Food Chemistry 295 (2019) 198-205

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Food Chemistry 295 (2019) 198–205

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Chemometric studies of the effects of milk fat replacement with different T

proportions of vegetable oils in the formulation of fat-filled milk powders:
Implications for quality assurance
Kizito Kene Ejeahalaka, Stephen L.W. On

Department of Wine, Food and Molecular Biosciences, Lincoln University, P O Box 7647, Canterbury, New Zealand


Keywords: Bovine milk lipids can be replaced with cheaper indigenous vegetable oils to produce milk alternatives with
Vegetable oils healthier saturated/unsaturated fat balance for those in areas where milk supply is poor or even absent. A wide
Fat-filled milk powder range of vegetable oils can be used, but their impacts when blended with skimmed milk powder to formulate
Near infrared spectroscopy filled milk powder (FMP) are still unknown. We investigate the baseline variances in 12 types of FMP produced
Partial least square discriminant analysis
onsite with 3 proportions (10%, 20% and 30%) of 4 different vegetable oils (i.e., coconut, palm, soya-bean and
Soft independent modelling
sunflower) using fatty acid- and near infrared spectra profiles. Chemometric analyses revealed 8 significant
overlapping clusters of FMP types but 100% classification efficiency was achieved. Sunflower oil, and particu-
larly soya-bean FMP types had statistically the lowest indices of atherogenicity and thrombogenicity. This ap-
pears to be the first chemometrics study of FMP; the spectral analytical models used may be effective for product

1. Introduction Organisation and World Health Organisation specified that FMP should
contain a total fat and milk protein of not < 26% (w/w) and 34% (w/
Filled milk powder (FMP) is a recombined product formulated to w) respectively (Codex Alimentarius Commission, 2006). However,
resemble whole/full cream milk powder with the substitution of milkfat different oils possess differing ratios of saturated, mono-unsaturated
by a locally available, cost-efficient vegetable oil (Early, 1998). FMP is and poly-unsaturated fats (Early, 1998). For instance, coconut and palm
a cheaper milk alternative that enables millions of consumers to access kernel oils (called the lauric oils), which contain high levels of medium-
dairy nutrition in areas including many African nations where milk and long-chain SFA, are frequently used for FMP due to their high
supply is very low or even absent, with over 890,000 tonnes estimated oxidative stability, good mouth feel, low melting point and bland taste
to be produced globally in 2015 (European Commission, 2017). Indeed, (Ibrahim, 2011). Palm oil is also commonly used in FMP (Jensen &
since bovine milk fat is composed mainly of saturated fatty acids (SFA) Nielsen, 1982; Vignolles, Jeantet, Lopez, & Schuck, 2007) for similar
which are associated with poor health outcomes (Keys et al., 1986), the reasons coupled with the fact that it has a balanced fatty acid compo-
production of FMP also provides an excellent opportunity to enhance sition in which the level of SFA is almost equal to that of unsaturated FA
the nutritional value of reconstituted milk (Jensen & Nielsen, 1982). (Siew, 2011). However, the concern about the elevation of serum
However, the composition of milk fat is far more complex than most of cholesterol level by saturated fats and oils has led to attempts to for-
the fats used for the substitution and as such using some vegetable oils mulate FMP with vegetable oils with a high content of unsaturated fatty
for FMP may result in nutritionally inferior product (Jensen & Nielsen, acids (UFA). Jeon, Roberts, and Senecal (1992) investigated the possi-
1982). In addition, the use of vegetable oils may also result in unwanted bility of using partially hydrogenated oils of soya-bean, sunflower, ca-
changes in both organoleptic properties and/or nutritive value due to nola and cottonseed whereas Modler, Rippen, and Stine (1970) showed
the composition of the fatty acids (FA) in some of the fats (Jensen & that lightly hydrogenated soya-bean oil can successfully be used to
Nielsen, 1982). formulate FMP with reasonable oxidative stability and yet containing
In the standard for blending skimmed milk powder (SMP) with significant quantities of UFA, including the essential FA. The choice of
vegetable fat to formulate FMP adopted in 2006 (last amended in vegetable oil is thus crucial in formulating FMP; unfortunately, the
2014), the Codex Alimentarius Commission of the Food and Agriculture literature on FMP has so far been very limited. We are unaware of

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (S.L.W. On).
Received 17 December 2018; Received in revised form 15 May 2019; Accepted 17 May 2019
Available online 17 May 2019
0308-8146/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
K.K. Ejeahalaka and S.L.W. On Food Chemistry 295 (2019) 198–205

