GE 11 - Entrepreunurial Mind

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Jose Maria College is a leading educational institution in the Philippines and in the Asia-Pacific Region committed to total human development for
the well-being of society and the environment.

The mission of Jose Maria College is to achieve and sustain excellence in every area of its teaching and research, developing and maintaining its
position as a recognized leading world-class educational institution, and enriching the international, national, and regional communities through the
fruits of its research and instruction, the productivity of its alumni and staff, and the publishing of academic and educational materials.

JMC’s commitment to excellence is reflected in its five over-arching goals, articulated below:
1. Student Excellence. Enroll, education, and graduate the most deserving, promising and diverse student body possible and in the process,
provide all students (basic education and undergraduate) with an education that is innovative, distinctive, and of the highest quality, that
inspires in them a zest for learning
2. Excellence in Research, Scholarship and Creativity. Achieve national and global pre-eminence in research, scholarship and creativity.
3. Faculty Excellence. Recruit, nurture and retain a diverse faculty who are outstanding scholars and teachers and an excellent, qualified staff
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who provide outstanding support to faculty and students.
4. Excellence in Public Engagement. Strengthen the engagement of the institution’s instruction, research, and extension programs with local,
national, and international communities, consonant with its stature as an academically distinguished private institution with a mission.
5. Organizational and Staff Excellence. Review and enhance organizational structure, processes, and manpower and facilities that promote
and support academic excellence.
6. Educational Excellence. Review and enhance organizational structure and processes that promote and support academic excellence.


 Commit to Justice that provides fairness and equal avenues for all members of the JMC community.
 Support every Open opportunity for a collaborative, collegial and caring learning environment.
 Seek knowledge through free and open intellectual inquiry and expression between and among members of the JMC community.
 Sustain Excellence in teaching, research and extension engagement of the institution.
 Embrace opportunities to Maximize linkages, networking and promotions of the institution with external entities.
 Apply learning in every discipline to prepare the JMC community for ASEAN integration and global competitiveness.
 Reward and recognize merit, creativity and innovation of members of the JMC community.
 Instill faith and belief in the Divine Providence through a life of moral, and righteous living, and caring for people, creations and resources.
 Continue Active pursuit of life-long activities of faculty, students and personnel.


A. Perform the basic functions of management such as planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling.
B. Apply the basic concepts that underlie each of the functional areas of business (marketing, finance, human resources management,
production and operations management, information technology, and strategic management
C. Select the proper decision making tools to critically, analytically and creatively solve problems and drive results.
D. Express oneself clearly and communicate effectively with stakeholders both in oral and written forms.
E. Apply information and communication technology (ICT) skills as required by the business environment.
F. Demonstrate corporate citizenship and social responsibility

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A.1 Conduct business research; prepare operating plans or comprehensive strategic business plans L
B.1 Innovate business ideas based on emerging industry P
C.1 Conduct a planning and problem solving meeting to resolve issues related to a planned business P
C.2 Apply appropriate quantitative tools to address a business case problem. L
D.1 Effectively communicate orally and or in writing using both English and Filipino. L
E.1 Prepare a social media marketing plan. O
F.1 Propose social responsibility strategies and compliance action plan for a business. P
F.2 Participate in various types of employment, development activities, and public discourses, particularly P
in response to the needs of the communities one serves.
Facilitate LEARNING of the competency Allow student to PRACTICE competencies Provide opportunity for development (no
L (Input is provided and competency is P (no input but competency is evaluated). O input or evaluation, but there is
evaluated. opportunity to practice the

Course Title The Entrepreneurial Mindset
Course Description This course aims to provide students with an understanding of the nature of enterprise and entrepreneurship
and introduces the role of the entrepreneur, innovation and technology in the entrepreneurial process. It is
not about small business or life style businesses but instead the development of growth oriented businesses -
whether for-profit or not-for-profit. Entrepreneurship is both a way of thinking and of doing. It involves
"building something from nothing" and successful entrepreneurs know how to manage and mitigate
uncertainty and risk. Developing an entrepreneurial mindset and enterprising skill set critical for constantly
changing markets or workplaces. Students will have an opportunity to understand differences of mindsets and
its impact. As such students will be career ready through this course equipping them with entrepreneurship
and innovation knowledge, skills and capabilities. The course content is relevant to those individuals thinking
about starting a business or who are already in business, those who are interested in commercializing their
own innovations or of others, and those who advise entrepreneurs or engage in policy making in the

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entrepreneurship area.

