International Journal of Research ISSN NO:2236-6124

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International Journal of Research ISSN NO:2236-6124



ABSTRACT: This project provides efficient traffic of a huge number of vehicles i.e. when the number of
management solution to overcome the problem that is vehicles increases, the effectiveness by which a road
prevailing in our daily life. Wi-Fi (Short for Wireless transport authority can handle the incoming breaches
Fidelity) is a wireless technology that uses radio of vehicular code decreases. This is where Internet of
frequency to transmit data through the air. Wi-Fi has Things
initial speeds of 1mbps to 2mbps. Wi-Fi transmits (loT) [3] comes into play.
data in the frequency band of 2.4 GHz. It implements Out of the many proposed methodologies
the concept of frequency division multiplexing with wireless sensor networks [4] in traffic
technology. Range of Wi-Fi technology is 40-300 management, the prospects of Internet of Vehicles
feet. The Raspberry Pi is a low cost, credit-card sized (10 V) stand out. This project mainly focuses on
computer that can be used in electronics projects. It is discussing the methodology, advantages and
a capable little device that enables people of all ages hindrances in creating a 10 V. The basic concept of
to explore computing, and to learn how to program in loT in traffic management has been widely accepted
languages like Scratch and Python. It’s capable of and is being put to use in the construction on smart
doing everything you’d expect a desktop computer to cities' infrastructures [5] [8]. The deployment of this
do, from browsing the internet and playing high- concept proposes significant advantages in handling
definition video, to making spreadsheets, word- traffic. The connection of CCTV cameras, traffic
processing, and playing games. In this project USB lights and speed trackers to the internet as well as
camera is connected to the Raspberry pi processor. their interconnectivity enables to take decisions via
Raspberry pi processor stores the images in the Hard pre-embedded algorithms. Some instances are
disk (or SD card). Pressure sensor is attached to the 1. When a traffic signal violation occurs, the
tires of the vehicle, continuously checks the pressure speed cameras immediately take pictures of the driver
in the tire. IR sensor is used to detect the vehicle and the credentials of the vehicles and report them to
presence and calculates the distance of the vehicle a centralized repository.
from our vehicle. If other vehicle is so close to our 2. When a CCTV camera records an
vehicle, then processor turns OFF the motor driver accident, the traffic signals work in a way to clear the
and the vehicle stops. Lock is attached to the vehicle route, for an emergency response vehicle to come
and the vehicle does not move until correct password through.
is entered. The images and the pressure in the tire are While these instances are helpful in
constantly monitored in the Android phone through demonstrating the usefulness of loT in traffic
Wi-Fi module. management, there are some instances where this
I. INTRODUCTION system is trumped such as:
The internet in today's world is a global 1. Monitoring individual vehicles in the
phenomenon. With more and more devices becoming traffic and alerting the vehicles that are 500 meters
internet friendly, traffic management in away from the place of traffic, to be redirected.
transportation working with the internet becomes 2. Keeping pollution check on all the
easier. As vehicle ownership has been increasing at vehicles on road so that the air pollution could be
an exponential rate, more traffic management controlled to certain extent.
problems arise. It is logical that the monitoring of Therefore the objective of this project is to
speed limits, pollution checks and emergency demonstrate how 10 V can be an effective strategy in
response to road accidents should also be taken care dealing with the drawbacks of conventional loT
to make life easier. deployment techniques in traffic management.
The traditional solutions offered to this
problem are periodic pollution checks, monitoring of II. LITERATURE REVIEW
vehicular speed through CCTV cameras and speed The IEEE journal on “Vehicle black box
trackers. While being the obvious choices, these with 24GHz FMCW radar”, [4] proposed by Jung-
strategies do tend to fail when it comes to monitoring Hwan Kim, Sun-Kyu Kim and SangHyuk Lee,is an

