Criminal Law Finals
Criminal Law Finals
Criminal Law Finals
Criminal law - is that branch or division of law which • Makes criminal an act which was innocent when
done before its passage
There are no common law crimes in the Philippines. A bill of attainder is a legislative act which inflicts
Unless there be a particular provision in the penal punishment without trial. Its essence is the
code or special penal law that defines and punishes substitution of a legislative act for a judicial
the act, no criminal liability is incurred by its determination of guilt.
The state has the authority, under its police power, 2. No person shall be held to answer for a
to define and punish crimes and to lay down the criminal offense without due process of law
rules of criminal procedure. -> discretion.
• Right to a speedy trial
• Due process
recompense, restore and reimburse the victim for • Double jeopardy prohibited
Art. 114 of the Revised Penal Code was uprooted 2. To be informed of the nature and cause of the
from the American Constitution. The American accusation
Constitution has provisions that are penal in 3. Speedy, impartial and public trial
Imprisonment is the supreme form of deprivation of Rights of the accused which may be waived:
1. Confrontation
• Those who should commit an offense while on a Art. 2 applies to all Philippine criminal laws in the
Philippine ship or airship
absence of special laws, as long as there is a nexus
to the Philippines.
and securities issued by the Government of the Laws of Preferential application - give preference or
privileges to certain people. These are usually
• Those who should be liable for acts connected agreements involving diplomats.
with the introduction into the Philippines of the High seas - bodies of waters which do not form part
obligations and securities
of Philippine territory.
• While being public officers and employees, should Philippine ships are now registered under MARINA.
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w ro n g f u l a c t re s u l t s f ro m i m p r u d e n c e , simply the incident of another act performed
negligence, lack of foresight or lack of skill. without malice. – CULPA/Fault
Felonies are acts and omissions punishable by the Crimes which cannot be committed through
Revised Penal Code. -> voluntary
imprudence or negligence:
2. That the act or omission must be punishable by Even if one commits a criminal act, one cannot
the Revised Penal Code;
commit it if it is done without intent or negligence.
3. That the act is performed or the omission Intentional felonies and culpable felonies are
incurred by means of dolo or culpa.
mutually exclusive. They cannot co-exist.
Act- any bodily movement tending to produce Voluntariness - is the concurrence of the 3 elements
some effect in the external world, it being of intentional felony and the culpable felony.
unnecessary that the same be actually produced, Without voluntariness, there can neither be an
as the possibility of its production is sufficient. \
intentional felony nor a culpable felony.
The act must be external, because internal acts are Actus Reus - Criminal Act
Omission – inaction, the failure to perform a The law presumes that the criminal act was done
positive duty which one is bound to do. There must with criminal intent. The prosecution does not have
be a law requiring the doing or performance of an to prove that it was done with intent.
and having the knowledge of any conspiracy 2. Intelligence - necessary to determine the morality
against the government, who does not disclose of human acts. The imbecile or insane acting
and make known the same to the proper without discernment has no criminal liability.
the offender is malicious. The act performed Intent - The use of a particular means to achieve a
is with deliberate intent to cause an injury to desired result. One cannot see intent; it is an
another. - DOLO (criminal intent, NOT internal state of mind.
deliberate intent)
The prosecution need not prove intent to kill in Motive alone, however strong, will never bring about
homicide, murder, parricide and infanticide. It is only conviction. But motive and circumstantial evidence
in the attempted and frustrated stages of HMPI is necessary for conviction.
People vs Oanis – Both of the accused are guilty of
1. The act of the offender would result to variant murder for even if it were true that the victim was
cries (to know what crime should be charged)
the notorious criminal, the accused would not be
justified in killing him while the latter was sleeping.
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Such act must be ignited by a lawful or noble or In culpable felonies, the injury caused to another
justifiable intent.
should be unintentional, it being simply the incident
of another act performed without malice.
Mistake in the identity of the intended victim is not Mistake in the identity of the intended victim is not
reckless imprudence.
reckless imprudence.
- A deliberate intent to do an unlawful act is If there is neither malice nor negligence on the part
essentially inconsistent with the idea of of the person causing damage or injury to another,
reckless imprudence.
he is not criminally liable under the RPC. He is
exempt from criminal liability because he causes an
A mistake of fact cannot be used as a defense injury by mere accident, without or negligence of
against culpable felonies, since there is no intent to causing it.
A person causing damage or injury to another, Intent/Dolo to commit the crime is not necessary as
without malice or fault, is not criminally liable under a rule. It is sufficient that the offender has the intent
the Revised Penal Code.
to perpetrate the act committed by the special law.
- He is exempt from criminal liability, because he The act alone, irrespective of its motives,
causes an injury by mere accident, without fault or constitutes the offense. A person may not have
intention of causing it.
consciously intended to commit a crime, but he did
intend to commit an act and that act is, by its very
Example: Catangay is not criminally liable for nature, the crime itself. It is enough that the
accidentally discharging his gun, hitting and killing prohibited act is done freely and consciously.
2. Intelligence
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Refers generally to Refers generally to acts naturally and logically result therefrom, whether
felonies defined and m a d e c r i m i n a l b y foreseen or intended or not.
m i t i g a t i n g considered unless
c i rc u m s t a n c e s a n d otherwise provided by Causes which may produce a result different from
a g g r a v a t i n g the special penal law. that which the offender intended
cricumstances are
considered by the court 1. Mistake in identity of the victim (error in personae)
of the offender NOT considered. All Requisites of Paragraph 1 of Art. 4, in order that
(principal, accomplice, perpetrators are equally a person may be held liable for a felony different
accessory) is punished UNLESS from that which he intended:
considered in the otherwise provided by
imposition of penalty. the special penal law. 1. That an intentional felony has been
1. Any person committing a felony (delito) 2. The act is covered by any of the justifying
although the wrongful act done be different circumstances in Art. 11
from that which he intended; The act of defense must be exercised with due
2. Any person performing an act which would be care; otherwise, the accused will be liable for
an offense against persons or property, were it culpable felony.
not for the inherent impossibility of its Any person who creates in another’s mind an
accomplishment or on account of the immediate sense of danger, which causes the latter
employment of inadequate and ineffectual to do something resulting in the latter’s injuries, is
means. liable for the resulting injuries. This is true even
though the immediate cause of the death was the
Proximate Cause doctrine - states that criminal erroneous or unskillful medical or surgical
liability shall be incurred by any person committing treatment. (Wise and practical policy)
- The felony committed must be the proximate 2. If accused gave a blow to the victim and the latter
cause of the resulting injury.
died because of a fever prevalent in the locality
The cause and effect relationship between the 3. Where medical findings lead to a possibility that
felonious act of the accused and the resultant the infection of the wound was an efficient
injuries of the offended party is not altered or intervening cause
changed by:
A supervening event may be the subject of
1. Pathological condition of the victim
amendment of original information or of new charge
without double jeopardy.
brought on by moving against the doctor’s • Penalty - Art. 59 of the Revised Penal Code
2. That the act was done with evil intent;
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1. Robbery 6. Theft
3. The court should not suspend the execution of
the sentence
2. Brigandage 7. Usurpation
Employment of inadequate means —> impossible R.A. 9165 - Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act
crime; employment of adequate means but the does not apply to RPC. (Sec. 26 - Attempted sale)
that said act should be made the subject of - If there is nothing more left to be done
penal legislation.