Course Credits 3 units

Contact Hours/Week 3 hours per week
Prerequisite None

COURSE OUTCOMES Upon completion of the course, the students will be able to:

1.0 Cognitive 1.1 Discuss what is meant by entrepreneurship and innovation from both a theoretical and practical
perspective, and the role of the entrepreneur in the new enterprise creation process.
1.2 Describe an understanding of the process that enables entrepreneurs with limited resources to
transform a simple idea into a sustainable success.
1.3 Describe the ways in which entrepreneurs perceive opportunity, manage risk, organize resources and
add value.
2.0 Affective 2.1 Establish personal goals, identify resources and determine the steps required to accomplish their
2.2 goals.
Engage in a continuing learning process through the interaction with peers in related topics, as
2.3 individuals and as team members.
Discuss the attitudes, values, characteristics, behavior, and processes associated with possessing an
entrepreneurial mindset and engaging in successful appropriate entrepreneurial behavior.
3.0 Behavioral 3.1 Apply fundamental aspects of entrepreneurial thinking across disciplines and as a means of personal
3.2 empowerment.
Demonstrate critical thinking skills enabling them to identify and evaluate entrepreneurial
3.3 opportunities, manage risks and learn from results.
Develop a plan for implementing entrepreneurial activities in a globalized and competitive
environment being responsible for the social, ethical and culture issues.

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Week/ Desired Learning Outcomes Course Content/ Teaching and Assessment Tasks Learning
Meeting (DLO) Subject Matter Learning Activities (AT) Resources
Prelim Identify and comply with school Orientation: JMC Vision, Sharing of
1 policies, rules and regulations. Mission, Goals, Values, expectations from Reflection Paper LCD Projector
Comply with policies in Program Objectives, Policies the teacher and the
Entrepreneurial Mindset (GE 11) on Admission and Retention, students
to maximize learning. Course Requirements,
Grading System
Explain the relationship between Signs Text Book
and among various courses and Discussion of the Course Inter-active Acknowledgement
Entrepreneurial Mindset. Syllabus discussion. of copy of syllabus.

1. Accurately define Overview of Board work Prelim Exams

entrepreneurship; Entrepreneurship

2. Enumerate the contributions  Entrepreneurship

of entrepreneurship in the defined.
Philippine economy;  The Economic
Contributions of
3. Discover entrepreneurial Entrepreneurship in
skills and personalities that Asia & the Philippines
contribute to a successful  Entrepreneurial
venture; Qualities, Skills, &
Personality (Strengths
4. Unleash personal qualities & Weakness)
and potentials needed for

Week/ Desired Learning Outcomes Course Content/ Teaching and Assessment Tasks Learning
Meeting (DLO) Subject Matter Learning Activities (AT) Resources

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MidTerms At the end of the Midterm The Entrepreneurial  Lecture  Quiz  Chalk/Marker and
2 period, the students should be Environment board/White Board
able to:  Case analysis  Recitation
1. Business Definition  LCD Projector/
2. Industry Analysis  Scenario  Mid-term exam Powerpoint
1.Determine the relevance of 3. Sizing up your Analysis presentation
accurate data and marketplace
information in effective  Checklist on the
industry analysis; business
 Customer analysis
2.Develop keenness in sizing  Identifying
up the marketplace and competitors and
inherent opportunities; developing
3.Acquire better 4. Problem or
understanding of an Opportunities
industry and discover 5. Planning in the real
ways of doing fair world of Entrepreneurs
competitor analysis for  Establishing starting
accurate strategic design positions
and implementation.  Planning in
Turbulent Economic
4.Carefully plan the
 Prepare for the
preliminaries in
establishing an

Week/ Desired Learning Outcomes Course Content/ Teaching and Assessment Tasks Learning
Meeting (DLO) Subject Matter Learning (AT) Resources
Semi- At the end of the Semi- A. Writing the Business  Lecture  Quiz  Chalk/Marker and
Finals Final period, the students Plan board/White Board
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3 should be able to:  Case analysis  Recitation
 The Executive Summary  LCD Projector/
1. Choose one good  Background and  Progress  Semi-Finals exam Powerpoint
business opportunity; Introduction Report presentation
 The Product Aspect
2. Collaborate with  The Marketing Aspect
other students in  The Production/  Consultation
writing a business Technical Aspect
plan;  The Management
 The Financial Aspect
3. Master the contents  The Socio-Economic
of the business plan. Significance