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International Journal of Research ISSN NO:2236-6124

automobile Black Box is a digital data recorder used module which is also interfaced with the controller
to record information related to accidents in also sends the location of the vehicle. When the
automobile. It provides critical data for crash message is received by the ambulance, a clear route
investigation as the Black box in an aircraft provides has to be provided to the ambulance. The ambulance
critical data for air crash investigations. Black box has a controller ARM which is interfaced with the
can effectively track the happenings in vehicles RFID tag sends electromagnetic waves. When an
during and after the crash. The data from the Black ambulance reaches the traffic signal the RFID reader
box is accompanied by the inputs given by victims which is placed on the joints detect the
and eye witnesses. Most important requirements for electromagnetic waves of the tag. If the traffic signal
designing evidence collecting automobile Black Box is red, then the readers goes through the database in
and various design approaches are identified in this fraction of seconds and turn the red light green. And
survey. The true cause of accident can be found if the automatically in such condition the RFID on opposite
events that lead to the accident are known. Thus, joints turn the opposite signal red. This provides a
finding out the cause for the accident is necessary clear route to the ambulance. The IEEE journal on
which can be achieved using Black Box. The IEEE “Black Box: An Emergency Rescue Dispatch System
journal on “Accident Alert and Vehicle Tracking for Road Vehicles for Instant Notification of Road
System”, [5]proposed by KiranSawant, Imran Bhole, Accidents and Post Crash Analysis”, [12] proposed
Prashant Kokane, Piraji Doiphode, Prof. Yogesh by Sayem Chaklader, Junaed Alam, Monirul Islam,
Thorat created an accident alert system using GSM Ali Shihab Sabbir describes that to utilize the
and GPS modem and Raspberry Pi. A piezoelectric capability of a GPS receiver to monitor speed of a
sensor first senses the occurrence of an accident and vehicle and detect accident basing on monitored
gives its output to the microcontroller. The GPS speed and send accident location to an Alert Service
detects the latitude and longitudinal position of a Center. The GPS will monitor speed of a vehicle and
vehicle. The latitudes and longitude position of the compare with the previous speed in every second
vehicle is sent as message through the GSM. The through a Microcontroller Unit. The system will then
static IP address of central emergency dispatch server send the accident location acquired from the GPS
is pre-saved in the EEPROM. Whenever an accident along with the time and the speed by utilizing the
has occurred the position is detected and a message GSM network. This will help to reach the rescue
has been sent to the pre-saved static IP address. The service in time and save the valuable human life.
IEEE journal on “Accident Detection and Reporting III. DESIGN OF HARDWARE
System using GPS, GPRS and GSM Technology ”, This chapter briefly explains about the
[6] proposed by Md. Syedul Amin, Jubayer Jalil, M. hardware implementation of internet of vehicles (10
B. I. Reaz explains about Glass Box. It focuses on v) for traffic management. It discusses the circuit
building an infrastructure which vehicle safety diagram of each module in detail. For implementing
authorities can implement to enhance the reporting of the health diagnosis system, there is a need of
vehicle crashes, provide post-crash analysis using essential components that are suitable and manipulate
motion sensors, record of the event in images and health problems. The components use generally
reduce the time it takes for emergency rescue to includes temperature sensor LM-35, blood pressure
arrive at the crash location. We have achieved this sensor, heartbeat sensor, ECG sensor, raspberry pi
using existing cellular network infrastructure already and GSM module.
in place and also using GPS to pinpoint the exact 3.1. PRESSURE SENSOR
location of the crash and send that data to an
A pressure sensor is a device for pressure
emergency rescue authority (such as Hospital, Fire
measurement of gases or liquids. Pressure is an
Department, Police) using GSM text service. The
expression of the force required to stop a fluid from
IEEE journal on “Accident Detection and Ambulance
expanding, and is usually stated in terms of force per
Control using Intelligent Traffic Control System”, [7]
unit area. A pressure sensor usually acts as
Mrs. Manasi Patil, Aanchal Rawat, Prateek Singh,
a transducer; it generates a signal as a function of the
Srishtie Dixit, described a better traffic management
pressure imposed. For the purposes of this article,
system using Raspberry pi and RFID technology. The
such a signal is electrical. Pressure sensors are used
vehicle has a raspberry pi controller fixed in it which
for control and monitoring in thousands of everyday
is interfaced with sensors like gas sensor, temperature
applications. Pressure sensors can also be used to
sensor and shock sensor. These sensors are fixed at a
indirectly measure other variables such as fluid/gas
predetermined value before accident. When an
flow, speed, water level, and altitude. Pressure
accident occurs the value of one of the sensor
sensors can alternatively be called pressure
changes and a message to a predefined number (of
transducers, pressure transmitters, pressure
the ambulance) is sent through GSM. The GPS

