Nefrotico 2018 PDF
Nefrotico 2018 PDF
Nefrotico 2018 PDF
The incidence of idiopathic nephrotic syndrome (NS) is 1∙15–16∙9 per 100 000 children, varying by ethnicity and Published Online
region. The cause remains unknown but the pathogenesis of idiopathic NS is thought to involve immune June 14, 2018
dysregulation, systemic circulating factors, or inherited structural abnormalities of the podocyte. Genetic risk is more S0140-6736(18)30536-1
commonly described among children with steroid-resistant disease. The mainstay of therapy is prednisone for the Department of Paediatrics,
vast majority of patients who are steroid responsive; however, the disease can run a frequently relapsing course, University of Toronto, Toronto,
necessitating the need for alternative immunosuppressive agents. Infection and venous thromboembolism are the ON, Canada
main complications of NS with also increased risk of acute kidney injury. Prognosis in terms of long-term kidney (D G Noone MB BCh BAO,
Prof R Parekh MD); Division of
outcome overall is excellent for steroid-responsive disease, and steroid resistance is an important determinant of Nephrology, The Hospital for
future risk of chronic or end-stage kidney disease. Sick Children, Toronto, ON,
Canada (D G Noone, R Parekh);
Introduction might have minimal change or focal segmental Department of Pediatrics, Kobe
University Graduate School of
Nephrotic syndrome (NS) is characterised by the triad of glomerulosclerosis (FSGS). Owing to the heterogeneity of Medicine, Kobe, Japan
proteinuria, hypoalbuminaemia, and oedema (panel 1). SRNS, only 50% are at risk of progressing to ESRD in (K Iijima MD); Child Health
Many glomerular disorders in childhood present with 5 years; typically those children who do not achieve Evaluative Sciences, Research
nephrotic syndrome, however, the vast majority are complete or partial remission.14 Long-term prognosis in Institute, Hospital for Sick
Children, Toronto, ON, Canada
idiopathic NS, and the focus of this Seminar (panel 2). adults with paediatric onset NS is not well studied and (R Parekh); University Health
The precise cause of this common childhood disease would provide important information on risk for families. Network, Toronto, ON, Canada
remains elusive despite substantial advances in our Standard definitions are established and highlighted in (R Parekh); and Dalla Lana
understanding of podocyte biology. Idiopathic NS can the 2012 Kidney Disease Initiatives: Global Outcomes School of Public Health, and
Health Policy, Management
be classified on the basis of response to steroid therapy, (KDIGO; panel 1).1 and Evaluation, University of
pattern of relapse, histopathology, or by genetic Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
mutations. Most simply, NS is categorised on the basis Clinical presentation (R Parekh)
of clinical response to steroid therapy, as steroid Classically, a child presents with a history of progressive Correspondence to:
sensitive (SS) or steroid resistant (SR). Although helpful oedema, initially periorbital and noticeable in the Dr Rulan Parekh, The Hospital for
Sick Children, Toronto,
for guiding therapy, this classification lends very little morning. There can be an antecedent infection, typically ON M5G 1X8, Canada
understanding to disease mechanism. Idiopathic NS of the upper respiratory tract. Urine output is described [email protected]
is best defined as a podocytopathy due to loss or as frothy or foamy. Abdominal pain is relatively common
altered function of the podocytes, resulting in massive and, if accompanied by fever, could signify spontaneous
proteinuria. bacterial peritonitis. Headache with accompanying
The mainstay of treatment for NS is corticosteroids neurological signs or irritability should raise the
(steroids) with protocols largely based on seminal studies suspicion for cerebral venous sinus thrombosis. Clinical
from the International Study of Kidney Disease in investigations are summarised in panel 3.
