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Charles Darwin University: HIT332: Embedded and Mobile Systems Casuarina Campus

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Charles Darwin University

HIT332: Embedded and Mobile Systems

Casuarina Campus
Practical No. 3: Embedded software and hardware basics - digital I/O

This practical is designed to further your understanding of embedded system development

by introducing the concepts of digital input and output. Some tools for assisting with
building and debugging your embedded software will also be introduced.

By the end of this practical you should;

• understand the basics of digital input/output on an embedded processor,

• be familiar with the use of make and makefiles for automating the build process,
• know how to use the provided graphical build interface.

Before you begin

1. You will need a CDU Embedded Systems Board with USB cable in front of you for the
following exercises. In addition, you will need some jumper wires for making
connections on the development board.
2. Make sure the driver for the board is installed on the computer you are using. Refer
to practical 2 for instructions on installing the driver if you don’t remember how to
do this.

Introduction to digital input and output

In the last practical we saw how the LEDs and switches on the development board operated
and how the processor could be programmed to control its pins so that it produced a 5V
output. This is an example of a simple digital output from the processor. By programming
the processor pin to be a logical 1 (high) the output pin is connected to the processor supply
(5V) by an internal transistor. Likewise, programming a pin to be a logical 0 connects the pin
to ground (0V) through another transistor.

1. Open the datasheet for the ATmega1281 and read through section 13.1 and 13.2.
These sections describe the internal structure of the I/O pins on the processor and
their operation. While it may seem complex, the C code to control the pins consists
of only a few simple lines (you saw this in the last practical).
• The procedure for writing a logical 1 or 0 to an individual pin (hence turning it
on or off) involves writing a 1 or 0 to the appropriate bit in a register in the
processor memory.
• Registers can be written to by using the register name and the = operator
• Register names are ‘defined’ in the “avr/io.h” header file so that they map
back to actual register addresses in memory when the code is compiled. This
makes things easier since you can refer to the actual register names when
writing your code, rather than having to look up the register addresses. It also
makes the code more readable.
2. Based on this understanding, refer back to the C program you created in practical 2
and explain each line of the program. Why did the LEDs light up the way they did
when the program was running. Section 13.4 in the datasheet lists the registers
related to the IO ports.
3. What is the purpose of the line “while(1){}” in the program?

As explained in the datasheet, the logical state of the pins can also be determined by the
processor by reading the appropriate register. This allows for the processor to react to
digital inputs.

1. Study the following C code and try to explain its operation. You should see it is an
extension to our first simple example.
2. How would you expect the processor to behave if the pins on PORTB were driven
high or low by an external circuit?
3. What would the result be if LEDs were connected to the pins on PORTD?
4. What happens if the pins on PORTB are left unconnected (floating)?

Later we will see how this program operates in practice on our processor. Before we try this
code out, however, we will first learn about a more streamlined method of building our
code and programming our processor.
Using Make and Makefiles
Rather than typing commands on the command line over and over, these commands can all
be placed in a kind of script file known as a makefile. This file can be executed by a program
called Make, automating the process of calling each of the build tools required to generate
our hex file. Make can also call the avrdude program for us in order to load our hex file into
the processor memory.

It is beyond the scope of these practicals to cover the details of the Make program and
writing makefiles. Make is a very powerful tool with many options and writing makefiles
requires learning the Make scripting syntax and commands.

We will use Make from now on to automate the build process and to enable this, a standard
makefile has been included in the examples directory. This file must always be named
‘makefile’ (without any extension) for Make to recognise it. A copy of this file must be
placed in the directory where you have your C source files for a particular project. We will
now set up a project directory for practical 3 and use a makefile to build the project.

1. Create a new directory in the projects directory called ‘practical3’.

2. Create a copy of your ‘main.c’ source file from the last practical directory and place
the copy in the ‘practical3’ directory.
3. Copy the makefile from the examples directory into the ‘practical3’ directory.
4. You should end up with the following files and folders

5. Run the Launcher.exe program

6. Open the command line as you did in the last practical by clicking the
Command Line button in the launcher menu.
7. Use the ‘cd’ command to navigate to the ‘practical2’ directory and
then use the ‘dir’ command to check you can see the ‘main.c’ file and the ‘makefile’.
In case you forgot how to do this, the commands are included below.

cd projects
cd practical3
Now that you are in the correct directory, using Make to run the makefile and build your
source code is as simple as using the ‘make all’ command

8. At the command line enter the following command and press enter

make all

You should see the output from make as it goes through the steps of compiling, linking and
creating the hex file.

