Manual M1
Manual M1
Manual M1
1.1 About this manual 4
1.2 User Information 4
1.3 Intended Usage 5
1.4 Guarantee and liability 5
2.1 Basic safety requirements 6
2.2 Safety requirements on the place of installation 7
2.3 Radiation protection 7
2.4 Protection against electric current 8
2.5 Staff requirements 9
2.6 Safety equipment 9
2.7 Warning labels and name plates 11
3.1 Electrical connection 12
3.2 Room planning 12
3.3 Environmental conditions 13
4.1 Product versions 15
5.1 Technical parameters of the M1 ORA/Mistral 16
5.2 Main components 18
6.1 X-ray fluorescence 19
6.1 Detection of the X-ray quanta 20
6.1 Digitalization and channel allocation 21
6.1 Spectroscopic resolution 22
6.1 Composition of a Spectrum of the M1 ORA/Mistral 24
6.1 Evaluation of X-ray fluorescence spectra 25
7.1 Structure 28
7.2 Installation of the program 29
7.3 Start of the program 33
7.4 Configuration files in the program structure 35
8.1 Installation of the instrument 37
8.2 Establishing the operating state 37
9.1 User Interface 40
9.2 Start of the program 41
9.3 Instrument Status line 42
9.4 Function panels 43
9.5 Service measurements 44
9.5.1 Reference measurement 44
9.5.2 Measurement of pure elements 45
9.5.3 Measurement of calibration samples in the service mode 47
9.6 Settings of the instrument 48
9.6.1 Setting of tube parameters 48
9.6.2 Setting for the measure spectrum 50
9.6.3 Video settings 50
9.7 Spectrum display and manipulation 51
9.8 Quantification models 54
9.9 Fundamental-Parameter quantification 55
9.9.1 Quantification with the preset application 55
9.9.2 Generation of a standardless application 56
9.10 Standard based quantification 57
9.10.1 Measurement with an application 59
9.10.2 Evaluation of a loaded spectrum 63
9.10.3 Generation of an application 64
9.10.4 Display and edit details of an application 68
9.10.5 Normalization of an application 69
9.10.6 Calibration of an application 70
1. Introduction
1.1 About this manual
These operating instructions are intended to familiarize you with the operation of the
M1 ORA/Mistral X-ray analysis machine from Bruker Microanalysis GmbH. The
instructions allow you to get started quickly and include all information necessary to
operate the machine safety and competently.
These instructions cover functionality, configuration and operation of the M1
A solid understanding of these instructions is mandatory for the operation of the M1
ORA/Mistral X-ray analysis machine from Bruker AXS Microanalysis GmbH. Please
familiarize yourself with the contents and follow the safety instructions, particularly
those regarding the handling of the product. This way you can be sure of taking full
advantage of the capabilities of the product. We reserve the right to make product
changes which enhance technical advancement.
The following warning symbols and informational symbols and signal words are used
in these operating instructions:
Warning of a potential danger to life and limb
Warning of a potential danger to life and limb from electrical current
Warning of a potential danger to life and limb from X-ray radiation
Warning of a potential danger to life and limb from exposure to
Warning of possible material damage or damage to machinery
Tips on usage and useful information
4 / 77 Information on protecting the environment
Bruker AXS Microanalysis GmbH
Manual Karatmeter
Any other use beyond that described is considered as non-intended usage. The
operator, not the manufacturer, assumes sole liability for all personal injury and
material damage arising from not-intended usage.
The following applications are explicitly excluded from the definition of intended
2. Safety Instructions
X-ray energy levels (up to 50 keV) in the excitation beam as used in the M1
ORA/Mistral cause damage to tissue and bone as a result of high levels of radiation.
Poorly healing wounds and, in extreme cases, loss of individual limbs (e.g. fingers)
could result. In contrast to “accidental radiation“ with a high dose over a short period,
there is an increased risk of cancer from a lower radiation load over a longer period.
All information pertaining to safety in this document applies to current, valid, national
laws and the Ordinance of the European Union. In other countries, applicable laws
and national regulations must be complied with.
In addition to the safety instructions in this document, general, valid, regulations
regarding accident prevention and the protection of the environment must also be
observed and complied with. All information in these operating instructions must be
followed unreservedly at all times.