There is an attempt when the offender commences
In the same way, the court shall submit to the the commission of a felony directly by overt acts,
Chief Executive, through the Department of and does not perform all the acts of execution
Justice, such statement as may be deemed which should produce the felony by reason of some
proper, without suspending the execution of the cause or accident other than his own spontaneous
sentence, when a strict enforcement of the desistance.
provisions of this Code would result in the - The offender fails to perform all acts of
imposition of a clearly excessive penalty, taking execution which should produce the felony
into consideration the degree of malice and the because of some cause or accident.
2. But the court deems it proper to repress such Intention and effect must concur- mere intention
producing no effect is no more a crime than a mere
3. In that case, the court must render the proper effect without the intention is a crime.
Executive, through the Secretary of Justice, Preparatory acts- ordinarily, they are not
stating the reasons which induce him to believe punishable. Some are considered, by themselves,
that the said act should be made the subject of as independent crimes that are punishable.
penal legislation.
A. The accused acted with lesser degree of malice Attempted felony - there is an attempt when the
offender begins the commission of a felony directly
B. There is no injury or the injury caused is of lesser by overt acts.
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1. The offender commences the commission of the Elements of a frustrated felony:
felony directly by overt acts;
carried to its complete termination following its 3. But the felony is not produced;
4. The non-performance of all acts of execution was In some cases, the stage of execution may be held
due to cause or accident other than his as frustrated because inflicted was mortal.
spontaneous desistance.
The intention of the accused must be viewed from Consummated Felony - every crime has its own
the nature of the acts executed by him, and not elements which must all be present to constitute a
from his admission. Acts susceptible of double culpable violation of a precept of law.
interpretation, that is in favor and against the
accused, must not furnish grounds for attempted How to determine whether the crime is only
attempted, or frustrated or consummated:
The law does not punish one who desists in a 1. The nature of the offense
crime’s actual commission/ It is not necessary that 2. The elements constituting the felony
The desistance should be made before all the acts Manner of committing the crime:
of execution are performed.
offense are not punishable except when they are Slander and false testimony, sale of marijuana and
aimed directly at its execution, and therefore they other prohibited drugs
One who takes part in planning a criminal act but 3. Felony by omission
desists in the actual commission is exempt from
- There can be no attempted stage when the
criminal liability. The Code only requires that the
felony is by omission, because in this kind of
discontinuance of the crime comes from the person
felony, the offender does not execute acts.
who had begun it, and that he stops of his own free
He omits to perform acts which the law
In attempted felony, the offender never passes the 4. Crimes requiring the intervention of two
subjective phase of the offense.
persons to commit them are
Subjective Phase of the Offense - that portion of the consummated by mere agreement
acts constituting the crime, starting from the point Betting in sports crimes, corruption of public officer.
crime to that point where he still has control over The offer made by one of the parties to constitute a
his acts, including their natural cause.
felony is an attempted felony is the offer is rejected.
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5. Material crimes – there are three stages of When conspiracy is only a manner of committing
execution. criminal liability, it is not punishable as a separate
There is no attempted or frustrated impossible offense.
crime, because the acts performed by the offender The act of the defendants must show a common
are considered as constituting a consummated design. There must be unity of purpose in the
execution of the unlawful objective.
Light felonies:
Requisites of Conspiracy:
- Slight physical injuries (Art. 266)
1. That two or more persons came to an agreement
felonies against persons or property presupposes in Overt acts in the furtherance of the conspiracy:
Art. 8. - Conspirary and proposal to commit 2. Lending moral assistance to his co-conspirators
felony are punishable only in cases in which the by being present at the commission of the crime
law specially provides a penalty therefor. 3. Exerting moral ascendancy on the other co-
Exception: They are punishable in cases in which General rule: Conspirators are liable only for the
the law specifically and specially provides a penalty crime agreed upon. They are not liable for any crime
not agreed upon.
Conspiracy and proposal to commit a crime are • When the other crime was committed in the
only preparatory acts and the law regards them as presence of the other conspirators and they did
innocent or at least permissible except in rare and not perform acts to prevent its commission
exceptional cases.
persons who agreed to decides to commit the 2. Implied or inferred - deducted from the mode and
the commission of the felony is sufficient. manner of committing the crime. There is no
crime preconceived plan but the offenders acted
simultaneously in a synchronized manner and
In both instances, it is not necessary that there be coordinated manner in that their acts are
an overt act committed.
complimenting one another towards a common
criminal objective.
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In implied conspiracy, it is necessary that the Art. 9. - Grave felonies, less grave felonies and
offenders have a direct participation in the light felonies. Grave felonies are those to which
commission of the crime.
the law attaches the capital punishment or
The penalty between the conspirators is the same— penalties which in any of their periods are
the act of one is the act of all.
afflictive, in accordance with Art. 25 of this
Direct proof is not essential to establish conspiracy. Code.
It may be inferred from the collective acts of the
accused before, during and after the commission of Less grave felonies are those in which the law
the crime.
punishes with penalties which in their maximum
Conspiracy renders all the conspirators co- period are correctional, in accordance with the
principals regardless of the extent and character of abovementioned article.
their participation. The act of one is the act of all in
Light felonies are those infractions of law for the
contemplation of law.
2. That he proposes its execution to some other Art. 10. - Offenses not subject to the provisions
of this Code. Offenses which are or in the future
may be punishable under special laws are not
There is no criminal proposal when:
subject to the provisions of this Code. This Code
1. The person who proposes is not determined to shall be supplementary to such laws, unless the
commit the felony
latter should specifically provide the contrary.
2. There is no decided, concrete and formal The Revised Penal Code is not supplementary to
RA 9165 or the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs
3. It is not the execution of a felony that is Act of 2002. Exception: If the offender is a minor,
the RPC applies.
