What'S New In: Compositional & Unconventional Reservoir Simulator

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Nine-Point Discretization Option
Nine-point discretization option is now available in GEM. It allows computation of convective flows in
diagonal directions to reduce the impact of grid orientation effects. The classic method of Yanosik and
McCracken (1979) as modified by Shiralkar (1990), and Shiralkar and Stephenson (1991), is implemented.
The option is activated by keyword *NINEPOINT (*IJ | *IK |*OFF). It comes with certain known restrictions –
dual porosity, radial, refined grid, and dynamic grid models are not supported.
See template data sets gmsmo080 through gmsmo084.
Empirical Foam Modeling Option (Beta Feature)
An empirical foam option is now available in GEM. It allows interpolation between relative permeability sets
based on foam characteristics like mobility reduction factor, capillary number effects, foam dry out etc.
In GEM at least one surfactant component needs to be defined (via *COMPNAME-SURFACTANT) from
amongst the aqueous components. The surfactant component concentration is the primary interpolant
that gets modified by mobility reduction factor and other inputs.
This option is being released as a Beta feature – no Builder support is available at this time. See template
data sets gmsmo085 and gmsmo086.
Simultaneous Use of Hysteresis and IFT in Miscible Models
Simultaneous use of hysteresis and interfacial tension in miscible flood models is now activated by
specifying keyword *SIGMA and keywords *HYSRG or *HYSKRO. The maximum residual gas saturation
for the miscible curve can be specified by keyword *HYSKRGM, whereas maximum possible imbibition
residual oil saturation for the miscible curve can be specified by keyword *HYSKROM. In absence
of*HYSKRGM, and *HYSKROM; *HYSKRG, and *HYSKRO values for the immiscible cure are used for
the miscible curves as well.
See template data set gmsmo087.
Smoothening of End Point Relative Permeabilities
Smoothening of end-point relative permeability values between connate and critical saturations is now
optionally available through a number of options both for SWT and SGT/SLT tables. These options are
provided through new keywords that follow *SWT and *SGT/*SLT keywords, i.e.,
Prior to this only *LINEAR interpolation was available for Krw and Krow and only *QUADGEM option was
available for Krg and Krog. Now *QUADGEM is default method for all the four relative permeabilities. It
prevents unexpected water saturation development in certain datasets where relative permeabilities
suddenly jump from zero to non-zero values. If desired, older behavior for Krw and krow can be obtained
See template data sets gmsmo078, and gmsmo079.
Change in Behavior of 3-Ppoint Relative Permeability Scaling
The 3-point relative permeability scaling behavior is made consistent with IMEX and STARS. Presence of
individual scaling keywords like *KRWRO invokes 3-point scaling only for Krw etc. *3PTSCALING keyword
however invokes 3-point scaling for all the four relative permeability curves.

What’s New in GEM 2015 1

Enhancements in the *DEPTH_AVE Initialization Option
The *SWINIT keyword has been made compatible with the *DEPTH_AVE initialization option, previously it
was only available for the *BLOCK_CENTER option. The *DEPTH_AVE implementation does not scale
the oil water capillary pressure to maintain equilibrium; it adds the appropriate amount of capillary
pressure to the block to maintain equilibrium.
This is akin to the simulator determining the correct entry capillary pressure for each block based on the
desired block saturation (*SWINIT).
This has the benefit of allowing the option to function even if Pcow = 0.0 and usually results in capillary
pressures which are less altered than by scaling (*BLOCK_CENTER).
The global mole fraction in *DEPTH_AVE initialization can now be entered via any of the *ZDEPTH,
*ZGLOBAL or *ZGLOBALC in addition to existing input options *ZOIL and *ZGAS. This provides
considerable flexibility in composition specification for the *DEPTH_AVE initialization option. Earlier
*ZDEPTH option was only available for the *VERTICAL *COMP initialization.
See templates gmsmo074 through gmsmo077 for these enhancements.
Flux Sector Calculations and Output
Flux sector calculation and output reporting has been implemented in GEM. The purpose of flux sectors
defined by *FLUX_SECTORNAMES and *FLUX_ISECTOR is to report net fluid flux (a) into each
reservoir region and (b) between adjacent regions. Each flux sector is identified in reports by its name as
well as its number. For computational purposes a flux boundary consists of a list of inter-block
connections, where the two blocks of each connection are members of the two flux sectors. Each
reported quantity is summed over all the individual inter-block connections that make up that boundary.
Each flux boundary’s report will appear as one column in the text output.
See sample data file gmsmo088 for keyword usage and evaluation of flux sector output in output file and
in SR2.
Avoiding IFT Discontinuity during Phase Disappearance in Miscible Floods
A method is implemented to ensure smooth transition of interfacial tension (IFT) in IFT based relative
permeability modification in miscible processes. A threshold value of interfacial tension is entered below
which the two phases are considered to be miscible. The hydrocarbon phase compositions and phase
densities are recorded when this occurs. These are later used to compute pseudo IFT when one of the
phases vanishes. If the IFT thus calculated is above threshold the fluid is considered immiscible for relative
permeability determination. On the other hand if the IFT is found to be below threshold, the fluid is
considered miscible and the miscible relative permeabilities are used. The grid blocks are continuously
tracked through a tracking array.
See sample data file gsmsmo089 for usage of the above method during two-phase miscible to single
phase transition.
Parallelization – Cutting Plane Direction Override
For models using *PPATTERN *AUTOPSLAB, a cut-plane direction override has been added via
command-line option ‘-pslabdir i | j | k’ which will force the cutting plane to be is the specified direction.
This is useful for models where automatic determination of cutting plane via transmissibility in the
perpendicular direction is not optimal. The cut-plane direction is printed to the output file along with the
end-time run statistics.
Speedup of Models with Multiple Well Recompletions
Pre-scanning of well/perforations is implemented to reduce time in calculation of linear solver pointers
especially in case of models with a large number of re-completions during the recurrent period. The
option is invoked by command-line switch '-perfscan'. No additional keyword is required in the data file.