studies to compare the variances in different formulations of FMP with ester) was added into each of the tubes, followed by the addition of
respect to their FA profiles, or to report methods for their routine 900 μL of heptane and 4.0 mL of 0.5 M NaOH/dried methanol. The
classification. tubes, with their caps screwed, were carefully vortexed and incubated
Multi-parametric instruments (i.e., those allowing simultaneous in water-bath at 50 °C for 15 min. Then, the tubes were vortexed again
analysis of multiple parameters) involving near infrared spectroscopy after cooling at room temperature, and that was followed by the ad-
(NIRS) have been shown (Botros, et al., 2013) to have potential in dition 0f 2.0 mL of heptane and 2.0 mL of distilled water. The tubes
characterising the spectral variances of commercial SMP and nonfat dry were then capped, vortexed and centrifuged at 1500 g for 5 min in order
milk powders when coupled with chemometrics. The benefits of NIRS to separate the heptane layer of the FA esters. The residual water in the
compared to other technologies include its ready availability, low cost, heptane layer was subsequently removed using small amounts of an-
high throughput, and rapid analytical measurements (Botros, et al., hydrous sodium sulphate and a subsample of the recovered extract
2013). NIRS appears to be ideal for objective characterization of FMP called FA methyl esters (FAME) was stored in a vial at − 20 °C until GC
products for quality assurance, yet we have not found evidence of its analysis.
application in this regard. The GC analysis was carried out by injecting 1.0 μL of the extracted
In this study, we describe what we believe to be the first use of NIRS FAME onto a Varian CP7420, tailor-made fused silica capillary column
analyses to characterize FMP samples formulated using 3 different with a length of 100 m, internal diameter of 0.25 mm, and film thick-
proportions of 4 types of vegetable oils as the backbone fats. The ness of 0.20 μm, using the AOC-20i auto-sampler fitted to a Shimadzu
baseline variances of the fatty acid profiles of the formulated FMP were GC-2010 gas chromatograph. The chromatograph was operated under
also determined to aid understanding of the PCA, and the impacts on the following analytical conditions: carrier gas, helium with linear ve-
nutritive potential. locity of 16.7 cm/s; oven temperature, 45 °C–250 °C (after 4 min at the
initial temperature of 45 °C, the oven was ramped at the rate of 13 °C/
2. Materials and methods min to 175 °C and was held for 27 min before ramping up again at the
rate of 4 °C/min. It was held at 215 °C for 35 min and was baked-off at
2.1. Raw materials collection 250 °C for 5 min. The equilibration time between runs was 5 min); inlet,
split injection with a ratio of 1:60; flame ionisation detector tempera-
This study was conducted using three (i.e., palm oil, soya-bean oil ture, 250 °C; needle wash, heptane (2 pre-wash, 4 post-wash). The ex-
and sunflower oil) of the four major vegetable oils in the world; and a ternal standards used for identification and quantification of the in-
lauric oil (i.e., coconut oil) which has a very different FA composition dividual fatty acid methyl esters were: ME 61, ME 93, ME 100, BR 2, BR
from other commodity oils (Gunstone, 2011). Palm oil (PO) was pur- 3, GLC 463, GLC 411 and CLA c9t11 (Larodan Fine Chemicals, Sweden).
chased from Pure Nature (New Zealand) whereas coconut oil (CO), The FA concentrations obtained from the assay were expressed both as
soya-bean oil (SBO), sunflower oil (SFO) and SMP were purchased from g of fatty acid per 100 g of total fatty acids and mg of fatty acid per g of
a local supermarket chain in Christchurch, New Zealand. freeze-dried milk samples; only the latter converted to g per 100 g of
dried milk was used for analysing quality and baseline variances in this
2.2. Filled milk powder manufacture study.

A total of 240 FMP samples were formulated by first dispersing and

mixing 25 g of SMP in 250 mL of deionised water at 20 °C using a 2.4. Lipid nutritional implications characterisation indices
magnetic stir bar while avoiding the incorporation of air. The four
vegetable oils (i.e., CO, PO, SBO and SFO) used for the formulation The nutritional implications of the lipid fractions of the FMP sam-
were pre-warmed to 15 °C above their respective melting points, and ples were assessed using the indices of atherogenicity and thrombo-
different proportions (i.e., 10%, 20% and 30%) of each one of them genicity proposed by Ulbricht and Southgate (1991). The two indices
were independently added to the reconstituted SMP. Then, the mixture highlighted the principal fatty acids that are culpable for increasing
was homogenised (Polytron, PT 3100) for 5 min at 6600 rpm while cholesterolaemia (i.e., lauric (C12:0), myristic (C14:0), and palmitic
maintaining a constant temperature of 70 °C. The resulting emulsions (C16:0) acids) and the formation of thrombi (i.e., C14:0, C16:0, and
were rapidly frozen (Moffat Friginox, Model RC30-15A) at – 32 °C for stearic (C18:0) acid) respectively. According to Ulbricht and Southgate
2 h without adding any emulsifier before they were stored in frozen (1991), the index of atherogenicity (IA) was defined as:
state at – 20 °C for at least 2 days. Thereafter, the deep-frozen emulsions C12: 0 + (4 × C14: 0) + C16: 0
were subjected to freeze drying (Cuddon Ltd New Zealand, Model IA =
(n 6PUFA) + (n 3PUFA) + (MUFA) (1)
E.D.5.3) for a period of 10 days at 4 °C in preparation for NIRS mea-
surements. The dried FMP samples were thoroughly mixed and ground whereas the index of thrombogenicity (IT) was defined as:
to uniform particle sizes using a combination of a small burr coffee
grinder and a porcelain spatula before they were immediately stored at IT =
C 14: 0 + C 16: 0 + C18: 0
4 °C. Twenty samples were formulated for each of the 3 different oil 0.5 (MUFA) + 0.5 (n 6PUFA) + 3 (n 3PUFA) + ( n
proportions of the 4 FMP types, resulting in 240 samples for analysis.
Our methodology was undertaken under small-scale laboratory condi-
tions involving freeze drying and grinding, and likely to differ from These indices will help to determine whether the replacement of
those used by large-scale commercial manufacturers. Nonetheless, each milk fat with each type of vegetable oil enhances the milk nutritional
of the oil supplements have been or are used to produce FMP available quality by altering positively the FA composition and as such was jus-
for sale. tified. The scores obtained for IA and IT would be highest for the most
atherogenic and thrombogenic FMP respectively. Lower scores are in-
2.3. Fatty acids extraction and detection in filled milk powders dicative of weaker association of FMP lipids with the incidence of
coronary heart disease and vice versa (Ulbricht & Southgate, 1991).
The method employed for the determination of FA concentrations The FA relative ratios such as palmitoleic (POA, C16:1 c9): palmitic
was based on two major phases: (a) one-step methylation and (b) gas acid (PA, C16:0), oleic (OA, C18:1 c9): PA, linoleic (LA, C18:2 c9, c12):
chromatography (GC) analysis. The one-step methylation of the FA was linolenic acid (ALA, C18:3 c9, c12, c15), and MUFA: SFA that are of
done by weighing 0.15 g of the freeze-dried FMP samples directly into interest for human nutrition and for quality authentication were also
Kimax tubes in duplicates. Then, 100 μL of internal standard (C21:0 estimated.

