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Amstar 2 Revision

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RESEARCH Methods and Reporting

AMSTAR 2: a critical appraisal tool for systematic reviews that

BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj.j4008 on 21 September 2017. Downloaded from http://www.bmj.com/ on 12 May 2020 by guest. Protected by copyright.
include randomised or non-randomised studies of healthcare
interventions, or both
Beverley J Shea,1,2,3 Barnaby C Reeves,4 George Wells,3,5 Micere Thuku1,2 Candyce Hamel,1
Julian Moran,6 David Moher,1,3 Peter Tugwell1,2,3,7 Vivian Welch,2,3 Elizabeth Kristjansson,8
David A Henry9,10,11
Ottawa Hospital Research The number of published systematic assist decision makers in the
Institute, Clinical Epidemiology
Program, Ottawa, Canada reviews of studies of healthcare identification of high quality systematic
Bruyère Research Institute,
Ottawa, Canada
interventions has increased rapidly and reviews, including those based on
School of Epidemiology these are used extensively for clinical non-randomised studies of healthcare
and Public Health, Faculty of
Medicine, University of Ottawa, and policy decisions. Systematic interventions.
Ottawa, Canada
reviews are subject to a range of biases
School of Clinical Sciences, With the rapid increase in biomedical publishing,
University of Bristol, Bristol, UK and increasingly include non-
keeping up with primary research has become
University of Ottawa Heart
Institute, Ottawa, Canada
randomised studies of interventions. It almost impossible for healthcare practitioners and
The Hospital for Sick Children, is important that users can distinguish policy makers.1 Consequently, healthcare decision
makers rely on systematic reviews as one of the
the Genetics and Genome Biology
Program, Toronto, Canada
high quality reviews. Many instruments
key tools for achieving evidence based healthcare.2
Department of Medicine, The have been designed to evaluate Systematic reviews provide an opportunity to base
Ottawa Hospital, Ottawa, Canada
Centre for Research in
different aspects of reviews, but there decisions on accurate, succinct, credible, and
Educational and Community are few comprehensive critical comprehensive summaries of the best available
Services, School of Psychology, evidence on a topic.2
Faculty of Social Sciences, appraisal instruments. AMSTAR was Uncritically accepting the results of a single
University of Ottawa, Canada
Centre for Research in
developed to evaluate systematic systematic review has risks. One of us (DM) led efforts
Evidence-Based Practice, Bond reviews of randomised trials. In this to improve standards for reporting of systematic
University, Gold Coast, Australia; reviews, which led to the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting
Dalla Lana School of Public paper, we report on the updating of Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses)
Health, University of Toronto,
Toronto, Canada
AMSTAR and its adaptation to enable statement.3 The reporting guide for systematic
Institute for Clinical Evaluative more detailed assessment of reviews of observational (non-randomised) studies
Sciences, Toronto, Canada is MOOSE (Meta-analysis of Observational Studies in
Correspondence to: B J Shea
systematic reviews that include Epidemiology).4 The quality of reporting of a systematic
[email protected] randomised or non-randomised review may, however, more accurately reflect authors’
Additional material is published
online only. To view please visit studies of healthcare interventions, or ability to write in a comprehensible manner rather than
the way they conducted their review. This underscores
the journal online. both. With moves to base more the need for guidelines that evaluate the way in which
Cite this as: BMJ 2017;358:j4008
http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmj.j4008 decisions on real world observational reviews are planned and conducted.5 6
Accepted: 4 August 2017 evidence we believe that AMSTAR 2 will The Cochrane Collaboration Handbook provides a
comprehensive guide for review authors, but it does
not provide a concise critical appraisal instrument for
completed reviews.5 Several instruments have been
Summary points
designed to evaluate individual studies that are being
•  Systematic reviews of studies of healthcare interventions effects often include included in systematic reviews or how certain steps
non-randomised studies (eg, meta-analysis, testing for publication bias) should
•   AMSTAR is a popular instrument for critically appraising systematic reviews of be conducted.7-15 But relatively few instruments assess
randomised controlled clinical trials all important steps in the conduct of a review.16-21
•   AMSTAR underwent further development to enable appraisal of systematic AMSTAR (A MeaSurement Tool to Assess systematic
reviews of randomised and non-randomised studies of healthcare interventions Reviews), published in 2007, is one of the most widely
•   The revised instrument (AMSTAR 2) retains 10 of the original domains, has used instruments.22-24 AMSTAR was designed by us
16 items in total (compared with 11 in the original), has simpler response and our colleagues as a practical critical appraisal
categories than the original AMSTAR, includes a more comprehensive user tool for use by health professionals and policy makers
guide, and has an overall rating based on weaknesses in critical domains who do not necessarily have advanced training in
epidemiology, to enable them to carry out rapid and
•   AMSTAR 2 is not intended to generate an overall score
reproducible assessments of the quality of conduct
•   With moves to base more decisions on real world observational evidence, of systematic reviews of randomised controlled trials
AMSTAR 2 should assist in the identification of high quality systematic reviews of interventions. Since publication, several critiques