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Provisions on attempted and frustrated crimes 2. Anyone who acts in the defense of the person
cannot be subjected to offenses under special laws. or rights of his spouse, ascendants,
The special law has to fix penalties for attempted descendants, or legitimate, natural or adopted
and frustrated crimes.
brothers or sisters or of his relatives by affinity
Pertinent provisions of the RPC on accomplices in the same degrees, and those by
cannot be applied suppletorily to offenses under the consanguinity within the fourth civil degree,
provided that the first and second requisites
prescribed in the preceding circumstance are
Mitigating and aggravating circumstances are not present, and the further requisite, in case the
applied to offenses punishable under SPL. The
provocation was given by the person attacked,
penalties proscribed by SPL are usually are
indeterminate and do not contain 3 periods (AFC)
that the one making the defense had no part
No accessory penalties may be imposed unless the
special law provides therefor.
3. Anyone who acts in defense of the person or
rights of a stranger, provided, that the first and
Where the special law adopted penalties from the second requisites mentioned in the first
RPC, the rules for graduating penalties by degrees circumstance are present and that the person
or determining the proper period should be applied. defending be not induced by revenge,
The indeterminate sentence law will apply just as it
resentment or other evil motive.
would in felonies.
Special laws amending the RPC are subject to its Third. That there be no other practical and less
harmful means of preventing it.
Imputability - quality by which an act may be 5. Any person who acts in the fulfillment of a
ascribed to a person as its author/owner. It implies duty or or in the lawful exercise of a right or
that the act committed has been freely and office.
consciously done and may therefore be put down to
the doer as his very own.
6. Any person who acts in obedience to an order
issued by a superior for some lawful purpose.
Responsibility - the obligation of suffering the
consequences of the crime. It is the obligation of Justifying circumstances - those where the acts of
taking the penal and civil consequences of the the actor are in accordance with law, thus he incurs
crime. Guilt is an element for responsibility for a no criminal and civil liability. The offender admits to
man cannot be made to answer for the the commission of the crime, but invokes any of the
consequences of a crime unless he is guilty. acts amounting to justifying circumstance.
Art. 11. - Justifying Circumstances.- The The burden of proof is incumbent upon the accused
to prove the justifying circumstance claimed by him
following do not incur any criminal liability:
to the satisfaction of the court.
Second. Reasonable necessity of the means He must rely on the strength of his own evidence
employed to prevent or repel it; and not the weakness of that for the prosecution.
Third. Lack of sufficient provocation on the part It is impossible for the State to prevent aggression
of the person defending himself. upon its citizens and offer protection to the person
unjustly attacked. Man’s natural instinct to protect,
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repel and save his person or rights from impending A public officer exceeding his authority may
danger or peril (impulse of self-preservation) is become an unlawful aggressor.
The fulfillment of a duty or the exercise of a right in A physical fact may determine whether the accused
a more or less violent manner may be an acted in self-defense.
There must be an actual physical force or actual use The aggression must be real and not imaginary. An
of weapon. Insulting words, no matter how aggression that is expected is real provided that it is
objectionable, without physical assault could not imminent.
A playful kick at the foot by way of greeting The person defending is not expected to control his
between friends is not a serious or real attack on a blow as long as the blows were inflicted at a time
person’s safety.
when the elements of complete self-defense are still
3. In case the provocation was given by the person When the order is not for a lawful purpose, the
attacked, the one making the defense had no subordinate who obeyed it is criminally liable.
part therein.
When the subordinate is not aware of the illegality
Unlawful aggression can be made to depend upon of the order and he is not negligent, he may not be
the honest belief of the one making a defense held liable.
(Mistake of Fact)
or evil motive.
3. The person defending be not induced by Insanity - not exempt when he acts in a lucid
revenge, resentment or evil motive.
Persons for whose benefit the harm has been In insanity , there must be:
prevented shall be civilly liable in proportion to the a. A complete deprivation of intelligence
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5. Any person who acts under the compulsion of
If the person becomes insane during the trial, the an irresistible force
trial will be suspended until the mental capacity of
the accused be restored to afford him a fair trial.
a. that the compulsion is by means of physical
Feeblemindedness - not imbecility because the Irresistible force can never consist in an impulse or
offender can distinguish right from wrong.
passion because it must come from an extraneous
Pedophilia - not insanity because the subject could force coming from a third person. It must reduce the
still distinguish right from wrong
actor to a mere instrument who acts not only
Amnesia - not a proof of mental condition of the without his will but against his will. A threat of future
accused unless it is shown that he was not aware of injury is not enough.
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circumstance because majority of the conditions This aggravating circumstance is not present when
required to justify the act is present. Ex. reasonable a Cogressman offered resistance to a peace officer
necessity is absent
in a gambling house for the reason being that he did
not take advantage of the influence or reputation of
2. That the offender is under eighteen years of his office.
5. That the act was committed in the immediate Wearing a police uniform is immaterial in some
vindication of a grave offense to the one cases. - Although there is evidence that he was in
committing the felony, his spouse, ascendants, civilian clothes at that time, it is nonetheless
descendants, legitimate, natural or adopted obvious that knowing that the offended party was
brothers or sisters or relatives by affinity within aware of his being a policeman, and sought to
the same degrees. impose his authority as such, the aggravating
circumstance stands.
6. That of having acted upon an impulse so It is not aggravating when it is an integral element
powerful as naturally to have produced passion of, or inherent in, the offense. - malversation of
or obfuscation funds, falsification of documents committed by
public officers.
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Knowledge that a public authority is present is
essential. The lack thereof indicates a lack of a. The abuse of confidence which the offended
intention to insult the public authority.
party reposed in the offender by opening the
door to him
d. His presence has not prevented the offender b. The violation of the sanctity of the home by
from committing the criminal act. trespassing therein with violence or against the
will of the owner.
When made known to the offender, should not The offended party must not give provocation to the
prevent the latter from committing the criminal act.
offender. When it is the offended party who has
provoked the incident, he loses his right to the
3. That the act be committed with insult or in respect and consideration due him in his own
disregard of the respect due the offended house.
b. Sufficient
c. when the condition of being a woman is b. When the robbery is committed by use of force
indispensable in the commission of the crime. upon things, dwelling is not aggravating
- parricide, rape, abduction or seduction - sex is because it is inherent.
not aggravating.
That the crime be committed in the dwelling of Dwelling is aggravating in robbery with homicide.
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d. qualified seduction
of confidence.
There is no abuse of confidence in attempted rape b. When especially sought for by the offender to
where on the day of the crime, the accused was in insure the commission of the crime or for the
the company of the offended girl, not because of purpose of impunity
her confidence in him, but because they were c. When the offender took advantage thereof for
partners in a certain business.
the purpose of impunity.
