IG 1 Element 2 New Slides 24.1.18 PDF
IG 1 Element 2 New Slides 24.1.18 PDF
IG 1 Element 2 New Slides 24.1.18 PDF
Management System
Key Elements of ILO-OSH 2001
–Clear declaration (statement )of commitment to health and
safety at all levels in the organisation particularly from the
–top management.
–Allocation of Roles and responsibilities for health and safety at
all levels in the organisation.
–From senior management to floor level employees
Planning and implementing:
–Detailed arrangements to manage H&S by developing safe
system of work for each & every activity within organisation.
–Eg:-Risk assessments, PTW!
–And Reasonably practical control measures need to be
implemented to prevent accidents, ill health, injury etc.
–Methods to monitor health & safety performance and
review the effectiveness of the arrangements.
–This can be proactive- (Eg:by review of Inspection report)
–And Reactive- (Eg:by review of accident-ill health statistics)
Action for improvement:
–There must be Steps to correct issues found by the review
in planning & implementing part.
–Independent, systematic, critical , evaluation by external
agency for review of the management system.
–Continual improvement is also important
Key Elements of a H&S Policy
Health and safety policy is usually found in three
1. Statement of Intent
2. Organisation
3. Arrangements
Section 1 Section 2 Section 3
Statement of intent Organisation Arrangement
(for review)
Topics of General & Specific Arrangements
General Arrangements: • Specific Arrangements
• Carrying out risk • Lone working.
• Noise.
• Information, instruction and
training. • Vibration.
• Compliance monitoring, • Hazardous substances.
including auditing. • Control of crowds.
• Accident and near-miss • Transport risks.
reporting, recording and • Waste disposal.
• Consultation with workers.
• Developing safe systems of
• Welfare and first-aid
• Fire safety and prevention.
• Emergency procedures
• Explain the contents of each section of OHS
policy of a company?
• Explain purpose of various sections of OHS
policy of a company?
Why OHS Policy of an organisation is
An important document?
• It is The written declaration for good standards
of health and safety management in an
• It Sets out the organisation’s aims towards OHS.
• Identifies who is responsible for achieving these
• States how the aims are to be achieved.
• Specific to each organisation’s requirements.
Explain why OHS roles & responsibility
shall be communicated to every one in
an organisation?
• OHS is every ones responsibility & team work.
• By communicating OHS responsibilities & roles
only people will come to know of their
– Chain of command
– Level of commitment
– Area of responsibility
– Channel of communication
There by avoiding behavioural issues & conflicts.
Why OHS policy to be Signed and dated by
the most senior person?
• To Indicate that Commitment comes from
Higher Level
• He Holds ultimate responsibility for H&S in
• To authorise policy
• He is the representing Authority
• He Possess budgetary powers to allocate
resources for H&S including appointment of
H&S specialist.
Why an organisation must Have a
Written OHS Policy?
• To meet Legal compliance.
• To have a Clear communication on OHS.
• For Continual improvement through reviews.
• To Meet management-systems standards
(ILO-OSH 2001, OHSAS 18001).
• Evidence of management commitment
towards OHS.
Factors to be considered when setting the objectives:
• Nature of activity undertaken by organisation,
Hazards and risks involved in it.
• Legal and other requirements.
• Who is going to set the objectives.
• What functional level the objective set.
• Resources & Technological options.
• Methodes of Communication
• Methodes of evaluation( Monitoring)
• Methodes of review
• Views of interested parties (Recommendations).
• Financial, operational and business requirements.
• Allocation of targets
“SMART” Objectives
• Specific - clearly defined, precise.
• Measurable - towards a target, quantified.
• Achievable - it can be done.
• Reasonable - within timescale, and resources,
• Time-bound - deadline, timescale.
Why Targets are important?
• Helps to measure OHS performance.
• Helps to achieve tangible (real) goals by staff in stipulated
time period.
• Targets promotes BENCHMARKING
• Targets shows commitment to continual improvement.
• Helps to meet Legal requirement & provides evidence of
management commitment in audit