Children and the Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Pädiatrische
Nephrologie.2,3 Steroid responsiveness and frequency Pathology
of relapses provide the best guide to therapy in Most children do not get a kidney biopsy at presentation.
idiopathic NS. The majority of children respond well to Historical studies have demonstrated that the most
steroids within 4 weeks (steroid-sensitive NS [SSNS]);
however, most will relapse, with approximately half
becoming frequent relapsers or steroid dependent.4,5 Search strategy and selection criteria
Although historically fewer than 10% of children We conducted a systematic literature search of published
with SSNS continue to have relapses in adulthood,3,6 literature using Cochrane, PubMed, Embase, and MEDLINE.
contemporary cohorts suggest higher proportions of Key search terms included “children”, “nephrotic
16∙4–42%. Frequency of relapses during childhood and syndrome”, “steroid sensitive nephrotic syndrome”, “steroid
the need for non-steroid immunosuppressants such as resistant nephrotic syndrome” and “focal segmental
cyclophosphamide or ciclosporin are predictive of active glomerulosclerosis”. The reference lists of all included
disease as young adults.7–-10 Among 287 children followed papers and review articles were also cross-referenced to
up for over 15 years, 85% achieved long-term remission.11 identify additional relevant studies. The search was not
Despite ongoing relapses, kidney outcomes remain limited by study design, year of publication, or language
excellent, with risk of progression to chronic kidney but precedence was given where possible to randomised
disease estimated to be less than 5% in those with SSNS controlled trials and studies from the last 5 years. The initial
at 10 years after diagnosis.12 In contrast, SRNS is search was done on Nov 29, 2015 and repeated on Dec 1,
associated with increased risk of progression to end-stage 2017 to update with the recent published clinical trials.
renal disease (ESRD).13 Children with SRNS on biopsy
Panel 1: Relevant definitions in nephrotic syndrome1 Panel 2: Causes of non-idiopathic childhood nephrotic
syndrome (NS)
Nephrotic syndrome (NS)
Oedema with protein excretion >40 mg/m² per h or urine • Nephritic/nephrotic glomerular disorders
protein:creatinine ratio ≥2000 mg/g (≥200 mg/mmol) or • IgA nephropathy and Henoch–Schonlein purpura
>3+ proteinuria on dipstick with serum albumin <2∙5 g/dL • Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis
(25 g/L) • Lupus nephritis
• Postinfectious glomerulonephritis
• Immune complex mediated glomerulopathy
Urine albumin trace or negative on dipstick or proteinuria
• C1q nephropathy
<4 mg/m² per h or urinary protein:creatinine ratio <200 mg/g
(20 mg/mmol) for 3 consecutive days • Thin basement membrane disease
Relapse • Membranous nephropathy
Urine albumin 3+ or 4+ or proteinuria >40 mg/m² per h or
• Sickle-cell nephropathy
urinary protein:creatinine ratio >200 mg/g (20 mg/mmol) for
3 consecutive days • Thrombotic microangiopathy
Frequently relapsing NS • Interstitial nephritis
≥2 relapses within 6 months of initial response or ≥4 in any
• Infections associated with NS
12 month period
• Hepatitis B and C
Steroid-dependent NS • HIV-1
2 consecutive relapses occurring while weaning to alternate • Malaria
day steroids or within 2 weeks of steroid discontinuation • Syphilis
• Toxoplasmosis
Steroid-resistant NS
• Varicella zoster
Persistent proteinuria despite 60 mg/m² or 2 mg/kg for
8 weeks, after ensuring no infection or non-adherence to • Drugs associated with NS
medication • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
• Bisphosphonates
common pathological findings in childhood NS are • d-penicillamine
either classified as minimal change and termed • Heavy metals (mercury and gold)
minimal change disease (MCD) or FSGS.1 In minimal • Lithium
change, the glomeruli appear normal under light • Rifampicin
microscopy, with evidence of podocyte effacement by • Sulfasalazine
electron microscopy.17 Characteristic histology in FSGS • T-cell-related malignancy
is segmental sclerosis of affected glomeruli, with the • Hodgkin’s lymphoma
segment often adherent to Bowman’s capsule by • Thymoma
synechiae.18 • Leukaemia
There is considerable variation in incidence of NS in south Asian children, FSGS is reported less
depending on country of origin, or ethnicity, with commonly and ranges from 15 to 39%.19
