Evaluation of The Acoustic Performance o PDF
Evaluation of The Acoustic Performance o PDF
Evaluation of The Acoustic Performance o PDF
Applied Acoustics
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a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: This paper presents the results of an evaluation of acoustic comfort of classrooms built according to a
Received 31 October 2007 standard design. Three constructive designs located in the metropolitan area of Curitiba (Brazil) have
Received in revised form 15 June 2008 been evaluated, two schools built under each of these three designs, in a total of six schools. The acoustic
Accepted 20 June 2008
quality of the classrooms have been analyzed based on measurements of the reverberation time, sound
Available online 11 September 2008
pressure level inside and outside the classrooms, and sound insulation. Measurements of ambient noise
(external and internal) followed the Brazilian Standards NBR 10151 and NBR 10152. Measurement of
reverberation time and sound insulation followed the international Standards ISO 140-4, ISO 140-5,
Acoustic comfort
Ambient noise
ISO 717-1, and ISO 3382. Results (sound insulation and reverberation time) have been compared with ref-
Classrooms erence values found in the Brazilian Standard NBR 1279, and in the Standards ANSI S12.60 and DIN
Reverberation 18041. Results reveal poor acoustical quality of the surveyed classrooms, for all 3 constructive designs
Sound insulation studied. The surveyed designs do not meet the guidelines of either the Brazilian Standards or of the Inter-
national Standards employed as references.
Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0003-682X/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
P.H.T. Zannin, D.P.Z. Zwirtes / Applied Acoustics 70 (2009) 626–635 627
2. Method traffic was not significant, outside noise was generated by a loud-
speaker (ISO 140-5). To measure the sound insulation of façades, a
The aim of this work was to verify the acoustic quality of class- pink noise signal was generated using a BK 1405 noise generator.
rooms built according to standard designs for school buildings. To This noise was distributed along the façade by means of a 900 W
this end, the standard modular school models 010, 022 and 023 loudspeaker system tilted at 45° and placed at least 3.5 m away
implemented by the government of the state of Paraná, Brazil, have from the façade. Two BK 4190 microphones, one facing the façade
been evaluated. and the other inside the classroom, recorded the sound signals
Six schools, two of each constructive design, were evaluated in simultaneously, as recommended by the ISO 140-5 standard. Back-
the metropolitan region of Curitiba. To facilitate the identification ground noise and reverberation time measurements were taken in
of the schools of this research, the schools of design 010 were empty classrooms to make the corrections according to the acous-
dubbed S1 and S2, those of design 022 were called S3 and S4, tic characteristics of the reception environment.
and those of design 023 were called S5 and S6. The surveyed AR 0014 flat cable (Brüel and Kjaer) was used for measuring the
schools are attended by children from the 5th to the 8th grades sound insulation of façades and between classrooms and corridors.
(11–14 years old) of our fundamental education system, which Flat cable serves to connect the external microphone to the BK
corresponds to the primary school. The results of this work were 2260 analyzer without the need to leave gaps besides the existing
obtained by in situ measurements of the reverberation time RT, ones around doors or windows. The use of this equipment contrib-
sound insulation coefficients (sound insulation of façades and be- utes to the reliability of the measured data.
tween classrooms and corridors), and ambient noise (outside the After the field measurements, the data were transferred to the
classrooms and inside the classrooms), expressed by the continu- Qualifier software (BK 7830), which processes all the data collected
ous equivalent sound level, LAeq, in dB. and provides a single sound insulation value R0w – weighted appar-
ent sound reduction index, between rooms in a building and R045 ;w
– weighted apparent sound reduction index, sound insulation of
2.1. Measurement of reverberation time RT
façades. Data processing using this software program is specified
by the ISO 140-4, ISO 140-5 and ISO 717-1 [32] standards.
