2009 City of Tucson Primary and General Election Results

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a Election Summary Report BaeaaRTD City of Tucson Primary Election 2009 pagel ot} Summary For Jurisdiction Wide, All Counters, All Races Official Canvass Registre Voter 117227 - Cards Cast 12196 10.40% ‘Num, Repor Precnet 37 -Num, Reporing 37 100.00% Ward 3 Dem DEN i Polling Early «PROV. Total Number ofPrecints 2 ° oR Precincts Reporting RQ 0 0 12 100.0 %f/ Times Counted (Reg. Voters 18006) some 138 Times Blank Voted 1 3 1 1s Times Over Voted 0 2 0 2 UHLICH, KARIN EVA Tis 8) 6 357% Wiritesin Votes 86 64 260%|t ee sessetinenedtae tat meneamaeaamscmeeenicen Tok Ward’ Rep REP Polling Early PROV Total ; Nomber of Precincts i ° oR l Precinct Reporting 2 ° 0 12 1000 %| ‘Times Counted (Reg, Votes 7523) 1581061 10 229163 % ‘Times Blane Voted ° 1 ° 7 Times Over Voted o ° ° 6 ‘BUEHLER-GARCIA, BEN rT 10 tase are Wrtein Votes 7 le 07 _ 139% (Seeemcsmsasiars coe ee Sr Wards Lit Tar | Polling Early PROV ‘Total id Number of Precincts a ° oR | Precincts Reporting 2 ° 0 12 1000 ‘Times Counted (Reg. Voters 400) 1 5 0 6 1S %| Tims Blank Voted! o 1 ° 1 F Times Over Voted ° 0 ° o f Wirit-in Votes i 4 ° S1000% Lee yess ee - a Wards Gm GR , Polling Early PROV Total I ‘Number of Precints 12 0 . i Precints Reporting 2 o 0 12 100% ‘Times Counted (Reg. Votes 275) 2 al 36 1 ‘Times Blank Voted 3 1 ° 1 ‘Times Over Voted 8 ° ° o ( Wrten Votes a) 3__35 100 00% Ward 5 Dem DEM Polling Early PROV. Total Number of Precincts 0 on Precines Reporting " Q . on Times Counted (Reg. Votrs 17088) ws 1916 0s Times Blank Voted i ” 1 9 Times Over Voted ° 3 o 3 FIMBRES, RICHARD G. ior 1865 19999 Winesn Votes (ee ot x TTT TTR TTI ETS STOR TST Election Summary Report City of Tucson Primary Election 2009 Summary For Jurisdiction Wide, All Counters, All Races Official Canvass Registered Voters 117227 - Cards Cast 12196 10.40% ‘Num, Report Precinct 37~ Num. Reporting 37 100.00% ‘Ward S Rep Ta Polling Early = PROV Total ; Number of Precincts Wl 0 0 mn Precincts Reporting u 0 0 11 1000 %| ‘Times Counted (Reg, Voters 4398) 2 638 10 780177 % Times Blank Voted 0 3 0 3 F Times Over Voted 0. L o 1 ‘GOMEZ, JUDITH A e350 4 sie 409% MeCLUSKY, SHAUN E. 68382 6 456 58.76% Write-in Votes 2 0 2 0.26% Ward's Lit TT Polling Early © PROV Total ; ‘Number of Precinets n 0 n iq Precincts Reporting n 0 0 11 1000 %| ‘Times Counted (Reg. Voters 320) 1 2 0 3 09 %E ‘Times Blank Voted 0 0 0 0 ‘Times Over Voted 0 0 o 0 ‘Write-in Votes 1 2 0 3 100.00% Ward S Gra GRN Polling Early PROV. Total E ‘Number of Precincts i 0 0 n i Precincts Reporting an ° 0 11 1000 %}, ‘Times Counted (Reg. Voters 92) 0 1 0 7 16 %E ‘Times Blank Voted ° 2 0 2 ‘Times Over Voted 0 o 0 0 F ‘Write-in Votes ° 5 ° 5 100.00%| Ward 6 Dem DEM Polling Barly PROV. Total Number of Precincts 4 0 ° 4 Precincts Reporting 4 ° ° 14 100.0 %f ‘Times Counted (Reg, Voters 22051) 2383481 16 3735 169% ‘Times Blank Voted 