What Is A Test Case

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What is a Test Case

Test case - is the smallest unit of the testing plan - which includes a
description of necessary actions and parameters to achieve and verify the
expected behaviour of a particular function or the part of the tested
If you have a task to check some functionality, you can create a test script
or user story. So you need to understand where to start testing, which
general steps need to be executed and what the result should be.
And then this scenario is broken down into more detailed parts – test cases
– to define all positive, negative, localisation and other behaviours of the
For example, testers need to test the functionality of uploading photos.

We create a test scenario as:

1. The user must be logged

2. Move to the "upload photos" page
3. Click the "upload" button
4. Select photos
5. Upload them

Now, this scenario should be divided into detailed test cases, for

 Check the logged user possibility to go to the "upload photos" page

 Check the not logged user possibility to go to the "upload photos" page
 Check whether the user can click "upload" button
 Is it opens a form to select a photo and possibility to close it
 What happens if you do not select photos, choose another file format
(for example video), choose photos of a maximum size and so on
 Check the possibility to upload photos
 Check if photo is saved
 Possibility to reload or delete photos
 What happens with photos in the case of the disappearance of the
Internet or the device is switched off
 Are all buttons displayed correctly at another location or on different
operating systems (if any difference)

And so on. The number of test cases depends on the experience and
imagination of the tester.

Therefore, the process of writing test cases starts from forming a test
scenario or user story, and then it can be divided to check different

A structure of a Test Case

The goal of Test Case documentation is to specify and communicate the

specific conditions which need to be validated to enable an assessment of
the system. Test Cases are motivated by many things but will usually
include a subset of Use Cases, performance characteristics and risks in the

A good test case template maintains the test artifact consistency for the test
team and makes it easy for all stakeholders to understand the test cases.
Writing of test cases in a standard format reduce the test efforts and the
error rate. Test cases format is more desirable in case if you are reviewing
test cases from experts.

Test Case Field Description

Each test case should have a unique

Test case ID
It is useful while executing the test.

 Low
Test Priority
 Medium
 High

Test Designed by Tester's Name

Date of test designed Date when test was designed

Test Executed by Who executed the test(tester)

Date of the Test Execution Date when test needs to be executed

The title should provide a concise,

revealing description of the test case,
such as “ Reset Pass ”.
The title is important because it’s often
Name or Test Title
the first or only thing you see when you
are scanning a list of test cases.
Clear titles are the key to help testers to
find quickly the right test cases.
A detailed description of the test case.
Description/Summary of In this section, you can also set up
Test categories to organize your test cases
into logical groups.
Any requirement that needs to be done
before execution of this test case

Test Steps section gives the tester a

Test Steps numbered list of the steps to perform in the
system, which makes it easier to
understand the test case.

It is recommended to have 3-8 test steps

per one test case. Too many steps make it
difficult for developers and testers to
reproduce the steps when a bug report is
filed against the test case.

You can enter test data directly in the

test data field, or refer to a separate file
that contains test data for one or more
Test Data test cases. By using a test data file, you
avoid hard coding test data in the test
case, so a single test case can be used
to test several sets of test data.
Mention the expected result including
error or message that should appear on
the screen. The tester needs to know
Expected Results the expected result in order to assess
whether the test case is successful. The
optimal level of detail in this field varies
from situation to situation.
What would be the state of the system
after running the test case?

Mark this field as failed, if actual result

Status (Fail/Pass)
is not the same as the expected result

If there are some special conditions

which is left in the above field

List of the requirements for a particular

test cycle.

The files and documents that are

attached to the test case, such as
screen captures and other supporting

Fill “YES” when test cases are

Automation? (Yes/No)

Types of test cases

In order to efficiently cover the functionality by tests, test cases need to be

divided into types. If you start doing it, then their number will increase at
least in three times. Various sources describe types in different ways, but
the essence of the division does not change. We offer the following types of
test cases that should divide your test plan:


There are test cases aimed at checking the correct operation of the claimed
functionality using the correct input format specified in the software

For example, positive test cases check all right formats of emails, which
must meet the following requirements.

I. The first part of the email address, before @ may contain any of these
characters ASCII:

 latin letters, regardless of the case - from a to z

 numbers from 0 to 9
 the special characters # $% & '* + - / = ^ _ `{|} ~ !?
 point "." but if it is among the other characters
 space and characters "(): <> @ [\] allowed with restrictions for a
comment or indication of the name, etc.

II. Domain part - after the @ symbol may contain:

 latin letters, regardless of the case - from a to z

 numbers from 0 to 9, if the domain name contains not only the
numerical values
 and "-" if it is between other characters


There are test cases that check your anticipated every possible situation
that should lead to an error message. Also, this type of test cases includes a
verification that can lead to unexpected situations, ie those that are not
described in the documentation.

For example, you can test the field email, introducing the characters that
are not included in the list mentioned above. You can also try to interrupt
the fields, check whether the data is stored in the system reboot or exposure
to other external factors.

