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Mathematics 5-Q3-w5

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Mathematics 5

Quarter 3 Week 5 Day 1

A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of polygons,
Standards circles, and solid figures.
B. Performance The learner is able to construct and describe polygons,
Standards circles and solid figures.
C. Learning The learner visualizes and describes a circle.
Competencies or M5GE-IIIe-25
II. CONTENT Visualizing and describing a circle
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide K to 12 Curriculum Guide,
2. Learners Materials LM/Week 2 /DLP Gr. 5 Module 1, 12
3. Textbook pages Number Smart pp. 312-316
4. Additional
materials from
Learning Resource
(LR) Portal
B. Other Learning Division Contextualized Curriculum Matrix ARTCUL-
Resources INDMAT-IV
Division Local Heritage matrix
flash cards, pocket chart, problem written on the chart
A. Review previous 1. Drill
lesson or Show the following figures. Have the pupils
presenting the new identify which of these is circle and let them
lesson defend their answer.

2. Review
Identify which of the following is a polygon.

B. Establishing a purpose Ask:

for the lesson
Is a circle a polygon? Why? Why not?
C. Presenting Have the pupils observe the circles below.
examples/instances of
the new lesson

Say: This is what circle is made up of.

D. Discussing new Ask: What part of lines, circles are made up of?
concepts and practicing
Say: A circle is a closed plane figure that is made up of
new skills #1
line segments, so it is not a polygon.
Take a look again at each of the circles. Do you find
any line segments?
E. Discussing new
concepts and practicing
new skills #2

Ask: What is the name of this circle? (A circle is named

by its center. This circle is called circle A.)
Segments AB and AC are radii. Radius is a line
segment from the center to any point on the circle. A

radius is half of a diameter. In the given figure, what is
the name of the diameter? (segment BAC/CAB)
Show a picture of compass.
Say: This is the device we can use to draw a
circle. We can also trace a circle from other objects
with a shape of circle.
F. Developing mastery 1. Group Activity
Advance Average
Task: Create a figure Task: Using the given
using different circles. circles to your group,
Explain what you have create a new figure from
formed. it. Explain what you have

2. Group Reporting

G. Finding practical B Refer to circle A. Explain why

applications of concepts
Segment AB and AC do not
and skills in daily living
A form a diameter.

H. Making Ask: What is a circle? ( A circle is a set of all points in a
generalizations and
closed plane that are at a fixed distance from a point
abstractions about the
lesson called center.)
I. Evaluating learning Directions: Draw 5 objects that can be found inside
and outside the classroom that has a shape of a circle.
Label the object you have drawn.
J. Additional activities for Name 5 things found in your home that has a shape of
application or remediation
a circle.
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the

B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
who scored below 80%.
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught
up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use./discover which I
wish to share with other

Mathematics 5
Quarter 3 Week 5 Day 2

D. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of polygons,
Standards circles, and solid figures.
E. Performance The learner is able to construct and describe polygons,
Standards circles and solid figures.
F. Learning The learner identifies the terms related to circle.
Competencies or Code: M5GE-IIIe-23.2
VI. CONTENT Identifying the terms related to circle
C. References
5. Teacher’s Guide K to 12 Curriculum Guide pp. 62
6. Learners Materials LM/DLP Gr. 5 Module
7. Textbook pages Number Smart pp. 312-316
8. Additional
materials from
Learning Resource
(LR) Portal
D. Other Learning Division Contextualized Curriculum Matrix ARTCUL-
Resources INDMAT-IV
Division Local Heritage matrix
flash cards, pocket chart, problem written on the chart
B. Review previous 1. Drill – Identifying circles
lesson or Direction: Clap your hands once if the
presenting the new object/picture is a circle and clap twice if it is
lesson not. (The teacher will post pictures with curved

edges on board. Have the pupils identify which
of these are circles. Explain their answer.)
2. Review
What differentiates a circle from other plane
B. Establishing a purpose Circle Jigsaw Game
for the lesson Direction: Teacher will provide jigsaw puzzle that forms
a circle to each group. The first group to form the puzzle
wins. Remind the pupils to be a good sport when
playing a game.
C. Presenting Present the chart to the pupils.
examples/instances of Say: These are the parts of a circle.
the new lesson Describe each of them.