K.K. Ejeahalaka and S.L.W. On Food Chemistry 295 (2019) 198–205

Table 1
Fatty acid1 composition (expressed as g/100 g of milk) of four types of filled milk powders2 (FMP) formulated with different proportions (10%, 20% and 30%) of four
types of vegetable oils.
FA3 10% veg. oil inclusion 20% veg. oil inclusion 30% veg. oil inclusion


C6:0 0.2 – – – 0.3 – – – 0.3 – – –
C8:0 3.1 – – – 4.4 – – – 4.9 – – –
C10:0 2.3 – – – 3.3 – – – 3.6 – – –
C12:0 22.6 0.1 – – 30.9 0.2 – – 34.2 0.2 – –
C14:0 9.6 0.4 0.1 0.1 12.8 0.6 0.1 0.1 14.2 0.7 0.1 0.1
C16:0 4.9 22.4 5.0 3.4 6.4 33.2 8.0 5.0 7.0 39.4 9.6 5.6
C18:0 1.5 2.4 1.8 1.8 1.9 3.5 2.8 2.5 2.1 4.1 3.4 2.9
C20:0 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.2
C22:0 – 0.0 0.2 0.4 – 0.0 0.3 0.5 – 0.0 0.4 0.6
C24:0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.2

POA – 0.1 0.0 0.1 – 0.1 0.1 0.1 – 0.1 0.1 0.1
OA 3.4 15.0 10.2 18.1 4.1 22.1 16.3 24.8 4.5 26.0 19.6 28.2
GA 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.2

LA 1.0 5.2 25.2 31.5 1.1 7.6 41.1 47.3 1.2 9.0 49.5 53.9
ALA – 0.1 2.3 0.1 – 0.1 3.8 0.2 – 0.2 4.6 0.2

SFA 44.3 25.6 7.3 5.9 60.0 37.7 11.7 8.5 66.4 44.7 14.0 9.6
MUFA 3.5 15.1 10.4 18.2 4.1 22.2 16.6 25.0 4.5 26.2 19.9 28.4
PUFA 1.0 5.3 27.5 31.6 1.1 7.7 44.9 47.5 1.2 9.1 54.1 54.1
UFA 4.4 20.4 37.9 49.9 5.2 29.9 61.4 72.5 5.7 35.3 73.9 82.6
SUM 48.7a 46.0a 45.2a 55.8a 65.3a 67.6a 73.1ab 81.0b 72.1a 80.0ab 87.9bc 92.1c

Means for the sum of the fatty acids with different superscripts differ significantly (P < 0.05).
Values represent the mean of triplicate gas chromatography measurements.
CO, PO, SBO and SFO represents the coconut oil, palm oil, soya-bean oil and sunflower oil FMP types.
FA = fatty acid; POA = palmitoleic acid; OA = oleic acid; GA = Gondoic acid; LA = linoleic acid; ALA = alpha linolenic acid; SFA = saturated FA;
MUFA = monounsaturated FA; PUFA = polyunsaturated FA; UFA = unsaturated FA; SUM = total of all the fatty acids in each of the FMP types.