Special relation of confidence not aggravating. - If it appears that the accused took advantage of the
where the deceased and the abused happened to darkness for the more successful consummation of
be together because the former invited the latter his plans, to prevent his being recognized and that
nightclubbing and to bring with him the money the the crime may be perpetrated unmolested, the
latter owed the former.
aggravating circumstance should apply.
a. malversation of funds
It is not aggravating when the crime began at
b. qualified theft
daytime. The commission of the crime must begin
c. estafa by conversion or misappropriation
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and finish in nighttime and in the darkness of the
A recidivist is one who, at the time of his trial for
one crime, shall have been previously convicted
When the place is illuminated by light, nighttime is by final judgment of another crime embraced in
not aggravating.
the same title of this Code.
The lighting of a matchstick or use of flashlights
the distance of the nearest house to the scene of c. That both the first and the second offenses are
the crime, but whether or not in the place of the embraced in the same title of this code
commission of the offense there was a reasonable d. That the offender is convicted of the new
possibility of the victim receiving some help. It is the offense
Band - four armed men must act together in the There is recidivism even if the lapse of time
commission of the crime.
between the two felonies is more than 10 years.
The offender must take advantage of the calamity b. That he previously served sentence for another
or misfortune. Chaotic conditions after liberation is offense to which the law attaches an equal or
not included.
greater penalty, or for two or more crimes to
which it attaches lighter penalties than that for
8. That the crime be committed with the aid of the new offense
1. The time when the offender determined to
commit the crime
This aggravating circumstance should be 2. An act manifestly indicating that the culprit has
considered both against the person who made the cling to his determination
When craft partakes of an element of an offense,
The essence or premeditation is that the execution the same may not be appreciated independently for
of the criminal act must be preceded by cool the purpose of aggravation.
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Craft Fraud • It is applicable only to crimes against persons,
and sometimes persons and property such as
The act of the accused Direct inducement by robbery with physical injuries/homicide
15. That advantage be taken of superior strength 2. Means, methods or forms need not insure
or means be employed to weaken the defense accomplishment of crime
between the offender and the offended party in 1. That the offender deliberately adopted the
terms of their age, size and strength;
particular means, method or form of attack
2. That the offender took advantage of this employed by him
inequality of forces to facilitate the commission 2. That at the time of the attack, the victim was not
of the crime
in a position to defend himself.
Important notes:
The essence of treachery is the suddenness and
unexpectedness of the act to an unexpecting and
• No abuse of superior strength in parricide against unarmed victim who has not even given the
slightest provocation. The victim must be totally
• Evidence of relative physical strength necessary
without defense.
• Abuse of superior strength is aggravating in Whenever the offended party is a minor, there is
coercion and forcible abduction when greatly in always treachery because the minor is presumed by
excess of that required to commit the offense.
law to be defenseless.
• Numerical superiority
Attacks showing intent to eliminate risk
• intoxicating the victim to materially weaken the • Attacked from behind with a firearm, bladed
latter’s resisting power
weapon, other modes of armed attack
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In treachery, it makes no difference whether or not Unlawful entry is inherent in robbery; aggravating in
the victim was the same person whom the accused murder and theft.
intended to kill.
Treachery, evident premeditation and abuse of 19. That as a means to the commission of the
superior strength inherent in treason.
crime a wall, roof, floor, door or window be
Nighttime is inherent in treachery because it forms
part of the peculiar treacherous manner and means It is not necessary that the offender should have
adopted to insure the execution of the crime.
entered the building. What aggravates the liability of
the offender is the breaking of a part of the building
Dwelling is not included in treachery.
as a means to commit the crime.
Treachery cannot co-exist with passion or The breaking of the shutters and the framing of the
obfuscation. One who loses his reason and self- door is not aggravating.
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when the offender has committed a felony in a
state of intoxication, if the same is not habitual
1. That the injury caused be deliberately by or subsequent to the plan to commit said felony
causing other wrong
but when the intoxication is habitual or
2. That the other wrong be unnecessary for the intentional, it shall be considered as an
execution of the purpose of the offender.
aggravating circumstance.
Note: The victim must be alive because a corpse
cannot feel pain. Cruelty cannot be presumed.
rapid succession.
Ignominy Cruelty
In theft, swindling and malicious mischief,
Victim suffered moral pain Victim suffered physical relationship is an absolutory cause. A relative who
pain commits the same will only be civilly liable if the
Victim may be either alive Necessary that the victim offender and offended party are living together. He
or dead be alive is not criminally liable because of Art. 332.
murder is considered as aggravating. (Sec. 1 of P.D. • the crime committed is less physical injuries or
1866 as amended by R.A. 8294) If the use of slight physical injuries
the offender made use of his high degree of 2. When light felonies are committed against
education in facilitating the commission of the persons or property, they are punishable even if
they are only in the attempted or frustrated
stage of execution
Absolutory Causes and Extenuating 3. Only principals and accomplices are liable for
Circumstances light felonies (Art.16)
Extenuating circumstances - have the same effect Only natural persons can be the active subject of
as mitigating circumstances but are not included in crime because of the highly personal nature of
Art. 13. Their effect is to lower the imposable criminal responsibility.
criminal intent originated from the mind of the - A juridical person, like a corporation, cannot
public officer who only lured the offender to commit commit a crime in which a willful purpose or
the crime in order for him to have someone to arrest malicious intent is required.
and prosecute.
- There is substitution of deprivation of liberty
(subsidiary imprisonment) for pecuniary penalties
Since the criminal intent originated from the public in case of insolvency of the accused.
officer, the offender, by reason of public policy, is - Other penalties consisting in imprisonment
A corpse or animal cannot be a passive subject.
1. Principals The dead and the animals have no rights that may
2. Accomplices be injured. Exception: The crime of defamation may
3. Accessories
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be committed if the imputation tends to blacken the be established by positive and conclusive
memory of one who is dead.
evidence. (proof beyond reasonable doubt)
Art. 17. Principals. - The following are In order to hold an accused guilty as a co-principal
considered principals: by reason of conspiracy, it must be established that
he performed an overt act in furtherance of the
1. Those who take a direct participation in the conspiracy, either:
3. Those who cooperate in the commission of - by lending moral assistance to his co-
the offense by another act without which it conspirators by being present at the scene of the
• That they participated in the criminal In the absence of concerted action pursuant to a
resolution; common criminal design, each of the accused is
responsible only for the consequences of his own
Two or more persons are said to have participated acts.
- It is sufficient that at the time of the aggression, 1. In the crime of parricide, the element of
all the accused manifested by their acts a relationship must be present as regards all the
common intent or desire to attack so that the act offenders.
element of the felony arises from the private relation • by using uncontrollable fear
Since conspiracy presupposes an agreement and a There is also collective responsibility. Both the
decision to commit a felony, when it appears that person who used the words of command and the
the injuries inflicted on the offended party were due person who committed the crime because of such
to the reckless imprudence of two or more words are equally liable.
