Active and Intelligent Packaging in Meat Industry

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Trends in Food Science & Technology 61 (2017) 60e71

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Active and intelligent packaging in meat industry

Zhongxiang Fang a, *, Yanyun Zhao b, Robyn D. Warner a, Stuart K. Johnson c
Faculty of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, VIC, 3010, Australia
Department of Food Science and Technology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, 97331, USA
School of Public Health, Curtin Health Innovation Research Institute, Curtin University, Perth, WA, 6845, Australia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Background: Microbial contamination and lipid and protein oxidation are major concerns for meat and
Received 12 September 2016 meat products in terms of food safety and quality deterioration. The meat quality and safety properties
Received in revised form are highly dependent on packaging materials and technologies.
6 December 2016
Scope and approach: To achieve longer shelf life, active packaging and intelligent packaging have been
Accepted 3 January 2017
Available online 12 January 2017
developed to change the conditions of the package, impart information, monitor the product supply
chain, and provide anti-counterfeit functionality. This will effectively enhance food safety and quality and
consequently increase the product value, convenience, and consumer satisfactions. This review analyzes
Meat industry
the recent developments in active and intelligent packaging in the meat industry, in both research and
Packaging commercial domains. The global patents and future research trends are also discussed.
Active packaging Key findings and conclusions: Active and intelligent packaging offer great opportunities for enhancing
Intelligent packaging meat safety, quality, and convenience, and consequently decrease the number of retailer and consumer
Patent complaints. Some important factors such as legislation concerns (e.g. migration of active substances from
packaging materials, labelling), economics and consumers' preferences should be considered to suc-
cessfully implement antimicrobial and intelligent packaging solutions in the meat industry.
© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction nanomaterial packaging, as described in some very comprehensive

reviews (Arvanitoyannis & Stratakos, 2012; Ghaani, Cozzolino,
There is a growing demand by consumers for meat and meat Castelli, & Farris, 2016; Kapetanakou & Skandamis, 2016; Kerry
products perceived as tender, nutritious, healthy and safe (Grunert et al., 2006; Lee, Lee, Choi, & Hur, 2015; Maisanaba et al., 2016;
& Valli, 2001). Meat quality and safety properties are highly Realini & Marcos, 2014; Sun & Holley, 2012). These technologies
dependent on the applied packaging materials and technologies. and materials have the potential to ensure food quality and safety,
The fundamental reasons for packaging fresh and processed meat prolong shelf life, reduce environmental impact and increase the
products are to prevent contamination, delay spoilage, permit some attractiveness of the packaged product to retailers and consumers.
enzymatic activity to improve tenderness, reduce weight loss, and However, only a limited number of these technologies are relevant
retain colour and aroma (Brody, 1997; Mondry, 1996). Based on this, to meat and meat products and there are only limited reviews in
current meat packaging practices range from overwrap packaging this application area (Arvanitoyannis & Stratakos, 2012; Coma,
for short-term chilled storage and/or retail display, to vacuum 2008; Kerry et al., 2006; Quintavalla & Vicini, 2002; Realini &
packaging, bulk-gas flushing or modified atmosphere packaging Marcos, 2014; Sun & Holley, 2012). The Australian red meat in-
(MAP) systems for long-term chilled storage, each with different dustry is the world's largest exporter of beef (20% of total world
attributes and applications (Kerry, O'Grady, & Hogan, 2006; exports) and sheep meats (36% of total world exports) (FAOSTAT,
McMillin, 2008). 2013). Red meat production is also the No. 2 economic contrib-
Recently, a series of new packaging technologies and materials utor to Australian farm and fisheries food production industry after
have been developed including active packaging, intelligent pack- grains, with a value about 13.3 billion Australian dollars in the
aging, edible coatings/films, biodegradable packaging, and 2012e2013 financial year (DAFF, 2014). Therefore, research and
application of appropriate packaging technology is critical to the
meat industry. This review examines the active and intelligent
* Corresponding author. packaging systems currently being used for meat and meat
E-mail address: [email protected] (Z. Fang).
0924-2244/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Z. Fang et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 61 (2017) 60e71 61