2.5. Near infrared spectral measurements modelling was used to evaluate the integrity and accuracy of unknown
samples assigned to specific groups (Oliveri & Downey, 2012). Two
The freeze-dried FMP samples were first exposed to laboratory approaches were used in this study namely: soft independent modelling
conditions (temperature (25 °C) and relative humidity (50%)) for 2 h in of class analogy (SIMCA) and partial least square discriminant analysis
airtight containers and allowed to equilibrate. Then, 5 g of each of the (PLS-DA). The raw and preprocessed spectral data were used in each
milk samples was placed in a 10-mL DS 2500 ring cup (cup type: 2004) case for the classification modelling. For modelling with raw data, the
and scanned using a FOSS NIRSystem (model DS 2500F) spectrometer entire spectra range (850–2500 nm, 3300 wavelengths) was used
at a resolution of 0.5 nm, wavelength accuracy of < 0.05 nm, analysis whereas only the sensitive spectra range was used for building the
time of < 1 min and a detector array which was composed of both si- models with the preprocessed data. The extended multiplicative signal
licon (850–1100 nm) and lead sulfide (1100–2500 nm). A total of 240 correction (EMSC) technique (Martens & Stark, 1991) was used for the
unique samples (i.e., 20 from each of the 3 different oil proportions of preprocessing. The quality/applicability of the models obtained was
the 4 FMP types) were scanned by the same operator in two consecutive evaluated by using external validation in which the raw data was
days of sampling without shutting down the machine and each spec- randomly divided into a training set (to build the model) and a testing
trum acquired comprised of 3300 absorbance values recorded from 850 set (to test the model) in the ratio of 4:1. For the SIMCA model, the
to 2499.5 nm averaging 32 scans. Spectra were collected consecutively optimal number of principal components was determined through in-
in triplicates from each sample using the same ring cup without refilling ternal validation using the leave-one out cross-validation method
at each scan and their average was exported and subjected to chemo- whereas for PLS-DA, the optimal number of latent variables was de-
metric analysis (described below). The triplicate spectra acquired for termined by internal validation using random cross-validation (number
each sample were used to ascertain the device repeatability. Hence, the of segments = 5).
coefficients of variations were computed for the absorbance values, The performances of the classification models were evaluated based
wavelength by wavelength, across the 3 replicate spectra. on their sensitivity (SENS), specificity (SPEC) and efficiency. SENS (also
known as the true positive or recognition rate) is defined as the fraction
2.6. Statistical analysis of the samples belonging to the modelled class which is correctly ac-
cepted or recognized by the model; whereas SPEC (also known as true
The Tukey’s Honestly Significance Difference test (Minitab 18 negative or rejection rate) is defined as that fraction of samples not
Statistical Software, 2017) was used to compare the differences be- belonging to the modelled class that is correctly rejected by the model
tween the mean values of the lipid indices, and the sum of the fatty acid (Oliveri & Downey, 2012). The efficiency (E) of the model is a sum-
compositions of different FMP types. The raw spectral data was trans- marising parameter which is given as the geometric mean of the values
ferred into the R software version 3.5.1 (R Core Team, 2018) for mul- of sensitivity and specificity (Oliveri & Downey, 2012), defined as fol-
tivariate statistical analysis. In brief, Principal component analysis lows:
(PCA) was performed as the first step of the multivariate analysis to
identify groupings within the spectral data. Subsequently, classification
E= Sensitivity × Specificity (3)