proportions ranging from 1∙15 to 16∙9 per
100 000 children (figure 1).11,19 Incidence is highest in Pathophysiology
those of south Asian ancestry compared to European Abnormalities in the podocyte and glomerular filtration
ancestry as reported in studies from the UK, barrier
South Africa, and Canada. Incidence of steroid- The podocyte is a polarised epithelial cell with inter
resistance ranges from 2∙1 to 27∙3% and also varies by digitating foot processes with a unique cell–cell junction
country of origin (figure 1).19 Most studies are known as the slit diaphragm. Along with the glomerular
retrospective or cross-sectional with only a few basement membrane and the fenestrated glomerular
longitudinal studies. Reported differences can thus be endothelium, the podocyte forms a trilayered structure—
partially attributable to management variations across the glomerular filtration barrier. The podocyte and
practices or regions, as well as use of differing filtration barrier allow an ultrafiltrate almost completely
definitions of outcomes. African–American children devoid of protein to pass into the Bowman’s space and
are more likely to have biopsy-proven FSGS (42–72%)19 proceed onto the proximal tubule. Podocyte architecture
and have the highest proportion of progression to is maintained by an extensive actin cyto skeleton that
ESRD as compared to European Americans,20 whereas enables the glomerular filtration barrier to withstand the
Congenital and steroid-resistant forms of NS are podocyte structure and function is dependent on
associated with mutations in genes encoding com the molecular interplay between the network of
ponents of the slit diaphragm, podocyte actin cyto proteins that anchor the podocyte to the glom
skeleton, podocyte mitochondrial proteins, lysosomal erular basement membrane and maintain its unique
proteins, nuclear transcription factors, and glomerular structure, and also the crosstalk with the fenestrated
basement membrane (figure 2).21 Maintenance of glomerular endothelium. Thus, any injury to the
Figure 2: The glomerular
filtration barrier and
pathogenesis of idiopathic Glomerular filtration barrier in nephrotic syndrome
nephrotic syndrome Kidney Nephron Glomerulus
Within the kidney is the
glomerulus, a capillary tuft that
filters the blood. The podocyte,
glomerular basement
membrane and the fenestrated filtrate
glomerular endothelium
comprise the glomerular
filtration barrier allowing the
ultrafiltrate to enter the urinary Afferent
space. The podocyte has capillary
extensive cellular extensions
that interdigitate and these Efferent
foot processes are connected by
the slit diaphragm. In nephrotic
syndrome, there is extensive Normal Nephrotic syndrome
effacement of the podocytes Pathogenesis
and loss of this barrier to (a) Immune-mediated
protein, allowing excessive (b) Systemic circulating factors (eg, suPAR)
serum albumin to leak into the (c) Podocyte related factors (eg, ANGPTL4)
urine. The pathogenesis of (d) Genetic variants
idiopathic nephrotic syndrome
Mutant proteins play roles in:
is hypothesised to be either
immune-mediated, owing to a 1 Nucleus 4 Actin
systemic podocyte-derived Urinary space 2 Mitochondria 5 Slit diaphragm
circulating factor, or, in rarer or
familial forms, a genetic variant. 3 Lysosomes 6 Basement membrane
Numerous mutations are Podocyte
associated with steroid- cell body
resistant nephrotic syndrome
that affect various parts of the
podocyte itself, or the other 1
constituents of the glomerular 3
basement membrane. These
include mutations affecting
the podocyte nucleus, 4
mitochondria or lysosomes, the 2
slit diaphragm or actin
cytoskeleton, and the
Slit diaphragm 5
glomerular basement
membrane. Nephrin, podocin,
and CD2AP, for example, are
essential components of a
zipper-like structure spanning
the interdigitating foot Podocyte
processes of the podocyte, the effacement
slit diaphragm and link directly
with the podocyte actin
cytoskeleton. The actin
cytoskeleton is further Red White
supported by microfilaments Basement blood cell blood cell
that maintain structural
stability and facilitate the
dynamic nature of the podocyte
structure and function. The
importance of these Fenestrated
microfilaments is evident as endothelial
mutations in both α-actinin 4 cells
and INF2, which are involved in
actin regulation and
polymerisation lead to FSGS.