In order to safely operate X-ray machines such as the M1 ORA/Mistral X-ray analysis
machine, norms, directives and regulations are defined for safety and radiation
protection. These must be adhered to by both manufacturer and users alike.
The M1 Ora has a weight of approximately 24 kg and the M1
MISTRAL of approx. 46 kg. Dropping the instrument can cause
injuries or results in a complete damage of the device.
The following safety measures must be observed when installing the instrument:
• The instrument and the control computer must be placed on a stable and fixed
support. A dolly is not suitable as a measuring site.
• The measurement site should not be exposed to intensive vibrations.
• The measurement site should not be close to strong magnetic fields such as
electric motors or generators.
• In the surrounding of the measurement site, there should not be any sources
for splash water such as showers or washing sites.
• The instrument should not be exposed to aggressive media at the
measurement site.
• The installation site of the instrument should only be accessible to authorized
staff or must be monitored.
For instance, a direct exposure of the excitation beam over a period of several
seconds could cause a deep damage of biological tissue. Contrary to such a
„radiation injury“ with a high dose over a short period a lower radiation exposure over
a long period could increase the risk of cancer.
Observing the safety rules can prevent a risk of X-ray radiation for the operator due
to the measures taken by the manufacturer and the technical installations.
According to the Röntgenverordnung (RöV) – the German X-ray Ordinance - the M1
ORA/Mistral complies with a full protection system regarding its radiation protection
data and the radiation exposure of the operating staff.
Among others, the following safety measures were taken with the construction of the
M1 ORA/Mistral:
Observing the safety rules can prevent a risk of X-ray radiation for the operator due
to the measures taken and the technical installations provided by the manufacturer.
The same basic safety rules (see section 2.1) are valid both for the prevention of
damages to persons by electric current and for the prevention of damages by X-ray
The following safety rules have to be considered additionally:
The power supply of the instrument installation site must have a ground conductor
Only the power and signal cables included in delivery have to be used for the
operation of the instrument. They must be undamaged.
Especially upon transport, the instrument must not be taken into operation unless it is
acclimatized to room temperature and no condensed water on or inside the
instrument has emerged.
It is prohibited to take the instrument into operation if the relative humidity in the
surrounding would result in the emergence of condensed water on parts of the
It is prohibited to take the instrument into operation if accidentally water was poured
on or ingresses into the instrument.
The Karatmeter must just be operated with functional safety
3. Installation requirements
3.1 Electrical connection
Electrical Dimensioning
spectrometer 100…250 V
50…60 Hz
max. 150 W
control computer and Depending on the
periphery PC
4. Product description
The M1 is an energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer that can be used for elemental
analysis of bulk materials but also for coating analysis (determination of thickness
and composition).
A very special analytical task for the M1 ORA/Mistral is the analysis of jeweler alloys.
That requires a high accuracy for the analysis.
The instrument is controlled by a PC. The PC is connected only via USB to the
The most important benefits of the instrument are:
• Quality control
• Material sciences
• Alloy analysis, especially jeweler alloys
• Coating thickness analysis
5. Technical description
5.1 Technical parameters of the M1 ORA/Mistral
The most important technical parameters of the M1 ORA/Mistral instrument versions
are given below.
The technical parameters of the enclosed spec sheet always
apply to the respective customer instrument.
Technical parameters:
Type Glass side window tube with Glass side window tube with
glass window glass window
Input 24 V, 24 V,
Manufacturer LND Inc Bruker axs MA
Energy resolution approx. 800 eV for Mn-Ka approx. 135 eV for Mn-Ka
6. Functional description
6.1 X-ray fluorescence
Basis of the X-ray fluorescence analysis is an excitation and relaxation process
within the atomic electron shell. In atomic physics, fluorescence is generally defined
as a two-stage process in which an atom passes into an excited status by an external
energy transfer and then passes back into the initial state on spontaneous emission
of a photon.
One characteristic of X-ray fluorescence in comparison to optical fluorescence is that
the excitation occurs with distinctly higher energies and that the emitted fluorescence
radiation lies within the X-ray range. An additionally important characteristic is that
this process is predominantly specific to elements and less specific to molecules.
X-ray fluorescence analysis is a method for the determination of the element content
in samples. Conclusions about the chemical bonds cannot be made directly this way.
X-ray fluorescence
1: ionization of an inner shell by an X-ray photon
2: refilling of the gap with an electron from a higher energy level
3: emission of an X-ray photon
The schematic illustration in figure briefly explains the process once again.