Boundary value

To check the values on either side constraints. One of these relates to tests
positive, the other to negative. It is better to isolate them not to miss. These
tests are an indication that you own test design, which you can see below.
For example, you found the information in the documentation that the
password must contain at least 6 and no more than 60 characters. So you
have to ascertain what happens if you type 5, 6, 60 and 61 characters. Do
not forget about a case when the field is empty.
If documentation does not describe such restrictions, you can offer them
themselves, discussing with the team!


Check connections between different parts of the program. This is not

exactly the type of test cases, but rather the level of testing. But such tests
are required. You have to describe them, especially if your system consists
of at least two modules.
You can write test cases to check the appearance of the data entered in
another part of the software.
For example, if you have a payment for a certain type of functionality. Then
you definitely need to ascertain whether that functionality becomes available
after payment. After all, developers are likely to have implemented these
parts separately, and problems could arise when they integrate those parts.

Testing localisation

Check all UI elements in different languages and their locations (if there is a
support for languages with different rules of writing and reading).
For example, if your software supports one of the location where the UI is
placed from the right to left, you should pay attention to the work of Drop-
Down List, check boxes, switching elements On / Off, etc.

Written tests to check GUI. You can describe the appearance of tips in the
program hotkeys, errors, etc.
If you have enough time, you can write test cases that will help you with
cross-platform testing, especially if the program depends on platforms.
If you have a great software that supports multiple languages, make a
separate chapter for localisation test case.

If you are not using any test case management tool, you can use any open
source tool or Excel Sheet to manage and execute your test cases.

Test case templates and examples are very useful because using them you
can save time and resources for the cover product by a large number of test

Test case formats vary by organisation. There are a lot of methods of the test
case documentation, some of them:

Example 1
It is very convenient in case when the tester needs to record great detail of each step. Well
suited to the case when test cases are made for new testers. It will help them to cover product
by quality tests and do not miss any important data.

Project Name: Banking System

Test Case
Test Case ID: BU_001 Test Designed by: <Name>

Test Priority (Low/Medium/High): Med Test Designed date: <Date>

Module Name: Bank login screen Test Executed by: <Name>

Test Title: Test the Login Functionality in Banking Test Execution date: <Date>

Description: Verify login with valid username and


Pre-conditions: User has valid username and password

Step Test Steps Test Data Expected Result Actual Result Notes

Navigate to login User should is
1 Pass
page User should be able to able to login

Provide valid User=

2 Credential can be entered As Expected Pass
username [email protected]

Provide valid
3 Password: 1234 Credential can be entered As Expected Pass

Click on Login User logged

4  User logged Pass
button successfully

Post-conditions: User is validated with database and successfully login to the account.

The account session details are logged in the database.

Example 2
If in unnecessary details, this example saves time and resources.
Test Case Test the Login
Test Case ID BU_001
Description Functionality in Banking

Created By <Name> Reviewed By <Name> Version 2.1

Review comments from Bill incorporate in

QA Tester’s Log
version 2.1

Tester's Name <Name> Date Tested 1-Jan-2017  Pass

S# Pre-Conditions: S# Test Data

1 Access to Chrome Browser 1 Userid = mg12345

2 2 Pass = df12@434c

3 3

4 4

Test Scenario Verify on entering valid userid and password, the customer can login

Pass /
Fail / Not
Step # Step Details Expected Results Actual Results
executed /

1 Navigate to http://Banksite.com Site should open As Expected Pass

2 Enter Userid & Password Credential can be entered As Expected Pass

3 Click Submit Cutomer is logged in As Expected Pass

Example 3
If necessary, accurate test data to be tested, it will be convenient to use. Which has “Data Set”
for different variations in data.

Test Case ID TC_Functionality_01

Priority High

Dercription Test the Login Functionality in BAnking

Module Main login screen

Prepared by <Name> Date Prepared 1-Jan-2017

Tested by <Name> Date Tested 13-Jan-2017

Test Activities

No Step Description Expected Result Actual Result

1 Navigate to http://BankSite.com  Site should open  As expected

2 Enter Login & Pasword

Test Data Sets

Data Type Data Set 1 Data Set 2 Data Set 3

Login or Email User1 [email protected] User2

Password 123456 123456 qwerty@!$

Test Case Result Pass

Example 4

ID Summary Steps Expected Result Notes
1 Upload a photo as not logged user

Pre-steps 1.Open application

1.1 Check if the Upload a 1.Click the Upload a The Upload a photo Fail Bug#1
photo page opens photo link page doesn’t open
the page doesn’t
photo page opens

... ... ... ... ... ...

2 Upload a photo as logged user

1.Open application
Pre-steps Execute login with
correct data

Check if the Upload a

1. Click the Upload a The Upload a photo
2.1 photo page opens Pass
photo link page opens
photo page opens

1. Click the Upload a

Check if the user can photo link
2.2 Previous page opens
go back 2. Click the Back

1. Click the Upload a

The form for
Check if the Upload photo link
2.3 choosing a photo Pass
button works 2. Click on the Upload

... ... ... ... ... ...

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