K.K. Ejeahalaka and S.L.W. On Food Chemistry 295 (2019) 198–205

Overall, the CO FMP type had the highest medium chain FA and the
lowest OA and LA contents. It also had the most SFA. The inclusion of
PO resulted in FMP with the highest PA and C18:0 contents whereas the
inclusion of SBO yielded FMP with the highest ALA contents. The SFO
FMP type had the highest OA and LA contents and it was the most
unsaturated in the present study. In addition, it had the highest MUFA
and PUFA, owing to their high OA and LA contents.
In general, these results suggest that although vegetable oils differed
in FA compositions, they lacked chemical markers that can be used for
their immediate identification in the FMP samples. Moreover, different
vegetable oils are normally blended together in the formulation of FMP
to improve physicochemical and nutritional properties, and that may
introduce unknown variances which pose a challenge in characterising
Fig. 1. Representative near infrared spectra of the 4 filled milk powder (FMP) the milk powder samples by FA analysis.
types formulated with 3 proportions (10%, 20% and 30%) of 4 different ve-
getable oils; in addition to the spectra of freeze-dried raw milk powder (WMP).
3.2. FMP near infrared spectra characterisation
CO, PO, SBO and SFO represent the coconut oil, palm oil, soya-bean oil and
sunflower oil FMP types respectively.
The coefficients of variations of the absorbance values, wavelength
by wavelength across the triplicate spectra were < 3.5%, indicating
3. Results and discussion that the samples were considerably homogeneous, and the measure-
ments were of acceptable repeatability. The representative raw spectra
3.1. FMP variance by FA analysis of the FMP samples produced with different proportions (10%, 20% and
30%) of vegetable oils (CO, PO, SBO and SFO) are shown in Fig. 1. It
The baseline variances of FMP types containing 10%, 20% and 30% was observed that the average spectrum (i.e. mean of the absorbance
proportions of vegetable oils (CO, PO, SBO and SFO) were characterised values across the wavelengths for all the samples) for each of the FMP
by FA analysis and the results obtained are shown in Table 1. As can be types followed a similar pattern, with minor differences and as such
seen from the table, the FA of the FMP increased significantly with may be difficult to differentiate only by visual inspection. The max-
increasing proportions of the incorporated vegetable oils. However, the imum absorbance values recorded for CO, PO, SBO, and SFO were
increment was disproportionate, and the total FA were statistically the 1.004, 1.167, 1.766 and 1.868 respectively. The order of the absorption
same for CO and PO, PO and SBO, and for SBO and SFO for each of the intensities for the FMP types was as follows:
incorporation levels (10%, 20% and 30%). That implies that the FMP SFO ˃ SBO ˃ PO ˃ CO.
samples may not be adequately discriminated based only on their total This variance may be related to their LA content since it was the
FA. only fatty acid that followed such a sequence in the present study. Thus,
According to Lee, Noh, Bae, and Kim (1998), vegetable oils have the higher the unsaturation of the vegetable oil included in the FMP, the
characteristic FA compositions that are useful for evaluating product higher the absorption intensity of the milk sample. It was also observed
quality and authenticity. Consequently, it was observed (Table 1) that that increasing the proportions of the incorporated vegetable oils (ex-
when CO was the incorporated vegetable oil, the FMP samples had cept 30% CO and 30% PO) resulted in an increment in absorption in-
about 91.7% SFA with C12:0 as the most dominant, contributing about tensity.
51.4% of those FA. In addition, significant amounts of the Capra FA A close inspection revealed that some of the spectra of the FMP
(i.e., C6:0, C8:0, and C10:0) were uniquely detected in those samples. produced with CO overlapped with those produced with PO and that
However, POA and ALA were not detected at all in their FA composi- probably suggests that both vegetable oils share certain characteristics
tion. Thus, in formulating FMP, CO had the effects of raising the con- in common. A similar trend was observed in the spectra for FMP pro-
tents of C8:0, C10:0, C12:0, C14:0, and LA while lowering those of C6:0, duced with SBO and those with SFO. In general, the FMP spectra were
C18:0, PA, POA, OA and ALA as compared to that of freeze-dried raw dominated by three strong absorption peaks which increased in in-
milk (data not shown). When PO, a beta-prime tending oil (i.e. con- tensity and broadness with increasing unsaturation in lipid and they
taining a greater variety of fatty acids than beta tending oils, and more were located at around 1210 nm, 1726 nm and 2313 nm. Each of those
thermodynamically stable and forming smaller crystals), was in- peaks was accompanied by a shoulder located at around 1170 nm,
corporated in FMP to replace the milk fat, the samples were found to 1765 nm and 2350 nm respectively. The bands at 2313 nm and
contain nearly equal amounts of SFA (55.8%) and unsaturated FA 2350 nm may be due to combinations involving methylene CeH
(UFA) (44.2%) with PA and OA being the most dominant FA respec- stretching (Holman & Edmondson, 1956) whereas those at 1726 nm
tively. In addition, the contents of C20:0, PA, OA and LA were raised and 1765 nm may arise from the first overtone of CeH stretching vi-
while those of C6:0, C8:0, C10:0, C12:0, C14:0, C18:0, POA and ALA bration of methyl, methylene, and ethenyl groups (Westad, Schmidt, &
were lowered as compared to their values in freeze-dried raw milk. On Kermit, 2008). The weaker absorption bands around 1170 nm and
the other hand, the inclusion of SBO and SFO, which are beta tending 1210 nm are likely due to the second overtones of CeH stretching vi-
oils, in FMP resulted in 84.0% and 89.5% UFA respectively in the milk brations (Holman & Edmondson, 1956; Westad, Schmidt, & Kermit,
powder samples, with OA and LA as the most dominant FA. Never- 2008; Woodcock, Downey, & O’Donnell, 2008). The FMP samples
theless, the SFO FMP type contained higher values of OA and LA but containing vegetable oils with cis double bonds were found to have
with a comparatively insignificant amounts of ALA. However, the re- moderate combination absorption band at around 2150 nm and weak
placement of milk fat with either SBO or SFO had the same effects of second overtones at around 1170 nm possibly indicating their degree of
raising the contents of C20:0, C22:0, OA, LA and ALA while reducing unsaturation in lipid (Holman & Edmondson, 1956; Westad, Schmidt, &
those of C6:0, C8:0, C10:0, C12:0, C14:0, C18:0, PA and POA as com- Kermit, 2008). The band at around 1395 nm appeared like a small lipid
pared to their values in freeze-dried raw milk. These results showed shoulder in all the spectra and have been attributed to the combination
that for each of the milk fat replacements, the incorporated vegetable of CeH stretching and other vibrational modes (Westad, Schmidt, &
oil had the common effect of raising the LA contents. In addition, none Kermit, 2008). A relatively definable absorption band arising from third
of the formulated FMP samples presented a value for conjugated lino- overtone of CeH stretching of fat was further observed at around
leic acid. 928 nm and that concurred with the wavelength assigned by Šašić and