D. Discussing new Have the pupils observe the circle below.

concepts and practicing
new skills #1 F G


Use the given circle to complete the following

1. The name of the circle is _______.

2. The distance from point A to point D is _____.
3. The distance from point F to G is ______.
4. If point B, A and C lie on one line, the distance
from point B to C is ______.
5. The line that intersects the circle at two points is
6. The line that intersects the circle at exactly one
point is ______.
E. Discussing new
concepts and practicing
new skills #2

Ask: What is a radius? Diameter?

In the given figure which is radius? Diameter?
(Show more examples of radius/diameter).
F. Developing mastery 1. Group Activity
Advance Average

1. Name of the circle 1. The distance from point

2. Give the 3 radii. O to point F is _______.

3. Measurement of 2. The distance from point

O to point M is _______.
3. The distance from point
4. Name of the diameter.
O to point G is _______.
5. Chord’s name.
4. If point G, O and F lie on
one line, the distance from
point G to point F is _____.
5. The name of the circle

a. Radius
b. Diameter
c. Chord
d. Circle 0
2. Group Reporting

G. Finding practical Give the radius and diameter of the following circles.
applications of concepts
and skills in daily living

H. Making Ask: What are the different parts of a circle? Describe

generalizations and
each of them.
abstractions about the
lesson  A radius is a line segment from the center to a
point on the circle.
 A diameter is a line segment which passes
through the center of a circle and whose
endpoints are on the circle.
 The length of the radius is one-half the length of
a diameter of a circle.
 A chord is a line segment whose endpoints lie
on a circle.
 A secant is the line that intersects the circle at
two points.
 A tangent is the line that intersects the circle at
exactly one point
 The arc of a circle is a portion of the
circumference of a circle.
J. Evaluating learning Direction: Identify the terms related to circle by
choosing the letter of the correct answer.
1. It is one half-length of the diameter.

a. radius c. diameter
b. chord d. arc
2. A line segment drawn from the center to any
point on the circle.
a. radius c. diameter
b. chord d. arc
3. Which is the portion of the circumference of a
a. radius c. diameter
b. chord d. arc
4. A line segment whose endpoints lie on a circle.
a. radius c. diameter
b. chord d. arc
5. It is a line that intersects the circle at exactly
one point.
a. secant c. tangent
b. arc d. chord
J. Additional activities for Direction: Refer to this circle and identify what is
application or remediation

1. Name two diameters

2. Name the six radii
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional

activities for remediation
who scored below 80%.
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught
up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use./discover which I
wish to share with other

Mathematics 5
Quarter 3 Week 5 Day 3

G. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of polygons,
Standards circles, and solid figures.
H. Performance The learner is able to construct and describe polygons,
Standards circles and solid figures.
I. Learning The learner draws a circle with different radii using a
Competencies or compass.
Objectives M5GE-IIIe-24
X. CONTENT Drawing circles with different radii using a compass.
E. References
9. Teacher’s Guide K to 12 Curriculum Guide p. 62
10. Learners LM/Week 2 /DLP Gr. 5 Module 1, 12
Materials pages
11. Textbook pages Number Smart pp. 312-316
12. Additional
materials from
Resource (LR)
F. Other Learning Division Contextualized Curriculum Matrix ARTCUL-
Resources INDMAT-IV
Division Local Heritage matrix
flash cards, pocket chart, problem written on the chart
C. Review previous 1. Drill: Give the different parts of a circle.
lesson or 2. Review:

presenting the new Directions: Identify the parts of a circle in the figure
lesson below.

B. Establishing a purpose Say: Do you know the song about circles? (Teacher will
for the lesson
guide the pupils in singing the song while drawing the
circles on the board)
Small circle, small circle, big circle (2x)
There’s mama, there’s papa, waving at me
There’s mama, there’s papa, smiling at me
6 x 6 is 36 (2x)
C. Presenting Show to the pupils a compass.
examples/instances of Ask: Do you what is this?
the new lesson Today we are going to draw circles with different radii
using this device.
D. Discussing new Strategy: Activity Based (3 As – Act, Analyze, Apply)
concepts and practicing
new skills #1
 Group the class into 3 groups.
 Give each group a string.
 Each group will choose one representative to stand
in front of them holding one end of the string.
 Then, let another member walk holding the other end
of the string around to form a circle, placing other
members evenly on the imaginary distance around the

