ENGR 446 Lab #1

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Jenny Huynh

ENGR 446
Lab #1
Introduction to Simulink
I. Introduction
Simulink is a powerful tool used in the engineering industry to create simulations of
real world applications. It allows students to get hands-on training in building models
of simple systems in the lab.
II. Problem Definition
This lab demonstrates how to use tools in Simulink to model a car. It utilizes
functions such as altering the step function and parameters in order to yield the proper
results. It allows the user to place parameters, inputs, and change situations to
simulate real world applications. In this lab, the model of a car was simulated to
accelerate and decelerate. It also simulated the velocity of a car as it was travel us a
ramp. Simulation modeling is the process of creating and analyzing a digital
prototype of a physical model to predict its performance in the real world. These
models are important to make sure that the products work prior to spending
production money creating a real model. This allows scientists and engineers to make
sure details are captured prior to large production.
III. Simulations and Results
a. Step Input
b. Pulse Input

c. Ramp Input
d. Ramp Input with Saturation

IV. Conclusion
In the step input, this portion of the lab depicts the model of a car after placing the
inputs and parameters in, indicating that the max speed of the car after 100 seconds is
only 10 m/s. In a real-world model, if the goal was to build a very slow car, or a fast
golf cart, this would be applicable, however, as a real car, this would have failed
based on the simulation. This shows that modeling the behaviors of the real world are
imperative to making sure a product, such as this car, work. This model also does not
show disturbances such as changes in the road. In the next few simulations, we show
the car model going up a ramp. These are only small examples of what needs to be
taken into account when simulating models.

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