podocyte has implications for the entire glomerular proteinuria, through an effect on either the glomerular
filtration barrier.22 basement membrane or the endothelial cells, and by
affecting the charge of the glomerular filtration barrier,
Immune mediated which prevents albumin from traversing the barrier. In
It is suspected that dysfunction or dysregulation of contrast, a sialylated form is released into circulation
T lymphocytes are involved in the pathogenesis of NS from other tissues and can mitigate proteinuria by
(figure 2).23–25 Supportive evidence includes the efficacy of binding αvβ5 integrins on the glomerular endothelium.
immunosuppressive agents in NS, spontaneous NS Exploration of how sialylated ANGPTL4 could be used to
remission following infection with measles,24 and the treat NS is ongoing, however, off-target effects, such
resolution of NS following chemotherapy for Hodgkin’s as inhibition of lipoprotein lipase leading to hyper
and other T-cell lymphomas, which can trigger or precede triglyceridaemia in NS, could be exacerbated.32
NS.25 Lastly, development of NS after allergic reactions
to various stings and poisons suggests an immune- Genetics
mediated role in disease pathogenesis. Genetic risk and SSNS
A recent molecular candidate for the cause of A genetic locus on chromosome 6p and single
podocytopathies and proteinuric states is CD80 (B7-1). nucleotide polymorphisms in HLA-DQA1 and HLA-
CD80, is a protein expressed on antigen-presenting cells DQB1 were substantially associated with SSNS using an
that provides the primary co-stimulatory signal for T-cell exome array.36 This locus, however, only explains
activation via receptors on the T-cell surface. The T-cell 4∙6% of the genetic risk for SSNS.36 A common finding
surface expresses protein receptor CTLA-4, which binds from genome-wide association studies of glom
CD80. An increase in podocyte B7-1 expression is erular diseases is the significant association with
evident in a variety of animal models of proteinuria and polymorphisms from the major histocompatibility
in human studies.26 This hypothesis was further tested complex. It is not clear whether the HLA loci are
through the CTLA-4 mimicking therapeutic agents, causal, given the commonality among glomerular
abatacept and belatacept in FSGS, but remains studies, or it reflects the allele frequency by specific
controversial and clinical trials are under way.27,28 ethnicity studied.36
curative therapy. High-throughput next generation DNA is with low-molecular-weight heparin. There is in
sequencing from patients with sporadic FSGS, targeting sufficient evidence to warrant universal thrombosis
all known podocyte genes, might identify other FSGS prophylaxis in childhood NS.50
susceptibility genes.42
Acute kidney injury (AKI)
Complications of nephrotic syndrome AKI, an underappreciated complication, is now recognised
Infection as the third most important complication in children
Infection is the leading cause of morbidity and, treated in hospital with NS.53 Recently, a multicentre study
historically, mortality in children with NS.43 NS is from the USA reported that 58∙6% of 336 children
associated with low concentrations of immunoglobulin admitted to hospital for NS had evidence of AKI with
G (IgG) from urinary loss and altered production, which identified risk factors such as concomitant infections, use
contributes to infection risk. Loss of complement can of nephrotoxic medications and SRNS.53 The use of
also predispose to infection risk. Spontaneous bacterial diuretics in a child with haemoconcentration and intra
peritonitis, especially by Streptococcus pneumoniae, vascular volume depletion might predispose to AKI. Renal
remains a serious complication of NS, and a low serum vein thrombosis, acute tubular necrosis in the setting of
albumin (<15 g/L or 1∙5 g/dL) is associated with hypovolaemia and sepsis, and interstitial nephritis in
increased risk of peritonitis.44 Routine antibiotic duced by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or
prophylaxis for prevention of spontaneous bacterial antibiotics are also recognised contributors to AKI.