To measure the reverberation time RT, a two-channel BK 2260
(Brüel and Kjaer) modular real-time sound analyzer has been used,
which emits a pink noise signal to a BK 2716 power amplifier con- 2.3. Measurement of external and internal ambient noise
nected to the sound source. A BK 4296 omnidirectional dodecahe-
dron sound source was used. The generated sound was captured by Classrooms have been evaluated under the following conditions:
a microphone connected to the BK 2260 analyzer, which automat- (1) empty classrooms and (2) occupied classrooms. In all situations
ically calculated the reverberation time RT60 for each frequency of the evaluated schools were not empty, while routine activities were
the spectrum of interest. carried out. The sound pressure levels were obtained from mea-
The measurements were taken following the specifications of surements taken both inside the classrooms and outside the
the ISO 3382 standard [31]. Measurements were taken at three dif- schools. In both cases, the measurements were taken according to
ferent points in each classroom. Three readings were taken at each the Brazilian NBR 10151 standard [27], which regulates noise eval-
point. In the laboratory, measurements were then transferred to a uations in inhabited areas for purposes of community comfort.
computer using Qualifier 7830 software from Brüel and Kjaer, External measurements have been conducted in order to char-
which calculated the mean reverberation time and the respective acterize the area where the schools are located. Noise levels inside
standard deviation for each evaluated frequency. This procedure the classrooms were evaluated to verify the acoustical conditions
was repeated for all classrooms in which RT was measured. of the classrooms for the development of teaching–learning activ-
ities. The influence of noise produced in surrounding schoolyards
and sports courts on the noise levels measured inside the class-
2.2. Measurements of the sound insulation
rooms was also checked.
All the measurements were taken on normal school days (Mon-
The procedures for taking field measurements of the weighted
days to Fridays), without atypical noises such as rain, thunder, or
apparent sound reduction index R0w between rooms in a building strong winds, as recommended by the NBR 10151 standard [27].
are specified by the ISO 140-4 standard [29], while measurements
This standard establishes that external measurements should be
of the sound insulation of façades, namely weighted apparent sound
performed at the site of highest noise level. Accordingly, the sound
reduction index R045 ;w , are specified in the ISO 140-5 standard [30].
level meter was positioned on a tripod at a distance of 2 m from
A pink noise was generated by the BK 2260 sound analyzer dur-
walls or façades, and then the measurement was performed. The
ing the measurements of the sound insulation coefficients between
duration of each measurement was of 10 min. The continous
the classrooms and the corridors. This noise was amplified with a
equivalent sound level LAeq has been measured, along with its
BK 2716 power amplifier and then distributed through the class- range of variation, from LAmin to LAmax.
room using the BK 4296 omnidirectional dodecahedron sound
The noise inside each classroom was measured at a single spot
source. Two BK 4190 microphones, one in the corridor and the positioned at the center of the classroom. The duration of this mea-
other in the classroom, picked up the sound simultaneously.
surement was of 3 min. The continuous equivalent sound level LAeq
As outlined by the ISO 140-4 standard [29], the noise level at and its range of variation from LAmin to LAmax were thus obtained.
the back of the reception room and the reverberation times were
Values measured are displayed in Tables 2 and 3. Sound pressures
recorded in order to make the corrections as a function of the areas were measured using Brüel and Kjaer BK 2238 and BK 2237 sound
of absorption of the reception room, following the procedures of
level meters and the measured values were analyzed using Brüel
the ISO 3382 standard [30]. and Kjaer’s BK 7820 Evaluator software.
The number of points evaluated was determined according to
the dimensions of the spaces, observing a minimum distance of
0.5 m between the wall and the microphone and of 1.5 m between 3. Description of the evaluated designs
the microphone and the floor.
With regard to the measurement of sound insulation by façades, Public schools in the state of Paraná are designed in standard
given the observation of the schools’ surroundings, that noise from modules adjustable to the need for new schools, depending on
628 P.H.T. Zannin, D.P.Z. Zwirtes / Applied Acoustics 70 (2009) 626–635
Fig. 3. Corridor between the classrooms from school Alfredo Parodi – standard 010 e school Luiza Ross – standard 010.
Fig. 5. Plan of the school Anibal Khuri Neto, built under standard 022, showing location of classrooms, school yard, and sports facilities.
ing Bulletin BB-93 [44] indicates that RT is given in terms of the Table 6 displays RT values for two classrooms of each constructive
maximum mid frequency reverberation time Tmf, the average RT design evaluated.
in the 500 Hz, 1000 Hz and 2000 Hz octave bands, and RT should RTs of all the schools evaluated here were higher than the 0.6 s
be measured with the classroom empty and unfurnished. In the limit established by the ANSI S12.60 standard [34] (Tables 5 and 6).
