English 30-2 Plan May 19

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School: Bert Church High School

Teacher Name:  Tony Lucas

Homeroom/Grade/Course:  English 30-2
Week of: May 19—May 22, 2020
General Comments: 
Hi English 30-2 class. This week, we’ll carry on with our study of Treasure Island. There is lots of
reading again this week.
Please continue to send any questions you may have.
Learning Outcomes Being Addressed This Week: 
This week, you are asked to continue with a novel study: Treasure Island

Activity/Task #1: Continue Reading the Novel
Description of Activity or Task: Please read Parts 3 and 4 (chapters 13-21) of Treasure Island.
Estimate of Time Required: 2 hours
Resources: The text is available here:
Please read Chapters 13 through 21 (pages 51-85).

Activity/Task #2: Answer questions on Parts 3 and 4 (Chapters 13-21)

Please answer the questions on Chapters 13 through 21. They are attached, and available at


Estimate of Time Required: 1 hour

Summative Assessments This Week: None this week
Summary Comments: 
Please send me your completed work, or any questions you might have, to [email protected]

Have a great week!


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