NCP Cancer of Stomach

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Nursing Analysis Goal/Objectives Nursing Intervention Rationale Evaluation


Nursing Intake of GOAL: After 8 hours of

Problem: nutrients After 8 hours of nursing
Imbalanced insufficient nursing intervention intervention the
nutrition, less to meet the client will be able client was able
than body metabolic to Verbalize to improve his
requirements needs understanding of nutritional
related to causative factors intake
medically when known and
restricted intake necessary
CUES: interventions. Evaluate client’s Appetite may be
appetite. suppressed
because of altered
Objectives: taste, early satiety,
A. To assess meal-related
causative cramping, diarrhea,
factors or combinations of
B. To evaluate these factors..
degree of
deficit. Encourage bedrest
C. To establish a and/or limited activity Decreasing
nutritional plan during acute illness metabolic needs
that meets auds un preventing
individual caloric depletion
needs. and conserves
Record intake and energy.
changes in
symptomatology. Useful in identifying
specific deficiencies
and determining GI
response to foods.

Promote client
participation in dieatary Provides sense of
planning as able. control for client and
opportunity to select
foods desired/enjoyed,
which may increase
Encourage client to
verbalize feelings Hesitation to eat may
concerning resumption be result of fear that
of diet. food will cease
exacerbation of

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