Volume 7, Issue XII, December/2018. Page No:1094

International Journal of Research ISSN NO:2236-6124

senders, pressure
indicators, piezometers and manometers, among
other names.

Figure 2 Example of basic circuit for signal output

In the circuit when radiation strikes the
resistor Rd then its resistance changes consequently
changing the voltage output Vo. D*: It is the
photosensitivity per unit active area of the detector.
Therefore, higher D* means better performance.
Noise Equivalent Point(NEP): Noise is caused by the
background radiation and it affects the signal output.
NEP is the amount of incident radiation when the
signal to noise ratio is 1.

3.3. Raspberry Pi
It is a powerful, low cost, and a small card
sized device which is a perfect platform for
interfacing with many devices. The board contains a
processor, graphics chip, RAM memory, interfaces to
other devices and connectors for external devices, of
which some are necessary and some are optional.
There are much versions of Raspberry Pi but the CPU
(BCM2835) of all the models of Raspberry Pi
remains same. The CPU is somewhat cheap,
powerful and efficient and it does not consume a lot
Fig 1 internal block diagram of pressure sensor
of power. It works in the same way as a standard PC
requiring a keyboard for giving commands, a display
unit and power supply.
Infrared radiation is an electromagnetic
Here, in Raspberry Pi, SD card is used in the
wave with wavelength of 700nm to 1 mm. It is
same way as the hard disc in the computer. The
emitted by objects with temperature above 0 kelvin.
connectivity of raspberry pi to the internet may be via
Furthermore intensity and wavelength of infrared
a LAN (Local Area Network) cable / Ethernet or via
radiation depends on the temperature of the object.
a USB modem. The main advantage of Raspberry Pi
The infrared sensors are the sensors that
is that it has a large number of applications. It also
detect/measure infrared radiation or change in the
has 4 pole stereo output and composite video port.
radiation from outer source source or inbuilt
Video processing applications are also possible using
source.Also sensors that uses the property of infrared
raspberry pi like video compression.
radiations to detect the changes in surrounding are
Compressed video can successfully decrease
termed as infrared sensors.
the bandwidth required to transmit the video through
A simple circuit for obtaining output
terrestrial broadcast, cable TV, or satellite TV
voltage(signal) consists of a current source,
services [19]. The Raspberry-Pi runs on Linux based
photodetector(dark resistance), a resistor and a
OS, an open source operating system. In this system
voltage output.
we used Raspbian OS which is Linux based OS. The
programming language for the Raspberry-Pi for the
system implementation is Python.

3.3.1 Hardware

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International Journal of Research ISSN NO:2236-6124

The Raspberry Pi hardware has evolved through

several versions that feature variations in memory
capacity and peripheral-device support.

