in manage the more serious challenge of equipping Everything is known about the uniform, what
“Made in Croatia”
Croatia and in the world is constantly present. Adequate level of equipment the military, including the Croatian Armed Forces. about other items? Popović says everything can
makes them safer. With the uniform for our “Afghan boys”, that has be realized and the focus is momentarily on the
Due to these reasons all activities of the Croatian company Kroko and received only commendations for its quality, we development of boots and gloves “which we are
the companies it works with, before all cooperation with the Ministry are not talking about mass production. These still searching a solution since in Croatia nobody
of Defense and the Ministry of the Interior are regularly published in are hundreds and not thousands of uniforms and has manufactured them for ten years”. The only
Croatian newspapers. Kroko has already acquired fame with the design and other items. This equipping for our associated thing that will have to be procured from abroad
manufacture of the new uniform for Croatian soldiers in Afghanistan and a manufacturers was a specific (and proven to be a in future are goggles.”We should not import
series of other special military wearing apparel it has developed or simply successful) pilot-project in which, besides Kroko, anything except them”, the manufacturer says.
distributed to our market with domestic and foreign sub-contractors. The Krateks, Hemco, Uriho, Borovo, Šešir, Croyosi All that could be realized within two to three
most recent undertaking was signing the contract for equipping the military Jakovlje, Odjeća, Sloga and Jelen took part. A years. We could start very quickly with the
of Montenegro with uniforms; they will also have a recognizable silhouette series of other companies has applied for future development of the equipment for the navy and
of the country’s territorial shape as a camouflage “ornament“. projects and joint business operations. the air force: “Those are only modifications of
However, the following plan is momentarily the most important for Popović thinks that everything has been going the topic.”
Croatian manufacturers: that the entire apparel, footwear and other well for Croatian manufacturers so far and claims: “The equipment of the Croatian soldier
accessories (belts, pouches, cases, caps...), that members of the CAF will “We are ready to work for the Croatian Army”. That can become Croatian export brand”,
be equipped with in the future should be labeled “Made in Croatia”. For readiness means they warrant quality “that we Popović concluded without hesitation.
Recognizable uniform Protective combat vest Kroko-M120 fold pocket for bombs, rounds holder, five
In the missions they are deployed to is one of the most important manufacturing types of cases, water-bottle, pouch for
and in the mass of members of other achievements of Kroko and of the Croatian small inventory and ballistic protection of
armed forces, Croatian soldiers are textile industry for a specified purpose thighs.
identifiable to a large extent, not only - the basic purpose of the protective combat
because of their professionalism but vest Kroko-M120 is ballistic protection Level of protection
also because of their new camouflage of Croatian army members and carrying - the vest meets all requirements according
uniform with a recognizable pattern, weapons and personal equipment on the to NIJ Standard-0101.04 standard,
a computer-stylized shape of Croatia. vest, - it provides protection of the level II-A, II
The uniform is characterized by new - the vest’s cover, radio device case, i III-A (Croatian Ministry of Defense) in
material, camouflage digital print protective mask case and hands guards conformity with that standard,
and new cut; it excellently fits in the belong to the basic M120 set, - level III protection is achieved by use of
environment with its “Croatian” - additional equipment for the vest can protective polyethylene panels,
ornaments and this has been shown in comprise six types of containers’ holders, - level IV protection is achieved by use of
all past testings and verifications. ammunition holder, one-fold and two- protective ceramic panels.