the bmj | BMJ 2017;358:j4008 | doi: 10.1136/bmj.j4008 1

RESEARCH Methods and Reporting

of the instrument have been published.25-31 These amstar.ca), and published critiques of the original
critiques plus feedback received at workshops and instrument.16-26 The perspective adopted by the expert

BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj.j4008 on 21 September 2017. Downloaded from http://www.bmj.com/ on 12 May 2020 by guest. Protected by copyright.
developments in the science of systematic reviews group was to increase the value of AMSTAR as a broad
pointed to a need to revise and update the original critical appraisal instrument designed primarily
AMSTAR instrument. for systematic reviews of studies of healthcare
interventions. The expert group considered that
Inclusion of non-randomised studies in systematic revisions should address all aspects of the conduct of
reviews a systematic review, and the challenges of including
Almost half of published systematic reviews now non-randomised studies. They also thought the revised
include non-randomised studies of intervention instrument should function as a teaching aid and as
effects.4 32-34 There are many concerns about the conduct a concise checklist for those conducting reviews. The
and reporting of systematic reviews of non-randomised revisions were not intended to deal with the special
studies.32 35 36 To summarise, non-randomised studies requirements of diagnostic test reviews, individual
of healthcare interventions (an important focus of this patient data meta-analyses or network meta-analyses,
revision of AMSTAR) are subject to a range of biases scoping reviews, or realist reviews.37-41
that are either not present or are less noticeable in We used a nominal group technique to propose and
randomised controlled trials, thus requiring different then prioritise specific changes to the instrument and
risk of bias assessments. Observational studies are to agree on the draft wording of items. Based on their
increasingly conducted within large population experience of the instrument and the presentations
databases, sometimes with hundreds of thousands or made at the meeting, participants were asked to
even millions of recipients of healthcare interventions. record their ideas independently and privately. The
These generate precise estimates of intervention ideas were then enunciated in a round-robin format.
effects, which may be inaccurate because of residual One idea was collected from everyone, in turn,
biases. If these estimates are combined with those and presented to the group by the facilitator. This
from the (generally smaller) randomised controlled process was continued until all ideas had been listed.
trials, the meta-estimates will be weighted towards the Individuals then privately recorded their judgments
observational study estimates. The original AMSTAR and rankings. These were aggregated statistically to
instrument did not include an assessment of the risk of derive the group judgments. The following changes
bias in non-randomised studies included in a review, were agreed on (these are not listed in order of priority
which is a key issue given the diversity of designs that as all were considered important enough to mandate
such studies may use and the biases that may affect modifications to the instrument):
•  Simplify the response categories
•  Align the definition of research questions with the
Development of AMSTAR 2
PICO (population, intervention, control group,
The development and validation of the original
outcome) framework
AMSTAR instrument (published in 2007) has been
•  Seek justification for the review authors’ selection
described in detail elsewhere.22-24 Briefly, the original
of different study designs (randomised and non-
list of items was created from the results of a scoping
randomised) for inclusion in systematic reviews
review of the then available rating instruments. This
•  Seek more details on reasons for exclusion of studies
review identified many over-lapping appraisal items,
from the review
mainly from two extensively cited reports.16 17 The
•  Determine whether the review authors had made a
lists of items from these reports were combined and
sufficiently detailed assessment of risk of bias for
reduced by factor analysis. After pilot testing, items
the included studies (whether randomised or non-
were reworded as needed and the reliability and
usability of the tool was assessed. A modified version
•  Determine whether risk of bias with included studies
was validated externally and performed well against
was considered adequately during statistical pooling
the global judgments of a panel of content experts.23
of results (if this was performed)
The publications describing the original AMSTAR
•  Determine whether risk of bias with included studies
instrument were widely cited and the instrument has
was considered adequately when interpreting and
been used and critiqued extensively.22-31
discussing the review findings.
We convened an expert group, comprising authors
of the original instrument, members with expertise in A description was formulated for each of the draft
the conduct of non-randomised studies, development items. A small subgroup refined the wording of the
of appraisal instruments, biostatistics, and study items and assembled the draft instrument for testing.
designs. The expert group met for a day in Ottawa, Initial pilot testing was performed by group members.
Canada and members were presented with the results Draft versions were presented at workshops held
of updated literature reviews on relevant critical at the Cochrane Colloquiums in 2015 and 2016,
appraisal instruments, the results of surveys of where feedback directed further modifications and
AMSTAR users, recorded experience of participants in redrafting of the instrument. The version of the
AMSTAR workshops at Cochrane Colloquiums in 2015 instrument presented here was subject to inter-rater
and 2016, feedback from the AMSTAR website (www. reliability and usability testing.