K.K. Ejeahalaka and S.L.W. On Food Chemistry 295 (2019) 198–205

Ozaki (2001) for raw milk samples in the shortwave near infrared re- Consequently, the dimensionality of the samples was reduced to two
gion. The absorption bands due to eNH groups in protein were found principal components as that were enough to retain 100% of the ori-
near 2065 nm and 2180 nm in the FMP spectra whereas that due to ginal variance in the 3300 spectral variables. On the contrary, PC 1 and
eOH groups of water were found around 1450 nm and 1940 nm. The PC 2 only contributed a total of 99% to the whole variation when the
2065 nm band was due to the NeH stretching combinations while the spectra data was standardised (i.e., mean-centered and scaled) prior to
2180 nm band was associated with the NeH bend second overtone and PCA analysis (data not shown). As can be seen from the score plot
C]O stretch/NeH in-plane bending/CeN stretch combination bands (Fig. 2), there was a trend in which the FMP samples increased in scores
(Weyer & Workman, 2007). along the co-ordinate of PC 2 with increasing proportions of CO and PO
Overall, the spectral profiles of the FMP types look similar in every as well as along PC 1 with increasing proportions of SBO and SFO. The
respect except for the visible differences in their absorption intensities FMP samples containing CO and PO were clustered closely together
and the presence of a small bump at around 1170 nm, 1385 nm and according to treatments (i.e., oil proportions) and appeared separated
2150 nm relating to the degree of unsaturation of the incorporated from those having SBO and SFO (except for 10% SBO) along PC 1, thus
vegetable oils. However, CO and PO FMP types seem to have spectral revealing an important structure in the spectral data. It is important to
profiles similar to that of freeze-dried raw milk powder as shown in note that this clustering pattern coincided with the results of the total
Fig. 1. FA in Table 1. These observations implied that there was a treatment
effect and the CO and PO FMP types had similar characteristics but
differed from those with SBO and SFO inclusions. In particular, PC 1,
3.3. PCA filled milk powder characteristics the most dominant component, separated the FMP samples into two
groups according to their fat saturation, thus describing the direction of
The trends observed in the spectral profiles of FMP were explored by maximum variance, and the true underlying distributional structure of
PCA using the full, mean-centered NIR spectra (3300 variables) of the the spectral data. Hence, the FMP types were ordered according to their
240 unique milk powder samples without any preprocessing. The score fat saturations in the horizontal directions as follows: CO > PO >
plot for the PCA models is shown in Fig. 2. The first two principal SBO > SFO.
components (PC 1) and (PC 2) were retained for the PCA and they Further examination revealed that all samples containing the same
accounted for 99% and 1% of the total spectral variance respectively.

Fig. 2. Upper diagram shows the PCA score plot of the near infrared spectra of the filled milk powder (FMP) types formulated with 3 proportions (10%, 20% and
30%) of 4 different vegetable oils. CO, PO, SBO and SFO represent the coconut oil, palm oil, soya-bean oil and sunflower oil FMP types respectively. Lower diagram
illustrates the sensitive wavelengths in the loadings variable plot of the first two principal components, PC 1 and PC 2.

K.K. Ejeahalaka and S.L.W. On Food Chemistry 295 (2019) 198–205

type and proportion of vegetable oils were positioned close to one an- from the tables, the second treatment gave optimised results and will
other and as such are similar except for those with 30% SBO and 30% therefore only be discussed here.
SFO which probably had high variability owing to their dispersed lipid For the SIMCA models, a maximum of four PC was needed to de-
matrices. The fact that the samples containing CO overlapped with velop the classification rules and the results (Table 2) showed that the
those with PO of the same proportion signified that both vegetable oils FMP types containing CO and PO (either 20% or 30%) were clearly
had some similarities in their compositions. Similar resolved clustering distinguishable from the other classes without any overlap as they re-
and overlap was noted for the FMP samples with 20% SBO and 20% corded maximum (100.0%) SENS and SPEC values with 100.0% effi-
SFO inclusions. Thus, no distinct separations were observed between ciencies. However, the model for SBO FMP type performed poorly in
most of the individual FMP types (especially those with 20% and 30% classifying the test samples containing 30% of SFO. Similarly, the effi-
oil inclusions) and as such chemometric classification methods were ciency of the model for SFO FMP type was not appreciable in classifying
needed to be able to characterise each of the sample groups under in- the test sets containing SBO and SFO irrespective of the proportion of
vestigation. the oil inclusion. This poor result could be attributed to the similarities
The loadings variable plot showing the contributions of the original in sample matrices of SBO and SFO. In general, the SIMCA models re-
variables to PC 1 and PC 2 is presented in Fig. 2 (lower diagram). The corded mean SENS, SPEC and efficiency values of about 90.0%, 95.0%
wavelengths corresponding to the highest loadings weights include: and 92.0% across the entire classes respectively. This is a significant
1216, 1330, 1396, 1589, 1711, 1725, 1940, 2096 and 2304 nm. The result considering that the PCA (Fig. 2) conducted on the same spectral
wavelengths 1216, 1396, 1711, 1725 and 2304 nm were most likely data yielded some discernible clusters with limited separations between
correlated with CeH bond absorption in fats, whereas those of 1589 the respective classes.
and 2096 nm may be related to the absorption of NeH groups in pro- On the other hand, the PLS-DA models required a maximum of
tein, as previously discussed in Section 3.2. Thus, most of the differ- thirteen LV that best described the spectral data to build the classifi-
ential features between spectra were contributed by the differing fat cation rules. As can be seen in Table 3, the models correctly identified
contents in our samples that originated from the various oils used to all the test sets that belonged to the modelled classes irrespective of
supplement our SMP in the FMP blends. However, the wavelength treatments (i.e., vegetable oil types and proportions) resulting in zero
range 1216–1589 nm was chosen as optimal for analysis as it yielded false negatives and recognition rates (sensitivity values) of 100.0%.
the most stable and optimized predictions. Also, the models correctly rejected the test sets that did not belong to
the modelled classes irrespective of treatments resulting in zero false
3.4. Multiclass classification by supervised pattern recognition techniques positives and rejection rates (selectivity values) of 100.0%. Thus, the
PLS-DA models recorded mean SENS, SPEC and efficiency values of
Tables 2 and 3 summarised the recognition (sensitivity) and rejec- 100.0%, 100.0% and 100.0% respectively across the entire classes. PLS-
tion (selectivity) abilities of SIMCA and PLS-DA respectively in classi- DA, therefore, achieved better efficiency values (reaching 100.0%) than
fying the test sets of the FMP types containing 20% and 30% propor- the SIMCA models (92.0%) in classifying the FMP types. These results
tions of the four different vegetable oils (i.e., CO, PO, SBO and SFO). supported the assertion by Pomerantsev and Rodionova (2017) that
The bold-faced diagonal elements represent the sensitivities whereas PLS-DA favoured the separation of classes with the same major com-
the off-diagonal elements indicate the specificity values. Two different ponents (e.g. SMP) and different impurities (e.g. vegetable oils). Also,
treatments of the calibration sets are presented. In the first treatment, according to Wold, Eriksson, Trygg, and Kettaneh (2004), discriminant
the raw spectra data (850–2500 nm, 3300 wavelengths) was used for analysis works better where there is homogeneity and similarity be-
building the calibration models without any preprocessing. In the tween the classes as it was the case for our FMP samples. However,
second treatment, only the sensitive spectra range (1216–1589 nm, 747 Azcarate, Gil, Smichowski, Savio, and Camiña (2017) obtained better
wavelengths) was used for building the calibration models and in ad- results with SIMCA than PLS-DA in classifying different milk-based
dition, an EMSC preprocessing technique was applied. As can be seen infant formula according to their elemental composition.