Either a high-energetic electron, proton or X-ray photon ionizes an inner energy level,
e.g. the K-shell of an atom (see 1 in last figure).
After the ionization, a refilling of the gap (see 2 in last figure) occurs rapidly by an
electron from a higher energy level. The energy difference between the two states is
emitted as an X-ray photon (see 3 in last figure). This radiation is called X-ray
fluorescence radiation.
This instrument description just treats X-ray fluorescence, which was excited by
means of X-ray radiation. Important rules of X-ray fluorescence are:
• The possible excitation states and shell transitions are subject to the laws of
atomic physics and result in a line spectrum, which is characteristic for each
• Depending on the ionized shell, the radiation is labeled K-, L- or M-radiation and,
depending on the refilling shell, an additional indication, e.g. Kα 1, 2, Kβ 1, Lα 1 etc.
describe the relative intensity of the lines and depends on the level where the
electrons are coming from.
• Fluorescence lines can just be excited with energy lines, which are higher than
the fluorescence line itself. Thus, e.g. the Au Lα -lines of about 9.5 to 13 keV can
only be excited with radiation of higher energies than the Au-L absorption edge.
Channel allocation
Digital spectrum as
distribution of probabilities of
incident energies
The allocation of the channel corresponding to the fitting energy range can be
executed by the software based on an energy/channel calibration.
First, the voltage pulses of the spectroscopic amplifier are digitalized in an
analogue/digital converter and then allocated to the according channels by means of
a multi-channel analyzer (MCA). As soon as a detected X-ray quantum is allocated to
a certain channel, the counter of this channel is incremented by one. The spectrum
displayed by the software, thus, shows the how many X-ray quanta were counted in
a certain energy range (channel). In the magnified section of last figure, the channel
structure of the spectrum can be recognized.
An examination of the signal processing reveals that the signal can just be processed
sequentially. But due to the fast process (a few 10 000 cps can be accumulated) it
seems that the spectrum is growing simultaneously.
X-ray quanta, which are virtually detected in parallel, are separated and excluded
from registration. The registration of an X-ray spectrum is a temporary accumulation
process, which is subject to statistical laws. It cannot be compared with a current
measurement of a voltage or a current as known from electrical engineering. Quality
of the spectrum and with it of the analytical results is strongly dependent from the
fluorescence intensity and time of measurement. Measurement times between 10
and 180 s are common.
An X-ray spectrum usually does not just contain the fluorescence lines of the sample
material but also excitation radiation, which was scattered by the sample material.
The most important parameter for the description of this essential detector feature is
the Full Width at Half Maximum (FWHM), which defines the peak width at the half
peak maximum. The FWHM value is mainly depending on the following parameters:
In order to cope with the fact that FWHM values increase with energy as well as to
compare X-ray detection systems, it was agreed to use the Mn-Kα as a reference line
of the FWHM. This line is used because the radioactive isotope Fe55 emits this
The next figure shows the fluorescence spectrum of a Mn sample and the definition
of the FWHM for a SDD.
Definition of FWHM
1. Abscissa in the measuring unit kilo electron volts (keV) or in channel presentation
after a shift in the software
2. Fluorescence peaks of the elements Cu, Zn, Au and Ag. These peaks are emitted
from the sample. Due to the measurement with a prop-counter the energy
resolution is limited and the single peaks are not separated.
3. Peak at zero energy. The zero energy peak is not originated in the sample or the
detector but synthetically created by the electronics. It is mainly used for the
control of the electronics and for service tasks, in particular for energy calibration
and live time calculation.
4. Ordinate in the measuring unit counts (pulses) or after switching into the
measuring unit counts/seconds (cps) in the software.
Procedure Spectrum
1 Spectra correction
Correction of certain detector
artifacts such as shelf
background and escape peak.
Correction of sum peaks is not
possible by the program.
2 Element identification
The X-ray fluorescence lines of
the individual elements are stored
in an atomic data library. The
identification of the elements is
normally done by an interactive
comparison of the measured
spectral lines and the measured
spectrum from the periodical
system of elements.
Procedure Spectrum
3 Background correction
A remaining spectral
background composed of the
detector shelf and the scattered
excitation radiation has to be
subtracted from the spectrum.