2 doi: 10.1136/bmj.j4008 | BMJ 2017;358:j4008 | the bmj

RESEARCH Methods and Reporting

Comparison with the original instrument 2. Did the report of the review contain an explicit
The supplementary figure provides details of the new statement that the review methods were established

BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj.j4008 on 21 September 2017. Downloaded from http://www.bmj.com/ on 12 May 2020 by guest. Protected by copyright.
instrument (AMSTAR 2). Ten domains were retained prior to the conduct of the review and did the report
from the original tool, with changes to the wording of justify any significantdeviations from the protocol?
items based on feedback about the original instrument Systematic reviews are a form of observational
and experience of testing drafts of the new instrument. research, and the methods for the review should be
Two domains were given more detailed coverage in agreed on before the review commences. Adherence to
AMSTAR 2 than in the original instrument: duplicate a well developed protocol reduces the risk of bias in the
study selection and data extraction now have their review. Authors should show that they worked with a
own items (they were combined in the original tool). written protocol with independent verification.
The possible influence of funding sources is now
3. Did the review authors explain their selection of the
considered separately for individual studies included
study designs for inclusion in the review?
in the review and for the review itself. Previously
For some questions, for instance the effects of policy
they were combined in one item. We added more
changes, or for ethical reasons, non-randomised
detailed and separate considerations of risk of bias
studies may be the only studies addressing the review
for randomised and non-randomised studies. Both
question. With an expansion of AMSTAR 2 to appraise
sub-items are based on content from the Cochrane
reviews that include randomised controlled trials or
risk of bias instruments for randomised and non-
non-randomised studies, or both, it is important that
randomised (ROBINS-I) studies.42 43 One domain was
authors justify the inclusion of different study designs
removed—consideration of grey literature, previously a
in systematic reviews. The authors should indicate that
separate item, is now handled in the item on literature
they followed a strategy. When both randomised and
non-randomised studies address the same question
In total, four domains were added. Two of these
about the effects of an intervention, we believe that
came directly from the ROBINS-I tool—namely,
authors should consider whether a review that is
elaboration of the PICO and the way in which risk of
restricted to randomised controlled trials will give
bias was handled during evidence synthesis.43 One of
an incomplete summary of the important effects of a
the other new domains—discussion of possible causes
and significance of heterogeneity—is an elaboration
of content in the original AMSTAR tool. Another new 4. Did the review authors use a comprehensive
domain—justification of selection of study designs— literature search strategy?
was part of the adaptation of AMSTAR to deal with The importance of adequate literature searching in
non-randomised designs. systematic reviews is well established.5 This item was
The domain specific questions in AMSTAR 2 are carried over with minimal changes to the wording from
framed so that a “Yes” answer denotes a positive result. the original instrument. We have made the response
We removed the “not applicable” and “cannot answer” options clearer in AMSTAR 2 and provide more detailed
options in the original AMSTAR instrument because we guidance on completion of the item, particularly
believe that all domains are relevant to contemporary in relation to the identification of non-randomised
systematic reviews of healthcare interventions. If no studies (see supplementary appendix 1).
information is provided to rate an item, the review
5. Did the review authors perform study selection in
authors should not be given the benefit of doubt and
the item should be rated as a “No.” We have provided
Best practice requires two review authors to determine
a “partial Yes” response in some instances where we
eligibility of studies for inclusion in systematic
considered it worthwhile to identify partial adherence
reviews.5 This involves checking the characteristics of
to the standard.
a study against the elements of the research question.
In the original AMSTAR, this item covered determining
Rationale for selection of items both study eligibility and data extraction. The expert
Here we summarise our thinking behind the items in group believed that they were sufficiently distinct
AMSTAR 2, which are numbered as in the instrument processes to merit separate items in AMSTAR 2.
(see supplementary figure). Supplementary appendix 1
6. Did the review authors perform data extraction in
provides a more complete user’s guide.
1. Did the research questions and inclusion criteria for The expert group recognised that data extraction
the review include the components of PICO? might be more complex for non-randomised studies
It is common practice to use the PICO description of healthcare interventions as it usually involves
(population, intervention, control group, and outcome) extraction of measures of treatment effects and other
as a convenient and easily memorised framework for associations that have been adjusted for potential
a study question. Sometimes a timeframe should be confounding, rather than raw outcome data from
added if this is critical in determining the likelihood treated and control groups. A study report may present
of a study capturing relevant clinical outcomes (eg, an multiple treatment effects; judgment is therefore
effect of the intervention is only expected after several needed to select the one that conforms best to the PICO
years). question and is at lowest risk from confounding.