What’s New in GEM 2015 2

SORM Input Checking
The fatal error message is changed to a one-time warning for blocks where trapped oil saturation
exceeds initial oil saturation. The trapped oil saturation is set equal to initial oil saturation for such blocks.
Also checking of gas filled blocks is skipped and trapped oil saturation is set equal to zero in these blocks.
Checking Applicability of 9-point and Flash Method Inner
The data file is checked and user is cautioned against using the above features with unsupported options.

EOS Region Map
For models with multiple EOS regions, the EOS region map is now available for visualization in RESULTS
at time 0. No keyword is required for this output.
Polymer Option Control Parameters
Polymer option control parameters are now written to the output file at the start of the run. Echo of input
data in a user friendly format is available via *OUTPRN *RES *ALL.
Output of Relative Permeability Interpolant
For models using relative permeability interpolation feature, output of the interpolant value to RESULTS
via keyword *OUTSRF *GRID *KRINTER is added. It is also available to be output to out file via
*OUTPRN *GRID *KRINTER and to the special history via *OUTSRF *SPECIAL *KRINTER ‘block_id’ for
a specified grid block.
Separator Output
Functionality to optionally output separator stage liquid and vapor mole fractions for producers is added to
the out file.
See modified template data set gmwwm026 that outputs separator stage liquid and vapor mole fractions
for the production wells.
Status of Wells in Special History
Well-status for the field is made available as a special history with keyword *OUTSRF *SPECIAL *WELL-
STATUS in the I/O section. It outputs total number of wells on production, wells on water injection, wells
on gas injection, and shutin wells. See modified template data set gmpar003 that uses this new keyword.
Geochemistry Output
Output of activity and activity coefficient for aqueous components and log10 (saturation index) for mineral
components is added for GHG models. See modified template data file gmghg006 that uses new
keywords to output these items.

Hydraulic Fracture Data Input Simplification
A number of changes in grid-input are introduced to simplify input of hydraulic fracture data, through use
of *BLOCKGROUP, *PLNRFRAC_TEMPLATE, *PLANRFRAC, and other new keywords. See changes to
the Reservoir Description chapter of the manual and new template data sets gmfrr008, and gmfrr009. A
separate document is also available on hydraulic fracture keyword simplification in the ‘docs’ directory of
the simulator installation area.

What’s New in GEM 2015 3

Parallel Processing of Geomechanics Matrix Building and Residual Calculations
The geomechanics Jacobian matrix building and residual computation part of the code is now
parallelized. It offers significant reduction in geomechanical calculation time in a parallel GEM runs. No
additional keyword is required for taking advantage of parallel geomechanics processing, i.e., a GEM
model with coupled geomechanics will perform matrix building and residual calculation for geomechanics
in parallel, when usual parallel processing keywords are invoked.
Permeability Coupling
A new keyword *NOCOUPERM is added that allows all deformation-dependent permeability data to be
ignored in a coupled flow and geomechanics model. It disables permeability coupling globally without the
need to remove all the deformation-dependent permeability keyword data. This is useful when evaluating
the effect of permeability variations when such data has been specified for a number of rock types. To
disable permeability coupling only for selected rock types, the corresponding data must be removed for
those rock types.
See modified template data set gmgmc006 that uses this keyword.


General Form of *PERF Keyword Reading
The *PERF keyword reading has been generalized to allow layer-wise input of all the parameters involved
in Well Index calculations. The new layer table structure is very flexible and backward compatible.
See template data sets gmwwm112, and gmwwm113.
User Specified Limits on Well Indices
Auto well index thresholding is implemented to take action on out of range WIs. If WI exceeds the value
specified by second value of the range, it is set to the value of the second range. For any WI less than
first range it is either set to first range or set to zero depending on the qualifying sub keyword. For mean
and median options, the range checking is done after multiplying the specified values to mean or median
of layer well indices.
The range regulation is available on a well-wise basis and can be turned off in Well and Recurrent Data
section when necessary, via new keyword *WIRANGE.
See template data set gmwwm114.
Custom Output of WI and WI Statistics
A new keyword *WELPRN is now available for customized output of well indices and well index statistics
for all or selected number of wells that can be turned on or off as desired. The statistics may be used as a
guide for selecting parameters for *WIRANGE.
See template data set gmwwm114.
WHP Stability
A new WHP stability monitor constraint (*RATSTAB) has been introduced. This monitor is active in a
region where the BHP vs. rate has a negative slope for producers or positive slope for injectors while
WHP is held constant.
See template data set gmwwm112.
BHO, BHG and BHL Constraints for Producers
Bottomhole Oil (BHO), Bottomhole Gas (BHG) and Bottomhole Liquid (BHL) constraints are made
available for production wells.