The scattered part depends on
the sample itself. For heavy
samples this background is very
small (as for jeweler samples)
but for light samples it can be
more significant.
4 Deconvolution
Especially for multi-element
samples, overlaps of the
individual fluorescence peaks in
the spectrum occur because of
the line diversity and the finite
detector resolution. To allocate
the correct intensities to the
individual elements, the
spectrum must be separated
into the individual element lines
by a complex mathematical
process (deconvolution or fitting
with pure element peaks).
The result is the peak area
(intensity) for each element of
the individual not overlapped
fluorescence peaks.
5 Statistical error Sigma
For each deconvoluted δ i = N i + 2N BG
fluorescence peak the absolute
standard deviation on the basis
δi = standard deviation for the peak area
of the statistical error of the
complete peak and the Ni = net peak area fort he element i
background is calculated. NBG = background area
Procedure Spectrum
6 Fit quality (Chi)
The fit quality is a statistical
parameter, which allows
conclusions about the quality of
the deconvolution. For all
channels the standardized
square sum of the differences
between the measured and the
calculated, deconvoluted
intensities is calculated there.
The value for the fit quality
should preferably be smaller 10.
High values (>10) are an
indication for misidentified or
non-identified elements
respectively for an inaccurate 1 n2
gain correction.
χ =
n2 − n1
i = n1
(y i − y (1))2
7. Software
The program XSpect controls the complete instrument including measurement and
quantification procedure. It allows
• setting of measurement parameters like HV, tube current, measuring time etc
• control of the measuring process and accumulation of spectra
• selection of quantification procedures
• qualitative and quantitative quantification and generation of analysis reports
• preparation of quantification by measurement of pure element standards and
reference samples
• preparation of applications, their normalization and calibration
The program is Windows-based and offers high convenient handling due to graphic
user interface and intuitive handling. It is concentrated to the main function of
analysis according the main target of the instrument for quality control but it offers
also possibility for analysis of unknown sample qualities especially in the version with
a high resolution detector.
7.1 Structure
The software has the following structure
XSpect - is the main directory for all application relevant files and
the INI-file for the program.
In Application - the different applications are saved
Languages - the information for the different languages of the
program are saved
SysSpectra - the different spectra necessary for the measuring
and their quantification are saved
Start Setup.exe. The first question is for the language of the setup-wizard. The type
of installation has to be selected now (picture). The following choices are possible:
After installation the PC is asking for the installation of the video-driver with the
following screen
The viewer has to be installed only for the first installation, any update don’t need the
installation of drivers.
With <Install viewer> the installation runs automatically, after installation the wizard
can closed with <Exit>.
The complete setup procedure of the wizard has to be finished.
After finishing the installation procedure runs to load and actualize the database for
standard samples, applications, measured spectra etc. This can need a few minutes.
In case of a first installation of XSpect the installation wizards opens the programs
SVE_CHECK for setting the instrument configuration with the following screen.
Here the instrument configuration can be defined and saved to the configuration file
with <SAVE>. SVE_CHECK can be closed with the door.
31 / 77 Bruker AXS Microanalysis GmbH
Manual Karatmeter
For the correct program run that the following regional settings have to be used in the
For the installation it is necessary to define the path of the drivers. This will be asked
in the next screen
With “continue installation” the installation can be started and runs automatically.
If the PC is used first time along with an instrument another drivers has to be
installed which is requested in the same way. The second driver is saved in
The PC than gives the information that the new hardware is installed and can be
used. The program is ready to start now.
If the program is started the instrument controller controls the last switch on of the
instrument. If this is longer than allowed for the tube a warm-up procedure starts
automatically i.e. tube voltage and current are enhanced slowly. In dependence of
the time out of the tube this procedure can need in between 10 and 30 min. In this
time the tube voltage reaches not the given value and the display in the status line is
After the first program start it is necessary to prepare the energy calibration of the
program. For that purpose a reference measurement has to be performed. For
reference measurement the instrument has to be warmed up and needs high
temperature stability.
The first reference in the live of the instrument is used as a reference for all later
measurements. The measured spectra are saved and compared with later
measurements. Both energy calibration and intensity are compared.
The procedure of reference measurement is described in the corresponding chapter.