the bmj | BMJ 2017;358:j4008 | doi: 10.1136/bmj.j4008 3

RESEARCH Methods and Reporting

7. Did the review authors provide a list of excluded 11. If meta-analysis was performed, did the review
studies and justify the exclusions? authors use appropriate methods for statistical

BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj.j4008 on 21 September 2017. Downloaded from http://www.bmj.com/ on 12 May 2020 by guest. Protected by copyright.
In the revised instrument we consider excluded and combination of results?
included studies separately. Excluded studies should This is a modified version of an item in the original
be accounted for fully by review authors, otherwise instrument and is judged separately for randomised
there is a risk that they remain invisible and the impact and non-randomised studies. Review authors should
of their exclusion from the review is unknown. have stated explicitly in the review protocol the
principles on which they based their decision to
8. Did the review authors describe the included studies perform meta-analysis of data from the included
in adequate detail? studies. This includes the extent to which the studies
The revised instrument requires review authors are compatible (in terms of patients, controls, and
to provide detail about research designs, study interventions) and the value of a single pooled
populations, interventions, comparators, and effect (for instance from several compatible but
outcomes. The detail should be sufficient for appraisers underpowered studies). Where reviewers consider it
to make a judgment about the extent to which the appropriate to conduct a meta-analysis, the inclusion
studies were appropriately chosen (in relation to of non-randomised studies increases the complexity
the PICO) and whether the study populations and of the analyses and may increase heterogeneity (see
interventions were relevant to their questions. This supplementary appendix 1).
information is needed to determine the extent to which
the results of different studies should be combined, 12. If meta-analysis was performed, did the review
help explain heterogeneity, and assist those applying authors assess the potential impact of RoB in individual
the results. studies on the results of the meta-analysis or other
evidence synthesis?
9. Did the review authors use a satisfactory technique This is a new item that requires reviewers to examine
for assessing the risk of bias (RoB) in individual studies how results vary with inclusion or exclusion of primary
that were included in the review? studies judged to be at high risk of bias. In cases
Biases can be introduced at several stages in the where review authors have chosen to include only
design, planning, conduct, and analysis of a study. high quality randomised controlled trials there may
This item replaces a less detailed item on “scientific be little discussion of the potential impact of bias on
quality.” The item specifies domains of bias for the results. But where they have included randomised
randomised and non-randomised studies that should controlled trials of variable quality or non-randomised
have been considered by reviewers, based on the studies they should assess the impact of study level
relevant Cochrane instruments.42 43 In AMSTAR 2 we risk of bias on the results of the review.48
ask whether the review authors made an adequate
assessment of study level efforts to avoid, control, 13. Did the review authors account for RoB in primary
or adjust for baseline confounding, selection biases, studies when interpreting/discussing the results of the
bias in measurement of exposures and outcomes, review?
and selective reporting of analyses or outcomes, or This is a modification of an item from the original
both. The guidance document (see supplementary instrument. With a greater emphasis on assessing risk
appendix  1) and the ROBINS-I report provide more of bias, the expectation is that reviewers will make
detail.43 We decided not to include assessment of explicit reference to the potential impacts of risk of
time varying confounding, performance biases, bias when interpreting and discussing the results of
and biases due to missing data, although they are their review and in drawing conclusions or making
currently included in ROBINS-I.43 This was because recommendations.
of the complex nature of techniques used to adjust for 14. Did the review authors provide a satisfactory
these potential sources of bias and the frequent lack explanation for, and discussion of, any heterogeneity
of data (in contemporary primary studies) to enable observed in the results of the review?
assessment of these items. Version 2.0 of the Cochrane This item is carried over with modified wording from
risk of bias instrument for randomised controlled the original instrument. It is important that reviewers
trials is now available in draft form, and AMSTAR 2 investigate possible causes of heterogeneity, including
will be aligned with this in the future.44 variation in those elements included in the PICO
framework (see item 1) and those arising from design
10. Did the review authors report on the sources of
and methodological considerations (see item 9). With
funding for the studies included in the review?
the inclusion of non-randomised studies, variations in
We added a consideration of funding sources in
design and analysis may contribute to heterogeneity.
the light of evidence from several sources that
the results of industry funded studies sometimes 15. If they performed quantitative synthesis did the
favoured sponsored products, and that industry review authors carry out an adequate investigation
funded studies were less likely to be published than of publication bias (small study bias) and discuss its
those that were independently funded.45-47 Such likely impact on the results of the review?
influences may not be detected as flaws in design or This item is carried over from the original instrument
methods (item 9). but with modified wording. Publication bias is an