• That they carried out their plan and personally 1. That the inducement be made directly with the
took part in its execution by acts which tended intention of procuring the commission of the
directly to the same end. crime;
This means that the culprits must be at the scene of A thoughtless expression without intention to
the commission of the crime, personally taking pat produce the result is not an inducement to commit
in its execution.
a crime. Imprudent and ill-conceived advice is not
sufficient, especially if the person who gave the
In a murder which the offenders previously agreed advice did not have the intention to procure the
to commit, not only the one who inflicts the fatal commission of the crime.
—> Criminal responsibility in such a case is Thus, if the principal by direct participation had
personal reason to commit the crime so that he
would commit it just the same even if no
However, mere passive presence at the scene of inducement was made by another, this second
another’s crime does not constitute complicity.
requisite does not exist.
He becomes a principal by In case of doubt, the participation of the offender
inducement if the person will be considered that of an accomplice rather than
to whom the proposal is that of a principal.
a thing.
27 of 49
The wounds inflicted by an accomplice in crimes stolen. It is sufficient that after acquiring knowledge,
against persons should not have caused the death he concealed or disposed of the property.
of the victim.
It is not enough that a person entertains an identical Note: The crime committed by the principal may be
criminal design as that of the principal. There must any crime, provided that it is NOT a light felony.
following manners:
2. By concealing or destroying the body of the
1. By profiting themselves or assisting the crime to prevent its discovery.
offender to profit by the effects of the crime;
Corpus delicti - It means that a specific offense was
2. By concealing or destroying the body of the in fact committed by someone.
principal of the crime, provided he acts with • He harbors, conceals, or assists in the escape of
abuse of his public functions or the principal is the principal
guilty of treason, parricide, murder or an attempt • The public officer acts with abuse of his public
on the life of the Chief Executive, or is known to functions
28 of 49
because the law says “or is known to be habitually Art. 20. Accessories who are exempt from
guilty of some other crime”.
criminal liability. - The penalties prescribed for
accessories shall not be imposed upon those
One who kept silent with regard to the crime he who are such with respect to their spouses,
witnessed is not an accessory. Such an omission is ascendants, descendants, legitimate, natural
not one of the different acts enumerated in Art. 19.
the accessory.
3. descendant
Anti Fencing Law of 1972 (P.D. 1612) The accessory is not exempt from criminal liability
even if the principal is related to him, if such
Sec. 2.a. Fencing - is the act of any person who, accessory (1) profited by the effects of the crime, or
with intent to gain for himself or for another, shall (2) assisted the offender to profit by the effects of
buy, receive, possess, keep, acquire, conceal, sell the crime.
of the crimes of robbery and theft because of 1. Must be productive of suffering, without
reports from law enforcement agencies of rampant however affecting the integrity of human
robbery and thievery of government and private personality
2. Must be commensurate with the offense —
different crimes must be punished with different
29 of 49
3. Must be personal — no one should be sentence has been pronounced and the convict
punished for the crime of another
is serving the same.
4. Must be legal — it is the consequence of a
judgment according to law
This provision also applies to accused persons.
1. Prevention - The State must punish the criminl This exception also applies to a law dealing with
to prevent or suppress the danger to the State prescription of an offense. However, the new law
arising from the criminal acts of the offender
may also provide otherwise. For example, R.A. no.
2. Self-defense - The State has a right to punish 4661, reducing the number of prescription of
the criminal as a measure of self-defense so as criminal action for libel from two years to one year,
to protect society from the threat and wrong specifically provided that such provisions of the
inflicted by the criminal
new law shall not apply to cases of libel already
filed in court at the time of approval.
rules which regulate the execution of the 3. Changes the punishment and inflicts a greater
penalties consisting in deprivation of liberty
punishment than the law annexed to the crime
3. Social defense - shown by its inflexible severity when committed;
prescribed by law prior to its commission. 5. Assuming to regulate civil rights and remedies
only, in effect imposes penalty or deprivation of
An act or omission cannot be punished by the State a right for something which when done was
if at the time it was committed there was no law lawful;
prohibiting it, because a law cannot be rationally 6. Deprives a person accused of a crime of some
obeyed unless it is first shown, and a man cannot lawful protection to which he has become
be expected to obey an order that has not been entitled, such as the protection of a former
conviction or acquittal, or a proclamation of
—> However, a new law increasing the civil liability • The offended party in the crimes of adultery and
cannot be given retroactive effect.
concubinage cannot institute criminal prosecution
if he shall have consented or pardoned both the
Criminal liability under a former law is obliterated offenders. The pardon here may be IMPLIED, as
when the repeal is absolute.
continued inaction of the offended party after
learning of the offense.
1. When the provisions of the former law are • In the crimes of seduction, abduction, rape or
acts of lasciviousness, there shall be no criminal
2. When the repeal is by implication
prosecution if the offender has been expressly
3. When there is a saving clause
pardoned by the offended party or her parents,
grandparents, as the case may be. The pardon
The right to punish offenses committed under an here must be EXPRESS.
of a felony?
Only the penalty prescribed by law prior to the The pardon under Art. 344 is only a bar to criminal
commission of the felony may be imposed. BUT the prosecution. It does not extinguish criminal liability.
penalty prescribed by a law enacted after the Only the grounds enumerated under Art. 89
commission of the felony may be imposed if it is provides for those which totally extinguish criminal
favorable to the accused.
Felonies are punishable under the laws in force at An offense has two classes of injuries: (1) social
the time of their commission.
injury, produced by the disturbance and alarm
which are the outcome of the offense; and (2)
Art. 23. Effect of pardon by the offended party. - personal injury, caused to the victim of the crime
A pardon by the offended party does not who suffered damage wither to his person, property,
honor or chastity.
PRINCIPAL PENALTIES Principal penalties - those expressly imposed by the
court in the judgment of conviction.
Capital punishment:
Death • Indivisible penalties - those which have no fixed
duration. Examples: death, reclusion perpetua,
Afflictive penalties: perpetual absolute or special disqualification and
Reclusion perpetua public censure.
Reclusion temporal
• Divisible penalties - those that have a fixed
Perpetual or temporary absolute disqualification duration and are divisible into three periods.