5 9 ° 4 ‘Times Over Voted a 0 0 0 TTRASOFF, NINA al 3285 133509 985% ‘Writein Votes 2137 3 162 4.41% Ward 6 Rep REP Polling Early PROV. Total Number of Precincts 4 0 ° 4 Precincts Reporting 4 ° ° 14 100.0 %| ‘Times Counted (Reg. Voters 9803) 2001685, 5 1860 19.0 %f ‘Times Blank Voted ° 2 0 2 FE ‘Times Over Voted 0 0 0 0 KOZACHIK, STEVEG 1941617 3 Weis 98TH Writesin Votes 6 26 ° 322 173% Election Summary Report 110309 Pima Consolidated Summary For Jurisdiction Wide, All Counters, City of Tucson FINAL OFFICIAL CANVASS Registered Voters 387647 - Cards Cast 74168 19.13% ‘Narn, Report Precinct 145 - Num. Reporting 145 100.00% [COUNCIL MEMBER - COT WARD 3 Polling Early © PROV Total Number of Precincts ® 0 ° 89 Precincts Reporting 9 ° ° 89 1000 % Vote For 1 1 1 1 ‘Times Counted (Reg. Voters 221316) 27410 4518015784168 33.5 % Total Votes 26663 43712 «—«1531_——(71906 ‘Times Blank Voted m3 1447 47 037 Times Over Voted 4 21 ° 25 Namber Of Under Votes 0 0 0 0 ‘UHLICH, KARIN DEM 10058 2085367135782 4698% BUBHLER-GARCIA, BEN REP 1257220281754 (33607 46.74%H GRN 1786 2539, 104 4429 6.16% 47 39 2 88 COUNCIL MEMBER - COT WARD 5 Polling «Barly «= PROV Total ‘Number of Precincts 89 0 0 89 Precincts Reporting 89 0 0 89 100.0 %| Vote For 1 1 1 1 ‘Times Counted (Reg. Voters 221316) 27410 «451801578 74168 33.5% Total Votes 26333 432431511 71087 ‘Times Blank Voted 10771929, 673078 Times Over Voted 0 8 ° 8 ‘Number Of Under Votes 0 0 0 0 3147 37749 35.10% Polling Barly © PROV Total 0 Number of Precincts 89 0 89 Procinets Reporting. 89 o 0 89 100.0 %| Vote For 1 1 1 1 ‘Times Counted (Reg. Voters 221316) 27410 «45180 «1578 T4168 33.5 %| Total Votes 2640743458 ©1526 71391 ‘Times Blank Voted 1oor 1713, 522766 ‘Times Over Voted 2 9 0 H ‘Number Of Under Votes 0 0 0 0 TRASOFF, NINA DEM 1259621303 706 34605 48.60% KOZACHIK, STEVE REP 1368221956 36451 51.06% ‘Write-in Votes Election Summary Report 110309 Pima Consolidated Summary For Jurisdiction Wide, All Counters, City of Tucson FINAL OFFICIAL CANVASS Rogistered Voters 387647 - Cards Cast 74168 19.13% ‘Num, Report Precinct 145 -Num, Reporting 145 100.00% ‘PROPOSITION 200 CITY OF TUCSON Polling Barly PROV Total Number of Precincts © 0 o 8 Precincts Reporting 89 ° 0 89 1000 56h Vote For 1 1 1 1 j ‘Times Counted (Rep. Voters 221316) aid 451801578 TAGE 335% Total Votes zis 44704 155973482 ‘Times Blane Voted 465 9675 ‘Times Over Voted ° ir ° 1 Name Of Under Votes © 0 0 0 ‘YES ‘PROPOSITION 400 CITY OF TUCSON ‘Number of Precincts 89 0 0 89 Precincts Reporting 89 0 0 89 100.0 % Vote For 1 1 1 1 fi ‘Times Counted (Reg, Voters 221316) 27410 «45180 «157874168 33.5 II Total Votes 26509 436551515. 71679 ‘Times Blank Voted 899 0 ISI4 2 ATS Times Over Voted 2 n 1 4 ‘Number Of Under Votes 0 O 0 9 | ‘YES iaT4i—21933 6135365 40.34% 13768 36314 ‘We, the undersigned members of the Accuracy Certification Board, certify the results are true and, correct.

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