4 doi: 10.1136/bmj.j4008 | BMJ 2017;358:j4008 | the bmj

RESEARCH Methods and Reporting

important problem but it can be difficult for authors to appraisers are alert to the possible impact of risk of
resolve completely. Typically, statistical tests (several bias when review authors select individual studies to

BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj.j4008 on 21 September 2017. Downloaded from http://www.bmj.com/ on 12 May 2020 by guest. Protected by copyright.
are available) or graphical displays are used and if highlight in a narrative summary.
the results are positive they indicate the presence Flaws in the items that we have identified as critical
of publication bias. Negative test results are not a may not be fatal if further information (eg, directly from
guarantee of the absence of publication bias as they the review authors) indicates that the original response
are insensitive. A minimum of 10 studies are required option was wrong. This may provide reassurance about
to show funnel plot asymmetry.5 The underlying the review findings or enable an amendment of the
tendency to selectively publish small positive review through additional analyses. We emphasise
studies may be compounded by the effects of lower that our listing is a suggestion and appraisers may add
methodological quality of small studies, a greater or substitute other critical domains. For example, the
tendency to selectively report results, and increased failure to include non-randomised studies (item 3)
clinical heterogeneity when conducted in patient in a review of adverse outcomes of treatment may be
subgroups.49 a critical flaw, as would the inability to explain large
variations in treatment effects across a body of studies
16. Did the review authors report any potential sources
(item 14).
of conflict of interest, including any funding they
received for conducting the review?
Applying AMSTAR 2 to systematic reviews
This item is carried over with modified wording from
If one or more systematic reviews will be the basis of
the original instrument and is now separate from
important practice and policy decisions we recommend
consideration of funding of the primary studies
that the appraisal team agree on how the AMSTAR 2
included in the review (item 10). As with primary
items should be applied. This includes the practice
studies, review authors should report their funding
or policy context and the questions that should be
sources.50 51
addressed, based on the relevant PICO components.
For example, available systematic reviews may
Identification of critical domains
have included studies with different comparators or
All steps in the conduct of a systematic review and
different follow-up times, and their relevance to the
meta-analysis are important, but we believe that seven
policy relevant questions needs to be established.
domains can critically affect the validity of a review and
The likely sources of bias should also be agreed on.
its conclusions (box 1). Two of these concern risk of
For instance, in observational studies of intervention
bias, whether it has been assessed adequately and how
effects, confounding by indication (or disease
it can influence the results of a review. The prominence
severity) may be problematic when interventions are
we give to risk of bias is because AMSTAR  2 is going
reserved for certain subgroups of patients.52 It is good
to be used to appraise many systematic reviews that
practice to recruit new users of a technology or drug
include non-randomised studies.
into studies to avoid prevalence bias.53 If the start
We recognise that the items listed in box 1 will not
of one intervention tends to be delayed the choice
always be regarded as critical; for example, risk of
of comparator may introduce immortal time bias.54
bias related items may be considered less important
Measurement errors can misclassify exposure and
when a review is confined to high quality randomised
outcomes and may be unbalanced across comparison
controlled trials. Other circumstances where the
groups. Selective reporting among multiple analyses
critical nature of items may be questioned are when
and outcomes may give an inaccurate measure of
a review team are using meta-analysis to summarise
intervention effects.
a known literature base (eg, the output from one or
Supplementary appendix 1 provides guidance
more established clinical trial collaborative groups).
on sections of AMSTAR 2. Some of the judgments
In this circumstance the adequacy of the literature
(particularly whether review authors have adequately
search (item 4), listing of excluded studies (item 7),
assessed risk of bias with individual non-randomised
and possibility of publication bias (item 15) may
studies) are complex, and advice on both methodology
not be considered critical. If a meta-analysis was not
and content may be needed. Content knowledge is
performed, the item covering the appropriateness of
sometimes necessary to determine if the review authors
the meta-analytical methods (item 11) will not apply.
have made an adequate assessment of the relevant
However, it is important in this circumstance that
PICO elements (item 1), and to identify potential
We strongly recommend that individual item ratings
Box 1: AMSTAR 2 critical domains
are not combined to create an overall score.55 56 Rather,
•  Protocol registered before commencement of the review (item 2)
users should consider the potential impact of an
•  Adequacy of the literature search (item 4)
inadequate rating for each item.
•  Justification for excluding individual studies (item 7)
In box 2 we propose a scheme for interpreting
•  Risk of bias from individual studies being included in the review (item 9) weaknesses detected in critical and non-critical
•  Appropriateness of meta-analytical methods (item 11) items. This is advisory and appraisers should decide
•  Consideration of risk of bias when interpreting the results of the review (item 13) which items are most important for the reviews under
•  Assessment of presence and likely impact of publication bias (item 15) consideration.

the bmj | BMJ 2017;358:j4008 | doi: 10.1136/bmj.j4008 5

RESEARCH Methods and Reporting

Box 2: Rating overall confidence in the results of the review how this is handled during discussion of the meta-
analysis and interpretation of the results. The ranges
•  High

BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj.j4008 on 21 September 2017. Downloaded from http://www.bmj.com/ on 12 May 2020 by guest. Protected by copyright.
of κ scores for these items were similar to those seen
•  N o or one non-critical weakness: the systematic review provides an accurate and
comprehensive summary of the results of the available studies that address the with other items in the instrument (see supplementary
question of interest appendix 2). For items 9 and 11 the κ values for risk of
•  Moderate bias judgments for randomised controlled trials were
•  More than one non-critical weakness*: the systematic review has more than one similar to those for non-randomised studies.
weakness but no critical flaws. It may provide an accurate summary of the results of
the available studies that were included in the review Usability of AMSTAR 2
•  Low The completion times for the 20 reviews used by
•  One critical flaw with or without non-critical weaknesses: the review has a critical reviewers 1 and 2 ranged from 15-32 minutes. These
flaw and may not provide an accurate and comprehensive summary of the available estimates do not include the time taken to read
studies that address the question of interest the reviews. This is almost twice the time taken to
•  Critically low complete the original AMSTAR instrument (range 10-
•  More than one critical flaw with or without non-critical weaknesses: the review has 15 minutes), when it was applied to systematic reviews
more than one critical flaw and should not be relied on to provide an accurate and that were limited to randomised controlled trials.57
comprehensive summary of the available studies The comments from the reviewers included: that the
*Multiple non-critical weaknesses may diminish confidence in the review and it may be
appropriate to move the overall appraisal down from moderate to low confidence.
removal of the “can’t answer” and “not applicable”
response options in the original instrument forced
them to make judgments; that it takes longer to
Inter-rater reliability of AMSTAR 2 evaluate the non-randomised and mixed study
We measured inter-rater agreement with three pairs reviews, but this requires the reviewer to confront
of raters and three sets of systematic reviews (see important methodological issues; that it was common
supplementary appendix 2). The first pair of raters for review authors to mention the presence or absence
was involved in the development of AMSTAR 2 of publication bias, but not provide any evidence; and
(coauthors MT and CH). They individually appraised that review authors would disclose their potential
20 systematic reviews derived from a rapid search competing interests but not how they managed them.
(conducted in 2015 on the terms “systematic review”
and “meta-analysis” in the title) using Google Scholar. Discussion
From the first 200 we selected 20 systematic reviews AMSTAR 2 is a major revision of the original AMSTAR
of any healthcare intervention. The other two pairs of instrument, which was designed to appraise systematic
raters were experienced in the appraisal of systematic reviews that included randomised controlled trials.22-24