Fig 5 The Model B boards incorporate four USB

ports for connecting peripherals.
Fig 4 Raspberrypi block function
This block diagram depicts Models A, B, The power supplies are designed to convert
A+, and B+. Model A, A+, and the Pi Zero lack the high voltage AC mains electricity to a suitable low
Ethernet and USB hub components. The Ethernet voltage supply for electronic circuits and other devices. A
adapter is internally connected to an additional USB power supply can by broken down into a series of blocks,
port. In Model A, A+, and the Pi Zero, the USB port each of which performs a particular function. A d.c
is connected directly to the system on a chip (SoC). power supply which maintains the output voltage
On the Pi 1 Model B+ and later models the constant irrespective of a.c mains fluctuations or load
USB/Ethernet chip contains a five-point USB hub, of variations is known as “Regulated D.C Power Supply”.
which four ports are available, while the Pi 1 Model
B only provides two. On the Pi Zero, the USB port is
also connected directly to the SoC, but it uses a micro
USB (OTG) port. Processor
The Raspberry Pi 2 uses a 32-bit 900 MHz
quad-core ARM Cortex-A7 processor. The
Broadcom BCM2835 SoC used in the first generation
Raspberry Pi is somewhat equivalent to the chip used
in first modern generation smartphones
(its CPU is an older ARMv6
architecture),[22] which includes a 700 MHz
ARM1176JZF-S processor, VideoCore IV graphics
processing unit (GPU),[23] and RAM. It has a level 1 Fig:6. Block Diagram of Power Supply
(L1) cache of 16 KB and a level 2 (L2) cache of 128
KB. The level 2 cache is used primarily by the GPU. IV. PROJECT DESCRIPTION
The SoC is stacked underneath the RAM chip, so This chapter deals with working and circuits
only its edge is visible. of “internet of vehicles (10 v) for traffic
The earlier models of Raspberry Pi 2 use a Broadcom management”. It can be simply understood by its
BCM2836 SoC with a 900 MHz 32-bit quad-core block diagram &circuit diagram.
ARM Cortex-A7 processor, with 256 KB shared L2 4.1. BLOCK DIAGRAM:
cache.[24] The Raspberry Pi 2 V1.2 was upgraded to
a Broadcom BCM2837 SoC with a 1.2 GHz 64-bit
quad-core ARM Cortex-A53 processor,[25] the same
SoC which is used on the Raspberry Pi 3. The
Raspberry Pi 3 uses a Broadcom BCM2837 SoC with
a 1.2 GHz 64-bit quad-core ARM Cortex-A53
processor, with 512 KB shared L2 cache.[26]

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International Journal of Research ISSN NO:2236-6124

Figure 8: Vehicle to its Owner Communication

The active updates mentioned may involve
a. security alert about the vehicle,
b. damage alert about the vehicle
c. the attributes like proximity, tyre pressure
Fig 7 block diagram and vehicle lock
4.2. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS: The sensors and the onboard processors in the vehicle
 Flash Magic are shown in Figure 1.
4.3. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS: 4.4.2. Communication between vehicles
 Power supply
 PI
 IR sensor
 Alcohol sensor
 APR9600
 Speaker
For the prospects of Internet of Vehicles
(loV) to be a reality, the vehicles need to be able to
work and communicate seamlessly. Communications
in this proposal are as follows:
4.4.1. Communication between vehicles and the
Vehicle Owners
Few attributes of the vehicle like the vehicle
speed and fuel level are directly reported to the users
in the vehicles, only when the vehicle is in use.
However, to enable the user to receive active updates
even when the vehicle is not being used and when the
user is away from the vehicle, an onboard processor
is useful.
Figure 9: Vehicle to Vehicle Communication