products, and assessed new and emerging technologies that may diffusion. This matrix can be a plastic film or any food safe materials
have potential for commercial use in the future. The internationally such as wax or polysaccharides incorporating antimicrobials and
registered patents in the last 15 years are also discussed. directly coated on the food. 4) Use of polymers that are inherently
antimicrobial. Two examples of these polymers used in food
2. Active packaging in the meat industry packaging and coatings are chitosan and poly-L-lysine. The charged
amines of the polymers interact with negative charges on the
Active packaging is an innovative packaging system/technology microorganism cell membrane which cause leakage of intracellular
that allows the product and its environment to interact to extend constituents and then cell death (Goldberg, Doyle, & Rosenberg,
the product shelf life and/or to ensure its microbial safety, while 1990). Calcium alginate films have also been reported to reduce
maintaining the quality of the packed food (Ahvenainen, 2003). In the growth of the natural flora and coliform inocula on beef, and the
the United States, the term “active packaging” generally describes antimicrobial mechanism is probably due to the ionic and toxic
any packaging system that protects food from contamination or effects of calcium chloride on bacterial cells (Williams, Oblinger, &
degradation by creating a barrier to outside conditions while West, 1978).
interacting with the internal environment to control the atmo- A large number of antimicrobial agents, including ethanol, car-
sphere within the package (Ettinger, 2002). Based on the European bon dioxide, silver ions, chlorine dioxide, antibiotics, bacteriocins,
Union Guidance to the Commission Regulation (EUGCR) No 450/ organic acids, essential oils, and spices have been tested for the
2009 (EU, 2009), active packaging is a type of food packaging with purpose of inhibiting the growth of microorganisms in foods
an extra function, in addition to that of providing a protective (Suppakul, Miltz, Sonneveld, & Bigger, 2003; Zhao, Lian, & Yue,
barrier against external influence. The packaging absorbs food- 2013). Among these antimicrobial active packaging studies, plant
derived chemicals from the food or the environment within the extracts (e.g. rosemary extract), peptides, and nisin have been used
packaging surrounding the food; or it releases substances into the as antimicrobial agents (Arvanitoyannis & Stratakos, 2012). For
food or the environment surrounding the food such as pre- example, nisin antimicrobial packaging has been used to retard the
servatives, antioxidants, and flavorings (EU, 2009). growth of the total viable bacteria and lactic acid bacteria of beef
The most important active packaging systems applied to meat burger stored at 4  C and prolong its shelf life (Ferrocinoa et al.,
and meat products are antimicrobial, antioxidant, and carbon di- 2016). Recently, packaging with nanoscale silver coating has been
oxide emitting/generating packaging. applied to fresh pork sirloin and the proliferation of the meat
microbiota (mostly consisting of bacteria) is inhibited or retarded
2.1. Antimicrobial active packaging (Kuulialaa et al., 2015). In addition, essential oils have attracted
great attention as natural antimicrobial agents for meat and meat
Antimicrobial packaging is one of the most important concepts products. The phenolic compounds in essential oils, such as
in active packaging of meat. This is because meat provides excellent carvacrol, eugenol and thymol, are considered to be responsible for
nutrients for the potential growth of microorganisms, therefore the observed antimicrobial activity (Jayasena & Jo, 2013). The
careful attention needs to be given to minimizing bacterial prolif- proposed mode of action is that these compounds increase the
eration in order to deliver safe, wholesome meat to the consumer. permeability of microorganism cell membranes leading to the loss
Spoilage microorganisms including bacteria, yeast and molds, and of microbial cellular constituents. Several companies have now
pathogenic micrograms, specifically Salmonella spp., Staphylococcus commercialized various antimicrobial packaging that can be
aureus, Listeria monocytogenes, Clostridium perfringens, Clostridium applied to meat and meat products (Table 1), and the major pur-
botulinum, and Escherichia coli O157:H7 are of major concern as pose is to enhance the food safety and extend shelf life.
they lead to quality deterioration and food safety issues in meat For the effective application of antimicrobial active packaging to
(Jayasena & Jo, 2013). The aims of using antimicrobial active meat and meat products, the selection of an effective delivery
packaging are to extend shelf life and to ensure food safety of meat method and antimicrobial substance and minimal impact on the
and meat products. visual and sensory properties of the packaged product to the con-
There are four basic categories of antimicrobial packaging sumer, are the key points that should be considered. For example,
(Apeendini & Hotchkiss, 2002; Coma, 2008; Cooksey, 2001): 1) while essential oils show promise for their effect against microor-
Incorporation of antimicrobial substances into a sachet/pad inside ganisms, the negative organoleptic effects due to the intense aroma
the package. The antimicrobial sachet/pad can be produced by arising from the application to meat, partially limits their applica-
generating antimicrobial compounds in situ with subsequent tion. Novel technologies such as encapsulation of essential oils into
release, or by using sachets to carry and then release the antimi- nanoemulsions and the use of essential oils as part of hurdle
crobials (Otoni, Espitia, Avena-Bustillos, & McHugh, 2016). The pads technology (combined with other processes such as MAP, nisin, and
are mainly used in trays for packaged retail meats to soak up meat lysozymes) to improve the microbial stability and the sensory
exudates and the incorporated antimicrobials prevent microbial quality of meat and meat products are used in the meat industry
growth. 2) Direct incorporation of the antimicrobial agents into the (Jayasena & Jo, 2013). Another example is incorporating thymol,
packaging film. This can be achieved by the conventional heat eugenol and carvacrol with nanoclays (layered structures of
treatment method such as co-extrusion of packaging films with the montmorillonite and tubular structure of halloysite) into linear
antimicrobials although high loss of bioactive compounds will low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) to extend the shelf life of pack-
occur. Alternatively, non-heating methods such as solvent com- aged Turkish type fermented sausage (sucuk) (Tornuka, Hancerb,
pounding, electrospinning, and casting can be used to maintain the Sagdica, & Yetim, 2015). Interestingly, Zhang, Hortal, Dobon,
maximum antimicrobial activity of the packaging films (Sung et al., Bermudez, and Lara-Lledo (2015) assessed the overall environ-
2013). The antimicrobial compounds will be gradually released mental performance of a food and packaging system, utilizing
from the packaging films to the packaging head space or food active packaging to evaluate the effect on food loss reduction. They
surface to inhibit the growth of microorganisms. 3) Coating of concluded that the application of active packaging in the food in-
packaging with a matrix that acts as a carrier for antimicrobial dustry has the potential to alleviate global warming, reduce fossil
agents so that the agents can be released onto the surface of food energy demand and also reduce acidification potential and eutro-
through evaporation into the headspace (volatile substances) or phication potential.
migration into the food (non-volatile substances) through
62 Z. Fang et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 61 (2017) 60e71

Table 1
Examples of commercially available antimicrobial active packaging (adapted from Coma, 2008; Realini & Marcos, 2014; Sung et al., 2013).

Product and manufacturer Active compounds Description

Aglon™, Agion Technologies, USA Silver zeolite Films, paperboard cartons, wraps
Bactiblock®, NanoBioMaters, Spain Silver Masterbatch
Bioka, Bioka Ltd., Finland Glucose oxidase Sachets
Biomaster®, Addmaster Ltd., UK Silver Masterbatch
Biomaster®, Linpac Packaging Ltd., USA Silver Trays and films
d2p®, Symphony Environmental Ltd., UK Silver Trays and films
Ethicap™, Freund, Japan Ethanol vapor emitting Sachets
Food-touch®, Microbeguard Co., USA Liner/cover, interleavers, papers, wraps
IonPure®, Solid Spot LLC, USA Silver Masterbatch
Irgaguard®, BASF, USA Silver Masterbatch
Microban, Microban Prod., UK Tricolsan Plastic packaging
Microgarde™ and Microsphere™, Bernard Technologies, USA Chlorine dioxide Sachets, films, wraps
Novaron®, Toagosei, Japan Silver Films, paperboard cartons, wraps
Negamold Oitech, Nippon Kayalan, Japan Ethanol vapor emitting Sachets
Sanic Films, Nanopack Technology & Packaging, Spain Mineral components such as essential trace elements Interleavers, films
Sanico®, Laboratories STANDA Natamycin Antifungal coating
Surfacine®, Surfacine Development Co. LLC., USA Silver Masterbatch
Uvasy™, Grapetek, South Africa Sulfur dioxide Laminated sheets and pads
WasaOuro, Lintec Corp., Japan Allyl isothiocy ante Sheets
Wasaouro®, Mitsubishi-Kagaku Foods Co., Japan Allyl isothiocyanate Antibacterial and antifungal sheets, labels, and films
Wasapower™, Sekisui Plastics Co., Ltd., Japan Wasabi extract encapsulated in cyclodextrin Coated PEF and tablets
Zeomic™, Sinanen Co., Ltd., Japan Silver Films, paperboard cartons, wraps