Video=1 Flag = 0: not available; = 1: available
Type=2 Type = 0: PC; = 1: PIN; = 2: SDD
(setting from SVE-CHECK, see
Window_0_AtomicNumber=0 Description of absorption layers of the
Window_0_Thick=100 tube (window
Anode=42 Atomic number of target material
Window=14 Atomic number of window material (SiO2)
NumbHVSettings=3 Number of fixed HV settings
HVValues=25,33,40 Values of these setting in keV
DefaultHV=2 Actual setting
DefaultCurrent=800 Setting for tube current
Collimator0=C,300,300, 0.300 mm o
PTC= 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, Primary total counts for the 1st, 2nd 3rd HV
RefROI=6.000000,28.000000 ROI for determination of PTC
EnergyCalibration=-0.96156,0.019904 Offset and gain for the instrument
Gain=1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000 Corrections of Gain, offset and intensity
Offset=0.000,0.000,0.000 for the actual HVB-setting from Reference
MeasTimeCorrection=1.00,1.00,1.00 measurement
35 / 77 Bruker AXS Microanalysis GmbH
Manual Karatmeter
HighVoltage_Max=50000 Max voltage of the tube
ArchiveDirectory=C:\Bruker_AXS\Karat Directory of the archive file
8. Start of operation
8.1 Installation of the instrument
For setting up and operating the instrument the directives described in section 2.2
and 3 must be observed.
Before switching on the instrument it must be assured by means
of a visual inspection that the spectrometer and the control
computer are properly connected to the mains supply and
interconnected via the data lines
Damage of the instrument upon condensate accumulation.
Upon transport or storage in cold environments, the instrument
must be warmed up at room temperature before switching on.
The start of operation of the instrument requires that the operator is familiar with the
measurement and evaluation software. For a detailed description of the particular
functionalities, please, refer to the following software description.
During the operation of the instrument, error messages can occur resulting from
operating errors or technical problems.
Procedure Figure
1 Sight check of the mains supply and the
data lines of the spectrometer and the
control computer.
Procedure Figure
3 Switching on the control computer
using the provided key (refer to the
operating manual of the control
computer) and starting of the operating
Additional local security checks of the
user or passwords of the operating
system or network are subject to the
responsibility of the user or the
corresponding administrator and will not
be executed or installed by Bruker AXS
Microanalysis GmbH.
Procedure Figure
8 Selection of the application
For an analysis the correct prepared
application has to be selected from the
application list. Than the measurement can
be started with the corresponding button.
During measurement the program moves to
the spectrum display
After finish the measurement the result is
shown automatically.
9. Program XSpect
9.1 User Interface
The program can be started with the corresponding icon from the desktop of
with Start >> Programs >> XSpect. The program starts than with the following
The program requires the switch on of the HV. If the HV is switched on the stability of
the instrument is improved.
The actual high voltage and tube current value are displayed in the Software status
line. The values are colored in red as long as the set value is not reached. If the set
value is reached the values are colored in light blue.
If the tube was not running for a long time the program starts
automatically a warm up procedure and enhanced HV and tube
current slowly. This can require 10 – 30 min in dependence of the
shut off time of the tube.
The program requires for switch on the HV with the icon in the screen and with a red
lightening of the corresponding button on the keypad. The HV has to be switched on
the keypad. If HV is switched on the button on the start screen disappears and the
corresponding buttons on the instrument status line as well as that on the keypad
display this situation.
The HV can be switched on only if the sample chamber door is
Program exit
via the following pull down menu that can be opened with the button.
At first a short measurement against air is required (no sample, no sample stage).
The measurement can be started with .
Than a pure Ag sample is required. If the sample is correctly positioned which can be
controlled by the sample image the measurement can be started.
If both reference measurements are done the message box shows the following
With the button for the PSE a periodical system can be opened and the element
of interest can be selected.
If the sample is correctly positioned the measurement can be started. The program
switches to the spectrum display. Measurement time is 300 s. At the end of the
measurement the selected element is added to the list of measured pure elements.
If the pure element spectrum is already measured with the same conditions it is
possible to load the spectrum in the Tab <Spectrum> (see chapter 9.6).
If the spectrum is loaded it is necessary to go back to the Tab <pure elements>.
Now the pure element has to be selected with help of the periodical system. With a
double click into the display for the element spectra the loaded spectrum will be
defined as the pure element spectrum.