Croatian pistol
HS Produkt from Karlovac world famous company for manufacture of pistols
by Leida PARLOV
photographs archives of the HS Produkt
Tradition experience
Borovo Gumitrade Ltd.
by Marija Alvir,
photographs archives of the Borovo Gumitrade Ltd. for high quality of products
From thorns to stars and back is the title of the monograph about Borovo Montenegro with about 170 footwear outlets in Today this That 25 years old production of goods for
by the author Ante Duić; this could be a brief description of the pathway this which 1,5 million pairs of footwear is sold annually. company ballistic and nuclear-biological-chemical (NBC)
famous rubber and footwear factory made from its creation to present time. Owing to the company Borovo Trade d.o.o. in manufactures and protection, is especially interesting to the army
It was established under the name Bata, later on Borovo, and after years Slovenia, Borovo is one of the Croatian companies sales products for and police. “Modern market requirements, new
of successful production, that factory became a leading manufacturer of that are also active in the European Union. special purposes, materials of top-level properties, high technical
rubber and footwear in this part of Europe and beyond. Yet, the former giant The entire production is run at a parent location in rubber mixtures, level of internationally recognized technical
of world reputation suffered enormous damages during the Homeland Vukovar, where the seats of the companies Borovo rubber and linen standards and similar conditions create a new
War and aggression on Croatia and it has never fully recovered. Gumitrade Ltd. and Borovo Leather Footwear Ltd. footwear, driving/ orientation of the company’s development in
During aggression on the town of Vukovar late in 1991, Borovo was partly are situated. On an annual basis these companies transmission, direction of modern ballistic and NBC protection.
industrial and
Ballistic destroyed and the estimated war damage amounts to more than 300 million produce about 400 thousand pairs of footwear for Valuable experiences from the recent war and
agricultural belts,
protection EUROs. For the first time in its history, Borovo discontinued its business various purposes with additional production of the permanent cooperation with top-level experts
protective vest shoemaking kits
activities in Vukovar and the management was forced to organize work rubber programme. Owing to top-level quality of and institutions are the basis of the development
against bullet b9 and glues and
in exile. From 1992 to 1997 the Management of Borovo operated from its products, Borovo Gumitrade has over the years various rubber- in that direction”, Borovo Gumitrade Director
Zagreb, and production was placed in a plant in Donji Miholjac. had an excellent cooperation with the Ministry of technical goods Husnija Burić said, emphasizing that products
The retail network was limited only to Croatia and Slovenia Defense and the Croatian Armed Forces. for ballistic protection and NBC protective
and a part of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Business activities footwear and clothes for military purpose were
at the parent location in Vukovar were resumed early in Special products for the military developed precisely for the requirements of the
1998, concurrently with the process of the peaceful and police army and police.
reintegration of Eastern Slavonia in the constitutional, In 2008, substantial funds were invested in
legal and economic system of the Republic of Croatia. The company Borovo Gumitrade Ltd. has been equipment, technology and know–how. The com–
Borovo took possession of its property in Vukovar operating since 2003 as a trading company. It pany Borovo Gumitrade is the only manufacturer
that was destroyed by war and postwar devastations; was established by integration of all production of rubber footwear and driving
it structured itself as a business group and started with activities and trade of rubber products and rubber belts in Croatia; with a stable
production of footwear and rubber-technical goods. fabrics; their long tradition is the best evidence of market and long tradition it
Borovo today is a system built on manufacturing, their quality. Borovo Gumitrade has been producing also has experienced
commercial and service companies. Under leadership of transmission/driving belts and various rubber- technical staff that is an
the corporation Borovo Business Centre, seven trading technical goods for over 60 years, and the tradition of additional warranty for
companies actively run business operations. The trading producing rubber footwear (working, protective, the high quality of
companies cover the area of Croatia, Slovenia and sports and civilian) is 75 years old. products.
nbc protection
protective covers for
military footwear
nz m-2
nbc protection
isolation protective
suit ozi m-2
nbc protection
protective boots
Military weekly magazine Hrvatski vojnik Photomonograph of the CAF Films and TV commercials on training, Mini DVD - TV commercial Multimedia-CD - the Croatian Armed Forces Musical CDs - Symphonic wind orchestra
(Croatian Soldier) - Army of Winners - Proudly Towards Future exercises, participation in missions… Croatian Armed Forces of the Croatian Army
- Male vocal singing group of the Croatian Navy
Photomonograph on participation of the CAF „Sveti Juraj“ (St. George)
in the mission ISAF
- From Defenders of the Homeland to
Keepers of the World’s Peace