Week/ Desired Learning Outcomes Course Content/ Teaching and Assessment Tasks Learning
Meeting (DLO) Subject Matter Learning (AT) Resources
Finals At the end of the Final period, A. Implementing the  Lecture  Quiz  Chalk/Marker and
4 The students should be able Business Plan board/White Board
To:  Reports  Recitation
1. Work as a team in the  Launching  LCD Projector/
presentation and defense o Reality check  Cases  Final exam Powerpoint
of the business plan. presentation
2. Identify ways in  Managing Growth  Project (ad
managing growth,  Expansion copy,
expansion and  Going Public  Multimedia
bankruptcies.  Handling Bankruptcy  Video and equipment
3. Choose alternative Jingle (Digicam,
courses to liquidate the promotional DSLR,Smartphones)
business in cases of campaign)

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Expectation from the Students
The student’s responsibility is to come to each class prepared. She/he is also expected to take all examinations on the date scheduled She/he should
read the assigned topics/problems before entering the class. She/he is expected to attend each class and participate actively in the discussions.

Academic Dishonesty
All students are expected to be academically honest. Cheating, lying and other forms of unethical behavior will not be tolerated. Any student found
guilty of cheating in examination or plagiarism in submitted course requirements will receive an F or failure in the course requirement or in the
course. Plagiarism refers to the use of books, notes or other intellectual property without giving proper attribution to its author, or representing the
work of another person as one’s own. Cheating refers to securing help in a test, copying tests, assignments, reports or term papers; collaborating with
other students during an examination or preparing academic work; signing another student’s name on an attendance sheet; or otherwise, practicing
scholastic dishonesty.

Policy on Absences
The maximum allowable number of absences is 6. Request for excused absences or waiver of absences must be presented upon reporting back to
class. Special examinations will be allowed only in special cases, such as prolonged illness. It is the responsibility of the student to monitor her/his
own tardy incidents and absences that might accumulate leading to a grade of “FA”. It is also the student’s responsibility to consult with the teacher,
program chair or dean should her/his case be of special nature.

Course Requirements

The following are the minimum requirements of a student to pass the course:
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1. Attendance
2. Oral Participating
3. Projects/Assignments/Seatwork
4. Quizzes
5. Long Examination
6. Individual/Group Report/Case Analysis
7. Reflection Paper

Grading System

Every student must know how to compute their grades following the Based Twenty Grading System. Computations of grades shall observe the
following formula:

_________Raw Score _ ‘ x 80 + 20 = Rating

Total Number of Items

Example: Actual score is 18 out of the highest possible score of 20. The rating will be computed as follows:

______18___ _ ‘ x 80 + 20 = 0.92 to 92 %
There will be four grading periods. Students who fail to take a quiz, assignment, project or any of the three grading period examinations shall be given
a rating of 60 unless the absence is excused. Students who take to take the FINAL EXAMINATION shall be automatically be given a grade of ZERO.

1. Participation/Performance 20 %
2. Assignment/Seatworks 5 %
3. Project/Research 15 %
4. Quizzes 20 %
5. Periodical Examination 40 %
Total 100 %

The term/semestral grade shall be computed as follows:

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First Grading Period 25 %
Second Grading Period 25 %
Third Grading Period 25 %
Fourth Grading Period 25 %
Total 100 %

Score/Coverage of Each Grading Period:

1. For First Grading and Semi-Final Exam, the periodic examination shall cover all topics discussed during the period.
2. For the Midterm, the coverage shall be as follows:
a. For Board subjects, from the beginning of the course up to the last topic covered before the end of the midterm period.
b. For non-Board subjects, the coverage will include topics discussed during the second grading period.
3. For the Fourth Grading Period, the final examination must be comprehensive covering all topics discussed in the term/semester to determine
the students’ competence in a particular subject.
4. For board courses, the midterm and final examinations shall resemble those in the board examination.
5. The College Handbook which includes the institutional VMG and the respective programs Program Outcomes shall be incorporated in all
periodic examinations.

Consultation Hours/Location

Students are advised to refer to the schedule of Academic Consultation posted in the Bulletin Board.

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by:

Name of Instructor Program Chair Dean, College of Arts and Sciences Education

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Student’s Acknowledgement
I have received and read the course syllabus in (state the course/subject). I understand that I have to comply with the requirements of the course and
his expectations from me as a student in the said course during the First/Second Semester SY 2018-2019 as these have been discussed also by our
instructor. I am fully aware of the consequence of non-compliance with the above mentioned requirements.

Student’s Signature over Printed Name

Date Signed

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