Correctional penalties
32 of 49
Classification of penalties according to subject- Art. 27. DURATION AND EFFECT OF PENALTIES
1. Corporal (death)
Penalty Duration
2. Deprivation of freedom (reclusion, prision,
Reclusion perpetua 20 years and 1 day to 40
3. Restriction of freedom (destierro)
4. Deprivation of rights (disqualification and
Reclusion temporal 12 years and 1 day to 20
5. Pecuniary (fine)
Prision mayor and 6 years and 1 day to 12
Classification of penalties according to their gravity
years; unless the
1. Capital
disqualification is an
2. Afflictive
accessory penalty, in
3. Correctional
which case, its duration is
4. Light
that of the principal penalty
• Suspension
1. Serious physical injuries or death under
exceptional circumstances (Art. 247)
Art. 236, punishing the crime of anticipation of 2. In case of failure to give bond for good behavior
duties of a public office, provides for suspension as (Art. 284)
a principal penalty.
3. As a penalty for the concubine in concubinage
(Art. 334)
Art. 226, 227 and 228, punishing infidelity of public 4. In cases where after reducing the penalty by
officers in the custody of documents, provide for one or more degrees, destierro is the proper
temporary special disqualification as a principal penalty
Fines are imposed in many articles of this Code as Art. 28. Computation of penalties. - If the
an alternative penalty. Example: Art. 144, which offender shall be in prison, the term of the
punishes disturbance of proceedings, has a penalty duration of the temporary penalties shall be
of arresto mayor or a fine ranging from 200 pesos to computed from the day on which the judgment
1,000 pesos.
of conviction shall have become final.
33 of 49
counsel to abide by the same disciplinary rules
If the offender be not in prison, the term of the imposed upon convicted prisoners, except in the
duration of the penalty consisting of deprivation following cases:
of liberty shall be computed from the day that
the offender is placed at the disposal of the 1. When they are recidivists, or have been
judicial authorities for the enforcement of the convicted previously twice or more times of
penalty. The duration of the other penalties shall any crime; and
be computed only from the day on which the 2. When upon being summoned for the
defendant commences to serve his sentence. execution of their sentence they have failed
to surrender voluntarily.
Rules for computation of penalties
service of his sentence with 4/5 of the time durng 5. Persons charged with heinous crimes.
If the offense for which the offender is undergoing 1. The deprivation of the public offices and
preventive imprisonment is punishable by employments which the offender may have
imprisonment or a fine, and upon conviction the held, even if conferred by popular election.
court imposed on him only a fine, there is no credit 2. The deprivation of the right to vote in any
to be given. Credit is only given in the service of election for any popular elective office or to
sentences consisting of deprivation of liberty.
be elected in such office.
3. The disqualification for the offices or public
The computation of maximum possible employments and for the exercise of any of
imprisonment for purposes of immediate release the rights mentioned.
should be the actual period of detention plus good
conduct time allowance. If good conduct time
allowance is granted to convicted prisoners, this In case of temporary disqualification, such
benefit should also be extended to the detention disqualification as is comprised in paragraphs 2
& 3 of this Article shall last during the term of the
Destierro constitutes a deprivation of liberty. It
follows that Art. 29 is applicable when the penalty is 4. The loss of all rights to retirement pay or
destierro. The accused should be credited with the other pension for any office formerly held.
time during which he has undergone preventive
Art. 31. Effects of the penalties of perpetual or
temporary special disqualification. - The
The convict is to be released immediately if the penalties of perpetual or temporary special
penalty imposed after trial is less than the full time
disqualification for public office, profession or
or four-fifths of the time of the preventive
calling shall produce the following effects:
If the maximum penalty to which the accused may 1. The deprivation of the office, employment,
be sentenced is destierro, and he has been profession or calling affected;
detained for thirty days, he should be released 2. The disqualification for holding similar offices
immediately even if the duration of destierro is from or employments either perpetually or during
six months and one day to six years. In destierro, the term of the sentence, according to the
the accused sentenced does not serve it in prison. extent of such disqualification.
He is free, only that he cannot enter the prohibited
area specified in the sentence.
Art. 32. Effects of the penalties of perpetual or
temporary special disqualification for the
Offenders not entitled to the full time or four-fifths of
exercise of the right of suffrage. — The
the time of preventive imprisonment
Art. 33. - Effects of the penalties of suspension Note: Perpetual absolute disqualification is effective
from any public office, profession, or calling, or during the lifetime of the convict and even after the
service of the sentence. Temporary absolute
the right of suffrage. — The suspension from
disqualification lasts during the term of the
public office, profession, or calling, and the sentence, and is removed after the service of the
exercise of the right of suffrage shall disqualify same, except:
the offender from holding such office or • deprivation of the public office or employment
exercising such profession or calling or right of • loss of all rights to retirement pay or other pension
suffrage during the term of sentence. of for any office formerly held
The person suspended from holding public office 2. The penalties of perpetual or temporary special
shall not hold another having similar functions disqualification for public office, profession or
during the period of his suspension. calling
Art. 34. - Civil interdiction. - Civil interdiction a. Deprivation of the office, employment,
profession or calling affected
Art. 35. - Effects of bond to keep the peace. - It a. Deprivation of the right to vote or be elected to
shall be the duty of any person sentenced to any public office
give bond to keep the peace to present two b. Cannot hold any public office during the period
sufficient sureties who shall undertake that such of disqualification
less gave felony, and shall not exceed thirty days c. Deprivation of the right to manage his property
if for a light felony. and of the right to dispose of such property by
any act or conveyance inter vivos.
36 of 49
b. The offender must deposit such amount with the Exception: Where the facts and circumstances
clerk of court to guarantee said undertaking
show that the purpose of the Chief Executive is
c. The offender may be detained, if he cannot give precisely to restore those rights.
light felony.
Costs include:
1. Fees
3. When the principal penalty imposed is higher 3. When the penalty is higher than prision
than prision correctional, no subsidiary correccional — no subsidiary imprisonment.
1. prision correccional
improve. 6. fine
Subsidiary penalty- it is a subsidiary personal Even if the penalty imposed is not higher than
liability to be suffered by the convict who has no prision correccional, if the accused is a habitual
property with which to meet the fine, at the rate of delinquent who deserves an additional penalty of 12
one day for each amount equivalent to the highest years and one day of reclusion temporal, there is no
minimum wage rate prevailing in the Philippines at subsidiary imprisonment.
imprisonment is not imposed in the judgment of 2. For failure to pay the reparation of the damage
caused, indemnification of the consequential
damage and the costs of proceedings
38 of 49
3. When the penalty imposed is fine and a penalty Death, when not • Perpetual absolute
not to be executed by confinement in a penal executed by reason of disqualification
institution (destierro) and which has no fixed commutation or pardon • Civil interdiction for 30
duration (censure, etc)
years, unless expressly
remitted in the pardon
Section 3. - Penalties in which other accessory
penalties are inherent Reclusion perpetua and • Civil interdiction for life
temporal or during the sentence
Art. 45. Confiscation and forfeiture of the
Art. 44. - Arresto - Its accessory penalties —The proceeds or instruments of the crime. — Every
penalty of arresto shall carry with it that of penalty imposed for the commission of a felony
suspension of the right to hold office and the shall carry with it the forfeiture of the proceeds
right of suffrage during the term of sentence. of the crime and the instruments or tools with
which it was committed.