2.2. Antioxidant active packaging (oxygen-scavenging packaging) into the walls of the packaging film or within the containers in
which the product sits, exerting its' action by absorbing undesirable
High levels of oxygen in meat packaging can facilitate microbial compounds from the headspace around the product, or by releasing
growth, lipid oxidation, development of off flavours and off odors, antioxidant compounds to the food or the headspace surrounding
colour changes and nutritional losses. Lipid oxidation not only re- it. The manufacturing procedure is selected by taking into consid-
sults in the development of rancidity, but also the potential for- eration the type of polymer and the characteristics of the antioxi-
mation of toxic aldehydes and the loss of nutritional quality dant agents. If the antioxidant activity of the material is based on a
because of polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) degradation (Gomez- migration process into the food, the antioxidant compounds
Estaca, Lopez-de-Dicastillo, Hernandez-Mu~noz, Catala, & Gavara, released should be permitted as food additives and comply with the
2014). Therefore, control of oxygen levels in meat packaging is appropriate regulations in terms of their maximum allowable
important to limit the rate of such deteriorative and spoilage re- concentration. When manufacturing an antioxidant packaging
actions. Antioxidant active packaging can be used as a means of material, the antioxidant agent (or the reactive substances which
improving product quality and extending shelf life of meat and produce the agent) is intimately mixed with the packaging material
meat product through controlling the level of oxygen to which the polymer, either 1) by dissolving both into an appropriate solvent
product is exposed. followed by application of the solution to a substrate using coating
Antioxidant active packaging systems can be classified into 2 technology, 2) by melting the polymer and incorporating and
groups: 1) independent antioxidant devices, and 2) antioxidant mixing the agent into the melt using extrusion technologies, or 3)
packaging materials (Gomez-Estaca et al., 2014). immobilization of the antioxidant on the film surface (Gomez-
Estaca et al., 2014). For example, propolis (an antioxidant agent)
2.2.1. Independent antioxidant devices has been used as an active agent in paper sheets by either surface
Independent devices can be sachets, pads or labels which spreading or by incorporating propolis in paper mass (Rizzolo et al.,
contain oxygen scavengers. These are separated from the food 2016). This active packaging technology was used to pack slices of
product and are added to a conventional ‘passive’ package. Fine cooked ham and gradual migration of terpenoids (from the prop-
powders of iron and ferrous oxide are the most common oxygen olis) into the ham slices was observed, resulting in retardation of
scavengers, although ascorbic acid, sulphites, catechols, ligands, meat oxidations.
and enzymes such as glucose oxidase have also been utilized A very important trend in antioxidant active packaging for meat
(Brody, Bugusu, Han, Sand, & McHugh, 2008). To prevent the oxy- is the reduction in the use of synthetic additives and replacement
gen scavengers from acting prematurely, specialized mechanisms with natural antioxidants (Barbosa-Pereira, Aurrekoetxea, Angulo,
can be designed to trigger the scavenging reaction. For example, Paseiro-Losada, & Cruz, 2014; Sanches-Silva et al., 2014). The
iron-based scavengers require the presence of humid conditions to most common natural antioxidants are tocopherols, essential oils,
activate oxygen removal (Lopez Rubio et al., 2004). The uses and and plant extracts from herbs such as rosemary, oregano, and from
applications of oxygen scavenging packaging have been extensively tea. For instance, green tea extract (GTE) has been incorporated into
reviewed (Brody, Strupinsky, & Kline, 2001, Brody et al., 2008; distiller dried grains protein (DP) films and used successfully in the
Rooney, 2005; Suppakul et al., 2003). Table 2 shows some of the packaging of pork meat (Yang, Lee, Won, & Song, 2016). The anti-
commercially available oxygen-scavengers that could be used to oxidant activities of the package resulted in reduced lipid oxidation
control objectionable odors and gasses of the package and retard relative to the control. In addition, the incorporation of GTE into
the oxidation of meat and meat products. potato starch films significantly improves the film mechanical
properties and decreases the oxidation of packaged fresh beef and
inhibits the formation of metmyoglobin (Nisa et al., 2015). In many
2.2.2. Antioxidant packaging materials
cases, the addition of plant extracts and essential oils to meat
In this approach, the antioxidant active agent is incorporated
Z. Fang et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 61 (2017) 60e71 63

Table 2
Commercially available O2-scavengers packaging materials for potential meat applications (adapted from Kerry et al., 2006; Pereira de Abreu et al., 2012).

Product and manufacturer Description

ActiTUF™, M&G Finanziaria s.r.l., Alessandria, Italy Barrier resins

Aegis HFX Resin and OXCE Resin, Honeywell International Inc., USA Barrier nylon resin
Ageless G, Mitsubishi GasChemical, Japan Sachets
Amosorb®, Amosorb SolO2, ColorMatrix Group Inc., USA Resin
ATCO®, Laboratories STANDA Label
Bioka Oxygen Absorber Sachets, Film Laminate, Bioka Ltd., Kantvik, Finland Sachets
Celox™, Grace Darex Packaging Technologies, USA Closure sealant, masterbatch
Cryovac®, OS Film Sealed Air Corporation, USA Film
Desi Pak®, Sorb-It®, Tri-Sorb®, Getter Pak®, 2-in-1 Pak®, Süd-Chemie AG, Munich, Germany Sorbents
Enzyme-based, Bioka Ltd., Kantvik, Finland Film
Label Cryovac®, OS2000 Sealed Air Corporation, USA Film
Verifrais, SARL Codimer, France Sachets
FreshPax®, Multisorb Technolgoies, Inc., USA Sachets
O2S®, Bericap GmbH und Co. KG, Germany Caps, closures
O-Buster®, Hsaio Sung Non-Oxygen Chemical Co., Ltd., Taiwan Sachets
OMAC®, Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Inc., Japan Film suitable for high temperature
Oxbar®, Constar International Inc., Plymouth, USA Resin
OxyGuard®, Clariant Ltd., Switzerland Sachets
OxyCatch®, Kyodo Printing Co., Ltd., Japan Sachets
OxyRx®, Mullinix Packages Inc., USA Container suitable for high temperature
Shelfplus® O2, Albis Plastic GmbH Masterbatch
Tri Sorb, Tri Shield, Tri Sorb EVA, Tri Shield EVA blue, EVA Tri-Seal, Tekni-Plex, Belgium Sorbents, shield
ATOX, Artibal SA, Spain Film coated with antioxidant