Note the last line that tells us that there were no errors during this process. Also note that
the makefile includes commands to determine the compiled program size, both in bytes and
as a percentage of the available memory on the chosen processor. The makefile is set up to
automatically name the binary (elf) and final hex file after the directory name. The name of
the compiled source files (*.o) will always be the same as the original source code files (*.c).
9. To load the hex file onto our processor, enter the following command

make program PORT=[port]

As in the last practical, you need to replace [port] with the actual COM port. Refer to the
launcher menu to determine what this is.

In this case the command would be:

make program PORT=COM15

When you enter the command, the programming and verifying process should complete as
before. The following screenshot shows the expected result.
You should now understand how Make works to automate the build and programming
process. To make things even easier, the CDU embedded systems toolbox includes a
graphical interface to execute the above command line processes.

1. Close the command line and at the launcher menu, select the
Compile & Load button.

This simple interface allows you to

select your project directory and
includes buttons which run the
required Make commands. The
output window shows the result of
running these commands.

You will note that you cannot click

any of the buttons until you select
a project directory. This directory is
where Make will look for a
makefile and where your source
code files should be located.

2. Click the Browse button to select your practical3 directory.

3. Next click the Clean button. This will remove the generated files, leaving only your
original source files. This can be useful if you want to rebuild all the files again. Since
make is designed to be smart, it does not generate new versions of files unless they
are required. After the clean you should be left with the following files.

4. Next click the Build button. You should see the same output you saw at the
command line. The same files should have also been re-generated.
5. The Build button runs through the compile steps while the Build & Load button will
first compile (if required) and then load the program onto the processor. Click the
Build & Load button now and you should see the familiar loading and verify process.

From now on all you need to do to compile and load your program into the processor is;

1. Select the project directory containing your source code (make sure you have a copy
of the makefile in there as well)
2. Click the Build & Load button – Easy!

Experimenting with digital input and output

Hopefully you now appreciate the work that goes on to turn your C source code into a form
you can program into your processor. Since we now have a simple way to rebuild our source
code and run it on the processor we can now easily experiment with digital input and

1. Using the editor, open the ‘main.c’ source file in the practical3 directory.
2. Modify the source so that it looks like the following (this is the program you saw
earlier). Once you are finished, make sure to save your changes:
We will now wire up the switches to PORT B and the LEDs to PORT D of the microcontroller
installed on the development board. The switches will act as digital inputs and the LEDs as
indicators for the digital outputs.

1. Use KiCad to create a new project and

draw the schematic which represents
this circuit. Make sure to create a new
folder for the KiCad project files.

You will find the components shown here

useful. They can be found in the
‘CDU_KiCad_Library’. You will need to add this
library as you did in practical 1.

These components are described below:

a. ATMEGA1281-BREAKOUT (the microcontroller breakout module)

b. LED-8WAY (the 8 way LED display)
c. DIPSWITCH-8WAY (the 8 way DIP switch)

2. Place these components on the schematic sheet and wire each pin of the DIP
switches and each pin of the LEDs to the appropriate pins on the microcontroller
module. Note that you can connect the LEDs directly to the microcontroller ports
since the required series current limiting resistors are included on the main
development board.
Wiring the development board
Now you will actually connect the components of the development board together
according to your schematic. Before you connect any wires to the board, unplug the USB
cable so that there is no power to any components.

1. Using 8 jumper wires, connect the LEDs to the corresponding pins on PORT D.
2. Using another 8 jumper wires, connect the switches to the corresponding pins on
3. When you are sure the connections are correct, reconnect the USB cable to the

Compiling and loading the embedded program

We will now compile our embedded code and load it into the memory of the processor.

1. Open the Compile & Load interface from the launcher.

2. Select the project directory containing your source code and click the Build & Load
3. If everything is ok the source should compile and then be loaded onto the processor.
If you see any errors, make sure you haven’t made any mistakes in the source code.
The error message will reference the file in which the error occurred and the line

Try switching each of the switches on and off. Do the LEDs behave as you expected? What
happens if you remove the jumper wire connecting one of the switches to PORT B? Is this
what you predicted?

Further experimentation
Now that you understand how digital input and output works, change the program so that
the relationship between the input switches and output LEDs is different. For example:

• See if you can make the LEDs display the inverse of the switch state.
• If the input switches represent a number in binary, make the LEDs display twice this
• Switch all the LEDs on or off based on one of the possible switch states.

Congratulations! You have completed Practical No. 3.

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