Penalty Inherent Accessory
Penalties Such proceeds and instruments or tools shall be
confiscated and forfeited in favor of the
39 of 49
government, unless they be the property of a Exception: When the law fixes a penalty for
third person not liable for the offense, but those frustrated or attempted felony.
the crime.
2. The proceeds and instruments or tools of the Graduation of penalties by degrees or periods
The forfeiture of the proceeds or instruments of the Art. 48. - Penalty for complex crimes. - When a
crime cannot be ordered if the accused is acquitted single act constitutes two or more grave or less
because no penalty is imposed.
grave felonies, or when an offense is a
necessary means for committing the other, the
The court cannot order the confiscation of property penalty for the most serious crime shall be
belonging to a third person if the latter is not imposed, the same to be applied in its maximum
indicated although there is sufficient ground to hold period.
him guilty of the acts for which the accused has
been convicted.
Art. 48 requires the commission of at least two
crimes. But the two or more grave or less grave
Forfeiture and confiscation of instruments and felonies must be the result of a single act, or an
proceeds of the offense are accessory penalties.
offense must be a necessary means for committing
the other.
In complex crime, although two or more crimes are
Art. 46. - Penalty to be imposed upon principals actually committed, they constitute only one crime
in general. — The penalty prescribed by law for in the eyes of the law as well as in the conscience
the commission of a felony shall be imposed of the offender. The offender has only one criminal
upon the principals of such felony. intent. Hence, there is only one penalty imposed for
the commission of a complex crime.
Rape with homicide is a special complex crime not However, when the offender had to falsify a public
covered by Art. 48. Art. 266-B shall apply.
or official document to obtain possession of the
funds which he misappropriated, the falsification is
When in obedience to an order, several accused a necessary means to commit the malversation.
(People vs Lawas)
—> Such ruling only applies when there is no There is no complex crime where one of the
evidence at all to show the number of persons killed offenses is penalized by a special law.
through negligence.
• That one or some of the offenses must be When two felonies constituting a complex crime are
necessary to commit the other
punishable by imprisonment and fine respectively,
only the penalty of imprisonment should be
Necessary means has been interpreted not to mean imposed. This is because fine is not included in the
indispensable means, because if it did, then the list of penalties in the order of severity, and it is the
offense would be an indispensable element of the last in the graduated scales in Art. 71 of the Revised
latter and would be an ingredient thereof.
Penal Code.
When in the definition of a felony, one offense is a In the order of severity of penalties, arresto mayor
means to commit the other, there is no complex and arresto menor are considered more severe than
other. In murder where the killing of a person is destierro (Art. 70, RPC), and arresto menor is higher
qualified by the circumstance that it was committed in degree than destierro (Art. 71, RPC) even if both
by means of fire or by means of explosion (Art. 248 arresto mayor and destierro are classified as
par. 3), there is no complex crime.
correctional penalties, and arresto menor is only a
light penalty.
2. Real or material plurality - there are different 1. If the penalty prescribed for the felony
crimes in law as well as in the conscience of the committed be higher than that corresponding
offender. In such cases, the offender shall be to the offense which the accused intended to
punished for each and every offense that he commit, the penalty corresponding to the
latter shall be imposed in its maximum
Formal or Ideal Plural Crimes
2. If the penalty prescribed for the felony
committed be lower than that corresponding
1. When the offender commits any of the complex to the one which the accused intended to
crimes defined in Art. 48 of the Code
commit, the penalty for the former shall be
2. When the law specifically fixes a single penalty
imposed in its maximum period.
for two or more offenses committed (Robbery
with Homicide under Art. 294, Kidnapping with 3. The rule established by the next preceding
serious physical injuries under Art. 267 par. 3)
paragraph shall not be applicable if the acts
3. When the offender commits continued crimes
committed by the guilty person shall also
constitute an attempt or frustration of
Continued crime - it is a single crime consisting of a another crime, if the law prescribes a higher
series of acts but all arising from one criminal penalty for either of the latter offenses, in
which case the penalty provided for the
attempt or the frustrated crime shall be
Examples of Continued Crimes:
imposed in its maximum period.
1. A c o l l e c t o r o f a c o m m e r c i a l fi r m Outline of Rules
resolution arises and a single defraudation 2. If the penalty for the felony committed be lower
than the penalty for the offense which the
2. A thief who takes from the yard of a house two accused intended to commit, the lower penalty
game roosters belonging to two different shall be imposed in its maximum period
persons. (There is unity of thought in the 3. If the act committed also constitutes an attempt
criminal purpose of the offender)
or frustration of another crime, and the law
prescribes a higher penalty for either of the
A continued crime is not a complex crime, because latter, the penalty for the attempted or frustrated
the offender in continued or continuous crime does crime shall be imposed in its maximum period.
42 of 49
penalty for the crime committed is different from next lower in degree than that prescribed by law
that for the crime intended to be committed.
for the frustrated felony
Art. 55. - Penalty to be imposed upon
Example: A, thinking that the person walking in a accessories of a frustrated crime. - The penalty
dark alley was B, a stranger, fired at that person, lower by two degrees than that prescribed by
who was killed as a result. It turned out that person
law for the frustrated felony
was C, the father of A.
The crime actually committed is parricide, Art. 56. - Penalty to be imposed upon
punishable by reclusion perpetua to death. The accomplices in an attempted crime - The penalty
crime which A intended to commit is homicide. next lower in degree than that prescribed by law
punishable by reclusion temporal. The penalty for for an attempt to commit a felony
homicide shall be imposed in its maximum period.
maximum period.
Note: In either case, the lesser penalty is always to Consummated Frustrated Attempted
be imposed, only that it shall be imposed in its
maximum period.
Principals 0 1 2
Rule no. 3 is not necessary because the cases Exception: Where the law expressly prescribes the
contemplated in that paragraph may well be penalty for a frustrated or attempted felony, or to be
covered by Art. 48 in view of the fact that the same imposed upon accomplices or accessories.