What’s New in GEM 2015 4

Hydraulic Radius for Wellbore Friction Calculations
A new sub-keyword *HYRADIUS of *HEAD-METHOD is added to introduce the hydraulic radius for the
gravity-friction head calculations. The frictional part in the head calculations now uses the hydraulic radius
which will override the default well radius from either *GEOMETRY or *PERF *RW.
See template data set gmwwm115.
Enhanced Hydraulic Tables for Wellhead Temperature Calculation
Keyword *PUTBE1 has been enhanced to read and process columns related to wellhead temperature.
This along with new keyword *TWELLBORE allows computation of well head temperature for isothermal
as well as non-isothermal models using hydraulic tables. See template data set gmwwm116.
Template Dataset Changes
The following Table lists new or significantly modified template files.
GMSMO072 Template to illustrate 3 point vertical (rel perm) scaling

GMSMO073 Template to illustrate 3 point vertical (rel perm) scaling – consistency checks.

GMSMO074 Composition input options in DEPTH_AVE initialization; use of *ZOIL

GMSMO075 Composition input options in DEPTH_AVE initialization; use of *ZDEPTH
GMSMO076 Composition input options in DEPTH_AVE initialization; use of *ZGLOBALC
GMSMO077 Specifying initial saturation with *SWINIT in DEPTH_AVE initialization.
GMSMO078 Use of Relative Permeability End Point Smoothing.
GMSMO079 Linear Smoothing of Relative Permeability End Points.
GMSMO080 Grid Orientation Effect in Miscible Displacement – Parallel Grids, 5 point.
GMSMO081 Grid Orientation Effect in Miscible Displacement – Diagonal Grids, 5 point.
GMSMO082 Grid Orientation Effect in Miscible Displacement – Parallel Grids, 9 point.
GMSMO083 Grid Orientation Effect in Miscible Displacement – Diagonal Grids, 9 point.
GMSMO084 Grid Orientation Effect in Miscible Displacement – Use of keywords *TRANSIJ-
and *TRANSINJ+ in 9-point discretization.
GMSMO085 Empirical Foam Model – Keywords Usage.
GMSMO086 Companion data set to GMSMO085 with Foam effects switched-off.
GMSMO087 Simultaneous Use of IFT dependent Relative Permeabilities and Hysteresis.
GMSMO088 Flux Sector Output – Keyword Usage
GMSMO089 Handling of two-phase miscible to single-phase transition for relative permeability
calculations with IFT dependence.
GMPLM001 Polymer slug injection in a light oil reservoir
GMPLM002 Water injection in a light oil reservoir. A companion dataset to gmplm001 for
GMGHG006 Output of activity, activity coefficient for aqueous components and log10(saturation
index) of mineral components.
GMGMC006 Use of keyword *NOCOUPERM
GMFRR008 Use of *BLOCKGROUP for Hydraulic Fracture Input simplification.
GMFRR009 Use of *PLNRFRAC_TEMPLATE and PLNRFRAC for Hydraulic Fracture Input

What’s New in GEM 2015 5

GMWWM026 Demonstrate use of keyword *WELSEP-ICPRT to output separator liquid and
vapor stream compositions.
GMWWM112 Wellbore Instability Monitoring via *WHYSTAB and *RATSTAB.
GMWWM113 Demonstrate Use of the General Form of Perforation Input.
GMWWM114 Demonstrate Use of *WIRANGE and *WELPRN for Auto-Thresholding of Well
GMWWM115 Frictional Head Calculations with Hydraulic Radius.
GMWWM116 Use of enhanced hydraulic tables for well head temperature calculation.


Fixed a bug related to a condition where ADSMAX specified is same as the value entered in adsorption
Fixed incorrect handling of residual adsorption level (*ADRT) handling in certain cases
Fixed dimensioning parameters for relative permeability graphics printed to the out file.
Fixed output format for grid-block number in *OUTSRF *RES *ALL.
Fixed parallel JACPR runs with keywords specified in the data file.
Data Incompatibilities with Previous Versions of GEM
The previous secondary keyword *KRPERF (had to immediately follow *PERF/*PERFV keyword) has
now become a primary keyword for which an optional well list can be specified. This allows for easy
redefinition of the relative permeability set numbers and/or end points without having to re-define the
entire well completions.
Restarts generated from previous versions are not compatible with this version of the code due to
additional reading/writing of data.

What’s New in GEM 2015 6

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