Table 2
Multi-class SIMCA classification5 of FMP types using the models developed with the full-spectrum and those with the sensitive spectra wavelength range with or
without pretreatment.
20% vegetable oil inclusion 30% vegetable oil inclusion

Test sets assigned into classes Test sets assigned into classes


Model with no pretreatment1

CO 2 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 4 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
PO 2 100.0 80.0 100.0 100.0 89.4 2 100.0 80.0 100.0 100.0 89.4
SBO 3 100.0 100.0 100.0 60.0 93.1 4 100.0 100.0 80.0 80.0 86.4
SFO 2 100.0 100.0 80.0 40.0 61.1 3 100.0 100.0 60.0 80.0 83.3

Model with pretreatment2

CO 2 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 3 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
PO 2 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 3 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
SBO 4 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 3 100.0 100.0 100.0 40.0 89.4
SFO 4 100.0 100.0 60.0 60.0 72.1 4 100.0 100.0 80.0 60.0 74.8

No pretreatment performed on the full spectral range, 850–2500 nm, of the calibration set (n = 60).
Extended multiplicative signal correction preprocessing was performed only on the sensitive spectra wavelength range, 1216–1589 nm, of the calibration set
(n = 60).
Model was built for each of the true classes, the FMP types. CO, PO, SBO and SFO represent the coconut oil, palm oil, soya-bean oil and sunflower oil FMP types
Samples (n = 20) of the FMP types not used for building the models made up the test sets.
PC = optimal number of principal components; E = model efficiency calculated as the geometric mean of sensitivity and specificity. Diagonal elements in bold
font represent the sensitivities while the others under the assigned test sets columns indicate the specificity values.

K.K. Ejeahalaka and S.L.W. On Food Chemistry 295 (2019) 198–205

Table 3
Multi-class PLS-DA classification5 of FMP types using the models developed with the full-spectrum and those with the sensitive spectra wavelength range with or
without pretreatment.
20% vegetable oil inclusion 30% vegetable oil inclusion

Test sets4 assigned into classes Test sets assigned into classes


Model with no pretreatment
CO 7 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 6 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
PO 6 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 6 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
SBO 10 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 13 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
SFO 10 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 13 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

Model with pretreatment2

CO 4 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 4 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
PO 3 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 4 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
SBO 9 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 12 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
SFO 10 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 13 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

No pretreatment performed on the full spectral range, 850–2500 nm, of the calibration set (n = 60).
Extended multiplicative signal correction preprocessing was performed only on the sensitive spectra wavelength range, 1216–1589 nm, of the calibration set
(n = 60).
Model was built for each of the true classes, the FMP types. CO, PO, SBO and SFO represent the coconut oil, palm oil, soya-bean oil and sunflower oil FMP types
Samples (n = 20) of the FMP types not used for building the models made up the test sets.
LV = optimal number of latent variables; E = model efficiency calculated as the geometric mean of sensitivity and specificity. Diagonal elements in bold font
represent the sensitivities while the others under the assigned test sets columns indicate the specificities.