Art. 50.- Penalty to be imposed upon principals 1. The stage reached by the crime in its
of a frustrated crime - Penalty next lower in development (either attempted, frustrated or
degree than that prescribed by law for the consummated)
Art. 58. - Additional penalty to be imposed upon
Art. 54. - Penalty to be imposed upon
certain accessories. - Those accessories falling
accomplices in a frustrated crime - The penalty
within the terms of par. 3 of Art. 19 of this Code
43 of 49
who should act with abuse of their public Cases where an accomplice is punished as a
functions, shall suffer the additional penalty of principal
2. O n e w h o f u r n i s h e d t h e p l a c e f o r t h e
perpetration of the crime of slight illegal
detention (Art. 268)
2. Absolute temporary disqualification if the 2. Illegal possession and use of a false treasury or
principal offender is guilty of a less grave felony.
bank note (Art. 168)
Art. 59. - Penalty to be imposed in case of failure Art. 61. - Rules for graduating penalties
to commit the crime because the means
employed or the aims sought are impossible. - Indivisible penalties:
has already performed the acts for the execution • Reclusion perpetua
of the same but nevertheless the crime was not • Public censure
the court, having in mind the social danger and • Arresto mayor
• Destierro
1. Social danger
Reclusion perpetua —> the penalty immediately
2. Degree of criminality shown by the offender
lower —> Reclusion temporal
The provision of Art. 59 is limited to those cases 2. When the penalty prescribed for the crime is
where the act performed would be grave felonies or composed of two indivisible penalties, or one
less grave felonies.
or more divisible penalties to be imposed to
their full extent
Art. 60. - Exceptions to the rules established in
Arts. 50-57. - The provisions contained in Art. • When the penalty is composed of two indivisible
50-57, inclusive, of this Code, shall not be penalties
44 of 49
• When the penalty is composed of one or more the penalty consisting in two periods down in
divisible penalties to be imposed in their full the scale
Art. 62. - Effect of the attendance of mitigating
The penalty for murder is reclusion temporal in its or aggravating circumstances and of habitual
maximum period to death. The penalty next lower is delinquency
prision mayor in its maximum period to the medium
period of reclusion temporal.
Paragraph 1:
Aggravating circumstances which (1) in themselves
When the penalty is composed of one indivisible constitute a crime especially punished by law OR
penalty and the maximum period of a divisible which (2) are included by the law in defining a crime
penalty and prescribing a penalty therefor are not to be
taken into account to increase the penalty.
4. When the penalty prescribed for the crime is (1) That the crime be committed by means of fire is
composed of several periods, corresponding not considered as aggravating in arson;
Simplified Rules
2. If the offense was committed by any person
who belongs to an organized/syndicated group.
45 of 49
Example: Evident premeditation in robbery and crimes, the penalty being enhanced on account of
the criminal propensities of the accused.
Paragraph 4
The circumstances which consist (1) in the material A. When there is only one aggravating
execution of the act, or (2) in the means employed circumstance, the greater penalty shall be
to accomplish it, shall serve to aggravate or mitigate imposed
the liability of those persons only who had B. When there is neither mitigating nor
knowledge of them at the time of the execution of aggravating circumstances, the lesser
the act or their cooperation therein.
penalty shall be imposed
principal by induction when he left to the principal D. When both mitigating and aggravating
by direct participation the means, modes or circumstances are present, the court shall
methods of the commission of the felony.
allow them to offset one another.
2. Upon a fourth conviction, the culprit shall also Art. 64. - Rule for the application of penalties
be sentenced to the aditional penalty of prision which contain three periods.
mayor in its minimum and medium periods.
3. Upon a fifth or additional conviction, the culprit Art. 64 only applies when the penalty prescribed by
shall also be sentenced to the additional penalty law for the offense is reclusion temporal, prision
of prision mayor in its minimum period to mayor, prision correccional, arresto mayor, arresto
reclusion temporal in its minimum period.
menor or prision correccional to reclusion perpetua,
etc., because they are divisible into three periods.
the last crime of which he is found guilty and (2) the 1. No aggravating and no mitigating - medium
additional penalty for being a habitual delinquent.
NOTE: It is necessary that the subsequent crime 3. Only an aggravating - maximum period
must be committed after conviction of the former 4. When there are aggravating and mitigating —
the court shall offset those of one class against
the other according to their relative weight
The imposition of additional penalties for habitual Example: Recidivism cannot be offset by any
delinquency is constitutional. It is not an ex post mitigating circumstance.
46 of 49
6. No penalty greater than the maximum period of more particularly to the wealth or means of the
the penalty prescribed by law shall be imposed, culprit.
no matter how many aggravating circumstances
are present.
The court can fix any amount of the fine within the
7. The court can determine the extent of the limits established by law.
aggravating and mitigating circumstances and a. The mitigating and aggravating circumstances
the greater or lesser “extent of the evil” b. More particularly, the wealth or means of the
produced by the crime.
forming one period of each of the three periods. 1. That the act causing the injury be lawful; that is,
permitted not only by law but also by
Meaning of the rule
1. Compute and determine first the three periods 3. That the injury be caused by mere accident, i.e.
of the entire penalty.
by an unforseen event
2. The time included in the penalty prescribed 4. That there be no fault or intention to cause the
should be divided into three equal portions, after injury
Art. 66. Imposition of fines. - In imposing fines, Art. 68. - Repealed by RA 9344
the courts may fix any amount within the limits
1. A child 15 years and under is exempt from
established by law; in fixing the amount in each
criminal responsibility
case attention shall be given, not only to the 2. A child above 15 years but below 18 years of
mitigating and aggravating circumstances, but age is exempt from criminal liability unless he/
she has acted with discernment.
47 of 49
An offender over 15 years but under 18 years of age Outline of rules
acted with discernment, he/she shall be subjected 2. Otherwise, the order of their respective severity
to diversion proceedings.
shall be followed
conflict with the law has wilfully failed to comply B. Reclusion perpetua
law shall be brought before the court for execution E. Prision correccional
of judgment.
F. Arresto mayor
G. Arresto menor
include exemption from civil liability which shall be I. Perpetual absolute disqualification
The court may, after it shall have convicted and 3. Temporary absolute disqualification
sentenced a child in conflict with the law, and upon 4. Temporary special disqualification
account the best interest of the child. (Sec. 4 of the 7. Public censure
9. Civil interdiction
Art. 69. - Penalty to be imposed when the crime 10. Confiscation and payment of costs
Note: Unlawful aggression is indispensable in self- Imprisonment must be served before destierro.
defense, defense of strangers and defense of Arresto menor is more severe than destierro.
1. Perpetual absolute disqualification
2. Temporary absolute disqualification
3. Suspension from public office, the right to
vote and be voted for, and the right to follow
a profession or calling
4. Public censure
5. Fine
49 of 49