Communication between vehicles involves

the sharing of these data:
1. Proximity between the vehicles

Volume 7, Issue XII, December/2018. Page No:1097

International Journal of Research ISSN NO:2236-6124

2. Monitoring of the immediate standardized to have effective results. The metrics of

surroundings of vehicle through onboard the automobile that need to be monitored are:
cameras. • Tyre pressure
3. Speed of vehicles within a particular • Fuel level
radius of the vehicle under consideration. • Speed! velocity reading
4. Tyre burst related accidental information • Exhaust gases' contents
When a vehicle is on the road or even when • Vehicle lock
a vehicle is parked, its proximity to other vehicles in Sensors are fixed at their respective
its immediate vicinity can prove to be crucial in positions to continuously monitor the data being
avoiding accidents and damage to the vehicle. Being generated. All these localized sensors are to be set
able to know the speed of the vehicles surrounding a with threshold values. When breached, all the data
particular vehicle can help in issuing a warning to the regarding the breach are to be sent to a processing
nearby vehicles on the road about a fast approaching and communications device on-board [7].
vehicle. Thus the vehicle which receives the warning The processor will basically be a mini
message will alert the driver regarding the problem computer on board, powerful enough to handle the
next to him. processing of the incoming data and the
4.4.3. Communication between vehicles and a communication modules implemented on board. Use
centralized server of a raspberry pi processor [8] on board has been
The data monitored from the vehicle is tested and proven to be successful and can be
relayed to the nearest communications node via an extended to vehicle management as well. It offers
onboard computer. The node in-turn communicates some significant advantages in terms of power
the data via a satellite to the communications node of consumption and speed ofprocessing and it is used as
the server which monitors breaches. The server stores a communications device [9].
the data in the database and analyzes the data for the V.HARDWARE RESULTS:
breach. It then provides a suitable solution to the
vehicle through the same channel from which it
received the messages which is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 10: Vehicles to Centralized Server

To monitor the metrics of the vehicles, a
number of sensors are deployed on each vehicle. 10
V make these sensors work in unison to be able to
derive reasonable inferences from the data generated.
It is not uncommon for automobiles to have sensors
in-built [6]. However, with the vast amount of data
that needs to be analyzed, sensors are to be

Volume 7, Issue XII, December/2018. Page No:1098

International Journal of Research ISSN NO:2236-6124

[1] Xu Jinyongl,Zhang Zengxiang,Wang
Changyou,Zhao Xiaoli,Liu Bing,Yi Ling Land
Resource Research Library, China Academy of
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[2] Nima Bari, Ganapathy Mani, Simon Berkovich,
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Fourth International Conference on Computing for
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[3] Juhi R Srivastava, Sudarshan, T.S.B, "Intelligent
Traffic Management with Wireless Sensor networks",
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[4] Marta Pla-Castells, Member, IEEE, Juan Jose
Martinez- Dura, J. Javier Samper-Zapater and Ram6n
V. Cirilo-Gimeno, "Use ofICT in Smart Cities. A
practical case applied to traffic management in the
city of Valencia", Smart Cities Symposium Prague,
[5] Xu Zun, Liu Lily, "Application of Temperature
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[7] W.Gan,L. Y.Duan, J.Sun, J.Yuan,Y.Wen, Y.P.
Tan, J.Cai, A.C. Kot, "Mobile Media communication,
processing and analysis: A review of recent
advances, IEEE, 1985
[8] Syed Misbahuddin, Junaid Ahmed
Zubairi,AbdulrahmanSaggaf, Jihad Basuni, Sulaiman
A-Wadany, Ahmed al-sofi, "loT Based Dynamic
Road Traffic Management for Smart Cities" 12th
International Conference on HONET, 2015.
[10] H.Ho, K.Wako; T.Murase;K.Sasajima,"Crash
warning for intersection and head-on collision in
vehicle-vehicle communication", International
Conference on Connected Vehicles and Expo
(lCCVE), 2015.

This project identified the potential
advantages posed by the concept of Internet of
Vehicles (loY) over the tradition Internet of Things
(loT) in traffic management. This research is
intended to suggest a much efficient way of traffic
management and in making road travel better for
everybody. This study can also be used in bringing
up better architecturesand strategies for road traffic
management and to make an impact on the
effectiveness of monitoring and emergency response
to traffic incidents.

Volume 7, Issue XII, December/2018. Page No:1099

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