USA [34] RT is given as the maximum RT in octave bands with mid- When compared with the recommendation of the World Health
band frequencies of 500 Hz, 1000 Hz and 2000 Hz, and RT is mea- Organization [39], only School S2 (Design 010) falls within the
sured with the classroom empty and furnished. In Germany the established range of 0.4–0.8 s. The RTs of the schools S3, S4, S5
DIN E 18041 [35–38]–Hörsamkeit in kleinen bis mittelgrossen Räu- and S6 are well above the range established by WHO. Considering
men (Audibilidade em salas de tamanho pequeno a médio) from the Brazilian Standard NBR 12179, none of the classrooms meets
2003, establishes that RT values are for the mean in 2-octave bands the limit for RT in the frequency of 500 Hz, according to Table 5.
500 Hz and 1000 Hz, and RT is measured with the classroom empty Considering the Standard DIN E 18041 [35–38], again only School
and furnished. The DIN E 18041 establishes that for occupied S2 presents reasonable RT values (Table 5).
rooms, one should subtract 0.2 s from the RT values in Table 5. The differences in the RTs of the constructive designs are due to
For the analysis of RT, the recommendations of the WHO [39] have the different building materials employed. In the classrooms of de-
also been considered, based on the French regulation of January 9, sign 010, the floors are parquet and the ceiling is wood paneled.
1995. According to the French regulation cited by WHO [39] the RT The 022 design also has parquet floors, while the 023 design has
in classrooms with a volume of less than 250 m3 should be of be- ceramic tile floors. The ceilings of designs 022 and 023 are not pan-
tween 0.4 and 0.8 s, RT being the arithmetic mean of the RT mea- eled, but simply plastered and painted. The walls of all the con-
sured in the frequencies 500, 1000, and 2000 Hz. Table 5 shows the structive designs are of bricks overlaid with plaster and painted,
recommendation for RT. but in school S6, the walls are finished up to half-height with wall
Reverberation time was measured in furnished unoccupied tiles. The schools of design 010 were constructed about 20 years
classrooms, which have a volume of about 139 m3 (designs 010 before those of designs 022 and 023, and their interior finishing
and 022) and 156 m3 (design 023) and seat up to 40 students each. (walls, floors and ceilings) and reverberation times offer better
P.H.T. Zannin, D.P.Z. Zwirtes / Applied Acoustics 70 (2009) 626–635 631
Fig. 6. Plan of the school Walde Rosi Galvão, built under standard 023, showing location of classrooms, school yard, and sports facilities.
Table 1
Traffic noise in the proximities of the schools
Table 2
Noise levels in five empty classroom with the other rooms engaged in normal
Table 3 Table 4
Noise levels in empty classrooms whose (open) windows look out on the school yard Noise levels in the classrooms during class
School Construction design LAeq (dB) LAmax (dB) LAmin (dB) School Construction design LAeq (dB) LAmax (dB) LAmin (dB)
S1 010 66.7 81.3 54.4 S3 022 74.0 85.6 53.8
S2 010 66.0 80.5 54.8 S6 023 73.7 94.5 54.8
S3 022 74.6 88.7 52.6
S4 022 62.5 73.5 50.6
Table 5
Recommendations for reverberation time RT
4.3. Sound insulation
Country Reverberation time (s)
Although several authors [4,45,46] state that ambient noise lev- Brazil 0.4 < RT 6 0.6 – classrooms with 120 < V 6 300 m3
French (cited in 0.4 < RT < 0.8 – classrooms with V 6 250 m3
els and reverberation time are the most important parameters that
WHO [39]) 0.6 < RT < 1.2 – classrooms with V > 250 m3
affect the acoustic quality of classrooms, sound insulation should Germany RT between 0.8 and 1.0 – classrooms with V bis 250 m3
not be disregarded. RT between 0.9 and 1.1 – classrooms with V bis 500 m3
Sound insulation should be a priority in school environments RT between 1.1 and 1.2 – classrooms with V bis 750 m3
Japan RT = 0.6 – classrooms with V 200 m3
where the sources of noise cannot be altered, especially in schools
RT = 0.7 – classrooms with V 300 m3
affected by high levels of noise from road, air and railroad traffic. UK RT = Tmfa < 0.6
Another important factor is the sound insulation between quiet RT = Tmfb < 0.8
and very noisy spaces, as in the case of the schools of designs USA RT = 0.6 – classrooms with V < 283 m3
010 and 022, where physical-education classes are held in school- RT = 0.7 – classrooms with 283 m3 < V 6 566 m3
Classrooms with V > 566 m3 see ANSI S12.60 for special
yards located very close to the classrooms.