reviews and were not involved in the development The main modifications include simplified response
of AMSTAR or AMSTAR 2. They applied AMSTAR 2 categories; a more detailed consideration of risk of
during their routine work, performing appraisals bias with included studies, and how this was handled
of systematic reviews of two topics: interventions by review authors in summarising and interpreting the
to reduce medication errors (14 reviews) and non- results of their reviews; better alignment with the PICO
pharmacological therapies for Parkinson’s disease (20 framework for research questions; a more detailed
reviews) (see references in supplementary appendix 2). justification of selection of study designs for inclusion
In both cases systematic reviews had been identified in a review; and more information on studies that were
through comprehensive literature searches (details excluded from reviews. In addition, we recommend
available on request). All raters had access to the user defining critical domains before starting an appraisal
guide (see supplementary appendix 1), applied the of a systematic review. Identification of weaknesses in
instrument individually, and did not try to achieve these domains should undermine confidence in the
consensus. In total, six raters applied the instrument results of a systematic review.
to 54 systematic reviews, of which 20 included only We stress that responses to AMSTAR 2 items should
randomised controlled trials, 18 included only non- not be used to derive an overall score.55 56 The original
randomised studies of interventions, and 16 included AMSTAR instrument was often used for this purpose
a mixture of both designs. and this was facilitated by the website (www.amstar.
Supplementary appendix 2 provides summaries of ca). We accept that an overall score may disguise critical
the κ scores for agreement between the three pairs of weaknesses that should diminish confidence in the
raters across the three sets of reviews. The values varied results of a systematic review and we recommend that
substantially across items and between pairs of raters. users adopt the rating process based on identification
Most values were in an acceptable range, with 46 of the of critical domains (see box 2), or some variation based
50 κ scores falling in the range of moderate or better on these principles.56
agreement and 39 displaying good or better agreement. We envisage that AMTAR 2, like its predecessor,
There were no large differences between raters, and may have a role as a convenient teaching aid and
those who had been involved in the development of as a brief checklist for those conducting systematic
AMSTAR 2 did not have higher levels of agreement reviews. However, we stress that the instrument
than the rater who was not involved. Items 9, 12, and does not explain in detail the logic and methods of
13 are concerned with measurement of risk of bias and conducting systematic reviews, and those looking for

6 doi: 10.1136/bmj.j4008 | BMJ 2017;358:j4008 | the bmj

RESEARCH Methods and Reporting

comprehensive advice should consult the Cochrane AMSTAR 2 provides a broad assessment of quality,
Handbook.5 including flaws that may have arisen through poor

BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj.j4008 on 21 September 2017. Downloaded from http://www.bmj.com/ on 12 May 2020 by guest. Protected by copyright.
The consideration of risk of bias in individual studies is conduct of the review (with uncertain impact on
equally important for randomised and non-randomised findings). In this respect it differs from another
studies of healthcare interventions but is generally better instrument, the Risk Of Bias In Systematic reviews
understood with the former. Large non-randomised (ROBIS).62 ROBIS is a sophisticated three phase
studies, often conducted in large administrative instrument that focuses specifically on the risk of
databases, are increasingly being used to assess the real bias introduced by the conduct of the review. It covers
world impact of a wide range of healthcare technologies most types of research question, including diagnosis,
and practices. Although such studies often use prognosis, and aetiology. In contrast, AMSTAR 2
sophisticated methods, residual confounding or failure is intended to be used for reviews of healthcare
to deal with other sources of bias may lead to inaccurate interventions. Inevitably there is overlap in the
estimates of effect. Inclusion of large observational items considered by ROBIS and AMSTAR 2; indeed,
studies in meta-analyses may generate precise but two investigators (BCR, BJS) were involved in the
biased estimates of intervention effects.32 development of both.
The items in AMSTAR 2 that deal with risk of bias In developing AMSTAR 2 we sought to maintain its
identify domains specified in the Cochrane risk of bias familiar and popular stepwise checklist approach and
instruments for randomised and non-randomised augmented this by the addition and modification of
studies.42 43 These represent a consensus, in each case items. AMSTAR 2 will be familiar to users of the original
developed with input from more than 30 experts in instrument, although more demanding to use for reasons
methodology. However, AMSTAR 2 does not currently discussed previously. Because AMSTAR 2 is structured
specify which risk of bias instruments review authors around the key sequential steps in the conduct of a
should have used to assess non-randomised studies systematic review, it may be used as a brief teaching aid
included in a systematic review. The ROBINS-I or as a checklist by those conducting systematic reviews.
instrument, which is the most comprehensive tool Unlike the original instrument, AMSTAR 2 identifies
for non-randomised studies evaluating the effects of critical weaknesses (see box 1) that should reduce
healthcare interventions, was released in 2016 and it is confidence in the findings of a review, and it asks
unrealistic to expect authors of reviews started before users to prespecify how this list will vary for the review
its release to have used it.43 Presently, AMSTAR 2 leaves topic. We understand that there will be debate about
it to the review authors and those appraising the review membership of this list and propose that users may
to satisfy themselves that the risk of bias instrument wish to prespecify a different set of critical items for a
used by review authors has sufficient discriminatory specific PICO research question or setting.
ability for the specified risk of bias domains. A review We did not perform an extensive validation of
by Sanderson and colleagues identified 86 tools for the revised AMSTAR 2 tool. In its development, 10
assessing quality of observational studies, without a domains were retained from the original validated
clear preference among them.58 The authors pointed tool, albeit with some wording changes based on
to the need to agree on critical elements for assessing feedback and extensive experience of using it. Two
susceptibility to bias in observational epidemiology. In domains were given more detailed coverage: duplicate
part this review led to the development of ROBINS-I.43 study selection and data extraction now have their
Popular appraisal instruments for individual own items (they were combined in the original
studies, such as the Newcastle Ottawa Scale and the tool); we have added more detailed, and separate,
Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN) considerations of risk of bias for randomised and
checklist may not focus on validity alone.59 60 The non-randomised studies. The sub-items were derived
Newcastle Ottawa Scale appears to lack sensitivity from widely used Cochrane instruments. One domain
and is sometimes used to generate an overall score, was removed; consideration of grey literature,
something that is not recommended because it may previously a separate item, is now handled in the item
disguise critical weaknesses in a review.56 61 on literature searching. In total, four domains were
AMSTAR 2, as a critical appraisal instrument for added. Two of these come directly from the ROBINS-I
systematic reviews, joins several published instruments tool—namely, elaboration of PICO in the review and
designed for this purpose.3 4 16 17 19 20 25 62 Two the way in which risk of bias was handled during
prominent examples are concerned with guidelines evidence synthesis.43 One of the other new domains,
for reporting systematic reviews, rather than their discussion of possible causes and importance of
conduct.3 4 Two highly cited instruments were the basis heterogeneity, is elaboration of content in the original
for the development of the original AMSTAR tool.16 17 22 AMSTAR tool.22 The final domain, justification of
Two published instruments are direct derivatives of the selection of study designs, is justified by adapting
original AMSTAR.19 25 Another publication includes AMSTAR to deal with non-randomised designs. We do
a checklist used to appraise systematic reviews that not think this needs validation because we believe it
are being included in an umbrella review.20 Overlap is obvious that authors of systematic reviews should
between the content of this checklist and the original justify why they have included study designs that are
AMSTAR is considerable.22 more susceptible to bias.

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