3.5. Nutritional implications of FMP lipids 10:1 or higher are nutritionally inadequate (Gibson, Makrides,
Neumann, Simmer, Mantzioris, & James, 1994). The recommended
The relative ratios and indices necessary for evaluating the nutri- dietary intake of ALA seemed to be about 2 g per day and obtaining an
tional consequences of FMP lipids are shown in Table 4. As can be seen, optimal ratio of the two essential FA (i.e., LA and ALA) of < 4 to 1 in
the SFO FMP type recorded the highest values for POA/PO, OA/PA, LA/ the diet is a major issue (De Lorgeril & Salen, 2004). Thus, to improve
ALA, and MUFA/SFA. On the other hand, the SBO FMP type recorded the LA/ALA ratio of FMP and justify the fat inclusion on health grounds,
the least value (ca. 10.79) for LA/ALA irrespective of the proportions of two or more vegetable oils should be judiciously selected, keeping in
vegetable oils incorporated. In addition, the PO FMP type had the mind their respective LA and ALA contents, and then blended together
lowest ratios for POA/PA, OA/PA, and MUFA/SFA. Although there is a in optimal proportions. According to Pacheco, Bermúdez, López, Abia,
lack of literature for FMP to compare these results, it is well docu- Villar, and Muriana (2006), the ratio of OA/PA (and that of MUFA/
mented that commercial infant formulas with a ratio of LA to ALA of SFA) in dietary fats has a regulatory influence on certain thrombogenic
and fibrinolytic markers during postprandial state in healthy subjects.
Table 4 Keys et al. (1986) found in their study that the death rate was nega-
Relative ratios and lipid indices of the filled milk powder (FMP) types for- tively correlated to the ratio of MUFA/SFA. Thus, for this study, the SFO
mulated with 3 proportions (10%, 20% and 30%) of 4 different vegetable oils. FMP type had the best values for OA/PA and MUFA/SFA, but the worst
for LA/ALA.
FMP types1 Fatty acid relative ratios2 Lipid indices3
The IA and IT for the FMP types containing SBO and SFO were
POA/PA OA/PA LA/ALA MUFA/SFA IA IT statistically the same and they recorded the least values. The con-
sumption of diets that are less atherogenic (having low IA) and less
10% veg. oil inclusion thrombogenic (having low IT) may lead to substantial reduction in
CO – 0.704 – 0.078 14.928a 7.227a
PO 0.002 0.671 51.590 0.592 1.185b 2.416b
coronary heart disease (CHD) incidence (Ulbricht & Southgate, 1991).
SBO 0.007 2.045 10.861 1.421 0.138c 0.276c Thus, the SBO and SFO FMP types were the most desirable options in
SFO 0.016 5.266 281.500 3.073 0.074c 0.210c relation to CHD as they had the lowest values, ranging from 0.07 to
20% veg. oil inclusion 0.14 for IA and 0.20–0.27 for IT. These values were lower than those
CO – 0.642 – 0.023 16.887a 8.050a (IA = 3.18, IT = 4.11) reported for goat milk by Núñez-Sánchezet al.
PO 0.002 0.665 52.172 0.589 1.192b 2.432b (2016). They were also lower than those (IA = 1.67, IT = 2.04) re-
SBO 0.006 2.035 10.758 1.421 0.135c 0.271c
ported for whole milk powder by Vargas-Bello-Pérez, Toro-Mujica,
SFO 0.016 5.006 224.204 2.961 0.072c 0.205c
Enriquez-Hidalgo, Fellenberg, and Gómez-Cortés (2017). That implies
30% veg. oil inclusion that PO, SBO and SFO FMP types were less atherogenic than whole milk
CO – 0.639 – 0.068 17.059a 8.112a
PO 0.002 0.660 52.398 0.585 1.199b 2.443b
powder. In general, the SBO FMP type had the best overall FA relative
SBO 0.006 2.036 10.761 1.425 0.134c 0.270c ratios and lipid indices for this study and that supported the re-
SFO 0.015 5.016 227.405 2.974 0.072c 0.204c commendation by Modler, Rippen, and Stine (1970) to use lightly hy-
drogenated SBO to formulate FMP with superior health benefits.
Same superscript letters within a column under the same percentage of
vegetable oil inclusion are not significantly different at p ≤ 0.05.
1 4. Conclusion
CO, PO, SBO and SFO represent the coconut oil, palm oil, soya-bean oil and
sunflower oil FMP types respectively.
POA/PA = palmitoleic to palmitic acid ratio; OA/PA = oleic to palmitic The average near infrared spectral profiles for the FMP types dis-
acid ratio; LA/ALA = linoleic to α-linolenic acid ratio; MUFA/ played similar absorption characteristics for CO and PO as well as for
SFA = monounsaturated fatty acid to saturated fatty acid ratio. SBO and SFO making it difficult to differentiate them by visual in-
IA = index of atherogenicity; IT = index of thrombogenicity. spection. The PCA conducted on the full spectra showed the largest

K.K. Ejeahalaka and S.L.W. On Food Chemistry 295 (2019) 198–205

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