The excitation spectrum is required for the standardless quantification. This spectrum
can be approached by the scatter spectrum that is measured on a light matrix (for
example PMMA). This measurement can be performed also in the screen for pure
For that purpose the corresponding button has to be used. After positioning the
sample the measurement can be started. During the measurement the spectrum can
be observed after finishing the spectrum is saved automatically.
If the scatter spectrum is already measured with the same conditions it is possible to
load the spectrum in the Tab <Spectrum> (see chapter 9.6).
If the spectrum is loaded it is necessary to go back to the Tab <pure elements>.
With a click to the button the loaded spectrum will be saved as scatter
• list of calibration
• sample image
• measurement
conditions of the
selected spectrum
All prepared standards of the database are listed in this table. For given excitation
conditions (HV, tube current) it is displayed if the sample is measured (spc: Y in
green) or not (spc: N in red).
If the sample is not yet measured it can be done immediately if the sample is
positioned in measuring position. The measurement can be started with the button
If the sample was already measured and saved it can be loaded in the Tab
<Spectrum> (see chapter 9.6).
If the spectrum is loaded it is necessary to go back to the Tab
<CalibrationStandardSamples>. Now the Calibration sample has to be highlighted
on the table. With the button <use loaded spectrum> it can be transferred into the
table of calibration samples.
The tool box can be opened with the following button: The following pop menu
will be opened which allows the selection of the type of settings:
Here it is possible to select one type of settings directly – for the tube, the camera
and the measuring time. If one of the settings screen is opened the others are
available by tabs.
Here settings of tube parameters can be set. These parameters can be changed only
for special situations. In all other situations the parameters are displayed but
This Tab allows changes of the measuring time and the selection of the type of time
(Life and real time).
display options
The spectrum display shows the spectrum. The abscissa can be scaled in channels
or in energy if energy calibration is available. A change is possible by a right hand
mouse click into the description of the axis of abscissa.
The buttons on the right hand side have the following functionality:
The spectra table gives information to all displayed spectra in the following table:
Another possibility is the use of the chart control box with the described meanings:
All models need different procedures for their application and especially for their
preparation and calibration.
The special requirements and procedures for these applications are described in the
next chapters.
Quantification with standardless models delivers results with less accuracy than for
standard based models but can be used for every sample composition.
List of
applications for
The first application will be prepared automatically for all available pure element
spectra (measured or calculated) that are in the list of pure elements in case of first
opening this screen or after changing in the available elements.
This method also can be used for qualitative analysis because the fitting procedure
will try to fit every element to the measured spectrum. All elements with an intensity
higher than a given intensity level (deconvolution threshold) will be accepted and
identified. This deconvolution threshold can be set during preparation of an
Definition of the
elements from PSE
(the available
elements are slightly
Definition of excitation
Definition of the
measuring time
Definition of the
The standard based quantification can be selected with the following button:
The following screen will be opened that has the following functions
List of
applications for
Function keys can be used for a fast selection of often used application. Up to four
functions keys (F 5 to F8) are available. The configuration of the function keys can be
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Manual Karatmeter
done after highlighting an application in the list one empty function key by clicked
with the left hand mouse button. This application will be copied to the function key.
The application than can be opened also by the function key. In that case the color of
the function key and of the number of the application is colored in the same way.
An application can be deleted from a function key by using the right hand mouse
button on the function key.
The tool box for application shows the following function buttons that opens a new
Generation of an application
An application has to be prepared. For that purpose the elements
for the calibration, their concentration range and also the
measurement conditions for the application has to be defined.
• Normalization of an application
Ii is necessary to normalize all measured intensities of a
sample to the intensity of an infinite thick and pure element
sample. This reduces the influence of measuring conditions,
geometry etc.
• Calibration of an application
With this function an application can be calibrated i.e. a
procedure for the measurements of standards and the
calculation of calibration coefficients is offered.
Delete an application
Allows delete an application if it is not more used.
Select an application
If an application is highlighted in the list of prepared applications it
can be selected with a double click or with this button. Than the
application data are loaded and the measurement for analysis can
be started.
The screen for the analysis is displayed below. It has the following functions:
Display of the
name of the
These functions are also available via the function key <F4>
The measuring conditions (excitation parameters, measuring time) are defined by the
application itself. But it is possible to reduce the measuring time by a manual stop of
the measurement.
The result of the actual job is displayed in the list of results. Here not only the results
of every measurement are displayed but also their date and time.