products not only extends the shelf life but also offers health bursting of the package, an approach that has been used for
benefits to the consumer through their antimicrobial and antioxi- dehydrated poultry products and beef jerky (Ahvenainen, 2003).
dant activities in the human body once ingested. This type of active packaging is frequently used in MAP systems for
meat in order to balance out CO2 losses due to dissolution into the
2.3. Carbon dioxide emitting/generating packaging meat and permeation through the packaging material (Coma,
Carbon dioxide has inhibitory effects for a range of aerobic Table 3 presents some of the commercial CO2 emitters and
bacteria and fungi, not only through the reduced relative oxygen generators. For example, CO2 emitting Verifrais™ (Codimer, France)
levels but also through direct antimicrobial effects, which together or the CO2 generators/O2 scavengers Ageless G (Mitsubishi Gas
result in an increased lag phase and generation time during the Chemical Co., Japan) and FreshPax M (Multisorb Technologies Inc.,
logarithmic phase of microbial growth. Therefore, a CO2 generating USA) have been used to extend the shelf life of fresh meat. Such
system can be viewed as a technique complementary to oxygen emitting/scavenging systems are based on either ferrous carbonate
scavenging (Suppakul et al., 2003). For many applications in meat or a mixture of ascorbic acid and sodium bicarbonate. CO® 2 Fresh-
and poultry preservation, high CO2 levels (10e80%) are required to Pads (CO2 Technologies, USA) are used for meat, poultry, and sea-
inhibit surface microbial growth and thereby extend shelf life food packaging. For Verifrais™ package technologies (SARL
(Kerry et al., 2006; Vermeiren, Devlieghere, van Beest, de Kruijf, & Codimer, Paris, France), drip losses from muscle foods are absorbed
Debevere, 1999). The action of CO2 has differential effects on mi- into pads and react with ascorbate and sodium bicarbonate
croorganisms; for instance aerobic bacteria such as Pseudomonas embedded in the pad, resulting in the generation of CO2 (Kerry
can be inhibited by moderate to high levels of CO2 (10e20%) et al., 2006). Another type of CO2 generator, UltraZap® XtendaPak
whereas lactic acid bacterial proliferation can be stimulated by CO2. pads, has been launched by Paper Pak Industries (CA, USA). It is
Furthermore, proliferation of pathogens such as C. perfringens, C. designed as an absorbent pad for fresh meat, poultry and fish that
botulinum and L. monocytogenes is only minimally inhibited by CO2 has a double antimicrobial effect due to the incorporation of a CO2
levels lower than 50%. There is concern that by inhibiting spoilage emitter and an antimicrobial substance (Realini & Marcos, 2014). A
microorganisms, a food product may appear edible while in fact polystyrene box coated with a CO2 emitter is manufactured by
containing a high quantity of pathogens that have multiplied due to Vartdal Plastindustri AS (Norway) for use in meat packaging
a lack of indigenous competition (Yingyuad et al., 2006). Moreover, (Realini & Marcos, 2014). It is used to prolong shelf life, reduce
a higher production of C. botulinum toxin at a high concentration of transport volume, and reduce environmental impact.
CO2 has been reported even though a decrease in the growth rate of A recent study on the use of active packaging systems to control
the bacteria was observed (Lo €venklev et al., 2004). Therefore, the the microbial quality of ready-to-eat meat products was conducted
application of CO2 packaging in meat should be carefully investi- by Chen and Brody (2013). Cooked ham samples were packed into
gated based on different meat products and CO2 concentrations. three different antimicrobial packaging systems including a nylon/
Commercial examples of CO2 emitters applied in muscle foods EVOH/polyethylene oxygen barrier bag and an antimicrobial film
incorporated in the form of sachets and absorbent pads have been with the capacity of either generating CO2 or generating allyl iso-
discussed in reviews (Coma, 2008; Kerry et al., 2006; Realini & thiocyanate (an antimicrobial agent) or scavenging O2. Packaging
Marcos, 2014). Carbon dioxide emitters allow the reduction of the structures with O2 scavengers or CO2 generators controlled bacte-
packaging headspace by reducing the gas to product volume ratio rial populations, particularly Listeria, and the packaging containing
compared to optimal MAP. Carbon dioxide absorbers (sachets), allyl isothiocyanate generator exhibited only limited antimicrobial
consisting of either calcium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide, or effects. The combination of using the three antimicrobial packaging
potassium hydroxide, calcium oxide and silica gel, may be used to systems showed synergistic antimicrobial activities.
remove excess carbon dioxide during storage in order to prevent
64 Z. Fang et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 61 (2017) 60e71

Table 3
Some commercial CO2 emitters for potential meat packaging application (adapted from Coma, 2008; Realini & Marcos, 2014; and Kerry et al.,

Product and manufacturer Description

Ageless G, Mitsubishi Gas Chemical, Japan Sachets

CO®2 Fresh Pads, CO2 Technologies, USA Pads
Freshpax, Multisorb Technologies, USA Sachets
Freshlock, Multisorb Technologies, USA Sachets
Standa, France Gel into sachets in contact with the food
Superfresh, Vartdal Plastindustri AS, Norway Box system with CO2 emitter
UltraZap® Xtenda Pak pads, Paper Pak Industries, Canada CO2 emitter and antimicrobial pad
Verifraise package, SARL Codimer, France Sachets containing sodium bicarbonate/ascorbate