peritonitis in children with active NS is generally not
recommended owing to scarcity of evidence, although Dyslipidaemia
some centres could opt for prophylaxis in children with NS is associated with substantial abnormalities in lipid
a history of peritonitis.45 Pneumococcal vaccination can metabolism, leading to hypercholesterolaemia, hyper
successfully be given to children with NS, even when triglyceridaemia, and various other lipoprotein abnor
on steroid therapy, and is recommended by the malities. Lipid abnormalities are primarily related to
Children’s Nephrotic Syndrome Consensus Con urinary losses of key transport proteins including
ference.46,47 Children with NS are also at risk of albumin, which carries free cholesterol, and also a com
developing pneumonia from Streptococcus pneumoniae, pensatory increase in proteins involved in triglyceride
Haemophilus influenzae, Staphylococcus aureus, and metabolism.54 It is unknown whether altered lipid
cellulitis, caused by Staphylococci, group A Streptococci, metabolism confers long-term cardiovascular risk from
and H influenzae species.45 atherosclerosis in children with NS. The use of lipid-
Varicella-zoster infection poses a substantial risk to lowering agents for the dyslipidaemia in NS is not advised,
children with NS. The vaccine is a weakened form of unless there is substantial persistent proteinuria with
the virus, which is typically best avoided in immuno extremely high levels of hypertriglyceridaemia. The
compromised children. It appears to be safe, however, evidence of benefit is not clear and side-effects such as
for children who are in remission or who are on liver dysfunction, risk of rhabdomyolysis, and delayed
low-dose alternate-day steroids, an optimised, two-dose growth and development although rare are not in
vaccination schedule has been developed.48 Prophylactic substantial.55 If statins are initiated, it is only recommended
varicella-zoster immune globulin (VZIG) is rec for children over the age of 10 years with monitoring of
ommended for exposure to chickenpox. VZIG should liver function and creatinine kinase prior to initiating
be given as soon as possible but can be given up to therapy and after 4 weeks.56
10 days after exposure. Therapeutic intravenous
aciclovir could also be effective in NS, however, data are Management
scarce and extrapolated from solid organ transplant Oedema in nephrotic syndrome
ation reports.49 Based on the pathogenesis of oedema in NS, one of the
primary strategies in the management of oedema is salt
Venous thromboembolism and fluid restriction with addition of a loop diuretic for
NS is a well recognised hypercoagulable state in severe or symptomatic oedema.57 The addition of an
which children are at risk of venous thrombo albumin infusion, typically in combination with a loop
embolism (VTE) including cerebral sinus venous throm diuretic, is sometimes employed to induce diuresis and
bosis, pulmonary embolism, and renal vein thrombosis.50 natriuresis, especially if signs of intravascular underfilling
VTE complicates an estimated 3% of cases of NS during or severe oedema are present. Response to diuretics alone
childhood.50,51 The pathophysiology of VTE in NS is multi might be blunted, especially in an underfilled state, where
factorial resulting from abnormalities in platelet aggre there is activation of neurohormonal systems in an attempt
gation, increased synthesis of prothrombotic factors to maintain intravascular volume. Furthermore, furo
(factors V and VIII), urinary loss of anticoagulant semide is highly protein bound and, in a hypoalbuminaemic
proteins (antithrombin III, protein C and S), altered state, the volume of distribution substantially increases