Ask: What figure is formed?
What does the pupil in the middle represent?
A compass is used to draw circles or parts of a circle
called arcs.
On our activity, which is considered the compass?
E. Discussing new (Before giving the individual activity, orient first the
concepts and practicing
pupils on the parts of a compass: hinge, compass
new skills #2
needle, pencil holder and pencil)
Discuss how to use a compass:
1. make sure that the hinge at the top of the
compass is tightened so that it does not slip
2. tighten the hold for the pencil so it also does not
3. align the pencil lead with the compass's needle
4. press down the needle and turn the knob at the
top of the compass to draw a circle (or arc)
F. Developing mastery Individual Activity:
Say: We are going to draw a circle with a center at A
and radius of 3 centimeters using compass and ruler.
 First, use a ruler to set the distance from the
point of the compass to the pencil's lead at 3
 Second, set up compass to an opening of 3 cm.
 Third, draw point A with a pencil.
 Next, place the point of the compass on A.
Rotate the compass to draw the circle.
 We now have a circle A.
 Let us put some radii.
 From the center, draw a segment to any part of
the circle.
Let the pupils perform the activity repeatedly until they
can draw their own circle.

G. Finding practical Direction: Do what is asked. (by pairs)
applications of concepts
and skills in daily living a. Draw a square the draw two diagonals into the
square. Draw a point where they cross (the center
point of the square). Now, erase the lines you drew,
leaving the point.

b. Draw a circle around the square so that it touches

the vertices of the square. Use the point you drew in
(a) as the center point.

c. Fill in: The _____________________ of the circle

has the same length as the diagonal of the square.
H. Making Ask: How can you draw a circle with different radii?
generalizations and
Describe what is a compass. (A compass is an
abstractions about the
lesson instrument used to draw circles or the parts of circles
called arcs. It consists of two movable arms hinged
together where one arm has a pointed end and the
other arm holds a pencil. Note that a compass is also
called a pair of compasses.)
K. Evaluating learning Direction:
1. Use a compass to draw a circle of radius 5 cm.
2. Use a compass to draw a circle of diameter 12 cm.
3. Use a compass to draw a circle of radius 4.5 cm.
4.. Use a compass to draw a circle of diameter 8 cm.
5. Use a compass to draw a circle of diameter 9 cm.
J. Additional activities for Directions: Draw circle E with a 5 radii on your
application or remediation
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
who scored below 80%.

C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught
up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use./discover which I
wish to share with other

Mathematics 5
Quarter 3 Week 5 Day 4

A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of polygons,
Standards circles, and solid figures.
B. Performance The learner is able to construct and describe polygons,
Standards circles and solid figures.
C. Learning The learner visualizes a solid figure.
Competencies or M5GE-IIIe-25a
II. CONTENT Visualizing a solid figure
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide K to 12 Curriculum Guide
2. Learners Materials LM/DLP Gr. 5 Module
3. Textbook pages Number Smart pp. 312-316
4. Additional materials
from Learning
Resource (LR) Portal
B. Other Learning Division Contextualized Curriculum Matrix ARTCUL-
Resources INDMAT-IV
Division Local Heritage matrix
flash cards, pocket chart, problem written on the chart
A. Review previous 1. Drill
lesson or presenting Have the pupils identify the polygon of the real
the new lesson objects the teacher will show to the pupils
(examples: book- quadrilateral, road sign –
hexagon, etc.)

2. Review: (Review on space and plane figures)
Teacher will flash cards of different figures. Say
the phrase “I have a pen” if the figure is flat and
“I have an apple” if the figure is not flat.
B. Establishing a purpose Show a picture of Mt. Mayon. Have the pupils describe
for the lesson
and tell something about it. Ask what kind of solid figure
Mt. Mayon is.
C. Presenting Introduce the different solid figures through a chart.
examples/instances of
the new lesson

Let the pupils describe the characteristics of each

figure. And ask what is common among all the solid
D. Discussing new Have the pupils roam around their classroom and
concepts and practicing
observe the different objects they can see inside the
new skills #1
room. Let them jot down the different solid figures they
see using a tabulation chart provided by the teacher.
After 5 minutes, let them share what they have listed in
their tabulated chart.
E. Discussing new Ask: Why is it important to be aware of different solid
concepts and practicing
figures as seen and experience through the
new skills #2
What kind of figures were mentioned on our sharing?
How are they common?
How did you find the activity?
How did you visualize solid figures?
Were you able to differentiate solid figures correctly?
Did you identify the common characteristics of solid

F. Developing mastery 1. Group Activity:
Advanced Average
Task: Task:
Draw 5 objects you’ve Using a chart, list down 5
seen inside the objects inside your room
classroom and classify and classify them
them as to what kind of according to different
solid figure it is. Provide kinds of solid figure.