2.4. Recent patents for active packaging of meat and meat products 2). Patents of antioxidant active packaging

Active packaging has recently had many patent applications, Ebner, Matthews, and Millwood (2006) developed a sachet of
indicating high industrial interest in this technology. In respect to oxygen scavenger compounds derived from isophthalic or tereph-
active packaging for meat and meat products, the technology in- thalic acid monomers and derivatives. The sachet can protect dried
ventions have mainly focused on antioxidant and antimicrobial meat, ham, sausage, pork or beef jerky from oxidation. Siegel and
concepts for preventing lipid oxidation and controlling the growth Nelson (2007) designed heat shrinkable and oxygen barrier pack-
of spoilage and pathogenic microorganisms. aging films that have a myoglobin blooming agent (nitrate of nitrite
salts) to provide, promote, enhance or maintain a desirable color-
1) Patents for antimicrobial active packaging ation on the surface of myoglobin-containing meat products.
Cascao-Pereira, Gebert, and Mcauliffe (2008) patented a technology
Duncan and Robert (2001) invented meat product packaging for making co-extruded multilayer film, which incorporated an
comprising a sheet material with embedded antimicrobial agents antioxidant-containing layer and an external barrier layer imper-
of either essential oils (linalool, eugenol, thymol, citral or carvacrol) meable to the antioxidant preventing it from migrating outward
or an ester of 4-hydroxybenzoic acid. This meat product packaging from the bag. This coextruded multilayer film slowly releases vol-
can be used to package products prior to delivery to shops and atile antioxidants such as essential oils, making it very effective for
other food outlets, or can be used for domestic use. Zhou, Li, Tang, improving and extending the storage life of meat susceptible to
Hu, and Deng (2012) designed an active packaging film for chilled oxidation and oxidative rancidity. Holst, Smit, and Summerfield
meat by employing polyvinyl acetate (PVA) and polylactic acid (2012) invented a package for fresh meat products comprising a
(PLA) as film-forming materials and embedding sustained-release solution, with low to zero oxygen concentration. The solution in-
microcapsules containing natural antimicrobial agents (essential cludes a source of sodium nitrite or sodium nitrate that is infused
oils of cloves, cinnamon, star anise or oregano). The antimicrobial into the fresh meat product. Slinde and Egelandsdal (2014) devel-
agent is slowly released from the microcapsules, migrates into the oped methods for treating uncooked meat to improve its colour
film and finally reaches the surface of the chilled meat to achieve stability. The method involved contacting the uncooked meat with
antimicrobial effects. Chao (2013) invented a nano-bioactive agent a formulation consisting of substrates in the TCA (tricarboxylic acid)
to be used in vacuum packaged fresh meat to prolong shelf life, cycle (i.e. succinate glutamate, malate, citrate, isocitrate, aconitate
improve taste, and enhance nutrients. Ortolani, Sagratini, Sirocchi, and/or pyruvate) in order to reverse the cycle and allow the met-
and Vittori (2013) developed a packaging comprising a first layer of myoglobin reductase to reduce metmyoglobin to myoglobin.
paper coupled to a second layer of polyethylene (could also be from
biodegradable end compostable plastic material), and an optional 3). Patents of active packaging for achieving desirable red meat
third metallic layer to increase mechanical strength. This system is colour
characterized by the fact that on the surface of the second layer
facing towards or in contact with the food, a natural extract or an Several inventions for preserving the red colour of fresh meat
essential oil (e.g. isolated from Rosmarinus officinalis or Citrus limon have been patented, including;
or Vitis vinifera or their mixture) is applied. The material is partic-
ularly suitable for packaging meat or fish to inhibit the develop- a) a method for promoting or preserving the desirable
ment of biogenic amines that have potential health risks to human. appearance of meat through a food contact layer of the
Guarda, Valenzuela, Ramirez, and Galotto (2014) invented a three packaging film incorporating a myoglobin blooming agent of
layer coextruded system for a packaging film incorporating natural nitrosodisulfonate (Siegel & Nelson, 2012a),
antimicrobial agent of thymol in a polymeric structure. This film b) A film including an effective amount of a sodium nitrite
was designed for packages to increase the shelf life of chilled or contained within or applied to one side of the film and
refrigerated meat. Versteylen and Riehle (2014) designed an designed to contact the meat held within a food packaging
absorbent food pad comprising of a top layer for contact with a food container to improve the visual appearance of fresh meat
product and a bottom absorbent pad layer for uptake of “drip”. The (Siegel & Nelson, 2012b),
active agents in this system consisted of an antimicrobial (citric acid c) A method of distributing fresh meat through packaging the
and sorbic acid), a CO2 generation system, an oxygen scavenger, or retail cuts into a variety of products wherein each product
any combination of these. Burnett et al. (2014) invented a method consists of a polymeric oxygen barrier film having a trans-
of using a mixture of fatty acid, acidified sodium chlorite, and parent portion in contact with at least a portion of the fresh
peroxyacid on ready-to-eat meat to reduce microorganisms on the meat product. The packaged meat product is adapted for
packed food products. retail display and sale without removing the polymeric film
Z. Fang et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 61 (2017) 60e71 65

and has a desirable red colour, through the formation of object to which it is attached. The first commercialized barcode was
oxymyogobin (Siegel et al., 2013), and the UPC (Universal Product Code) introduced in the 1970s that has
d) food packaging systems and food packaging methods that now become ubiquitous in grocery stores for facilitating inventory
promote or preserve the desirable appearance of meat, in control, stock reordering, and checkout (Manthou & Vlachopoulou,
which the food contact layer of the packaging systems may 2001). The UPC barcode is a linear symbology consisting of a
comprise a myoglobin blooming agent and a synergist (i.e. pattern of bars and spaces to represent 12 digits of data containing
acidulents selected from the group consisting of erythorbic limited information such as manufacturer identification number
acid, lactic acid, benzoic acid, glucono delta lactone, acidic and item number (Yam et al., 2005) (Fig. 1). To address the growing
phosphates) (Siegel, Nelson, & Michaud, 2014). demand for encoding more data in a smaller space, new families of
barcode symbologies such as Reduced Space Symbology (RSS), two-
3. Intelligent packaging in the meat industry dimensional (e.g. PDF 417, Aztec code), Composite Symbology
(combining a 2-D barcode such as PDF 417 with a linear barcode
In Europe, the legal definition of “intelligent food contact mate- such as UPC) and GS1 DataBar Family (Uniform Code Council, 2014)
rials and articles” is “materials and articles that monitor the condition (Fig. 1) have been introduced. Information including food packing
of packaged food or the environment surrounding the food” (The date, batch/lot number, package weight, nutritional information,
Commission of the European Communities, 2004). In contrast, an cooking instructions and the website address of food manufacturer
academic definition for intelligent packaging was proposed by Yam, can ben encoded in the barcodes and they are even readable by
Takhistov, and Miltz (2005) which is “a packaging system that is smartphones; providing great convenience for both retailers and
capable of carrying out intelligent functions (such as detecting, consumers. Barcodes are also good devices to identify the origin of
sensing, recording, tracing, communicating, and applying scientific
logic) to facilitate decision making to extend shelf life, enhance safety,
improve quality, provide information, and warn about possible prob- Examples Name
lems”. Compared with “active” packaging that is defined as pack-
aging that positively changes the condition of the product to
improve food safety and quality and to extend shelf life (Vermeiren UCP barcode
et al., 1999), an “intelligent” package is able to track the product,
sense the internal/external environment of the package, and
communicate with the consumer. Therefore, an intelligent pack-
aging is one that monitors the quality/safety condition of a food
product and can provide early warning to the consumer or food RSS barcode
manufacturer, whereas an active packaging is one that takes some
actions (e.g. release of an antimicrobial or antioxidant) to protect
the food product. It should be noted that the terms intelligent
packaging and active packaging are not mutually exclusive as some PDF 417 barcode
packaging systems may be classified as both. A decade ago, intel-
ligent packaging was not a commercially viable concept due to
package devices and computer networks being expensive and quite
limited. The more powerful and affordable information technology
now available has created a favorable environment for this tech-
nology to flourish (Yam et al., 2005). Aztec code
An intelligent packaging system contains smart devices which
are small, inexpensive labels or tags that are capable of acquiring,
storing, and transferring information about the functions and
properties of the packaged food. The most commonly used smart
devices in intelligent packaging of meat and meat products are
summarised in Table 4. GS1 barcode

3.1. Barcode

A barcode is an optical machine-readable symbol relating to the Fig. 1. Some examples of barcodes used in meat packaging.