fibrinolysis, and intravascular fluid depletion.52 Treatment with less drug available to reach the proximal tubule for
International Arbeitsgemeinschaft Haute Autorité de Santé Italian Society for KDIGO Glomerulonephritis Hospital for Sick Children
Study of Kidney für Pädiatrische (France)62 Pediatric Nephrology Guidelines1 (Toronto, Canada)11
Disease in Children Nephrologie (APN)2 (SINePe)63
Year of 1970 1988 2008 2017 2012 2016
Initial presentation
Initial dose 60 mg/m² per 60 mg/m² per 60 mg/m² per day × 4 weeks 60 mg/m² per 60 mg/m² per day or 2 mg/kg 60 mg/m² per day × 6 weeks
and day × 4 weeks day × 6 weeks (maximUm (maximum dose 60 mg) day × 6 weeks per day × 4–6 weeks (maximum (maximum 60 mg in single
duration dose 80 mg) (maximum 60 mg in 60 mg) morning dose)
single or 2 divided
Subsequent 4 weeks of 40 mg/m² per 60 mg/m² per alternate 40 mg/m² per 40 mg/m² per alternate day or 40 mg/m² per alternate
dose and 40 mg/m² alternate day × 6 weeks day × 8 weeks (maximum 60 mg) alternate day × 6 weeks 1∙5 mg/kg/alternate day day × 6 weeks
tapering per alternate day but (maximum dose 60 mg) followed by a 15 mg/m² per (single dose; maximum (maximum 40 mg ) × 6–8 weeks (maximum 60 mg), 30 mg/m²
given on alternate day × 15 days and 40 mg) without (at least 12 weeks) and per alternate day × 8 days
3 consecutive days continue to wean. In addition, tapering continued for 2–5 months with (maximum 30 mg), 20 mg/m²
out of a week 3 methylprednisolone pulses if tapering per alternate day × 8 days
proteinuria persists after 1 month (maximum 20 mg), 10 mg/m²
of daily prednisone therapy per alternate day × 12 days
(maximum 10 mg)
Starting ·· ·· 60 mg/m² per day until urine 60 mg/m² (max 60 mg 60 mg/m² per day or 2∙0 mg/kg 60 mg/m² per day until urinary
dose and protein is negative for 6 days in a single or 2 divided per day (maximum of protein is trace or negative for
duration doses) until urine 60 mg/day) until urine is 5 consecutive days
protein is negative for negative for 3 days
5 days
Follow-up ·· ·· 60 mg/m² per alternate 40 mg/m² per 40 mg/m² or 1∙5 mg/kg/ 60 mg/m² per alternate
dose and day × 4 weeks, 45 mg/m² per alternate day (max alternate day (maximum day × 8 days (maximum
duration alternate day × 4 weeks, 40 mg) × 4 weeks 40 mg) × 4 weeks (minimum) 60 mg/day), 50 mg/m² per
30 mg/m² per alternate alternate day × 8 days
day × 4 weeks, 15 mg/m² per (maximum 50 mg/day),
alternate day × 4 weeks 40 mg/m² per alternate
day × 8 days (maximum
40 mg/day), 30 mg/m² per
alternate day × 8 days
(maximum 30 mg/day),
20 mg/m2/alternate
day × 8 days (maximum
20 mg/day), 10 mg/m2 per
alternate day × 8 days
(maximum 10 mg/day)
Frequent ·· ·· ·· ·· 60 mg/m2 per day or ··
relapses 2∙0 mg/kg per day (maximum of
60 mg/day) until urine is
negative for 3 days followed by
alternate-day prednisone for at
least 3 months; use the lowest
dose to maintain remission
without major adverse effects
and daily if alternate day is
Table: Published protocols for steroid treatment (prednisone or prednisolone) for initial presentation of idiopathic nephrotic syndrome
Calcineurin inhibitors
Ciclosporin is effective for both FRNS and SDNS.83–87 increasing risk after prolonged use of the drug for 2 years
Blood concentration of ciclosporin should be monitored, or more.106,107
usually by trough levels or C2 (at 2 h post-dose) levels, Tacrolimus could be considered when ciclosporin
and the dose should be adjusted within target cannot be used owing to cosmetic side-effects, including
levels (trough levels: 60–100 ng/mL; C2 levels: hypertrichosis and gingival hypertrophy. Both medi
300–700 ng/mL).83,84,88 There is, however, no international cations are now generic, thus cost should not be an issue.