If there are more than two measurements also the average value and standard
deviation are displayed.
It is possible to select results of the list that should be used for average calculation
with the check box.
In case of results with a forbidden or critical element on the following message box
In that case the box can be closed and the result can be used but this can be wrong.
In case of printing a comment will be generated with information about the presence
of forbidden or critical elements.
The next measuring job can be opened with the next button if the actual job is
finished. This function is also available by the function key <F2>. If the next order is
started the average result of the last order is saved and can be prepared for print out.
This preparation includes the setting of the customer name, the sample name and if
necessary also of some comments in the corresponding boxes. The results of this
order are saved during the complete next order i.e. till the <Next> button will be used
Setting for the print out of results is possible with the following screen that can be
Selection of printer
and paper format
Settings of margins
for the header
Orientation=0 Settings for the paper
Margin_Left=20 orientation, the margin
NumbLogos=3 Number of logos
ActiveLogo=2 Number of the active logo
;; name, left, top, width, height (starts with 0,1 ..)
Logo_1=Quantum,0,0,160,50 Name of the bmp-file of
Title=Certificate the logo with settings for
WithVideoImage=0 position and size
The logos have to be prepared as bmp-file with the same name as mentioned in the
INI-File and saved into the following path:
All these settings are valid for print out till they will be changed. They are used for
print out automatically if the print out is started with the print button.
button . The result will be displayed in the same way like for an actual measured
This quantification is possible only for the given prepared quantification model i.e. for
the selected elements.
During spectra evaluation the program looks if also other elements (critical, forbidden
elements) can e found in the sample. In that case the standard quantification is not
possible and the program gives a message about the additional elements and their
approx. concentration.
In this case a standardless quantification could be helpful. This quantification can be
A report can be printed for this single measurement. In this case automatically the
comment “FP result” will be implemented into the report.
Selection of
• Name of the
• element type
• elements of the
• excitation
• measuring time
for unknown
and calibration
• lower limit for
display of the
• All these elements for an application can be selected from the PSE. The
sequence is displayed in the status line of the message field.
The sequence of the selection is also the sequence for the application
i.e. the main element should be selected first
Selected elements are colored, the first (main) element light blue all others light
The type of application and the selected elements are displayed in the sequence
of selection in the line above the software status line. This sequence is also used
for the display of the quantification result.
64 / 77 Bruker AXS Microanalysis GmbH
Manual Karatmeter
• In the top line the name of the calibration can be defined. This is possible also in
the next screens
• Measurement time for the unknown sample and for the calibration sample
With the tab <X-Ray data of element> it is possible to define the X-ray line that
should be used and energy ranges for the intensity integration.
As the next step the calibration standards have to be selected. This can be done with
the corresponding Tab <Select standards>.
By using this tab all standards that fulfill the requirement of this application in regards
to selected elements are loaded and displayed:
Display of the
Criteria for
Help display
The standards can be listed according their number, their name or their concentration
of the main element.
The standards are displayed in green color if they are already measured, in red color
if they are not yet measured.
The concentrations are displayed for the main element in the first column, the
concentration of the other elements of the application and of additional elements if
their concentration is higher than the given limit of the first screen
The standards for the application can be selected with a double click on the standard
in the list. Than the line of the standard will be colored (light green) and transferred to
the list of <selected standards> (next tab).
This table displays the selected standards sorted for the concentration of the main
element from low to high concentrations.
If the calibration should be divided into several concentration ranges it is possible to
define the standard that should be used as concentration switch between two
concentration ranges by a double click in this table. This line of this standard will be
displayed in light green (see next picture).
If a sample is selected as a switch a table will be displayed on the right side that
shows the concentration range for the main element and the number of standards for
every concentration range.
After all these steps the application is prepared and can be saved with when a
name for the application is defined in the corresponding field.
measurement conditions or even change them. For that purpose the button
can be used. This button opens the same screen as for the generation of a
In a second screen which is the same as in the generation of the application also the
parameters of the selected elements are displayed. But they cannot be changed.
After editing the application it is possible to save these changes with the same name
of the application.
The corresponding screen can be opened with help of the following button . It is
shown in the following picture and offers the described functions.
Display of the
pure elements
of the selected
Display of the
image of the
Function button
for selecting
the spectrum
from the pool
Exit of the
For the normalization the elements that are required for the selected application are
displayed in the table.