Table 4
€inen-Malm, Ahvenainen, & Nielsen, 2002).
Examples of smart devices used in intelligent packaging and their principle of operation (modified from Hurme, Sipila

Smart devices Principle/reagents Information given Application

Barcodes Symbology Product and manufacturer Product identification, facilitating inventory control,
information stock reordering, and checkout
Radio frequency Radio waves Product and manufacturer Product identification, supply chain management, asset
identification tags information tracking, security control
Timeetemperature Mechanical, chemical, enzymatic, Storage conditions Foods stored under chilled and frozen conditions
indicators microbiological
Gas indicators Redox dyes, pH dyes, enzymes Storage conditions, package leak Foods stored in packages with required gas composition
Freshness indicators (e.g. pH dyes; Dyes reacting with (non-) volatile Microbial quality of food (i.e. Perishable foods such as meat, fish and poultry
microbial growth) metabolites spoilage)
Pathogen indicators Various chemical and immunochemical Specific pathogenic bacteria Perishable foods such as meat, fish and poultry
methods reacting with toxins such as E. coli O157
66 Z. Fang et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 61 (2017) 60e71

food products and are widely used in meat and meat product example, a Canadian beef producer Atlantic Beef Products (ABP)
packaging. uses hooks embedded with RFID chips to track beef as it is pro-
cessed throughout the facility (Swedberg, 2006). This system in-
cludes Psion Teklogix's 7035 handheld RFID integrator and bar code
3.2. Radio frequency identification (RFID) tags
scanner, Syscan International fixed readers and hooks with
embedded 134.2 kHz RFID tags, and Merit-Trax software to inte-
RFID technology is a form of electronic information that can be
grate reader data into ABP's database. This technology is able to
utilized in intelligent packaging. Compared with barcodes, the RFID
provide the Canadian Food Inspection Agency information on the
tag is a more advanced data carrier for product identification with
location of any slaughtered cow/carcass in the plant, as well as
several unique characteristics, such as significantly larger data
maintain an electronic record of which animals are in any box/
storage capacity (up to 1 MB for high-end RFID tags), non-contact,
package that leaves the plant. This enables Atlantic Beef to swiftly
non-line-of-sight ability in gathering real-time data, and the data
conduct recalls of all packaged meat specific down to an individual
can penetrate non-metallic materials for rapid and automatic
contaminated animal, should this become necessary. In Australia,
multiple product identification (Mennecke & Townsend, 2005).
there was a debate on mandatory implementation of RFID in the
Nevertheless, the RFID tag is not considered as a replacement for
National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) to identify and trace
the barcode, mainly because of its relatively higher cost and need
the livestock, but a Regulatory Impact Statement released in
for a more powerful electronic information network. It is antici-
October 2013 concluded that this “will need to be a substantial in-
pated that both RFID and barcode data carriers will continue to be
vestment of resources and funding”, and therefore, is currently an
used in the meat industry either alone or in combination,
optional method in the Australian livestock industry (ABARES,
depending on the situation (Yam et al., 2005).
In a basic RFID system, an RFID tag contains a tiny transponder
and antenna that have a unique number or alphanumerical
sequence; a reader emits radio waves to capture data from the RFID 3.3. Timeetemperature indicators
tag and the data are then passed through a real time database
server onto a host computer (that may further connect to a local A time-temperature indicator or integrator (TTI) is defined as a
network or the internet) for analysis and decision making (Want, simple, inexpensive device attached onto shipping containers or
2004) (Fig. 2). The RFID tags may be classified into passive and individual consumer packages that can show measurable, time-
active tags. The passive tags have no battery and are powered by the temperature dependent changes that reflect the full or partial
energy supplied by the reader whereas the active tags have their temperature history of a food product (Taoukis & Labuza, 1989).
own battery for powering the microchip's circuitry and broad- There are 3 types of commercially available TTIs: critical tempera-
casting signals to the reader. The more expensive active tags have a ture indicators (show exposure above (or below) a reference tem-
reading range of more than 50 m, while the less expensive passive perature); partial history indicators (indicate that a product has
tags have a reading range of up to 5 m. The actual reading range been exposed to a temperature sufficient to cause a change in
depends on factors such as the frequency of operation, the power of product quality or safety); and full history indicators (a continuous
the reader, and the possible interference from metal objects (Yam temperature-dependent response throughout a product's history)
et al., 2005). Low frequency (~125 kHz) tags are cheaper, use less (Singh, 2000). The basic operation principles of TTIs are the iden-
power and are better able to penetrate non-metallic objects. These tification of irreversible responses of mechanical, chemical, elec-
tags are most appropriate for use with meat products, particularly trochemical, enzymatic or microbiological changes of a food
where the tags might be obscured by the meat itself and are ideal product under higher temperatures (Kerry et al., 2006; Smolander,
for close-range scanning of objects with high water content (Kerry Alakomi, Ritvanen, Vainionpaa, & Ahvenainen, 2004; Taoukis &
et al., 2006). Labuza, 2003). The extent to which this response corresponds to
Although RFID technology has been available for approximately a real time-temperature history depends on the type of the indi-
50 years, its broad application to meat packaging has only begun cator and the physicochemical principles of its operation. For
from the 21st century (Kerry et al., 2006). The unit cost of RFID's is example, a Vitsab Checkpoint® TTI label is based on a colour change
decreasing rapidly, as major companies such as Wal-Mart, 7-Eleven resulting from the controlled enzymatic hydrolysis of a lipid sub-
and Marks & Spencers adopt the technology. At present, a passive strate. The TTI can be activated by applying gentle pressure on the
tag costs between $(US) 0.3e1 depending on the quantity ordered “window” to break the seal between the enzyme and substrate
(Anonymous 2014a). For the technology to be truly competitive, it mini pouches. The mixing of enzyme and substrate is shown by a
has been estimated that tags must cost less than $(US) 0.05 or even homogenous green colour in the “window (Fig. 3), representing
$(US) 0.01 (Mennecke & Townsend, 2005; Want, 2004). Because excellent shipping and storage conditions for the packaged foods. If
some RFID tags can be reprogrammed thousands of times, it is now the colour in the window is yellow to light orange, the product has
feasible for the cost each time that the tag is read and written to be been compromised by time/temperature exposure and is no longer
less than 1¢ (Anonymous 2014a). acceptable.
RFID tags offer several potential benefits to the meat production, Currently, some examples of marketed TTIs include: 3M ™
distribution and retail chain, which include traceability, inventory MonitorMark ™, CheckPoint, ColdSNAP Temperature Recorders,
management, labour saving costs, security and promotion of Fresh-Check®, Monitor Mark ™, ShockWatch, ThermRF Logger,
quality and safety (Mousavi, Sarhavi, Lenk, & Fawcett, 2002). For Timestrip®, VarioSens®, and WarmMark Time-Temp Tags etc. Their

Communication RFID
Antenna Antenna Real time database
server Application

Fig. 2. A basic RFID system applicable to meat packaging.