recommendations on the control of RT in these spaces
Due to the complexity of the measuring process in terms of the
quantity of equipment and number of people involved, sound insu- For primary schools: classrooms, class bases, general teaching areas, small
groups rooms.
lation measurements were taken in only one school of each design. b
For secondary schools: classrooms, general teaching areas, seminar rooms,
After the field measurements, the data were transferred to the tutorial rooms, language laboratories.
Qualifier software (BK 7830), which processes all the data collected
and provides a single sound insulation value R0w – weighted appar-
ent sound reduction index, between rooms in a building and R045 ;w
– weighted apparent sound reduction index, sound insulation of and Table 7 show the single value of sound insulation of the façade
façades. The Figures below display the result of data processing for classrooms S1, S3 and S6.
for the determination of sound insulation between the classrooms The sound insulation of façades recommended by the ANSI
and the corridor R0w , and the sound insulation of the façades R045 ;w . S12.60 standard [34] is 50 dB. As indicated in Table 7, the values
The determination of ‘‘Rating of sound insulation in buildings and obtained for R045 ;w are far below the desirable level. The façades
of buildings elements” was done according to ISO 717-1–Airborne of designs 010 and 023 have a large area of window, which contrib-
sound insulation, using the software Qualifier BK 7830. Figs. 9–11 utes to the reduction of the sound insulation. The classrooms of
20 31,50 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 A Hz
Cursor:1600 HzLeq=69,5 dBLFMax=74,5 dBLFMin=52,0 dB
Table 6
RT measurement results (mean and standard deviation – SD) for two classrooms of each constructive design evaluated
Frequency School Standard School Standard School Standard School Standard School Standard School Standard
(Hz) S1 010 S2 010 S3 022 S4 022 S5 023 S6 023
RT mean SD RT mean SD RT mean SD RT mean SD RT mean SD RT mean SD
125 1.34 0.03 1.45 0.27 2.84 0.00 2.71 0.35 3.31 0.39 3.29 0.18
250 1.10 0.16 0.89 0.04 1.99 0.04 1.70 0.08 2.12 0.23 2.64 0.15
500 1.02 0.03 0.72 0.02 2.04 0.09 1.77 0.19 1.44 0.05 2.10 0.04
1000 1.04 0.01 0.89 0.14 2.20 0.07 1.59 0.07 1.34 0.03 1.99 0.08
2000 0.93 0.05 0.70 0.00 2.09 0.02 1.76 0.23 1.27 0.02 1.91 0.03
4000 0.78 0.01 0.64 0.00 1.62 0.02 1.44 0.13 1.10 0.00 1.55 0.02
dB R'45° R'45°w = 21 dB
Table 7
Sound insulation of façades 30
dB R'45° R'45°w = 15 dB 10
125 250 500 1k 2k 4k Hz
Fig. 11. Weighted apparent sound reduction index – sound insulation of façade –
school S6 – Luarlindo dos Reis Borges – standard 023.
dB R' R'w = 22 dB
125 250 500 1k 2k 4k Hz
dB R'45° R'45°w = 26 dB
20 0
125 250 500 1k 2k 4k Hz
Fig. 12. Weighted apparent sound reduction index – sound insulation between the
classroom and the corridor – school S1 – Alfredo Parodi – standard 010.
Fig. 14. Detail of the vents in the walls between classrooms and corridors.
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