consensus on target con centrations owing to incon Potential onset of diabetes and nephrotoxicity are
clusive evidence.1 In Japan, dose is adjusted to maintain important side-effects. No definitive dosing for tacro
trough concentrations within 80–100 ng/mL for the first limus is established, but it typically starts at 0∙1 mg/kg
6 months, and within 60–80 ng/mL for the next per day (range 0∙05–0∙2).97,98,108 Optimal trough con
18 months, and in North America, reported levels range centrations are not defined but ranges from 5 to 8 ng/mL
from 50 to 100 ng/ml.85,86,91 Additionally, the length of have been reported, and persistent levels greater
therapy is not well defined as children frequently than 8 ng/mL were associated with increased risk of
relapse after discontinuation of the drug (ciclosporin nephrotoxicity in a single study.93,94 Hypertension could
dependence).85,86,91 Nephrotoxicity is also problematic with also be worsened with calcineurin inhibitors and
could potentiate the development of posterior reversible Rituximab is generally safe and well tolerated in most
encephalopathy syndrome.108 children; however, potentially serious adverse events
include persistent low B cell and failure to repopulate,
Mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) depletion of memory B cells , and a risk of hypo
Mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) is used as a steroid- gammaglobulinaemia, occasionally requiring infusions
sparing agent for FRNS or SDNS owing to the favourable of immunoglobulin. Rarer adverse events are also report
side-effect profile and absence of nephrotoxicity. ed, including fatal hepatitis induced by reactivation
Physician preference for MMF stems from the concerns of hepatitis B virus, progressive multifocal leuko
about the toxicity of cyclophosphamide and calcineurin encephalopathy, pulmonary fibrosis, fulminant myo
inhibitors; however, trial evidence is scarce. A randomised, carditis,111 pneumocystis pneumonia,112 immune-mediated
multicentre, open-label, crossover study comparing the ulcerative colitis, and agranulocytosis. Recently, hyper
efficacy and safety of a 1-year treatment with MMF or sensitivity reactions were reported with autoantibodies to
ciclosporin in 60 pediatric patients with FRNS, reported rituximab during the second course of rituximab.113
more relapses per patient per year with MMF than with Despite the benefit of rituximab, residual issues require
ciclosporin.96 Similar results were reported in another further study such as the total number of infusions,
multicentre RCT comparing the efficacy of MMF to that whether to redose every 6 months or base dose on
of ciclosporin in 24 children with FRNS and biopsy- repopulation of CD20 B cells. Importantly, we need to
proven MCD.98 A French study that employed Bayesian understand the long-term consequences of rituximab
techniques and probability in 23 children, found that therapy in children as treatment is considered earlier in
MMF could reduce the number of relapses and steroid disease course.