Z. Fang et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 61 (2017) 60e71 67

Fig. 3. Colour changes of a Vitsab CheckPoint® TTI label (, access on 24 November 2014, with permission). (For interpretation of the references
to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

working principles and performance are easily accessible through hydroxide (carbon dioxide absorber) and a redox indicator dye
the official websites of the product manufacturers. TTIs can be in- incorporated in polypropylene resin have been developed together
tegrated with barcodes or RFID tags to provide a more convenient to measure the degree of fermentation in kimchi products (fer-
and powerful time-temperature record combined with other mented food originating in Korea) during storage and distribution
product information of the foods. For example, FreshCode™ TTI (Hong & Park, 2000). This type of technology may also be applicable
Smart Barcode is a one-dimensional standard barcode but also to MAP packaging of meat and meat products. Carbon dioxide in-
detects and records temperature abuse throughout the supply cold dicators can also be used to display the monitored concentrations
chain (Anonymous 2014b). In 2007, an EU-backed project known as of carbon dioxide inside the MAP package (Ahvenainen & Hurme,
‘Chill-On’ designed an electronic component that connected TTIs to 1997). This allows incorrectly packaged product to be immedi-
RFID transponders to lower the supply chain cost of using tem- ately repacked, and eliminates the need for destructive, labor-
perature sensors in combination with RFID (Wessel, 2007). This intensive and time-consuming quality control procedures (Han,
system typically includes RFID integrators mounted inside the Ho, & Rodrigues, 2005).
backs of trucks or ships. A RFID tag on a package of food (e.g. beef)
would record temperature information at regular intervals and
transmit the data and the tag's unique ID through Global System for 3.5. Freshness indicators
Mobile communications (GMS) and the internet to a database run
by the logistics partner. The food's remaining shelf life would be Of the indicators discussed above, time-temperature indicators
calculated based on the time and temperature information. and gas indicators show the temperature abuse and gas change/
package leakage respectively. An indicator that specifically shows
the actual spoilage or the lack of freshness of the product would be
3.4. Gas indicators more useful for the quality control of packed meat products
(Smolander, 2003). Freshness indicators are such devices, directly
After food packaging, the gas composition within the package indicating the deterioration or loss of freshness of packaged goods
often changes as a result of the activity of the food, the package (Pereira de Abreu, Cruz, & Paseiro Losada, 2012). Freshness in-
nature, or/and the environmental conditions, such as respiration of dicators are based on established knowledge of quality-indicating
fresh produce in the case of plant products, gas generation by metabolites specifically associated with the type of meat product,
spoilage microorganisms, gas transmission through the packaging spoilage flora, packaging type and storage conditions. As reviewed
material or package leaks (Yam et al., 2005). Gas indicators are by Smolander (2003), the major quality-indicating metabolites or
small devices that come in the form of a package label or they are chemicals representing meat freshness are glucose, organic acids
printed on packaging films that respond to the changes of a gas (e.g. lactic acid), ethanol, volatile nitrogen compounds, biogenic
composition, thereby helping to monitor the quality, safety and amines (e.g. tyramine, cadaverine, putrescine, histamine), carbon
integrity of packaged food products. Typically, a gas indicator also dioxide, ATP degradation products and sulphuric compounds. Most
induces a colour change on the packaging to reflect the gas of the freshness indicators cause a change in colour in a material,
composition changes. due to the presence of at least one of these compounds during
Oxygen indicators are the most common gas indicator for food spoilage.
packaging applications as oxygen can cause deleterious effects on A variety of different types of freshness indicators have been
food quality through oxidative rancidity, colour change, and mi- described (Han et al., 2005; Kerry et al., 2006; Smolander, 2003).
crobial spoilage. Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Company produced an The most frequently applied in the meat packaging industry are
Ageless Eye® oxygen indicator that can be inserted inside the bromothymol blue pH dyes that monitor the formation of carbon
container and the indicator changes in colour from pink to blue dioxide generated as a result of microbial growth (Holte, 1993). The
when the oxygen concentration is above 0.5% (Fig. 4). Another increased carbon dioxide levels react with the pH dyes and change
application of oxygen indicators is to detect improper sealing and the colour. Other pH dyes that have been proposed for the same
quality deterioration of MAP foods including fresh beef purpose are xylenol blue, bromocresol purple, bromocresol green,
(Ahvenainen, Eilamo, & Hurme, 1997; Smiddy, Papkovsky, & Kerry, cresol red, phenol red, methyl red and alizarin (Horan, 2000). Be-
2002). Gas indicators for carbon dioxide, water vapor, ethanol, sides carbon dioxide, other metabolites including SO2, NH4, volatile
hydrogen sulfide, and other gases have also been reported. For amines, and organic acids have been used as target monitoring
example, a carbon dioxide indicator consisting of calcium molecules using pH-sensitive indicators (Smolander, 2003).
68 Z. Fang et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 61 (2017) 60e71

Fig. 4. Ageless Eye® oxygen indicator (, access on 10 December 2014, with permission).