2. Group reporting
G. Finding practical Show the following pictures. Have the pupils identify
applications of concepts what kind of solid figures do they take?.
and skills in daily living

H. Making Ask: What are the different solid figures? Describe each
generalizations and
of them.
abstractions about the
lesson *Solid figure is a three dimensional figure. It is made
up of plane figure whose all sides are joined together
to form a close figure. Some examples of solid figures
include cubes, cylinders, cones, pyramids, spheres
and rectangular prisms.

L. Evaluating learning Visualize what solid figures each of the following
objects look like:

1) box 6) tin can

2) ball 7) camping tent

3) dice 8) funnel

4) ice cream cone 9) water pipe

5) globe 10) glass

J. Additional activities for Give 2 objects that look like the different kinds of solid
application or remediation
figures. Write your answer in your notebook.
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
who scored below 80%.
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught
up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who
continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use./discover which I
wish to share with other

Mathematics 5
Quarter 3 Week 5 Day 5

A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of polygons,
Standards circles, and solid figures.
B. Performance The learner is able to construct and describe polygons,
Standards circles and solid figures.
C. Learning The learner describes a solid figure.
Competencies or M5GE-IIIe-25b
II. CONTENT Describing Solid Figures
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide K to 12 Curriculum Guide, Lesson Guide in Math 6 p.
2. Learners Materials LM/DLP Gr. 5 Module 1, 15
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional
materials from
Learning Resource
(LR) Portal
B. Other Learning Division Contextualized Curriculum Matrix ARTCUL-
Resources INDMAT-IV
Division Local Heritage matrix
flash cards, pocket chart, problem written on the chart
A. Review previous Review: Teacher will flash different pictures of objects
lesson or presenting and the pupils will tell what kind of spatial figure it
the new lesson resembles.

B. Establishing a purpose Present a paper robot whose parts are made up of
for the lesson
space figures. Ask them to identify the space figures
represented by each part by completing the table
posted on the chalkboard.
Parts of the Robot Solid Figure
Head Cube
Body Rectangular prism
Arms cylinder
Legs cylinder
Feet Cube
Hands Rectangular prism
C. Presenting Show the different model blocks of solid figures. Ask
examples/instances of the pupils to name them.
the new lesson
D. Discussing new Using the different model blocks of solid figures, have
concepts and practicing
the pupils complete the chart below.
new skills #1
Name of No. of No. of No. of
Solid edges vertices faces
E. Discussing new Directions: Show real objects and let the pupils identify
concepts and practicing
the space figure they represent. Give the number of
new skills #2
sides, edges and vertices.
1. ball 6. Tent
2. globe 7. Dice
3. funnel 8. Ice cream cone
4. test tube 9. Tin can
5. gift 10. Water pipe

F. Developing mastery 1. Group Activity:
Advanced Average
Task: Task:
1) Divide the class into 1) Divide the class into
group of 3s. group of 3s.
2) Provide nets of cube, 2) Each group will be
rectangular prism, given used folders.
pyramid and cylinder for 3) Used folders will be
the groups to assemble. used by each group in
Group 1 – Cube making solid figure
Group 2 – Prism assigned to them.
Group 3 – Pyramid Group 1 – Cube
3) Each group will give Group 2 – Prism
description on the solid Group 3 – Pyramid
figures assign to them. 4) Each group will give
description on the solid
figures assign to them.

2. Group reporting
G. Finding practical Direction:
applications of concepts
Call a volunteer among the pupils. Blindfold him/her.
and skills in daily living
Let him/her hold a spatial figure and identify and
describe it.
H. Making Ask: What are the different kinds of solid figures?
generalizations and
Describe each of them.
abstractions about the

I. Evaluating learning Directions: Give the letter of the solid figure being
describe in Column A to Column B.
___1) The base is a polygon and its faces are
___2) A spatial figure with a polygonal base whose
edges meet a common vertex.
___3) A spatial figure having a circular base and one
___4) A spatial figure with a parallel congruent faces
called bases and the other faces are parallelograms.
___5) A spatial figure with 2 circular bases, no edge,
and no vertex.
a. Rectangular prism
b. Cone
c. Pyramid
d. Cylinder
e. Triangular prism
J. Additional activities for Directions: Cut out pictures of objects from
application or remediation
newspapers or

magazines that are models of spatial figures. Describe
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
who scored below 80%.
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught
up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use./discover which I
wish to share with other


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