Othala Rune Meaning The Modern Curio

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Othala Rune Meaning
Pronunciation: oath-awe-law
Key concepts: household, estate, property, inheritance, ancestral wisdom
English Corresponding Letter: 0

Othala is the rune that is responsible for everything related to inheritance, property,
household, family and the connection with our ancestors. This rune invites you to
discover and embrace your heritage in all forms – from material to highly spiritual. It
also draws the attention to physical and mental wealth and boundaries around us.

About Othala (Othila, Ogthala,
Opild, Othal, Odal)
This rune is associated with Yggdrasil – the holy, mythical ash tree (the Tree of Life)
in Norse mythology that connects nine worlds. It is the representation of heritage,
material and spiritual wealth that we already have and can use to promote growth,
development and prosperity.

The rune of heritage sheds the light on property, homeland and family. It invites to
pay attention to the inherited values that are present or could be present into your
life if you crossed your personal boundaries to connect with your heritage. Othala
also reminds to strengthen family ties, accept ourselves the way we are and accept
our material, psychological, physiological, emotional and spiritual heritage. You can
try hiding from your own inheritance, you can try to change, but you can’t go away
from it because it’s a part of who you are. When you realize what you already have,
you can use it to reach higher and do better. Don’t run away from who you are and
what is given to you! When you don’t fight and deny what you already have, you can
see it clearer and use it wisely to get where you want to be.

Othala is responsible for wise management of available resources. It also

symbolizes our genetic inheritance, DNA, unconscious knowledge and spiritual
power that comes from our ancestors uniting people in search for something
greater. It doesn’t mean that this rune is a sign of need to dwell into past forgetting
about the future. Othala invites to embrace what you have here and now, and move
forwards to better future using what you have now, building strong, friendly
community, taking care of your family ties and other forms of heritage.

Study Tip

Coming Soon…

Othala Rune Meaning in Divination

The rune of inheritance invites to pay attention to your living space, home,
homeland, town or country, your property and family, your relatives, the community
you live in – to people and material values you are related to. Othala tells that in
search for better life, we have to use our inherited, sometimes unconscious
knowledge and manage wisely the resources that are available to us. Act noble and
you will be noble!

Meaning in Career or Prosperity goals:

Othala might indicate that you are on the way to acquiring property. It also might
tell that you should start thinking about gaining property or taking care of the
property you already have. Wisely using what you have will lead to success,
completing projects you have started and attract prosperity and development. If
you get this rune in divination asking for advice related to career and prosperity, it’s
a good sign telling that you have something you haven’t acknowledged yet or
predicts wealth related to property and family. When you see and use wisely what
you already have, prosperity and success will come.  For those who have le their
homeland, Othala might mean that it’s time to consider return to “the roots”
because it might be where the prosperity is waiting for you.

Meaning in Relationship:
This rune in divination doesn’t talk much about romantic couple relationships, but
about love and relationships on a bigger scale – from family ties to love for the
heritage of the entire civilization, love to the Earth. It reminds us to take a good care
of our inherited relationships, renew and strengthen family ties. Whatever
relationships are in your life, act noble, share love and respect your relationships.
Stay loyal to your family or community, respect the Earth and work on ensuring
peaceful, harmonious family/community life.

Meaning in Health:
As Othala is related to inheritance, blood and DNA, it might show that your health
issues are genetic. You should also pay attention to your genetics to prevent
possible health issues that might occur in future.

Meaning in Spirituality:
Search for ways to connect with your unconscious wisdom. The answers you are
looking for are related to your ancestral knowledge. Connecting with ancestral
spiritual power will lead to better quality of life and show you the way out of your
troubles. Respect your inherited fundamental values and traditions and use the
knowledge passed to you from your ancestors.

Othala reversed:
Reversed Othala warns about wasting resources, foolishly spending or even
neglecting what you have – from property and material values to relationships, your
own talents and other inborn qualities that are used improperly, treated without
respect or not used at all. This also reminds that arguing, fighting, injustice and
being disrespectful to others leads to decay and collapse in any community – from
small families to large communities.

As Othala also draws the attention to mental and physical boundaries, reversed
Othala invites to inspect the boundaries around you. Are you putting unnecessary
boundaries around yourself, including prejudices and personal banishments? Are
you treating physical and mental boundaries of others without violating their
freedom? Are you oppressing your own freedom or the freedom of others?

Othala Rune Magickal Uses

You can use this rune in your life to

Manifest acquiring property or land

Attract prosperity and growth
Protect your property
Complete or bring success to a project you have started
Renew and strengthen family ties
Find guidance in spiritual journeys
Discover your ancestral spiritual heritage
Connect with your inherited nature and abilities
Learn using the resources wisely
Invoke peaceful, harmonious family life
Find where you belong and strengthen your sense of belonging

You can work with Othala in many di erent ways:

Use it in meditation, visualizing this symbol to connect with ancestral wisdom.

Draw it on the borders of your property to protect it.
Decorate your home or your altar with Othala to remind you of the values
Othala stands for or bring harmonious family life.
Wear jewelry, charms or pendants with Othala – use it as your talisman to
acquire property.
Include it into your family emblem, seal or stamp.
Draw it in the air to protect your home, property and family.

Household and family life
Respectful attitude to oneself and others
Inherited property, land, talents and abilities
Connection to ancestral spiritual power and wisdom
Wise management of the available resources
Mental, spiritual and material wealth and prosperity

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