A glucose sensor-based meat freshness indicator has been cause the formation of a localized dark bar, rendering the barcode
invented by Kress-Rogers (1993) using the principle that the unreadable upon scanning. Toxin Guard™ developed by Toxin Alert
glucose level on the meat surface is reduced through its utilization (Ontario, Canada) is another pathogen indicator consisting of
by microorganisms during their growth. Hydrogen sulphide is biochemical sensors incorporating antibodies in a polyethylene
produced during the spoilage of meat and meat products by a based plastic packaging (Bodenhamer, 2000). This system is able to
number of bacterial species. A meat freshness indicator has been detect the pathogens Salmonella sp., Campylobacter sp., E. coli, and
developed based on the concept that hydrogen sulphide is able to Listeria sp.
bind to myoglobin to form a green pigment, sulphmyoglobin
(Smolander et al., 2002). Interestingly, this indicator specifically
detects the formation of hydrogen sulphide and the presence of 3.7. Patents for intelligent packaging
nitrogen or carbon dioxide does not interfere. Another example of a
meat freshness indicator is a diamine dye-based sensor system in Some of the patents in this area have already been discussed
which diacetyl, a volatile metabolite of bacterially spoiled meat, above (Bodenhamer, 2000; Goldsmith et al., 1999; Quan & Stevens,
migrates through the permeable meat package to react with a dye 1998). However in the last decade there has been considerable
and change its colour (Honeybourne, 1993). innovation in this area with many new patent registrations. The
basic operation principles of all of these indicators and sensors are
similar to that of the TTIs, i.e. visible, irreversible responses of
3.6. Pathogen indicators and biosensors mechanical, chemical, electrochemical, enzymatic or microbiolog-
ical changes of a food product under different packaging conditions.
In addition to the systems discussed above that react to the Many of these devices have the potential to be used in meat
spoilage of food products, indicators to more directly detect the packaging.
contamination by pathogenic microorganisms of meat and meat A microbial based TTI was invented by Lu, Jia and Cai (2011) with
products have also been developed. These pathogen indicators are the concept that the pH dye (0.1% bromocresol green þ 0.2% methyl
biosensors which are compact analytical devices detecting, red ethanol solution) changes colour when Lactobacillus rhamnosus
recording, and transmitting information pertaining to pathogen- grows in the media under the suitable temperature. A TTI based on
induced biochemical reactions (Yam et al., 2005). These devices lipase reaction diffusion was also invented by the same group (Lu,
consist of a bioreceptor that recognizes a target analyte and a Cai, & Zheng, 2011). In this TTI, the enzymatic reaction forms a
transducer that converts biochemical signals into a quantifiable yellow area and the length of the yellow area is dependent on the
electrical response. Bioreceptors are organic or biological materials time and temperature exposure that the packaged product has
such as an enzyme, antigen, microbe, hormone, or nucleic acid, experienced. De La Puerta, Gutierrez, & Sanchez (2010) invented a
while transducers can be electrochemical, optical or calorimetric, novel smart packaging using vanillin as colorimetric reagent for the
depending on the system. These pathogen indicators/sensors also detection of total microbial growth. This system allows the detec-
change colour in the food package to warn consumers/retailers that tion of the concentration of microorganisms in different types of
food must not be consumed. products through a visual signal without the detection system
A specific sensor for the detection of E. coli O157 enterotoxin has having to be in direct contact with the microorganism or with the
been developed by Quan and Stevens (1998). The sensor is product. To detect the oxygen gas concentration in the food pack-
composed of cross-polymerized polydiacetylene molecules that aging, a nano TiO2 powder was prepared and mixed with electron
can bind the toxin to cause the colour of the packaging film to donors, oxidation-reduction dyes and polymers in the packaging
change permanently from blue to red (Smolander, 2000). An film (Liu, Xie, Zhou, Yang, & Li, 2013). This technology has the po-
example of a commercially available pathogen indicator is Food tential to be used in MAP meat products to monitor the oxygen
Sentinel System™ (SIRA Technologies, California, USA) that shows level during cold storage. Similar to the RFID system described
the presence of pathogens in meat packages (Goldsmith, above, an intelligent packaging system has been invented by
Goldsmith, Woodaman, Park, & Ayala, 1999). In this system, an Georgescu, Cobianu, & Dumitru (2008), which utilizes acoustic
antibody specific for the target pathogens (e.g. Salmonella sp., E. coli wave devices including an electronic module, a surface acoustic
0157:H7, L. monocytogenes) is attached to a membrane that forms wave (SAW) ID, various passive SAW sensors and a printed antenna.
part of the barcode; the presence of contaminating pathogen will The advantage of this system is that it is able to monitor various
Z. Fang et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 61 (2017) 60e71 69

physical and chemical parameters of the contents of a package one system. These approaches have potential as powerful
during transport, storage and throughout a supply chain. More techniques in meat packaging, however costs needs to be kept
recently, smartphone recognizable internet based intelligent low-moderate in order for the systems to be commercially
packaging has attracted great interest. A 2D barcode has been viable.
designed which includes graphics, lines and even characters that 3) Development/application of materials from renewable re-
decode the information (product origin, manufacturing date etc.) of sources with novel functionalities in active and intelligent
the packaged food product (Wang, Xu, Jiang, & Liu, 2013). Con- packaging. For example, sorghum has been regarded as a po-
sumers can access the detailed information of the product by tential sustainable grain crop as it is tolerant to poor soil con-
scanning the barcode using their smartphone. Interestingly, a ‘voice ditions, drought and high temperature (Stefaniak & Rooney,
advertisement’ intelligent packaging system was invented by Zhai 2013). Bioactive films made from sorghum grain protein
(2010). The packaging contains a small battery, a voice chip inte- kafirin with the addition of citral have been reported to have
grated circuit and a loudspeaker. When the package is opened, a improved mechanical strength, reduced oxygen permeability
vocal commentary about the product information or/and music is and significant antimicrobial properties (Giteru et al., 2015).
played which can help prevent forgery and can even animate and Utilization of materials from renewable resources in food
improve the consumers' dining/purchase experience. packaging could be extremely important in dealing with the
predicted challenge of climate change in the future.
4. Conclusion 4) The incidence of food fraud has increased in recent years, thus
the industry increasingly requires the development of novel
Meat and meat products are highly nutritious foods that how- anti-counterproof anti-tamperproof packaging that can provide
ever also favour the growth and proliferation of spoilage and a guarantee of country of origin and provenance.
pathogenic microorganisms, making them high risk in terms of 5) There is great opportunity for the development of novel
quality deterioration and food safety. The oxidation of meat lipids consumer-friendly multi-functional sensing devices which can
and proteins (e.g. myoglobin, calpains, and fatty acids) also read all the information, including barcode or RFID tags, assist
contribute to quality deterioration. Modern meat packaging should with company's inventory control, reduce food waste and food-
serve as an efficient tool for maintaining quality and safety, as well borne disease outbreaks, and increase consumer satisfaction.
as increasing product value, promoting sales and imparting infor- Incorporation of multifunctional sensing devices into smart
mation (Han, 2005). To ensure food microbial safety and achieve phones is expected to be developed very soon.
longer shelf life, antimicrobial and antioxidant active packaging
have been developed which positively change the conditions of the To successfully implement antimicrobial and intelligent pack-
package to effectively improve the safety and quality of the food aging solutions in the meat industry, a multidisciplinary approach
therein. According to Realini and Marcos (2014), the major tech- involving researchers from different disciplines (e.g. meat science,
nical challenge for active packaging is to develop active materials microbiology, and material science) working together with the
that are able to preserve their original mechanical and barrier packaging industry is necessary.
properties after adding the active substances. The use of plant
natural extracts or the use of active compounds in the form of Disclaimer
nanoparticles can reduce the amount of active substances required
and therefore help maintain the original properties of the base Commercial products and manufacturers' names listed in this
packaging material. Intelligent packaging is an emerging and review are not the only ones that have been commercialized and
exciting branch of packaging science and technology that offers developed in the world. The authors are not related to any of the
great opportunities for enhancing food safety, quality, and conve- commercial products/manufacturers that are referenced in this
nience, and consequently decrease the number of retailer and review.
consumer complaints. The introduction of quality and freshness
indicators (e.g. temperature indicators, TTI, and gas-level controls), Acknowledgement
the increased convenience of product manufacturing and distri-
bution methods, the invention of smart permeability films, and This work was financially supported by Australian Meat Pro-
theft and counterfeiting evidence systems will help maximize the cessor Corporation (AMPC) under the project number of 2014/1046.
safety and quality of food products (Han et al., 2005). However, The usual disclaimers apply.
issues such as those relating to legislation (e.g. migration of active
substances from packaging materials, labelling) and cost vs benefit
also need to be addressed (Tian, Decker, & Goddard, 2013; Yam
et al., 2005). ABARES. (2013). Implementation of improvements to the National Livestock Identifi-
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