• It is possible to use the pure element spectrum from the pool of already measured
pure element spectra. In that case the color of the letters is changing from blue to
green. If there is no spectrum available for the element or for the measuring
conditions the letters are red.
• Another possibility is to measure the spectrum from this tab. In that case the pure
element sample has to be positioned and than the measurement can be started
with the corresponding button or with <F4>.
The box right down contain information about the requested activities.
If all pure elements and also all reference samples for the application are measured it
is possible to perform the calibration.
Display of the
calibration curve
(analyzed against
List of elements to
List of standard
Selection of the
concentration range
Calibration of the application entails reading all the spectra from the standard
samples listed in the application, calculating the net intensities of the elements
specified in the calibration, and the performing of a regression analysis between the
concentration of the element and the net intensities of the standard spectra for each
Not yet measured standards of the application are coloured in blue, all measured
standard samples are coloured in green. These not yet measured standard samples
can be measured directly from this screen. For that purpose the sample has to be
• highlighted in the list of calibration samples and positioned in the instrument
• measurement can be started with the <Start> button or <F4>
The spectrum of this sample will be saved in the database and is available now for all
other applications with this measurement condition.
If a sample could not be measured it can be deleted from the list with the right hand
mouse button. This sample than will be displayed in bold red and crossed out (see
next figure).
If all samples have been measured, or if the minimum required number of samples
has been measured, calibration can be performed.
This can be done with
• the calculate button for the element that is selected in the list of elements
The result of the calibration is displayed in the calibration curve on the right hand side
and in the list of standards on the left hand side.
The red line in the middle of the diagram shows the expected relation between given
and analysed concentration. The points in the diagram represent the standard
samples for the selected element. Their calculated concentrations are also shown for
each sample in the table. The concentration range is only given for the main element.
If a sample does not fit the calibration i.e. one of the points is far away from the red
line in the diagram this sample can be disabled for calibration by clicking with the
right mouse button on the sample name in the table. The disabled samples will be
shown than in red colour. These samples will not used for a new calculation of the
calibration curve, just as if they had not been measured. The new calculation runs
automatically after deleting the standard.
If too many samples are taken off the calibration by this way, an error message will
appear and the Auto mode button will be disabled. In this case the calibration is not
The sigma value gives a quantification of the quality of the calibration curve. The
smaller this value the better the calibration.
The sample marked in the left hand table will be highlighted in light blue in the
diagram. You can also click on a specific point in the diagram to see which sample it
In the middle the elements of the application are listed. Clicking on one of the
element symbols shows the calibration curve for that element.
To check the calibration, all concentration ranges and all elements should be
checked carefully.
The complete result of the calibration can be displayed with help of the following
button .
By changing the selected element the diagram and the result table also will change
and display the results for the selected element.
With the button it is possible to save the calibration result in the clipboard.
The result of the calibration can be saved with . This saving will be done
automatically in case of leaving the calibration screen with .
With the corresponding button in the list af available functions the following screen
can be opened:
List of standards
contained in the
Concentration of the
highlighted standard
With the button the highlighted standard can be deleted from the database.
With the button the next screen can be opened for setting a new standard. This
screen looks as follows:
List of the
expected elements
for this standard
Typing of
concentrations is
Sum of
After selecting the type of the standard the expected elements are displayed. Here it
is necessary to type the concentratio0ns of every element. This is supported by the
arrow buttons and the display of the sum of all concentrations. If this sum is in the
range of 99.0 to 101.0 % the sum is green, in all other cases the sum is red.
After setting the name of the standard it is possible to save the standard into the
database with the button. This button is available only in case that the
concentration range is in between 99.0 and 101.0 % and the standard has a name.
After saving the database will be actualized immediately which take a few seconds.
The same procedure is running when the screen is left with the button.
Diagram of data
Selection of the
parameter set
Selection of the
number of data
sets to display
This function offers the possibility to display the results of reference measurements
and therefore also to control the condition and stability of the instrument.
All reference data are displayed in the right hand table. The number of data displayed
in the diagram can be selected in the bottom part together with the measuring
conditions (HV).
The diagram displays the distribution of the selected data set and the selected
can be displayed with this function that is opened with the following button .
In the right hand table it is possible to select the data set(s) that should be presented
and in the left hand part these data are displayed.