doses, suggesting use of MMF prior to cyclophosphamide
or ciclosporin.109 Recent studies demonstrate efficacy at Treatment for steroid-resistant nephrotic syndr ome
higher doses, which are not routinely monitored and Identification of a podocyte gene defect is fundamental to
typically used in kidney transplantation. Maintaining an determining treatment response to steroids and calci
area under the curve for mycophenolic acid, assessed by neurin inhibitors as demonstrated in recent studies.114,115
pharmacokinetic studies higher than 45 mg × h per L, SRNS with no proven genetic mutation is expected to
might be associated with less frequent relapses.110 respond with complete remission in up to 60% of cases
and with partial remission in up to 19%.114,115 Furthermore,
Rituximab those with no genetic mutation have a substantial
Rituximab, a chimeric anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody, advantage in terms of kidney survival over 10 years, with
is effective and allows for discontinuation or reduction ESRD occurring in 71% of those with a genetic disease
of steroids and other steroid-sparing agents in NS. An versus 29% in those without.114
initial open-label RCT concluded that rituximab and Calcineurin inhibitors such as ciclosporin and tacro
lower doses of prednisone and calcineurin inhibitors are limus are recommended as initial therapy for children
non-inferior to standard therapy in maintaining short- with SRNS,1,116 with cumulative complete and partial
term remission.99 Findings were confirmed by a multi remission in ciclosporin treatment substantially better
centre, double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled than placebo.117–119 Also, tacrolimus is similar to ciclosporin
trial that assessed efficacy and safety of rituximab versus in combination with low-dose steroids in inducing
placebo in 48 children with complicated FRNS or remission in patients with SRNS.120 Optimal duration of
SDNS.100 Those on rituximab received 375 mg/m² body calcineurin inhibitor therapy is still unknown, although
surface area (maximum 500 mg) once weekly for KDIGO guidelines recommended a minimum of
4 weeks, and the placebo group received placebo at 12 months,1 and in clinical practice, can be con
similar frequency. Prednisolone was gradually tapered tinued up to 24 months. Combination therapy in
after remission was achieved. Tapering of ciclosporin volving steroid pulse therapy and ciclosporin could be
was started on day 85, and discontinued by day 169. The considered effective in inducing remission of SRNS in
50% relapse-free period (267 vs 101 days; hazard ratio extreme cases.121,122
[HR] 0∙267, 95% CI 0∙135–0∙528, p<0∙0001), and the Two RCTs demonstrated a substantial reduction in
daily steroid dose was substantially lower in those on proteinuria with enalapril123 and fosinopril.105 KDIGO
rituximab than placebo (9∙12 [SD 5∙88] vs 20∙85 therefore recommended angiotensin-converting enzyme
[SD 9∙28] mg/m² per day, p<0∙0001) up to 1 year. In inhibitors or angiotensin II receptor blockers for children
follow-up, all children relapsed by 19 months, suggesting with SRNS.1
that the benefit of rituximab was not permanent. Re Cyclophosphamide has no benefit for SRNS.78,124 MMF
cently, rituximab was also shown to be non-inferior to use in the treatment of SRNS has been described and the
steroids in maintaining remission in patients with proportion of patients in remission is low.125–127 A recent
SDNS never exposed to a calcineurin inhibitor and who randomised trial of 138 children evaluated dexamethasone
had not received either MMF or cyclophosphamide in plus MMF as a therapy for patients with steroid-resistant
the preceding 6 months.101 FSGS versus ciclosporin, and found no significant
21 Akchurin O, Reidy KJ. Genetic causes of proteinuria and nephrotic 46 Ulinski T, Leroy S, Dubrel M, Danon S, Bensman A.
syndrome: impact on podocyte pathobiology. Pediatr Nephrol 2015; High serological response to pneumococcal vaccine in nephrotic
30: 221–33. children at disease onset on high-dose prednisone.
22 Buscher AK, Weber S. Educational paper: the podocytopathies. Pediatr Nephrol 2008; 23: 1107–13.
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23 Shalhoub RJ. Pathogenesis of lipoid nephrosis: a disorder of T-cell onset nephrotic syndrome. Pediatrics 2009; 124: 747–57.
function. Lancet 1974; 304: 556–60. 48 Furth SL, Arbus GS, Hogg R, et al. Varicella vaccination in children
24 Lin CY, Hsu HC. Histopathological and immunological studies in with nephrotic syndrome: a report of the Southwest Pediatric
spontaneous remission of nephrotic syndrome after intercurrent Nephrology Study Group. J Pediatr 2003; 142: 145–48.
measles infection. Nephron 1986; 42: 110–15. 49 Prelog M, Schonlaub J, Zimmerhackl LB. Aciclovir and
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